ben-the-hyena · 2 years
Hey. Demonologist here. I saw your comment on you making Stolas a villain in your story. All Im gonna say is...Please dont. Especially with the way you described it is extremely disrespectful and feeds into toxic Christian Fundamentalism. And that DEFINATELY will piss me and other demonolators off, as we already face a lot being the fact that we practice the opposite of Christianity.
Look HOW many times did you write to me, it's like the 5th time you write this to me through notes on @chaifootsteps' post. Guess it was not enough and you want to post it into my asks ?
In my story, angels and demons are different from the way we desrcibe them because we barely remembered them correctly, all religions are wrong but demons are demons because they thought mortals were a waste of time to help while they coumd habe the world for themselves, therefore this fictional Stolas too. By "evil" I mean it as opposing the angels main characters of my story then, angels and demons being enemies, and him not minding if humans were destroyed by his other demon fellows (he gave them knowledge, he could still teach the next batch if the previous died in his opinion), but he mostly sees himself as a teacher to other demons, as well as a powerful Prince. He is a villain in the sense he does nothing to stop the other villains and is officially on their side even if hr is mostly cold and inactive and does not like angels who again are the main characters of the story
And even if I did make him evil, in the end of the day I see angels and demons as fictional. Any version of demons and angel is tolerable in cartoons. If I had made him eeeeviiil, it would have meant I followed Christian dogma for instance. You may believe in them (I do believe in demons and angels but I see it as "the ones we named and designed are fictional or based on those we met) and summon them, the majority of people see them as mythological and God (no pun intended) knows how many different adaptations and interpretations of Zeus there are, faithful, simplified, flanderized etc I know I said I hated Vivziepop's work but it was in the sense that it made it popular, some thinking they could summon demons to meet them as fangirls, think they behave this way and all being horny and interchangeable. Any change is tolerable, as long as it is not irritating and unoriginal like hers. So I am sorry for my story not to be 100% accurate, it is not the aim, so I warn in advance for both demonologists AND Christians, Jews, Muslims, it will have names and bases but not be an adaptation of beliefs but rather an inspiration
I respect your faith, but the same way Christians ignore shows with gay angels or Kemetics shows where Egyptian myths are seen as ancient legends, you should see those as just works of fiction to ignore and not an insult to your beliefs. I just warn you, it would not be a story for you where you could expect accuracy for it is not its goal
Oh wow I didn't know it was possible to become anon AFTER having sent the ask
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ben-the-hyena · 2 years
I have heard of your original stories with demons in it. Tell me, what is your version of Stolas exactly like in your stories? I'm a bit curious to know since I like to see another version of Stolas besides than VivziePop's version of one of the Princes of Hell.
It's hard to say, The New Trinity is a recent story whose plot points I didn't fully develop yet, he is not even a main character, I am not sure yet if he should be just a Prince or THE Prince leader of other Princes and Dukes (but not a King) since he has the title Great Prince, and I didn't even draw or design him yet. The phew I established of him however is a cold, serious former Virtue, single and childless, rarely amused and having no sex drive, rarely losing his temper unless Ariel is involved since he always found her being the Archangel of Virtues a title more fitting for him, for to him having taught and spread astronomy and botanic to all civilizations (in my story it's not just Earth but all the civilized lives from all galaxies) is much more honorable than just making plants grow and animals live (Ariel's title being the Lord of Earth), in fight falling from Heaven for rebelling against her seeing it as his chance to kicl her out. It is his pride, his passion, the one topic he has a big ego about ; and even if he does not care much for mortals and what other demons could do to them, he dislikes angels for what he sees as an unfair treatment and "bootlickers of the privileged order who can't see real talent" and thus is as hostile as the other more dangerous and evil demons towards the protagonists, he appears not a lot of times but if I am to make him the Archdemon of Princes Eurynome (one of the main antagonists) would sometimes anxiously tell him about the situation (the plot) or be asked about it and he would reply him coldly/pragmatically to fix things and stop making a fool of their caste by losing to 3 mere archangels, and if instead I opt for making him just a Prince therefore Eurynome's equal I can see him as being quieter and more regal than the others just sipping from Eurynome's tea while he would complain to him and others. He does not care for mortals, being very logical and only caeing about teaching and being praised for it, and if they disappear he could always teach demons or teach new mortals if lives are created again (for after all, all planets end up dying after some billions of years, what is the difference if they dir before or after ? Others would come), but speaking of which his softer side comes out whenever he teaches young demons. He becomes paternal and patient, calmly explaining and and amused by innocent or eager remarks. Really, botanic and astronomy may be the source of his pride that lead him to fall, it also is ironically what brings out his best (past angelic) side
...welp it was more than I thought
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