ymirview · 2 years
The bullet missing sasha. I need happiness plz arden
here. I wrote this in class when there was ten minutes left. It is not proofread and I do not plan to proofread it. Characters maybe out of character but I haven't seen this scene in a good year so give me a break. It's also kind of short so I apologize.
Watching murder at the hands of your own was not something new to the now older Scout Regiment. They have spent years slaying titans and now… They were slaying humans. The group had successfully made their way to their airplane, discussing where to go from here. They weren’t aware of their comrade’s ODM gear still deployed and hanging out of the plane. They also weren’t aware that said comrade was no longer with them. Instead, there was a girl, no older than 12, carrying the gun that was left behind, Gabi Braun. Again, she couldn’t be older than just 12 years old but she seemed to have the anger of a titan brewing inside of her as she climbed up onto the plane. No one seemed to notice her as she darted past Jean Kirstein and into some cover. She was waiting for the perfect moment to strike and she already had her eyes on her target… Sasha Blouse. After all, the young girl had watched this woman shoot her comrades. so why not give her comrades the same feeling Sasha had given her. By now, the Survey Corps, now calling themselves the Special Operations Squad, were noticing the freely hanging ODM gun and the missing soldier.
Gabi’s eyes widened as she saw an opening and stepped out into the light. She closed her eyes and pulled the trigger, hoping she would hit some vitals. Her breath hitched and she slowly opened her eyes. Sasha Blouse was in fact… Not hit with the bullet. Before Gabi could try and have another go, she was tackled to the ground by Connie and Jean. She could barely gasp in disbelief as the two men practically crushed her. Sasha, on the other hand, would exchange glances with Gabi and the hole in the floor where the bullet hit. “Perhaps you shouldn’t close your eyes next time.” Sasha said, looking down at the girl as Connie and Jean forced her up, her hands now bound together. Gabi scowled at the young woman and rolled her eyes. “You’ve no right to speak to me, filthy devil…” she snarled. Sasha only giggled at the girl before leaving the boys to bring her up front to where their commander was.
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stonerjesusbaby · 2 years
Polycule time :> ; Rime x MC x Felix
author's note: I've been waiting for this one. I got two asks for this and almost got feral in class, let's go. anyways.
As the morning started to rise, so did the people in the house. They were cuddled up next to one of their lovers, Felix. They assumed their other lover, Rime, was already up and cooking. They sat up slowly and planted a kiss on Felix’s cheek before getting up from the bed and leaving the room. They had a big day ahead of them. They wanted to give back to their partners for everything the two had done for them.
They walked into the kitchen and they were right. Rime was cooking breakfast for the three of them. Unfortunately, they would have to skip out on breakfast this time around. They hugged rime from behind, wrapping their arms around his waist and kissing the back of his neck. They wouldn’t see but Rime’s face heated up and he paused for just a moment.
“Why are you up early?” He finally broke the silence between them. Their hug got tighter as they took in a breath of his scent. “I need to go to the market for some new clothes.” They explained. It wasn’t a complete lie but just enough so that they were convincing. “There’s some items I want that go out of stock during the midday. I want to be there early.”
Rime nodded softly and continued to cook. “Alright. Do you mind grabbing some tomatoes on your way back then?” He asked, a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips at their excitement. They let out a giggle and pulled away only to walk to Rime’s side. They stood on their tip toes and planted a kiss onto his cheek. They made their way to the door, slipping their shoes on.
“Tell Felix where I am when he awakes!” They called as they left. Rime only nodded as he placed a hand on the kiss they gave him.
In reality, they were buying gifts for both Rime and Felix. They had already preordered what they wanted for Felix and they had it wrapped at the store. They got a letter informing them that their item is ready. For Rime, They were planning to grab some jewelry for his antlers. He had been talking about how he looked bland in the mirror with his antlers and they wanted to change that perspective.
Picking up the gift for Felix, they made their way to the jewelry shop in the market. They pulled their coin purse from their bag and cruised the shop. They pulled out this beautiful chain necklace with little charms that would attach to the point of antlers. They had been saving up for this for a while now.
They almost forgot to pick up tomatoes as they walked on their way home. When they got home, They hid the gifts they got and brought the bag of tomatoes to Rime who was still cooking. They hadn’t been gone but thirty minutes.
“Oh, you didn’t forget.” Rime chuckled, taking the bag from them. “Of course not! Anyways, where’s Felix?” They asked. “He’s probably in the room. Still reading, of course. He got up earlier for a hug.” Rime explained, starting to plate breakfast.
They nodded and grabbed Felix’s gift and walked over to their shared room. Peering into the room, they could see Felix reading one of his favorite novels. They’ve lost count on how many times they’ve seen Felix read this novel. His glasses rested lazily on his nose. They knocked on the door and Felix looked up. He immediately smiled at the sight of his beloved.
“It seems I was the last one to wake up.” He said, a slight chuckle in his tone. They laughed softly as well and sat next to him, setting the bag next to their feet. They turned their body to face him and smiled softly. Felix noticed the bag and closed his book. “Is that something for me? Dear, you didn’t have to-” they cut him off. “No, I did. I wanted to.”
Felix cocked an eyebrow and took his glasses off. “Well, love, I knew that you haven’t been feeling the best the last couple of weeks so I pre-ordered something for you and it came in today.” They said. Felix blushed at the pet name and nodded. “Lords have mercy, tell me already… You’re making me nervous.” He muttered, earning a laugh from them.
They pulled out the wrapped gift and handed it to him. Felix eyed it suspiciously before taking it into his arms and slowly unwrapping it. Felix didn’t really realize fully what it was. He hasn’t unwrapped it fully. “Dear… I already have this book… In fact, this is my favorite one in the series…” Felix muttered, trying not to hurt their feelings. They rolled their eyes. “You haven’t even opened it fully yet.”
Then it was Felix’s turn to roll his eyes and continued to tear the wrapping paper off. It was then Felix realized what they had gotten him. Not only was it his favorite book from his favorite series, it was a limited edition version with notes from the author! Felix’s eyes widened and he took in a gasp of air. He exchanged looks from the book to them.
He finally decided that this was real life and not just a dream, he set the book down and wrapped his arms around them, peppering their face with kisses. They let out a few giggles before Felix ended his kisses with a kiss to their lips. His face was bright red from his excitement and slight embarrassment from being so forward with them. They cupped his cheek as they pulled away and rested their forehead on his.
“I can’t tell you how thankful I am for this. And for you.” he whispered. They smiled and interlocked their fingers with his. “I’ll tell the moon about you.” they replied. Felix was about to go in for another kiss when Rime called them in for breakfast. He pulled away and straightened his vest. He kissed them on the cheek and sat up. “A-Again, thank you.” He said, stuttering. He tried to make it look like his face wasn’t still beet red as he walked out of the room.
They followed Felix out of the room, grabbing the bag again. They still had one more gift to give. They stood in the doorway and called Rime over to them. Rime had set down the two plates for Felix and them. Rime made his way over to them, immediately resting his hands on their hips. “What do you need, lovely?” he asked, glancing at the bag in their hand. “I see that you didn’t get the clothes you wanted…” he muttered, earning a laugh from them. “no, I lied, but…! I did get something for you.” They said.
Rime almost had the same reaction as Felix. He had raised an eyebrow. Different from Felix, however, Rime held his hand out. “Well, let me see. I didn’t spend most of my morning cooking for you to just let it go cold.” They chuckled and handed him the box with his gift. “You had said that your antlers look bland when you look at yourself in the mirror so I wanted to change that. Not only do your antlers look majestic without decoration, now they be majestic and shine when the sun hits them.” They said.
Rime looked at the jewelry and then back at MC. a soft smile stretched across his lips and he took them in for an embrace. He nuzzled into their neck and closed his eyes. “I think… I’ll look rather ravishing.” Rime muttered against their skin. They smiled and wrapped their arms around his hips. “I’m glad you like it. I was saving up for a while.” They replied. It was calm until they felt Rime’s lips against their neck.
They jolted and pulled back a bit. “Woah- can’t you wait until after breakfast? It’d be a bit rude to, you know… Leave Felix out.” They whispered.
Rime laughed and pulled away. ���I’ll put this on later… ‘for the show’, you know…” He muttered, setting the gift aside and walking out into the dining room. Oh, could they not wait until later.
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haleyincarnate · 5 years
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Excerpt from the poem “asterisk” by @ardenwrites
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morphaeus · 3 years
new url annalisawrites → ardenwrites. I've been absent from this blog, mostly because I've been having feelings about my gender, and especially how my name has been making me feel dysphoric. so, new name, new url.
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stonerjesusbaby · 3 years
Hello, can I have a scenario/headcanon for the fictif boys with mc who is a really great cook? Thanks so much
Hello, sorry for taking so long on your request. Absolutely, I love this ask.
So, canonically, Felix is a horrible cook.
I mean, do you think he still eats dirt when he doesn't have anyone to make anything for him?
he would do that in private anyways.
okay, now to the actual ask.
Felix feels blessed to have someone like mc.
sometimes he's too scared to ask mc to cook for him. Like, in doing so, he owes you something in advance and the only thing he can do well is set things on fire... and necromancy
However, he is still very grateful each time you cook for him but he just doesn't know how to express his gratitude.
I think he'll probably just give you cheek kisses to thank you.
in the end, I don't think I'd complain about his thanks.
he also... canonically can't cook
unlike felix, he will be very vocal about when he needs to eat and what he wants to eat.
Sage is definitely one to hug your waist from behind while you're cooking.
that cheesy move that plays in romantic movies where one is cooking and the other comes up behind and hugs them, burying their face in the cook's shoulder.
yeah, sage is all for it.
Sage probably thanks you with shiny rocks. I already told you this man collects shiny things.
oh boy I love stupid men collecting stupid shiny things <3
I'm not so sure if Rudolp- Rime can cook but for the sake of this fic, I'm going to say he's mediocre.
Rime thinks that nothing he could cook could compete with whatever you cook.
sure he makes some really good dishes but nothing compared to what you cook.
However... he is a little competitive. he tries not to initiate competition though.
There are times where you two do try and compete against each other. most of the time, it ends with you two grumbling about the mess you now have to clean instead of choosing a winner.
You and Rime have the best arrangement out of all since both of you can cook so you can rest from time to time from being in the kitchen <3
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stonerjesusbaby · 3 years
Study Group -- Felix x Reader
The prompt: anon asked for MC and Felix in college.
warnings: none. gn!pronouns
“so, Class, how did we enjoy reading John Steinbeck?” Your professor’s voice echoed over a wave of quiet students. It was like they were talking to themselves. No one said a word. Well… No one except a certain voice in the back. “I actually found it to be quite boring, really.” You sighed. You knew who it was as soon as they started talking. The voice belonged to none other than Felix Escellun. He had been in your friend group for a while. He was always a compelling character to you. Usually when he came along to group hangouts, he never said a word unless Sage picked on him. He always had his nose in a book unless they were studying. Even when they studied together, he didn’t really talk then either.
“Oh. Okay, Mr. Escellun. Tell me what it is that bored you about such a great writer.” Your professor asked. For once, you finally got to see Felix Escellun put a book down. “For one, most of story lines that are written are extremely predictable to me.” Felix started to rest his chin on his palm. Before the professor could continue, Felix decided to continue his critiques. “And it seems like he only writes about the Great Depression. I mean, I know it was traumatic but come on. There are other things to write about. I know he was alive when racism was still around. Maybe he could’ve written about those times. Not just the Great Depression.”
The professor cleared their throat and shook their head. “Mr. Escellun, I know you are well aware of the other works from Steinbeck.” They said. Felix let out a scoff and rolled his eyes. He leaned back into his seat and crossed his arms. “Those are just as predictable as the stories you made us read. Why would I waste my time on a book in which I can predict what will happen? What a horrible use of time I could spend reading an actual good book.”
The Professor made a face that one could only assume they made because they were offended. They took a quick glance at the clock and shook their head again. “We’ve no time to argue. Remember, students, tomorrow. We’ll be starting on the works of Edgar Allen Poe. You are dismissed.” and with that, students started to pack up and leave. In a blink of an eye, your group had already started to form. You only had this lecture with Anisa and Felix. Rime and Sage were more into their sports. Rime was also busy with theater and Sage was busy with his… sketchy other activities.
You snapped out of your thoughts as you heard Anisa chuckling at Felix’s complaints. “You really read into them. You didn’t even give them a break.” Anisa said, the chuckle had dissipated as Felix gathered his things. “I hate when they assign predictable stories. For once, can we read something like, Jodi Picoult or something from the goth arts?” Felix whined as they started to walk out of the lecture hall. “I don’t think they’re comfortable bringing up such a deep author as Mrs. Picoult.” You chuckled, walking out with the two.
As the three of you walked down the hall, you were quickly joined by Rime and Sage. The two towered over the group as they stood on either side. You always joked about how it seemed like they were bodyguards. Of course, Rime with counteract that statement with saying something along the lines of “ah yes, the scrawny tall theater kid is going to beat people with a stage prop.”
You all engaged in small talk before you finally spoke up again. “Are we ready for the study group? Do you guys have your books? Last time, Sage didn’t have his books and didn’t do anything.” You chuckled. You guys had a two hour free period everyday and you took it to study for your different classes. However, the look on Anisa, Rime, and Sage spoke for themselves. “uh.. Coach wants us to do extra practice for the big game this Saturday.” Sage muttered. “I have fencing lessons.” Anisa sighed. “We have stage prep.” Rime replied.
You listened to them and nodded. It hadn’t occurred to you yet that it was only two of you left for studying. You said goodbye to the others and headed into the library. Upon sitting down at your usual table, you realized that the only other person here to study with you is Felix. You hadn’t talked to Felix much prior to this. Again, he was the quietest in the group. The silence was almost stifling as you both sat in silence. You weren’t used to initiating the studying so you looked over at Felix. He already had his book open and was writing down notes. You noticed that his hair seemed to frame his face perfectly. His glasses sat a little too low on his nose but he didn’t seem to care.
His skin was almost flawless! It made you jealous. How can someone have such clear skin? Your thoughts were interrupted by Felix himself. “You seem to have quite the staring issue.” he uttered under his breath. You felt your face immediately flush with slight embarrassment as you looked away. You mumbled a soft sorry and hastily opened a random book you had. A slight smile spread tugged at Felix’s face. It was a smile that you would have to seek out to see. it wasn’t noticeable at a glance. “Test on Monday, right?” you spoke up to break the silence.
“Mhmm. Not particularly looking forwards to it.” Felix replied, still not even glancing up from his book. “Again, John Steinbeck is very boring to me.” You chuckled softly. “Yeah… At least we get to read Edgar Allen Poe next week.” Felix only sighed before speaking up again. “I’ve already read most of his works. If anything, we’re probably just reading The Raven and The Tell-Tale Heart. His two famous pieces of art.” You went silent for a minute. “… I’ve also read most of his works.” You uttered. It was then Felix finally looked up from his book.
“You’ve piqued my interest. Any gothic literature you read other than Poe?” he questioned, a brow slightly raised. “Well… I like reading Mary Shelley and Oscar Wilde” you replied. Felix’s smile grew. “You truly are a surprising being.” he said. That would be flattering if you were fighting the urge to giggle. “I can’t take you seriously when you talk like a Victorian era gore scientist.” You laughed. Felix’s structure broke down as he start to laugh himself. “Lords have mercy, why would you say that?” he said through chuckles.
After a few moments of laughter, Felix closed his book and stood up. It was almost time for the two of you to leave. As you started to pack up, Felix spoke up. “Well then. Would you like to accompany this Victorian era scientist to a coffee sometime?” He asked, a smile stretched across his lips. Before you could answer, he held a small piece of paper in front of you. Taking the paper, you nodded. “Of course, I’d love to.” You replied.
With that, the two of you left the library. You looked at the small piece of paper to find his number. You smiled to yourself as your cheeks grew rosy. Of course, your smile faded as you made it to your next class and realized you hadn’t gotten any studying done. That damned boy is gonna be the death of you…
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stonerjesusbaby · 3 years
Yay!! I’ll be delighted with anything but I’d particularly love to see a scenario where all the unresolved romantic/sexual tension building between Rime and the MC/reader comes to a head 👀👀 Ideally in a situation where they haven’t romanced any of the main three and they’re just friends w/ them, I like them too much to break their hearts. 🥺
Thank you for this request! I apologize for the wait.
warnings: slight spoilers for Felix chapter 10; slightly suggestive
Rime’s eyes stared them down from afar. The sight of them made his blood boil. How could he allow himself to get replaced so easily?! This person… they have solidified themselves in his group, taking his place like a leech. Rime couldn’t barely stand the sight of it. The first time he’d seen Felix smile in five years but through not the fault of his own but for someone who had taken his place is a feeling that Rime did not fathom he’d feel but it was overwhelming him. Of course, this feeling didn’t overpower the hate he had for them. Rime had altercations with them already. The fear in their eyes as he approached them the second time made his heart flutter. In the present, they stood before him.
In the absence of a certain necromancer, the tension between the two of them was thick. They had no choice but to work with each other. Rime had promised himself that he would not let his dread interfere with his mission. With tensions high and patience low, it was expected that Rime would have at least one interaction with them. As much as he didn’t want to, he could tell that they were getting uncomfortable with the silence between the two of them. Rime hadn’t noticed that he was glaring at them until they spoke up. “You don’t have to glare at me like that. I haven’t done anything yet.” They spoke so innocently, it made him sick. They must have no idea what they’re doing to him! Rime frowned and rolled his eyes. “wow… you really are delusional, aren’t you? Either that or you’re just stupid.” Rime said
He watched as their face scrunch up at the accusation. It almost made him giddy inside to see them react to such an accusation. “What do you mean? I haven’t done anything to garner your rude attitude. You, on the other hand, have touched-” Rime cut them off, a smirk pulling at his lips. “you still think about it then, don’t you? Since you brought it up, you must still think about my hand around your throat.” He spoke. The way red caught onto their face made him feel proud of himself, how he made them feel flustered and so easily, too!
As he watched their face go from embarrassed to anger was amusing. They were so humiliated, they couldn’t even form a single word. “you know what, I would rather be working with Felix-” he cut them off, placing a finger to their lips. “ah, ah, ah. Watch what you say. We wouldn’t want you getting injured for… no reason, right?” Rime teased with a smirk. They frowned and rolled their eyes. He can be insufferable, right? Rime took a step back, relaxing his stance. “So, tell me. why do you want to work with Felix so much? His magic isn’t even that powerful. If you want to see the true power of a necromancer, you should stick with me… you know, a real necromancer.” Rime said
They let out a sigh and shook their head. “isn’t it obvious? for starts, Felix is nicer.” they replied. Rime let out a deep laugh and doubled over from his laughter. “nicer?! is that really your standard?!” Rime finally stood up straight and wiped a tear from his eye. “wow, that’s hilarious.” he breathed out. of course, they seemed upset at his burst of laughter. I mean, he was laughing at them. However, he knew how to make that expression disappear. Rime took a few steps closer to them so only a few inches separated their bodies. Although their expression remained angry, the blush on their face approached their cheeks pretty rapidly. Rime placed two fingers under their chin and tilted their  head up to look at him. “but… oh, I can be nice.” Rime said. He had lowered his tone to be quiet, soft, gentle. Everything he was not anymore.
he knew what he was doing was only going to make their tensions thicker but the panic on their was worth the risk. He moved his hand to cup their cheek and they moved to hold his hand too. The straining tension was threatening to break in Rime’s head. Something was egging him to just go for it. As he thought, they kept staring into his eyes. Those damned eyes. They always looked so innocent despite everything they’ve done. It reminded him of himself when he was alive. He used to be kind. He used to be gentle. All he is now is a criminal driven by frustration and love. Before Rime could pull away, They pulled him in by his waist. Now he is the one being taken by surprise. His eyes widened and he pulled his hand away.
“what are you doing?” he asked, slightly frowning. They only chuckled and sighed. “you said you could be nice and I’m going to push you on it.” they said, their hands resting firmly on his hips. Whatever mental obstacle that seemed to stop him from going on with them was gone. Rime smirked and grabbed their chin, gently. “oh, so you do think about it then, huh? You must miss the feeling.” Rime said. The blush on their face really showed now. Oh, how it made him ecstatic. Even if he hated them, something about them made him feel… Refreshed. Their face fit perfectly into his hands and it made his heart beat faster. Why did he feel this way? Just a few days ago, his blood boiled at the sight of them but now… he engulfed himself in their touch.
As the space between them slowly disappeared, the both of them could feel the tension lift. The grip he had on their chin loosened as his lips clashed with theirs. They had pulled away from both the kiss and the embrace and giggled to themselves. Rime frowned slightly before looking at them. “why would you pull away so abruptly?” he asked, to which he received no answer. All they did was laugh at him and it aggravated him. He realized what they did and smirked. His ears perked and place a hand on his hips. “oh? I see what you’ve done.” He muttered, shaking his head. Rime took a step towards them, his hands resting on their throat yet he squeezed it just lightly. “Focus on the mission, next time.” He said, winking at them. He pulled away from them, walking away, replicating what they had just done to him. Rime could hear them cursing at him but he was too far away already to make it out so he just chuckled. Oh, what wonders a bit of tension can do.
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stonerjesusbaby · 3 years
Backstabber; Rime fic
I got bored in class and still kind of mad at nix hydra so take this.
warnings: blood, blade injury, death
You couldn’t have seen this coming. You could have never known that this was coming. You thought that he was changed. He made you think that he was changed. Now, you were in combat against Rime with Felix, Sage, and Anisa. You don’t know where they were but now Rime was targeting you.
Rime… The man you thought you loved. The man you thought loved you. You weren’t so confident in your fighting in this world but at least you had agility. On top of that, you were able to find places to hide. In the end, you opted to hide in some bushes to catch your breath. Good thing Rime could only sense your presence and not your location. Tears started to fill your eyes when you heard him speak.
“Dear… Don’t ignore me like this.” He spoke. It was almost like his once melodic voice sounded hoarse and like poison to you. “allow me to indulge you in my touch that you oh so loved again.”
While his back was turned, you dashed to a rock formation. As soon as you hid again, he turned around. “Don’t play dumb, I know you’re in here.” He said, a slight growl in his voice. You knew if you wanted to stay out of his line of vision, you would have to keep moving but the risk made your heart pound in your ears. Rime started to check behind rocks, in bushes, and in the shadows.
“You must be… in here!” he muttered to himself, checking the bush you were just in. You started to move when you were certain his eyes were on the bush when all of a sudden, you were to the ground by your shoulder and a flash of heat in your lower abdomen made itself known. You had closed your eyes tight for impact only to open them to Rime, pinning you down and holding something to your abdomen.
He had that stupid smile on his face. “got you.” he said. His previously poisoned tone was replaced with a sickly sweet bitter tone. You slowly averted your gaze down. The sight of his blade stuck in your midsection would’ve been enough to stop your heart. Rime couldn’t help but laugh at your expression. The pain set in from both your heart and your wound. “How… How could you?” You breathed out, trying to calm your breathing as to elongate your life, how ever long you have.
Rime only laughed at your pitiful face. “It’s hilarious how you believed I loved you.” he said. You grimaced as he turned the blade just ever so slightly. “You know. Sage tried to warn me about.. you. Of course, I chose to be deaf.”
“I guess that’s your little problem now, isn’t it.” Rime replied, pulling the blade from your abdomen. You hissed and covered the wound with your hands. “How pitiful…” Rime muttered, standing up. His gaze down on you felt so discriminatory. You used your feet to shuffle yourself against a rock, away from Rime. He only chuckled and walked towards you. “You know what, I can’t leave someone with such a pathetic end to die alone. I’d Feel Bad. So I’ll stay here for five minutes until you bleed out. Talk.”
You leaned your head back against the rock and sighed. Looking away from him, you started to speak. Even though you were about to speak about it, there were no words in any language to describe how betrayed you felt. “I loved you in this lifetime… I won’t make that mistake in the next. You could’ve carved my heart out and the knife in my back would hurt more. You know what, I don’t even know why I’m so surprised… Given your history, I should’ve known better.” It was getting harder to speak now. You were also having difficulty speaking. You had been bleeding for a good two minutes now. It felt like 5 years instead. Rime had been silent from your statement. “I change my mind. You don’t deserve my kindness” Rime sneered. He stood up and spat near you.
You watched him leave and felt blood fall from your lips. You didn’t even realize that blood had accumulated in your mouth. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath in. It appears that your friends had come a little too late. Your hands were resting in your lap, blood staining your hands. Your figure slumped over and still. Now, instead of four breaths being drawn, there were only three.
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stonerjesusbaby · 3 years
Felix, Rime, and Sage headcanons!
The Prompt: The LL boys coming home to their s/o and bringing them an item that reminded them of their s/o
characters: Rime, Sage, and Felix
warnings: none. I mean. there is a lot of stupid men collecting stupid shiny things. Author's Note: yes I do take headcanon requests! I probably should've specified that in my pinned. I am also pretending Rime isn't evil and he's just a deer boy and nothing else <3 Also ignoring sage's new plot line because I'm in pain. (he might be a little out of character too and for that I apologize) gn!pronouns
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Rime doesn't usually leave for long periods of time.
this time was different though. As he just started dating, it was quite difficult this time.
how was he supposed to leave his darling alone when they barely foraged for themselves :(
The hug goodbye practically convinced him to stay home but he knew he couldn't do that.
However, he persevered and left like he was supposed to.
On his trip, he found many things he would keep for himself.
like, little mushrooms, unusual leaves, strangle sharp rocks, you name it.
On his way back, Rime found a bright purple crystal. He hadn't done much research on crystals and their meanings but he knew you liked them.
Of course, rule of nature... if there's one, there's more.
Rime ended up walking home with his pockets full of shiny crystals. Each one varying of shape and colour.
So when his beloved hugged him when he returned home, they were surprised to hear a few chimes from the crystals knocking against each other.
Rime opened the door to hear the instead rapid tap of feet running towards him. A smile rested on his face as he opened his arms. Almost immediately did he feel the embrace of his darling. Unfortunately, he also heard some of the crystals in his pockets bash together. They pulled away and tilted their head. Their eyes spoke the command before they could even think about it. Rime reached into his pockets and presented his dear with the crystals. "I heard you mention that you like studying these... things so I found some on the way home. The purple ones remind me of you."
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Sage is one to leave frequently for work.
You don't like how he leaves all the time but
on the bright side, he brings back a bunch of interesting things.
this man.
this man collects shiny rocks for you.
if it catches his eye, he will grab it to show it to you.
Granted most of them were dirty rocks he found shiny and on the side of the sidewalk and you can't even scold him for it.
you want to scold him but every time you get ready to, he talks about how it's glow reminded him of you.
It warms your heart every single time he says it. He's an idiot but he's your idiot.
Every time he comes home with something new, you can't help but imagine his tall figure scurrying around the dirt, looking for similar objects.
If only you knew that is literally what happens.
Sage opened the door, trying to be sneaky. He wanted to surprise his beloved this time. Last time, they were waiting for him by the door and he couldn't start hiding everything he found for them. Sage shut the door softly behind him and his figure stalked into the shared bedroom. His cheeky smile appeared once he realized they were asleep. Sage was very excited about this. It was the perfect moment for everything! He started to sneak towards the bed, holding one of the rocks. Sage set it down on the nightstand and then dug into his bag for the pouch he kept the rest of the rocks in. He should've known that he was being a little too vigorous in his shirt when he heard his dear shift in the bed. Before he could stop, he felt arms around his waist and a face pressed into his torso. "I thought you came home tomorrow." they muttered against his skin. Sage chuckled and stroked their hair. "couldn't wait to get a bite of me, huh?" He teased. "Anyways, move, I have something to show you." They pulled their head away and Sage put the little rock pouch in their hands. At this point, They already knew that there were rocks in the bag they were handed and laughed at him. here we go again...
He doesn't leave for long.
when he leaves, it is never for work lmao.
He does take short little walks outside maybe once a week.
just like sage, he's going to collect shiny things.
however, he tends to collect flowers more than stupid shiny rocks on the side of the road.
He gives you his favorite flowers along with others he found along side his walk
and yes he definitely picked these out from a neighbor's yard, leave him alone.
flowers are everywhere in the house at one point.
in pots, on the shelves, in the bedroom. everywhere.
like, it's almost alarming how much he brings home
and each day he's just like "these reminded me of you, dear :>"
Felix approached the door of his home, trying to rearrange the flowers in hand. He did this at least once or twice a week. He would go out for a walk and come back with assorted flowers that he found growing. Most of the time, it was a hellbent search for black Hellebore flowers and once he found them, he would just pick up whichever one he found. Most of the ones he picked up were bright and vibrant. It seemed like they just bloomed. As he walked home, he would smile to himself. Oh, how the colours reminded him of his dear barista. What wonders they have done to him to change his way of behaving. Opening the door, Felix could find himself immediately swooning. They weren't even doing anything worth swooning over. They were asleep on the couch... Felix chuckled to himself and strolled over to the sleeping figure. he threaded one of the brightest flowers he had in his hand so it would rest on their ear and kissed their cheek. He'll let them awake to their gift instead.
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stonerjesusbaby · 3 years
The Art Among the Flowers-- Felix x Reader
The prompt: MC randomly telling Felix to stay still so that they can draw him warnings?: none. Pure fluff! gn!pronouns
The scenery was absolutely perfect. The sun kissed his tannish skin. His hair fell perfectly around his face. Sitting with his beloved, the wind seemed to ruffle at his hair. As his eyes went half lidded as he moved his glance towards Them. However, to his surprise, they were digging vigorously into their bag. Felix tilted his head slightly in confusion before their voice rung out in his ears. “wait, don’t move!” They exclaimed. Felix flinched lightly and moved back to his original pose. He dared not to move and before he could realize what was going on, he heard the scribbling of a pencil. He would steal little glances at them. They were so focused on both him and their paper. While He was looking at them, they made eye contact and Felix quickly averted his eyes, ignoring his growing blush.
There was only silence between them. No words were spoken and the only thing they could hear is the wind singing in their ears and their pencil dancing across their paper. Finally, after he couldn't take the silence anymore, Felix cleared his throat. “My dearest barista… May I inquire what you are doing?” Felix asked. They stopped what they were doing and looked up at him. “I’m drawing you, silly! what did you think I was doing?” They replied, giving him one of their smiles. Oh, that smile. How it engulfed Felix in warmth. He doesn’t remember the last time his heart beat this quickly. He felt his face warm up as he processed what they said. They were drawing him? They were really drawing him? why him? “D-Dearest, why is that? Is the scenery enough not good enough for you? You can’t draw that?” he asked them. They only chuckled and shook their head.
“I want to draw you! You’re so pretty!” they exclaimed. Felix almost choked on air from their answer. “H-Have mercy, that’s not what you were supposed to say!” Felix stuttered, looking at them. They laughed again and sighed. “You look so adorable with that red shade on your face. It's almost like you're the art among the flowers.” Felix’s blush could not get any deeper than it was now. “Gods, calm your voice, my dearest-” he whisper-shouted. They only shook their head again. “No, I want all of Astraea to know how beautiful you are.” They replied and went back to drawing him. Felix stayed in his pose, thinking about how they were really drawing him. Him, of all people! They chose to draw him. Then, he was pulled out his thoughts. They tapped his shoulder and held their notebook out to him. “I hope you like it. It was kind of rushed but I did worked hard on it.” They said. They seemed bashful but that couldn’t compare to the red shade of Felix’s face. It was right in front of his eyes but he could barely believe what he was looking at. They drew him like his was a butterfly landing on a cat’s nose. So much delicate detail to draw someone like him. Gods, Felix’s heart- no, his whole body felt like it was going to explode!
Apparently, his silence made them nervous. “u-uh, it’s fine if you don’t like it.. I probably should’ve asked.” They muttered. Felix looked up at them and frowned. “Don’t like it? dear, that’s preposterous!” Felix said, setting your notebook down. Their face began to heat up and turn red to match Felix’s face. Felix leaned over and placed his hand on their cheek. “My love, if I didn’t like it, don’t you think I would’ve… stopped posing?” Felix said. His voice was soft as he leaned closer. They took a hold of his hand and nodded softly. On the outside, Felix looked at calm as a cat but on the inside, his heart was beating so fast that if it beat just a bit quicker, it would sound like a buzzer.
The silence between the two killed Felix. Both of them were too shy to continue leaning in. Felix pulled away quite abruptly and cleared his throat. “H-Have mercy… What I mean is that I like it and I think you’re… uh, quite skilled.” Felix said, messing with the collar of his shirt. Why did it suddenly get hot here? They only chuckled at his antics and took their notebook. “here, pose again, I want to draw your portrait so that you can keep one.” They said, shoving a few flowers they picked into his hand. Felix let out a sigh and rolled his eyes. Here we go again…
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stonerjesusbaby · 3 years
Olay hear me out. picnic date with Felix in a flower Field. That’s all
(head bangs. This idea is so cute, I might cry)
warnings: none! this is just pure fluff :D
Our scene opens to a certain Necromancer frantically laying out a small picnic in the middle of the field. He was the one that planned the date and he forgot! Felix had been up all night planning it just for you and he forgot! He even slept through the whole day! The only good thing is that he knew you read his invitation and that you would (hopefully) meet him here, in the flower field. Yet, he was so appalled at his actions. You could show up at any minute and Felix hadn’t even begun to lay out the lights. Felix took a deep breath in and shook his head. Panicking wouldn’t look good on his behalf. The sun was starting to set and the time he had to prepare was running thinner and thinner.
Despite being in a little rush, Felix was able to set up little candles around the blanket he had put out and made a cute little display of fruit. He had a basket of food in the middle of the blanket. He sat on one side, fiddling with a loose string from the blanket. His lover should show up soon. As he thought, Felix could hear the footsteps coming from his beloved. He looked up, a smile gracing his face as his gaze cast upon you. Orange and yellow hues from the sunset painted your skin as you walked through the grass and flowers. Seeing the small set up Felix had made for you made your heart beat twice as fast.
You sat down across Felix. All you could do was smile. You hadn’t had anyone treat you this way. The most you had were lovely comments on your cosplays. Felix could tell you liked it but the silence was practically killing him. “so… do you like it? I know it seems a little rushed but I tried my bes-” You cut him off with a laugh. “of course, I do! It’s just… You didn’t have to set this up all for me.” You muttered, fiddling a flower stem in your hands. Now it was Felix’s turn to laugh a little. “Well, this is a…” The words following came hard to him. He hadn’t felt like this in a long while. “, this is a date after all… I wanted it to be perfect for you, dear barista.” Felix’s words came out softer than he wanted them to, causing a blush to spread out across his face and touch the tip of his ears.
You chuckled at how quickly he got flustered and leaned forward, getting close to him. This, of course, did not help the already raging crimson colour on his face. Felix’s eyes averted from you as you plucked a flower from the ground near him and put it behind his ear. You pulled back and smiled. “I’m glad you planned this all for me. I had nothing to do this afternoon and being bored in a world that isn’t yours… is such a drag.” you said, you beamed at him. In all honesty, words could not explain how overwhelmed and happy you were with this.
Felix didn’t know what to say so he fumbled his hands, glancing at the basket. “p-perhaps we should eat now?” Felix spoke, hoping to move on from your thanks. You have picked up that thanking Felix for anything would only make him flustered and embarrassed. You nodded and sat up fully. Felix opened the basket to a few sandwiches, a choice of drinks, and a few packaged sweets. He set out food for the both of you and set the basket aside. “oh, you’re free to help yourself to the fruit I brought.” Felix said, bringing the plate of fruit to the middle of the blanket. Felix ate in silence but you, on the other hand, were too busy crafting something for the necromancer. Felix wasn’t aware of what you were doing and frowned slightly when he saw you not eating. His mind slightly raced as he zoned out, just for a second.
That was until you leaned forward again and placed something on the crown of his head. You sat back down and admired your handiwork. Felix blinked a few times as he processed what you had done. He set down his sandwich and let his hand wander to the top of his head. He pulls off what you had placed on his head and his flushed shade returns as he finds that you had placed a flower crown on his head. “you… you are going to be the death of me, barista.” he mumbled, sheepishly putting it back on his head. You only gave him a closed eye smile. “You know you’d enjoy that.” you replied, finally taking a bite out of your sandwich. Felix mumbled to himself, shaking his head. What kind of magic did you use to make him feel the way he does? You make his heart race 3 times faster on a normal day. Why was that? The Necromancer thought what could be seen as an endless thought bubble as he took a bite out of a strawberry.
Whilst deep in thought, Felix had not noticed that you made your way to his side. Before Felix could take another bite of his strawberry, he felt hands cup his face and turn his head gently towards his dear Barista. the sunlight’s rays could not compare to the absolute beaming smile you bared right now. Before Felix could sputter out one of his flustered musings, you started to pepper his face with kisses. Felix set down the strawberry and took a soft grip on one of your wrists. You finally let your final kiss land on his lips. You feel his hand shift to rest on your cheek and after a good few moments, you pull away.
You couldn’t even hide your own blush. Felix’s was more intense and it almost made you feel bad. However, you found it amusing how flustered he would get. “H-Have mercy, I was eating!” Felix stuttered out, fiddling with the collar on his shirt. You propped yourself up on your elbow and let your gaze rest on him. “oh, you love it.” you said, a slight tease in your voice. Felix lightly frowned and looked away. “you are an insatiable fiend.” he muttered. You tilted your head slightly. “oh? Come on, love. Let’s not resort to name calling.” You replied and Felix kept his view averted from you. “you’re cruel and you know it.” the necromancer uttered. You sat up and kissed his cheek again. “don’t be like that. Besides, if I were really that cruel, would I show up to your lovely picnic?” you asked, grinning at him.
Felix’s look softened and he practically melted into your touch. You allowed him to lay his head on your lap as he shook his head. “well, when you phrase it like that, I guess you’re not that cruel… However, you’re still insatiable.” You laughed and let your head lean back. “I’m so incredibly jovial to have you either way.” You spoke softly, running a hand through his hair.
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stonerjesusbaby · 3 years
How about MC getting tired of watching Felix overwork himself, so they just pick him up and go to bed
here you go, anon! I really liked this request. Thank you!
warnings: none. just fluff
During your time with Felix, you had been through ups and downs. From having to deal with his dead ex to trying to help him out of his own house, you decided to sit through it all with him. This particular night, however, you were quite annoyed with Felix. Judging from the moon and how deep it was into the night, you guessed it was 1AM. You had promised yourself that you would not go to sleep unless Felix went to sleep. With how annoyingly stubborn the both of you were, you were aware of how long this would eventually take. Every now and then, Felix would glance up at you, worry in his eyes. He used to be reminding you to go to sleep but every time he said something, you would shoot down his objection. Usually with a “Not until you sleep as well, Felix” or with a head shake. You were frustrated by this point. Not only did he do the same thing, he was practically falling sleep on his book!
You leaned back in your seat and looked at him. “Felix, dear, you really should be getting to sleep now…” You said, your voice soft from your fatigue. Felix let out an exasperated sigh and turned his gaze towards you. If this were any other time, you would melt from his attention to you but this time, you faced him with a strong glare. The look in Felix’s eyes faltered as he looked you in the eye but he still stood his ground. “Dear Barista, you know I still have piles of work.” You rolled your eyes and leaned forward, propping yourself up on your elbow. “So? That shouldn’t warrant your sleep. Tomorrow’s a new day. even if you have to wake up early, it would be better to get some sleep than no sleep.” You said, trying your best to convince the necromancer to sleep.
Felix only shook his head. “Y/n love, please don’t nag… you know this work is important!” Felix objected to your request. You were getting fed up and this game was getting tiring really fast. You stood up from your seat and put your hands on your hips. “Again, you have all day to finish it! You have been working all day and I’m tired of watching you wither yourself away with your work.” You took a step closer to him. He didn’t say much to you but he turned his body to face you. “I will literally get on my knees and beg if that’s what it takes for you to sleep.” Your voice was softer now as you stood in front of him. Felix could see the desperate pleading in your eyes and it hurt his heart. He didn’t like seeing his lover this way… But it’s not like he can just say no to important paperwork.
Felix took a sharp breath in and shook his head. “There’s no need for you to do that, love.” Felix replied. You think that he’s finally going to go to bed on his own accord but then he speaks up again. “No amount of begging is going to make me turn in for the night.” You scoffed and crossed your arms. “Don’t make me force you. Because I can and I will.” You threatened him. It seems Felix doesn’t take you seriously because he turns back to his work and starts writing away. In all honesty, he knew his actions hurt you and he couldn’t stand to look at your heartbroken expression anymore.
“you know what, fine.” You scoffed. You moved suddenly, picking Felix up. You picked him up bridal style. You looked down at Felix in your arms and started walking to bed. “If you’re not going to go to bed on your own accord, then I’ll make you.” You said. You were just so fed up with watching him overwork himself. It was unhealthy! You didn’t care if he was already aware that his habits were unhealthy but you didn’t care. You glanced at Felix again, his face was shaded with a burning blush that reached the tip of his ears. You couldn’t help but smile at the sight.
Felix frowned and crossed his arms. “Y-You unhand me this instant!” He stuttered, nervousness kick-starting his heart like an engine. Instead of being put down, he felt his lover lean back on the bed. You moved Felix so his head rested on your chest. You stroked his hair and took a breath in. “I do not ask much from you, Felix.” You spoke softly, closing your eyes. You could feel Felix stir a bit but he had the courtesy to stay still so that you could talk. Felix calmed down and let his breathing calm.
“I don’t ask for much from you. I don’t ask for much attention or touch. However, I do ask that you take care of yourself. It tires me to see you overwork yourself so much. The way you push me off, it… it hurts.” as you spoke, Felix listened to your heartbeat as you spoke. He knew that he had been brushing you off lately. Felix sat up, propping himself up on his shoulders. “okay… if that’s how you feel then I apologize. I did not mean to make you feel that way. Now that your feelings are clear to me, I’ve decided to comply.” Felix spoke. Your smile brightened and you started to drift off. “good… I’m starting to fall asleep.” Felix smiled as well and laid his head back down on your chest, slowly drifting to sleep as well. Perhaps work could wait.
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stonerjesusbaby · 3 years
Stay -- Sage x Reader Fic
The Prompt: I wasn't told a specific prompt but anon asked for a sage fic so I did a sad fic warnings; all I'm going to say is grab tissues. gn!pronouns
Rain thundered in their ears as it pounded against the window. No voices rang through the house and as far as they knew, they were alone. Again. Their lover seems more to be an acquaintance at this point and the worst part… he doesn’t even realize what his actions are doing to his beloved.
Sometimes, he’s gone for so long, it’s like he’s forgotten about them. How can one simply forget they have a partner at home?! Sage Lesath is not one to stick around one certain spot. He is fond of roaming around and adventuring. By that, They could always find him at the nearby tavern. Sometimes the pain in their voice was so obvious, it’s so confusing as to why he doesn’t hear it. It’s like they’re screaming out for him when they give him those short answers.
For now, They sit by the window next to the door, waiting for their beloved to return. His absence has left a hole in their heart. They decided that… today was the day that action would be taken. They stayed in their spot, near the windowsill. Sage used to joke that their habit made them seem more catlike than he was. They used to laugh at that joke. They used to laugh at his jokes.
Their thoughts were dispersed when they heard the door open. Sage shook his head, wet droplets flying from his hair and ears. He gave them that big goofy smile he gave everyone. “Oh, dear, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?” he spoke. Usually, this would arouse a chuckle out them. On a normal day, they’d be by his side immediately but today was different. They needed to talk to him for how they felt recently.
Sage walked over to them and placed his hands comfortably on their hips. They shook their head and brushed his wet hair back. “You… You could have dried your hair off first.” they muttered. Sage only chuckled and shook his head. “No, I wanted to spend some time with you.” Their heart sunk and they leaned back. “Ha… About that. I need to… I need to talk to you.” they said. Sage raised a brow and waited for them to go on.
The words bubbled in their throat as they tried to figure out how to say this. “Dear, I don’t have the time to be waiting all day…” He said, the chuckle he previously had died in his throat. Their head hung low a bit before they cleared their throat.
“D-Do… Do you even love me anymore?” They asked. Their voice was almost too quiet to hear. Despite their quiet tone, Sage could hear their question. It was loud and clear and echoed in his head. What did they mean by that? Are they second guessing his love? His trust? The one person he let his walls down for and they’re second guessing it?! Sage took a breath in. There was no reason to get upset now.
Sage lowered his head so they could look him in the eyes. “Of course, I love you. What makes you think I don’t?” They lowered their head even more to avert his eye contact. “Because you’re never here. When you are, you’re here for two seconds before you leave.” They mustered. Their voice was louder than before. Sage was taken aback. In all honesty, he knew he was distancing himself from them. He was doing it on purpose.
Sage pulled his hands away and took a step back. The lump in his throat forced him to stop speaking. Anger set in for his emotionally drained partner. “How dare you! How dare you not say anything in a ruse like this!” Their voice raised. Sage’s eyes widened a bit before narrowing back down. “What am I supposed to say?! I’m gone for work and you accuse me of not loving you!”
“is that so surprising?! How would you feel if all I did was leave and when I did come home, all you got was a kiss before I left again?” They uttered, hugging themselves. Sage could see the tears in their eyes that threatened to spill. “I know I’m not the brightest but I didn’t think you were either.” Sage said. Their brows furrowed together and they looked up at him. “What are you talking about?!”
“Can’t you see that I’m doing this to protect you? Everything I do is to protect you. I even told you. Everywhere I go, bad things follow. I do NOT want anything to cause you harm in anyway.” Sage said, crossing his arms. He was not used to opening up like this and he did not like it.
“You’re an idiot. Seriously.” They said. Sage frowned. “I opened a bit of my heart to you and this is how you respond? You’re acting like something crawled up your ass and died.” Sage grumbled, leaning back on the wall.
“Why are you being so rude? All this because I asked a simple question?!” They hissed. Sage let his arms fall to the side and started to walk towards the door. “Where are you going?! Why are you leaving again?” They drilled the question into him, hopping off the windowsill and following after him.
“I know you don’t have work so what are you leaving for? I bet you’re going to that blasted tavern again.” They said. Sage felt a rage in him snap and he swung the door open. “I already told you. this is for your own protection. Bad things follow me and I’m a monster. I proved this to you already. Why can’t you get that through your incredibly thick skull?”
They grew a frown that could only be described as a deep scowl. “You must think I’m incredibly weak. I DO NOT need protecting from anything. And if it’s you I must protect myself from, I will gladly take the challenge. I just need you to stop being so dismissive of me!”
Sage didn’t say anything. For once, They never saw that big goofy smile. For once, His ears weren’t perked up in happiness. For once, He didn’t have any clever pun to tell them. Instead, all he uttered was a simple “I’m Leaving.”
They scoffed. “Of course you are. That’s all you know how to do.” Before they could take back what they said, the door slammed in their face. Sage left them alone with their thoughts in the dark, giving them the time to ponder whether or not it would be the last.
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stonerjesusbaby · 3 years
take this felix sneakpeek because I'm going to lose my mind if my draft gets lost again.
also, no warnings. just fluff. and felix losing his mind.
The scenery was absolutely perfect. The sun kissed his tannish skin. His hair fell perfectly around his face. Sitting with his beloved, the wind seemed to ruffle at his hair. As his eyes went half lidded as he moved his glance towards Them. However, to his surprise, they were digging vigorously into their bag. Felix tilted his head slightly in confusion before their voice rung out in his ears. “wait, don’t move!” They exclaimed. Felix flinched lightly and moved back to his original pose. He dared not to move and before he could realize what was going on, he heard the scribbling of a pencil. He would steal little glances at them. They were so focused on both him and their paper. While He was looking at them, they made eye contact and Felix quickly averted his eyes, ignoring his growing blush.
There was only silence between them. No words were spoken and the only thing they could hear is the wind singing in their ears and their pencil dancing across their paper. Finally, after he couldn't take the silence anymore, Felix cleared his throat. “My dearest barista… May I inquire what you are doing?” Felix asked. They stopped what they were doing and looked up at him. “I’m drawing you, silly! what did you think I was doing?” They replied, giving him one of their smiles. Oh, that smile. How it engulfed Felix in warmth. He doesn’t remember the last time his heart beat this quickly. He felt his face warm up as he processed what they said. They were drawing him? They were really drawing him? why him? “D-Dearest, why is that? Is the scenery enough not good enough for you? You can’t draw that?” he asked them. They only chuckled and shook their head.
“I want to draw you! You’re so pretty!” they exclaimed. Felix almost choked on air from their answer. “H-Have mercy, that’s not what you were supposed to say!” Felix stuttered, looking at them. They laughed again and sighed. “You look so adorable with that red shade on your face.” Felix’s blush could not get any deeper than it was now. “Gods, calm your voice, my dearest-” he whisper-shouted. They only shook their head again. “No, I want all of Astraea to know how beautiful you are.” They replied and went back to drawing him. Felix stayed in his pose, thinking about how they were really drawing him. Him, of all people! They chose to draw him. Then, he was pulled out his thoughts. They tapped his shoulder and held their notebook out to him. “I hope you like it. It was kind of rushed but I did worked hard on it.” They said. They seemed bashful but that couldn’t compare to the red shade of Felix’s face. It was right in front of his eyes but he could barely believe what he was looking at. They drew him like his was a butterfly landing on a cat’s nose. So much delicate detail to draw someone like him. Gods, Felix’s heart- no, his whole body felt like it was going to explode!
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stonerjesusbaby · 3 years
before anyone requests; switch felix?
(no words just *bangs head against wall*)
(okay I lied. Just a small Author's Note. I wasn't sure what you meant with "switch Felix" so advanced apologies)
warnings: slightly suggestive but nothing beyond just steamy kissing ig
When it came to situations like this, Felix was quite an enigma. Most of the time, you were the one straddling him. You were used to being in control with Felix. Most of the time, he let you have control. Felix would be lying if he said he didn’t like it when you were the one with control. He adored how gentle you were with him. Even in intense make-out sessions, you still kept your soft touch. You weren’t harsh when you held his chin or when you ran your hands through his hair. Those were the moments Felix truly admired.
However today, he wanted to try something different. Today, he would try to be in control. He wanted to be the one to make you admire his handiwork. You both were in his study, having to move Stella from her spot on the couch. You were waiting for him to lay down so that you could straddle him. Felix only gave you a cheeky smile and placed his hands on your shoulders. You weren’t sure what he was doing. Of course, Felix wouldn’t tell you what he was planning. He wanted to use the element of surprise to his advantage. You gave him a soft smile, thinking that he would dance with you instead of leading you guys into a steamy make-out sessions (like the past few times).
Your speculations were cut off when he pushed you onto the couch and before you could respond, He straddled your waist and took one of your wrists into his grip. You gasped and felt your face heat up. Looking up at Felix, you could see that he was quite flustered at his boldness too. You saw the nervous look in his eyes and giggled softly. Felix’s lip quivered and he had the thought to copy you. You were always so powerful yet gentle with him. You knew what to do and how to do it. Felix takes a deep breath in through his nose and leans in, letting his lips crash with yours. Your eyes widened slightly at his action but you soon melted into the kiss, letting your free hand cup his cheek. You tilted your head to the side a bit to deepen the kiss, feeling Felix’s hand run through your hair. Finally, Felix pulls away for some air. A trail of saliva connecting between you two. Felix leaned back, allowing you to sit up.
You couldn’t help but smile at his face. He looked down at you and before he could apologize for being so forward, you threw your arms around him and peppered kisses all over his face. This only increased the blush on his face. “Oh- oh dear…” he muttered. You let out a soft chuckle and pulled back, just enough so you can look at his face. “How I’ve been waiting for you to do that.” You said. Of course, this didn’t do much to quell the raging blush on his face. Felix shook his head and smiled up at you, putting his arms on your waist. “Dear barista, how you entice me. I’ve always wanted to feel as powerful as you do.” the words that flutter from his lips and through your ears warms your heart quicker than any fire. The blush licked the tips of your ears as you bit the inside of your tongue. A smirk crawled across Felix’s lips as he watched your blush deepens. “I love you, Felix Escellun.” You said, leaning in close so that you two touched noses. Your own gesture reminded you of how cats greet. Felix closed his eyes and chuckled. “I love you too, my dear barista.”
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stonerjesusbaby · 3 years
Since I took a break from fic posting last week, here's a sneak peek at the next fic.
warnings: slight spoilers for Felix chapter 10. nothing too specific though.
Rime’s eyes stared them down from afar. The sight of them made his blood boil. How could he allow himself to get replaced so easily?! This person… they have solidified themselves in his group, taking his place like a leech. Rime couldn’t barely stand the sight of it. The first time he’d seen Felix smile in five years but through not the fault of his own but for someone who had taken his place is a feeling that Rime did not fathom he’d feel but it was overwhelming him. Of course, this feeling didn’t overpower the hate he had for them. Rime had altercations with them already. The fear in their eyes as he approached them the second time made his heart flutter. In the present, they stood before him.
In the absence of a certain necromancer, the tension between the two of them was thick. They had no choice but to work with each other. Rime had promised himself that he would not let his dread interfere with his mission. With tensions high and patience low, it was expected that Rime would have at least one interaction with them. As much as he didn’t want to, he could tell that they were getting uncomfortable with the silence between the two of them. Rime hadn’t noticed that he was glaring at them until they spoke up. “You don’t have to glare at me like that. I haven’t done anything yet.” They spoke so innocently, it made him sick. They must have no idea what they’re doing to him! Rime frowned and rolled his eyes. “wow… you really are delusional, aren’t you? Either that or you’re just stupid.” Rime said
He watched as their face scrunch up at the accusation. It almost made him giddy inside to see them react to such an accusation. “What do you mean? I haven’t done anything to garner your rude attitude. You, on the other hand, have touched-” Rime cut them off, a smirk pulling at his lips. “you still think about it then, don’t you? Since you brought it up, you must still think about my hand around your throat.” He spoke.
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