#are literally yin yang soulmates can't do anything about it
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Okay so, honestly-
I started feeling a little inspired earlier today and figured I could get some more of my thoughts out- I have a few fanfics in the making, some which are meant to be gifts for people I either follow and/or are my mutuals; there are some which are, of course, meant to be personal ideas I simply decided I wanted to write! Now, I have sort of been in an angst mood as of late but unfortunately a lot of things were happening at the same time and it impaired my ability to write- which is not a great time, mind you though to get the point!
This one is directed to one of my followers and I won't tag them, but they know who they are-
I have been thinking about the tengu! Howard idea I'm working on and holy shit, I can't stop mulling over how it's going to go because not only do I have this not-quite human bird demon about ready to defend his flockmate friend but there's also the actual fight to happen. Now the idea is mostly centered around Howard since Randy is pretty much out for the count during a lot of the fic-
I'm obviously very normal about the tengu! Howard arc because honestly, it should have gotten explored more in canon but that didn't happen which means I'm left having to put pieces together on my own. Now, here's the deal: Howard's link to the tengu and by extent, the Ninja, is a messy, complicated thing-
You have this literal bird demon possessing you, and you're sharing the pain- as is canon, what happens to the Ninja happens with the bird but obviously I am using creative liberty with it and Howard is nothing if not protective of Randy and while it isn't as obvious because, well, it's Howard and our boys are completely dumb of ass- there's the literal fact we've seen Howard lose his goddamn mind every-time something dire happens to Randy and we also see him prone to rage fits
He's never seen Randy truly get hurt as the Ninja until he is and that feeling of flock begins screaming at him- Howard completely loses it, it's as if something deep is burning inside of him and it will come out no matter what. The idea itself is that Howard and Randy are practically soulmates, and well, our favorite orange-coded boy is so upset but he can feel the tengu too
All he can see is the blood. He can hear nothing but the sick thud when Randy- the Ninja hit the ground and now Howard is determined to finish off the Sorcerer (i don't think he's going to kill the Sorcerer, but something will happen-), he feels like he's lost control- filled with rage and panic and determination- and right now, the priority is getting the Sorcerer away from the Ninja because the Ninja is his- no one else can have him
Randy's either unconscious at this point because the suit is trying to save him, or he's weakly trying to get up again- he's not doing so hot and he can't make sense of anything happening, so instead he's just lying there - barely able to move
Randy and Howard are yin and yang, they are soulmates. They're bound to each other, and seeing Randy so weak- unable to do anything- sparks a newfound rage in Howard
I can't specify enough how much this idea is rotating in my brain- I'm trying to work out the introduction scene and I kind of... need help? so if anyone can give me pointers on whether I should start directly with the battle or add a slight bit of 'filler' before it begins, that would be amazing
I might honestly make a playlist for the fic because oh my god- tengu! Howard has so much potential honestly, and I want to shake that puppy up in my teeth but something I also wanted to mention is that I can't imagine how painful it must be that even the Ninja isn't invincible? He's seen Randy take hits before and patched him up, but nothing compares to suddenly seeing him drop like deadweight onto the ground, and the sight of red slowly coming out of his body- and just, Howard can't lose Randy he just can't-
(he feels like there's something rotten in him when he lets the tengu link- sync with his mind and rush after the sorcerer, but if it means his revenge then so be it)
I will be talking about my Kitsune OC and First Ninja story in a completely separate post because I have ideas about that too, but honestly at least one of these fanfictions has to be completed eventually lol- and I have my asks to get through!
Though honestly, I'm going to be writing a lot of angst for RC9GN (like let me see more fanfictions where randy is getting injured, howard's hurt- give me fanfictions where the sorcerer is more powerful). I might do a little thing for my infection AU, but honestly like I have many ideas and not a single one is fully complete- please be patient with me, I'll be done as soon as I can
Things have been a little hectic lately, and well- with my appointment today, which went well actually!, I just haven't had full time to concentrate but without much further ado- I will be signing off for now!
~ Mod Danny
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flapjacksfursona02 · 8 months
still thinking about something
what if tmmof not only tells about how abusive relationships work but also about some certain aspect that feels unreal at first
k'nuckles being a horrible person towards the world and towards flapjack as well and he simply cannot be a better person because ofc it's too late to change your entire personality and how the world raised you when youre already in your fourties, and flapjack kinda sees it? he knows that k'nuckles is just like this, k'nuckles betrayed him, neglected him, manipulated him multiple times, and every time flapjack ran to bubbie to cry out all this, and STILL coming back to k'nuckles later because he is just too attached to his captain like a father figure that can't be replaced. also all this talk about flapjack being like a guardian angel for the lost soul that k'nuckles is.
it's like the concept of destiny-belonging to someone who is abusive, but you cannot do anything to disconnect your both spirits from each other. you just belong to them, and they belong to you, you cannot change that, no matter how cruel the finale of your relationship will be. some soulmates are happy with each other, some are not, and you're unlucky enough to become the evil side of world's balance of yin and yang.
the same message can be seen in the peppermint larry's and his candy wife's relationship? such as candy colleague and dr barber [could be] too.
they belong to you, and you belong to them, because your spirits are tied together, and they're alive only for you, and only you have access to the sound of their voice. still, it doesn't matter if they use you, neglect you or abuse you.
and i can kinda tell where this message is going? because believe me, i talked and was a friend to a real person who told me about their partner all the time, shared their dreams, nightmares of this certain person, told about a lot of the abuse, conflicts with them, and every time my friend's words contradicted themselves, it felt unreal to realize that they don't process what they are saying. it literally looked like ''i hate them, they made me go through a living hell!'' and then ''they are not a bad person, really, i believe they are better than me!'' and then again ''but they are so ignorant and i want to get rid of them from my life!'' and then once again ''but i can't stop thinking about them and i love them deeply and i feel like we just belong to each other but they fail to see it!''
i'm not much into relatonships with people and this looks like pure insanity to me, but this is a real thing that people actually suffer from? we stopped being friends with this one person, but i've stumbled upon them and their partner interacting lately, so that means they are still together and kickin'
it's just the concept itself. sometimes you can't get rid of a person and cut out the connection. and that's what misadventures of flapjack also showing, not only the parental neglect issues.
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kyouka-supremacy · 2 years
what do you think happened to Akutagawa's coat? I mean we saw that Atsushi left the submarine without the coat, where do you think it could be? do you think Atsushi lost the coat or left it somewhere??
I think it was implied to have been lost, as much as I can hate the thought of it. Atsushi isn't shown carrying it after landing on the beach, and the idea of him minding to carefully store it for Akutagawa... Doesn't really sit right you know, Atsushi isn't used to care for Akutagawa. I guess we'll have to see, because we still don't know how Atsushi's feelings have changed for Akutagawa– although, as for his thoughts in chapter 88 it doesn't seem like they've changed all that much (╥﹏╥) We'll probably learn more about how Atsushi's perception of Akutagawa has changed when he'll (hopefully) meet him at the airport. Who knows, it's possible that maybe then Atsushi will take out the coat to try and make Akutagawa come back to senses*: I feel like if there's anyone who's gonna pull off a “I know you're still there”, then it's going to be sskk.
If Akutagawa ends up surviving, it would be sweet to have a nice moment with Atsushi returning the coat to Akutagawa (fic writers LOVE the scenario), but realistically we know it's not going to happen (@/Asagiri prove me wrong challenge)– if anything it sounds more likely we'll have Akutagawa with his coat back no explanation given lmao. If his coat really got lost at sea, I just KNOW Akutagawa would dive to the bottom of the ocean to get it once he got back to his senses: after all, he already did it once (I'm not kidding peoples for some insane reason Akutagawa free diving to inhuman depths is literally canon).
If Akutagawa is dead-dead, I really need his coat to become integral part of Atsushi's outfit. I don't care if it'll never happen. It just makes so much sense on so many levels. Atsushi coming to a huge character development that shows directly in his appearance: him letting go of his very black and white worldview to understand that even bad people can do good, and that being reflected in his apparence changing from being predominantly white to having a balance of black and white. Atsushi every day carrying with him a reminder of all the pain and death the doa attack caused. Atsushi keeping a memorial of his long date dead rival wherever he goes to motivate himself by reminding that even if his soulmate-enemy is gone, he must carry on fighting with everything he's got for him too (no homo). If the whole yin yang / two faces of the same coin metaphor can't apply anymore, it's only fair Atsushi becomes a synthesis of the both of them, you know? Akutagawa's memory living on through him. But also, I just think Atsushi really deserves a coat?? There's this curious pattern of coats being particularly common between important characters in bsd (Dazai wore a coat in Dark Era and still wears a coat with his ada outfit, Akutagawa wears a coat, Chuuya wears a coat, Mori wears a coat, and even Beast Akutagawa, Atsushi and Dazai all wear coats. It's hard to think of it being a coincidence or lazy character design); I feel it's about time the protagonist starts wearing one too?
* Although there is no way Atsushi could have schemed it as he has no idea Akutagawa has been vampirized and is currently milling about, unless someone else informed him in the meanwhile.
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Even Baghra points out that Aleks could have won Alina's love! Even her, validates the notion of love between them. If Aleks built an intimate relationship with Alina to the point that she envisioned a future with him, and he was able to get her love...
Darklina love is literally involved in the dialogues of the series, in addition to their aspect of soulmates with light and darkness, yin and yang, as well as the other parallels that there are between them. Whether it is their relationships ; Luda / Mal. Their outfits / hairstyle ; Alina literally has her hair done like young Aleks during her stay at the little palace, and even their clothes are similar. Their shadows who kiss before them in episode 5. Their goals ; Save Ravka / protect the Grisha. The use of Merzost. Their talk/way of talking and holding each other in season 2. The point is that without the Darkling, Alina has no balance, which is basically confirmed by the fact that she literally gets her powers back at the end by using the same forbidden magic as him. Reasons why I can't believe Darklina won't have interactions in the future with such an ending. It would be highly unlikely.
So why the hell are there big debates in order to point out that Mal is Alina's true /great love ? It sounds so wrong with this kind of information. I don't deny that Alina likes Mal. He is her family, as well as her first crush thereafter. But he never made her feel like anything more than ordinary, special. And she confirms it well with Baghra by saying that it was Aleks who was the first to see that in her. By the way, it reminded me of the dialogue between the Darkling and Mal in season 1, when he talks to him in episode 7.
Besides, I'm very grateful that they didn't include in the series this stupid dialogue where Alina explains to Mal in volume 3 that they were meant for each other and that they would have found each other even if she had lived in the little palace... Bullshit... Instead, they gave us the fact that after getting rid of her firebird aspect, Mal, no longer feels that real north between them. So the notion of fate between Malina is literally erased and if they're together in the future it will be by choice and because it's fate or that backpedaling bullshit the author tried to do in the tome 3 by Grisha.
By the way, I hope that in season 3, Mal will get some real personality development. He passed in season 1, but in season 2... much less.
It is hard to see M*lina as this great love when you compare it with darklina who as, you've pointed out, the show has gone a long way to show as this fated pair, they've got the whole yin/yang, light/dark etc aesthetic and theme going for them, plus all the parallels. I think the whole discourse of people trying to argue that M*l is Alina's great love comes from the author as after her third book was released she gave an interview saying that the whole book story was always supposed to be about M*l and Alina the underdogs that nobody cared about, unfortunately this was true nobody did care about them including the majority of the readers. There is just no competition when you've got darklina there who have a really interesting soulmate type dynamic, as a result it just wasn't believable that m*lina were the ones fated to be together which is part of the reason why the ending was so unpopular. Honestly if the show does decide to go for a M*lina ending I think it would be a mistake as even in the show they just aren't that popular.
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villa-kulla · 2 years
pausing in my finale vibes to climb back into my laloward clown shoes, but yet ANOTHER parallel between them which hadn’t occured to me until now, is how they treat their mentor figures. When Howard and Lalo interact with Chuck and Hector respectively, there’s a certain dignity they afford them in their interactions. Even though the rest of the world eventually writes them off and dismisses Chuck and Hector and doubts their credibility, both Howard and Lalo make them feel like they’re still players in their world. These were both figures who probably groomed them in accordance with their values, and certainly would have been these towering figures to Howard and Lalo when getting started in the business. And then both had to see these heroes become paralyzed and trapped by their conditions, Chuck betrayed by his mind, and Hector betrayed by his body. And while there was some pity there, they still visit them regularly, treat them like they’re relevant, listen to them, and show they still value their advice (and bring them alcohol). They probably both needed the reassurence of these interactions too,  but through their actions they allow these broken figureheads to feel like they still matter, and yeah, there’s just a level of integrity to those interactions that’s kind of touching for both characters.
anyways, started as gravemates but turns out they were soulmates all along, I don’t think i can do this anymore, besties <3
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