#are reminded of her stalker wall with pictures of adrien everywhere
noonionsplease · 1 year
I don't know who brings le the most second-hand embarrassment : Michael Scott or Marinette Dupain-Cheng
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sariahsue · 5 years
Out of the Mouths of Babes
When Cat Noir brings Manon Chamack home after an akuma attack, she instantly recognizes him. Courtesy of her babysitter's stalker wall, of course. Who is the first person she tells? Why, Ladybug the babysitter! What is Marinette to do when she's told Cat Noir's secret identity? (Hint: She freaks out. All over Adrien.)
Based on this drabble. Many, many people asked it to be expanded, so here it is!
     Cat Noir just couldn't understand some people. Getting akumatized over a child being too noisy? Really. The child was Manon Chamack, and she was currently nestled in his arms as he carried her back home to her anxious mother. She clung tightly and hid her face in his shoulder as they bounded across the city. She had peeked up at him several times, and he wasn't sure about those looks she was giving him. They seemed... too knowing somehow, like she could see straight through him.
    "Oh, thank you," Ms. Chamack said as he handed Manon over a few minutes later. The poor woman looked exhausted from worrying and leaned against her doorframe for support. Her hair was a mess, and one arm of her jacket had slipped off her shoulder. He'd never seen the usually professional woman looking so disheveled. Or so happy.
    He loved his job.
    "Of course," Cat Noir said, bowing. "Always an honor to help. And nice to meet you, young lady." He gave Manon a small bow as well, before turning to escape her unnerving stare.
    "Bye bye, picture boyfriend!" Manon called as he jumped away. Cat Noir watched from a distance as a very confused Ms. Chamack closed the front door.
    Picture boyfriend?
    Marinette marveled at Manon's resilience. Less than 24 hours after being targeted by an akuma, and already she was happily skipping through the bakery and begging Tom for cookies like nothing had happened. The girl was made of tough stuff.
    "Just one cookie," Marinette said, leading her upstairs. "But if you're good, you can have another before you go."
    "Let's play Ladybug and Cat Noir!" Manon yelled, scattering crumbs everywhere as she sprinted through the house and up to Marinette's room.
    "Okay, okay. No running." She let Manon beat her upstairs and grab the toys that she wanted this time, the Queen Bee and Cat Noir dolls. It was probably therapeutic for her. Those two had played the biggest part in her rescue yesterday.
    "Can I play with this one?" Marinette asked, holding up her alter ego's stuffed doll.
    "No, you have to be the akuma!"
    "Then who's going to play Ladybug?" Marinette asked, picking up Lady Wifi instead. "Can't purify the akuma without her."
    "That's Cat Noir."
    Marinette's eyes found Manon's outstretched hand, which clutched the Queen Bee doll and was pointed straight at Adrien's framed picture next to her computer.
    "Cat Noir! He fights akumas!" Manon insisted, getting close enough to poke Adrien's nose. "Just like you, Marinette!"
    While Manon sat down and started playing, her babysitter was rooted to the spot, afraid the floor might disappear from underneath her if she took a single step. Manon knew she was Ladybug? Had she told anyone? How had she figured it out?!
    Or maybe it was just a guess. After all, she'd obviously guessed Cat Noir's identity wrong. Marinette took one glance at the photo and suddenly wished she hadn't. Her imagination painted a black mask over Adrien's features, and she knew. She knew. Manon had been right.
    The akuma that afternoon was so pathetic that Manon's Cat Noir and Queen Bee didn't even need Ladybug to defeat it. Which was good, because the superheroine's brain was too busy short-circuiting to help.
    How on earth was she going to face him at school in the morning?
    Today was... not going to be a fun day, Adrien thought to himself as he clambered out of the limo and trudged toward the school. He had piano lessons, fencing, AND a photoshoot, not to mention homework that he was falling behind on, and he somehow had to fit in patrol and maybe an akuma around all of that. Plus, hours and hours of school ahead of him. Not that he was complaining about school! It was just a lot, and he wasn't looking forward to anything except seeing his friends.
    Nino and Alya waved him him over, and they fell into easy conversation as they waited for the first bell to ring. Wrapped up as he was in the discussion, he didn't notice Marinette quietly walking up to them until she was right in front of him, face only a few inches away from his, staring up into his eyes. It eerily reminded him of Manon the day before.
    "Uh," he said. "Good morning."
    She didn't respond. Instead, she slowly lowered her head and leaned forward, faceplanting into his chest with a heavy thud. He took a step back to avoid them both toppling over, but it didn't to anything to dislodge his friend. Her hot breath seeped through his shirt, and her shoulders started to shake.
    This is bad. What did I do? What DO I do?! No class he'd ever taken had given him instructions on what to do if a girl started crying all over him.
    Completely bewildered, he looked to Alya and Nino. Alya recovered the fastest and tried to peel Marinette off of him, saying soothing things like, "Girl, what's wrong?" and "Who do you need me to kill?" After only a few seconds, it became obvious it wasn't going to work. Marinette simply clutched his shirt and started to mumble, though the words were lost in the folds of his clothing, and Alya gave up with a small shake of her head. Whatever was wrong was beyond the best friend's comfort. It must have been bad.
    To Alya's left, Nino shrugged, looking as lost as Adrien felt, though he tried to help by miming a hug. Wouldn't that just make it worse? In every movie he'd ever seen, people started crying harder after getting hugged. So instead, he patted her head, hoping she would soak up the comfort he wanted to give her. "There, there?"
    Nope. Abort mission. That made it worse. Her breathing became gasps, and her sniffs became sobs. Adrien put his traitorous hands down at his sides and looked pleadingly to his friends again.
    Marinette hiccuped and finally turned her head enough to speak. "I'm sorry."
    "For what?" Adrien said. Maybe if she felt like he didn't blame her for whatever was bothering her, she'd feel better faster. He placed one hand on her elbow and another between her shoulder blades. Those seemed like neutral enough places, though he felt stiff and awkward holding her like that. "What's wrong?"
    But Marinette didn't seem to be listening. Between whimpers he could make out the phrases, "Can't unsee!" "Figure out!" and "Didn't mean to!"
    There was really only one thing about him that someone would need to apologize for figuring out, and it made the ring on his finger feel suddenly heavy and cold as panic of a new sort lanced through him.
    When had so many people arrived at the school? It felt like every single person there was looking their way, waiting to hear what she had to say. He suddenly wished Alya and Nino would leave. If Marinette wasn't careful, she could easily let the wrong thing slip.
    "I'm sorry I said your jokes weren't funny!"
    Jokes? He didn't remember her ever saying he wasn't funny, in or out of the mask. But this was progress! She'd gotten out a whole sentence, not a word of which was incriminating. He wasn't sure if he was more confused by what she'd said or just relieved that she was coherent.
    Marinette shifted under his hands, standing up straighter and looping her arms behind his neck, and Adrien felt his face heating up as she hugged him tightly. It may have been just a friendly hug, but he couldn't remember the last time someone had touched him this intimately. Marinette had made sure there wasn't any space between them.
    Her lips were right next to his ear, so he was the only one who heard her whisper, "I'm sorry I said we weren't meant to be."
    There was only person he'd ever said that to, had ever dreamed of saying that to. Only one, and she had denied it. His perception of the situation tilted and snapped back into place, and Marinette's reaction suddenly made sense.
    Almost on their own, his hands slid down to her waist and pulled her even more snugly against him. "You want to change your answer?" There was no way for him to tell which was more surprising, that Marinette was Ladybug, or that she was finally returning his feelings.
    Scratch that. It was the second one. He'd dreamed about this for over a year, and he could barely believe it was finally happening. Was this what dying would feel like? Because he was pretty sure his soul was leaving his body.
    "I think we can work out a deal," he said.
    "A deal." Marinette pulled back, though she couldn't go far. There was no way he was letting her go just yet, so he kept her pinned to him at the waist. Tear tracks still glistened on her beautiful face. "Are you serious?"
    His teasing tone was bringing back some of her masked confidence, and Marinette being Ladybug suddenly seemed obvious. Who else could she possibly have been?
    "I'll let you change your answer," he said, "but you have to give me something in return." He glanced down at her lips and moved their faces closer together, certain she would get the hint.
    She did.
In case you were wondering, Alya and Nino can also take a hint and left after Marinette started whispering in Adrien's ear. They gave them some privacy... by spying from a safe distance. Alya caught the kiss on camera.
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p-artsypants · 5 years
Longest Night (2)
Ao3 | FF.net
The day started out sucky to begin with. Her crush ousted to the class and Adrien. Lila taking pride in exacting her revenge.
But by the time patrol was over, a young man was dead, and Ladybug’s identity was at risk. Lila was the least of her concerns.
Good thing Adrien was taking it all like a champ.
Now, I bet you’re wondering about that criminal I mentioned earlier. Not to worry, we’ll get to him soon. It’s now around lunchtime, the day where everything went wrong.
Adrien was on his way to the bakery, as he had been buzzing in his seat ever since this morning.
“Dude, where are you going?” Nino asked, grabbing his arm.
“To Marinette.” He answered, plainly. “I have to talk to her.”
“Dude…let it go. You dodged a bullet. Good thing she got caught now instead of when she’s sitting in a tree outside your house.”
Adrien frowned at his best friend. “Wait…you believe Lila?”
“Why wouldn’t I? You heard what Marinette said…all the things she’s done.”
“But she said she didn’t do it.”
“And you believe her?”
“She’s never given me a reason not to…she’s never given you a reason not to either.”
“Lila, on the other hand, has lied. About a few things. Especially about knowing Ladybug.”
“But she does know Ladybug. It was on the Ladyblog.”
Adrien rolled his eyes. “Yeah, because she lied to Alya, and Alya didn’t check her sources!”
”How do you know she was lying?”
“Ladybug told me. She was extremely mad about it too. Ladybug claimed she had never met Lila, and hated it when people lied. It was…a little extreme, to be honest, but as someone who hates being used as a ticket of association, I understood.”
“Wait…when did that happen?”
“Back when Lila first moved here. Like…two years ago?” This was added sheepishly.
“Why didn’t you say anything earlier?”
“Because after Ladybug called her out, she was akumatized. I…I didn’t want that to happen again.” He sighed. “Still, she was akumatized again later, as Chameleon? That day I had told her that she didn’t need to lie to make friends. I remember her saying, specifically, ‘oh, so you’re going to lecture me just like Ladybug?’ She just got really defensive and nasty. Even though I was nothing but nice to her.”
“That’s…that’s freaky. I thought she was the sweetest person.”
“She’s been in contact with my father too. He thinks we’re best friends, but I tell him that I don’t think we should trust her. He never listens.”
Adrien chuckled. “Yeah, true. Still…I didn’t want to get involved, but I have to now. I know Marinette wouldn’t do this.”
“Dude, you don’t think she’ll tell your dad, do you?”
“Oh god I hope not.”
“Better get in contact with your lawyer.”
“No kidding. I just…I just hope she doesn’t get akumatized again.”  
Nino slugged an arm around his shoulder. “Dude, you’re a really nice guy, but sometimes your priorities are off.”
“Yeah yeah. Look, I told Marinette to just take the high road because I assumed Lila would get caught in her own web. But…she didn’t. She caught everyone else instead. And now Marinette is probably the one about to get akumatized.”
“What are you planning on saying to her? You don’t like her like that.”
“No…but I don’t hate her, and I definitely don’t mind that she likes me. I’ll just invite her for some ice cream, and then we’ll go from there.”
“You’re a good guy. Better man than me.”
“You just…pass along what I told you to Alya, and we’ll call it even.”
Marinette had fallen asleep, thankfully, and didn’t have to wrestle with her inner turmoil. She awoke, her eyes opening, as she looked across the room. She didn’t move much else.
“Hi,” said Tikki, softly. “Feel any better?”
“A little numb. Like…it was all a bad dream.” But looking at the state of chaos in her room, she could tell it wasn’t. It was all too real. “Adrien knows I’m in love with him…that I…I stalked him.”
“You didn’t stalk him.” Tikki reminded, gently. “You were obsessed, but you stayed a healthy distance. You never broke into his house.”
“The birthday party?”
“You forgot to sign a card. That’s hardly a crime.”
Marinette smiled shortly. “Still…I learned my lesson.”
“You’re not at fault here, Marinette. Lila lied. You’ve taken the high road, just like Adrien suggested, and your hands are clean. You only told the truth. Adrien believes you, and that’s all that matters. Let’s just…let’s just see where this goes.”
Marinette sighed. “I wish it was the weekend.”
“Well, your mom seemed pretty cool with it. She’ll probably let you stay home for a few days.”
“Marinette? Are you awake?” Called her mom’s voice from below.
“Kinda.” She groaned.
“You have a guest.”
She frowned. Her mom wouldn’t have even let Lila into the bakery at least. “Have they come to grovel?”
“If that’s what I need to do to talk to you, I will.” Adrien’s voice answered.
She was so startled she fell off the settee, her feet tangled in the blanket. “Shit.”
The hatch opened, and Adrien came in. “Are you ok—oh...”
Marinette scrambled, sitting on the floor. “I...I wasn’t expecting—you didn’t have to...I’m okay!”
He looked meaningfully around the room, noticing the paper crumbled everywhere, and corners still stuck to the walls. “I don’t think you are.”
She grabbed a picture off the floor. It was ripped, and crumbled already. “It’s nothing against you...it’s the pictures themselves I’m mad at.”
He sat down daintily on the settee, as she remained on the floor.
“I never wanted you to find out like this.”
“Of course not.”
“I just...I don’t know who to be mad at. Lila, obviously for making up that story, but...I made it very easy for her to do so.” She crumbled the picture into a ball, and threw it to the trash can, missing.
“Can...can I confess something embarrassing?” Adrien asked, flipping her ponytail over her shoulder.
“Do you have a near stalker-ish crush on someone?”
He was silent, then, “...yeah, and it might be worse than yours.”
She turned and looked at him through her lashes. “How could you possibly be worse?”
He sighed. “Because I don’t know who she is.”
Marinette sputtered. “W-What?!”
“To be fair, I’m pretty sure everyone has a crush on her. It’s Ladybug.”
She wanted to laugh. A big laugh, that went on and on. A laugh that turned into a sob, because of course this would happen to her.
A laugh at the irony that he loved her, but not her. And probably never would.
Instead, she just managed out, “oh really?”
“Yeah...from nearly the beginning. I have all her action figures, posters, comic books...I leapt on the chance to voice Chat Noir in the movie. She’s saved me a few times, but whenever I talk to her, I just...I melt. Sort of...like you do, when you talk to me.”
“Did you ever steal her phone to delete an embarrassing voicemail?”
“Well, no—“
“Then you’re not as bad. I think your crush is on par with...a fan girl loving her favorite band member.”
Adrien wanted to protest, to argue that no, it wasn’t like that at all. But it would be impossible to explain that without outing himself as Chat Noir. So he just shrugged. “Well, if you say so. You are the expert after all.”
She groaned, her head flopping on the settee. “Gee thanks.”
He laughed, and then stood, starting to pick up the photos.
“Oh, you don’t have too!” She placed her hand on the floor, making to get up.
“It’s fine, I don’t mind. You’re having a rough day anyways.”
She sighed, falling to her rear.
“So...” he began, conversationally. “How long?”
“How long have you loved me?”
She blushed. “You’re not supposed to ask things like that.”
“But I did.”
She glared at him, while he giddily smiled back.
“Fine...you remember that day you gave me your umbrella?”
“No...oh wait! You mean all the way back then?!”
“Marinette! Why didn’t you say anything?!”
“I tried too! I just—I just got nervous. And then...ugh. The second I look into your gorgeous eyes, all thought flies out of my head. Then I’m just stuck standing there with ‘I’m talking to Adrien, I’m going to say something wrong, he’ll hate me forever’ on repeat in my head.”
“You’re not doing that now.”
“...I have nothing to be embarrassed about anymore. You know everything.” She exhaled deeply. “So, when are you going to start never talking to me again?”
Adrien laughed, not because it was funny, but because she said it so nonchalant. “I’m not going to stop talking to you. You’re one of my best friends. I don’t mind you being...eccentric.”
“Nice word for it.”
“Look, Marinette, I’m a celebrity. I get idolized and objectified by fans all the time. Pictures and posters don’t bother me. Knowing my schedule? Thank god someone does. Making my favorite macaron to give to me? Awesome. I would eat it every time. Stealing my phone? Eh, a little extreme, but you gave it back instead of trying to sell it on eBay. These things are pretty typical for me, which is why I didn’t notice it sooner. You want to know the sure-fire way to get me to never talk to you again?”
“Take pictures of you changing in the locker room?” She asked with a smirk.
“Worse. Mail me your dirty underwear.”
“What! Ew! That’s so gross!”
“It’s happened more than once. I think they think I’ll smell their pheromones and insta-love them.”
“That’s insane! I promise I’ll never do that! Even if you ask me too!”
He laughed. “Then we’ll be just fine. I promise.”
“Good,” she smiled back.
“And one other thing,” he rubbed the back of his neck. “You said you found a love letter I wrote and responded to it.”
“Yeah, I did. But I never signed the card. Regretted that one for a long time.”
“What was it like?”
She flapped her lips like a horse, “boy, that was...that was like two years ago. I wrote it on a little pink heart. Something like...Your hair shines like the sun, your eyes are gorgeous green...”
“I look at you and wonder your innermost thoughts and dreams. Yes, your Valentine I will be, our love will be so true, together for eternity, my heart belongs to you.” He finished.
“Yeah...that’s the one.”
“I loved it. I read it like, everyday for a year. It’s still sitting on my desk.”
Her eyes became misty as she sniffed.
Adrien stacked all the pictures he had gathered on her desk, then sat on the floor across from her, taking her hands in his. “Marinette...you are an amazing girl. You’re sweet, kind, funny, and just...an amazing person. I don’t...I don’t feel the same way about you, as you do for me...but I wish I did. I don’t deserve to be loved by someone like you.”
She looked downwards. “Adrien...”
“These next few days are going to be hard. But I promise you, I’ll actually support you. Not like I did today...”
“You couldn’t do anything today,” she assured. “Lila made sure you couldn’t. You don’t have to beat yourself up over that.”
“Okay,” he squeezed her hands. “I told Nino that I knew she was lying, and I think he believed me. I’ll do my best to convince everyone else.”
“Thank you...you really are too good for me.”
He shook his head. “I’d say you’re too good for all of them.” Then he reached forward and pulled her into a hug.
She sighed deeply, inhaling his cologne and resting her cheek against his chest. He was warm and soft, and she actually began to relax.
“Marinette…?” He seemed to remember something else.
“Before you left this morning, you said something to Lila that’s been bothering me. You said, she went through with her threat? Did she really threaten you?”
Marinette pulled away, skirting her hands down his arms to take hold of his hands. “Promise you’ll believe me?”
“Of course. Why wouldn’t I?”
“Because she comes off as so sweet all the time…back when…she had returned to school, and we all switched seats around.”
“I remember. That was like…two years ago?”
“Something like that. Anyway, I kept trying to call her out on her lies, and everyone just kept blowing it off as jealousy.”
“Jealousy of what? I wasn’t giving her that much attention.”
“Jealousy that she had friends, I guess?” She huffed. “Anyway, I was upset, and went into the bathroom. She followed me in there, and I told her that she would slip up and everyone would see her lies. She turned a 180, and threatened to turn all my friends against me, and take you away from me…not that you were mine in the first place…”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
She shrugged. “You told me to take the high road.”
“Yeah, but I didn’t know she was outright threatening you. That changes things!”
“What do you mean?”
He offered a smile, “look, you don’t worry about anything right at this moment, okay? You just…keep being beautiful.”
She made a soft little, “oh.”
“We’ll get through this. As a team.”
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