#arjun avasarala
mikimeiko · 2 months
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The Expanse | 4x08. The One-Eyed Man
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sergeantmahasti · 3 months
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Oh lei, oh lai, oh lord
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luulapants · 1 year
"If life transcends death,
then I will seek for you there.
If not, then there too."
- Arjun Avasarala, Caliban's War by S. A. Corey
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jbk405 · 5 months
I am sitting here almost screaming as I stare my computer screen: I just learned that Michael Benyaer, who I knew as "the replacement Arjun on The Expanse", voiced Bob on Reboot.
Bob?!?! BOB!?!?
This guy?
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yes-we-exist · 8 months
Hold on. Wait a second. Did Avasarala quietly swap her husband with a Cotyar lookalike when nobody was looking?
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diffidentalice · 5 months
A public service announcement from Chrisjen Avasarala
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"Fuck these people. If they don't see how glorious you are, they don't deserve you."
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all-love-now · 1 year
"If life transcends death,
then I will seek for you there.
If not, then there too."
Did not expect to get something like this from an expanse book. How beautiful that quote is. And it's a freaking haiku. Love it.
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tuppencetrinkets · 10 months
Sorted caps, Season 4. The Expanse.
Adolphus Murtry - Burn Gorman #6,316
Amos Burton - Wes Chatham #6,734
Arjun Avasarala - Michael Benyaer #1,882
Bobbie Draper - Frankie Adams #9,510
Camina Drummer - Cara Gee #3,348
Carol Chiwewe - Patti Kim #903
Chandra Wei - Jess Salgueiro #2,429
Chrisjen Avasarala - Shohreh Aghdashloo #7,870
Clarissa Mao - Nadine Nicole #314
David Draper - Kolton Stewart #642
Elise Holden - Frances Fisher #287
Elvi Okoye - Lydie Greenwood #5,042
Esai Martin - Paul Schulze #1,611
Felcia Mazur - Kyla Madeira #1,107
Filip Inaros - Jasai Chase Owens #70
Fred Johnson - Chad L. Coleman #316
Jakob Mazur - Steven McCarthy #957
James Holden - Steven Strait #12,748
Josephus Miller - Thomas Jayne #2,419
Klaes Ashford - David Strathairn #5,381
Leelee - Dayle McLeod #825
Lucia Mazur - Rose Gilmore #4,578
Marco Inaros - Keon Alexander #3,308
Nancy Gao - Lily Gao #1,390
Naomi Nagata - Dominique Tipper #6,334
Thomas - Michael Xavier #1,185
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winged-mammal · 9 months
Chapters: 1/1
Word Count: 12049
Fandom: The Expanse
Rating: T
Relationships: Chrisjen Avasarala/Bobbie Draper
Characters: Chrisjen Avasarala, Bobbie Draper, Arjun
Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, Missing Scenes, Angst with a happy ending, some supporting Chrisjen/Arjun
Bobbie and Chrisjen go through a lot of shit between the end of the Io Campaign and their reunion on Luna after the Bombardment. So does their relationship. Or: twelve thousand words of an excuse to work the "I love and adore you" scene from the books into show canon.
New fic alert! Yes, this is also set in the same universe as the accidental marriage fic, because that's basically my canon for these two now, whoops. This one fills in the gaps between episode 306 and 510, angst and all.
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moocowmoocow · 10 months
"I smiled and grinned when you took that trip to the Sinai battlefront. I put on a good face when you almost died in that transport from Pallas."
-Things Arjun Avasarala says that never get mentioned again and I WANT TO KNOW.
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itsjustmorgana · 1 year
"If life transcends death
then I will seek for you there.
If not, then there too."
-Arjun Avasarala
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number63liveblogs · 3 months
Nemesis Games, Chapters 48 & 49
“No one knows it’s missing aside from you, me, Drummer’s men, and whoever took it.[“]
And Monica. Considering that Monica was mentioned in this very chapter, and how Holden didn’t mention that he confirmed to her that the protomolecule is gone, I bet this is going to be relevant later on. There are a lot of ways one extra person knowing about something this relevant can bite everyone in the ass, especially if one of more factions decide to start telling lies about it.
“And your guy? Arjun?”
Avasarala smiled, and it didn’t reach her eyes. “I remain optimistic,” she said. 
Oh noo, they had the best romantic relationship in the whole book. Unless Avasarala is a major character in the next book, Arjun is definitely dead. The rollercoaster of him being alive could bring interesting texture to Avasarala if the reader is seeing it up close, but otherwise it’s a good way to bring the human cost of the attacks close to the reader, who has spent a whole book in Avasarala’s head and is supposed to like her.
I don’t know if we’re going to see Erich again, I think it would necessitate revealing things about Amos’s past to the rest of the crew that the book doesn’t seem to want to reveal to them. Although if Clarissa joins them it could be used to show the reader something about how the relationship between Clarissa and Amos is close enough that Clarissa is willing to keep secrets for him, even from the rest of the crew.
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eggsaladstain · 2 years
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The universe never tells us if we did right or wrong. It’s more important to try to help people than to know that you did. More important that someone else’s life gets better than for you to feel good about yourself. You never know the effect you might have on someone, not really. Maybe one core thing you said haunts them forever. Maybe one moment of kindness gives them comfort or courage. Maybe you said the one thing they needed to hear. It doesn’t matter if you ever know, you just have to try.
THE EXPANSE (2015-2022)
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ettadunham · 4 years
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50 eps of 50 shows from the 2010s ↳ The Expanse // 1x10 Leviathan Wakes   *aired | February 2, 2016
“Being in charge is a shit job. You can have it.”
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the-expanse-fashion · 5 years
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Arjun Avasarala, The Expanse, Season 4, Episode 7
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avasaralawtf · 3 years
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