#arlessiar meets
arlessiar · 5 years
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The Rocketman premiere in London
This report is a bit late, but I still wanted to post it even though it’s been a few weeks since the premiere already.
I planned my annual London trip around the premiere, so we arrived on Saturday and left the Sunday after. On the Sunday after our arrival my friend @nymeriajfm and I already went to Leicester Square and watched the proceedings with anticipation as they started all the preparations for the premiere. On Monday we got up veeery early and went to the Odeon, where quite a few fans were waiting already. I unexpectedly met @lady-mephistopheles there – isn’t fandom amazing? We spent the rest of the day together. (More pics of the day before and of that morning: see the “arlessiar on the road” tag in my blog)
I had taken a “Metro” newspaper with me in the morning just to had sth to read during our long wait, and when I opened it I found a Rocketman ad that promised a free ticket for film on premiere day for the first 100 at the red carpet with this ad. We were all pretty excited about it and got more of the newspapers, but it was all wait & see as usual, such things are never certain. We got our wristbands at 8am - #37 - and then the waiting game began. Around 2:30pm they let us into the pens directly at the red (in this case blue) carpet in front of the Odeon entrance and opposite the press. It was a bit chaotic when they filled the pens because the organisation left a lot to be desired, let’s just say I’m happy I ended up in the first row in the end as we had to fight for that even with such low numbers..
The atmosphere itself was amazing, we sang a lot of Elton John songs while waiting for the event to begin. An American TV station actually interviewed us about our favourite Elton John songs and I confused the nice lady a bit when I told her that mine is “Ticking”, a song which she didn’t know. So maybe I was on TV somewhere in America later telling her to look up that song because it’s amazing. Not embarrassing at all. XD
On bis screens we could then watch the celebs arrive at the other end of the blue carpet,  and there were quite a few exciting guests who went to the premiere screening. We saw Tom Holland, James Blunt, David Walliams, Stephen Fry and a few others. I got autographs and/or pictures from/with Stanley Tucci, Claudia Schiffer and – finally – Mark Strong, who I had missed at the Kingsman TGC premiere. He was so calm, and so lovely! Told him that we need him back as Merlin in KM3! :)
Unfortunately it wasn’t really possible to see much of the Rocketman stars themselves. Richard Madden signed for a while and took pictures with fans but when he came closer to where we were standing the autograph hunters were pushing and screaming so loudly that he looked a bit taken aback and left for interviews.
It was lovely to see Elton and David, they were driven past on a special car and waved and we all yelled how much we love him and you could see that Elton was really touched by the whole scenario and the overall excitement for the film.
We didn’t get to see much of Taron unfortunately. He arrived with his Mum and with Emily and he was so incredibly emotional, it was so lovely! People cheered when he kissed his adorable Mum! But sadly the press that stood opposite us was demanding all of his attention. He had to hurry from interview to interview and did not have any time to come over to the fans, although he wanted to as he told us, but in the end he never did.
Bryce Dallas Howard was a darling – even though they had to go into the cinema she went down the carpet and let people take pictures with her. She said no autographs because there was no time but that she had promised everyone a picture and that she wanted to keep that promise. So I got a photo with her as well. :)
Then everyone went into the cinema and they brought the cars round to drive them all to the after party afterwards. We were still waiting and asking for the film tickets the ad had promised. There was a lot of confusion on the side of the officials as always, and quite a few fans left during that time. But in the end one of the security guys went into the cinema and came back with a stack of premiere tickets and told us to go to the Cineworld on the other side of Leicester Square, so we ran. Finally there we sank into our seats. Some goodie bags were waiting for us with water and crisps and chocolate (much needed). We were so tired and incredibly giddy, but then the film started and I was so happy that we got to see it that night! It was magical. 
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kingsmansecretsanta · 7 years
The Summer 2017 Kingsman Secret Santa is officially over!
Thank you so, so much to everyone who participated this round, whether as a creator or reader, and an extra special thanks to all of our amazing pinch hitters. We hope you all had as wonderful a time as we did!
Authors have been revealed and works are de-anoned -- all works can be seen here in our collection on AO3, so please do take a gander for any awesome works you may have missed! (I know I still have some on my to-read list.) As a final reminder for all participants, now is the time to find your gift and leave some thanks if you have not already done so. And please do leave some love for any work you enjoyed while you’re in the collection, our creators worked hard and deserve all those kudos ♥♥♥
Under the cut is the official masterlist for your viewing pleasure! Go forth and see who created all your favorites :D
5 Times Eggsy was Totally Oblivious, and 1 Time He Wasn’t by @haywirecompass (heyitslee) for @breathtakinglybrutal [merhartwin 2k T] For all that Eggsy is completely gone on his two mentors, when faced with their advances, he's a lot less observant than a Kingsman agent should be. Eventually, though, he realises just what is going on.
A World Of Honour And Of Reverence by @childishzombiejellyfish (Damned_Writers) for @annaofaza [hartwin 50k M] Featuring a small host of heroes, villains, scheming politicans, arranged marriages, dubious morals, swordfights, betrayal, forgiveness, and far too many people who are idiots when it comes to matters of the heart. I'm sad to say there are no snakes or spiders, unless we count peoples personalities as such.
At the Bottom of a Bottle by @hartwinorlose (mitslits) for @mustardprecum [hartwin 7k T] Harry is assigned the worst possible mission: He has to attend Alcoholics Anonymous. It isn't fair, Merlin. He'll die. He's not made to be sober.
Blind Dates Are the Best Dates by @fanciesofanenglishmajor (lifegivingwords) for LadyEmrys [merwin 2.5k G] Eggsy is being set up on a date. Everything doesn't go to plan.
breaking new ground by @tastymoves (Sway) for @arlessiar [hartwin, merwin, merlahad, merhartwin 15k E] “For the time I’m away, I’d like to put Merlin in charge.” |“In… charge of…. me?” Eggsy’s mouth goes dry. "As in…” | “As your Dom, yes.” | Eggsy is on denial. Harry is called off to a mission. Merlin is put in charge.
Breathe with me by @madpineapple for @thegeekylibrarian [merlahad 4.4k T] It takes a moment of shared relaxation to know one man's heart.
Bugger It by @reeperwriting for @technopat3 [hartwin, merlahad, merhartwin 12k NR] Harry was bored.  Not in an average spent-too-long-on-holiday bored, but more of a let’s-stalk-the-neighbors sort of bored. He has been sentenced to house arrest, courtesy of Morgana and her entire staff at the medical bays of well-meaning (but clearly uneducated) nurses and doctors.  And therapists.  And the R+D department.  And Merlin.  And Arthur.  Bugger them all.
Dance Me to the End of Love by @anarchycox for @roseforthethorns [merlahad 13.5k T] It is the 1920s and the realms of magic have decided it is time to shut most of the doors between their world and ours. Humans no longer deserve or even want what they have to offer. They no longer believe in magic. But fae Eggsy disagrees. He loves people madly and he is determined to give them one last gift before he is forced to depart.
Dipped in Ink by @fand0mfancies (Kez) for @hartwinorlose [hartwin 6k M] The scars Harry carried as a Kingsman, had rarely bothered him. This latest scar however... However, getting it covered, proves somewhat more difficult than he'd been hoping...
Finding Home by @roseforthethorns​ for @haywirecompass​ [merhartwin 2.1k T] Without realizing it, Eggsy started to fall in love. What he didn't know is that Harry and Merlin were falling in love with him too.
five times they shared a bed as friends (and the one time it was more than that) by @sherlocksbuttonhole for @withinmeloveresides1 [hartwin 5k T] "Your files say you’ll find a double room acceptable at the location?” Merlin says. | Harry ignores the look Merlin throws him over the rims of his glasses, “yes, we might as well save the company some money when we’re comfortable enough to share.”
For the World by @ataraxetta for @faedreamer [hartwin 1.6k M] It's been a while since Harry and Eggsy have seen each other, and there's no reunion too sweet.
For they have the same hiding place by @sassafrasx for @thesilverqueenlady [hartwin, merlahad, merhartwin 9k E] Harry doesn’t think much about it at first. Doesn’t think much of anything at all beyond the way the sun glints off Eggsy outside a police station, the stubborn, contained belligerence in his body, how Harry can’t help but smirk a bit as he tilts his head in consideration. This will be fun. Eggsy turning out to be the changeling son of the faerie queen herself is a bit more fun than Harry had bargained for.
Front Page Heroism by @galahadthelate (mentalstrainatdawn) for @pomegranatepusher [hartwin 7.5k M] Fearless reporter Eggsy Unwin keeps getting himself into scrapes but luckily the mysterious gentleman superhero known as Galahad is always there to save him. This time, however, a darker plot leaves a famous super villain dead and it's up to Eggsy and his coworker Harry Hart to solve the mystery.
Harry and Eggsy, snapshots of two spies in love by @paxdracona for @galahadthelate [hartwin fanart G] Here be drawings! Featuring domestic Harry and Eggsy fighting together; digitally this time. Also: same-age Hartwin in a magic au
i get along without you very well by @hisreindeerjumper (reindeerjumper) for @mamaliza [merlahad 4k T] Merlin and Harry, as far as Eggsy is concerned, are two of the biggest idiots he's ever met. For being two of the smartest people he knows, he can't believe that he has to play matchmaker to two mutually pining adults. Luckily for them, Eggsy is willing to do what he has to for their happiness.
i hope we never meet again by @takeanotherpieceofmyhartwin (Blackbeyond) for @ilokheimsins [hartwin 2k T] Harry and Eggsy attend the Hart Family Reunion. They're the two top spies at Kingsman, they should be able to handle dealing with Harry's family for a few hours. It'll be a breeze! Spoiler: It is not, in fact, a breeze. aka the fic where Eggsy looks fine as hell, Harry needs more whiskey, and Cordelia Hart is having the time of her life.
i wanna take you (for all that you got) by @futuredescending for @childishzombiejellyfish [hartwin, roxelle 15.5k E] “Last night, a painting was stolen from the gallery at which you’re employed. Records indicate your security card was used during the time of the theft, and your fingerprints were found all over the scene. Suffice to say, Mr Unwin, you’ve just become our primary suspect.”
I will protect you from all around you by @lady-mephistopheles for 100ottersonaplane [hartwin 4k T] They had been together from that moment at the airfield, but their life wasn’t really idyllic. They didn’t really sleep together, or in one bed, for that matter, because of Harry’s very violent and very, very frequent nightmares. More often than not, Harry woke up from them screaming and not able to fall asleep afterwards.
Idyll of the King by Ellipsical for AnneWriothesley [hartwin 6k E] For AnneWriothesley and their truly excellent prompt: What does post mission look like in this relationship? Do they have habits when one agent comes home, or is this unique? Is it sweet? Hot? Desperate? Chill? Sad? How do they respond to each other now that they're back together?
In Which Eggsy Makes Some Assumptions by @mamaliza (Schuyler) for @marveliciousfanace [merlahad, hartwin, merhartwin 3.9k E] Eggsy turned on the charm with the smile that he knew made Harry weak. “Come on. You like Merlin. Would it be that bad to spend a week with him on a yacht?” | “I like Merlin. That doesn’t necessarily mean I want to pretend to be his husband.” | Out of the corner of his eye, Eggsy saw Merlin flinch.
Into My Faith by sarkany for @eggsy-youcheekytart [hartwin 2k G] “What do you mean he’s quit?” Harry asked, feeling the new scar on his temple flare into fresh pain. Out of all the possibilities he had calculated during his long convalescence in Kentucky and then recalculated during the flight back to London, he hadn’t thought that Eggy would be gone. Angry, hurt, betrayed, welcoming, grieving, but not gone. Never gone.
It’s A Hart Knock Life by bluepatootieme for @tastymoves [hartwin 3k E] In the thirty years that Harry has been an escort, he’s confident that he’s seen and encountered everyone and everything. The universe, however, had other plans. (In short, Harry has attracted a clingy-borderline-stalkerish customer. And for some reason, his attractive and extremely nice neighbor gets mixed in.)
Kill Streak by @thegeekylibrarian for @deepdarkwaters [hartwin 2.7k T] Harry takes on a Russian kingpin with help from Merlin. At the end of the mission, Eggsy's waiting for her.
Kingsman Gymnastics by @withinmeloveresides1 (withinmelove) for @lady-mephisopheles [hartwin 8.5k G] Eggsy is an Olympic gymnast training under the elite coach Harry Hart.
Leave Your Mark by AnneWriothesley for @paxdracona [merhartwin 5.5k E] It's been a long day for everyone. Eggsy's trying to pick himself up, Harry is bored to the point of being dangerous, and Merlin is just trying to hold everyone together. Fortunately, they work it out and the day ends far better than it started.
My Soul Calls for You by @marveliciousfanace (AgentStannerShipper) for @fand0mfancies [hartwin 19k E] Normally Eggsy wouldn't give a shit about werewolves, but Kingsman just might be the solution to getting rid of Dean for good. The only thing standing in his way is the Alpha: one Harry Hart, who is an absolute dick...and surprisingly alluring. Harry just wants to keep his pack safe and not make the same mistakes he has in the past. And Eggsy Unwin isn't the only one making things very difficult for him. But still. It's mostly Eggsy.
Of bruises, love letters and song lyrics by @agent-eggy (BakaDoll) for @sherlocksbuttonhole [hartwin 10k T] The Agents get sick of watching Harry and Eggsy pine for each other, so they decide to take matters into their own hands. Meanwhile Lee watches from the sidelines as they all fuck up spectacularly (and wonders why a group of grown-ass men is so invested in his son's lovelife), Roxy tries to make Eggsy ask Harry on a date, and Harry and Eggsy just want some peace and quiet to figure out what this thing they have is.
(Physical) Therapy by @galahard for @fanciesofanenglishmajor [hartwin 13.5k M] Prompt: Harry is a survivor of V-Day. He is assigned a physical therapist who is supposed to get him back to normal. Their increasing interactions and sexual tension become the shining light in Harry's life.
Regrets, and Other Broken Things by @pomegranatepusher (intotheblue) for Knowmefirst [hartwin 5k T] Coming back from the dead is rarely uncomplicated.
Seige Perilous by @concernedlily for @ataraxetta [hartwin 13k E] It was a normal Friday night: Harry had charmed open the locked gates of Hyde Park and was carrying on an enjoyable argument with one of the ancient ashes there, a discussion that had been going on since it was a mere sapling.
Small Conveniences by @litindecency (kissingandcrying) for @sassafrasx [hartwin 4k E] Harry and Eggsy bump into each other. They’re both only semi-decent spies.
Spies and Tailors and Dragons, Oh My! by @thesilverqueenlady (TheSilverQueen) for @flarewarrior [hartwin 3k G] Because Harry Hart is a drama queen, he crashes his own bloody funeral with a parachute and an open rainmaker and a great big eye patch, like some sort of pirate Mary Poppins drifting down to grace the mortals with her presence.
Ten Conversations by @deepdarkwaters for @futuredescending [harroxy 5k E] The first major interaction Roxy ever has with Harry is when they're assigned on a long-term undercover mission together, posing as a romantic couple. This is fine. 
The bartender and Mr. Superhero by @cosenangel for @theanisplanet [merwin 2k T] They met at a speed dating event. One of them was a Superhero in disguise and the other was a bartender. Dating a superhero wasn't as easy as comic books made it to be.
The Battle at Stonehenge by @paxdracona for @reeperwriting [hartwin fanart G] Here be art! Strange occurrences have been reported at a rather conspicuous place. Harry and Eggsy go to take a look, but it might prove to be not such an easy job.
The Legend of the Night Sky by @flarewarrior for @litindecency [hartwin 24k T] Harry has returned to the Hero force after a gunshot wound altered his superpowers. Merlin finds him a partner to help.
The One Where Merlin Will Eventually Weaponize A Dildo by @ilokheimsins for @elletromil [hartwin, roxlin 5k E] Eggsy works in a sex toy shop, Harry buys way too many dildos in way too short a time span, Merlin is not very helpful, and Roxy saves the day. Or at least saves Harry from himself.
The Study of Love (Is Not for One) by @technopat3 for @cosenangel [hartwin 3k E] Eggsy, a student at Kingsman Preparatory Academy, walked into the wrong classroom. Embarrassed, he was about to leave until he noticed the teacher, Professor Harry Hart. Now he doesn't want to leave.
The Taste Of Honey by @arlessiar @hisreindeerjumper [merlahad 10k G] What Merlin thinks of as Harry simply having a bad day quickly turns into a nightmare of pain, guilt and uncertainty and a throwback to memories that both of them had problems to cope with.
the way you turn the world around by @annaofaza for @missbeckywrites [hartwin 22k M] After dropping out of the Marines, Eggsy meets someone. He knows his mum and soon-to-be little sibling need him, that he needs to find a job, that he needs to dodge Dean's suspicions and blows, but for now, he's got Harry Hart. If only that were enough. 
The Yellow Spirit by @mustardprecum for @takeanotherpieceofmyhartwin [hartwin 7.5k M] With the kingdom cursed and the people falling ill, only Harry Hart can find a creature that might save them all. Now if only he knew where it lived or what it looked like.
There isn’t One Person in the World by @eggsy-youcheekytart (0ut0f_MyMind) for bluepatootieme [hartwin 8k M] “I’ll see you later in the day, then?” Harry asked, finally ready and with his work bag in his hand. Eggsy felt a surge of emotion and he could almost feel his heart swell, the moment so domestic and he had the sudden feeling that this was something he could get used to.
This could be everything by @elletromil for @anarchycox [merlahad 10.5k G] Be they gamers, ghost hunters, retired spies turned detectives or fairy tales characters, Merlin and Harry always meet and fall in love. This is their love story told through the universes.
This Much is True by @missbeckywrites (missbecky) for @concernedlily [hartwin 3k T] "You know people don't get us, right?" Eggsy says. Harry knows this is true, but he doesn't care. He has a good life now, one he wouldn't trade for anything; as far as he's concerned, the sacrifices he's made to get here are all worth it.
Try Lullabies by @theanisplanet (kettlepillow) for @agent-eggy [hartwin 7k E] Lee Unwin's last request sounds simple: 'Take care of Eggsy. Win his heart.' Harry soon realizes it's the toughest mission of his life...
What a Way to Make a Livin’ by Scandalmuss for Ellipsical [hartwin 12k E] A boring recon mission for Arthur, aka Harry Hart, gets a lot more interesting when his young boyfriend, Galahad aka Eggsy Unwin gets brought in to assist.
what i’ve been looking for by @breathtakinglybrutal (biacnaib) for @madpineapple [roxlin 3k T] When Merlin had kissed Roxy goodbye it was supposed to be an ordinary mission. When Merlin had pulled her close he thought that he would be able to do that again in a couple days. When Merlin had inhaled her scent, he never imagined that he would have to hold on to that memory so desperately. But when Merlin saw Lancelot’s feed go dark he suddenly wasn’t so sure anymore.
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hellahartwin · 7 years
So I was cleaning up my likes and found that I had be tagged twice in this one my the lovely @darcyfirth and @arlessiar.
1ST RULE: Tag 9 users you would like to know better. Bc this is so old, I’m just going to tag whoever wants to do it. XD
2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true. APPEARANCE:
I am 5'7" or taller I wear glasses I have at least one tattoo I have at least one piercing I have blonde hair I have brown eyes I have short hair My abs are at least somewhat defined I have or have had braces
I love meeting new people People tell me that I’m funny Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me I enjoy physical challenges I enjoy mental challenges I’m playfully rude with people I know well I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it There is something I would change about my personality
I can sing well I can play an instrument I can do over 30 push ups without stopping I’m a fast runner I can draw well I have a good memory I’m good at doing math in my head I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch I know how to throw a proper punch
I enjoy playing sports I’m/was on a sports team at my school or somewhere else I’m in/was in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else I have learned a new song in the past week I work out at least once a week I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months   I have drawn something in the past month I enjoy writing Fandoms are my #1 passion I do or have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss I have had alcohol I have scored the winning goal in a sports game I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting I have been at an overnight event I have been in a taxi I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year I have beaten a video game in one day I have visited another country I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
I’m in a relationship I have a crush on a celebrity I have a crush on someone I know I have been in at least 3 relationships I have never been in a relationship I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them I get crushes easily I have had a crush on someone for over a year I have been in a relationship for at least a year I have had feelings for a friend
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” I live close to my school/workplace My parents are still together I have at least one sibling I live in the United States There is snow right now where I live I have hung out with a friend in the past month I have a smartphone I have at least 15 CDs I share my room with someone
I have breakdanced I know a person named Jamie I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce I have dyed my hair I’m listening to one song on repeat right now I have punched someone in the past week I know someone who has gone to jail I have broken a bone I have eaten a waffle today I know what I want to do with my life I speak at least 2 languages I have made a new friend in the past year
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paxdracona · 7 years
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Hi fandom :D Time for a meetup again ♥
I’m Pax, 29, from the Netherlands. I stumbled upon Kingsman somewhere in 2015 and it’s been puppies and rainbows and bulletproof umbrellas ever since!
I’m a crazy plantlady who also obsesses over her dog (Dana, 11 years old, softest floof) and all things creative (I truly have too many hobbies). I knit, crochet, sculpt and I am a goldsmith. I work at a small cemetery, where yes, I have lots of people under me. That’s the joke I hear about 3 times a day when I tell people about it, anyway.
I’m a multishipper with Hartwin & Merhartwin as my main obsessions. Lately Merlahad has been gaining ground, tho ♥ I’ve been drawing for Kingsman these past years and I’m still having lots of fun with it ♥ I adore reading all your clever and hot fics and sometimes I even try my hand at it but without much luck, haha. And holy hell, the level of talent in this fandom is seriously A++, guys.
I’ll be in London during the premiere (:DDDD) which is very exciting for me because I’m kind of a scaredy cat when it comes to doing New Stuff ahahaha.
I follow a whole lot of awesome blogs, let’s see... @annaofaza, @gothiethefairy, @firthermore, @deepdarkwaters, @aiwa-sensei, @elletromil, @garyunwin, @insanereddragon, @jeanboulet, @kingsmanhartwin, @leggsyunwin, @mittooo, @phaeleah, @unwinthehart, @sassafrasx, @kingscunt, @completely-nonsequitur, @arlessiar, @collywobblesfirth anddd probably a whole lot more that I missed :D;
Pleased to meet you, and come talk to me if you feel like it ♥♥
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sherlockianonfire91 · 7 years
Ok, I read arlessiar post about a get-together while in London for The Golden Circle release, but since I won’t be there (rejoice, you won’t have to deal with me, lucky lot - I’m a liar I’m dying to meet you all and hug you so tight until passing out out of breath, but this is my life.) I thought I would give you some hints from my visit to Hunstman.
I was looking again into the Hunstman webpage for the visits indication and… THERE IS NOTHING.
With this I’m not saying that you can’t visit the shop, but when I did the webpage had an open invitation to go inside and take pics and all that jazz we love so much.
So, in my experience, I visited the shop on a Friday morning around 10 am. There was no clients around, just the boss and cutters (in offices upstairs, nobody goes there, neither did I; and downstairs, where the atelier is). The door sign states that you cannot take pics inside; however, the assistant / cutter/ prince charming of breathtaking blue eyes, to who I talked inside told me that the prohibition only applies when there are clients around to secure their privacy (very logic- just imagine finding Matthew Vaughn there. I will kidnap him for info, wouldn’t you?).
So, I strongly recommend you getting some courage and go inside. There were two assistants a brunette one and the blond one (both male), go for the blond one of dreamy blue eyes. He is super sweet and kind, he will let you go around as you please, take pics and touch stuff (I do love him ok, but he won’t remember me).
If you really wanna make sure you can go inside I suggest to write an email and ask them about a small group visit due to the release / premiere of the second movie or you visiting London for the first time and being a fan of the movie. They will understand.
DON’T BE LOUD (there are REAL people trying to work there.)
BE POLITE (we are Kingsman agents fandom, not savages!)
SAY ‘PLEASE’ AND ‘THANK YOU’.            
And most importantly.
(Note: look pretty for the pictures, you wanna show them later on the internet, don’t you all?)
LONDON. H. Huntsman & Sons
11 Savile Row. London W1S 3PS
T: +44 20 7734 7441 E: [email protected]
You are welcome.
wingsstarsandatardis : Do you know anything about the trunk shows?
Sorry but no, they weren’t available or didn’t exist when I visited the shop the first days of June this year 2017, but maybe if you as fans create a group big enough to ask for one, you should / can do it and see what happens.  I don’t know the costs of it, if 20th Century Fox gets involved in one it will be for the press maybe, and if for the fans, with registration or even a ticket like the London Takeover. 
But if you get one, make sure to really attend and not leave the tailors waiting.
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krissielee · 7 years
arlessiar replied to your post “Less than 12 hours until I’m on my way to London!!!!! I’ll get to meet...”
Have a great flight! So looking forward to meeting you!
:D Thanks!! I can’t wait to meet you, too! THIS IS GOING TO BE SO GREAT!!!!
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spockri · 7 years
Tagged by the ever lovely @nahrky and @pemberley-press
1. always post the rules. 2. answer the questions given by the person who tagged you. 3. write 11 questions of your own and tag 11 (or however many) people to answer them.
Responses under a cut so I don’t spam your dashboards
1) what time is it where you are and why are you on tumblr at this time of day? 11:45 AM.  I'm at work >:]  I'm supposed to prepare some slides for a meeting but it's Friday and the quarter-end has been rough.  DGAF at this point hah 
2) who are your three favourite characters of all time? Ripley (Aliens), Harry Hart (Kingsman), The Terminator (Terminator 2: Judgment Day) 
3) using your answers from above, fuck, marry, kill? >:) Goddamit. Fuck Harry Hart because he's a beast in bed.  Marry Ripley.  She's my hero and she'll protect me from the Aliens just like she protected Newt <3  Kill the Terminator (obviously).  I can't have him getting hacked and going on a killing spree, ya know?  The thought of marrying or fucking him gives me nightmares LOL 
4) what is something you would really like to eat right now? Donuts.  Donuts are my favorite food group: glazed donuts, fritters, cake donuts, sprinkles.  Krispy Kreme had a special today for a doxen donuts for 80 cents!  The store was PACKED.  Alas, I went to work with empty hands :( 
5) would you describe yourself as smol, medium, or tol? I'm 5'5 so medium?   
6) what’s your go-to drink, alcoholic or otherwise? Coffee.  I try to avoid flavored drinks and sodas and have water most of the day, but coffee is an absolute necessary every morning. 
7) do you play a musical instrument, if so which one? if not which one would you most like to learn? I've played the piano for 15 years :) 
8) what’s the last message you sent to someone? I sent a gif of pikachu slapping pikachu via group text to my co-workers in response to one of their questions (we're really casual here).
9) is there a fandom idea or headcanon you’ve had in your head for a while but not had the opportunity to say? I don't know why, but it just occurred to me that Harry Hart is probably from old money or a prestigous family.  Like the light bulb just clicked in my head even though everyone else probably knew that.  Given Arthur's attitude about Harry's little experiment, Harry's background is probably very elite as well.  The idea of having to meet Harry’s family terrifies Eggsy.
10) coke or pepsi (or neither)? Pepsi!  I always find Coke a little too sweet for me but everyone says they’re the same! 11) do you read tumblr tags? (generally the answer to this is yes but i’m curious) YESSSSS.  Always.  Even if it's a reblog of the same thing over and over again, I read everyone's tags.  They're so entertaining.
1) What are you top 3 guilty pleasure songs? Into You – Ariana Grande: My top guilty pleasure song.  This is my hartwin song LOL Despacito – The JB remix.  I don't usually listen to Justin Bieber, but this song is really catchy even if I can't understand it.   Candy Castles – Glass Candy.  Even though it was super creepy in Westworld, this song is really sexy.   
2) What details would a 30 second film of your life include? Oh god.  Life in Finance is the dullest thing ever.  30 seconds of my life would put people to sleep.  Probably me biking, hiking, spending time with my SO, and sitting still for hours as I read or write fanfics LOL.  It would look like a jpg instead of gif xD 
3) What is something that you know sounds ridiculous but you say it all the time anyway? "They hate us 'cause they anus (ain't us)" and also "same, same, but different".  Both quotes from The Interview.  I say it at work alll the time. My co-workers have even started saying it.
4)  M/F/K 3 of your favorite sitcom characters, Ohh this is hard since I don't watch a lot of sitcoms.   Marry Gilfoyle (Silicon Valley) 'cause he's just so sarcastic and smart.  Plus, if I ever got in trouble, he would be very handy with his hacking skills.  Fuck Detective Jacob "Jake" Peralta (Brooklyn Nine-Nine).  I think Andy Samberg's pretty cute.  Kill Kenny Powers (Eastbound and Down) because he's the most annoying, narcissistic, egotistical character ever (plus that mullet needs to go LOL). 
5) Do you have an OTP or do you ship all the ships? I'm a one pairing at a time kind of gal but I really wish I could like multiple ships because it seems way more fun and you have more material to work with.  I appreciate other ships, but I don't actively read fanfics or participate in conversations about them.   
6) How many times a day do you check your dash? Too many times to count.  It's really shameful.  I have it open at work and when I close the window, I start checking my phone.  I just wanna look at Colin Firth pics all the time, okay? ._.
7) What show do you still grieve for? Sense8.  It was cancelled recently and I know they are going to have one more episode to tie up loose ends, but I'll miss all those characters, especially Lito
8) Who was your first celebrity crush and how did you respond? It would have to be Brad Pitt.  After Interview with the Vampire, I just thought he was so gorgeous and then he went on to make more amazing movies like Se7en, Fight Club, etc.  
9) Most overrated Actor/ Actress in your opinion? Tom Hardy.  I don't have anything aginst him, but I just don't get the hype for him.  His characters have never been memorable to me. 
10) Most underrated Actor/Actress in your opinion? Ben Barnes.  I loved him Chronicles of Narnia but the rest of his movies haven't done very well.  He did Dorian Grey with Colin Firth, which I was really pleased about --Two of my favorite actors together on the same screen!  I was really happy to see him in Westworld, but I'm pretty sure he's not coming back in the second season.  He was one of my favorite characters on the show.  I didn't think he could play a dick character, but he did it so well.  
11) What are your top 3 Guilty pleasure movies? Bridget Jones Diary The Interview Tropic Thunder Apparently my guilty pleasures are really questionable comedies.
Now, Here are some questions for you: 1) Are you a morning person or a night owl? 2) What is your OTP (and you can only pick 1!) and why? 3) What is your favorite thing about Colin Firth? 4) What's your favorite book and how would you recommend it to someone who's never heard of it? 5) Where is your favorite place to read? 6) What was your last impulse buy? 7) What is/was your favorite subject in school? 8) Are you an introvert or extrovert? 9) Do you have any trips/vacations planned this year? 10) What would you do if you saw Colin Firth walking on the other side of the street from you? 11) I probably know you because we're both into Kingsman, so when did you first watch Kingsman and what drew you to it?
Tagging: @cravingcolin @firthsty @hartwinorlose @solarrift @extex1960 @pemberley-press @nahrky @firthsm @collywobblesfirth @platano-yep @arlessiar (I can’t tag your name for some reason?)
(Sorry I play tag backs ‘cause I wanna see your answers LOL)
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letmecomealong · 7 years
PASS THE HAPPY ALONG! when you get this, reply with five things that make you happy and pass along to ten nice people. ♡
Thank you for tagging me, @arlessiar :-)
Five things that make me happy ...
Travelling to the UK, especially to London, and watching my favourite actors live on stage. I love London - it's the only city I could imagine living in that isn't my hometown Berlin. And seeing my favourite actors perform on stage hasn't lost any of the magic since my first trip to London 11 years ago. The other city that has a special (Torchwood-y) place in my heart is Cardiff.
Curling up on my sofa either with a book in my hand, a long fanfic or cued up podcast episodes on my tablet, or a TV series on my TV/tablet/laptop, tuning everything else out and disappearing into it for a while.
Comfort food. A cup of black tea with soya/rice/hemp/hazelnut milk (before I started travelling to London I hated black tea), soup, mashed potatoes with spinach, Toast Hawaii, home-made pizza, chocolate, avocado on rye bread ... took me a while to find/make veganized version of what I used to love that also tasted good when I switched from vegetarian to vegan 14 years ago. Still looking for tasty vegan ravioli ...
My birdies and my fish. We always had birds as pets in my family and I think I got my first fish tank when I was ten or so. Currently I have two fish tanks and six society finches. I love coming home and hearing my birdies chirp.
The handful of people I call friends that I had the fortune to meet first online through shared fandom(s) and then in real live. They are - as I've recently come to realize - more forgiving than I'd have ever thought.
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arlessiar · 7 years
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This was one of the most exciting and most exhausting days of my life. ^^
Got up at 6am and met with @krissielee and @elletromil around 8. We went to the Odeon cinema as we had heard that this would indeed be a wristband premiere. We got to choose at which colour-coded pen we’d want to be and got the according wristband, in our case purple. We then went to have breakfast and came back around noon. It took them longer to set up everything though and we waited for hours. Entertained ourselves with singing and with press interviews (*waves to @krissielee *) Then they came to let us into our pens. Our colour was last, and we got told that there had been a mistake and they had given out too many pink wristbands, so our pen was full. Which meant we ended up in another area (directly opposite the press) on second row. I had given up hope at that point to achieve anything then just seeing the actors.
Around 5pm the premiere started and Hanna Alström arrived first. She was very lovely and beautiful and I got her autograph, which wasn’t easy but we managed because the Asian people right in front of us were very kind (unlike other people who push and crush you or that guy who told us to get lost as we were “only second row”…).
There was, as always at such events, music and entertainment, and they had quite a few very cute pugs there! Actors and guests arrived one after the other, Edward, Taron and Emily, Mark, Colin and Livia, Jeff, Julianne, Pedro, Channing and Jenna, Matthew and Claudia, Elton, Halle, Sophie…
They made their way down the orange carpet (orange! My fav colour!) and alternated between press interviews and fan service and stage live interviews. We stood there admit the sun and rain and the screaming and waited. My feet and my back were killing me already!
Taron came by then. He looked fab in his grey three-piece suit and was his usual quirky self, making funny faces and laughing lots. I actually managed to get his autograph!
Unfortunately Mark, who had given interviews, couldn’t come back to us but started signing again at a different point of the crowd.
Colin had given an interview on the tiny stage with Taron and Elton. He had walked past us for that and signalled us that he’d come back but I thought that wouldn’t be likely. I was wrong. He did come back and he gave autographs and took pictures with all the fans like a pro. He was so calm and patient and never stopped smiling! A rock in the rough sea! He came closer and suddenly there was a gap in front of me and he signed my picture and I could look at him and asked for a photo! He nodded, leaned in and took my phone. I had forgotten to switch it to selfie mode so I fiddled around with the display while he held the phone and then he took the loveliest picture of me and him! I thanked him kindly and he went to the next person and I was done. My legs started shaking and I certainly didn’t feel like an adult woman in that moment…
The rest of the premiere pretty much passed me by. We saw on the big screen that especially Colin kept giving autographs and taking photos with the fans and he stayed extraordinarily polite and calm and kind all the time! Elle got a picture with Colin as well today and Krissie got one yesterday so we were quite happy.
The actors went into the cinema to introduce the film and then went into the second cinema a short while later to do the same there. They were all getting into cars after that and they probably had dinner together somewhere at the after-party.
We left the area and we asked twice if I could have a tiny bit of the orange carpet as a souvenir but unfortunately it wasn’t possible. Krissie was allowed to take one of the great KM poster canvas thingies though. ^^
I’m deadly tired but very happy and thankful right now. Thanks to Elle and Krissie for another great day in your company!
The photos I took aren’t that great as I was busy with autographs and surviving, and you find much better official ones, but I’ll add them to illustrate this report. Please don’t repost them anywhere!
“Meeting” Colin was my major goal for this trip and it actually happened when I had given up hope, so I’m more than happy at the moment!! :) And very tired. Off to bed. More fannish stuff tomorrow and then the film on Wednesday.
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arlessiar · 7 years
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I’ve arrived back home last night after a terrific week in London. From all the times I’ve been there this has definitely been one of the most amazing trips so far! But it was 90% fandom related this time, so that made it quite special of course. :)
Before we went to see the film on Wednesday, we spent the day visiting filming locations and continued that on Thursday. We went to Savile Row again and actually went into the Huntsman shop this time, which had put up a big poster of Eggsy in the orange suit in the shop window. We didn’t want to disturb anyone and were very quiet, but someone told us that it’s ok to go into the fitting room, so we did that and took photos of absolutely everything in there and of ourselves in the mirror. 
We also went to St James’s Street again to taste some Kingsman Gin and Statesman Whisky and  we visited the Alexandra Road Estates.
On Thursday evening I joined Elle and Krissie when they went to the Black Prince, we had dinner and I had all the time to finish that lovely pint of Guinness in peace. OK, until we thought that it might be a nice idea to watch TGC once again, and we decided on a late screening at the Vue in Islington, where we had the pleasure to listen to Mark Strong in his role as Merlin telling us to switch our phones off. 
I enjoyed the trip so much, it had so many special moments (that photo with Colin definitely being the highlight) and I met the most wonderful people! Thanks for the great time together, @letmecomealong @blacksheepsadventure@paxdracona (plus sis) @glorioussandwichwhispers @travelledspace  and special thanks to @elletromil and @krissielee for the company, the laughter, the singing and all the adventures! :-*
Hope to see you all again in the near future - write faster, Vaughn!! 
(There’s so much I have to catch up on, tumblr posts, fanfic, comments... I apologise if someone is waiting for a reply, but with the elections tomorrow and work again on Monday I’m not sure when I’ll find the time for all this...)
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arlessiar · 7 years
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At the cinema. Less than one hour until we meet the Kingsman again. So honoured to share this moment with you @elletromil @krissielee @glorioussandwichwhispers @paxdracona @travelledspace ! :)
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arlessiar · 7 years
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I had a wonderful day in London. Had breakfast with @letmecomealong and @blacksheepsadventure and they helped me chasing buses with Kingsman ads on them! :) We watched the proceedings at Leicester Square where they set up everything for the premiere tomorrow.
Then met the wonderful @krissielee and @elletromil for the first time and we had so much fun talking about this and that for hours while we were waiting for some of the Kingsman actors who were doing interviews today. Saw Matthew & Claudia, Pedro, Jeff and Taron (sry weird pic, someone’s flash went off).
My feet and back hurt like hell. How am I gonna survive standing at that red carpet tomorrow? XD Bed now, long day ahead. :)
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arlessiar · 7 years
elletromil replied to your post hi-im-arlessiar
arlessiar is super nice and you should all follow her!
@elletromil This made me blush. You’re so kind and lovely, thank you! And thanks for always being so nice, open and welcoming!
hartwin-af replied to your post hi-im-arlessiar
Thanks for the tag, on this post and all the other ones you tag me in that keep me in the loop <3 you’re honestly one of the nicest people I’ve ever met
@hartwin-af And even more blushing. Thank you for these kind words, I literally had tears in my eyes when I saw your lovely comment! And I return the compliment! <3
unwinthehart replied to your post hi-im-arlessiar
Aaaw, I love your London corner! Thank you for the tag, dear ♥
@unwinthehart Thank you, love! Yeah that small corner is my London shrine. ^^ Started it in the Sherlock fandom, so glad that Kingsman fits in there 100% *g*
spockri replied to your post hi-im-arlessiar
arlessiar is the best person to get all meta with ❤️ so many good discussions/theories on Tumblr.
@spockri  Awww, you’re so sweet, thank you! Love ya!
sassafrasx replied to your post hi-im-arlessiar
Thank you, lovely!!! <3 
mittooo replied to your post hi-im-arlessiar
Thank you for the mention! <3
@sassafrasx and @mittooo Pleasure! And thank you for being so lovely! :) <3
Thanks to everyone who replied to / reblogged my Kingsman tumblr meet-up post! Loved all the responses and felt very humbled by it! This is a wonderful fandom and I’m thankful that I can be a part of it!
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arlessiar · 7 years
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It’s Kingsman Tumblr meet-up day! And since I never really made an introduction post, here it is now. :) Hi, I’m Arlessiar, I’m from Germany, and I joined the Kingsman fandom in November 2016 when I finally watched the film which I had seen so many gifsets and photos from on my dash when friends of mine posted about it in 2015. I had ignored it back then, wanted to watch it later… it became much later and what a mistake that had been! I was hooked immediately and I lurked in the fandom for a while and read fanfic in silence, until I finally dared to join in and meet the fandom. I found that it consist of the loveliest people! Special thanks to @glorioussandwichwhispers, @elletromil, @a-gent-galahad, @notbrogues, @doctorsfriend and so, so many others for making me feel so welcome!
Being in my thirties and a proud nerd I’m hardly new to fandoms. It all started for me with Star Trek when I was eleven (the love for it never dies!) and I went through so many other fandoms, minor ones and big ones like LOTR (books first, later movies), Stargate Atlantis (finished uni at that time, distracted myself with writing in forums and learnt much about fandoms in that time), Doctor Who/Torchwood (went to the Ianto shrine twice), Dragon Age (playing computer games since 1992) and last Sherlock (which I left almost two years ago).
I started writing fanfiction long before I had internet, so I was quite surprised when I found out as a teen that there are so many like-minded people out there and that the phenomenon has a name. Lets say that the first slashfic I stumbled upon by accident made me cringe. Little did I know back then how much I’d learn through it and how much I’d like and write it myself later!
I stil wrote most of the stories for myself, I only published four LOTR fanfics in German and an SGA one in English. Real life kept me busy and I didn’t write anything until… Kingsman. This fandom made me want to write again and I just started doing so with short oneshots. I ship Harry, Eggsy and Merlin in every combination. Mostly it’s Hartwin though. I can be found on AO3 and nearly everywhere else under my tumblr nickname. I adore Colin Firth btw. :)
I don’t really post pictures of me or my real name online, so at the top just two pictures from my last trip to London in April. London is my passion, I go there several times a year if possible. Maybe another reason why I like Kingsman so much and why I shed a tiny tear after the trailer… I’m still looking forward to KM2, even if the press tour time will be insane on tumblr. ^^
So I hope you come and talk to me if you want to, everyone is welcome. :)
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