#arlessiar speaking
arlessiar · 4 years
Newsflash: Deleting captions from other people's post is still not acceptable.
The captions contain sources and information that the OP intended to go together with the content, and sometimes it takes time and effort to add quotes etc. It's not your right to change that and hence the whole post.
If such captions don't fit your blog's aesthetics or whatever, simply don't reblog that post.
After all these years on this site I'll now simply block people who continue to change my posts.
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hellahartwin · 7 years
So I was cleaning up my likes and found that I had be tagged twice in this one my the lovely @darcyfirth and @arlessiar.
1ST RULE: Tag 9 users you would like to know better. Bc this is so old, I’m just going to tag whoever wants to do it. XD
2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true. APPEARANCE:
I am 5'7" or taller I wear glasses I have at least one tattoo I have at least one piercing I have blonde hair I have brown eyes I have short hair My abs are at least somewhat defined I have or have had braces
I love meeting new people People tell me that I’m funny Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me I enjoy physical challenges I enjoy mental challenges I’m playfully rude with people I know well I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it There is something I would change about my personality
I can sing well I can play an instrument I can do over 30 push ups without stopping I’m a fast runner I can draw well I have a good memory I’m good at doing math in my head I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch I know how to throw a proper punch
I enjoy playing sports I’m/was on a sports team at my school or somewhere else I’m in/was in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else I have learned a new song in the past week I work out at least once a week I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months   I have drawn something in the past month I enjoy writing Fandoms are my #1 passion I do or have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss I have had alcohol I have scored the winning goal in a sports game I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting I have been at an overnight event I have been in a taxi I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year I have beaten a video game in one day I have visited another country I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
I’m in a relationship I have a crush on a celebrity I have a crush on someone I know I have been in at least 3 relationships I have never been in a relationship I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them I get crushes easily I have had a crush on someone for over a year I have been in a relationship for at least a year I have had feelings for a friend
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” I live close to my school/workplace My parents are still together I have at least one sibling I live in the United States There is snow right now where I live I have hung out with a friend in the past month I have a smartphone I have at least 15 CDs I share my room with someone
I have breakdanced I know a person named Jamie I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce I have dyed my hair I’m listening to one song on repeat right now I have punched someone in the past week I know someone who has gone to jail I have broken a bone I have eaten a waffle today I know what I want to do with my life I speak at least 2 languages I have made a new friend in the past year
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hartwin-af · 7 years
11 Questions
rules: 1. always post the rules. 2. answer the questions given by the person who tagged you. 3. write 11 questions of your own and tag 11 (or however many) people to answer them. This is a bit late but thanks @firthsm and @corabe for the tag!
FIRTHSM 1. last five songs you’ve listened to today? 1. Smile - Gaby Moreno 2. Solitaire - Andy Williams 3. Heartbreak Hotel - Elvis Presley 4. To Build A Home - The Cinematic Orchestra 5. Goodbye Yellow Brick Road - Elton John 2. are you a “dog person” or a “cat person”? MMMMMMMM I prefer playing with dogs but if I were to have either one for a pet I’d pick the cat 3. if you could be a villain for one day, who would you be and why? Jim Moriarty - I’d like to live in his mind it seems so fun and demented in there 4. speaking of villains, who is/are your favorite superhero/es? I’m not much for the superhero genre but I’ll have to give this one to Ant-Man because Paul Rudd 5. what would be the title of your autobiography? Please Buy This Book I Spent All My Money On Bubble Tea And Now I’m Poor- a memoir 6. do you collect anything? Cringy memories that don’t allow me to sleep at 2 in the morning lmao 7. what fandoms are you in? for how long now? Only active in the Kingsman fandom, and I’ve used up more than 2 years of my life on this now #totallyworthit 8. what are the places you’ve already visited/would like to visit? I went to Japan two years ago and I’d trade my left foot to go back again for a few weeks 9. if you earn a dollar for every hour that you spend on Tumblr, how much would you earn for a day? XD Surprisingly, just a dollar on average :00 10. what is the last tv show/movie you have watched? I’m rewatching Friends for the third time heh and the last movie I watched was The Cove 11. what’s the most weird word you’ve ever encountered? I can’t think of any legit weird words but for some reason the word ‘dog’ sounds very odd to me now CORABE 1. What are your top five fandoms right now? Kingsman, OITNB, Sherlock, Attack on Titan, Black Butler - Although I’m only actively involved in Kingsman  2. What are your top five go to books right now? Oops I kind of fell out of the habit of reading so I don’t have a list for this one but I’m in the middle of reading Small Great Things by Jodi Picoult 3. What are your top five go to movies right now? The Boxtrolls, Coraline (LAIKA’s films are so gorgeous and well-crafted I could cry), Kingsman, The Railway Man, Blackfish  4. Do you have pets? Aw I wish. The closest thing I have is a large shark plushy but I’ll settle for that 5.  If you could have dinner with one person from history dead or amongst the living who would you have dinner with? I’d be up for hanging with Elvis over dinner LOL 6. Do you like pumpkin spice?  Is it a problem for you that I absolutely adore pumpkin spice and will willing cut someone for a pumpkin spice latte? I um…. I’ve never tried pumpkin spice……….. 7. Do you have a favorite holiday? Christmas. Ah, the glorious season when the fanfic writers roll out their christmas tropes and bless us with warm, fluffy fics 8. Do you have a favorite rare fandom pairing, a pairing that’s hard to find fic for or not as popular? It’s not from kingsman but I’d cut my heart out for Will x Alicia from The Good Wife. They don’t have much of an active shipping fandom :( 9. Do you like pickles? They’re okay. Depends what I’m eating them with 10. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Just to make you feel better I do, I sleep with the bear my husband bought me when my Dad passed away. I sleep with my one true love, my soulmate, my muse, my shark plush. 11.  Do you like doing crafty hobbies like sewing, knitting, metal working, or do you enjoy hobbies that involve collecting? Oh I love needle felting works but I always always end up stabbing myself (and trust me needle felting needles hurt like crap they’re barbed) My questions : 1. Who are your favourite artists/actors/fictional characters? 2. What are your favourite tv shows/movies? 3. What/Who do you fear? 4. What are you looking forward to the most? 5. What’s your biggest pet peeve? 6. If you could make one thing canon in your fandom, what would it be? 7. Do you hoard usernames?  8. Coke or Pepsi? Tea or Coffee? KFC or McDonald’s? 9. What would make today better? 10. What’s your favourite scent? 11. What’s your proudest achievement? I’m tagging @mywifeeringilbert @kingscunt @harryhartless @arlessiar @daddy-firth and @firstthingsfirth , if y’all haven’t been tagged already and want to do this :)
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arlessiar · 4 years
To all my Kingsman/Colin Firth/Taron Egerton followers: Don’t worry, all of this is still close to my heart, and I’ll keep posting about it! :) But right now The Old Guard has found a way into my heart as well so there might be quite a few posts about it. I’ll tag everything “tog” and “the old guard” so you can blacklist those words if you don’t want to see this content. 
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arlessiar · 5 years
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The Rocketman premiere in London
This report is a bit late, but I still wanted to post it even though it’s been a few weeks since the premiere already.
I planned my annual London trip around the premiere, so we arrived on Saturday and left the Sunday after. On the Sunday after our arrival my friend @nymeriajfm and I already went to Leicester Square and watched the proceedings with anticipation as they started all the preparations for the premiere. On Monday we got up veeery early and went to the Odeon, where quite a few fans were waiting already. I unexpectedly met @lady-mephistopheles there – isn’t fandom amazing? We spent the rest of the day together. (More pics of the day before and of that morning: see the “arlessiar on the road” tag in my blog)
I had taken a “Metro” newspaper with me in the morning just to had sth to read during our long wait, and when I opened it I found a Rocketman ad that promised a free ticket for film on premiere day for the first 100 at the red carpet with this ad. We were all pretty excited about it and got more of the newspapers, but it was all wait & see as usual, such things are never certain. We got our wristbands at 8am - #37 - and then the waiting game began. Around 2:30pm they let us into the pens directly at the red (in this case blue) carpet in front of the Odeon entrance and opposite the press. It was a bit chaotic when they filled the pens because the organisation left a lot to be desired, let’s just say I’m happy I ended up in the first row in the end as we had to fight for that even with such low numbers..
The atmosphere itself was amazing, we sang a lot of Elton John songs while waiting for the event to begin. An American TV station actually interviewed us about our favourite Elton John songs and I confused the nice lady a bit when I told her that mine is “Ticking”, a song which she didn’t know. So maybe I was on TV somewhere in America later telling her to look up that song because it’s amazing. Not embarrassing at all. XD
On bis screens we could then watch the celebs arrive at the other end of the blue carpet,  and there were quite a few exciting guests who went to the premiere screening. We saw Tom Holland, James Blunt, David Walliams, Stephen Fry and a few others. I got autographs and/or pictures from/with Stanley Tucci, Claudia Schiffer and – finally – Mark Strong, who I had missed at the Kingsman TGC premiere. He was so calm, and so lovely! Told him that we need him back as Merlin in KM3! :)
Unfortunately it wasn’t really possible to see much of the Rocketman stars themselves. Richard Madden signed for a while and took pictures with fans but when he came closer to where we were standing the autograph hunters were pushing and screaming so loudly that he looked a bit taken aback and left for interviews.
It was lovely to see Elton and David, they were driven past on a special car and waved and we all yelled how much we love him and you could see that Elton was really touched by the whole scenario and the overall excitement for the film.
We didn’t get to see much of Taron unfortunately. He arrived with his Mum and with Emily and he was so incredibly emotional, it was so lovely! People cheered when he kissed his adorable Mum! But sadly the press that stood opposite us was demanding all of his attention. He had to hurry from interview to interview and did not have any time to come over to the fans, although he wanted to as he told us, but in the end he never did.
Bryce Dallas Howard was a darling – even though they had to go into the cinema she went down the carpet and let people take pictures with her. She said no autographs because there was no time but that she had promised everyone a picture and that she wanted to keep that promise. So I got a photo with her as well. :)
Then everyone went into the cinema and they brought the cars round to drive them all to the after party afterwards. We were still waiting and asking for the film tickets the ad had promised. There was a lot of confusion on the side of the officials as always, and quite a few fans left during that time. But in the end one of the security guys went into the cinema and came back with a stack of premiere tickets and told us to go to the Cineworld on the other side of Leicester Square, so we ran. Finally there we sank into our seats. Some goodie bags were waiting for us with water and crisps and chocolate (much needed). We were so tired and incredibly giddy, but then the film started and I was so happy that we got to see it that night! It was magical. 
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arlessiar · 5 years
Hey, sweets!!! Just stopping by to say I was thinking of you and miss you!
@eggsyobsessed You don’t know how much this little message meant to me, love! I’m feeling a bit out of place lately. Real life kept me busy, not because of one big thing but many, many small ones, from private life to work. With all that, I didn’t have as much time for fandom things as I wanted to. When I went to London for the Rocketman prem I had no time or opportunity to keep up with everything that happened on these busy days and I couldn’t catch up anymore when I was back. One day I realised that all the things I wanted to read, reblog, discuss, save, post, comment on, watch or write had piled up so massively that it scared me to even begin with working on reducing that pile. I’ve been through that phase in other fandoms before and putting pressure on oneself for fannish things is not a good thing as fandom shouldn’t be one’s top priority in life anyway. So I was very close to leaving tumblr lately, knowing that no-one would miss me anyway as I’m not a special blog. But I still love the fandom so much, it still brings me so much joy, so I didn’t leave yet. And now you’ve sent me that beautiful message. I didn’t think anyone actually cared if I’m on here or not. So thank you so much for your kind words! I’ll try to get things sorted without overdoing it. Might not be able to do so and be here in the same way as before immediately but I’ll not go away. :) 
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arlessiar · 5 years
Taron Egerton actually replied to a question I asked on the EntertainmentWeekly twitter and I can die happy now. :)
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arlessiar · 5 years
Going to London today! Rocketman ahead, I can’t wait!! 
Will probably not be able to post much here but will report from the premiere. :)
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arlessiar · 6 years
Re the current tumblr apocalypse - in case this blog gets terminated for whatever inexplicable reason or weird glitch: I’m using the same handle on Twitter and Ao3.
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arlessiar · 6 years
Is it just me or... do many new posts not show up in the according tags anymore? 
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arlessiar · 6 years
Colin Firth Film Tag
I was tagged by @sweetdimplesbruv and @unwinthehart but i was on holiday so this is a bit late:
Rules: Bold all the films you’ve seen featuring/starring Colin Firth. (List from Wikipedia.)
Another Country
A Month in the Country
Apartment Zero
Femme Fatale
Wings of Fame
The Hour of the Pig
Circle of Friends
The English Patient
A Thousand Acres
Fever Pitch
Shakespeare in Love
Blackadder: Back & Forth
My Life So Far
The Secret Laughter of Women
Relative Values
Bridget Jones’s Diary
The Importance of Being  Earnest
Girl with a Pearl Earring
Hope Springs
Love Actually
What a Girl Wants
Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason
Nanny McPhee
Where the Truth Lies
The Last Legion
And When Did You Last See Your Father?
Then She Found Me
St Trinian’s
In Prison My Whole Life
The Accidental Husband
Mamma Mia!
Easy Virtue
A Christmas Carol
Dorian Gray
A Single Man
St Trinian’s 2: The  Legend of Fritton’s Gold
The King’s Speech
Main Street
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
Stars in Shorts
Arthur Newman
The Railway Man
Devil’s Knot
Magic in the Moonlight
Before I Go to Sleep
Kingsman: The Secret Service
Eye in the Sky
Bridget Jones’s Baby
Kingsman: The Golden Circle
The Happy Prince
The Mercy
Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again
+ Tumbledown (TV)
Seen: 27 (28)/62
Still a long way to go. ^^ Thank goodness for our sunday viewing chat parties.
I’ve no idea who did this already and who didn’t, so feel free to ignore this if you’ve done it already: @paxdracona @annaofaza @quizzlenicolin @futuredescending @concernedlily @fitzawkwarddarcy
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arlessiar · 6 years
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When you open the page of the crossword puzzles in your TV guide and are greeted by the loveliest face. :)
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arlessiar · 6 years
5 people I find attractive and who don’t look like each other:
I was tagged by @lizard-in-the-sky
Colin Firth
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Viggo Mortensen
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Meryl Streep
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Chris Pine
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Lupita Nyong'o
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I'm tagging @unwinthehart @londongypsy @dwarfanonymice @futuredescending @missbeckywrites @tastymoves @fitzawkwarddarcy @sweetdimplesbruv
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arlessiar · 7 years
So sorry for not being around much lately. My Dad fell ill with heart issues that required an angioplasty and there was little else I could think about this week. He left the hospital today and is recovering at home now, so I'm thankful and relieved but still worrying. Will hopefully be able to spend more time here again soon and stalk your blogs for all the Firth, Egerton and Hartwin stuff I'm missing. :)
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arlessiar · 6 years
It’s Tuesday and tomorrow I have to go back to work. Spent the Easter Days with my parents and it was lovely, a very recreative weekend with too much to eat and much laughter. Also, I had finally bought the Kingsman 2 DVD so we watched a double feature on Monday, which led a) to a very nice Colin Firth dream last night *bg* and b) made me realise that it’s time for me to return to the fandom. ^^ My Dad is feeling much better but is still exhausted at times, so I’m still worrying a bit, but all in all I’m thankful and relieved and happy that he’s better! Thank you so much for all your kind words, warm wishes and your support and comfort, and special thanks to everyone who commented on my last post, @unwinthehart @dwarfanonymice @missbeckywrites @rethatview @paxdracona @elletromil 
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arlessiar · 7 years
This was supposed to become a drabble. Why does this already have over 1500 words again?
A story by Me. Literally a story.
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