#armored core volta
arctic-mizikio 4 months
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I want to be properly insane about my armored core 6 headcanons and explore more ideas and whatnot and yadda yadda but COLLEGE. IS KILLING MY FREE TIME.
Anyways, have my (human) design for Volta! (The concept art for it at least snif)
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aziarts 1 month
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s3znl-gr3znl 2 months
Replaying AC6 (its like my 8th run at this point) and I'm only now beginning to wonder why lots of the AC designs you see from characters dont have a more reliable weapon in their right hand.
The only ones that come to mind that do are Rusty, Nightfall, and Iguazu (using kinetic weapons specifically) while many others opt for a more explosive option in their right hand and their main weapon in the left hand.
Some examples of that are Sulla and Volta, both opting for an explosive in the right hand and a more aggressive close-range weapon in the off hand. (Not to mention poor Ziyi who only has small grenade launchers in either hand)
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Having learned a bit more about the community and older games I suspect its because many AC vets found it was better to play the game by holding the controller upside down like this
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and thus would select a reliable primary for their left hand. So this strikes me as a subtle nod to the series' past, as well as a statement on the character/AC and their design theories/preferences.
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mylooobox 1 month
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joh-a-umeko 1 year
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clouds-above-rubicon 8 months
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Ants carrying the head of a beetle...
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smorgasbort 9 months
Iguazu: Everyone, therapy鈥檚 been going really well for me and I鈥檓 feeling a lot less angry. I want to turn my life around 180 degrees. And to reflect that, I鈥檓 renaming my AC.
Volta: Iguazu-
Iguazu: it will no longer be known as Head Bringer. Instead-
Volta: Iguazu, no-
Iguazu: From this day forth it will be known as Head Giver, a name that reflects the new me.
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timmie15 3 months
do you think volta and iguazu have ever explored eachothers bodies
if not their bodies then their ACs for sure 100%
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mangopooding 9 months
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skeleetrom 6 months
Yeah there's some yaoi shit going on here
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tamariasykes-art 11 months
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Do you ever think about the fact that Volta wasn't mad at Iguazu for going AWOL? Do you ever wonder when or how Iguazu received this message? Were they sending messages back and forth, did Iguazu know right in this moment that Volta had died. Or did he only find out much later when he finally listened to the message? Did he go back to Balam's base without even listening to it, did he expect Volta to be there only to find out that he was never coming back again.
How does Iguazu even deal with this?? Deep down he probably feels responsible for it, the realization that if he had been there with Volta things might have turned out different is probably eating away at him. And who can he even turn to talk about, no one. There no longer is anyone he can turn to for support and comfort, because his only friend is dead
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amored-core-hotties 10 months
Attention, mercenaries. The second round of side A is now public. Who is the hottest Armored Core character?
How has Iguazu gotten this far....?
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toxic yaoi, anyone?
his hate boner for you is so big he kinda loses his mind
hates you hates you hates you
enemies with benefits
actually annoying
what a brat. i want to punt him into a wall
full-on obsessed with you. cant get you out of his mind. cant get killing you out of his mind.
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he's one of these two, probably
put up with iguazu for over seven years (We are interested in studying this.)
mean because he likes you
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mackerel6 1 year
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kivaember 10 months
ac6 drabble: locker room talk
neeeeeext prompt idea is "iguazu/volta like make it gay" from @steelhazeortus this is for you buddy
locker room talk
"Wait- I said wait!"
"Ugh, c'mon, Iguazu, I've been waiting forever. I've got shit to do."
"You're like twice my size, asshole, I'm trying to brace myself here."
Now, Red wasn't the sort to eavesdrop, but even he had to stop and slowly backtrack when those muffled words drifted through the door of the Redgun's locker room.
As part of their training, every single Redgun was mandated to do at least two hours of physical training to hone their bodies alongside their AC piloting skills - another sign of G1 Michigan's acute wisdom in the art of warfare!
It was pretty well known, however, that G4 Volta and G5 Iguazu always trained together, both of them harbouring delusional dreams of getting strong enough to knock G1 Michigan flat on his back. Red didn't really judge them for pinning an unachievable dream to keep them motivated, just so long as they did the rare thing of following G1 Michigan's orders without their usual huffing, puffing and grumbling.
But this? Red had to stare at the door, unconsciously turning his head to better listen as a loud, hissing grunt sounded out.
"Nnngh, fucking hell, Volta..."
"You need to relax, Iguazu, you're way too tense."
"Yeah- gimme a moment..."
Red's eyes widened.
He couldn't believe it... he couldn't believe Wu Huahai won the goddamn betting pool! Red had been sure Iguazu would've been the one to top - he had that proud, scrappy attitude and Red always voted for the underdog! What a travesty...
Well, anyway, the rules were clear: no sexual fraternisation in the locker rooms! So.
"GUN FOUR, GUN FIVE!" he bellowed in his best imitation of G1 Michigan, kicking the locker door open. "YOU'VE BEEN TOLD THAT THE LOCKER ROOM IS for... changing- hm."
Iguazu and Volta stared at him, both of them fully clothed and appriopriately touching each other. Volta was holding Iguazu's arms behind his back in a recognised stretch.
"...............I see!" Red exclaimed. "Well! Carry on."
He swiftly left.
"The fuck was that about?" Iguazu muttered.
"No clue," Volta said, letting go of his arms. "Anyway, you done? I wanted you to fuck me like ten minutes ago."
"Yeah, yeah."
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buguazu-a-day 7 months
31. behind the scenes
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joh-a-umeko 6 months
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