#around $16.66
aro-tarot · 1 year
I’m also excited since I just happened to look, which I’ve done maybe every couple of months, and there was a lot for 6 out of the 7 Merlin figures on eBay. I’ve been wanting them since, I mean, I like figures and dolls and surrounding myself with the things I like. The seller is also in the states, so shipping was about $8 and not $20+ like the individual ones I’ve seen. Just add that to the multiple things I’m looking forward to next week lol
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thebibliosphere · 7 months
Hey just to let you know in case you hadn't heard, Ru Paul opened a drop shipping book store and is pretending its a queer bookstore, and then added the entire Ingram collection to the site and wildly marked the prices up more than anywhere else. Both versions of Hunger Pangs are listed and are being sold for $33.32 ($16.66 for "members"). Idk if that is something you have any control over or care about but just in case I figured I should let you know!
Ooft, that's a hefty markup.
Regrettably, I can't control which retailers use Ingram, nor can I control the prices they choose to sell at.
Ru Paul's company, Allstora, can mark it ten times higher than the recommended retail price and claim it as pure profit if they want, and there's nothing I can do about it. (I am side-eyeing the membership price because that is significantly lower than the rrp through Ingram, so I'll need to see how they're compensating for that.)
This is a good time to remind buyers that authors don't get paid more if they buy above the recommended retail price. Our contracts with printers like Ingram are negotiated based on the recommended retail price we select, not the final sale price chosen by retailers.
So, y'know, buy wherever works best for you.
Personally, I won't be buying anything from Allstora when there are queer indie bookstores out there who aren't price gouging their customers.
Incidentally, if you're in the US, if you go to Bookshop.org, you can select which bookstore you want to place your orders from by visiting, bookshop.org/pages/bookstores
When you scroll through the different options, you'll see whether the bookstore is queer-owned, female-owned, black-owned, Indigenous-owned, etc.
It's a neat little way of ordering books online while still being able to support brick-and-mortar stores, even if you don't have one near you. I like to switch mine up every few months just so I'm spreading my money around.
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wjbs-bonkle-au · 2 years
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Meteos'd Takua, and did some bonus variants based on the other elements.
Their homeworld is called Matanui, and their species name, obviously, is Matoran.
Planet and species info below.
"Legends say this planet was built around an ancient robot. The Matoran are both mechanical and organic, and can manipulate the elements."
Diameter: 6,371 km Population: ~200100 Species size: 4.5ft Meteo types: Fire, H20, Iron, Herb, Soil, Air (all are 16.66%) Tileset
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Cygnus X-1
Cygnus X-1 (Adding Aquarian Insight ~ 5 Feb 2021, Philip Sedgwick)
As Earth and the creatures upon it currently absorb an abundance of Aquarian energy from above, this would be a good time to personalize and extend the reach of the sign’s meaning. Such amplification can be found as objects in our solar system are enhanced as they transit an array of black holes that lie beyond our galaxy.
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Following are slightly more than a handful of the black holes confirmed in Aquarius and their approximate correct degree and minute for 2021.
Before diving over the event horizon of each of the black holes and into its singularity, let’s address two technical questions that may divert attention from the delineations.
Where was the black hole when you were born? Roughly, you’d need to counter precess the positions listed below by eight minutes of an arc for every decade (or 50.26 seconds per year). So if you were born thirty-five years ago that would be 28 minutes earlier that posits below. Actually given these points advance one degree every 72 years and considering their immense gravitation influence, you can actually overlook exactitude as use a “close enough for government work” attitude to applying them.
How much gravitational influence do these things wallop us with? What’s the orb for a planet to these galactic enigmas? Give them four degrees either side of partile, plus or minus.
Why do we care about these black holes? Two of the following, Cygnus X-1 and Cygnus X-3 were among the first black holes realized. Cygnus X-1 was the first theorized, hinting at what it was when x-ray detection became a thing in astrophysics a half century ago. Actually, astroarchaeologists believe that cuneiforms painted by the Sumerians thousands of years ago depicted Cygnus X-1 and referred to it as overseeing the “netherworld.” That’s interesting.
Further, Cygnus X-1 was used to confirm event horizons - the edge of black holes - and shifted black hole theory into more of consensus reality.
Some of the black holes below have their periods (P) noted. A few have the pulse frequency of x-ray emanations (p). NOTE: d = days; s = seconds. The pulse establishes the duration of time required for the exposure to an advanced idea or concept to grasp its magnitude. The period represents the time required to completely assimilate any mental, emotional or psychic realization into a useful state for the psyche. You know, how long do you need to wrap around it?
So there they are with their awkward names and a bullet point to process as the planets transit:
04 AQ 25, NGC 7022
Establish your own early warning system. Notify yourself promptly of any indication of your withdrawal from life. Do not withdraw. Step back and process, then re-engage.
10 AQ 46, V* QZ Vul
Learn to be so present you cannot be seen. If you want invisibility and to remain anonymous, go do your thing with making a fuss about what you’re doing. What’s important is that you receive insights and deal with them promptly.
11 AQ 27, 4U 1954+31 P = 5.09 hrs
Changing pace and course as a matter of course secures constancy and sure footedness. It’s not about changing your mind as a matter of course, it’s about evolving as you process new and extended insights.
12 AQ 42, 3U 0115-73, P = 3.89d, 16.66 d, p = 0.714s
If you make a practice to go out of body, you miss the benefits of existing on the material plane.
14 AQ 03, 3U 1956+35, Cyg X-1, P = 5.6d
You are totally unique. So is everyone else. With connections to this black hole in your chart you possess an innate ability to forecast what lies over the next horizon. Barometric predictive consciousness and trend-setting create significance to ones efforts, not to be confused with being an influencer. An influencer latches onto something someone else has done and hypes it into popularity. A barometric trendsetter perceives a need in the near future and conjures the concept or product that satisfies that need and creates it, or gathers the team to do so.
When transiting, innovations fill the airwaves and become whispers in the wind.
17 AQ 48, 3C 405.0
Some say if it weren’t for the fringe, the flag would unravel. The point where the fringe merges with the flag equals participation in the collective. While fringe folks believe in the essentially of their cantankerousness, other perceive rabble-rousing and destruction. Work to be part of the solution, not the problem.
21 AQ 09, GS 2023+338, P = 6.4717d
Promoting individuality and acknowledging personal distinctiveness inspires collective cooperation by those promoted.
28 AQ 56 3U 2030+40 Cyg X-3, p = 17,280s (4.8h)
If nothing brilliant is ever done, you will not be seen for your light you can shed. Others will not be able to recognize the brilliance, appreciate your merit or include you in life’s festivities should you not reach as far as you can to gather your insights and ground them in reality.
So, there’s a bit of a tiptoe through the tantalizing aspirations of black holes to add to the “out there” innate skills of Aquarius. Over the next weeks everyone is subject to receiving blasts of amazing, constructive insights hell bent on stirring progress and evolution into the mix of human consciousness.
If you’d like to support these inspirations with a greater understanding of these ongoing stimulations, how about clicking the links below to order a Galactic Report (perfect for enhancing Aquarian influences), schedule a consultation, ask a question or two dive into the Galactic Trilogy, which is rich in black hole delineation.
This past week my short film, ZAP! achieved FINALIST status in the January 2021, Luleå Film Festival (Sweden) selections. The same day I received word that ZAP! is an Official Selection in the Front Range Film Festival (Colorado) and will screen virutally on 20 February. If anyone is interested in viewing the film here’s the ticketing link for the Front Range Film Festival. My eye is on my filmmaker in-box as there are more announcements to be made. It’s an arduous thing, these film selections… your film is competing with thousands of high-quality films from all over the world for but a small number of selection slots and within the skews to festival selection criterion caused by the pandemic. More to come!
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novumtimes · 21 days
Market Talk September 5 2024
ASIA: The major Asian stock markets had a mixed day today: • NIKKEI 225 decreased 390.52 points or -1.05% to 36,657.09 • Shanghai increased 4.04 points or 0.14% to 2,788.31 • Hang Seng decreased 13.04 points or -0.07% to 17,444.30 • ASX 200 increased 31.90 points or 0.40% to 7,982.40 • SENSEX decreased 151.48 points or -0.18% to 82,201.16 • Nifty50 decreased 53.60 points or -0.21% to 25,145.10 The major Asian currency markets had a mixed day today: • AUDUSD increased 0.00143 or 0.21% to 0.67301 • NZDUSD increased 0.00305 or 0.49% to 0.62164 • USDJPY decreased 0.007 or 0.00% to 143.342 • USDCNY decreased 0.01577 or -0.22% to 7.08958 The above data was collected around 13:06 EST. Precious Metals: •  Gold increased 13.99 USD/t oz. or 0.56% to 2,509.75 •  Silver increased 0.445 USD/t. oz. or 1.57% to 28.713 The above data was collected around 13:10 EST. EUROPE/EMEA: The major Europe stock markets had a negative day today: •  CAC 40 decreased 69.01 points or -0.92% to 7,431.96 •  FTSE 100 decreased 27.89 points or -0.34% to 8,241.71 •  DAX 30 decreased 15.35 points or -0.08% to 18,576.50 The major Europe currency markets had a mixed day today: • EURUSD increased 0.00256 or 0.23% to 1.11056 • GBPUSD increased 0.00276 or 0.21% to 1.31714 • USDCHF decreased 0.00132 or -0.16% to 0.84476 The above data was collected around 13:15 EST. US Market Closings: Dow declined 219.22 points or -0.54% to 40,755.75 S&P 500 declined 16.66 points or -0.3% to 5,503.41 Nasdaq advanced 43.37 points or 0.25% to 17,127.66 Russell 2000 declined 13.16 points or -0.61% to 2,132.06 Canada Market Closings: TSX Composite declined 52.48 points or -0.23% to 22,988.28 TSX 60 declined 3.28 points or -0.24% to 1,383.55 Brazil Market Closing: Bovespa advanced 346.08 points or 0.25% to 136,456.81 ENERGY: The oil markets had a mixed day today: •  Crude Oil decreased 0.166 USD/BBL or -0.24% to 69.034 •  Brent decreased 0.134 USD/BBL or -0.18% to 72.567 •  Natural gas increased 0.1326 USD/MMBtu or 6.18% to 2.2776 •  Gasoline decreased 0.0279 USD/GAL or -1.43% to 1.9200 •  Heating oil increased 0.0045 USD/GAL or 0.21% to 2.1605 The above data was collected around 13:17 EST. •  Top commodity gainers: Natural Gas (6.18%), Platinum (2.28%), Lumber (2.80%) and Milk (9.55%) •  Top commodity losers: Zinc (-2.66%), Corn (-5.81%), Cocoa (-10.58%) and Orange Juice (-3.72%) The above data was collected around 13:25 EST. BONDS: Japan 0.8750% (-1.47bp), US 2’s 3.76% (-0.018%), US 10’s 3.7340% (-2.5bps); US 30’s 4.02% (-0.037%), Bunds 2.200% (-1.7bp), France 2.909% (-2.3bp), Italy 3.5660% (-1.9bp), Turkey 28.840% (-6.5bp), Greece 3.231% (-5.3bp), Portugal 2.800% (-1.9bp); Spain 3.011% (-0.9bp) and UK Gilts 3.9190% (-2.74bp) The above data was collected around 13:29 EST. Source link via The Novum Times
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doctorgreys · 2 years
Apg stock price
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Systematic retrieval of data or other content from, whether to create or compile, post to other websites, directly or indirectly, as text, video or audio, a collection, compilation, database or directory, is prohibited absent our express prior written consent. Any other use, including for any commercial purposes, is strictly prohibited without our express prior written consent. You may use and the contents contained in solely for your own individual non-commercial and informational purposes only. Liable for your own investment decisions and agree to the Users should not base their investment decision upon. But if inflation does occur, central banks lose the excuse to pursue this. "The FATF will monitor the situation and consider at each of its plenary meetings whether the grounds exist for lifting or modifying these restrictions," it is a research service that provides financial data and technical analysis of publicly traded stocks.Īll users should speak with their financial advisor before buying or selling any securities. This is good for investors, because it pushes up the prices of bonds and shares. Oldcastle APGs brand portfolio includes Belgard hardscapes, Echelon masonry, Sakrete and Amerimix packaged products, Pebble Technology International pool finishes, and MoistureShield composite. APG price target Estes alvos são baseados nas previsões de preços de 21 analistas - feitas nos últimos três meses - para APG para os próximos 12 meses. It also cautioned countries to remain vigilant of threats arising from the Russian aggression in Ukraine. See APi Group Corporation stock price prediction for 1 year made by analysts and compare it to price changes over time to develop a better trading strategy. Compare APG With Other Stocks APi Group Annual Stock Splits APi Group Quarterly Stock Splits Sector Industry Market Cap Revenue Business Services: Business Services: 3.920B: 3. Please see the 'Historical Prices' tab for adjusted price values. View analysts' price targets for APi Group or view top-rated stocks among Wall Street analysts. Stock US listed security US headquartered Previous close 17.04 Day range 16.66 - 16.79 Year range 14.13 - 26.84 Market cap 3.89B USD Avg Volume 1.01M P/E ratio - Dividend yield - Primary. Prices shown are actual historical values and are not adjusted for either splits or dividends. This suggests a possible upside of 27.0 from the stock's current price. On average, they expect APi Group's stock price to reach 22.17 in the next twelve months. The inter-governmental body said "Russian Federation can no longer hold any leadership or advisory roles or take part in decision-making on standard-setting". Their APG stock forecasts range from 17.00 to 28.00. "Russia's actions also represent a gross violation of the commitment to international cooperation and mutual respect upon which FATF members have agreed to implement and support the FATF standards," it said. The global anti-money laundering watchdog, FATF, said in June that Russia's actions in Ukraine "run counter to the FATF core principles aiming to promote security, safety and the integrity of the global financial system". The current co-chairs are from Australia and Malaysia, as per APG. The permanent chair is presently held by Australia while the rotating chair is appointed for a two-year term by the members. The APG has a permanent and a rotating co-chair. This time: equity investor Martijn Olthof, on the impact of a stricter climate policy and higher carbon prices on the equity markets. APG is also among the largest Financial Action Task Force (FATF)-style regional bodies in terms of membership numbers and geographical size. Current issues around economics, (responsible) investment, pensions and income: every week an APG expert gives a clear answer to the question of the week.
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rbmmorg · 2 years
13th netflix download
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Netflix’s Revenue In Q1 Of 2022 Amounted To 3.3 Billion U.S. Source The Gross Profit of Netflix was $12.653 $3.295 Billion in Q1 2022Īs per Macrotrends Report, in the first quarter of 2022, the gross profit of the company reached $12.653 billion, with a 16.66% increase year-over-year. The Netflix income in the first quarter of 2022 is estimated to be $1.6 billion (as shown in the graph below), whilst this amount was 1.7 billion in the corresponding quarter of 2021. Netflix’s Net Income was $1.6 billion in Q1 of 2022 However, the competitors like Hulu are gaining traction with over 45 million subscribers. Netflix is currently the largest VoD service provider globally. Netflix Quarterly Revenue Growth is 16% As per the reports by Yahoo Finance, the quarterly growth rate of Netflix revenue is estimated to increase by 16% year over year. These Netflix annual revenue statistics show that its global reception is highly positive and going to be higher in the foreseeable future. Netflix has $30 billion as Estimated Revenue AnnuallyĪs per the same Statista report, the annual revenue estimate of Netflix is $30B. Netflix’s Revenue in 2022 is $7.87 billionĪs per a report by Statista, the Netflix revenue breakdown for the first quarter of the year 2022 amounted to over $7.87 billion, up from about USD 7.16 billion in the corresponding quarter of 2021. Netflix Market CapitalĪs of 27 April, 2022, reports show that the Netflix market capital stands at $83.76 billion. Netflix Market Capital and Revenue Statistics Netflix’s Net Worth is $84.57BĪs per reports, as of April 2022, Netflix’s net worth is estimated to be around $84.57B billion. Here are some mind-blowing Netflix statistics 2022 to prove how the brand is a rightful industry leader. Since its inception, the company has undergone radical changes and has become one of the prime mobile apps revolutionizing the entertainment industry. From offering an online subscription service through the internet and mailing DVDs to providing an entertainment subscription-based, online video streaming app – Netflix Inc. Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph started this media-streaming and video-rental platform, which they wouldn’t have thought would reach such heights of success. The journey of Netflix started back in 1997. This article aims to delve into some of the most interesting Netflix statistics 2022 to reveal how big Netflix has become.īut before that, let’s have a quick look at how one of the most successful video streaming apps, Netflix was started. Just then, Netflix came like a knight in shining armor.
Like Netflix, you can view Hulu shows offline to save your data and keep watching, even when your connection is poor.Do you remember the pre-Netflix era when you had to wait for your cable operators to stream movies? Or when you used to rent a DVD, or maybe download it from the internet? (after battling for hours to get your hands on unpirated high-quality content). Other services are available, too, including Apple+ and Hulu.
If you’re sticking close to home, then don’t worry – you can stream Netflix to your TV using all kinds of devices, from your own smartphone to Apple TV. This will save your data for more important things, such as using a mobile hotspot for your laptop.
With a Netflix subscription and a mobile device, you’re free to binge watch your favorite shows and movies without an internet connection once you know how to download from Netflix. This is a potential legal gray area, so it isn’t an option we can recommend (and would likely result in lower-quality videos anyway). Mac users are left out of the cold on this one, with no suitable option to get around the problem other than to try screen recordings. You can stream content from the Netflix website using your web browser, but you’re unable to download the content to your device for offline viewing.
While iPhone and iPad users are able to download from Netflix using the official Netflix app, there isn’t a suitable option for Mac users.
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askagamedev · 3 years
Over the last two or three years rollback netcode has become a big and important thing in the fighting game community. I would like to ask what that is or better, how it works and if it could help with online multiplayer in general or if it is something that is specific to the 1 vs 1 situation of fighting games. Or maybe it is even the other way around and this feature isn't needed for other games.
From a high level perspective, what rollback does is hide the lag time between when a remote player (my opponent) presses a button and the local player (me) gets that button press notification by skipping animation frames. It will probably help if you read [this old post about delay-based netcode] first in order to understand the kind of problem we're trying to solve first and how a delay-based system works to solve it.
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Let's take a look at some sprites from Street Fighter 2 in order to illustrate how different types of netcode work. First, we'll look at the animation frames that a game with zero delay plays starting from when the fierce button is pressed during Ryu's idle animation to the first active frame (when the fierce punch can hit). Let's assume that each of these animation frames takes the exact same amount of time to play (1/60th of a second or roughly 16.66 milliseconds each).
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When the button is pressed, it shows the first startup animation frame for 50 milliseconds (3 frames worth of time), then the second 33 milliseconds, finally reaching the first frame that the fierce punch can actually hit an opponent.
A delay-based netcode approach would build in a few frames of input delay in order to give the remote player time to receive the notification. A three-frame input delay would look like this:
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The important thing to note here is that the button press info from the remote player can arrive on any of the "DELAY" frames and still fully play the animation on time because the game can figure out what button was pressed on which frame so it knows when to start the animation. The longer the input delay, the more time the game has to make sure everything is synchronized between players. Unfortunately, it also makes things feel bad because it makes the controls feel sluggish to players.
What rollback does is save the entire game state over the last few frames and then insert the remote button press info to retroactively figure out what the world would look like if that button press had arrived on time. So, as an example, if my opponent presses Ryu's fierce punch on frame 0 and it arrives to my game on frame 3, the game would skip the first three frames of startup animation for the fierce punch and jump directly to frame four so that the fierce punch will have its first active frame at the same time on both games, like so:
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This guarantees that both players will see the important event (when the fierce punch can actually hit and do damage) at the exact same time without needing to delay the game. However, this is not perfect. Observe how several frames of the startup animation have been skipped entirely for player 2 in this case. Instead of seeing the full fierce animation, player 2 instead sees that Ryu was idling for a few frames and then he throws a fierce punch with a visible two frame startup instead of its usual five frame startup. The larger the rollback window, the weirder it can get. If the button input doesn't arrive until frame 5, for example, there's no startup animation at all and the fierce punch can hit with zero visible startup:
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If we have longer rollback windows and animations with short startup times, we can have significant troubles because it means that players can retroactively get hit without ever seeing what hit them until it is too late. Ryu's jab animation has only two frames of startup. If we have a rollback window of three frames or more, it means that I can be retroactively hit by a jab I never saw coming.
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Rollback is very good at keeping important events happening at the same time across two different remote games as long as the window isn’t too long. Most of the time, going more than three rollback frames starts causing weird timing issues. However, rollback is not a perfect solution. There are significant gameplay issues that must be accounted for if a game runs with rollback. The biggest issue with being able to retroactively change the game state is that false positive events can trigger. If the game thought that the round was over because I hit my opponent with a killing blow, it normally does something like play a sound and visual effects - the announcer can yell KNOCK OUT, the opponent’s character groans in defeat, the game slows down to show the animation, visual effects play, etc. What do you think happens if that round-ending event gets retroactively changed three frames after it started because my opponent actually hit me during the rollback window and my game didn’t know it? The game has to handle this weird case when it thinks somebody has won the game/round/match and actually hasn’t.
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Furthermore, rollback requires significant processing resources. The game must be able to remember the entire state of the game in order to retroactively simulate everything that would have happened if a particular input arrived at a certain time. This isn’t just hit and animation frame data, but the visual effects, lighting, and other details that might affect the game - a retroactive attack might trigger a trap placed by their opponent, which might cause other effects to trigger in order for the game state to be correct. This gets significantly more difficult as you add more players, which is probably the reason that Smash Bros could not add feasibly rollback online play. When there are three remote players that can all potentially cause a visually-intense game to roll back at any time and a huge number of additional permutations that can happen as a result of those retroactive rollbacks, you’re looking at some major potential performance issues (especially on a Switch). As such, rollback really is only important for precision input timing for games that have startup animations within which the lag can be hidden. That’s basically limited to fighting games (that allow two players at most) and not much else.
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goddessofthedawn · 4 years
it is that time of the time again where i talk about my book again! self-published, 99 cents for kindle, 16.66 for paperback because it’s about KIDS going to HELL-- (or add it on goodreads!)
It was Jake’s idea to explore the abandoned house a few miles off of the highway. Neither Sam nor Amanda could have predicted that it would send them to Hell.Fortunately, getting out of Hell is possible – and out of the 80 Divisions Hell is made of, the three of them have landed in Division 78. With the help of a medieval swordsman who wants nothing more than to keep out of school, the three of them just might make it. Standing in their way? A Southern gentleman who died at the end of the American Civil War, more demons than any of them can count, and the devil himself… all of whom have taken an unhealthy interest in Sam. And Sam, mute since birth and willing to do anything to not only survive, but thrive, might be willing to make a deal with the devil to get out of Hell alive and in better shape than he entered.
also, below the cut is the first three pages, in case you wanted a little preview; the first chapter in its entirety is available on my blog
           The new kid had her poster.
           His name was Jake, he was from Bismarck, he never shut up, and he was holding the poster that she had (admittedly, taking a chance on it getting ruined) grabbed from the history room before heading out to the buses. She needed to finish it tonight, and now she had to talk to Jake Hyland to get it.
           It wasn’t like Jake was mean. He just didn’t shut up. He’d been at Lakewood for a couple of months, and already most of the high school had written him off as an annoyance. His only friends were Sam Jude, who was gorgeous, mute, and standing directly behind Jake, and Allan Carson, an eighth grader. Julian Rathe, a sixth grade kid who lived next door to Allan, could be seen hanging around them sometimes, too—either way, Jake had collected a reject, as cute as he was, and a couple of middle schoolers.
           “Hey, Amanda,” Jake said. “You busy tonight?”
           Oh, great. He was going to ask her out again. He’d asked her to the Halloween Dance and she’d had to fake family plans to get out of it.
           But she didn’t want to be a jerk. “No,” she said. “Can I have my poster back?”
           “Oh, uh, sure,” Jake said. He held it out, but held onto it and kept talking when she grabbed for it. “Do you want to come explore a creepy old house with Sam and me? It’s that one on 46. You know, the creepy abandoned one. Of course you know. You’ve lived here way longer than me. But, um, Sam was talking, well, not talking, but he told me about it, because he’s way into creepy stuff, and it sounds cool, and if you want to come it would be super cool if you could like, answer so I can stop making a douche out of myself.”
           “Um,” Amanda said, and then her bus pulled away. Jake still hadn’t let go of her poster, and she resigned herself to either an afternoon with Jake’s voice bouncing around in her ears or walking home (and, though it was November, it was North Dakota, and it was cold), so she sighed. “How are we getting there?”
           Jake pointed to Sam, who pulled out his wallet and extracted a driver’s license. He showed it off with no indication that he cared at all about what was going on. He just held it between two-fingers and met her eyes, completely straight-faced. Then he put it back in his wallet, flipping it shut with the finality of a coffin closing. “Sam’s one of those assholes who got his license six months after getting his permit at fourteen. Country kids, man.”
           Amanda, who was also ‘one of those assholes’ that had gotten her license six months after getting her permit at fourteen, didn’t say anything. Jake grimaced, a little, and Amanda took pity on him.
           Even though he was still holding onto her poster.
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pass-the-bechdel · 5 years
Brooklyn Nine-Nine season six full review
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How many episodes pass the Bechdel test?
66.66% (twelve of eighteen).
What is the average percentage per episode of female characters with names and lines?
How many episodes have a cast that is at least 40% female?
Two (episode six ‘The Crime Scene’ (41.66%), and episode twelve ‘Casecation’ (40%)).
How many episodes have a cast that is less than 20% female?
Three (episode ten ‘Gintars’ (18.18%), episode sixteen ‘Cinco de Mayo’ (16.66%), and episode seventeen ‘Sicko’ (15.38%)).
How many female characters (with names and lines) are there?
Twenty-five. Four who appeared in more than one episode, two who appeared in at least half the episodes, and two who appeared in every episode.
How many male characters (with names and lines) are there?
Fifty-one. Nine who appeared in more than one episode, six who appeared in at least half the episodes, and six who appeared in every episode.
Positive Content Status:
Still better than plenty of what’s out there, but compared to its own standard? Lacking. The show has become self-conscious and uncomfortable with a lot of the social commentary that used to be its bread and butter, and it has started to include an increasing number of remarks or plot points which are tone-deaf, regressive, or otherwise disturbing. They ran out of good will to coast on a while ago; they need to lift their game, or be left in the dust (average rating of 3).
General Season Quality:
Poor. It was not, at any point, just plain terrible, but little of the season felt like it had any real weight or even a solid sense of its characters, and consequently it rarely landed an episode with grace. There are still some good laughs in there, but not a lot of the heart or backbone which once made this show notable.
MORE INFO (and potential spoilers) under the cut:
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If you were wondering: yes, yes that is the worst job they’ve done so far at bothering to have women existing in the show. It’s not their worst Bechdel, but it is bringing the average down there as well, and failure to clock in an above-average content rating is disappointing (they’ve been managing it the last few seasons with their Very Special episodes, which I am a little cynical about anyway, but they managed to cancel themselves out this time with a bevy of other, unimpressive writing choices, from biphobia to sexual misconduct (ironic, considering their Very Special subject of choice), and let’s not forget the deportation clusterfuck). Altogether, it was not a strong showing from the nine-nine, and I’m not entirely sure where the blame for that lies.
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As many of us are aware, the show changed networks between season five and season six, and while that kind of behind-the-scenes switch could easily have led to a shift in content/message to tow the new production line, the differences here with this season were harder to pin down than that; even when they weren’t committing obvious faux pas (to put it nicely), the tone was off, the storytelling perfunctory, the heart and soul of the show nowhere to be seen. It wasn’t an utter, dire waste, there was still some fun to be had, but it all felt a little like a lacklustre fanfic version of the show we used to love, a knock-off by a first-timer with a thoughtless approach to the narrative beyond its comedic prospects, and only a superficial grasp on the voices of the characters within it. No, it wasn’t awful, but it wasn’t the kind of fanfic you forward to your friends, either.
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It doesn’t have to be the end of the world, for a show to be past its peak; one just hopes to avoid a fall from grace, and whatever criticisms there are of this season of B99, it has at least got that going for it: this was not a train wreck. It still had some genuine good fun episodes, and while the show as a whole has lost the reliability that was one of its best passive assets in the past (an underrated quality in tv: reliability), not all of its strongest pieces have fallen by the wayside yet - Andre Braugher in particular continues to be the MVP of the show - and I for one am not quite ready to write the whole thing off. I am disappointed by this season, definitely, and I don’t have high hopes for a seventh season being able to recoup losses; I am inclined to think we’ve seen the beginning of the end for the show, and we’re at the point of hoping that it exits gracefully instead of hanging around until it truly becomes an embarrassing shadow of its former self. It’s already becoming difficult to talk about in anything other than comparative ‘remember when?’ terms, so. Here’s to a hopefully-not-too-painful seventh season which also, probably, needs to be a finish. I’d be glad to be wrong.
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viralpostsblog · 2 years
SIP Calculator: A daily investment of Rs 17 will make you a millionaire, start today
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Best Investment Plan: The sooner you start planning for the future, the wiser it is. In the midst of changing lifestyles and rising day-to-day expenses, it is important to safeguard the present as well as the future. That’s why you should keep planning for today as well as for tomorrow.
Best Investment Plan: What do you have planned for the future of you and your family. If you haven’t planned anything yet, it needs to be addressed as soon as possible. You can also take advice from someone you know for investing. In such a situation, we are suggesting some things to you, if you want, you can take some ideas from it. It is good only when the investment is started.
Save only Rs 17 per day Even if you make small investments every day, it can make a huge corpus. We will show you how you can make a big corpus from small investments. We are telling you about the plan of Rs 500 per month. On a daily basis, it is around Rs 16.66 (Rs 17). Saving Rs 17 a day is not a big deal.
Good Return on SIP Initially, you can invest in mutual funds. Your dream of becoming a millionaire can come true with a SIP of Rs 500 a month. Let us know how to create a fund of Rs 500 to Rs 1 crore? You have to invest Rs 17 per day (Rs 500 per month) in mutual funds. Mutual funds have given returns of 20 percent or more in the last few years.
Read More:  SIP Calculator: A daily investment of Rs 17 will make you a millionaire, start today
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behealthy99 · 3 years
Coronavirus updates | January 15, 2022
New Post has been published on https://behealthy99.com/coronavirus-updates-january-15-2022/
Coronavirus updates | January 15, 2022
India registered 2,68,833 new Covid infections in a day taking the tally to 3,68,50,962. A total of 6,041 Omicron cases have been detected so far, an increase of 5.01% since Friday
You can track coronavirus cases, deaths and testing rates at the national and State levels here. A list of State Helpline numbers is available as well.
Here are the updates:
West Bengal
Bengal extends COVID-19 restrictions till Jan 31; allows fairs, marriage functions
The West Bengal government on Saturday extended the ongoing COVID-19 restrictions till January 31, allowing fairs on open grounds in a very restricted manner with strict adherence to safety norms, an official order said.
The state government also allowed marriage functions with a maximum of 200 attendees or 50 % of the venue’s capacity, whichever is lesser, it said.
“Restrictions and relaxation measures and advisory as already stand extended up to 31/01/2022. Marriage-related functions with a maximum of 200 people at a time or 50 % seating capacity of the hall/venue whichever is lower. Mela/fair may be allowed in open air venues in a very restricted manner, following COVID-19 protocols,” the order issued by Chief Secretary H.K. Dwivedi said. – PTI
Indian Super League
ISL | COVID-hit ATK Mohun Bagan’s match against Bengaluru FC too postponed
With a surge in COVID-19 cases inside the bio-bubble here, ATK Mohun Bagan’s Indian Super league match against Bengaluru FC was postponed, hours before their kickoff here on Saturday.
This was their second successive fixture to be postponed. It was only last Saturday that ATKMB’s match against Odisha FC had to be postponed after an unnamed player reported positive for COVID-19.
“Hero Indian Super League (ISL) announces the postponement of the match between ATK Mohun Bagan and Bengaluru FC scheduled to be played on Saturday at PJN Stadium, Fatorda,” ATKMB said in a statement.
  Madhya Pradesh
Madhya Pradesh government bans visitors from meeting jail inmates till March-end
In view of the rising cases of COVID-19 in Madhya Pradesh, the state government has banned visitors from meeting prison inmates till the end of March this year in an attempt to prevent the spread of infection.
An order to this effect was an issued by the state jail department on Friday.
“In a bid to prevent the spread of the pandemic inside the prisons, the visits of friends, family members and acquaintances of jail inmates will remain banned till March 31. The jail inmates will continue to avail the facility of e-meeting (through video calls) and incoming phone calls,” the order read.
From November 1 last year, visitors were allowed to meet the inmates of jails in the state after a decline in coronavirus cases.- PTI
India logs 2,68,833 Covid cases, 402 deaths in a day; Omicron tally rises to 6,041
India registered 2,68,833 new Covid infections in a day taking the tally to 3,68,50,962, which includes 6,041 Omicron variant cases, according to the Union Health Ministry data on Saturday.
With 402 more deaths, the number of people who have succumbed to the viral disease has risen to 4,85,752. The case fatality rate was 1.32 per cent.
A total of 6,041 Omicron cases have been detected so far, an increase of 5.01% since Friday, the data updated at 8.00 a.m showed.
The daily positivity rate was 16.66% while the weekly positivity rate was 12.84%.
Active cases have increased to 14,17,820, the highest in around 223 days, and comprise 3.85% of the total infections.- PTI
Jammu and Kashmir
Weekend restrictions back in J-K amid surge in COVID-19 cases
The Jammu and Kashmir administration on Saturday imposed “complete restriction on non-essential movement” during weekends in the Union Territory amid a surge in Covid cases that rose by 2,456 a day earlier.
Announcing the decision of the State Executive Committee (SEC), which met under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary A K Mehta, officials said night curfew and online mode of teaching in schools and colleges will continue.
The order said vaccinated people will be allowed entry to parks after due verification.
The SEC however reiterated that gathering of 25 people at any indoor or outdoor function or gathering up to 25 vaccinated people or 25% of the authorised capacity, whichever is less, preferably in open spaces at banquet halls will be allowed.
Cinema halls, theatres, multiplexes, restaurants, clubs, gymnasiums and swimming pools are permitted to continue operation at 25 per cent of the authorised capacity.- PTI
Mexico approves emergency use of Pfizer’s COVID-19 pills
Mexican health regulator COFEPRIS said on Friday, January 15, 2022, it had approved U.S. pharmaceutical company Pfizer’s antiviral oral treatment against COVID-19 for emergency use in adults with light or moderate risk of complications.
Paxlovid, which combines nirmatrelvir and ritonavir in a tablet, will require a prescription, it said in a statement.
U.S. households can order 4 free COVID-19 tests starting January 19
U.S. households can order four free at-home COVID-19 tests from the website COVIDTests.gov starting on Jan. 19 with shipping expected within seven to 12 days of ordering, the White House said on Friday.
The batch of free tests are aimed at easing a shortage of COVID-19 tests across the country amid increased demand during the rapid spread of the Omicron variant.
The U.S. government has contracted already for more than 420 million tests, the White House said.- Reuters
EMA lists rare spinal condition as side effect of AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 shot
A safety panel of the European drug regulator on Friday recommended adding a rare spinal inflammation called transverse myelitis as a side effect of AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine.
The vaccine has faced several setbacks, including production delays, probes by regulators following rare cases of severe side effects such as blood clots with low platelets, which led to several countries restricting or stopping its use.
The European Medicines Agency’s safety committee also reiterated its recommendation of a similar warning to be included for Johnson & Johnson’s one-shot vaccine.- Reuters
Uttar Pradesh
FIR lodged against Samajwadi Party workers for violation of COVID-19 norms
The incharge of Gautam Palli police station was suspended and clarification sought from two senior officials after a massive crowd gathered at the Samajwadi Party office here on Friday, in violation of COVID-19 norms, for the joining-in function of two rebel ministers and some MLAs.
An FIR against 2,500 unknown Samajwadi Party activists was also registered at the police station in this connection.
Taking cognisance of the Lucknow district magistrate’s report about the violation of the Model Code of Conduct on Covid norms, directives were issued to place Gautam Palli police station in-charge Dinesh Singh Bisht into suspension with immediate effect, an official statement issued by the office of the UP Chief Electoral Officer said.
India proposed air bubble to South Korea in July 2021; waiting for its response: Scindia
The Indian government had proposed an air bubble to the South Korean government in July last year and the Centre has been waiting for its response, Aviation Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia said on Friday.
Scheduled international passenger flights have been suspended in India since March 23, 2020 in view of the Covid pandemic.
However, special flights have been operating between India and around 40 countries since July 2020 on the basis of air bubble arrangements formed with them.
Congress Lok Sabha member from Thiruvananthapuram Shashi Tharoor said on Twitter that some 8,000 Indians living in South Korea are protesting the absence of an air bubble between the two countries.- PTI
As Omicron fuels surge, U.S. students stage walkouts to protest in-person classes
Students in Boston and Chicago planned walkouts on Friday to pressure officials to switch to remote learning, as a surge in COVID-19 cases fueled by the Omicron variant disrupts schools around the United States.
An online petition started by a Boston high school senior saying schools are a “COVID-19 breeding ground” and calling for a remote option had gathered more than 8,000 signatures as of Friday morning.
Nearly 5,000 public schools across the country have closed for at least one day this week due to the pandemic, according to Burbio, a website that tracks school disruptions, leaving exhausted parents scrambling to navigate a patchwork of COVID-19 policies.
Overall, the United States is still tallying nearly 800,000 new infections a day and record levels of hospitalized patients with COVID-19.- Reuters
Unvaccinated children won’t be allowed to enter schools: Haryana govt.
Children in the age group of 15-18 years who are not vaccinated against COVID-19 will not be allowed to enter schools, when they reopen, Haryana Health Minister Anil Vij said on Friday.
Schools in the State are currently shut in view of big surge in coronavirus cases in the past fortnight.
The Minister issued the instruction during a meeting with officials to review the current COVID-19 situation in the state.
Physical campaign: EC to decide on extending ban on Saturday
The Election Commission will meet on Saturday, January 17, 2022, to take a call on whether to extend beyond January 15 the ban on public rallies, roadshows and corner meetings in five poll-bound States in view of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The decision will be taken based on inputs about the spread of the virus and its new variant Omicron, sources said.
New Delhi
Auto tippers deployed by SDMC to lift bio-medical waste from Covid patients’ houses
The South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC) has deployed auto tippers in all its wards to lift bio-medical waste from houses of Covid patients and also issued helpline numbers for each zone, the civic body said on Friday.
Nearly 750 kilograms of bio-medical waste has been collected this month so far, it said in a statement SDMC Mayor Mukesh Suryan said that the civic body has made special arrangements to lift bio-medical waste from homes of Covid positive patients.
“The SDMC has deployed auto-tippers in all 104 wards to lift bio-medical waste. These vehicles will collect bio-medical waste from homes of Covid positive patients and will transport that to the Okhla waste-to-energy plant for proper disposal,” he said.- PTI
Himachal Pradesh
Himachal Pradesh: Minister, Shimla MP among 1,975 new COVID-19 cases
Himachal Pradesh Education Minister Govind Singh Thakur and Shimla MP Suresh Kashyap are among 1,975 fresh COVID-19 cases recorded on Friday that took the state’s infection tally to 2,40,330, while one more death pushed the toll to 3,872, a health official said.
In separate social media posts, Thakur and Kashyap stated that they have tested positive for coronavirus and urged their recent contacts to get themselves tested.
A Shimla police official stated that in the last one week, samples of 668 personnel were collected and 71 of them have tested coronavirus positive and are in home isolation.- PTI
West Bengal
Calcutta High Court urges State Election Commission to postpone civic polls
The Calcutta High Court has urged the West Bengal State Election Commission to postpone the proposed elections to four municipal corporations for a period of four to six weeks.
“Hence, we dispose of the present petition with a direction to the State Election Commission to consider the galloping speed with which the COVID-19 cases are increasing and also to take into account the issue if holding of elections in such a situation will be in the public interest, and if free and fair elections will be possible on the dates notified, and take a decision in respect of the postponement of date of elections of aforesaid four municipal corporations for a short period of 4 to 6 weeks,” an order by Chief Justice Prakash Srivastava and Justice Ajoy Kumar Mukherjee said.
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vivekbajaj-grs · 3 years
Global Regenerative Medicine Market Size, Status and Forecast 2021-2027
Regenerative medicine is a branch of translational research in tissue engineering and molecular biology which deals with the "process of replacing, engineering or regenerating human cells, tissues or organs to restore or establish normal function". It is through the use of innovative medical means rebuilding diseased or damaged tissue or to support diseased or damaged tissue regeneration. The methods used include cell therapy, tissue engineering, chemically induced and therapeutic cloning, etc. Any combination of these technologies may be used to harness or stimulate the body?s innate healing ability in order to treat a wide range of ailments, including musculoskeletal-related conditions, cardio- and peripheral vascular diseases, neurological disorders, stroke, non-healing wounds and ocular diseases.
Currently, some companies in the world can provide regenerative medicine service, mainly concentrating in USA. The main market players are DePuy Synthes, Medtronic, ZimmerBiomet, Stryker, Acelity, MiMedx Group, Organogenesis, UniQure, Cellular Dynamics International, etc.
Download FREE Sample of this Report @ https://www.grandresearchstore.com/report-sample/global-regenerative-medicine-2021-2027-476
USA is the largest market of regenerative medicine, which occupies 51.09 percent of global regenerative medicine market share in 2015. It is followed by EU, which has around 16.66 percent of the global total industry. Other main regions which take important part in this industry include Japan and China.
According to the research, the most potential market in the main countries of regenerative medicine industry is Asia, determined by the rising level of medical care. Besides, South America, Middle East should also be focused by the investors. They are the potential consumers of regenerative medicine.
Despite the presence of competition problems, due to the huge industry profits, investors are still optimistic about this area; there will be more investments to enter the field.
The relatively-mature technology is cell transplantation; tissue engineering and therapeutic cloning has its technical advantages, which is the direction of future research and development.
Market Analysis and Insights: Global Regenerative Medicine Market
The global Regenerative Medicine market size is projected to reach US$ 116810 million by 2027, from US$ 33730 million in 2020, at a CAGR of 19.4% during 2021-2027.
With industry-standard accuracy in analysis and high data integrity, the report makes a brilliant attempt to unveil key opportunities available in the global Regenerative Medicine market to help players in achieving a strong market position. Buyers of the report can access verified and reliable market forecasts, including those for the overall size of the global Regenerative Medicine market in terms of revenue.
On the whole, the report proves to be an effective tool that players can use to gain a competitive edge over their competitors and ensure lasting success in the global Regenerative Medicine market. All of the findings, data, and information provided in the report are validated and revalidated with the help of trustworthy sources. The analysts who have authored the report took a unique and industry-best research and analysis approach for an in-depth study of the global Regenerative Medicine market.
Global Regenerative Medicine Scope and Market Size
Regenerative Medicine market is segmented by company, region (country), by Type, and by Application. Players, stakeholders, and other participants in the global Regenerative Medicine market will be able to gain the upper hand as they use the report as a powerful resource. The segmental analysis focuses on revenue and forecast by Type and by Application in terms of revenue and forecast for the period 2016-2027.
Segment by Type
Cell Therapy
Tissue Engineering
Segment by Application
By Region
North America
Rest of Europe
South Korea
Southeast Asia
Rest of Asia
Latin America
Rest of Latin America
Middle East & Africa
Saudi Arabia
Rest of MEA
By Company
DePuy Synthes
MiMedx Group
Cellular Dynamics International
Osiris Therapeutics
Gamida Cell
Golden Meditech
Vericel Corporation
Guanhao Biotech
Stemcell Technologies
Bellicum Pharmaceuticals
Get the Complete Report & TOC @ https://www.grandresearchstore.com/life-sciences/global-regenerative-medicine-2021-2027-476
Table of content
1 Report Overview 1.1 Study Scope 1.2 Market Analysis by Type 1.2.1 Global Regenerative Medicine Market Size Growth Rate by Type: 2016 VS 2021 VS 2027 1.2.2 Cell Therapy 1.2.3 Tissue Engineering 1.2.4 Biomaterial 1.2.5 Other 1.3 Market by Application 1.3.1 Global Regenerative Medicine Market Share by Application: 2016 VS 2021 VS 2027 1.3.2 Dermatology 1.3.3 Cardiovascular 1.3.4 CNS 1.3.5 Orthopedic 1.3.6 Others 1.4 Study Objectives 1.5 Years Considered 2 Global Growth Trends 2.1 Global Regenerative Medicine Market Perspective (2016-2027) 2.2 Regenerative Medicine Growth Trends by Regions 2.2.1 Regenerative Medicine Market Size by Regions: 2016 VS 2021 VS 2027 2.2.2 Regenerative Medicine Historic Market Share by Regions (2016-2021) 2.2.3 Regenerative Medicine Forecasted Market Size by Regions (2022-2027) 2.3 Regenerative Medicine Industry Dynamic 2.3.1 Regenerative Medicine Market Trends 2.3.2 Regenerative Medicine Market Drivers 2.3.3 Regenerative Medicine Market Challenges 2.3.4 Regenerative Medicine Market Restraints 3 Competition Landscape by Key Players 3.1 Global Top Regenerative Medicine Players by Revenue 3.1.1 Global Top Regenerative Medicine Players by Revenue (2016-2021) 3.1.2 Global Regenerative Medicine Revenue Market Share by Players (2
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platinumlaptop · 4 years
Best laptops for Revit
A reasonably popular thing among professional designers is to look for the best laptops for Revit! You probably already know that Revit is a powerful programme for creating comprehensive architectural, landscape, and design models that are a big hand. You can construct models of creativity that remain in your mind quickly.
 Particularly, Revit is an application commonly used to develop and design models of buildings in the construction industry. However, you'd need the best laptop for Revit to run this application smoothly. In this paper, we have compiled some of the best Revit laptops available on the market.
 Internal Specification
Significantly, Revit is an intensive programe, and to run it you need a lot of courage. Always have your specs tested. Sportingly, you need a laptop with an excellent internal processor, premium graphics, and plenty of memory if you intend on using the app. Of course, it's going to cost you a little more to have high-end power, or that extra speed should be more than worth it if you need a dedicated Revit computer.
Capacity of Battery
Best laptops for RevithasLithium-ion polymer battery to operate the laptop. Expressly, It will make the laptop operate for up to 11 hours and 30 minutes until it is fully charged if various software and programes are used on the computer. Frequently, the life of one full battery charge is nearly 8 hours and 15 minutes when watching videos.
Display and Volume
It's important to remember how big (or small) you want your computer to be when considering a laptop for Revit. A more expansive display is excellent since it makes it much easier to see the programme, making the laptop much less portable. On the other hand, a smaller computer, though easier to maneuvers around, will not give you the scope of larger machines. As well as how much space you need to work, it depends on how much you work quickly and easily.
An 8 GB DDR4 SDRAM is the Random Access Memory built within best laptops for Revit. This allows the computer to operate smoothly, efficiently and without lagging.
TOP Best laptops for Revit
ACER PREDATOR HELIOS 300-10th Generation Intel Core i7
The Predator Helios 300 Gaming Laptop Acer 15.6 is intended for gamers who like portability as much as performance. Specs-wise, it is fitted with a six-core Intel Core i7-10750H 2.6 GHz processor, 16 GB DDR4 memory, 1 TB SSD, and NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 graphics card. You will be able to allow additional graphical options and switch up in-game visual settings to experience games at their best, thanks to its dedicated graphics card.
 If you need more storage, its USB Type-A and Type-C ports can be used to connect external storage solutions. An HDMI port, Wi-Fi 6, Bluetooth 5.0, a backlit keyboard, a webcam, microphones, speakers, and audio jacks are other integrated features. Windows 10 Home is the installed operating system.
The Helios 300 comes with 256GB SSD storage, and if the 256GB doesn't sound reasonable to you, an empty 2.5' slot is available anywhere you can. Surprisingly, Acer is offering a free HDD accessory package, and you can order it here.
The surprising aspect about this laptop is its 6 GB VRAM GTX 1060 graphics. There are many laptops on the market, such as Acer VX 15 and Lenovo Legion Y520, which are like Helios 300, except at this price they do not sell GTX 1060. You get the GTX 1050Ti and not the GTX 1060Ti.
  LENOVO IDEAPAD Y700-6thGeneration Intel Quad Core i7
It also works with Intel Core i7-6700HQ, which is not the latest and greatest processor on the market right now, but it will still work very well when it comes to sales. On this computer, Lenovo has given 128 GB SSD+ 1 TB HDD as storage options that are adequate to run Revit quickly.
It provides a full HD monitor of 17.3 inches that has excellent viewing angles and colour accuracy. The show is ideal for use without doors. Significantly, the monitor comes with two other choices, 14 inches and 15.6 inches, respectively.
Given its heavy-hitting components, its slim form factor is noteworthy, but as a gaming machine, you probably won't travel with the IdeaPad as much as you would with a smaller laptop. It measures 1.1 by 16.66 by 12 inches (HWD) and weighs 7.9 pounds, which is not overly heavy, but it is so large and flat that carrying around is cumbersome.
Its dimensions compare favorably with other 17-inch systems such as the MSI GT72 Dominator Pro G-1438 (at Amazon) and the Asus ROG G752VT-DH72(at Amazon) (1.5 by 16.4 by 12.7 inches and 8.8 pounds) (1.89 by 17 by 11.75 inches, 8.5 pounds).
A smaller 15-inch system, the Dell Inspiron 15 7559 is a much slimmer and lighter deal, at 0.98 by 15 by 10.4 inches and 5.88 pounds.The hard drive that arrives with the laptop is 5400 rpm, which is sluggish today, but it is still a good thing to have another one.
LG Gram Laptop-8thGeneration Intel Core i7 
The long-lasting battery is one of the first features of the LG Gram. The impressive lithium-ion battery included in the laptop is intended to be used in normal surfing mode for at least 15 hours. Additionally, you’d also appreciate the help of a Core i5, 10th Gen processor along with that. The overall storage capacity is more than enough to run responsibility and methods like Revit, due to multiple cores.
On our streaming video test, it lasted 13 hours, beating that year's model by 47 minutes on the very same test. Thanks to the addition of a 10th-gen Intel Core i7-1065G7 CPU, some processor performance is also stepped up. This is also paired with more powerful integrated Iris Plus graphics, giving you a little extra speed for casual gaming and picture and video editing.
The monitor with a 16:10 2,560x1, 600 resolution gives you a little more vertical space than more traditional displays with a 16:9 ratio. It's also a high-quality screen, even if it's not the brightest screen, with good color and contrast efficiency.
 You can struggle against reflections from its shiny coating if you work close to a window or out in the light. I would like to note one of Revit's best laptops because it has an 8GB DDR4 ram and a 256GB SSDD.
 Acer Nitro 5-7th Generation Intel Core i5
First of all, Nitro 5 comes with the assistance of the new core i7, 9th gen. processor. There would also be no problems with applying heavy software as far as the CPU motherboard is concerned. Paired with an RTX 2060 graphics card, the CUP matches 3D artists & gamers made in heaven. They will enjoy a gaming and sketching experience that is lag-free.
The higher refresh rate it provides is about 60Hz, all of which is sufficient for the spec. For full output, it has a 4GB Nvidia Geforce GTX 1650 Graphics GDDR6 graphics card. For individuals who are more into gaming, Acer Nitro 5 (2020) provides good value. The 4GB graphics cards support 40-60 FPS.
Besides, it runs on the 10th Generation Core i5, delivering an average of consistent results. During extensive use, you might expect to have some stuttering. Best laptops for Revitmost possibly, this is correlated with the thermal and power throttling it goes with. Then your FPS rates will have to be up to 20 FPS to dropdown. Just get it if you aren't a professional gamer.
Upgrading the computer is relatively simple. You have 4 USB ports in total, which is pretty standard. Both the keypad and the trackpad are up to the mark. At the bottom, the speakers are positioned and sound like you want for yourself.
 DELL INSPIRON I5577-7th Generation Core i7 
The laptop's SSD is based on PCIe, which is sure to outperform SATA SSD by a wide margin. You will get best laptops for RevitIntel's 7th gen Core i7 processor, i.e. Intel Core i7-7700HQ, inside the laptop. There is a 15.6 inch full HD TN screen on the laptop, not an IPS. I understand this is a rewarding thing for a TN display, but Ryan Clark has ensured that this is a decent screen and has good refresh rates.
A thin-just 23.3 mm-typical dell, but with a refreshingly sleek new easy-open style, the Dell Inspiron i5577-5335BLK-PUS. Of course, people have rated the Alienware line, but this one rocks with it nicely with a dare-feel- me smooth black plastic finish with an eye-catching sprinkling of red over the logo surface and vents. You are dealing from a distance with an exceptional laptop.
If you are looking toadd beauty to your desk, expect this machine to give you some knowing glances every once in a while. Besides, the optional backlit, bottom-mount keyboard makes it more convenient to type. The keyboard comes with a dedicated number pad, a useful addition, although common in 15-inch laptops, especially if you are a fan of Ms Excel.
MSI GL62M-Intel Core i5
This laptop offers decent performance on both the gaming and productivity fronts. And the best laptops for Revit device has a surprising amount of gamer-friendly features, whereas bloatware is usually filled with competing programs. A dim display and low audio, however, prevent the 7REX from receiving a more excellent rating.
There is a TN panel on the 15.6-inch board with very decent color quality and viewing angles. The MSI GL62M comes with different graphics, i.e. the GTX 1050Ti 4GB version, from the top of laptops. In terms of performance, it is much faster than GTX 1050. Outstanding addition to the Revit laptop family is this laptop from MSI.
Correspondingly, this is suitable at a fair cost for running 3D rendering. It has a Full HD 15.6 monitor and an aesthetic style that looks professional. It has a processor capable of up to 2.8 GHz speeds, 8 GB of RAM, and 512 GB of storage space for SSDs.
Similarly, by default, you will get 8GB DDR4 RAM, but it can be upgraded to 32GB by opening the back. The CPU inside the device you find is the same as the three laptops above, i.e. the Intel Core i7-7700HQQ
Omen x by HP-7th Generation intel core i7
The rest of the components complement the processor and work synergistically to make a real beast. The RAM in it is 16 GB, which would provide excellent speed for reading and writing.
To boost performance and multitasking, the HP OMEN X provides a commonly recommended 32GB DDR4-2800 RAM. With a 1 Terabyte SATA HDD + 512GB M.2 Solid State Drive, OMEN X provides dual storage support. This second storage of best laptops for Revit gives you a lot of room to increase your productivity with a phenomenal speed of 7200 RPM.
This best budget gaming laptop 2020 comes with a full HD 17.3-inch IPS display and a refresh rate of 144 HZ, which gives an excellent natural experience. A monitor resolution (1920*1080) with a few additional features, such as anti-glare and WLED-backlit, makes it a perfect gamer’s option.
Explicitly, the storage comprises multiple units, one of which is a 1TB hard drive that can be used to store images, videos, and other items. Moreover, the second one is the 256 GB SSD that the operating system should be mounted on. Apparently, this would make it much quicker for the unit..
  HP Spectre 360-8th generation Intel Core i7
The 360-degree rotatable screen panel is the highlight of its design, making it highly flexible. It's a touch screen monitor, meaning you can draw directly on the screen using your fingertips. You can also get some S pen-like devices that would give you more control over your designs.
Another field where it shines is storage, as it contains 512 GB of SSD. Additionally, this offers an adequate storage capacity and boosts the device's overall speed. Transitionally,the more generous storage space ensures that all of your apps will be on this trip. This will launch those apps more efficiently than ever and give you an incredible experience.
The two rear corners are diamond-shaped, and a Thunderbolt 4 port on its flat edge is located in one of them. (An audio socket, a USB-A, a MicroSD slot, and an additional Thunderbolt 4, which is a good option, are on the sides; the trapdoor covering the 13-inch USB-A port is gone).
And the edges are all bevelled, making the notebook look thinner (it's 0.67 inches thick) than it really is.The GeForce MX150 is available as a powerful GPU chip. And it is the icing on the cake when you pair it with a UHD 4K show.
Correspondingly, several different best laptops for Revit for professionals and hobbyists, Revit is an advanced application that is incredibly useful. No matter what you want to use it for, if apparently, you want to power the software, you can't do better than what we mentioned above. Each laptop is the best laptop for Revit.
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askagamedev · 7 years
A lot of games are now using "dynamic" resolution, where the game raises/lowers it's resolution depending on how much the system is being taxed. For example, many games on the Nintendo Switch drop down below 480 resolution when the action gets tense to keep the framerate stable. My question is, how does dynamic resolution work, particularly how does a game "know" it's going to need to drop the pixel count to keep everything running smoothly?
Before we begin, I suggest reading this post I made a while ago about [screen resolution and just how much data we need to process for each frame] if you haven’t yet. There’s a little bit of math involved, but I think it should be easily understandable. You need a bit of understanding about how resolution informs the amount of data we need to process each frame. Got it? Cool.
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The amount of data that we need to process as resolution increases at a quadratic rate, because we must increase resolution in two dimensions at the same time. We can’t just widen what we display, we have to lengthen it at the same time or it won’t fit right on the screen. Doubling the resolution results in 4x the number of pixels to process because the total number of pixels is length times width. This works in reverse too - halving the resolution means only ¼ the pixels to process. As you might imagine, because there are so many fewer pixels to process, downgrading the resolution results in huge savings in terms of calculations.
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One of the things that we track in most computer programs is the time. We know what real time it was (down to the fraction of a millisecond) the game started, and we can track how much time has passed since then. Because we have absolute time markers, we can use it to find relative time markers like how long it took for each of the last X frames to render. If we know how long the frame rate took to render, we can calculate our frame rate: 1000 milliseconds divided by (X milliseconds to render the frame) = current frame rate. For 60 frames per second, X has to be around 16.66 milliseconds because 1000ms / 16.66ms = 60.02. For 30 fps, X must be around 33.3 milliseconds. If X suddenly jumps to 50 or 60 milliseconds (16-20 fps) and stays there, that’s an unacceptable frame rate. We have to intervene somehow.
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When the game detects this situation (by checking a running average of the last X frame times each time it finishes a frame), it can ratchet down the resolution to decrease the total amount of data it needs to process. Then it runs as normal. The resolution change should affect the average frame time, which then gets worked into the running average. If the average frame time is calculated too fast, the extra time is spent idling and waiting until the next frame. The game would consider the spike to be over and can decide to return to a better resolution. The goal here is to keep the frame time in the sweet spot for the best resolution at the target frame rate. If the frame time is too fast, we increase resolution. If it’s too slow, we decrease it. 
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pass-the-bechdel · 5 years
Marvel Cinematic Universe: Doctor Strange (2016)
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Does it pass the Bechdel Test?
How many female characters (with names and lines) are there?
Two (16.66% of cast).
How many male characters (with names and lines) are there?
Positive Content Rating:
General Film Quality:
A mediocre story that mostly relies on its special effects in order to appear interesting.
MORE INFO (and potential spoilers) UNDER THE CUT:
Passing the Bechdel:
The only time that Christine and The Ancient One share the screen is when the latter is unconscious and dying, so the failure here is particularly unsurprising. For that matter, you could even argue that ‘The Ancient One’ isn’t much of a name for a named character to have...
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Female characters:
The Ancient One.
Christine Palmer.
Male characters:
Stephen Strange.
Nicodemus West.
Jonathan Pangborn.
Daniel Drumm.
Kaecilius produces two blades simultaneously for the beheading of the librarian, but the head is removed in a single slice, which means that one of those blades was being waved around purely for the Cool Points of dual-wielding. All about that aesthetic.
Someone sure did enjoy Inception, huh?
Remember that thing about how Iron Man balanced Tony Stark’s initial self-absorbed asshole behaviour really well with his journey to heroism in order to make him palatable enough to watch in the first place? Strange categorically does not get that treatment. He’s just an egotistical jerk who is tedious to watch, and while his arrogance is variously addressed by other characters, him going through an emotionally redemptive process is presumed by the script rather than actually being included.
If they really, really wanted Benedict Cumberbatch for this role, I feel like they should have just allowed him to be a British doctor living and working in the States. The guy cannot do accents.
My sister saw them filming the scenes in the streets of Kathmandu. Small world.
I understand that The Ancient One was an Asian man in the comics, and while I applaud the decision to make the character female in this film (especially considering that the only other significant female character is the awkwardly-included personality-lite love interest Christine), they shoulda done it without the white-washing. Tilda Swinton is great, though.
...Mister Doctor.
in an altogether lacklustre film, The Ancient One’s final moments are a highlight.
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Also a highlight: the reverse destruction in Hong Kong, a much better use of the bountiful reliance on special effects in this movie, where so much of it previously had been empty spectacle.
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So, let’s talk a bit about that well-known writing rule: Show, Don’t Tell. 
While this movie certainly does a lot of showing in the showy sense of the word - the frequently-empty spectacle of special effects as mentioned above - that’s not the type of show from whence story comes, and it leaves the thin plot to be almost exclusively told, without active support in the content of the film. Having characters charge around in the mirror universe doing weird spatial warping shit may be visually entertaining enough to hold the audience’s interest (at least the first time around), but it doesn’t help us to comprehend any aspect of the plot, its rules, what drives it, what matters, etc. It’s just...empty spectacle. Doctor Strange doesn’t pretend to be complex or deep storytelling outside of that anyway, and that’s ok insofar as there’s no reason it has to be or even should be, but what it is, when you set that spectacle aside, is...kinda nothing?
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The game of ‘recount the plot as simplistically as possible’ goes like so: arrogant doctor suffers a seemingly incurable injury, searches for a cure anyway, finds a temple of the mystical arts, learns some mystical arts, fights some rival magicians, thwarts their evil plot, the end. As I’ve noted before, the ability to distill a plot to its simplest form is not in itself proof that the plot is somehow bad or lacking; the question is what does the actual film do to make that simplistic plot work for it? When the answer is ‘...kinda nothing?’, that’s a bad sign, and particularly unfortunate here because the whole mystical arts and magicians and the freakin’ multiverse thing has no excuse for being this boring. As a simplified plot, Doctor Strange still sounds like it could be intriguing, it’s brimming with potential, and yet the only thing it exploits that potential for is an excuse to over-indulge in special effects. It’s a waste of story ideas, to start with, and considering the cast, a waste of actors, too. If you’re not gonna make the most of their skills, you might as well cast a horde of unknowns and save the casting portion of the budget for, I dunno, another gravity-defying skyscraper battle?
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It should come as no shock at this point that I’m about to make this about the greatest resource of any story: the characters, both because that’s what I always do, and because damn, did they forget about characterisation being, y’know, a thing you actually have to write into the script? You can cast the greatest actors in the world if you want, and they’ll do their best to make a symphony out of the single note you give them to work with, but even then all they can do is make thin material look its best; they can’t magically generate story action and development in the places where their characterisation should have been. Let’s talk about Kaecilius as an example, because as the plot’s antagonist, he’s the most egregious of the lot: why is Kaecilius the villain? The part where he’s positioned opposite the protagonist characters and their ethos is an indicator, yeah, but why is he there, doing what he’s doing, what are his motivations? The basic answer is that he wants to bring Dormammu and the power of the dark dimension to Earth because he thinks it will bring peace and life everlasting. How do we know he wants that? We’re told so in the dialogue. Why does Kaecilius think this is a good idea? Don’t know. Turns out Dormammu’s bad news, but we don’t know how or why Kaecilius was misled on the subject. Power from the dark dimension is apparently bad news too - we know because we are told so in the dialogue - but why exactly this is and what the consequences are is unclear. We don’t have the information we need in order to understand why Kaecilius turned so severely, why certain rules exist or why they are being broken; everything we know, we know because it’s delivered to us in plain speech, not because we see it demonstrated in the events of the film, and considering that the core of the conflict seems to have come from distrust in The Ancient One’s teachings, it’s pretty ironic that the narrative then expects the audience to know or believe the truth in anything that she or her acolytes utters. If we were shown the truth of it, or at least shown the reasons to doubt or contemplate alternatives, we might be able to build a story out of this, but instead, we get ‘fuck you, it’s like this coz we said so. He has metallic purple eyeliner, isn’t that enough?’
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This lack of character building spills out to impact the rest of the characters too, naturally; the criminally-underused Mordo suffers especially as a result, since everything from his reason for coming to Kamar Taj, to his supposed rigid outlook on life, to his disillusionment with the cause, all relies on the audience simply shrugging off the idea of being shown the evidence in behaviour, the influence of the past, how it shapes his perspective in the present, etc, just forgoing anything that could be considered characterisation (and therefore, fodder for character development), and settle for ‘he’s like this: we know because another character said so’. Functionally, Mordo is hardly a character at all, he’s just The Other Guy that Strange sometimes interacts with, and big revelatory moments for him - Strange outing The Ancient One’s use of dark dimension power, Mordo grappling with his shaken faith - fall flat because we haven’t seen why this should matter, why Mordo can’t bring himself to see shades of grey in a situation, why The Ancient One has kept these secrets in the first place etc. The Ancient One herself fairs only marginally better as a character because the only thing we know about her (mostly because we’re told) is that she’s secretive; that said, ‘she’s secretive’ doesn’t work all that well as a sneaky way to avoid actually fleshing out a character, and the fact that instead of having any more meaningful secret revealed other than her power usage (which, again, isn’t that meaningful really because we aren’t shown a genuine reason to attribute it meaning, we just know that the characters are saying upset words about it), The Ancient One simply dies without ever becoming less enigmatic, means that we’re still left with more of a shell of a character than a real one, just the concept of a person, not an actual person with motivations and decisions we are privy to or could understand (and therefore, could judge or attribute meaning).
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Strange, at least, is shown to be an arrogant jackass, but, as noted, that personality template is presented in a very cliche manner that - in the context of the MCU - reads much like a Tony Stark knock-off, only without any of the character nuance or developmental arc to pull it off in a palatable or entertaining fashion, and part of that problem is the fact that while Strange’s initial personality is shown, his process of change is...not. Like anything else in the film that should have been dynamic, it’s told to us in words more that it is demonstrated in actions. The earlier portion of the film is somewhat slow and low on intrigue or tension due to the fact that Strange doesn’t know the extent of the world he has become involved with, and he’s wholly occupied with his quest for a cure (though, frustration with his progress or with the fact that none of his training seems relevant to it is pretty light-on, as are any moments of struggle with his own self-interest vs the greater good - Strange’s hands are just a means to an end so that he has a reason to find Kamar Taj, rather than a sustained part of his struggles on a physical, mental, or emotional level). As soon as Strange learns that there’s a bigger battle out there, Kaecilius attacks (very convenient timing), and the story changes gears to launch headlong into its final act, with only time for The Ancient One to tell Strange that this is not about him (though, again, his self-interest has not remained centralised enough nor created continued strife necessary to make this declaration seem revelatory) before Strange is faced with either playing the game, or letting Kaecilius bring Dormammu and end the world. As such, Strange deciding that endless dark dimension torment is a bad thing isn’t really a big forward step (or even a selfless one - he could still be 100% focused on returning to his old life and leaving the multiverse to the pros, he just obviously can’t achieve his own self-interest with Dormammu around). Technically, we never see proof that Strange has given up his old ways, bettered himself as a person, or made any kind of decision that isn’t about his own ego (sticking around to become a universe-saving time-lord sorcerer is, um, a distinct step up the power trip ladder, after all). The idea that this character has actually gone through anything more than a career shift is just kinda assumed, rather than being demonstrated, and consequently, the idea that this is a character worth rooting for now is also, just assumed.
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Ultimately, the moral of the story is pretty obvious - ‘show, don’t tell’ doesn’t have to mean ‘never provide exposition to explain anything’, but it does mean that you should try to demonstrate essential things like worldbuilding and characterisation as often as possible, if for no other reason than because letting your audience see that something is so is much more engaging and powerful than just telling them how it is. If all you’re gonna do is tell, you might as well just stick with reciting the plot aloud, it’d be cheaper and less time-consuming, and while it wouldn’t really take advantage of the fact that film is a visual medium, just churning out a bunch of special effects shenanigans without a plot to underpin them doesn’t take as much advantage of that as you might think, either. Imagine what an interesting, dark, twisty film we could have made out of this story if, say, questioning The Ancient One’s teachings (or cleaving to them unflinchingly) had been made a prominent concept, so that rifts in trust and the shaking of core beliefs about the universe were more meaningful developments? Imagine if Dormammu was a more significant idea about which we heard conflicting information from unreliable sources, imagine if we could see how tantalising Kaecilius’ perspective was, if Strange struggled at all with who to believe and how to reconcile his ego with the smallness of his existence in the vast multiverse, etc, etc. Imagine if the plot had some sort of core concept instead of just empty spectacle and placeholder characters. Imagine. What a waste.
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