#philip sedgwick
15810 Arawn
15810 Arawn (Pluto’s New Playmate ~ 5 Feb 2017, Philip Sedgwick)
The Kuiper Belt Object formerly known as Minor Solar System Body 15810 recently received the name Arawn. Discovered in 1994 (1994JR1) this Kuiper body was one of the first to come to our awareness. With an orbital period of 248.07 years, Arawn orbits in Pluto’s realm.
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Could it be that we now have three Plutos? According to Welsh mythology, Arawn ruled the Celtic otherworld, Annwn. He allegedly set loose the Cwn Annwn, the dogs of the underworld, to hunt mundane creatures.
If one hears the howling of these “Hounds of Hell” presumably death is foretold. The dogs are associated with migrating geese whose nocturnal honking sounds similar to barking in the darkness. Ironically, it is told the sounds of these hounds are louder at a distance and become softer as they come near. A song from a few years back comes to mind: “Who Let the Dogs Out?” and what underworldly shenanigans does that act of letting portend?
Arawn’s orbital period is reasonably close to that of Pluto, thus the underworldly moniker. More notable, presently Arawn transits 16 Capricorn 07, relatively near Pluto’s position at naming and will maintain reasonable zodiacal proximity with Pluto over the long haul. No doubt more than a convenient coincidence. Arawn and Pluto (orbital period of 247.74 yrs) are likely essentially conjunct in all our natal charts.
So now we have Pluto and we have Orcus, the “other Pluto” according to Mike Brown - the Etruscan lord of the Underworld. Add to this Arawn, who steps with Pluto, virtually hand in hand, through the celestial circle. It is a celestial trifecta of Pluto and his playmates and more, Pluto now tolerates a shadowing companion in addition to his moons.
Arawn will distinguish himself from Pluto and Orcus by his double fire orbital elements. He crosses the ecliptic at 24 Leo 42 (heliocentric north node) and ambles closest to the Sun at 6 Sagittarius 35. Pluto’s node is Cancer and perihelion is Scorpio (double water); Orcus’ node is Sagittarius and his perihelion Pisces (one fire, one water). Arawn is small, probably 70 km in diameter so there’s no chance he will achieve coveted dwarf planet status. Despite his size, he adds a level of subconscious substrate or unconscious stirring.
Arawn deals with ego/soul issues due to his Leonine node and weaves the sense of self within the core belief system one possesses as an operational philosophy as a function of the Sagittarian perihelion. The boldness and brightness of flares, flames and fires highlight the essence of Arawn’s intent. Since he is an underworld deity, the issues beneath the surface are: What really makes this person tick? Really? What is the true reason/cause/intention behind ones stated beliefs? Truly?
Given the otherworld double dip granted by Arawn and Pluto so near to one another, is it time to pause and ask one more question to ensure the motives of others with whom you engage are clear? Absolutely! Should we listen carefully for subtext? Yes. Is it important to realize that in between the words the true meaning may roam? You bet. Does everything that causes a reaction of inner stirring - whether a positive inspiration or a worrisome wonder - deserve dedicated duo diligence? More so now than ever!
In the category of what it is worth, the name Arawn was posted on the Minor Planet Center’s website in temporal proximity to the U.S. Presidential inauguration. No matter what one feels about the new president, he certainly does the Leo-Sagittarius axis with great skill. Is it soulful confidence or ego? Are his doctrines flaring thoughts and ego driven reaction or premeditated platforms with impeccable planning? Perhaps only the lords of the underworld know for sure.
As we go forward from here, Arawn summons each person dip deeper into the unconscious for a clear sense of deeply developed beliefs which renders a pure soulful confidence that emanates wherever one wanders.
In other celestial notations, several news sources have been discussing the “newly discovered” driving force of our galactic position. These articles refer to the Shapley Supercluster and specifically Shapley 8, which has been documented in previous SkyScrapings and will continue to be detailed as transits warrant.
I am back from LA and a wonderfully intense few days bringing Orcus to the greater consciousness with the filming of Elevator Pitch. Now we are in full blown post-production. Our actors were simply brilliant. The director of photography was a genius and the footage looks great. The costumer for the film created virtually from thin air an amazing wardrobe. More details will follow. If you’d like to see some behind the scenes pictures, click the links below.
Ground Hog Day recently passed and the whole thing about seeing ones shadow might stir the urge to have a consultation. Click on the links below for half hour or full consultation, Helio Reports, Galactic Reports and more. Since Valentine’s Day is right around the bend, what a time (through Feb 17) to order a Twin Stars relationship report on sale that includes four soul mate motivated centaurs!
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 3 months
Disturbing the Force
It was an epic day of Harkle shenanigans after just over a month of radio silence from Harry and a week and half without Meghan.
And they both came roaring back to the public consciousness in top form. Let's wind the clock back a little bit, and dive in.
June 14, 2024
It's Trooping Eve, and Kate kicks the celebration off with an update on her health, a new portrait, and an announcement that she will attend The King's Birthday Parade the next day. The social media post goes viral and it becomes breaking news, complete with push alerts.
June 15, 2024
Trooping Saturday. Kate makes her glorious and glamorous return to the public spotlight. Charles, recovering from his own health battle, looks fab as well.
Meghan can't deal with it and orders Nacho Figueras to shill her latest products for Roop ARO, raspberry jam and dog biscuits. The backlash is swift and immediate, and Meghan issues an almost-apology saying she didn't know that Kate would be returning to work on Trooping Saturday and she didn't intend to distract from it.
(Sure, and I didn't intend to drink a whole bottle of prosecco but 🤷‍♀️ here we are, snark and all.)
June 16, 2024
Father's Day. The official BRF social media posts archival footage of Charles and Prince Philip. William posts a photo of himself with Charles. Kate posts a photo of William and the kids with the kids' first post on social media.
The Sussexes don't observe Father's Day, unless you count activating the bots and the Squad to complain about William honoring his father with a photo that doesn't include his father's other son.
June 17, 2024
It's Garter Monday. All is quiet. William looks fantastic, as always. Kate is missed, as always.
June 18, 2024
Royal Ascot begins. It's still quiet. Lady Gabriella makes a public appearance, riding in a carriage with Anne and Peter. She looks to be in high spirits.
Meghan is still smarting over the public calling her out for stealing Kate's glory. She fires up the hotmail and gives exclusive comments to British tabloid Closer (not to be confused with Kyra Sedgwick's The Closer) that:
“Both Harry and Meghan have been following Kate’s recovery with huge interest, but sadly it’s had to be more from afar because their lines of communication with the palace and The Waleses, in particular, are very limited, to say the least. They have had enough information to know that people are excited about the idea of a comeback for Kate and they’re both relieved and happy to hear that she’s on the mend and may soon be well enough to return to her duties. They’ve jointly reached out to send well wishes, but they’re still not really in a place with Kate to warrant much of a response. That hasn’t stopped them from trying to connect and do what they see as the right thing. When Kate gets back into action, their hope is that it might take some of the heat off them and possibly trigger a truce with her and William, and with the King, too.”
“Meghan’s desperate to come across as the bigger person and end this feud between them – appearing like some sort of royal saviour could only do her image good. And, despite all their bad blood, her heart does go out to Kate – she can only imagine how hard this situation must be for her. Meghan has made it clear she’d love nothing more than to move past all the nonsense and find a way towards healing for everyone’s sake. She’s ready and willing to let the anger and bitterness go. Of course, it’s not really up to her and Harry, all they can do is continue to reach out and offer olive branches. Meghan hopes her feelings are being communicated to Kate through their mutual friends. There’s no doubt making peace with William and Kate would be a huge relief for Meghan on many levels, not least because it would also improve her reputation and, in turn, the new brand she’s cultivating.”
Y'all, I cannot. Meghan says she has mutual friends with Kate. Ha! That's as believable as "William's friend" giving exclusives to Richard Eden about William's plan for his monarchy.
“Meghan would love to be accepted by the British public again and getting the seal of approval from Kate and William would go a long way towards that. It’s got to be pretty nerve-wracking for Meghan, so much is riding on making amends with Kate and William and no matter what she and Harry do, ultimately they have very little control over the outcome, all they can do is continue to reach out, and hope for the best.”
Just to remind everyone, Closer is probably the source of the Sussexes' new British PR person that they promoted pre-Nigeria.
June 19, 2024
William attends Royal Ascot with his cousins and the Middletons. Everyone loves how close he is with his parents-in-law, compared to, well, you know.
Absolutely no one picks up Meghan's interview with Closer (maybe she should've tried Kyra Sedgwick) so Meghan's hotmail tips off the New York Post, who finally writes about it.
(Fun fact. I went to college with a girl who went to school with the Bacon-Sedgwick kids. She told me once that Kevin Bacon is more amazing than you think he is but Kyra is a bitch.)
(Also I'm watching the AFI Achievement Award for Nicole Kidman and she is so fabulous. Oh, man. They're parodying her AMC commercial with MORGAN FREEMAN. Sorry, guys. I really did drink that whole bottle of prosecco so please just bear with me.)
June 20, 2024
Meghan's check to her old stomping grounds, OK Magazine, clears and they write about the Closer's Olive Branch.
June 21, 2024
William's birthday. Kate posts one of the most amazing photographs she's ever taken of William and the kids, jumping off a sand cliff on the beach at Norfolk. One of the things that fascinates me the most about this photo is how William and George (the future kings) are looking at the camera while Charlotte and Louis are looking forward. I suppose someone more sober than me tonight can make an eloquent metaphor about how the kings are looking at their people while the spares are looking for their landing zone.
William takes his kids, Mike and Zara, Peter and Savannah, and some friends to see Taylor Swift. They have an absolutely chaotic time shaking it off, hanging out with Taylor, and meeting the Kelce Brothers.
Wales loyalists photoshop Harry's Friar Tuck into the birthday photo (or maybe it was the Father's Day photo? it was really well-done) and they also do a "who wore it best" of the dueling pink linen suits: Mike Tindall at the Eras Tour or Meghan Markle at the Lakers game.
June 22, 2024
Sussex Squad continue their shenanigans over William's dancing and attendance at the Eras Tour.
Thomas Markle publishes an op-ed in the Daily Mail talking about how all he wants is to talk to Meghan again and see her children.
It reminds me of ancient tea that came out in July 2018 (yes I can remember that specifically because I was riding on a very stinking hot London underground subway at the time) that Meghan and her people were shopping for PR agencies in late 2017/early 2018 and Meghan's brief to the PR agencies included that Samantha and Tom Sr. were to be used as sources and strategies for PR.
Whenever Meghan needs to reset the public narrative, she trots out dear ol' Dad to give her the victim edit. It's her MO, right there next to "throw everyone under the bus."
June 23, 2024
Richard Eden's op-ed that the Sussexes are becoming more irrelevanter than irrelevant gets picked up by American media, including the New York Post. But before you can think "someone forgot to pay them this week!", the article course-corrects, reminding us that the Sussexes had graciously offered to pick up royal duties while Charles and Kate are away but mean William won't let them.
June 24, 2024
The Mirror rubs it in Harry's face that he doesn't stand a chance at inheriting Diana's home. Apparently we're all "surprised" that Earl Spencer's son is set to inherit the estate "due to the aristocracy's system of primogeniture."
That reminds me. Earl Spencer's archaeological dig at Althorp found a roman bracelet. He posted about it on Twitter. (We're allowed to still call it Twitter, according to the Supreme Court.) (And I guess he's still boinking the archaeologist.)
June 25, 2024
The Japan State Visit to the UK begins. William looks fantastic accompanying the Emperor and his wife to the parade grounds to begin the visit. We all wonder what he's going to do because the state banquet takes place the same time as football. Is he going to smuggle his phone to the dinner? (Nope! But he must have required someone at KP to watch the match because their "congratulations" tweet went up lickety-split.)
Charles makes a comment during his toast about his grandchildren and Sussex Squad and anti-Katers seize ahold of it to mean that he's talking about Archie and Lili.
The BRF courts controversy when Sophie wears the Lotus Flower Tiara (famously loaned to Kate) and issues a press release saying that Queen Camilla loaned it to Sophie. Everyone gets mad and blog-shouts how dare she but I think it's a nothingburger. You can see that the tiara still "belongs" to Kate because the velvet wrapping on the brace is still the dark brown of Kate's hair (as opposed to being changed to yellow for Sophie's hair) so probably Kate meant to wear it but she couldn't attend, so it was given to Sophie because of what the lotus symbolizes in Japanese culture. (I have another anon that wrote in about this. I'll post it soon.)
Not to be outdone, Meghan's hotmail tells Marie Claire Magazine to promote her latest olive branch (from Closer on June 18th, but they quote OK Magazine's story from June 20th).
June 26, 2024
Scotty's Little Soldiers published a tearful video discussion their founder, Nikki Scott, had with Harry over loss and grief. Harry talked about losing his mother. Nikki talked about dealing with the loss of her husband and having to tell her then-five year old child.
Harry has supported Scotty's Little Soldiers since 2017 when he met the founder at a Buckingham Palace event. Harry later named Scotty's Little Soldiers as one of seven charities for his wedding.
The video doesn't really get much attention, largely going unnoticed by most. (There's some speculation it was filmed last week or when Harry was last in the UK (May for the Invictus anniversary) but I am one with the couch now.)
June 27, 2024
It was a busy, busy day for the Sussexes!
First, There was a ruling in one of Harry's lawsuits, which drops a bomb that Harry is being accused by News Group Newspapers (whom he's suing in one of his umpteen lawsuits in the phone hacking case that won't go away) of having destroyed evidence for the lawsuit. In a (tipsy) nutshell (I mean, let's face it, you do sorta have to be tipsy to understand the lawsuits), NGN wants Harry to disclose what information / evidence he has, or has knowledge of existing, supporting his allegations of the phone hacking. They are trying to find out if Harry knew he had a claim (aka grounds for a lawsuit) before 2013. If they can prove he did, then the case can be thrown out because it was filed too late.
The judge is concerned that Harry's lawyers hasn't addressed that issue and he doesn't like that Harry has been doing all the research himself and - reading between the lines - it's a veiled accusation of obstruction because it sounds like Harry has refused to cooperate with the lawyers by deliberately controlling and withholding his records from evidence disclosure. NGN says "We have had to drag those out of the claimant [Harry] kicking and screaming."
Additionally, the judge revealed "troubling evidence" that tons of messages between Harry and his Spare ghostwriter over emails and apps had been destroyed. (This is the destruction of evidence issue.
Ah, the neighbors have started shooting off July 4th fireworks. *eagle screech of freedom*)
The judge ruled that Harry and/or his team:
Must conduct a wider search of his laptop and WhatsApp account(s) for the missing emails, texts, and messages for exchanges from 2005 through early 2023
Must try to retrieve the messages from the Signal app he used to communciate with his Spare ghostwriter.
Must produce a witness statement to explain his exchanges with the ghostwriter (which could lead to testimony from the ghostwriter -- juicy!)
Must send letters to the royal household and their lawyers requesting copies relating to Harry's communications during this time so they could be examined for relevance and applicability. Two people from the royal household were named and y'all, I don't think they're happy about getting dragged into this.
Must make an interim payment of 60,000 pounds to NGN for their costs of the hearing. (I don't know why.)
(Reuters Link)
Second, the ESPYs announced today that Harry will be receiving their Pat Tillman Award for Service for his work with Invictus Games.
Here is what the press release says about Harry's selection:
In honor of his tireless work in making a positive impact for the veteran community through the power of sport, Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex will receive the Pat Tillman Award for Service, an award given to a person with a strong connection to sports who has served others in a way that echoes the legacy of the former NFL player and U.S. Army Ranger, Pat Tillman. After serving for 10 years in the British Armed Forces, including two tours of duty in Afghanistan as a forward air controller and Apache helicopter pilot, Prince Harry founded The Invictus Games Foundation, continuing his service by creating an international platform to support wounded, injured, and sick servicemen and women – both active-duty and veterans – who are navigating both physical and invisible injuries. Since inception, the Games have transcended borders and impacted lives across every continent, bringing together competitors from 23 nations, with continued support and programming 365 days of the year. Now celebrating its tenth year, The Invictus Games has evolved into a globally celebrated and acclaimed organization that celebrates resilience, community, and healing through the power of sport. Past recipients of the Pat Tillman Award for Service include Jake Wood (2018), Kirstie Ennis (2019), Kim Clavel (2020), Marcus Rashford (2021), Gretchen Evans (2022) and the Buffalo Bills Training Staff (2023). 
Yeah, we're all sorts of pissed off because it's clear that Harry bought the award because he certainly doesn't qualify for it. Invictus Games qualifies for the award; not their bratty founder who takes all the credit.
It was totally purchased for the 10th anniversary of Invictus and to help Harry look important, like he actually does something and is worth everything he grifts gets. Speaking of, they haven't announced the 2027 host yet. Small mercies, I suppose. I wouldn't put it past them to try and announce it during the Olympics, because one thing Harry (and Meghan too) is very good at is not being able to read the fucking room.
According to the tea that has leaked out, the ESPY announcement caught many off-guard at ESPN because it was not meant to happen today (check out the comments here), leading to theories that:
The Sussexes are trying to bury the news that Harry's lawsuit isn't going well and that he's been reamed out in court.
Harry is trying to compete with William, who is attending a conference today for Earthshot 2023 winners with Bill Gates and Hannah Waddingham.
It's a tactical PR campaign to prop Hero Harry up for the UK's observance of Armed Forces Day on Saturday, June 29th.
4. All of the above.
(if you guessed #4, you're right!)
Third, in the most amazing of coincidences, Meghan Markle was papped in Beverly Hills merching a tracksuit for a photo shoot. Since it was near a popular coffee shop, my theory is that she's doing something for that Clevr thing, the one she did the commercial for last year. Maybe some kind of corporate partnership with her lifestyle brand. Clevr + ARO = the tracksuit fashion no one but Sue Sylvester needs.
Anyway. That's what you missed on Glee.
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justbusterkeaton · 1 year
“Six years later, Keaton was sharing an office with Sedgwick they called the Boars’ Nest. Buster had taken to embroidery to pass the hours, and was at work on a project when Philip Scheuer of the Los Angeles Times paid a visit. “Just a purse I’m making—for the missus,” Keaton explained, casting it aside.”
Excerpt from: Buster Keaton: A Filmmaker’s Life by James Curtis
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nerice · 1 year
the big unread shelf readening of 2023
aka elia reads every single bought-but-unread book before being allowed to get into gtn/tlt
a conservation of shadows by yoon ha lee
american originality by louise glück
black leopard, red wolf by marlon james
breaking legacies by zoe reed
chinese folk tales anthology
chokepoint capitalism by rebecca giblin & cory doctorow
devotions: selected poems of mary oliver
divine felines: the cat in japanese art by rhiannon paget
epistemology of the closet by eve kosofsky sedgwick
female masculinity by jack halberstam
if not, winter (fragments of sappho)
korean folktales anthology
making sense of japanese by jay rubin
moby dick by herman melville
his dark materials by philip pullman
paradise lost by john milton
queer games avant-garde by bonnie ruberg
representation in steven universe (anthology)
revision by david michael kaplan
routledge handbook of japanese media (anthology)
russian folktales anthology
seven blades in black by sam sykes
sissies and tomboys (anthology)
the bear and the nightingale by kathryn arden (3 books)
the book of disquiet by fernando pessoa
the copyeditor's handbook by amy einsohn
the fifth season by n.k. jemison (3 books)
the grace of kings by ken liu
the promise of happiness by sara ahmed
the invisible library by genevieve cogman (8 books)
the japanese language by haruhiko kindaichi
the locked tomb by tamsyn muir
the queer art of failure by jack halberstam
the queer child by kathryn bond stockton
time is a mother by ocean vuong
turtles all the way down by john green
undoing gender by judith butler
welcome to night vale (the novel)
what if by randall munroe
wonderbook by jeff vandermeer
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likeniobe · 2 years
ok post that I just found drafted in my laptop notes app from when I was reading between men by eve sedgwick a couple of weeks ago. thinking about that book in re: don carlo is so funny because if carlo-elizabeth-philip is a pure oedipal triangulation where the woman is trafficked betw two men with a rivalry prior to and in some ways more important than the romance, arguably in all other conceivable triangulations the one being trafficked is carlo (eg carlo as pawn in exchanges between elizabeth-eboli and philip-rodrigo). I think this is why homophobic paranoia/panic in productions of the opera is so blatant and incongruous, because it’s alien to the structure of the text. this reading might be completely incorrect btw
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virtualplushy · 1 year
I don’t know what kind of books you enjoy, but here are a few easy reads that leave you with a deeper sense of knowing—a deeper understanding—of what it means to truly exist:
The Ghosts of Heaven by Marcus Sedgwick
The Giver by Lois Lowry (my all-time favorite book)
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick
These are all quiet in their profundity, particularly the first two, and they deliver poignant commentary on the nature of the human experience at its most fundamental level, irrespective of time or place.
hi! thank you for the recs! i remember reading the giver in middle school and it cracking my brain right in half, but i haven’t reread it in a long time! and im not familiar w the other two but i’ll look them up!!! mwah <3
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46ten · 2 years
Schuyler elopements
The following accounts are from Women of Colonial and Revolutionary Times: Catherine Schuyler (1897) by Mary Gay Humphreys.
Regarding the elopement of Angelica Schuyler and John Church:
“Carter and my eldest daughter ran off and were married on the twenty-third of July. Unacquainted with his family connections and situation in life the matter was exceedingly disagreeable and I signified it to them” [Philip Schuyler to William Duer, pg 191] 
[One can read my speculation about why, (x), considering the above, AH was nevertheless acceptable to the Schuylers]
Regarding the elopement (that I don’t think was an elopement, just a surprising marriage due to SVR’s youth) of Margarita (Peggy) Schuyler and Stephen Van Rensselaer: 
“Stephen’s precipitate marriage has been to me a source of surprise and indeed of regret. He certainly is too young to enter into a connection of this kind; the period of his life is an important crisis; it is the time to acquire Fame, or at least to prepare for its acquisition. It is the Time to engage in a busy life, to arouse the Facultys into action, to awake from a lithargic Inattention, which is generally the consequence of youthful pleasures, and make a figure upon the active Theatre. Instead of this our field has indulged the momentary impulse of youthful Passions, and has yielded to the dictates of Remorseful Fancy.” [Harrison Gray Otis to Killian Van Rensselaer, pg 195]
Regarding the elopement of Cornelia Schuyler and Washington Morton: 
At the Morton home in New Jersey there had been a notable wedding, that of Eliza Morton to Josiah Quincy of Boston. The Rev. Samuel Smith of Princton College performed the ceremony before all the aristocracy of the time....Among the guests was Miss Cornelia Schuyler. The bride had a brother, Washington Morton. He made himself prominent as a lad during the British occupation by losing a darning needle which, being the only one in the neighborhood, accordingly had to be loaned from house to house. He was now one of the young bloods of the time. One of his recent enterprises had been a walk to Philadelphia on a wager. He was accompanied by various young men on horseback and in carriages. That night he gave them a dinner at Philadelphia, and was one of the liveliest of the company. He was of superb figure and very athletic. The admiration of Miss Schuyler and Mr. Morton was mutual and prompt. He followed the young lady to Albany and declared his attentions to her father. His walk had given him much distinction, but it was not the sort likely to win the approval of so strict a disciplinarian as General Schuyler, or the championship of so considerate a mother as his wife. 
The young man’s suit was refused. “He has not taken that place which befitted a married man,” and the General, to make sure of his position, led the young man to the wharf and saw him aboard the New York sloop. Returning home he called his daughter into the library and told her what he had done. “My wishes will be respected? Promise me to have nothing to do with him by word or letter.”
“I cannot.” 
“What! do you mean to disobey me?” 
“I mean I cannot bind myself; I will not.”
The issue was made. What steps were taken to secure obedience do not appear. In time, however, the impatient lover found opportunity to send his love a letter, and one moonlit evening two muffled figures appeared under Miss Cornelia’s window. At a low whistle the window opened and a rope was thrown up. Attached to the rope was a rope ladder, which making fast like a veritable heroine of romance the bride descended. They were driven to the river, where a boat was waiting to take them across. On the other side was the coach-and-pair. They were then driven thirty miles across country to Stockbridge, where an old friend of the Morton family lived. It was Judge Theodore Sedgwick, not unknown  to General Schuyler in Congress and about the troublesome boundary commissions. The affair had gone too far. The judge sent for a neighboring minister and the runaways were duly married. So flagrant a breach of the parental authority was not to be hastily forgotten. Philip and Catherine Schuyler had had had various experiences in kind, but this transcended everything out of fiction, from which in fact it seems to have been carefully copied. It was some months before the young couple was pardoned, by the stern father at least, for the mother’s heart quickly responded to the happiness of her children, even though they had been so willful. As in the case of the other runaways, the youthful Mortons disappointed expectation, by becoming important householders and taking a prominent place in the social life of New York, where Washington Morion achieved some distinction at the bar. [pg 202-4].
A few posts about Washington Morton, x
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eventcharts · 10 years
How they clean the windows at Children's Hospital in Pittsburgh
Spider-Man, Superman, Captain America and Batman entertained kids at Children's Hospital while also managing to find time for window washing.
Neptune (inspirational) conjunct Gonggong (super heros).
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Minor planet keywords developed by Philip Sedgwick, used with permission http://philipsedgwick.com/
Centaur, TNO & Asteroid Aspectarian http://serennu.com/astrology/aspectarians.php
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more-profound-bond · 3 months
Queer Books for Pride Month:
"It Takes Two to Tumble" by Cat Sebastian
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If you like found family this is definetly something for you.
Cat Sebastian doesn't only deliver a great romance, but also focuses on family dynamics and makes you love every single character. There really is no one you can actually hate or even strongly dislike.
Every character has their motives and sometimes even the smallest action can lead to much bigger things.
As for the main characters. Ben Sedgwick is trully a ball of sunshine, that goes through life with a smile and refreshing joy. (There's no toxic positivity though, which I think is important)
On the other hand Philip Dacre is a captain, who's just learning, that there's more to life than his beloved ship.
And when those two suddenly clash we really get something unexpected and unbelievably sweet.
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oh-for-heavens-sake · 4 years
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Kyra Sedgwick in Montana (1998)
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Algol Rhythms ~ 9 Feb 2023
Algol Rhythms ~ 9 Feb 2023, Philip Sedgwick
The fixed star Algol currently deserves rumination. True, Algol stands out as a dreaded, even feared star with its mythological backstory. Also true, Saturn in Aquarius squares Algol’s zodiacal claim of 26 Taurus 27 (approximately the 2023 position). Saturn says Algol deserves attention for what can be extracted from its longstanding legend and lore.
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True, Algol rules decapitation. Astrologers claiming a past life in France during the guillotine heyday seemed more concerned about the lunar phase for placing angelica in white wine to maximize the bouquet. As such, research on the charts of those beheaded is lacking. This association is derived from the most evil star’s namesake’s decapitation after she was violated by Poseidon. As a result, injustice is also one of the keywords for the star.
Algol (Beta Perseus) is known by many unflattering names, including but not limited to: Gorgana, El Ghoul, the Demon Star and Satan’s head. Algol appears in the third eye location of the head of the once beautiful goddess, Medusa. She was a beauty with long, flowing hair. She erred by getting on the wrong side of Pallas-Athena, who arranged for the mayhem Medusa endured, including changing her gorgeous tresses into venomous snakes.
Algol is actually a three-star system in the constellation Perseus, the hero. Perseus, often depicted riding Pegasus, retrieved the head of Medusa for weaponization - whoever gazed upon the dreadful head of Medusa would be turned to stone. Perseus, equipped with gifts from the god - a reflective shield, Mercury’s winged sandals (he could fly with these without needing Pegasus) and Pluto’s helmet of invisibility, successfully retrieved the head of Medusa. As a result, he was formidable in battle, turning to stone and immobilizing foes.
This three-star system because of the orbital relationships of its components displays optical variability occurring every 2.87 days. Symbolically, one connected to Algol benefits from a conscious reset of personal luminance every three days or so. This may serve as an integral and vital component of transforming the negative interpretive portrayal of Algol.
Also contributing to a major reframe and upgrade of this star’s influence stands the consideration that Algol is now in the hands of a heroic god, who demonstrates extreme skills in applying all gifts of the gods. Ah, so one who knowingly and cleverly applies all god-given talents may thwart opposing efforts by adversaries by literally and figuratively halting their advance, and stunning them with the wonder of ones talents. That’s a very cool remedy to malefic assessments under a Saturn transit.
Given the work I’ve been doing to put my films on streaming channels, a heap of work is being done to get on the right side of appropriate algorithms. Sounds like the variability of the fixed star Beta Perseus... you know, Algol’s rhythms.
Those who got on the wrong side of an algorithm and now are bombarded by posts that are nonsense... and they can’t get out... not easily that is. For years, the intuitive appearances of ads and articles related to a most recent Google search can be infuriating. Respect cyber space!
Sedna in Taurus, for years now, has been influencing Algol by conjunction. (Soon a post on Sedna’s initial migration over the border of Gemini come mid-May). Could Sedna to Algol in delineation be the rampant use by cyber tech of Algol-rhythms?
Sedna, according to her node (Leo) and perihelion (Cancer), stresses the need for complete manifestation of real world well-being, then onward to soulful satisfaction. As part of this quest she insists upon accepting ones participation in current life conditions and ultimately their circumstances. Upon such realization, Sedna supports and urges followers to engage every and all effort for life and self improvement.
If one aligns symbolically with the resources Perseus demonstrated, perhaps Beta test remedies for the 2nd brightest star in Perseus, Algol, can be placed in conscious scrutiny and application. Perchance, life gets better.
And these symbolic resources consist of:
Perseus wielded the head of the gorgon as a weapon. So in the real world post and present only your stunning brilliance. Keep other in awe of your wonder. Post no ailments or insecurities online. Be bold, applying the fullest reach of you knowledge and wisdom. Let your talent be the declaration of your faith.
Perseus was granted a helmet of invisibility to secure the head of Medusa. Apply this concept to know when you need to clear your cache, both in cyberspace and within your psyche. Know when to be invisible. Verify than any post or life action most likely results in a positive life result before transacting. Know how to pick battles and understand the wisdom of not engaging with unnecessary nefarious circumstances.
Perseus possessed Mercury’s winged sandals. Be light on your feet, keep your balance. Avoid tripping hazards and becoming a tripping hazard for others. Stay smoothly in your lane. Ensure all footwear is comfortable. Shoes that hurt can certainly slow progress.
Perseus held a mirrored shield so he did not need to directly look at Medusa’s head. In the world of evil online Algol rhythms, this is a virtual private network (VPN). Get a good one! Put in on all computers and phones. Scan your devices for malware daily. In the real world imagine clear psychic defenses against negativity and shield yourself well. The old adage, “I’m rubber, your glue...” comes to mind.
Finally apply the rhythm of Algol. Every two to three days reset your psychic fortification against negativity. At the end of every three days assess all life circumstances. Those that do not head in a direction you seek, terminate immediately. Clear your memory of any recent event you might lambast yourself for poorly handling. Instead, apply the thought “I am more mature, wiser and henceforth apply all my life experience in an efficient and evolved manner.
As this all settles in, realize life is what you make it. Agree that you’ll be the best utilizer of all the tools in your skill set and affirm those attributes to the source of your creativity.
Continue to do this as Saturn wraps up the square to Algol, and more than likely, your refreshed mindset aids in creating a world of good. Remember, Perseus, the hero, has control of the gorgon’s head.
More soon.
There’s slightly more than one week remaining to order the Twin Star Compatibility Report which includes the energies of the centaur soul mates, Chiron and Chariklo; Hylonome and Cyllarus. Send me an e-mail with the birth data of those to be included in the report and ask for a PayPal request in the amount of $21.99 or feel free to send the sum to [email protected] via either PayPal or Zelle (do not use the phone number given below).
Also the links below can line up for a consultation or package of consultations as you conjure conditions that will please the planets all the way out to Sedna. For Valentine’s Day, show yourself some love with a Galactic Report... and there’s a heap more on the links. Check ‘em out!
Visit my Website Consultations and Services Quick Order Form
My short films ZAP! and MIRAGE AT ZABUL PROVINCE are pending ingestion on the streaming channel Filmocracy.com. Evidently pushing the deliverable is a far-more complicated than I thought. ZAP! has also been selected to the Nuclear Home Video channel and more to come. I will let you know when they are up and running.
Ongoing film work consists of funding and developing a short and a feature film. All my film's messages seek to emphasize the wisdom of the cosmos above. And that’s how films are out of this world!
The Unbridled Movie Unbridled Movie Trailer on Vimeo
Meteoric the Movie (on Vimeo)
You can find my short ZAP! on Roku here...
Jack of All Lanterns on Vimeo
Watch the short films ELEVATOR PITCH and OTRO LADO written by Philip on The Flick Fest
Philip's IMDb Page METEORIC Movie • JACK OF ALL LANTERNS Movie • ZAP! the Film •
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quicksiluers · 2 years
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Horatio Gouverneur Wright (March 6, 1820 – July 2, 1899) was born in Clinton, Connecticut, son of Edward and Nancy Wright. His military career began after graduating 2nd from a class of 52 from the United States Military Academy in 1841.  He was commissioned into the Corps of Engineers, and taught briefly at West Point before being sent to Florida to work on infrastructure and fortification improvements.
At the outbreak of the Civil War, Wright first took part in the evacuation and destruction of the Norfolk Navy Yard on April 20, 1861, before it could fall into Confederate hands.  Although he was captured during the operation, he was released four days later.  He began work on fortifications around Washington DC, before being assigned as chief engineer to the division of Samuel P. Heintzelman.  He served with the division during the Battle of First Manassas, which led to his promotion to Brigadier General on September 16, 1861.  He was then made the chief engineer for Major General Thomas W. Sherman during the Front Royal campaign.  In February of 1862, he led troops against Confederate forces along the Florida coast, and in June led a division under Henry W. Benham during the battle of Secessionville.  He was moved to the Department of the Ohio, and took part in forcing Confederate general Braxton Bragg out of Kentucky.  He was promoted to Major General on July 18, 1862, but the appointment was first refused by Congress.
In May of 1863, Wright was given a command of a division in the VI Corps under General John Sedgwick.  He led the division through the battles of Gettysburg and Rappahannock Bridge, as well as during the Mine Run Campaign.  In May of 1864, he led his division through the Battle of the Wilderness, and following the death of Sedgwick at the Battle of Spotsylvania Courthouse, was given command of the entire corps until the end of the campaign.  He was again promoted to Major General, and was confirmed on May 12, 1864.  He led his corps through the Battle of Cold Harbor, and during the Valley Campaign of 1864. Wright and his corps were sent to Washington, DC to help prevent Confederate General Jubal Early from attacking the capital.  Wright participated in the Battle of Fort Stevens, and directed the Union army at the Battle of Cedar Creek before Union General Philip Sheridan arrived and took over.  At the Battle of Petersburg, Wright and the VI Corps were some of the first Union soldiers to breakthrough Confederate lines, and the corps went on to defeat Confederate forces during the Battle of Sayler’s Creek on April 6, 1865.
After the war, Wright continued his service with the United States military, and took part in engineering projects such as the completion of the Washington Monument and the construction of the Brooklyn Bridge.
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Time. And when my time is up, have I done enough? Will they tell our story? Will they tell your story? Oh. Can I show you what I’m proudest of? The orphanage. I establish the first private orphanage in New York City.
Lin-Manuel Miranda
Miranda said, “If this were a work of fiction, any screenwriting teacher would say, ‘take it out, it’s too on the nose.’ But Eliza’s true legacy is in the futures of those children. She was the director of this orphanage for 27 years. The orphanage still exists in the form of the Graham Windham organization.” He has a point - this is almost too perfect to be true, but it is. 
Eliza had always had a fondness for children, but after Hamilton’s death this blossomed into more than just their own children and an occasional friend’s child. Her brother Philip’s wife died, leaving two young boys. Eliza took care of the children for her brother. 
Eliza involved herself in the Society for the Relief of Poor Widows, which was based at Trinity Church. Two women, Sarah Hoffman and Isabella Graham, found five children crying over their dead mother in a tenement building. Graham had recently read about the Germany “ragged school” orphanage model. The two women went to Eliza with their idea of building a home for orphaned children. She accepted. 
The orphanage became a focus for her. Together with a group of other women, she planned projects, signed a lease on a two-story house in which to house the children, and hired two people - a man and his wife - to care for the children. It was on March 15, 1806, that the Orphan Asylum Society was founded. 
Sources: the following sources were used - the collected letters/writings of Alexander Hamilton, Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Hamilton the Revolution, Ron Chernow’s biography of Hamilton, The Intimate Life of Alexander Hamilton by Allan McLane Hamilton, Hamilton by Richard Syllia, and Charles Cerami’s book called Young Patriots. In addition, War of Two by John Sedgwick and Washington and Hamilton by Tony Williams were used throughout. Tilar J. Mazzeo’s Eliza Hamilton was also used. 
Follow us at @an-american-experiment where we are historically analyzing the lyrics of Hamilton with a new post every day!
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ritorumuni · 7 years
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by[30/07] Day 2 • 100 Days Of Productivity
Well, I’m really trying to get this 100 days this time, so today I’ve finished reading 12 Doctors, 12 Stories, and IT WAS REAALY GOOD I FELT REALLY BAD THAT I DIDN’T LIKE IT AT FIRST. Patrick Ness, Derek Landy and Holly Black WERE DOING AMAZING SWEETIES. 
Then I’ve read it until page 461, that is where I should be in the buddyread. And I’m starting to be really terrified by the story of this SO DARK book. Will I sleep at night? IDK. 
Now I have to read all the Fangirl book for “ Winter Bookathon”. I’m really looking for this reading and I feel so exited!!! 
That’s it. I’ve read a lot today and watched GOT. That’s a pretty good day for me. 
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eventcharts · 1 year
Storm Daniel causes deadly floods in eastern Libya
Devastating floods caused by Storm Daniel swept across Libya, killing dozens of people. The death toll in Derna, a city declared a disaster zone, is expected to reach 2000.
Saturn (severity) conjunct Gonggong (floods, dams and levees, flood control (two dams near the city of Derna fail)). Typhon (highly ionized wind patterns) conjunct Libya’s Venus in Scorpio square Pluto in Leo (deadliest and costliest Mediterranean tropical-like cyclone).
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Storm Daniel, also known as Cyclone Daniel, was the deadliest and costliest Mediterranean tropical-like cyclone ever recorded. Libya was hit the hardest, with torrential rains causing two dams near the city of Derna to fail.
Storm Daniel https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Storm_Daniel 
Minor planet keywords developed by Philip Sedgwick, used with permission http://philipsedgwick.com/
Centaur, TNO & Asteroid Aspectarian http://serennu.com/astrology/aspectarians.php
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womblegrinch · 5 years
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Philip Alexius de László (1869-1937) - Lady Ludlow, née Alice Sedgwick Manciewicz, (previously Lady Wernher)
Oil on canvas. Painted in 1924.
66.5 x 39.25 inches, 169 x 99.5 cm. Estimate: £20,000-30,000.
Sold Christie’s, London, 11 Dec 2014 for £116,500 incl B.P.
de László is the only artist that I would post every painting he did.
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