#cygnus x-1
blasteffect · 4 months
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Cygnus X-1,
Cygnus X-1 is located near large active regions of star formation in the Milky Way, as seen in this image that spans some 700 light years across.
An artist's illustration on the right depicts what astronomers think is happening within the Cygnus X-1 system. Cygnus X-1 is a so-called stellar-mass black hole, a class of black holes that comes from the collapse of a massive star.
New studies with data from Chandra and several other telescopes have determined the black hole's spin, mass, and distance with unprecedented accuracy.
Optical image from the Digitized Sky Survey
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COMIC - Cosmic Mysteries: Black Holes
(Heliosphere: Under the Sky is an original solar system project with personified stars and planets)
Space facts!
Black holes are mysterious. They are huge concentrations of matter packed into very tiny spaces.
A black hole is so dense that gravity just beneath its surface, the event horizon, is strong enough that nothing - not even light - can escape.
Black holes can be stellar or supermassive.
However, continued studies propose intermediate (middle ground mass), primordial (formed with the universe), and ultramassive (in the case of TON 618).
Black holes (NASA) | Sagittarius A* (Space.com) | Ultra-massive black holes (Universe Today)
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deux-jared · 1 year
and i hope you die
i hope we both die
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hand in Unlovable hand
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rastronomicals · 3 months
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11:05 PM EDT June 26, 2024:
Rush - "Cygnus X-1" From the album A Farewell to Kings (September 1, 1977)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
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File under: Progressive Rock, Canadian Branch
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musiclandoux · 1 year
: 🎼❤️🎼
Alex Lifeson
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Happy 70th Birthday
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(Image credits: NASA/CXC/M.Weiss)
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Cygnus X-1
Cygnus X-1 (Adding Aquarian Insight ~ 5 Feb 2021, Philip Sedgwick)
As Earth and the creatures upon it currently absorb an abundance of Aquarian energy from above, this would be a good time to personalize and extend the reach of the sign’s meaning. Such amplification can be found as objects in our solar system are enhanced as they transit an array of black holes that lie beyond our galaxy.
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Following are slightly more than a handful of the black holes confirmed in Aquarius and their approximate correct degree and minute for 2021.
Before diving over the event horizon of each of the black holes and into its singularity, let’s address two technical questions that may divert attention from the delineations.
Where was the black hole when you were born? Roughly, you’d need to counter precess the positions listed below by eight minutes of an arc for every decade (or 50.26 seconds per year). So if you were born thirty-five years ago that would be 28 minutes earlier that posits below. Actually given these points advance one degree every 72 years and considering their immense gravitation influence, you can actually overlook exactitude as use a “close enough for government work” attitude to applying them.
How much gravitational influence do these things wallop us with? What’s the orb for a planet to these galactic enigmas? Give them four degrees either side of partile, plus or minus.
Why do we care about these black holes? Two of the following, Cygnus X-1 and Cygnus X-3 were among the first black holes realized. Cygnus X-1 was the first theorized, hinting at what it was when x-ray detection became a thing in astrophysics a half century ago. Actually, astroarchaeologists believe that cuneiforms painted by the Sumerians thousands of years ago depicted Cygnus X-1 and referred to it as overseeing the “netherworld.” That’s interesting.
Further, Cygnus X-1 was used to confirm event horizons - the edge of black holes - and shifted black hole theory into more of consensus reality.
Some of the black holes below have their periods (P) noted. A few have the pulse frequency of x-ray emanations (p). NOTE: d = days; s = seconds. The pulse establishes the duration of time required for the exposure to an advanced idea or concept to grasp its magnitude. The period represents the time required to completely assimilate any mental, emotional or psychic realization into a useful state for the psyche. You know, how long do you need to wrap around it?
So there they are with their awkward names and a bullet point to process as the planets transit:
04 AQ 25, NGC 7022
Establish your own early warning system. Notify yourself promptly of any indication of your withdrawal from life. Do not withdraw. Step back and process, then re-engage.
10 AQ 46, V* QZ Vul
Learn to be so present you cannot be seen. If you want invisibility and to remain anonymous, go do your thing with making a fuss about what you’re doing. What’s important is that you receive insights and deal with them promptly.
11 AQ 27, 4U 1954+31 P = 5.09 hrs
Changing pace and course as a matter of course secures constancy and sure footedness. It’s not about changing your mind as a matter of course, it’s about evolving as you process new and extended insights.
12 AQ 42, 3U 0115-73, P = 3.89d, 16.66 d, p = 0.714s
If you make a practice to go out of body, you miss the benefits of existing on the material plane.
14 AQ 03, 3U 1956+35, Cyg X-1, P = 5.6d
You are totally unique. So is everyone else. With connections to this black hole in your chart you possess an innate ability to forecast what lies over the next horizon. Barometric predictive consciousness and trend-setting create significance to ones efforts, not to be confused with being an influencer. An influencer latches onto something someone else has done and hypes it into popularity. A barometric trendsetter perceives a need in the near future and conjures the concept or product that satisfies that need and creates it, or gathers the team to do so.
When transiting, innovations fill the airwaves and become whispers in the wind.
17 AQ 48, 3C 405.0
Some say if it weren’t for the fringe, the flag would unravel. The point where the fringe merges with the flag equals participation in the collective. While fringe folks believe in the essentially of their cantankerousness, other perceive rabble-rousing and destruction. Work to be part of the solution, not the problem.
21 AQ 09, GS 2023+338, P = 6.4717d
Promoting individuality and acknowledging personal distinctiveness inspires collective cooperation by those promoted.
28 AQ 56 3U 2030+40 Cyg X-3, p = 17,280s (4.8h)
If nothing brilliant is ever done, you will not be seen for your light you can shed. Others will not be able to recognize the brilliance, appreciate your merit or include you in life’s festivities should you not reach as far as you can to gather your insights and ground them in reality.
So, there’s a bit of a tiptoe through the tantalizing aspirations of black holes to add to the “out there” innate skills of Aquarius. Over the next weeks everyone is subject to receiving blasts of amazing, constructive insights hell bent on stirring progress and evolution into the mix of human consciousness.
If you’d like to support these inspirations with a greater understanding of these ongoing stimulations, how about clicking the links below to order a Galactic Report (perfect for enhancing Aquarian influences), schedule a consultation, ask a question or two dive into the Galactic Trilogy, which is rich in black hole delineation.
This past week my short film, ZAP! achieved FINALIST status in the January 2021, Luleå Film Festival (Sweden) selections. The same day I received word that ZAP! is an Official Selection in the Front Range Film Festival (Colorado) and will screen virutally on 20 February. If anyone is interested in viewing the film here’s the ticketing link for the Front Range Film Festival. My eye is on my filmmaker in-box as there are more announcements to be made. It’s an arduous thing, these film selections… your film is competing with thousands of high-quality films from all over the world for but a small number of selection slots and within the skews to festival selection criterion caused by the pandemic. More to come!
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madeleineq · 1 month
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petluck · 5 months
"Spinning, whirling, still descending.
Like a spiral sea, unending.
Sound and fury drowns my heart, every nerve is torn apart."
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domifucker · 10 months
rude of spotify to drop wrapped now, instead of next week after i’ve listened to Cygnus X-1 approximately 40,000 times
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glfc2112 · 11 months
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ATTN: American and UK Rush fans, limited edition Rush X-1 Belgian Black Ale now available for pre-order. Here is all the information from Rush Beer HQ's Instagram. "In the constellation of Cygnus There lurks a mysterious, invisible force The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1" Down here on Earth, we've got something a bit more obtainable. Introducing X-1 Belgian Black Ale, the newest addition to the line of limited edition beers by @rush Brewed with black cherry & cabernet grape skins, this celestial ale clocks in at a 10% ABV in a wonderful 500ml bottle. Transmissions from outer space report "rich notes of cherry, plum and cabernet grapes with hints of leather, spice, chocolate and vanilla, culminating in a dry finish". Hop on the Rocinante and pre-order yours now here: https://halftimebeverage.com/rush-x1-69045 NOTE: December 5 is the expected shipping date from Half Time Beverage. For those in Canada, you can order it through Henderson Brewing. Click the link below. https://shophendersonbrewing.com/products/x-1?variant=47912518746343
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astroblogs · 2 years
Röntgenstraling van zwart gat Cygnus X-1 komt van z'n accretieschijf en niet van z'n jets
Röntgenstraling van zwart gat Cygnus X-1 komt van z’n accretieschijf en niet van z’n jets
Impressie van Cygnus X-1. Credit: John Paice. Cygnus X-1 is een röntgendubbelster op 7000 lichtjaar afstand gelegen in het sterrenbeeld Zwaan (Cygnus) en het is het allereerste zwarte gat dat we ontdekten – het wordt niet voor niets ook wel ‘zwart gat nummer 1’ genoemd. In 1971 werd met behulp van de Westerbork Synthese Radiotelescoop (WSRT) radiostraling afkomstig van Cygnus X-1 ontdekt. Toen…
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Can I go as "🌌" anon? It's me, I'm the one who's all talk about Black Holes here :_)
Question is: in reality we know how BH's work, but as a personification? Are they're vampire like?
Hello! Alright then, I'm fine with that
I've just gotten into developing black holes more! To answer your question, yes some of them probably choose to be vampire-like, draining others until there's nothing left and they literally evaporate away.
But for some black holes, they're not even aware that they have a passive power to drain others. For example:
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Here's HDE 226868 (blue supergiant) and Cygnus X-1 (stellar black hole).
Cygnus X-1 was reborn as a black hole. He just woke up one day and accepted that was what he was; he has no memories of his past with HDE 226868, to which the latter laments over so much. Cygnus X-1 doesn't understand anything, but he thinks that by being there by his star's side, he could help ease that pain.
Little does he know, just by being around HDE 226868, he's draining him of his life energy quicker than ever.
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adrianusv61 · 2 years
Röntgenstraling van zwart gat Cygnus X-1 komt van z'n accretieschijf en niet van z'n jets
Röntgenstraling van zwart gat Cygnus X-1 komt van z’n accretieschijf en niet van z’n jets
Impressie van Cygnus X-1. Credit: John Paice. Cygnus X-1 is een röntgendubbelster op 7000 lichtjaar afstand gelegen in het sterrenbeeld Zwaan (Cygnus) en het is het allereerste zwarte gat dat we ontdekten – het wordt niet voor niets ook wel ‘zwart gat nummer 1’ genoemd. In 1971 werd met behulp van de Westerbork Synthese Radiotelescoop (WSRT) radiostraling afkomstig van Cygnus X-1 ontdekt. Toen…
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rastronomicals · 3 months
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10:14 AM EDT June 30, 2024:
Rush - "Cygnus X-1" From the album A Farewell to Kings (September 1, 1977)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
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File under: Bands that are pretty similar to Budgie, if you think about it
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krakenmare · 7 months
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HEAO-2/Einstein Observatory: suspected Black Hole, Cygnus X-1, was the first object seen by the observatory (January 1, 1980)
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