#arrow ff
thechaoticdruid · 5 months
Guys I just can't trust people who get triggered over mods that remove Astarion's laugh lines but then use mods that get rid of his abs. I know he was starved but you really can't apply human logic to an undead being who never physically ages. Like is it so hard to believe a Magistrate could have worked out or something like that? And literally how much mass is a liquid diet going to add to someone?
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romanticatheartt · 8 days
Antis: "Feyre destroyed Spring Court and now its citizens are homeless, while she has five mansions and Velaris has slums to be fixed."
My honest reaction: Please leave her alone...
🎀she's just a girl🎀
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She's innocent your honor. Every girl deserve to destroy her ex's home once in her lifetime. IT'S HER RIGHT!!!!
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im-yn-suckers · 1 year
cupids arrows masterlist
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pairing- not exactly enemies to lovers but along those lines. idol niki x idol fem reader park y/n (jays baby sister) (debuts in gg)
warnings- mentioned every chapter
synopsis- flashback as jay's younger sister in school, you and your friend decided to audition for hybe at the age of 14. when you pass and she doesn't, you get selected to join a survival show. when your unnies and the one member younger than you debut and you don't, you are announced as the 8th member of enhypen. how does getting cheated on benefit the fact that you and niki aren't very fond of each other?
updates- whenever i can.
taglist- comment or send an ask
status- ongoing
started- May 29 2023
one; karma kicked her in the butt
two: my high school dream galz
three: in or out?
four: i wanna be me, me, me
more tba
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randomnameless · 4 months
Golden Shower :
The battle's only going to get tougher from here on out. The Immortal Corps is ready to go! Then let loose! Blot out the sky with your arrows!
"who gives a fuck"
Alas, plot armour and Clout being the main lead means we have, instead of this very badass sequence where Rhea and her randoms dgaf about fiery arrows :
"Eek! Something's falling from the sky!"
Flayn, you saw the same thing happen at the same place 1000 years ago, it's not different!
"We are in serious peril! Everyone, fall back!"
Seteth :(
You intercepted a random who was totes going to be shield bashed with your wyven, 1000 years ago, when you weren't giving any fucks about those arrows, why are they suddenly a "serious peril"??
I'll forever wonder why the people who made that intro sequence spent so much time detailing how Claude's tactics against Rhea 1k years ago didn't work, to fart on this intro and suddenly make them work - but I guess when you join Supreme Leader, your plot armor becomes as huge and unsightly as possible, regardless of the rest of the game, to make sure the protags win.
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“The freak in Central City” HEY— DON’T EVEN, YOU MOTHERFUCKER🫵
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cupidsvengance · 4 months
do you guys think banhammer could serve cunt if he had a better outfit
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kousuisetsu · 1 year
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final fantasy type-0 abilities:
Trey ➟ Firewall + Dynamite Arrow.
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protocolseben · 1 year
Lord in heaven could you put literally ANYONE but the two Red Bulls or two Mercs on pole can we get literally anyone else but these 4 chucklefucks
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hollenka99 · 4 months
YouTube yesterday: Hey btw The Longest Johns just released a song about Horatio Nelson's death.
Me: Cool, excuse me as I stare off into space and think about L'Manburgian soldiers' reaction to hearing about Kiril's dying to withering whenever I play the song.
#regicide au#like yes I know realistically Kiril would be a bit of a controversial figure in L'Manburg#his father (and ancestry in general tbh) represents centuries of colonialism and oppression#like ffs you can't just walk into a place like Pogtopia going 'hi I promise I'm a good Krafta'#when you've had to spend the past few years drastically unlearning all the colonialist propaganda you were fed as a child#anyway Artur is representative of continuing the oppression of an entire people no matter how hard you have to grind your boot on them#while Kiril represents the effort to at least make a start on fixing the mistakes of the past#with liberation in the hopes that will open the door for reparations etc#not that he ever expects to see that because he'll be dead from fratricide#(not to mention shit like that will take generations for the wounds to begin healing so no veteran of this war will live to see it either)#he still wants to do *something* as a way to work towards that better future though#a war of independence sure as fuck wasn't what he imagined but 'the universal language is violence' yada yada#it certainly seems to be Artur's universal language#and Kiril gains an even better image of himself as a general who is willing to fight and potentially die with his soldiers#those under his command absolutely have deep respect for him thanks to how he conducts himself#...and then the withered arrows start flying#people are going to end up talking about how he never let on he was hit himself#he simply visited the affected soldiers in the infirmary some of whom were doomed to die in one of the worst ways possible#then he was gone. just grabbed by his brother so he could be killed in Rayusel (or away from the public eye in general)#rumours are going to fly about all sorts of things pertaining to Kiril's final hours but one thing is for sure#there is going to be grief amongst the soldiers who loved him#'let him die in peace' ...yeah they really are going to hope that somehow he didn't suffer as much as a typical withering victim#god I am just shaking this song vigourously by its shoulders I swear
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novaursa · 2 months
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- Summary: Baela and you chase after Cole and his men. You fall from the sky straight into Gwayne's arms. Literally.
- Paring: targ!reader/Gwayne Hightower
- Note: reader is referred to as Y/N and is Rhaenyra's younger sister. The reader is also bonded with Silverwing. For more parts, and if you want to read this in chronological order check my blog. The list is pinned to the top.
- Rating: Explicit 18+
- Word count: 2 997
- Tag(s): @deniixlovezelda @duck-duck-goose2 @aadu2173 @sachaa-ff
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The woods blur past as you cling to Silverwing's saddle, the thrill of the chase coursing through your veins. Baela and Moondancer had led the initial pursuit, their swift movements through the sky like arrows seeking their target. But now, it’s you and Silverwing against the fading light, and the dense canopy below.
"Go on, Baela! I’ll take it from here!" you shout, your voice mingling with the rush of wind.
Baela gives you a quick, sharp nod before veering off, her focus shifting elsewhere. You and Silverwing dive, the leaves slapping at you like an annoyed housemaid. 
"Alright, girl," you murmur to Silverwing, "let's show them what we’ve got."
Your dragon roars in agreement, her silvery scales glinting in the dying sunlight as you plummet into the forest. The branches are closer now, snapping past you, some grazing your armor, others too thick to avoid.
You laugh, the exhilaration of danger making your heart race. "Just a bit further!"
But Silverwing, despite her grace, is a creature of the sky, not the woods. A particularly thick branch catches you off guard, striking your side. You gasp, losing your grip. Silverwing tries to stabilize, but it’s too late.
"Y/N!" you hear someone shout, but the world spins as you tumble through the air, your body crashing through the foliage.
The ground rushes up to meet you, but instead of the hard earth, you find yourself landing against something softer and warmer. There’s a grunt, a thud, and then silence.
You blink, trying to regain your senses. Your eyes meet a pair of very familiar ones, wide with shock and framed by a mess of light auburn hair.
"Ser Gwayne?" you manage to say, your voice breathless. The realization hits you both at the same time – you’ve landed right in his arms, sending him off his horse. He’s on his back, staring up at you with a mix of surprise and amusement.
"Princess Y/N," he says, a slow grin spreading across his face despite the circumstances. "This is a rather unconventional way to reunite."
You quickly scramble off him, cheeks flushing. "I didn’t plan it this way, trust me."
Gwayne gets to his feet, offering you a hand. "I’d say you’re getting better at making dramatic entrances."
Before you can retort, the surrounding knights, led by Criston Cole, converge on you, their expressions a mix of shock and suspicion.
"Well, well," Criston says, eyeing you warily, "looks like we’ve caught ourselves a dragon princess."
You roll your eyes, dusting off your clothes. "Congratulations. Do I get a prize for being the most unexpected guest?"
Gwayne stifles a laugh, earning a sharp glance from Criston. "Secure her," Criston commands. "We can’t risk her getting away."
Gwayne steps closer, his eyes softening slightly. "I’ll take care of it."
You meet his gaze, something unspoken passing between you. He had been your suitor once, and now here you are, on opposite sides of a conflict neither of you had asked for.
"Try not to tie the ropes too tight, will you?" you quip, trying to lighten the mood. "I bruise easily."
He smirks, giving you a look that says he remembers more than he lets on. "I’ll do my best, Princess."
As the knights surround you, Silverwing roars above, finally breaking free from the canopy and circling protectively. The men look up nervously, but you know Silverwing won’t attack without your command.
"Easy, girl," you call up to her. "I’m fine."
Gwayne’s touch is gentle as he secures your hands, his fingers brushing against your skin longer than necessary. "We’ll keep you safe," he murmurs, so only you can hear. "I promise."
You nod, a mixture of gratitude and sadness filling your heart. "I know."
And so, surrounded by enemies and yet strangely comforted by an old friend, you find yourself a captive – but one who is far from defeated.
The knights form a loose circle around you as they lead you through the woods, heading in the direction of Duskendale. Silverwing continues to circle overhead, her shadow passing over the treetops, a constant reminder of the power you still wield, even as a captive.
"Call off your dragon, Princess," Criston Cole demands, his tone clipped with irritation. "We don’t need her burning the forest down around us."
You meet his gaze with a steady one of your own. "That’s not how it works, Ser Criston. Silverwing follows her own instincts. I can’t just call her off like a hunting hound."
Criston grunts, clearly dissatisfied with your answer, but he says nothing more, focusing on leading the group forward.
Gwayne stays close to your side, his presence a strange mix of comforting and disconcerting. You glance at him, catching the hint of a smile playing at the corner of his lips.
"Unfortunate, isn’t it?" he says after a moment, his voice low enough for only you to hear. "Your late father never approved of our match."
You give a dry laugh, shaking your head. "Probably for the better. I don’t fancy being locked up in a tower all my life."
Gwayne’s smile widens, genuine amusement in his eyes. "You think I’d lock you up in a tower? You clearly have no idea what kind of husband I would have been."
You raise an eyebrow, intrigued despite yourself. "Oh? And what kind of husband would you have been, Ser Gwayne?"
"The kind who knows better than to try to change a dragon," he replies, a teasing glint in his eyes. "Besides, I value my life too much to cage something as fierce as you."
You chuckle softly, but the humor is short-lived as reality sinks in. "And yet, here we are. I’m chained, a captive to be killed or used as leverage against my sister."
Gwayne’s expression sobers, his eyes reflecting a mix of regret and resolve. "I wish it were different, Y/N. But these are the times we live in."
You sigh, looking up at Silverwing still soaring above. "Do you ever wonder, Gwayne, what might have been? If things had gone differently?"
He nods slowly, his gaze distant for a moment. "Every day. But wishing for the past won’t change the present. We can only deal with what’s in front of us."
"And what’s in front of us is a forest full of angry knights and a war that doesn’t seem to have an end," you say, a touch of bitterness in your voice.
Gwayne gives a soft laugh, the sound almost comforting. "At least you still have your sense of humor. It’s one of the things I’ve always admired about you."
You glance at him, surprised by his honesty. "And here I thought you only admired my dragon."
He smirks, shaking his head. "Silverwing is impressive, yes. But she’s nothing compared to you."
The compliment catches you off guard, and for a moment, you don’t know what to say. The knights continue to lead you through the forest, their voices a distant hum as you walk beside Gwayne, the man who once might have been your husband.
The journey to Duskendale stretches ahead, uncertain and fraught with danger. But for now, at least, you have an ally by your side, even if he is also your captor. And in these uncertain times, that might be the closest thing to hope you have.
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The sky darkens as Criston Cole’s men set up camp, the forest growing quieter as the night settles in. You’re confined to a tent, albeit a comfortable one, considering your status as a prisoner. The air inside is warm, lit by a single lantern casting flickering shadows on the canvas walls.
You sit on a makeshift bed, your thoughts drifting between your current predicament and the distant roar of Silverwing, a constant reminder of your connection to the skies above. The flap of the tent rustles, and Gwayne steps inside, his expression unreadable.
"Comfortable?" he asks, his tone casual but his eyes searching.
You give him a wry smile. "As comfortable as one can be in captivity."
He chuckles softly, stepping closer. "Could be worse. Criston wanted to keep you in chains outside, but I insisted on more... humane accommodations."
You raise an eyebrow. "And why is that, Ser Gwayne? Still holding a soft spot for me?"
He sits down beside you, his proximity sending a shiver down your spine. "Maybe I am. Or maybe I just know how to keep a dragon content without a fight."
You roll your eyes, but the corners of your mouth lift in a reluctant smile. "Still think you can tame me?"
Gwayne’s gaze locks onto yours, intense and unwavering. "I never wanted to tame you, Y/N. I wanted to be beside you, as equals."
The sincerity in his voice catches you off guard, and for a moment, the tension between you softens. You reach out, your fingers brushing against his. "And yet here we are, on opposite sides of a war."
"War or no war, some things don’t change," he murmurs, his hand wrapping around yours.
The air between you shifts, charged with unspoken words and lingering desires. Before you can second-guess yourself, you lean in, capturing his lips with yours. The kiss is urgent, fueled by the months of separation and the fear of an uncertain future.
Gwayne responds with equal fervor, his hands moving to release the binds on your wrists. As the ropes fall away, you bring your hands up to his chest, pulling him closer. His fingers fumble with the laces of your dragon riding attire, and you do the same with his armor, the urgency of your movements reflecting the intensity of your emotions.
"I missed this," he breathes against your lips, his hands sliding over your skin. "I missed you."
You shiver at his words, your own hands trembling as you help him undress. "I missed you too, Gwayne."
Clothing discarded, you pull him down onto the bed, your bodies pressed together in a desperate embrace. The warmth of his skin against yours is intoxicating, each touch sending sparks of desire through you.
Gwayne moves with practiced urgency, his hands guiding your hips as he enters you. The sensation is overwhelming, a mix of relief and need that leaves you gasping. "Y/N," he groans, his forehead resting against yours. "I need you."
You wrap your legs around him, urging him deeper. "Then take me," you whisper, your voice trembling with emotion.
Your movements become frantic, each thrust driving you closer to the edge. The world outside the tent fades away, leaving only the two of you, lost in each other. Your breath mingles with his, your bodies moving in perfect sync.
As you reach your peak, Silverwing's roar echoes above, a wild and powerful sound that mirrors the intensity of your release. You cling to Gwayne, your nails digging into his back as you ride out the waves of pleasure together.
For a moment, time stands still, the only sound your ragged breathing and the distant rumble of your dragon. Gwayne collapses beside you, his arms still wrapped around you, holding you close.
"I love you," he murmurs against your hair, his voice raw with emotion. "No matter what happens, remember that."
You press a kiss to his chest, your own heart aching with the weight of your situation. "I love you too, Gwayne."
In the quiet aftermath, you find solace in each other's arms, knowing that whatever the future holds, this moment is yours and yours alone.
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The next day dawns gray and heavy with tension. Criston Cole is restless, urging his men to pack up and prepare for the march to Duskendale. You watch from the confines of your tent, the memory of the previous night with Gwayne still fresh in your mind, a bittersweet ache in your chest.
Silverwing circles above, her presence a constant reminder of your strength and the bond you share. Gwayne catches your eye from across the camp, and you see a flicker of resolve in his gaze. He looks up at Silverwing and then back at you, subtly nodding—a signal.
Your heart races as you understand his unspoken message. It’s now or never.
You take a deep breath, steadying yourself. As Criston and his men begin to move, you seize the moment. "Now," you whisper to yourself, breaking into a run.
Chaos erupts around you as Gwayne shouts, "Stop her!" But instead of joining the chase, he tackles Criston Cole to the ground, his body crashing into the other knight with surprising force.
Criston snarls, struggling under Gwayne's weight. "Hightower! What are you doing?"
"Giving her a fighting chance," Gwayne growls, pinning Criston down. "Get out of here, Y/N!"
The soldiers around you hesitate, torn between their orders and the unexpected fight unfolding between their leaders. Their momentary confusion is all the opportunity you need. You sprint towards the edge of the camp, your eyes fixed on Silverwing above.
"Come on, girl!" you shout, waving your arms. Silverwing roars in response, descending swiftly and landing with a thunderous impact.
You reach her just as the soldiers begin to recover from their shock. Hands grab at you, but you twist away, your foot finding purchase on Silverwing’s saddle. With practiced ease, you haul yourself up, securing the straps around your legs.
Silverwing launches into the air, her powerful wings beating the ground, sending dust and leaves swirling. Below, Gwayne glances up, meeting your eyes one last time. In that fleeting moment, a promise passes between you—a promise of love, loyalty, and hope for a future that might still be yours.
"Go!" Gwayne shouts, struggling to his feet as Criston shoves him off. "Fly, Y/N!"
You nod, your throat tight with emotion. "Thank you, Gwayne."
With a final roar, Silverwing rises above the treetops, carrying you away from the camp and towards freedom. The wind whips through your hair as you steer her towards Dragonstone, the ache in your chest both a reminder of your captivity and the bond that now holds you and Gwayne together, despite the distance and the war.
As you fly, you cast one last look back, seeing Gwayne standing tall amidst the chaos, his eyes following you until you disappear into the horizon. It’s a silent vow that this isn’t the end—that you will find each other again.
For now, you focus on the path ahead, the promise of Dragonstone and the fight for your family fueling your determination. Silverwing’s powerful wings carry you onwards, each beat a testament to your resilience and the unbreakable devotion that ties you to those you love.
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As Silverwing's silhouette fades into the distance, Gwayne braces himself for the inevitable confrontation. Criston Cole stands, brushing off the dirt from his armor, his eyes blazing with fury. The camp buzzes with confusion and tension, soldiers whispering and exchanging uneasy glances.
Cole's voice cuts through the murmurs like a knife. "What in the seven hells were you thinking, Hightower?"
Gwayne straightens, meeting Criston's glare with unwavering resolve. "I did what I thought was right."
Criston's nostrils flare, and he steps closer, his voice low and dangerous. "You let a valuable prisoner escape. Rhaenyra’s sister, no less. Do you have any idea what this means for us?"
"I do," Gwayne replies calmly. "But I also know what it means to treat people with honor. She wasn’t some bargaining chip to be used at will."
Cole’s eyes narrow, and he steps forward, closing the distance between them until they are almost nose to nose. "Honor? This is war, Gwayne. Honor gets you killed."
"Maybe," Gwayne retorts, his voice steady. "But it also makes you worth remembering. Y/N is no ordinary prisoner. She’s a dragon rider, a princess. Treating her like a common captive would only fuel more hatred and violence."
Criston shakes his head, incredulous. "You’re a fool if you think she’ll spare us any mercy. The moment she’s back with Rhaenyra, she’ll come for our heads."
Gwayne squares his shoulders, refusing to back down. "Perhaps. But at least I can live with myself knowing I didn’t betray everything we once stood for. We were knights of honor once, Criston. Have you forgotten that?"
Criston’s face contorts with rage, and for a moment, Gwayne thinks he might draw his sword. Instead, Criston takes a deep breath, visibly struggling to control his temper. "You’ve jeopardized our mission, and for what? Sentiment?"
Gwayne holds his ground, his voice unwavering. "For what’s right. You may not understand now, but one day, you might."
Criston’s eyes flash with a mix of anger and something else—perhaps a flicker of respect and understanding. "This isn't over, Gwayne. Not by a long shot. You’ll answer for this."
"I already have," Gwayne says quietly. "And I’m prepared to face the consequences."
Criston turns away, signaling for the camp to resume its activities. "Get ready to move out!" he barks to the soldiers. "We’ve wasted enough time here."
As the camp stirs back into motion, Gwayne watches, his mind replaying the look in Y/N’s eyes as she flew to freedom. Despite the threat of retribution hanging over him, he feels a strange sense of peace. He has made his choice, and he would make it again a hundred times over.
One of the soldiers approaches, hesitant. "Ser Gwayne, what should we do now?"
Gwayne sighs, feeling the weight of his decision settling on his shoulders. "We follow orders," he says, his voice firm. "We march to Duskendale and prepare for what comes next."
As the camp prepares to move, Gwayne allows himself a moment of reflection. He finds strength in the memory of Y/N’s freedom and the promise they silently shared.
Whatever the future holds, he will face it with the knowledge that he did what was right—not just for himself, but for the woman he loves and the honor he still believes in.
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Weekly Jungkook Fanfic Recs
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Some fine JK fics for your reading pleasure. 🔞 Please show your appreciation to all the wonderful authors :)
Cuddling Costs Extra: It was an utterly stupid idea to hire a prostitute to cuddle on movie nights. But perhaps something good can come out of it after all. https://www.wattpad.com/story/116193428-cuddling-costs-extra-j-jk-ff
Man-Eater Hunting: Namjoon is never very aware of what he says when he’s drunk, and this time is no exception to that rule. Unknowingly, Joon creates a chain of events that lead to his youngest member actively chasing his best friend. All under the pretense that you’re an untouchable, unpleasable, man eater.  https://httpjungkookcom.tumblr.com/post/692893845087830016/man-eater-hunting-jjk-m
Run: Jungkook doesn't want you to leave him for some stupid karaoke party so he tries his best to make you stay. Although his intentions start out playful, they quickly grow corrupted, especially after your somewhat hurtful words. https://www.tumblr.com/idekhowtodothis/702653565156589568/run-jjk
Tales of Eros: Eros learns love is calculated, deliberate and a tiding storm when no amount of arrows can take him away from you. https://inkedtae.tumblr.com/post/642609445901352960/tales-of-eros-jjk
Golden Gills: Reader taunts Jungkook for being the new Teacher’s Assistant for her history class. She simply can’t stand a teacher’s pet. Jungkook can’t help but make her one.  https://inkedtae.tumblr.com/post/615555776590888960/golden-gills-jjk-m
Apodyopsis: Jungkook is a nude model in your art class. https://jeonsjiddies.tumblr.com/post/618504144757620736/apodyopsis-m-jjk
Take Me To Church: You can always tell when something is bothering your boyfriend, despite how hard he tries to hide it - and you have creative ways to get him to talk.  https://illneverrecover.tumblr.com/post/614946305251360768/pairing-jeon-jungkook-x-reader-genre-gangau
Youngblood: "I don’t care if he’s got the potential to be the next big thing. I’m done trying to chase a story that doesn’t exist. You’re going to send me to five of his concerts and I can already tell you how each one is going to go. He’s a wannabe bad boy who jizzes his pants when he sees a girl looking at him. Assign me someone else.” https://jinned.tumblr.com/post/188618632439/youngblood-jungkook-m
Glitter & Disquiet: Poised to inherit Korea’s largest gaming company in a few months, the world looks at Jeon Jungkook as a symbol of envy. Why wouldn’t they? He has everything, riches, power, and according to the rumour mill, endless women. Little do they know that his father’s company is on the verge of downfall, he barely has respect of his employees, and regardless of the rumors, he’s just a virgin saving himself for true love. https://joheunsaram.tumblr.com/post/652203565366083584/glitter-and-disquiet-jjk-1
Happy Birthday Loser: After three years of simping over your roommate, you give him one hell of a birthday celebration. https://jungk0oksthighs.tumblr.com/post/694133180600664064/happy-birthday-loser-jjk-x-reader-18
344 notes · View notes
im-yn-suckers · 1 year
cupids arrows; i wanna be me, me, me
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pairing- not exactly enemies to lovers but along those lines. idol niki x idol fem reader park y/n (jays baby sister) (debuts in gg)
warnings- mentions of dinner, singing, dancing, fear
synopsis- flashback as jay's younger sister in school, you and your friend decided to audition for hybe at the age of 14. when you pass and she doesn't, you get selected to join a survival show. when your unnies and the one member younger than you debut and you don't, you are announced as the 8th member of enhypen. how does getting cheated on benefit the fact that you and niki aren't very fond of each other?
prev <;- m.list -> next
you divided the parts and practiced the dance. you practiced your singing and all learned your parts. it was time for dinner. you sat with you group and talked for an hour or so.
after dinner, you and se-un went to practice your lines. you got all of yeji's lines, rora and soo-ah got to split lia's lines, cho-gyung got ryuijin's lines, eun-sa got yuna's lines and se-un got chaeryeong's lines.
"unnie, are you happy with yejis lines?" ''yea, are alright with chaeryeongs lines, she gets the least lines in wannabe" "yea, maybe i can just show my dancing skills instead" "aslong as youre alright with it."
you and your group danced and sang live and the judges gave you feedback. evryone did well but needed a little work with making your vocals a little more stable.
the other groups dancing was a little weak and the people who were supposed to sing the high notes, were a little weak, min-cha failed at mias high note and soo-yeon just needed to push herself a little more to get siyhyeons note.
it was time for bed after all that practicing. it was currently 9:30 and lights out was at 11. you and se-un decided to practice untill 10:30 and then get cleaned up and sleep.
10:30 pm came sooner than you expected so you ans se-un went to get clean up and eventually sleep.
the next morning you guys had breakfast adn practiced until all of your vocals sounded stable.
"ladies, please go to the lobby for a special surprise!" yong-hee told everyone over the speakers and you sat down on the chairs in the lobby.
the screen turned on and five gorgeous women appeared on screen.
"All in us! hello, we are itzy!" everyone cheered and screamed at the sight of itzy introducing themselves.
"hello girls !! we heard that six of you are covering our song !! we feel really happy and are very excited to see your performance!!"
yejis words made you feel excited and giddy inside
"yes, speaking of your performance, we will be visiting so we can watch the performances. " lia spoke
"we wont be telling you when but we will definitely be here for rehearsals to give feedback before the performance." ryunjin smiled and chaeryeongs words."
"once again, we are so excited to see you perform our song, bye for now!!" yuna said goodbye and left all you girls screaming in joy.
fin(for now) yay an update!! byeee
taglist(open send an ask or comment to be added if i missed you please let me know !!): @annoyingbitch83 @j-wyoung @haechansbbg
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darklinaforever · 7 months
So ! I need to say that !
Hades & Persephone's relationship is canonically a loving and quite healthy relationship in the context of Greek mythology which represents a form of balance for the world through the cycle of the seasons. Persephone is not a victim of Hades either... Anyone who has studied Greek mythology can actually explain it to you.
That's a bad vision of the original myth due to a too modern interpretation. It's not the modern era that romanticizes this basic relationship. This was already the case in Greek times...
It even seems to me that Hades and Persephone were often represented on the vases given to newlyweds (pretty crazy, since Hera was literally the goddess of marriage) because they were always described as having a loving, supportive and harmonious marriage.
And if you're looking for a real culprit in the union of Hades & Persephone, there's literally Zeus, who authorized the marriage between the two after Hades came to ask him. Hades didn't kidnap Persephone as soon as he saw her. He first asked to his father, Zeus, for her hand in marriage, as in the Greek traditions of the time.
In some versions of the myth, it even seems to me that Aphrodite is the one who provoked Hades' love for Persephone by sending Eros to plant an arrow in her after being upset by a refusal. But for now, I'm not sure of Aphrodite's real involvement.
But regardless, in the original myth, the one blamed is actually very clearly Zeus. He is the one, once again, having authorized the kidnapping of Persephone, which in Greek traditions translates into an engagement, and who has caused the whole messy situation with poor Demeter.
As for the grenade episode, it doesn't seem to me that we can know the original version. So the whole "Hades forced Persephone to eat the pomegranate" thing is also bullshit.
There doesn't even seem to me to be any indication of Persephone having been mistreated in any way by Hades in the myth. It's again bullshit.
I'm making this post because I've had yet another person explain to me that Persephone is a victim of Hades and that our modern age romanticizes the relationship between the two.
"Yes. Like Persephone gets bastardised. Persephone was Hades's assault victim. People try to "modernize" her by making her want Hades (all while making Demeter to be in the wrong). Mina was Dracula's assault victim. People try to "modernize" her by making her cheat on Jonathan for Dracula."
Except no. Persephone is not a victim of Hades in the context of Greek myth. That's a stinking modern vision. Kind of ironic, when you argue that it's the modern view that stands in for the real version of Persephone being a victim of Hades when... well no. It's the modern era that makes Persephone a victim of abuse at the hands of Hades, (this all reminds me of how people make Rhaenyra a victim of grooming in her relationship with Daemon) while that is not the case in the context of the original myth. As I explained above, this interpretation is modern bullshit. And it is very important to transcribe the myths in their ancient context to understand their various messages, otherwise you will miss the point.
But I won't elaborate further because @cthonisprincess has already explained it very well. I invite you to go and see these reblogs below which detail the whole affair of Hades and Persephone in much more detail :
I even recommend this video :
My god, I can't believe that in 2024, people are still at the stage of demonizing Hades, even though he is one of the rare decents gods, and still claiming that Persephone is an assault victim of Hades... This is a shameful distortion of the original myth and a real bastardization of the goddess Persephone.
Also... we're literally talking about a myth. The goal of a myth is to be reinvented according to the times. So what does it matter that there are adaptations of the myth that differ from the said myth, or rather from the biased vision that some have of making Persephone a poor victim of the evil Hades ?!
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beautysamour · 1 year
hihi!!! hope your doing well :) i was wondering if you could pls write a kenji ff of like an enemies to lovers kinda thing where the reader is always angry at kenji but slowly starts to loosen up ig. i hope that makes sense!! you can change it up ofcc ^^
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✧ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: kenji kishimoto x reader
✧ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬: kenji kishimoto, mentioned juliette ferrars
✧ 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: hatred and love are truly two sides of the same coin.
✧ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: reader slowly falling for kenji
✧ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 4.2k
✧ 𝐚/𝐧: set during the second/third-ish book. hope you’re doing well too ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝
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Kenji has this gift, ability, to turn invisible. It’s quite beneficial during missions and for most things really, like sneaking out late at night when everyone is supposed to be asleep or suddenly disappearing when someone you didn’t like was looking for you, or even better, scaring someone.
“You fucking asshole!”
You stared at Kenji in disgust as he feigned ignorance, a laugh slipping out with every other word, “What? All I did was say hi.”
You craned your head to the side, every inch on your body screaming at you to punch him, “Yeah, you pop out of nowhere right as I was about to shoot a fucking arrow through a place where there’s people I could possibly hit!”
He tsked, “I don’t see how that’s my problem, really, you shouldn’t even be shooting arrows in a crowded place anyways.”
He didn’t bother hiding the growing smirk on his face as you closed your eyes while taking a deep breath in.
You turned around opening your eyes and walked towards your target without saying another word, “It’s kind of rude to leave in the middle of a conversation, babe.”
You threw a middle finger back at him, you could feel a migraine forming as you hear him yell out an irritating “Love you too!”
✩ ✩
You set down your bow finally having used all your arrows, and a complete practice session. You allowed yourself to feel slightly smug as you walked towards the target, all arrows but one scattered all over the tens. The other one on the bullseye.
“Wow, you actually hit the target.”
And just like that your migraine is back.
“I’ve been hitting the target ever since I picked up a bow and arrow.”
“Ok nimrod, I see you.”
You slowly turn your head towards Kenji, “What did you just call me?” You reached for an arrow causing Kenji to lift his hands in the air as if he was surrendering.
“I called you a skillful hunter.”
“That’s not what a nimrod is—“
“Yes it is—“
“No, it is not—“
“If dictionaries were around I’d tell you to look through one, but for now you’re gonna have to trust me on this—“
“You’re a fucking nimrod!”
“It’s not a compliment!”
Kenji looked at you amused. You were so easy to rile up. “Alright, alright. You can ask Juliette to ask Warner if you really think I’m lying.”
You roll your eyes turning to the target and start pulling of your arrows, “Yeah I just might.”
“Do you need help with that?” Kenji took a step forward not really waiting for an answer. Using your free hand you pushed against Kenji’ chest, not realizing the implication you might’ve sent him.
“It’s fine, you might break one.”
Kenji stayed still for a moment— and only just that, not a second too short or long. “‘m not that clumsy.”
“Don’t want to take any chances.” As you pulled off the last arrow you turned yourself to Kenji, “Why are you here?”
His back straightened as if he was waiting for you to ask that, “Wanna have dinner?”
You cringed at him, “It’s too late for that.”
He raised a brow, “That’s your excuse?”
You rolled your eyes again, “Sure.” Without saying another word you turn on your heel and walk away from him, leaving him alone in the target zone— Kenji knew better than to follow.
Still, he didn’t bother saying any flirty last minute quips as you gathered your stuff and left the training area. He had more pressing thoughts going through his head.
He knew he annoyed you, hell, you annoyed him too. Your keen air that never applied with him, your short and straight to the point responses, the way your eyes bored into his, the way you never needed his help because you were so skilled in everything you do. The way that you’ve never looked at him the way you do your target, determined, focused, that pure hunger for hitting the target— all your attention on it.
The way you don’t hide your dislike for him, never wanting to be near him, never wanting to touch him, never wanting him.
It drew him insane, the way you were so distant with him despite being right there.
So when you touched his chest just a few minutes ago, showing him a new side of you— one that isn’t revolted at the thought of touching him— it was enough to make him want more. To want you more.
But— he knew these feelings were one sided, and he respected that despite how much he teases you. He only hopes you could grow to see him as a friend, that much would suffice.
✩ ✩
It was practically common knowledge that you didn’t exactly like Kenji Kishimoto. You had a scowl on your face every time he spoke with you, you’d reject all invitations—professional and casual—from him, and you never batted an eye whenever he got hurt.
So your current actions had everyone’s attention on you and him.
“How did you even get hurt,” you lightly lift his arm so you could wrap his bicep with the gauze, “You can literally turn invisible.”
“Yeah, invisible. Not into a ghost.”
You scoffed, extremely annoyed more so than usual. “Still, why did you even make yourself visible?”
He cocked his head to you, eyes boring into yours, “Because I didn’t realize we were going to get fucking attacked.”
He turned his head away from you, for the first time being the one to end the conversation short. An uncomfortable feeling settled in your stomach at the realization for some reason, you pushed it off as just being worried about a friend.
You finished wrapping the gauze around his arm, shaking your inner thoughts away you grabbed another roll of gauze, “Can you take off your shirt? I have to gauze it.”
“Yeah, you don’t have to tell me that, I know. Why else would you ask me to take it off.” You furrowed your brows, the feeling getting worse.
You forced yourself to look away as he took off his shirt, only looking back when he said you could.
It was silent as you wrapped the gauze around his torso and chest, uncomfortably silent. You’ve had to re-wrap it multiple times already, this being the third. It was weird. Kenji was acting weird.
“Hey, you ok?”
You jumped at the sound of his voice, dropping the gauze. You sighed not sure what was wrong with you today, “Sorry, yeah I’m fine.”
Kenji watched the wrapped gauze loosen itself around his body, unwrapping it fully with his own hands, “You sure?”
He handed you the gauze messily thrown together, looking at you with that stupid expression of worry as if he wasn’t acting like he was annoyed to be receiving help from you just a few minutes ago.
You carefully grabbed the gauze from his hands not wanting to hurt his already wrapped fingers, “I should be asking you that.”
“Perfectly fine sweetheart, thanks for asking,” he replied sarcastically, his back facing you slowly making you irritated.
You swallowed the insults that were sitting just on the tip of your tongue, “It’s my job—“
“Yeah, mhm, no need to remind me.”
“Ok, what the hell is wrong with you today?” You set down the gauze and focused your attention to his face—his eyes—“What’s with the attitude?”
His gaze settled somewhere behind you, probably at Juliette, before meeting your gaze with an irritating smile, “‘m hurt. Not really in the mood to kiss your ass today.”
You narrowed your eyes at him, “Kiss my ass?”
His eyes dropped to one of your hands, “Are you gonna finish wrapping the gauze around me now, or am I going to have to go to sleep with my wound out in the open?”
Ignoring him you say, “So being a decent human being is kissing someone’s ass now?”
He raised a brow, “Uh, no?”
You furrowed your brows at him, the feeling of annoyance not coming to you—but instead a dreading feeling of sadness?
“Then why are you acting like this?”
“Like what?”
“Like this,” you motion to Kenji, “Like it’s a burden to be in here.”
Kenji’ previous irritation turned into amusement. You were right, it was a burden to be in here, to be with you.
It was childish and Kenji knew he was being childish, he told himself he was fine just being your friend— and he is! Was. That only lasted for a few more days. He didn’t know how else to get your attention and now that he finally has it, he can’t help but be petty. The only way he could get your attention was if he was hurt, and it made him feel pathetic.
“Well you’d be a terrible nurse.”
You rolled your eyes. You weren’t sure what response you were expecting from him. No, it’s not a burden, I like being with you! Kenji is incapable of showing you in particular genuine emotion, it was stupid to want to hear something else.
“Thanks, such a nice thing to say.”
“You’re welcome.”
The next few minutes you took wrapping the gauze around his torso was filled with silence, just as the rest of the night.
✩ ✩
“Come on, we have to get you back.”
You tug the arm leaning against the back of your neck to tighten Kenji’ grip as you mustered the strength to support his body weight once you stood up.
“Wow, you didn’t say something rude to me.”
“Well you’re hurt, scolding you isn’t my priority right now,” you clear your throat in an attempt to cover up the way your voice broke mid-sentence.
Kenji began to laugh but got cut off with a groan as his newest wound rubbed against the cloth of your clothing.
You winced and adjusted the way he was leaning against you, “Sorry.”
Kenji eyed you suspiciously, “Woah, is this really the Y/N I know?”
“Kenji, shut up—“
“An “I’m sorry.” Wow that’s new,” he continues, “What did you do with the real Y/N.”
You ignore his teasing, focusing on getting the two of you out of this place. After a few minutes, Kenji quiets down. He’s gotten heavier, depending more on your body to support his as his head starts to tilt side to side.
You tighten your grip around his waist, “Kenji, we’re almost there.”
He slurs out an “okay” as his head finally finds a place to rest on—your head.
The worried feeling you’ve had since you found him starts to become more intense at his act of weakness, and it only continues to get worse until you see the base.
“Finally,” you whisper. Kenji presses his head impossibly closer to yours, you shudder when you realize how close you two are to each other.
His entire body is practically on you. His head leaned against yours, his arm that has fallen to your lower back, his upper body rested right against yours, and his legs so close they bump against yours as you walk. Your breath hitched when you felt his hand wrap around the arm that was wrapped around his waist.
“How do you feel?”
Kenji doesn’t respond for a few seconds. “Could be better.”
You drop the conversation after his answer, you’re assuming that he probably doesn’t want to talk while he’s bleeding from his side. It’s been about two weeks since your little moment with him and the gauze, this is the first time you’ve actually spoken to him since— and he’s definitely been on your mind.
“Did you get hurt?” You ignore the tingling sensation you get when he start to rub circles against your arm.
“I’m alright.”
“That’s good, would’ve made the entire worthless if you did.”
You slightly falter in your steps, “You going visible nearly caused us to lose you. That would’ve been a huge loss for us, Kishimoto.”
He laughed and you could feel the vibrations from where his head and yours connected, “Not as huge of a loss as losing you.”
You furrow your brows at his words, “No, your invisibility is crucial for us. I still don’t understand why you went visible again.”
“Went visible for you.”
The words went straight over your head, “Ok, and the first time?”
“Went visible for you then too.”
“That’s a dumb excuse, at least try to make it logical—“
“I went visible for you. Both times,” he says, voice slightly raised, then cringes at the new wave of pain that hits him, and only then do you process his words.
You want to stop walking to be able to face him and take to him face to face, but your top priority is to get him to Sara and Sonya so this awkward position will have to do, “Why would you go visible for me?”
“To make sure the fuckers that were going after you went after me instead.”
You knew Kenji had some kind of favoritism towards you with how often he’d seek you out but you assumed that was only because you didn’t drool over him when you first saw him.
“I would’ve been able—“
“To protect yourself, yes I know. You’re a nimrod, but you aren’t invincible. You were out in the open with no good hiding places, whereas with me, I can turn invisible.”
“And then you ended up getting hurt!”
“—I was able to escape,” he winces when his wound rubs against you again, “I was able to get away,” he repeats, “because of my invisibility.”
That didn’t matter to you though, what mattered— still— was that he got hurt and it only made it worse now that you know he technically got hurt because of you, “And because of me, you had a huge wound on your chest, and because of me again, you have a new wound down the side of your body.”
He grunted, you force yourself to think it was solely because of the pain since the thought of Kenji being upset was strangely upsetting for you.
“Well you’re welcome anyways—“
“—I’m not afraid of death, Kenji,” you interrupt, “I’d much rather die than see you get hurt for me.”
Kenji stayed quiet for a few seconds, and as you took more steps the seconds turned into minutes before he spoke again, “I feel the same with you.”
Despite being upset about him putting himself in the line of fire for you, you couldn’t help the smile that started to form at his words. You slightly adjust your grip around his waist, “Since we feel the same about the topic, let’s make a promise?”
“What kind?” 
“Stop trying to protect me—“
“—Just listen, would you?” His silence gave you the chance to continue, “And I’ll be more careful so you won’t be forced to protect me.”
You felt him press his head harder against yours again, “….Ok.”
“Deal?” You continue, not considering “ok” as a reasonable answer.
“Yeah, yeah…ok, deal.”
✩ ✩
“Let’s go get dinner.”
Kenji nearly choked on his water. You, asking him, to get dinner? What the hell was up with you?
“Uh, are you ok?”
“Yes?” You’re holding your bow and arrow since you just finished shooting at some targets, and now you were hungry. Kenji always asked to get dinner so you didn’t have to think hard about asking him to come with.
“Oh, ok. Sure—“
“Great, come on,” you grab Kenji’ hand and don’t take a second longer to start dragging him behind you, “We might miss dinner.”
Kenji’ eyes widen behind you, you’ve been a lot more touchy with him these past few month since you found him bleeding out from his upper body. Don’t get him wrong, he’s not complaining. It’s just a nice change.
Before he knows it, you let go of his hand as the both of you enter the eating area. You’re quick to get his food as he chases after you trying to keep up with your quick pace.
“You always this active at night?” He asks as you pick up two pairs of utensils for the both of you.
“Depends on what’s happening, but more so yes then no.”
“Alright,” he whispers as you speed walk away from him and to a table.
“So, how was your day?” You ask when he sits down in front of you, your fork properly mixing your food together.
“It was alright. How was yours, nimrod?”
You laugh a little at the nickname, you’ve indeed asked Warner straight up if the word had any other definition than idiot, and he confirmed it to have meant how Kenji defined it too.
“Same as any other day,” you look up from your food to glance at Kenji, “How are your wounds?”
Kenji let out a disgruntled sigh, “It’s been six months, I’m completely fine, stop worrying about them.”
You’re about to argue him on that but decide that it’s not worth fighting over, “I just want to make sure you’re ok.”
“I’m perfectly fine.”
“That’s good,” you reply slightly dejectedly, feeling as if you annoyed him. You avoid looking up at him and focused on the food in front of you.
Kenji, who was also in front of you, felt bad. Even though you weren’t looking at him, you still had those puppy dog eyes, and Kenji wanted to scream at himself.
You just cared, you were only concerned about his well being, if anything he should be happy. All he’s ever wanted was your care and now he has it and he’s fumbling hard. So he reluctantly taps the space in front of your food causing you to look at him.
Fucking puppy dog eyes, “Thank you for asking though.”
For some reason, for literally no reason at all, Kenji doesn’t go along with the saying “Thank you.” It feels awkward, and it shows with how stiff his movements have suddenly become.
“Oh—you’re welcome.” You respond with a smile as if he thanked you for finding the cure for all sicknesses.
Kenji responded with only a nod before picking up his utensils and beginning to eat. Silence settled between the two of you, you kept your head down only looking up to see how much Kenji has eaten only to meet Kenji’ eyes directly which caused you to drop your head quicker than the speed of your arrows.
You aren’t sure when it started, you think it was when you found him knocking on deaths door but it might’ve been from even before that.
Kenji doesn’t annoy you anymore. Suddenly the days went from dreading the moment you’d meet him throughout the day to waiting hopelessly for when he’d come around. You think, no, you’re sure it’s because of the promise you’ve made, it makes you feel closer to him as if he was an actual friend.
But that’s not all, suddenly, you went from only seeing him for his invisibility ability to seeing him as come kind of comfort place.
It was killing you to know if he still thought of you that way too.
Kenji on the other hand kept his eyes on you as he ate, not because he wanted too, but to make sure you didn’t choke on your food with how fast you were eating it.
“Hey, slow down a bit, you’re gonna end up choking and dying.”
And you do just that, you slow down.
Kenji tilts his head, admittedly a little worried, “So why’d you—“
“—Why did you—,” the both of you ask at the same time.
“Oh, sorry,” you say, “Continue.”
“No,” he replied quickly, “You can go first.”
You stare at him expectantly. Then you continue, “Ok,” you take a short inhale before locking eyes with him again, eyes sharp and attentive, “Why did you always follow me around?”
He widens his eyes for a second, suddenly unable to speak. Why did he always follow you around?
“You were new.”
You keep eye contact with him, hoping he’d say more but he didn’t. Unsatisfied with his answer give him a short nod and only say, “Right.”
Kenji can’t help but feel that he did something wrong by your reaction, but it was true! Well, half true.
He clears his throat, the air suddenly suffocating, “So…why’d you invite me to dinner again?”
Nervousness started to creep into your veins, you weren’t sure if you wanted to risk everything and confess or just call it night.
Little did you know that Kenji wasn’t asking for new information, but was looking for confirmation.
You mumbled something, something he didn’t quite hear.
You mumble again, somehow even more quieter than the last time.
“For fuck’s sake Kenji,” you grumble out, “Why did you use to invite me out for dinner?”
You interrupt him, “I like being around you,” you say half truthfully, “And—“ you’re about to say the entire truth but decide against it feeling self conscious all of a sudden.
“And I was hungry.”
You start to fiddle with your fingers when he doesn’t respond immediately.
“And that’s all?” He finally asks.
And you reply, “Yes,” with a heavy heart.
“Well that’s…a little stupid.”
You whip your head up, confused at his words, “What?”
He snorts, “Now you’re saying what,” he mumbles. He takes a bite out of his food before speaking again, “It’s just kind of a dumb excuse.”
You narrow your eyes at him, even more confused now, “It’s not an excuse.”
He gives you a nod fakely agreeing with you, “Yeah, I mean, the reason why I always asked you out for dinner was definitely because I was just hungry,” he nods again, “No other reason.”
You look at him suspiciously, eyes still narrowed, “Okay…”
Kenji waits for a second seeing if you’d do anything else and he internally shakes his head when you don’t, “Ah, fuck it,” he groans out, “Hey, I like you.”
This gets you to drop the narrowed expression and cause you to widen your eyes, “You—“
“Yes, like, I like you.”
You look at him dumbfounded, eyes widened and mouth dropped open. You weren’t really expecting a confession tonight so the whole thing threw you off.
Kenji, the saint that he is, kept the conversation going. With a cheeky smile he leaned forward, elbows on the table and his hands supporting his head, “Wanna try answering my question again?”
You blinked, once, twice. You dropped your gaze from him trying to recollect your thoughts and the ability to form coherent thoughts.
“Um,” you begin, “I…”
“Mhm,” he hummed egging you on.
“I like you,” you say almost as an exhale. You close your eyes for a few moments feeling like you just ran a marathon.
A smile formed on Kenji’ face, one unbeknownst to you, but it was stifled by him as quickly as it came. “That doesn’t really answer my question though,” he playfully tsks.
You slowly open your eyes, your entire body feeling warm. You raise a brow, giving him the silent question of what do you mean?
He shakes his head as if he’s disappointed as he leans closer to you, “Still doesn’t tell me why you asked me out for dinner.”
You slowly tilt your head, “It’s because I like you.”
“Yeah, well a lot of people like me sweetie,” he tilts his head to the side mirroring your body language, “However not everyone asks me to get dinner with them.”
You’re sure he’s teasing you judging from his tone and how he mirrors your own body, but you play along nonetheless, “Because not everyone has romantic feelings for you, Kenji, not like me.”
“Oh,” he teases, “So you have romantic feelings for me now? What happened to the nimrod I knew just a few months ago who never wanted to spend time with me?”
You roll your eyes, your composure quickly coming back to you, “Doesn’t matter.”
“Kenji,” you say as you close your eyes again, getting affectionately annoyed, “Why are you teasing me?”
“What would you rather me do, sweetie?”
You groan at the term of endearment, your brain getting mushy at the thought of being intimate with him, “There’s a lot I’d rather you do.”
“Like?” He asks, egging you on again.
You look down at his lips then back to his eyes, then back to his lips again, and you decide to stay like this.
“Kissing sounds like a good idea, yeah?”
Kenji raises a brow, “You want to make out in front of the kitchen staff?” He asks feigning innocence.
You shake your head at his sarcasm at push yourself away from the table and him. “Uh—where are you going?” Kenji asks as you get up from the table.
“My room,” you say nonchalantly as you throw away your half eaten food.
“Wait,” you stop mid stride as he yelled out to you, “You don’t want to make out anymore?”
You chuckle at how those words sound coming from his mouth, “Just go to my room?”
“It’s a little difficult to not raise suspicion if I go there, no?”
You shrug, “Just turn invisible. That’s one of the reasons why it’s such a beneficial ability to have.”
Kenji opens his mouth but nothing comes out. He drops his head, nodding at your wonderful idea. “Yeah,” he chuckles, “I’ll be over in a few minutes.”
Old habits die hard, so you nod and turn around being the one to end the conversation—and you try not to run down the hall.
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kousuisetsu · 2 years
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final fantasy type-0 abilities:
Trey ➟ Raining Arrows + Freezing Rain.
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sgiandubh · 4 months
Be still, my ❤️
Common sight in the streets of Scotland. For the idiots in the back, it's called busking, of course.
But this one has a special extra thing. All the feels:
[Source - Music From Scotland FB page: https://fb.watch/sbeRNHOpCP/]
Fun fact 1:
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[Source, not bullshit: https://thepenngazette.com/got-pipes/]
Fun fact 2:
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This photograph was taken on Sword Beach, in Normandy, during Operation Overlord. Blue arrow points to William Millin, personal piper to Simon Fraser, 15th Lord Lovat (red arrow), who commanded the British 1 Special Service Brigade on D-Day.
I'd like to think he played The Skye Boat Song for the boys, on that fateful day both men survived.
Coinky-dink, like that. But people already began to question and call out the Troll. FFS.
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