#arrowverse hates quentin lance
jewishraypalmer · 3 years
I really would die for Pat Dugan, the most valid DCTV dad. 
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theblackpanther · 8 years
Quentin Lance in season 6
St. Walker's hospital, Doctor Pressnall's office Doctor Pressnall: Hello, Quentin, how can I help you? Quentin: It's complicated, I'm not sure... Doctor Pressnall: Just tell me your story, and I'll do everything in my power to provide the best possible therapy program. Quentin: (sighs) I've used to have two beautiful, smart daughters and a beloved wife. I was perfectly happy living my ordinary life, even despite being a cop in a city where we get shot for living. Then my younger daugther... died. But six years later it turned out that she didn't die for real... And she returned. As a masked vigilante, calling herself Canary. But then she died... for real.  (sobs) Then my elder daughter took on her mantle and carried on with this craziness... becoming the Black Canary. Some time later my younger daughter, Sara, was miraculously resurrected... Doctor Pressnall: Excuse me, what? Quentin: (grimly) Brought back to life. With all do respect, Doctor, you're only a minor character, you don't know what this universe is fully capable of. Listen to the rest of the story. Shortly after Sara got back she hopped on a time travel ship and left.To save the timeline or some other crap. And then I lost Laurel. Forever. She was murdered by that shunhavbitsh Damien Darhk. (starts crying) (Doctor Pressnall is temporarily out of words) Quentin: (pulls himself together) And now I really don't know what to do... Laurel is back but it's not my Laurel. She just looks  like her... But she's from another Earth. She calls herself Black Siren... Please, Doctor, is there any form of therapy that could help me? I've got an impression as if the universe truly hated me. Doctor Pressnall: Quentin... I'm afraid that there is no effective therapy for organic writing [tm]...
Overall I’m looking forward to see Katie Cassidy in “Arrow” again, as Black Siren, but my heart already bleeds for poor Quentin, who most likely will meet someone who looks like his beloved daughter, but it’s not her. :( The universe is not quite done yet with Lance and wants to make him suffer even more... Because apparently killing off his two daughters three times wasn’t enough. Add to this Paul Blackthorne’s acting... I-need-a-tissue-already. :’(
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Every time when Quentin think that the universe can’t screw him up any worse... it does. :(
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afaimsarrowverse · 4 years
Ten Favorite Ships from the four main Arrowverse Shows:
Rules: For this list Crossover Pairings were excluded if one partner is confined to their own show. However if the character changes show later he or she is on the list. This is my blog, this is my list, it is in no way objective, everyone is entiled to their own opinion, so please don’t reblog or answer just to tell me how much you disagree with me. You can’t quantify love, well except with stupid lists like this, just because a ship is not on this list does not mean I don’t like it - except when it does - so…. yeah, here we go
  10 besten Ships „Arrow“:
 10. Merlance (Tommy Merlyn/Laurel Lance)
 I always liked the unlikely story of Tommy Merlyn actually conquering Laurel Lances heart.
 9. Overarcher (KaraX/Oliver QueenX)
 While I don’t think our Kara would ever really give Oliver a shot, this one was undoubtly True Love, well at least for Oliver X, Kara X did love him, yes, but she was much more in line with duty than he ever was. Which is what actually makes this dynamic this interesting.
 8.      GreenAtom (Oliver Queen/Ray Palmer)
 A very underapprecaited Ship that I love dearly. Ray und Oliver together have so much potential.
 7. SmoakDetective (Donna Smoak/Quentin Lance)
 Quentin needs love, and while Donna is not the first person you would think of when you would think of a potential partner for him, she is the best fit for the role. She challenges him and makes his day brighter. And he treats her well.
 6.      Olivarry (Oliver Queen/Barry Allen)
 As unlucky as Olivers Love Live is, maybe that’s the case because the actual love of his live happens to be a man which he is not willing to admit to himself.
 5.      Raylicity (Ray Palmer/Felicity Smoak)
 Cute and entertraining those two are actually a much better fit than Oliver and Felcitiy, maybe only a little bit too simelar as Oliver has pointed out.
 4.      Nysara (Nyssa al Ghul/Sara Lance)
 We love Sara and we love Nyssa, why shouldn’t we love them together?
 3.      Throy (Thea Queen/Roy Harper)
 This is the one ship that everyone agreed on was to be endgame.
 2.      Lauriver (Laurel Lance/Oliver Queen)
 This was supposed to be endgame, and the fact that it wasn’t is frankly just an insult to anyone who knows anything about Green Arrow in the comics.
 1.      Cannarow (Sara Lance/Oliver Queen)
 So here it is my Arrow OTP.
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 Die 10 besten Ships „The Flash“:
 10    Elongsue (Ralp Dibnyh/Sue) Dearborn
 This was supposed to be an epic love story with endgame potential.
 9.      Eobarry (Eobard Thawne/Barry Allen)
 Fanboy Eobard might have come to hate Barry, but a part of him never stopped loving the scarlet speedster as we all know.
 8.      Elongflash (Ralph Dibny/Barry Allen)
 I frankly never understood why people did not ship them more and there are so little fanfics about those two, I mean it’s a classic love story really.
 7.      Allenbert (Barry Allen/Julian Albert)
 For a long time I thought that that would be the reveal about Julians problem with Barry. Appearantly so did the actors.
 6.      Jocile (Joe West/Cecile Horton)
 They are cute and sexy together, have a mature realtionship that presents new obstacles the navigate around together, and it’s an eternal shame that their planned Season 5 sub-plot was cut short
 5.      Coldflash (Leoanrd Snart/Barry Allen)
 Leonard flirts with everything that moves, but Barry has a special place in his heart.
 4. Westhawne (Iris West/Eddie Thawne)
 And he was ready to fight destiny itself. For Iris. And she did love him. A lot.
 3.      Thallen (Eddie Thawne/Barry Allen)
 Barry und Eddie were crushing hard on each other, there is no denying that.
 2.      Westallen (Iris West/Barry Allen)
 Westallen ist destiny in every timeline, in every universe, it’s a as simple as that.
 1.      Westhallen (Iris West/Eddie Thawne/Barry Allen)
 This is how you solve a love triangle, that does not need to be one, when all three parties have certain feelings for all the other members of the triangle.
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 Die 10 besten Ships „Supergirl“:
 10.  Lanvers (Alex Danvers/Maxwell Lord)
 Yes, I know Alex is lesbian, but this ship ist just too yummy.
 8.      Killiam (Kara Danvers/William Dey)
 Frozen burn realtionship that deserves to pick up speed. Kara deserves a love life, please!
  9.      Karolsen (Kara Danvers/James Olsen)
 Back in Season 1 of Supergirl I actually shipped this.  I loved Kara and genuinly wanted her to get the guy of her dreams. I mean she got heart eyes, ever time James walked in the room, but she also was adult enough to stettle for „just friends“.
 7.      Dolsen (Alex Danvers/Kelly Olsen)
 Kelly is a much better fit for Alex than Maggie ever was, because she is less selfcentered and much more willing to compromise and they are more simelar. And in the end all the obstacles those two faced they were willing to overcome together.
 6.      Overarcher (KaraX/Oliver QueenX)
 While I don’t think our Kara would ever really give Oliver a shot, this one was undoubtly True Love, well at least for Oliver X, Kara X did love him, yes, but she was much more in line with duty than he ever was. Which is what actually makes this dynamic this interesting.
 5.Brainia (Brainiac-5/Nia Nal)
 Brainy and Nia and their relationship were the only genuine good things about the first half of Season 4.
 4.Winniac-5 (Winn Schott/Brainiac-5)
 I am one out of two persons in the world who ships this, but I ship it hard.
 3.      Clois (Clark Kent/Lois Lane)
 Clois has been done very compelling by many other actors before, but the Arrowverse-Version still managed to get their own spin on it and to come across super sweet.
 2.      Sanvers (Maggie Sawyer/Alex Danvers)
 Ah, Sanvers, they took the world in storm and didn’t we love them.
 1.      Karamel (Kara Danvers/Mon-El)
 Their chemistry jumped from the screen right into our hearts.
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Die 10 besten Ships „Legends of Tomorrow“:
 10.  Saramaya (Sara Lance/Amaya Jiwe)
 I really don’t know why everyone is going on about Kendra and Sara, when they could be going on about this ship were there is actual tension and actual chemistry there.
 11.  Coldray (Leo SnartX/Ray Terrill)
 Those two are just two cute and sadly were wiped out of existence by Crisis, but I still love them.
 8.      Atomsteelwavevixen (Ray Palmer/Nate Heywood/Mick Roey/Amaya Jiwe)
 I prefere Steelatom and Vixenwave as bros, but as a foursome those four rock the libido and the Waverider.
 7.      Captains3 (Sara Lance/Rip Hunter/Leonard Snart)
 Given that Sara and Rip, Sara and Leonard und Leonard and Rip would not last together, my solution to this would be to get together as a threesome.
 6.      Constangreen (John Constantine/Gary Green)
 We love Gary, and Gary loves John, and John does actually love Gary.
 5.Avalance (Ava Sharpe/Sara Lance)
 At this point Avalance is cleary planned to be endgame and rightly so.
 4.Hellcanary (John Constantine/Sara Lance)
 Two broken souls, two players who played which each other and found solace in each others arms – two bi-sexual icons together
 3.Vixensteel (Amaya Jiwe/Nate Heywood)
  I loved the star crossed romance between Nate and Amaya, and the fact that they defied history and was heart broken when they gave up after all.
 2.      Timecanary (Rip Hunter/Sara Lance)
 Out of all her many suitors Rip is the one I would want to see her ending up with.
 1.      Atomwave (Ray Palmer/Mick Rory)
 This is my Legends-OTP and I am still not over the fact that Ray is out of the show and so is this ship!
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randomnessoffiction · 4 years
The Broken Aesop of the Arrowverse
As defined by TV Tropes -- “Basically, a Broken Aesop is a story where a 'moral' presented just doesn't match the original moral that the story actually contained”
Now what’s the biggest Broken Aesop of the Arrowverse? Going back in time to prevent a death
The Flash
Barry: Eobard Thawne went back in time to kill my mom, so going back and stopping him would be the right thing, right?
Speed Force: No, Barry it would be wrong.
Barry: What? But I’m stopping Thawne from kiilling her. Plus after her he kills Harriosn Wells, Tess Morgan, and who knows how other people and he screws with time ever further
Speed Force: But with great power must also come come great responsibility. [Barry changes time anyway]. Barry you ignored our completely vaugue and arbitary warning and for that we must hate you and punish you like the capricious Greek Gods of Old
Legends of Tomorrow
Sara Lance: I need to save Laurel
Rip: No time she says she has to die
Sara: Can I use the Spear of Destiny or Loom of Fate to bring her back
Rip: No Guggenheim will not allow it.
Season 5 
Zari Tomaz mananges to save her brother but at the cost of her original self. Later the two do manange to co-exist, until Charlie splits Zari in two and Zari 1.0 has to go back into the totem.
Later in the Finale ....
Nate and Behrad: Wait, didn’t Charlie’s bandmates die? But who hasn’t dude? So let’s let it slide
Arrow Finale
With the reboot of the verse, Oliver goes back to save all the people he wished he could’ve saved: Tommy Merly, Moira Queen, Quentin Lance, his half-sister, Emiko. If you’re wondering why Laurel wasn’t saved -- well because of Guggenheim. And surpisingly the mother of his son, Samantha wasn’t saved either.
Oh and the poor residents of Earth-90, and Earth-2, etc? There still gone too, even  in the rebooted multiverse. Don’t ask why.
So there you have it folks. Going back in time to save your loved ones is “wrong” ..... until it isn’t.
Welcome to my Ted Talk.
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yesokayiknow · 5 years
salty asks: 1 (any fandom), 9 (uh, Arrowverse?), 13 (13, Amy), 14 (any fandom), 22 (any fandom), 23 (any fandom)
1What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
well i already did dw so uhhh arrowverse i guess snowbarry?? i love barry but lbr he’s barely friends with cait compared to literally everyone else on the show like??? why
9 Most disliked character(s)? Why?
dskasljk deltas i’m sorry have i not been vocal enough about how much i hate cw oliver queen enough lately? i should rectify that immediately. quentin lance is a close close second like no offence but care about the daughters that are ALIVE instead of continuously comparing them to the dead ones ffs. and don’t even get me STARTED on how he basically shamed siren for ‘not being strong enough’ to fight her abuser??? fuck you. he should’ve died sooner i said what i said
13 Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
13 - well i guess me not wanting her to get a hug is kinda unpopular rn huh? also there’s still ppl who won’t accept that at the core of everything 13 IS an asshole?? she’s just a feral bastard and that’s okay!!
amy - i don’t think i have any unpopular opinions about amy?? i adore amy and i just wanted her and her family to be happy >:(
14 Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
uhhhhh idk if this is unpopular but like. can some of u PLEASE go & watch s10??? like if i have to see another person talk about how they’ve only watched 13′s eps bc they’re gay when we LITERALLY had a black lesbian companion like?????
22 Popular character you hate?
well i mean for dw. you Know. oh also simm!master i guess but like that’s kinda the point of him so
23. Unpopular character you love?
are there still people who hate clara?? love that bisexual dumpster fire.
& for arrowverse it seems to be revolutionary to like more than one canary so :/
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takaraphoenix · 5 years
Sara Lance :)
Thanks for playing. ^-^
OTP for them: Ava! LoT is actually making a good canon main couple there *^*
BROTP for them: Mick? Ray? Constantine? Snart, I still miss Snart and those two were so great. Honestly, she has a lot of awesome platonic dynamics on this show??
Other ships: Nyssa clearly I mean c’mon ;D
What kind of fic I’d write about them: I’d love to see her interact more with her legacies - the Canaries. Not just Laurel and Dinah (though also including Sara giving Dinah a shovel-talk *grins*), but Zoe (and Bianca and Sara, as I assume, because c’mon) - I mean, she timetravels! Why not!
A favorite canon moment: There’s probably been so many, so I gotta go with a recent one that’s still fresh in my memory - her talking to alt!Oliver about their lives and choices. They were both stupid egoistic selfish idiot brats back before the island, but it shaped them and they both came such a long way and just… the way she talks, how her eyes sparkle, how genuinely she loves the life she has now and how genuinely happy she is for the life Oliver has now. The pure growth those two have gotten through, together and separated.
Color that reminds me of them: white because duh but also dark blue because that’s kind of the color I associate with the Legends as a whole
Song that reminds me of them: Uuuh I got none, sorry
A headcanon about them: She often steals the life-boat. To visit Laurel (her Laurel) and Quentin in the past, just for short moments. Letting go is hard when you have time-travel at your disposal.
A random AU I think up on the spot for them: Post-Legends where she becomes the leader of the Birds of Prey, with Dinah, Laurel and Nyssa (because I love Nyssa, shush), recruiting other badass women
Anything else: I’m still in awe at the growth this character had. I absolutely hated her in the beginning of Arrow, back when we all thought she died on the ship she went onto to sleep with her sister’s boyfriend. And then they brought her back and it was kind of awkward and stilted and I was wary. But shit, she’s had such an amazing character arc - and just how she came into being a leader on the WaveRider, how she found her place, her destiny and her love and by now she’s among my favorites in the Arrowverse
Send me a character!
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tvdversefanfiction · 5 years
Canary Carnage
Chapter Two: We’re far from The Hollow now
Fandom’s: The Originals, Arrowverse, TVDverse and DC Universe.
Warnings: I don’t own any of the rights, content or characters belonging to any of the DC content I use within the story along with not owning any rights, content or characters within The Vampire Diaries, Originals or Legacies.
18 Rating: Moderate/Graphic displays of violence, sexual innuendos, sexually charged scenes, SMUT, strong language and potentially triggering scenes.
Pairings: M/M, F/F, M/F.
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The Black Canary made a deal with Rebekah and Freya Mikaelson after learning Freya was a powerful witch, the deal in question was the Black Canary would use her scream to remove the hollow out of Klaus, Elijah and Kol just like she did for Rebekah and in return Freya would help the powerful meta-human vigilante find her way home to her own earth.
The deal wasn’t hard to make she had only two choices of alliances within this earth one alliance would do anything for family and although the other alliance was her family, she knew the Red Canary far too well to ever trust him.
Laurel had taken off her Black Canary costume and just came out of a shower covered by a long towel as she walked from the luxurious bathroom back into her luxurious hotel room courtesy of Rebekah’s compulsion before Rebekah left for a small town called Mystic Falls. She wasn’t comfortable making deals with vampires at first, but she had found herself slowly began to respect how the Mikaelson family seemed to stick together in a way she had always wished her family still was.
The Lance family were once a tight knit family to which Laurel was the golden child and the apple of her father Quentin’s eye while her rebellious sister Sara could do no wrong in their mother Dinah’s mind and the youngest sibling and only boy was Lucas who was once a quiet, sweet and harmless but all that had changed and it all started with the death of Laurel’s sister Sara.
Sara Lance drowned when the Gambit went down along with Laurel’s first love Oliver Queen exposing their affair at the same time and Laurel didn’t handle the grief or the betrayal pretty well but she got through it which the same can’t be said for the rest of her family. Her father Quentin Lance was a detective who got a little too drunk on the job following the loss of his daughter and wound up shot dead by a perp he was hunting, her mother Dinah Lance took a job in Star City back on Laurel’s own earth in a bid to escape her grief and her brother Lucas Lance went from being someone she loved deeply to someone she hated with a passion well they do always say there’s a thin line between love and hate.
Laurel was shook for a moment when she heard a sudden knock at her hotel room door and feared it was her brother fearing he had learned she had aligned herself with a better option that was what was running through her mind until Klaus opened his mouth.
“Open this god damn door already!” Klaus shouted through the door.
Laurel walked over her hotel room figuring she didn’t need her mask anymore not in this world where everyone chose to show their faces no matter how monstrous as she opened the door to find Klaus stood impatiently waiting for her.
“I hear you’re some kind of special witch that can get rid of my certain impalement.” Klaus told her open her opening her hotel room door.
“Firstly, I’m a meta human not a witch and secondly I’m guessing your Klaus Mikaelson judging by your abrupt arrival at my hotel room” Laurel replied to the original hybrid. “I told your sister Rebekah I’d be at the compound first thing in the morning to scream this hollow right out you and not a second sooner or later.”
“Yeah well I’ve just got into the city and I’ve grown tired of waiting if you can really do what Rebekah and Freya are convinced you can do then do it now.” Klaus demanded from her.
“Rebekah warned me you’d be a lot to take in so let me make myself clear this is an alliance I’m not your henchman and nor do I desire to be I’m purely scratching your back so your sister Freya will scratch mine.” Laurel made herself clear.
“I don’t think you’re quite my sister’s type.” Klaus joked with the blonde haired meta-human. “Besides she already has a girlfriend one with a bit more bite than you.”
“You’re new to this whole team up thing, aren’t you?” Laurel asked him. “Rule number one don’t piss off your teammates.”
“Yeah I’ve never been to good at that one…” Klaus began to say before Laurel let out a small canary cry sending the original hybrid flying into a nearby wall in the hallway of the hotel room much to Laurel’s delight.
“See you tomorrow hybrid.” Laurel said as she slammed her door shut much to Klaus’ fury as he got back onto his feet.
Klaus wasn’t the only Mikaelson who was quick to return to New Orleans following the news of the miraculous solution to the hollow dilemma, Kol was eager to get the remains of the dark witch out of him too hoping some darkness would lift from him in the process having felt nothing but darkness after Davina Claire rejected his proposal.
He got into the city about the same time as his brother Klaus but instead of reunions he had drinks on mind both alcoholic and bloody and so decided to make a visit to a posh hotel bar for some drinks and a tasty snack only to walk in to a crime scene filled with headless and bloody corpses spread across the bar as a blood covered Lucas stood behind the bar drinking a Pina Colada and looking rather please with the mess he had created.
“You must be one of these canaries I’ve heard so much about but your missing a mask and costume.” Kol said to Lucas, as he sped over to the counter to face the Red Canary. “Tell me what this canary code is for?”
“It’s a long story I don’t feel like sharing you must be another vampire so far this world is filled with witches and vampires I’m yet to see anything impressive but not impressing me is a good thing because then this place will be easier for me to take.” Lucas replied as he took a sip from his Pina Colada. “The question here is do you want me to pour you a drink or are you going to make the foolish mistake to try and take me on?”
“I’ll have a drink first,” Kol answered with a flirtatious smile. “Then I’ll consider whether or not to take you on.”
Kol was impressed by the carnage this canary had just created and even more impressed by how appealing he was on the eye, he knew this clearly psychotic canary was not the one his family had aligned themselves with but Kol never played by anyone’s rules and right now he knew what he wanted.
After a few drinks and some more flirtatious words were traded it didn’t take long for the chaotic original and the Red Canary to find themselves crashing into the nearest hotel room each of their bodies crashing against the others while they kissed passionately before Kol threw Lucas down on the nearby bed as he ripped off his shirt.
He sped his way over to Lucas so he was on top of him, Lucas’ body pinned to the bed for a moment before Lucas used his speed to swap positions with the original vampire so he was now on top as he ripped off his own blood stained shirt and began kissing Kol’s neck before making his way down his chest causing Kol to groan in pleasure of the feel of Lucas’ mouth kissing his body before Lucas began tearing off Kol’s pants as Kol pulled Lucas’ head back up to face him for another passionate kiss.
Lucas tore Kol’s pants down in one go leaving the original in nothing but a tight pair of black boxers that barely contained his raging member for the brief time it did before Lucas pulled down the chaotic original’s boxers to let free his impressive member taking it into his mouth causing Kol to let out a series of moans as he began slowly taking more and more of the original’s throbbing dick into his mouth making Kol’s entire body shake with the sensation of Lucas taking his bulging fullness in his mouth.
Lucas continued to push Kol inside of him more and more as Kol thrusted himself inside of Lucas’ mouth feeling himself growing closer and closer to satisfaction before speeding himself over and pulling Lucas under him so he was now naked and back on top of the meta human.
Kol quickly kissed his way down Lucas’ chest before tearing off his trousers and boxers with one tear thanks to his vampire strength only to be left delighted to see Lucas’ equally impressive and bulging member which he wasted no time in putting his mouth to work on it. He began moving his head up and down Lucas’ member teasing the tip with his tongue causing Lucas to groan louder and louder before taking more and more of Lucas inside him reaching one of his hands up towards Lucas’ chest to begin teasing and playing with Lucas’ nipples.
“Oh god!” Lucas screamed in pure ecstasy as Kol continued to take Lucas’ member in his mouth. “Fuck me!”
Kol didn’t need to be asked twice as he flipped Lucas on to his stomach before spreading the beautiful meta human’s legs as Lucas got himself in the perfect position to bottom. Kol put his throbbing 8 inch dick inside of Lucas’ tight but excited hole with one harsh thrust causing to Lucas to let out a loud groan of mixed pain and pleasure as Kol quickly began pounding Lucas’ ass.
Kol continued to pick up pace thrusting himself harder and faster into Lucas’ willing and well trained hole as Kol felt Lucas pushing his ass further onto his excited dick perfectly timed with his own rhythm as Kol began pounding Lucas at vamp speed the two of their bodies beginning to move incredibly fast as Kol continued to thrush himself inside of Lucas, the two of them groaning in pure ecstasy.
“I’m going to come!” Kol declared before thrusting his member inside of Lucas a few more times before unloading himself inside of the meta-human, letting out a series of groans as his entire body shook while continuing to unload himself in Lucas before throwing his naked body onto the other side of the bed.
“We’re far from over yet vampire.” Lucas informed Kol as he climbed on top of Kol lifting the vampire’s legs up in the air and placing them on his shoulders as he placed his throbbing member inside of Kol’s willing and excited hole, Kol letting out a groan of pleasure loving the feeling of Lucas inside of him.
Kol pulled Lucas in towards him as the pair began kissing passionately while Lucas started thrusting himself harder and faster into the original vampire, the two of them breaking between kisses to let out a series of groans of pleasure as Kol began playing with himself, already hard once more completely loving the sensation of Lucas continuing to pound him.
Lucas began picking up the pace faster and fasted pushing his throbbing shaft harder and harder into Kol’s ass until he couldn’t hold on much longer and unloaded himself in the vampire as Kol came for a second time, the feeling of Lucas unloading in side of him pushing over the edge while Lucas passionately kissed him one more time before throwing himself over to the other side of the bed, both of their bodies hot and sweaty after working each other out as they lay there naked, clearly having enjoyed themselves.
“Now that’s the kind of welcome home every vampire should have.” Kol joked, as he tried catching his breath only to be met by Lucas’ laughs.
A still very naked Lucas Lance climbed out of his hotel bed leaving a naked and awake Kol Mikaelson laying there looking very happy with himself as he watched the red canary’s tight as Lucas made his way towards the bathroom before closing the door behind him and putting the shower on.
“Hey! So how about you do your scream thing on me when you get out and get rid of this hollow so we can get to work on round two?” Kol shouted from one room to the other, his words instantly met by the sound of shower being switched off before Lucas came back into the room dripping wet with only a towel around his waist.
“What the hell are you on about?” Lucas questioned the chaotic original, realizing his sister was clearly up to something he wasn’t going to approve of.
“You know the deal we made with your sister to scream the hollow out of us in return for my sister Freya helping you both get back to your own world which I admit is something I’m extremely curious to hear about.” Kol revealed to Lucas before noticing the expression of Lucas’ face as he vamp sped out of bed, onto his feet and slipped on his tight black boxers. “Which I’m starting to guess you had no idea about.”
“Well done detective now tell me what the bloody hell is this hollow, why you need it removed and who is this Freya?” Lucas wondered as he began walking towards the vampire, eager to learn about his sister’s schemes.
“Yeah I’m beginning to think you’re not too happy about these plans so I’m going to opt to keep my mouth shut from here on out.” Kol replied, knowing he had already revealed a little too much. “Can we just go back to fucking and forget what I just said?”
“No!” Lucas made himself clear before releasing a canary cry in Kol’s direction causing the entire room to shake vicious to the sounds and vibrations of his cry as Kol found himself struggling to stay standing as he began losing grip until Lucas increased the intensity of his cry sending a half naked Kol flying out the hotel window, smashing the glass to pieces in the process.
Laurel choosing someone over him for an alliance never surprised Lucas in fact it would’ve surprised him more if his sister stayed aligned to him for longer than a minute because he was no doubt going to screw her over like he had done many times before but learning she had chosen vampires was quite the surprise.
He hated the idea of having to go back to his earth believing it was too contaminated with heroes not to mention the former allies he had also screwed over who wanting him dead just as much as the bat family.
So, he had no choice but to find a way to ruin his sister’s new alliance making the witch Freya Mikaelson his number one target.
The next day Laurel Lance walked into the Mikaelson’s compound to find Hayley, Klaus and Freya stood by the fountain having clearly been waiting for her arrival. She wasn’t particularly thrilled about the deal she had struck with this family but as much as she didn’t like to admit it Earth Blood wasn’t her problem her earth was and she had to get home one way another even if it meant dealing with vampires who had no care for human life.
“I guess this means you’re finally ready to get to work and before you speak take note if you delay me any further I will have no problem ripping that pretty little head of yours right off.” Klaus greeted Laurel in a typical Klaus fashion.
“What my brother means to say is we’re so incredibly grateful you are willing to help us.” Freya told Laurel, quickly doing damage patrol with her hybrid brother like she and all of Klaus’ siblings had done many times before.
“I don’t mean to be rude because believe me I’m thrilled my daughter is finally going to be reunited with her family but can we get a move on with this whole thing because Kol’s in town which isn’t good with Klaus and him both still having the hollow inside them and after your brother’s altercation with Marcel I’d rather not have anymore messes to clean up.” Hayley admitted to Laurel.
“Well then I guess we best get this show on the go but first you and Freya are going to need to leave us both to it.” Laurel replied before Hayley vamp sped over to Freya grabbing a hold of her before she vamp sped out of sight with Freya leaving the Black Canary alone with the original hybrid.
“So, how exactly does this work?” Klaus asked her.
“I have to scream until I literally screamed your head right off in a bloody and truly satisfying fashion or at least that’s how it went down with Rebekah.” Laurel explained to him while looking a little too delighted at the thought of causing him pain.
“You’ve got to be joking me?” Klaus scoffed. “A thousand year old witch couldn’t fathom a spell, covens all around the world couldn’t find me an answer and yet you claim all you have to do is this special scream of yours and all my problems are fixed? What game are you playing?”
“Different earths tend to have different rules this one more so than any I’ve been to before but yes it really is that simple.” Laurel told him before releasing a canary cry which instantly brought the vampire to his knees groaning in pain.
Laurel continued to increase the intensity of her canary cry causing the very grounds of the compound to rumble beneath her as she aimed her cry in Klaus’ direction forcing blood to begin pouring out his eyes and ears while he choked up some more blood while screaming in pain by the force of the canary cry until Klaus’ head exploded in a burst of blood and gore splashing all over the compound as Klaus’ headless body fell to the ground as Laurel stopped her cry, looking even more amused with herself than before.
Hayley had taken Freya to Rousseau's where they intended to drink their wait away as they hoped that Klaus would have the same outcome as Rebekah, Freya hoping she would have her brother back home where he belongs and Hayley hoping her daughter Hope would finally get a reunion with his father knowing how much she had missed Klaus.
“Get us our usual would you please Josh?” Hayley asked the adorable vampire bartender Josh Rosza as she and Freya walked into the bar to see only Josh in an empty pub,before walking over to the counter and sitting down.
“Sure thing girls coming right up.” Josh replied as he vamp sped his way into getting two beers out of the under counter fridge, popping off their lids and serving it to them both with a pleasant smile on his face. “So, what’s the deal on this canary carnage? Marcel told me they literally screamed his head off my first guess was banshee but that would be too obvious not to mention their costumes.”
“All I know is my sister now gets to see her niece because of this woman so she’s already in my good books and will hopefully stay there as long as Klaus doesn’t go out of his way to mess it up.” Freya answered the young vampire before taking a drink of her beer.
“Well if Klaus messes this up I’m on Laurel’s side she just seems to want to get home which we can all understand not to mention she was real quick to help when Rebekah asked which to me says she can be trusted. However, this bloody brother of hers seems like he could be seriously trouble.” Hayley told them both before taking a drink of her own beer.
“Oh so the brother and sister are two masked mysteries with a bitter rivalry sounds like something straight out a comic book in fact I think I have one like this in my collection somewhere.” Josh said with excitement in his voice. “Not that I have a collection or anything like that.”
“Josh you’ve showed me you comic book collection several times when we’ve drank together.” Hayley laughed with him. “It’s all good we know you’re an adorable nerd you being so a cute little puppy vamp is probably why nobody’s killed you yet.”
“This is true nobody wants to hurt a puppy and if they do then their the true monsters.” Freya agreed with Hayley.
“Yay…I think.” Josh replied with uncertainty, not knowing if he was being complimented or dissed.
Suddenly the glass window at the front of the bar exploded in a burst of a large canary cry as Hayley, Josh and Freya found themselves dropping to their knees in pain, the sound quickly becoming too much for them all as the glass bottles and all things glass related exploded due to the impendingly louder canary cry until the cry suddenly stop as Lucas sped into the bar.
“Now which one of you is Freya?” Lucas asked them as the three slowly got back to their feet before Lucas looked Josh up and down and released a canary cry in his direction causing the young vampire to be sent flying across the bar hitting a wall with force before falling to the ground unconscious. “I think it’s fair to say he’s not Freya…question is it the brunette who adorably tried to warn me the other day or is it this blonde before me.”
“Here’s to you never finding out!” Hayley said with fury in her eyes before vamp speeding over to Lucas hoping to charge at the Red Canary only for him to catch her neck with his arms and snapping it causing the hybrid to fall to the ground unconscious.
“I figured super speed wasn’t a thing for witches on this earth so you must be Freya but hey if I’m wrong I’ll just kill you both.” Lucas stated before Freya began chanting in Croatian forcing the canary to his knees as he felt himself in excruciating pain.
“I have a better idea I’m going to kill you I’m sure your sister will thank me!” Freya told him before a canary cry from out of nowhere sent her flying across the bar before roughly hitting the ground, only for Laurel to walk into the pub, clearly unamused by the carnage that had been created.
“Enough.” Laurel screamed at Lucas and Freya as Freya slowly rose to her feet before Lucas sped his way out of sight.
“You’re brother’s a lot of work!” Freya said as he caught her breath, clearly furious.
“So, is yours who by the way is without the hollow now.” Laurel revealed as she walked towards the Mikaelson witch. “But let me make myself clear if you hurt my brother again I will personally see to it that you’ll be the one in a world of pain.”
“It’s funny isn’t it?” Freya asked the Black Canary with a smile on her face only for Laurel to look confused. “How our brothers can be utter bastards and yet we still protect them until our last breath.”
“Yeah,” Laurel replied with a soft smile before looking around the trashed bar. “Don’t get me wrong he will face the justice back on my Earth but death isn’t what I want for him.”
“I get that.” Freya agreed with her, as the two women realized the curse of brothers was something they both shared.
This alliance for them was proving successful  at least for the Mikaelson’s with both Rebekah and Klaus now free of the hollow thanks to Laurel’s canary cry but she was yet to see the fruits of her labor and if Lucas had his way that day would never come for his sister.
Several hours later Kol vamp sped into the compound’s dining room to find Klaus, Freya, Laurel and Hayley sat around the table, each of them giving him a furious glare as he instantly realized they had worked out about his little dalliance with a certain Red Canary.
“Okay before you plunge a dagger in my chest Niklaus just remember if you had all filled me in just a little bit better I’d not have slipped up so badly.” Kol defended himself as Klaus stood up looking furious for a second before smiling at him, leaving the chaotic original even more confused before Klaus vamp sped over to his younger brother and gave him a hug.
“Luckily for you dear brother I’m in a particularly good mood now that the hollow’s out of me and I’m getting ready to visit Mystic Falls so I’ll forgive your pure stupidity because I’d rather not visit my daughter for the first time in years just to tell her I killed her uncle.” Klaus replied to his younger brother.
“Well speak for yourself.” Laurel butted in as she rose to her feet. “My brother may seem like nothing more than a psychopathic meta-human to you all but he’s a cold blooded calculating bastard and now he knows of our little deal he’ll stop at nothing to ruin it for everyone.”
“The youngest brother syndrome is a thing for all families I see.” Klaus said with a sinister smirk, teasing Kol before returning his attention to Laurel. “Then I’ll go out and kill him before I head off to Mystic Falls.”
“If you even think about killing him you’ll regret it!” Laurel warned the original hybrid.
“The boy isn’t to be harmed Niklaus we made a deal and we’re not going back on it.” Freya stated while standing up from her chair, backing the Black Canary.
“Well I second keeping the canary boy alive he’s the most fun this city has seen in a real long time.” Kol declared with a satisfied smile.
“I guess you’re out voted once again Klaus and before you get all…” Hayley began to say as she rose to her feet only to be cut off by Klaus.
“Very well I’ll give you all until I get back from Mystic Falls to get him in line.” Klaus agreed reluctantly. “Then we’ll be heading to France to get Elijah.”
“What if we return his memories and he decides his life away from all of this is the one he wants to keep?” Hayley asked her daughter’s father, worrying about her impending reunion with Elijah.
“Nothing matters more to Elijah than family once he’s reminded of this he’ll be back home without a doubt.” Freya replied to Hayley.
“I guess that means I get to go to work on you right now!” Laurel told Kol with a sinister undertone in her voice as she walked towards the chaotic original. “This is going to hurt a lot and I’m going to love every second of it!”
Freya ended her long night like she ended most nights with her beloved girlfriend Keelin Malraux as the two met at a nearby bar for a few drinks after Keelin’s night-shift at the hospital, a tradition they had kept going for years although the location was normally Rousseau's but they decided to give Josh time to compel people to fix it up following the Red Canary’s most recent attack.
They talked the night away like they always did, Freya talking about her endless family problems which was always endless and Keelin complaining about her latest shift at the hospital although both of them loved their calling Freya’s being the caretaker of her siblings and Keelin’s being an ER doctor.
After night started to become day Freya and Keelin found themselves walking down the streets within the French Quarter of New Orleans heading towards the compound when suddenly they found themselves thrown into a nearby alleyway by a deafening canary cry causing them both to hit the ground harshly before The White Canary appeared from around the corner.
“Nothing personal girls but you came for my brother and that’s just not acceptable!” The White Canary told them both before releasing a large canary cry causing the entire alleyway to shake as the cry continued to grow with intensity as Freya and Keelin screamed in pain as this Canary refused to finish her cry until her targets were no more.
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stillthewordgirl · 6 years
LOT/CC fic: Captain Cold and Me (chapter 1 of 6)
Sara Lance, unbeknownst to her high school classmates, has connections to some of Star City's most popular super-powered heroes--but no powers of her own. Then the mysterious Captain Cold saves her from an attack…and does his best to convince her that he’s not the bad guy everyone seems to think he is. And maybe not all of the "good guys" should be trusted...
Author's note: This story is a weird amalgamation of things. It started when I saw a book titled "The Supervillain and Me" (check it out!) on the YA shelves at Barnes & Noble. That, of course, gave me CaptainCanary vibes. After I bought and read it, they were even stronger. I posted about that on Tumblr, and people encouraged me to write the CC high school AU I was considering.
So I did! It takes the skeleton of the book (which is very much its own thing-again, read it!)-at least at first-adds some (very adapted) Arrowverse characters and plots, and stirs it up with my own weird imagination. I own nothing of this but my own words, and I make no money off it.
This will be six chapters (all but one already complete), posted one a day until Tuesday. Many thanks to @larielromeniel for the beta, and to @sylvanheather for her thoughts! And happy birthday to @dragonydreams!
Can also be read here at AO3 or here at FF.net.
“Sara! Sara, did you hear?”
Sara Lance closed her eyes in resignation as she heard the footsteps of Felicity Smoak, her best friend, hurrying up behind her in the halls of Star City’s Kanigher-Broome High School. She loved Felicity, she really did, but she knew what was coming here, or suspected at any rate, and she really didn’t want to talk about it.
Felicity, however, was going to tell her anyway.
“Principal Hunter got a special guest for the assembly today,” she said breathlessly, adjusting the strap of her backpack where it was slung over her shoulder, swiping her dark hair with its blond roots out of her face. “Do you know who it is?”
Sara could guess.
“Nope,” she said, however, continuing to stroll toward physics class. “No idea. Fliss, did you finish your lab report yet? I want to ask Dr. Stein…”
“Sa-ra!” Felicity actually stomped her foot. “This is important! Don’t you think it’s probably a super? Should I go fix my hair? Redo my makeup before the assembly? We need to get there early so we can get a seat!”
Felicity had a real thing for supers—and the top team in Star City right now was the Black Canary and the Green Arrow. Sara’s friend had a massive crush on the Arrow (maybe on the Canary too), but she didn’t know what Sara did: That the Black Canary was Sara’s annoying big sister, Laurel, and the Arrow was Laurel’s rich-boy boyfriend, Oliver Queen. 
Sara had known Laurel and all her quirks since birth, and she’d known Ollie for nearly as long as she could remember. It was tough to be awe-inspired by the girl who continually left sopping-wet towels on the bathroom floor or the boy who’d once been so helpless without servants that he’d kept buying new underwear rather than admit he didn’t know how to use the washing machine.
They’d both acquired their powers (for Laurel, a sonic scream, flight and a degree of invulnerability, and for Ollie, perfect aim, a literal inability to miss his mark, in addition to greater strength and agility) at about the same time, a handful of years ago, around their 16th birthdays, just like most supers. While Sara’s parents had made sure Laurel had a chance to learn and become accustomed to her powers, they’d balked at letting her take on the role of a public superhero despite her wishes.
Oliver hadn’t even entertained the notion, as far as Sara knew. He’d happily used his aim to win drinks in darts tournaments at Star City’s (not so) finest bars, and his strength to impress girls who weren’t Laurel.
Until the day everything changed.
It’d been an assassination attempt, everyone said, one that targeted both Commissioner Quentin Lance and Ollie’s mother, Moira Queen, who’d been mayor at the time. A massive earthquake centered on the old City Hall, undeniably unnatural, as it hadn’t affected anything outside a relatively small radius. At first, everyone had suspected a super gone rogue, before investigation had revealed the device detonated by a disgruntled former police officer.
Quentin and Moira had survived. Dinah, Sara and Laurel’s mother, who’d been on her way into the building to meet her husband for lunch, had not. Neither had Tommy Merlyn, Ollie’s best and oldest friend and the son of Moira’s deputy mayor. He’d been sitting on the front steps, waiting for his perpetually late friend to show up.
They didn’t have costumes or names yet, and they wouldn’t go patrolling for a few months. But in many ways, that was the day the Black Canary and the Green Arrow were born.
And then there was Sara, just a few years younger. Sara didn’t have powers. She had a second-degree black belt—about to test for third--but no powers.
It wasn’t good enough. It would never be good enough. Sara sighed. Felicity, unaware of her thoughts, elbowed her.
“Come on!” she said. “Earth to Sara Lance! What do you think?”
“I think I want to skip it,” Sara muttered, shifting her own backpack.
“Skip English class?” Felicity blinked at her. “That’s not like you.”
Apparently, Sara had completely missed the thread of this conversation. She sighed again. “No. Never mind.” She gave her friend a onceover. “You look fine. And we get there early if you want. Just don’t expect me to squeal and wave and go all fangirl with you.”
Felicity grinned and gave her a one-armed hug. “Sara, I just don’t get you at times, but you’re the best.”
“You know it.”
Felicity (and Sara) had guessed right. The Green Arrow in his hood and green leather and Black Canary in her black leather and domino mask had strolled out onto the stage at the assembly, exhorting the students not to bully each other and to stay in school, etc., etc. Sara had rolled her eyes so hard they hurt, while Felicity did indeed squeal and wave and go all fangirl. She was still gushing when the assembly let out, and they headed for what Principal Hunter called the senior Creators Club—and Sara privately called Kanigher-Broome’s catchall hangout for Star City’s young, social and slightly geeky.
Sara’s father didn’t really like her being home on her own any more, not since…since her mother died. He was still concerned that the would-be killer (who had died in prison last year) hadn’t acted alone, and that the whole family could be a target. Quentin not only went armed as part of his commissioner duties, he often had an entourage with him at all times—and Laurel was the Black Canary. Sara was…just Sara. So, to keep her dad happy, she stayed at school a little longer, working on whatever homework or projects came her way, chatting with Felicity and other classmates, pretending things were…normal.
“Did you see? The Green Arrow winked at me, Sara!” Felicity did a little dance step in the corridor on their way toward the senior lounge, dodging students headed in the other direction. “He did! I swear it. Right at me.”
Ollie had probably been winking at Sara. He knew perfectly well that she hated when he and Laurel made appearances at her school. “Mmhmm,” she agreed absently. “That Green Arrow. Quite the flirt.” Ollie was a flirt, or he had been. The Green Arrow was anything but.
“Do you think I should go blond again?” Felicity stopped, facing Sara, wrapping her fingers around a tendril of her hair and holding it out to inspect it critically. “I like the goth-y look,” she commented, starting to turn to head toward the lounge again, “but…oof!”
She collided right with a tall, thin boy, knocking his bag out of his hands and knocking her own glasses off her face. Grasping desperately for them, she grabbed the edges of his worn black jacket instead, the glasses clattering to the floor. The boy reacted with a startled noise and stepped back, tripping over his own bag, making a faint sound of pain as he did so.
Sara stepped forward in concern, reaching out to steady him, even as Felicity stooped and felt around for her glasses. But he caught himself without incident, shaking his head, and Sara stopped wondering if she’d imagined that pained gasp.
“Are you OK?” she asked.
The boy, who had dark, very short hair with what might even be a few glints of premature silver in it, was still looking aside, stooping to reclaim his bag.
“I’m all right,” he said in a low tone as he straightened. “Really. Thanks.”
Felicity gave a cry of victory and stuffed her glasses back on to her face, standing again. ”Sorry!” she told the boy cheerfully, then frowned. “Wait. Do I know you?”
He gave an almost curt shake of his head, looking at Felicity, then finally glancing at Sara. His eyes—an icy blue that was so striking that Sara sucked in a breath--widened, and he turned away abruptly. Sara blinked, watching him duck into the senior lounge. He’d been quite good-lucking, really, she thought. Those cheekbones and eyelashes were totally unfair in addition to those eyes.
“Sara! Sara!”
Felicity would keep Sara-ing her until she responded. With a sigh, she looked at her friend, who was still gaping at the door to the lounge. “What?”
The other girl looked upset, for some reason. “Don’t you know who that was?”
“…no?” The boy had looked vaguely familiar, though everything about him—his hunched shoulders, his downcast eyes—screamed that he didn’t want to be noticed.
“That was Leonard Snart. Snart, Sara!”
The world stopped. “Oh.”
Snart. The son of Lewis Snart, the crooked officer who’d tried to arrange for her dad’s assassination, who’d rocked Star City with the explosion that had killed her mother and so many others. For a moment, Sara couldn’t breathe. The memories were still so strong…the search for survivors, the hunt for suspects, the news that’d trickled out about motives and targets. The trial, which had, mercifully, been extremely brief.
“How do you know?” she asked numbly, stepping to the side to let other seniors by. “I mean. I know he had two kids, a son and daughter. But neither of them went here…before…”
Felicity sighed, running a hand through her hair. Her gaze was sympathetic and troubled.
“Remember that hackerspace thing I was involved with a few years back?” she asked. “Over in the East Side? I ran into him there once or twice. Never talked, barely knew his name. He’s a quiet kid. It took me a minute to recognize him here. He shaved off his curls.” She glanced away. “It’s not like I was going to bring it up after. But…Snart. Sort of a memorable name.”
“Yeah.” Sara stood, frozen, another moment, then shook her head. “It doesn’t matter. It’s not like he had anything to do with it. I just…I thought both of them went into foster care in Central. I remember reading…”
She’d once read the articles about the case obsessively, determined to figure out if anything could have saved her mom, could prevent something like that from ever happening again. She’d always wondered if Laurel or Ollie could have, if they’d been using their powers for hero-ing back then. But it was the kind of thing she’d never had the heart to ask.
“I know.” Felicity’s voice was low. She sighed again. “I can’t figure out why he’d even want to come back here.”
“Um. I might know something about that…”
Both of them turned at the sheepish voice behind them. Barry Allen, shuffling his feet, gave them an uncertain grin. Felicity squeaked and put her hands on her hips. She’d dated Barry briefly, but while it hadn’t lasted, they were still friends. And as Sara well knew, withholding information was majorly against the Felicity’s-friend code.
“Spill, Allen,” she said, fiercely enough that Barry paled a little.
“Well, not really the reasons,” he clarified, switching his gaze to Sara, his cheeks a little pink. She smiled despite herself. Barry was such a lovable dork. “But some of the story behind it.”
Felicity folded her arms and fixed him with a glare that was probably supposed to be intimidating, then gave him a regal nod, as if to tell him to carry on with it.
“My dad met him, Snart—uh, Len—in Central City, when he was there doing some, ah, charity work.” Barry continued. Sara remembered that his dad was a doctor, and that his family was originally from Central. “His little sister, she’s happy there, in school, with a good family, but Len wanted to come back here to at least finish school.” He bit his lip. “Dad helped him with the emancipation paperwork. I don’t know where he’s living, but he’s come by our house for dinner once or twice, at my parents’ insistence. Doesn’t talk much.” He sighed. “Be nice to him, OK? He’s had a rough road, but he’s an OK guy. There’s good in him.”
His pleading gaze was on Sara, who really had no intention of holding Leonard Snart responsible for his father’s misdeeds. She nodded, then smirked, deciding to try to lighten the mood a little.
“Aww,” she teased. “Gotta crush on him, Barry? He is really cute.”
Barry blinked, then turned pinker. “What? No! Uh. Not that I have a problem with that.”
Barry and his current girlfriend, Iris West, were currently the leading contenders for most likely to get married right after graduation. It was just a lot of fun to tease him about it.
Felicity got a particularly evil look on her face, but Sara, still smirking, cut back in.
“Of course I’ll be nice to him,” she said, then sobered. “Having a horrible parent doesn’t make him a bad person.” She nibbled her lip a little, thinking. “He’s kinda one of his dad’s victims too, in a way, isn’t he?”
Barry nodded, growing serious himself. “Yeah. I mean…he hated the guy. Hated. It’s not like he’s talked about it, really, but…”
“Join the crowd,” Sara murmured, as Felicity nodded next to her. “No worries, Bar. In fact…”
She shouldered her backpack, took a deep breath, and headed for the lounge. “In fact, I think there’s something I need to do.”
She could hear Barry and Felicity following her, but she ignored them, stopping in the entrance and scanning the room. There. The dark-haired boy was sitting by himself at a table in the far corner, pulling a laptop out of his much-abused bag and opening it on the table. He glanced up as she approached, a flash of something darting over his face, and Sara felt a pang of empathy.
“Hey,” she said as he met her eyes, his own gaze opaque. “I just wanted to say, sorry about my friend. She’s a klutz.” She took a deep breath (ignoring Felicity’s protests behind her), then held out her hand. “I’m Sara Lance.”
The boy—Leonard—held her gaze for a long moment, then stood. He was tall, Sara thought, eying him. And…yeah. Cute. Hot, really. Mm. He didn’t look like a senior in high school. College student, at least.
“Hey,” he said in return, so quietly that she could barely hear him. “It’s OK.” He shrugged. “It was an accident.”
“Your laptop’s all right?” Sara darted a look down at it. It was an old machine, she thought. But that didn’t mean it didn’t mean a lot to him.
“It’s fine.” The corner of his mouth tugged up a little, a tiny little smile, but a smile nonetheless. Sara felt like she’d won a victory. Then he reached out and took her proffered hand.
A firm, calloused grip, one that didn’t back down because she was a girl. Sara liked that. And he didn’t seem to find her gesture overly formal because they were only in high school. His handshake was steady, and so were his eyes, and damn…
“Leonard Snart,” he said so quietly that she could barely hear him.
“Pleased to meet you, Leonard,” she said quietly in return. “Glad you’re OK.”
She’d been pulled away from Leonard nearly immediately, and that was OK too. Felicity had wanted to talk about the physics lab she’d been uninterested in earlier, and then to gush about the Green Arrow and the Black Canary some more. Then Barry and Iris had come over, asking about the upcoming talent show, and she’d gotten distracted again.
When the club hours had ended and they’d all been told to go home, Sara glanced around, but Leonard Snart was already gone. She shook her head, then bade other friends farewell and walked with Felicity toward the parking lot, where the other girl turned to her.
“Do you need a ride home?” Felicity asked, a touch distractedly. “It’s no problem. I can drop you off on the way.”
Felicity drove like a bat out of hell. Sara loved her friend, but she was actually glad to have an excuse not to trust her life to the Fliss-mobile today.
“Nah. My dad is actually home tonight. He wants us all to have dinner together, for once,” she demurred. “Should be here soon.”
Felicity gave her a cheerful wave, then headed toward her old Cobalt, peeling out of the parking lot with a squeal of tires. Sara shook her head, then checked her phone.
Nothing. But after only a few moments, it chimed. Sara, watching the other seniors trickle out one by one, checked it again.
“Sorry, honey,” her dad texted. “Stuck here late. Can Felicity give you a ride?”
Sara bit her lip. Why hadn’t he sent that a few moments ago? But she’d thought that this dinner thing might actually happen. She could text Laurel, but her sister and Ollie almost certainly had something more important going on. Hero-ing and whatnot.
“Sure,” she texted back after a moment. “See you later.”
Then she started for home.
It wasn’t a long walk, really. But with the level of violence in Star City these days, neither her dad nor her sister usually liked her walking home alone, especially not later in the day. Whatever. Sara had a black belt. She could take care of herself. Her grip tightened on her backpack. Right? She’d be fine.
Sara was crossing the railroad tracks just outside the edge of the Glades when she heard the footsteps. Two people, at a guess. Well. People went for walks here too. Probably. She listened, heart beating just a little faster, then scanned the street ahead of her. Stores and other businesses closed down early here these days. Nothing seemed to be open, and traffic was nonexistent.
She picked up the pace, just a little. The footsteps picked up too. And then they were three sets. Four?
Sara abandoned her pretense and ran. There had to be someplace she could duck into, she thought, her own heartbeat echoing in her ears. There had to be!
A male voice behind her called out something in a snarl. Sara didn’t look back, pelting down the uneven sidewalk, scanning the quiet street, wondering if she should yell or...
Someone grabbed her backpack, jerking her to a stop, and Sara kept enough presence of mind to turn fighting. She lashed out at the man with a hand, fingers stiff, jabbing toward his eyes and connecting. He yelped, putting his hands to his face, and she pulled away, turning to run ahead.
But there were two more men there, young and scruffy, thin and looking a bit strung out. Sara didn’t hesitate. She struck out at one’s face, then kicked hard at his kneecap, sending him tumbling to the ground, then rounded on the other, who gaped at her a moment, apparently stunned by her reaction.
Sara drove her foot into his groin without a flicker of sympathy, stepping past him as he folded, drawing a breath to run again. She’d done it, she’d defended herself, she could...
The first man, however, hadn’t been as down for the count as she’d hoped. An arm looped around her neck even as she took a step, pulling her back again, and...damn. Something cold and metal pressed against the skin just under her right ear, something sharp.
“Money!” her captor hissed in her ear, arm tightening. Sara could hear the groans from the other two, interspersed with cursing. She tried to take a deep breath, thinking about what she had in her bag.
“I don’t have any,” she said after a moment. “I don’t! Really. Look!”
“Yeah, right!” The knife pricked harder...but then the man did move it, reaching down toward her bag, and his other arm loosened just a little.
Sara took advantage of it. She stomped on the instep of his foot, hard, then threw an elbow right into his solar plexus when his grip loosened. He crumbled and she turned to run again, taking a step, then two...
“OK, pretty girl, freeze!”
There had been a fourth man. And he had a gun. Which was now pointed right at her head.
Sara froze.
The man was to her right, but she could see him, and the gun, out of the corner of her eye. He held it steady and seemed far more calm and competent than the other men. Which made him far scarier.
For a long moment, he studied her, then let out a snort of laughter. Sara wanted to bristle at the derision...but she didn’t dare move a muscle. Supers were said to have a sixth sense about people in trouble, and while Laurel and Oliver said it was nebulous and impossible to measure, there was a measure of truth to it. Surely one of them would come to her rescue? It would be mortifying...but at this point...
“Someone will pay ransom for you,” the other man said, finally. “Girl like you in a place like this? Someone’s gotta be looking for you.” He chuckled again. It was not a nice chuckle. “Maybe we’ll even give you back. Maybe not.”
Sara took a slow breath. She couldn’t let this man just kidnap her. And she had to move before the other men regrouped. They were all getting to their feet, muttering to each other.
Then there was a noise to her left, a thud as if of someone landing on the ground. A sense of chill. Sara nearly looked, hoping for Laurel or Oliver, but the gun was still pointed at her and...
“Duck—and close your eyes!”
This isn’t the time to look a gift hero in the mouth. Err, something like that. Sara did as she was told, dropping to a knee and squeezing her eyes shut.
The blast of cold came from the left, so close to Sara’s face that she could feel the frost forming on her eyelashes. Somewhere, a corner of her brain registered that was new, that there wasn’t a super with ice powers in Star City, or none that she knew of. (Or that Felicity knew of, which was even more conclusive.) She heard yelps from the men and the crackle of what seemed to be ice, and braced for the crack of a gunshot...but none came. Just more thuds, as if of bodies falling to the ground.
“OK. You can look.”
Sara opened her eyes. The first thing she saw was the four men, all stretched out on the ground, all covered by a sheen of frost. A sigh of relief escaped her lips even as she flinched, wondering.
“Are they...”
“They’re just out...cold. You all right?”
Sara looked up.
The figure in front of her, extending a hand to help her up, was no one she’d ever seen before. Black pants, black boots…and then a blue parka over the top, fur-fringed hood pulled up over his head. His face was obscured by a pair of goggles, but a smile tugged at his mouth as he looked at her.
“It’s OK,” he said, keeping the hand extended. “I don’t bite. Unless it’s frostbite. Heh. Maybe that’s a potential name.”
Bad puns. Why did supers love them so much? Sara stared at him long enough that the smile fled, but he kept the hand held out to her.
Male, from the voice. And about her age, also from the voice. Sara frowned, trying to place it, but then took the offered hand, allowing him to pull her to her feet.
“Um,” she said. “Thanks. Really. I thought I had that, but...the gun...”
“I saw. You were badass. I just figured I should help out.” The tone was admiring. And he still had her hand. Sara looked down at it, noting that he also wore black gloves, but the super let go then, taking a step back courteously.
“You’re new,” she said, still a little shell-shocked. “Ice powers. That’s...new.”
“Yeah. Sort of.” The boy...man?...walked over to the four men and studied them. “I’ll alert the cops that they’re here. They’ll thaw out soon enough. We should get going...hey, wait!”
Sara had already turned away and started walking as fast as she could, not quite running. The super caught up to her easily, though, jogging along next to her, glancing her way.
“That was really impressive,” he said. “What...what’s your name?”
This guy, hero or not, was starting to annoy her. Sara frowned at him, although she kept walking.
“I said thank you,” she gritted out. “What do you want?”
“Just making conversation.” He almost sounded hurt. “Hey, like you said, I’m new. Thought maybe...”
“You thought wrong.” Sara took a breath and stopped. “Look. Iceman, or whatever your name is...”
“I think that one’s taken.” The drawl was amused. He smirked at her, an infectious expression, and she almost smirked back. But...she already knew far too much about two of the city’s main supers. She didn’t need, or want, to know any more.
“Thank you,” she said again, trying to project sincerity. “Truly. Now, I have to get home.”
He nodded, but didn’t move, the smirk fading into something more...wistful? Somehow it touched a chord, and Sara studied him a moment longer, intrigued despite herself. Then, cursing her curiosity, she turned and headed down the street.
And that jerk kept following her.
“I could see you home,” he said.
“I’ll be fine.”
“You are fine,” he retorted. “But I can still make sure you get there...”
“Goodbye, Iceman.”
A sigh. Then: “Goodbye, Sara.”
She whipped around, but he was gone already, apparently faded into the trees at the side of the street in one of those near-patented super moves.
Ass. Sara studied the trees, curiosity surging again, then turned and headed home as fast as she could, feeling the irritating sense of someone watching her the entire way. She made it in the door, slamming and locking it behind her, then dropped her backpack on the floor and closed her eyes.
She’d been rescued by the world’s most infuriating superhero.
Par for the course.
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Arrowverse Re-Watch: Arrow season 1, episode 1 “Pilot”
***Disclaimer: I recommend you read the tags before digging in to this review.
So I’m doing my annual Arrowverse re-watch (where I go back and watch all the Arrowverse shows in chronological order) and this year, I decided I would make these reviews/commentaries about each episode as I re-watch them.
Oliver: The name of the island they found me on is Lian Yu. It’s Mandarin for Purgatory. I’ve been stranded here for 5 years.
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Okay, don’t get me wrong, the main reason I love Arrow is because the characters are great and real and the stories are so interesting. And Stephen Amell is a fantastic actor, definitely one of the best in the Arrowverse...but hot damn just look at that body
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I really don’t like objectifying anyone (of any gender), but art deserves to be appreciated and this body right here is art.
Okay I literally couldn’t find a gif of it anywhere, but that shot of Oliver looking into the mirror and the lightning flashes and you see him in the hood for like a split second...that shot...yeah I love that shot. Ugh it’s so amazing and just chilling.
Okay so apparently a lot of people hated the flashbacks...which I don’t understand??? But I loved the flashbacks. Mostly because I just love flashbacks in general. I mean, they weren’t always super interesting and a lot of the time the flashback storyline wasn’t really as interesting as the main storyline, but I still really liked the flashbacks. I actually kinda miss them sometimes.
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Like basically everyone else in the Arrow fandom, I miss Tommy sooo much. And I know, I know Colin has Chicago Med now, but I gotta be honest...I still haven’t quite gotten over that Tommy (any Earth version) wasn’t Vigilante. Like honestly, what was even the point of making him Vince (or Vinny they literally changed his nickname). God season 6 was such a fucking mess...but more of that later.
Okay so I have a bone to pick with this little moment where Oliver speaks Russian to Raisa. So like I guess it was supposed to demonstrate how Oliver has changed and all that...but like, Oliver’s not stupid. He wouldn’t be so careless as to speak Russian in front of his family and friends when he knows that they know he didn’t speak Russian before the island (thus revealing something about his time away when he’s usually so careful not to let things about that time slip).
I just don’t really like that moment because it seems a bit out of character for him.
Oliver: I didn’t realize you wanted to sleep with my mother, Walter.
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Tommy: Have you noticed how hot your sister’s gotten?
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It does kinda make me cringe a little though tbh. Although, full disclosure, the first time I ever watched this show, I did kinda ship them. I thought they had great chemistry. Better chemistry than Tommy and L*urel (but we’ll get to that later).
Tommy: So what’d you miss the most; steaks at the Palm, drinks at the station, meaningless sex?
Oliver: L*urel
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Oh god here we go with this bullshit...can we just skip to the part where the writers realized that L*uriver was awful and they all jumped on the Olicity train?
Oh look it’s L*urel L*nce, the Queen Bitch of Starling City.
Okay that was an exaggeration...and I don’t actually hate LL, well at least, I don’t hate the idea of her. (Alright, strap yourselves in.)
I feel like LL was only the “real” LL in the first like 3 episodes of season 1 and then like the last 2 episodes before she dies. Every episode in between those she was like the off-brand version of LL. In the first couple episodes, she’s a pretty great character. She genuinely wants to help innocent people, she’s independent, she fights for what she believes in. Other than her being a totally soulless, cold-hearted bitch to Oliver, I actually liked her. But the whole Oliver drama really ruined her. And I blame the writers for that (namely the notorious misogynists Kreisberg and Guggenheim).
So first, they thought that “you cheated on me with my sister” was a great beginning to an epic love story. And then they made her totally cold to Oliver. Like look, as much as I dislike LL, I will always take her side on this issue. Playboy Ollie was a grade A fuckboy jackass and LL has every right to be pissed at him. But...then he spent five years in literal hell. Whatever mistakes he made before the island, he paid for them and then some. Now I know LL doesn’t know all the particulars of what went on in those 5 years, but she must’ve at least seen the movie Cast Away, right? I mean, from her perspective, Oliver spent 5 years completely alone on a deserted island. In that situation he would’ve had to teach himself to hunt and kill animals for food, he would’ve had to learn how to build shelters, he would’ve had literally no one to talk to or interact with for five years. She would’ve had to know that he probably has PTSD...and he comes back and she says “I’d hoped you’d rot in hell a whole lot longer than five years.” Like, are you fucking kidding me?! Why in the fuck would the writers think anyone would ship them with this kind of beginning? How are we supposed to have any sympathy for LL when she won’t even let Oliver try to apologize? And saying that he deserved what happened to him on the island? Jesus fucking Christ. God I couldn’t be more anti-L*uriver if I tried.
I get what (I think) they were trying to go for with LL, but they completely fucked up the execution.
LL: ‘Cause her body was at the bottom of the ocean where you left her. It should’ve been you.
“It should’ve been you.”
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Okay bitch let’s go. No one talks to post-island Oliver that way. Ever. Oliver Jonas Queen is a gift to the world and I don’t care what dumbass Ollie Queen did you do not get to say that to Oliver. He has lost and suffered so much, too much. JFC where the fuck is Oliver’s unconditionally loving and supportive wifey when he needs her? Don’t worry bb, only two more episodes and you’re home free.
Mercenary Dude: What did he tell you, Mr. Queen?
Oliver: He told me I’m gonna kill you.
God yes where has this Oliver been the past couple years? Not the kill-happy Oliver, just the intimidating hardcore Oliver that can take down half a dozen guys single-handedly. That’s one of the things I hated about season 6 was how they wrote him so out of character just for plot. Ever since they introduced the newbies in season 5 they’ve written Oliver like he literally can’t even function without having like 5 other people out in the field with him. I don’t mind having a team (I love Roy and Dinah for example) but the team is just too big. (I’ll talk about that in much more detail when we get to seasons 5 and 6 [and that bullshit “civil war”])
Mercenary Dude: You’re delusional. You’re zip-cuffed to that chair.
Oliver: Not anymore.
God the MUSIC! Ugh I love the music in this scene when he’s taking down the kidnappers.
Oh yeah...and this incredible stunt...
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And I love that you can tell that Stephen did all these stunts himself. But I especially love the above stunt because it’s so incredible, but like he just does it and it’s as if it’s no big deal because he’s just that physically fit.
With hair!!!
Oh Quentin deserved so much better than all that nonsense the writers put him through in season 6. But I’m getting ahead of myself here.
I’m just so happy to see him! And to see the journey that he took in the first 4 seasons. (Seasons 5 and 6 [especially 6] weren’t the real Quentin. It had to’ve been one of his doppelgängers because the real Quentin is smarter than to be fooled by BS’ bs).
Ahh did you see what I did there?!
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I love Raisa and I’m so happy they brought her back for season 6! I hope she returns again in season 7! I love the way she takes care of the Queen boys!
John Thomas Diggle is in the building ladies and gentlemen! This man is a gift and honestly I sometimes think we don’t deserve him.
Okay I kinda miss seeing Oliver in regular clothes. It seems like, ever since he became mayor, the only civilian clothes we ever see him in are suits. Don’t get me wrong, that man can fill out a suit, he looks delectable...especially when he’s just wearing a button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up (those arms!)
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But I also kinda miss just seeing him in like jeans and a t-shirt. Maybe once he gets out of prison we’ll see more of that (since he won’t be mayor).
The whole workout/training sequence is just...
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We were completely deprived of shirtless Oliver in season 6 and I just cannot stand for that. We better get like double the amount of shirtless Oliver in season 7 to make up for it.
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Tommy: Now, by my rough estimate, you have not had sex in 1,839 days.
Yeah except for Shado and who knows? maybe Sara or even some random girl in Russia.
LL: I’m sorry about saying that you should’ve been the one who died. That was wrong.
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Nice apology, LL (this is the real LL I was talking about earlier), but you’re gonna change your mind in like 2 episodes. @jbuffyangel calls this phenomenon “as the Lances turn” (referring to the crazy inconsistencies in how the Lances [especially LL] are written). And I love that phrase I’m totally gonna steal it because it’s so true, but I’ll discuss that more when it flares up in later episodes.
John: I would believe you, Mr. Queen, if you weren’t so full of crap.
John Diggle, ladies and gentlemen, taking none of Oliver’s shit since 2012.
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Please, someone, give this man a medal.
Okay but did John and Oliver ever talk about Oliver putting John in that hold and knocking him unconscious? I don’t know why, but I kinda have this headcanon that they never actually did talk about it until like years later (probably after Oliver and Felicity returned from Ivy Town and Oliver and John made up) that John was just like “remember when you knocked me unconscious at your welcome home party”.
Okay I know that it’s Yao Fei’s hood, but I kinda wonder why Oliver didn’t get it lined with Kevlar from the get-go. I mean it’s not like he trained in medieval times and then time-traveled to the 21st century to start his crusade, like he’s aware that guns exist and that a lot of the people he planned to take down would use guns. I mean, he could’ve just gotten Anatoly or someone else in the Bratva, I’m sure they know people who know how to do that.
But at the same time, I guess it kinda fits with his whole persona and his plan. When he first starts out he’s not really waging a full-on war against all crime in the city, he’s just trying to take down the corrupt one-percenters and once he does that he hangs up the hood and moves on with his life. So it makes more sense that his suit is more “raw” because he’s more raw. He doesn’t have a team, doesn’t consider himself a hero. It’s just him and his bow and his list.
So I’m watching the scene where Robert kills himself and it makes me think of the scene in season 5 when Oliver is watching the video that Robert left him and Felicity comes along and is like “wow no prssure” and I’m like yeah! I mean, what a crazy and horrible burden to put on your child. I mean, there they are, Robert’s made all these mistakes, but instead of trying to fix these mistakes himself he’s like “nah I think I’m just gonna tell my son to right my wrongs and then blow my brains out right in front of him leaving him traumatized and completely alone”.
This is Robert:
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Like jfc, no wonder Oliver’s so screwed up.
I just don’t get what Tommy sees in LL. I mean, throughout the season they just go on and on about how much Tommy and LL love each other, but I just don’t see anything between them. I mean what did they even have in common besides losing Oliver? I mean the only thing I kind of get about their relationship is LL encouraging Tommy to be a better person. Once again, it’s the idea of LL, but it didn’t really work out that way in execution.
And honestly, you know what the worst part about M*rlance was? Knowing that they only did it to create even more drama between Oliver and LL, but then the fact that the writers ended up dropping L*uriver in favor of Olicity made all that drama pointless. Now obviously I know that the writers didn’t know that L*uriver would be a total bust (though they should’ve) or what Felicity and Olicity would become at the time, but still...hindsight is 20/20 I guess.
Ah Moira, being shady af.
I miss her. I always loved her character and Susanna Thompson is such an amazing actress.
I miss her pretty much for the same reason I miss Tommy: the potential. Both Tommy and Moira never really got to see Oliver become the true hero that he is today. They never got to see Oliver fall in love and have his own family. I feel the same way about Quentin. They could’ve done some great things with him. I always wanted the writers to explore his relationship with Felicity more. They had a great father-daughter kind of relationship in season 2. And especially knowing that Felicity’s father abandoned her and Quentin had lost his daughter, I thought it made so much sense that they sorta would’ve adopted each other as a surrogate family. But no. Instead, the writers went with that BS bs (hehe I did it again). And now Quentin is dead; another great character wasted.
Anyway, that’s all for me about this episode. I hope you enjoyed my ranting and I’ll see you later for episode 2.
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queencanaries · 7 years
where did you see the rumors that Wally was moving to Legends? And I'd actually think Siren would thrive on Legends tbh. They already redeemed a villain (Mick), they constantly mention her and her impact on Sara (even if it is shallow and transparent because they won't let Sara resurrect her), and the show actually makes it a point to develop all of their new crew members fairly well (Amaya and Zari especially)
There was an interview discussing Wally’s departure at the end of that episode, saying that he would be back later on — the one about how it costs so much to have more than one speedster and they have to find creative ways to knock him down, or take one or the other out of the picture so they only have to use one. They said something along the lines of him always being in the Arrowverse whether he’s on Flash or not, and the wording of it made it seem like they might be moving him to Legends. Here’s the excerpt: 
“But Wally is not gone. Wally is not gone, certainly, from the Arrowverse,” Kreisberg reiterated, “and he’ll be back on Flash, and more exciting stuff about Wally will be revealed as we move forward.”
So that’s where the rumours about Wally moving to Legends have come from. 
As for Black Siren, I would have to disagree. I think a redemption arc on Legends for her would be pretty shallow because the only character she really knows is Sara. On Arrow, there’s Oliver, Quentin, Diggle, Felicity, and Thea, and the legacy of Laurel Lance kind of woven throughout as the character existed on that show and not on Legends. There are a whole lot of dynamics that can be reexamined through a different lens from her being from Earth-2, and if/when they decide to do flashbacks, they have all these characters to pick from (whereas it would be difficult to establish her backstory on Legends when the Arrow cast aren’t available to fill that in on another show). I totally agree that she would fit in with a cast of misfits that belong as “Legends” and it’d be fun to see her interact with all these characters and time travel and all this stuff, but in terms of milking out the most for the character... I think it’s best they put her on Arrow and not Legends. Also, I don’t really like Legends whereas even at Arrow’s worst I can still tolerate it. But that’s me and my bias injected into it, and I totally understand if someone loves Legends and hates Arrow, why they would want Black Siren/Laurel on there (just like they were asking for Laurel Lance / Black Canary to join the show back when it started and move off Arrow). 
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theheadlessblonde · 7 years
Call Out Post
I’m sick and tired of edits, photo sets, and gif sets that include nearly every major character in the Arrowverse… but conveniently leave out Laurel, Iris, and James. Also Kendra even though she isn’t as prevalent in the stories as the others
Like it’s so transparent and disrespectful. You’re excluding all these major characters because of shipping biases (sans Kendra) while including random characters like Jessie who aren’t even series regulars or even that important in the grand scheme of things?
And don’t use death or changing rosters to exclude Laurel and Kendra when Snart is still included
And don’t think that we all don’t notice that these characters are mostly black and/or female. We see you 👀
Like yeah Laurel, Iris, James, and Kendra may not be your favorites, but how can you exclude them from a celebration of the Arrowverse when they’re so central to the stories of each show?
Laurel Lance. She might have been the most important figure in Oliver, Thea, Quentin, and probably Sara’s lives. She was who Oliver always remembered when he wanted to go home, she kept things real when he was too far up his own ass in vigilante mode. She steered Thea off the wrong path when she was spiraling and helped her dad recover from alcoholism. She fought to honor + avenger her sister, then rose her from the dead. She never stopped fighting for the people of Starling City, whether as a civilian or a superhero. She may be gone, but her impact on the series can not be ignored.
Iris West is the leading lady of the Flash. Full stop. Not Caitlin. How disrespectful is it to leave her out? “Oh but she’s just a civilian, not a superhero…” Bruh, I see you sliding Quentin and Joe into these posts. They don’t have code names, they don’t have powers… but they’re still part of the teams. And Iris has been a member of Team Flash since near the end of S1. She is the love of Barry’s life, she’s what brought him home from the Speed Force. Half the cast of the Flash is made of her family. Like it or not, she has become the emotional center of the Flash. Respect her.
James Olsen has kind of gotten the shaft (let’s be honest, which character I’m talking about here hasn’t?)… He mainly played the role of love interest in S1 but didn’t manage to get with Kara until the last moment… and then they got broken up by the writers right away in S2. But James was always there to give Kara advice. He held her to high standards and made her see that the dark path she was walking by illegally imprisoning Maxwell Lord wasn’t her. He brought out her light. And in S2, he chose to become a hero of his own. And he may be derided for it by Kara and fans… but isn’t every single show in this series about ordinary people becoming heroes? James is a man of values and bravery and just because the writers choose not to respect him, doesn’t mean we have to treat him like this.
Poor Kendra. The woman endured thousands of years of sexual harassment and murder at the hands of Vandal Savage, not to mention the rather messy treatment she got at the hands of the writers. She became a good friend and student to Sara. She kicked Savage’s ass and saved the team on more than one occasion. Hell, she dealt the final finishing blow, as was her destiny all along. The main antagonist revolved around her, making S1’s plot about her. You couldn’t have S1 of Legends of Tomorrow without Kendra motherfucking Saunders.
I’m tired of seeing these four get neglected, forgotten, and hated. *Oliver voice* The writers may have failed these characters, but we don’t have to. *end Oliver voice*
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cogentranting · 7 years
LoT 2x17 Predictions/Speculation
Legends of Tomorrow is gonna shake up it’s team roster again tonight via deaths and just people leaving the team. My thoughts and predictions:
Amaya will leave the team. Let’s be real: we all know that she won’t stay dead and I highly doubt they’ll rekill her because of the Mari Vixen story. However, they’ll also probably send her back to be a part of her timeline and all that. Does she have to go back to the timeline right this minute instead of in a couple seasons? No. But I think she will anyway. I hope not. But... (prove me wrong Legends)
Rip will die. They’ve stated that someone is going to die. I think it will be Rip. And I think that’s lazy. Because they already wrote him out for most of the season, so killing him off immediately after his extended absence just strips the death of any stakes and gives the illusion of being a bold writing choice with out actually being one. But the writing of the season has shown a weird aversion to writing for Rip and has seemed to go out of its way to make Rip expendable. They’ve forgotten all about his story arcs involving his family and the Time Masters, they’ve taken away his role as captain, and they’ve had all the characters neglect him to the point that his most signficant relationship on the show is with the ship. It doesn’t have to be this way- Rip’s a cool character with lots of potential and Arthur Darvill is a capable actor- but for some reason that seems to be the direction they’re heading. 
Mick needs some sort of resolution to his arc, which has been one of the most important this season. This could be achieved by securing his role on the team (which I think would be best). However, it could also lead into the idea of Mick leaving the team to be on his own (not very likely I don’t think, since it sort of goes against what the arc has been building towards). Or Mick could sacrifice himself for the team and die, which would work except that it would be an almost exact repeat of last season with Snart (which doesn’t mean they won’t do it. wouldn’t be the first Arrowverse show to repeat it’s first season in the second *coughFlashcough*)
Jax and Stein- nothing’s gonna happen to these two, they’re fine. Jax is the ship engineer and doesn’t really have anyone who can replace him in that. If you kill one you have to get rid of both or find an immediate Firestorm replacement and we’ve already gone through that. Firestorm isn’t going anywhere as a combo, they’ve barely begun to explore the extent of those powers. Plus they add variety to the team, being both the oldest and youngest members, and because Jax is black. And Stein’s Lily arc doesn’t seem entirely played out yet. 
Ray. Killing Ray would be weird because at this point he’s in his third season in the Arrowverse (meaning only the true Arrow veterans have been around longer), but this is season he’s been least important in. So he’s at this odd point where he’s been a staple for too long to be treated as expendable, but he hasn’t had enough of an arc to justify being a major death. Killing Ray would require (or should require) more buildup. On top of that, Ray is fairly unobtrusive. He doesn’t take up much space the way they write him. 
Nate. As a newbie Nate is more at risk of leaving or being killed because there’s less history and less attachment. Also, arguably his strongest character connection is to Amaya. If she leaves there’s a good chance Nate goes too. In particular, with the way their romance arc is going, I wouldn’t be surprised if Nate sacrifices himself, dying so that Amaya can live to rejoin the timeline. Alternatively, there’s a chance he leaves with Amaya to go back into the timeline, which would also fit with Nate having his multiple strong connections to her period of history, with few ties to the present. The historian becomes a part of history. The show could maybe even get away with the reveal that Nate is Mari’s grandfather (I’m not sure because I don’t know much about that version of Vixen or her show). I hope they don’t kill Nate, because I really like him, and I think it’s a fairly obvious writing choice. 
Sara. I personally think Sara would be the most interesting death the show could do. She’s been around for as long as Ray (just with a season off in the middle of her tenure) but unlike him, she has had a strong arc for each of her seasons, so a death could feel suitably climactic. Sara dying would also have the biggest impact on the show out of all the characters. The entire team dynamic would have to adjust and it would provide plenty of sparks for season 3. That being said, I don’t think they’ll do it because: it’s a risky move because of how huge it would be; they’ve killed her before and killing the Lance sisters is becoming habit and I don’t think Quentin could take it; they would get so much hate for killing off their bisexual female not-quite-but-almost-lead character. I also I’m still holding out hope for Captain Canary. 
Which brings me to: Snart. They might bring him back using the spear of destiny. they might leave him dead. i don’t know. it could go either way. I hope he comes back. I’m not counting on it. 
And lastly, Thawne will die, Merlyn will go home, Darhk will be returned to the timeline (possibly/probably with memory erased) back on his merry way to Arrow season 4 and death at Oliver’s hand. 
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ao3feed-sanvers · 6 years
If our love is wrong then I don't ever wanna be right
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2H5Z87p
by chekecp
Ava is the new teacher at Star City High.
Sara is the student who breaks all the rules.
They hate each other from the first time they meet, but they will learn to love each other.
Their love is forbidden, but by the time they realize that, they've already fallen for each other and there's no way back.
 !!WARNING!! This work is for Legends of Tomorrow, but as there will be characters from the other arrowverse shows, I put this fic under those shows as well. I might add more characters as I go along.
 I also suck at writing a summary.
Words: 2433, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV), Arrow (TV 2012), The Flash (TV 2014), Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Underage
Categories: Multi
Characters: Ava Sharpe, Sara Lance, Nate Heywood, Zari Adrianna Tomaz, Amaya Jiwe, Ray Palmer, Mick Rory, Maggie Sawyer, Gideon (The Flash), Rip Hunter, Wally West, Martin Stein, Jefferson "Jax" Jackson, Alex Danvers, Gary Green, John Constantine, Caitlin Snow, Nora Darhk, Laurel Lance, Quentin Lance, Oliver Queen, Felicity Smoak
Relationships: Sara Lance/Ava Sharpe, Oliver Queen/Felicity Smoak, Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer, Amaya Jiwe/Zari Adrianna Tomaz, John Constantine/Gary Green, Gideon/Rip Hunter, Nora Darhk/Ray Palmer
Additional Tags: Teacher-Student Relationship, Alternate Universe - Student/Teacher
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2H5Z87p
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If our love is wrong then I don't ever wanna be right
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2H5Z87p
by chekecp
Ava is the new teacher at Star City High.
Sara is the student who breaks all the rules.
They hate each other from the first time they meet, but they will learn to love each other.
Their love is forbidden, but by the time they realize that, they've already fallen for each other and there's no way back.
 !!WARNING!! This work is for Legends of Tomorrow, but as there will be characters from the other arrowverse shows, I put this fic under those shows as well. I might add more characters as I go along.
 I also suck at writing a summary.
Words: 2433, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV), Arrow (TV 2012), The Flash (TV 2014), Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Underage
Categories: Multi
Characters: Ava Sharpe, Sara Lance, Nate Heywood, Zari Adrianna Tomaz, Amaya Jiwe, Ray Palmer, Mick Rory, Maggie Sawyer, Gideon (The Flash), Rip Hunter, Wally West, Martin Stein, Jefferson "Jax" Jackson, Alex Danvers, Gary Green, John Constantine, Caitlin Snow, Nora Darhk, Laurel Lance, Quentin Lance, Oliver Queen, Felicity Smoak
Relationships: Sara Lance/Ava Sharpe, Oliver Queen/Felicity Smoak, Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer, Amaya Jiwe/Zari Adrianna Tomaz, John Constantine/Gary Green, Gideon/Rip Hunter, Nora Darhk/Ray Palmer
Additional Tags: Teacher-Student Relationship, Alternate Universe - Student/Teacher
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2H5Z87p
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afaimsarrowverse · 4 years
Arrowverse: 25 favorite Canon-Ships – In my opinion
This is my blog, this is my list, it is in no way objective, everyone is entiled to their own opinion, so please don’t reblog or answer just to tell me how much you disagree with me. You can’t quantify love, well except with stupid lists like this, just because a ship is not on this list does not mean I don’t like it - except when it does - so…. yeah, here we go
 25. Karolsen (Kara Danver/James Olsen)
 Active in Canon: Supergirl Season 1-2
 Back in Season 1 of Supergirl I actually shipped this. Mainly because the narration was telling us too and because I loved Kara and genuinly wanted her to get the guy of her dreams. I mean she got heart eyes, ever time James walked in the room, but she also was adult enough to stettle for „just friends“. Too bad she stuck James in the friend zone too long to actually feel comfortable dating him in the end. The chemistry between them was not so great, but after it became clear that Mon-El was not coming back and that James other Love Interest was going into crazy land I would not have minded that ship returning in Season 5, but Mehcad left the show too, so that was that.
 24.  Batmoore (Kate Kane/Sophie Moore)
 Active in Canon: In the one and only Season of Batwoman (probably), whatever that thing called Season 2 is, it is not „Batwoman“ anymore
 I know there are people who hate Sophie, I know there are people who hate Kate, but let’s just saddle on them being both wright and wrong at the same time. And there was an undeniable wild chemistry between them, that never ever ceased to exist. So in an other universe, where „Batwoman“ not only had success but was also loved by the people involved in the shows production, those two gals would have a beautiful endgame pairing.
 23. Dolsen (Alex Danvers/Kelly Olsen)
 Active in Supergirl 4-5 (so far)
 Our Sanvers-Heart was still bleeding when those two happend, and yes, they happend awfully fast, but in many ways Kelly is a much better fit for Alex than Maggie ever was, because she is less selfcentered and much more willing to compromise and they are more simelar. And in the end all the obstacles those two faced they were willing to overcome together. Kelly confronted her own trauma and did not just give up on her relationship with Alex, she stayed, so did Alex, who was by then much more evolved in her journey to her true self. Kelly made Alex happy when she needed happiness, and the two of them are cute together and good for each other. What’s there not to like? Here is hoping it will last.
 22.  Merlance (Tommy Merlyn/Laurel Lance)
 Active in Arrow Season 1
 Most people just ship them together so that Oliver is free, but I always liked the unlikely story of Tommy Merlyn actually conquering Laurel Lances heart. Andi t seems like on Earth Prime they did even end up married (if only for a short period of time), so cleary it was True Love. Their realtionship made them both better, inspired them to work on themself and each other, so there was never anything wrong with Tommy getting Olivers girl. It was just that she loved Oliver more and did not realize how much she had loved Tommy until after he died.
 21.  Agentcanary (Alex Danvers/Sara Lance)
 Active during Crisis on Earth-X
 I was one of the many many voices demanding this to happend long before they did „Crisis on Earth-X“ and was so happy when it finally happend. In the course of four episodes we had everything :hot steamy sex, bonding, relationship talk, becoming friends. As with crossover pairings of course nothing ever came from it afterwards. I would not have minded a follow up, but alas Alex was not over Maggie at this point and Sara would soon become serious about a certain someone shortly after this, but overall Agentcanary did not disappoint. Yes, I know Sanvers-Shippers hated it so soon after, but Sara was the best rebound Alex could have had, and many fans want this dynamic to be rediscoverd until today and frankly so does a part of me.
 20.  Overarcher (KaraX/Oliver QueenX)
 Active during Crisis on Earth-X
 And staying in Crossover Pairings, this one was epic. Of course we would never get Oliver and Kara in Canon, even though many have been yearning for it, so we got there evil doppelgangers as a married couple instead. While I don’t think our Kara would ever really give Oliver a shot, this one was undoubtly True Love, well at least for Oliver X, Kara X did love him, yes, but she was much more in line with duty than he ever was. Which is what actually makes this dynamic this interesting. He would have done anything for her, while the regime was in the end all that really mattered to her. And while I don’t think he minded dying after losing her, I wouldn’t have minded keeping him around for vengance on our Kara for more episodes after this. It would have been interesting to see what would have come from that. So yeah, those two were very evil, but also three dimensional, which is how it’s done right.
 19.  Cynco (Cynthia/Cisco Ramon)
 Active The Flash Season 3-6
 Why did they kill her?! Why? (Well I presume because it became clear that the actress would not return at any forseeable point, but still). I have come around to Cisco/Kamilla, but Cynco rocked the house, it really did. Finally a real Love Interest for Cisco and what a force of Nature Gypsy was. I loved her, I loved their dynamic, and I loved them together as a couple. To bad the strain of living on different earths was too much for them. They should have been endgame, but still Cisco admitted that while Cynthia was not the One his realtionship with her thought him how to recognize the One. Which is worth something.
 18.  Brainia (Brainiac-5/Nia Nal)
 Active Supergirl Season 4-5 (so far)
 Brainy and Nia and their relationship were the only genuine good things about the first half of Season 4. I love them both, and I just loved their puppy love on screen. Season 5 brought more than a few hurdles to overcome for them, but I remain confident that there will be a happy ending and that love will prevail. Because the love those two share is just too special not to.
 17.  Elongsue (Ralph Dibny/Sue Dearborn)
 Active in The Flash Season 6 (probably not more)
 This was supposed to be an epic love story with endgame potential and then … Real Live happend and decicisions were made, and now we probably won’t ever see a happy ending for those two, which is beyond disapointing. Ralph had given up on love and than Sue happend and she was great. It was not was you would have excepted, which was actually what made it great. To think we were dreaming about their own spin off only a few months back … Well at least we will always have Season 6. Which is not enough but still glorious.
 16.  Constangreen (John Constantine/Gary Green)
 Active in Legends of Tomorrow Season 3-5
 The fans have always loved this ship more than the writers. Sadly. We love Gary, and Gary loves John, and John does actually love Gary, just not enough, I guess. Given that John and Zari 2.0 are now an item we probably won’t see anymore of this ship, even though we had hope that after getting his heart broken by Des John might find solace in Garys arms but who knows what Season 6 will bring. It’s only over, when it’s over.
 15.  Jocile (Joe West/Cecile Horton)
 Active in The Flash Season 3-6 (so far)
 Yeah, finally love for Joe. And how much better for him is Cecile than Francine ever was …. Putting aside the height difference those two have everything: They are cute and sexy together, have a mature realtionship that presents new obstacles the navigate around together, and it’s an eternal shame that their planned Season 5 sub-plot was cut short because of Real Live being a bitch, but we still love Joe and Cecile individually and as a couple. And they also show us how much smarter it is to make the wife of a main character also a main character than to not do it (yes, I am looking at you „Arrow“).
 14.  Smoakdetective (Donna Smoak/Quentin Lance)
 Active in Arrow Season 4 and 6
 I am probably the only person on the planet who shipped those two and was really invested in them, but boy did I love them. Quentin needs love, and while Donna is not the first person you would think of when you would think of a potential partner for him, she is the best fit for the role. She challenges him and makes his day brighter. And he treats her well. Unburdend by a past, those two could instead built a future together. Sadly it didn’t last, but who knows … Maybe there will be a happy ending for those two on Earth Prime after all. They have to tell me different to make me believe it’s actually over.
 13.  Clois (Clark Kent/Lois Lane)
 Active in Supergirl, Elseworlds, Crisis on Infinite Earths (so far)
 Now this couple is actually getting their own spin-off and rightly so. Clois has been done very compelling by many other actors before, but the Arrowverse-Version still managed to get their own spin on it and to come across super sweet. „Elseworlds“ and „Crisis on Infinite Earths“ got us two of the best Superman-Movies in recent years, so I am hyped for their own show, which will give us not only more of two characters and a ship I love but also the long awaited Season 5 of „Lois and Clark“- kind of at least.
 12.  Raylicity (Ray Palmer/Felicity Smoak)
 Active in Arrow Season 3-5, Legends of Tomorrow Season 1
 Ray was only there for the love triangle, which is a shame because Raylicity was actually a great pairing. Cute and entertraining those two are actually a much better fit than Oliver and Felcitiy, maybe only a little bit too simelar as Oliver has pointed out. Back then when Felicity was still likeable Ray was perfect for her, and the only reason I am okay with that falling apart is that Ray went on to get his own show and much more screen time and a partner that was actually willing to marry him afterwards.
 11.  Nysara (Nyssa al Ghul/Sara Lance)
 Active in Arrow Season 2-3, Legends of Tomorrow Season 1, Arrow Season 8
 We all kind of loved this one, because with this „Arrow“ did the plung and presented us a LGBT-couple seemingly out of nothing. Which we will always be greatful for. But also we love Sara and we love Nyssa, why shouldn’t we love them together? Only trouble is, that Nyssa clearly has deeper feelings for Sara than the other way around. Yes Sara mentoned Nyssa to Alex as an equivalent für Maggie, but mainly to get Alex to move on, she cleary is over Nyssa who never seemed to get that the Assassin-Thing was very offputting for Sara in the end. But I guess, if something bad should ever happend to Ava (it’s the Arrowverse after all, you never know), Nyssa is always ready to take Sara back.
 10.  Avalance (Ava Sharpe/Sara Lance)
 Active in Legends of Tomororw Season 3-5 (so far)
 That said, at this point Avalance is cleary planned to be endgame. And why not? The Clone and the Assassin are cleary good for each other. Ava was the one person who made Sara give up her eternal „I don’t deserve Love“-Nonsense and got her to actually comitt long-term. She got Sara go grow up and she is the one partner that actually manages to make Sara smile. Sara cleary loves her, and Ava who was not designed to either fall in love or be a lesbian fell in love with Sara and managed to hold on to the person she became with Saras help. Yes their road was not always easy for them. Starting out not liking each other (well Sara and one Ava did), fighting over Mallus and the whole Mona-thing, they weren’t always on the same page, but they got past all of this and became a true team- Co-Captains for Live even. And how beautuilful is this?
 9.      Westhawne (Iris West/Eddie Thawne)
 Active The Flash Season 1-2
 Remember what a said about Tommy und Laurel? Well, in this case even more so, because I don’t think that there is a single person out there who begrudged Eddie the fact that he stole Barrys girl, because Eddie was just a great guy. The greatest actually. And he was ready to fight destiny itself. For Iris. And she did love him. A lot. Yes, he wasn’t the love of her life, this was Barry, but Eddie was the other one, the one that got away, the one that died, we don’t know how the story would have gone if he wouldn’t have died. Eddie und Iris were great together, they had chemistry, star crossed love, and were very enjoyable to watch together. Not a minute of there relationship was too much, and I could have lived with even more it and would even have been happy about it.
 8.      Throy (Thea Queen/Roy Harper)
 Active in Arrow
 From their first meeting in Season 1 to their engagement in the Series Finale, we were with Thea and Roy for their whole journey (well the parts that took place onscreen anyways). This is the one ship that everyone agreed on was to be endgame. We all wanted them to end up together and they did. It wasn’t an easy road with Roy being written of the show after Season 3. When Thea left later she left with him, but then he came back, but she didn’t, so we had to wait until the Finale for their reunion, but Roy popped the question and Thea said yes, and while I am the only one still hoping for a Daugthers of the Demon Spin-Off with Talia, Nyssa, Thea, and Roy, I think none of us would mind getting more of them in the future in any shape or form.
 7. Hellcanary (John Constantine/Sara Lance)
 Active in Legends of Tomorrow Season 3
 While everyone else was busy celebrating that Avalance was finally canon, I was celebrating this wonderful duo going at it with force (Matt Ryan had his own opinion of this encounter and I am confident to say he shared my feelings about it, even though he could not say it back then, because it was before the episode aired). Two broken souls, two players who played which each other and found solace in each others arms – two bi-sexual icons together. I would have loved to see this realationship continue, but Sara went steady with Ava so it was not to be, I guess.
 6.      Vixensteel (Amaya Jiwe/Nate Heywood)
 Active in Legends of Tomorrow Season 2-3
 Another one I am pretty alone with, but I loved the star crossed romance between Nate and Amaya, and the fact that they defied history and was heart broken when they gave up after all. The much better improved version of Hawkatom had actual issues, actual love, started out as friends became more, broke up, tried to stay apart, got together again, and finally surrendered to history. I would have liked them fo fight a couple of seasons longer and maybe even get an happy ending somewhere along time traveling lines in the distant future. This at least might still be possible.
 5. Lauriver (Laurel Lance/Oliver Queen)
 Active in Arrow Season 1-5
 This was supposed to be endgame, and the fact that it wasn’t is frankly just an insult to anyone who knows anything about Green Arrow in the comics. Yes, they weren’t a terrible good couple to begin with, but they loved each other more than li´fe and they learned to grow as persons and were on the way to grow together. By Season 4 they would have made an awesome couple, having left their past behind them, set on a future. It was the vigilante dream-couple we were promised. But instead Laurel was killed and to add to the insult the shows last scene didn’t even feature Laurel welcoming Ollie in the great beyond, which honestly should have been the end scene of the show. Maybe those two were to simelar to work in the past, but after everything they went through they would have worked in the future and also should have.
 4. Sanvers (Maggie Sawyer/Alex Danvers)
 Active in Supergirl Season 2-3
 Ah, Sanvers, they took the world in storm and didn’t we love them? Maggie helped Alex to realize who she really was and gave her the courage to come out. And Alex helped Maggie to lays some of her own issues to rest. Their love was a whirlwind – planning a wedding after a less then a year of knowing each other. Yes, the relationship wasn’t perfect. Maggie was a little bit too headstrong and selfcentred for role as Alexs first same sex partner and her unwillingness to compromise and listen to her partner did kill the relationship, but given time and space she could have changed. Sadly neither the actress nor the writers seem to have any interest in bringing Maggie back to the show so endgame is off the table, but who knows, maybe we will see those two together again some day, and if not … as first great loves go this one was epic.
 3. Cannarow (Sara Lance/Oliver Queen)
 Active in Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow 1-5
 So here it is my Arrow OTP. While since Sara joined the Legends a lot of people turned up that were an equally or even more interesting fit for Sara, no one ever managed to be a better fit for Oliver. Both went to hell, together and apart, and were the only other person who really understood not only what happened to them but also what made them tick. Both former killers who did dream of straying from this path and found strenght in eacht other. They have known each other since childhood, and yes, originally Oliver cheated with Sara on her sister, but since their rebirth in the water of oceans everything changed. This was also the only time we got the epic comic duo of Green Arrow and Black Canaray invovling Oliver Queen on „Arrow“, which is a plus as well. The ship faded into obscurity the moment Sara got her own show, but still they loved each other right until the end. Sara was with Oliver in his last moments as it should have been. And that is at least something.
 2.      Karamel (Kara Danvers/Mon-El)
 Active in Supergirl Season 2-3 and Season 5 and The Flash Season 3
 Yes, I love Mon-El and I love Karamel. Live with it. Star crossed lovers that ended disappointingly because the new showrunners prefered Kara single and available for men and lesbians to jerk off to (which sound familiar because we had the same argument in the Supergirl comics and it‘s also the reason for Kara and William going about it not slow burn but frozen burn), there is still a slight chance of endgame when the show ends. After all Mon-El was the Great Love of Karas life, so it would only be fitting if they ended up together. Their chemistry jumped from the screen right into our hearts - and we all know why, this one time RL and fiction told us the same story. Karamel was cute beyond words, Kara encouraged Mon-El to become better and he thaught her to overcome her own perjudices. Valor und Supergirl flew together, if only for a short time. Enemies who became friend who became lovers – one of the best story telling tropes that will always gets us. Time Travel, marriage, and Internet Hatred from certain troops who destroyed the „Supergirl-Fandom“ pretty much everywwhere online aside.
 1.      Westallen (Iris West/Barry Allen)
 Active in The Flash, in Supergirl Season 3-5, Arrow Season 6-8, Batwoman Season 1 and Legends of Tomorrow Season 3 and 5(so far)
 Westallen ist destiny in every timeline, in every universe, it’s a as simple as that. „The Flash“ actually did what none oft he other shows managed: To just tell the lovestory they took from the Comics and set out to tell since the first plans for the show were made. Both Iris und Barry had other loves, great chemistry with others aswell, but in the end they were always ment for each other and would always find each other again, no matter when and where. They did not have it easy, because of the brave decision to follow the New 52 idea to racebend the Wests and cast Iris with Candice Patton. Also the step slibings idea kind of went over the head of the american audience who pretty much think everything that isn’t is incest and gross while they at the same time think twins should bang each other so …. Yeah, the Internet. But other than „Arrow“ or „Supergirl“ or now „Batwoman“ „The Flash“ did stick to its story and to its main couple and it was worth it. We got a wedding, a kid from the future, and much love. Season 6 kind of interreputed the story in a bad way, but we were promised that in the end this experience should bring Westallen closer together than ever. And also there might be an other child from the future on the horizon. Time will tell if those two are true, but until then we had six seasons of Westallen goodness, thanks god for that.
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