#art and crafts ohh i love art and crafts
lonely--seeker · 2 years
I made a Tiger and Bunny bookmark, I drew op fanart, I made a real life version of my Sona's mask and I started crocheting that cute bunny from Tiger and Bunny... I just love the creation juice that just posseses my hands and things come out of it. It's purely insane. Purely joy. Half magic and half sorcery with the finest flavour of oh shit i fucked that up oh shit oh fu k
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goannafr · 15 days
let’s see…do you have any dragons that are childhood friends? The kinda dragons that consider each other family at this point
ohh this was such a cute one! I had to think for a bit, and think of some who didn't end up in a relationship and arent related, just besties for life :3
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Kaitaka (tundra) and Pendegrast (bald) grew up around the same time and while they ARE technically related (Pen is Kai's uncle... haha even though he's a little bit younger than her), I don't think they viewed each other as such? They'd probably think of/refer to themselves as distant cousins rather than uncle/niece anyway haha. They would've both been pretty quiet kids, and they definitely both loved art & crafts. While Pen took that to a professional level, it remains a hobby for Kai, and I'm sure as adults the two would continue to have art hang-outs :D
Pendegrast is a beloved uncle to Kai's kids, too! He's definitely part of the family :)
Kai is pictured encouraging Pen to loosen up and FEEL the art, come on man, ditch the precision of your fancy brushes for a bit. How about some finger painting? Who cares if a bit of paint gets on your fur huh?
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xanasaurusrex · 1 year
Ohh I see! I’ve just read the Athena one and it’s awesome! Uhmmm could u do the ephestus one next? Is he a main one? Idk tbh. Cause i don’t wanna like request Eros who’s minor cause yk ur order and sum but ephestus would be fun! (Sorry if the name’s wrong… I ain’t English native an dim not sure about the spelling, sorry). Have a lovely day and again: love the Athena cabin!❤️‍🔥
⇢ ˗ˏˋ hephaestus cabin headcanons ࿐ྂ
hi!! i think you meant hephaestus, and of course i can do that! if you want to request eros or any other minor god, go for it! and thank you so much for the love on the athena cabin hcs, they were so much fun! have a great day, and thank you for the request love! <333
so hephaestus kids are cool but kinda chaotic
their minds run a mile a minute
they always have new ideas for things to make on their mind, and things to invent
they just always have a lot of ideas
hephaestus kids do very good in prank wars, because they're very good at rigging up things like buckets of water falling on you when you open a door
another one of their favorite pranks is putting a mento in the cap of a coke and then attaching a string, so that when you open it, the mento falls into the coke and does the foamy thing
so moral of the story, if you can, avoid getting into a prank war with a hephaestus kid
hephaestus kids also come up with the best nicknames for people
a hephaestus kid will spend some time with you, gauge your personality and the things you do, and then they give you a nickname
it's rarely ever a malicious one (or you're a mean person, then you get a bad nickname), it's usually one that fits you that you actually really like
so in my athena cabin hcs i said that they expanded the arts and crafts area, and yes, athena kids are the ones who frequent this area the most, but you'd better believe hephaestus kids are hanging around there as well
they love making things with their hands, and even though they specialize when it comes to mechanical things and working with metal, every one in a while they want to make a pipe cleaner butterfly
beckendorf was really good at origami butterflies
so after they died, everyone made an origami butterfly, and they put a framed picture of him up on the wall, and then surrounded it with origami butterflies (rip)
anyways, moving on
the hephaestus cabin is always just about a bajillion degrees
and even though not all hephaestus kids have the fire power that leo does, they are all less susceptible to heat
i mean, they have to be around heat a lot when they're forging weapons, so naturally, it doesn't affect them as much as it affects others
literally, if you have a friend and the two of you want to hangout, you will literally never be hanging out in the hephaestus cabin, because you will literally melt
(not literally, but you'll just be sweating like a pig the whole time)
hephaestus kids also always make the best marshmallows at the campfire
i mean, come on
they forge amazing weapons, and work with fire on practically a daily basis, of course they roast the perfect marshmallow
if you have a very specific amount of roasted-ness in mind, just tell a hephaestus kid, and there you go, your perfect mallow
the hephaestus cabin also has quite a few retro items, such as cd players and record players
but they're not... exactly like they should be
hephaestus kids like to take these older items and make them more usable and modern
so there are some funky looking record players in the hephaestus cabin
they just like experimenting on things like that
the hephaestus kids also set up a sort of PA system for the camp
this was sanctioned by chiron, but they don't really listen to what he says about it
they play a lot of music, and yes, they do announce things, but there's often some comedy thrown in there
hephaestus kids are actually really funny
like they could honestly be full on comedians
they just have a sort of dry sense of humor, and really good timing, which is like half of being funny
hephaestus kids are also all really close
like when you're a hephaestus kid, your best friends are your siblings that you live with in your cabin
there are always a few typical older siblings that are the oldest in the cabin, usually the head camper of that cabin and a few others that you always know you can go to when you need it
hephaestus kids are also have the least drama
i mean, camp half-blood is filled with teenagers going through puberty, having first crushes and first relationships, that kinda stuff
of course there's gonna be drama
the hephaestus kids just somehow have less
this is partially because they always find themselves focused on things other than who kissed who and who cheated on who and why they did what
they have armor and weapons to make, dude, they can't be focused on that
that's not to say that there isn't drama with hephaestus kids, it's just a lot less common
and whenever you hear something regarding a hephaestus kid in drama, you kinda are taken aback and are like... wait what?
most hephaestus kids' love language is gift giving, and that mostly consists of things made by said hephaestus kid
like, oh you mentioned you wanted to start wearing rings more?
for your birthday, you find a package of like fifty, all different and interesting and unique, with perfect craftsmanship with the name of a hephaestus kid on it
sometimes they collaborate with the hecate kids to put crystals in the jewelry they make (because of course they make jewelry
hephaestus kids are almost never seen not wearing at least one piece of jewelry, made by themselves or their siblings
one head camper of hephaestus cabin like a decade ago taught themselves how to give piercings, and now every head hephaestus camper knows how to give piercings
obviously no hephaestus kid is forced to get a piercing, but most of them are
most of them have their ears pierced at the very least, but it's not uncommon to see a few people with snake bites floating around
chiron, the most innocent ever, has no idea where people are getting pierced, and has asked around, but nobody wants to rat out hephaestus cabin, because it's really convenient
idk i kinda imagine hephaestus kids as a little bit alt
that's all i have for hephaestus cabin headcanons! this was honestly a little bit difficult for me, and honestly i cannot tell you why. i do think these are all pretty good headcanons though, and just because it was kinda hard doesn't mean i didn't love it! (that's what she said) these were really fun, and i can't wait to get to work on the other cabin hcs i have sitting in my requests! thanks so much for reading, i love you all!! <3333
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postwarlevi · 2 years
Hmmm Levi’s young daughter spills her ice cream cone all over herself and thinks he’s going to be mad. He’s always complaining about messes :/ and now her ice cream is gone and she’s so upset!
Levi’s such a big ‘ol softy that he just comforts her and doesn’t mind the mess. Bet he even gets her a new cone 🥺
Taaay this has sat here for months I'm sorry ILY. Also made a minor change as I had a quick idea and ran with it!
Content: Just under 1k words, not proof read, dad Levi fluff!
Ohh Levi hates messes. You yourself have learned to clean extremely well to keep him happy. Sunday is cleaning day and every other day you still keep things neat and organized. Once your daughter comes along, Levi has to learn to adjust because... messes happen. But one of you cleans it right away while the other tends to your daughter.
As she gets older Levi tries to teach her proper cleaning techniques, but it's hard for a six year old, you know? She does try because she loves getting his praises though. She cleans with you both and picks up after herself after playing and all the things you'd expect. Well, she tries, really. However...
Yep, there she goes again. Levis daughter is a clumsy little thing. You or he are always cleaning up after her. Messy with her toys, her arts and crafts, her food. And having her try to help clean it? No, please no, that makes it more of a mess.
You always tell her it's okay and to please be more careful. Levi after a hard days work can't always hide his exhaustion and she can hear it in his voice.
"Sorry daddy!" She's ready to cry and he has to quickly backtrack.
"It's okay pumpkin, daddies just tired." He pats her head and sends her away. He knows that she knows he hates messes and realizes she isn't doing it op purpose. But, how could he have such a naturally messy child?
After dinner one day while you're in the shower and Levi is washing dishes, your little one is sitting in the living room with the ice cream you put in a dish for her. Half way through her show, while it is on commercial, she decides she wants a cone.
"Honey, no, just eat from the dish." Levi says sternly, almost done with dishes.
"It's okay daddy, I can do it!" She puts her bowl on the counter and before he can stop her she's climbed up the counter. Somehow she makes it and pulls a cone from the box and sits on the counter, and with her tiny hands tries to scoop the half melted ice cream into the cone.
"Honey, no!" Levi stops what he's doing and hurries to dry his hands, worried about her falling.
She does not, but ice cream is now running all down her hands and shirt, and the counter.
Levi sighs and closes his eyes as she looks at him with teary ones.
"Why don't you listen to me? And how are you so fast?!" Is she just fast or is Levi getting slower?
She sits there crying as the cold melted ice cream gets everywhere and Levi takes a rag and starts wiping her off.
"Daddy! I- I'm sorry!" She sobs as he cleans her.
He sets her on the floor, careful not to get sticky.
"Just go change your shirt. Can you do that?" He asks without much hope.
"Yes!" She cries out and runs off.
Levi finishes cleaning the counters and cabinets and now the floor that the mess has dripped down onto.
Levi pauses and listens to her sniffles as she comes back in with a new shirt.
"Honey, do you know why I got upset?" He asks softly, getting down to her level.
"Because I made a mess?" She frowns.
"It's not so much that. It's because I was afraid, that you might fall, and hurt yourself." That scared him and made him act more that anything.
"You were scared?" She asks him in surprise.
"Yes, I don't want you falling. I didn't so much mind the mess. But it does bother me you didn't listen but I know you want to be a big girl and do it yourself, and I appreciate it. But please, let me help you next time, okay?" He hugs her.
If a six year old could feel relief that is what is washing over her right now. "You're not mad about the mess?" She squeaks out.
"You know, even daddy makes a mess sometimes." Hardly, he means.
"No you don't!" She giggles because she's never seen it.
"Sure I do, I just clean it up fast!" He pokes her and smiles at her happy reaction.
Then she's frowning again. "What is it?" He had thought things were okay.
"I didn't get to finish my ice cream." She looks down at the floor. She'd only gotten a couple bites.
"Is that all? We can fix that!" Levi picks her up and twirls her and she squeals with delight.
They make her a proper cone together and he makes her hold a paper plate underneath it, just in case.
If Levi hadn't told you what happened while you were in the shower, you never would've known it.
As you all settle in the living room for another little bit of tv time before bed, your daughter situates herself between you.
"I love you mommy." She kisses your cheek, and you kiss hers back and cuddle her.
"I love you too button." You smile and rub her cute little cheeks.
"I love you daddy." She turns to Levi and looks at him like only a daughter who loves her father very much can, and it warms his heart.
"I love you too, my little girl." He hugs her as she clings to him, and after a moment you get in on the hugging too.
You end the night with a kid friendly cartoon episode all about being messy and also cleaning it up.
Your daughters giggles make you happy and Levi hopes she's learned a little something tonight. About listening... and being messy.
She promises to try harder as you both tuck her in, and you assure her she'll get there eventually.
After that she becomes a much better listener, not wanting to ever upset her father like that again. And she also becomes just a tiny bit less messy, with her parents help, of course.
Extra: Here's the episode you watch! hehe
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watcherwatts · 2 years
something i fucking adore about puppet history, or at least this season of it, is how predictable (not the right word but i cant think of a better one right now) it is. not in the sense of like "ohh cmon we all knew that was gonna happen boooo" but in the sense of "oh my god i was right ! i knew that was gonna happen !" like, for example, from the beginning of this season, i knew that the professor was a hologram, i instantly theorized about the idea that hea a hologram and the box is his power source. and when i found out i was right ? i was ecstatic. i was so fucking excited that i was right. and thats what i love about this show. the fact that you are able to pick up on all these little hints and clues, all the little breadcrumbs and foreshadowing. we are given all these little things to pick apart and sink our teeth into. the fact that you are able to build theories upon them and even have your theories be correct, but even if you are wrong, or slightly wrong, its still all worth it. every episode leaves you on your toes, needing the ticking of time to go faster so you can get your grubby little hands on the latest episode. we are all putting together pieces of some grander, and probably way more surprising puzzle, and its so fucking beautiful. its so fun, and exciting, and just..god i love it.
plus, this ties into a huge reason why i love shane madej so much. why he is such an inspiration to me, especially creatively. because who else is going to do something like this ? who else is going to craft an entire multi-season puppet show about a puppet teaching insane events in history, with trivia segments for ryan bergara and whoever that episodes guest is to compete for the title of history master, that in-show puppet shows, and a musical number, where the host of the show, the professor, ends up being sent back in time and immediately eaten by a dinosaur because ryan bergara made a deal with the devil and a genie because he was sick of loosing every episode, he then realizes what a mistake he made and during the professors funeral, where it is revealed that all the puppets were turned into puppets because of the professors weird time shit and are now in some kind of limbo where theyve also created a hologram of the professor, so he kinda wishes that he never made the deal, so the weird limbo hologram professor gets sent to the now and does the show as a disguise for the fact that he wants to become fully corporeal by skinning ryan bergara and wearing him like a meat suit and successfully? (we were left on a cliffhanger) does so, MEANWHILE, back during the crustaceous period, the dinosaur that ate the professor gives birth to him, the egg hatches and now the professor is part dinosaur and has a t-rex mom and pterodactyl/pterosaur dad who love him very much, however its the fucking crustaceous period so guess whats heading the way of that sweet little family. AND THERES STILL AN ENTIRE EPISODE LEFT. who else could even do something like this? think back to the hotdaga. what started out as a silly little hotdog on a skateboard turning into a fully fleshed out story with musical numbers. he even combed through every unsolved voice over file to compile clips to create an entire fucking song using ryans voice. this is where shane excels, his creativity truly shines. he is a mad genius, a fantastic artist. shane is and always has been a storyteller, and i am so fucking proud of how far hes come. i am so happy that he is truly able to delve into his passions and create.
puppet history is such a genuinely well crafted story, a work of art, and i am so excited to see the finale of this season. thank you to everyone that has put their efforts, their hearts, and their souls into this show. thank you @wearewatcher.
i love you.
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little-babybell · 10 months
oh sry!! stills is frm scott pilgrim : ) i cnt do pictures on th anon thingy but hs full name s stephen!! i didn watch th show yet so i dnno f he's in it a lot, sry!!!
Ohh!! Yeah he's in the show dw also Its alright!!
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Usually regresses to either 9-15 or 4-7
Has a bunch of guitar toys for when he regresses to younger ages
(Also he likes playing guitar hero)
He also has a karaoke kit which he uses sometimes when regressed
Yknow those toy microphones that are themed from cartoons and stuff?? He has a COLLECTION of those
Loves watching musicals or animated movies with the characters singing
Also he likes arts and crafts but shhhhh
Not too energetic but also not like tired all the time like he's not bouncing off the walls but also not just sleeping everywhere and anywhere
That's all I got hope u like them!!
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daggerteuta · 29 days
so sweet :)) what else do you craft?
and you’re 5’11 right? i’ve never met someone on here who’s the same height as me, i’m more excited than i should be lol
ohh, i’m sorry ☹️
yeah, it’s pretty entertaining my brother and i couldn’t stop laughing
I'm into decoupage, pixel art, diamond painting, loom weaving (currently working on a scarf), 3d printing, wood working, wax carving and I used to do stuff with fimo, clay and I'm able to sew but I'm not really good at it honestly hahah
I would love to learn how to do other stuff as well such as crocheting, using a punch needle, ceramic painting, working with resin and making candles
I'm lucky bc both my parents are into crafting, most of the furniture in my house was made by my dad for example! what are your hobbies?
regarding my height: you're the second one who's as tall as me, in my home country I'm considered very tall but I guess balkan standards are different aren't they? haha
however I round up my height bc it's 5'108674937something in your eagles and freedom system, some sites said I'm 5'11" so I really don't know 🥲🥲
oh I'm not too sad about the match btw haha, I'm used to disappointments at this point lmaoooo
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catboymoments · 2 years
ohh wht are ur hcs on the tenmikoangies .. (either th pairing Itself or individuals i Do Not Mind :3)
- she’s very very feminine and loves girly things and people forget that!!! She loves ruffles and painting her nails and doing her hair and she’s a very big feminist. Girl
- I’m a much bigger fan of the original Japanese “horrible boys” catchphrase instead of the terfy “degenerate male” we get in the translation. Speaking of which people joke about Tenko being a terf which I absolutely hate. She would not be a terf. She would welcome anyone who wanted to become a girl!!! Being a trans woman is amazing and awesome!! I think I’m a modern/hpa/nondespair au she would follow a lot of transfem creators like Dylan Mulvaney and Kim Petras, and she would LOVE chihiro. If Angie and Himiko didn’t stop her she would be out protesting for LGBT rights in front of the Japanese parliament every day.
- Although I do think she has some internal biases about transmascs because “why would you not want to be a girl and be a horrible boy?” But she’s working on it and trying to understand. She’s unlearning a lot of harmful biases her old master instilled in her- she doesn’t have a hateful bone in her body and loves her friends no matter what!
- I think she loves having long hair, but it definitely gets in the way doing martial arts, so she does a lot of elaborate and pretty braids and hairstyles with cute accessories like bandannas and scrunchies! She likes doing Himiko and Angie’s hair when she can too- she especially loves Angie’s curls.
- Himiko loves close up magic we all know this, but I think she would also really love stuff like tarot, crystals and palm reading. She’s autistic and magic of all kinds is her special interest!
- she loves big cozy cardigans (cloaks) and fabrics with celestial patterns… I think she would be a fan of the olden town lmao
- in the nondespair au she has a black cat and a tabby cat named Midnight and Tiger
- she loves collecting shiny little trinkets, her room is cluttered but not in a messy way… it’s like howl’s bedroom
- fuck danganronpa canon I’m the boss now. Angie has curly hair I think. She’s so much more than the “crazy island girl” stereotype… augh
- she loves to go thrifting and go shopping at craft stores! You have to be careful with her because she can and will spend all of her money in one trip.
- she likes to cook! She makes traditional Polynesian food for her gfs!! Food is just another form of art after all!
- she doesn’t have a lot of issues with nudity because her culture she was raised in is just different, and while Japan has some non Eurocentric standards as well with communal bathing in hot springs and such, she can be a bit out there. Like she tends to walk around without shirts on at the house and if someone comes over she doesn’t think to cover up, she doesn’t wear bras, if she’s hot the clothes are coming off, etc. nudity isn’t sexual to her and that is okay!
- I need to do more research on different Polynesian cultures and decide which specific indigenous group she is, but I think it would be cool if she had traditional tattoos? It would mean she wouldn’t be able to use most public baths in Japan, but her culture is more important to her.
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julietapark · 1 year
All love and admiration
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That’s me about Jimin…
He is… this
And this…
Hard to try to find words… you just can stop looking at him… hipnoticed
Well maybe he is a mystery only partially solved…
We need to seeeee more of him, please 🙏🏽
The man right now stronger than ever…
Getting stronger literally … look at that back 😙
So elegant and mature… the two words that describe what I admire the most from an artist craft… even if it’s a chaotic form of art there is an elegant chaotic way to show everything ( hope you understand me )
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So gentle… he was checking everything and everyone while performing…
I would give you 100000000 guitars and all the arenas of the word to just keep on performing
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Ohh Jimin don’t hide away to far, please 🙏🏽
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And I didn’t say anything about young blood Kooki. He performed yesterday and wasn’t too happy with his “Burn it” performance( He said it on his 7777777777 Weverse live this week) … ohh Kooki you are amazing anyway… generous and honest Kooki, don’t go away to…
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What will happen tomorrow??????
RM…and blond/rapper/V????????
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mcyt-sh1t · 1 year
may i request a headcanon/ fic of punz helping u with ur addiction to smoking? (cigarettes or juul/vape) i need some comfort rn :,)
“YOU REALLY GOTTA STOP THIS..” ー punz x reader (oneshot)
ー summary ₊˚◝ punz comforts/tries to make reader stop smoking/vaping/juul (I CAN’T FIND THE ANON ASK??? - 25/07/2023 | 26/07/2023 - nvm i found it &lt;;3)
| or; where punz learns that you can’t stop smoking and tries his best to help you stop or at least make you cope in another way
ー ₊˚◝ punz x gn!reader small oneshot
ー warnings ₊˚◝ smoking mention(obviously), a bit of swearing? use of petnames and good girl? (do i even have to tag that- its not used sexually i swear)
ー notes ₊˚◝ the original title/summary is from an anon i got a long long time ago all credit goes to them, i just wrote this idea out, so thank you again for the idea <33 | fair warning i’m not really in the mcyt fandom anymore but i want to at least try to write the ideas you all gave me and i haven’t published yet)
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i quickly searched my jean pockets until i found a rough metal box that made my fingers cold instantly. i took it out of the denomination and folded the cap. my thumb ran along both sides of the box. a small but fiery flame blasted from above. it shook in the air waiting for me to ignite it. but it only reached the end of the cylinder. immediately a thick smog enveloped each of my scenes bitterly.
the cigarette seemed to fit perfectly between my thin fingers like a piece of a jigsaw puzzle. Smoke arose and formed a work of art. i applied it to my lips and let the craft flow into my breath. my breathing became more relaxed. every time i inhaled, i exhaled gently in an amazing pattern. i closed my eyes effortlessly. i continued to breathe in silence. the smoke was carried by the wind. It made its way along the melody of the rain thundering on the patio floor. 
"hi." i heard a raspy voice say and almost immediately i felt cold hands wrap around my waist.
"what are you doing?" he asks clearly still half asleep.
"nothing. go back to sleep, you idiot. you're clearly tired."
"hm.. nope."
"why are you stubborn? go, now."
"fine, stay then."
"why do you want me gone that badly?" he asks with a laugh but then spots the cigarette between my lips. "uh, i thought you stopped that?"
"huh?" i ask confused by his question but then remember the cigarette in my hand. "ohh. yeah, i did. well i tried to. didn't work very well." i say putting it back in between my lips again.
"right. give me that."
"what? oh you want a go? okay."
he grabs the cigarette from my lips and just when i think he's about to put it in between his lips, he drops it on the floor and smushes it till the flame goes out.
"hey what the fuck! i was using that!" i say angrily looking at him smirking. "it's not funny. stop smirking, you idiot." i say lightly pushing him.
"oh it is so funny. why are you so upset about a cigarette anyway?"
i stay silent for a while. when i finally lift my head up to look at him, he's looking at me with patience. he seems to understand. "helps me cope, i guess." i say while trying to grab another but i'm stopped by him grabbing the box from my hand. "hey! give that back!"
"nope. mine now."
"wow okay."
"you really gotta stop this.." he says hiding the box in his pocket which he zips up making it harder for me to reach for it considering its by his side.
"i know. i tried."
"try harder please."
"okay, i will."
"good girl. i'm proud of you."
"thank you, love you"
"love you too, idiot"
"i'm your idiot"
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ー end ramble ₊˚◝ is this even good? i don't know- help.
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hehearse · 1 year
Hey! Have you ever listened to "The Hearse" by Matt Maeson? I could ramble for hours about it's ORV-like qualities but I can't decide whether it's more Yoo Joonghyuk or Kim Dokja.
Right now I'm leaning towards Kim Dokja because "I am the man we both couldn't stand/ I can't wash off the dirt from my hands/ What was it like to feel in love?" which seems to match his well buried self-hatred pretty well and the chorus "I will never go backwards/ I will never be free/ I will never run faster/ will you sink down to me?"
BUT the alternate chorus "I will never go backwards/ I will never be seen/ In the wake of disaster/ will you sink down to me?" feels more Yoo Joonghyuk coded because of his regressions (especially since he's never truly "going backwards" when he regresses, he continues on while everything seemingly rewinds). The lyrics could either be "I will never be seen in the wake of disaster" or "In the wake of disaster will you sink down to me?" And I think that dual-meaning perfectly encapsulates YJH regressing vs KDJ calming him down from regression depression.
Okay maybe I'm thinking this is a Yoo Joonghyuk song now.
Sorry for filling your inbox with my rambling about song lyrics! All I meant to send was:
hehe look this song reminds me of orv and it's called hearse
Anyways have a lovely day! Your art is amazing as always bye
OHH i never heard it!! and AHHH what a nice listen huh
I MEAN. do we need to differentiate the two. both are good!!
also please bear with me, i thrive on outsourcing the smart interpretation job to people looking at my art usually my craft is easy just slap pixels on the canvas hehe
BUT if you allow me to be a devil's advocate for a bit you can completely make it out to be Kim Dokja, who doesn't seem too eager to go backwards or be seen. constantly trying to escape his own story and being it's character in the eyes of relatives/coworkers and such. he is also not. at the height of his no matter how capable he is during the scenarios, running himself into one bear trap after another. his house is also built on sand, the faulty foundation that is his mother's way of loving by taking the blame and bearing the weight alone. he is also much more of a driver of a hearse than yjh is, a reader keeping the story's engine going and taking the coffin to it's destination that is the story's perfect ending hahehe come on sink down to him, his house' foundation is not just sand, it's quicksand and he is half-buried already
ANYWAY the beauty of it's duality! one coin, two sides etc etc they are so intertvined that you can't exclude one to interprete the other all the smart words that i'm guessing apply
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gallapiech · 3 months
Well hi there! I've got some getting to know you questions ready and raring to go 🙃
Have you always been an artist? What got you started?
What's the first thing you remember?
Board games or video games?
Thank you for the questions ♥ 1. I've been drawing for as long as I can remember hahaha. I recall in kindergarten every kid had a little booklet full of their arts and crafts and mine was double the size🤣I also always doodle on everything. My old schoolwork was filled with scribbles and doodles. 2. Hmm... I didn't really crawl as a kid? I just sort of, rolled around. I remember doing that. 3. Ohh.... This one is kind of difficult! I love doing both! I just never really get the chance to play boardgames anymore so I'll have to go with videogames :')
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kentopedia · 1 month
omg i am sending an ask bcz i think we have the same standpoint on this but i was on ao3 b4 tumblr so i was honestly rly confused when i was learning tumblr culture around here & saw how long fics & series’ weren’t popular/didn’t do as well on here than ao3 😭 i even actually disliked oneshots i never reached for them up until writing on here bcz i would always b like “IT’S NOT ENOUGHH” LOL i love the art of expanding on storylines :’) def no hate to people who do bcz ofc i’ve written the same & i love a good short fic to indulge in & rest my brain, but i agree w/ you long ones r my absolute favs & i cherish the people who write them on tumblr tons…sorry if this is js rambling lmfao but THIS IS JS ENCOURAGEMENT FROM ME TO YOU RYLIE i’ll always b around to read what you put out when i can bcz i know you’re in love w/ details & crafting stories :) <3 <3 & i’m def eyeing tht au if it’s sfw !! I’D READ IT FS to hear 8.6k words makes me so excited ���‍↕️
OMG OKAY SAME. i've been using ao3 forever, and only came onto tumblr to read/write fics a couple years ago. but until that point i had only written multi-chap fics so... yeah 😭 a reality check, to say the least. it sucks bc there used to be a lottt more series on here when i first started a blog, and now there's ... not. which there's a lot of reasons why i think they're declining, but people not supporting writers is the main one :/
i much prefer them as well, i feel the exact same way as you!!! i loooove to get into a lengthy fic. and i understand why people tend to write one-shots more bc writing longer fics takes a lot of time, which many don't have, and this is a hobby. but, i feel like on ao3, i have never published something and been like ohh this will flop BECAUSE it's long. which is how i feel on here :(
ALSO YOU'RE SO SWEET <3 SOB :,,,) that means the world to me. hehe also you've probably seen me say it's a moulin rouge au, so more-so suggestive than explicit (it'll pretty much follow the movie). you are welcome to read it if you're comfortable <3 i'm also nervous bc ... its abt a character i have not posted about before HAHAH so it's always a little scary >< but thank you so much for the words of encouragement!! i'm very excited to read the rest of ur fyodor & dazai fic hehe, i adored the first part !! i love that it's so long <3
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thunderangels · 3 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers :)
Ohh thanks for sending this to me :)
being at sea/near the sea. hearing her, smelling her, feeling the dalty breeze on my face. There is a peace i feel at sea i havent felt anywhere else
bring creative. sewing, spinning, weaving, photography, drawing. really any kind of crafts/arts
hugging my friends really really tight
cats! i love every cat in the world but i especially love it when a cat is sleeping on my lap 🥰
being in nature. going for walks, swimming nude in a lake, seeing and hearing all the different animals, making a bonfire and watching the stars
this reminds me i should go camping the first chance i get ☺️ again thank you!
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ahtal-ka · 9 months
If theres one thing I'll ask of any and all artists, regardless of what kind of art they make OR how good they think they are at it.... PLEAAASE dont demean yourself.
Not even in the haha jokey ways. no "ohhh no this is so bad" or "ohh my art is trash xd". Absolutely not, I dont want to see any of that. Because it does two bad things:
Shows people you arent confident in your craft in a way that allows you to stand by what youve made (even if its not your best in technique, or even if the subject is something silly. You have to be able to stand by what youve made)
More importantly, it plants a little seed of doubt in your brain that, with enough reinforcement from yourself, will strike at your will in the worst times
In the context of drawing, if a piece youve made doesnt look the way you want it to, look at it trying to figure out why that is, and try to fix it. but for the love of god dont say "this drawing is bad" while leaving it at that. Peace
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swordsmans · 6 months
Hi there! Long time fic fan recent tumblr follower. Also I am the purchaser of your final copy of “the sea makes bones of bodies” and my god this is a gorgeous binding. It already looked good online but damn it looks so insanely good in person. I’m ecstatic to own it and so look forward to commissioning you one day for more bound fic! Tysm for sharing your multiple talents and crafts with the world. What a treat!
ahh!!! HI HI HI!!! ohh, thank you so much!!!! thank you for reading my work and supporting my art ahhh!!!!!!!! i'm so delighted that you loved the book and that it arrived safely!!!!!!! IT MEANS THE WORLD THAT YOU WANTED TO OWN SOMETHING I WROTE AND MADE!!!! im so, so grateful!!! i cannot thank you enough!!!!!!
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