#artemis fic thots
Listen the only aftg scene I have a vested interest in seeing from Andrew POV is the Kathy interview.
I know he was drugged out of his mind but that was such a paradigm shift moment for him on his view of Neil.
Despite already finding him interesting, he clearly put Neil in the same box as Kevin in terms of being 'a person who is controlled by their fear and only willing to push past that fear for the sake of playing Exy.'
He doesn't see until that interview the major difference between them:
Kevin's own well being is Kevins top priority. I love him but he will risk others (Jean, Wymack, Andrew himself) for the chance at saving himself from Riko.
Neil on the other hand is prepared to put himself in the line of fire if it means protecting someone else from their abuser. 
the fact that at this point in time Andrew thinks Riko is what Neil fears too, but he's endangering himself for Kevin's sake oml
'Like recognizes like' is my absolute favourite reference for Andreil and this is the moment I believe it happens for Andrew. 
Neil is still a runaway, he's still Exy obsessed and a million other things that set him apart from Andrew, but in this one thing they are the same. 
The way his interactions with Neil change from that moment on are insane, the increase in casual touches alone is unreal. I want to be in Andrews head watching Neil tear Riko apart on live TV so bad oh god
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galaxythreads · 1 year
Hiii ! Hope youre having a sweell day ! I was wondering if you had blog recommendation of peeps who write Loki or thor ,similar to your blog ? Id like more people to follow :D
hi! :) thanks for the ask! This list is by no means exhaustive and mostly just who I can think of off the top of my head, but:
@thot-son-of-odin, @worstloki, @evilkitten3, @babygirlthor, @ripfic, @elly-hiddlesherloki, @the-stars-descend, @therese-lokidottir, @shambelle97, @silenceinternalmonologue, @tori-artemis, @queenofmeows, @youlackconviction.
People who write Loki and Thor similar to me, beyond people above:
Lise (who does have a tumblr, but they left MCU in like 2019? so most of their tumblr is about k-dramas, which is chill) If you go back through their blog they still have some really insightful thoughts though.)
story-teller-of-the-forest (they write mostly Thor whump and while I rarely love their interpretation of Loki (he's less dark and messy than I prefer) if you want Thor whump, this is one of my top #10 people)
Sundial-at-Night (Amazing Loki whump. They wrote one of my all-time favorites post-Ragnarok fics)
LadyCharity (always has amazing stuff)
PeaceHeather (even if you don't recognize the name, I guarantee you know them. You've seen their stuff if you sort by kudos on ao3)
Charlottelennox (writes about mental health stuff)
angrbodagiantess (pre-thor!!!)
idk, like I said, not an exhaustive list, barely scratching the surface kind of list. These people ^ have definitely had an impact on my writing though.
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pattonsfam-ily · 1 year
self destruct
ship(s): creativitwins & analogince (remrom/incest shippers/supporters dni)
description: Remus is having a rough time but his twin is there to patch him up (human au)
warnings: self harm, blood, alcoholism/relapse, eyelash picking, implied pica/disordered eating bc Remus, sexual innuendos/jokey flirting between brothers bc Remus, general grossness bc Remus, basically just Remus being Remus
note: so if you’re not following this blog and find this from tags this is a mini creativitwins focused fic for my sanders sides human!au/roleplay blog LRVerse/pattonsfam-ily where Logan Roman and Virgil are a throuple and live with Virgil’s older brother (my oc) and are best friends with the other canon sanders sides/shorts characters & more of my ocs
Remus was destructive. No matter how much help he got for his issues that was likely to never change. He enjoyed the thrill too much and he would never believe he didn’t deserve to cause pain to himself.
So, sometimes he got himself into some trouble. Like the trouble that had just transpired moments before he somehow made his way to his brother’s house alive.
“Hey, Ro! Your favorite intrusive thot has arrived! But, um, I did a little bit of an… oopsie…” Remus slurs, stumbling into the kitchen where Roman was.
“Ugh, what now? Remus, I swear if,” Roman starts to lecture his idiot brother, not even bothering to look up at him—he was used to his brother always just waltzing right into the house like he still lived there, he did still have a key to be fair—but he stops himself short.
His speech was slurred.
“Are you drunk?” Roman asks and finally looks at him.
He does not like what he finds. Remus’s hands are torn up and bleeding, and there’s a dried streak of blood down his chin. Remus grins at him, revealing blood stained teeth as well.
“Oh, Jesus Christ Superstar. What did you do?!” Roman yells, now making his way over to his brother.
“I… got drunk. Very, very drunk. And I wanted… a snack. So, like any sane person would do, I broke the bottles of the drinks I had and had a little munch. Big deal. No need to lose your shit, brother mine.”
Without another word, Roman gently grabs Remus’s wrist and brings him up to the bathroom.
“Sit.” Roman demands, pointing to the counter.
Remus hops up onto the counter, hissing at the sting in his hands. Roman cringes and grabs his brother’s wrist again so he can look at the hand with the most cuts. There was a small piece of glass embedded in his palm now.
“Sorry, I should have helped you.”
“Oh, please. I clearly enjoy pain.”
“Yeah, unfortunately. Okay, just give me a second.”
Roman turns to the cabinet behind them that held all of their first aid and rummages around a bit. Remus hums a little made up tune in the meantime which Roman would find rather pleasant if the situation was different.
“Okay, this should be good.” Roman mutters more to himself as he closes the cabinet, precariously balancing all of the supplies in his arms.
He then haphazardly dumps them onto the counter beside Remus once he turns back to him.
“Ooh, tweezers? What are they for?” Remus asks excitedly as he picks them up. “I use them to pluck my eyelashes.”
“You mean eyebrows?”
“Nope! I like to put them in jars so I can keep the mites as pets even though I can’t see them.”
“I… Okay, for the love of Artemis and Apollo, please just give them to me.” Roman begs, holding out his hand.
“Aw, Artemis and Apollo. Twins. Like us!”
“Yes, that’s why I say that, Remus. Please, the tweezers.”
Remus sighs dramatically but he does as he’s told, clumsily dropping the tweezers into Roman’s still open hand.
“Thank you, now come here,” Roman says, and turns Remus’s hand palm up. “I gotta get the stupid glass out of your hand.”
Roman thanks his lucky stars that he has steady hands and that Remus’s restless stim was just leg swinging. He’s able to get the glass out rather quickly and disposes of it properly before moving on. He does a quick assessment of the same hand and then the other to be sure there weren’t any other shards. He was clear so he picked up the gauze pads.
“What? I need to stop the bleeding.” Roman explained when Remus eyed him curiously.
“So, I can’t eat them?”
“Your mom is lame.”
“I’m telling.”
“Don’t you dare.”
Remus cackled and wiped a fake tear away. Roman just shook his head and placed one of the pads against his brother’s bleeding wounds. He then held his hand with his own free hand so he could apply enough pressure to stop it.
“Press harder.”
Remus just giggled and ignored Roman. Roman sighed and pulled the gauze away to find that the bleeding had stopped. Thank goodness.
“Remus, listen to me. I need to use soap to clean the cuts. I don’t want them to get infected.”
“You’re lucky if I let you use water.”
Roman groaned in frustration but then an idea struck him. Saline wound wash was an acceptable alternative. Remus probably wouldn’t mind that.
“Okay, how about this?” Roman asks before grabbing the solution from the cabinet and showing it to him.
“Wound wash? Fuck yeah. Love that shit.”
“You’re not drinking it.”
“Aw. You’re no fun.”
Roman ignores him in favor of once again grabbing his hands so he could clean them. Once he was satisfied with that he grabbed the roll of gauze and started wrapping his hands. He tries to ignore the fact that his own hand was also bandaged due to self inflicted wounds. They were both idiots.
“Hey, if you’re gonna mummify me you should probably embalm me first.”
Roman decides to completely ignore Remus as well for the time being. He needed to focus. His stupid mouth was also all torn up. He didn’t know what to do about that. Logan would know. Once he’s finished wrapping his brother’s hands Roman pulls his phone out to text his boyfriend. He could easily just go get him but leaving Remus alone right now was not a good idea.
“Salt water,” Roman reads aloud. “Oh, yeah, that’s smart.”
“Your stupid mouth. You need to swish some salt water to make sure the bleeding’s stopped and so it doesn’t get infected. Also you’ll be able to spit out any glass if you still have some stuck to you.”
“Mouth wounds heal fast. I’ll be fine. Plus I like having blood and glass in my mouth.”
“Clearly. But no. You’re doing it.”
“Yes, mother.”
“Hey, I almost said daddy. You’re welcome.”
“Okay, enough out of you.”
A moment later Logan appears at the door with a glass of salt water in his hands and a grumpy Virgil attached to his side.
“Babe, you shouldn’t have let them come with you…” Roman says, gratefully taking the glass from Logan.
“I tried to keep him away, but he wanted to see the two of you. He’s just concerned, love.”
Roman sighs, nodding understandably.
“Well, thanks, babe.”
Logan nods back so Roman turns to Remus and holds the glass up to him.
“Here. It’s probably gonna sting like a bitch.” Roman says, not as a warning but as encouragement.
Remus smiles and tries to takes the glass but it’s hard to bend his fingers with his hands completely wrapped so Roman grabs it before it falls.
“Never-mind, I’ll do it.” Roman grumbles and helps Remus take a sip.
Remus just holds the water in his mouth for a while and scrunches up his face in pain. Stupid bastard was enjoying it too much.
“Swish and spit. Do not swallow it.”
Remus glares at Roman and tries to speak which of course only makes water dribble out of his mouth.
Remus rolls his eyes and quickly swishes the water that managed to stay in his mouth around before spitting it back into the glass.
“Sorry, I was trying to say that spitting is quitting and is no fun. Unless your target’s a certain someone.” Remus lilts rhythmically.
“What… was that.”
“The phrase ‘spitting is quitting’ is boring so I made it more fun! Do you like it?”
“Sure? I guess?”
“Anyway! Thanks for taking care of me. I’m gonna go see if I can fit my morning star into my mouth now.” Remus says and hops off the counter.
Roman grabs Remus by the arm before he can go. Logan who was still there with Virgil blocks the doorway as well just to be sure he can’t leave.
“You relapsed and hurt yourself. We need to talk.”
“No, I’m not doing that to you,” Remus says in an uncharacteristically serious voice. “I’ll be fine.”
“Reem, I’ve been sober for years now. I can handle it.”
“Sobriety can be broken at any time. Not worth the risk. Let me go.”
“Remus, I would risk my own life to protect you. I can risk my sobriety for you too.”
Virgil whining slams Roman right back into his harsh reality. For a moment it was just him and his twin. Nothing existed outside of their bubble. Roman almost wishes he could have stayed that way for longer.
“Hey, love, I’m sorry,” Roman says to Virgil. “Why don’t you and Logan go wait for me in our room? I’ll be there soon.”
“No, I wanna make sure you guys are okay.”
“I promise you we’ll be fine, honey,” Roman says and gives Logan a look. “I will come get you both if I need to.”
Logan silently nods his understanding at Roman’s look before picking Virgil up and walking out of the bathroom.
“Put me down!”
Roman sighs and quickly closes the door before Virgil can try to escape Logan’s hold and make his way back. Once he’s sure they’re gone he turns around and leans against it.
“Remus. Please talk to me.”
“I have nothing to say.”
“Well, that’s a first.”
The twins both laugh at this which is enough to ease some of the tension between them. Progress, Roman thinks.
“Okay, look, Ro, I… I’ll talk about this at some point… Just not now, okay? I can’t.” Remus says softly, staring down at the floor.
Roman frowns at his brother’s dejected demeanor. It was so unlike him. Even when he was at his absolute worst he was always grinning like a madman and cracking jokes about his problems. He would even talk about them excitedly, like they were fun to endure. This was completely different and Roman did not like it at all.
“Did something happen? Something new?”
Remus looks back up and Roman is horrified at the unshed tears in his eyes. He only ever cried when something seriously fucked happened.
“I can’t talk about it.”
“Why? Are you in danger? Did someone threaten you? Because I swear to Zeus I will tear them apart with my bare hands.”
“Ro, you,”
“And my sword.”
“I get it. But, Ro, silly, you know threats don’t work on lil ol’ me. It’s nothing like that.”
“Then what. Come on you know you can tell me anything.”
Roman steps forward and takes his brother’s hands in his, giving him a pleading look. He was desperate. He needed to know what happened to his brother. He wasn’t supposed to be sad like this. Angry, frustrated, anxious, manic, and depressed, sure. But not sad. His depression was different. It didn’t make him like this. This was something truly terrible. It was killing Roman.
“Ro, you’re my literal other half. We may not be literally psychically connected the way people think we would be but your pain is still my pain. I don’t wanna put this on you.”
“Put it on me.” Roman begs. “I can take it.”
“Heyo, take me to dinner first.”
Okay, he walked right into that one.
“Reem, it’s not funny.” Roman says, despite his laughter.
“It’s a little funny.” Remus says, giggling as well.
“Fine, but I still really need to know what happened. If you’re not ready to tell me now then okay. But eventually you will? Right?”
Remus nods, his tears now falling freely. Roman hates to admit it but they bring tears to his own eyes. He opens his arms, silently inviting his brother in for a hug but letting him choose. He’d wait here forever for his decision if he needed to.
Luckily he didn’t have to wait that long though. Remus crashes into his arms. He definitely would have sent them flying back onto the floor if the door wasn’t closed behind them and he was definitely getting snot all over the spot his face was pressed against as he sobbed but Roman didn’t care. He was a prince and so it was his sworn duty to protect his fellow prince—or duke, rather—and he’d do whatever it took to accomplish that. He wouldn’t say that out loud though. Said fellow prince—duke—would just make a bunch of duty jokes and those were never funny. Instead, he says something else to break the tension just a bit more.
“Twin hugs,” Roman mumbles against Remus’s neck. “I will forever be calling it that. You cannot stop me.”
Remus giggles and Roman has never been more delighted to hear it.
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nonbinary-renfri · 4 years
greek gods au where geralt is blessed by artemis and jaskier is a child of apollo.....
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leslie-lyman · 3 years
Tumblr Writer Q&A
Thanks for the tag @oonajaeadira! 😘
1) How many complete fics/one shots do you have that you have not published (yet)? Zero. My gremlin brain does not understand the meaning of “delayed gratification.” If I finish something, I post it.
2) How many WIPS do you have right now? About a dozen? Obviously SAMG is the only one I’m currently posting, but I’ve scribbled down bits of yet-to-be-posted stories for Whiskey, Din, Marcus Pike, Max Lord, Ezra, Javi P., Frankie, Zach, and (the only non-Pedro boy) Loki.
3) Do you take writing requests or write original ideas, or both? I don’t currently take requests. Sometimes writing to a prompt is good and fun for me, but I know if I open requests they’re just gonna turn into a source of guilt and anxiety over how long it takes me to answer them.
4) If you do take requests, how many do you currently have? So I don’t obviously have any typical requests, but I have been keeping a little running list of SAMG scenarios that various people have mentioned to me that they might like to see for Pero and Tessa that I may do a lil something with once the actual main fic is done. But it’s maybe like 3 or 4 such scenarios.
5) How many fandoms do you write for? Right now, just the Pedro Pascal cinematic universe and Loki. Though I have been making my way through Daredevil lately, and it has been giving me some thots…
6) Are there any fandoms you wrote for in the past that you no longer write for? I mean, when I was in middle school I wrote fic for LOTR and Artemis Fowl, but those never went anywhere beyond my notebook. I haven’t touched my Loki fic in almost a year, but I’m just waiting for the motivation to come back to me.
7) Do you write for ships, reader inserts or other? Both! Most of my WIP series have an OFC, but my one-shot WIPs are reader insert. OFC is just easier for longer stories, I find, plus I tend to have a very clear idea of who these OFCs are and what makes them a good partner for whatever Pedro boy they’re paired with. I haven’t yet tried my hand at a particular ship between two canon characters, but never say never!
8) Niche fandoms/characters you write for? Not yet! Unless you want to count some of the smaller Pedro boys as niche characters, like Zach? Who, oddly enough, was the first Pedro boy I ever wrote anything for.
9) Do you read fics as well as write them? Are you kidding me? Not a day goes by where I don’t read fic.
10) What is your favorite genre to write for? Romance, baby.
11) What is your favorite trope (to read/write)? To read? Oh god so many. Any and all classic romance tropes: there’s only one bed, oh my god they were roommates, snowed in, friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, fake dating, give me them ALL. I’m also a total wh*re for a/b/o and that thing where the dark, powerful, reserved male character is soft and vulnerable and loving for one (1) woman. To write? Well I always thought I preferred enemies to lovers but only one of my fics (the Loki one) features that trope. Literally all the others are some version of friends to lovers so what the hell do I know. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
12) What do you do to get motivated to write? Reading or watching the source material. Reading other people’s fic or seeing other people’s fanart. People reblogging/commenting on/being supportive of my writing! And, I’ll be honest, taking my ADHD medication.
13) Is there a trope/genre you like to read, but not write? I love reading the absolute filthiest smut (including monsterfucking), but I’m still a newbie to writing explicit stuff of really any spice level and need to get more comfortable with it. I find writing smut to be very draining, but I intend for all of my upcoming WIPs to be explicit so I’m hoping that, as with all things, it will just get easier with practice.
14) Any characters/fandoms you want to write for that are never requested? So there’s not really a Pedro boy that I don’t want to write for, I just haven’t figured out the right story for the ones I didn’t list above as being on my WIP list.
15) How long have you been writing fanfiction? Like a mentioned, I started writing fic in middle school. I stopped in high school (though creative writing was something I never gave up in its entirety, I even took a class on it in college). Though the one exception was for an English class I took in 12th grade that was more sci-fi/fantasy focused. We watched movies like The Matrix and episodes of Lost and read books like The War of the Worlds and The Handmaid’s Tale, and for our final project we could do something creative instead of a formal essay. And I wrote the first chapter of a Lost/Handmaid’s Take crossover fic in which Offred was a passenger on flight 815. Only time I managed to write fanfic for a grade. 😂 Then I took up writing fic again in October 2020 when I started my Loki fic, but didn’t post anything online until my Whiskey one-shot in October 2021.
16) Did you read fan fiction before you started writing? Yup. I somehow found MuggleNet’s Harry Potter fanfic archive when I was like…eleven? Twelve? And then found ff.net not long after that. I mostly stopped reading fic in high school, then came back to it with a vengeance in early 2020 when I got very into the Reylo fandom and started reading fic for that ship.
17) Do you only post on Tumblr, or any other sites as well? I have an account on AO3, I just haven’t posted anything there yet. But I’m sure I will once I take the time to figure out how to post over there.
18) What do you personally consider the word counts of “Drabble”, “One shots” and “fics”? Hmm. I’d say anything under maybe 800 words or so is a drabble to me? One-shots are anything you post all as one single complete story (including things that are drabble-length). Fics are any and everything.
19) Which do you prefer to write more? HC, drabbles, oneshots/fics, multi chapter stories, other? I’m nearly incapable of doing just a one-shot, slice of life-type story. My brain is always like but we need more detail! We need a whole convoluted plot! We need to take this one scene you have in your head and turn it into a giant multi-chapter story! Related: my brain is fucking exhausting to live with.
20) Are there any stories you have discontinued? If so, why? No. Not yet, at least. I don’t know for sure if all of my WIPs will see the light of day (I hope so), and if they do, I’m not certain they will all make it to the finish line (I hope so). But I’ll cross that bridge if/when I get to it.
21) What is one of your main “pet-peeves” as a writer on Tumblr? When people get anonymous hate. It’s so gross and awful and cowardly and completely out of line. What the hell went wrong in your life that made you think it’s okay to be cruel to others?
22) Do you write a particular time of day? Eh, not really? Sometimes I manage to do a little writing mid-morning because that’s when the ADHD meds really start kicking in. But other times I write in the evening after dinner, or really whenever the inspiration strikes.
23) Do you listen to music, ambiance/noise, etc to write or do you need silence? Sometimes I listen to music, but ideally it needs to be without lyrics. I’ve listened to a lot of YouTube compilation videos of various Christmas music while writing SAMG. But for the most part I prefer silence so I’m not distracted.
24) Do you outline your fics at all before writing? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I wish. Sometimes I try to outline things, but it never really sticks (again, trying to live with my brain is exhausting). I also write things completely out of order, which does not lend itself well to outlining. What I have done a few times is write down timelines that are relevant to certain fics and I’m trying to figure out how parts of the story fit in and relate to canon events, and how old certain characters would be when those events take place (looking at you, Narcos and Mandalorian WIPs).
25) Do you post your writing as soon as you finish it, or do you schedule it to come out at a specific time/day? Again, delayed gratification? I don’t know her. The second it’s ready to go, I hit post, even if it’s the middle of the night.
No pressure tags (and plz start a new post if you answer!): @ezrasbirdie @jazzelsaur @whataperfectwasteoftime @green-socks @radiowallet @iamskyereads and anyone else who wants to play, I love hearing about other peoples’ writing habits!
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miserabull · 4 years
gimme those good good grief thots :eyes:
It shocks me that you, of all people, would ask me for my Grief takes since you get them fresh and still hot from the oven, but fine this is a bit of a double one because I think P1 and P2 Bad Griefs are different enough to warrant it.
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First impression:
So, I met P1 Grief first. And I'm gonna be real with you, I wasn't too impressed by his character model. But the way he speaks? The over-the-topness, the sheer disrespect? I was sold. Keep talking weird to me, crime boy.
Playing P2, Grief was already dear to my heart, and with the delicious addition of the Apple Basket/childhood friends thing he easily shot up to the top of my Faves list, solidified by his awesome design and just... the way he’s lounging there on his dumb throne when you walk in. It was one of the moments where I was like, oh, I get it now.. This character was made to appeal to me, personally.
Impression now:
I've gone over all of his dialogue several times. I've picked it apart and discussed it with anyone I could find that wanted to. I have theories, and ideas, and many feelings... I dunno what to say, man, it's kinda embarrassing. Come over and talk to me about Bad Grief. Really love this guy.
and listen to my Grief playlist pls
Favorite moment:
For P1 Grief it’s probably the 'hehehe, see this amulet? I know what you are and I got it to protect myself from beings like you' part. Though every conversation he has with Daniil is a highlight too, and if you told me to pick a favorite line I'd probably end up copy+pasting all of his dialogue. Special mention to when he referred to Dankovsky as “the bitchelor”
For P2 Grief...hmm, hard to pick. The blowing-up-the-train tracks quest comes to mind because even though he acts so weird during it, and there's definitely something shady going on there(what with the creepy kids that set you on it, or Grief going all the way out into the steppe just to be like 'lol what are you, dumb?') it’s a surprisingly nice moment since you are able to sit with him there and watch the fire(even if at the same time you kinda want to choke him for playing you and wasting your time).
I also love his whole "HEY, CUB. Rubin is acting odd and he won't tell me shit, I'm kinda worried. I gave him this hideout right next door, please do not go there and don't check on him. Oh noo, you got me to hint at his secret location... but I will never tell, don’t ask hehe" thing
Idea for a story:
...as you(Micah) pointed out on your answer, we have that Stakh/Grief fic in the works. So. Ya know. That’s an idea.
Putting that aside, give me baby Grief's ascension into crime and how he ruined all his friendships. I wanna hear about the lines he crossed, how that felt on all sides, how he built his gang cred, all that.
I am also always down for speculating on what exactly happened between him and Andrey.
Unpopular opinion:
I don't know if I have one for P1 Grief, because there isn't that much fandom content of him. But I guess maybe that I think that the “he's actually a ruthless killer” twist is, uh... lukewarm. Like, I like that there is a twist and that we find out the one thing he's been passionately denying was indeed his fault all along and that he's much more dangerous than he seems, but 'blahblah thirst for blood and violence' feels like such a bleh motivation.
About P2, I feel like the fandom underestimates him tremendously, and often treats him as just a huge softie and a goof, which is not only annoying as hell, but also overlooks that P1 Grief seemed much less dangerous up until the Changeling route too. I don't think they are going the exact same way in P2, he's much more sympathetic this time around(and younger, and anxious), and I think his reflection tells the truth(albeit maybe incomplete or twisted a bit, the reflections all seem so defensive of their 'masters'...hmm, there’s food for thought), but even with only the Haruspex route out I think it’s reasonable to assume Grief is lying about more than a few things and is capable(and likely responsible) for a lot more than he seems. To quote the Artemy-Lara's reflection dialogue:
"And the most taciturn of us all, Bad Grief. / He speaks so much yet does so much more. "
Favorite relationship:
Oh, you know. Rubin. I could go over how I think they are opposites in some ways but also really similar in many other important ways, and how there is clearly a meaty, complicated history there...  but I'll just be honest and say that I love the potentials in that dynamic, the contrast of their personalities(plus the shared history). Friends-to-enemies-to-tentatively healing friendship-to-lovers. It's just very good shit.
Platonically, I'm a huge fan of him and any of his fellow Apple Basket buddies. Each dynamic there has something special, and I love thinking about it. I'd also love to see more of him interacting with Aspity, since we know he visits the Hospice and listens to her.
Favorite headcanon:
For both Griefs, I like to think he's pretty decent at sewing and makes and/or customizes his own clothes... He has a very particular style, nobody else would get it right.
But also, uh, well... I guess this one is kind of personal, but the way I perceive gender is that it's all performance, roleplaying that people take very very seriously, and you know what Grief is very good at? Putting on a fun performance and playing it up in a satirical way. I like to think if you go Diurnal Ending and Grief is starting again free from the pressure of his role as gang leader , he'd turn it up to eleven as time goes, get some make up and earrings, experiment, mix and match, wander, never quite settle. He's a man, kinda maybe sorta, but mostly just when it’s funny.
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galaxynamgi · 6 years
B A S I C   I N F O 🌙 
⭐ artemis | ‘95 | usa / mexico | she / her
⭐ nicknames include artie and missy.
⭐ [chaotic] sagittarius sun | scorpio moon | cancer rising
⭐ yoongi sun | namjoon moon | ot7 rising [from that one test that went around]
⭐ pediatric dentist in the making.
⭐ married to min yoongi and kim namjoon.
⭐ but my wig is constantly snatched by jeon jungkook and kim seokjin.
⭐ my writing genres go from smut to angst to fluff depending on my mood.
sadly, i’m not very consistent with my posting.
i blame my crazy uni schedule.
[and becoming unmotivated pretty fast]
⭐ my music taste is all over the place; check here for my recommendations.
⭐ meet me tag.
⭐ bts tags to navigate my blog.
T R I V I A 🌙
⭐ i also like pentagon but i’m still in the learning process of becoming a universe.
biases: adachi yuto & jung wooseok
wrecker: yang hongseok
⭐ i swear. a lot. like, if i’m comfortable with you or stressed af, out spills the profanity in either english or spanish.
⭐ i’m an anime nerd ,,,, haikyuu!!, boku no hero academia, and one punch man are my faves :’))))
⭐ and i’m a marvel / star wars nerd ,,,, every winter break, i have a movie marathon with my mom, bless her.
⭐ i used to dream about becoming a famous singer ,,,, my stage name would have been artemis because my real name is related to her [lmao, my greek mythology ass has been exposed].
⭐ so now, i use artemis as my pseudonym. 
⭐ anyway, yeah, i’m obsessed with the moon.
F A Q 🌙
⭐ do you take requests? — as of now, i don’t :((( but mayhaps during my vacation time, i’ll do a drabble / prompt event kind of thing.
⭐ when will you publish ___? — like i said before, i’m sorta inconsistent and just post shit out of nowhere ,,,, but i’m trying to publish two to three times a month!
⭐ can we be friends? — of course! but i’m a bit touchy when it comes to talking about being a thot for bangtan ,,,, only 18+ or anon for those types of things ;)
⭐ social media? — you can follow my twitter or dm me for my kakao id ,,,, my instagram/snapchat are off-limits to strangers though.
⭐ do you have other blogs? — i only have a side acc for my fic recs.
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Listen,, I really struggled writing smut in my winteam fic because there wasn't much to go on from canon material for their dynamic... Between Us is about to both cure and wreck me
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Writing vegaspete from Vegas' pov is just: and I'll have him describe Pete as 'pretty' here...
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