#thank u micah
amethystsoda · 9 months
🐸🦖🎤 for the ask game
🐸 Describe your aesthetic
maximalist vaporwave space princess mixed with elements of harajuku street fashion and cute vibes. Can go towards gothic alchemist or nature druid tho depending on mood.
Basically I love bright colors, shiny objects, and things that give me instant serotonin when I look at them.
But I also love expressing the opposite darker side, because I too have moments when I'm not sunshine and need the calmness of an all black outfit (like today hehe).
🦖 Favorite extinct animal?
answered here!
🎤 Is there a song you know all the lyrics to?
A lot, actually, bc I love singing along! But here are a few favorites:
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barghest-land · 1 year
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drawing red dead actors with a main character vibe part 3 🐁
i think even if i was bug sized i'd still wanna punch Micah in the face. i'd probably die trying though. but it would be worth it
still can't believe how naturally evil Micah feels though. i remember one moment on my 3rd playthrough, with a stagecoach robbery. i've never intentionally thrown dynamite at horses in the story mode, but he made me do it, and i realized what i did only after the mission. got blindly influenced for a second there i guess 💀 damn ok i can't really blame Dutch after that
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stardestroyer81 · 2 months
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Can I offer you a nice transfem sheep in this tryin' time? 💙🏳️‍⚧️✨
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ttuesday · 2 years
Hi !! I just spent my night reading all your headcanons and I just adore them!! May I get headcanons of the fellers reacting to the reader drunkenly confessing their love? Thanks so much !!! 💌💕✨️
ooooo thank u for the juicy request anon!!! <3 also, apologies if these are kinda long, I got carried away lmao
You really didn’t think the alcohol was taking effect. Nearly three bottles of beer deep and you were positive you were still sober. It was only when you stood up to go get beer number 4 did you realise you were actually pretty drunk, the world spinning as you stumbled from your seat. Thankfully, someone caught you before you actually fell, Arthur’s strong arms wrapping around your waist to steady you.
You’re not sure what came over you but having him there to protect you and hearing his soothing voice tell you to take your time and that you’ve probably had too many already, you can’t help but feel loved and cared for. In fact, you’ve felt this warmth whenever you’re near Arthur for some time now so why not let him know? Looking up at him with a big goofy smile, you stay in his embrace and happily say “You know what, I love you, Arthur Morgan”.
It’s not that Arthur doesn’t believe you but you’ve certainly caught him off guard and he doesn’t know how to respond. He’s confused, wondering why you’d say that now, if you mean love in the romantic sense or if this is some kinda joke you’re trying to make. “Yeaaaah, you’ve definitely had too much to drink” he drawls, your words still sinking in. No matter how many times you profess your love to him, he doesn’t directly acknowledge what you’re saying and tries to deflect it back to you being drunk.
But don’t think Arthur’s not listening to you. Your confession is something that’ll stay with him for a very long time, something he thinks about late at night or just before a robbery, wondering if you actually meant it. For Arthur to know you were being 100% serious, you’ll have to tell him again but sober. Until then, Arthur will be left thinking about what a life with you would be like, wondering if it’s nothing but wishful thinking.
Charles normally keeps an eye on you whenever you drink. It’s not something he does on purpose nor is it something he does to undermine you; Charles just likes to make sure you’re alright and not overdoing it. He’s not going to try and stop you from drinking too much, knowing that’s not his choice to make but when you’re visibly drunk, he likes to stay by your side as if he’s your protector (both from your own drunken antics and anyone else).
It’s very obvious to you that Charles is staying next to you so he can look after you if necessary and c’mon now, how endearing is that? Your eyes soften as you gaze at him, studying the curves of his face and the questioning look he gives you, curious as to why you’re staring at him. “You’re one of the best men I’ve ever met,” you confess before quietly adding “I love you Charles, I really really love you”. 
Charles is well aware you’re drunk but he knows that there must be at least an ounce of truth to your words. He smiles at you, taking your hand in his as he says “I… I really care about you too”. He wants to confess his love to you too, to tell you how much he’s been yearning to hear you say that but he hesitates, unsure if this is the right moment. He prefers to wait until you’re sober before reciprocating your love, wanting you to remember the moment fully and not under a drunken haze.
For the rest of the night, Charles fully takes up the mantle of being your guardian, leaving you to hold his arm while you walk and making sure you get to sleep ok. But even when you’re asleep, Charles has a lot to think about, questions whirling around in his head. Should he tell you tomorrow that he loves you too? Will you even remember what you said? Should he take you away from camp to tell you, maybe set up a romantic picnic beforehand?
You and Dutch have a complex relationship. Sure, you both like to flirt with one another but it doesn’t take much for an argument to start; you pointing out a possible flaw in his plan and Dutch trying to speak over you, professing that the real issue here is you and your lack of faith. Some of the others have commented that maybe y’all should just get a room to deal with any “frustrations” you both have while others are convinced you already have.
Although you and Dutch aren’t afraid of challenging one another, you both care for each other too, especially when one of you is drunk. Dutch knows you’re a hard worker and honestly, he thinks you deserve a drink. Hell, he might even offer you some of the whiskey he has stashed away. Of course he flirts with you too but he doesn’t over-do it, not wanting to come across like a complete and utter creep.
When it’s late at night and you’re truly hammered, Dutch sighs and decides it’s about time to cut you off and escort you to bed. He basically tucks you into bed, making sure you’re comfortable, fluffing your pillow and reminding you to sleep on your side. Just before he leaves your tent, you say it, the words spilling out of your mouth and even surprising you.
Dutch’s eyes go wide as you blurt out “I love you”. He wants to feel smug but he can’t hide the look of endearment on his face. “Well, you couldn’t have picked a more romantic predicament to make such a statement” he says sarcastically, a soft smile playing on his lips. Before he goes, Dutch turns to you one last time, his voice tender as he says “but for the record, I love you too, dear”.
If you’re drinking, then there’s a good chance Micah will be sitting next to you, downing some beers too. If you get to unwind for a while and have a few drinks then he’s convinced he should too (and it’s definitely not because he actually enjoys your company but won’t admit it). Micah likes chaos so there’s a good chance he’ll encourage you to drink more, knowing you’ll get more outspoken and probably have a bad hangover he can tease you about the next day.  
Although this isn’t your first time drinking with Micah, it always surprises you how easy it is to get along with him when he’s drunk. That bully façade laced with toxic masculinity gets pushed to the side when he’s drunk and instead he’s actually pretty relaxed and full of laughter. It’s something you’re not sure you’ll ever get used to but that’s just Micah, isn’t it? Completely unpredictable yet somehow, he’s a loveable rogue.
You don’t know how it happened or why you decided to just blurt it out. It was as if you had no control over your mouth, only realising after the fact that you blurted out that you love him. Micah stops mid-drink, completely stilling at your abrupt confession.
No matter how drunk he is, Micah will always find some way to be arrogant and so he smugly finishes his drink before scoffing “Tell me something I don’t know”. He’ll brush it off in the moment but don’t expect him to forget this anytime soon. Micah will find a way to mention your love for him on a daily basis, continuously bringing it up to annoy you. But honestly, deep down, Micah doesn’t know how to even comprehend this. No one’s ever loved him before so while he figures out his own feelings, his plan is to simply annoy you with your confession.
You weren’t the only one drinking, in fact there were more people drunk at camp than people sober, everyone deciding to celebrate another night of freedom. You spent the majority of your night next to John, the two of you sipping away at your beers and listening to the others sing.
Unfortunately John reaches that point of self pity drunkenness pretty early on in the night but you’re quick to reassure him. He’s feeling pretty down, going on about how much of a disappointment he is and how he hasn’t been doing well on any recent robbery, somehow messing up his part of the job.
Thankfully, John has a friend like you, someone who’ll listen to him vent but also remind him of just how great he is, listing out all of his best qualities and explaining how he’s an amazing person to be around. After listing out all of these traits, it hits you a ton of bricks… holy shit, you’re in love with him.
It feels strangely relaxing to finally realise what your feelings are and you conclude your list by saying “and those are all the reasons I love you”. “You huh? Love? Did you say love?” He’s convinced he heard you wrong, that there's no way someone as beautiful as you could actually fall for him. You nod your head, baffling John even further. He doesn’t know what he did to deserve such luck but for the rest of the night, John’s in a great mood and can’t wipe the smile off of his face.
You don’t know how it happened, how the words somehow slipped out of your mouth. Hell, you weren’t even that drunk, maybe a little tipsy but that’s it. You were spending the day relaxing around camp, having finished your chores early and deciding you deserve a break. While you happily drink the afternoon away at one of the tables, Javier sits by the charred remains of the campfire, strumming away at his guitar.
Every few minutes, you hear him curse under his breath and restart his melody. You were in a happy mood but not oblivious to Javier’s growing frustration with his guitar. That made it worse for him, his annoyance making him mess it up more frequently. Calling out to him, you try to deescalate the situation and say “Javier, you know I love you and your music but maybe you should take a break for a while?”.
You say it so casually, as if you’ve told him you love him a hundred times before this. But even in his frustrated state, Javier picks up on your confession instantly… but he’s not the only one. Yeah, you did kinda call out to him across camp… in front of whoever happened to be walking around at the time. It’s safe to say at least half of camp heard your confession and the other half will surely know within the next few hours.
It doesn’t take you long to realise just how many people heard you say that, anyone in earshot abruptly stopping and turning to you, each and every one of them shocked.  But the silence doesn’t last long, as Javier quickly stands up and as casually as you replies “Of course, you’re right, mi amor”. Is he saying it because he’s trying to save you from any embarrassment or is it because he feels the same way? You’re hoping for the latter but thankful either way.
You know when everything just feels right? Like when there’s nothing that could lessen your mood and it’s like all the stars aligned for a moment? Well, that’s exactly how it feels when you tell Bill you love him. After a successful robbery that the gang was praying would go right and a wagon load of moonshine at your disposal, everyone’s in a good mood.
The camp is full of song and dance, the likes of Uncle, Javier and Karen belting out a tune while some of the others slow dance. You can’t remember the last time you’ve danced but now seems like a good time to get back into it. And so you grab one of your best confidant’s hands and pull him to where everyone else is dancing. Bill’s confused but when you guide one of his hands to your waist while his other hand clasps around yours, he’s not going to complain.
He warns you that he’s not a great dancer and you reply with a laugh, saying neither are you. Usually this is something Bill would never dream of doing, knowing he’ll fuck it up somehow or that the others will tease him for the next few months over this but with you by his side, Bill doesn’t care what anyone else says. The moment feels perfect and although you’re in the middle of a party, it feels intimate, as if it’s just you and him.
Gazing up at him, you know exactly what you’re going to say. It feels like the perfect time to say it, even if you’re not sure how he’ll react. Your voice is quiet but you know he hears you as you confess your love for him. Bill’s taken aback but he doesn’t loosen his grip on you, keeping your body close to his. This feels too good to be true but seeing the adoration in your eyes, he knows you mean it. A smile playing on his lips, Bill replies “You uh… you know I feel the same way too, right?”.
Good luck. Seriously, good luck trying to say I love you before Sean does. There’s a reason why everyone thinks you two should be together and why people are usually surprised to hear you’re not a couple. You’re two peas in a pod, both of you full of life and always ready for an adventure. And it’s the same whenever you both drink, it’s like you get the need to express every emotion you have and to tell everyone exactly how you feel about them (for better or for worse).
So when you both drink, the two of you are eager to finally spill your feelings for the other. If you want to be the one to say it first, you’re going to have to blurt it out the second you see Sean, not letting him get a word in. Sean’s eyes go wide when you say it and his mouth drops open, utter shock taking him over. He waits just long enough for some doubt to start creeping in before he whines “No fair, I was going to tell you that!”.
Sean is very upfront with his feelings and he takes pride repeating those three words back to you. If anything, the only regret he has is waiting so long to finally say it to one another. But now that it’s out in the open, he has no problem being very affectionate with you just so everyone knows you’re smitten with him.
Within seconds of your mutual confession, Sean’s game for smothering you with kisses, even taking this to a random (John’s) tent if you want to *wink wink*. Now that you both know where you stand, Sean wants to put all his energy in building a great relationship with you now.
Hosea has known for a long time that he loves you but he can’t never find the courage to actually tell you. Hell, he has no problem facing shootouts, pulling off near impossible cons or boldly tricking any lawmen… but telling you how he feels? Nope, that’s one mission he doesn’t think he can pull off.
So although Hosea’s had feelings for you for quite some time now, he doesn’t plan on acting on them anytime soon… no matter just how obvious it is to everybody else that he likes you. I mean, it is S U P E R obvious; Hosea’s always picking you to go on cons with him, bringing you coffee in the morning and he’s there for you when you get a little tipsy too.
With Hosea by your side and the gnawing feeling in your gut that you may have drank a little too much, it doesn’t take long for you to realise just how much you care about him. He ushers you to lean into him, his coat draped over your shoulders as you slowly drift off to a drunken sleep. After rambling for a while and swearing to yourself that you’re never touching alcohol again, you decide to end the night on a high and confess your love to him.
Hosea is a cool, calm and collected king. He knows you’re drunk and that the last thing you need is him shaking you awake to ask if you really meant it or if you only love him in a platonic way. On the inside, he’s freaking out and debating whether this is all a dream or if he misheard you. Once you’ve fallen asleep and Hosea knows you’re safe and comfortable, he’s going straight to Dutch for some advice and by morning, he’ll give you a coffee and ask what exactly you meant when you said you love him.
You weren’t drunk at a camp party or some other camp event when you first told Trelawny you loved him. Instead, you had both decided some drinks were in order after another successful job you two pulled off. At this point you’ve lost count of how many cons you’ve done with Josiah, the both of you making a great team that no one could deny.
After a few rounds and relaxing into some mundane conversation, your mind starts to drift. It’s true that you’re both a power couple when it comes to doing quick cons and robberies but you wondered what else you’d be great at together. There’s been a number of instances where you’ve heard the others teasing Josiah, referring to your cons together as ‘dates’ or poking fun at his enthusiasm to always be paired up with you on large heists.
Trying to be as subtle as possible, you casually mention how great of a team you both make just to see his reaction. One of his eyebrows quirks up, Josiah asks you to elaborate and that’s all it takes for you to ramble on. “I’m just saying, we always work so well together and you know I love you anyways so I was just wondering of all the other ways we could work as a team”.
He nearly chokes on his drink. In fact, for a few seconds you actually think he is choking but after clearing his throat a few times, Josiah composes himself. “You what?” He repeats, hoping to hear you say those 3 words again before he tries to reassure you “I- well of course I have very deep feelings for you too but you what?”.
It seems like another normal day. Everyone knows you’re around the outskirts of camp with Kieran, tending to the horses and doing other miscellaneous tasks… or well that’s what they all presume you’re doing. 
Earlier in the afternoon, you decided to sneak out a bottle of Carribean Rum you found a few days previously, thinking both you and Kieran deserve to have a break. Lounging on some of the bundles of hay, your evening is full of laughter and sweet compliments.
With a break in conversation, you sigh to yourself, a relaxed smile on your face as you shrug and say the almighty three words. It feels so right just to say it, to put it out there and make your feelings clear or at least that’s how it feels with the alcohol in your system.
Kieran props himself up on his elbows, giving you a quizzical look. “Do you mean that like how I love horses or like how John loves Abigail?” he asks “C-cause ‘course I love you in both of those ways… shit, n-not that I’m saying you’re like a horse! Shoot, I ain’t comparing you to a horse, I just mean that I really like spending time with them…” yeah he starts rambling on for the next few minutes and the best way to shut him up (and answer his question) is with a kiss.
Whenever you go out with Lenny, you’re guaranteed to have a good time. Whether that be on a job, to scout out places for Dutch or even if you both leave camp just to explore a new area, Lenny always keeps your spirit high.
So, when y’all went on a simple highway robbery job and stumbled upon a wagon full of moonshine, it felt right to start your celebrations early and test out the goods with Lenny… within a half hour you’re both drunk as a skunk.
This isn’t the first time you realise how strong your feelings are for Lenny. You’ve known for a longgg time now but it’s hard to actually say the words or even ask him out on a date. Turning to you, Lenny asks what you’re thinking about and that’s all it takes for you to blurt out exactly how you feel.
It definitely takes Lenny by surprise, not expecting you to be so transparent with your feelings but it’s like a massive weight off of his shoulders. He sighs in relief but stays quiet, deciding actions speak louder than words. Glancing down at your mouth, Lenny leans closer and closer until his lips are finally on yours.
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solarisgod · 1 year
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kerrslvr · 3 months
Hey queen. Just stopping by to say your teagan Micah fic was worth the wait 😌
thank u !!!!
i have another one in the works lol i literally wrote that one while watching the conti cup final x
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kibblemode · 7 months
Tell me about apollo, cecil, sam, and vesper RIGHT NOW bangs fists on table
🫡 right away king
under a readmore bc it is LONG
cecil davis, he/him, cis + gay, 26, mixed (white/hispanic), prims older brother + main protag | battle theme
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cecil is the main protag of the game, he lived in the underworld w/ his mom annie before she sent him to live with his uncle seg in the surface world. externally hes very serious n can be stern sometimes but hes a good guy overall ^_^ he has a younger sister who he'll protect with his LIFE they love each other lots. in fact sometimes he can get a little Too protective lol. he befriends jona and his friends bc seg accidentally shows his true nonhuman form to him while cecil and prim are with him so cecil makes a deal w jona in order to protect their identities (jona is an aspiring paranormal journalist) and thats how the game starts out LOL
vesper, he/it/they, het(? hes a train?), 62, still no race hes a train, cecils """friend""" + primary mode of transportation | cutscene theme + battle theme
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vesper is a train thats controlled by an AI. hes pretty rude and just generally Not Nice but he has his moments. hes basically meant to be the way to change levels/locations/whatever. he was specifically sent by annie to help/protect cecil and prim but he hates it
S.A.M., it/he, het????, mentally around 30-35, no race since hes a robot lol, alices invention/assistant | cutscene theme + battle theme
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SAM is short for something but it likes to be called that bc it likes the name. it was invented by alice to help her around her lab but its AI gained sentience one day after an accident. cecil and his friends wind up in alices lab for some reason and something TBD happens that makes SAM go awol and they have to shut him down or something idk
apollo/polly, he/they, nonbinary + gay, 24, white, cecils best friend | battle theme
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apollo was cecils bestie before he got sent to the surface world. theyre very high energy and kindof like a golden retriever type dude. they Can however get very jealous and they do get that way over jona and cecil being close so they end up being the 3rd to last boss of the game and their fight is supposed to be pretty hard since theyre fast + dude just flashbangs your ass
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wearetheunholyfamily · 5 months
I made a new reddit account bc I didn't like that it was very easy for anyone to see me go from commenting in gaming subs to posting in like, bigboobproblems lol so my new account is strictly fandom stuff in 80% of the same old subs and I still wanted to check in on things with my old account so I didn't delete my original reddit
today I was searching older posts in one of them to double check what I needed to do in a game and I saw a really informative comment that gave specific instructions and helped with exactly what I needed and I was like "wow that's amazing! I should reply and thank this awesome person for putting in the work for this" and
I'm sure you can see where that went lmao
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derelictheretic · 1 year
🥺 👉👈i'd love to hear your thoughts on a daemon for micah, or lilith if you'd rather. but only if it's not too much on your plate <3
Okay so for Micah I am vibing with either a Wolfdog, a Hawk or a Doberman.
I think Doberman fits her really well because the breed is incredibly loyal and fantastic guard dogs as well as being incredibly intimidating which Micah can be! Her Daemon being a Doberman fits in with her whole theme I think and definitely would work with her dynamic with John too!! They can also be incredibly sweet and affectionate when trained properly and from what I gather with John she's very sweet and loving so I'd say that works! They'd also ace all of Jacob's training with her and they'd just be a power team!
It'd also kinda add onto keeping her distance with people I think, especially if her Daemon is as stand offiah as she is! And her want to not be touched will definitely be helped by having a spooky Daemon who growls whenever anyone even tries it.
And I went with wolfdog instead of a full wolf bc Micah gives me the vibes of someone who is incredibly dangerous but also craves normalcy in a way? Or whatever normal was for her and John before the cult! I also think it works because wolfdogs are more unpredictable than both wolf's and dogs and it feels like Micah could be a bit of a wild card, like even inadvertently I think. Because she also feels like a character someone could underestimate despite her demeanor which works well.
And I went with Hawk for the other option because I think it speaks on her need to keep distant from people, being able to get away and stay above danger kind of thing. I also think it works for her style of fighting, wanting to stay at a distance and take people out stealthily, a hawk Daemon would work pretty well for that I think! It also adds to the intimidation factor like the other two I feel like almost more so because people get spooked easily by predator birds.
For Lillith I think an Ocelot or a Fox would work well!! Both animals are deceptively beautiful and incredibly dangerous and efficient predators!
I think an ocelot would work well because they're talented little creachers and while they're small they've been known to go after bigger prey and can be pretty vicious. Lillith gives me the vibes of a lady that just wreaks havoc unapologetically and I think having an Ocelot Daemon would work because it'd keep up with her really well and thrive in the chaos. I can see them walking through the door home coated in blood skipping like they were at an amusement park lol
The fox also works well for that with a bit more of that silly goofy flair that I think woukd work off of Lillith well!! The chaotic energy would double and make her vibes even more unpredictable and unsettling. Foxes laughing is adorable but could also potentially be terrifying under the right circumstances as well and considering Daemons can talk it means twice the taunting! Foxes are also incredibly vicious as well and not to be messed with so I could see that working well with her too.
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lem-argentum · 11 months
hey lem!! i just started playing rune factory 3 and i wanted to ask, who's your favorite from that game? i'm assuming it's marian, but are there any other favorites from that game that you don't get a chance to talk about often :0? have a lovely day <3!!
!!! AA YES HI!!!!! IT ABSOLUTELY IS MARIAN HEHEKJ BUT I LOVE SO MUCH OF THE CAST <333 zaid and gaius are two of my other favorites they’re both very fun in different ways :] <3 and raven n pia are my other favorites of the bachelorettes!!!! <333
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1o1percentmilk · 1 year
jesus christ i need to go back in time and give past me a hug
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blabbin · 1 year
honestly i would love to trust you with mae and see what you make with her and micah lol. nymber 8 >:) or classic cunette with number 32!
32 - Nothing's Working Out - meiyo
なにやってもうまくいかない 脳内じゃ戦争だもんね 突っ立ってたって なにやってもうまくいかない 愛して 愛して
[[ Nothing's Working Out It's a war in my head, even if I stand tall Nothing's Working Out Love me. Love me! ]]
Annette stares down at the notebook on her lap with furrowed brows. Her pen was in her mouth, absent-mindedly nibbling away at it - better the pen than her fingers.
She was sitting at the round benches on Saint-Ghislaine next to the coin-operated viewers, just outside the bookstore. It was nice to finally have some time to herself - now that she didn't have to stand outside the bookstore all day anymore.
Not that she's had much free time, to be honest. Instead of 'work' it was 'school work' now. And while she was grateful to be out of the cold... It meant being constantly under her mother's judging gaze.
That's why she was outside again despite not needing to be. The weather wasn't too bad, though - maybe a bit dark and cloudy, but it wasn't as freezing cold as it used to be. She told her mother that she could use the fresh air to focus better on her studies.
Annette had a science textbook next to her on the bench - closed. The real thing she was focusing on was her personal notebook, where she did all her writing; all her fiction stories.
This is a waste of time. You should be studying.
The girl was currently reading through what she had written a week earlier. She remembers that day, when she had written so much - so quickly and fluidly. The words flowed so naturally, the scenes playing in her mind so clearly. So easily...
But now that she was reading it back, it all felt... The only word she could think of was bad. She groans and shuts her eyes tight as she reads a particularly clunky line.
You thought this was good? You wasted your precious time on this?
She sighs and sets down the pen in between the pages before putting down the still-open notebook next to the textbook. She picks up her thermos next to her with lightly bandaged hands and starts to drink.
She didn't know why she was still picking and biting at her nails. Last night was particularly bad. She couldn't stop even when it hurt - even when she bled. She tried really hard to hide the damage this morning, but her mother saw it anyway...
You still haven't got rid of that disgusting habit?
What have you got to be stressed about?! You don't even need to work anymore!
You have got to pull yourself together, Annette.
Suddenly she feels something catch in her throat. She holds an arm up to her face as she starts to cough aggressively. The juice she was drinking seems to have gone down the wrong pipe. As she coughs, she tries to set the thermos down next to her - except she didn't quite place it right and it went off-kilter, spilling all over her notebook.
"Ohh- nonono!!" Annette jumps to her feet, grabbing the notebook and quickly trying to shake it dry, as if that would help.
The thermos was on the ground now, spilling whatever was left into a puddle. The pen had fallen off the notebook, now sitting in the middle of that puddle.
Annette stares at the stained notebook in her hands with a frown. It was wet and sticky, the pages sure to get warped. But it's fine, she can dry it off and clean it...
Almost on queue, a few drops of water start to fall across the pages. She looks up at the cloudy sky... The drip turns very quickly into a shower.
Of course.
She looks back down at the book, drained. She could not will herself to even try to shield it from the rain. The ink on the page was becoming more and more unclear with every drop, bleeding across the paper.
Why does it matter? It's all bad anyway. Half of this is stuff you copied off of other, better books. The other half is barely coherent and poorly written.
Trite. Stupid. Pointless.
Why are you wasting your time on this?
With an angry huff, Annette throws the book back on the bench. She bends down to pick up the thermos from the puddle of juice, now being washed away.
"Damn, what the fuck'd that notebook do to you?"
Annette looks up at the voice, seeing Cuno with an amused look on his face. He had picked up the notebook she'd just thrown and was now flipping through the pages. She hadn't noticed him walking up.
"H- hey!" Annette drops the thermos again as she jumps back on her feet. She attempts to grab the book out of his hands. He keeps stepping backwards and holding his arms up to avoid her. "Cuno, come on! That's- That's my homework, give it back!"
"Maybe Cuno's had a change of heart. Maybe Cuno wants to get into this binoclard shit." He continues to go through the notes as he laughs and circles around the bench. Suddenly, his eyes go wide when he finally pays attention to what's actually written on the pages. "Oooh, wait!! Is this one of the stories you're writin'?"
"Noo, no! It's not!" Her face flushes in embarrassment as she finally manages to grab a hold of the notebook and pulls at it - Cuno doesn't let go. "Just give it back, it's getting all wet!"
"Hey, Cuno was reading that!" Cuno tugs back even harder. He's never been allowed to see any of her writing before, and he couldn't contain his curiosity knowing it was right within his grasp.
"Cuno, let go!" Annette pleads - the both of them in a standstill as they try to gain control of the book.
"Come on- just let Cuno read a page," he insists. Before he could say much else, he takes a few unstable steps backwards trying to regain his suddenly lost balance.
He finds half of the notebook - ripped - in his hands. He looks up at Annette to find her staring at the other half, in her own hands, mouth agape.
"Oh- shit, shit, shit." Cuno loses his amused demeanor, now replaced with guilt. "Uh, Cuno can glue it back probably-"
"It's fine," Annette cuts him off, staring down at the ground in defeat. "I was going to throw it away. Doesn't matter."
The signs couldn't be any clearer than this. Writing wasn't for her, and she needed to stop wasting her time on dead-end hobbies.
"What the fuck are you on about?" Cuno asks, baffled.
The girl doesn't really respond. She just walks up to Cuno and takes the notebook without much resistance from him. She continues walking until she reaches the trashcan near the railings - throwing both halves into it.
"I'm heading back inside." Annette walks back to pick up the rest of her things. "You should too. The rain looks like it's going to get pretty bad."
"Oh, uh, sure," Cuno responds awkwardly at the suddenly tense air, unsure of how to address what just happened - if he even should at all. "You... wanna hang at the shack, then?"
"I have a lot of work to get to," she says apologetically, still not looking up at him. "You know how my mum is..."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever," he grumbles, failing his attempt to sound neutral. He hated how disappointed he felt whenever she couldn't spend time with him. "Go ahead, before your crazy mom kills you or whatever."
"Right. I'll see you later, Cuno." Annette holds her things close to her chest as she walks past him, going back into the bookstore.
Cuno just frowns as he watches her head off.
*** *** ***
Annette stands in front of Cuno's shack, shuffling in place awkwardly. It was the morning after the whole... mess. She was embarrassed over the whole emotional way she acted - and felt bad for turning down Cuno's request to hang out.
She had the same science textbook in her arms - she was able to convince her mother to let her 'study' outside today too.
"Cuno?" Annette lightly knocks on the shack door. "Are you there?"
It doesn't take long before the door swings wide open,
"Ann! There you are!" Cuno says loudly and excitedly as he steps aside, making way for her to enter.
"Uh, good morning?" She smiles, confused, as she walks in and he closes the door behind her. What's with the loud, impatient energy?
"What happens to that Annice bitch??" He wastes no time on pleasantries - a wide, eager grin on his face.
"Wha-?" Her eyes widen and she freezes in place. That was the name of a character in her story... "How did-?"
"She set up a meeting with the detective and never showed up!" he continues talking as he walks back to the desk, picking up a water-damaged notebook - well, half of one. The other half was still on the desk. "Sounded like she had somethin' real fucking important to say, too. Intense shit. Real cliffhanger shit. You gotta tell Cuno what happens next!"
Annette just blinks, stunned. Her ears grow hot as she finally processes the current situation - he had read her writing. All of it, in fact, because Annice's disappearance was the last thing she wrote.
"You- you weren't- No one was supposed to read that!" she finally blurts out as she clutches the textbook tightly. "Why did you dig it out of the trash?!"
"Look, if you try to hide shit from the Cuno, Cuno's going to get to the bottom of it, whether you like it or not," he says as he flops onto the couch.
Annette goes silent. She didn't really know what to do now. The deed is done, he already read her embarrassing writing, and she can't change that... but he wasn't making fun of her like she expected.
Yes, he is. Obviously he's making fun of you. Look at him. He's laughing at you. He wants to hear just how stupid your ideas can get.
Annette frowns as she puts her textbook down on the desk, picking up the other half of the notebook instead. It was dry now, but a lot of the pages were damaged. "You... you don't have to be sarcastic, you know. I know it's bad, that's why I threw it away."
"Bad?" Cuno scoffs. He seems to grow more irritated as she keeps ignoring his questions. "You think Cuno wastes his time on shitty stories?"
"So... you really like it?" Annette asks, doubtful. Like she's just waiting for the other shoe to drop, and the whole prank to be revealed as soon as she believes him.
"Yeah, yeah, sure," he groans, rolling his eyes. "Now are you gonna keep whining or what? Cuno wants to hear what you have planned for this shit!"
Annette purses her lips into a straight line as she thinks it over, slowly walking over to the couch and sitting down.
"Well... I can't tell you. That'd spoil it," she finally says, smiling a bit. "What do you think happened?"
Cuno can't help the huge smile that spreads across his face at hearing that - she was going to keep writing.
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amethystsoda · 2 years
the dream eaters in kh make me think of you but esp these ones
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ttuesday · 2 years
heyy can you do some headcanons of how the fellers would react to you being in a rival gang but the chemistry between you both is hot af
It’s been a while but I’m back with headcanons! <3
Arthur is hesitant to speak to you, knowing you can’t be trusted. For a while, he prefers to avoid any communication with you and just keeps his head down whenever you’re near. But when Arthur finally talks to you, his biggest worry becomes a reality; you’re really likeable. 
You’re not what he was expecting, much friendlier and good humoured than he imagined anyone from a rival gang. Nonetheless, when Arthur starts to relax around you, he reminds himself that you’re technically an enemy and he puts his walls up again. 
Flirting always makes him somewhat flustered but Arthur really feels the chemistry between you both when you’re having an intimate conversation, opening up about how y’all ended up as outlaws. After having a few heart to hearts, Arthur believes you’re a true friend and always tries to make time for you.
Charles is cagey around most people but that doesn’t mean he thinks you’re just another enemy of the Van der Linde gang. As someone who’s faced a lot of prejudice, Charles likes to give people a chance and doesn’t judge you based on your gang affiliations.
Whenever Charles sees you hanging around the same area as the gang, he knows things are going to get interesting (for better or for worse) and he usually likes to give you a heads up if there are any not as friendly Van der Linde gang members lurking around. 
He likes you and wants to give you the benefit of the doubt. Charles thinks you’re a good person in a bad situation, similar to other people in the gang but don’t expect him to be soft on you if y’all are on opposing sides during a job. 
Dutch doesn’t give you the time of day at first, wanting to keep his distance from any rival gangs. If he does speak to you, it’s to sneakily feed you fake information so you’ll misinform your gang of any upcoming jobs... yeah, he’ll do almost anything to give his gang the upper hand.
But he does find you quite entertaining, especially when you get annoyed at him. Dutch is a slow burn though, taking a few months to feel as if he can somewhat trust you and discuss some potential jobs you could both team up to do. When y’all get together and go on robberies, things get chaotic and Dutch lives for it.
There’s mutual respect between you both but Dutch loves to tease you so expect lots of ribbing whenever y’all bump into each other. He’s the kinda guy that would openly say he dislikes you even though everyone in both gangs knows Dutch would be there for you if you ever needed help.
Initially, Micah is very apprehensive of you, trying his best to taunt and intimidate you. Anytime Micah meets someone from another gang, he gets defensive, practically waiting for a reason to shoot. But when your chemistry together becomes obvious, Micah supposes he could be a little more welcoming to you.
Micah absolutely loves to flirt with you but don’t be fooled, he’ll also stab you in the back without a second thought. He likes his strange friendship with you, how you can both chat over a couple of whiskeys but also have a shootout in matter of minutes. It’s basically the definition of a love/hate relationship.
He’s willing to do a lot more than flirt with you *wink wink* but if y’all get a hotel room, there’s a 100% guarantee that Micah will steal your weapons when he’s leaving the next morning just to annoy you. Oh and he will bring it up every opportunity he gets.
John tries to act cool and keep to himself whenever he knows other gangs are in the area but the second y’all start talking, he involuntarily lets his guard down, especially when you both get into some flirty back and forth. 
John knows he should be extra cautious around you just in case this is some kind of ploy but the second you make him laugh, John’s practically head over heels. Every fibre in his body is telling him not to trust you but he still feels like you both have enough in common to have some kind of alliance.
John tries his best to keep things professional, knowing you can never be more than friendly acquaintances while in rival gangs. Though be warned, he may mention it once or twice that you’d be a great addition to the Van der Linde gang hint hint
Javier is extremely loyal to the gang so he wants nothing to do with you as long as you’re a member of another gang. The way Javier sees it, why on earth would he want to fraternise with other gangs? Especially one that directly rivals them.
It takes a while for Javier’s walls to come down. Even in speaking to you, he worries Dutch might see it as some kind of betrayal. Although he won’t admit it to himself, Javier can feel his chest tighten whenever you’re near, a sense of excitement in the air.
Javier’s never felt so torn before, adoring the spark you both share but knowing the gang would never approve of him talking to you. In all honesty, he has no idea how he’s going to handle this.
He’s welcoming at first, loving the attention you’re giving him but the very millisecond Bill discovers you’re apart of a rival gang, his mood shifts, becoming more cold towards you as he leaves. He doesn’t want anything to do with you after realising who you are, knowing Dutch will give him shit for even speaking to you in the first place. 
Deep down, Bill can’t stop thinking about you or how you make him feel but he knows he has to convince himself otherwise. But goddamn, the hold you have on this man is incredible. Whenever you speak to him, he gets so flustered, shushing you in case anyone sees y’all talking.
Bill would have to go through each stage of enemies to lovers before ever trusting you fully. He can’t believe the effect you have on him, mainly because he still tries his best to deny it. 
When Sean first met you, he thought you were too good to be true. You matched his energy, understood his humour and you could joke around with him for hours. But then he found out, his heart sinking as he realised what gang you were in. 
Sean really tries to push any feelings he has for you deep, deep down. His loyalties are to the gang and he knows he would get into trouble if they saw him mingling with the likes of you. If he still sees you around, Sean usually teases you about your terrible choice to join the rival gang and not the Van Der Linde gang.
When he’s with you, Sean needs to constantly remind himself that you’re practically the enemy and that y’all can’t be friends (or anything more). It’s a frustrating situation but what annoys Sean even more is that he knows he’ll be there for you in a heartbeat if you ever need him.
Hosea doesn’t judge you based on your affiliations with a rival gang, he judges you based on your individual character. No matter who Hosea meets, he’ll always be cautious at first but he can let down some of his walls the more he interacts with you and figures out what kind of person you are.  
But Hosea knows his first priority is the gang. Of course if you’re ever in some extremely dangerous situation then Hosea will try to help but he’ll always have some doubts while you’re in a rival gang.
If you ever fall out with your gang or need somewhere to stay then Hosea will vouch for you, proposing that you stay with the gang in the meantime. He knows you have a good heart and that’s enough to make him believe in you.
While Trelawny always makes sure to be attentive around outlaws he isn’t familiar with, he isn’t mean to you. He understands that life is tough so he doesn’t hold the fact that your gang has stolen a few jobs from them against you.
Trelawny absolutely LIVES for some flirtatious banter and how you both have this ‘will they, won’t they’ energy together. The second he knows you’re in town, he starts planning a job for you to do together. 
Josiah has the mentality that even though you’re both in rival gangs, surely it doesn’t hurt to do a few small cons and robberies together as long as the profits are split evenly. He knows if Dutch ever hears about it then he might implode but Trelawny can't help his desire to be around you.
Kieran knows you could kill him about ten different ways all in under a minute. And while yes, you definitely scare him, he’s confusingly turned on by how intimidated he is of you too. It’s a lot of contradicting emotions and Kieran really doesn’t know how to react.
He knows he shouldn’t trust you or even talk to you, scared that if the gang sees him talking to you then they might think Kieran’s betraying them. But even though he tries to get you out of his mind, he can’t stop thinking of you. There’s just something about you that he can’t quite put his finger on but you fascinate him endlessly.
Kieran keeps his distance, not wanting to risk the gang’s trust but if you even get into trouble or if you’re in danger then Kieran will throw caution to the wind and do everything in his power to help you.
Lenny knows that even though you’re in a rival gang, that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re an enemy to the gang. Lenny’s been in some tough situations in life so he’s fully aware that you mightn’t agree with your gang's actions or maybe you don’t even want to be in a gang but you have to in order to survive. 
When he first saw you, Lenny was very intimidated but felt hot under the collar too. He has to remind himself to be cautious around you, knowing Dutch will go on a long speech if Lenny lets his guard down and you steal some upcoming job from them or take some supplies.
But Lenny gives you a chance and he has to admit, it’s hard to keep his guard up around you, especially since you both have great banter together. Anytime he bumps into you, y’all usually spend some time laughing and friendly teasing each other before parting ways again. Yeah, the gang love to tease Lenny about how obviously he has the hots for you.
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tiredtief · 2 years
🎮 for Micah!
🎮 If your OC lives or would live in the modern world, would they like video games? What would be their favorite game?
I think Micah gives off that autistic swag of someone who would spend insane hours in games like Sims building the most intricate shit you've ever seen lmfao
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titlishu · 2 years
i dont think any person on here period (EVEN LESS any person on anon) has a right to tell you how to live your life or how to have your relationships . youre good ishu . youre *good* . you have done nothing wrong by living your life the way you want to , and no one on the internet has a right to call you a monster for just making the choices you want to .
- micah
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