drinksss · 1 month
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millipede and acarid sharing a pizza
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skydarcyedwards · 3 months
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Experiencing the Vast
...or looking for bugs (same).
Sky Edwards
Jumping spider in Albany.
Canon 60D
Canon EF 100mm macro
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beausbugbiome · 2 years
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New Etsy listing! Cicada pendants available as either necklace or earrings!! 🖤
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jupiterswasphouse · 2 years
It's sad that bugs have such short lifespans, but at the same time, it's one of the most interesting things about them when you really think about it-
You get to see generation upon generation of these tiny animals live their lives- and if you wanted to study their lifecycles then you could very easily observe a few cycles in a fairly short amount of time, relatively- Technically speaking you could potentially even come across a bug that is a few dozen generations down the line from a bug you've seen before!-
That is A LOT to be able to see in an animal!
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bassia-bassensis · 9 months
I need to learn carpentry, embroidery, pottery, architectural history, topology, botany, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, sewing, book binding, origami, painting fabric, art history, literature, marine biology, Arthropodology-
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beelzebby666 · 1 year
Tagged by @korblez uwu
1. Are you named after anyone?
Nope, legal name, nickname, or chosen name. Unless you count how I had an oc with my chosen name before I started using it but it's mainly just that I really love the name lol.
2. When was the last time you cried?
I honestly do not remember but I do cry pretty frequently so it hasn't been long lmao.
3. Do you have kids?
Nope, just pets thanks.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Just a little bit. 🤏
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Voice. I'm terrible at remembering names and faces but I tend to remember voices.
6. What’s your eye color?
Hazel/amber. Something like that.
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
If the scary movie doesn't have a happy ending or the happy ending doesn't have a stressful journey they're not worth it.
8. Any special talents?
I can bullshit my way through any essay you give me.
9. Where were you born?
Florida, near Jacksonville.
10. What are your hobbies?
Writing, botany, arthropodology, various arts and crafts, cool rocks (yes that's a hobby), gaming, and reading.
11. Have you any pets?
I have two cats, Dorian and Cryptid, and two rabbits (tho one currently does not live with me due to various reasons), Al and Lucy. ❤️
12. What sports do you play/have played?
Nope......... I barely understand watching most of them tbh.
13. How tall are you?
5 foot even on a good day.
14. Favorite subject in school?
Uuuh probably like history or literature.
15. Dream job?
I just want to do taxidermy and own a mortuary. Yes it's a weird combo, yes I'm okay with that. On that note, let's think bigger. I want to be a deity of death. Like mythological.
Copy/Paste for mobile users: 1. Are you named after anyone? 2. When was the last time you cried? 3. Do you have kids? 4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? 5. What’s the first thing you notice about people? 6. What’s your eye color? 7. Scary movies or happy endings? 8. Any special talents? 9. Where were you born? 10. What are your hobbies? 11. Have you any pets? 12. What sports do you play/have played? 12. What sports do you play/have played? 13. How tall are you? 14. Favorite subject in school? 15. Dream job?
Tagging whoever wants to do it because I'm lazy lmao. ❤️
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specgram · 2 years
The International Entomological Linguistics Society has issued a call for papers in Arthropodological linguistics: http://bit.ly/dpbv4s
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clockworkwillow · 4 years
Juno died :( she lasted a long time though... and ate many bugs. She was a fun little girl ill miss her...
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drinksss · 2 months
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dust mites might date
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skydarcyedwards · 4 months
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Myrmecia sp. Always fun to photograph. The first image is a very small image stack.
Sky Edwards
Canon R7
Canon EF 100mm macro
Probably with my Raynox 250 diopter?
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beausbugbiome · 1 year
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Millipedes arrived today! Orthoporus ornatus— Golden desert millipedes. 🐛💕
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jupiterswasphouse · 1 year
I feel like we oftentimes forget just how amazing the creatures around us truly are- Like
This can apply to anything really: mammals, reptiles, birds, fish, etc.- Both wild and domesticated- But, as one would expect for a bug blog, I'm gonna focus on bugs here for the moment (as in, the general term 'bugs' for small arthropods), as well as arthropods in general-
I mean, think about it, we have little armored creatures going about their lives all around us, with specific individual ways they've learned to survive, playing a part in a whole system of existence where one creature's way of living can benefit the lives of not just themselves but others that are much bigger than it, changing the ecosystem over the course of years and years-
and even still, they themselves are ALSO their own individual system of smaller moving parts, with limbs to move with and eyes to see and brains to process information- Even adding on features in some that may not appear in others such as silk spinning in moths and spiders, and stridulation in orthopterans and cicadas (and various others), and the ability to build homes, and specialized venoms, and flight which is pretty much exclusive in arthropods to insects- To put it into perspective, our own bodies are astounding systems of nature, you are an amazing thing, but imagine a system like that at the size of, say, a fly, it may be very simplified at that size, the system has to have some aspects and features taken away, but the fact that it has come into existence at such a comparatively small size at all is absolutely fascinating- And the scale between arthropods can be equally as wild itself, because you have the coconut crabs that make trash cans look like soda cans in comparison, all the way down to species like Stygotantulus stocki and Dicopomorpha echmepterygi which can hang out down below even single-celled paramecia-
Even wilder still is that these little things can and do exist in the hundreds of millions and beyond, reaching the hundred thousands in individual local generations! They're so complex when you get down to it and yet there's so damn many of them!
There are an estimated 1 - 10 million individual species of arthropod
That's kind of wild, don't you think?
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slavetomyheadcanon · 7 years
Arthropodology side of Tumblr!
My 4-year-old daughter is absolutely fascinated with bugs of all kinds. She rescues spiders out of the house by hand and has requested a giant African millipede for a pet. How do I encourage her interests aside from getting lots of insect books from the library?
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An Overview of Entomology
What is Entomology? Entomology is a branch of zoology focusing on insects. This is a subfield of Arthropodology, which is the study of arthropods.
Where does the term Entomology come from? The name comes from the Ancient Greek word ἔντομον (entomon), meaning “insect”. It’s sometimes confused with Etymology, the study of the history of words.
What are the subfields of Entomology?
Coleopterology: The study of beetles in the order Coleoptera.
Dipterology: The study of true flies in the order Diptera.
Hemipterology: The study of true bugs.
Isopterology: The study of termites.
Lepidopterology: The study of moths and the three superfamilies of butterflies.
Melittology: The study of bees. Also known as apicology.
Myrmecology: The study of ants.
Odonatology: The study of flying insects in the order Odonata.
Orthopterology: The study of the order Orthoptera, which includes crickets, locusts, grasshoppers, and other insects.
Trichopterology: The study of caddis flies.
Vespology: The study of the family Vespidae, a large, diverse family of wasps.
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wickedsingularity · 6 years
Who kills/takes out the spiders? [Drabble]
Who Masterlist
Fandom: Star Trek Pairings/characters: Jim Kirk x female, Spock, Hikaru Sulu, OC (Lieutenant Tanager) Words: 640 Warnings: Arachnophobia, spiders, slight panic attack
Thanks to @iguess-theyre-mymess for helping me with an idea for this one! Otherwise it would have been scrapped.
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"Captain, there have been an incident in the arthropodology lab." Spock had just entered the bridge, and stood as calm as a statue with his hands behind his back and gazing at the view screen, quite the opposite of the storm of emotions that passed across Captain Kirk's face at the mention of the arthropodology lab.
"What do you mean incident?" Jim asked.
"One of the spider habitats have broken and the spiders are on the lose."
This caught the attention of a few of the other bridge officers.
"How could a habitat break?"
"It appears that the poison in the species with poisonous legs melts glass." Spock was still as calm and unaffected as if he was giving a weather report. "Lieutenant Tanager is currently rounding up the escaped spiders."
Jim was quiet for a long moment. Until he stood up, turned around, grabbed onto the back of the chair for support and looked at Spock. "Okay, Commander Spock. Let's see how much damage has been done."
"I need a shower," Jim muttered the moment he was out the door. He whipped out his comm and called for the bridge. "Mr Sulu, will you please take the conn? There is something I need to take care of."
"Of course, Captain."
Jim flipped the lid shut and marched as quickly as he could without seeming panicked to his quarters, praying that no one would stop him on his way. He could practically feel ten million creatures crawling all over his skin.
Just as he came into the hallway where his quarters were, he saw that enthusiastic ensign that always cornered him to ask a bunch of questions at the other end of the hall. He sped up and just as the ensign was about to say hi, Jim hurriedly entered the code, waved at the ensign and slipped inside, exhaling in relief.
"Hello, Captain!" I looked up from my PADD. "You looked stressed. What's up?"
"Arthropodology accident." Jim began clawing at his gold shirt, trying to get it off, his breaths going shallow and fast.
"Jim, calm down, please," I said and hurried up off the couch. I grabbed his wrists and held them still. "Jim, look at me." When he didn't respond, I squeezed his wrists. "Look at me."
He finally did.
"Breathe. Like this." I took a deep breath through my nose, and let it out through my mouth. "You're okay. Let me take your uniform off."
He nodded, eyes wide. Calmly, I reached down to unzip his pants so I could pull the black undershirt free. Then I grabbed the bottom of that and the gold uniform shirt and pulled.
"Arms up, Jim." He obeyed immediately, and I pulled the garment up. Then I knelt down and untied his boots, and now he lifted each foot on his own, letting me pull off his boots and socks. Then, to distract him a little, because in the corner of my eye I saw a spider crawling on the uniform shirt, I looked up at him through my lashes. So slowly, I reached for the hem of his pants, and pulled down. Then, his underwear, licking my lips while I did. I stood up. "Go take a shower, baby, and I'll get these clothes to laundry. Okay?"
I watched him disappear into the bathroom, and when I heard the water turn on, I quickly moved to find a glass and a plate. The spider was still crawling over his shirt, and I picked it up and shook it so the tiny black monster would fall to the floor. I crouched down and aimed with the glass, then put it on top of the creature. "Gotcha!" I slid the plate under the glass. "I think Lieutenant Tanager is looking for you, little buddy. Let's get you back to her."
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Permanent tags: @imamotherfuckingstar-lord @geeksareunique @iguess-theyre-mymess @neeadinghugs @earinafae @mattmurdocksgirl @joulien @imaginesofdreams
Star Trek tags: @dirajunara @feelmyroarrrr @somethingwitty-somethingsweet
Who tags: @diamondtveit @steve-virgin-rogers
TAG LISTS ARE OPEN! Just let me know!
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falinscloaca · 7 years
33. something you want to learnHm. I’m close, but getting a proper intuitive understanding (to the point of immediate recognizability of individual species) of arthropod taxonomy/behavior/etc is probably the Biggest for me. 
35. favourite subjectArthropodology/entomology are probably the Biggest, i also dig a lot of the wackier strains of philosophy and metaphysics (especially as they relate to fiction)
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill?A) full transition
B) my own webcomic, along with other projects, with a small but energized fanbase
C) independent financial stability
52. something i’m talented at
weird to say but, like, picking up skills? im crap at most stuff but it never takes me very long to go from “craptastic” to “skilled enough to achieve my goals” in most pursuits. also i have a decent sense for certain, ill-defined artistic modes (currently entitled “usually either weirdly inorganic or fleshy lumpy things i think”)
57. favourite animal(s)
A) Mantis Shrimps. i love everything about the little fellers, its rlly cute how some species are monogamous
B) Wasps. I just kinda like them, especially yellow jackets (who i had an affinity for since I was a kid)
D)ok this is a bit broad but crustacean larvae/zoea are the most adorable things in the universe
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