#artie leclerc
vinnieswife · 2 years
Your firsts - Al
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Arthur Leclerc x reader
words: 631
warnings: none :)
author’s note: I’m developing a soft spot for arthur, he’s so cute omg
summary: small headcannons about your first (time meeting each other, date, kiss and “i love you”) where arthur is a sweetheart
First time meeting each other
you were in a small bakery in the streets of monaco, you were buying pastries for your sister's birthday breakfast
when you turned you accidentally collided with Arthur causing his sunglasses to fall to the ground
“i’m so sorry, i didn’t see you” you nervously chuckled, quickly bending down to grab his sunglasses
He crouched down at the same time and his hand put on yours to get the glasses
he laughed and snatched his hand away from yours, mumbling a little “oh”
both of you get up from the floor giggling at the situation, the owner of the shop suddenly told both of you to go because “we were raising attendance”
you and arthur exit the store laughing at the angry man, “that man woke up and chose violence” you let out a giggle at his remark
after a few minutes he asked “it’s to early to get your number? i would love to know you more”
and from then on, the both of you started to talk every day and developed a close bond
First date
arthur took you to a cafe close to the beach in order to watch the sunset later (this romantic mf)
i think that he would order some lemonade, bc it’s summer and maybe fruit, like a picnic but in a table yk
he would be so sweet asking about your job,family you’ll win some bonus points if you show him pics of your pet
you have to contain yourself to not stare at him with a dumbfounded look
he explains all about the f3 and how he would love to see you cheering for him
if you say that you are going to be in the Quali of his next race his heart will melt
when the sunset comes he smoothly pulls you closer to him, putting his arm around your shoulders
at the same time you rested your head you arthur’s shoulder looking at the beautiful sight while arthur’s eyes where on you
“it’s a gorgeous sight, don’t you think?” you quietly mumbled, “yeah it definitely is” he said with his eyes still focused on you
when you looked at him, your eyes connected for a few seconds, and a light red started appear on your cheeks
he takes you to your apartment, he’s a gentleman what did you expect?
“i had a great time with you Artie”
he smiled at the new nickname, he won’t tell you but he secretly loves it
Firs kiss
you had been together for just over a few weeks and you hadn't kissed each other on the lips yet
he invited you over to his apartment because he wanted to play f1 clash with you
you were positioned in between his legs as you rested your head against his chest, while he leaned back into cushions of his couch
you were both having so much fun and the room was filled with constant laughter and giggles
after a few rounds, you won against him as he groaned in frustration, "this game is rigged, for sure"
“and you are the pilot here?” you giggled at his denial before putting the controller down and turning around to face him, your faces suddenly inches away from each other
in that split second, Arthur wondered what it would feel like to have his lips against yours
your heart started to thump against your chest
"may i kiss you?" he whispers “i’m going to kill you if you don’t” you felt fireworks as his lips landed against yours
kissing you softly and slowly the both of you smiled into the kiss and his hands comfortably held your waist, yours placed along his jawline and neck
when you pulled away, you just smiled and stared into his eyes a little red adorning your cheeks
“if losing means this im not even going to touch the controller” you laughed slapping his chest softly
First “i love you”
you and arthur were on a train back from another date, and you planned to go back to your apartment to watch a movie and spend the night
you smiled to yourself as he held your hand and stroked his thumb across your skin
you glanced over at him while he scrolled through his phone, his hair falling just past his eyes
you started thinking on everything you two had done together, making you realize the fact that you actually loved him, a lot
your heart started to rapdly beat against your chest as you said, "artie?”
"mhm?" he turned to face you after turning off his phone, it was really now or never; you need to say this to him
"i love you," you almost whispered and his eyes softened
smiling, he leaned it to give you a soft kiss on the lips whispering, "i love you too, mon cherí."
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holdstf · 2 years
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pierregazly · 2 months
every lifetime with you ꨄ oscar piastri
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oscar piastri x leclerc!f!reader
part 2 to but mama, i love him
warnings: charles is kind of ignorant (in a jerk big brother way), oscar is so disgustingly in love (aka tooth-rotting) [wc: 2.1k]
the one where oscar finally faces family dinner with the leclerc's... and it goes exactly how everyone expected. (oscar just really loves his girlfriend, and really doesn't care what her brother's say about it).
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Sunday night dinners, when everyone was able to attend, were a staple in the Leclerc family home. Even as a young girl, one thing you always remembered was Pascale ensuring everyone promised to be home in time for dinner on Sunday. And of course, no one wanted to disappoint Maman.  
Things had, of course, changed as Charles’ and Arthur’s involvement in motorsports grew, as Lorenzo became more involved in his own line of work. But you always put the effort in to make your way back to your childhood home, even if it was just Maman and yourself.  
When Oscar slowly started integrating himself into your life, Pascale was the first person to find out; interrogating you over Sunday night dinner, learning everything she could about the young Australian who had taken over her only daughter’s heart. She always encouraged you to invite him to Sunday dinner, insisting that the boys would be on their best behaviour, and there would be no blood or tears shed - from anyone.  
Which was exactly how you found yourself here, Oscar staring out at your childhood home, his hands steady with a tight grip on the steering wheel in front of him.  
“Maman would not be too happy if you brought the steering wheel in with you. She doesn’t enjoy car talk on Sunday’s, mon amour,” you said, tapping one of his tense hands with a finger.  
Unlacing his fingers from around the wheel, Oscar turned towards you with a timid smile.  
“You see Charles weekly; you practically grew up alongside Artie. It’ll be fine, Osc.” 
Shaking his head immediately, “I’m not concerned about your brothers. They don’t scare me.” 
Quirking an eyebrow at him, your only response was a shrug of your shoulders as you pulled yourself up and out of the car. Following your lead, the two of you walked up the driveway, passing your brother’s cars in the process. Pushing open the front door, you were instantly greeted by the variety of smells that could usually be contributed to Sunday dinner, the aroma invading your nostrils and prompting a smile to pull across your lips.  
Pascale Leclerc’s face greeted you the moment you turned the corner into the foyer, a happy grin across her lit up cheeks. 
“Oh, mon bébé! Regarde comme tu es belle,” she said, wrapping her arms around you tightly. (Oh, my baby! Look at how beautiful you are.) 
Eagerly wrapping your own arms around her, you inhaled her comforting scent, happy to be home and in the arms of the most important person in your life since birth.  
Turning towards Oscar, the large smile on Pascale’s face did not waver. “Oscar, hello! It is so lovely to finally meet you.” 
The moment of hesitation on Oscar’s part meant Pascale had already wrapped her arms around him before he could even blink, pressing a kiss to each cheek and then pulling back with a smile.  
“Lovely to meet you as well, Mrs. Leclerc. Thank you for inviting me to dinner,” Oscar said.  
Pascale waved him off, loud voices filtering into the foyer as the three Leclerc boys made their presence known. 
“Regarde ce que le chat traînait,” Arthur said, his eyes pinning onto Oscar’s frame. (Look what the cat dragged in). 
“Non, we will not be speaking French tonight. You know the rules. Do not be rude, Arthur,” Pascale admonished, sending a glare to her youngest son.  
“What do the English say? Execution by fire? Best way for Oscar to learn, non?” Charles said, looking towards his brothers for confirmation. 
Snorting at his words, “No, you idiot. It’s baptism by fire. Don’t be a jerk, Cha.”  
His eyes swiveled over to meet yours, a mock glare present on his face. “Oh, I’m so sorry. My apologies, perhaps if I’d be able to speak French, I’d be able to use the actual sayings.”  
Pascale’s glare whipped towards her middle son, her hand gently tapping on Oscar’s shoulder as she directed him towards the dining room.  
“Charles Marc Hervé, I’d encourage you to watch your tone. Your ignorance is not appreciated, I’m sure your sister has already begun teaching Oscar French, you of all people should know it is not easy to learn a new language as a young man. Do not be rude.”  
Almost immediately, the scolding evidently struck a chord in Charles, his cheeks brightening as he mumbled out an apology.  
“Certaines choses ne changent jamais, hm, Charles?” you whispered in his direction, sticking your tongue out at him. (Some things never change, hm, Charles?) 
“Ma petite fleur, don’t antagonize your brother.” Sticking his tongue back out at you in response, Charles skirted away as you moved your hand to smack his shoulder. 
The table had been set like all previous Sundays before that, the only difference being the extra setup beside you, cutlery and plates laid out for the Australian’s benefit.  
“Is there anything I can help with, Mrs. Leclerc?” Oscar said, ignoring Arthur as he silently imitated him, a grin falling onto your brother’s cheeks as he plopped down in his unofficial seat. 
“Just Pascale, s’il vous plaît. And non, Alexandra and Charlotte kindly helped with everything already. You are too kind to offer, Oscar,” she responded, a large smile overtaking her lips.  
“You are too kind to offer, Oscar.” 
“Don’t be rude, Artie. Maman can still take you out of this world, right, Maman?”  
Nodding her head in agreement, Pascale whacked the man in question over the head with a tea towel. Placing the final dish of food on the table, the matriarch of the Leclerc family gestured for everyone to sit, all remaining members of the room taking their seats.  
The usual pre-dinner rituals were conducted, Oscar politely engaging in all of them to the best of his ability.  
As the chatter began to pick up around the table, you could feel your anxiety spike every time your eyes wandered over to one of your brothers. For the fact two of them had driven alongside your brother more than once, all three eyed him up every opportunity they could. 
“So, shall we discuss the elephant in the room?” 
“Is it the toxic smell of your cologne, Cha? I’ve been wanting to talk about it for years,” you quipped.  
Lorenzo stifled a snort at your words, shoving a spoonful of food into his mouth as he eyed the both of you.  
“Shut up, you know what I mean. Oscar, what are your intentions? Is this some secret McLaren sabotage thing?”  
You couldn’t tell if Charles was serious, your eyes widening as you scrambled for what to say in response. 
“Not everything’s about racing, mate. I could care less about McLaren or Ferrari or whatever, when I’m with your sister. There’s more to life, evidently,” shrugging at his own words, Oscar continued to shovel food into his mouth. 
You could barely contain the internal swooning at his words, your hand gently squeezing Oscar’s thigh as you smiled at him in response. Lightly squeezing your hand back, both of you looked up at the sound of a groan from across the table.  
“This is going to make me throw up, truly. Maman, please let me speak French to articulate how disgusted I am at this,” Arthur mockingly gagged, his eyes pleading for his mother to accept his request. 
Pascale ignored her youngest son’s dramatics, turning her head in Oscar’s direction instead. 
“Oscar, dear… I’ve heard the story of how you and my daughter began dating from her view, I must hear it from yours as well. It’s such a lovely story,” Pascale practically cooed, prompting instant eye rolls from all her children sitting around the table. 
“Yes, Oscar. Tell us all how you corrupted our sister. Please.” 
The urge to hit both Arthur and Charles grew with every little quip and comment they felt necessary to make. Before you even had the opportunity to retaliate, you saw Charles wince, his head swiveling towards his girlfriend in dismay.  
“Enough, mon amour. Tonight is not about you,” she said, a smile being directed towards you after the fact.  
The Australian beside you cleared his throat before he began, gently squeezing your knee in the process.  
“I’m sure she tells it far better than I do, but I can give it a whirl. Racing with Arthur for so long, I think we knew of each other but didn’t really… know each other? Obviously, we had run into each other at different racing events throughout the years and exchanged polite small talk, but it wasn’t really until the Monaco Grand Prix last year where we really had the opportunity to get to know each other.” 
Oscar was quick to shovel more food into his mouth before continuing his story. 
“I was trying to avoid all the interviewers and Sky Sports presenters on the Grid and ended up running right into her. All I knew is one second, I was running, next second I had barreled someone over and was holding their head from smacking against the concrete,” you could hear Alex and Charlotte cooing out soft ‘aw’s’ from their side of the table at his words. 
“Thank those quick driver reflexes, hm?” Arthur joked. Multiple heads around the table nodded in response. 
“I guess it sort of went from there. She, of course, had to give me a hard time for trying to ‘kill her’ as she so kindly says all the time. I offered to make it up to her... we ended up going for dinner after the race, and I suppose the rest is history. Thank God for Monaco, of course.” 
“Oh, so you’re the reason my sister didn’t attend family dinner after I got knocked down for supposedly impeding your teammate?” Charles quipped. 
Huffing towards your brother, before you even got the chance to snap at him, you were cut off. 
“Charles, shut up. We didn’t have family dinner after Monaco, you were miserable and I’m pretty sure you said some very nasty things to our family group chat which almost had Maman in tears. We didn’t have family dinner for weeks after that, so shut up, and let Oscar finish his story. Merde,” Lorenzo said, shooting a glare towards his youngest brother. 
Oscar looked towards you, silently questioning whether he should continue or not. Squeezing his knee in confirmation again, the Australian continued. 
“She ended up coming to visit me during summer break, and things became official from there. It’s been the best seven months of my life, I couldn’t imagine my life without that day in Monaco, now,” he looked towards you as he finished his story, a soft smile on his lips as you looked back at him adoringly. 
“I’d let you run me over in every lifetime, mon amour.” 
The two of you were caught in your own little world, your eyes locked on one another’s, small smiles gracing both of your lips. Missing the small look between your mother and brothers, Charles begrudgingly accepting defeat, Arthur eager to find some way to make a joke at the expense of both of you, Lorenzo simply content to see his baby sister happy.  
Maman, though... the sheer delight was evident in her eyes, a small sheen covering them and her lash line as she watched the two of you silently interact.  
The night continued, the honeymoon phase between you and Oscar so obvious, so prominent. He took advantage of any chance he could get to press a kiss to your head, to your head, to your cheeks, and especially to your lips. All respectfully, of course, but he couldn’t take his eyes or hands off you.  
Charles took his chance to corner the younger driver, threatening a world of hurt and sabotage if anything were to ever happen to you, physically or emotionally. Oscar’s nonchalant response of “Yes, alright mate. Whatever you say, of course,” further antagonized your brother.  
It was Maman’s acceptance that Oscar was most concerned about though, eagerly asking you once the two of you were back in his car, whether you thought she liked him. You were positive the answer was a resounding yes, especially after watching Pascale squeeze him tightly in a hug, pressing a kiss to each cheek again – and then proceeding to whisper in your ear how happy she was that you had found a man who loved you so incredibly much.  
Later that night, when both of you were curled up in bed, your legs intertwined, and your head pressed against his chest, his heart beating below your ear... you knew. There was no place you would rather be. No person you would rather be in love with or loved by. 
“In every lifetime, Osc, I want to be the person you’re in love with. Promise me that I will be?” 
“I already promised you every lifetime, mon amour. I will choose you, always.” 
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sorry but oscar is absolutely the one guy on the grid who loves his girlfriend so much and would probably actually die for her... so he's a total simp and would take on all three of the leclerc brother's for lerclerc!reader.
anyways i hope you guys loved this, as much as i loved writing it 🫶🏻
as always, my requests are currently closed but if you have any recommendations for things you'd like for me to write... i'm happy to take them on. please feel free to interact with me whenever you want also!!
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only-luce-the-goose · 25 days
The Prank
A/N: my first formula fic!! My requests are open if you have someone you want me to write for!
Arthur Leclerc x Norris Reader
Trope: Dumbasses (best friends to lovers)
Warnings: Swearing, kissing, nothing else really
This is based of something I was on Twitter (I refuse to call it X): person a says “I came up with a good prank”. Person b asks what it is, a says “we should kiss”. B says “I don’t get it”, a says “imagine them walking in to see us kissing and just being like “WHAAAAAT??” B says “oh, that’s hilarious. We totally should”
Synopsis: You and Arthur have been best friends since he saved you from a bully when you were kids. You grew up in the Leclerc household, so they knew you very well. You followed Arthur around the world for his racing career. You guys had been given the nickname "Terrible Two's" for all the pranks you pulled around the paddock. Sometimes you pulled them on each other, sometimes you teamed up and pulled pranks together but there was one prank that really topped off the rest of your pranks.
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"Y/N!!!" Arthur shouted from the shower in your shared bedroom. He walked out as you hit record on your phone, filming as he appeared. He had his towel wrapped dangerously low around his waist, his hair was dyed a deep red with remnants of the dye dripping down his chest. "Seriously?" he scolded "I have to go to the Ferrari pit tomorrow and my hair is bright red!" You could see the fury in his eyes as you laughed. "Yeahhhh, you're gonna be matching the cars". He crossed his arms over his muscly chest and scowled "Stop filming me, idiot" you rolled your eyes and chucked "Whatever, moron" you said as you stopped recording. You posted it to your story, with the caption "Ready for @ scuderiaferrari tomorrow!" and tagged him in it.
You heard Arthur's phone buzz from the vanity in the bathroom as he headed back in to dry off. You stood up to pack up a bit from your day, getting as ready as you can for tomorrow. This time he came out in a pair of checkered sleep pants, saw you stand up in front of your suitcase and lunged at you, tackling you into the bed. You shrieked as he started assaulting (tickling) you. "St-st-op Art- arty" giggled out. "You turned me red, then posted it for the whole fucking world to see. You deserve this" After successfully kicking him onto the floor, you noticed your phone vibrating in your pocket.
You swiped accept on the call as you answered "Ah, my favourite Leclerc brother. What can I do for you Charlie?" You heard Arthur shout and "Oi" from the floor, making Charles laugh. "I just needed to see Arthur's hair" he grinned. You flipped the camera around and showed a Shirtless, red-haired Arthur lying on his back on the ground. Charles burst out laughing "good to see the support, brother" he got out in between laughter. "I'll leave you to whatever you're doing, y/n. Thank you so much for Arthur's hair" he chuckled as you said goodbye and he hung up. You leaned over the side of the bed, making eye contact with the boy on the floor "wanna get Charles tomorrow?" you asked him. "The day I say no is the day the world ends" he replies. You laughed as you rolled under your covers, Arthur standing up and getting into the bed next to yours, agreeing to come up with the prank tomorrow.
I was lying awake in bed, I couldn’t sleep. All I could think about was how Arthur came out of the shower earlier, his glorious torso on display, towel so low you could see his v-line. All I wanted to do was go over and kiss him silly, he’s so hot when he’s cranky. My crush on his has lasted years and he has no idea. I couldn’t ever tell him, it would ruin our friendship and I don’t ever want to lose him. If we’re friends forever then so be it. I put my earbuds in and put on a good playlist, drifting off to my favourite song.
I woke up the next morning with a crushing weight on my chest and hair tickling my nose. It wasn’t until I felt the fingers tickling my ribs thats I started wriggling around, trying to get the giant on my body. “Arty what the fuck” I grumbled “I was having a really good sleep you prick”. He chuckled and rolled off me, lying next to me a pulling me body into his. I looked up, nearly bumping his nose with mine. I was really hoping he couldn’t feel how fast my heart was beating. “We have a prank to plan”
After you finished getting ready, you hopping in the car with Arthur and headed towards the paddock, brainstorming pranks in the car. “I came up with a brilliant one” Arthur tells you. “Ooo what is it?” My curiosity peaked. We haven’t been able to think of any good ones for Charles all morning. “We should kiss” he said nonchalantly. If I had a drink I would have choked on it, instead I stuck to internally freaking out while my heart started beating out of my chest. “Umm what? I don’t get it. How is that a good prank?” I stutter.
Arthur laughs “just think about it. He walks into his drivers room to find his younger brother and childhood best friend making out, our hands all over each other. You could sit on my lap and we could really go to town, Charles would walk in and freak out. He might even faint!” It hurt a little to think that Arthur only wanted to kiss me for a pranks, but there ain’t no way I’m passing up and opportunity to kiss my crush, even if it isn’t supposed to mean anything.
“Ohhh I get it, that’s would be fucking hilarious. We just have to time it really well and make sure no one sees us go in there” I add on. Arthur agrees “that’s it then, the perfect prank” I chuckle at his declaration. We pull up the paddock, scan our passes and make our way in, making small talk with people but never straying too far from each other.
We saw Charles doing some media before he needed to go in and change into his fireproofs and race suits. I tapped on Arthur’s and should and pointed at his brother, explaining my thinking. I agreed and we rushed inside the Ferrari garage, making our way to the drivers room. I hung around the front of it, keeping an eye out Charles so we could start making out at the perfect time.
A huge group of people made their way, signalling that Charles was moving closer. You could hear him and Carlos talking about the track as they came closer. I quickly slipped into his drivers room, finding Arthur already sitting on the bench. I walked over to him as he patted his lap, “hang on” I semi whispered. I could hear that Charles and Carlos had stopped walking, they couldn’t have been too far from the doors. Once I could hear Charles getting louder I looked back at Arthur, “you ready Arty?” I asked. He nodded and pulled me into his lap.
I moved me knees to go on their side of this body, my right hand slide to the back of neck, sliding my hand though his hair and I grabbed a handful of his fluffy hair. My left hand sling around his broad shoulders. His left hand dipped under my shirt to hold my waist, his other hand wound around my neck. He offered me a kind smile as he used the hand around my back to guide me towards his lips.
It started with small pecks, quickly moving to Arthur slipping his tongue into my mouth, exploring while he got the opportunity. Moved myself closer to him, gripping his hair harder which caused him to let out a low moan. I heard the door to the driver room open as I kept making out with my best friend. The hand around my neck moved to ass, moving me to grind on him a bit.
Charles and Carlos stood in the doorway, dumbfounded before Carlos turned to Charles and said “told you they had a thing for each other, cabrõn” and walked off. Charles stared at his friend as he walked off. He looked back at us, still making out as he walked in. He slammed the door shut, making us jump. “What the fuck is going on? Why are you making out? Why are you doing it in my drive room? Oh my god I need to sit down” he rambled.
I got off Arthur as we started cackling, Arthur turned to me and said “told you it was a good prank, he’s absolutely freaking out” I laughed and looked back at Charles. He looked at us like we just old him Santa wasn’t real. “Wait, this is a prank?” He asked as we nodded “I thought I wouldn’t have to listen to Arthur whine about you anymore y/n but this is going to make it so much worse” I was about to ask something when Arthur grabbed my arm and dragged me out.
Once we got outside the garage I stopped Arthur. “Hang on, Arty. Just stop for a second” he stared at the floor. “What did Charles mean when he said you were whining about me?” I asked him. He tried to deflect the question and walk off. I grabbed his hand, turning him to me and lifting his head the make eye contact with me, asking my question again.
Arthur sighed, putting his hands on either side of my face and kissed me. It wasn’t desperate like the previous make out. It was slow and loving. “I don’t really know to say this, now that Charles has outed me, but I’ve liked you for years. The more than best friends kinda like. The reason I came up with that kissing prank was to get the chance to kiss you, even if it is supposed to be to mean nothing.”
Arthur kept rambling, struggling make eye contact. He looked at him, then smashed your lips into his “I like you more than I best friend should too. I have for years” you smile against Arthur’s lips as he kissed you.
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pucksandpower · 1 year
Charles Leclerc x Vettel!Reader - Social Media AU
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Liked by sebastianvettel, mickschumacher, and 185,263 others
y/nvettel pretty sure i’m being bribed
View all 1,194 comments
redbullracing we would never try to bribe you … but hypothetically is it working?
y/nvettel hypothetically i’m on a caffeine cleanse but the flowers are lovely 🫣
mercedesamgf1 “bribed” is so harsh, we much prefer “gifted”
mickschumacher what they said
y/nvettel i know you put them up to this, micky mouse
astonmartinf1 what could possibly beat our cupcakes?
mercedesamgf1 our chocolates
tipsytifosi nothing from ferrari?
scuderiaferrari keep an eye out 🔜
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Liked by charles_leclerc, scuderiaferrari, and 197,615 others
y/nvettel many teams have tried to buy my love but only one succeeded by sending along a cute monégasque
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charles_leclerc all in a day’s work
arthur_leclerc has charles happened to mention that he’s had a massive crush on you since he was teammates with your brother?
charles_leclerc shut it, arty
y/nvettel did he really?
y/nvettel it’s just funny because i’ve had a massive crush on him since then too
charles_leclerc we were pretty oblivious
scuderiaferrari should we add “matchmaker” to our resume now?
forzafiona charles is called il predestinato for a reason 😌
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Liked by y/nvettel, scuderiaferrari, and 968,352 others
charles_leclerc back in red where she belongs
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y/nvettel you made a good selling point 😘
scuderiaferrari is it too early to sign any future leclerc-vettel children to lifetime contracts?
feralferrari you guys are taking this whole matchmaker thing really seriously 😳
tifositalking it’s smart business trying to secure the next generation
sebastianvettel I may not be around the paddock anymore but I still know where you live and I take my big brother duties very seriously
y/nvettel halfway around the world and you still find ways to embarrass me
sebastianvettel I only do it because I love you, schwesterchen
*translated from german: little sister*
y/nvettel i love you too. even when you annoy me
charles_leclerc i promise to do everything in my power to treat y/n like a princess
y/nvettel you are the sweetest, schatz
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agendabymooner · 9 months
the vibing allan and the reluctant ken ! mick s. x ofc (filipino!ofc)
summary: mick schumacher just wants a break from arthur leclerc.
OR the young monegasque has a bad habit of third wheeling. thankfully, mick learned how to be patient as he took care of sebastian vettel's kids with his girlfriend. will he be able to apply these skills as the couple and their third wheel travel to another country?
content warning: use of explicit language, platonic!third wheel!arthur leclerc x ofc, mentions of sebastian vettel x ofc (bel vettel), bf!mick x bbf!arthur banter, chaos and crack fic, arthur drives for ferrari, baby kimi vettel is of age for karting ❤️
note: i've had this in my mind since this morning. enjoy xx
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i. this ken's job is karting coach
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ii. the vettel child treatment™ (philippine edition)
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arthur_leclerc posted a story !!!
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tagged barblanco
liked by arthur_leclerc, charles_leclerc, estebanocon
arthur_leclerc no credits for the photo?? i didn't take you as a thief
user1 this man riles up mick for no reason and i love him so much for it
mickschumacher thank you to our photographer i guess 🙄
arthur_leclerc you're welcome!!! anything for my best friend (not you)
user2 maman et papa 🙌
user3 i'm no better than a man 😩🥰
landonorris did you at least bring your sunscreen this time? liked by mickschumacher
charles_leclerc i ship ❤️‍🔥 liked by mickschumacher
user4 charles the barmacher stan. been real since day one 🤝
barblanco 🥰😽 liked by mickschumacher
mickschumacher 🤭😊
user5 someone call the simp police 🤧
user6 omg hes so back welcome him 😭
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tagged mickschumacher
liked by arthur_leclerc, pierregasly, landonorris
arthur_leclerc everybody say "thank you arthur~" 🙄🙄 liked by barblanco
barblanco thank you artieeeeee~~
user1 thank you arthurrrrr
charles_leclerc thanks artie 🙏
user2 look at our biggest stan!!!
arthur_leclerc this trip is a blast!! danke barbie!!! liked by barblanco
barblanco i never break any promises i make, art! 🤩
user3 ok but cute???
user4 i love 😍
belongvettel ughhh i love!!! ❤️ liked by barblanco
barblanco i can't wait to bring some souvenirs back bel!!! ❤️
mickschumacher best trip ever (excluding arthur) 🥰 liked by barblanco
barblanco 🤣🤣🤣
arthur_leclerc ok mICK 🙄🙄
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tagged barblanco
liked by mickschumacher, charles_leclerc, olliebearman
user2 i love my petty king 🤭
charles_leclerc i want souvenirs, arthur!! liked by arthur_leclerc
arthur_leclerc beg.
lorenzotl i want mine too 🤨 liked by arthur_leclerc
arthur_leclerc bet.
charles_leclerc 😲😲
user5 you can't 🤧 i think they're somewhere around palawan rn because they've been touring everyday
mickschumacher i see how it is 🤔 liked by arthur_leclerc
arthur_leclerc you called me a donkey 🙄
charles_leclerc was he incorrect?
arthur_leclerc shal whose side are you on? 🥲
user6 charles is being unnecessarily funny and shady 🤭😭
barblanco glad you're liking it!!! liked by arthur_leclerc
arthur_leclerc ofc!!! i don't think about the killjoy in the room most of the time and i pretend that he's a ghost so that's why!!
mickschumacher you are so not invited to the next trip, leclerc 😠
arthur_leclerc now mick-
user7 bf vs bbf in the comments??? god. take it in a parking lot guys 🤩🙄
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tagged barblanco, arthur_leclerc
liked charles_leclerc, landonorris, lance_stroll
landonorris mick just entered his reputation era 🤩
user2 naw mick is out for blood guys 🤣🤣
user3 arthur is hysterically crying at this post rn 🤣
charles_leclerc art kinda deserved that 😭
arthur_leclerc hella mean of you mick 😠
mickschumacher sorry i don't talk to people who slipped and ate shit on camera 😌
user4 NOW MICK-
barblanco you two are my walking migraines 🤕 liked by mickschumacher
mickschumacher no i'm not, liebe 😻
barblanco do i have to tell you two to kiss and make up?
arthur_leclerc i'd rather jump to hell than do that 🤢
mickschumacher arthur_leclerc i already was in hell when you came along in the trip 😒
arthur_leclerc stay mad mickie 😝
barblanco god love testosterones 🙄
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iii. ken says no more allan
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255 notes · View notes
formulaa-1 · 1 year
Can I requested you an Instagram au, carlos sainz x leclerc!reader?
instagram au 🏁 C.S
leclerc!reader x Carlos sainz
Idk what this is tbh:) kind of birthday posts ? idk…
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y/n_leclerc: camera roll dump📸👙👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨🥴🤔featuring a very confused looking Charles and Carlos !!!!😨😱 ps. probs gonna get some angry messages from Charles telling me to delete this😬wish me luck guys 😏
tagged: charles_leclerc and carlossainz55
Liked by pierregasly,lorenzotl and 178,918 others
view all 679 comments
pierregasly: he looks like megamind 😂
y/n_leclerc: lmao I can’t unsee it😭😭
charles_leclerc: seriously y/n???!!!! je dis à maman.
y/n_leclerc: je suis désolé! s'il te plaît ne le dis pas à maman😬🫶🏼
charles_leclerc: delete it then🙄
lorenzotl: stop bullying y/n,charles.
arthur_leclerc: yeah charles
fan16: never delete this y/n🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
carlossainz55: ❤️❤️❤️
Liked by y/n_leclerc
arthur_leclerc’s story
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y/n_leclerc’s story
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caption: kisses 😙😙😙
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carlossainz55: happy birthday to my 👑 you deserve the world mi querida❤️ te amo y aprecio mucho mi amor❤️
tagged: y/n_leclerc
Liked by leclerc_pascale, lorenzotl, landonorris,charles_leclerc and 388,942 others
view all 975 comments
y/n_leclerc: je t’aime❤️ this made me tear up🥲
carlossainz55: I love you so much❤️
sainzgurlyy: sleeping on the highway tonight🫡
user56: me and you both🤞🏾🤞🏾
leclerc_pascale: si doux carlos💗
Liked by carlossainz55
lorenzotl: ❤️❤️
Liked by y/n_leclerc
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charles_leclerc: happy birthday to the best and meanest little sister ever❤️
tagged: y/n_leclerc
Liked by y/n_leclerc,pierregasly and 458,932 others
view all 578 comments
y/n_leclerc: je t’aime charles❤️
Liked by charles_leclerc
pierregasly: happy birthday to my sister from another mother🫶🏼
y/n_leclerc: awhhhh, damn I must be doing something right if I got a happy birthday from you😱
pierregasly: don’t push it❤️
Liked by y/n_leclerc
leclerc_pascale: ah one of my favourite photos🥰
fanoflechair: stop this is adorable🥹
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arthur_leclerc: happy birthday to my little sis and my favourite sibling🫣❤️ you deserve to have the best day ever🫶🏼
tagged: y/n_leclerc
Liked by y/n_leclerc, lorenzotl and 357,272 others
view all 682 comments
paularon: happy birthday @y/n_leclerc💗
y/n_leclerc: Awh thanks loser🫶🏼🫶🏼
paularon: so rude
y/n_leclerc: you love it
user282: 👀👀👀👀
y/n_leclerc: je t’aime artie❤️
Liked by arthur_leclerc
eclair16_obsessed: okay let’s be honest everyone loved y/n😌
user2: we need a birthday dump @y/n_leclerc!!!!!
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y/n_leclerc: you ask and you shall receive😉 thankyou for all your lovely birthday messages💗 I had the best birthday ever🫶🏼 carlos even made me breakfast in bed💪🏽 and my brothers actually allowed me to have fun for once😱jk I love you all really❤️❤️
tagged: carlossainz,arthur_leclerc,charles_leclerc and lorenzotl
Liked by pierregasly,francisca.cgnomes, carlossainz and 458,917 others
view all 862 comments
carlossainz55: I’m glad you had such a good day mi amour❤️
y/n_leclerc: I love you mon amour❤️
francisca.cgnomes: we have to arrange something soon girl!💗
y/n_leclerc: spa day!!!!!
francisca.cgnomes: booked.
gaslyyfans10: I love their friendship❤️
charles_leclerc: hey we always let you have fun😒
y/n_leclerc: sure…what about that time I started dating carlos and you’d literally lock me in your drivers room so I couldn’t see him🙄
charles_leclerc: that was a different situation…your taking this out of context🙄
lorenzotl: I’m actually the most chill brother
y/n_leclerc: don’t worry enzo your my fave❤️
arthur_leclerc:😖I thought I was your favourite?:(
y/n_leclerc: Carla’s better tbh
arthur_leclerc: ouch💔
fanofcl16: the comments have me dying😭😭
y/ngurllll: the first pictures so cute🥹 definition of Pinterest girl❤️
authors note- for once o actually liked what I did :)) I’d still really appreciate feedback so I can make things better for you guys💗 Iv nearly worked through most of my requests so they may be open again soon🎀
939 notes · View notes
zjpg · 10 months
just a girl
'christmas in monaco'
prev - m.list - next
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"why did you post my cake?" the girl pouted, nearly shouting over the facetime call as lando laughed in response. "it was gonna be a surprise!"
"you made cake?" arthur walked into the kitchen, smiling at the sprinkles covered cake and then addi. "who are you talking to?"
"I did, you want some?" she smiled and started looking for a knife after the taller nods, "i'm talking to lando,"
"bonjour!" lando speaks loudly, greeting the youngest leclerc brother. arthur's smile fades a little bit, but he puts it back on as he walked next to the girl and greets the driver on the other side of the call. addi starts cutting the cake, squealing as sprinkles start falling out of the middle.
"hold on lando, i'm gonna take a picture." she clappings before grabbing her phone from the counter and going on instagram to post her masterpiece on her story. "here, artie!" the taller boy smiles and takes the cake, "will i die from this?" he asks, hearing the brit laugh from the phone speakers.
addi rolls her eyes and sets her phone back up to face arthur, "eat it." lando and her watch as arthur takes a bite before he makes a questionable face. "interesting."
lando bursts out into laughter once more, nearly wheezing as addi sits there with a frown. "it's not bad, it's just too much sugar, amor." he clarifies.
after the cake is put away in plastic wrap and lando hangs up the facetime call to go stream on twitch, arthur and addi sit at the island and talk about nonsense for a while. part of arthur wants to scream out everything he feels. and part of addi wants to ask him everything he feels.
ever since the whole pierre situation, things just haven't been the same. arthur's clueless as to why, he wasn't sure what could be going on between his best friend and pierre to make her act this way. he tried asking the older frenchman about it, but he was shut down, he even tried asking his own brother about it, but he got the same result. he's asked just about everyone that could have a clue as to what happened that afternoon, except addi herself.
it took some courage in him to finally come out with it, "so, what happened that day with you and pierre? you never told me?" she froze. her eyes glued to her shoes as she tried to come up with an excuse as to why she couldn't tell him. but she couldn't. "addi?"
"pierre and i kissed, like... over a year ago now." she blurted out seeing his face change into an expression that she could only describe as confused with a hint shocked. she felt like throwing up right there. "we never talked about it, but i grew feeling for him, until i saw him kissing another girl. it's really no big deal now, we've clearly gotten over each other, and he didn't really know i had any actual feeling for him back then."
arthur was confused, why would this change how she acts around him? why would they need to talk about it over a year later? how can they still be so comfortable around each other after that?
"so... when he was explaining why he did it... he told me something..." she looked up at him, meeting his eyes for the first time in weeks, he was waiting for her to continue, he needed to know. "he said that you had feelings for me."
arthur couldn't say anything, or at least he felt like he couldn't. he felt sick, as if he would vomit if he were to open his mouth to speak. pierre told her that? he said he wouldn't tell a soul. "i'm sorry."
"why are you sorry?" she whispered, they're in the house alone with charles, everyone else was out doing some shopping or winter activities, and charles is going to know the details in a couple hours anyway. so whispering is useless. but it seemed like it was more out of comfort from the girl.
"i didn't want you to find out."
the worry of losing a friend is one thing, but the worry of losing a friend that is considered family, that's another story. there's so many things arthur did in order to avoid his feelings, he even tried dating. nothing worked. addilyn was still... perfect. he could point out every little feature, every little habit she had, and no matter how weird or ugly she thought they were, he loves them.
the silence leaves ringing in their ears, what are they supposed to say now? "i..." addi starts off, trying to find words to comprehend the mess that's going on in her brain, "i don't know what to say, honestly."
the taller nodded, understanding that the situation is bigger than any other normal circumstance. "i love you, arthur, but..." god not the 'but.' "i'm not sure how i feel about you... like that."
he looks at her confused, not sure? what does she mean not sure? "i don't understand?"
she breathes out a sigh, taking his hand in hers. "i have a lot going on right now-"
"i know."
"-and i'm not sure if focusing on anything but racing is what i need right now." she has a lot of feelings going on, she's not sure what they mean or even if they're real or some type of illusion. she's not about to risk anything on illusions. "i don't expect you to." he shook his head.
"i know, and i appreciate that." she cradled his hand in both of her palms, rubbing her thumb against his skin. "it's not that there aren't any feelings there, there's... something. i'm just... i'm not sure what they are yet. and i'm worried if i spend too much time thinking about it then everything will get screwed up."
"it's okay," he pulled his hand away, making her heart drop, "i understand." he stand up from the barstool, kisses her head, and then leaves the kitchen without another word.
addi stays seated, her elbow on the counter while her hands support her head. 'idiot, idiot, idiot' she repeated in her head. "well, that was interesting." the girl was started by the sudden voice next to her, charles.
"the fuck, when did you get here?"
"eh, little while ago, i saw... that." charles raise his eyebrows at the girl before sitting where his younger brother was only a few seconds prior. "don't blame yourself."
"how could i not?" she scoffed, laying her head down on the marble counter, "i feel like i just ruined everything."
the monegasque sighed and rubbed the girl head, "no, you didn't. it'll take time but things will go back to how they were. you did the right thing, you were honest."
"not completely honest." she mumbled, watching his face turn into confusion. she sits up, sighs, and looks him in the eye, "i think i like lando."
a/n: i heart love triangles.
taglist: @love4lando @fairiepoems @leilanixx @ietss @charli123456789 @ayoanna @enhacolor
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onlyonetifosi · 1 year
First Podium, Family Celebration
-> it has been a good weekend for the Leclerc family and specially the little Leclerc sibling
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As the sun rose over the Bahrain International Circuit, the tension in the air was palpable. It was the start of the 2023 F2 season, and for one young driver, this race meant everything. And what's more exciting is that you will be racing alongside your twin brother, Arthur Leclerc. He is older than you by 16 minutes, but you both share the same passion for racing. You were signed by Prema, while Arthur was with Dams.
As you arrived at the circuit for the first race of the season, you couldn't help but feel a little nervous. You were competing against some of the best drivers in the world, and you wanted to prove yourself. But at the same time, you were also excited to be racing alongside your brother. As you headed out for the first practice session, you quickly got into the rhythm of things. You felt comfortable in the car, and you were setting some decent lap times.
As the weekend progressed, you started to gain more confidence, and by the time qualifying came around, you were ready to go all out. Qualifying was intense, and you were fighting hard for a good grid position. You managed to put in a solid lap and ended up qualifying in P4. Arthur, on the other hand, was a bit further back in P7.
As you approached your car, you saw Ollie Bearman, your teammate and former crush, grinning at you. "Good luck out there," he said, giving you a pat on the back. "You've got this."
You smiled back at him, feeling grateful for the support. It was then that you heard a voice behind you. "Hey there, ma puce" Arthur said, using the nickname he had given you when you were kids.
You turned around to see your brother standing there, looking just as nervous as you felt. "Hey Turo," you replied, using the nickname you had given him. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm feeling good," Arthur said, grinning. "But not as good as you're going to feel when you get up on that podium."
You laughed, feeling your nerves start to dissipate. "Thanks, Arty. That means a lot coming from you. You are going to be there too"
With a final grin, Arthur wished you luck and made his way back to the Dams team garage. You watched him go, feeling a sense of pride and affection welling up inside you. Despite the playful rivalry between you, you knew that Arthur was always there for you when it mattered.
The race itself was a blur of speed and adrenaline. You pushed your car to the limit, trying to stay ahead of the pack and secure that coveted podium spot. When the checkered flag finally came down, you felt a surge of triumph as you crossed the finish line in second place.
Race day arrived, and you were feeling pumped. You knew that you had a good chance of getting a podium, and you were determined to make it happen. As the lights went out, you got off to a good start, and you were immediately fighting for positions. Arthur had a fantastic start and quickly made his way up the field. He was pushing hard and was soon battling for the lead. You were a bit further back, but you were also making progress.
As the race progressed, Arthur was leading the way, and you were right behind him in P2. You could see him pushing hard, and you knew that he wanted to win. You also knew that you had a chance of getting your first podium, and you were determined not to let it slip away. With a few laps to go, Arthur made a bold move and took the lead. You were right behind him, and you could see that he was driving at his absolute limit. You were also pushing hard, and you knew that you had to make a move soon if you wanted to win.
The Leclerc family was all present at the race, including your mother, Pascal, and your other brothers, Lorenzo and Charles.
In the end, Arthur held on to take the win, and you crossed the line in P2, securing your first podium finish in F2. As you pulled into Park Fermé, you could see your brothers, Charles and Lorenzo, waiting for you. They were both beaming with pride, and you could see how happy they were for you and Arthur. As you stepped out of your car, you ran towards your brothers, and you all hugged each other tightly. You were all cheering, and you could feel the love and support that your family had for you.
Arthur was already there, claiming that he had won the race and that he deserved all the attention. You playfully punched him in the arm, laughing, and started fighting for your family's attention. Turo was the first one to hug you, congratulating you on your achievement. He was genuinely proud of you, but he couldn't resist teasing you.
"I won the race!" he teased. "You're just second place!"
You rolled your eyes and gave him a playful shove. "I beat you in qualifying yesterday, so I'm still ahead of you," you retorted.
"I knew you could do it" he said, opening your and his visor to look at your eyes.
"Thank you Tur Tur" you said with your helmets together, as he was leaned down to be at your height.
Your maman stepped in then, pulling you both into a tight hug. "I am so proud of both of mes enfants" she said, her voice choked with emotion. "Your father would be so proud of you too."
You all stood there for a moment, basking in the warmth of your family's love and support. It was a moment you would never forget.
"Hey, Carla!" you called out, waving to her. "Come over here and celebrate with us!"
Carla came over and hugged you tightly, congratulating you on your amazing performance. You had always been close to her, and she was like a sister to you.
As you continued to celebrate with your family, Arthur pulled you aside and whispered, "I know about you and Ollie, you know."
Your heart skipped a beat as you looked at him in surprise. You had been crushing on Ollie for months, but you had never told anyone about your feelings, not even Arthur.
"How did you know?" you asked him.
"I could just tell," he said, shrugging. "Besides, it's not like you're very subtle about it."
You blushed, feeling embarrassed, but also relieved that your secret was out in the open.
"And what do you think?" you asked him hesitantly.
Arthur grinned mischievously. "I think it's about time you told him how you feel."
You smiled, feeling emboldened by his words.
As you stood on the podium, tears of joy streaming down your face, you couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with emotion.
And so, later that night, after the race was over and the crowds had dispersed, you found Ollie waiting for you in the paddock.
You took a deep breath and walked up to him, your heart pounding in your chest.
"Hey," you said, your voice trembling slightly.
"Hey," he replied, looking at you expectantly.
You took a deep breath and blurted out, "I really like you, Ollie. I've liked you for a long time now, and I just wanted to tell you that."
Ollie looked at you, his eyes shining with emotion. "I like you too," he said, before leaning in and kissing you.
As you pulled away from him, you heard a loud whoop from behind you. And then, as you turned back to your family, you saw Arthur and his girlfriend Carla standing there, watching you with amused expressions on their faces, as Arthur started yelling, "I knew it!" Your mother and brothers scolded him for his little discretion, and Pascal even pulled his ear in jest. However, you all started laughing, and the moment was captured in a photo that would forever be cherished.
"Would you like to go out with me tonight?" he asked.
You grinned, feeling a rush of excitement. "Yes, I would," you said.
As the F2 season progressed, you and Ollie continued to grow closer, with Arthur teasing you both every step of the way. Despite the teasing, you knew that Arthur was genuinely happy for you and your success.
566 notes · View notes
akantonelli · 2 months
↶*ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊ- pinned post! ↶*ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊ-
hello, welcome to my tumblr! i realise i've had this sideblog for a while but have never made a pinned post so... whoopsie! might as well rectify that now!
basic info
name: artie age: 25 pronouns: she/her fandom specific
my favourite drivers are charles leclerc, oscar piastri, liam lawson, oliver bearman and kimi antonelli. i am ambivalent to a lot of the drivers, and plenty i love as blorbos that i don't care about during the actual race, but be warned i am a hater when i liveblog (c*rlos, ch*co and d*nny). very much a pro-shipper and a strong proponent of rpf, so block me if you don't like that <3 i am regrettably a tifosi, even if i've accidentally become endeared to a mercedes junior (he's italian okay he'll race for them eventually)
other places to find me!
ao3 twitter youtube
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vinnieswife · 1 year
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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ materialist ⋆。˚☽˚。⋆.
last updated! 30/01/2023
✾ = smut!
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Celebrities ┊ ➶ 。˚   °
Vinnie Hacker
Hyperactive ✾
Goodbye ✾
Knife play✾
Morning sex ✾
Public play✾
Panic attack ✾
Punishment ✾
Nsfw alphabet ✾
Dirty secret ✾
Mirror play ✾
Birthday girl ✾
Soft!dom Vin ✾ (head cannon)
Such a brat ✾
Live stream ✾
Tired Vin
Lazy day
Trust issues
Play date
Out of the ring
Jacob Elordi
Only indoors
Hard day
The date
Jude Bellingham
Our bet ✾
Pussy drunk ✾
Relieve after a bad game ✾
Hayden Chistensen
Young lovers on the set
Being in love with your co-star
Dating rumors
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Harry Potter ┊ ➶ 。˚   °
Remus Lupin
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Anime ┊ ➶ 。˚   °
Katsuki Bakugo
Bath and cuddles?
Dabi / Touya Todoroki
Kissing his scars
Morening with Touya
Sukuna Ryomen
Past lover
Our secret ✾
Sukuna’s memories
Under the sunset
Megumi Fushiguro
Evening with Megumi
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Formula 1 ┊ ➶ 。˚   °
Charles Leclerc
Some time together
Arthur Leclerc
Your firsts with artie
Stress killer ✾
Pierre Gasly
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Dc / Marvel ┊ ➶ 。˚   °
Alex Summers
Jason Todd
thank you
Dick Grayson
You don’t know how to shut up ✾
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Star Wars ┊ ➶ 。˚   °
Anakin Skywalker
Dating Ani
Face riding ✾
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Macgyver ┊ ➶ 。˚   °
Angus Macgyver
Work day morning
Bozer’s friend
His free day
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Avatar ┊ ➶ 。˚   °
back massage
protective teyam
“are you that ticklish?”
Chronicles of Narnia ┊ ➶ 。˚   °
Peter Pevensie
Late night project
After the battle 
Pirates of the caribbean ┊ ➶ 。˚   
Henry Turner
A pirates love
753 notes · View notes
f1 · 1 year
ICYMI: Go behind the scenes with the best social media from the Saudi Arabian Grand Prix
It was another dramatic Grand Prix weekend in Saudi Arabia with frenetic track action and some post-race podium drama. Understandable, then, if you missed what social media had to offer. Here are some of the highlights... No Perez, no party Sergio Perez proved quick on and off the track on Sunday, showing another turn of pace to avoid the blasts of Red Bull as the team celebrated their one-two... Three-mendous It was a podium finish, then it wasn’t, then it was again. Either way, nothing could stop the celebrations at Aston Martin after Fernando Alonso’s fine drive to P3. Russell ommmm point George Russell clearly wanted to have his head in gear before the track action began this weekend. You know you’re allowed to sit down when you meditate, George? Caption that Carlos Sainz has a well-known bromance with Lando Norris, but what happened here to leave his former team mate looking displeased? Lance Stroll certainly enjoyed it... Hairo-dynamics F1 drivers were greeted by a blustery Jeddah paddock last weekend, prompting Yuki Tsunoda to take decisive action to keep his head of hair in check. Drop the mic Stroll was also on high alert as he humorously batted away a “very sneaky” attempt to listen in on his conversation with Aston Martin team mate Alonso. Hopefully that makes the cut in next season's Drive To Survive... Mind the cap A backwards cap club emerged amongst the drivers during the Thursday press conferences, but Valtteri Bottas was one man with other ideas. Ferrari’s art class Sainz and Ferrari team mate Charles Leclerc got arty by painting each other for a Sky Sports F1 feature. Judging by Leclerc's reaction to Sainz's effort, perhaps the Spaniard should stick to driving... Flag pole position Proving that Formula 1 is a truly global sport, reigning world champ Max Verstappen demonstrated some impressive world geography knowledge. Team mate Sergio Perez would probably never have forgiven him if he hadn’t got Mexico right… via Formula 1 News https://www.formula1.com
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Events 8.12
1099 – First Crusade: Battle of Ascalon Crusaders under the command of Godfrey of Bouillon defeat Fatimid forces led by Al-Afdal Shahanshah. This is considered the last engagement of the First Crusade. 1121 – Battle of Didgori: The Georgian army under King David IV wins a decisive victory over the famous Seljuk commander Ilghazi. 1164 – Battle of Harim: Nur ad-Din Zangi defeats the Crusader armies of the County of Tripoli and the Principality of Antioch. 1323 – The Treaty of Nöteborg between Sweden and Novgorod Republic is signed, regulating the border between the two countries for the first time. 1492 – Christopher Columbus arrives in the Canary Islands on his first voyage to the New World. 1499 – First engagement of the Battle of Zonchio between Venetian and Ottoman fleets. 1601–1900 1624 – Charles de La Vieuville is arrested and replaced by Cardinal Richelieu as the French king's chief advisor. 1676 – Praying Indian John Alderman shoots and kills Metacomet, the Wampanoag war chief, ending King Philip's War. 1687 – Battle of Mohács: Charles of Lorraine defeats the Ottoman Empire. 1765 – Treaty of Allahabad is signed. The Treaty marks the political and constitutional involvement and the beginning of Company rule in India. 1788 – The Anjala conspiracy is signed. 1793 – The Rhône and Loire départments are created when the former département of Rhône-et-Loire is split into two. 1806 – Santiago de Liniers, 1st Count of Buenos Aires re-takes the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina after the first British invasion. 1831 – French intervention forces William I of the Netherlands to abandon his attempt to suppress the Belgian Revolution. 1851 – Isaac Singer is granted a patent for his sewing machine. 1865 – Joseph Lister, British surgeon and scientist, performs 1st antiseptic surgery. 1883 – The last quagga dies at the Natura Artis Magistra, a zoo in Amsterdam, Netherlands. 1898 – The Hawaiian flag is lowered from ʻIolani Palace in an elaborate annexation ceremony and replaced with the flag of the United States to signify the transfer of sovereignty from the Republic of Hawaii to the United States. 1914 – World War I: The United Kingdom declares war on Austria-Hungary; the countries of the British Empire follow suit. 1914 – World War I: The Battle of Halen a.k.a. Battle of the Silver Helmets a clash between large Belgian and German cavalry formations at Halen, Belgium. 1944 – Waffen-SS troops massacre 560 people in Sant'Anna di Stazzema. 1944 – Nazi German troops end the week-long Wola massacre, during which time at least 40,000 people are killed indiscriminately or in mass executions. 1944 – Alençon is liberated by General Philippe Leclerc de Hauteclocque, the first city in France to be liberated from the Nazis by French forces. 1948 – Babrra massacre: About 600 unarmed members of the Khudai Khidmatgar movement are shot dead on the orders of the Chief Minister of the North-West Frontier Province, Abdul Qayyum Khan Kashmiri, on Babrra ground in the Hashtnagar region of Charsadda District, North-West Frontier Province (now Khyber Pakhtunkhwa), Pakistan. 1950 – Korean War: Bloody Gulch massacre: 75 American POWs are massacred by the North Korean Army. 1952 – The Night of the Murdered Poets: Thirteen prominent Jewish intellectuals are murdered in Moscow, Russia, Soviet Union. 1953 – First thermonuclear bomb test: The Soviet atomic bomb project continues with the detonation of "RDS-6s" (Joe 4) using a "layered" scheme. 1953 – The 7.2 Ms  Ionian earthquake shakes the southern Ionian Islands with a maximum Mercalli intensity of X (Extreme). Between 445 and 800 people are killed. 1960 – Echo 1A, NASA's first successful communications satellite, is launched. 1964 – South Africa is banned from the Olympic Games due to the country's racist policies. 1969 – Violence erupts after the Apprentice Boys of Derry march in Derry, Northern Ireland, resulting in a three-day communal riot known as the Battle of the Bogside. 1976 – Between 1,000 and 3,500 Palestinians are killed in the Tel al-Zaatar massacre, one of the bloodiest events of the Lebanese Civil War. 1977 – The first free flight of the Space Shuttle Enterprise. 1977 – The Sri Lanka Riots: Targeting the minority Sri Lankan Tamils, begin, less than a month after the United National Party came to power. Over 300 Tamils are killed. 1981 – The IBM Personal Computer is released. 1985 – Japan Airlines Flight 123 crashes into Osutaka ridge in Gunma Prefecture, Japan, killing 520, to become the worst single-plane air disaster. 1990 – Sue, the largest and most complete Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton found to date, is discovered by Sue Hendrickson in South Dakota. 1992 – Canada, Mexico and the United States announce completion of negotiations for the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). 1994 – Major League Baseball players go on strike, forcing the cancellation of the 1994 World Series. 2000 – The Russian Navy submarine Kursk explodes and sinks in the Barents Sea during a military exercise, killing her entire 118-man crew. 2015 – At least two massive explosions kill 173 people and injure nearly 800 more in Tianjin, China. 2016 – Syrian civil war: The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) capture the city of Manbij from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). 2018 – Thirty-nine civilians, including a dozen children, are killed in an explosion at a weapons depot in a rebel-held town in northwest Syria. 2021 – Six victims (including the perpetrator) are killed in the worst mass shooting in the UK since 2010 in Keyham, Plymouth.
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Sick days
A/N: This is the last part of a previous request, I'm really happy that you have enjoyed the last two and I hope you enjoy this one. I've based off myself a little bit, just job wise really 🤷‍♀️
Arthur Leclerc x reader
Synopsis: "Maybee some of the care for her when she's sick 🥹🥹"
Warnings: sick reader, soft Arthur
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You loved your job, getting to watch kids before and after school when their parents would drop them off early or pick them up late. You loved working with the different age groups, doing activities, and running around with them. It wasn't until you got sick that you realised that working with kids might not be completely good. You wake up on a Saturday morning, your sinuses are blocked up, you've got a pounding headache, and your joints ache.
You mentally curse yourself for getting sick, you knew it was from work since you haven't been anywhere else lately. What made it even worse? Arthur has a week off. You're supposed to pick him up from the airport tonight. Luckily you decided to gradually clean your shared apartment throughout the week, so everything has already been done. You gradually get up, heading to the kitchen to get breakfast. You put down 2 pieces of toast, spreading butter and vegemite on them when come up (I am an AUSTRALIAN. Vegemite toast is like a medical remedy for sick days, do not judge me 🫶).
After finishing breakfast, you move on with your day. You head to your home gym, hoping to get a little cardio done. You managed to make it through an hour on the treadmill before your sinuses became too much. You quickly shut it off before running to grab a tissue and pump yourself with more anti-cold tablets. You made it to the shower, washing off the sweat.
You spent the rest of the day in front of the tv, trying to relax and clear your cold up as much as you could. Arthur's plane was arriving at 9pm, so you knew you had to leave at 8pm. It was 7pm when you realised you must shower and get ready to pick your boyfriend up.
After parking at the airport, you made your way in to find Arthur's gate. You had about 20 minutes to go until he walked through the doors. Your nose was still stuffy and you had a bit of a cough, better than this morning but still not great. You sat on a bench, watching as his plane rolled up and connected to the ramp. He was the first person out of the door, frantically looking around until he spotted you.
He broke into a grin and picked up speed, you stood up and broke into a run. Bodies collided in a bone-crushing hug in the middle of the airport, your arms around his neck as he gripped your waist. He pulled his head back, and you let go and grabbed his luggage, avoiding his kiss so you wouldn't get him sick. You linked your hand with him, pulling his luggage behind you. He didn't move, letting go of your hand and pouting as you turned around.
"Baby, what are you doing?" slightly amused by his reaction, you moved closer to him. He mumbled under his breath, "What did you say?" you asked him. "You didn't kiss me" he said through his pout. You giggle a little when you answer, "Arty, I've got a cold, I don't want to get you sick on your time off". He gave you a massive eye roll when he said "Seriously, love? You know I don't give a shit of your sick or not, I'll gladly get sick if it means I still get to kiss you"
You laugh as you reach up to cup his cheek, "I think you might be going soft, baby" you joke. "I don't care" is the only thing you hear as he brings his hand to the back of your head and connects your lips in a mind-blowing, firework show of a kiss. You both make your ways back to the car and head home for the night. Lo and behold, you wake up the next morning with no cold symptoms. However, your boyfriend is shivering and sniffling. "I told you, baby" you says as you big spoon him, "Shut up", he responds, "I still love you, even if you got me sick" he chuckles. "I love you too, Arty"
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mirrorontheworld · 5 years
Une fuite inédite de documents classés « secret défense » atteste pour la première fois du recours massif aux armes françaises dans la guerre au Yemen. Après plusieurs mois d’enquête, Disclose démontre que ces armes sont employées contre des civils. 
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agendabymooner · 8 months
about names: the wingman of maranello || cl16 scenario (2)
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dad!charles leclerc x mom!ofc (hearth sister!ofc)
Summary: The Leclerc boys and their names go hand in hand. OR times when Charles and his wife Aimee had to explain that their children’s names are meaningful. 
Scenario summary: With his brothers coming down to sickness, Jules Leclerc travelled to Italy with his father and Uncle Arthur prior to his next karting event before them as he learned more about the ‘Wingman of Maranello’ — his namesake Jules Bianchi.
Content warning: FLUFF!!!!! What is beta reading we write with no sense of proper grammar or transitions, kids' sickness, heavily mentions Jules Bianchi (+ Jules being a good sport and matchmaker), feel-good vibes, OC (Teague; OFC's relative), Uncle Arthur Leclerc is quite unattentive, possible use of explicit language, poorly translated French and Italian(?)
Note: I have two papers due in the next two weeks lmao. Enjoy xx
a - n masterlist
o - z masterlist
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Charles and Aimee always thought that if it hadn’t been for their jobs, their kids wouldn’t have the chance of catching a case of stomach flu from countless germs in their school. 
They were meant to travel to Italy a week before the eldest Leclerc twins’ karting tournament occurring at the track in Maranello — but it seemed like PJ Leclerc’s class had another plan in mind. Now, two days after his last class of the week, he and his brothers Hervé, Anthoine and Alain (age two) were sulking at home. 
They weren’t allowed to travel to Italy until they felt better — after all, the parents didn’t want to be running around with kids who look sickly and would probably throw up every other minute. 
Hervé, out of the four boys, took that information to heart though. He was supposed to be with his twin brother as he, too, was going to compete in the karting event — with Arthur acting as his coach. He was excited to travel with his Da and Jules, but he started showing signs of a weak stomach. 
Aimee had promised that if he got better before the race they’d be able to travel to where Charles and Jules were. It was just a translation to, “Listen to Maman and drink your tea, eat your soup and take your medicine” but they’d decided to put it in a nicer way to avoid dealing with a stubborn seven year old. 
But as Jules placed his bag down after packing up, Hervé’s scowl turned light. His face was pale, but his face showed a lot about how he felt about his twin leaving.
Neither of the parents were paying attention to the two though. Arthur was somewhere in the house, saying goodbye to his younger nephews PJ and the twins. 
“Mon cœur,” Charles started, making Aimee hum as she washed the soup bowls. There was no right time to ask his question especially if he asked his wife this but it was a shot worth taking. “Since it’s just Artie, J and I heading there for the week I’m thinking—“
“Uh oh, that’s a bad sign,” Aimee joked, now rinsing the dishes. Charles chuckled and rolled his eyes, leaning against the counter next to the sink and his wife. He proceeded with his suggestion.
“What if we took the Pista to Maranello instead?” 
It was like his world stopped. Quite literally. 
Turning off the tap, Aimee’s grin faded as she scowled heavily in the direction of her husband. Charles’s usually widened eyes shrunk small as Aimee continued to bore her eyes into his pair. 
It was a bad idea to bring up his sports car overall.
With a scoff, she then said, “I want you to say those words slowly and understand what you just said.”
“Okay…” He nodded.
“Then I want you to think about how stupid that sounds,” Aimee smiled grimly. Yikes. He was a footstep away from being banished from his own bedroom. 
“Okay,” he said regardless.
“Don’t be stupid,” Aimee warned him, “you know that the Pista isn’t for the kids.” 
“I know,” Charles told her, his voice now hitting an octave as he defended, “to be fair, I wouldn’t put the kids in your McLaren either.”
“Darling,” Aimee laughed humourlessly, “we were thinking of two different things; I thought that they shouldn’t be allowed to ride it because it’s dangerous and you said that it was a McLaren not a Ferrari. Do you get what I’m saying?” 
“Right, alright,” Charles said with a shrug, “it was just an idea.”
“An idea that isn’t even worth looking at,” Aimee shook her head, “take the Aston or something— just don’t take any of the two seater ones. Do not ever let Jules sit on Arthur’s lap on a two-seater— he has to have a seat belt, Charles. If I find out that you took either of the Pista or McLaren I will come after your head— and you’re my husband. But I won’t hesitate to be a goddamn Black Widow if—“
“Okay, geez,” Charles interrupted with a roll of his eyes, “don’t need to threaten me. Still your husband, mon cœur.”
“Not going to be anymore if you do what you just said,” Aimee gave him a smile. It was a rather threatening one, and Charles should do anything but contest what he was told. 
Meanwhile Jules stood there and awkwardly patted his brother’s head as he said, “Tu te rendras à la course, Herb.” You’ll make it to the race, Herb.
Hervé grumbled and continued to sulk, “I hope so. Tia said that Louis is going to be there. And je n'aime pas perdre contre Louis.” I don’t like to lose to Louis. 
“Eh,” Jules shrugged nonchalantly, “you know what Maman said once? Uh… don’t take it personal? Is that what she said?” 
Hervé nodded as his twin brother continued, “Louis me taquine aussi. Je m'en fiche parce que maman a dit que je ne devrais pas me soucier des gens qui se moquent de moi. Cela m'empêche seulement d'aller plus vite dans la course.” Louis teases me too. I don’t care much because Maman said I shouldn’t mind people who make fun of me. It only stops me from going faster in the race. 
Despite being a twin, one of the things that differed Jules from Hervé was his level headed trait. It wasn’t as if he never showed any form of emotion to anything worth reacting to, but he seemed to reason more than Hervé. 
Everyone around them was quick to notice this and easily pointed out that he took this rational approach from Aimee, while Hervé got his sensitivity from Charles.
Still, Jules approached things differently than his twin — and his attempt to convince Hervé to see the things he’s seeing was something that most school aged children wouldn’t do. 
“So,” Jules told Hervé, “make it to the race not because of him. Remember! Auntie Vie raced for fun! Not because she wants to fight Uncle Max!” 
“Hm,” Hervé nodded, but kept his head down nonetheless. The eldest Leclerc boy looked up and murmured, “My stomach still hurts, J.” 
“Ah, I’ll tell Maman,” Jules nodded, “why are you up if your stomach hurts anyway?” 
“Alors je peux demander à Maman si je peux venir avec vous les gars,” so I can ask Maman if I can go with you guys. Hervé grumbled, tucking his legs in his hoodie as he groaned. “Ugh.”
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A four hour drive to their accommodation in Maranello and a quick trip to the Ferrari headquarters after Charles, Arthur and Jules Leclerc were found in Charles’s in-site office. Or rather, Charles was somewhere in the facility having a meeting with the PR team and Carlos while his son and brother were in his office. 
Jules kept rolling over the chair from the desk to his Uncle Arthur, growing bored of the lack of things to do inside his father’s office. Arthur was just sitting there, his eyes hovering over his phone as he continued to browse through his twitter. 
“Da should have just left me with Maman,” Jules sighed, his head slumped against Charles’s desk.
Arthur hummed, not paying full attention towards the boy as Jules sighed in annoyance. 
Arthur wasn’t paying attention to him and Jules decided to mess with him a little, “Da could just drop me off the street and let me race by myself.” 
Nothing but an utter “Mhm” escaped Arthur’s mouth. 
“I’m bored, Uncle Art.”
Still nada.
“Herb said that he should have had Auntie Vie or Uncle Max coach him instead of you.” 
It was as if Arthur got a whiplash as his mouth gaped open at the boy’s comment. “Jules, is that true?” 
Jules shrugged, “No.”
“Then why say that if it’s not true,” Arthur exclaimed and heaved a sigh dramatically, “you scared me.”
“Because I’m booooored~” Jules whined, spinning himself while he sat on the chair of his father’s office. “Da left me here with nothing!” 
“Tell you what,” Arthur started, “why don’t we take a look around the floor and see if you can find the LaFerrari car to ride in? I’m sure they’d be more than willing to let you borrow it and drive around the office.” 
“Fine~” Jules hopped off the seat, not even bothering to wait for his uncle as he ran out of the office. “Race you to Da!”
“W- Oi! Jules Lorenzo Pascal- agh, wrong- Leclerc!” Arthur grunted before he stood up and ran after the boy. “You lots have a lot of names to even call you by them- Jules! Come back! Charles has a meeting!”
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The Ferrari headquarters in Maranello was, no doubt, a place that held a lot of memories for the Leclerc family. Charles’ name was engraved in the wall of fame and Aimee’s family was strongly connected to the Ferraris. Their connections to the team — one that became their family — led them to what they had now. 
Everyone inside the headquarters were fond of the Leclerc boys and Jules was no exception.
For an hour, he’d been going around the office saying hi to everyone and asking about their day — in Italian, as well, to impress them with his ability to speak more than two languages. Then he went around asking about the LaFerrari that his Uncle Arthur mentioned earlier. 
Jules gladly toured the museum with his uncle rather than finding the car he’d asked about, his eyes glimmering at the sight of Niki Lauda’s car and even Enzo Ferrari’s. When they got to Michael Schumacher’s car, however, Jules nearly jumped up and down in excitement. 
His loud excited voice caught the attention of other onlookers in the museum. It was rather funny that he was so excited, because by the time people had approached them the excitement in his features had infected the Ferrari fans as they asked Arthur for photos. 
“Oh, I’ll take the photo!” Jules offered in excitement. 
“Jules no you have to get in the picture,” Arthur kept an arm around the boy and said, “how will people know that there are two handsome Leclerc men roaming around Maranello if you’re out of the picture?” 
And find out, they did. It wasn’t even an hour after when the fans posted their photos on Twitter and became a hit tweet because of the Leclerc boy. What was funnier aside from the caption “I met Jules Leclerc with his relative today” was the result that came with it. 
Charles looked quite frazzled trying to find his kid and when the fans saw the driver they nearly freaked out. Jules merely waved at his father and said, “They said they want some pictures, Da!”
Charles sighed and smiled at the fans lightly, his eyes finding Arthur’s as he warned his brother quietly about letting Jules in the pictures.
Jules was still a child, and taking photos of him without the knowledge of either Charles or Aimee was trouble you’re asking for. 
“Jules,” Charles started as he held the boy’s hand, making their way back to the office after having some photos taken, “Do not go far from the office when Da has a meeting, alright?” 
“But I only went in the museum, Da,” Jules reasoned out, “and Uncle Artie went with me!” 
“Well I’m glad you went with someone,” Charles shrugged, “but there is someone I would like you to meet.” 
“Oh! Cool,” Jules exclaimed. “C'est le père de maman?” Is it Maman’s father? 
Charles and Arthur shared a look over Jules’ head. Yeah no.
The boys had always mentioned that they’ve never met any of their grandfathers before. They understood why their Papy Hervé was not here anymore but Aimee’s father — Julius Hearth — was still alive. How come they’ve never met them? 
“Non, mais il est proche de maman,” No but he is close to Maman. Charles replied quietly, eventually coming to a stop in front of the conference room by the Scuderia Ferrari Team Principal Fred Vasseur’s office. 
Jules stood there, expectantly looking at his father as Charles gestured to the entryway. Stepping inside without looking away from his father, Jules finally looked in front of him as his glimmering eyes turned curious. 
A man sat there. There are some signs of age in his face, but Jules could tell that he was not older than his father. The man’s smile brightened the room, the shade of his skin brightening like the sun. 
Jules looked up at Charles, who only offered him a smile before telling him to keep walking. The man stood and stuck his hand out. 
“Last time I checked, you and Aimee were still new,” the man gave a teasing look to Charles, who only chuckled. His Scottish accent piqued Jules’ interest even more.
His Maman’s accent was different from his and as he continued to think about it, his cousins’ mixture of Austrian and RP accent wasn’t like this either. He’s from a different region, Jules deduced.
The man looked down and crouched, hand still stuck out as he spoke, “My name is Teague. Teague Edmunson. And you are…?”
With a face showing a mixture of curiosity and cautiousness, Jules looked back at Charles who only gave him a go-ahead before the boy reached out to shake the hand of the man and introduced himself, “My name is Jules Leclerc.”
“Ah! Jules?” Teague smiled softly as he gave a nod of approval towards Charles’ direction. “You named him Jules?”
“Yes, we did,” Charles grinned, his hand reaching out to mess with his son’s hair.
“Seems rather fitting,” Teague teased the Ferrari driver, “the Wingman of Maranello… Ah… he made you and Aimee possible after all.”
Jules’s face scrunched up in confusion, watching how his Uncle Arthur giggled and his father’s face flush red.
It was like he missed something. He wasn’t sure what but the way his Da’s turn red told him enough about asking him about the matter later.
“I’m sorry, mister,” Jules piped up, making the men look down at him with questioning looks. He proceeded to look at the man who introduced himself as Teague and asked, “My Da said that you know my Maman well. Can I ask what you are to her?”
“Jules,” Arthur called, “do you know one of your Maman’s last names?”
The boy shook his head, making Teague laugh quietly and answer with, “Edmunson, Little Bianchi.”
“You said that is your name,” Jules pointed out, making Teague nod. “So… if Maman’s name is Edmunson then you are her… brother?”
“Well… Not quite,” Teague shook his head before elaborating, “I’m her cousin. Don’t tell me your Maman had never spoken much of me? Charles?”
“Yes we have,” Charles scoffed. But all Jules seemed to have heard was that the man in front of him was his mother’s cousin. Then he recalled that one time he went browsing through his Maman’s childhood photo album.
He saw his aunts in those photos and even his Uncles Max and Lando. He knew that some of them grew up together, but there was one person that Jules once pointed out and it was a boy with a darker shade of skin and curly hair. The boy that he saw was sitting next to his Maman. 
Suddenly it all made sense to him. Aimee once introduced him to the photo of this boy as…
“You are Uncle T.”
Jules came to a conclusion, his lips spreading into a grin as it infected the whole room. 
“Yes, I am your Uncle T!” Teague confirmed, nodding eagerly. “Gah! I thought Aimee and Charles had forgotten about me. Or even your uncle Arthur!”
“I’d never forget about you, T,” Arthur scoffed.
Jules then turned to Arthur and said, “Uncle Arthur, you cannot even remember my full name! You have put my Pascal first before Blaise!”
“Ahhh, Arthur~” Charles gasped dramatically and looked at his younger brother. Arthur scoffed and rolled his eyes.
“I forgot about it once this noon and little Bianchi considers me a criminal for it,” Arthur muttered. “You and your Da, J. You like to give me a heart attack.” 
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He stood next to his father while they both brushed their teeth, getting ready to go to bed for the next day. 
Jules had spent his day with Fred Vasseur and his Uncle Teague. It turned out that Teague was to work as an engineer at Ferrari after years of working at some firm in Luxembourg.
From what Jules learned, Teague never had the chance to visit Jules and his brothers due to his work commitments. Now, he’s had every chance to— and he did make sure that his time was well spent. 
“Da,” Jules spoke after rinsing his mouth, hearing a hum from Charles as he glanced at the older Leclerc. “On reverra l'oncle Teague?” Will we see Uncle Teague again? 
“Oui,” Charles murmured as he continued to brush his teeth. He spat the contents of his mouth and rinsed his mouth before he answered his son, “He will be there for your race, Jules.” 
“Ah,” Jules nodded in understanding. Silence was shared between the Leclerc boys before Jules asked, “Est-il proche de Maman?” Is he close to Maman?
“Very,” Charles nodded, “but he is not your Maman’s best friend though. He was…” 
Jules Leclerc, if you were to compare him to his twin and the rest of his brothers, was good at reading expressions. He could just tell that Charles wanted to tell him something but refuses to.
Jules always told himself that his Da got the look that his brother Hervé had whenever he was in the verge of crying or breaking down, and this was no exception.
So rather than bringing up the situation Jules went ahead and said, “Da, pourquoi l'oncle T a-t-il dit que mon nom correspondait?” Da, why did Uncle T say that my name is fitting? 
Charles’s expression changed as he snapped his head towards the direction of his son. “What do you mean?”
“I do not know,” Jules said before he tried to recall the events earlier, “he said uh… Il m'a appelé quelque chose… W- wingman?” He called me something.
“Ah,” Charles chuckled, shaking his head lightly before he grabbed the brush from the sink alongside a hair tie. He stepped behind Jules and began brushing the boy’s hair back. “The Wingman of Maranello.” 
“Oui! That!” Jules exclaimed, wincing lightly when he moved and his dad tugged on his hair lightly. Charles muttered an apology before Jules continued, “What does that mean?” 
“Uh… so,” Charles tried to speak but he couldn’t help but focus on the detangling brush on his hand as he continued to brush Jules’ damp hair. “Do you know- Maman t'a-t-elle parlé de la Saint-Valentin?” Did Maman tell you about Valentine’s Day? Jules nodded as Charles explained, “There is something called a Cupid. Now, Cupid— he matches people with others. To find someone to love.”
“Maman said that! She said that Cupid helped you and Maman!” Jules said as his eyes glimmered at the thought of Cupid doing their work— a masterpiece that the boy called his Maman and Da. 
“Yeah, well you see,” Charles chuckled, “long before Maman and I got together with the help of Cupid, we had something called the wingman. It’s someone who encourages you to talk to the person that you like.”
“Like Cupid?”
“Pretty much, but Cupid just helps people get together and love stronger,” Charles shrugged, “the wingman, in this case, helped me discover my love for your Maman more.” 
Charles smiled to himself. He remembered it vividly. 
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It turns out, being a student and a godson of a test driver — who was best friends with a stakeholder’s cousin — could lead him to a party at the Ferrari headquarters… and to her. 
Teague chuckled quietly before nudging Jules Bianchi slightly, earning a scowl from the Frenchman as he followed Teague’s line of sight, smirking lightly as Charles Leclerc — at the age of fifteen — blushed furiously and walked away from the golden skinned girl.
When the girl was out of their sight, Jules whistled as if to tease the boy. Charles gave Jules a glare as Teague laughed.
“Come on, Shal,” Jules grinned lopsidedly before he wrapped his arm around the Monegasque. “I think you should talk to her.”
“I already did,” Charles tried to shove Jules away from him, but the Frenchman was stronger than him as Jules laughed.
“Not that,” Jules shook his head, “maybe someday she’ll be your girlfriend~~”
“Jules, shhh-“ Charles hissed. 
“Careful now, Wingman of Maranello,” Teague piped up, “you might give my aunt a heart attack with all of your matchmaking.”
“I’ve done an alright job so far, don’t you think, T?” Jules winked at his best friend. “I’m sure your Aunt Amara wouldn’t mind having a handsome Monegasque for a son-in-law. It worked out so well with you and your girlfriend!
“Now Shal! Promise your best godfather Jules that you’d ask her out one of these days, hm? I’d be damned if you let go of a smart girl like her.” 
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“So if I’m called Jules and he was your Uncle Jules… does that mean I get to play matchmaker too?”
Charles laughed aloud, finally tying his son’s hair into a bun before he wrapped his arms around his boy. 
“Why not,” Charles rolled his eyes before pressing kisses on his son’s face. “You can do whatever you want, little Bianchi. Just not anything that will send your Da or Maman to the hospital, hm?” 
Jules sighed contentedly, resting against his father’s chest as he looked at himself and his dad in the vanity. He then smiled and said, “I hope Hervé gets better before the race. Then Uncle T can see me and him race.” 
“I hope so, too, Jules,” Charles sighed quietly, patting his son on the shoulder before nudging the boy towards the direction of their bedroom. “Now off we go. We’ve a long day ahead of us tomorrow.”
“Will I drive the LaFerrari this time, Da?”
“If your Zio Fred has someone to find it for you, then yes. Perhaps don’t crash around the office. It’s a busy day tomorrow.”
“Uh… okay. Maybe I can make that promise.”
“You can promise? So silly of you, Jules.”
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