guy60660 · 3 months
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squibbles-gubwee · 10 months
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Vote for Rook and Artika in the @tmnt-oc-comp !!!
Artika is @annonimous1000 's!! The symbols in the background are the ones for psychology and for medicine, since they're both doctors!
This round's theme is Fencing (And Rook is an Ex Fencer!!)so I couldnt help myself with the Utena ref-
Original image this is heavily inspired by under the cut (Cover for a box set series of Revolutionary Girl Utena)
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micro961 · 1 year
Artika - Non fila la fila
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Il nuovo brano della cantautrice campana con l’etichetta milanese Da Vinci Label
Una riflessione sul tempo perso dentro le innumerevoli file di ogni giorno. Il nuovo inedito di Artika - al secolo Francesca De Rosa - si intitola
“Non fila la fila” che rinnova il legame con l’etichetta Da Vinci Label. Un nuovo brano per l’artista campana il cui testo vede la collaborazione di suo marito Luigi Aulito e la produzione firmata dal musicista e produttore Alessandro Presti noto componente dei Follya presso i Manta Rei Studio. Per la cura della parte vocale, Artika da sempre si affida al suo mentore e vocal coach Renato Esposito, anche lui vanta numerose collaborazioni ed esibizioni con importanti artisti italiani ed internazionali.
«Ci avete mai fatto caso a tutte quelle situazioni in cui “perdiamo” tempo? In fila alle poste, al bar, in cassa al supermercato, al bagno nei ristoranti, al casello, al pronto soccorso, al telefono in attesa, nel traffico… L’elenco è potenzialmente infinito. È un dato di fatto che le code sono parte integrante della nostra vita di tutti i giorni. Il comportamento che mostriamo quando siamo in fila, assume diverse sfumature: c’è chi (si contano sulle dita) attende tranquillamente il proprio turno, c’è chi comincia a inveire verso gli impiegati dello sportello e c’è chi, avendone la possibilità, cambia la sua fila d’attesa o chi, il più delle volte, cerca furbescamente incivili e stucchevoli scorciatoie. Dover aspettare non è solo un disagio della singola persona: il tempo che la popolazione di una nazione perde aspettando in coda è uno dei principali fattori sia nella qualità della vita sia nell’efficienza dell’economia di un Paese». Artika
Etichetta: Da Vinci Label
Artika, nome artistico di Francesca De Rosa, nasce a Battipaglia nell’89. Sin dalla tenera studia canto e danza. Le sue doti vocali, per timbrica, estensione e duttilità, le permettono di sperimentare con vari generi musicali come jazz, soul, rhythm and blues, leggera, pop e rock. Ed è proprio per l’energia e la grinta del rock, supportata anche da una fortissima presenza scenica nelle sue esibizioni live, che la sua pagina artistica supera i 60.000 fans. Nel Marzo 2015 pubblica on line e su tutti i canali web il suo primo singolo e video dal titolo “Non ci sarò” con cui ottiene vittorie in vari contests radiofonici che le permettono di andare in rotazione su diverse radio italiane. Nel mese di Luglio dello stesso anno vince il premio “Top Chart” al contest radiofonico Sonic Factory 2015. Grazie agli ottimi risultati ottenuti nel brevissimo tempo, con la produzione ApM Progetto Musica iniziano a prospettarsi anche esperienze internazionali importanti, infatti in quel mese di Agosto riesce ad entrare tra le dodici nazioni finaliste del prestigioso Pirogovsky Rassvet 2015, festival internazionale tenutosi a Mosca. In un’atmosfera surreale e con una cornice di diecimila spettatori canta in lingua russa ed italiana, la sua interpretazione del brano “Kukushka” le permette di aggiudicarsi il premio di “artista più votata dal pubblico”. A Settembre 2015 pubblica un secondo inedito dal titolo “Scappo via”. Dopo la partecipazione alle selezioni di Sanremo di quell’anno ed al 22° Festival di Avezzano 2016, il 5 Maggio 2016 inizia la promozione nazionale ed internazionale di un nuovo inedito dal titolo “Fantastico” che porta ad ottenere più di 260.000 visualizzazioni del videoclip su You Tube, cinque settimane di permanenza in Classifica Italiana Indie (MEI), inoltre, dalla prima settimana di Giugno 2016, entra in Classifica Europea Indie ed ottiene la prima posizione che conferma per quattro settimane (a cui si aggiungono anche cinque settimane al secondo posto e 15 settimane in Top Ten). A Dicembre risulta al sesto posto assoluto nella Classifica Europea Indie (EIMC STATS). Il 2017 si apre con la pubblicazione del singolo “Solo un nome” anche questo ottimamente accolto dal popolo della rete e dalle classifiche indipendenti. La pandemia ferma un po’ tutti ma a fine 2021 torna in scena con la pubblicazione del nuovo inedito “Rosso indelebile” che tratta della violenza di genere. Il 2023 porta con sé l'inizio di una proficua collaborazione con l’etichetta milanese Da Vinci Label che pubblica ad aprile “Catartika”, a luglio il singolo “Disordinata” ed ora il nuovo brano dal titolo “Non fila la fila”.
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClJINUz9d8RrsPDb7MQICYQ https://open.spotify.com/artist/0nhv8t4yAqnGrqQkeMyVh6?si=qkuTRtS0SnCH4N80hJ7T4Q https://www.facebook.com/ArtikaDrs89/ https://www.instagram.com/artika.drs https://twitter.com/artika.drs
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kimberlaylk · 1 year
Understanding Lacquer: A Versatile Coating for a Beautiful Finish
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Are you interested to know about what is Lacquer? It is a type of coating commonly used in woodworking and decorative arts. It is a durable and glossy finish that enhances the natural beauty of materials. Made from a combination of resins and solvents, lacquer provides protection against moisture, UV rays, and scratches. It is versatile and can be applied to various surfaces like wood, metal, and ceramics. Lacquer dries quickly and creates a smooth, high-shine surface, making it a popular choice for furniture, musical instruments, and fine art.
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chausseure · 2 years
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#Artika généreuse en largeur, cuir véritable souple et vernissée. élégante sobre et confortable aux #Andelys #BelleetConfortablepourlesFêtes #beautéducuir #ChaussEureHavard (à Chaussures Havard Les Andelys) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl1KAZfsoz5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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justsomedrawing · 9 months
Aunt Artika (evil woman)
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nexus-skellie · 6 months
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Yersinia | Alberich | Koirin
Teterra | Polemos | Artika
Rift | Zyrephon | Waltz
Prismatic | Cassus
Flight rising rainbow! This was really hard actually, I have a lot of dragons and none of them are a single color lol
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dare-g · 2 years
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Opera Jawa (2006)
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dhallblogs · 2 months
Rajasthan govt shuffles 11 IAS officer, IAS Iqbal Khan appointed Commissioner, Medical Education.
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Jaipur: The government of Rajasthan recently transferred and posted 11 IAS officers. The names and new designations of the officers are as follows:
1.Recently appointed Managing Director, Rajasthan State Industrial Development and Investment Corporation (RIICO), IAS officer Sushma Arora (2008 batch), has been instructed to return to her previous role as the MD, Rajasthan Cooperative Dairy Federation.
2.IAS officer Inderjeet Singh (2010 batch), serving as the Commissioner of the Rajasthan Housing Board, has been reappointed as Commissioner and Special Secretary, Information Technology and Communication Department, and Managing Director of RAJCOMP Info Services Limited. He has also been given the additional charge as Commissioner of the Rajasthan Housing Board.
ALSO READ MORE- https://apacnewsnetwork.com/2024/02/rajasthan-govt-shuffles-11-ias-officer-ias-iqbal-khan-appointed-commissioner-medical-education/
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johnben01 · 9 months
8 Luxury Modern Kitchen Design Ideas to Inspire Your Renovation
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In the dynamic landscape of modern kitchen design, Pedini Miami stands out as a premier destination for those seeking sophistication, innovation, and luxurious aesthetics. 
This article explores eight captivating luxury modern kitchen design ideas inspired by distinct Pedini collections: Moka Kitchen, Aroma Kitchen, Materika Kitchen, Dune Kitchen, Quadra Kitchen, K016 Kitchen, Artika Kitchen, and CookEat Kitchen. Each design encapsulates a unique blend of style, functionality, and avant-garde concepts, providing a wealth of inspiration for your kitchen renovation project.
1. Moka Kitchen: Embracing Cozy Elegance
The Moka Kitchen, inspired by the rich aroma and warmth associated with Moka coffee, embodies cozy elegance. In the Pedini Miami interpretation, this design emphasizes earthy tones and natural materials to create a welcoming atmosphere. Warm wood finishes, stone countertops, and subtle lighting contribute to the Moka Kitchen's inviting ambiance. This design encourages the integration of comfortable seating areas, fostering a sense of togetherness reminiscent of sharing a delightful cup of Moka-brewed coffee with loved ones.
The Moka Kitchen concept is an homage to warmth and comfort. Drawing inspiration from the traditional Moka pot, a staple in coffee culture, this design aspires to recreate the cozy and inviting ambiance associated with the ritual of brewing and enjoying a cup of Moka coffee. The color palette may lean towards earthy tones, creating a soothing environment. Materials like wood and stone could be prominent, instilling a sense of natural warmth. The Moka Kitchen is not just a space for culinary endeavors; it's a haven for relaxation and shared moments, mirroring the conviviality often found in coffee houses.
2. Aroma Kitchen: Sensory Indulgence in Design
The Aroma Kitchen, as interpreted by Pedini Miami, invites a sensory journey into a culinary delight. This design strongly emphasizes olfactory experiences, incorporating materials known for their aromatic qualities. Aromatic herbs, spices, and even specialized storage solutions for fragrant ingredients contribute to the immersive experience. In the Aroma Kitchen, every culinary endeavor becomes a multisensory exploration, engaging not only the taste buds but also the sense of smell in a luxurious culinary symphony.
A kitchen that engages the senses, the Aroma Kitchen is an olfactory delight. By prioritizing the sense of smell in the culinary experience, this design may incorporate materials known for their ability to absorb and release scents. The careful integration of herbs, spices, and aromatic plants may contribute to an immersive cooking environment. Beyond the visual and tactile elements, the Aroma Kitchen aims to enrich the culinary journey by enveloping inhabitants in a symphony of delightful aromas. It transforms the act of cooking into a multisensory experience, appealing not only to taste buds but also to the sense of smell.
3. Materika Kitchen: Celebrating Materiality
Pedini Miami's Materika Kitchen is a celebration of materials and textures. This design philosophy revolves around the careful selection and presentation of high-quality materials. Matte finishes, sleek surfaces, and innovative use of textures define the Materika Kitchen. The integration of modern appliances seamlessly with premium materials creates a space that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also highly functional. This design is ideal for those who appreciate the tactile and visual qualities of materials in a luxurious kitchen setting.
The Materika Kitchen is a celebration of materials. This concept revolves around the careful selection and presentation of various materials to create a tactile and visually appealing space. Matte finishes, natural stone, and innovative textures take center stage, contributing to a sophisticated and harmonious design. The Materika Kitchen is an exploration of materiality, where surfaces become canvases for aesthetic expression. This kitchen design seeks to elevate everyday functionality by infusing it with a touch of luxury through the thoughtful use of materials.
4. Dune Kitchen: Organic Harmony in Modernity
Drawing inspiration from the organic shapes of dunes, the Dune Kitchen from Pedini Miami is a testament to the harmonious coexistence of modernity with natural forms. Fluid lines and gentle curves dominate this design, creating a space that is both contemporary and serene. Earthy color palettes and the use of natural materials contribute to the Dune Kitchen's tranquil atmosphere. This design embodies organic beauty, transforming the kitchen into a haven that seamlessly blends with the natural world.
Inspired by the undulating forms of dunes, the Dune Kitchen merges modernity with organic shapes. Characterized by fluid lines and gentle curves, this design aims to bring a sense of tranquility and natural beauty into the kitchen space. The color palette may echo earthy tones, creating a connection with the serene landscapes of the dunes. The Dune Kitchen is a departure from rigid lines, offering an environment that feels both contemporary and in harmony with nature. It transforms the kitchen into a space where aesthetics meet the organic, creating a calming and visually engaging atmosphere.
5. Quadra Kitchen: Precision and Contemporary Finesse
The Quadra Kitchen from Pedini Miami embodies precision and contemporary finesse. With clean lines, square or rectangular shapes, and a modern aesthetic, this design creates a visually cohesive and organized space. Neutral tones, high-gloss finishes, and integrated storage solutions contribute to the Quadra Kitchen's minimalist appeal. This design is perfect for those who appreciate order, simplicity, and a modern design language that exudes luxury.
Precision and order define the Quadra Kitchen. With clean lines, square or rectangular shapes, and a contemporary aesthetic, this design concept aims to create a visually cohesive and organized space. The Quadra Kitchen is tailored for those who appreciate minimalism and structured layouts. It provides an environment where every element has its place, and geometric precision reigns supreme. This concept is an ode to modernity, offering a kitchen that is not only functional but also visually striking in its simplicity.
6. K016 Kitchen: Futuristic Innovations
The K016 Kitchen by Pedini Miami takes a futuristic approach to kitchen design. This concept integrates cutting-edge technology, modular components, and sleek aesthetics to create a space that is both visually striking and highly functional. With a focus on efficiency and innovation, the K016 Kitchen is designed for individuals who embrace the latest advancements in kitchen technology while maintaining a luxurious and stylish environment.
The K016 Kitchen takes a technical and modular approach to design. This concept is marked by efficiency, innovation, and a futuristic outlook. It may incorporate smart features, advanced materials, and modular components, allowing for a high degree of customization. The K016 Kitchen envisions a space where technology seamlessly integrates with daily culinary activities, creating a kitchen that is not only visually appealing but also highly functional. This design concept is forward-thinking, anticipating the needs of a modern lifestyle.
7. Artika Kitchen: Where Art Meets Culinary Mastery
In Pedini Miami's interpretation, the Artika Kitchen is a canvas for artistic expression. This design concept challenges conventional notions of kitchen aesthetics, incorporating unique color schemes, textured surfaces, and unconventional design elements. The Artika Kitchen blurs the lines between functional space and art, allowing homeowners to infuse their culinary haven with personal creativity and style.
The Artika Kitchen is a canvas for creativity and aesthetics. With a name evoking art, this concept places a strong emphasis on visual appeal and artistic expression. Expect unconventional color schemes, textured surfaces, and unique design elements that transform the kitchen into a work of art. The Artika Kitchen challenges traditional notions of kitchen design, blurring the lines between functional space and artistic expression. It's a space for those who view the kitchen as a medium for personal creativity, where every detail is a brushstroke on the canvas of daily life.
8. CookEat Kitchen: Seamless Fusion of Functionality and Elegance
The CookEat Kitchen from Pedini Miami seamlessly fuses functionality with elegance. This design concept prioritizes efficiency, convenience, and a streamlined workflow. Smart storage solutions, ergonomic layouts, and high-end appliances contribute to the CookEat Kitchen's luxurious appeal. It is an embodiment of practicality without compromising on aesthetics, creating a space that enhances the joy of cooking and dining.
Functionality meets aesthetics in the CookEat Kitchen. This concept is designed with a focus on efficiency, convenience, and a seamless workflow. Smart storage solutions, ergonomic layouts, and elements that facilitate cooking and dining experiences are key features. The CookEat Kitchen recognizes the kitchen as a dynamic hub where practicality and aesthetics coexist. It strives to enhance the joy of cooking and sharing meals, creating a space that is both visually appealing and highly functional.
In conclusion, Pedini Miami's diverse range of luxury modern kitchen designs offers a plethora of inspiration for those embarking on a kitchen renovation journey. Whether you are drawn to the cozy elegance of the Moka Kitchen, the sensory indulgence of the Aroma Kitchen, the material celebration in the Materika Kitchen, the organic harmony of the Dune Kitchen, the contemporary finesse of the Quadra Kitchen, the futuristic innovations of the K016 Kitchen, the artistic flair of the Artika Kitchen, or the seamless fusion of functionality and elegance in the CookEat Kitchen, Pedini Miami provides a spectrum of choices to elevate your kitchen to new heights of sophistication and style. These designs not only reflect the latest trends in luxury modern kitchens but also offer a timeless appeal that transcends fads, ensuring a kitchen that is both enduring and indulgent.
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bachiles · 1 year
Three Books for Young Readers
I love a good children’s book and today I am happy to share three that I was sent by Blue Cottage Agency for review. All three are truly fabulous examples of great books to have available to children and I am thrilled to have actual physical copies that I can share in my Little Free Library. Justice Makes a Difference- The Story of Miss Freedom Fighter, Esquire by Dr Artika Tyner and Jacklyn…
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tiredfox64 · 3 months
I already sent this ask but accidentally sent it before I could fully type it out, I apologize 💀
But I was wondering if you could write a Lin Kuei x reader where she finds a stray kitten outside and takes it in to nurse it back to health. She probably keeps the kitten hidden in her room. Tomas probably finds out about it first and she’s just like “please don’t tell Bi-Han” So the two of them help raise the kitten and try to keep it a secret from Kuai Liang and Bi-Han.
Thank you 🩶💛💙
Calico Critters
Yip notes: No need to apologize! Ah yes, the cat distribution system is working just right. It been working for me for years
Pairings: Lin Kuei Bros x Afab reader
Warnings‼️: I hope you’re not allergic to cats
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You’ve always wanted to own a pet of your own. It didn’t matter if it was a shaggy dog or a wimpy tortoise. You wanted to love and care for something when the world could not give it to them. But your family was not big on owning pets. They would tell you they were too much responsibility and cost a lot of money which you understood. You thought you would have a chance to care for an animal when you were an adult but that hope dwindled quickly. Bi-Han would not allow you to be distracted by even a moss ball. Unless that pet was a powerful stallion, you weren't getting anything.
But the universe doesn’t listen to Bi-Han. The universe gives when the time is right and that time is now. It is your destiny and right to own a pet. And what better way to start your loving journey than with the sweet love and attitude of a kitty cat.
You just finished practicing for the day, the winds pricking your skin even with how hot you were. If you stay outside for any longer you’ll risk getting arthritis in your joints. And boy is that hell in the winter and summertime.
You were stopped by a sound that you thought was the wind at first. A squeaking that was unfamiliar to you. There was nothing in Artika that could make that sound. Not even a seal would make this high-pitched squeaking noise. You followed the direction of the noise, bringing you closer to a fern bush. You moved the leaves out of the way and came across interesting colors. Orange, black, and white with a pair of green eyes. Oh my goodness, it’s a kitten! The poor thing was shivering and being pushed by the wind. It seemed to be alone. There was no mother cat around or even any siblings. This one might have been the runt of the litter.
“Oh, you poor thing.” You said softly as you lightly picked up the kitten in your hands.
It, or more like she since this was clearly a calico, immediately started nuzzling in your hand to gain some warmth. You couldn’t do much since your hands were starting to freeze as well but it was better than the rough ground and thin ferns. You started looking around to see if there was anyone else around. There were luckily none to see what you were about to do. You moved your uniform around to find a spot to stuff the kitten into. The only place that worked was your chest area. You let the kitten snuggle up against your uniform as you started making your way inside.
Your arms were crossed over your chest area as you took quick steps toward your room. It didn’t matter if someone had something to ask you or was asking if you were alright, you had to get this kitten somewhere safe. You had to ignore Bi-Han as well. That was a risky choice, you know how much that man hates when no one listens to him. There were other things on your mind.
Finally, you got back inside your warm room and let the kitten out. She was still shivering but it reduced. You grabbed the softest blanket you had before rolling her up in it. She was like a burrito in the softest tortilla ever. The squeaking sound she produced ceased and she finally opened her eyes fully since there was no snow pelting them.
They were as green as the fern you took her from. Her irises were not slit but like big orbs. There was already a connection made. You are her savior, her new mother. This world is too cruel for such a pure being to live in. You must protect and keep this calico. She needs you. If you try giving her to another family you’ll break her heart.
Have I guilted you enough?
Screw Bi-Han and his rules! You’re keeping her. You just need to keep her hidden. Good luck with that.
Your family was right, pets are a big responsibility. You had no issue with getting supplies for your kitty like litter, toys, and food. But goodness that little mouth can be loud.
Meow! Meow! Meow!
She never stops. Her mind is too small and fragile to realize that she is creating sound herself. She speaks but is there truly meaning behind her words? No. Her brain functions but not fully. It will still be a while before she can comprehend that she has control over her mouth. For now, she will scream for the gods to listen to her cries. Or she will just scream at you to feed her more fish.
You tried bottle-feeding her some formula to help calm her down. It works for a little before she screams. She drinks, she enjoys, she screams. What more does she want, she doesn’t even understand trigonometry. Why is she having a crisis?
Meow! Meow! Meow!
Tomas stopped walking in the hallway. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Why did he hear a high-pitched meow coming from your room? What are you doing in there?
He walked closer to the door and placed his ear against it. He heard you speaking to someone, saying that they needed to quiet down and that no one could find out about them. There were more meows after that. He’s not going to wait for the answer to hit him in the face. He’s gonna investigate this for himself.
“What is that noise?” Tomas asked as he opened the door. His eyes widened once he saw something in a blanket and a bottle in your hand.
There is no easy way to explain this. You slowly turned around to show the colorful kitty in your arms. It was a relief to Tomas to see that you weren’t holding a baby but it’s still confusing. He was about to ask you why you have a kitten but you already started begging.
“Please don’t tell Bi-Han. You know he’ll tell me to get rid of her and I just can’t do that. Just look at her.” You held up the kitty burrito in front of Tomas.
“Where did you find a cat? When did you bring it here?” There were a thousand questions running through Tomas’ head but he did take a moment to look at her.
For once she quieted down. Her big, green eyes looked into Tomas’ soul. Those eyes were begging him not to snitch. They beg him to love her, care for her, to be a father to her. You were right, Bi-Han would tell you to get her out. Her small size or pure eyes would not win over his heart as it was doing with Tomas’ at that moment. Her little paws began clawing out of the blanket before stretching them to the sky. Her paws spread out and he could see the light pink toe beans that were so tempting to squish. Ah, it’s just too cute!
“You still need to tell me how you found it.” He reminded you.
You gave him all the details. You told him how you found her, what you did after, when you got all the supplies, and how long you’ve had her. You’ve only had her for a week and she’s beginning to desire more solids. You’ve been taking some of your fish from dinner and bringing it back to your room to feed her. Somehow no one has noticed until this point. You were doing well, she’s just a loudmouth.
“You seem to have your hands full. It’s like you became a mother overnight.” He joked.
She started taking big, wobbly steps on your bed. She climbs over the lumps in your sheets with determination. Her wobbly legs carried her to Tomas who was resting on your bed as you relayed everything to him. She screams and she is heard. Tomas laughs a little before trying to pet her. For some reason, she falls and begins to roll off the bed. He panics, rightfully so, as he tries to catch her in his big hands.
“Nooo, why would she do that?” He asked like he was truly heartbroken. He might have actually been heartbroken.
“She’s dramatic.” You replied.
Now she’s purring in his hands like she didn’t just cause him to have a heart attack. His thumb lightly pet her head and flicks her ears back and forth.
“Wait, did you even name her? You never once mentioned a name?” He pointed out.
“I was more concerned about hiding her than naming her. But I guess now would be a good time to think of a name.”
You two sat there for a good few minute trying to think of a name for this little scoundrel. This rapscallion who lies upon Tomas’ hands and receives pets from him. What to name a unique creature like her?
“How about Ionnah? I think it’s unique just like her.” Tomas suggested.
“Ionnah, huh? That sounds cool! I love that for her. Ionnah it is.”
She was already getting used to the name considering her head perked up once you repeated it. Now this secret lies with you and Tomas. You two are responsible for her. You both must hide her and care for her. Congrats, you have become cat parents.
She was easier to manage with the help of Tomas. He brought her more food and since he had more freedom to leave he took the time to get cat food for Ionnah. He even started to teach her to be a hunter like him. And by teaching that means letting her chase a cat toy in the shape of a mouse. Yup, that’s a lethal predator right there. She’ll be taking down some of the clansmen in no time.
But you two could not be more obvious. You do realize Kuai Liang sees all, right? You can’t hide anything from that man he will always get suspicious of something. He’s been seeing you both whisper to each other and giggle about stuff before sneaking into your room. Tomas always shuts the door quickly and locks it. Are you two…dating?!
Oh nah, he needs to know now. Why would his brother hide anything like that from him? He doesn’t like that at all. Kuai Liang kept a close eye on Tomas, almost mad dogging him until he would say something. It didn’t work because you and Tomas weren’t dating. You’re just parenting together which could be like dating if you fancy that.
Ah whatever, Kuai Liang needs to sharpen his kusarigama. And you both need to figure out WHERE THE FUCK YOU LEFT IONNAH!
“I didn’t realize I left the door slightly open. I was so tired after that mission.” You were crying into Tomas’ arms after you couldn’t find Ionnah.
“It’s going to be alright. We’ll find her. She couldn’t have gotten far with those tiny legs of hers.” He tried soothing you before taking your hand to look around the temple.
Ionnah was on a journey of her own. She may be small but she is mighty. She was looking around for some extra food since you and Tomas figured out you were feeding her fish multiple times a day without knowing. She likes her carp. But her green eyes saw something else that she was interested in and her slit pupils became wide.
She saw the rope that was connected to Kuai Liang’s kusarigama. The other end with the kunai on it was hanging off the table, the rope occasionally waving when Kuai Liang would move it to sharpen the other side. Those hunting practices Tomas was giving her kicked in and she bolted toward the rope with her claws out. She pounced on it, sinking her claws into it. She is so light that Kuai Liang didn’t feel anything pulling on his weapon. He only noticed something was wrong when he heard you sniffling near the doorway. Tomas’ eyes were angled down in shock as he was unsure of what to do to not make Kuai Liang look down.  Ah, too late he just did. That was when he noticed the furball made of white, black, and orange gnawing at his rope.
“Huh? How did that get here?” He questioned before leaning down and grabbing her by the back of the neck.
She immediately let go of the rope in response to the grab. Kuai Liang lifted her up to his face to get a better look. She looked perfectly healthy, too healthy to have just strolled into the Lin Kuei temple. Something ain’t connecting. He looked past Ionnah to see Tomas coming towards him with his hands out as if asking to pass her to him.
“Can we have her back please?” Tomas asked softly like that would stop Kuai Liang from asking questions.
“Explain.” He said bluntly.
You went over what happened again. You added on the fact that you begged Tomas not to say anything and he agreed to help you take care of Ionnah. All the while she continuously purrs in Kuai Liang’s lap as he pets her. She loves how warm he is. He’s like a sentient toasty blanket to her.
“I agree that Bi-Han would have told you to get rid of her. I would have agreed with him but now I see that she has not caused any distractions in your two. You both have been training still and doing missions. She has caused no issues.” Kuai Liang said as he looked down at her.
“So you won’t tell Bi-Han?” You wanted to double-check.
“No, I will not. But you might need extra help seeing that this slip up of yours could have gone wrong if she made her way to Bi-Han. I would like to help out. Plus, she is adorable.” He smiled softly as he smoothed out her fur.
This was awesome! Three parents for this little lady. One who is a 24/7 warm blanket for her, one who is constantly playing with her, and one who is a mother at all hours of the day. She is surrounded by so much love and warmth. Hopefully, no bitter cold will envelop her again.
You three have spent a lot of time in your room now. Every day after dinner you all go to your room to spend time with Ionnah. Every time the door opens she gets up from where she is and runs up to you while meowing. Her eyes are like boba every time she looks at you and her tail waves back and forth. She is that boost of serotonin that you all need.
Other than her mouse toy, Kuai Liang has figured out she loves rope. She loves climbing it and gnawing at it. He got her some rope that didn’t have sharp pieces of metal at both ends. She’ll start getting the zoomies when Tomas and Kuai Liang start playing with her. She will switch between the rope and the mouse before doing circles. You’d be there laughing at her cute antics. She’s gotten bigger and stronger since you first found her shivering in the cold. It warms your heart to see her enjoying her life with so much love around her. This is a better life than being stuck outside.
You’re still too suspicious. It’s the same thing except Bi-Han has noticed now. He notices how there are more whispers between you, Tomas, and Kuai Liang. He’s seen you all rush into your room. Though he didn’t come to the same conclusion Kuai Liang did, he was still suspicious. He believed the issue was in your room and he was right. That’s why he made you three go out on a mission so he could snoop around your room.
You were concerned about leaving Ionnah alone since Tomas and Kuai Liang would be with you. But Kuai Liang told you to lock the door and there would be no problems. He or his brother could help unlock the door once you guys get back. You thought that would be reasonable so you accepted the mission from Bi-Han. You did what you were instructed and locked the door. But do you think a lock will stop your grandmaster? Never.
When you guys left he immediately made his way towards your room. Of course, the door was locked but Bi-Han was quick to think of a solution. He made a pick made of hard ice to jam into the doorknob and it worked like a charm. He opened the door and Ionnah thought it was her parents. She leaped off your bed and began running towards the door until she saw Bi-Han. Her ears immediately folded down as she backed up. Her tail went down and she made that whining noise to alert that she did not feel safe. He is not her father.
Bi-Han’s eyebrows furrow in frustration as he watches her give him warning signs. She sure had an attitude.
“A calico…interesting…”
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“How could this happen again?” You started crying.
When you three came back and Kuai Liang tried to pick the lock he realized it was already unlocked. You three couldn’t find Ionnah anywhere. Not under the sheets, the bed, in the closet, under the dresser, or even in the drawers. You all ripped your room apart and could not find her anywhere.
“Do you think she could have snuck outside?” Tomas asked Kuai Liang.
“That is impossible, she hates the cold. She would not willingly go outside even to chase after us. She has to be in the temple still.” He said.
You all scattered around the place trying to find even a hint of her. There was no fur anywhere to hint at her being in a certain area. She did not respond to her name or even pspspsps. No meows or screams from her. You all met up in the middle again and none of you had any good news. But that’s when Tomas noticed something strange. He pointed to the fish pieces on the floor. There was a path of them all leading to…Bi-Han’s office! Oh gosh, he found her!
You three burst into his office expecting him to be holding Ionnah captive. Instead, you saw her lying on his desk while he worked on some paperwork. He sees he has to order more fish for the clan. Ionnah immediately picked her head up and jumped off his desk to run up to you. You picked her up and gave her many kisses, thanking the gods for keeping her safe surprisingly.
“I expect to hear that your mission was completed,” Bi-Han said casually.
You all were shocked. It was like he didn’t notice the kitten that was once on his desk.
“Brother, are you not going to ask-“
“Ask about the cat that you have been hiding away even though I told you that you were not allowed to own any pets,” Bi-Han said with a clear attitude.
You looked down all guiltily even though you have proven to be able to take care of a kitten. Tomas and Kuai Liang were not happy with their brother and his cruel tone. They were still confused about why he even had her in the room. He was ready to answer that though.
“I was wondering where the runt of the litter was. I was surprised to see it was a calico since they are rare. She does not look like her mother but she does have her fluffy coat.”
This confused you more until Bi-Han got up and walked over to a corner of his office. That’s when you notice the sort of fort made from blankets. He lifted one of the corners to show a bunch of kittens and one cat. That’s Ionnah’s family! She really was the runt of the litter!
You all got a closer look and saw that the mother was a Serbian cat with light gray fur. Her babies seemed to be a mix of Serbian and Russian blues. Some had darker fur while others had lighter fur. What they all had in common was the mother’s fluffy fur that was well-kept and her green eyes. Yup, that’s definitely Ionnah’s mother. Bi-Han placed the blanket back over to allow them to rest.
So Bi-Han was the one who took the rest of the family in? Who would have thought! Not even his brothers would have guessed that. What was he supposed to do, leave them out there to freeze to death? He can be evil and cruel but he’s not a monster. If he can manage a clan he can also manage a litter of kittens. There is enough fish to go around even for Ionnah which was the only way he could get her to leave your room. She would not allow his cold hands to pick her up.
“But I thought we weren’t allowed to have pets.”
“You are not allowed to have pets but I am allowed. I’m the grandmaster, it is my choice. Plus, they are useful when it comes to getting rid of mice.” The second point makes sense but the first is bitchy of Bi-Han.
“So…does that mean you are keeping Ionnah for yourself?” You asked in a sad tone, thinking Bi-Han would keep her for himself since he is the only one allowed to have pets around here.
“Why would I keep her when she does not allow me to touch her? There is no point. You can keep her but remember she belongs to the Lin Kuei.” It’s important that he adds in that last part.
You were extremely relieved to hear that and so were Tomas and Kuai Liang. That means Ionnah is still yours and you all get to do whatever with her. She can live with you and have other cats to spend time with if she chooses to. She’ll get all the fish she wants and if there are any mice around that’s an extra treat. Good thing Tomas was already training her. She’ll be the best mice hunter the Lin Kuei has ever had!
Yap notes: Speaking of cats here's my co-writer who sometimes distracts me:
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Also I do have calico critters that my bestie gifted me for Christmas which I gifted her a cat set as well:
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Also that card in the middle was cause i didn’t wanna put a divider or do a transition cause i got lazy and I just want more of my ice cream cake. Adiós!
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micro961 · 1 year
Artika - Disordinata
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Il nuovo brano della cantautrice campana con l’etichetta milanese Da Vinci Label
Un rock grintoso per esorcizzare il disordine delle cose, della vita e di se. “Disordinata” è il nuovo inedito di Artika, al secolo Francesca De Rosa, un misto di grintoso pop-rock che, unito all’indole ed alla personalità della cantante, ne fanno un pezzo esplosivo assolutamente da ascoltare. 
«C’è chi sostiene che il mondo sia nato dal Caos. Charlie Chaplin diceva: “dal caos nasce una stella”. Qualcun altro ha scritto “dal caos nasce l'ordine, dalla confusione dei sentimenti l'amore”. E poi l’aforisma di Nietzsche che ritroviamo ovunque “bisogna avere il caos dentro di sé per partorire una stella danzante”». Artika
Brano scritto e composto dalla stessa Artika in collaborazione con Luigi Aulito e David Vuto, con la partecipazione dell’artista Renato Esposito e del producer Francesco Galdieri. Dopo la pubblicazione del singolo “Catartika”, “Disordinata” segna la seconda uscita del nuovo progetto con l’etichetta milanese Da Vinci Label.
Etichetta: Da Vinci Label
Artika, nome artistico di Francesca De Rosa, nasce a Battipaglia nell’89. Sin dalla tenera studia canto e danza. Le sue doti vocali, per timbrica, estensione e duttilità, le permettono di sperimentare con vari generi musicali come jazz, soul, rhythm and blues, leggera, pop e rock. Ed è proprio per l’energia e la grinta del rock, supportata anche da una fortissima presenza scenica nelle sue esibizioni live, che la sua pagina artistica supera i 60.000 fans. Nel Marzo 2015 pubblica on line e su tutti i canali web il suo primo singolo e video dal titolo “Non ci sarò” con cui ottiene vittorie in vari contests radiofonici che le permettono di andare in rotazione su diverse radio italiane. Nel mese di Luglio dello stesso anno vince il premio “Top Chart” al contest radiofonico Sonic Factory 2015. Grazie agli ottimi risultati ottenuti nel brevissimo tempo, con la produzione ApM Progetto Musica iniziano a prospettarsi anche esperienze internazionali importanti, infatti in quel mese di Agosto riesce ad entrare tra le dodici nazioni finaliste del prestigioso Pirogovsky Rassvet 2015, festival internazionale tenutosi a Mosca. In un’atmosfera surreale e con una cornice di diecimila spettatori canta in lingua russa ed italiana, la sua interpretazione del brano “Kukushka” le permette di aggiudicarsi il premio di “artista più votata dal pubblico”. A Settembre 2015 pubblica un secondo inedito dal titolo “Scappo via”. Dopo la partecipazione alle selezioni di Sanremo di quell’anno ed al 22° Festival di Avezzano 2016, il 5 Maggio 2016 inizia la promozione nazionale ed internazionale di un nuovo inedito dal titolo “Fantastico” che porta ad ottenere più di 260.000 visualizzazioni del videoclip su You Tube, cinque settimane di permanenza in Classifica Italiana Indie (MEI), inoltre, dalla prima settimana di Giugno 2016, entra in Classifica Europea Indie ed ottiene la prima posizione che conferma per quattro settimane (a cui si aggiungono anche cinque settimane al secondo posto e 15 settimane in Top Ten). A Dicembre risulta al sesto posto assoluto nella Classifica Europea Indie (EIMC STATS). Il 2017 si apre con la pubblicazione del singolo “Solo un nome” anche questo ottimamente accolto dal popolo della rete e dalle classifiche indipendenti. La pandemia ferma un po’ tutti ma a fine 2021 torna in scena con la pubblicazione del nuovo inedito “Rosso indelebile” che tratta della violenza di genere. Il 2023 porta con sé l'inizio di una proficua collaborazione con l’etichetta milanese Da Vinci Label che pubblica ad aprile “Catartika” e, in estate, l’ultimo singolo dal titolo “Disordinata”.
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bunniekittiee · 11 months
how about for Bi-Han. He gifts his new bride a super fluffy and warm coat. I think this can be so sweet because not only he is doing to make sure she is warm and comfortable in his home in Artika, but also because that way they can take walks or sit in the gardens together to be cute and lovey.
Oh my goodness anon, you are fr a genius! I love this suggestion, I tried to make this as sweet as possible.
Bi-Han x Fem. Reader
Bi-Han was very used to the icy tundra he called home. His father made him train in the cold at a young age so his body could adjust to it. Now, the cold did not ache his bones or hurt his skin. He was used to it, and he did not realize at first that Y/N, his new bride, were not adjusted. Bi-Han had to marry her, in exchange for power over the clan she came from, in order to produce an heir one day. His clansmen continued to pester him about marrying, so he did in order to get them off his back. He was standoffish. He knew they both were tied together for the rest of their lives, but it was only for power. There was no love in between them. Or, at least, that is what Bi-Han tried to convince himself of.
Her loving gaze penetrated his encased heart, and he could not resist the looks she would give him. It was as if she loved him very much, but Bi-Han knew the whole point of their marriage was to get his clansmen to shut their mouths. At least on his part, that was.
That is what Bi-Han tried to convince himself of. But many aspects of this changed when she snuggled towards him during the nights, or how she would take his hand to ground himself back into the world. Bi-Han saw how she treated his brothers and it warmed his heart. He saw how much she and Kuai Liang were alike with their sweet nature and attitude. Or how her and Tomas still had a childish tinge to them when they went out together while Bi-Han was working.
Oh, he tried to convince himself it was nothing more. That he was just feeling lonely. That she was just his wife by marriage, and nothing more.
That was, until it was Bi-Han’s birthday. The Lin Kuei were never ones to celebrate birthdays. In fact, it was frowned upon. Foolish. So Bi-Han had never celebrated his birthday, nor his brothers. He treated it like a normal day.
But she, she did not. She remembered. Bi-Han hardly recalled even telling her his birthday. But when he came home that night, she had helped prepare his birthday dinner. She had ordered the cooks to make Bi-Han a dinner feast for his birthday of what meals he had as favorites. He was taken aback, maybe even a little proud of the fact that she remembered. He was never expecting this or even the phrase to slip past her lips, but her ‘happy birthday’ rang in his ears while she and his brothers sang to him quietly.
This solidified something in Bi-Han. That he, the Lin Kuei’s Grandmaster, had fallen in love with this foolish girl. But she was his foolish girl.
No details ever got past Bi-Han. He studied her like a cat and its prey. Noticing how she avoided going outside, Bi-Han analyzed her. Her shivers, the way she rubbed her skin to create warmth, how she curled into piles of blankets, how when Kuai Liang was in the room, she seemed to stop these behaviors and embrace his warmth.
It all became clear to him that he was blind. She was not adjusted to the cold like he was. She never had to sit out there in the cold like his father made him or train in freezing temperatures. She was delicate, untouched by such hardships in that nature. He never noticed this before and he internally fought with himself. Why would he be so blind to this?
He wanted to do something, he wanted to help her with the cold. So he decided for a few hours, he would put his duties to the side and visit someone in the village. But, he could not go alone. So he took his brothers.
“My, brother! For someone who was so adamant that he did not romantically love his wife, you are certainly proving yourself wrong.” Kuai Liang said with humor laced in his tone.
“Silence.” Bi-Han grumbled as they walked through the village. “I do not want to see her cold and suffering.”
Tomas could not help but smile under his mask. Bi-Han was learning how to live with and love another person. In his own ways. It made him happy to see his brother learning something new that he hardly had any experience in. The positive aspect was that he was learning.
They arrived at the seamstress where they had their own uniforms tailored and fixed. The Lin Kuei did not necessarily have a tailor as they could not train one themselves. Many were old, the Arctika would eat away at their bones. And most did not want to live in there, they had their own families to go home to.
“My lovelies.” cooed a gentle voice. She was an older woman, one that Bi-Han remembers his father coming to when he was a young boy. “What brings you in here today?”
Kuai Liang and Tomas said their greetings and stepped back to let Bi-Han take the stage. “Good afternoon. My wife needs a winter coat. A really warm one, for that matter.” He said stiffly. He was never the best at interacting with outsiders.
She hummed as she searched her drawers. “I believe I have her measurements in here somewhere. I am surprised the Grandmaster himself came to ask me. I thought you would send a solider.”
He scoffed. “They are incompetent. It is better if I make the important errands.”
Finding what she needed, she brought out Y/N’s measurements. “Winter coat you say? Extra fur lining in the sleeves and the bodice?”
“Perhaps extra fur in every part of it.” She said as she began to draw out what she was going to make. “What colors?”
“Blue and black.”
She chuckled. “Even your wife cannot escape the Lin Kuei colors.” The seamstress focused on her quick drawing as Kuai Liang and Tomas waited patiently. Bi-Han watched like a hawk as her hand moved diligently across the paper. “Grandmaster, this is what the end piece will look like.”
Showing him, he looked at it more and nodded. “Yes, that is what I want.”
Nodding her head back, she set it down onto her table. “It will be a little expensive, Grandmaster.”
He internally rolled his eyes. “Nothing I cannot afford. I will pay now. I need this coat as soon as possible.”
Paying her and saying their goodbyes, their quick trip had only lasted forty minutes. Although Bi-Han could have been working in those forty minutes, he was glad that he did this instead. He was looking forward to his wife’s reaction to her coat. Once reaching their home, the brothers went their separate ways to tend to their orders.
Two days later, Bi-Han and his brothers made their way back to the village to retrieve the coat. She was a fast working seamstress, and Bi-Han was relieved she finished it so soon.
“This is the final product.” She said as she held the coat up. “Are there any additions you want to add to this piece?”
Bi-Han shook his head. Her work was beautiful. The coat itself was a dark, rich blue. Matching his own uniform. The black accented it. The fur looked so soft to touch. Tomas almost wanted one for himself.
She wrapped it in parchment paper and put it into a box, sending them on their back, smiling at the love-stricken Bi-Han. He debated on when he should give it to her.
“Brother, if i may say,” Tomas said as they walked back. Bi-Han murmured a ‘yes’ in response. “I believe you should take the rest of the day off. Spend time with her since she will be able to go outside without feeling freezing.”
Bi-Han sharply sighed. “I cannot take the entire day to spend it with her. I am busy with my duties, as you are too.”
Kuai Liang shook his head. “Brother, we will take over your duties. It is not like you do this everyday.”
“I can spend another day with her.”
“But brother, you have hardly spent time with her since you married. You are in love with her no matter how much you say you are not.”
He felt his chest tighten at Kuai’s words. Was it so obvious? As much as Bi-Han knew he had to work, he could hardly get her out of his mind. To see her reaction to her new coat, to hold her, to touch her, to spend time with her. It was an internal debate.
“Brother?” Tomas asked a little worriedly.
Bi-Han sighed again. “Fine, I will spend the day with her. But I cannot do this often.” They smiled, grateful that their brother was finally learning to make time. Even though he only did it because they put pressure on him. It was a step into the right direction.
Arriving back at home, the brothers went their separate ways once more. Bi-Han trudged to his home, a little eager to give his wife her present. He had never felt this way before. He felt almost stupid.
She sat in one of the chairs in the entertainment room as she read a book quietly. Her hair had fallen into her face a little bit, and it squeezed Bi-Han’s heart. She was beautiful.
“My love,” he said to her, these words feeling foreign in his mouth. She looked up at him, a small smile on her lips. “Yes, Grandmaster?”
He walked closer to her and held out the box. “This is for you.”
She took the box from his hands gently and looked a little confused. Bi-Han felt himself have a twinge of nervousness licking away at the pit of his stomach. Untying the ribbons, she slid the top of the box off and took out the coat, unwrapping the parchment paper as well. Her eyes widened at the thick, fluffy coat that was sitting on her lap. “Bi-Han…”
“I noticed how cold you have been. I am sorry for not paying attention sooner.” He said, feeling a little ashamed that his wife had to go this long without feeling warm.
“Bi-Han, it is gorgeous.” She said breathlessly as she held it up. “Thank you so much, Bi-Han. This is… really special.” She stood up and slipped the coat onto her body. Bi-Han’s heart began to race as his eyes scanned over her body. The coat fit her snuggly and she looked stunning.
“You are beautiful.” He rasped.
She blushed. “Thank you, my beloved.”
He felt himself start to blush at her sweet nicknames but fought it back. “Take a walk with me?”
Quickly walking to his side, they both began to take a stroll into the garden. Although they were surrounded by snow and ice, the flowers were ever so vibrant. Their beauty did not falter in the cold temperatures, just like Bi-Han’s flower did neither. She looked so pretty in the snow and in her coat, he felt himself start to think about a million things all at once. That was unlike the Grandmaster. The stoic, hardened heart Grandmaster was now thinking about romantic gestures and how to express it to his wife.
He grasped her hand into his when he knew they were not around his soldiers. She held his back, smiling at him shyly. He felt a small smile rise to his lips. She made him feel so loving and warm. But it was sickening. He was never used to this.
“Your coat suits you.” He said as they sat down on a bench together in the garden.
“Thank you, Bi-Han. It means a lot to me. It is really warm.” She said while snuggling into it. He wished she would snuggle into him.
They sat in silence as they admired the bright colors of the flowers against the white snow. She broke their silence. “I know that our marriage was more so a deal, but I cannot help but love you, Bi-Han.”
His chest tightened once more. “I cannot help but love you as well.”
She smiled at him. “I am happy to hear that, my beloved.”
Bi-Han had the overwhelming urge to kiss her. His brown eyes averted from her eyes to her lips and back to her eyes. The only time they had really kissed was on their wedding day, but he never thought he would crave her kisses. Caressing her face, he pulled her in for a gentle kiss.
A little surprised, she kissed him back. All that surrounded them were the beautiful flowers and silence. When they pulled away, Bi-Han rested his forehead against hers.
“I love you, my dearest.”
“I love you more, Bi-Han.”
Embracing her, he pulled her closer to his body as they looked back at the flowers. He was a little stiff due to how new it was to him, but he felt himself start to relax. She rested her head on his chest, sighing in peace.
Bi-Han had never thought he could love another person romantically with his lifestyle. He always thought that he could not bring love into his life, yet here he was. He adored his wife, feeling tenderness for her as their time together increased. His frozen heart began to thaw out. Kuai Liang and Tomas noticed his new behavior and how his moods were starting to change. He made more time throughout the week to spend time with his loveliness. Whether it was for an hour or a few minutes, his brothers saw how much she could change his mood and his behavior. He wasn’t softening up, but he was a little less aggressive.
Bi-Han always made sure to take walks with her or sit in their gardens. Their time together was precious, and as much as he wanted to spend every moment with her, he knew with his duties he could not. So this would have to suffice. And she still wore that coat he gifted her at every walk they would take. It made him proud. Proud to know that he was loved and cared for by someone other than his brothers, and who he felt the same for.
The Grandmaster was never one for love, but he now understood how important it was to have it in life. It was an intimate ordeal. Something that could never be replicated over and over.
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chausseure · 2 years
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Affirme ton #style sans abandonner ton #confort avec le #ChaussEureHavard des #Andelys et #Artika (à Chaussures Havard Les Andelys) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjaWVnpMWk4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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antvmnos · 1 year
headcanons wedding day (bi-han ver.)
bi-han x reader
you and bi-han finally marriage each other.
afab, sfw, fluff, established relationship, reader is gender neutral.
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First of all, before anything else, your marriage to him would most likely be something purely political. He wouldn't be interested if it weren't. You are probably a descendant of a powerful clan or someone from a crumbling clan who has special abilities like his. He combined the useful with the pleasant and sees this as a big deal. The elders did not agree with this idea of ​​such a hasty marriage, but he is the Grand Master of the Lin Kuei. He just doesn't care.
You basically didn't have much of a say in the party preparations because your, for all intents and purposes, future husband, had everything under control and made sure to rub it in any individual's face and wants everyone to know. Your wedding will have all this pomp in every detail and place it can be seen.
Their clothes are of the highest quality standard, they have the characteristic blue and the clan symbol. Just like Kuai's scenario, you should know that you are not just marrying Bi-Han, but his entire clan and deserve the respect you will deserve. (He will make sure of this).
You got gifts. HUGE gifts from everyone in the clan and guests, without exception. The amount is exorbitant and is almost a condition for being in the wedding.
Kuai Liang was happy for his brother and congratulated him, as did Tomas. Although you know the way he treats his brother with consideration, you also thanked him because he considers him his brother-in-law, despite all the interpersonal issues behind their relationship.
Bi-Han does not respect Liu Kang as a god, much less to be the host, so he chose someone else, but due to his insistence he had to swallow his pride to ask for blessings for his marriage. You really don't know how you convinced him. It is serious.
Your wedding was in Artika's, few people, but relatively important people. Naturally, Bi-Han hates heat and this was on purpose for his relatives who are from abroad. Deal with it. Give everyone warm clothes… Or not.
You greet all the guests and Bi-Han just watches you with this hardened expression of his. He wasn't wearing a mask and it was as if you were being devoured with his eyes. There's a feral desire there in those dark orbs that's hard to measure. Possessiveness. (He will ruin you after all this shit).
You don't love him and that feeling is reciprocated. But maybe you can learn to love him eventually. (I think???) I wish you luck marrying this guy. You will need this and a lot of patience.
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a/n: maybe I should do a nsfw part 2? (tell me if I should or not... I have some ideas... *winking eyes*
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