onyxedskies · 2 years
Are you willing to do I Found Them + Gather for Ashe x M!Shez?
request is on point as always <3
i inserted shez into the three houses timeline because it made more sense in my mind
also it was too long to actually post so here's the link to the ao3 post:
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dazzlerazz · 1 year
Another friendly shoutout to my creatives sideblog @artoutofwords !
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dazzle-art · 2 years
Razz Art Sideblog
May 11 2023: This pinned post is out of date, here is the new one
Main Blog: @dazzlerazz Old url: artoutofwords
Fanart, ocs, doodles, shitposts, writing snippets, and more!
Obligatory do not repost, edit, or steal, blah blah
You do not have my permission to repost my work, both art and writing related, use it for NFTs, or feed them to AI generators.
Due to an accident I suffered two years ago, I am unable to work most jobs outside of my home. I need to make art my job, and while likes are good, they won’t put food on my table in the adult world. I know my art isn’t the best, but please reblog it if you can. That’s the reason I’m on tumblr to begin with. Payment methods are almost set up, reblogs would go a long way for when everything is ready!
Art Request/Commission Details
Req Status: Semi-Open Comm Status: Closed More Details In The Bin: 1
Tags below the cut
#razz doodles -> main art tag #request bin -> art requests #commission -> tbd #fanart -> fanart I’ve made #traditional art -> art I’ve done on paper #digital art -> art I’ve done digitally #oc art -> art of ocs #misc art -> art that doesn’t really fit anywhere #wipperoni -> wip tag #shitpost -> obligatory #sketchy sketch -> scribbles #other art stuff -> I mean, it’s other art stuff
#razz writes -> main writing tag #snippet sunday -> a snippet of a wip on sunday
#wip wednesday -> you know what that means
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fangirl-obsessive · 2 years
@artoutofwords posted this format first. I just decided to make it more relatable to me 🙃
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onyxedskies · 2 years
A friend and I were talking about how, despite everything Ashe has gone through, he manages to retain his moral compass despite him easily having the motive and means to delve back into thievery and crime, say Fuck It to the world. Do you think he has the capability to do that? What are your thoughts?
so i’ve said this before and i’ll say it again, ashe’s siblings saved him in that regard.
if it weren’t for his siblings, he likely would have turned bitter to the world. he was young enough that while his personality was likely somewhat defined, it hadn’t yet solidified, and even if it had that kind of trauma can easily turn a person bitter. however, he had to make sure his siblings were okay. they were his first and likely only priority. knowing he had to care for them likely kept him sane, kept him tethered to good. he couldn’t afford to be bitter at the world when he had to get food in his siblings bellies.
even after lonato turns against the church, ashe’s siblings still saved him. he had to stay strong for them yet again, he had to make sure they were okay and that they’d continue to be okay. he still needed to provide for them, even if it was through much more legal means now that he had resources.
if it weren’t for ashe’s siblings, i could easily see him turning into a kind of mob boss or robin hood figure, maybe even in cahoots with yuri and his gang. and honestly, i wouldn’t even fault him for it.
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onyxedskies · 2 years
i’ve had this au on my mind for a while, where instead of ashe and catherine having a paralogue together regarding the western church, rhea reveals the actual reason christophe was executed and ashe has a solo paralogue post-timeskip. they go to magdred way to fight off bandits trying to take what they can from the lordless land, and they have a strange, hooded ally. at the end of the battle, the ally’s hood is knocked off, revealing christophe, and ashe gets to go fucking nuts on him.
i just think ashe deserves to be angry
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onyxedskies · 2 years
Lorenz fire emblem for character bingo
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i despise him (affectionate)
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onyxedskies · 2 years
gothic and woodland
gothic - what are you subject are you studying or interested in studying?
currently, i’m a music major through the program we have at my school. however, in college i want to go into something biochemistry related, whether it be biochemical engineering, biomedical engineering, or just straight biochem
do you prefer hardcopy (paper) work or digital work on a computer/laptop/tablet?
depends what i’m doing! if i’m jotting down thoughts or taking notes, i prefer hard copies, but if i’m writing an essay or oneshot or story, i prefer digital work.
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onyxedskies · 2 years
13 for hurt/comfort prompts with Ashe & Shez if possible
this was such a delight to write razz thank you so much
prompt: “there’s no shame in crying, i promise”
word count: 852
warnings: death mentions
Ashe was… numb. 
He’d done this before, in a way, but now was different. So much different. It had been 11 years since the last time, and the situation had completely changed. But the core feeling was the same. When you stripped everything else away, the loss still hung hard and heavy in his chest, draining his energy away and somehow suffocating him, despite his ability to keep smiling and pretending nothing was wrong. 
Last time, it wasn’t preventable. Last time, it had been a slow death, remaining symptoms from the epidemic finally killing his parents after years of torment and suffering. Last time, there was nothing he could have done.
This time, it was preventable. This time, it was quick. An arrow to the throat and it was all over. His arrow. His shot, his aim, his actions killing the man who had so kindly taken him in, the man who had saved him and his siblings from an eventual death on the streets. 
There wasn’t much of a choice. It was that or let Felix die to Lonato’s hands. The facts didn’t make reality any easier to face. 
He sat in his tent, staring at his bow, held in his open palms, stained with blood from friend and foe alike. He needed to check in on his siblings. He needed to be helping in the medical tent, he needed to be reporting to Dimitri, he needed to be doing anything except sitting there, silent and fragile, but there he was. Unmoving, unthinking. Just stewing in a tangle of complicated feelings and grief and yet feeling nothing at all. 
He remembered the initial fear he felt upon meeting Lonato. He remembered the suspicion he harbored for the first several months before he finally realized he had grown to trust the man and his son. He remembered the shock and grief he felt as they marked Christophe’s grave beside his mothers’ despite the lack of a body to bury. He remembered the teas Lonato always made him and his siblings, the way he took note of his siblings favorite snacks and foods and told the kitchen staff to keep those preferences in mind, the way he let Ashe find a safe space in the kitchen with the chefs. The way he’d hold Ashe whenever it got too much, the advice he’d whisper in his ear that he still abided by, even if it was subconscious. 
Lonato had raised him, just as much as his parents did, just as much as the streets did. And instead of repaying the kindness shown to him, he killed him. 
But at the same time, Lonato attacked him too. He attacked his friends, his comrades, all in an attempt to enact some kind of revenge for Christophe. He supported Rufus, even as he attempted to kill his nephew. He had turned his back on his country, his home. And yet he had told Ashe to do whatever it was he believed in, make the choice that was right for him. 
He looked up slowly, feeling the cold neutrality that must be on his face more now as he realized someone else would see it. “Come in.” His voice was empty, monotonous. None of his usual cheer seeped through, leaving it flat and quiet even to him.
Shez walked in, a slight frown on their face, worry written in the furrow of their eyebrow. Their expression softened even more when they saw the bow in his hands. “Oh, Ashe.”
He turned his face away. “What did you need?”
“I just came to check on you,” they said. “Felix told me what happened.”
Shez walked over to him, gently taking the bow from his hands and placing it next to his quiver. The quiver Lonato had given him for his 15th birthday. He bit the inside of his cheek.
Shez sat on the bed beside him, gently taking his hand in theirs. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“There isn’t anything to talk about,” Ashe said. “It happened. That’s that. There are bigger things to worry about, now.”
“No one’s going to begrudge you a few days away, Ashe,” Shez said. “Especially not Dimitri.”
“We’re fighting a war. There’s nothing else to do but keep moving,” Ashe said, his voice breaking slightly.
“Oh, Ashe,” they repeated, wrapping him in a hug. “There’s no shame in crying, I promise. It’s okay.”
“I’m fine,” he tried to protest, but he could feel the tears forming in his eyes as his voice got tight. He tried to swallow the lump in his throat, but the tears still brimmed.
Shez rubbed soothing circles in his back as he buried his face in their shoulder, letting out a sob. It hurt. The guilt, the grief, the worry, it all just hurt.
Maybe taking a moment just to let the knot in his chest ease is the best thing to do after all, he thought, sobbing into Shez’s shoulder as they rubbed his back and played with his hair. Maybe, just maybe, taking time to grieve was what he needed after all.
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onyxedskies · 2 years
Your oc of your choice for character bingo?
oh razz you delight me
kori tsakonas
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yes, i determine canon. yes, i think they deserve better that i gave them. no, i will not be changing it.
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onyxedskies · 2 years
I've been thinking about your sylvain hades au all evening
hi i just woke up but i’ve been thinking about it as well
i still need to determine a bunch of people but i decided that theseus is definitely miklan and the minotaur/asterius is maybe his mother (cause if you didn’t know miklan and sylvain have different mothers, it was revealed in a camp dialogue in three hopes)
i’m thinking maybe hegemon edelgard for lernie, but he also doesn’t have lines so that could just be written off as something else
i’m thinking dimitri for sisyphus probably
i will definitely update you as i think more
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onyxedskies · 2 years
Okay but consider for the Hades/Fe3h AU:
Byleth (or Byleths) as that one shade cheering Sylvain on after defeating Miklan and Lya
ok so i’m thinking for this au since they’re a god they’re kinda fluid and their form shifts depending on where you see them but idk for sure yet
but yes yes yes i love that
they watch from the mirror and then use the mirror to teleport there to cheer him on bc they’re a Supportive Parent
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onyxedskies · 2 years
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i have retained my spot :)
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onyxedskies · 2 years
Would it be possible for you to give information about these pirates?
ok so the main group is five pirates, 2 of whom are currently named
one of them is secretly dating the middle prince (caelum), which the princess (maristella) knows about but the crown prince (jasper) doesnt
that’s literally all i have i’ve been too busy to put active thought into them 😭
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onyxedskies · 2 years
pirates >:)
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onyxedskies · 2 years
Nerve & Wand for the spooky asks
Nerve - Do you get scared easily?
yes 😭
Wand - What kind of wand would you have?
no idea and i don’t wanna use pottermore or anything like that lmao (also tumblrs fucking with me and refusing to let me make the question red)
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