#arty bread
vastrophel · 1 year
☆》 little... doodle fanart time
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★》 for shina of their designs for Coda and Cake-Bread/TBG!Davey !!!
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artdragon324 · 26 days
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wyrmhall · 5 months
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Bread bread bread bread! 🥖
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rizz-penguin · 1 year
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paulkariyas · 2 years
i just love bread
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andifthestarsweretodie · 10 months
having a moment of quietly witnessing and appreciating the multitudes I contain. it's so easy to try and define myself as the most palatable and expectable version of myself but then I have moments where I'm like "you're not just that are you."
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compactstreamer · 2 years
Transcript below the cut:
Roscoe: You could say Jerma985 is something of a performance artist. He creates huge, elaborate, surreal productions complete with cast and crew, and it's all streaming live for hundreds of thousands on viewers on Twitch. NPR's Alex Cheng takes us inside Jerma's latest big show, a baseball game between clowns and magicians, to ask how—and more importantly—why?
[clip of Sportscaster continues in background: Welcome to Carshield Field, where we have Jerma Baseball Association action for you!]
Cheng: At a baseball stadium in suburban St. Louis...
[Sportscaster: ...a big-time match-up between the California Circus and the Maryland Magicians...]
Cheng: ...a team of clowns in full face makeup and baseball uniforms runs out onto the field. Those clowns played a four-hour game of baseball in real time against the Magicians in the opposing dugout, and tens of thousands of viewers tuned into the live-stream on Twitch. There were breathtaking acrobatic displays...
[Sportscaster: Actually we've got three outfielders unicycling currently!]
Cheng: ... and even the umpire himself stepped up to the plate.
[Sportscaster: The umpire is about to enter this game for California?!]
Cheng: That umpire was the mastermind behind the whole show, Jeremy Elbertson, better known as the streamer Jerma985.
Jerma: I'm just, y'know, calling balls and strikes and doing all these wacky things. I'm just, in my mind I'm going "I hope this is funny. I hope this is funny. I hope this is funny."
Cheng: To create this high-production fantasy world, Jerma had to hire real baseball players, real circus performers, and actors from across the country who wanted to play make-believe. He gave his cast an outline of the baseball game, along with pages and pages of gags he'd come up with, but he let them make decisions on the fly.
Jerma: It's like a live comedy improv show.
Cheng: And Jerma says the real key is his relationship with his streaming audience on Twitch.
Jerma: I'm coming up with a scenario that I think is a fun time for everybody. That's all I care about.
Cheng: Cecilia D'Anastasio covers the video game industry for Bloomberg. She says these big, performance-arty shows are unusual for Twitch.
D'Anastasio: What Twitch's bread and butter is, is a streamer going about their life quite casually and playing video games and just chatting with their fanbases.
Cheng: So why does Jerma do these shows on Twitch, instead of making a movie or a TV show? Well, for one, the liveness of the platform creates a unique sense of unreality, and of course, money is always a consideration.
Jerma: Movies are expensive. Way more expensive than trying to get a bunch of people together to do a show on Twitch for a few hours.
Cheng: Jerma studied communications and video production in college. Then, about a decade ago, he started messing around on YouTube.
[clip of Jerma continues in background: Hello Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to episode one of Jermacraft!]
Cheng: Several years later, he switched his focus to Twitch. He mostly streamed normal gaming stuff, which he still does plenty of, but he also tried a couple of small, outside-the-box experiments, like hooking himself up to a lie detector to answer questions from viewers, or...
Jerma: I hired a fake family to come be my family at a family dinner.
Cheng: Jerma built a team of collaborators, some from his tight-knit viewer community, and together they started staging bigger and bigger events. Things hit a high point in August of 2021 with the Jerma985 Dollhouse Stream.
[Jerma Dollhouse theme music plays in background]
Cheng: Imagine a live-action version of the video game The Sims, on a sound stage, with a big cast and crew, and starring, of course, Jerma.
Jerma: The nature of that whole show was "I'm a person in a house, you get to decide what I get to do."
Cheng: Over three days of streams, Jerma's viewers made him simulate eating, sleeping. They even made him fight a bear.
[clip of Jerma in the dollhouse: You wanna do what?!?]
Cheng: Or at least, a guy in a bear costume.
[clip continues with Jerma yelling, bear grunting, and audience applause]
Cheng: The show was a smash hit. The third day of the Dollhouse peaked at over 100,000 concurrent viewers. That's a lot for Twitch. Cecilia D'Anastasio at Bloomberg says popular streamers can make good money on the platform.
D'Anastasio: Subscriptions, donations from fans, advertising, sponsorship deals.
Cheng: But Jerma's big shows are way more expensive than sitting in a gamer chair playing Elden Ring. They may not be on the scale of a movie, but Jerma says some of his productions can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, so he has to find big-money sponsors for his events.
Jerma: It can be a real challenge trying to convince a team of marketing people, "Hey so there's this idea, it's gonna cost a lot of money, and it's gonna be really fun, don't you think?"
Cheng: And some big sponsors are seeing the potential. Jerma says the shows are paying for themselves. For the Dollhouse stream, Coinbase chipped in, and Jerma found new sponsors for the baseball stream. Here's D'Anastasio again.
D'Anastasio: It's not that the streaming space is maturing, it's that it has matured.
Cheng: But even if Jerma's big shows are making money now, he knows there are no guarantees in the world of live-streaming.
Jerma: Nobody really knows how long this is gonna last. Does this evolve and become even larger than it is now, or does it go bust at some point?
[clip of Sportscasters continues in background: And oh my goodness, everyone clearing the dugout!--oh, clearing the bench--the Maryland Magicians... oh my goodness, this is bad!]
Cheng: Why fight for a vision that's so hard to explain and even harder to realize? Like making clowns brawl with magicians on a baseball diamond.
[Sportscasters: Oh boy--utter chaos!--This is just an all-out brawl, the mascots are stripping down...]
Jerma: Why not? It sounds like fun, and it seems like something that could make a lot of people happy, so I'm gonna do it.
Cheng: Alex Cheng, NPR News.
[instrumental outro music plays]
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draagu · 1 year
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yo! if you are seeing this these are kind of outdated
I am meaning to update these, but for now if you want the most recent designs you can try searching for any previous art. but! I do not mind at all if you use these versions for art!!
ive done it once again >:D, individuals and notes below: (long)
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survivor! an all around skilled slugcat. they took on a lot of survival instincts in their attempts to find their family again. they are generally laid-back, but joke around every now and then. their left arm is severely hurt from either the fall or a scuffle with a lizard (or even a mistake bomb throw (because we all did that, right??)), but can still move, just not at its full force.
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nightcat! an extremely smart coder. they are quite shy, but once you get to know them they warm up fast. they have an extreme love for things like cryptids! generally they sneak around the shadows, but occasionally they visit moon (who gave them their scarf! or maybe nsh, undecided) they have a unique talent, that being when then blush they produce little stars sparkles, which survivor finds adorable
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monk is an energetic slugcat at heart. they can be calm and serious when its needed, but they love to bounce around and investigate things! once they had saw gourmand crafting a couple times and immediately became invested in becoming their apprentice. they now love to craft and are quite witty at it too. they love to tell survivor the things they learn, which survivor then takes into effect with the limited crafts they know such as bombs and lanterns they have marks on their arms from crafting accidents (they also have a couple lizard pets :D) (considering using monk to represent myself, sort of. slugsona sort of??)
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gourmand is an extremely patient and kind-hearted soul. they take the time to help any slugcat they see in need. they took monk under their mentorship to teach them the wonders of crafting, though even monk has been making combinations gourmand could never imagine i tried making them look like a bread loaf (with the lines and everything, but they looked weird) though i hope the warm colors help them seem welcoming!
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artificer has an extremely troubled past, the loss of their pups damaged them beyond belief. their reaction is still something im developing, but i think im going in the direction of them sort of blaming themself and becoming almost manic in a way. however! they have a happier present! one of the slugcats (undecided) had found them and worried for their wellbeing, giving them the comfort artificer missed dearly. they still struggle to open themself up to others entirely, but they are working on it they may or may not find their pups again, arti's story is still a draft here buuut they are very close to hunter and gourmand, as well as friends with rivulet and spearmaster they may not also have the best relationship with saint
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hunter, a messanger sent from nsh to revive moon, is INCREDIBLY touch starved. they distanced themself from interacting much with other slugcats due to their rot, leading them to be socially anxious as well. they do, however, meet rivulet and spearmaster who help them become more comfortable with interaction. hunter then develops feelings for the both of them and wham pufferfish their bandages were painted over by rivulet and spearmaster with their respective colors :D their pupils are also more like slits compared to the other slugcats
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rivulet is a very goofy fish. they have enough energy to last a lifetime. they will never stop building those around them up and creating just an overall positive energy in the room. they love to explore and meet new faces everywhere they go. one of those faces would be spearmaster, who rivulet quickly grew on. they, of course, are very close to moon! as said in hunter's bio, them and spearmaster had come across hunter and yay pufferfish the pearls on their tail represent spear and hunter, both found in shoreline their fins have a slight gradient, though its not required for art :o
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spearmaster, created by and close with srs, is a more serious slugcat. their original mission had created an immediate caution instinct to any danger they sensed, and a distaste for five pebbles. they now have a distinct scar on their chest. they communicate via sign language and are very artistic, but are generally less social than the average slugcat. rivulet had helped them meet the other slugcats, but by themself they were never really good at maintaining those conversations. however, if you do get the know them, they are very loveable and soft at heart. the markings on their back sort of represent a fawn in a way, and the bracelets they wear represent rivulet and hunter :D they are also the tallest i may or may not project onto them uh
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saint is tired, very very tired. the endless cycle of rebirth they face when trying to ascend has left them annoyed at best. they distance themself from the other slugcats, but they still occasionally try to get saint to join in. saint is close with gourmand they are short but very fluffy. the spots on their tail represent echoes, and the lighter parts of their fur are sort of like snow? markings? they are a little chilly idk their paws are different colors (left and right) they also take a particular connection to lotus flowers
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enot is just yeah, they try their best lol. essentially like they act in the dating sim, they just want love. Though this enot isn't constantly going after it. They like to goof around more than that tbh. their design is the same as before i kinda just changed the darkest blue a little. they managed to befriend nightcat, who they goof around with every now and then
also they have eyelashes purely because I asked my friend who likes enot if they want to give them a trait and they said lashes so! aaaaaaaaaaand thats it wow
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sciatu · 1 month
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Idda Idda stiddi e pallida luna idda focu du suli etennu idda luci, ventu, futtuna idda paradisu, idda ‘nfennu idda sognu e fimmina vera idda u to ciatu, u to sangu idda estati e primavera idda acqua, terra, fangu idda ciauru, cielu, ciuri idda suggenti, idda u mari idda du jonnu ogni culuri idda da notti u sugnari idda cantu, vessu, puisia idda bidizza di ogni arti idda d’ogni notti mavaria d’ogni vita a megghiu parti Idda peddi, mani, capiddi idda cosci, minni, sessu i so occhi chini i stiddi a bucca unni sugnu pessu idda silenziu, idda canzuni idda parola, idda pinseru, idda ciareddu, idda liuni idda malizia, cori sinceru idda munti, idda vadduni, idda acqua, gebbia, vita giallu ranu, niru cabbuni idda a sula, a preferita idda nu jonnu piffettu idda ricchizza da campagna idda cosi giusti, rispettu idda soru, idda cumpagna idda ricoddi, idda dumani idda lacrimi, cori ruttu idda da vita u tempu, u pani idda di tuttu, sempri u tuttu
Lei, stelle e pallida luna, lei fuoco del sole eterno, lei luce, vento, fortuna, lei paradiso, lei inferno, lei sogno e vera donna, lei, il tuo respiro. Lei il tuo sangue, lei estate e primavera, lei acqua, terra, fango. Lei profumo, cielo, fiori, lei sorgente e lei mare, lei del giorno ogni colore, lei della notte il sognare. Lei canto, verso, poesia, lei bellezza di ogni arte, lei, di ogni notte magia, di ogni vita, la meglio parte. Lei pelle, mani capelli, lei cosce, seno, sesso, i suoi occhi pieni di stelle, la sua bocca dove sono perso. Lei silenzio, lei canzoni, lei parola, lei pensiero, lei agnello, lei leone, lei malizia, cuore sincero. Lei monti, lei vallata, lei acqua, cisterna, vita, giallo grano, nero carbone, lei la sola, la preferita. Lei giorno perfetto, lei ricchezza della campagna, lei giustizia, rispetto, lei sorella, lei compagna, lei ricordi, lei domani. Lei lacrime, cuore rotto, lei della vita tempo e pane, lei di tutto, sempre il tutto.
She, stars and pale moon, she fire of the eternal sun, she light, wind, fortune, she paradise, she hell, she dream, and true woman, she, your breath. She, your blood, she summer and spring, she water, earth, mud. She perfume, sky, flowers, she spring and she sea, she every color of the day, she dreaming of the night. She song, verse, poetry, she beauty of every art, she, of every night magic, of every life, the best part. She skin, hands, hair, she thighs, breasts, sex, her eyes full of stars, her mouth where I am lost. She silence, she songs, she word, she thought, she lamb, she lion, she malice, sincere heart. She mountains, she valley, she water, cistern, life, yellow wheat, black coal, she the only one, the favorite. She perfect day, she richness of the countryside, she justice, respect, she sister, she companion, she memories, she tomorrow. She tears, broken heart, she of life time and bread, she of everything, always everything.
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ask-redsoldier-tf2 · 1 month
According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Ooh, black and yellow! Let's shake it up a little. Barry! Breakfast is ready! Coming! Hang on a second. Hello? Barry? Adam? Can you believe this is happening? I can't. I'll pick you up. Looking sharp. Use the stairs, Your father paid good money for those. Sorry. I'm excited. Here's the graduate. We're very proud of you, son. A perfect report card, all B's. Very proud. Ma! I got a thing going here. You got lint on your fuzz. Ow! That's me! Wave to us! We'll be in row 118,000. Bye! Barry, I told you, stop flying in the house! Hey, Adam. Hey, Barry. Is that fuzz gel? A little. Special day, graduation. Never thought I'd make it. Three days grade school, three days high school. Those were awkward. Three days college. I'm glad I took a day and hitchhiked around The Hive. You did come back different. Hi, Barry. Artie, growing a mustache? Looks good. Hear about Frankie? Yeah. You going to the funeral? No, I'm not going. Everybody knows, sting someone, you die. Don't waste it on a squirrel. Such a hothead. I guess he could have just gotten out of the way. I love this incorporating an amusement park into our day. That's why we don't need vacations. Boy, quite a bit of pomp under the circumstances. Well, Adam, today we are men. We are! Bee-men. Amen! Hallelujah! Students, faculty, distinguished bees, please welcome Dean Buzzwell. Welcome, New Hive City graduating class of 9:15. That concludes our ceremonies And begins your career at Honex Industries! Will we pick our job today? I heard it's just orientation. Heads up! Here we go. Keep your hands and antennas inside the tram at all times. Wonder what it'll be like? A little scary. Welcome to Honex, a division of Honesco and a part of the Hexagon Group. This is it! Wow. Wow. We know that you, as a bee, have worked your whole life to get to the point where you can work for your whole life. Honey begins when our valiant Pollen Jocks bring the nectar to The Hive. Our top-secret formula is automatically color-corrected, scent-adjusted and bubble-contoured into this soothing sweet syrup with its distinctive golden glow you know as... Honey!
| Don't know why you would do this, anon. But, to be exact, honey bees have two pairs of wings. What you said before is completely true, bees are too fat to actually be able to fly. But that's why they have two pair of wings with immense power that can lift them off the ground. That's why when bees fly, you would usually hear the signature buzzing of theirs. |
| Also, honey is kind of similar to fermented pollen. They get stored in a special place inside the hive where the heat and bacteria help break down the pollen into the sweet, syrupy liquid. Sometimes, if pollen doesn't liquid-fy, they would solidify and turn into something you call "bee bread". The colony then will use this bread to feed the newborn bees. |
Soldier: ...
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houseofthelilypads · 1 year
Shrek Princesses Rewrite Edition 🐸👑🍎👡😴💇
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Based on my own headcanons & plans for their roles in my rewrite of Shrek 3. Because if I can redeem Artie and Charming then the ladies deserve that same chance!!
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Had a private tutor during her time at the tower
When food wasn't available she took to eating lava bread and smoked rats and bugs
Is heat resistant
She did venture out the tower when dragon was away
Studied martial arts through books and watching on the magic mirror
Her friends often stopped by to visit her, but as they got settled in adult lives grew too busy
Fiona loves kids and hopes to give her own children a childhood she never had
Does carry some resentment towards her parents she only vents in private tho
She can sing but on a normal range. Any higher it well... The bird scene in the first film
She loves swimming and water activities partly due to being surrounded by lava half of her life
Her favorite colors are green and blue they remind her of nature and to her, nature = freedom
Has bleached her hair a few times
She makes mud based beauty products and sell them on the side
Still listens to Sir Justin's music and has been to his concert
Knows of Artie's existence; they bond a lot over their parental issues
Fiona mentors artie how to defend himself, he has some proficiency in martial arts
Inherited her red hair from her grandmother
The reason Fiona was an ogre is partly due to her father being the Frog prince and guess where frogs live?
It's also believed that one of fiona's ancestors actually married an ogre but VERY long ago; the curse just brought out her genes
Fiona loves to stargaze; she also collected obsidian and volcanic rock
Sleeping Beauty
Is in a long distance relationship with the Sandman
Her dress is green because that's the color her disney counterpart never wears
Is the last one to arrive at a ball and the first one to leave
She has beds in every room but is usually found sleeping on the floor
Doesn't want children because she's too exhausted and fears any potential kids might inherit her condition
She actually understands Fiona dating someone who isn't human nor royalty, she dates the freaking god of SLEEP
Has the most patience with Snow because she sleeps through her nonsense anyways
Just like the video game adaptation of the third movie, she has the power to summon an army
Was the most hurt by Rapunzel's betrayal, they were the closest due to their similar backstories and lack of a biological family
Used to date another prince but he never came back to her tower so she eventually rescued herself. This is why she latched on to Charming in canon (and Bruce in my fanfic)
After getting charged with treason Rapunzel is made to serve community service. She hates it but considers it better than exile
She wears gold to match her hair
She owns a lot of wigs after suffering loss of her real hair (which she shaved off).
Cleans her own home
Lives in a smaller house compared to the rest
The others tease her for it but understands it's to make it easier for her to clean; having spent her whole childhood cleaning a giant estate
Is a master at blacksmithing and glassblowing; what she didn't JUST clean her home she had to do repairs too
Carries some cleaning supplies
Is VERY careful in leaving crumbs
Dislikes rats and cockroaches; she has a cat named Chandelier for this reason (my twist on Disney's Cinderella)
Is working to unlearn her people pleasing
has a better relationship with her stepsisters as adults
Her prince suffers from face blindness and as such gets her confused with other ladies. He even mistook Shrek for her
She doesn't mind kids but she rather work on reconciling with her stepfamily and heal from the abuse than pass down any baggage
The third strongest princess due to years of heavy lifting
Had the closest relationship with Fairy Godmother; was even considered a potential suitor for Charming but Cindy didn't like his vanity and immaturity.
When Cindy finds out about their plan to break up Fiona's marriage she is saddened but not surprised given Charming's past behavior
Snow White
She's my least favorite but I can explain why she acts like that
Developed an Ice Queen persona to protect herself
Living with seven bachelors rubbed off on her
Love rock music
Trained her animals to fight; found the larger animals surprisingly easier to tame
There's another Snow White but she is younger and has white hair.
If she ever sees her MGA doll irl she would be impressed that it's the only doll that managed to stay the most accurate to how she looks. She'd cut the hair
Does feel a little guilty for her mean girl attitude especially after it pushed Rapunzel away so post canon she works to be a little nicer
Her prince is actually the huntsman sent to kill her; he disguised himself as one to warn her of the evil queen
Still visits the dwarves time to time and even lets them live with her
Chose to reconcile with Cinderella after taking a good long hard look at herself
Is the girly girl of them all
The first thing she brought with her first paycheck was a purple dress, she couldn't afford the color after losing her home
Doesn't like to talk about her mother
After Fiona she is the 2nd physically strongest Princess
Knows every beauty trick in the book, every ingredient, foundation shade, even which brand of Lead
Shaves her legs using a sugar and lemon wax method, she doesn't use razors
She knows my OC Gwynn from when Gwynn was a teenager first arriving at the Poison Apple
She still has a crush on Charming, but tones it down after he starts dating Gwynn
Her friction with Mabel started after Doris expressed desire to make up wth Cindy, Mabel didn't see what they had to apologize for.
After Shrek 3 Doris works at the Candy Apple, which is an extension of the Poison Apple but FOR KIDS
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aemonds-wifey · 2 years
The Sailor
Chapter 1
Summary: You and your son decide to go to the park on a late winters day…which turns out to be an eventful day
You fasten the dark brown buttons on your sons duffle coat, he’s practically giddy at the day you have planned ahead. You straighten it out for him, looking down at his bare feet
“And where are your socks young man?” You smile
“By the sink ahhh!” He toddles away as you get up to your normal height, Arthur was your world. He’s only just turned three and it’s just the two of you.
You lived in a small flat just on the corner of a bustling street, you let Arthur have the bigger room at the back and you were settled with a smaller room for yourself. It wasn’t by any means grand or luxurious but it was a home . Your landlady , Doris lived in the house next door - luckily she was a very sweet woman who offered to look after Arthur when you had to work at the hospital she was like an adoptive mother, since your real parents had pretty much ostracized you since you told them of your pregnancy and the fact that Arthur’s father was out of the picture. Your sister said she would keep in touch but only a few letters and as the months passed by , the contact ceased. Doris was the one who sat by you as you went into labour, after she had seven children you felt you were in good arms. Arthur thought of her as his grandmother and that was heartwarming for you.
Arthur came back with his socks, but slumped himself down and held his socks up “can you help?”
You smiled taking his socks “of course my sweet.” As you helped him get ready you put a scarf around him “it’s cold outside so we are gonna wrap up warm mister. “ you said fastening his shoes.
He nodded “Can we see the ducks?”
“Yes. We’ll go to the park. But remember to stay close and not go too close to the pond.” You said lovingly, planting a quick kiss to his forehead and getting to your feet and holding your hand out “ready?”
He jumped up to his feet “Yes!”
As you locked the door you felt Arthur let go of your hand “Nana Doris!” He said seeing Doris over the fence, he wandered over to her and she picked him up
“Oh my little angel look at you!” He hugged her
“We are going to the pond.” Arthur said
“Without gloves?! It’s so cold!” She dipped into her picked and produced a small pair of mittens. She put them on him “That’s better.”
“What do we say to Nana Doris?” You said to Arthur
“Thank you.” He said admiring his new mittens
“Thanks Doris…his last pair got ruined and I haven’t been able to get him a new pa-“ you began
Doris smiled and rubbed your shoulder “No need to apologize love.”
She looked at Arthur again “You need some bread to feed the ducks!.” She swirled him around and briefly went inside and gave him two slices of bread, you looked at her when she returned .” Doris that’s your food you need-“
“I won’t hear it. Let him feed the ducks” she said waving her hand
You smiled “Thank you.”
“Do you need a babysitter later love?” Doris asked
“Not today but maybe tomorrow? In the afternoon?” You asked
She nodded “Of course . We’ll do some baking. That sound good Arty?”
He nodded happily “yes please!”
She gave him a quick squeeze and put him down, when he then came to your side and grabbed your hand.
“Thank you for the mittens Doris…I’ll bring him round say 1 tomorrow?”
“Perfect. Have fun at the park love.” Doris said as you waved goodbye , Arthur waved too and you both set off to the park.
It was a crisp beautiful winters midday , the park was quiet. As you both wondered through to the pond you felt Arthur jump with excitement “Mum! We are close!”
“We are yes! Remember not to leave my side though!” You said holding his hand tighter slightly. The pond was frozen in patches, but the visible water was a deep rich blue that highlighted the winters mourn that blew through the park.
You knelt down and pointed at where there were some ducks “Which ones first?”
He pointed at the ones near the huge imposing willow tree.
“Remember we need to be careful it could be icy on the path.” You said
“I know.” He said as you got back to your feet “I’m safe with you mum!”
You smiled as you wondered over to the willow tree, Arthur jumped again and dropped the bread he had been holding in between his fingers, you dropped to pick them up- in that brief moment he broke away and ran to the pond . You looked up and everything went into slow motion
“Arthur!!” You scream as you see him tumble towards the partially frozen lake, you feel your heart wrench as you know you won’t reach him in time.
Just as he grazed the thin ice with his arms , a hand has grabbed his coat by the back and pulled him up away from the lake. A young man roughly your age held Arthur up and checks if he’s okay “Your alright lad?”
You approach him “oh my boy .” You gasped as the man gently let you hold Arthur “he’s alright love…”
You hugged Arthur with fierce devotion and relief as your breathing calmed , you looked at the man who had saved him and spoke “Thank you sir I can’t ..you saved his life.”
He shrugged “Don’t mention it …so long as the little guy is alright?” He said ruffling Arthur’s thick brown hair gently.
You nodded “yes he is but…thank you.”
You held Arthur against you as he clutched onto you , you looked up and met the man’s gaze, his teal blue eyes met yours , a tingle ran through your nerves and you knew it wasn’t the winters chill. There was something about this man, he seemed roguish yet charming.
He cleared his throat “so um who is this little guy?”
You knelt slightly letting Arthur stand on his own two feet but you kept a tight grip on his hand.
“This is Arthur…” you said “Arthur this is…” you smiled as The man got to Arthur’s level “I’m Tom.” He held out his hand to shake it , Arthur shook it “Hi Tom.”
“Nice to meet ya, lucky I caught you you gave your sister a right fright…” Tom glanced at you , Arthur raised his head “I’m sorry mum…”
Toms eyes widened slightly , before he spoke You leaned down and kissed the top of his head “Just gotta be careful sweetheart.”
Tom got back to his feet and smiled again at you “Sweet kid…sorry I didn’t mean to…”
“It’s quite alright …really.” You were sure you were blushing.
But for the first time in a while you felt free of judgement, Tom looked at you differently - it made you feel a warm sense that felt alien to you.
“…i’m Y/N” you said
He nodded “nice to meet you both…”
You inhaled sharply , the silence filled the space and you were not ready to see this man go
“I don’t know about you both but I could do with a cuppa…Tom?”
He smiled “It’s ..honestly it’s alright love…” he said almost shyly.
“Please let me…you saved my boy .” You responded
He smiled and boy what a smile it was , you were almost certain you felt your kneees wobble a little
“Nah ..wouldn’t want to give your husband the wrong idea …upset him and all that.” He said
You briefly waved your left hand , illustrating that you were in fact unmarried
“Oh…so er no husband then?” He asked
“Just me and Art.” You said
He nodded “alright…coffee it is…” he said
Chapter 2
@chainsawsangel @schniiipsel @moonchildrenandflowercrowns @mischiefmanaged71 @namoreno @nolongereviliwantlove @talesofoldandnew @yentroucnagol @arcielee @bbyaemond @bcon24 @lauraneedstochill @polkadotsocks1993 @motley-baby @sscreamingbanshee @tssf-imagines @actualhawkesworld @bellaisasleep
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thegrayascendancy-if · 10 months
Short story
Another milestone, another moment for me to show appreciation to you guys. I've spoken of this one before, so here is a short story of the first meeting between Arthur and Gale. I've been battling for a bit, thinking what exactly I want to show here, and this version finally nails it. Please, enjoy!
The adults were whispering at each other hotly but Mother told him not to try and listen—so he did not. Mother's mood was a fickle thing and if it were to ruin quickly, she would have left the carriage and not come with them. And without Mother, those trips were simply not fun.
Arthur dropped his gaze instead, to the heavy tome in his lap. It was a gift—presented to his Father for some reason—but then handed down to Arthur anyway. Messy, like all adult things. He couldn't stand to read it with the way the carriage was rocking, but the drawings were nothing short of life-like. He was long past the middle of the book, but he kept coming back to the part about the brume-hounds: giant beasts with fiery eyes and strong bodies made of fog. The long daggers of their claws were painted with such true artistry that he could almost feel them prick his fingertips as he kept tracing the intricate lines on the paper. The text around the drawing was difficult, and Arthur refused to admit he barely understood what it said: in his mind, he had long decided they spawned out of large, engulfing fires, and he preferred his version anyway.
"My dear, we're here."
His ears perked up before he let his eyes drift to the source of the sound. The carriage had indeed stopped.
Mother's sharp eyes were watching him. Tired and a little troubled, but they held the warmth he so craved.
"Now, Artie," Mother leaned toward him, her dress softly rustling, "none of the in-house talk, remember? We are in the royal palace now." She glided a thumb over his cheek, gently pressing into it as he nodded. Mother smiled then and spoke fondly: "Good... You have such striking eyes, just like your father's."  
As if that was a command, Arthur glanced at his father, who cleared his throat and fixed the slump of his shoulders. Arthur did not understand what made him perk up, perhaps the arrival to the palace, but did not question it. He carefully closed the book and laid it on the cushion next to his seat.
Father exited first, then Mother, leaning on Father's hand, and, finally, Arthur by himself. People were waiting for them already, lined up before the broad white stairs. They had never exited only to see no one there.
He waited to be introduced, hands behind his back, but his gaze kept drifting upwards, to the spires and seemingly endless balconies with the connecting walkways and arches. The palace looked like an endless maze with ever-shifting rooms and silhouettes disappearing in the windows. He loved the way it was made: of surfaces that were cold and smooth to the touch.
Then Mother gave him a soft nudge on the back, and he followed his parents inside.
The preparations were well underway, with expensive fabrics being hung and all the lights fitted with the candles. Foods were being made and deposited to the corners of the palace that Arthur did not even believe people lingered in, but it was done generously anyway. Fruit and cuts of meat, breads twisted in a way he had not seen before.
But they kept on walking, led somewhere by a man in an important mantle and an exceptionally straight back. Looking at him made Arthur too aware of the stiff collar around his neck, how intricate but inconvenient it was.
Once they arrived at the lodgings offered by the Crown—explicitly suggested to remain at the palace over their Rimehall estate—Mother disappeared into one of the bedrooms, trailed by the court ladies. Father explained to him that he was to speak to someone and Arthur could use the time to roam around, but only if he swore to behave.
He did.
The upcoming celebration turned out to be both a blessing and a curse. The halls looked busier, and if he wasn't in the way, he was stopped by and acknowledged, with either a smile or the full length of his name. At the same time, he felt like almost more passages were open because of the need to carry massive kettles, tables and crates, and Arthur managed to sneak into parts of the palace he had never seen.
At some point, a passing servant smiled at him and offered him an apple: giant, red and ripe, loud in his ears as he bit into it. And so, taking large bites of it, he roamed, just like he had promised. Avoiding trouble and gawking at the tall ceilings.
After a while, he found himself outside, overlooking some inner yard. Tall stairs led down towards a plain of withering grass, marred with foot trails. Here and there, islands of taller plants were sprinkled: massive trees sprouting from a thickness of other vegetation. The balcony served an impressive view of the city, lying beneath the horizon. Each roof looked almost like a toy, and he could not remember seeing it like this even from a window up above. Mesmerized, he watched, first placing the half-eaten apple on the marble balustrade, then, wanting to see even more, he started to climb on top of it himself.  
It wasn't easy, held back by his outfit, thick and proper. He managed to get one leg up but he used so much force that the top of his foot pushed the apple off and over the edge.
Silence. Rustling, thud.
Arthur froze with one leg on the balustrade. He had sworn he would behave.
Slowly, he crept back, heart thumping hollowly in his chest. He looked back at the path back into the palace but he could not retreat. The trace of his misdemeanor was right there.
He winced and, forbidding himself to think on it further, dashed down the stairs. The wind was kicking up his hair, offering relief to the skin that was starting to get too warm.
He stopped where he thought the apple would have landed. But there was nothing.
He was staring at a stripe of some bushes with large leaves, growing up against the palace wall. The apple had to be somewhere...
No. Not the apple. He was staring at a boy. Small and wearing dark clothes, he was easy to miss in the tapestry of the leaves and the stems. His hair was dark, eyes green and looking sleepy. He was just as aware of Arthur as Arthur was of him.
"Please, don't look," the boy pleaded in a whisper.
"What are you doing?" His voice was loud even to his ears, but much more so when contrasted with the sudden whispering.
Huh. It had never even occurred to Arthur to hide. From anything, anyone, though he probably had wanted to at many points in his life. He felt a hot, aching ball appear in his chest. Borne of a simple word, it swelled, fed by disappointment and embarrassment. To fight it, to stop the spread of the warm blush on his cheeks, he dashed into the bushes.
The other boy hissed.
Arthur had kicked him with his knee. The impact was negligible, to him at least, but he knew the right thing to do.
"Sorry—" Got shushed. "Sorry," he whispered then.
They sat like that for a while, listening to the distant sounds of the palace bustle. Arthur felt his breathing slow down but the excitement was still there.
He turned to the other boy and discovered, much to his surprise, that he was covering his head, knees pulled close to his chest. Arthur didn't know what to make of it.
"I'm Arthur," he offered the only thing he had. It felt odd and bare, a lie even, not to attach any title to it, but for some reason, he was convinced that Margrave van der Garde would not have sat in any bushes. He also felt a burn on his cheek.
He didn't know any Gale. Not until then, at least.
"Who are you hiding from, Gale?"
The younger boy tried to hide a smile at the question, struggling to look serious. The sight of the smile, even if fleeting, soothed Arthur, because his suspicion had been grim. What did one even have to hide from in the royal palace?
"From Frederick," Gale finally managed, glancing at Arthur first quickly, then with rounded eyes. "You're bleeding."
He almost forgot to whisper. Arthur pawed to where Gale was pointing at his face. His finger came back with a trace of bright red. So bright it looked like juice.
"Just a branch," he said calmly, but the sight of his blood was rare. Arthur struggled to look away but knew he needed to. For some reason, he wanted to appear strong for the younger boy. He was hiding and Arthur was perhaps already ruining it with his larger form, a dark red outfit, and now with his blood.
But Gale did not look convinced. His brows twisted in worry and hands stopped covering his head, although without a clear plan he was just sitting there. Worried.
They both were.
Time simply crawled by. The concern for his mortality was easing its grip on Arthur. He managed to smile.
"And when is Fred—"
They heard steps. Then rustling of a skirt.
Gale grew stock still.
"Oh, just where are you?!" a woman called out. With her voice as a clue, Arthur spotted her easily. She was quickly approaching them, and all he could do was pray they wouldn't be found.
But her sharp eyes picked him out like he was a sparking metal plate.
"What is... What is this nonsense!" Then she came closer. Gale looked crestfallen, and Arthur was completely void of ideas.
"Why are you—No!" She grabbed Arthur, although without roughness, and pulled him out. Her voice got noticeably softer: "Young Lord, what are you doing?!"
She eyed him toe to head, gaze stopping on his cheek.
"And he has hurt you?! Oh no, this is a disaster!.. Gale, get out of there."
"He didn't, that was me!" Arthur complained, her hand still around his upper arm and he sensed she was trembling. Confused, he watched as Gale climbed out, head down. But it didn't seem like the woman was listening.
"First I can't get anything out of Frederick on where you are," she scolded, glaring at Gale, "and now you go and hurt an esteemed guest! You were alone with him!"
"He didn't—"
First, without looking, she tucked Arthur out of Gale's view.
"Young Lord," she turned to Arthur then with an immediate smile. That her face could change so quickly was a wonder. "Let me get you back inside to have you taken care of."
"It's fine."
Her smile became even sweeter. "Margrave van der Garde. We simply cannot have you looking hurt on the Princess' birthday."
She started to drag him, only to stop after a few steps and snap around.
"Stay here," he directed sternly at Gale, who was looking at the ground. "I will return and I will find you here."
And the fussy woman proceeded to take him inside.
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crowleywowley · 11 months
hai….i’m back….here to give more modern (plus some general) hcs!! :3
⭑i like to think of john and abi as highschool sweethearts :) But they were pretty on and off, so everyone was surprised when they made it to senior prom (john wore those tuxedo t-shirts)and eventually graduation! they got pregnant with jack a few months after graduating
⭑when it’s time for spring cleaning, DUTCH IS THE LOUDEST MF IN THE HOUSE. he’s blasting the 70s music, waking up everyone in the house very loudly announcing that it’s spring cleaning day…poor hosea, john, and arthur
⭑i like to think charles makes these super pretty bracelets and sells them online :3 some of the gang members got some! they’re very meticulously crafted and he takes pride in his art!
⭑Karen is def a crazy cat lady. She has FOUR OF THEM!!! She’d give three of the cats really pretty names but let Sean name her most recent one…in which he named the poor cat “napkin” 💀
⭑Dutch and Hosea have an unreal amount of hawaiian pattern shirts..it’s crazy. hosea wears them in the spring and summer but dutch wears them year round
⭑For some reason, it’s tradition on Arthur’s birthday to go to Texas Roadhouse (I know he’d FUCK UP that bread they give as appetizers). He usually has his family, an s/o, and a couple friends there :)
⭑Speaking of fucking up rolls…I think Artie in general would just have a guilty soft spot to sweets. His s/o would come back with those rolls or just any pastry or candy and arthur will feel so special and spoiled! He’ll also do the same thing for them in return :) (Or just any kinda fave food they like)
⭑Lenny was a SUPER smart kid in school. I like to think in the modern au he just graduated outta highschool, but he got all of these scholarships and awards for being such a smart kid. He’d def major in some sort of writing or literacy thing in college
⭑Sadie can and will destroy anyone at those bull riding things at restaurants. she’s got a plaque of her name on it at a restaurant she won at!
⭑This is more of a general one, but seeing Arthur and John compared to eachother is so funny…Arthur is like this big bear while John is skinny and dorito shaped
⭑It’s also funny seeing the heights of the vandermatthews (name still in progress) family. From shortest to tallest it goes Dutch (5’8”…short dutch all the way), Hosea (5’10”), John (5’11”), and Arthur (6’2”)
⭑One time John borrowed Dutch’s laptop and clicked on a weird website, giving the laptop a virus. John was grounded for a few days and Arthur didn’t stop teasing him about it
OKAY!!! that’s all i have rn ^^ i think i might be saying too many hcs but i love making them…they’re too fun!! (sorry for showing my arthur favoritism again sighhhh 😭😭)
So sorry it took me several days to get to this, real life has had me busy 😔 but I’m here now and EEEEEEEE so fun and silly!!!!
-I’ve also always seen John and Abi as a high school sweethearts type of thing, I think they broke up and got back together so many times in that immature high school way until like senior year when they just stayed together
-Dutch is that one vine where the guy was dancing to Morning Train by Sheena Easton
-crying real tears rn imagining Charles crafting stuff for his pals🥹🥹🥹🥹 I could see him eventually getting into bigger crafts too
-Listen I’m gonna defend Sean bc I just KNOW that napkin the cat fits her namesake so well. It’s one of those skrunkly white kittens
-Arthur having a sweet tooth is canon in my heart sorry ladies, I think he’d enjoy baking goodies for his friends/partners bc he’s suchhhhh an acts of service/gift giver love language kinda guy
-I think Lenny was just one of those kids in high school that everyone loved. He was nice to everyone and genuinely really smart, sorry haters but he definitely got voted prom king or something. As he should!!!!!!
-Sadie drives a cool truck but not in a douchebag way, like that woman is hauling shit AROUND!!!!!!!!
These are all so fun and so silly! It’s been a rough week so I genuinely enjoyed getting to read these :) yall please never hesitate to blow up my inbox with thoughts like these!!
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paulkariyas · 2 years
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↪ 02/11/2023 ― dick trick arty bread four the win ( rangers vs. hurricanes )
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the sopranos characters favorite fnaf animatronics
-tony: obviously freddy cuz he doesn't know anything abt it, aj talks aht it all the time and he beats the shit out of him whenever he mentions it
-aj: when he was a kid, i think he found chica hot :( but kind of in an ironic way, so if his friends asked he would say chica cuz she's hot but i think his real favorite is foxy i think cuz he's like a huge nerd abt video games and he's like woahhh fox is the only one that has a moving sprite in the first game and yada yada, also i think he pretends to understand the lore but he is so confused and has no idea what's going on, however later on when he matures and becomes more of a dick and starts to have mental issues, he related to michael afton for obvious reasons, also the nightmare animatronics scare the shit out of him
-carmela: she thinks the whole thing is creepy and she's doesn't like that aj likes it so she says she likes none of them to try and discourage him from playing it
-meadow: i think she likes roxane wolf and thinks she's a girlboss
-paulie: thinks he's different for liking golden freddy, even tho he only knows the lore from like the first 3 games
-silvio: circus baby, his daughter talks to him abt her back story and he like actually thinks it's insane
-janice: puppet, bc she sees herself as the helper and like the "glue" holding her family together even tho she does nothing of the sort
-bobby: at first, he doesn't like any of them bc there's no trains in fnaf, but i think he kinda gets into the mechanics of how the animatronics work so i think he likes the endoskeletons
-big pussy: he cosplays funtime freddy
-uncle junior: he thinks it's dumb and thinks it's turning everyone into furries, but he secretly thinks music man is cool, he gets called mr hippo by aj all the time and he doesn't know what it means but it pisses him off
-christopher: he's actually rly into the series and thinks monty gator is the coolest thing since sliced bread, i think he has a secret cosplay account
-adriana: obviously glamrock chica, her and chris do joint cosplays together and she actually thinks they're super fun
-vito: he is got super into sister location and still hasn't moved on to learn the lore of the other games, i think he can't decide between liking funtime foxy or ennard and he has a crush on funtime freddy sorry i don't make the rules also christopher like keeps telling him to get into security breach but he just hasn't yet but he thinks monty gator is hot
-ralph: he just likes making fun of all the animatronics and says his favorite is balloon boy to piss ppl off
-furio: springtrap, he just thinks he's cool looking
-johnny sack: withered bonnie, just based on looks tho he's not into the lore
-artie: every time he's asked what his favorite animatronic is, he tries to think of a more obscure one like shadow bonnie or the blinking heads in sister location or some shit, and everyone gets annoyed and stops asking him and he gets sad, he learns all the deep lore and like reads the books and shit to try and impress ppl
-phil: he thinks fnaf is for losers and says it's gay but he likes the cupcake just cuz i think that is silly
-tony b: he's like normal abt the lore and just plays the games normally but he thinks mangle is cool and likes the design, he lets aj talk abt the lore to him
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