#as a fellow glasses user i have to know their prescriptions
pinetreeshack · 2 years
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biblically accurate fiddleforsds
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curlychels17-blog · 6 years
Buy Tramadol, A Inexpensive Drug
“Claims that this bill will ‘break’ the Internet are unfounded. Ideally, both bases will be pissed off sufficiently at the bill that support will continue to bleed as the delay continues. Camu Camu was such a find when i heard of it, so many amazing ingredients still undiscovered but I will get there! Unlike the over-the-counter (OTC) brands, there are many reputable pharmaceutical-grade supplement manufactures who have considerable research and predictable results behind their products. Several readers have asked me throughout the years about either obtaining or bringing their prescription anti-depressants with them to Kuwait. That's right my cats have their own potty. A better one is "hydroxycobalamin", canadian pharmacy online but I've found that few drugstores or hospitals carry this newer form. Stick to your very own makeup and toss it absent just after a few months. All patients were followed for 12 months. This brings us to our next problem: Prescription drugs can cause serious complications, however, many ill patients in the nation need medications such as these being misused. The certificate software complies with the American Overall health Information and facts Administration Association’s Coding Schooling Curriculum Recommendations and offers students the basis to go after added review in Well being Data Technological know-how. It seems that the (birth control) "pill" prevents, or at least slows the B12 uptake as well. Prescription as well as over-the-counter drugs and medication are potentially addictive when abused. This is something you do on your own, you are in complete control. Similarly, Concerta andits generic Methylphenidate ER are also identical tablets. On the flip side of brand name medications exist what are referred to as generic medications. Sometimes you’ll find that for a generic medication, there is more than one brand on offer and it’s always wise to compare the prices. Tramadol drug is generally available at nearly all online pharmacies at reasonable prices. Substance abuse or addiction is present when a person uses a drug despite the harm that it causes to their system. Immune system is usually weak for a person, who is under stress. I never heard of putting raisins in the bottle when making rootbeer however, I did know a fellow once who told me that he used to toss a raisin in the bottle when making cranberry wine. There's a newer form available now, but I know nothing about it. The raisins are there so you know when it's ready since you can sqeeze a glass bottle to check the pressure. Murders fall under the category of violent crimes, which is one of the most serious offences and are severely punishable by law. If the vacuum bags are not disposed properly, dust mites may escape from the bags into the house. Attorneys advising their health care clients regarding potential relationships that may implicate the self-referral ban should carefully scrutinize the statute and implementing regulations. That is the level of care you can expect. By purchasing directly from the supplier or pet pharmacies, you can earn major discounts and save a lot of money. It requires a longer time to digest much larger meals, which can area extra strain on your stomach. Having them without prescription can lead to fatal consequences. Your "Dream Vacation" would not be complete without the cash to spare on souvenirs, accommodations and having a good time. Make clinics more appealing to employees by incorporating other health-related services at the same time. The Act lays down mutual statutory obligation and rights of employers and employees. The in-office ancillary services exception has been arguably the single most important exception in the Stark law. WOULDN'T A RX ADDICTION BE OBVIOUS? Spyware is computer software that steals personal information from computers without the user knowing. 2. Bring your contact details of you personal physician and that of your children. Similarly, one-third of physician practices had e-prescribing systems that were not set up to receive electronic renewals or only received them infrequently. In response to the Phase I regulations, CMS received many comments regarding physician compensation with a common theme that there should only be one set of conditions applicable to physician compensation.
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sun-pathos · 6 years
Seven plus years. I spent most of them living with you. I have to accept that it happened. I cannot ignore it. And I don't want to give up some of the good parts of my life just because you were in them. And I won't give up the beginning either. Before the excessive drug abuse and the jealousy and the lies and the threats.
When I met you I was unapologetically me. I lived life hard and heavily and freely. We danced around each other. I was tired of relationships. It was my year.
And I had fun but you were ever so endearing. There was something about the person you used to be that called to me. You were yourself. Not ashamed to be. You liked what you liked and it was obvious you liked me. And I thought that this could work. I thought I had met another rare person that saw me for myself and liked me for that.
Our mutual friend, my best friend, had been trying to hook us up throughout that year. And I was myself, so I was honest.
"Yeah, but nothing serious right now. You know my relationships don't exactly go well."
And oh boy did she know. The cheating, the third party interference, the love games. And among it all I never had any intention of sticking around. Everyone who knew me knew that as soon as I turned 18 I would be long gone. What buisness could I have with a boy who had home town pride?
But over knowing you I warmed to you. I remember the night that set it all in motion. I remember you walking me and another friend back to her place. I remember calling you cute. I remember that hilarious, dumbfounded look on your face as you spit out, "I been told (my best friend) that!"
I laughed. It was too good. The exclamation that rang out from you, your unpreparedness. The twinge in your mouth before you spat out the words, the chaos that ran through your eyes. My friend and I grinned like wolves as you left before we planned our next outing.
I remember that friend asking me one day, "You *really* like him?" She was surprised.
I blanket replied that I did in a "What of it?" sort of way and moved on. There were things about you that made my opinion differ from the girls in our area. Half of it being that you had known most of them around us since you were 5. The other half being that you didn't socialize anymore.
You had been out of our school for a while at the point I had actually met you. You had been burned in a stupid folly with a Molotov cocktail. You kicked it and whoosh. That was all it took for it to ignite and spread. You had been away, healing. And everyone had moved on without you. But upon meeting you in person for the first time I didn't know any of that about you. I knew you had been burned, yes. But I didn't care about you being a driving force in our social circles any more.
I remember you asking me out. I remember being at my house with seven other people. I was throwing a kick back and we were doing coke and smoking weed and you were messaging me on Facebook. And you asked me to date you. I thought it was a match made in hell and agreed.
I remember our first date. I remember leaving my best friend's house and meeting up with you. I remember how you were nervous. I remember you asking me if I wanted to go to the movies or go back to your house to smoke, where I had never been.
I hate the movies for dates. With a passion. I had several shitty memories of movie dates. So I picked your place. We went and you told me about how your family wasn't home so it would be fine. And we talked. And talked and talked and talked. Religion, social issues, music, drugs, family and so so much.
I had never had a better date in my life. I had never had someone so interested in my life. We clicked.
I remember the day I learned the extent of your drug abuse at the time. I remember the immediate reaction I had. I remember yelling. I remember being concerned. Neither of us were saints but it could have killed you. Downing a whole bottle of painkillers in a weekend was an alarming amount to me. I had no filter for it. I went right off. You explained and I cried and I understood. We were not saints. I understood but I told you to dial it back. I didn't want you to die. You said it wasn't a problem. You were out of your prescription.
I was not a saint. The more I got to know you the more I learned of your problems. And your problem with my favorite addiction. Meth. Friends you had lost to it. And I didn't know what to do. I couldn't tell you. I couldn't tell you that I stopped in bathrooms to get high before I went to school or before I saw you. Because what would you think? And what if I had to stop.
But the guilt ate me alive. I couldn't lie. So I confessed and you filled to the brim with emotions. How could I? I knew, I knew! You knew there was something wrong with me! That I didn't seem right and overprotective of a certain little plastic bag and oh it all clicked into place!
You were the only person I told outside of the group of us using. And your reaction, your hurt, your frustration.. I crumbled. And when I did you changed. You grabbed me, pulled me close. You told me to stop. That I was better than this. That in your eyes I was an amazing person, that it couldn't disappear, that I was so much more. My heart could not handle this.
The reason I had been so fearful, the reason I had fallen for you so hard was that I had never known a love like this. Everyone in my life had abandoned me. The reason I could do all this, staying away for weeks, getting away with the drug abuse, all of it was that no one cared where I was or what I was doing.
Everyone that I had loose connections with or my fellow drug users knew that I was a broken person. That my fun and my partying reeked of my impending doom. I'd get concerned messages. Even my meth dealer refused to sell to me on the regular. I knew I was killing myself. But it had never mattered to me then. I was nothing, I had nothing. If I died then I died. Nothing held me here.
But you anchored me. You held me tight and told me that I was worth it and to stop. My universe spun. It was my second chance. And I took it. For you I would get clean. I would reluctantly throw out my thin glass pipe and stop using meth.
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livinluckyclover · 4 years
MHA OC: Lily Dalton (Shade)
Warning! Long post ahead! Basically just a bio for my MHA OC, Needed to get it up somewhere.
Actually, if y’all could give me a hand, I’m having a bit of trouble nailing down her personality, if you guys could send me some asks about how she’d react to a situation, or a writing prompt for her, it might help me out a ton! Thanks~
Name: Lily Dalton Gender: Female to gender neutral (honestly, she doesn't care) Age: 31 Sexual Orientation: Pan (small preference toward men, but honestly doesn't care) Occupation: Pro Hero (Combat and Rescue), UA Teacher (Rescue training and general combat), UA Nurse (essentially backup for Recovery Girl if she needs a break) Height: 5'1" (154.94 cm) Weight: 130 lbs (58.967 kg) Hair Color: Orange (Turns black when using her quirk) Hair Style: Pixie-Bob Eye Color: Electric Blue (The sclera (whites) of her eyes turn black on extended use of her quirk) Skin Color: Caucasian Body Type: Pear shape, she's got a decent sized chest albiet a bit small, a bit of chub on her belly, and thick butt and thighs. Nationality: American School: UA High Year: Graduate, now teaching. Distinguishing Features: Skin looks like it hasn't seen the light of day in about 20 years, constantly dresses like she's a punk going to a funeral.
Hero Profile Hero Name: The Intimidation Hero; Shade
Costume: Black tank top, black shorts, a black hooded cape that stops at her hips, cape can be closed to cover her upper body, knee high combat boots, and finger-less gauntlets that stop at her elbow, and a face mask that really only covers her eyes. (Tank and shorts will swap out for a shirt and pants for colder seasons)
Quirk: Shadow Materialization and Shadow Healing. (It’s one quirk, but I wasn’t sure how to name it)
Weapons: All weapons are made with her quirk, prefers materializing a scythe, oversized mallet, and bo staff (Weapons are mostly used for intimidation)
Support Items: Her Gauntlets, boots, and mask are all support items. The gauntlets and boots are mostly a thick leather with a material mixed in that's similar to Kevlar, with the boots also having a steel toe. The mask is mostly just a set of prescription goggles with some fabric around them to make it a little more appealing. She's basically blind without them or her glasses.
Extra Personality: Is honestly a very laid-back and relaxed person, she doesn't let much of anything get to her. Doesn't actually smile all that often. Was known as the 'mom friend' in her high school group.
Likes: Spicy food, cooking, junk food, animals, unconventional quirks,
Dislikes:  Cold weather, her height, being mistaken for a student, people who call quirks 'villainous' or tell people their only going to be a villain because of their quirk.
Habits: Stress cooks/bakes,
Fears: The death of her friends and family, arachnids, 
Family: Mother: Pro Hero Aqua Jet, quirk: water manipulation, was in America's top ten heros before her death by overdose. (Deceased)
Father: Unknown Villain, quirk: Health, all thats known about her father is how his quirk worked, he could spent energy to heal his target, or drain their health to fix his own wounds. Whereabouts are unknown. (MIA)
Romantic Interests: Has small crushes on some of her fellow teachers and heros at her agency, but will not act on any of them without outside interference. (Crushes are, Hizashi Yamada (Present Mic), Shota Aizawa (Eraserhead), Toshinori Yagi (All Might), Nemuri Kayama (Midnight), and Taishiro Toyomitsu (Fatgum))
Allies: Staff of UA and Staff of the Fatgum Agency
Rivals: She honestly doesn't have any time for rivalry, a few people have called her their rival over the years and she just rolls her eyes and tells them to; 'have fun with that'.
Enemies: Much like rivals she doesn't care much for enemies, though anyone who messes with her students or friends and they have to deal with a pissed off mama bear who doesn't take prisoners.
Physical Weaknesses: Lily is a tactical medium to long range fighter, she's not really good at close combat, she knows enough to be able to slip out of range, but she's not taking anyone down with brute force. Her skin is also easily sunburnt due to being so pale,
Mental/Emotional Weaknesses: The deaths of her mother and a high school friend weight heavily on her mind, she still has nightmares about them. She's also quick to rage at her shorter height.
Quirk Name of your quirk: Shadow Materialization and Shadow Healing
Description: Shadow Materialization: Allows the user to make anything out of shadows, weapons, clothing, armor, shades (clones basically) of herself or other people, or even just shadow like tendrils to wrap around her opponents. Shadow Healing: Lily can push her shadows into her target to assist in the healing process, reforging broken bones, strained and pulled muscles, and gashes.
Strengths: Shadow Materialization: Due to this quirk, she is next to never truly alone or defenseless. She can always pull out a weapon or shade to assist her in combat, usually picking a shade of someone with a lot of physical strength to counter her long range combat. If she knows specific measurements, such as height and weight, she can create a copy of a friend or ally that she can summon anytime after the first creation. She isn't able to copy their quirks however. Shadow Healing: If she or a partner gets injured in combat, Lily can place a shadow on the injury to mitigate the pain until they have a moment for her to fully heal the damage. This quirk also takes very little of the targets actual stamina to heal, instead relying on Lily's own stamina reserves.
Weaknesses: Both Quirks take up a lot of energy depending on the situation, healing small cuts and scrapes or making clothing doesn't take up that much, but healing a shattered bone or creating a bunch of shades take up a lot of energy. Also the healing factor isn't near instantaneous like Recovery Girl's is, hers takes time, though it's a lot less then actual recovery time. Cuts and smaller injuries take minutes, while broken bones and deep gashes can take a couple hours. Due to the high amount of energy needed to work her quirk, Lily needs to eat and sleep a bit more then the normal person, this doesn't always work out when you're both a pro hero and a teacher. Constantly has to do Stamina training to ensure she has the energy for longer fights. When she goes into an emotional state in combat her shadows turn from smooth fleshed out items to sticky and sludge like.
What age did you obtain it: Age 5 for both quirks to manifest, but she didn't realize she also had healing until age 7.
How did you obtain it (what was happening at the time): Her shadow quirk manifested while she was at home, she was trying to reach a cookie jar on a high shelf, but before she could drag a chair over her quirk activated and it reached out to grab the jar to hand it down to her, she nearly dropped it several times but she did get it. She discovered her healing quirk on a day out with her family that turned into chaos thanks to a villain attack, while her mother and aunt joined into the fray, and her grandmother assisted with redirecting people to get out of there, she was left with her elderly great grandmother and her younger cousin, who was only 2 at the time. She was using her shadows to make a protective wall so they didn't get hit with the flying debris, one bit of debris make it through an unprotected side and gave her a nasty cut, on her arm. she didn't even notice her healing side activated to cover the wound and start healing until everything died down. The cut was fully healed by the time paramedics arrived to take on the injured.
Quirk Overuse: If she overuses her quirk she gets black marks along her body that are super sensitive and painful when touched, like a really bad bruise or sunburn. They will not go away until she gets a good meal and some decent sleep to recover her stamina.
Trivia: Shadow Materialization is actually an interesting quirk, everyone in her family has the ability to pass it down, weather or not they have the quirk, but it always skips a generation, and doesn't always follow specific branches of the family tree. Both Lily and her eldest cousin have this quirk, but her mother, aunt, nor her grandmother had it. Her great aunt did. No one's real sure who originally had this quirk or how it passes along. It also tends to mix with other quirks rather well, but it's only the shadow quirk that'll pass down, not the 'side quirk'
Super Moves "Release The Kraken"; A modified version of her mothers super move. Creates a bunch of large tendrils that flail around wildly taking out anything and anyone in their way. Its very dangerous and can't be used around a bunch of people or buildings as this is a high damage attack with little control.
"Hammer Time"; Lily manifests her oversized mallet and brings it down on top of her opponent. Uses a weaker version on her friends or allies when their being stupid, or they piss her off.
"Hell Unleashed"; Mostly used as an intimidation tactic, Lily manifests her scythe and buries the blade in the ground, causing a shadow fissure to 'crack' the ground and cause a bunch of shades to climb out, like the denizens of hell are coming up to do battle for their 'master'. If the intimidation doesn't work, hey, dog pile on the villain.
Statistics Power: 2/5 D Speed: 3/5 C Technique: 5/5 A Intelligence: 4/5 B Cooperativeness: 4/5 B
Lily was born to a Hero mother and an unknown villain father after essentially a one-night stand. Her mother loved her to bits and pieces anyway, despite not being the most fit for motherhood.
Lily was more or less raised by her great grandmother as her mother had a lot of hero work to do, but she didn't mind.
Lily was raised around hero's her entire life, her great grandmother a retired support hero and was content in spending her remaining days caring for Lily and using her plant quirk for gardening. Her grandmother was a soon to be retired combat hero, also with a plant quirk. Her aunt a thriving combat hero with the same plant quirk, who often paired up with Lily's mother, as combat was sometimes the only way for the two sisters to get along. Not even mentioning her great uncles, who were both strong heroes in their own right.
When her quirks manifested the rest of the family was a bit worried, as the last user, her great aunt, was the black sheep of the family who left to become a villain.
Her mother wasn't too worried though, and had the whole family help in training her to become the hero her mother thought she could be. Despite the initial worry, they saw Lily improve with her quirk and had a willingness to help others. Her smile bright and wide.
What was worrying them now was her mother, who started looking more and more tired, and her eyes were losing their light, and her smile a bit more forced. Her aunt just thought it might've been that her job was weighing on her and thought little more of it.
Not after Lily's 14th birthday, her aunt pitched the idea she had rolling around in her head for a while, she was planning on moving her family, her husband and three sons, out to Japan for some out of the country schooling, and since Lily was coming of age to go into high school soon, she thought it would be a good idea to take her along so she could try her luck in joining one of the most elite hero schools in the world, UA High. Everyone thought it was a good idea, and so the planned move had begun.
It wasn't even a week into planning that her aunt received a phone call from her and her mothers hero agency. They found her mother in a hotel room in another state while she was on a job, she had overdosed on painkillers, there was no note, or anything other then the sheer amount of drugs in her system, there was no other prints other then the staffs and the mothers, so it wasn't a villain attack, so it was ruled either an accident, or a suicide.
The planning was put on hold so they could arrange the funeral, and Lily was thrown from her happy attitude into a sad pit of despair.
After the move and entrance exam into UA high, she got accepted and joined the hero class 1-B, She was one of the best students that didn't get in on recommendation, and despite constantly shooting him glares, she got drug into Hizashi Yamada's friend group. She hit it off quick with Shota Aizawa, and slowly warmed up to Oboro and Hizashi.
The four of them were near inseparable, though it took a hard hit when Oboro died, causing all of them to close in on themselves. Lily was the first to pull herself from the pits, as she had to deal with it before. At that point she had to become the mom friend to help the other two out of their funk, ensuring they got enough sleep and got actual food in their system, even if she had to near force them (Aizawa) to do it.
After graduating and working in Japan for a couple years, she returned with her family to America, though not without leaving Aizawa a few threats that if she found out he wasn't properly taking care of himself that she would fly back out of beat him.
She stayed in America for a few years before receiving a phone call from UA high, Principle Nezu had called her to ask if she wished to return to Japan and take up a teaching position along with some backup for Recovery girl, who was getting on in years.
She agreed and bid her family goodbye, and returned to Japan to assist her school in teaching the next generation, and making sure they didn't kill themselves before graduation.
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so-called-xfiles · 8 years
I was tagged by my favourite photoshop user and fellow petty friend @dangerscully
1: Are you named after someone? I don’t think so
2: When is the last time you cried? I’m really not an emotional person I don’t remember. My best friend pointed out last week she thinks she has seen me cry less than 10 times in 13 years, one was a broken bone
3: Do you like your handwriting? I guess so
4: What is your favorite lunch meat? Lunch meat?… Salami (didn’t google) 5: Do you have kids? Aside from my cacti and the bacteria I’m currently growing, no.
6: If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Hmm i don’t know. Maybe
7: Do you use sarcasm? It has gotten to the point where I’ve been asked if I’m being sarcastic or not as they couldn’t tell
8: Do you still have your tonsils? Yes
9: Would you bungee jump? No, I’d like to keep my vertebrae in tact
10: What is your favourite kind of cereal? As the wonderful Leslie Knope once stated ‘Why would anybody eat anything besides breakfast food?’ So to answer: all cereal, any time of day
11: Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? No 
12: Do you think you’re a strong person? Mentally I think I am. And I guess also physically being a gymnast, one of my greatest high school achievements was beating one of ‘the lads’ in a press up competition during gcse P.E.
13: What is your favorite ice cream flavour? Coconut. Or white chocolate chip
14: What is the first thing you notice about people? Probably if they’re bubbly and if they’re smiling. Which now I think about it is funny as my sister often addresses me as Morticia because quite often I’m the exact opposite.
15: Red or pink? Hmm pink
16: What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself? In comparison to my friends I’m relatively tall which can be an issue in photos.
17: What color pants and shoes are you wearing now? Black jeans, I was wearing black vans and currently I have giraffe socks on
18: What was the last thing you ate? Pancakes!
19: What are you listening to right now? A podcast, and not the fun kind.
20: If you were a crayon, what color would you be? I really don’t know, I’m mid snapchat conversation with my sister and after establishing it was a weird question she said black like my soul? So there you go
21: Favorite smell? My nanna and grandads house. Their garden in spring. A new book. After it has been raining
22: Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? My friend to remind her to pick up a lemon on the way in (for the pancakes)
23: Favourite sport to watch? Gymnastics and rugby league
24: Hair colour? Brown, like not light but not dark..
25: Eye colour? Dark blue/green
26: Do you wear contacts? Only occasionally when I do sport but I hate not wearing my glasses, so much so I have prescription sunglasses
28: Scary movies or comedy? Comedy
29: Last movie you watched? Mary Poppins. I’ve lost count how many times now
30: What color of shirt are you wearing? Black
31: Summer or winter? Summer
32: Hugs or kisses? Hugs.
33: What book are you currently reading? American Gods which needs finishing asap and uni is making me neglect it. Also To Kill a Mockingbird, I frequently pick it up at a random point and I guess it’s calming
34: Who do you miss right now? My best friend. My own bed. Not having to worry about deadlines
35: What is on your mouse pad? I honestly can’t remember
36: What is the last TV program you watched? On my laptop Grey’s Anatomy. I hadn’t watched the actual TV in a while until Broadchurch started again last night.
37: What is the best sound? Nature and the running water in the stream at the side of the house at home. Currently in a busy city so I miss the outdoors being quiet.
38: Rolling Stones or The Beatles? The Beatles, I grew up listening to them and The Cavern is a great place. We always say When I’m 64 is literally my grandparents (who, when they were ‘courting’, used to watch them before they were THE Beatles)
39: What is the furthest you have ever traveled? Florida
40: Do you have a special talent? Back flips are my party trick. And I remember weird useless facts
41: Where were you born? Up North
Tagging @conversationinthehallway and @scullbagg if you wish to answer :)
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crossing-fandoms · 8 years
I know I don't have a lot of followers and no one really knows me. I know my content does trigger some people as it's not very PC or something. But I'd like to come clean here, along with sending a plea for help to my fellow tumblr users. My name is Angel, and I live in Utah, USA. I am a lesbian, and diagnosed with schizophrenia, PTSD, depression, and anxiety. I recently lived in Ohio until last January 2016, a week before my birthday, sleeping on my grandma's couch, but moved here to live with my best friend-now fiancé following a physical altercation with my alcoholic and abusive aunt after my grandma accidentally overdosed on prescription painkillers. My aunt was continually yelling and insulting me and my cousin, who was also staying with my grandma, because she was angry no one told her she had the painkillers so she could sell them. Yes, she was that kind of person. When it got to the point where I had to make my cousin leave the house to get away from her and her voice was louder than my headphones, I asked her to stop. That only made her louder, more insulting, and violent. She threw an ashtray and it shattered next to my head. Next thing I knew, I was sitting in the kitchen smoking a cigarette with a sheriff deputy talking to my mom and uncle. Apparently I had snapped and smacked her, according to the cop. But I don't know if that's what really happened or if that's what she told him. All I knew was that I had bruises, scratches, and my hoodie was torn. I ended up arrested and spent the night in jail, and received no medical attention for my scratches or my mental state. I was released the next day and spent the day with my mom and abusive stepfather (which was why I was staying with my grandmother), following a court date where I pleaded no contest. I was given the maximum penalty without jail time and was warned by the judge to not show up in court again -no matter what- anytime soon. I had no plans to do so. Because the next day, that same aunt who was warned by my uncle not to dare come around, did end up coming around after 'visiting' my grandmother in the hospital and took her purse and phone, saying she would get them back after she signed her car over to her. She left before security could catch her. After her visit, she came around and attempted to kick all of us out saying it was 'her house' and we were all 'trespassing'. My uncle pushed her out the door and locked it behind her. She then preceded to go around the house and smashed the windows of the living room, one shard almost hitting my baby sister if I hadn't turned in time as I was holding her. She left before the police came, and I begged my mother to get me away from the house before the police came, scared and near a breakdown that I was going to end up blamed and in jail again. She took me and my sister to the hospital, leaving my uncle and cousin to deal with the police, where I had to get seventeen stitches in my arm from the broken glass. My mom told me I should press charges, that I had to put her in jail or she would seriously hurt me. I was too scared. I couldn't. I just wanted her to go away. I ended up in a breakdown there in the hospital and had to spend overnight in the psych ward. The same day I left the hospital, so did my grandma. She blamed me for everything that happened, that if I never confronted her and had just let her do what she wanted, none of this would've happened. The next day, I used what money I had left from that month's disability check after paying my grandma's electricity and cable bills to buy a greyhound ticket to Utah after my best friend begged me to move in with her, away from the mental torture that was the only place I could stay in Ohio. I spent my birthday on the greyhound. I didn't care. Because the day after, I was hugged and cared for. Treated like a person and was allowed to cry without judgment. I hadn't even cried at my grandpa's funeral the year before because I had to be there and be strong for my family. My grandpa who was like a real father to me. Who listened, took care, and loved me unconditionally my entire life. I couldn't cry at his funeral. But once I was in my best friend's arms and felt safe enough to show weakness, I cried. I was finally allowed to start healing. I've been healing bit by bit over this last year, the hellhole called 2016. Unfortunately, starting in November, things turned to the worse. Me and my now fiance shared a trailer with a third roommate who left suddenly and with no warning, changing her number and blocking us on her social media, without paying her rent for that month. Then my fiance lost her job. We only just managed to keep the roof over our heads thanks to my disability check and overdrawing my account the last three months. Unfortunately, I am now completely at my limit and unable to overdraw anymore, with my account over $600 in debt. The lights will be turned off on the 13th, and our phones on the 20th. If we're unable to come up with the money by February 5th, we'll be evicted and on the streets. Even if my fiance got a job today, there's no way we'll be able to get the money together in time to keep from anything being turned off then having to pay over a hundred dollars for the reconnection fee. The state won't help us, and unfortunately the only way to get help otherwise where we live is to convert to Mormonism and ask the bishop. I can't go back to Ohio. I have no family that can or will help. My fiance's mother won't allow me to move in with my fiance into her house because she doesn't support our homosexual relationship nor does she want someone as unstable as I am around. So please. Please help me and my fiance stay together and safe. We just need one more month. One more month and everything should fall back into place. It'll be hard, but we'll be able to keep our home and stay together. If you managed to read til the end, thank you. Thank you so much for reading. And please, if you can help, either by donating to my PayPal or by reblogging this, I would forever be appreciative. And if there's anything I can do in return once we're back on our feet, I will do my best to do it. My PayPal is: [email protected] (I'm so sorry, I have no idea how to do that embed link thing, I'm pretty tech-illiterate)
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nookishposts · 7 years
Certain things you just can’t make up.
Certain people are beautifully unique, breath-and-belly-laugh inspiring.
We met one last night.
My Mum has a deteriorating spine and lives in chronic debilitating pain. It robs her of her sleep and therefore her quality of life, and sometimes even her usual tolerant and positive disposition. She has progressed from cane to walker to scooter over a period of 5 years, and finds it very hard to sit, walk or lay down comfortably. We have seen every pain specialist and tried all kinds of things, from acupuncture to injections to physio, and a zillion medications. I suspect her deterioration is a long-term effect of the very aggressive chemotherapy that saved her life about 10 years ago, which is why it’s a bit mysterious to treat effectively.
An old friend of mine whom my Mum respects, has been taking cannabis tincture 3 times a day to treat the joint and nerve pain of Multiple System Atrophy. She’s had great success and it improved her daily quality of life. I have been begging my Ma to consider medical pot for some time, but she swats her hand in the air dismissively (and me along with it if I am in close proximity) But since this other woman has endorsed it suddenly Mum is all ears. I asked her weeks ago to make an appointment with her family Doc for a prescription but she has dragged her heels out of embarrassment. I did a bit of research, talked to some users and found out that you don’t actually need an MD, you can be registered and recommended by an ND; a Doctor of Naturopathy. So I called a recommended dispensary, found out what we needed to do and booked us an appointment.
Then I called my Mum, whom I often spend Tuesday evenings with while my Beloved is leading a Girl Guides Unit. The conversation went like this.
Me: “I’m coming down tonight, but I’ve booked us a field trip.”
Mum: “Oh...?” ( she loves to go for a drive but instinctively smelled a rat)
Me: (all in one breath) “Yup. We don’t need your doc to get you medical cannabis (she hates the word “pot”) we can do it through a Naturopath and there is one who will see us in a couple of hours and we can get your first round right there on site and it will cost between 50 and 100 dollars and they had an opening tonight so I nabbed it and they were really nice on the phone and this is the I.D. you need to bring with you and it should only take about 30 minutes and this is your chance to ask the right person all the questions you have been worried about and I will be right there with you and there’s no pressure but I think this is a great opportunity and you agreed to consider it because M had such success and you trust her and I hope you can forgive me for springing it on you so quickly, but we are going.”
Mum: “Oh.”  (long pause) “Can we go by Shopper’s while we are out, my bathtub chair needs new feet?” 
Me: “Oh, uh, yes, we can certainly do that.”
Mum: :Thank you. What time are you coming again?”
Me: “Um, 6. Don’t forget your I.D. or we won’t be able to start.”
Mum: “ Okay.”
I got off the phone a bit flummoxed that it was that easy. Then I wondered if she had heard me at all. Cross that bridge when we come to it, I guess.
So, we find the place we are looking for and it is very lovely outside and in, but the distinct whiff of pot outside the front door is a bit unnerving. Mum hates the smell and I was waiting for her to baulk, but she didn’t. Hmm. Once inside we are warmly and professionally greeted by the person I had an extensive phone conversation with earlier in the day. She gave us forms to complete as you would at any health office and we did our duty. It was a busy place; folks of all sorts taking a number just like at a deli counter, and waiting to be called into the dispensary to make their choices and come back out with a discreet little brown paper bag. Points for dignity and privacy. Non-members are not allowed past the waiting area. Members only and we had just achieved that status. I signed up as a caregiver. Someone was waiting with their dog and sure enough there was a water station for pooches. The dispensary was a separate room with 3 small private counters and 3 young men in sterile gloves busily and respectfully filling orders.Behind them was a list of options and another of daily specials, again, just like a deli. The glass cases contained samples; buds, vials, bags, and bottles and packets with some truly inventive names like Strawberry Pebbles and others I think it best not to list here.
In the main lobby I could not help but smirk at the vending machine of munchies. But there was also another glass case of samples and a lovely woman who could answer questions and explain strains popular for certain conditions,etc.There was also a vending machine for spliffs but it was empty and I wondered if it actually was there to be light-hearted more than anything. Great information on the tables, ready only and takeaway.
 Pretty neat all things considered. Mum looked like the proverbial deer in the headlights but said nothing, just clutching her cane and purse tightly. I felt for her and could almost read her thoughts : “ I’m the only senior in the place, wonder if it’s too late to scram, hope that big guy with the tattoos doesn’t make eye-contact, she looks way too young to be here, what the hell did my kid get me into? What happens if there’s a raid and the police come? I won’t be able to hold my head up at Bingo!” I was proud of her for staying put.
We are called to the Naturopath’s office. She is a blazing red-head with wonderfully dramatic makeup and looks slightly familiar to me. The office has glass walls just above street level. I watch Mum sink a bit into her chair and avert her face. It’s a busy corner for foot traffic and the office is well-lighted. I try not to snicker, but do wonder how well this was thought through by the clinicians. The ND has a huge smile and a discernible twinkle and susses my Mum out pretty quickly. We go through the standard questions and history of meds and so on and then our ND puts a binder in front of us and says:”Here, I want both of you to follow along with me” Then she presses a button on a sound machine.
Peppy jazz tracks fill the room and ND begins to sing her educational high points about THC versus CBD, one works in the brain, the other in the body, how to mix for maximum effect, etc. She is SINGING both prescription and instructions and Insists we sing the chorus along with her, something like :Don’t wanna end up on the couch all day, yeah!” 
My mouth is wide open. Mum is singing along. I am wondering if the room is cannabis infused and this is an alternative reality.
ND goes from smooth jazz right into rap and I lose it at last. She grins really big and bats her eyelashes at me and I say : “Oh Honey, you are a one-woman feast!” .
She hands me her business card with her Naturopathy studio details on one side and then flips it to advertise the one-woman Christmas show she will be doing at Hamilton Place in a few weeks. “Please come, bring friends! It will be fun!``  Then it hits me why she looks familiar; I have seen her face on a billboard near Dundurn and Main, advertising the performance. And she`s about to introduce my Mum to prescription pot. Turns out she has also written a 740 page book on Hungarian persecution and resistance. Her parents are musicians, her father a conductor. They may make guest appearances at her show. Now the stage-like corner office with glass walls makes a little more sense....I think.
I notice that my Mum is grinning, nodding her head, right smack in the middle of the surrealism, un-fazed. Suddenly I am the fusty old codger.
Show-tunes over with, we get down to business. Clearly our torchy ND really knows her stuff and answers most of our questions before we ask them, and the couple we have left she takes very seriously. She tells us about another Mother-daughter team who were in earlier in the day for a follow-up and how well they are doing. She tells us about her own Mum for whom she prescribes. And we are much comforted. This woman is actually, behind the theatrics a real professional with compassion to spare, and respectful of Mum`s hesitations.
The deal we strike is this: I have a bit of arthritis in neck and hands from 21 years of massages, so I purchase a tincture like the one my Mum might use and vow to give it a week`s trial on the recommended dosage schedule so I can speak with genuine experience to Mum about what to expect as we are similar except for size and physical temperament. Everybody is happy with this idea.
The dispensary fellows are lovely. We get exactly what we ask for and a couple of tips. 10% off the initial purchase. I have my wee brown bag and a receipt I can submit to my insurance. Just before we leave, the receptionist who greeted us reminds me of the rules of engagement; how often we may purchase, behaviours on-site, legal restrictions of use, resources for further study. I was very impressed.
On the drive home, Mum is really quiet.
Me: `` Can I take you for a tea?”
Mum: “Oh, yes please.”
Over tea:
Me: “Whaddya think?”
Mum: “I liked her. I wouldn’t mind going to see her show.”
Me: “Okay. I will look into that.”
I took my first dose at bedtime and another this morning. I wondered if show tunes might be among the side-effects, but so far so good. No spontaneous rapping yet either. I am....calm, mellow, maybe a tad drowsy. Unlike the extreme hallucinatory reaction I had to a home-made edible when I first started looking into this process for the Mothership, this feeling is...nice. My hands don’t hurt and my neck is moving freely. I could get used to this. I guess I can sacrifice myself to a week’s research for Dear Old Mum. In the name of science and the betterment of humankind of course.
Oh Mum, I so hope this works for you. Western medicines have somewhat failed you and we really have nothing to lose. You deserve some relief as an Elder who worked hard at everything; some late-life quality and more giggles.
 This just might do it.
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