#as for ‘why 15’…well ofc that’s how old she was when barry fell into his coma! the moment their lives were intertwined
shrinkthisviolet · 10 months
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oc halloween challenge 2023 (Day 25): Better You Die Than I (Trope: Doppelgänger)
In real life, seeing your “doppelgänger” is said to be an omen of misfortune or good luck. In horror movies, doppelgängers usually take a more direct approach in ruining the lives of their lookalike. Whether they’re an omen of bad things to come or trying to steal one’s life, give your oc a doppelgänger and explore the horrors of a stranger that shares your face.
Morgan Wells (E1, “Sentry”) and Jesse Wells (E2, “Jesse Quick/Flash (E2)”), meet Morgan Thawne (E-15, “Reverse Flash”)!
“And who are you supposed to be?” Morgan demanded.
Her and Jesse’s lookalike smiled, as sweet as sugar. “Your doppelgänger, clearly.”
“Clearly,” Jesse mimicked, rolling her eyes. “But what’s your name? Where are you from?”
“Specifically, what Earth are you from?” Morgan added, narrowing her eyes. “You’re clearly familiar with the existence of a multiverse, so the question shouldn’t shock you.”
“Very perceptive,” their lookalike laughed. “You’re Earth-15 to me, so I suppose that makes me Earth-15 to you.
“As for my name, well…it’s Morgan.” She grinned, and a chill shot down Morgan’s spine at the sight. “Though you can call me…the Reverse Flash.”
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@ocappreciationtag @arrthurpendragon @vexic929 @thechaoticfanartist @ironverseocs @raith-way @goldheartedchaoticdisaster
11 notes · View notes
saiilorstars · 3 years
Rise Up
Ch.12: For the Girl Who Had Everything
Previous Story: It Had To Be You || Current Masterlist
Pairings: Barry Allen x OFC
Chapter Summary: Team Flash enlists the help of newcomer Black Orchid to save Belén and Barry from Datura's and Poison Ivy's clutches. While they figure out the best course of action, Belén and Barry are each submerged into their own personal worlds...turned nightmares?
Pronunciation of OC: Bell-en. The last syllable has an emphasis so it’s not pronounced like ‘Helen’ would be.
Taglist: @ocfairygodmother​ @anotherunreadblog​​ @transformerfan97​ ​ @stareyedplanet​ @perfectlystiles​ [If you’d like to be part of this OC’s taglist, let me know!]
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Author's Note: 
Itaclis is for Belén's world.
Bold is for Barry's world.
~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~
"Belén? You ready to go?" Iris' voice didn't register until the third time she asked the same question.
Belén finally blinked and tore her eyes from the nothingness she'd been entranced with. She blinked a couple times until she realized she was standing in front of a metal table, inside what looked like a laboratory. She herself was wearing a lab coat and some protective glasses. "...what?" she whispered. Where the hell was she!?
"Belén, we're going to be late!" Iris exclaimed. "Don't tell me you have cold feet already!"
"Cold feet—what?" Belén made a face that indicated pure, honest confusion. "What are you talking about?"
"Hey," Linda Park strode into the lab with her phone in hand. "Caitlin says she's already at the store. We good?"
"Yeah, I'm just waiting for Belén to get with the program," Iris chuckled. "I think she's got cold feet."
"Already?" Linda gaped. "You're not at the aisle yet."
Aisle?" Belén repeated, though something inside told her she'd be figuring it out in a couple seconds. Her eyes found her left hand where a shiny silver ring sat on her ring finger. "Oh my God is that an engagement ring!?" she practically screeched.
Now she had the odd stares from Iris and Linda.
"She's out of it," Iris shook her head.
"We gotta go or we're going to be late," Linda said.
Between the two, they grabbed Belén's things, pulling her protective glasses off and her lab coat, and dragged her out of the building...all in the meanwhile she had a meltdown over the news.
"What do you mean I'm getting married!? I can't get married!" she frantically looked between the two women holding her arms. They were walking her down the street as if she'd try to run away from them, and actually...if given the chance, she might just.
"Belén, wake up!" Iris gave her an odd glance. "This has been going on for almost a year now. This is the last fitting of your wedding dress—"
"I don't have a wedding dress because I'm not getting married!" Belén exclaimed. "I never got engaged! I am not engaged!"
"Jesus, Belén, how many hours of sleep did you get last night?" Linda asked, giving Belén the same look Iris had.
"The right amount to know that I never got engaged to anyone!" Belén finally wrestled free from their hooks and whirled around to face them. She pointed a sharp finger at the two women, warning them not to get any closer. "Now listen to me when I say that I am not getting married!"
"Fine, but you're the one who's going to explain that to Barry later," Iris said, freezing Belén in her spot.
The ombre-blonde blinked several times as the words hit her. "... Barry?" she repeated. "I'm...getting married...t-to Barry?" Iris and Linda both nodded their heads. "What…?" Belén felt light headed. Oh yes she did. "...when…?"
When she started rocking on her feet to the point of nearly falling, Iris and Linda hurried to catch her.
"Oh God Belén, don't tell me your already pregnant!" Linda's laugh was no joke for Belén who nearly fell again.
"Don't say that! I'm not—what is going on!?" Belén shouted to the air.
"Shivhan Jang," Cisco loudly read the name off the profile he had posted on the screen on wall for the others to see, "Twenty-seven year old with no actual priors…"
"Then why is she in our system?" Joe cut him off and pointed to the fact Cisco had the CCPD system open for them to see.
A smile spread across his face. "She had a speeding ticket she never paid."
"Okay, moving on?" Iris motioned them not to get so stuck on that one detail. They were on a time limit here, after all.
"Okay," Cisco clapped his hands together before continuing with his briefing. "Let's see. She and her family emigrated from Korea when she was 5, she's been a part of Central City's school records since kindergarten but we've got no college attendance. She dropped out."
"What about her powers?" Joe asked. "Did she get them from the Particle Accelerator?"
"Yup, there's footage of her in a flower shop the night the Particle Accelerator went off. I'd show it to you but it is not pretty."
"Can we trust her?" Joe wearily asked. He couldn't believe they were relying on a woman Belén technically kidnapped.
"She wants her freedom…" Cisco reminded.
"But how do we know she won't run out on us as soon as Caitlin finishes healing her?"
"Because we're chipping her," Cisco said so matter-of-factly that both Joe and Iris stared at him in shock.
"We're what?" Iris put a hand behind her ear just to make sure she was listening clearly.
"Relax," Cisco waved her and Joe off. "It's just a lie, but she won't know that. We tell her we found a way to switch her powers off. She likes her powers. She will help us."
"I don't know," Joe shook his head. "Sounds like we're being…"
"Shady?" Iris finished for him. "First, Belén kidnaps her, then we force her to help us with lies and deceit?"
"The situation is dire, Iris!" Cisco snapped. "We're not hurting her and we really are letting her go afterwards. Belén can kill us later."
"And you know she will kill us for letting her go," Iris reiterated that part just so they all knew what was going to come after. Cisco seemed more or less prepared for it.
"Barry?" someone softly called. "Barry?"
The speedster in question stirred awake after about the fourth call of his name. He opened his eyes and met a white sheet bunched up beside him. A bed. He was laying on a bed.
It clicked to Barry that it was Belén calling his name. He sat upright and rubbed his eyes. There was something wrong here and he couldn't tell what it was.
"Good morning," Belén was sitting near the foot of the bed, to Barry's left, and was smiling at the speedster. "You must have been really tired because I've been trying to wake you up for a good 15 minutes now."
"What happened?" Barry dropped his hands from his face, though he was still partially groggy. "I thought I was…" but he trailed off when he finally looked at Belén. "Oh my God…Belén you're-you're…" He could finish the words in one go.
Belén raised an eyebrow at him. "What? Barry, are you okay?"
But Barry was speechless. Now he knew there was definitely something wrong. "You're...pregnant."
Belén's look indicated she was worried for him and not herself, like he was. She gazed down at her pregnant belly, which looked to be around 4 months at least, and chuckled. "Okay, what were you dreaming about that's got you so out of it?"
Barry's mouth was gaping and it didn't look like it would be closing anytime soon. "What!? But you're —"
"Pregnant, yeah," she nodded. "Have been for 5 months now. Did you just notice, or…?"
Barry looked like he would pass out at any moment. "When did that — how did that — what!?"
"Okay, Barry, you're seriously worrying me now."
"I'm... ut you're pregnant! You're—" Barry was stopped only because Belén had put her hand over his mouth. Still, his eyes were wide in alarm.
"I know, pregnant," Belén nodded slowly. "We've been through this. Now I'm going to take my hand off your mouth and we're going to get ready for the day. We've got work. Got it?" Barry slowly nodded and, keeping her word, Belén drew her hand away from his mouth. "There," she smiled, "All better. Now c'mon! I'm craving some chocolate banana pancakes!" She pecked his lips and scooted off the bed, though it was a bit of a struggle.
All Barry did was watch her go with wide, wide eyes.
~ 0 ~
Belén felt like she couldn't breath...and it wasn't because of the wedding dress hugging her body. No, no, it was the world she was living in.
"Belén, you don't look so happy," Caitlin's voice drew Belén's gaze from her reflection. She'd been staring at herself in the mirror for a good five minutes, but she wasn't in-tune with the rest of reality. "You look beautiful."
They were inside the store where apparently Belén had ordered her wedding dress from. Caitlin, Iris and Linda were sitting across her, watching her in delight as they got a full view of the finished dress.
"Yeah, um…" Belén cleared her throat and turned away from the mirror. "I'm just...it doesn't feel real…"
Caitlin smiled. "Yeah, that's understandable."
"You look so pretty, girl!" Linda exclaimed. "Barry's going to lose it when he sees you!"
At the mention of Barry, Belén stiffened. She looked down at her left hand again, where the shiny ring still sat. "I'm…" she swallowed hard. "I need my Mom. Where is she?"
"At home, where else?" Iris gave her a strange look. "You and her don't really talk, remember?"
Well, that rang right.
"I...need to see Barry, then," Belén figured if anyone would tell her the truth it would be Barry. Of course, the others didn't see it that way.
"You just can't wait, huh?" Linda gave her a smirk.
Belén reddened in a short minute. "Oh God, stop!"
"Oh give her a break," Caitlin waved them off, but of course they just burst into laughter.
"I need to see Barry, where is he?" Belén grabbed Caitlin's wrist. "Please?"
Of course Caitlin told her Barry was at the precinct. That also rang truth. Needless to say, Belén dragged Caitlin back to the fitting room so that she could help unzip the damn dress for her. She needed to get away from there and find Barry.
She didn't even think about giving any of her friends an explanation for her hasty leave...but it wasn't like they weren't going to guess. Luckily for her, the way to the precinct was just like it always was. There were few things that seemed just like her world, but this couldn't be it.
She kept thinking that as she walked into the precinct.  She was only halfway into the bullpen when she spotted Barry coming out of the Captain's office. Well, he seemed normal.
"Barry?" she called once and had his full attention.
His face brightened and soon he bid goodbye to his co-worker. He came directly to her and greeted her with a kiss that, honestly, felt pretty real. "Hey," Barry smiled at her. "How'd it go today?"
"Hm?" it took Belén a few seconds to realize he meant her trip to the wedding dress store. "Oh, right, um...we gotta talk about that."
"Oh, okay," Barry nodded. "You want to go up to the lab?"
Belén agreed and allowed him to take her hand—her left hand—and lead her out of the bullpen. His hand felt real enough to be him...but there was something inside telling her that this was all wrong.
~ 0 ~
Caitlin finished stitching up the last bit of open skin on Shivhan's shoulder. Soon as she said she was done, Shivhan pulled up the STAR Labs shirt she'd borrowed up to her shoulder again.
"Thanks," Shivhan mumbled and got up from the medbed. "So, what do I do next?"
"Well, we're making you a tracker and implanting a communications system to your suit so we can talk to you while you're out," Caitlin picked up her tablet she'd left on the table.
"And when do I get to go out?"
Shivhan sighed loudly in annoyance. "Sure, take your time. Not like I'm in a hurry to leave."
Caitlin looked up from her tablet. "Why? We could offer you help here."
"I don't need help from you people. You let the Azalea and the Flash get kidnapped. Good going."
Caitlin pursed her lips at the hard jab. She couldn't exactly argue much in their defense there, right? Shivhan seemed to know what she'd done because she smirked.
Caitlin briefly glared in return them added, "And yet you needed my help stitching you back up." That made Shivhan's smirk falter. "Don't have many doctors around you?"
"They tend to get robbed where I'm from," Shivhan meant to leave the room, though she had no idea where she'd be going since she didn't know STAR Labs yet.
"Then maybe we can help you after this," Caitlin's offer forced Shivhan to turn around. "Help out that neighborhood of yours…"
"That is my territory. I will take care of it!"
A ghost of a smile appeared on Caitlin's face. "I guess it's not all about self preservation."
Now it was Shivhan's turn to glare. Caitlin, on her part, just smiled kindly.
"It's okay. That's your home and you have every right to be defensive about it. Why do you think neither the Azalea nor the Flash leave Central City? It's their home too and they want to defend it."
Shivhan rolled her eyes, but secretly she respected that. She was big on loyalty. And right now...she supposed she had to be loyal to the two metas who'd been defending them all this time.
"Dammit," she muttered under her breath. "Alright, let's go get those two metas."
~ 0 ~
Belén stared at her engagement ring while Barry went around his lab to clean up some things before they left.
"Hey Bells," he called, unknowingly using her nickname she was sure he wasn't supposed to know in this fake world. "Could you give me that file?"
Belén followed his gaze to the desk behind her and picked up said file. He nodded that it was that one and so she handed it to him.
"You have a lot of work today?" she asked as a means to keep the silence away and, honestly, to weed out any information that could help her figure out what was going on.
"Just a big case," Barry left the file flat at a table. "I think I have everything good but you know Captain Jang wants everything to be perfect."
"Captain Jang?" Belén repeated.
"Shivhan Jang?"
Belén blinked in shock. That was the bartender she met…
"Oh my God. Shivhan Jang?" she brought an index finger to bite on.
"What are you doing?" Barry walked back to her. "You don't usually bite your nails."
"I don't?"
He pulled her finger from her mouth and shook his head. "No. You work at a lab. You think it's disgusting."
"A lab...right…" Belén pursed her lips there. "What do I do there again? I thought I was a reporter or something…"
Barry laughed. "Right. Like you would ever leave your botany for anything."
"I'm a...botanist…" Belén nodded her head. Oh yeah, there was something wrong here because she didn't have a clue as to what a botanist would do. She loved her plants, but...she was no scientist.
"I think this whole wedding preparation is taking a toll on you," Barry smiled at her. "Thank God it's almost over, right?"
"Hmm? When is…?"
"Next week! Can you believe it?" Barry didn't notice her shock as he picked up her left hand to stroke her skin. "Feels like yesterday was the day I proposed. The park's fountain water was really cold."
"You proposed at our park fountain?" Belén blinked. That...sounded like it could be real. Their park fountain did have special memories.
"Course," Barry smiled at her. "Now I just really want us to get to the date so I can call you my wife."
"Wife…" Belén said the word and felt like she lost air. It did make her feel butterflies in her stomach. "I'm...going to be your... wife…"
No one could take the big grin off Barry's face. Belén certainly couldn't do it, even if she did know it wasn't real.
"Sooo…how's about I take my fiance out for some lunch?" Barry brought her hand up to his lips for a kiss.
Goddammit , Belén swooned. She nodded slowly and silently while her heart jolted in her chest.
By this point, Barry knew there was something so, so wrong. After a rather quiet breakfast with Belén, he practically raced to get to work. Least there, things seemed normal. The only thing that wasn't the same was the fact Veronica wasn't part of the precinct, neither was Patty.  By the time lunch came around, Barry was going crazy trying to figure out what was wrong with his world. When Belén walked in, she found Barry at his desk with his head down and hands over his head's back.
"Barry?" her voice immediately pulled him up in a sitting position.
There she was, looking very...pregnant. He almost did a double take, but it was enough for Belén to notice.
"I know...not very...pretty-" she made a gesture at her stomach. "-appealing."
"No, that's not -" Barry didn't know what to say to her. It was hard enough looking at her. "I'm sorry."
"Instead of an apology, I'd really like to know what's going on with you," she walked further inside the lab. "This morning you were... completely out of it."
Barry nodded. It was a fair request, but it wasn't an easy one to respond to. He turned his chair to face her and offered her a tiny small. "I'm just...having some trouble waking up." Wasn't that the truth.
"Yeah, I know I sleep crazy," Belén sheepishly smiled.
Barry gave her a look. She wasn't a crazy sleeper. He didn't have the chance to sleepover with her a lot, but the few times he did she always slept peacefully. She barely moved.
Just something else that was wrong.
"Can we go to lunch?" Barry asked her. The only way he would figure out what was going on was if he got to talking.
Belén would be the only one he could trust.
"Hey," Joe strode into the cortex rather quickly if anyone had paid enough attention. "Did we figure out a plan to get Barry and Belén back?"
"Working on it," Cisco was tinkering with a small device in his hands.
"Yeah, uh, we got another problem," Joe informed, making Cisco look up from his work.
Joe looked shaky, jittery…
"Where is she!?" Veronica Green's voice carried into the room minutes before she appeared. She looked absolutely furious, and yet...terrified.
"Oh you didn't," Cisco shot Joe a look. The man rubbed the back of his head, to his credit looking guilty. "You told her!?"
"I had to. Her daughter's been kidnapped," Joe reminded. "I already have my own son out there. I know exactly what it feels like—"
"We were getting them back! She's mad as hell!" Cisco flapped a hand in Veronica's direction. "With a gun!"
"Oh give it a break and tell me where my daughter is," Veronica snapped. "I cannot believe you let her get kidnapped! This is exactly why I don't want Belén anywhere near this world!"
"Well she's in it and we're working on it," Cisco nearly snapped himself. "Now would you please stop shouting at me? I'm trying to work on something here!"
"What is it?" Joe spotted the small device in Cisco's hand.
"It's a comm. system for Shivhan," Cisco turned back for the table he'd been working at.
"Who's Shivhan?" Veronica crossed her arms.
"Someone helping us to get Belén and Barry back."
"This is crazy! Why can't we just get the CCPD into this!?"
Cisco shook his head and mumbled something that sounded like 'beginners'. He turned back woman with a polite smile. "Because these are dangerous, poisonous, metahumans that the CCPD is not capable of fighting."
Veronica looked outraged. Her eyes flickered to Joe and waited for him to say something in their defense, but of course he never did. "You're just going to let him say things like that?"
"I ain't fighting no poisonous metas," Joe gave her a crazed look. "I have seen first-hand what those two are like and believe me when I tell you that these guys-" he pointed at Cisco, "-know how to handle it. With some supervision of course."
"Kind of gave the compliment and took it away," Cisco mumbled to him before facing Veronica. "Look, Ms. Green, Belén knows how to handle herself. She can hang on until we get there to help her."
But that didn't seem to satisfy Veronica much. "You just take this so easily. Like it's normal." Before Cisco could say it pretty much was part of their daily meta life, Veronica went on. "I could lose Belén just like I lost Maritza and Rayan."
"You're not losing anyone," Joe pointed at her then moved his finger to Cisco. "And you gotta hurry up. We cannot let Datura and Poison Ivy keep Belén and Barry another minute."
Cisco agreed.
~ 0 ~
"Sooo...we're not getting lunch," Barry confessed as he and Belén walked down the street. They'd been walking for a while now and while Belén had thought of asking him to just speed them to their destination, the act of walking and talking was a better strategy to get more information.
Now though, she looked at him curiously. "What? Why not?"
"I have a surprise for you," he announced with that same cheeky smile he had in real life.
"Well, what is it?"
"It's just down the block," he nodded up ahead. They'd turned down a new block of houses recently but Belén wasn't sure what he was nodding at.
He walked them to the last house of the block. While he didn't say anything, Belén noticed the 'for sale' sign in the front yard now had a bright red 'sold' over it.
Barry stopped them at the front door and reached for something in his pocket. "I did a thing...a surprise...and...well…" he pulled out a key that he held between them, "Surprise."
Belén's dark eyes widened as she looked at the keys and the front door. "You didn't…"
"I did," nodded Barry. "We talked about it but with all the planning we never really got around to looking. I thought I'd do that and I found one I know you'll love."
"Barry, I…" Belén didn't know what to do nor say. Her head kept turning from his soft face to the front door.
"It's ours, Bells," he put a finger under her chin and gently turned her gaze to him. "It's our home."
Belén couldn't help it. Her eyes teared up. It wasn't real, she knew, but she couldn't help wish - for a brief second - that it was. She wished they weren't always in constant danger with metahumans trying to kill them. It always felt like there was more bad than good in their lives, more tears than smiles.
She wished they could just be happy and safe.
She threw her arms around Barry and hugged him tight. Barry wrapped his arms around her and pressed a kiss to her head.
"I love you, Bells," he whispered.
"I love you too," she closed her eyes tight.
~ 0 ~
"You did all that in the span of 3 hours?" Shivhan looked over the magenta colored suit Cisco had apparently made for her.
Cisco had brought the suit to the cortex for her and the others to see. They still weren't very sure of Shivhan but so far, she hadn't tried to run away...though they were aware she was under the lie that she was chipped.
"Yeah, well, I was a bit rushed," Cisco huffed. "But I'll get it done better after we get our friends back."
"Nina's on her way here," Iris looked up from her phone.
Beside her, Veronica shook her head. "I cannot believe Dr. Clarke is in on this as well."
"Goes to show you that everyone can be a meta and still have a life," Iris said as a means to support Belén's life style.
"Or it shows that everyone's a liar," Veronica made sure to look at everyone in the cortex.
"Hey, don't count me in your web, lady," Shivhan crossed her arms and looked Veronica in the face. "I'm here helping your daughter who, by the way," she made sure to look at Cisco, "I still don't know her actual name. But she knows mine? How's that fair."
"She found you fair and square," Cisco raised his hands.
Shivhan rolled her eyes and pointed at her new suit. "Tell me when I can wear this stupid thing, alright? I'm gonna go take a shot before I have to face a murderer." But just as she was leaving, Caitlin came into the cortex with a grim face.
"I think I know why Datura and Poison Ivy have been stealing from labs," she announced.
"She stole some sleep and dream prototypes, didn't she?" asked Joe.
"Yeah, and given everything else that she took, according to Harry...they might have used it to build a sort of...dream inducer."
"A dream what-now?" Veronica frowned at her. Even Shivhan turned around when she was meant to be finding a drink somewhere in the building.
"Harry and I went over it, and we're pretty sure they've put…" Caitlin briefly glanced at Shivhan before continuing, "...the Azalea and the Flash into dream comas. They're dreaming whatever Datura and Poison Ivy programmed them to."
"So they could basically be having nightmares?" Cisco shivered. "Like walking zombies? Or death?"
Caitlin hated he was choosing to put those images in their heads, especially when Veronica was right behind him.
"We need to get them out!" Veronica exclaimed. "My daughter could have the worst nightmare invented by some murderer!"
"Why put them through that, though?" Iris made the question no one else thought to ask. She received quite a look from Veronica.
"Who cares! We just need to get them out of it!"
"It matters because Datura obviously put a lot of thought into this plan," Iris argued. "It's only reasonable we try to figure out a reason why."
"Because she's a psychopathic murderer?" Shivhan shrugged. "Sometimes there's no reason except to just be plain mean."
"She's right," Harry's voice cut in before anyone else could say anything. He walked into the cortex, making it his first appearance since Belén and Barry were taken. The guilt, while he fought it, was burdening his shoulders. "Datura used to be calculating before she came to this Earth. Now she's acting just like Zoom. She wants to be better than the Azalea before killing her. Miss Jang is right. Sometimes there's no reason except to just be mean. And if Datura controls the worlds...she's going to be outright cruel."
~ 0 ~
"Oh yum," Belén took a whiff of her plate the moment it was set in front of her. She'd ordered steak with mashed potatoes and some vegetables.
Barry watched her eat and had to chuckle at her excitement. It definitely felt like her. When Belén noticed his stare, she blushed and stopped eating.
"I had an insane craving today for steak. It's cooked so...we should be good," she rubbed the top of her stomach.
The smile on Barry faltered for a second. Right. That was definitely not real. It couldn't be. But still…
"How, um...how did that happen?" he knew the moment he asked the question that it wasn't worded right and it would definitely put him in an awkward situation.
"How did what happen?" Belén raised an eyebrow at him. Barry didn't say anything but his eyes flickered to her stomach. "What? You mean when did I get pregnant? Barry! You were there!"
"I know, but—"
"I didn't make this happen on my own, you know!"
Barry cleared his throat while he felt his face warm up. "I haven't...we've never…" but of course he couldn't say finish that sentence because apparently it wasn't true here.
"We never what?" Belén demanded to know. "Don't tell me you're doubting your fatherhood all of a sudden."
Barry shook his head. But it was just another face that didn't fit in this reality. Because in his world, he never touched Belén. And she wasn't the type to cheat on him. There was no way in hell she could be pregnant.
"Seriously Barry, what is going on with you?" Belén put her fork down on the table. "All day today you've been so weird. I'm a little worried, honestly."
"I-I'm fine," Barry coughed. "I think I just hit my head or something."
"And you forgot things?" Belén smiled in amusement. "Or is it that dad-shock come early?"
Barry bobbed his head. Dad. It was wrong and he had to figure out a way to get out of it. "Hey Belén, what's your favorite color?"
"Pink, why? You knew that…?"
Dammit, that was right. "Why is it your favorite color again?"
"Um...because it's on my favorite flower, Azaleas."
Dammit, also right.
"Alright, Barry, now you're really - oh!" Belén suddenly froze which, of course, made Barry immediately panic.
"What? What is it—"
"It's moving! My baby's moving!" Belén exclaimed and shifted in her seat so that she could sit sideways. "Barry, come here!"
Barry didn't really know what to do, but for some reason his feet moved without his consent. In 2 seconds he was with Belén but his hands trembled as they went back and forth trying to decide whether or not to touch her.
Belén grabbed one of his hands and gently placed it over her belly. Sure enough, Barry felt the light thump underneath.
It'snotrealit'snotrealit'snotreal, Barry told himself repeatedly to remind himself that he couldn't get sucked into this fantasy.
But the thumps continued.
"She's moving," Belén smiled with tears in her eyes.
Barry's gaze snapped up to meet hers. "...she? It's a girl?" Belén nodded her head.
Oh my God it's not real, and yet as Barry told himself that he just couldn't take his hand off Belén's stomach. He was feeling his baby kick.
~ 0 ~
Barry had brought them into the house which turned out to be beautiful. Belén never really thought about house shopping, and much less house shopping with your fiance. She was letting herself get sucked into this world and she hated it...but she just couldn't snap out of it. As Barry led her into the dining table and the kitchen, describing all the things they could do...she found herself falling more in love.
"And I promise not to burn the house down trying to cook that lasagna of yours," he said after showing her the stove.
A light chuckle slipped through her lips. "It's cute you think you'll ever get my family's recipe."
"Well, I'm going to be part of your family now," he swiftly countered with. "You could make the exception, then…"
"Yeah, we'll see!" she bopped his nose and started heading out. "Let's go see upstairs!"
"But I want that recipe!" he called after her.
They came up to the second floor and found four doors. They poked their head inside the first door's room and found a small room that could be for a guest.
"Or, you know...for a...baby...or something…" Barry said quietly, though not that quietly because Belén heard perfectly.
She smiled to herself. "Yeah, maybe…" she turned and walked for the next room. It turned out to be a decent sized bathroom. "Oh, I love that mirror," she gawked at the long, rectangular mirror hanging on the wall. "Is that a marble counter?"
"Easy, you look more in love with that than me," Barry frowned as she stroked the counter.
She laughed. "Jealous, much?"
"Let's keep looking, c'mon. Our room has a balconyyyy…" he sing-sang for her and got her attention.
"Don't lie to me…"
"I'm not…"
Belén bolted from the bathroom and skipped the third door to go straight for what was meant to be their bedroom. She flung open the door and saw a large bedroom inside. There was a beautiful, sparkly chandelier on the ceiling. But then her eyes found the balcony and she definitely fell in love with it.
"Oh those are so pretty!" she squealed and rushed inside the room. "You know I miss that from when I used to live at my dad's house?"
"Yeah," Barry nodded. "I thought you might like this one."
"I do," she said before opening the balcony doors. She stepped outside and was met with a gentle breeze. "Oh my God I love this."
Barry came up from behind and wrapped his arms around her waist. "I'm glad you do." He pressed a kiss to her cheek and held her close. "Because this is our home. It's our room. And I can't wait to live here with you."
Belén breathed in a shaky breath. "Yeah…I'd love to live here with...you…" she turned around and ran her hands up and down his arms. "We'd be happy here."
"Course we will be," Barry smiled at her. He gently pulled her back into the bedroom. "Now you know why I can't wait for next week. Are you ready to become Mrs. Allen?"
"Uum…" Belén bit her lip. "Well...I would like to be...some day…"
"That day is so close," Barry nuzzled his nose next to hers while she brought her hands to rest on his shoulders. He soon kissed her.
~ 0 ~
In the real world, Datura ran her index finger down the side of Barry's face. The unconscious speedster was placed on a metal bed with a few pads on wires sticking to his face, all connected to a machine behind.
"Don't be tempted," Poison Ivy's smooth voice warned.
Datura looked up from the speedster and scowled. "Never. I just find...it amazing. Pure appearance, though." She gazed down at Barry, who was no longer wearing his cowl as that had been ripped off the moment he was knocked out. "It's too bad Zoom is going to kill him later on. If it was up to me...he'd get to live."
"Really?" Poison Ivy crossed her arms. "You would seriously let him leave?"
Datura rolled her eyes but said nothing more.
Poison Ivy dropped her arms and moved down the room until she came up beside the second bed placed only a few feet from Barry's. This one had Belén laying on it, unconscious and with the same wires on her face as Barry. Her mask had also disappeared. "And this one? Did she ever have a chance?"
"If she didn't have her powers, then maybe," Datura turned to face Belén, but as soon as she did...a deep glare settled over her face. There was only honest hatred towards Belén, whether Datura wanted to hide it or not.
"I don't think so," Poison Ivy shook her head. She passed a hand over Belén's face, thinking it would be so easy to just end her right there...but of course Datura would never want it to be that easy. "I believe that was the plan...until you met her...and saw what she had."
Datura met Poison Ivy's look and glared. "She has the powers that can save my life. That's what I need from her."
"So then let's just take them and leave," Poison Ivy knew her suggestion would be shut down but she had to make a point of saying it out loud. "Better yet, let's just take Belén and go back to our Earth. We can run all the tests we need back there, with people who will back us up, and we can do it all from the comfort of our home."
"No," Datura's voice was hard and final. "She dies here," she said with a clenched jaw. "Where her friends are, where her family is...and where her Barry is. They can all watch her die here. That is what I deserve. Watch her life crumble as mine did." Her eyes gazed over Belén's figure and, without her knowledge, one of her hands started glowing with one of her siphoned powers. "Let's make the nice dreams turn into nightmares." She moved to the machine controlling the dream worlds. "Because if I know Belén, she's getting sucked into the fantasy whether she likes it or not. And that means when it finally crashes down, it'll hurt even more. Let's make it rain with pain." She reached for one of the small knobs on the machine and happily turned it over until a new sound took it over. The faint blue glow it had turned into an angry red.
Poison Ivy noticed Datura's hand glowing again. She always did. She was always aware that her friend slowly slipping from her, and if they didn't do something soon...
Soon there would be nothing left of her friend.
"I've been thinking of some names," Belén confessed to Barry once the two were out of the restaurant.
Barry, who was holding her hand, looked down at her with the utmost curiosity. "Really? What are they?"
"You can veto them if you'd like. Like what Ross and Rachel did when they were having a girl," Belén's suggestion made Barry laugh. "I'm serious!"
"Just go ahead!"
"Fine. I was thinking about Reneé?"
"Mm, that's almost as bad as Ruth."
Belén rolled her eyes. "Alright. How about Alya?"
"Better," Barry nodded.
"Then there's Ximena. I also kind of like Valerie, Aileen, and Everly."
"You...have put a lot of thought into this," Barry concluded, making Belén laugh. "I like those..."
"Well since I'm not at the lab anymore, there's not a lot for me to do," she shrugged.
"Lab? What lab?"
Belén gave him a glance, waiting for him to take it back but of course he didn't. "My lab? My job? At Mercury Labs? My botany work!"
"... right, right," Barry quickly said in an attempt to keep things looking normal. "You're a...botanist…"
See that wasn't right either.
But he didn't have a lot of time to think about it. All of a sudden, they heard gunshots.
"When do you want to go to the furniture store?" Barry asked once they were out of the house. He was busy locking the front door of their new house.
Belén rocked on her feet while she thought about the idea. "Ummm...don't know. Whenever I guess."
"Well, I don't think we should waste time. We get married next week so we should have things semi-ready for then…" Barry trailed off when he noticed Belén looking at the bushes of their front yard. "What?"
"That would be the perfect spot to grow Azaleas," she said with a growing smile.
"Yeah? Go look at it, then. We can stop and buy some seeds."
Belén pointed at him, indicating she liked the idea. She moved to step down from the front porch when a strong force rumbled underneath her. "Wh-what's happening!?" she couldn't get her balance no matter how hard she tried. The ground shook with all its might.
"It's an earthquake!" Barry exclaimed.
~ 0 ~
No one seemed to know where the bullets were coming from at first, but the firing didn't stop.
And then people started going down.
Two across the street had blood splatter on their foreheads, on behind that caught a bullet in their chest.
"We gotta get out of here!" Barry exclaimed. His first reaction was to speed them out of there...until he realized he couldn't. "I don't have my powers," he realized in horror.
"Barry, I can't run…" Belén said fearfully as if she knew what was going to happen next.
"It's okay, we'll just go as far as you can," Barry tugged her hand forwards and made her at least sprint. He had no idea where those damn bullets were coming from except that they were nonstop.
He was about to turn them down a new block when he felt Belén's shake and scream. When he looked back, he saw a red dripping from the back of her neck. There was a bullet in the back of her head.
As quickly as the bullet came, the life slipped from her eyes. And Barry got to see it firsthand and up close.
"No! No! NO!" He screamed as he caught Belén's body from falling. Still, with his own body shaking, he dropped to his knees, with his arms cradling her body. "Belén!" he cried out but she was motionless. Her eyes were open, but still.
~ 0 ~
"Earthquakes don't happen in Central City!" Belén shrieked as she clung onto a pillar of the front porch.
"Well, they do!" Barry tried to find his footing anywhere he could.
The house was shaking and grumbling. Belén's eyes widened when she saw cracks started to run down from the pillar she was holding. Her first instinct was to let go, but in doing so she almost fell back if Barry hadn't caught her.
"We gotta get out of here!" he tried pushing them forwards, but every time he took a step the shaking forced them back 2 steps.
"How strong is this house?" Belén's gaze was rising as she saw the cracks spreading on the porch's ceiling. The cracks then became loud groans releasing bits of cement.
"Move!" Barry tried pushing her forwards again. She put all her effort into running but the shaking was too damn hard.
"AH!" she screeched when a chunk of a pillar slid off its place and fell just in front of her feet. She once again moved but with one hand fiercely holding onto Barry's. They just needed to get off the porch and onto the yard where they could wait the earthquake out.
But things went too fast.
"Belén!" Barry suddenly screamed before shoving Belén forwards with all his might. She toppled over the front steps with her own scream, but as soon as she raised her head off the ground she saw the porch ceiling crumble down over Barry.
"BARRY!" she screamed at the top of her lungs. "NO! NO!" she scrambled to her feet however she could and made way for the porch. Her vision was blurry but she saw dust and the pile of ceiling pieces over the porch. She tried to use her vines to take the pieces off, but to her horror she couldn't.
She didn't have her powers.
"No! No! C'mon!" she pulled and pulled at one piece but it was too heavy. With all her sobbing, she didn't even realize the shaking had stopped. All she knew was that Barry was trapped underneath and she couldn't save him. She dropped to her knees in front of the pillage and sobbed.
~ 0 ~
Datura had each of her hands touching Belén's and Barry's arms while she had her eyes closed. Soon as she opened her eyes, she met Poison Ivy's intent gaze from across.
"Well?" the ginger had her arms crossed.
A slight smirk spread across Datura's eyes. She was gleeful but she wanted to show some self control. She drew her hands from each of the metas' arms and sighed happily. "They're so distraught. Poor little soulmates have lost each other in such wicked ways. I only thank these powers of mine for letting me enter the mind."
"What now, then?" Poison Ivy walked towards them. "They're at their weakest, physically and mentally. Let's take Belén and go."
Before Datura could agree or disagree, a powerful blast of air threw her and Poison Ivy across the room.
"You're not taking my friend anywhere," the Tempest appeared in the air with her hands ready for a fight.
"Is this the Tempest I've read about?" Poison Ivy raised an eyebrow at the meta.
Datura groaned in annoyance. "More like a nuisance! Take care of her!"
"Fine, but we're getting the hell out of here with Belén!" Poison ivy got up on her feet and shot a vine directly at Nina.
However, a dark magenta vine ruptured the ground underneath Poison Ivy and chucked her to the side like actual trash. Datura blinked as her partner screamed before crashing down on the ground. When Datura turned back to Nina, she saw the latter was not alone anymore.
Black Orchid, donning a new magenta and black colored one-suit, stood tall and proud. Her face was covered with a long black mask.
"You have a Black Orchid in this world too?" Datura gritted her teeth together.
"It wouldn't be the best world if it didn't," Black Orchid flashed her a smirk.
"You should know I killed her too," Datura's eyes flashed a wicked magenta color not previously seen before.
And that was recorded by both the Tempest and Black Orchid. STAR Labs wanted every angle covered in order to use it against Datura later on.
"You're going down just like her," Datura's voice overlapped with that of a woman's. Purple vines wrapped around her arms as she raised them to fire strong, magenta bolts. At least, they looked like bolts.
Black Orchid's eyes widened before she jumped out of the way. As each of the magenta 'bolts' landed, they spread around.
"What is that?" Nina blinked in horror as she watched it suck the color off the ground it was spreading on.
"Chloroplast," Black Orchid swallowed hard and shot Datura a glare.
Datura just smirked. She raised her hands in an 'I've got more' motion. Black Orchid charged towards her, forgetting her fears for a moment. Datura welcomed her with a series of more chloroplast bolts that Black Orchid would just barely dodge.
"Hey Nina, get Belén and Barry," Cisco's voice instructed from their comms.
"Yeah, I'll get them," Nina nodded and turned for her friends lying unconsciously on their beds. She flew towards them only to be shot down with a vine. Her face hit the ground first, making sure to warn Nina she'd have bruises later on.
"You're not touching them," Poison Ivy was back in the game and was angrier than ever.
With a groan, Nina turned flat on her back. She drew one leg up as if she were going to sit up but instead pushed it forwards to release another blast of air. It rocked Poison Ivy back, despite her efforts to stay still, and gave Nina the chance to get up.
"Where'd they fish you out from, huh?" Datura threw her best punch across Black Orchid's face. She smirked as she watched Black Orchid rub her cheek.
Course her smugness was part of her problem.
Black Orchid swung back then shoved Datura down. "You're one confident bitch, but that's going to be your downfall."
Now it was Datura's turn to rub her chin, and when she did she felt drips of blood from her upper lip. With golden eyes she rose from the ground and delivered a series of electric bolts. "I can't be defeated, you idiot. I am literally invincible," she declared, once again with a second voice overlapping with her own.
Black Orchid might have been a tiny scared there. She retreated to hide behind a crate while Datura began firing the electric bolts. Meanwhile, the Tempest flew to avoid Poison Ivy's entangling vines.
"Nina, get Belén! And Barry!" Cisco exclaimed again.
"I am trying my best here!" the woman snapped.
"We know," Caitlin agreed, "But if you get them out of that coma, it'll be a lot easier to take Datura and Poison Ivy down."
Nina stopped flying all of a sudden and whirled around. Another vine was coming for her so she twirled in the air and forced the vine in a different direction. She then created a miniature cyclone that she released straight for Poison Ivy. The ginger hadn't been expecting that for sure.
There was a clear satisfaction in Nina's face when she heard Poison Ivy's garbled screams. She flew back towards Belén and Barry and landed between their beds. "I have no idea what to do here. Do I just pull the wires off their faces or…?"
"Yes!" went both Cisco and Caitlin.
With a shrug, Nina yanked the wires off Belén's face first. As soon as they were off her skin, Belén awoke with a sharp gasp. She sat upright on instinct with wide, blinking eyes.
"Barry!" she cried horrifically.
"You're fine!" Nina put her hands on Belén's shoulders. "Belén, listen, you're fine! It wasn't real!"
Belén breathed heavily as reality set around her. "I was - I was…" she couldn't even come up with the right words to describe the horrific events she experienced.
"You're good," Nina offered her a smile. "Datura put you in a dream world where she controlled everything."
"Barry died…" Belén swallowed hard, almost crying there and then.
"But he didn't!" Nina moved aside and showed her that Barry was safe (in what fit anyways) and lying next to them. "He's right here. He's in a dream world too."
"Barry!" Belén bolted from her bed, ignoring the fact or feet were a little wobbly, and rushed up to Barry's side. Her eyes looked over the wires attached to his face and without hesitation she ripped them right off.
Like her, Barry woke up gasping and sat upright with the same horrific face. "Belén!" he screamed but Belén grabbed his face and turned his head to her.
"I'm here! It's me!"
Barry quickly looked her over and since he saw her back in her suit and it with no blood on her, he knew this had to be the real world. "Oh my God," he pulled her into a tight hug. "You died…"
"So did you," she choked the words out. She couldn't possibly hug him tighter and yet she needed to be closer to him. "You died saving me and I - I couldn't save you. I-I didn't have my powers and I…"
"I know," Barry kissed her head. "I didn't have my powers either."
"Sounds like Datura put you through hell," Nina's voice drew them apart for a moment. "Might I suggest a little revenge?" She made a gesture to the scene in front of them.
Datura was firing at Black Orchid with silver laser beams.
Belén didn't need to be asked twice. For once, she didn't care about the logics. She only wanted pain. Her skin started turning green and scaley, quicker than it ever had before.
"Datura," She darkly muttered and marched forwards.
"This might not be the best way to fight…" Barry trailed off when he knew Belén wouldn't stop to think about it. If she had gone through something similar to what he had, there was no way in hell she would stop until Datura was down.
Black Orchid's feet we're scraping against the cement as she was being forced back with the beams being shot at her. She didn't know she was about to have backup from the person she was meant to be saving. Belén swing a vine like a lasso and smacked it against Datura's side. Before the Earth 2 metahuman could realize what hit her, Belén struck down another vine that hit Datura right on her face. Needless to say it left several deep, open wounds.
Poison Ivy had finally detangled herself from the cyclone the Tempest sent her way and caught sight of what the Azalea had done to her partner. Just as she was about to run towards them, the Flash zipped up in front of her.
"I don't think so," he shook his head at her.
Poison Ivy's lips curled into a snarl. This plan was about to blow up in their face and of course Datura wouldn't see it because of her rage. She needed to get them out of there now.
Belén had jumped on Datura and punched her consecutively. "You made me think he was dead! I couldn't save him and it was all just some game to you!?"
Datura grabbed Belén's arms and butted heads with her. When Belén hit the ground, Datura paid her with the same coin and jumped on her to punch her. "It was my own personal nightmare just for you! Because I want you to know that I am in control of your life. And that your life...it's going to shatter into pieces like mine did. Only yours will end with your death."
"Get off of her!" Black Orchid kicked Datura's in the face and sent the meta back.
Soon as Poison Ivy meant to act, Barry did too. He swung an arm to stop her but she ducked. She retaliated by sliding a leg underneath and knocking him down. From above, Nina delivered new air blasts. While Poison Ivy struggled to stay on her feet, Barry got back up and started running in a circle as fast as he could.
Poison Ivy knew exactly what that meant. "Datura, we gotta get out of here!"
"No!" her partner screamed. She was facing off Belén and Shivhan with everything she had. Red energy just narrowly missed Shivhan's arm. Electric bolts could have almost fried Belén's left leg.
Belén did her best to keep up her front. She threw her own Chloroplasts, though without the sucking-energy part since she didn't yet own that ability. One of them did catch Datura's leg and it angered her. More fiercely than ever Datura's eyes glowed an orange hue before releasing lasers. Black Orchid swooped in front of Belén and raised tendrils of magenta vines as a shield for them both.
"Datura, LET'S GO!" Poison Ivy furiously shouted. She could see the paleness in her partner's face even from where she was. Datura was over exerting herself all over again. "We need -" her scream echoed in the room when Barry's thunder bolt struck her square in the chest. Her body crashed against the wall, falling over.
Datura suspended her fight and saw where her partner had landed. "No!" The orange hue disappeared from her face. She dashed towards Poison Ivy and without glancing back at the group, Datura vanished with her altogether with an electronic zap.
Caitlin conducted thorough mental examinations for Belén and Barry the moment they got back. She wanted to be 110% sure that neither were in any harm thanks to Datura.
"It doesn't look like either of you have any residual energy from that machine you were strapped to," Caitlin was happy to report after two hours of exams.
There was a mutual relief amongst the metas as well as the rest of the group crowding their room.
"How'd this even happen to you?" Iris asked the two in question.
Belén exchanged a glance with Barry, neither seeming to sure of their timing. "I was just...I was outside, moping I guess, when I saw this hue of energy at a distance," Belén explained first. "I thought it was Datura so I followed it and it brought me downtown where sure enough she was there. I fought her until she told me she had Barry."
"So you just let her take you?" Barry frowned at her. "Belén-"
She raised her hand to stop whatever he was going to say. "I figured she'd wake me up when we were at her lair or something and then we could escape together."
"But she didn't," Veronica spat. Out of the entire group, she was the only one who looked mad.
"What are you going to tell me, Belén!? Look at yourself!" Veronica made a gesture at Belén's current appearance.
She had a few bruises on her face, as well as the imprint of the electrodes that had been stuck to her face. There was a cut on her lower lip, but to be honest...Belén felt physically fine. Her mentality, however, was another story.
"You need to stop all this nonsense before you get yourself killed!"
Barry gulped when he remembered his personal nightmare.
"Are you kidding me?" Belén hopped off the bed to face her mother. "Today more than ever proved I need to stop Datura. If I don't fight her, she'll come after anyone and do anything she can to hurt them. She's a danger—"
"That is going to get you KILLED!" Veronica frantically shouted with her entire body practically shaking. For a moment, the others sympathized with her (especially Joe). "Don't you see that!? She could have killed you today, Belén! You were at her mercy! You don't always get lucky Annah-Belén!" She looked around to see if anyone would back her up, or even if Belén would give in.
But she didn't. Belén just gave a small shake of her head.
"Fine," Veronica whispered. "But I will not be here to watch you get yourself killed." She stormed out of the room and the cortex altogether, just barely avoiding Shivhan coming the opposite way.
"You know," Joe spoke up after a few seconds, "Not to side with her, but...I see what she means as a parent."
"I know," Belén sighed, but he shook his head at her.
"No, you don't. None of you do because you're not parents. It's hard watching you-" Joe pointed at Barry, "-go out there, not knowing if you'll come back. I haven't had the misfortune of losing you or Iris, so I can't imagine what Veronica must feel knowing that she lost two of her kids to this metahuman world."
"I'm not saying she's wrong," Belén folded her arms, "But it's not like I'm going to listen to her and stay away. She needs to understand it's my choice and right now, I'm choosing to fight Datura."
"Not today you're not," Cisco pointed at her and even Barry. "You two need to get some rest because those nightmares could not have been easy. Now I've already put a new tracker for your suit Bells but you can take it easy."
"What if she comes back?" Shivhan spoke up for the first time since she joined the group.
"They won't," Barry assured her. "They're back on Earth 2."
"How'd this disappear?" Shivhan then asked when she remembered the odd electronic zap she'd witnessed.
"I think it's a gadget or something..."
"A dimension-teleporter," Harry corrected. "On my world, there's a meta who can...cross dimensions. Reverb. It's well known that he and Datura are pretty...close. He must have created the device and fused his powers with it."
"Well, that's lovely. Give the siphoner the ability to cross dimensions too," Iris sourly said. "It's not like she's deceiving, intelligent, powerful..."
Belén scoffed. "Where is the fairness in that? Do you know how hard it is to fight her? It's like every time I have her, she's one step ahead of me. Whatever I throw at her, she expects it. I don't know how she does that."
"And she's very good at creating nightmares," Barry hated to admit. "She got every aspect of our world right. Like...how would she know that I worked at my lab? That Belén's favorite color is pink because it's from Azaleas. The only thing she got wrong was that Belén is not a crazy sleeper and that she works as a reporter, not a botany scientist."
"Of course," Belén agreed with a small frown. "I barely move when I sleep and I don't know the first thing about botany science."
Something in Harry's mind started working as he thought about these small details no one was probably paying attention to.
"But you're kind of right," Belén said a moment after thinking of her own world. "She got you working at your lab, the Barry from my world knew I liked planting Azaleas in our yard."
Something snapped inside Harry's brain. 'It's like every time I have her, she's one step ahead of me.' He turned away from the group, his feet moving slowly in the beginning. 'Whatever I throw at her, she expects it.' His feet picked up his pace and before he knew it, he was leaving STAR Labs.
~ 0 ~
"Thanks for coming to help," Belén stood in front of Shivhan. The cortex was empty now except for them two. Before leaving, Cisco and Caitlin had informed Belén what led Shivhan to decide to help them. Belén felt like an apology was very much due here.
Shivhan had neatly folded her new suit and left it on top of the desk. "Yeah, well, I was chipped so..."
"You weren't," Belén awkwardly smiled at her. "It was just a lie so you would help us. Sorry about that. And...I'm sorry for kidnapping you. I was a bit desperate."
"And now I know why," Shivhan sighed. "I heard the stories about this Datura. I actually read your articles about her before any of this. I thought if I kept myself hidden, she wouldn't hurt me. But then there were robberies here and there, and people getting hurt...I couldn't stay away. One month was actually my longest hiding period."
"I'm sorry," Belén shook her head. "I swear I will make her go away so you and everyone else can feel safe again."
"Yeah," Shivhan nodded, "And I'm going to help you however I can. Starting with the Green."
Belén blinked. "What?"
Shivhan smiled, borderlining a smirk. "That bitch Datura is so confident I wanna wipe that smugness right off her masked face."
A small smile spread across Belén's face. "Really? Even after I kidnapped you?"
"Bold move. Kinda like you better for it."
"Oh my God, thank you!" Belén hugged her excitedly, though the bouncing was not something Shivhan was there for. She was a bit taller than Belén so it felt like she was hugging a child.
"Yeah...okay," Shivhan detached herself from Belén. "I'm not into hugs that much. So if I'm staying...does that mean Cisco will make my new suit better?" Belén nodded. "Awesome!"
"Bells?" Barry came into the cortex, though slowly in case the two women weren't finishing talking.
"I guess I will see you tomorrow to start training," Shivhan pointed at Belén then swiped her suit off the desk, keeping it nicely tucked between her arms.
"Wait, what?" Barry's clueless expression followed her as she walked towards the corridor. "You're staying?"
"Yup! See you tomorrow, new buddies!" she winked at them then disappeared.
"Something tells me she's going to be an interesting one," Belén said after a moment's thought.
Barry smiled at her, happy to see she was finally going to get the help she wanted. "You want to go home, then?"
"Yeah..." Belén sighed and glanced back at her suit on display. "It's not like she'll be showing up anytime soon. She got quite her game today. I can't believe we fell for her trap. How did she draw you in, though?"
"She had your suit's tracker, making us think you were there at the warehouse. I went to look for you there and instead I got Poison Ivy," Barry scowled. He still couldn't believe he hadn't seen the ginger coming for him.
"...what was your world like?" Belén asked after a moment. She side-glanced him with an expression indicating he didn't have to share if he didn't want to.
But instead, Barry agreed to answer once they were safe at home in the comfort of each other. He took them to her apartment where they found a spot on the couch. There they told each other what Datura had forced them to dream of; how their perfect worlds turned into nightmares with each other's deaths.
"I didn't have powers so I couldn't save you," Barry held Belén close when he remembered the bullets and the blood from her dream's counterpart. "And then you were gone...with the baby."
Belén snuggled to his chest. "Our baby? I'm sorry she made that happen." She felt her face warm up just thinking about the fact her other self had been 'pregnant' with their child. Of course, it was the same thing when she told Barry about her world where they were just a week from being married.
"I'm sorry she made your nightmare happen," Barry kissed the top of her head. "But you know that I would save you no matter what."
"Your death wouldn't be saving me, idiot," she looked up at him. "So don't you ever get that idea in your head. We either survive together or we die together. That's it."
Her hands found his face and as she stroked soft circles on his skin, they rested foreheads with each other. Eventually, they kissed. And because of the terror they lived, there was a lot to kiss for. Neither would say it then, but their kisses had changed into something deeper. Perhaps it was because of what they'd seen and gone through, or maybe it was the fact they were aware of what the future could hold for them if they wanted it.
~ 0 ~
A breach whirled into existence on Earth 1, allowing Datura to cross over. Soon as she touched ground, she saw Harry standing across.
"First time you summon me," the metahuman folded her arms. "Can I expect Belén's body behind you?"
"I know who you are," Harry went straight for the point. He'd been thinking this over for a few hours now and he couldn't be more sure of it. It all made sense. It was actually so stupid that he hadn't seen it from the very start.
Datura had a laugh. "Of course you do."
"I do," Harry reiterated with a sharpness that silenced Datura. He started taking slow steps towards her while he explained his conclusion. "It's been staring us right in the face and we missed it. I missed it," he put a hand on his chest, exhibiting true offence with himself that he had been so clueless. "Belén's been saying it over and over. You're always one step ahead of her, one step ahead of Barry. You're evenly matched against Belén. Every punch she throws, you expect it and have one better. Even from the very start. You knew who the Azalea was. You knew who the Flash was. You knew all these details about Belén, like what her favorite color was. It wasn't because you did your research. You just knew. And how would you know them? How could you always be one step ahead of Belén?" Harry stopped right in front of Datura, looking her (for the first time since he had the misfortune of meeting her) directly in her dark, chocolate brown eyes. Despite her position, Datura's red lips were quirking into a smirk. Harry remained emotionless, yet still confident he knew what was going on. "You know everything because you are Belén."
The smirk on Datura turned into outright smugness. She brought one of her gloved hands to her mask and carefully pulled it off her face. "Took you long enough." Earth 2 Belén Palayta looked exactly the same as her Earth 1 doppelganger, only she owned a darkness no other doppelganger could match.
Author's Note:
BAM. I've been waiting to reveal that one ever since Datura was first introduced! I originally had it planned to be revealed earlier but I felt like it fit better here. So, did anyone see that coming? It's literally foreshadowed in the story cover page. Hope y'all paid attention to it!
And a lovely little fun fact here: one of the girl names dream-Belén listed is the actual name I'm giving to hers and Barry's daughter in a for their season 5 rewrite. Can you guess which one it was??
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