#as like... an older brother figure. i think thats fun
aaa fuck. pla dhau thoughts.
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oh-no-its-bird · 2 months
Fic where, in practicing to get edo tensei right, Orochimaru uses Izuna as a test subject and tries to substitute DNA to make it work, using Suigetsu's bc like it's extra flexible or whatever bc shape change
Edo tensei mermaid Izuna locked in a tube somewhere in Oro's lab,,
He's SO mad about it and has literally no information ab what's going on at all bc hes locked in a fucking tube !!
Bonus points if Orochimaru doesn't even specifically know who he is
They unearthed him w the rest of the founders on a whim but bc no one really requested him specifically, the body just kinda sat there and eventually got mixed in w the rest of the Uchiha corpses, till Orochimaru requests an Uchiha corpse and they shrug and send him over
He still has Madara's eyes too (left alone either by oversight / or bc they decided not to pull them before he got mixed in w the other bodies, who had by then already gotten scooped of their eyes so they assumed he'd already been harvested)
Ok but like. No one even tells him what happened/where he is/that madara made the village. Why would anyone?? The only one Izuna sees regularly is Orochimaru, and he doesn't know those facts would matter??
Izuna doesn't even know what Konoha IS, he isn't gonna recognize the name
From Izuna's perspective, he died in his bed and then BOOM. Tank time.
Orochimaru might tell him it's been some years since his death (thinking he died in the massacre) and even if Izuna doesn't believe him bc like, enemy, enemy territory, he sure as fuck probably won't be thinking "Ah yes it's been decades since my death and my brother went against my dying wishes to make that village"
Tho he might get nervous and start picking up those cues when he sees the tech
Oro mentions offhand that the Uchiha were all killed and Izuna immediatley assumes the Senju won the war and loses it
He'd figure it out eventually obviously (probably after being set free, most likley by Sasuke w Suigetsu) But he'd also probably keep that to himself, bc like, enemy territory n stuff
Mermaid shapeshifter Izuna terrorizes the shinobi world,, Sasuke doesn't know what he just unleashed.
Ok actually but like. Suigetsu's shape-shifting but bc Izuna has a fire chalra nature, make it liquid fire shape-shifting. Fuckin, fire mermaid Izuna. He has an awful time retaining his form and actually for the first chunk of time, him being in that tube is genuinley just for the best. He keeps turning into liquid fire with no real solid body and can't put himself back together for hours.
Izuna hears his brother is still alive and running Akatsuki and is so down to clown till he realizes THATS NOT HIS FUCKING BROTHER HOW DARE YOU USE HIS NAME
Anyways oh my god Izuna on team Taka,,
He and Sasuke would be SUCH a dynamic actually, they look alike so much?? Sasuke doesn't recognize him but he's clearly a close relation, so there's some mystery there. Sasuke is like super shaken by finding a member of his clan and Izuna, by that point aware that apparently the rest of his clan is dead, is sticking to him like GLUE. Sasuke is bitchy little brother coded and Izuna understands this is probably karma bc he is also bitchy little brother coded
They probably clash a lot, especially bc both are expecting to be in charge here, but ultimately I think they'd get along better than Sasuke does most people, and there's also that bonus vulnerability of like. Izuna is an older Uchiha boy who's trying to brother him (with a noticeably different brother-ing style to Itachi too) and Sasuke has been alone for so, so long.
Sasuke accidentally calls him nii-san then promptly has several break downs about it
Suigetsu and Izuna either get along ALARMINGLY well or they hate eachother. I think I wanna go with the first bc it sounds more fun. They couldn't talk to eachother in the tanks but they could still see eachother, so maybe they kind of developed some sort of code to communicate?
They are "cause problems on purpose" friends. They're also "wdym I can't kill him???" *looks of genuine confusion* buddies. They're giving Sasuke the biggest headache actually, someone stop them. If you leave them to "take care" of a problem, there will be carnage.
Also, like, Izuna literally has Suigetsu's DNA in him. That's a thing.
Mmm maybe some complex thoughts ab how Izuna has effectively become a bloodline thief against his will (the ULTIMATE taboo for shinobi from his era) and he's like, actually fucked up about it.
Running joke where they refer to each other as cousins, could be funny. They argue over who's the bastard child (it's Izuna obviously but he won't just take that title lying down)
Izuna is like, in his 20s, and Karin is around 16 or 17 at this time I think?? She definatley has a bit of a crush on him (which helps take the edge off Sasuke) but like, he's not acknowledging that beyond patting her on the head. She'll get over it eventually. (Sasuke hides behind Izuna when Karin is trying to flirt w him and Izuna absoloutley laughs at them both)
Izuna is actually really impressed w Karin's sensing abilities specifically. I think he'd be a bit on edge around her at first, bc Uzumaki -> Senju ally. But he'd quickly assume she's a deserter (he has no idea the Uzumaki are pretty much wiped out rip) and becomes cautiously chill after a minute or two (also when he first escapes, he REALLY doesn't have the luxury to pick and choose his allies. He's instantly attached to Sasuke and cautiously fond of Suigetsu, and Karin seems to have Sasuke's trust at least, so he'll keep an eye on it but otherwise trust Sasuke's judgment)
Izuna and Karin besties arc where they paint eachothers nails is a must. I love the take that Izuna is really into fashion n stuff and he and Karin should like, trade hair tips or smthn. Karin knows modern soap brands where as Izuna bought his soaps from clan vendors who no longer fucking exist, so like, it's definatley helpful.
Karin is the only one of them to have any real hint of where tf Izuna came from (tho even she doesn't have the full details) it'd be cool if she was the one to figure out more details ab his general mystery— maybe something about her chakra sensing gives her a hint as to how old he really is?? Or she finds the paper trail that hints towards the bodies being mixed up???? Idk but she deserves to have an "aha!" moment
Also Izuna's medical knowledge/standards are NOT up to modern and Karin is so mad about it, she's giving him hella lessons on first aid n shit and he's very, very interested in all this free medical knowledge
I know the least about Jugo so bear with me on this one pls— I think Izuna would find Jugo to be pretty fascinating as a person actually. He enjoys tentatively poking him with sticks, and comes to genuinley like him as a person (when he's calm) pretty quickly
Also cats love Izuna so he gets bonus points from Jugo bc of that, they can bond while petting Izuna's contracted cats or smthn idk
Yeah I really don't know much ab Jugo so that's all I have to offer sorry
Ok let's backtrack a bit, back to Orochimaru ->
Fun scene towards the very start of the fic, where Izuna still has no fucking clue what's going on, but recognizes Orochimaru as a member of the Orochi clan. He says as much, and Orochimaru has to pause.
No one's mentioned his clan to him in years. They haven't been relevant in Konoha since Orochimaru was born— even before that, they were barley relevant. Izuna should not know who they are.
(The only reason he does know is bc they had a neutral to positive relationship w the Uchiha back in the warring era, and Izuna had visited them once before)
Immediatley, Orochimaru is squinting at this guy. He's giving Danzo a ring asking who exactly he got sent over, but Danzo doesn't actually have anything to offer him??? The paperwork is a mess and there were a LOT of Uchiha. He's not registered as a shinobi tho.
Hmmmm.... ok.
Orochimaru is suddenly aware there's some kind of mystery here now, which is dangerous for Izuna. Izuna is, again, in enemy territory, and he's able to pick up on the fact that Orochimaru doesn't actually know who he is. This ofc means that HE sure as hell won't be telling him.
Maybe he bares his teeth and sarcastically says he's the second coming of Uchiha Madara (not even that big of a lie when u think ab it)
Pivoting time ->
Izuna is listed in the data books as like, being equally as talented as Madara and I think we should talk ab that more actually
I love Tobirama but he really did get him by surprise
Izuna just got cocky and taken by surprise!!
Then he went down in the history books both in canon and out of it as the weakest of the 4, that's so tragic
Izuna gets mermaid edo tenseid and (once people know who he is) everyone is like "Ok well at least he's uhh. The weakest of the 4 right?? I mean tobirama killed him when they were like only 19/20 so we'll probably be fine???"
Then he just fucking bodies them all bc hes a nightmare actually AND on whatever special test trial edo tensei steroids they gave him
Izuna is fueled on rage and spite and he's full up on both
Imagine he gets the full story of everything that happened while he was dead too, like.
Ok so Madara goes against his EXPRESS dying wishes and makes his village. (what the fuck!!) Then backs out (yay!!) but in an awful way that effectively fucks over the entire clan for years to come (nii-san what the FUCK)
Then gets literally backstabbed by Hashirama (HE FUCKING TOLD YOU!!! WHAT DID HE FUCKING SAY!!!!!)
Then the Uchiha seem to thrive and like. Ok. He's still mad about it, but at least something... kind of nice came out of it.
Izuna is SO mad at literally everyone, holy shit. The only one safe from his rage is Hikaku, god rest his poor, poor soul
Actually, I think it'd be funny if Izuna was like, indescribably extra awful mad at everyone— but then is like. Normal mad amounts at Tobirama, who was a bitch but at least didn't seem to carry on a personal fucking vendetta against the Uchiha like EVERYONE ELSE INCLUDING FUCKING MADARA FOR SOME GODDAMN REASON
Izuna is going like, "FUCK you, FUCK you, OH, EXTRA FUCK YOU—" then squints at Tobirama and goes "...fuck you." Then goes back to screaming
To be clear, Tobirama absolutely contributed to the end of the Uchiha, but like. A) it'd be funny, and B) at least his seemed slightly less on purpose than literally everyone else
There's also I think a difference of like. Izuna never expected Tobirama to suddenly turn around and be pro Uchiha
Where as everyone else (again, including his brother!!) Was like. A genuine betrayal
Tobirama fucking over the clan was never a surprise
He never pretended to be on their side (like Hashirama lowkey did)
Tobirama vs Izuna but it's them getting to relive their rivalry where as Izuna vs literally anyone else is emotionally charged as hell and filled with demented screaming
Leaving it there for now, I might actually try to write this one but who tf knows
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faela404 · 2 years
i saw your requests were open, and i really liked your dazai with a sibling piece so i offer you this, pm dazai with a little sibling? i wonder what he’d act like
ahhh i’m glad you liked it! i added tachihara, i hope that’s okay! <3
pm! dazai & tachihara x gn! younger sibling! reader (platonic !)
☆ checkmate ☆
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☆ pm! osamu dazai ☆
☆ honestly, dazai would be more of a distant yet still protective older brother
☆ he wouldn’t go out of his way to make sure you two have a good relationship, in fact he’d push you away
☆ while you two wouldn’t have much communication with each other, you’d still feel safe telling him about any problems in your life
☆ in fact there was one time, a few months before dazai parted from the port mafia, you had just started college/ university
☆ your roommates have all been pretty cool aside from one, he acts extremely inappropriately towards you and no matter what he won’t stop
☆ so in need of a chance to rant about this to someone, you text your brother
☆ you don’t expect much of a response from him, if any at all
☆ and you really don’t get much, just a simple “that sucks” or “i’m busy y/n tell me about it later” (though he still wouldn’t listen later)
☆ your just happy to have finally got it off of your chest
☆ what a coincidence though, only a day later the guy apologises and doesn’t even look at you again!
☆ why does he look so scared though? and oh! is that a bruise around his throat?? it almost looks like someone strangled him.. how peculiar
☆ all in all, pm! dazai wouldn’t be the best when it comes to communication but, he does care and would do anything for you
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☆ tachihara michizō ☆
☆ tachihara would definitely want to be a part of your life, in fact he’d probably be more of your best friend than your brother!
☆ he’d come over whenever he could to check on you, whether it be in the morning before he goes to work, or the middle of the night after a particularly hard mission
☆ he just wants to make sure you’re safe, he knows that with his line of work he’s bound to make enemies with some really dangerous people, people who could easily target you to get to him
☆ so because of this he will run background checks on anyone in your life, friends, classmates, partners, the people you walk past on the street, you name them and he can tell you everything about them and their life
☆ he just wants to make sure you’re being as safe as possible, it’s the most important thing to him
☆ luckily no one has targeted you yet, he’s done a pretty damn good job at making sure no one even knows you exist
☆ however, these extensive background checks do come in handy when someone in your life does try to hurt you
☆ recently you had been getting harassed by this shop vendor on your way to the gym in the morning, at first you thought she was being friendly but, over time the comments she made to you started getting way out of hand
☆ she’d make lewd comments about your body or refer to you as “baby” or “darling” it was starting to make you extremely uncomfortable
☆ one day tachihara had come to check on you in the morning like usual, however he had caught you right before you was about to go to the gym so he figured, “hey i’ll walk ya! it’ll be nice”
☆ so thats what he did, he began walking you to the gym, you had hoped that since tachihara was with you, she wouldn’t say anything today
☆ you was completely wrong
☆ she continued her verbal harassment right infront of tachihara
☆ saying he was pissed would be an understatement
☆ i don’t know just how much she appreciated having her entire life story read back to her by a man she didn’t know
☆ but it didnt matter, because after that moment, she never spoke to you again, in fact she had moved her stall to a whole different street
☆ tachihara is definitely a protective brother but, it’s very much appreciated in those kinda moments
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a/n - ahhh this was fun! thanks for the request! i was gonna add chuuya too but tbh i couldn’t think of him as an older brother yk-
anyway i hope you enjoyed this and remember to take care of yourself! <3
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james-preble · 2 months
okay this is probably going to make no sense and like 80% of it is pulled straight out of my ass but i thought it was fun to try and figure out
my ideas for how old each of the known charming cousins are and how they're all related
okay so. there's only one named aunt/uncle, and thats fairest, who's mentioned as the "youngest aunt," and is in a group of princesses that can be gathered to be vaguely similar to darling's age. bcuz shes explicitly singled out as an aunt, i think that means she is def older than the group though, so i'm gna say shes in her mid-20s maybe, so lets say like 24 or 25 maybe?
additionally, there's a theme of siblings' names starting with the same letter. however, that's sort of each cousin group, so i think that each of grandpa auspicious and grandma alluring's kids were named with a different letter, and then they each named their kids w those letters. ADDITIONALLY, in a lot of big families, as someone from a decently big family, there are often a bunch of second-cousins, who are your parents' cousins, and second-cousins-once-removed, who are their kids. so to fill in some weird gaps in ages/etc, in addition to just the number of kids, i think grandma alluring probably has a sibling, and them and their family & grandkids are also involved in the Family Ball. grandma alluring probably ended up w the sort of core oldest palace bcuz she was the older sibling, so its kind of js like the family homestead now or whatever. also, the charmings are pretty patriarchal, so if shes the older one and still ended up w the house, her sibling is def another sister.
okay so, known sibling groups:
daring--dexter--darling, grandma alluring's side, all ~16
courageous--cherished--charity, i think they'd be from gma alluring's side as well bcuz darling and dexter interact w her like theyre decently close; charity is def ~16 as well, and courageous is little so maybe like 4-7ish? cherished is w/ charity in the group of princesses that's around darling's age, so ive kind of randomly decided she's a tiny bit younger, maybe ~13-14 idk, and likes feeling like a part of things.
gallant--glorious--gutsy--gracious--gorgeous--good-enough, bcuz they start w G their parent wld be born after fairest, and since she's the "youngest aunt" im js assuming fairest doesnt have a younger brother, so theyre gma's sibling's side; good-enough is canonically 5yo, and the average age gap between siblings is ~4yrs, so lets say gracious+gorgeous are like 10 and 12 ish, gutsy a couple years older, and gallant and glorious a few more years older.
and then, not explicitly stated as siblings, but beauteous, breathtaking, beloved, and bountiful. bcuz im only basing this around two branches of the family, theyre gna be two pairs of siblings. bountiful isn't in the group w fairest/other B princesses/charity/darling, so i'm going to assume she's younger. bcuz beauteous and breathtaking r the first two mentioned im gna say they're siblings even tho that doesnt rlly make sense, and then beloved & bountiful are sisters. idk who'd be from which side though. and not sure why i feel this way but id say bountiful is ~12ish, beloved ~18ish, and then beauteous and breathtaking maybe like 18 and 20 or smth idk just to even it out and make less of a gap from fairest's age to the others.
okay now those who dont have explicitly stated siblings or vague context clues like the Bs
earnest is described as "throwing around the younger charmings w daring," so id put him maybe two years older? just to try to keep some variety in the ages. just for funsies i think he'd be from gma's sibling's side, idk why. there are two more named charmings that start w E, so to even out the number of cousins on each side, i think those two are siblings, and from gma alluring's side. that's elegant and errant. elegant can be whatever age i think, maybe similar to bountiful or a couple years younger idk. errant is stated as having told good-enough he was too little to get anything on the quest, so i think making him 2-3 years older at 7 or 8 is reasonable (also it fits into the avg sibling age gap of 4yrs purely by chance).
there's one other charming that starts w/ C, and that's caring, so she's going on gma's sibling's side.
and then the last two named charmings' names both start with F, and that's fearless and fragile. i have literally no ideas abt their ages, so like think abt them however you want lol, and im putting them on gma's sibling's side, bcuz fairest is only 25ish, and bcuz shes hanging out w a group of like younger princesses idk if she seems the type to have kids yet.
so, basically, i think it looks something like this:
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sorry the photo is sideways, also i could NOT be bothered to put assumed/theorized ages on there, sorry.
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mystarsohee · 3 months
Hi! What are your thoughts on XDH as caregivers?
xdiz as caregivers !
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genre: fluff
!!! non sexual agere, no cg names used
cg!xdinary, gn!reader
goo gunil 🐹
hes doing his best ok!!
very cautious and careful with you,
because the last thing he wants is for you to get hurt!!!
when you do get hurt, he feels like the worst person alive
immediately panics, and rushes to help you 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。
hes the sweetest though,
it takes him a bit to figure out the caregiver thing but he'll get there
he'll do literally anything if its for you
after you sleep he watches videos on things like how to braid hair, how to make cookies, etc
he literally goes down rabbit holes for you
you love it so much so the lack of sleep is worth it for him
kim jungsu 🐱
you think hes the coolest person in the world
only because he can play the piano
whenever he finds out you have a new favorite song, his mission is to learn it on the piano
will definitely give you personal concerts
WITH choreo too ♪( ´θ`)
you'll play along too, trying to get him to complete your hand heart, making signs, etc
and your plushies will also join the fun!!
tried to teach you piano but you just like pressing whatever keys you want
loves holding your hand
loves it even more when you swing your arms back and forth while holding hands
kwak jiseok 🐥
i see him more like an older brother rather than a parental figure (idk how to word this pls understand)
like he'd get so competitive playing video games with you but he'll let you win anyways
he also gets super excited when you open a new toy he forgets its yours LMAO
but yeah he gives total older brother, like hes just playful all the time
(lovingly) teases you (^o^)
sometimes he goes too far by accident but he'll make it up to you with some ice cream and cuddles
he definitely loves to play pretend with you
again hes just super silly, and loves it when you follow along and be silly with him
your ipad is filled to the brim with selfies of the both of you making funny faces
kim seungmin 🦊
idk how you did it but he is absolutely whipped for you
has cuteness aggression because of you
like its bad
he just wants to cuddle you all the time
hugs hugs hugs
he just loves you so bad
you'll catch him staring at you and you just look at him like (-.-) wut
whenever the members are hanging out with you guys,
he gets all serious and makes sure they behave!!
he doesn't want them to be too loud or anything around you thats why
you could get him to buy whatever toy you want
only if you give him plenty of hugs of course
doesn't like letting you do anything for yourself
in a good way, you're just a little baby anyways
han hyeongjun 🐰
he loves to color with you
one time you got sad because his coloring was very neat, unlike yours
after that he made sure to never color inside the lines again
loves to read you bedtime stories
sometimes he'll make up stories too,
he'll get too invested and won't realize that you're asleep already
so patient with you
if you can't decide what you want to eat
he'll stay in the kitchen with you going through the fridge and pantry and coming up with ideas for you to choose from
paints your nails!!! (i wrote abt this btw hehe)
you two try to have movie nights, but your attention span isnt very high..
just ends up with you falling asleep tbh
its okay he'll carry you to your room of course (^ν^ )
lee jooyeon 🐺
takes playing pretend SO seriously
like the both of you will have foam swords in your hands,
and you guys are crawling around the house together so you don't get caught by the broccoli monster (≧∀≦)
you love it tho
he LOVES making you laugh
like he'll do whatever it takes
silly dances, dressing up in a funny outfit
accidentally turned you into a mega prankster
when he pranks his own members, you're usually around so you take from him
obviously since you learned from him he knows its coming
but he will 'fall for it' just for you
the two of you will team up against his members you will die of laughter everytime
he would definitely sing you to sleep
you end up not being able to sleep without him singing,
so he'll record a bunch of lullabies for you, even making songs for you whenever hes away!
authors note: HI ANON!! thank you for sending this in, i lowkey rushed it :< this is my first time doing bulletpoints or anything thats not a full fic so im kind of nervous!! pls send feedback!! i have another request waiting.. i feel bad because it was sent in a few days ago :(( but its also xdiz related so i guess this helped brainstorm!
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rainbowdelicgalore · 4 months
(I'm taking a big risk in letting this idea out of confinement since it's a pretty fuckin wacky one this time, brace yerselfs!)
TF2 AU Idea: You know how in the TF2 Comics how Medic was able to surgically insert baboon uteruses into people?
Well, since we all know that Medic is the pure epitome of a Mad Scientist and loves to experiment on bodies, most likely even his own
He would've come up with the seemingly asinine and morbid idea to give himself a baboon uterus (don't think he wouldn't do this to himself lol), create a way to combine all the Mercs' and his own "DNA" into one egg (excluding Scout since I see him being a eldest kid/older brother figure in this kinda AU) in order to have a child thats biologically related to all 8 Mercs (a daughter in this case)
All this in order to Medic to have a way to keep himself and all the Mercs together as one big found family if and when there comes the end of the war between the Mann Brothers, so even the Administrator would have a hard time separating the group!
Yeah, they're all too attached to each other to not pull off a fucking cuckoo bananas idea just to stick together as the Unit they are (and Scout gets a new little sister out of it too)!
(this is also slightly based on a dream I had at around 15/16 years old that was basically just me being Sniper's daughter, so it was fun to remember for this)!
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spooky-bunnys · 1 year
Imma just leave this request cause I think it’s silly and cute but that is if you want to it’s your choice
So izana call for tenjiku for a meeting cause he has to announce something or well more like kakucho and they both announce that they need someone to watch over izana baby brother (name) and the reason they can’t is because they are both sick and shion sees this as an opportunity to get on izana best side (cause it’s canon that shion has respects for izana) and immediately volunteers to babysit (name) even thought shion has no clue on how to take care of children
I can imagine that shion struggles a lot with making sure (name) is happy, clean, and fed and maybe when it comes to feeding (name) instead of normal baby food shion is feeding (name) a cheeseburger and other solid foods and surprisingly (name) is eating the solid foods
And due to izana and kakucho not being able to relax cause they fear what shion is doing they secretly send the rest of tenjiku to keep on eye on shion and this is how it would go
Shion: *holding (name) and feeding him a cheeseburger* oh hey guys what’s up?
Ram: why are you feeding (name) a cheeseburger
Shion: cause (name) likes them right (name)
(Name): *nods*
And maybe when izana and kakucho fully recovered from their cold they immediately rush to shion apartment and they see shion sleeping on the couch while (name) is sleeping so peacefully on top of him and when they both wake up and izana picks up (name) and start to leave (name) says his first words which were uncle shion while waving goodbye
Okay I had to get a small bit of help with this one. Since I don't know much about writing for children but it was still a lot of fun. Enjoy!
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When the upper members of Tenjiku got the call about their being an emergency meeting, they were confused. They didn't remember a recent gang trying anything. But when they saw Izana and Kakucho wearing masked, and little (Name) walking behind them. They had a feeling they knew what this meeting was about.
"I'm just gonna cut to the chase. Kakucho and I have pretty bad colds. So we need someone to look after (Name)."
The little white hair toddler just hid behind his older brother. Shy. The others shared some looks. When the Haitani brothers were about to agree, Shion beat them to the punch.
"I'll watch him for you." Everyone turned to the him. Confused. Why would he volunteer to watch (Name)?
"If it's for Izana I'll do whatever I can to help." Ah. There it is. His loyalty to their leader is clouding his thought. Izana though just nodded and lightly pushed (Name) in Shion's direction.
The toddler stared at his brothers before slowly walking up to Shion. They stared at each other for a few moments until Shion picked him up. The others flinched as Shion carried (Name) like a briefcase.
Izana immediately looked at the others. Coughing a little and pointed after the leaving figures. "Watch them. If anything happens to (Name). You'll be sorry."
As Shion made his way into his apartment he carefully placed (Name) on the couch. "Now. What to do with you....do you like video games?"
(Name) just stared. Shion shook his head. "Okay no video games. How about....Oh! A new horror movie just came out do you want to watch it?"
That was his mistake on the first day. Was having (Name) watch a horror movie. Poor thing didn't last the first 20 minutes before getting scared so badly he wet himself.
Shion was lucky Mochi was "in the neighborhood" and decided to check in on them. After the lecture and scolding Mochi gave him Shion decided against watching anymore scary movies.
His mistake the second day was food and bathing. Since Shion had given (Name) miso soup he had the night before. Shion didn't really have anything he could feed him. He also didn't know what the tot could eat.
Thats how the Haitani brothers "accidentally" found them at the fast food joint by Shion's place. The brother didn't know how to feel when they saw a dirty (Name) being feed a cheeseburger. Ran thought he was gonna faint.
When Shion saw the brothers he placed down the cheeseburger, andwaved at them. "Hey guys. What's going on?" When they came over Shion went back to feeding (Name). "Shion...why are you feeding (Name) a cheeseburger?" Ran asked with an indifferent look.
Shion shrugged. "Because he likes them. Isn't that right bud?" (Name) looked up, mouth full of cheeseburger and nodded. Rindou cringed. "Then why is he so filthy?" Shion scratchedthe back of his head.
"Well we came from the park. I didn't know what kids liked to do, so I just took him to the park." Rindou pinched the bridge of his nose, under his glasses and sighed. "Well he needs a bath. Pronto." Shion nodded and finished feeding (Name) the burger.
Shion did bathe (Name) when they got home. But he just took a shower and brought the tot with him honestly. Shion was dirty too, so he thought why not kill two birds with one stone.
That was their routine for the next few days. Shion would feed him and (Name) whatever food he had. Then they'd either watch TV or go to the park. Later Shion would wash them both and feed them again. (Name) wasn't going to lie. He was having a lot of fun with his new Uncle.
So when at the end of the week, Izana ad Kakucho came to get (Name) he was kinda sad. He had fun with Uncle Shion. Especially since he would let (Name) eat whatever he wanted, and would take him to the park when he asked.
As his brother picked him up, after thanking the other male for looking after him. (Name) wanted to do something before they left.
"B-Bye! Uncwe Shi!"
Shion's face had lit up so fast. Izana and Kakucho just stared at the waving toddler. "Did he just?" Izana glared heavily at Shion. Then stomped out of the room. Kakucho sighed and followed after them. Great. Now the older male was gonna throw a tantrum.
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sproouts-jpeg · 4 months
i just found out something cool!! idk if anyone else already knows but this is new to me!
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so this kabuki luffy figure! i love him, his expression is so endearing to me! he’s ferociously cute!! but also! turns out he’s actually dressed as a specific character from kabuki theatre!
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this picture is of Ebizo Ichikawa IX (photographed by Elliot Franks), in the role of Sato Tadanobu! Tadanobu was a real japanese samurai that lived from like the 1160s to 1180s, the late heian period.
most importantly, he was one of the shitenno, one of the four heavenly kings! so this mirrors luffy in a way! as he’s one of the four yonkos/emperors!
from what little information i can find on him on the english speaking side of the internet (almost entirely a very short wikipedia page) his life doesn’t really mirror luffy’s in any other way (besides having an older brother, Sato Tsugunobu, that died in war rip). so i really think being a shitenno is the only reason luffy is portraying the kabuki characterization of him!
uuuuhhhh idk thats all!! hope y’all enjoy a cool fun fact! oh and happy pride btw!🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️
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Hazbin hotel Little headcannons
Its long!
Lucifer, Alastor, Vox.
(Man is really interesting to think about, I had fun with this one)
Age: 1-5
Preferred caregiver is Lilith.
Technically, he started regressing after he fell. Neither Lilith nor him knew what it was, so they just called it 'fuzzy head' as that was the only way Lucifer could ever explain it.
Not a lot of resources at the beginning of the world. 'Fuzzy head' time was often Lucifer curled up in Lilith's lap as they looked at the sky together.
Of course after a while, sitting wasn't really 'fun' so the two would often wander around their new world (Hell) together as Lucifer pointed out objects in the ground or weird trees.
Hes a very clingy baby and usually needs to be around someone.
Big feelings, he often has a hard time regulating himself and needs to be calmed down.
The way they figured out that Lucifer started 'Fuzzy head' for the first time was in a very... compromising situation. (ie: Just making out, nothing too crazy. I'm not a monster) Lucifer burst into tears because he didn't know what was going on and he didn't feel good. Lilith stopped, very confused. Neither of them knew what to do, well... Lilith didn't know what to do, Lucifer, was crying his little heart out and wasn't really explaining what was wrong.
Once hell started getting more populated, down time for them became harder and harder to find. ie, 'fuzzy head' was also harder to do. (Until they had a sort of system going on for them)
Have you ever shaken a soda bottle with the cap still on? That's kinda what it feels like to shove your little time down while busy. Imagine you keep shaking the bottle, you shake it and shake it until, BANG! The cap pops off and the soda erupts and gets all over the place. That my friends is what repression is! Guess who does that while busy! I'll give you one guess.
Meltdowns, lots of meltdowns.
He's the BESTEST helper in the whole wide world! (He does more damage than good, but don't tell him that.)
Cartoons don't really interest him, stories though, thats the good stuff. This frusterates Lilith when she needs to do something and Lucifer keeps saying "Jus one more tory, pease Lilif?"
When hes older he's a little more independent, but he still needs to be able to see someone he trusts. (ie, Lilith.
Talking about having a baby was... hard. At first Lilith was worried that Lucifer would regress while watching them and both of them might get hurt.
"I already have a child darling. Did you forget?" "I already have you sweetheart, and you cause me enough trouble as it is" (Meant lovingly)
When they did have Charlie Lilith watched the two like a hawk and hardly left the two alone together.
One morning however, was different. Lucifer had heard Charlie crying first and went to comfort her. A few hours later Lilith wakes up to find a half empty bed and the crib empty. After a half panicked search of the 'house' she found Charlie sat in front of the tv and a bunch of cardboard story books, while laying on Lucifer who was lying on the floor while coloring. (Something tells her she needs to Lucifer proof the house)
Loves playing big brother with other littles, even when hes clearly younger. Angel's 6? Well Lucifer's clearly 7(cough cough 4 cough cough, sorry something was stuck in my throat) Wait- Alastors 9!? LUCIFER'S 12-
Overall shorts, Lucifer loves him some overall shorts.
SOFT BIG SWEATERS! (Who else loves that tho?)
Arts and crafts!
Baby's a sweet tooth.
Duck plushy. Need I say more?
Hes a rather intelligent little and knows how to get what he wants from people.
Age: 4-10
Only really regresses if he knows that it's been too long. (other times he gets tricked into it, which takes an absurd amount of time)
Rosie is his preferred caregiver.
Don't touch him.
He doesn't get too small often.
It doesn't matter if hes older or younger, hes a big bully.
He was the last person to figure out that he regresses.
Fairly independent and doesn't really interact with the others.
He can be left alone in a room and you can expect him to still be there a few hours later.
Doesn't like being around any male adults. (The only person who can be around him is Husker, but that's mostly because... kitty)
Sensory toys are nice.
He will throw something at you if you offer to put something on the tv, don't you dare offer that filth to him.
He doesn't really like stuffies. unless someone (Lucifer/Vox) has a stuffie, then he HAS to have it.
Boy knows the timeout corner better than anyone. (he even wrote his name in it.... which got him another five minutes but lets not talk about that)
Black hole child. He's always hungry.
Random screams. Everything will be quiet, then all the sudden he drops what hes doing and starts screaming, then sits back down as if nothing happened.
Very particular about how the toys are put away.
Husker doesn't stick around when Alastor is little, the boy tends to tug on his fur.
THAT'S NOT HOW THE TOYS GO! Very particular
Why are all the dog plushies in the trash?
Doesn't like plastic sippy cups. Hes a big boy! He can handle a big kid cup!
He can't handle a big kid cup.
Puts on shows for his CG(s).
Age: 0-4 (Sometimes teen space)
He was a regressor before he died.
Preferred Cg is Velvette & Val.
Sleepy boy.
Night light baby.
Glow in the dark stars.
Quiet play time.
Nap time.
Snack child, no meals juuust snacks.
He and Val could watch Sensory videos for hours if Velvette let them.
Paint! All over the walls! How nice!
Paint sticky, must throw a tantrum to get rid of paint.
Hunting games! (definitely not gonna shoot every deer he spots)
Action figures!
Shocking himself! (its funny! It also doesn't hurt, just tickles)
Doesn't like plastic sippy cups. Hes a big boy! He can handle a big kid cup!
He can't handle a big kid cup. (Hmm where have we seen that before?)
Doesn't stay in time out.
"Do you need to go to the bathroom?" "Noo!" (Said while doing a very obvious potty dance)
Padded Regressor.
He can do things all by himself!
Onesie all day long baby!
Aaaand hes down.
Part two?
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spookberry · 3 months
Hello I hope you are doing well! I wanted to say that I really love your art! Could I ask for more information about Henri and Claire, or just Henri in general? I think they're super cute but additionally, I think Henri is interesting by himself because I feel like I don't know as much about him! How long has he been immortal? How did he become immortal? How did he learn to exorcise? Oh, and I wanted to ask how you feel about fanart of your ocs? I really love Claire's design and I think it would be fun to draw him :)
:D! No one's ever asked me about Henri before! Also to answer your last question I'd love fanart of my OCs 🥺
More on Henri under the cut:
Okay so basically his backstory goes like this: back in the Victorian era there was this couple that was really into the occult. They were fairly nomadic, traveling the states as consultants when people were having supernaturally driven issues. This couple also happened to have a young son, Henri. Henri and his folks were very close and he took after them and their interest in ancient magic A Lot.
When Henri was about 9 his parents died. They left everything to him, but they didn't exactly have a house or anything, just a ton of old books and cursed trinkets. His favorite though was a book that was written entirely in ancient greek. So when he ran away to avoid being shipped off to live with relatives that didnt appreciate his interest in magic too much, that book was one of the things he thought to grab first.
Grief can make a 9 year old orphan do crazy shit, for Henri it became about trying to translate this book. Thats when he discovered problem number 2 with the book: its full of dark magic. Every spell in it is awful and corrupting. There's one unfinisged spell thats meant to banish a demon from their host body. And its like the one spell he can concieve of in this book that isnt just like flat out evil. So he decided to try and finish it.
The book also has a demon summoning ritual in it, so you can guess what he does.
After that he's saddled with Claire a 12 year old girl who is VERY mad it him about getting rid of her demon and demands he help her find him again. (Note: Claire does not realize he's trans yet here)
They try to summon skid back but it just doesnt work, so they gotta do this the old fashioned way.
Takes them months before they finally manage to track skid down again, but during that time the two manage to become friends. Claire opens up a lot about her fear of dying and how she feels she cant enjoy life because of how little time she has left. Henri decides his new goal in life is to heal her so that they can grow up and grow old together. He tells her as much and she gives him this gentle little smile and he internally is like "i would die for her" (he's in love but doesnt know it yet.)
Once Skid is back in and puppeting the body, Henri makes the choice to stick by Skid's side. He needs them to be close for when he finally figures out a way to heal her. And ya know the modern medicine of cough syrup with cocaine and mercury isnt gonna do it so he starts experimenting with magic instead.
He's 15 when he accidentally curses himself. Part of the curse effects his memory, so he doesn't actually know WHAT he did, and he doesn't even realize right away that he isn't aging. All he knows at first is that suddenly dark magics waaaay easier to do so he needs to be careful about that and also one of his eyes is fucked up. So now his secondary motive is also undo his own curse as well as heal Claire. Cuz itd suck if he finally heals Claire but isnt able to age himself, ya know?
Henri's a pretty chill guy and most of the cast view him as skid's 2nd in command and often her voice of reason(though he himself is prone to being impulsive and moody due to the whole technically still being 15 thing). The underlings also all view him as an older brother sort, because he's protective but often "hands off" in how deals with things but also hes just really tall. Lucky him he had his growth spurt before cursing himself to never age.
He tends to have a lot of memory issues, some days are worse than others. On his worst days he doesn't even remember how he met skid, but most days hes just sort of fuzzy and cant quite remember all 200 years he's spent by their side. His vision has also deteriorated with time, he cant see out of his left eye at all and can only make out colors and general shapes out with his left.
Even though he stuck with Skid for Claire's sake, Henri has actually become very close with skid after 200 years. Skid's secretive and doesnt actually like talking about themself honestly but depsite that he knows a lot about them. He knows skid has their own memory issues, and he's aware that Skid's not a full demon. He's heard skid's human name before but forgot it at some point and knows better than to ask about it. He's also very aware that Skid's prone to getting involved in shit which leads to them getting hurt magically and letting Claire run the body for a couple days every other decade. So they still get to see each other. These brief meetings is how Henri realized he was in love with Claire.
Bonus Info: Henri doesn't actually subscribe to modern labels and doesnt really consider himself as being into women or men. He just loves who he loves. (Hes asexual and panromantic)
Fun Fact: i came up with Henri and Skid when I was 12, but every other character in their story, including Claire, formed a slightly later.
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^ skid and Henri drawings from when I was 12
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mamawasatesttube · 7 months
Do you have thoughts on how kon would be as a big brother to Chris and Jon? I've read Chris and Jon's comics and I'm writing a thing with them but I want to have their big brother be part of their character/internal problem solving even if he doesn't (as of yet) appear. But I've only read yj and superboy is unfinished/on my tbr so I'm going to the Expert
(If you have any thoughts opinions on Kara's familial relationships you can include those as well)
every time i think about kon as a big brother i immediately think of sb94 annual #2, which opens on kon taking a kid flying for his birthday and joking about him being superboy jr., kind of like his little brother. then we move to cadmus, where it turns out the prototypical experiment #1 (whereas kon was #13) has awoken and escaped his containment pod. he fights kon briefly, believing himself to be/wanting to be the "real" superboy, but is injured and collapses in kon's arms afterwards. it turns out he's not stable outside the pod and is dying; despite kon's best efforts to get the cadmus doctors to save him, he only lasts another few minutes. i'm personally never ever getting over kon's face when it happens (right after they both find out their dna donor was paul westfield):
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SO!! with that being established backstory: i think kon would be soooo excited to be a big brother. he'd talk a big game and want the kids to think he's cool, and of course, he's a mega dork (he'd try to get them both into wendy, and if they didn't like it, he'd be offended). but imo, he's also gonna be so protective of them right off the bat, in large part because of poor clone #1. he's got a lot of feelings about people he's gotta protect, and little siblings are sooo high on that list.
one thing is that i don't think kon really thinks of clark as his dad. of course, it depends on the point in the timeline where you're really introducing chris and jon (because like kon was dead by the point of last son introducing chris, and fitting jon into new earth is always a fun puzzle), but (to be clear this is to an extent my hc also) by the time he's living with the kents, kon no longer wants superman to be his dad. i do think he does at first ("i wish i had parents" in sb94 #85 paired with how reactive he is about shooting down superman being his dad in sb94 #94), but when he moves in with the kents that dies down pretty fast. but he'd way rather the kids call him their big brother than, like, their uncle. that's so uncool (haha see, 'cuz uncle sounds kind of like uncool--aw, whatever)!!! it makes him sound so OLD!!!! he's not an uncle!!!
so overall i think it's like. he's a fun-loving and protective figure. they probably think he's So cool for a while, then get a little older and go oh wait. that's a dorklord. i do think jon throws one hell of a tantrum the day he finds out he's never gonna get ttk even if he grows into all the other kryptonian powers, though.
(i also hc that chris can get some weird funky powers other than ttk, not ttk itself, bc its like... kon is THE ttk guy, and thats a metagene designed to emulate kryptonian powers, so it feels a little weird to take something that specific and give it to another character who doesn't have any of the narrative reasons to need it. someone who knows more abt editorial please do correct me if i'm wrong, but i'm pretty sure they only gave chris ttk because prior to infinite crisis, the nightwing in new krypton shown to be using ttk was supposed to be kon, and was changed last-minute into chris.)
so like, he'd be a figure they can count on, someone they regard as always in their corner if they yell for him. he'll take the heat if they get in trouble (he spoils them. lois however has a very uncanny ability to tell if kon's taking the blame for something they did). i think as they grow older they might be like ...why's kon our brother but he doesn't live with us? and doesn't call our parents mom and dad? because kon stays with the kents but just hangs out with them all the time, and he calls clark and lois "clark and lois", and understanding that their family isn't nuclear might be a learning curve for them.
as for kara, i'll try and keep it brief bc this is already long i'm so sorry sdkhj but i generally operate in the realm of postcrisis kara, aka linda lang. she's roughly the same age as kon and she's got a Lot of feelings re: new krypton and her own guilt and her duty to her family, as well as whether she as supergirl can really measure up to superman. i love her. i think she would Adore having baby cousins because they mean her family is growing, after all the people she's lost. that said i think it's very possible she's a little awkward with kids because she just doesn't have that much experience with them. but i think she'd teach them to draw, and she'd really earnestly try with both of them. she'd LOVE to teach them about krypton, too.
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tired-lamb · 6 hours
rani and baliyo headcanons
because theyre indian im indian we’re indian. whats not to like? :D
‘rani’ is actually just a nickname and her full name is Radharani (who is also a goddess and important figure in hindu mythology :D). baliyo calls her radhika sometimes tho
Idk if they have a big age gap but I hc that rani doesn’t like being called ‘didi’ (older sister in hindi) much but baliyo uses it whenever he wants to annoy her
”didiiiii lets go and do something stupid :3” (not what he’d say but you get the idea)
baliyo has a slight inferiority complex with regards to rani, he’s known since he was a cub that she was more smarter and ‘important’ as compared to him
he would try to act like he didn’t care but a lot of times he would wish that the circle of life had chosen a great role for him, too
as a cub baliyo would get bullied and picked on a lot (and still dumbed down to this day) and rani would threaten to fight those who bullied him
rani is such an older sister/eldest daughter like its insane guys
baliyo and rani have been strictly told it’s inappropriate to swear especially with their status as royalty but rani occasionally whisper-swears while baliyo does not know a single swear word
that does not mean he doesnt know insults tho!!!! rani has reprimanded him multiple times for calling random animals a bunch of insults like pagal, budhu, etc etc..
i feel like in a human au these guys would use english swears 24/7 but the moment one of them uses a hindi or gujurati swear all their ancestors are appearing behind them for a beating /lh /j
sometimes when they’re not busy with their duties they’ll just relax someplace where they can observe a bunch of animals and make up stories and names and a bunch of silly drama for all of em
“and that elephant… is called bhaalu! and he’s on his way to make a secret deal with a monkey :3” “did you just name an elephant ‘bear’???”
rani and baliyo are Shippers to the Max. they’ll randomly create stories for animals they barely know and set up a whole love quadrant or something
heck they probably shipped surak and nirmala when they were cubs x]
I hc that when rani becomes queen or even while leader of the night pride she’d get super absorbed in her duties
baliyo would always be the one to make sure she took a break by tricking her into joining him in just playfully relaxing or smth like that :]
rani would be rlly stubborn abt it at first, all “baliyo leave me alone” but secretly she’s super excited to be spending time with her brother again
its to the point that she’ll purposefully act stubborn abt it bcoz she knows baliyo will get even MORE stubborn like “rani stfu we are going to go FROLICK and HAVE FUN”
rani gets overprotective of baliyo + babies him every now and then, I hc that this has kinda caused baliyo to be childish sometimes tho he tries his best to grow out of it
neither of them are good at singing but boy will they terrorise everybody’s eardrums when they’re in a singing mood
they especially sing lullabies they remember hearing when they were cubs!!
i think when baliyo gets over his inferiority complex he starts to realise just how much rani took care of him and did for him. he’s always loved his sister with his whole heart but the realisation just increases it tenfold
he does whatever he can to make it up to her after that, tho rani has told him she would do it all over again
okay these guys are siblings they absolutely name call each other. rani tries to be more sophisticated but she has called baliyo several names before
baliyo calls rani ullu which means fool in hindi (yes it also means owl. yes the character ullu’s name is also Fool which is the funniest shit to me /lh) and thats like. idk a tiny insult (like heck?? but also I dont think little kids should be saying ullu??? idk)
rani is an older sister with a Temper you WILL hear her shouting “BALIYO MAHARAJA AB TOH TU GYI” (translation(not direct): baliyo you are officially done for) like ten times a day. when will he be done Done? We Will Never Know.. /ref /silly
nah but genuinely tho I can just imagine surak being completely shocked(but also not) at the things rani says to baliyo in a temper while nirmala is laughing her head off
baliyo is a cheeky bastard. my defense and proof for this is that he is a younger sibling
the siblings cherish each other’s laughs like a pirate does treasure. they will do anything and everything they can do hear their sibling laugh because it brings joy to them more than anything :]
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dark-night-hero · 2 years
Imagine being Diluc and Kaeya's older sibling.
Imagine being that time of the year. Looking down at your two lovely siblings, one red and one blue. You cannot help but to smile at the scene as the two got along really well as they talked to Adelinde about the choices of food for the night.
"Now now young masters, what should we get for dinner?" "Chicken mushroom skewers!" "Pile em up!" Just like that the two turn at each other with a glare "What about the drinks?" "Grape juice!" "But I don't like grape juice.." "I don't like skewers.." And now they were looking at each other with a tearful not wanting to loose face. "Aren't they lovely?" You spoke, glancing back at your aide who just sweat dropped at you.
Imagine looking at the scene for a couple more of second as you smirk amusement at Adelinde's obviously distressed with the two children. And then you have a bright idea causing you to make your way down stairs. "Master (First name). You're up." "Ah yes, I just woke up right now actually." You chuckle, that was lie. You woke up like an hour ago, causing your aide to let out a few fake cough right behind you in which you pretend not to notice.
"Also you're talking about the dinner for tonight right?" "Yes, it was rare to have the family completed in such event so I figured out to ask the young master what to prepare for the luncheon but.." Looking at the two children with tears running down their pouty faces, you smirk. "If thats the case, how about you prepare for some of my favorite food for tonight? I'm pretty sure they'll like it, my favorite drink would also be appreciated." You smile innocently at the two as they look at you like they have some across a big villain. Haha, cuties.
Imagine that same night as you were having your luncheon dinner with the rest of the staffs in the manor, in the middle of your conversation with Uncle, now your adoptive father with some business matters, you manage to catch a glimpse of Diluc and Kaeya's sulking faces upon seeing the food prepared right in front of their faces. And then they took a bite of it, slowly but surely, their cute little faces lit up. "(First name)? Is there something wrong?" "Hmm? Nothing. In fact I'm quite happy tonight." You said with a chuckle. Glad you two enjoy it.
"I think.. I think I should do the wrapping.." "Nonsense, I can do this. There is nothing I can't do.." "Wrapping I suppose?" ".. fine you do it." "Well if you really want, I can lend you a hand if you'll allow me?" "Fine, teach me." "That's what I've been trying to do for a while now Master." "Oh shut it will you?"
Imagine after an hour of twist and bickering with your aide, perhaps taking advantage of being in the same age as you. The two of you walked down the manor, two gifts in your aide's hand as the two of you stopped under the huge ass tree in the middle of the hall. On the table in the corner of the room was a meal of pile em up and chicken mushrooms skewers as well as a glass of grape juice and.. wine? You almost burst out laughing. "Please hold it Master. We don't want the young masters to wake up" "Pfff oh please."
Imagine the day after, you joyful tears and laughter was the only sound that wake you up as much to your aide's dismay given the fact that he was been trying to wake you up for a while now but got no reaction but here you are waking up at the sound of your siblings have fun.
Imagine dragging yourself all the way towards the tailings of the second floor to have a better view of your younger siblings on the ground floor, your aide trailing right behind you with his own box of presents. There you lean against the railings, looking down was the happy faces of your younger brother opening up their gifts, one was a little claymore sword and the other was a new black eye patch with a simple pattern, much better than the same old boring white medical one. Also do not forget about the extra present, two tortoise on a small glass container.
Imagine the smile on your face, the way you let out a sigh of relief at the few of your younger siblings enjoying their presents for the special occasion for the day. "Master?" "Yeah?" "Here." "What?" "Here, a present." ".. Thank you." Despite your adoptive father busy schedule for the day, leaving you and your little siblings to spend the rest of the day, maybe it wasn't that bad as you thought. "Could you tell Adelinde to dress up the boys? I'm planning to take them to the city with me." "As you wish my liege."
Imagine as years have gone by, looking back at the memorable times you've spend with your siblings, there was a bitter smile on your face. "Master Diluc and Master Kaeya has yet to reply to the invitation, I think.." "We'll be spending this time on our own again?" You chuckle, "It's all right. I suppose they're busy like the past few years."
Imagine after the death of your adoptive father, nothing was the same as it was, Diluc left leaving you to manage all the things that was left behind, and although Kaeya never left, the distance between the two of you. It was already too late when you noticed it, leaving you off on your own to manage. But then again, looking at your aide, no. Your lover currently making your luncheon for the night, "What?" "Nothing" You shake your head with a small smile on your face.
Imagine as the two of you was about to start, there was a knock on your door. It was late, plus the manor was in a bit of a secluded area per your request when you moved so people doesn't really come here unless needed. Perhaps? Still you shake your head, you knew better than to get your hopes up. There was a time where you're actually all excited, but then as time passed by, you just don't want to get disappointed, you don't want to get hurt by your own expectations.
"Who- oh darling. It's the traveler." "Really? Tell her to get i-" "She says she had only come to deliver a present." "Wha- pfff what pre-" "Would you mind preparing another set of cutlery for the night?" "If you don't mind us bargaining late for the night? We're hoping that the invitation is still-?!" Before you knew it yourself, you're already hugging your two younger siblings with a flabbergasted look on your face.
Imagine crying before you knew it, still clinging into your younger siblings, they have no idea of what to do, unconsciously clenching on the gifts on their hands. The feeling of guilt creeping up on their chest just seeing you like this. Realizing how hard it must have been for you for the past few years because the two of them suddenly went on their own way, leaving you torn and wondering what happened between the two of them. You were alone all these time, or so they thought when they notice your once aide approaching.
"I.." "We.." "Right. How about we save that for later? The food is getting cold." "Oh dear yes, you're right. Ms. Lumine, paimon. Please do stay for the night and join us and the boys for the meal." You spoke with a smile upon withdrawing away from your siblings. "Oh dear I suddenly missed Adelinde and oh your friends too, Jean and Barbara such a shame they couldn't make it for the night." "... Adelinde says she got something to do, I brought a gift on her behalf." "Same goes with Jean and Barbara.."
Imagine as the luncheon dinner passes by, there was nothing but small comfortable talks, strange enough it felt comforting and not uncomfortable as much to their surprise and expectations maybe it was because of the traveler and paimon who mostly do the talking but they were pretty sure of one thing. It's like nothing have changed. You're still the same, although they could tell you've aged quite a bit, perhaps because it's been a long time since they've seen you, because it really has been a long time.
"Thank you for coming tonight. I really mean it." It was your lover who spoke to them as they waited for you, who was currently with the traveler and paimon cleaning the dinning table in the kitchen. "It was nothing." "It was nothing." They both spoke at the same time. "Ehem, rather we're thankful for inviting us despite not giving any heads up nor reply." "What's important is that you've come." "Can we ask, how were they doing these past few years?"
Imagine the look on their faces, the way both of their fist curl upon self frustration as they heard about have you've been doing the past few years. For the first time, well, not really the first time as they've already been told by Adelinde, one of the reasons why they decided to call it a truce for the day as they came here despite the bickering and sarcastic on the way with the traveler having to put up with it.
Imagine it was their time to leave, as much as they want to take the offer and stay for the night, they all got something to do. Bidding your goodbye with the traveler, you turn to your siblings. "I'm not sure if I've already said it but, thank you for coming, Luc, Kaeya." You smile at the two. "If it wasn't that much to ask, would you like to come over in some other time? In normal days? You don't even have to give a heads up, just knock on our door and... haha I'm sorry, I know you two are busy most of the time. Please do forget about it."
Imagine once again they felt a pang on their chest, but this time, before they could regret anything again. "We.. We will come. We'll drop by when we have time.. Isn't that right, Kaeya?" ".. Right. We'll make sure to bring the others that time too." "Really?" "Really." "Really." "Then that's a relief." You smile at them. "Oh no, you should go, it's getting late. I've hold you guys up for too long."
Imagine as you rest on the arms of your lover as you watch the duo and your siblings walking away from afar, you seem to notice Diluc and Kaeya bickering from afar causing a smile on your face but then they suddenly turn around causing you to raise a brow. "What's with them?" "I don't know?" But then as you read their lips saying. "Thank you for tonight. Merry Christmas"
Imagine upon reading their lips, a rare smile on their faces could be scene. At the same time, the flashbacks of their younger version came into mind that time where they received the present you've given them back when they were still a kid. "Ah really, they're so cute." You laugh, for some odd reasons, you felt like you won't just be spending these kinds of celebrations alone with just your lover anymore, but rather as the way it was before.
[ⓒdark-night-hero] 2022°
: kinda late but merry christmas everyone :)
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xamaxenta · 8 months
We don’t talk about Thatch enough like… what a buddy…. What a guy… what a friend…. Like the Ace/Marco/Thatch trio has such a fun dynamic… and I’m sure he would have played matchmaker too like other people would be asking for the first and second division commanders and he’d be pretending he doesn’t know they’re on this date that he’s orchestrated even though they dont technically know it’s a date but he’ll be damned if he lets them dance around each other with no action
Thatch is a chad we all know this, i prefer him as the older brother figure Ace never had, the rock in his life the man who gives him guidance, if Ace were to ever say Thatch I need help dudes gonna drop his kitchen knives and take up a machete like ok who do i need to filet
And Ace would be like shit hopefully no one lol blades away pls
I think fandom can sometimes portray him as a bit too meddlesome/annoying but thats just me and a me gripe only
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theslay3d · 2 years
Hi, I want to request a Platonic Nico x reader where reader is Will’s older sibling and is starting to become an older sibling figure to Nico, please!
Nico Di Angelo x Child of Apollo!reader platonic
Gender:Gender neutral im pretty sure but im tired so idk HAHAH
Warnings: umm mentions of blood but i think thats it
Word count:1029
A/N this lowkey became something else so sorry if its not like exactly what you wanted AHAHH hope you enjoy tho!
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You were looking for your brother Will everywhere. He's been sneaking off a lot lately so it made you curious as to where he was. You asked some of the other campers but they said they haven't seen him.
You were gonna check the woods then give up and just wait until he got back to the Apollo cabin. You made it to a small clearing and stuck to the trees. You saw Will and The hades child what was his name…Nico!.
They were sitting near each other holding hands and they seemed to be whispering stuff to each other. Will seemed genuinely happy which you haven't seen for a long time. He was smiling at Nico as if he hung the stars(lol).
If this is what Will was sneaking off to do you weren't just gonna come out of the woods and announce your presence. Instead you smiled to yourself and slowly walked off trying to not make any noise. Will would tell you when he's ready.
***Time Skip***
Apparently that time came pretty soon. Around two days later Will asked if he could talk to you and you agreed. He kicked everyone out of the cabin and you both sat on his bed. He was fiddling with his fingers and seemed pretty nervous.
You grabbed his hands. “Hey what's wrong?” 
“Im dating Nico” He blurted out and closed his eyes quickly, afraid of your reaction. You were his older sibling, the one he was closest too so he was worried about what you would say.
“I know” 
His eyes snapped open and he jumped a little bit away. “What? How do you know?”
You smiled. “I saw you two in the woods together” He got up from the bed and you continued. “I hope you know i support you Will your my brother”
He dove in to hug you “Thank you Y/n”
“Of course Will but when can I meet Nico?”
He backed away again “Oh you know soon maybe” 
You tilted your head “Maybe?” 
He rolled his eyes playfully  “Let me make sure he's ok with meeting you first alright”
You laughed “ok but please soon i need to make sure he's ok for my little brother”   
He also laughed and went to leave “Thank you again Y/n i-i love you” 
“Love you too”
A couple days later Will told you Nico was fine with meeting you so you planned to meet in the woods which sounded creepy but you trusted that Nico wouldn’t kill you in front of Will.
It was finally time so Will led you into the woods. You saw Nico facing the other direction and fiddling with a ring on his finger. 
“Nico!” Will said and ran forward to greet his boyfriend. You quickly caught up to him. He had his arm around Nico and gestured to you “Nico this is Y/n” 
You stuck a hand forward “Nice to meet you Nico”
He seemed a little hesitant but shook your hand. “Nice to meet you too”
After that you spent way more time with Nico and deemed him worthy of your brother. You and Nico on multiple occasions made fun of will together and were overall a great team. Nico kinda became like a little brother to you which made you have protective instincts over him. 
Which led you to where you are now. About to get into a fight over what a camper said about Nico. 
You were teaching a few other campers archery when you heard a camper saying stuff about Nico. 
“He's a little weird right? With that whole death thing. I can't believe he is even with Will.” You leaned your head a little to listen better. “Camp was a lot better without him here hes endangering camp by even being here”
You walked near the person saying it. “Be careful about how you speak of him” The person's head snapped to you and saw you glaring at them. 
“Oh and what are you going to do huh? He's a child of Hades, he's weird and doesn't belong here” They mocked.
Before they could blink you punched them in the face. Which might have been a little much but so many campers were saying stuff about Nico after him and Will got together. 
The person groaned from where they were on the ground and blood started to pour from their nose. 
You also groaned from the pain of punching someone and shook your hand to try and get rid of it. Other campers started to gather and eventually Chiron came over. He sighed and told you both to go the infirmary. 
Which you did with other campers as you tried to hit the person again after they said more. 
As soon as you got in, Will ran over and Nico followed. They brought you to one of the beds and waved the other kid off to another healer. 
“What happened?” Will demanded after he brought the hand you were cradling to his face. You smiled “I punched someone” 
Nicos eyes widened. “What why?” Nico asked.
“No reason” You shrugged. Will could tell you were lying but was glaring at the other kid they brought it “You punched them?”
You nodded “Yes” . You said it quite proudly and Wills glare switched from them to you. 
You smiled again, acting innocent. After a few minutes of Will checking over your hand and Nico glancing worriedly at you. You finally admitted why.
“They were… saying stuff about you Nico i couldn't just let them get away with it can i? Your like my brother”
Nico glanced away and wiped at his eye hoping you both wouldn't see.
“I'm used to it Y/n don't punch people on my account please” Nico smiled sadly as he said.
“Who else has said stuff that you heard?” You demanded. He laughed “It's fine Y/n thank you for being protective” 
You rolled your eyes jokingly “The job of the older siblings always so hard” 
You all laughed together and you promised not to punch anyone else. Your fingers were crossed behind your back but they didn't have to know that. 
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ynkfva · 2 months
im gonna answer this questions as my "dr self"
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ib to @55maddox !!
1. In what reality do you live:
Yuri!!! On ice. ive never saw anyone shifting to there and its really amazing
2. What is your name:
Yelena Dmitriyevna Nikiforova. big ass name i know. fun fact: thats where my username came from
3. How other people call you? What are your nicknames, if you have any:
My russian friends and family usually call me Alyona, and my international friends call me Lena. My fans use both, but the media started calling me the "Ace of Skating" 😭🫶
4. How old are you:
Im 15 in that reality. Its SOOOO good being back at 2016. I didnt know i missed those times sm. but i miss tiktok
5. How tall are you:
1,70m or 5'8 (ig not sure tho)
6. What is your skin color:
7. Your body type:
Uhhh idk??? pear or hourglass
8. Your sign/birthday:
im a gemini and i was born in may 28th, in both universes
9. How do you describe yourself and your personality:
Very autistic /hj. i chose to not change my personality, but i dont judge those who do so. im usually quite and i like to read and paint. As much as im a figure skater, i hate off ice training. YAKOV LEMME GO BACK TO THE ICE ALREADY I TOLD YOU IM FINE-
10. Do you have living parents/siblings?:
I do!! Both parents and a brother who annoys the shit out of me. but i love vitya. my parents not so much. i just dont process them cuz of their money
11. What is your gender/pronouns:
Im a female and use she/her pronouns!
12. What is the color of your eyes:
Blue. very blue. like the sky. im not poetic.
13. How do your hair looks like, is it long or short?:
VEEEEERY long straight white hair (or platinum according to vitya). more than one meter of hair. it keeps beating yura on the face when we are training. dont let him know i do it on purpose
14. Do you have any scars/unique visual traits?:
I think not? i do have a mole under my left eye but i dont think thats unique
15. Do you have tattoos or piercings?:
Not yet but i want to do it!! At least a few
16. Signature scent?:
Idk? but its sweet. im terrible with scents
17. Do you have any powers/species abilities?:
Not in this universe
18. Were do you live, how does it looks like?:
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I live in Saint Petersburg!! i really like the city, its a city with sm history and knowing that such great people used to live in there in the past makes my heart warm
19. Is there other people living with you right now?:
Yesss i live with my brother viktor
20. What do you do for a living?:
Im a professional figure skater. very hard but artistic job
27. Is there magic in your reality?:
No :(
22. How much money do you have?:
...a lot.
23. Who are your friends/best friends:
YURI PLISETSKY :DDD hes my everything yknow idk what i would do without him. im also friends with mila
24. Are you older or younger than them?:
Im the youngest on the ice rink 😭😭 but im only one month younger than yura so that really doesnt count
25. Do you have a crush on someone?:
No! Im aromantic :)
26. How did you meet everyone for the first time?:
Okay so theres a lot of someones in this dr. most of the people i met was because of figure skating and viktor already being famous when i started skating but lets talk about specific ppl.
I met yura when he moved to spb and started ballet classes with lilia. he was so cute and determined and i HAD to be his friend. i was doing ballet w him btw
Did you think I would meet yuuri along with yura in sochi gpf? cuz i didnt. not in person at least. i already knew yuuri from name cause im curious and i wanted to know everyone who was competing in senior and his artistic skills were REALLY good (he kinda reminds me of adam siao in this reality). you also thought i would meet yuuri in the banquet. but i didnt. well i DID saw him DRUNK DANCING WITH MY BROTHER and giving him a LAP DANCE but i was too busy filming and taking photos of it to talk to him. i only officially met him when me and yura traveled to japan
i met chris in one of vityas competitions when i was little. im like 13 years younger than viktor remember that. and i. i was jealous of chris taking my brothers attention. and i. i spat on him. yeah.
27. What are your hobbies:
Ballet, reading and painting
28. What do you like to talk about with friends:
We talk a lot about music and ice skating ofc but we talk a lot about everything tbh 😭 we dont shut up
29. What is your favorite food and drink:
(yuras) dedushkas pirozhki 🤤🤤🤤 ONE CHANCE TOLYA ONE CH- *yura's interdimensional slap*
uhhh drink? whatever i have to drink ig some soda. i dont like vodka
30. Your favorite color:
31. Your clothing style:
i dress whatever i feel in the moment. i can dress coquette or gothic it depends
32. Your favorite place to spend time on:
Ice rink :)
33. Favorite sport, if you have one:
Ice skating duh
34. Favorite weather:
Rainy cold gray days
35. Favorite time of the day:
36. Favorite season:
Winter. but russias winter is ROUGH
37. Your biggest fear:
This is too deep to post on tumblr lol i dont even know
38. What makes you very angry?:
When im almost done w the routine and i miss a jump and YAKOV MAKE ME DO IT ALL AGAIN-
39. What makes you very happy?:
Whenever all of my friends have time to spend together
40. Do you have any pet?:
Its vityas but shes also mine. makkachin <33 good girl
41. Do you consider yourself a good fighter?:
I do! I made sure to script that i know how to fight lol
42. Is there any people you dont like?:
I would say jj but he just annoys me. OH. SARAS BROTHER. THAT GUY GIVES ME THE ICK
43. Do you have a favorite song that describes yourself, or just a favorite song in general?:
Gladiator by jann. really one of my favorite songs and it describes perfectly my dr
44. Can you play any instrument or dance?:
I can play piano and cello. i know how to dance waltz but thats it
45. Do you like to take risks and make new friends, or you are more reserved?:
Im more reserved
46. What do you do when you get very bored?
Reread crime and punishment
47. Are you a great leader?
No autism goes brrrrr
48. How is your daily routine?
wake up. hygiene. eat breakfast while watching tv. ice rink. skate. lunch w whoever is at the rink. skate. skate. skate. home. shower. read. sleep.
49. Your favorite smell
That one chocolate chris gave me in 2014
50. A big secret you have/know
yuri on ice fans might want to know what happened to viktors hair. i know.
vitya was celebrating after the banquet with some other skaters, drunk after winning gold in the olympics for the second time. he black out. he then woke up in the next afternoon, after missing his flight back home, with four other figure skater and three hockey players, all of them in the ground, wearing only underwear. his hair was a mixture of vomit, alcohol and dirt from the floor. there were even a few gum stuck to it. he was not the only one.
so he had to cut it yeah
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