#as long as they're well-mannered about it yknow?
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Love Al and Niff bein little psychos together ❤
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hana-no-seiiki · 2 years
A Quick question My beloved god~!
How do you feel about pathetic yanderes? Like pathetic yanderes that has power (wealth, influence and all that shit) but acts pathetically towards their darling?
Cuz even tho I'm a bottom (obviously cuz i can't pull off being a top ;-;) pathetic yanderes just bring out a different side of me
I would love to see them beg and cry and it's just so adorable??? Cuz pathetic yanderes are oddly endearing even tho they're fucking pathetic and disgusting
(You can ignore this if you feel like it's kinda too much lol and apologies for being kinda redundant)
also no not cute but
Breathtakingly Adorable~ <3
- Your Junie~
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A pathetic, rich yandere? Isn’t that just me— (also im just gonna ignore that last part for my wellbeing-)
Pathetic Yanderes can be a top. Usually if you’re from a rich (asian) family there’s just a lot of drama. Like you’d think everyone loves eachother so much and everything is peaceful but once the family dinner ends the treachery begins. So they’d have to be confident, assertive and sociable to survive that kind of environment.
You know the kind that’s super headstrong whenever they’re with anyone else but you.
Your ask kinda reminds me of my ocs Crisanto Salvador and Isabel Labrador (the dors really do be the biggest masochists of Midnight Darling). While Isabel is a hard sub that’s a brat, Crisanto doesn’t even hide how down horrid he is for MC. He fell in love with her because she threw away a Birkin Bag he used to court her.
Boy has got connections 💅🏻 ✨
He can get you anywhere and everywhere. He can also get you out from any and every situation you might not want to find yourself in.
But yes back to Pathetic + Rich Yandere! I can see them ordering all manners or surveillance. They’ll take the time to survey your routine (or have someone else do it) and plan out what to do from then on. If you go outside regularly then they’ll have “bodyguards” set, if you’re more of a homebody then they’ll have cameras installed in every corner of your house whenever no one’s at home.
They’re your biggest career hyper. They will get you to whatever position you want in life. While Pathetic Yan will be practicing their at home spouse skills just for you.
(Ignore this if you’re ace) The biggest challenge however is practicing how they’re supposed to satisfy you in bed. Making do with someone else is an absolute no no. Besides, you might have a different preference entirely.
So oh well, what else could they do but kidnap you?
What do you mean they could have courted you first? They couldn’t even fathom breathing the same air as you for too long in fear that they may have a heartattack. This was the only way, you see!
But don’t worry, they’ll be the best partner you could ever look for. They just have practice not getting so aroused when you look straight at them all the time. It’s hard to focus on feeding you like that after all!
Pathetic Yandere loves to wear pink fight me. Pastels everywhere. They’re massive Rococo/Baroque interior design fanatics. Stickers are everywhere. They have a whole ass bookshelf dedicated to their sticker collection.
In bed they have cute ribbons for bondage prepared. It doesn’t do much by way of keeping you still, but boy does it look so adorable on you!
At least one person is gonna be full to the brim by the end of this, might as well make the act aesthetic.
Noisy as hell when having sex, they just have to voice how they feel about you, yknow? Shutting them up is close to impossible. And of course, tears! Lots of it. One might say they kinda look like they’re in pain sometimes from how much they mewl.
Their bed is the softest one you’ve ever been on. You find out that it’s from one of those high end Swedish brands that make em out of horse hair.
You’re tempted to stay just for that reason.
“ Never leave me okay? I promise I’ll be good for you ♡ ”
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©️ hana.no.seiiki - yun | 2023
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itsnotmourn · 3 months
SONG RAMBLES | animal skin (moloch)
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i have always associated this song with Moloch the most !!!!!!!
there’s a common phrase in media, a wolf in sheep’s clothing, where it's usually depicted as a wolf wearing a sheep’s coat or body. so yknow, i figured that could technically apply for humans as well. like Moloch wearing the bodies of Dexter and Patty (and others but shh).
the song itself is probably about a person, despite their insecurities, masking themselves as something greater and (perhaps growing into one through an animalistic manner).
but here, i want to use the lyrics in the literal sense and how it connects with the lore.
You've gone total primitive Instinct just the will to live Never been there, never been there But I'll go, I'll go, I'll go
This verse details about Moloch's feelings between The Stars and Unwanted Guest; the demon wants to get OUT but he is stuck in that dang ouija board by two little kids. He was patient but patience can have a limit. He's growing desperate to leave, to the point of making his presence known in Skid's house.
I know where you're vulnerable Wild things can't get comfortable Quiver and shake, quiver and shake Oh no, oh no, oh no
In the second verse, Moloch in the Hollow Sorrow episode is shown to at least have some ability to read through the memories and/or feelings of the person he ate and possessed (probably...??? I don't remember seeing it being exactly confirmed but regardless, he is a good manipulator). He gets into the soft parts of the heart and pull its strings.
Unfortunately, it doesn't work on Father Gregor but it's effective either way.
I can see it in their eyes They're coming for you, honey Painted faces, sharpened knives Do you think it's funny? If you dress it up, you'll have to break it in But you never look better then when you wear your animal skin
In both times Moloch possessed a person, he encounters another being. However, as Dexter, he was the hunter and as Patty, he was a hunter turning into the hunted (...or well,.. kinda ???? my point is: he was no longer the apex predator in that situation LMAO).
But for some reason, he still tries to possess children (Roy, and then Skid and Pump). He's getting cornered now, and he was until the end.
uhhh yeah that's my rambles!!! not so much analytical (i think i may dive into it for songs about skidad) but as long as it makes sense...
of course, i'm not claiming that this song is Moloch, just that i associate Moloch with this song a LOT! i'll be back.... ty for reading !! :D
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scalproie · 7 months
whatever. tekken hadesgame AU
or as I like to call it: "what if Kaz raised Jin: God Edition lmao"
so. to lay the groundwork:
They're all gods/powerful immortal beings of an unspecified pantheon (but still loosely inspired by a pretty famous one I'm sure you'll recognize)
Big Bad Thundergod King Heihachi (whom I am now realizing shares quite a lot of similarities with good ol' Zeus), after getting bored and worried he's raising a weakling unfit to be his heir, still threw his little son down a cliff, except this one was from the highest heavens to the deepest hells, to make sure that if the little godling died, well, the death would actually stick. Which it did.
UNTIL another deity who's the personification of the devil gene (and who kinda look like Kazumi-but-it's-unsure-wether-or-not-it's-actually-Kazumi) took pity on him and revived him by giving him part of itself/hell aka the devil gene. So now Kazuya is "alive" and immortal again, but he's now bound to hell, aka he can't live away from it for very long. And yknow what they say, if you're stuck somewhere, might as well become it's ruler. Especially if you've gained the favors of the entity that embodies the place and that you've found a new life goal in making daddy dearest's life unbearable.
Anyway eons passed and Kaz's brothers (his adopted one Lee whom ascended to godhood on one of Heihachi's whims as a way to counter his annoying firstborn's meddling, and his heroic half-brother Lars) reached out to him one day to propose an alliance to take their tyrannical father down. Kaz only agreed on the condition that he get to expand his domain once Heihachi is out: if he cant leave hell, no worries, he'll just make hell bigger. Anyway Heihachi's children rebelled against him and with their might combined they managed to take him down, with Kaz even having the honor and pleasure to deliver the killing blow.
For the aftermath tho, when it was time for Kaz to begin his conquest, his brothers came back on their word to let him, bc Lars Actually Gives A Damn About Mortals and he knew full well that Kazuya wouldve had exactly the same rule as Heihachi if they let him, so they didnt (and Lee is more neutral on his views toward mortals but he gets along with Lars FAR better than he ever got along with Kaz so the choice on who to back up was easy). And even though Kaz 100% wouldve been as bad as Heihachi is he was allowed to rule over mortals as Lars thought he would be, and Kaz KNOWS it, that doesnt mean hes not gonna be mad that his brothers didnt keep their words to let him be evil in peace.
Well if he cant have what he wants the fair way, might as well try to take it by force. And thus Kaz resumes his battles against his brothers with his attempts at invasion of the mortal realm.
This goes on for awhile with things going great for Kaz as he is the stronger sibling out of all of them, until his aggression puts him on the path of one Jun, who counters him in a most efficient, masterful and complete manner. Basically he was doing too well at bringing evil onto the world and she had come to balance him out.
In a most unforeseen turn of events, as they get acquainted over the course of their different confrontations, they discover that they respect and admire each other's strength and actually get along pretty well, even enjoy each other's company.
Anyway being around Jun makes Kaz chill out MASSIVELY and soon enough you'll notice the amount of invasions from hell have greatly diminished.
Eventually they get in an actual relationship, with Kazuya even wanting her to become the queen of his domain. And Jun is not opposed to this proposal, quite the opposite in fact. But complications start to arise when Jun began moving in hell: she is everything it's not and vice-versa, and the environment itself even seems harmful for her the longer she stays. Even the devil-Kazumi-entity, for all that it's/she's fond of Jun as a person, cannot meet her physically for she would eradicate it/her should they come into contact.
Jun bears it as long as she can bc Kazuya Literally Cannot Leave Hell and she wants to be with him as much as he wants to be with her, and Kaz promises her that he's working on finding a solution (and by "working on it" I mean Kaz is threatening the dead soul of a demi-god known as Gepetto Bosconovitch, reknown for giving life to things that didnt have any, into fixing this).
Eventually Jun reaches her breaking point when their son dies a stillborn because he bears her blood and he is much weaker than she is, bc he's a baby. This is the last rejection of this place that Jun can take before it potentially kills her, esp since that last event took such a toll on her, and even tho she loves Kaz as much as he loves her, she has to leave and WANTS to leave. Kaz, in a rare moment of compassion, let her go and spares telling her the news that, ironically, Bosconovitch JUST finished his work and managed to make a garden, indentical to the ones she would have on the surface, grow in the deepest level of hell where she could thrive.
So Jun is gone and Kaz is miserable, so much so that he doesnt even have the mind nor heart for conquest anymore. The only thing left of her being the corpse of his child that he decides to bury in the unused garden.
But just as the tiny body touches the soil, he begin to scream as he takes his first breath and the initial shock then WAVE OF RELIEF Kazuya feels as his son is alive surprises even himself bc he didnt even want the damn baby in the first place. This is probably the most outwardly loving Kaz will be with his son as he's holding his tiny body while being hit with a fucking storm of emotions but hey we take those.
"This is great! Their son is alive and the garden works! Now Kazuya only need to reach Jun and they can-" Except Kaz Will Not bc he does NOT want to reach Jun. Not bc he doesnt love her anymore but 1) bc he now knows the pain of losing her and bringing her back into his life means getting the risk of getting hurt again and he neither wants to feel that pain ever again nor even knowing he has that "weakness" in the first place so he'd rather cut her off from his life, he'd rather deal with loneliness than heartache, and 2) even he realized that what his domain is, what he is, brought Jun pain, and some part of him does NOT like to see Jun in pain.
"Well if he doesnt want Jun back into his life, why doesnt he send her their son?" This is objectively the best course of action. But Kaz is Not A Good Person. He's selfish. And again. Their son is the last thing he has left of her, and goddammit if he doesnt have her eyes, her nose, her face.
So Kaz is now stuck with this lame baby and only partially vibe with it. Problem is, that baby cannot live in this tiny garden for the entirety of his immortal life. Thankfully the devil-Kazumi-entity offers Kaz a solution: the baby not only carries Jun's blood but also Kazuya's, and that makes him able to be a receptacle for the devil gene, binding him to hell as well, yes, but keeping him alive in there.
So now Kazuya is raising his son whom he named Jin based on one (1) short conversation he once had with Jun but didnt forget. He is also personally training him in the art of combat, bc sadly Kaz does take a bit after his father, and he would not have the prince of hell be a weakling.
So Jin grew up and similarly as in the game, he eventually learn that his family is not just him and his dad but he also have a mom somewhere, and he wants to find her. Bc one day he steps into the famous garden that Kaz had closed off after That Day and Jin figured that his asshole dad would NOT have such a pretty garden made without reasons so after a few researchs behind Kaz's back he eventually found out the truth.
Long story short, Jin wants to leave hell, Kaz doesnt want him to, and they antagonize each other constantly.
Jin eventually comes into contact with both his extanded family and multiple allies who wants to help him leave (without anyone knowing yet that just like Kaz, Jin cannot live outside of hell for long. tho Jin can survive longer than Kaz thanks for his mom's blood)
The people from outside helping him are:
Lars: his heroic half-uncle, OF COURSE Lars was going to help him.
Lee: his adopted uncle, he does like Jin but mostly he helps him out so Jin can run a few crash tests for him on Kaz's minions, AND he gets to piss off Kaz in the same move? Excellent.
Alisa: an ascended goddess who relate to Jin due to their origin, she as well was "dead at birth" until her father found a way to bring her back (in a way) tho he was cast to hell for it.
Leroy: the grandfather-figure Jin wishes he always had.
Asuka: she insists to him they're related and that once he makes it outta hell, she'll teach him about their side of the family.
there'll be more down the line but I need to workshop this...
Anyway Jin has two goal: 1) escape dad's hell, and 2) find mom. whom he will discover has straight up disappeared from everyone ever since she left hell herself.
So Jin starts from the bottom of hell and has to climb to the top where the entrance lies, in the mouth of a volcano. Wink wink fucking nudge nudge
When he falls he ends up back in his father's home where he can meet a bunch of friendly dead souls:
Lucky Chloe: usually the first person he sees after falling down, she's kind of the court jester, she was spared damnation bc Kaz thinks her annoying people is really funny as long as its not him, thats where the "Lucky" come from.
Azucena: she provides delicacies from the surface to hell (for a price), Jin can find her as he's running up to the surface and she'll happily sell him things to help.
Jane: she provides Jin with some sort of "bestiary" and she actually does not mind that he keeps beating Kaz's minions (the JACKs among others, tho they are her favorites) bc she get to improve them thanks to the data gathered afterward.
Bruce: Kaz's chief of security. When Jin didnt trained with Kaz, he often sparred with Bruce. Bruce will let Jin try his different styles against him before climbing back up hell again. He's fond of the kid :)
"Kazumi": Jin can never get quite a good read on her/it, but she's/it's always kind to him.
and others that I will also figure out...
But that's not all the people Jin meets, as he's ascending, he also encounters a bunch of people, tho not all are friendly.
Nina and Anna: contracted by Kazuya to stop Jin. Tho they spend more time fighting each other...
A reptilian monstrocity by the name of Alex.
Some strange crystals take him to a bizarre location where he can meet Azazel, who present himself as the progenitor of the devil-Kazumi-entity, making him technically Jin's great-grandpa. Via him, Jin can fight Devil Jin and gain more access to his style (more on that later)
Xiaoyu: a phoenix Jin befriended, the only reason she's in hell is only bc she can cheat death. She is not bound to hell, so she technically can come back to life if she manages to escape, until she dies again on the surface. They often run into each other and have a friendly competition to see who can defeat the most of Kaz's minions, if she loses, Xiaoyu will leave Jin with one of her feathers, that increases his health. Jin can also meet her sometimes back at the house. It's rumored that she spend more time in hell recently to hang out with the hellish prince🧡
Hwoarang: another dead soul of a great warrior contracted to stop Jin, but he couldnt care less about what Kaz wants. He wants to defeat Jin, so he will hunt him down everytime he hears that Jin is trying to escape again. Over time he and Jin have come to enjoy their rivalry. Jin can also meet him sometimes at the house🧡
And more yknow the drill...
And of course, once Jin finally manages to come to hell's entrance, who waits for him there but Kazuya. The two have a nice little father and son fight to the death between immortals where they can work out their problems in an healthy manner: with extreme violence, and the winner get to throw the other down the volcano cliff aaall the way to the bottom (bc sometimes the best way to work out trauma is thru exposure therapy. wink)
Jin starts by only knowing his father's style, but after finally finding his mother, and after the initial story-related reunion (and the tragic realization that just like his dad, Jin cannot stay out of hell for long), they bond with Jun teaching him her style. And Jin can work his way to the top again using her style to learn more about it. When dueling Kaz with it, he's preeetty conflicted like: My traitorous son is using another style than ours👿 -> omg that's Jun's moves... 🥺 -> HE'S NOT EVEN USING THEM RIGHT👿👿👿
And basically, Jin has multiple styles: his dad's, his own, eventually his mom's, and devil style. He gets to pick the one he's going to stick with at the start of every ascend.
Anyway this is the story of a child of divorce trying to reunite his parents who are both extremely stubborn and extremely still in love with each other, bc if Jin has to live another day with just his father he's going to LOSE IT.
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wasyago · 1 year
Love your art! I was super inspired by your Gillion design specially. He's so squishable (positive).
Do you have a specific process for designing characters? Be it original or reimagining canon designs of fandom
thank you!! :D
hmm, well, i don't remember the last time i properly designed an original character, so nothing on that front. for reimagining designs... i don't have a step by step way i do it, it varies from character to character, but i can point out some of the things i do that might be helpful?
i largely base my designs on the vibes the character gives me: their manner of speech, their actions, their story and personality. and also the world and environment around them if it affects the character. it sounds pretty obvious but like, duh.
im gonna try and explain on gillion's example since its the one you mentioned. he's a himbo, a swimmer and a paladin, so he's gonna be buff or at least a little thicker. he's a triton, so he's short. he's also short for the reason that he is in an unfamiliar for him world and he might feel small in it. he's also short because it makes him look almost child like, connecting it to his trauma and lack of childhood that manifests in his behavior now. gillion is kind or at least trying to be, so his features will be softer and rounder. but sometimes he's chaotic or harsh, so he has some sharp features too. though they're secondary, the softness is still the main focus.
i also really like to think and overthink the designs while drawing. i try to keep everything simpler and less detailed, showing personality with shapes rather than uhh presence(?), but that means that details i do include have a lot of thought behind them.
one of my favorite things is practically. i love to think about what a character would realistically wear in the climate they're in, which clothing would be comfortable for their anatomy and field of work. would certain things get in the way or would they be helpful? how would they style their hair, do they need it tied back or do they not care? would they wear make up, why yes or why not? etc etc etc. i like asking myself questions and answering them in the design.
continuing with the gillion example. he's constantly wet because he's a triton (again, yes), so it would be more comfortable for him to wear a wetsuit. other clothes may stick to him and be uncomfortable, or get stuck on his fins, etc. he doesn't have any piercings, there's no way he would've gotten them in the undersea, and on the surface i don't think there was anything meaningful enough to promt him to get it. plus fin ears. he doesn't have his hair styled in a complicated way because of the coral on his head. doesn't wear a lot of jewelry because he jumps in the water a lot and it'll easily get lost. no belts or flowy bits because they constrict the movement and might get in the way.
and then like. all the personal headcanons and preferences and little bits and things. there's a lot of elements that i draw just because i like how they look. or because that's a comfortable thing for me, or because it's cute or hot or sad or whatever. or because i saw it while looking for inspiration and i really liked it. just bullshitting with the design and making it my own, yknow?
for gillion. gave him a cool long tail and lots of fins everywhere because i like it when inhuman characters are openly and visibly inhuman and have distinct features. and gillion is VERY much not human, part of his personality is being confused about humans. big ol yellow eyes with slits — look cool, also doubles as an inhuman feature, also makes him look curious about the world. small black stripes all over his body — make him look more fishy, plus because there's a lot of them and they're all the same they form a pattern that looks more like a natural anatomical feature and draw less attention. coral that goes around his head and not only the front like a tiara— makes it feel more three dimensional and looks cool in perspective (also i kinda just drew it wrong and never fixed it). coral and fins are pink — adds some much needed color variation and contrast, plus pink is one of the more natural colors which again make him look animalistic and not magical, plus ties in with pretzel. his skin is closer to green than blue — removes blue from the color pallet (especially with his eyes being yellow instead of blue), making the design more coherent and pleasing, allows me to properly introduce reds and purples without it looking like a mess of colors (although it still does sometimes). sharp teeth — fish, cute. yellowish underbelly — supports the yellow for the eyes and makes it stand out less, plus again, animalistic feature. little to no details on the clothing — creates good negative space that lets the eyes rest and focus the attention on everything else. his fringe and hair are floating around and don't follow the laws of physics — personal headcanon that it always looks like he's under water, plus adds roundness to the design because of the waves and curls.
ookay haha sorry didn't mean to write down literally every design decision here-- kind of derailed the post again.
basically yeah, for me designing is like a dialog with myself where i ask and answer questions. also something that wasn't mentioned are references and inspiration. if i don't have a good idea when i start, i usually scroll through my gallery or pinterest for some time to get ideas and figure out the general direction i want to take the design, maybe also find some fun stuff to include, etc.
hopefully this long ramble was at least somewhat helpful or gave you insight on my progress. i wanted to draw some things to also visually explain the design decisions for gill, but i think I'll do it later and in a separate post, and maybe include chip and jay too...
umm good luck 👍👍
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veneritia · 1 month
siblings & questions tag
Thank you @alintalzin for the tag! This is both the best and worst game for the vi aetier siblings so of course I gotta do it
Who looks the most like Dad?
Charles takes that spot easily enough, and is probably gonna follow Dantalion's footsteps with having "the fair" as an epithet. But all of the siblings (like any vi Aetier) have the trademark silver eyes.
2. Who looks the most like mom?
Euphemia does but with Fenice as a close second. Euphemia is essentially Eudocia in miniature both in looks and in attitude, though Euphemia has a bit more of a ruthless streak. Fenice looks remarkably like Titania in coloring but she doesn't have Titania's vibes, yknow?
3. Who eats the most?
Konstantine does but he's also one of the pickiest eaters. Whatever food he does like though he makes sure to eat a ton of, and his mother indulges him anyway.
4. Who has been in the weirdest situations?
Fenice. Her whole life has been weird ever since she was born and is probably just gonna get weirder. I mean, who else has weirdly vivid dreams about attending a banquet with your dead ancestors where the host may or may not be (a) god?
5. Who sleeps the most?
Basil, but he's basically a toddler so he needs his naps.
6. Most stable romantic life?
Well, of the three that are old enough to have a romantic life (Fenice, Charles, Euphemia)...none of them. For one, Fenice has zero interest in romance and will continue to have zero interest in romance (very ironic considering who her parents are). For another, Fenice is already married but it was arranged and she and Nike are indifferent to and loathe each other respectively. Charles and Euphemia's eventual marriages are a matter of state, so any 'official' relationship is kind of off limits. They both have a long line of suitors and have been known to enjoy flirting here and there, but other than that they've never entered any actual romantic relationship.
7. Worst habit of each one?
Fenice's tendency to think the worst of everyone and especially herself. Charles developing tunnel vision when pursuing something he wants at the expense of everything else Euphemia never failing to give back-handed compliments when she talks Konstantine just kind of wanders off in the middle of conversations when he's bored (he's a kid) Basil has terrible table manners (he's a baby)
8. Who's the most dramatic?
Hands down it's Fenice. She might fool most people with her whole "I am untouchable, nothing can faze me, I am unbothered" facade but you bet that she's having the most dramatic inner monologues 24/7. I blame anime
9. Who had a weird phase?
Weird is relative when it comes to the vi Aetiers, but I don't think anyone had a particular weird phase. Unless you count Charles who's trying to overturn the whole vi aetier kinslaying tradition, which the majority of people think is weird.
10. Best cook of the family?
Bold of you to assume they've seen a kitchen before.
11. Best memory together?
As in all 5 siblings together? Uh....none really. I mean it was only recently that all 5 of them were even in the same city, much less spending time together.
12. Worst memory together?
Those are book 2 spoilers ;)
13. Dream trip together
No one would be stupid enough to put them in the same vehicle. Maybe if you pair them off it'd be feasible and we'd get somewhere, but all five? not possible. They're also just not that close as siblings. (Konstantine and Basil are the youngest by a significant age gap. Euphemia and Charles' mothers have some real bad blood between them because of The Incident TM. Charles and Fenice are considered the closest out of the siblings but like, some of this is one-sided and Fenice still harbors a lot of resentment towards Charles).
14. Would you rather not be able to shower for a month or have the same clothes for a month?
It gets stupid hot and humid in Kaelstanopoli, especially during the summer. All of them would rather have the same clothes for a month than not bathe. That and the baths in Kaelstanopoli are like top tier.
15. Who's the older one?
16. Role model?
Fenice - her mother and many of her paternal ancestors that she's read about and studied Charles - Dantalion and his uncle Andras Euphemia - her mother Eudocia and her great-grandmother Saphynia the Iron Queen Konstantine - Charles Basil - doesn't have one yet but he likes copying what Konstantine does
17. Who usually has the worst ideas?
Would it be a cop-out to say Basil
18. A GIANT insect is on the wall, who's taking care of it?
Basil. He may be the youngest and smallest but against bugs??? The most fearless man to ever exist. He's probably try and feed it to his ducks.
Tagging: @thewritersplace @seasteading @writinglyra @thesorcerersapprentice @cheshawrites @sourrcandy @serpentarii @charitet @thatswhereiwanttobe
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I think canon did the Yamanaka, and thus Ino, dirty by necessity tbh. I don't like it, but also the show is mostly focused on front line combat and training for it. Which is the opposite of Yamanaka strengths, as a clan focused on spying, interrogation, conversion, and (in more gritty/dark fanon) seduction and subtle poison. If a Yamanaka is in a position where their skill is compared to a front line assault ninja, they've already failed, yknow? Their targets shouldn't even comprehend they're near a ninja. And I get why the show didn't focus on that, it was NARUTO Shippuden not INO Shippuden. But on that basis alone it's an unfair and futile comparison to set Ino up as Sakura's long term rival. If anyone it should've been Shizune, or more realistically Kabuto (and she ISNT Kabuto's equal, imo)
Hi there, I’m not at the moment replying asks and this might be unfair to some people that send me questions that I haven’t replied before (apologies), but I wanted to tackle this specific subject (Ino), as I don’t get that many asks about her.
I think canon did the Yamanaka, and thus Ino, dirty by necessity tbh. I don't like it, but also the show is mostly focused on front line combat and training for it. Which is the opposite of Yamanaka strengths, as a clan focused on spying, interrogation, conversion, and (in more gritty/dark fanon) seduction and subtle poison.
I apologize, but I have to disagree with you, not on the fact that two-thirds of Team 7 focuses on frontal attacks (Naruto and Sakura -Sasuke, as Uchiha and a prodigy who also knows kenjutsu, can tackle pretty much any range of attack), and as the team with the most panel time they get pretty much highlighted throw out the series. Still, this manner of attack isn’t the story's primary focus.
The story in itself is about political warfare and the overall cruelties of the system, Sasuke -as an antagonist, it’s the main plot driver of the show (as are Obito, Nagato, and Orochimaru), and the main character that the narrative establishes as “the good ones” are reactors rather than causers.
Once this is established, I do agree that the show focuses mostly on front-line attacks as those are the ones the main duo (and some other fan favorites) possess, however, this manner of combat isn’t as relevant in the overall structure: Itachi and Nagato, for instance, rely on either genjutsu or upon their rinnegan and vast amount of chakra to control other people and perform their binding. Deidara fought against Sasuke while putting distance between them through his secret technique, and so on. 
The relevance of such a style of combat is well established during the Chünin Exams: this type of approach is the most “spectacle-friendly” as it allows viewers to witness true carnage and visible consequences, cementing before the audience the overall military power of a village or a character –which is similar, if not equal, of how a shönen works for its audience.
However, it’s constantly highlighted, albeit secretly (as this portion of the tests isn’t shown to the rest of the civilian population as it lacks the “thrill” that combats possess and I’ll say some readers skipped it as they, too, liked to see displayed raw physical power, as that’s how most mainstream heroes are depicted, not having to think around their power shall it be more complicated than a powerful punch); the relevance of Information gathering skills, having an entire test dedicated to it: such exam, Sakura failed, as she never realized what the test was actually for. Ino-Shika-Chö passes it because Ino was the only one out of the three of them shown to have understood it and has the perfect technique for it, here.
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There are, however, other mentions of such specialty relevance during the second stage as well, here and here –of course, this specific portion of the “information gathering” skills are to be more rudimentary as they’re more focused upon the shinobi’s survival rather than sharpening their spy qualities, but they are necessary to guarantee the success of a mission.
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Obito specifically targeted the Intelligence Division where Inoichi and Shukaku were to guarantee his success as they worked quickly with the information they received of the battlefield to send specific teams to different locations to warrant the enemy’s defeat (like when they sent Team 10 to support Kumo and fight the Gold and Silver Brothers, or how they also asked them to defeat Asuma); Hashirama specifically asked for a Yamanaka to spread amongst the shinobi forces the information he had and Shikamaru’s strategy. 
Sasuke and Naruto (or even Hashirama and Madara), are people whose strength isn’t the usual norm, as they’re particularly strong even amongst those considered “the strongest” in the military population (Kages), so them not having to rely on prior information to win a battle (despite them coming up with strategies all the time upon seeing how their enemies work –something Sakura isn’t shown doing, as she either relies on other people (Chiyo) or fails, as she did against Dosu) it’s an off the norm occurrence, only to be applied to them.
People's preference around which techniques are best or more "spectacle-friendly" -something necessary for a manga that relies on visual story-telling, doesn't dispute the overall value of Yamanaka clan's techniques inside the plot and structure Kishimoto established (they, after the UCM, became the clan with the most information-gathering relevance, as they were the only non-Sharingan users that could control their target and read their mind, and while the Saiko Denshin it's a T&I jutsu and not a Yamanaka one, it's clear by Ino's recollection of it that it's at least taught at its most basic form).
If a Yamanaka is in a position where their skill is compared to a front line assault ninja, they've already failed, yknow? Their targets shouldn't even comprehend they're near a ninja. And I get why the show didn't focus on that, it was NARUTO Shippuden not INO Shippuden. 
I agree that Ino isn’t a specialized combater, although she did fight Asuma while controlling two Zetsu (I speak a little about the possibility of it being a technique she came up with here), so her taijutsu is -at least, better than Shikamaru’s who stood back as support; her family’s technique and her medical training taught her to stay out of conflict (as she did when vs. Hidan and Kakuzu) in order to be able to attend those wounded (the only ones able to fight are those that mastered Mitrocondrial Regeneration, as they are able to heal without using signs and have more chakra to spare since they stored it, x and x), as medics are also main targets during combats (x).
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[If you are more interested in Medical skills, here’s a little post about it: x]
However, I’ll say that, as a secondary character, she got more panel time and development than many other characters who were pushed aside shortly after their introduction (Hinata, Kiba, Shino, Kurenai -to name some of Konoha’s). She was able to help discern, albeit with her father and an ANBU, Nagato’s location when sharing information about her mind-body switch control, she also realized one of the Paths used a similar technique to Inoichi’s (Saiko Denshin) and was given a few very powerful moments during the war, which is more than other fandoms were given.
But on that basis alone it's an unfair and futile comparison to set Ino up as Sakura's long term rival. If anyone it should've been Shizune, or more realistically Kabuto (and she ISNT Kabuto's equal, imo) 
Do you mean, unfair for Ino to be Sakura's rival or the other way around? Kabuto is a far better medic than any of them, and Sakura, while impressive, didn’t surpass Tsunade at this stage –as she improved not Tsunade’s techniques, being solely able to master them prior in age to her mentor as Tsunade created them and had to experiment with her own body in order to use it and teach it afterward. Kabuto invented his own version of Mitochondrial Regeneration (x), which is the reason why Orochimaru chose him. He’s the only one who Tsunade considers surpassed her during her prime (x, x).
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Sakura and Ino’s rivalry has less to do with their overall techniques and more to do with their attraction to Sasuke, which is the main focus Sakura puts upon their rivalry. Asuma claimed during his last speech to Ino that she mustn't lose either Ninjutsu or love, but the bars they both have about their techniques are completely different –Sakura, medical-wise, possesses a natural advantage that Ino doesn’t, which is natural delicate chakra control, something inherently necessary to learn the Yin Seal; while Ino’s medical skills (likely taught to her through Shizune), are rudimentary at best in order to do something else for her team while on a mission that doesn’t require her technique, in order to guarantee her safety.
Now, you might wonder, why does she have to be safe? Canonically speaking, besides collecting information, the team must guarantee at least one survivor who can pass on the knowledge (or, at least, a way to communicate the information). No other team is expected to ensure such a thing (x). 
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In that sense, Team 7, Team 8, and Team Gai are mostly viewed as expendable** (I am aware that all of the soldiers are viewed in such light, I’m specifically referring to such an idea when already inside that “disposable spectrum”). Only those front-lines combateurs that have techniques with enough power to defy even shinobi standards (Naruto, Hashirama, Tobirama, and some others –and I’m not putting Uchiha there as they are able to cover multiple ranges), are highlighted and rewarded with the Hokage title, the rest are sent to die or to distract the enemy in order to open space for teams more specialized in gathering the enemy’s secrets or strategies.
[Minato, also considered amongst the best, relied on other front-liners to plant his special kunais upon his targets and to take care of a big portion of the enemies, as he killed the rest. Saving the small group of survivors.]
Being rivals has nothing to do with having similar techniques, but either opposed goals (Sasuke vs. Naruto) or the same goal (Sasuke’s love reciprocation when it comes to Sakura and Ino).
Inside the manga itself, the notion of rivalry is shown to be deeply intertwined with shinobi culture, as they encourage such a mindset so shinobi would push each other to new highs of their respective techniques in order to win their competitions as long as they don’t put Konoha’s stability in jeopardy: Madara/Hashirama, Danzo/Hiruzen, Kakashi/Obito, Naruto/Sasuke, Sakura/Ino.
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[**Sakura, as a front-line fighter, is expendable, as a medic-nin, slightly less, as she is expected to die, if doing so, last of all. Not to return alive, as Team 10].
In case you’re interested, I have some other post regarding kunoichi:
The infinite “who’s strongest Kunoichi” debate and the sexist erasure/degradation of female characters and an addition
Yamanaka clan techniques
Posts of my Naruto re-read
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starredfishing · 1 year
Tell me more about the way the new superman show portrays Lois and her heritage, Starry.
thank u for sending me this ask so i can go insane. also disclaimer: i am korean american but i was raised by white ppl so i cant be an entirely accurate source! slappin a read more on this bc oh boy. i say words
so just in the first 4 episodes i think they do a spectacular job of making her heritage subtle yet noticable. in the first episode she does the lil heart hands thing, which is the way i've seen kpop idols do it but my brother told me its just kinda the korean equiv of heart hands
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and then in the 4th episode she wears a jeogori, which is the top of a hanbok (korean traditional wear)
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(image taken from the 'jeogori' wikipedia page)
i also wanna note the little top shes wearing under her jacket looks like a traditional viet top (source: my friend who is viet) so double slay
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and then beyond that, i really like the way she's designed visually. she doesn't fall under the classic tropes and stereotypes that most animation companies do when designing east asians. she isn't pale (which is a colorism issue, i actually have the same skin color as her), she doesn't have long flowing black hair or on the flip side she doesn't have a purple streak or anything, and she isn't drawn with stereotypical slits for eyes. she's just a normal korean-american woman!!! she's also voiced by a korean, which is super nice to see! i know people joke about her looking and sounding like luz but, yknow.
and then in episode 4 she goes to this fancy high-rise party where she isn't taken seriously and is even insulted on her mannerisms and looks. she's the only woman there wearing something that isn't 1. a dress and 2. western-styled. so they're ostrasizing her based on her heritage as well as her class, though it's interesting that all the women ivo points to as 'classy women' are woc so it is more abt classism. jimmy, a black man, gets disrespected as a photographer and people ignore lois entirely even though some people are willing to speak to clark, who is white. its subtle but like ive been there. she also strays away from the model minority myth--she refuses to take the safe route.i think its a rlly nice and subtle way to show classism and racism without it like, just telling you. i could go on forever abt clark being a jewish immigrant adoptee too he's part of the group even tho he's white (passing). i like the way the show kinda plays around with "but hes not like us/hes dangerous!" no matter how nice he is-- its the same model minority stuff nimona touched on with no matter how nice you are people will still see your worst. but i digress
and just generally abt how they portray lois: i really like her!!! bc it's a younger version of her (superman origin story), it makes sense that she's super spunky and peppy since she's an intern rn. but she's still the kind of woman who runs headfirst into danger without thinking. i like that her character is 'i hate being lied to' because of her past with her dad which then in turn makes her a super nosy reporter who wants the truth. cant wait 2 see what happens next week now that she figured out clark is superman
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never-ending-fanfic · 8 months
OCD Kallus WIP
@sapphic-loser16 and @seth-shitposts thank you for asking about it 💙🩵💙
(Disclaimer #1: if you're a person with OCD and you don't relate to this or think this is unrealistic compared to your experience- idk what to tell you. I write this for me and it reflects my point of view, OCD is not black and white, it's different for everyone, so yknow, don't like, don't read
I did something similar when I was invested deeply into the Atla fandom and I'm doing it here- projecting my experience onto a character, as nice way to put my own mentality in perspective. In short: OCD is a bitch, so I'll use it to torture a character)
TW: mention of intrusive thoughts, compulsions, non-graphic violence. I'll place a cut here
The thing about OCD Kallus WIP is: do I think Kallus could have OCD based on the show? No. Will I give him one in fanfiction? Absolutely.
I don't really think I'll even publish it- it feels personal in this wild manner. I might change my mind sometime. But in the meantime, the general idea consists of this (and bear with me, it's long):
Kallus has had OCD ever since childhood, but he doesn't remember that well. He can recall a few strange things he made himself do just to be safe, but not much beond that. In the Empire he didn't have the symptoms, because when he was in the academy, a medic prescribed him meds for said symptoms and they worked (who cares that he had a ton of side effects like insomnia and stuff like this, it worked so he didn't complain). And slowly he forgot he's ever had to deal with that.
After he defects, it's logical that he doesn't take the meds anymore. For a while it's fine, he got a dose before Atollon happened so it still works for some time. Until it doesn't, of course.
All the intrusive thoughts, all the paranoia and all the obsessions hit him like a train one sunny, lovely day when he's having tea with Hera and they're talking gossip about the base. And then he gets a very visual idea to pull out a blaster and shoot Hera in the head. It's very explicit and he clearly sees every part of it happening almost in front of his eyes.
And he's (kriffing rightfully so) terrified. And because he's never been in therapy or recieved any sort of help except those blasted meds, he spirals into panic pretty quick. He gets more thoughts like that, about not only the Spectres but anyone he interacts with, about hurting them, assaulting them or killing them. The thoughts appear out of the blue at any moment and he's never prepared for them. Assuming that he's going crazy, he doesn't tell anyone, scared of what the people might thing and scared of loosing everything he has because of it. He tries to take care of it by himself- by distancing himself from people he's scared of hurting, by never going near weapons, by throwing his own blaster away, he's even avoiding kitchen knives and forks, because he know that with his training, it could be turned into a deadly weapon.
The others see it and try to help, but he only distances himself further and further, to the point that he's scared of leaving his room, imagining he might hurt someone if he goes out.
Oh right, add to that a huge number of rituals he has to do now, to keep everyone around safe from himself- he needs to turn the light in his room on and off five times, because if he doesn't, he's going to stab Sabine in the back, tap his fingers together in a pattern before settling for the night or else he will blow the base up. And he doesn't want any of that to happen, so he does all these things and more.
And then one day the Spectres decide to use force to get him out of his room and he finally agrees for the sake of looking somewhat like his normal self in front of them. They have dinner on the Ghost. Before he can grab a fork though, he claps his hands in a pattern. He reaches for a fork and hears Ezra snort, asking what was that he did with his hands. Kallus' blood runs cold at the thought that someone saw him and he's so stressed that he feels the urge to flee- he needs to perform a ritual, but he can only do that when nobody else is around. And he almost does so, before Zeb stops him and a whole mess starts because Kallus panics and says he absolutely needs to get out and go to his room and Zeb, misunderstanding the situation, is insistent on him staying. And then Kallus blurts out that if he doesn't go to his room this instant, he could kill the entire crew and he doesn't want to do that, so will Zeb please let him go, so he can-
And then Zeb let's him go. And they all watch stunned as Kallus bolts out of the Ghost.
No plot beyond that, I have no idea what goes on besides that, but I know that- the ending is gonna be happy, with the crew realising what is going on and chasing any info on what OCD is, Kallus goes to therapy, gets diagnosed and gets the necessary resources to battle that fuckery with the help of his family and they live happily ever after the end
I kinda felt like crying as I was writing this down
(Disclaimer #2: OCD is a fucked up thing to have and just to be sure that I said it, just so I can carry on with a clear conscience: intrusive thoughts are NOT some unspoken desires of your mind that you actually want to happen- intrusive thoughts are chaotic wild messes of things you fear you're capable of doing and you're so terrified of doing them that you must perform tasks so they don't happen- it doesn't make any sense and believe me, anyone with OCD is aware of how irrational it sounds, you don't need to tell us. But it works like that. Intrusive thoughts are things we would never do, but they scare us so badly to the point of making up inexistent connections between them and our compulsions.
And for the last fucking time, OCD DOES NOT MEAN YOU ARE A CLEAN FREAK WHO JUST LOVES ORGANISING THINGS BY COLOUR- and if a person with actual OCD does that, it's certainly not because they like it)
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nanatsuyu · 2 months
based on sleep notes, does neil every get his vampire kevin theory proven correct ? does he get to rub it in jean’s face smugly if so? also if u were ever so kind and do not mind telling, jeaneil background story + andrew’s part in it 🥺 ? i love both fics sm <333
YES and YES lmao but I think it's less he finds out and more Andrew tells him one day because Kevin is eventually comfortable enough for others to genuinely know. (And it will help ease the blow a little later when they have to inevitably leave. Andrew wouldn't want to do that to Neil or Jean.) jean is very unamused but somehow unsurprised. Neil has excellent character judgement. unfortunately this seems to extend to a cryptid radar as well
So Jean and Neil have been friends since childhood. Jean wasn't necessarily meek as a child, but he didn't try to win fights either. Neil got involved one day as he tends to do, and it ended with a couple blacked eyes and them becoming attached at the hip. Neil had a really shitty dad in this au too and had to abruptly leave for a short amount of time (few months or so) and when he comes back, Jean is in the hospital.
Neil blames himself for not being there (he's like 13 and obviously none of this was his fault but yknow survivors guilt manifests weirdly) and when Jean wakes up and his voice is just a frog's croak, his panic makes Jean's original panic worse. The nurses come in and find Neil curled up in Jean's hospital bed with him and very uninterested in leaving. They think jean would be reasonable about having Neil step out for some treatments since he's been so mild mannered before Neil got here but Jean clings to him like he might break something when they try. (They end up having to just work around him because these two goofy almost wards of the state can't be reasoned with) Neil asserts he won't leave jean again and now they're aggressively codependent on one another for life 💍 ✨
Andrew and Neil roomed together first year but Andrew didn't even know he had a second roommate until there was just a guy in the suite 3-4 months into the year. Neil did not find this strange and just shrugged at him. Then Andrew saw him around more and clocked he hangs out with the 6'4" mock turtleneck guy and what a weird duo they are. Eventually what gets them talking is one night Andrew passes what he thought was Neil's empty room, but it's open this time and when he backs up, Neil's just sitting in the dark facing the door and Andrew about pisses himself. First and only time Neil's ever heard Andrew genuinely shocked and the noise has since been unreplicable.
(Jean told him he was too high and to go back to his own room until his giggles subsided so Neil went back and was sitting very seriously so he didn't have to let jean sleep alone that night. Andrew asked him if he forgot how doors work, and Neil answered after five loong seconds that he also forgot how doors worked. Andrew suspected Neil might be a cryptid long before he met Kevin and decided to study befriend Neil after that)
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ferdieinceladoncity · 4 months
My head feels like it's being kicked in [unrelated. Just sleep deprived] yet I feel the need to ramble ANYWAY ^girl who just watched William. I wasn't really bent out of shape because like I knew this plot point + headache diminishing emotions + SADLY we didn't even really get to see her bond that much with this baby. Which kills me most of all. It's true I guess, I GUESS that a baby around would have convoluted the MOTW format of the show but as much as I do really enjoy most episodes of season 9 it couldn't have hurt to reference this baby more. Maybe it's hard to film babies so they didn't want to include him in a lot of scenes [I wouldn't know. It seems babies might be hard to film, like animals.] All the same in many episodes scully just sort of wouldn't talk about him. I guess there's an argument to be made that if she DID it'd be reducing her, yknow, whole 'badass FBI agent/forensic pathologist' thing to being A Mother but I disagree actually. You can have both. You can very well have badass scully doing autopsies and scully expressing concern over her baby.
The scenes where Scully WOULD interact with baby William were so sweet. I would like, after rambling, to go and read fics about it. About her sweetly caring for her baby son. I'd like, in the future, to write one. Just a slice of life type thing. I love his stupid bunny ear hat and his decorated room. Crazy thing to admit maybe but I've always sort of thought, hey, I don't really want children, but I've been having thoughts to a different tune lately and I've got to tell you that it's probably as shallow as, wow! Pretty lady with cute baby! The Dana Scully effect at work on me only not in the intended manner.
There's something to be said though that my mother pointed out that I ruefully have to agree with in that she could occasionally make the worst choices about his safety. She was altogether way, way too trusting leaving that kid in rooms with total strangers. Girl, perhaps it was only a matter of time. Yes, letting the random guy who is POSSIBLY mulder but also could be some abhorrent poser faking at being him and I don't know for sure, hold my son, that's a great idea. His fat wet tear will land straight in my sons eyeball and I will not take it out of his hands.
Wah. Anyway. Ow. Poor guy. I don't fault Scully for her choices. I don't think I would have made them, and I'm internally yelling "that's her BABY! You can't just ask someone to give up their baby!" But I've long settled with the fact that scully makes choices that I would certainly not because she is one]fictional and 2]a deeply traumatised fictional character at that, so giving up her son made sense and I respect that.
Yknow what I do love? About this episode, but about all I've seen of season nine in general. Doggett and Reyes are so, so fucking willing to drop everything for Scully and I can't love them enough. Reyes is like, if you want to get to scully you'll have to go through me first, and then DOGGETT is like well if you want to get to reyes or scully you'll have to go through ME, and then they're just standing all in a line (and you could probably tip them like dominoes.) I just really love Doggett and Reyes, so much.
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anaalnathrakhs · 4 months
i've had to unfollow a couple of aro-positivity blogs bc they hammer how at the same time they complain about friendships being deemed lesser than romance, and also about romantic shipping somehow ruining every canon or fanon friendship/platonic/etc thing those characters had.
"Why do you ship those characters???? Do you hate platonic friendships????" Well you see, they're friends in canon, and various relationship settings are interesting to explore between characters who have a strong bond. The same way people write pre-dating pining/falling in love/backstory/just being friends stories for canon couples. Just like sometimes people decide those two were matched in a way that doesn't jive with them and break them up in their fanfic.
"Shipping a character who doesn't have a love interest in canon is arophobia!!!" Yeah and you can only have one OTP else the characters are cheating on each other. Each pairing can only be written with a dynamic as close to canon as possible, else you just don't understand the source material. Writing an interpretation of the source means that you think that's exactly what the original writer implied, and the only correct interpretation.
"Shipping an aro character is just like making a gay character straight!!!" Neither of which are actually inherently bad and poorly handled things. Excluding making a case for characters being romance-positive/demi/gray/in qprs/etc while incorporating canon/subtext/word-of-god aro elements, because ppl writing those posts are often (rightfully) cool with it, it's also just. yknow. fine. Case-by-case, if you will. Sometimes a character dynamic would be interesting because characters are more than their orientation and also NOT REAL PEOPLE with no internal lives, likes and dislikes, boundaries, etc. You can modify things about them. It can be done in a poor manner, and denote a misunderstanding of aro issues and identities, or straight up bigotry. It can also just be that it's interesting to write about. Like genderbends for example. Many of the same arguments can be used there.
Anyway. Of course amatonormativity is real, and very present, and overwhelming, and exhausting. But the thing is that no fanfic interpretation REPLACES the original text or another interpretation. Friendships and other platonic relationships are not valued enough, given enough spotlight in media. But the answer to that isn't to chastize people for being creative and violating the integrity of a fictional character's identity. Encourage depictions and explorations of less normative relationships (not in the romantic sense of the word, all kinds of relationships), as well as the weight they hold. Educate people on aromanticism, amatonormativity, etc. I know you're already doing it, and it's not working, but trying to shame people for being creative is not gonna make it work faster.
Also re: in most cases, characters should not use therapy-speak to communicate or think, because that's not how people function in real life. Same thing applies. Just like internalize homophobia is a staple of many gay fanfics that wish to deal (however superficially and however in-depth as they'd like) with the topic, amatonormativity is going to be a feature of many fanfics about characters living in a world that, modeled after ours or not, was still created by people living in the same amatonormativity as we are. Usually, unless they actively work to insert non-amatonormative elements in their worldbuilding or specific story setting, writers will create a world through the prism of our society's amatonormativity, thus creating an amatonormative setting producing characters that think amatonormatively. It doesn't stop them experiencing things outside of the realm of that "normality", but it does influence the way they'll think and act about it.
There's few situations in which a long internal monologue about which modern queer lingo is appropriate for their feelings doesn't feel a bit shoehorned (and no hate if you want to write or read a feelgood piece instead of detailing internalized bigotry in all its complexity, to be clear, but that's a writing choice not a moral requirement to signify that This Author is Aro-Positive). Thus, characters will think about, act, narrate their story, etc, as they experience it, with the knowledge and vocabulary they have. Every action is only as romantic/platonic as the people doing it intend to make it, and every action you see on screen is up to your interpretation because characters don't have intentions.
I can write about two characters having sex, and not include a huge paragraph about how totally romanticism-less this whole thing is, because it would be completely out of character for them to apprehend these concepts in these words, and I don't want to tackle the WHOLE damn split-attraction model or every possible non-amatonormative way to conceptualize fuckbuddies arrangements, because I'm writing prose and not an educative guide. They fall for amatonormative ideas that are restrictive and don't encompass the full spectrum of human relationships. Hell, maybe the writer does too, even if they do challenge some other amatonormative ideas. But in any case, it does not erase any narrative of platonic feelings for those characters. The flavor-text reiterating amatonormative ideas ("this COULDN'T have been friendship" "relationships fixed them and they were so so sad and miserable before", etc) is annoying, but 1st of all educating is always better than chastizing, and 2nd of all sometimes prose is just hyperbolic like that, idk, there's notes of biphobia in how some stories highlight the character's first gay experience, but it's also just resonating and amplifying the feelings some people really do feel in these situations. That's a writing thing. Not universal to every style, but common.
yeah. non-amatonormative rep is good. less creative endeavors is bad.
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my wacky animal crossing band AU headcanon hehe haha huhu
okay real talk i’ve had this little fake band thing in my head for years and I wanna get it out
so this is inspired by a line where isabelle da dog mentions having a band. they play fast wacky post-hardcore jazzpunk together.
the lineup is:
cherry - guitar, occasional vocal
tabby - bass, main vocalist
isabelle - percussion, other main vocalist
idk what their band name is. i prob would've named them something stupid like "Yeastie Girlz" or some shit if that name wasn't already taken.
isabelle and cherry know each other from youth when they did juvie kid shit back in the day lol. they stayed hooked up with each other when they went through their own young adult periods, and then went back to living in the same town when they moved to the poppin island village of Mycelium. they met tabby on that island and she joined up with their band because of simpatico vibes.
releases are usually albums with a shitload of small tracks with maybe one or two kinda long ones, and then sometimes an EP with a small number of really long tracks. cherry throws a lot of effects on her guitar so her playing ends up sounding like a bunch of loud chirping and wobbly metal scraping and wee woo wee woo. tabby plays her bass lines fast, has a boppy funky sound to playing, is not afraid to put on an effect pedal though usually to make her bass to sound like a wall of grotty rhythmic drones. isabelle can’t really go free jazz freakish on percussion bc their songs are ultimately too structured to allow that, but she tries! she can also do blastbeats. really fucking technical, building all those PWPs must’ve made her jacked
they're all pretty serious about their love of jazz. alright here's more info about them individually
isabelle - she grew up in the country and still has that farm kid twang to her voice. crazy childhood but filing taxes really ended up affecting her deeply and now she's by far the most well-adjusted member of the group if you define "well-adjusted" in a certain way. got a very impressive engineering degree in college, and as a reward she now works a lousy government job for a pittance + 500 bells that she WILL spend impulsively on something stupid. cherry sometimes jokes around about how she's a sellout for that but it aint serious, she understands the common worker's struggle. and, yknow, isabelle sincerely cares about doing the best for her town in the system she's stuck in so like, cmon dont be harsh on her. her public face is pretty mild-mannered, sometimes shes kinda matter-of-fact about things, but overall she nails that peppy energy everyone loves to receive from people in service when she's not flubbing stuff too much. in her personal life -- well, she doesn't have THAT many friends out there -- but with the ones she does have, she likes to be a little goofball, especially when linking zany energies with tabby. she has like a 4 year old's sense of humor but if anyone can sell peepee poopoo humor its her dumb ass. sings lead vocals on about half of their songs, her voice is loud, bright, and honestly pretty goofy because of that Country Gurl accent she has, but fits well with the generally nonserious and kinda everything-happening-at-once vibe of their music. what're her fits like, btw? an absolutely delightfully meticulous (she comes up with 90% of her wardrobe on the fly) combination of christian girl autumn, normcore, sillywave, raymondpunk, bio-wibbletech, and just a dash of edgy looking band merch or novelty t-shirts to really complete the look.
cherry - the thoughful, philosophical engine of the group even though she hardly writes any lyrics and mostly sits in the back making funny neenee noodleynoo noises with her guitar but trust me here. grew up in the same rural town as isabelle, and ended up moving back in a town where izzy now works! (its only like 75% a coincidence, she had to chase the money and figured Mycelium job market and being able to see her bestie was the best choice) She works a dead-end bullshit retail job on the island and always looks like she wants to kill everybody there. very loudly a proud commie through and through, she likes to wear this little red-guard lookin hat everywhere. the band are not embarrassed about their leftist messaging but cherry is by far the most motivated to stir up some shit. she helps organize locally and is very serious about reading up on Theory and has very little tolerance for poseurs. VERY occasionally does lead vocals, in that case she's writing the lyrics, hers are a lot more existential and political in nature than the other two's. very deep voice, she basically sounds like a scary Goth yknow? her singing voice is monotone and basically just her normal voice with more authority. she likes to put on an austere face but she's the easiest to make laugh, even at isabelle's dumbass jokes -- the other gals of course take advantage of this to tease her. as a strongly passionate individual she is also the most likely to start ranting at her computer screen when she's having trouble with something. she's got a pretty solid costume for concert appearances and photo ops that makes her probably the most recognizable member: Mao hat, long jacket, ragged looking pants, combat boots, and a pair of sunglasses.
tabby - every band needs the crazy one! she could bomb a hospital and the band would still have to drag her along because she's just that fucking good at bass. absolutely crazy mastery of speed and technique, her bouncing basslines usually provide a melodic counterpart to cherry's industrial vague notions towards "music" and whatever the fuck isabelle is doing back there. she's the only one without any classical training, though! as the lead bassist, she keeps the lead guitarist and lead drummer in check, creating a beautiful homeostasis of chaotic, highly technical songwriting and playing with all the brutality and energy of hardcore punk but also some of that inherent nerd-ass quality that comes with having three extremely proficient instrumentalists that know how to do a lot of things with their instruments. but enough of that bullshit, we gotta get to her VOCALS! she covers the majority of non-isabelle songs and her voice contrasts nicely -- isabelle has a deeper voice, sings brashly and over-the-top like she's eartha kitt doing i wanna be evil if she held her notes twice as long, but yknow she's been in classes for that and knows what she's doing and has a wide octave range. tabby meanwhile sounds like a living cartoon character.... BECAUSE SHE IS ONE!! but seriously she's got that high pitched peppy voice, but with enough roughness and scratchyness to it to make it actually fit the music. her speaking voice is actually pretty normal, but on the mic she leans into the most nasal, obnoxious tones possible. she got that shmorky voice to her i wont lie BUT SHE MAKES IT WORK!!! just say shes like uhhhh female psychicpebbles or something so you dont make her look lame. im being overdramatic about her voice btw, she actually has a pretty decent range and a FANTASTIC growl + scream but those only come out every-so-often. her lyrics are often violent, disgusting, brutally blunt in detail, and she's the one most inclined to doing crazy antics on stage. she usually comes to concerts in full leather wrapped with chains and parts of her body tied up and shit and like whatever nasty looking medical equipment she could find to put on her face and after each concert will be taken home bleeding from at least 2 or 3 different places. she's pretty chill irl though, but definitely as big as a goofball as isabelle. isabelle's the one that always takes leads on a goof attack, and tabby plays second-hand along with chief goof-strategist much to the annoyance/mirth of cherry. isabelle and cherry dont know much about her past yet bc she's pretty mum on talking about it much, but apparently she had rich parents but cut contact with them years back, and now just has an average ol life doing part time as a janitor, odd jobs on the side, and living in a nasty little apartment with her roomie katt. still, that general wealth helped a little, and she was able to build what she saved into a fairly stable life, so she's usually the one paying out of pocket for most of the band expenses. she's legit though, u know that because cherry would've beat her up otherwise
umm yess that's basically all i have to say i will post more if i remember more. if nintendo hires me i will also add to the canon that their 1st album name is "Poopin in the Boys Room" but that's not canon yet.
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pankomako · 1 year
who are rowdy and vertigo and why do I love them already
(I want the long answer as to who they are)
well vertigo is a sort of persona i've had for a while that's just kinda existed off to the side, but now they're also sorta their own character with his own story which im planning to one day tell through a sideblog. the story is in VERY early stages, but i can confidently say that rowdy is the antagonist of the story.
as you can likely tell, vertigo is not in any way a regular human. all i can really say to that is that he was born out of one universe's matter. he also has these special powers, the big ones being that he can travel between universes and create and enter (along w his friends) into these sorta dream-worlds where they go on adventures. he's also perpetually tired. and trans! he can technically take the form of any creature he wants - not in a shapeshifter way though, he can't change form willy-nilly all the time - his first design when i first made him was more like a girl but later on i changed him to be a guy, and i decided i'd incorporate that into the canon. he didn't grow up biologically like a regular human but he learned about the world in much the same way. they also have friends across multiple universes, but their story just takes place in one - the one with rowdy in it.
like i said, rowdy's the antagonist in vertigo's story. i dont want to go into too much detail about his backstory and his motivations now, but basically he wants vertigo's powers for himself. if you notice the necklace he wears, that's not his. that is to say, it doesn't belong to him. because it's vertigo's. you may have also noticed that it has only three points. there are five points in total, the remaining two are seen as vertigo's tail fins. the five pieces of the necklace are where vertigo's powers are centralized. take all five, and all of their powers are yours. this probably greatly detriments vertigo's health in some way (i havent figured out all the details yet). but, only one piece can be claimed at a time, and it's a pretty energy-consuming magical process. often painful too. but pretty much vertigo and rowdy's interactions are a cycle: rowdy finds vertigo, he gets close enough to them to take their power, he tries, vertigo fights back and gets away leaving rowdy with a purple scar wherever he was hurt and his right hand turns even more purple from the failed power-stealing process.
and yknow what makes any confrontation with rowdy so much worse? he's a JERK. he is SO annoying. and he has no idea what personal space is. or when to stop talking. or how to read a room. practically the exact opposite of tired, lax vertigo. also i've decided rowdy has jim carrey mannerisms. and he's very obviously homosexual. basically i want that twink obliterated but also i think he and vertigo should fuck on the floor. which they totally will probably do at one point im just saying. off-camera though, im not about to write smut. i hope that's not too adult of me to say lol
anyhow. that long enough for ya? i've made a couple posts about them before but i dont mind repeating stuff lol
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bakgos · 2 years
HELLO BKG TWINNIE I'M HERE TO GUSH ABOUT UR PORTRAYAL ON MAIN. because okay, if this ends up a whole ass essay about how amazing your bkg is, don't even perceive me because it's gonna be true TO THE LAST WORD. and words won't even be enough to describe how much i appreciate seeing your bkg on the dash because i absolutely adore how well you write his mannerisms and speech and how you describe his features, i love the headcanons and the little tidbits that just make your katsuki so unique and yet so true to the canon material, and i cannot get enough of his interactions with others whether it's a short or long response. and i know i ain't on my izuku atm but shush, okay, i fuckin LOVE how we've started writing bkdk, where they're just playfully mean to each other but understand that that's just their whole ass love language to each other, and it's just... chefs kiss...
not to mention how much i fucking LOVE seeing you write krbk with ashe, like you guys have such a beautiful rendition of krbk and it's such a joy to see whether it's eiji and kats or kai and kei. your rendition of krbk is so AMAZING and yknow me n charlie write a rendition too, but oh my god, i hardcore appreciate seeing you guys goof around with them... cannot get enough of them. if you guys ever stop writing them on my dash i will be on the news because that'll be the day the fucking world ends on god.
LIKE OK I KNOW THIS IS FOR THE PORTRAYAL MEME N ALL BUT I ALSO JUST NEED TO GUSH ABOUT YOU PERSONALLY ON MAIN RN BC I JUST. HAVE SUCH A GREAT TIME TALKING TO U OOC. like yeah ok so u bully me for my aussie ways but it's honestly so fun. it's so fuckin goofy when we jump into whatever wacky rabbit hole we find about some obscure difference, like the fact we ain't even got goldfish crackers or our fun lil town names which get u reeling bc they don't sound real. woolloomooloo who? but genuinely having the chance to talk to you ooc every day about our boys, or literally ANYONE within the twinverse, or just ANY CHARACTER EVER... it brightens up my whole ass motherfuckin day. i just need you to know this, 100%, undeniably no take-backsies kinda thing.
point being: amazing katsuki, amazing writing, beautiful everything bc there's not one bad thing i can say about this blog, and the most chill dude to talk to who i would literally die for. <3
beep beep , how's my portrayal? | @ofdetonation.
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feuqueerfire · 2 years
Island Part 1 Live Blogging
I didn't watch anything last week because of being overwhelmed and busy for the past 10 or so days but finally I'm ready to once again start a new show when I should be studying.
My main reason for watching this is really just Cha Eunwoo because I miss seeing his face. People seem to really like his character and say his acting improved so I'm even more excited. I wanted to start Korean sff shows anyway so might as well start here even though I got spoiled for a biiiiig thing that happens at the end of S2 and also people's reactions have been like good but not great.
Ep 1 (Mar 14)
ah they're toast
oh they're not speaking Korean
hello my beloved Eunwoo
i never know whether to trust this type of old man who is the lady's father's butler man and is some sort of mentor to her as well
oof the wedding dress monster killed and ate someone?
isn't there gonna be a fuss about the dead body
ah so the lady is a reincarnation of the woman in the white dress who previously died? and the man is the one who's been living at Tamara since then?
olden times Jeju - the guy was a child and was forced to become half human half demon. where's the other kid who became that way too
oh bulter sir where are you going and what did the student see?
lol we already saw the man being selfish and self-absorbed so that's not doing anything for me but ig he's also gonna become a demon now? also i originally thought the assistant who she told to look into those two men was him but ig it's a different man
A pretty meh first episode tbh
Ep 2 (Mar 14)
damn they really did this shit to the children
beautiful beloved Cha Eunwoo <333 I am very fond of him
oh the bulter mans is Miho's protector
the slug things are so fucking disgusting
these action scenes are so boring because they go on for too long, I don't care enough about Miho, it's only ep 2 so I know she's not gonna die or really get hurt, and the immortal guy is gonna come save her each time like bro move on why are the action and chase scenes so long
yknow I find Miho endearing when she's praying to God, Buddha and being nervous to go to sleep and her nervous mannerisms when the man in the dark comes to her room and I think it reminds me of Saras played by Ae in PS I Hate You
actually she's endearing when she's trying to get Van to sign the contract
damn is Van the one who killed Miho in her past life
also pretty meh for me, I don't care about the action, but I'm glad to see a bit more of Eunwoo and also I'm starting to be endeared by Mino
Ep 3 (Mar 14)
why the fuck is there a domestic abuse plotline fucking hell It's like I gotta either watch women being terrorized by men or turn to watch BL where they also sometimes treat women as evil caricatures like I can't
fucking hell and blackmailing her with her nsfw photos too I actually am so fucking annoyed why can't I fucking watch just a fantasy show
this is so fucking sad bro
I love Yeon-ji already
if Yeon-ji or Suryeon actually die or anything I'll be so fucking mad btw
(Linguistics) ahh I love Johan tryna get away with using banmal and referring to Miho as chingus but being shut down lol can't wait to hear him say noona
I don't care about the romantic hints toward Miho and Van whatsoever tbh
(Linguistics) please the way Miho is all wide-eyed and belatedly adds the -yo when she asks if he's really a priest
Johan is so cheeky I love him
Suryeonnnnnn if Bujille does something to her I'm gonna kill this show
nah the better save suryeon
the failed exorcism was pretty cool
This ep finally picked up. I'm glad we get our characters around each other now and some interesting things have started to happen beyond just "oh monster chases Miho and Van saves her." Most of all, I love Johan being daring and cheeky and beautiful and fun and eager.
Not a super big fan of female suffering due to an abusive boyfriend and threats of nudes/nsfw photos being leaked though like I wish it was just something else.
3 eps in a day oof
Ep 4 (Mar 15)
oh was the light-haired guy the other half-demon from the old days
omg the big devil tree-looking monster being maneuvered by Lee Suryeon
I know it's supposed to be funny that Johan was choking while Miho and Van were arguing but :) I dislike such incompetency and callousness for the sake of humour like first of all Johan was trying to help Miho, second of all we're supposed to think Van doesn't gaf but it's not like we're supposed to think Miho is like that too considering she's trying to convince Van to save Suryeon - so it's annoying that she has no worries about Johan
It's so fucking boring that we're on episode 4, both Van and Johan get to do cool action things and even if Johan gets caught, he can hold his ground for a bit with his cool sword, while Miho has yet to even improve in her hiding/escaping/running away techniques despite already being good at fighting and training. If she was at least able to get through to Suryeon with kindness or whatever, that'd be like something but she can't do that either and yells for Van constantly like okay I'm bored
well okay at least she got to speak to Suryeon and I guess some fucking light inside her made the Benjulle disappear
Ah Johan is so irritating when dealing with Van, ah so endearing
oh van calling upon Benjulle again for Suryeon's revenge
heh Van and the Gramma testing each other are so cute
did Johan leave the shrimp croquettes for Miho or is he just gone to the bathroom and will find them gone lol
I don't fully understand why Johan's doing this with Van? to test his strength? and also he wants his name? Edit after reddit thread reading: Someone said he wants to bring out the demon so that he can see if Van can control it enough so that the prophecy of him killing Miho again will come true or not. He left the shrimp croquettes so that she'd be busy eating those and not come looking for the two of them. that makes sense.
oh this is how Van had previously killed her. by his demon side coming out and stabbing her. oof Johan what have you done
A more interesting episode. I wish we got to see the weirdo abusive ex being ripped to shreds at least a little bit or maybe his dead body since we got to see Suryeon's bruised face and her vulnerable photos.
The Johan and Van fighting was pretty cool, one of the action sequences that I thought was actually fun because it involved things more than just chasing or saving Miho.
Also, I'm at least glad that Miho's rich and has connections because otherwise she'd be so fucking useless but then again, she's pretty useless with it too. She didn't seem to give a fuck when Yeomji first came to tell her that Suryeon was being abused, so I didn't think the 'empathy and kindness' would be her forte the way it is for so many female leads but then after she saw the state Suryeon was in, she did start to care more. I thought her having money would mean maybe she could actually get revenge for Suryeong but in the end, Van had to ask Bujille for help. Miho can't save herself which is irritating still 4 episodes in especially when she's been shown to know how to fight but she also can't help Suryeon much despite her status and money. What the fuck can she do by herself then except whatever pureness is inside her and whatever the prophecy will dictate?
I wish we got better-written, more interesting female characters. Yeom-ji is interesting so far, maybe she'll appear more later
Ep 5 (Mar 15)
blocked by own arm is expected
oh our affable Johan has shaking hands
I love the horror aspect of the tourist murder and organ extraction, please have more scary things
Miho fr went outside by herself in the woods after 1) the Dujille incident and 2) the Van incident? girl you are generally useless, why would you fucking do that
oh she's tracking Van's phone
Miho sounds stupid as hell with the "you promised to protect me and you did :>" like at least make her be like i believe you will overcome it or like something that doesn't sound so naive
and i wish they didn't have a romance because it doesn't make sense
pls not all the girls following behind Johan because he's so beautiful and he's relishing in that for sure oh this priest
Johan's a priest right, he likes girls fawning over him but he's not gonna fall for Miho right? I don't want another romantic line
Suryeon and Yeomji are fr best buddies, so cute I love them T.T
omg give me Johan backstory right now
so the Fox Demon is extracting livers until he finds 'his' and is aided by the evil half-demon? and then sometimes sliced up?
so this is Johan's brother at current time?
Guntan is the other half-demon
no but what exactly did that call that Johan got tell him? that they can't find his brother yet?
we're spending too much time at this orphanage and thinking about what Johan would say to his brother, so I... somehow doubt they'll actually get to meet oh no
girl this is so lol like Sujin's fiance probably gonna die and Johan's brother probably gonna die
like first of all after the lust demons have nearly killed her multiple times + Suryeon's lust demon infested Bunjille due to it trying to Miho, I feel like Miho should have enough brain cells to be like actually don't come near me
oh the husband died but at least Johan got to meet his brother; though he may die soon too who knows
Ep 6 (Mar 15)
more Johan and brother backstory
oh they're adopted by white people who have a sick child.... omg
they're gonna fucking do something to the kids T.T
I don't fully understand what happened but did they try to get Johan's brother's liver for their sick child? is that why he was sick also before they took Johan away? but why was Johan also clutching his stomach and blood on his shirt? Did the operation with the older sibling and white child not work so they tried it with Johan too? Is this white sick child the one searching for the liver now as the Fox Demon or smth? or is it Johan's brother since his liver would be missing, though that doesn't quite make sense with what happened with those other people that the brother worked with right?
ah the siblings are having a heart to heart but uhhh I feel like the "let's stay together" yearning of Johan is not gonna be long-lived
oh fuck the brother is so definitely working for Guntan or something rip
oh did Wonjeong betray Guntan and Van somehow? or accidentally betray them but Guntan believes she did it on purpose?
oh beautiful stag? reminds me of Shadow and Bone
why the hell on earth would Miho leave her friend at the funeral crying alone like
I so don't give a fuck about Van and Miho irritates me
oh the brother Chan-hee can't remember killing those people while he's a lust demon?
ah fuck Chan-hee asking Johan to kill him T.T
bro first I felt emotions for Suryeon and now Johan T.T poor guy
filing a teary Eunwoo on his knees looking desperate for later when I'm not feeling sad for him and he's not a priest
ah fuck desperate, desperate Johan but the lust demon wants to kill Wonjeong/Miho
poor fucking Johan really having to kill his brother
my beloved Johan nooo T.T
wait a second were there scenes after the title card each time?
oh Guntan has a fucking cult
oh what the fuck my beloved Yeom-ji T.T
Also, the thing that Chan-hee was getting and saying "It's not mine" is probably kidney and not liver lol I thought liver because they said that's what the Fox Demon stole but Chan-hee was not that.
Overall Thoughts:
The main female lead was whatever, wish she was just good at something. Whether it be at fighting demons (understandable that she isn't), was fighting back via kindness and empathy (I'll be forever floored that she's apparently feeling soooo much for fucking Van while her reaction to being told about Suryeon's situation was like hmm whatever just tell the cops), actual power due to her status/wealth/connections (but she couldn't even fucking put the abusive ex behind bars and couldn't keep her promise to Suryeon to get revenge for her and then dared to be like 'hmm idk how I feel about this' when Van got him killed), or her smarts (miss girl kept going everywhere in the woods by herself, including in the dark; she couldn't tell her friend to not come to her at night like this). She's not the worst ever because she can still stand up for herself and she has personality but I mourn that they've written her like this. I also just hate that the only other girl we've paid any significant attention to was Suryeon and I had to see her go through an abusive relationship; why can't we get some cool suffering, why do I have to see girls and women be tortured at the hands of men in this way every time?
Van is just fucking boring and I don't care. He's kinda cool but like he's not fun or interesting or endearing or tunning at my heart strings (except him as a child when he was being abused as he was trained T.T)
My beloved Johan <3333 Cha Eunwoo was my main reason for keeping an eye on this show since I watched True Beauty and was into Astro for a few weeks. He did so well <33 I liked his charming, cocky, beautiful character who was so intrigued by everything going on as if he really was 20 and curious about everything but also I liked his apprehension when it came down to it. The storyline with his brother was so T.T He had him for such a short time and it was so sad seeing him trying to do everything to save him and yet having to kill him in the end.
Also curious to see the evil brother half-demon Guntan and his sidekick niece Yeom-ji. They're both pretty cool compared to our 2 main characters. The Certified Noonas were talking about how cool Guntan is and all I could think about was "So, what if he's the devil, Rick? At least the devil has a job. At least he's active in the community." because mans is really active and murderous and a cult leader.
I wish the show flowed better in terms of the sequence of scenes and pacing and the main characters were more intriguing.
Rating: 6/10
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