#as the eldest of the group along with being on the older end of iterators in general her puppet is a bit clunky
arolesbianism · 9 months
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I’ve been finally getting to working on design concepts for my iterator ocs from Slivers local group, so here’s Stars. She is sooooo normal (lying)
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bardicbeetle · 1 year
So it seems like a lot of your vampires are pretty young, where/when (ish, it’s OK if you don’t have concrete things for all of them) did they all start? Are there any particularly old ones hiding out, or are they a newer phenomenon in your world? Does being young affect them? Would being ancient?
Oooooh alright nonnie.
Yes, a lot of my vampires are quite young, only dead a few decades or so. But there's a handful of older ones we meet along the way. They aren't a new phenomenon as far as the world at large, but the older ones are definitely few and far between.
So, lets go backwards shall we? And then at the end I'll get more into what age does to them.
Starting with the youngest, Alex is turned present day. The how is still shifting and uhh, frankly I hate that I haven't decided. Current iteration: Eric suggests (read: fucking vampire hypnosis) they just bite the bullet and drink from the bottle Daniel gave them when he and the rest of the vamp!house offered to let Alex stay permanently. They remain in a halfway state between human and vampire before making their first kill, which is one of their parents, which one is also constantly changing.
Next is Moira. She's turned sometime in the early 00s, though she's technically lived with Jesse and Daniel since the 90s. She wanted to settle into the town they bought a house in without doing it in the dark. Which, fair. Jesse is the one who actually gives her his blood, per her request.
Jesse is turned sometime between 1987-1989, exact year pending, but early november whichever one. On the way back to California after his younger sister Sarah goes missing. Originally the plan was for Daniel to kill him, since it was what he wanted (ish, dying on his own terms was better given circumstance). Daniel offers to make him a vampire instead so he can go looking for Sarah (and because both idiots caught feelings, what else is new).
Before this, a brief sidestep from the vamp!house residents, we get Eric. Eric is turned by Carter on Amalthea's orders, though it's somewhat a joint effort (Carter's blood, but Daniel's the one who has to force him to kill). This happens around 1976. Exact location currently unknown. Eric resists (or plays at it) but eventually takes probably too well to vampirism. By the time we reach present day, Eric is a patchwork mix of color and monochrome, saturation leeched from flesh and hair from the amount of Amalthea's blood he's consumed by then.
Aaaand we're back. Daniel is turned by Amalthea in 1967, after blacking out drunk and waking up in an unfamiliar forest. She torments him for a little while, and forces his first kill to be his fiancée's younger brother. None of this goes well for him. He remains under her complete control for about six years before regaining some semblance of himself again.
Carter is next after Daniel, a "casualty" of the revolutionary war. He's turned by Amalthea when she finds him mostly dead on the battlefield. He's mostly content to do as he's told, with the understanding that it keeps him alive and mostly well.
Lila is the eldest of the trio when Daniel is taken into Amalthea's group. She never really mentions how long she's been around, but she does know Madeleine which puts her at least firmly around the 17th century. She's an experimenter, and it ends up getting her (and eventually Carter) killed after she pushes the limits of Amalthea's patience one too many times.
There are a whole host of people between Lila and back but lets get into the proper meat of the question.
She is, old. There's something consistently unsettling about her, in whatever body she happens to be using at the time. Her original body has been lost to time, and the ones she's taken down the line have just been whatever she's managed to make use of (this was originally Lila's purpose, but that didn't go as planned). Every part of her is color leeched, looking more carved marble than flesh. Everything except the eyes, which stay so bright red they seem to glow. Even if she's just taken a new body, the saturation is going to leech away immediately, as though it can't hold with her presence inside it.
This sort of thing does happen to my vampires once they get beyond a certain age, starting to fade. Not tonally any different, but rather, someone has taken the saturation slider all the way down to nothing. Starting in extremities, in hair, creeping inwards until there is nothing left untouched by the monochrome except the eyes.
Most vampires don't survive that long.
But enough of Amalthea's (or, strictly speaking, any vampire old enough to be fully faded already) blood can start to do it too. In bits and pieces. We see this with Eric, his hair and skin going more and more colorless every time he shows up, a walking neon sign saying he's still in Amalthea's pocket and all the stronger for it. We see it with Daniel when he's taken back, when he's bleeding out everything he can to keep Amalthea's new group weaker and unable to threaten her.
Thanks for the ask!!!
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montaguehphm · 4 years
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Hogwarts Mystery Asks: Jacob Donohue
I decided to finally compile my answers for this lovely questionnaire by @batgirl-87 and @cptaincarswell and answer the whole thing so people could get to know my iteration of Jacob better. The original intention is for followers to send which questions they want answers, but I decided to answer everything now after doing some of the questions a few weeks ago with some changes here and there. So, here you go. Enjoy!
Full name & nickname(s)?
Jacob Erhard Donohue
When was Jacob born?
7th October 1963
What does Jacob look like? 
Jacob and Montague look very similar in that they both have thick eyebrows, round brown eyes, rich dark hair, and require glasses. Jacob, however, has darker skin, smaller eyes, cheekbones (like their father), and an undercut compared to Montague’s tan skin and messy hair. Nowadays, Jacob sports a nice clean beard and a messy bun with his undercut in an attempt to look like one of those “rugged hipster biker boys who work as historians”.
Do you two have any other siblings?
None other. The Donohue parents decided two children was enough.
What is your MC’s relationship like with Jacob?
Prior to Jacob’s disappearance, Montague and Jacob were always close. Jacob would send Montague owls every week about his school life and all the cool things that happened at Hogwarts. Montague, in return, would send Jacob drawings of his older brother and his best friend, Duncan Ashe, and a creative interpretation of the events Jacob mentions in his letters and all about the things he’s learning while their mother brings Montague to work. When Jacob became a third year, he would send Montague some Honeydukes sweets, specifically Peppermint Toads, along with his letters to him and his parents. In the summers, Jacob would even try to teach Montague some cool spells he learned over the course of his enrollment at Hogwarts.
The one topic Jacob never talked about were the Cursed Vaults, a secret he kept from his brother because he didn’t want to have Montague tangled with R like he was. When Jacob disappeared because of the Cursed Vaults, Montague was shaken to his core because his brother never told him about the Vaults. He believed it wasn’t true at first because he believed his brother would tell him everything, but at some point, he started thinking that maybe he doesn’t really know his brother at all. In fact, he even believed that everything his brother told him in all those letters were lies.
After Jacob was located and reunited with Montague after the former disapparated from the Portrait Vault, Montague lashed out at his brother for leaving him just when they finally found each other again, for keeping the Cursed Vaults a secret from him, for lying to him, and for everything he felt inside. Jacob understood the hurt and pain he caused Montague and his family for entangling himself in such a dangerously ambitious excursion, but managed to apologize to Montague for the pain and stress his dangerously foolish decisions have caused. He assured his younger brother, however, that he never once lied to Montague about anything in his letters (except for the parts about Duncan) and that he only kept the Cursed Vaults a secret from Montague and their family for their own safety.
They eventually made amends and became much closer than ever. When the war against R was won, Jacob attended Montague’s graduation party at The Three Broomsticks with his family and friends.
What is Jacob’s relationship like with your parents?
Jacob had a good relationship with his parents prior to his disappearance. Converse to Montague's close relationship with their mother, Jacob was closer to their father, who also would bring Jacob to his work in his earlier years. Seeing how passionate his father was about his job perhaps ignited Jacob's taste for danger. Mrs. Donohue, on the other hand, would worry a bit more about Jacob getting too passionate about things that were dangerous. She did take pride in how well Jacob excelled in school, given her children's natural intelligence and flair for academic excellence. Every year during the summer break, she would take Montague and Jacob to some Muggle attractions around London and they would have a grand time together, especially at their favorite bakery.
When Jacob disappeared, his parents were devastated. While their reputation in the Ministry was also put into question because of it, they were more concerned over the safety and well-being of their missing eldest, leading Mr. Donohue to request for several investigations into the Cursed Vaults, none of which were allowed for reasons the family couldn't understand. Mrs. Donohue had to keep a strong front, given her high-ranking position in the Department of International Magical Cooperation. At home, it was not as happy as it used to be, but they tried to keep it together for Montague, who understood and knew just how hard his parents took Jacob's disappearance.
When Jacob resurfaced, he was able to contact his parents but had to keep communication to a minimum for their safety. This lifted a great weight from their hearts, knowing that Jacob is alive and well, but worried that both their children are in grave danger. After the war against R was over, Jacob was able to reunite with his whole family, which ended in a tearful embrace and an exchange of stories over the events that transpired.
What is his wand?
Pine, Phoenix Feather, 14 ½ inches, Unyielding
Pine wands always choose an independent, individual master who may be perceived as a loner, intriguing and perhaps mysterious. Pine wands enjoy being used creatively, and unlike some others, will adapt unprotestingly to new methods and spells. Many wandmakers insist that pine wands are able to detect, and perform best for, owners who are destined for long lives, including Garrick Ollivander who had never personally known the master of a pine wand to die young.
Phoenix feather wands are always the pickiest when it comes to potential owners, for the creature from which they are taken is one of the most independent and detached in the world. These wands are the hardest to tame and to personalize, and their allegiance is usually hard won. A wand of this flexibility finely tunes itself to its original owner’s preferences and doesn’t stray from those preferences, even in the hands of a new owner; the new owner will just have to get used to it. It is particularly good for combative and healing magic.
Unyielding wand owners tend to be very confident in themselves and/or in the things they believe in. They tend to be intelligent, somewhat cynical, and usually have well-defined principles that they will not stray from ever. Sometimes, this combination can lead to arrogance because of them insisting on how right they are without considering other points of view or whether or not they might be wrong.
What is his favorite subject?
His best subjects were Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, and Herbology. Among those four, he had the deepest inclination to DADA, most likely because of his father's influence as an Auror.
What is his least favorite subject?
While the topic of history was interesting to Jacob, he absolutely hated History of Magic because of the ever-so-boring Professor Binns.
Who is his favorite professor?
Professor Filius Flitwick was not only Jacob’s Head of House, but he was also incredibly patient and paternal with Jacob, especially given how much trouble Jacob constantly got himself into during his time at Hogwarts. Flitwick was Jacob’s go-to professor for any concerns he had with improving on his magical abilities. In turn, Jacob excelled in Charms and even got an O in his O.W.L.’s and was even destined to excel in his Charms N.E.W.T. Flitwick did not want to see his star student face expulsion, but given the overwhelming evidence against Jacob, he had no choice but to let the expulsion happen.
An honorable mention for this is Professor Pomona Sprout, who noted not only Jacob’s adeptness for Herbology, but also how his kind and caring nature was an essential part of his success in the subject. Jacob successfully garnered an O in his Herbology O.W.L. and proceeded to N.E.W.T. levels. She was among the group of professors who didn’t want Jacob expelled, but had no choice as well.
Who is his least favorite professor?
Professor Cuthbert Binns. He was incredibly boring.
What House is Jacob in? (I know he’s supposed to be in your mc’s same House but is he really in the same house as your mc?)
Jacob Donohue is a Ravenclaw, but he was also a hatstall for Gryffindor, which somewhat disappointed Professor Sprout when she got to see Jacob's kind and caring side during her classes when Hufflepuff wasn’t even considered during Jacob’s hatstall. Jacob's most prized trait is his intelligence, a trait that Montague and Mrs. Donohue also prized. Jacob was also one of the most academically gifted students of his year, if not the most, excelling in every required class and elective he took.
Did he play Quidditch? Was he a fan of the game? Or not so much?
While he was actually a far better flyer than Montague, he never played Quidditch. He wasn't particularly close with the sport, but he appreciated it enough. He would even cheer for his friends who made the team. When he became romantically involved with fellow Ravenclaw Calum O'Connor, who was also the Ravenclaw Quidditch captain at the time, he gained more interest in the sport.
Did he have any pets?
He has a Great Horned Owl named Mercury and a Kneazle named Diana.
What are his top 3 positive personality traits?
Intelligent: Jacob prized his clever nature as he relies on this to help him ease through a situation, especially with the Cursed Vaults and earning O’s in all of his O.W.L.’s. He also attributes his ability to solve problems well to his out-of-the-box thinking and his quick wit.
Good-Hearted: Professor Pomona Sprout noted his kind and caring nature. Jacob has always been a kind and caring person, most especially to his brother, Montague. He was also noted for how much help he would give underclassmen when they were having academic troubles without anything in exchange.
Courageous: Jacob would basically do everything in his power to protect his loved ones, even if that meant sacrificing a bright future for himself to keep them safe from R.
What are his top 3 negative personality traits?
Stubborn: After his imprisonment in the Portrait Vault, Jacob became at times hardly dissuaded from his beliefs, a trait that Montague noted became much more event some time after the brothers reunited. His stubbornness led him to be quite secretive as well, refusing to give any information and preferring to do things on his own.
Arrogant: At times, Jacob’s ego over his smarts would get the better of him and would bruise him quite badly. His arrogance over his intelligence also would translate to a stubbornness to change his opinions over something, which could be quite detrimental.
Reserved: This isn’t necessarily a negative trait. Sometimes, being reserved allows Jacob to make rational decisions. In worse cases, however, he doesn’t acknowledge how he really feels about a situation till it’s too late and he explodes into a ball of intense reactions.
What does Amortentia smell like to him?
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What is his patronus?
Granian Winged Horse
“A Granian Winged Horse can represent an owner who is stronger minded, the owner of this patronus will never give up on there opinion no matter how much others try to change there mind. The owner of this patronus is also incredibly witty and intelligent much like Ravenclaw, who are witty and intelligent as well!”
(description from @hogwartswelcomesyou)
Fun fact: Both Donohue brothers had winged horse patronuses before Montague’s patronus became an occamy after his wedding. Montague’s used to be an Abraxan Winged Horse.
Is he an animagus?
No, he isn’t. He did think that if he could be one, he’d like to be a huge bird like a Philippine eagle. Also...
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What is his boggart?
Watching his family be executed by R, specifically by Patricia Rakepick, who would say that everything really is Jacob’s fault that everything turned out the way it did.
What were his career goals?
At first, he wanted to join his father and become an Auror. He thought it would be a fun idea to be a father-and-son duo. Later on, he decided to change course and become a Curse-Breaker.
What were his hobbies?
Like Montague, Jacob had a thing for the arts. He loved sketching, which was one of his favorite ways of recalling an event when he tries to put things down in his diary. He also enjoys cooking without magic because it gives him a sense of control and achievement when he’s able to do it without a help of a spell. He also loves a good book with a hot mug of cocoa by the fireplace (or the furnace in the tent, if he’s traveling) before bed.
Favorite magical creature?
As a child, he was a huge fan of Hippogriffs. He always wanted one as a travel companion to take to the skies someday. He also has a soft spot for kneazles, crups, and puffskeins.
Why did he get involved with the Cursed-Vaults?
Jacob’s involvement initially began as a curiosity that needed to be satisfied. The way his mind works is that the more he ignores something he wants to solve, the more desperately urgent it begins to feel that he needs to solve it. His curiosity and the involvement of his friends, Duncan Ashe and Olivia Green, drove him deeper into this obsession to prove the existence of the Vaults. His partnering and eventual manipulation by R turned the whole thing into a necessity for survival not only for himself, but for those he loved and held dearly.
In what state do you think you’ll find Jacob in? (alive, dead, death eater, etc.?)
Jacob is found alive and trapped in a portrait in the Portrait Vault during Montague's fifth year. They had a quick and joyful reunion before Jacob found out that Madame Rakepick lead them to the Portrait Vault. He decided to chase after her in an attempt to stop her while the trail was still hot, leaving Montague and his friends behind.
If Jacob survives, what future do you see for him?
After Montague's graduation, Jacob decided to take an indefinite break from anything dangerous and life-threatening and took up a more calm and cyclical lifestyle. He bought himself a small fairytale-like cottage somewhere in Surrey. He decided to live a more routinely life and become a Healer at St. Mungo's for patients who got into terrible and traumatic incidents. He found solace in caring for them because he understood these patients. Outside of St. Mungo's, he does a sideline of growing fresh potion ingredients and develop some quality fertilizer in his greenhouse, which delighted Professor Sprout. She would ask Jacob to do some guest lectures for her prior to her retirement. He also took up baking and floral arranging to help himself out when he can.
In regards to having a love life, he does eventually have one. Back in Hogwarts, Jacob dated Asher Davies, who was the brother of Montague's former prefect, Chester (yes, that Chester). Asher was a Ravenclaw prefect a year below him who did reciprocate Jacob’s feelings and dated him for six months, but mutually decided that it wasn’t going to work out between them. At some point as grown-ups, Asher spotted Jacob exiting a coffee shop in London one afternoon. The two shared a happy albeit awkward hug when the two saw each other. Asher invited Jacob, who was planning to head home after his shift, for a drink at The Leaky Cauldron to catch up. Jacob said yes. After a couple months of seeing each other, they decided to try their luck and become exclusive again. (I can write more about this if y’all want that.)
During the Second Wizarding War, he joins the Order of the Phoenix as a Healer and helping other Order members with debriefings. He was asked to consider being a Scout alongside Montague, but he convinced himself that he wasn’t ready for field work after all the things he experienced with the Cursed Vaults. He fought valiantly, however, at the Battle of Hogwarts and survived after dueling a number of former R members who've allied with Voldemort's forces. During the down time in between battles and after the second battle, he volunteered to assist Madame Pomfrey to help heal and comfort the injured.
After the war, Jacob resumed his life as a Healer at St. Mungo's, growing potion ingredients, baking, and floral arrangements. However, a few months after Montague and Barnaby's wedding, Jacob couldn't help but wonder what if he went back to the field and tried to become the Curse-Breaker he wanted to be till he could no longer resist the urge to do it.
He eventually decided to retire from St. Mungo's and began to offer his help to his little Curse-Breaker brother by supplying the research and co-planning the strategies whenever a big client came up. On his first mission since forever, he was a bit rusty with his defensive and offensive spells but managed to do well. He admits that it took him a while to get back into the groove because he was afraid of another R-like incident. It was then Montague's turn to help his brother in any way he could from helping him repolish his spellwork to helping him better manage his internal dealings. Eventually, the two brothers made a family business out of their freelance Curse-Breaker gigs. Barnaby, during his breaks from his research work, assisted on several missions from time to time, which the brothers deeply appreciate.
When Montague retired from Curse-Breaking to become a professor at Hogwarts and Barnaby followed suit on professorship, Jacob took over and employed a team of people (a healer, two researchers, a logistician, and an accountant) to help keep the new family business afloat.
Misc. - Any other Jacob headcanons you have OR asker’s choice - ask any question you have about Jacob not on the list =)
Jacob was also a Prefect during his time. Just like his brother, Professors Dumbledore and Flitwick thought that his academic achievements, his nurturing the Ravenclaw underclassmen, and his continued showing of Ravenclaw traits outweighed the amount of trouble he caused. They hoped that giving him the privilege of becoming a Prefect would help keep Jacob out of trouble. Flitwick and Dumbledore thought of applying the same principle to Montague when he was considered to become a Prefect himself. Up until Jacob’s expulsion, Jacob was a shining example of what a Ravenclaw Prefect was.
Jacob was one of the people who formed Montague’s taste in Muggle music, and introduced him to pop and rock music.
One of Jacob’s (and Mrs. Donohue’s) favorite places in London was the Tower Bridge on the River Thames because he enjoyed seeing London from such a high place. He finds the view rather calming.
Jacob loves chocolate. In fact, Jacob’s favorite Honeydukes sweets were all chocolates: Honeydukes Best Chocolate, Chocoballs, Cauldron Cakes, and Chocolate Cauldrons.
Jacob’s bisexual (male-leaning but bisexual nonetheless) ass had a number of crushes during his stay at Hogwarts. Some notable ones were the following: Duncan Ashe himself, who didn’t reciprocate Jacob’s feelings but stayed friends with him nonetheless; Sakura Inoue-Clarke, a Gryffindor prefect in the same year as Jacob who also couldn’t reciprocate his feelings because she was dating somebody else at the time; and, Asher Davies, a Ravenclaw prefect a year below Jacob and was one of his more serious relationships. Jacob’s longest relationship with a fellow student was with Calum O'Connor, the Ravenclaw seeker and captain during his fifth year, with whom he had a number of flings with before they eventually became romantically exclusive and steady before they mutually broke up prior to their seventh year.
So, that’s it on my iteration of Jacob. I hope you enjoyed this! Also, do let me know if you’re interested in me writing about Jacob Donohue’s love life. 👀
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