#the plating on her arms and neck in particular tend to be problems since they tend to get stuck
arolesbianism · 1 year
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I’ve been finally getting to working on design concepts for my iterator ocs from Slivers local group, so here’s Stars. She is sooooo normal (lying)
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Don't Leave Me This Way
Warnings- angst, marital spats, language, a hint of spice
A/N- After a decade together, Honey and Leon have come undone. But on the anniversary of the day their lives changed, Leon decides to mend that. For @forenschik
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Part One:
Honey was, in a word, incensed. That Leon would even think about the two of them going out on a weekday bothered her. Then again, at this point in their busy lives going out on ANY day bothered her. But that, Leon told her, was the problem. It was eat, sleep, work, kids, eat, sleep, work, OCCASIONALLY have sex. Throw in Sunny’s growing powers and the odd alternate universe traveller for good measure. That was the rhythm of married life she responded rather dismissively.
Leon took the club scheduling book out of Honey’s hand and held it high above his head where he knew Honey couldn’t fathom reaching it. “How about fuck off with this rhythm of life.”
“LEON!” Honey both whined and raised her voice at her husband as she scrambled to her feet and attempted to climb him. When that didn’t work, and he simply laughed at her and held the book higher, she stood on the desk chair. “How about you go fuck yourself?”
Leon threw the date book. Honey jumped to go after it, but he blocked her move. He held her tight in his arms so she was made to stand still. “Fuck’s sake, I was asking for a date. Now I’m telling you. You’re gonna go upstairs and get ready and put on that sexy purple dress. I’ve packed up The Littles. We’re taking them to your parents, and then we are going to that Italian restaurant you love on Mulberry Street. Then we’re coming home, and you’re getting a right good seeing to.” Before she could protest Leon clamped his hand over her mouth, “Now.”
Honey shockingly obeyed her husband. Her face crimson with anger as she held her chin in the air, arms crossed in front of her chest before throwing up the double finger. In the shower she realized something. It had been so long, and their lives were so busy, that Honey couldn’t discern being mad from being turned on. A lump formed in her throat because she was ashamed. Or disappointed? When was she ever NOT enamored by Leon? Maybe this date was exactly what they needed.
“I don't know, I think we should maybe homeschool Sunny. He's not going to have a handle on anything until he's come to the end of what he can do. Maybe we can communally teach him? Selina is fine, she always will be. She could use other normal kids. I think she and Sun are too dependent on each other. They're only six and seven. Usually that level of codependency comes later in life. Like you and Jonathan. I don't know, what do you think?”
Leon watched as his wife took her first breath since their dinners arrived. She swallowed most of her wine before chasing a tortellini around her plate. Her head in one hand like an insolent child instead of a woman in her thirties. Honey looked at Leon expectedly. He took a breath of his own, but she interjected just as he was about to speak.
“They might resent us if we separate though. Sunny needs to feel as normal as possible. They're in Montessori school, so all those kids are bound to be a little strange too. I guess if they were homeschooled you would have to cut back on your classes, and we would have to scale back on bookings.”
Leon clenched his jaw between sips of his bourbon. He stabbed at his dinner, chewed and swallowed while simmering. He sat back with the expectancy that Honey would continue, uninterrupted the same way she had for the last decade. He could feel the simmer start to boil just below the surface while, sure enough, she kept on.
“Punk is just taking off. I know CBGB is where it's at, but Hilly’s been a mensch sending us Patti, Debbie and The Ramones. I know we're still stuck in folk, but I REALLY think it can turn around into rock. There's this outrageous glam or metal or whatever band from LA. Oh! Did you get to hear that demo from the Irish band? Klaus said they're like, one of the biggest bands in the world. I don't know if that would be in our timeline too, but he's onto something. Get in while we can. But who wears sunglass-”
“αρκετά!!” Leon yelled. ENOUGH!
He banged a fist on the table which drew attention from nearby diners. His nostrils flared with anger and embarrassment. While the outburst mortified Leon, he also wouldn't take it back. It was his only means of getting Honey’s attention. And it did.
She sat back with her arms crossed. One eyebrow arched in challenge. Honey was no shrinking violet. She did tend to her grudges like a little garden. If she had to add Leon to it for a little while, so mote it be.
Leon’s face softened, his shoulders sank while he bit into his lip. Then he sat up straight, an air of defiance about him. Before she knew what was happening, Leon slid Honey around the booth with ease so that they sat side by side. He made a bold move when his wife turned away from him.
Leon snuck a hand inside of Honey’s bare thighs. He knew her. Knew she wouldn't be wearing any panties. It wasn't even meant as a tease. She just couldn't with this particular dress. He took advantage of that.
Letting two of his fingers delve inside of his wife, Leon slid them as painfully slow as possible. Her body reacted. It became instantaneously wet allowing him to slip in with ease. He continued in Italian.
“Tesoro mio, non stai zitto da dieci anni. Hai chiesto la mia opinione e io ne ho una.” His fingers pumped faster. One found her clit for a brief moment before abandoning it “Ora sii una brava moglie e lasciami dire la mia.”
My sweet, you haven't shut the fuck up in ten years. You asked for my opinion, and I have one. Now be a good wife and let me have my say.
Honey swallowed oxygen and choked on it. Her heart pounded in places she forgot carried a beat for the man beside her. Her hips shifted forward while she spread her legs to accommodate Leon.
“I'm.. sorry..” her breath came out choppy. “What.. what do you think?”
Leon removed his fingers and draped his arm along Honey’s shoulders. It curled around her neck but with a gentleness. All of the anger dissipated seeing his wife submit to him so easily. That sexual reminder he had as much agency in this marriage as she did.
“I think,” Leon lifted Honey’s chin so her face drew closer. Instead of her lips he kissed her forehead and caught her gaze, “It's time to send the Littles away without us.”
Honey inhaled ready to release a protest. Leon clamped a hand over her mouth. “For longer than a few days at the lake. Or a weekend down at the shore with your sister's kids. Or overnight at your parents place. It's time Yía Yía takes them to Greece.”
Leon felt his wife’s body start to tense. He knew she was processing what he had to say but was prepared to fight him every step of the way. He kept on, “We can take the kids to London, stay a day or two. Then the two of us are going away together for the first time. Not a weekend here. Or a day there. PROPER vacationing just us.”
He cut Honey off with a kiss this time. “We can afford to close the club for a while. I love you, and I bloody love our kids. The three of you are my whole fucking world. Don’t you think we’ve gotten a bit lost? It hasn’t been just us since the 60s. You don’t even know what day it is, do you?”
Honey blanked. Her eyebrows knit together as her brain searched back through time to what she may have missed. Why a random day at the end of August was so important. Leon stared at his wife, willing her to remember. He knew she maybe just took it for granted that this instance had always been there. Neither could remember a time when it wasn’t.
Honey’s body deflated. “Oh, Leon.” Hot tears sprang to her eyes which she angrily wiped away. “When HAVEN’T I loved you? I don’t think I was ever able to boil it down to our last time away together. Has it really been ten years? I always thought the moment I saw you was the moment I fell in love. I held you at bay didn’t I?”
Leon used his thumbs to brush the tears away from her cheeks. One traced along her bottom lip before he pushed her hair off her shoulder to kiss it.
"Gracie, look at me." He lifted her chin again so their eyes met. She sniffled. "I think you know that little bits of me and you could scatter across the cosmos, and we would always find one another. It's why we need to get away, the two of us. C'mon, wanna go for a walk?
He stood, laid more money down than necessary, and reached for Honey's hand. She took it but rebuffed the rest, "Leon, it's midnight. It's the hottest summer on record. And someone is murdering women with dark hair and their lovers."
"So?!" She frowned. "Oh bugger off!" he teased. "Klaus said his name's David Berkowitz, and he never goes outside of Queens. I just want to hold my missus's hand and walk beside her a little while. That's all."
How could Honey resist?
Part 2 coming next week 💋
@elliethesuperfruitlover @magic-multicolored-miracle @maerenee930 @nightmonsters @neuroticpuppy @firstpersonnarrator @frogs--are--bitches @rob-private @bisexualnathanyoung @super-unpredictable98 @messengeronthemoon @a-ghoulish-tale @love-is-dirty-baby @vonkimmeren @duck-noises @feed-davis-and-steve @ghouls-buddy
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whispersafterdusk · 3 years
Prompt #1: Foster
There were always new and missing faces when Revkr visited home; the Stormforges were known for two things: producing especially skilled craftsmen, and fostering or adopting needy children.
Two faces he'd only seen a handful of times before were both supported in his right arm as he walked at the rear of a small procession; Revkr, along with his mother, two of his sisters, and his youngest brother along with a scattering of their children had descended upon the market to purchase the food needed for a full family gathering tonight (what most would consider a feast tended to be just another evening dinner at the Stormforge house, considering the number of mouths to feed).  While everyone else had a basket or bundle of something in their arms Revkr had offered to tote his sister Finia's two youngest for the trek across the city and Finia had gladly handed the boys over and taken a lighter basket of freshly baked bread in their place.
The twins had been born three summers ago and, as elezen tended to be, were tiny compared to their hyur cousins.  Eugennoix had his head pillowed against Revkr's shoulder, sound asleep, while his brother Nolanel was fascinated with the clasp that held the warrior’s cloak closed tightly at the neck and often he had to carefully de-tangle the boy's fingers from it before he managed to click it open.  The other children - a mix of hyur and elezen, blood and adopted, the same as Revkr's own siblings - milled about, excited that their 'favorite' uncle had come to visit, and it took the full attention of all the adults present to corral the group and keep them on course for home.
"You always do make quite the sight on family outings.” ((Continued below cut))
Distracted as he was with again shooing Nolanel's tiny fingers away from the clasp it took him a moment to first register the voice and its identity, and then to locate where it had come from; there, standing at the foot of a ramp that eventually wound its way up to the Pillars, was one Lord Edmont de Fortemps, whose gaze quickly glanced over the group as a small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth.
Revkr had served beneath the Fortemps banner for nearly thirty years before being swept up in the realm’s problems where he’d gone from humble knight to Warrior of Light; while he had unofficially retired from his post there was a part of him that still thought of himself as Ser Stormforge, Fortemps knight, and seeing Edmont prodded at that wistful ache deep inside for those simpler days.  He slowed and let his family continue, waving them on, and once the throng had moved out of earshot Edmont approached.
"My Lord.  Tis rare to see you by yourself," Revkr said.
Edmont's lips twitched at the title.  "Old habits, old friend."
Revkr chuckled; as his main hand was full he offered his left awkwardly, which the Count nonetheless clasped firmly.  "Someday the knight in me will retire himself.  Until then the formalities will slip out as they will."
Now it was Edmont's turn to chuckle, then he gestured with his head for Revkr to walk with him.  "Which of your sisters do these two little ones belong to?"
"Finia.  Just turned three this year."  Revkr fell in beside him and the two began to stroll away from the market in the general direction his family had just departed in.
"They are quite precious at that age, are they not?"
"I wouldn't really know, I'm so rarely around these days..."
Edmont nodded.  "An unfortunate necessity... Would that I could lessen your burdens in any way but I shall consider it a good sign that I happened upon you and yours tonight.  There is a matter I was considering and I believe I know the path I should choose."
"Oh?  Has something happened?"
They walked a few steps more in silence before Edmont sighed.  "You of all people know I strive to take care of those that serve or seek the protection of Fortemps.  It so happens that a knight you may recall - Alistaire - was killed recently.  He left behind a young daughter and even younger son, both of which I took in as wards of the house to keep them out of the orphanage."
At the name Revkr closed his eyes and took a deep breath -- he'd known the man, of course.  The number of hyur who both called Ishgard home AND served Fortemps was very small.  Alistaire's wife had barely survived the birth of their daughter, and then had succumbed to bleeding and fever with the son despite the best efforts of the chirugeons.  "What of his mother?"
"Passed last spring.  The children were staying with family friends but they...lack the space."
Revkr opened his eyes to see Edmont giving him a knowing look.  "Ah.  And I imagine your wife believes you both too old to be rearing children."
Edmont took in a deep breath through his nose.  "I do miss when my sons were young, though I scarcely had time for them then.  I would have the time now but there is... There is a question of bonding.  Whether they could ever see me as a father, or my wife as their mother.  The girl is old enough to remember both her parents, and does not know me as anything other than a lord."
Nolanel took that moment to shove chilly fingers into Revkr's beard and then give it a hard tug; with a grunt (accompanied by a quiet laugh from Edmont) he carefully pulled the hand free.  "If you're asking us to take them in instead, we've certainly the room.  Five of father's most recent apprentices have since struck out on their own and their quarters are empty.  And I know my siblings always stand ready to welcome yet more into their respective households."
Edmont's face took on a look of relief.  "I realize I've been remiss in my social calls to your family lately so I pray I am not imposing...but to hear that you still are willing to take in those who need it is heartening."
"It's not imposing - our doors are always open.  Stick around long enough and no doubt someone would attempt to adopt even you," Revkr grinned, very lightly nudging the noble with his elbow.
"Now wouldn't that be a sight," Edmont smiled.  "May I ask that you arrange a meeting, between myself and whoever would be willing to take the two in?"
"I can, or you can simply follow me home and take care of it now."
"You're certain?"
"I am.  My parents certainly wouldn't make YOU of all people wait to speak with them."
Edmont nodded with a faint hum.  They were already walking in the correct direction anyway, and a comfortable silence fell between the two as they moved along through the darkened streets of Ishgard.  As always the front windows of the house were lit with a warm orange glow, and as he opened the door he nearly collided with Finia.
"THERE you are, I was beginning to wond- oh, goodness, Count Fortemps!" Finia quickly backpedaled to get out of the doorway to allow the two to enter, stepping back toward Revkr long enough to grab Nolanel from his arm.  "Welcome, my lord.  Please, allow me to show you to the parlor to warm yourself."
"Thank you, my dear," was Edmont's reply as Finia led them from the entryway into a hallway that stretched from the front of the Stormforge residence to the back where it ended in a set of stairs that carried one to the second and third floors.  
To their left a great deal of activity could be heard - voices, laughter, the scrape of chairs and sounds of cutlery and plates.  Technically only Revkr's parents, Finia along with her husband and four children, and his youngest brother Erik with his wife and two children, lived in the family home with the others having their own dwelling nearby but Halstein and his family had also come to visit this evening so the kitchen and dining hall behind that particular door bustled with the sound of an enormous clan come together to prepare and share a meal.  The kitchen, dining hall, and his parents bedroom took up the leftmost side of the bottom floor (his mother couldn’t really handle stairs well anymore) and then the doors on the right-hand side of the hallway opened to the grand parlor and a pair of smaller, more private sitting rooms.
Finia led them to the grand parlor where a fire roared in the hearth and saw them settled into the cushy armchairs before its warmth before hurrying away with a promise of returning for Eugennoix once she had Nolanel settled.  Not long after Finia had departed a young hyur woman came in with a tray with wine glasses - four of them, meaning his parents would soon be attending - and a bottle of a deep red wine.  
Edmont looked the girl up and down curiously.  "Apologies but you are an unfamiliar face - I do not believe I’ve seen you among this house before."
"N-no, my lord.  I am only come to the household within the last few months," the girl replied quietly, face flushing.  She gently sat the tray down on a small side table and deftly uncorked the bottle.  "I mean to study and become a seamstress."
"Ah, I see.  Gylda possesses a remarkable skill - you will learn a great deal from her."
The girl smiled and poured the glasses, handing them to the two men before bowing and departing the room.  Edmont watched her go, and then turned to Revkr.  "How do you manage to keep up with who belongs where?"
"I don't," Revkr answered flatly, then laughed and gently adjusted Eugennoix who still slumbered away on his shoulder.  "I am at least finally old enough to be able to claim memory problems with names and faces.  When I was able to visit more regularly it was a lot easier."
Finia came back for Eugennoix then; soon after Revkr's parents came in and Edmont had hardly gotten the whole proposal out of his mouth before Meriel had clapped her hands and hurried (well, hobbled) off to go prepare one of the spare rooms.  Bayard looked a bit embarrassed at his wife's eagerness but politely excused himself to go assist her, leaving Edmont and Revkr to silently sip at their glasses of wine in the comfort of the fire's glow.
About halfway through his glass Revkr noted that the bustling and activity across the hall seemed to be dying down.  "Would you care to stay for dinner?"
Edmont shook his head and delicately returned his glass to the tray.  "I must decline, unfortunately, as my own house will no doubt be wondering where I've gotten to.  How long will you be in Ishgard?  It has...been some time since we've had a moment to simply talk for the sake of catching up."
"That...is anyone's guess," he sighed heavily.  "Assuming no metaphorical - or literal - fires spring up, I had intended to stay three days, possibly longer."
The count stood, lightly tapping the end of his walking cane against Revkr's boot.  "Then I will cordially invite you to join me for dinner tomorrow evening, if nothing else demands your attention.  And if I may impose a bit further, I feel it would do my sons's spirits some good to see you again as well."
"What could they want to hear from this tired old man?"
Edmont shook his head with a smile.  "What indeed, Warrior of Light."
Revkr rolled his eyes and stood, placing a friendly hand on the man's shoulder and gesturing for the door.  "Go home, Count Fortemps, before your family turns the city upside-down looking for you."
He walked him to the door and then stood to watch as he disappeared from sight down the street.  Just as he'd closed the door Finia came sweeping in behind him.
"Ah, I was too late to wish him a good evening.  Did he know we set a place at the table for him?"
"He declined as he needed to return home but was grateful all the same, I'm sure."
Finia looped her arm in his and pulled him toward the dining hall.  "Well, come along, dear brother.  Dinner is ready and you've a table full of children excited to hear about your latest adventures."
Revkr made a face.  "I'm not sure they're exactly child-appropriate."
"Then make something up.  Come on."
"Did mother mention to you...?"
"She did.  We'll be gathering, all of us, to discuss it in the morning, but I'm more than willing to take on the pair... Poor dears."
Most everyone was seated at the tables and waiting for Finia and Revkr to take their seats; if his parents and siblings would be otherwise occupied in the morning then that would give him time to spend with however many nieces, nephews, and fosterlings were about.  
In hindsight he probably should have asked Edmont for the children's names...but then again, they would fit right in with the rest of the family so far as he was concerned as he already could barely keep names straight as it was.
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thetriggeredhappy · 4 years
scout likes sniper but can't help but blush and go awkward when he sees it
me, who saw a very pretty girl with bitchin’ tattoos and temporarily forgot how to speak english for about five minutes today: ha check out this fuckin loser having’ crushes and stuff..... ha what a fuckin goobus
(no warnings)
He really did legitimately hate the fact that he always made such an idiot out of himself in front of people he liked.
Like, he had literally no problem just hooking up with people. Absolutely no shame. See someone good-looking, walk up, ask them if they wanna bang, either get slapped or get in a car. He didn’t feel even a little bit bad about it, he was just being really honest about exactly what it was he wanted. And plenty of people respected that he wasn’t one to play stupid games.
The issue was that as soon as he got like, more than moderately invested before he could cut to the chase, he was absolutely fucked.
Miss Pauling was a great example. The situation surrounding him first meeting her was such a whirlwind and so weird that he didn’t really get a chance to ask her out, and so he’d just sorta been left to stew on it, and then he got cheesy. Started thinking about all kinds of romantic shit. And that was a complete fuckin’ mess for like, literally years until he found out she was seeing some girl and promptly stepped off because he was a hopeless romantic, not an animal.
And that had like, sucked, but at least he was functional. He only saw Miss P like, on the monthly maybe, and usually just over the phone or whatever and not in person. At least he could spend the vast majority of his time being exactly as much of a doofus as he usually was and not just a hoppy sappy mess.
But then. Oh, but fucking then.
He glanced in his periphery as subtly as he could, popping his gum to try and just for a second act natural, so frustrated with himself over how warm his face had gotten all of a sudden.
It was especially frustrating because like, it had kinda snuck up on him, all the gross heart-fluttery crap that always came along for the ride whenever he got a thing for someone. And he hadn’t really pieced it together for such a long time, but then one thing happened and everything cracked wide open all at once and now he couldn’t even just sit through the team meeting without—
Sniper moved to tug on his own hat idly, nudging his shades up his nose the millimeter or two they’d slid down since he last adjusted them maybe a minute and a half previously, and Scout had to force himself to stop looking at the guy for like ten seconds. And ten seconds was exactly how long he lasted before he was looking over again.
It sucked. Like, he’d gone years and years just kinda letting Sniper do his thing—the guy clearly just wanted to be left alone, didn’t want to be bothered with their shenanigans, so he really didn’t ever see Sniper around much. Barely knew the guy beyond like, some very basic stuff. And he kinda got the impression at first that Sniper was actually just way too cool for him to talk to, a hired assassin from fuckin’ Australia of all places, beyond skilled and into intimidating in his particular practice, maybe a little scary in the few interactions Scout caught him in during battle.
And he was like, more an idea of a person than an actual person, for those reasons. Scout didn’t really think much about what he had to actually be like.
Then one night Scout woke up around 3 AM and couldn’t get back to sleep and he decided to just go grab a snack from the kitchen to try and maybe squeeze a nap in before he was meant to be awake at 6:30, and he’d walked in and seen Sniper standing there.
Sniper was pretty professional in all interactions Scout ever had with him. Only ever showed up in the base proper in full uniform, and while he wasn’t like, Medic or Spy levels of crisp clean-cut, he still always at least looked put-together. But now Scout was confronted with the concept of what Sniper wore for pajamas, something he’d only ever thought about once or twice before, and was now suddenly witnessing.
Sweatpants, apparently, and a sweater. Green and grey, knitted. Socks. No hat or sunglasses, which was weird enough that it actually kind of took Scout a second to understand who he was looking at.
Sniper looked up at him when he walked in, and Scout knew he probably looked like hell, but Sniper didn’t look all that much better. He seemed pretty tired, and Scout watched as he visibly tried to sort himself out, standing up straight and squaring his shoulders a little, leaning less heavily on the counter.
“Uh, sup,” Scout said, and walked over to the fridge, deciding to just kinda play it cool and like he was totally anticipating that someone might be in the kitchen at 3 AM, and also that it wasn’t weird that he was in the kitchen at 3 AM.
“...‘llo,” Sniper mumbled, and glanced back down at what he’d been doing before Scout showed up.
Eating cereal, apparently, the bland wheat garbage that about half the team usually put up with, he and Pyro being the ones who tended to go for the more sugary brands. Scout occupied himself with trying to sift through the over-stuffed fridge for something he could feasibly eat, deciding not to stare.
But the silence was pretty painful. He didn’t like silence, it always felt almost itchy to stand there and not say anything when there was someone like five feet away, so he broke it after a few seconds. “Doesn’t it get hot in that?” he asked, not looking over at Sniper.
A pause long enough that Scout was half convinced Sniper was just going to ignore him, but he did end up speaking. “Gets cold at night. ‘Specially out there, it’s... warmer in the base,” Sniper murmured. “Used to it being warm, besides.”
“Fair,” Scout shrugged, pulled out a container, glanced at it, put it back. “Probably hotter in—“
“Australia, yeah,” Sniper agreed, in a tone that implied he’d heard that a hundred times before.
“It’s summer there right now, right?” Scout asked, pulling out a different container and scowling when he saw Engie’s name on it, begrudgingly putting it back.
Scout finally found a leftover Chinese takeout box that he was at least reasonably sure was his own, and moved over to the microwave, dropping the leftovers on a plate and putting in some random amount of time, aware he’d just be stopping the microwave when noises started happening anyways. He glanced back over at Sniper. Sniper wasn’t looking at him. “That’s a cool sweater, though,” Scout finally said.
“Thanks,” Sniper said into his bowl. “It’s, er...”
There was a very long silence as Scout waited for Sniper to finish his sentence and he didn’t. He popped the microwave open to check on his leftovers. Not warm enough. He closed it again, turned back around. Kept waiting.
Apparently Sniper did decide to finish his sentence eventually. “It’s wool. From... back home,” he said, voice still quiet.
“Huh?” Scout asked, a little confused.
Sniper finished his bowl, put it on the counter next to him. Scratched at the back of his neck. Without the hat it was much more obvious how Sniper’s hair just kinda flipped up in the back, and how unruly the rest of his hair was as well, even deliberately brushed back out of the way. “Family’s sheep farmers,” he finally said.
Scout’s eyebrows rose. “Yeah?”
Sniper nodded. “We don’t... spin the wool, some other bloke does that, but we get to sell the yarn at least. Usually m’parents keep at least a little bit. Mum knits. Gives... gloves and the like to any kids in town.”
“She made that too?” Scout asked, glancing the sweater up and down again. “Jesus, how long did that take?”
Sniper shrugged. “Week, maybe two.”
“That’s pretty cool.” Scout scratched at his arm as a memory occurred to him. “Only sweaters I ever had were hand-me-downs from my brothers, itchy as all fuck. They never wanted to pass down the softer ones.”
Sniper nodded at that. “Makes sense.”
There was a long silence then, in which Scout finally noticed his food was starting to make popping noises and he pulled it out. Mostly hot, some cold bits in the middle, but he grabbed a pair of chopsticks from the drawer of assorted utensils and stirred it around so it was more even. It was just noodles, so it didn’t matter much.
“Late dinner,” Sniper said, almost managing to make it sound like a joke.
“Early breakfast,” Scout shot back, nodding at the cereal bowl and stirring his food around a bit more.
Sniper tilted his head in a vague sort of agreement, going quiet again. Scout started eating, and winced a little at how some noodles were weirdly dry and others were goopy, but hey, beggars couldn’t be choosers.
Silence again, but at least Scout could keep himself occupied with eating instead of thinking about it.
“You know how to use chopsticks?” Sniper finally asked, surprising Scout a little bit. He glanced up.
“Yeah, duh, who doesn’t?” Scout scoffed.
Silence for a second. “I don’t,” Sniper said.
Scout looked up again, befuddled. “Man, are you serious? I learned that when I was like, five,” he prodded.
Sniper shrugged, looking away again. “Just never learnt. Never really had to, didn’t come up.”
“Fuckin’, learn how to use chopsticks, man. What’re you waiting for, a written invitation?” Scout joked.
“Eh. I’ll get to it,” Sniper shrugged again, and rubbed at his eye, and suddenly it hit Scout how much of a human being Sniper was. Standing there in a sweater his mom knit for him, eating cereal at three in the morning, admitting that he just never learned how to use chopsticks.
What the fuck, Sniper was just a regular dude who happened to be in their line of work.
What the fuck.
(He did look pretty good out of uniform, huh—?)
And that was it for him, a series of back-to-back realizations compounding until he realized how good-looking Sniper was, even rumbled at three in the morning under the shitty fluorescents of the kitchen—especially like that. And he felt his face go burning hot, and he dug into his noodles to try and cover it, and he almost choked on his food.
Absolute fucking mess.
And like—now Scout was noticing all kinds of tiny little things. Sniper always crossed his legs at the ankle, left-over right, and his arms right-over-left. He had a bruise on his thumb from jamming it on his rifle, and his shades were crooked a little tiny bit to the left, and his hair was all flippy-uppy in the back but there was this one lock of hair that was especially flippy-uppy. He didn’t put anything in his coffee like an absolute monster but did put just a little bit of sugar on his cereal, apparently. He kept nodding off during meetings but nobody else seemed to notice since he had the shades on and you had to be looking pretty closely and from roughly Scout’s angle at the table to see his eyes were closed, and he didn’t have any other tells besides his jaw being a little tight.
Twice so far he’d been asked by Medic if he had a fever, he was blushing so hard. At once point Demo had dunked on him a little bit about “zoning out” and “thinkin’ about someone special, probably”, and he’d only barely escaped by rolling his eyes and rolling with the joke instead of getting defensive. He’d gotten mysteriously more clumsy in front of the team at large, fumbling and tripping over his words and even stammering sometimes. He was such a goddamn sappy mess.
God. He was so fucked.
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caramelslate · 4 years
Day 1 of Moms Made Fullmetal Week!!
It’s a bit late becaue work, but here it is!
Prompt:  Family or Love or Baby-talk
Ao3 link here.
Riza was pulled from her deep slumber by something tugging on her hair. She groaned and turned to the other side, willing for sleep to come back. Still, the tugging continued. Riza groaned and turned her head towards the bedside table at the clock sitting there: ten in the morning.
As a soldier, it was drilled into every one to be a morning person. This proved to be a huge problem for Rebecca who still had to set three consecutive alarms, all within 5 minutes of each other, just to be able to get up. Riza, however, is a morning person, ever since she was a child. So during their time in the military, she was usually the one to wake Rebecca up instead of suffering through the shrill noise of all her alarms.
It was rare enough for her to be home during a weekday, much less for her to be sleeping in. Usually, off days are spent by doing the extra chores around the house, paying bills, or doing laundry. But a particular nightmare kept her up during the night until Roy found her sleeping and curled up on the chair in the living room, an open book on her lap. She must’ve gone back to bed in the early morning hours and was not even aware of it.
As she started to rub the sleep from her eyes, something tugged on her hair again.
At first, she thought it was Hayate. Usually, her dog is well mannered but if he wants something, like his breakfast, for example, he climbs up the bed and snuggles with her. Riza thinks this behavior started to happen when Roy moved in and he lets Hayate up the furniture and even on the bed. His complaints of inhaling dog fur became nonexistent when Riza said that if he doesn’t want dog fur to get everywhere, he has to let Hayate sleep on his bed by the door. Still, she finds the dog curled up by their feet every night.
She turned around, with every intention of scolding Hayate for climbing up the bed again and chewing her hair but instead of a black wet snout, it was something else.
William. Her son.
It seemed surreal to even say that. Now even months later, she found the idea of becoming a mother and a wife seem more like a dream than her actual reality. But here she was, in bed at 9 am on a Tuesday, in a beautiful family house near the city, with her son.
Will’s chubby fingers are wrapped around a fistful of her hair, giggling and laughing. His eyes, very much like his father’s, are shining with delight. He released his grip and flapped his arms up and down, delighted to see her awake. With her reputation as a veteran in the war, especially with the title “Hawk’s Eye”, people tend to look at her and see a ruthless soldier. Detached and cold, only serving the country to fulfill her duty. Some see a hero, some see a murderer. Others who know more of her look at her and see a friend, a colleague, a confidant. Yet, now, nothing else matters because this boy in her arms only sees someone he loves, someone who is his mother.
Riza sat up, a smile etched on her face. She took the boy into her arms and said, “Why are you here, how did you get here?” Her question was answered by a piece of note she found by the bedside table.
He woke up at 6 this morning, so I took him to his crib but he started crying and just stopped as soon as I placed him down beside you. Was out like a lamp within minutes after lying down. Guess he also sleeps better besides you too. I sent Kathy to do all your chores for today so you can stay at home for once. She’ll probably be back before noon.
Just take it easy today. -R
Damn, that man is late for work again. This statement comforted her, the thought of the baby being left alone with her sleeping made her feel uneasy. It was tough during the first few months but she was getting better at leaving him from time to time. It also eased her mind to find something who they trusted to look after their son while both of them are at work. Fuery suggested one of his younger sisters as a temporary nanny. This helped the young girl too as she was going to the city for university and needed extra income. Fuery vouched for her and she trusts him. Having Kathy around the house is a godsend. Also, the fact that the baby likes her is another good thing.
She smiled. “You were crying this morning? Are you hungry? Do you miss Momma?”
Will’s answering laughter is the most beautiful sound she has ever heard. With everything that happened in her life, all the ups and downs, the countless times she came close to dying and losing everything, it was all worth it because of him.
She knows she did not deserve anything she has today. Not the doting husband, the beautiful son, not even the freedom she received. Not when she robbed the people she killed in Ishval.
Still, she would give everything up for her son. Everything.
Riza felt him tugging on her hair again, this time he was chewing on the blond strands.
“You like my hair, do you? Hmmm.” She swayed him slightly from side to side, the way he likes.
After the Promised Day, she decided that she was done with the long hair and got her hair cut up the way she had when she was younger. Partly in preparation for Ishval as scorching hot weather will surely be irritating while having long hair. Also, she welcomed the thought of something new in her now monotonous life, devoid of dealing with immortal super-powered creatures who wanted to take over the power of God.
Now almost a year after her last haircut, it just fell back behind her, brushing against the top of her tattoo.
Her son suddenly became quiet. Leaning over to him, she found him snuggled against the crook of her neck with one fist around her hair and the other inside his mouth.
So he has a fascination with her hair too. Like father, like son then. Maybe she should take a rain check on getting that haircut appointment?
“Honey, don’t.” Riza carefully pried her son’s chubby fingers away from her hair. She stood up, Will in her arms, and headed into the kitchen. Someone, probably Roy made eggs and coffee for her before they left. She lowered the baby down the bassinet they had set up in the living room and fixed herself a plate and much-needed coffee.
She loved lazy mornings like this as she rarely got them. Just her and the baby in the house. Riza quietly watched him in the bassinet, clutching a wooden toy soldier painted with a blue Amestris uniform. Ed has said it seemed fitting when he saw it at an antique store during one of his travels. He figured he’d give it to him when he dropped by shortly after the baby had been born.
She leaned over and stared at him. Will stared back with wide eyes that brought a soft smile to her face. He giggled and reached out his arms, wanting to be carried.
Riza reached down and took him into her arms. She put her feet up the coffee table and settled the baby on her lap. Once again, she found him with a tendril of hair between his fingers.
“Aw, you really love my hair, do you? Is it just the hair or is it me? What do you think?” She playfully moved her thighs up and down, rocking Will slightly, making him burst into adorable giggles again. “Should I just make a wig or something and leave it with you at night, huh? That’s disturbing, so no but what do you think? Should mommy cut her hair again? Hmmm, say Mama. Come on, honey, say Mama? I won’t cut my hair if you say Mama, sweetheart.”
“I don’t even have a say in it?” a voice spoke up.
Looking up, Roy was taking off his jacket and hanging it on the back of the armchair. He strode over them and kissed the top of her head and then the Will’s, and sank down beside her on the sofa. Noticing the empty plate and cup on the coffee table, “You just got up?” he asked.
“First off, you never had any say in it. It’ll always be this little guy’s opinion. Second, why are you here? It’s barely noon?” Usually, during weekends, when Roy has to leave for work, he usually gets home until after lunch, but it’s barely 11 and he’s already here.
Roy leaned back and sighed, putting up his boot on top of the coffee table next to hers. “They just needed me to attend a couple of meetings and go over some paperwork, which I finished,” he added that last part as an answer to Riza’s questioning gaze. “So once all that was done, I got up and went home. Already missed your lazy morning with the little guy. I don’t wanna miss lazy afternoons too.” He had his arm resting across her shoulder, a finger absentmindedly twirling a tendril of hair.
See? Like father, like son.
Riza rested her head against his shoulder and both of them watched in awe of their son babble unintelligible words like he was making a speech for the entire nation. She sighed.
“What?” Roy looked down at her. She shook her head. “Nothing. Just thinking.”
“Okay, now I am scared.” Roy muttered which earned him an elbow to the ribs.
Looking at their small apartment, at the dirty dishes on the sink, clutter on the counter, and then to the little human on her lap. “I just didn’t think we’d end up here.” she confessed. “With everything that happened in the past few years, I can’t imagine, not in my wildest dreams, that I’d actually be here, married and a mom, being all domestic. That was the last thing I ever imagined. I mean, we were all too busy trying to stay alive and not get caught arranging a coup.
Roy chuckled. “Are you reminiscing?” Riza snorted then rolled her eyes. “No, I’m just happy.”
Her husband looked down at her with this look in his eyes and pressed his lips against her temple and tugged her closer to his side. “So, the scary Hawk’s Eye baby talks, huh? Roy teased. Riza aimed another well-placed dig into his ribs and leaned away, rocking Will a little, her hands splayed across his back. Beside her, Roy is doubled over, arms across his stomach, fake betrayal etched across his face.
“Oh, stop being a baby. We already have one.” Riza rolled her eyes. Of course, she remembered aside from a baby, she also has a man-child husband too. “And if you ever let that out, I will drag you to the range to keep your ego in check.”
Roy leaned back in and tugged her back to his side, “Don’t worry Mustang. Your secret’s safe with me.”
She made him remember those words when Rebecca made it slip that everyone in the team knows about the baby talk the week after.
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arcane-nonsense · 6 years
I trust you - Muriel x F!MC
@just-a-little-mix-of-everything sent me a lovely ask regarding some Muriel smut in response to some of the content being put out over on @arcanedrabbles blog. I did an art piece that was IMMEDIATELY flagged and taken down. RIP.
So. What’s a horny gal to do? Well. I wrote a fic instead. 3.5k words of action, sugar, and then enough smut to knock you out. Also, goat bitch makes an appearance.
  She wasn’t exactly skipping through the forest, but it was close. Asra had told her she could close the shop early and she had a plan to pick up a few spell ingredients and finally swing by Muriel’s. It’d been ages since she’d seen him last, and she’d been counting down the hours. Muriel had made her promise not to go through the forest after dark, and the shop had been busy until after sundown every night with customers needing readings, pastes, spells, herbs...    Now that Asra was going on one of his trips, she’d been given freedom to close early and go and collect supplies they were running low on. If her path took her directly past a particular hut, inhabited by a certain man, well... stranger things had happened. Hawthorne, hickory, rosemary, thyme, Spanish moss... she ticked off items as she went, picking things and placing them in the basket she carried with her. Sure, some of these ingredients could be found in the markets easily enough but fresh was always best and market goods tended to have muddled auras.    Looks like rain... hmm. She didn’t remember seeing clouds on the horizon when she’d left. But, sure enough, the sky was steadily growing darker and the sunbeams reaching the forest floor fewer and farther between. She quickened her pace, feeling a prickle of unease sneak up her spine. She felt eyes on the back of her neck from time to time, but whenever she turned around, only trees stared back at her.    “Be careful in the forest, there have been rumours of something lurking.” Asra had told her that before she left, chewing his lip and looking worried. “Stay in the light.” She was almost running now when a bolt of lightning streaked through the air, lighting the forest in a bright white light that was very, very different from the normal sunlight. The clap of thunder arrived a fraction of a moment later, shaking the trees. It had struck pretty close-    A flash of white snaked through the edge of her vision, almost as quick as the lightning had been. She spun on her heel, almost dropping her basket. A ghostly figure came out from behind one tree, eyes glowing red- wait. Is that a goat? Sure enough, a three-limbed goat was materializing on the path in front of her. She reached out with her magic, feeling the air, the aura- and drew back with a gasp. The ghost was more than just a ghost- it had an aura that was both human and very distinctly not. Malice rolled off its body in waves, lapping at her feet. She took a step back, hands raised in a defensive position.    “Thief...” the goat’s mouth did not move, but the voice that hissed through the trees and chilled the air around her was unmistakable its own. “You stole what was mine... what was promised to me! I’ll take it back, you thieving-“ she reacted, her magic picking up a rock from the path and hurtling at the goat. It looked shocked for one second before the rock sailed through the translucent furry chest without any effect, thudding on the path behind it. The goat’s blood red eyes shot from her to the rock, and back to her. A beastly grin spread across its face, and it bared a claw that she sensed would be able to grab her with no problems at all. It shifted on its haunches and started forward.    She turned and ran. She heard snapping twigs behind her as she sprinted up the path, felt the burning red eyes on the back of her neck. She reached out, lifting branches and rocks and anything she could get her magic around, sending them flying behind her as she stumbled through the darkened forest. The goat was fast, FR only having three limbs. It moved like liquid, and she didn’t dare look behind her and risk falling. Her heart pounded in her ears as she sent bursts of hurried magic out behind her, hoping they’d hit their mark. She couldn’t cast anything complicated while trying not to trip and fall. Her chest burned, her breath coming in gasps. She didn’t know where in the forest she was, anymore- it was dark and hard to see. Things were not looking good.    Off to her left, a piercing howl tore through her panic. Could it be- she turned, ready to face the goat and prepare a last-ditch spell; it would be more complicated, but if it missed there wouldn’t be time to run again. The goat was only a half dozen yards away, closing in fast- and then a blur of black fur launched out of the woods and sent the goat stumbling backwards.    “Innana!” The cry left her lips as she stumbled backwards, hands still working the spell. The wolf stood between her and the ghost, lips curled back over her sharp teeth. She growled low in her chest, and the goat hesitated- that was all the time she needed. She let off the spell, a bolt of light that struck the ghost in the middle of its chest. It howled in pain, and the acrid smell of burning hair filled her nose. It stumbled backwards, giving her one last deathly glare before melting into the shadows.    “Innana-“ a familiar voice broke through the dissipating gloom as a large figure emerged onto the path. “Oh- oh my god,-“ green eyes widened in shock and worry as Muriel straightened up, hand reaching for Innana falling lumpy to his side. “Are you ok? What are you doing here...?” He took two giant strides towards her, large calloused hands cupping her face softly as he turned her head, inspecting her for injuries.    “I was collecting- ah!” She winced as she felt a sharp pain in her foot, stinging sharply now that the adrenaline wore off. “-collecting supplies and coming to see you. I’m fine- it’s just a scratch.” She said as he bent down, trying to get a better look. She picked up her foot and saw that a sharp rock had pierced through the sole of her boot, and blood was slowly oozing out of the cut it had left on the ball of her foot. “I’ve had worse.” She glanced at the wolf that was watching her with head cocked. “I could have had much worse if not for Innana here.” She reached out and the wolf took a couple steps toward her, allowing her to scratch between the wolf’s ears gratefully. “What was that, anyway?” She peered around Muriel’s shoulder at the space where the goat had vanished.    “Nothing good. I told you to stay out of the woods at dark.” He frowned. “You need help.”    “Muriel I’ll be fine-“ he ignored her, picking her up off her feet and into his arms like she weighed almost nothing. “...okay.” She held on to her basket with one hand, using the other to wrap around his massive upper arm and steady herself. Innana trotted a few steps behind them, watching her with her intelligent eyes. Now that the danger had passed, she could feel the pain in her foot radiating up her leg. She wasn’t good at healing- not like Asra. She needed to clean the wound before even trying to pull it together- and the last attack on the goat left her feeling extra drained.    “You need help,” Muriel muttered, pushing open the door to his hut and gently setting her down reluctantly on top of his table. He turned to the fireplace, with coals barely glowing. He dipped a cloth in the cauldron of water always dangling over the fire. He shuffled over, then held out the cloth to her. “Here. I don’t think I should do it- Asra probably taught you too.”    “I trust you to do it.” She tugged off her ruined boot, tossing it to the side and wincing. “You’ll do a better job than me.”    “I don’t want to hurt you...” his brows knitted together and he frowned.    “You won’t.” She gave him a soft smile, stretching out her foot. “Please?” He gingerly took her whole foot in one massive hand that easily dwarfed her. He sat down on a stool and squinted, hesitantly inspecting the wound.    “Are you... are you sure?” He looked up at her on the table, eyes soft and full of concern. She reached for his other hand, which he gently gave her, and pressed a soft kiss to his knuckles. He flushed and nodded. “Ok... just let me know if it hurts-“ his massive hands moved gently, deftly, cleaning away the clotting blood and dabbing around the edge of the wound. It stung, as all wounds were bound to, but she made sure to keep her face level as to not scare him. Every few seconds his eyes would dart up to hers, constantly checking in on her. He was so scared of hurting her, just as he had always been.    “I think I got all of it.” Muriel finally said, gently letting go of her foot. “You’ll want Asra to check it, I don’t want it to get worse because of me if I missed something.”    “It already feels better, love. Thank you.” She scooted forward, preparing to slide off the table. A firm hand stopped her, and Muriel shook his head.    “You shouldn’t put weight on it. And it’s dark out now- I won’t have you walking home like this. You need food- I’ve got some eggs, but ah, nothing fancier...” he scratched the back of his neck sheepishly.    “It’s perfect.” She couldn’t reach his mouth but placed another kiss on his fingers. “Thank you, Muriel.” An idea sparked in her brain. “And who said I had any intention of leaving?” Easy to blush as always, even the tips of his ears turned pink. “The night is still young-“ she watched with growing amusement as he hurriedly turned around, grabbing a poker and stoking the fire. He said nothing as he cracked eggs into a pan, and turned back towards her, still blushing, with a plate of eggs after a few minutes.    “Will you eat?” She asked, frowning, as she took a few bites.    “Later.” He shrugged. “You eat now.”    “I’m not eating if you don’t.” She pouted. Muriel frowned, wrestling back and forth with something in his head. Then he sighed. She won. And they sat for a few moments in silence, both chewing and avoiding eye contact. She was muscling up the willpower, the bravery, to go after what she wanted. “Muriel-“    “Hmm?” He glanced at her, still flushed. “Is everything ok?”    “Yes, yes- well.” She chewed on her lower lip, frowning. Muriel leaned down, trying to get a better look.    “What is it- are you hurt? Is your foot bleeding again? What do you need?” The words spilt out of his mouth as he gently turned her head from side to side, a finger propping up her chin.    “I need-“ a burst of courage. She leaned forward, upward, connecting her lips with his. He froze for a moment in shock, then immediately melted. He returned her kiss gingerly at first, then hungrily. Her hands fastened themselves in his hair as his hand pressed into the small of her back, pushing her into him. I need you. The words didn’t come out of her mouth, but from the way his mouth moved against hers, it seemed like he understood.    Leaving his hair, her hands travelled down, down his neck and across his broad, rippling shoulder muscles. She came up for air, then immediately resumed laying kisses down his neck as she gently worked the furs off his shoulders. His bare chest heaved with each heated breath, and when she made eye contact with him, his eyes burned with shocking hunger. His hands hovered over her shoulders, massive fingers too afraid to accidentally rip the delicate clothes off her body. She gave him a reassuring smile, then shrugged off her outer jacket and began to unbutton the front of her shirt.    There was a war going in Muriel’s mind- she could see it in his eyes. He was torn, as he always was, between what they both wanted and his fear of hurting her, breaking whatever was between them. She hated his torment, his fear- she wanted nothing more than to reassure him, to let him know she would be alright. He hesitated, pulling back slightly. His brows knitted together, almost appearing as one.    “You won’t hurt me, Muriel.” She murmured, hands abandoning her buttons and reaching to grab his, squeezing them as best she could. “I want you- I trust you- but if you don’t want this...”    “No- I-“ he closed his eyes, shaking his head. “Promise- promise you’ll stop me before I hurt you?” When he opened his eyes again, she bit back a gasp. They were wild, hungry, almost feral- the suppressed emotions of years spilling over. She inhaled sharply, then launched herself into his arms.    She was utterly dwarfed by him, each rippling upper arm easily larger than her whole head. Buttons popped and fell as her shirt was tugged off, leaving her top bare. “Oh god, Muriel-“ he kissed her hungrily, tongue exploring the inside of her mouth as she moaned around it. Her legs wrapped around his waist, as thick as a tree trunk. Her skirt rode up, bunching up over her thighs as she clung on to the man who pressed her bare skin into his own with the hunger of a starving man. Between her legs, wrapped around him, she could feel his excitement growing.  She rotated her hips slightly, grinding forward and pressing the front of her abdomen to his.    “Fuck-“ Muriel groaned, hands shakily gripping her sides and shoving her whole torso into him. She clung to him for dear life, biting hickeys into the scarred skin on his chest. Her hands worked down, fumbling with the button of his pants as a shudder shook his whole body. She paused for a moment, but he let out another groan and gripped her tighter. She loosened the button, finally, and his pants fell to his knees. He hadn’t been wearing anything under them, and immediately his cock sprung free and erect into the open air.    She couldn’t hold back the gasp as she rocked forward onto it, eyeing its shocking size with apprehension and delight. Muriel’s hand grabbed the fabric of her skirt, and with one sharp ripping noise, the fabric gave and fell to the floor in shreds. Now the only thing between her and his very large, very excited erection was her thin pair of underwear.    Sighing, breathing deeply as she took in great lungfuls of air, she leaned back. Muriel’s eyes met her own, sweat beading his brow and flush running wild in his cheeks. He was making small noises, almost- whimpers perhaps, with every breath he took and every press of his hand on her back, pushing her towards him. She braced herself with one palm on his chest, pressed against his heaving abdominals. She fiddled with the waistband of her underwear, trying to wiggle them free- all Muriel had to do was hook his thumb in them, and they ripped like they were made of paper.    Still held to him, braced on his firm forearm, she gently scooted back towards the table, pulling herself until she was perched on the edge, on top of her discarded jacket. Muriel followed her movement willingly, eyes darting between her face and the exposed skin that was very, very close to his erect cock which was practically twitching with need. Manoeuvring herself so she was supported by the table and still attached to Muriel, she took a couple deep breaths. Slowly, she lined herself up and began to take him within her.    He groaned loudly as he began to slip inside, her pussy was as wet as it could possibly be. Still, he was by far the biggest she’d seen, and she was... well, she was petite. She gasped as she felt the head slip in, fingers digging into his sides. Her cry seemed to shake Muriel out of his hunger, and he frowned, almost pulling away.    “Are you ok? Did I- did I hurt you?” He stumbled, looking from their joined bodies to her face and back again, nervously.    “No- no-“ she breathed out, feeling herself stretch to try and accommodate him, “no, you didn’t hurt me, not in a way I don’t like-“    “We can stop, oh gosh, I’m so sorry-“ He was starting to panic, and she knew she needed to reassure him.    “Muriel, shh. It’s ok. I’m ok. It feels good. Trust me, I know what I’m doing.” She trailed her fingers along his forearms, nails barely scraping the skin. He shuddered.    “I don’t want to lose control- what if I hurt you?”    “I trust that you won’t.” She gave him a small smile, wiggling and pushing herself a little farther down on him. “Do you trust me?”    “Yes.” It was said without hesitation.    “Then let go.” She took a deep breath, then pulled hard. Stars burst in front of her eyes as she slammed down onto him, taking him as deep as she thought she could go. Her fingers gouged into his sides, but he didn’t notice- his eyes had closed as he gripped one of her legs in each of his hands, looking completely lost in the sensations.    Her own thoughts came jumbled as he started to move, thrusting slowly into her. She moaned loudly, feeling every inch of him moving inside her. She felt full- painfully so- but as he moved inside her with a grunt she loved every ounce of it. Pleasure and pain mixed beautifully as she let him have his way, thrusting slowly at first, then faster. She looked down and her eyes widened as she saw a distinct outline of his cock, moving back and forth beneath her abdomen. He was so large he created a bulge, practically re-organizing her internal organs as he thrust deeper. “Muriel-“ she gasped, before crying out as he thrust deeper. She felt pressure beginning to pool, nerve endings afire.    Muriel’s thrusts were becoming deeper, faster, more erratic- he was losing himself in it. She held on as best she could, allowing her body to shake and move with his. There was a fire in her stomach, the burn as Muriel’s cock reached points that had never, could never have been reached before. Her body shook in tune with his, connected at that pivotal point. As he moved, she moved, feeling him explore her as she clung to him. Muriel’s eyes widened as he looked down at her, at the bulge of his dick inside her, reaching hesitantly as if to touch it.    “Fuck-“ she moaned, grabbing his hand and placing it atop the swell in her abdomen. He gasped, almost drawing back as he looked into her pleasure-hazed eyes, searching for any indication of pain. Seeing none, he allowed her hand to press down on the bulge. “-Oh, Muriel-“ she gasped as he added pressure, sending her nerve endings into overdrive. He squeezed, feeling every inch of him inside of her, massaging both of them together. “Muriel, I’m going to-“ she cried out as he roars her name, meeting her own cry of his own. He comes hard, more cum thank she can contain. It drips out of her before he even starts to pull out.    They’re gasping in unison, sweat dripping from both of their bodies. She tried to find her tongue, but she could only stare at the bulge in her belly and into his flushed face.    “Oh- I’m sorry-“ Muriel stuttered, supporting her back as he set her back on the table and pulled out. Excess cum splattered to the floor, and his blush deepened.    “You have nothing to be sorry for, love.” She cupped his face gently with one trembling hand.    “Thank you... er, I hope you’re ok?” He scratched the back of his neck, shy again.    “It was wonderful, Muriel.” She sat up as far as she could in order to place a quick kiss on his lips. “I loved every moment.” She glanced down at her belly, still swollen and slowly leaking cum. “I hope you did too.” She glanced around at the remnants of her clothes, smiling. She scooted forward, towards the edge of the table, intending to hop down. “Ooh-“ everything was very tender. Even the smallest movement caused her to ache as if he was still buried deep inside her.    “Let me.” Muriel swiftly lifted her up, cradling her in his arms once more. She purred happily, caressing his bicep with one hand as he carried her towards his bed in the corner. He set her down gently, her tired and sore body relaxing as he tugged the soft sheets and woollen quilt over her. He turned to go- but she caught his hand with one of her own.    “Stay?” She asked, giving him her best impression of Inanna's puppy-dog eyes. He melted. He climbed into bed behind her, tugging her into his bare chest. They were both a mess, but she happily wriggled backwards, tucking herself into his embrace. They fit together, like two puzzle pieces.    As she drifted off, she could have sworn she heard Muriel whisper a soft “I love you.”    “I love you too.” She replied quietly, slipping into a deep sleep.
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You Look Like Trouble (Morning Glory Wine - Cable/OC
Here’s chapter eight!
Issa lot of booty.
(And as always, not to be that person but if you’ve got the time and the inclination, kudos or a comment would be greatly appreciated.)
Taglist: @this-that-and-every-thing-else  @ptite-shit  @lesbianyondu @chromecutie  @gallifreyangrandtorino  @ra-ra-rasputiin  @akihecko @bigstarlightkingdom  @buckyjefferson  @lenavonschweetz
Four a.m. was an early night for both Vivian and Cable. Vivian rarely got in from Sister Margaret's before 2AM and sometimes ended up closing the bar with Weasel at 6AM, depending on the clientele that night. Vivian was exhausted after an already-long night of stitching up criminals and snuggling with a mercenary she’d almost kicked out of her backroom office before said snuggling occurred, but she didn’t feel like sleeping. She’d slept on the ride home, but with Cable now standing in her kitchen, she was more than wide awake.
Vivian figured that she had to be crazy to have invited him in. She had to have lost it, she decided. Both she and Cable had dark circles under their eyes and the night wasn’t even finished. She’d never invited a guy in after a fight, not even Jack when they'd still been married. And certainly not in the last five years (to be fair, she hadn’t been near anyone in the last five years, but that was beside the point). It was just him. Cable and his stubborn gruffness, his deep voice, those muscles - and the compassion that he did his best to keep hidden.
Everything about him was strange and out of place in her cozy little apartment. The mechanical arm and eye, the obviously anachronistic weapons hanging off his hip, even the obligatory tight-shirt-and-cargo-pants mercenary uniform. His rugged appearance was resolutely different from her sensible little kitchen, but as soon as he dropped the weapons and sat down at her kitchen table, it became strange to think that he’d never been there before.
Well, she certainly wasn’t going to kick him out, that’s for sure. Yeah, they still had shit to work through - a lot of it. But this was cozy, comforting. As if they’d known each other for years. As if this was no different than every other Saturday night. And it scared the hell out of both of them.
“Coffee?” Vivian asked, fishing out a new coffee filter for the machine and two mugs. “I’ve got decaf too if you don’t want a case of the jitters..”
“Full strength will do just fine, please and thank you,” Cable replied, elbows on the table. He watched her fuss with the coffeemaker, almost smiling behind his hands. He’d seen her fuss over people before, himself and Wade in particular, and her fussing over the coffeemaker wasn’t so different from that. “Not a fan of decaf.”
“My kind of man,” Vivian replied, pausing when she realized what she said. “Well, if you couldn’t already tell.”
“This would be an awkward predicament if I wasn’t.”
“I certainly wouldn’t be making you coffee at four a.m. if you weren’t.”
Vivian poured two mugs of coffee, handed him one, and sat down at the table. She knew she looked a mess - the dark circles (and darkening further) that never seemed to go away; long, dark hair pulled up in a high bun; old jeans and a t-shirt. Not that it mattered much at four a.m. what state of disarray she might be in, especially when Cable looked at her like that anyway. She felt prickly, anxious, like she was being poked with needles. It was probably because the extent of her physical contact with anyone in the past five-ish years had been Wade’s hugs. It couldn’t be that Cable looked fucking delicious even after a long-ass day of no-telling what he did during the day.
She took a sip of coffee and found the taste of that particular sip to be the best thing she’d ever put in her mouth. It was a welcome rush of heat after a long, long day. And she would probably enjoy it even more, but the problem was she couldn’t quite sit still.
“Are you hungry?” Vivian asked, leaving her coffee on the table and jumping up to open the fridge. She pulled out everything that looked kind of good - mostly just a loaf of bread and some peanut butter for sandwiches. She liked to cook, but she didn’t have time. And why she was pulling out food, she couldn’t say, but it seemed like the appropriate thing to do.
Cable smiled around the rim of his mug, taking a sip of his coffee. “Viv.”
“What?” she asked, halfway through pulling plates out of her cabinet.
“You nervous?” he asked gently, still smiling. She’d never seen him smile this much, not since she’d met him. It was a good look on him, soft against the otherwise rugged aesthetic.
“No, no, I just…” she realized that she was, in fact, fidgeting like a madwoman. “I’m the one who invited you in. I’m too fucking old to be nervous about…”
Cable lifted an eyebrow, sitting his mug down. “No, you’re not too old to be nervous. I’m nervous too, if it makes you feel better.”
"You don't show it."
"I've had a lot of practice hiding it.”
Well, if macho man can be nervous and admit to it, she supposed she could give him the same courtesy. Vivian pulled the plates down and closed the cabinet with a sigh. “I guess I am, too. It just feels… It’s strange to go from feeling like a sad teenager after a bad fight to… maybe having something after nothing at all for so long.”
“No stranger than falling for someone after losing your entire family.”
Vivian sighed. “Look, if I pushed this too far too soon -”
Cable stood up, making his way over to her. He tugged the plates out of her hand gently and put them down on the table. “Listen to me, Vivian. I want to be here. I wouldn’t have come in if I didn’t.”
“Especially not at 4AM.”
“Especially not at 4AM."
With that, Vivian reached up, took his face in her hands, and kissed him. This kiss wasn't like the first one they’d shared weeks ago - that one had been all closeness and heat and intimacy. This kiss was ravenous, hungry and a little desperate. Cable kissed back with just enough force to drive her back against the kitchen counter, bracing his palms against the marble countertop on either side of her.
The world was, at that moment, reduced to its barest form: Cable's mouth on hers, hard body pressing her back against the kitchen counter, and his insufferable inability to figure out what to do with his hands. Words were a silly idea, a logical fallacy of the highest order. And if her brain hadn't gone a little fuzzy, she'd be annoyed that she was still in the kitchen (trying to avoid getting smushed against the food sitting out) and not being fucked stupid into her own cozy mattress. No, in that moment she was really only annoyed that Cable still had clothes on.
After a few gasping breaths, Cable pulled back away from her. "I'm fine with doing this in the kitchen, but…"
"I think we're gonna need a bed if you let me do what I've got in mind," Vivian interjected, hands still cupping his face. His eyes were dark, and she could just barely see the glimmer of red behind his left eye.
He licked his lips, tongue gently poking out past his teeth. "I'm all yours, darlin’. Whatever you've got in mind."
Vivian wrapped his arms around his neck. "First room on the left down the hall."
Cable slid his arms underneath her ass and picked her up. "Yes, ma'am."
Cable must have had a little super-strength mixed in with his list of abilities because he didn’t stumble even once under their combined weight. He didn’t quite make it to the bedroom before Cable pressed her up against the wall, lips and teeth sucking at the hollow of her throat.
Vivian couldn’t seem to keep her hands off of his face. She pressed her palms to his cheeks so that she could draw him in for another kiss, unwilling to let him go long enough to let him take her the final three steps past the bedroom door.
“Wait just a second,” Cable gasped, pulling away just long enough hoist her up higher. "Let me adjust..."
“What’re you telling me to wait for?” Vivian asked, hooking a finger under his chin. “You’re the one who stopped at the door.”
Cable grinned, adjusted his grip on Vivian’s waist, and shoved open the bedroom door.
Vivian’s room was smartly furnished, if a little minimalist. There was a dresser shoved into one corner and a desk in the other. Not that it mattered - the only important bit of furniture in the room at that moment was the bed pushed against the back wall.
Cable collapsed on the bed, bringing Vivian down with him in a tangle of limbs, teeth, and tongue. She straddled his lap and pressed her hands against his chest, pulling away from him (if not a little unwillingly).
“Seriously, though,” she started. “It’s been, like, a long time since I’ve… and it wasn’t good last time and-”
“That’s alright,” Cable replied, brushing her hair back out of her face. “I think we both need to take it easy. We’ve got all night. Well, all morning.”
She'd never seen that look on a man's face before - a look of such understanding and tenderness that her breath caught in her throat. For all his gruff exterior, the manly macho attitude, he could empathize with her. This was different for both of them - him, after he'd essentially lost his family to the literal test of time and her, letting someone in for the first time in years.
"Thank you." Vivian hugged him. “For understanding."
"Nothin' to thank me for," Cable said. "This is new for me, too."
"We'll just take it slow."
He raised an eyebrow. He tended to like it slow anyway. "And that's not necessarily a bad thing."
Vivian shifted in his lap. She could feel his cock against her thigh through his clothes, half-hard and hot. "Not a bad thing at all."
Cable slid his hands up under her shirt and tugged it over her head before pulling his own shirt off. He picked her up against and twisted them around so that she was on her back, head almost knocking against the headboard, and he was wedged securely between her thighs.
Vivian watched him pull his shirt off. She wasn't fixated on the metal arm - she'd seen it more than a few times and had the techno-virus issue explained to her. She was a little fascinated by how far the virus extended over his body, but that could be chalked up to scientific fascination. No, what she was fixated on appealed to the very basic instinct of the little reptilian part of her brain that only thinks in terms of sex pleasure satisfaction want want want. He was fucking ripped.
Vivian wasted no time in running her hands along the corded muscle criss-crossing his body. "Are you kidding me? I haven't been to the gym in six months and you've got a fucking eight-pack. Are you even real?"
"Oh, I'm very real," Cable laughed and reached under her back to snap the clasp on her bra. "And I know the bra trick, too."
"You're not real. I'm dreaming." Vivian wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him close for another kiss. Yep, that was all of him pressed against her thigh now. "Well, I guess you are real."
"You're awfully chatty when you're worked up," Cable teased. "I don't think I've ever seen you this talkative."
"I talk a lot when I'm nervous."
“If you need me to stop, you say the word."
"Oh, no, I'm doing great right now." Vivian paused, shivering as Cable pressed his mouth just below her ear. "I talk a lot when I'm horny, too. So you really never know where it's coming from."
"Well, let's see if I can calm you down."
Cable crawled down her body, pressing kisses to her neck and down her chest, sucking bruises into her skin. His mouth slipped across one nipple and then the other, fingers pinching and pulling at the one not currently occupied by his mouth. Vivian raked her hands through his hair, holding his head in place as he grazed her nipple with his teeth.
She grabbed at his shoulders as he mouthed down her belly, all the way to her navel. He dipped his tongue just under the waistband of her pants before licking a stripe back up her body and biting her nipples again.
“You’re gonna kill me-”
Cable kissed her neck, her cheek, the corner of her mouth. “Relax for me. I’ve got you.”
“Easier said than done, but I’ll do it for you.”
Cable trailed his lips back down her body, and this time, he didn’t stop at her waistband. He peeled her jeans off of her and threw them in a heap on the floor at the foot of the bed. He hooked her legs over his shoulders, spreading her thighs wide for him and bracing her hip with his nonhuman hand. It was cold against her skin at first but warmed up quickly.
He started down near her knees, trailing his lips up her inner thigh, sucking and biting as he went. He left marks up all the way up her thighs, then switched to the other just as his lips hovered over her cunt. She huffed when he started on her other thigh, impatient and needing relief.
He slid his fingers in, one after the other until he could fit three fingers knuckle-deep into her cunt. He pumped his hand slowly, pressing the pad of his thumb against her clit and moving in slow, even circles. He trailed his mouth along the line of her clit, tongue flicking out to press and tease her cunt. Vivian gripped his hair, fingernails scrabbling over the short military cut.
“Nate, come on, that’s enough teasing-”
The sound of his name got Cable to look up at her. He seemed surprised. “What did you call me?”
Vivian blinked, a hard twinge of fear stabbing through her stomach. “Sorry, I guess I should have asked first…”
“Say it again.”
Cable stared up at her, eyebrows raised. “Say my name again.”
“You want me to call you ‘Nate?’”
“Yes,” he said, none too gently. His voice strained with want, as if just hearing her call his name tested his willpower.
And of course, that gave Vivian an idea. She had never been able to just relax in a situation, never been able to just lay back and enjoy what was being done to her. She needed a little control. In fact, that would probably help with the fluttering nervousness in her stomach.
“You like when I say your name?” Vivian asked, fingers scratching at the back of his scalp.
Cable crawled back up so that his hands were placed firmly on both sides of her head. “Yes.”
“Why don’t you show me how much you like it?” Vivian said, sitting up. She bent to kiss him, stretching up onto her elbows. She tasted herself on his lips.
“What have you got in mind?” Cable asked.
“Take your pants off and find out.”
Cable chuckled and did as she asked, stripping down until he was completely naked. She had him sit on the bed and straddled his lap, pushing him to lean back against the headboard.
Vivian braced herself on her knees, lowering herself down over his lap. She slid herself down over his cock, just brushing against him. He jumped as she lowered herself down, watching intently, his eye flashing red in the half-light. She gripped his shoulders for leverage and leaned down to bite his earlobe, the hollow of his throat, until she claimed his lips in another kiss. She rubbed his cock just enough to get him all slicked up and aching, until he was moaning in her ear.
“Jesus, that feels so good,” Cable breathed, gripping her hips. “You gonna fuck me, baby?”
“Maybe I’ll tease you until you say please,” Vivian replied, grinding down just a little harder.
“It won’t take much more, I can promise you that.”
Vivian eased up enough to sit back on his thighs and get herself positioned comfortably. She took the base of his cock in her hands, pumping gently - not that he needed any more help at this point. He was hard and flushed red from root to tip, heavy in her hand and ready for her to sink down on.
“Hold on,” Cable said, voice strained. “Condom?”
“Baby factory doesn’t work.”
“Then go for it.”
Vivian sank down on him, working herself down slowly so that she could stretch to accommodate his size. He was good and slicked up from her just rubbing on him, so it wasn’t a hard stretch. She heard him sigh, heard him call her name, before she lifted herself up and sank down on him again.
“Fuck, baby,” he breathed, leaning his head back against the headboard. His fingers dug into her hips, searching for anything to grab.
“You like that?”
“I like that.”
She sank down on him harder, deep as she could go, until he was almost lifting her up and slamming her back down himself. He called her name again, one right after the other, peppered in between fuck and yes and his deep, gruff groans. Finally, he grabbed her hips, lifted her off of him, and flipped her on her back, settling down between her legs. He slid his cock back in, looking for any kind of friction he could manage.
“You’re so fucking tight,” he groaned in her ear. “So wet for me, baby. You want me to fuck you like this? Nice and hard like this?”
“Look who’s chatty now,” Vivian breathed, making him smile against her skin. “Keep fucking me, Nate.”
“Say that again.”
“Fuck me, Nate,” Vivian said, digging her nails into his back. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him in as close as she could. “Just like that.”
“My name sounds so good in your mouth, darlin’,” he said, slamming his hips against hers. “I’m close.”
Vivian nodded. “I’m ready.”
Cable pressed down against her so that they were chest to chest as he thrust once, twice, and came with her name in his mouth. Vivian followed right before him, squeezing every bit of him that she could manage with her hands as she clenched down around him. He rode out his release, pumping his hips slowly until he could ease out. He pressed his forehead against hers, breathing heavy, before kissing her forehead and rolling onto his side.
He ran his fingers down her side, following the line of her hip. “You okay?”
Vivian kissed him, throwing her leg over his. “Never better.”
They’d been asleep for maybe a couple of hours before a knock sounded at the door. Vivian wouldn’t have heard it at all had she been sleeping by herself, but it was hard to stay asleep when she wasn’t used to someone being in the bed next to her. Especially someone naked who looked as good as Cable did disheveled from sleep. Cable, on the other hand, was a light sleeper anyway and would have woken up from a pin dropping in the next room over.
Vivian rubbed her eyes and sat up on the edge of the bed. Cable grabbed her hip, scooting her in close to him. “Want me to get that?”
“No,” Vivian replied, standing up to stretch. She searched around for the first shirt she saw and something that kind of looked like shorts on her floor. “It’s 9AM. I guarantee I know who’s at my door.”
“If it’s that clown in the red suit-”
Vivian pulled on the clothes she found and bent down to kiss him good morning. “I will send him promptly on his way with no cookies, nor milk. Or coffee. That’s usually why he gets here this early.”
“Go get rid of him,” Cable replied, stretching before throwing the covers off of himself. “I’ll make breakfast after you slam the door in his face.”
“My hero.”
The knocking was getting louder and was now punctuated by Wade’s sing-songing voice. She almost wanted to see how long he would do it before either giving up or having the cops called on him. She could bet that calling the cops would happen before he gave up. But she wanted breakfast and five minutes awake with Cable before the both of them had to go get the day started.
Vivian opened the door and made sure to block the entrance so that Wade couldn’t push straight past her. “Can I help you?”
“Well, hello! Good morning to me.” Wade said, looking up Vivian up and down and whistling. “I was just in the neighborhood and noticed a blue truck parked next to your car in a place where there usually isn’t a blue truck. And I find you this morning wearing the shirt a certain Grumpy Daddy was wearing yesterday and a pair of boxers I guarantee you don’t own.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Vivian said, grinning. “These are my pajamas.”
“Don’t you lie to me. You wear those Pikachu pants I bought you to sleep in.”
“Well, I wear these under the Pikachu pants.”
“Come on, McSteamy! You’ve got to tell me all about it!” Wade whined, on the verge of outright begging. “Viv, he’s still here this morning. I want all the dirty details, right on down to what Grumpypants says in bed.”
Vivian nodded, pretending to hear him out. “Still don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Viv, for the love of God, just say yes or no. Was the dick good?”
And she promptly slammed the door in his face. She locked every lock so that there was no chance of him getting in short of literally breaking down her door. She could still hear him yelling out her name, trying to get her to come let him back in.
Vivian padded into the kitchen where she found Cable searching through her fridge. He was still naked, considering that she was wearing his clothes. “You won’t find much in there to make breakfast with, I’m afraid. I don’t have time to eat here that often.”
“There’s eggs and bacon. Looks like a good breakfast to me.”
Vivian sat down at the table and watched him get to work. He’d already set to making a pot of coffee. “I’m gonna put in some clinic hours today. Want to take a shower with me after breakfast?”
“Yes ma’am,” Cable replied, sitting down at the table across from her. He handed her a steaming mug of coffee and took one for himself. He peered over at the stove every now and then to check on the eggs and bacon. “I’ve got a job to do after lunch, but it won’t take me long.”
“So, I’ll see you tonight then?” Vivian asked,taking a sip from her mug.
“Mhm. And we’ll get a good night’s sleep after that.”
Vivian had put in her hours at the clinic and headed right over to Xavier’s mansion. She still had a month left of working her clinic hours, but after that she’d be moving permanently back into the mansion. As she walked down the hallways of her old home, she wondered if her room was occupied or if it had remained empty all these years. Surely Colossus had boarded another new trainee. Maybe she’d finally get a bigger room…
She sat down at the kitchen table with Colossus and waited for Wade to show up. He’d been living at the mansion for months now, ever since Colossus had pieced him back together after Vanessa’s death. Really, of all the people at the table, she was the one who should have been late - not Wade. And yet, he always seemed to run on his own schedule unless he had a job to do.
“So, this is what we are going to do,” Colossus said, clicking his pen. He’d been doodling on his notepad while he waited for Vivian to get comfortable and was more than done with waiting for Wade to pop in. “We are going to create a game plan.”
Just then, Wade popped into the kitchen. He plunked himself down at the table on the other side of Colossus, peering over the larger man’s shoulder. “Well, Uncle Wade’s coming along no matter what, so I’m just gonna sit in on this one.”
Colossus wrinkled his nose, the easiest way to determine that he thought something was a bad idea. “I am not sure that is a good idea, Wade.”
It usually wasn’t a great idea to bring Wade along on any mission that required tact, but Vivian kept her mouth shut on that one. She couldn’t take part, so she didn’t have much to contribute. This was Colossus’s area of expertise, not hers.
“I mean, what’s the worst that can happen? We knock on the door to take the bastard’s kids and he pulls a gun on us?” Wade asked, snorting. “I’ve got bad news for him.”
“He won’t be able to do anything,” Vivian said. She fidgeted with the edge of the tablecloth. It was something Colossus had picked out, clearly - it was minimalist and a little utilitarian, but it was clean and crisp from being freshly laundered. “The X-Men aren’t subject to the government. If you’re coming to get Benji and Shelly, Jack doesn’t have a choice but to give them up.”
Colossus scribbled with his pen. “Be that as it may, I am still not sure if you should be the one to go with me, Wade.”
“I’ll go.”
A voice sounded from the kitchen door, gruff and deep. The three turned to find Cable leaning against the doorway, fully dressed in his usual uniform of cargo pants, skin-tight t-shirt, and utility bag (Wade still wouldn’t give up the fanny pack joke - Vivian tended to agree but she didn’t mention it). He strode in and took a seat at the table next to Vivian, crossing his legs under the table.
“Well, howdy stranger,” Vivian grinned. “What are you doing here?”
“I live here,” he replied.
“You could have mentioned that,” Vivian said, bumping his shoulder with hers.
“You didn’t ask.”
Wade reached all the way around Colossus and clapped Cable on the back. “Glad to have you on board, Marty McFly! What a way to meet your new girlfriend’s kids, huh?”
“Are you sure about that, Cable?” Colossus asked, watching him carefully. Colossus still had a hard time trusting Cable, but he’d never made it known. He accepted that his wariness also came from a place of protectiveness, but Vivian was a big girl and could handle herself just fine.
Vivian mirrored Colossus’s concern. “I kind of agree with Colossus here. Wade can handle this just fine.”
Cable shrugged. “I’m not gonna kill the guy. Probably.”
“Hey, hey, I’m going whether Cable goes or not!” Wade snapped.
“Enough!” Colossus said, tearing the sheet out of his notepad and crumpling it up. “The three of us will go. We will keep this as peaceful as possible.”
“And if we get a few good headshots in, no harm done!”
Vivian smacked Wade’s arm. “If you traumatize my children, I will find a way to kill you.”
“Colossus will cover their eyes, Cable and I will take aim.”
Cable put his hand on the back of Vivian’s chair. “We’ll take care of it.”
“I trust you. All of you. On varying levels, but I can’t go with you so I’m going to have to trust you.”
21 notes · View notes
thewritewolf · 5 years
Rekindle Chapter 25: Puss in Boots
Adrien and Marinette discuss the Mayor’s celebration over breakfast.
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“A party, huh? About time we got some recognition.” Plagg swallowed the cheese wedge he had been working on whole, then floated towards the refrigerator.
“For once, I’m with Plagg on this,” Adrien said as he sat at the kitchen table. They hadn’t been awake for very long, but Marinette had already brought up Mayor Andre’s upcoming banquet at the city hall. “It’s nice to be rewarded for our good deeds, even if it is just an event in our honor.”
Marinette finished the eggs and toast she had made them for breakfast, sitting across from Adrien as they dug in. She gestured at him with a fork. “You make it sound like we’ve gone unappreciated all this time. We were barely a year into this when we got the first statue built for us, remember?” He conceded the point with a nod and they ate in silence for a few moments. “So… do you want to go?”
Adrien smirked. “Why, my lady, are you asking me to be your partner at the ball?”
“Not if you’re going to be weird about it,” she said with a teasing lilt to her voice. “Besides, it won’t be like a super fancy ball… right?” She’d done some sketches last night while waiting to become tired and none of them would work for a high class function.
Unfortunately, Adrien shook his head. “No, Andre has really gone all out for bigger, fancier parties in the last few years. I guess his businesses are doing pretty good or something? At least he has more money to flaunt. Anyway, he tends to prefer more high class gatherings these days. My…” He cleared his throat. “Gabriel and I were always invited.”
“But… everyone is invited to this one!” Even as she said that, her mind was thinking of new designs, the old ones effectively dead to her now.
“I’m sure he said that, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he turned away anyone not in a decent suit.” He took another bite and added without looking up. “It used to be that you had to have an Agreste wardrobe to enter, but something tells me that particular restriction isn’t going to be present this time around.”
Marinette absently stirred her coffee with a frown as she considered what Adrien had said. “So Gabriel and Andre were… friends then?”
To her surprise, he scoffed. “I don’t think he had friends, exactly. But they certainly had connections with each other.” He stared into his coffee, both hands wrapped around his cup as he set it on the table. “Maybe that’s why Andre is making this such a public event. Trying to distance himself from Gabriel as much as possible.”
“Maybe.” She smiled brightly, prying one of his hands off the cup and to hold it. “But that doesn’t mean we can’t have a good time. Assuming you still want to go?”
In an instant, the gloom that had started to surround him vanished. He returned her smile. “If you’re there, I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
“There’s my sweet kitty,” she whispered while gently running a hand along his cheek. More loudly, she asked, “Do you need me to design your outfit? I’ll be making mine, so it might be nice to be matching.”
He shook his head. “You’re amazing, but I don’t think there is enough time for you to make us both something. Besides, I think I’ve already got an idea.” He leaned back in his chair and looked towards the refrigerator. “Right, Plagg?”
Annoyed, the black kwami floated out of the appliance. “What are you on about, kid?”
“We can make modifications to our suits, right?”
“Yeah, I guess…” Plagg replied grudgingly.
“Then it shouldn’t be a problem for me to look like a musketeer?”
“Ughhh, that sounds like a lot of work.” Not for the first time, Marinette wondered how diligent, efficient Tikki had managed to put up with Plagg for this long. Or how Adrien had, for that matter.
“There’s camembert in it for you.”
“What do you think I’m eating now?” Plagg waved a wedge of cheese about as large as he was in front of Adrien.
“About as much camembert as you’ll be getting for the next month if you don’t help me.”
With a dramatic gasp, Plagg replied, “You wouldn’t.”
“You’d be surprised how far I’d be willing to go for love.”
As Plagg floated away, grumbling, Marinette asked, “Musketeer?”
“Yeah! That way I can be my lady’s dashing knight.”
She put her dishes away and returned to kiss Adrien’s cheek. “Aw, kitty. You’ll always be my dashing knight, no matter what you’re wearing.” As he beamed under her compliment she grinned and added, “My own little puss in boots. You’ll be so cute!”
“...I think I’ll stick with dashing knight, if it’s all the same to you.”
He stood up to take his own dishes to the sink, only to have Marinette hug him around the waist and obnoxiously yell into his chest, “PUSS. IN. BOOTS.”
Chuckling, he tried to shove her off, but failed to shift her. She assumed because he didn’t want to hurt her. “You're a ridiculous woman!”
Chin on his chest and looking up into his eyes, she murmured, “I am your ridiculous woman.”
He returned the hug after setting down his plate. “And I’m grateful for you always.”
“There’s my dashing knight.” Leaning forward on her toes, she caught his lips with hers. The day had officially begun.
The two weeks passed uneventfully as the two of them made their preparations for the party. It had taken some negotiating and fine tuning, but he had managed to get the suit done in just the way he had been envisioning it. His wide brimmed hat had a light green feather tucked inside it, to match his full black musketeer uniform. The only part of his suit he’d been unable to alter were his ears, mask, and baton. At least Marinette hadn’t seemed to mind.
Now it was the night of the party and Adrien found himself pacing nervously in their living room. It was the first time in months that he’d be out in public and expected to be social. While it would be as Chat Noir rather than Adrien, he was still worried. Even if he knew he had no reason to be afraid. For now, he stuffed those thoughts aside as he waited for Marinette to emerge in her dress. Despite his curiosity, he’d deliberately avoided watching Marinette work on her gown specifically to give this reveal all the more impact. And as she stepped out of their shared bedroom, he was glad that he did.
She’d really outdone herself this time, the pinnacle of class with her strapless, sweetheart neckline dress. The bodice of her dress was black, but with red Swarovski Crystals scattered across it. As his eyes floated downward, he noted the many layered chiffon ball gown and saw her genius unfold. While the first layer was black, it was semi-transparent, showing off the red with black polka dots of the lower layers. It was subtle and refined, but gorgeous. His eyes snapped to hers as she giggled. He caught a glimpse of a familiar ruby necklace that had caught his attention during a patrol a few days ago, and a less familiar bejeweled ladybug clip in her hair.
“See something you like, minou?” She gave him a smirk and she stopped in front of him, her red strappy pumps clicking against the wood floor.
“Only everything,” he said as he kissed her hand. He held out his arm for her. Once she had taken it, they made their way out of the apartment. “Are you ready to arrive at this party in style?”
“If by ‘style’ you mean, ‘the arms of a superhero,’ then yes. Though you might have to give me a couple minutes after we land to fix anything.”
He chuckled as they stepped onto the streets and he scooped her into his arms and pulled out his baton. “As you wish, my lady.”
To Marinette’s immense relief, they managed to get in without any trouble and were having a good time in the middle of their fifth song of the night. And despite her fears of being overdressed, they weren’t too out of place. Honestly, the only thing that set them apart from the crowd was-
“Gaudy stuff here tonight, isn’t it?” Chat whispered into her ear as they slow danced on the open floor, his hands on her hips and her arms around his neck. She had her head against his chest, quietly enjoying the fact that despite the modifications, his suit still smelled like leather and Adrien. “Not at all like what you made.”
“That’s… Well...” She bit her lip, trying to be tactful. But he was right, most of the outfits were a spectacle, sure, but they weren’t good quality. Already the floor was starting to get a fine layer of red and black dust from what was flaking off the worst outfits present. She shook her head, lips curling slightly in disgust at the poor craftsmanship. “I get the feeling some shops made a killing these last couple weeks.”
Chat snorted. “No wonder. The mayor kinda threw that theme out at the last minute, didn’t he? And not everyone has a master seamstress on hand to custom make dresses at the drop of a hat.”
“I’m not a master yet, but… thanks. And you’ve got a fair point. It all seems kinda last minute, doesn’t it?”
She was about to comment on a lack of Mayor Andre, but then the lights cut out except for a spotlight on the stage. The slow dance music was swapped out for something generic yet vaguely patriotic. Stepping into the light was the mayor himself. She didn’t feel like it had been that long since she had seen him in person last - as Ladybug, she often bumped shoulders with the man, whether she wanted to or not. Something about him always felt a little sleazy, even if he covered it up with his wealth and prestige.
The man now on the stage, however, felt like someone else entirely. He seemed to have aged twenty years in the span of a couple months and despite his wide smile, she could see the panic in his eyes, and the fear that he was barely able to conceal under a layer of false confidence, proved by the sweat dripping down his face.
Mayor Andre began his speech - something about rallying together and putting the past behind them. It quickly became clear that Marinette wasn’t alone in her observations. She picked up the words, ‘scandal’ and ‘corruption’ in the whispering around her. Maybe Adrien wasn’t too far off in his guess about why the festivities were being held in the first place.
A slight murmur washed across the room and Marinette pulled away from Chat, suddenly on alert as her eyes snapped back to the stage. Her eyes widened as she saw the mayor clutch at his chest and fall to his knees. Before anyone could do anything, the doors to the outside burst open, letting in five men covered head to toe in jagged, black plate armor, brandishing two handed swords. The crowd panicked as four of them began charging towards them, leaving the fifth to approach the mayor.
She glanced over at Chat Noir, who was watching her in turn. She nodded to him and a spark passed between them, a moment of perfect understanding.
They were still heroes, and these people needed their help.
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agustdomain · 6 years
Steal My Heart Away
Synopsis: It seemed it was time heartbreak sought you out, yet it was unexpected that the boy who stole your heart would deal you that painful hand. 
Word Count: 17 k
Genre: Angst 
Warnings: Language, mentions of underage drinking
Member: Hyunjin, ft. Mark lee and Donghyuck as best friends
A/N: This is a different universe from Running Circles Through My Mind, so this is not the same Hyunjin from that work! Nonetheless, hope you enjoy! Also this isn’t entirely edited, so my apologies if some of the errors are atrocious!
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10:21 pm and your head was in the clouds.
More specifically, there was something in particular that had been plaguing you for the last few hours. A fatal flaw of yours would definitely be your tendency to overanalyze. Often, your best friends pointed out how much you would get stuck on things, overthink, and proceed to overwhelm yourself. You couldn’t blame yourself though, there was too much surrounding you and there were too many things to experience; how could they not expect you to analyze?
Here you were now, three hours after hanging out with your friends, and your best friend’s words still plagued your thoughts. It had been a simple enough night. Your four best friends and you had decided to hit up a diner after school, sitting around and chattering about whatever sprung to mind. Nancy was quiet as usual, not speaking up too much but whatever she said held some weight. She was the nicest out of you all, but if she did happen to show her shady side, it was mostly directed toward Donghyuck.
Donghyuck, the loud and boisterous one of your little clan. He was definitely sassy and shameless, and you happened to admire how confident he was in himself. He hardly ever showed a vulnerable side to himself, especially to you. You had yet to witness it firsthand, and you were unsure you would ever get to see it. After all, he loved putting on a show for anyone near, and he would hate to be perceived as someone other than his exuberant and dramatic self.
The other male counterpart of the group was none other than your childhood friend, Mark. Well, you weren’t sure if fifth grade counted as ‘childhood’, but you liked to constantly bring up how the both of you knew each other the longest. Without Donghyuck around, he was calm and- daresay- mature. However, if Donghyuck was around, a brighter version of himself was brought out. Sometimes it was a lot to handle, but you adored the two boys and wouldn’t trade out their personalities if ever given the opportunity. Mark was the friend that you went to if something was bothering you, or if something too personal to share with the group was plaguing you. For as long as you could remember, he was one of the only people you confide in about nearly everything.
Your remaining friend was the drop dead gorgeous Tzuyu- who Donghyuck liked to jokingly call Chewy, with an emphasis on how her name sounds exactly like a certain Star Wars character. At first glance, your stunning friend seemed shy and quiet. But around you and your friends, she was just as bold as Donghyuck. She was passionate and stuck up for what she believed in, and she always lifted everyone up. She was definitely someone who you loved having around, and throughout your four years of high school she had became an essential friend.
Some of your other peers had often pointed out that the five of you, upon first seeing the group, seemed like an odd little clan. The troublemaker Donghyuck, the mature yet popular Mark, bookish and charming Nancy, model-like athlete Tzuyu- and you, a supposed ‘theatre queen’- were a clan that seemed… unusual. But when looking past the surface, it all made sense. Donghyuck and Mark were two peas in a pod, doing everything from tying their laces for one another and crazy handshakes together. Tzuyu was a big sister and a life of the party all in one. Nancy was the sense of the group, reminding you all to take it easy, and holding a lot of wisdom behind her gentle eyes and voice. You were a listener, being the group’s backbone and offering up advice if necessary. All of you played an essential role to the dynamic, and it had been that way all of your high school career. Four years later, and things were the same.
On this particular day, the same day that led to you drowning in your thoughts, plenty of different topics had bloomed across the confined diner table. The previous topic had been upcoming finals in a few weeks, and Mark’s bummed out nature caused Donghyuck to try and liven the atmosphere by his senseless rambling. Eventually, Tzuyu had cut him off and started talking about an upcoming cross country meet that she had and how her time had been improving recently.
“That’s good to hear, Chewy. I bet you’re smoking all of them out on the track,” Donghyuck said distractedly, dunking one of his fries into ketchup.
Tzuyu sighed exasperatedly. “That’s like the third time you’ve said that whenever I bring up cross country.”
He looked up, his eyes wide as he was caught red-handed before his voice became shrill in defense, “It’s not my fault! You’re always talking about your running time improving! What else am I supposed to say?”
“I don’t know! But all you show me is that you don’t care whenever you say the same things over and over again.” Nancy and you looked at each other in question, noticing it was unlike Tzuyu to get so worked up over whatever Donghyuck says, especially this soon in the conversation.
“My bad. I didn’t know it meant that much to you,” Donghyuck huffed out, scrolling through his phone and signalling he was done. That was also unlike him, because he tended to be the problem starter and loved to pick arguments. You looked back and forth between the two of them, wondering what their problem was, before reaching for your milkshake and taking a drink.
“Guys. I need some advice,” Mark’s nervous voice grabbed your attention, your gaze falling on your anxious friend beside you. He was fiddling with his plate, twisting it back and forth and avoiding eye contact.
“What’s up? Are you okay?” You asked him, reaching out and squeezing his arm in comfort before continuing to eat your food.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m fine. I just-” He cleared his throat, seeming to figure out how to word whatever he was going to tell you guys. He had everyone’s full attention now, considering it wasn’t often you got to see something besides Mark’s calm and collected nature. “I’m thinking of doing something that I haven’t done before… but I’m not sure how to…”
“Well? What is it?” Donghyuck pestered, and you reached out to smack his upper arm lightly before turning back to Mark.
“Do you guys… remember Yerim?”
Ah, it all clicked to everyone now. All of your faces lit up in realization, and you couldn’t help but smile uncontrollably at his words. You were aware of Mark’s crush on Yerim, in fact you were aware of it longer than anyone else. It had developed back in sophomore year, when you and him had a class with her and fate had worked its magic, placing the three of you and someone else at a table together for an entire semester. You witnessed firsthand how the boy who everyone labeled as a guy with no romantic bone in his body, fell apart at the sight of his crush.
Yerim was an ideal girl, at least to you. She was stunning, of course, with short hair that suited her very nicely. Back when Mark and you had met her, her hair had been long and fell down her back like she was some runway model. You remembered the day she came to school with her hair cut short, mostly because Mark couldn’t shut up about it. It was last year that he officially made a statement about his feelings to the group. You had been so proud, exclaiming that you knew about his crush, and he had merely shrugged it off. It had been months of Donghyuck trying to convince him to act on his feelings, but Mark only rejected the idea. His excuse was that they were both too different and that they had different goals in mind after you all graduated. You knew that his real reason was that he wasn’t confident in himself. It’s a shame, because you were aware of how phenomenal he was. Hell, you knew him since you were ten years old, and that was eight years ago. But it seemed the tides had shifted, because there Mark was, asking if you remembered Yerim.
“Of course we remember her,” Nancy softly spoke up.
“Yeah,” Tzuyu said pointedly, “All you did was fawn over her for like eight months.”
“And then you stopped talking about her altogether after she started dating that Renjun guy,” Donghyuck added, and you all noticed Mark’s face become uncomfortable at the thought.
“Well, that’s not why I’m bringing her up!” Mark burst out, seeming on edge. You were slightly worried, but you just waited for him to open up. That’s just how he was; you needed to give him time and he would open up to you about what’s bothering him. “The thing is, her and I have gotten pretty close these last few weeks. And I’ve gotten a vibe from her that she might like me back? But she’s given me nothing to work with and I don’t want to make myself look like an idiot if I’m reading into this wrong.”
Donghyuck threw his head back and groaned. “Are you seriously going to sit there and be a chicken again? You’ve had so many chances to confess to her yet you never take it! How are you supposed to know if Yerim likes you if you don’t let her know how you feel?”
Mark rubbed the side of his neck nervously. “Yeah, well, I don’t want to ruin what we have-”
“Bullshit. You’re just scared. As usual.”
“Shut up, Hyuck. That’s not true,” Mark denied, seeming flustered. You had to admit, you felt the same way as Donghyuck, but you knew you had to word it differently or else you would rub Mark the wrong way.
“Mark, he has a point,” You held your hand up to stop him from interrupting, “But I understand you. Your fear is valid. These sort of situations are one of the most scariest things to deal with, because these are feelings we talk about. It’s a risk that so many people aren’t willing to take. And for as long as I’ve known you, no one has had this effect on you like Yerim has. So the real question is, do you think she is worth taking a risk on?”
He swallowed, his eyes staring into your eyes with nervousness before he uttered, “Of course.”
“Then there’s your answer.”
“It sounds easy when you word it like that. But it’s easier said than done,” Mark pointed out. He leaned his head back on the booth seat, looking genuinely afraid at his thoughts. It made you a little sad, knowing there was no way to ease his worries. This was a battle he would have to fight on his own. It was up to you and your friends to be there for him if it didn’t work out.
“Mark, obviously we can’t tell you what to do, but I think you should give it a chance. You’ve liked this girl forever, and I see the way you talk about her. I haven’t seen anything like it,” Tzuyu’s tone took on a sad quality, and you definitely didn’t fail to notice, “And because of that, you should seriously consider giving it a chance. You never know how she feels unless you ask. And if you don’t take that risk, then you’ll always be plagued with the ‘what if’.”
Nancy nodded, dabbing at her lips with a napkin before clasping her hands over the table. She gave Mark a once over, causing you to do the same. He looked so bothered but checked out, as if Yerim had already went and rejected him. You didn’t think his fear would come true, but you definitely understood his doubt.
“Think about it all before making an impulsive decision. Don’t let what we tell you affect the choice you choose. This is all about you, how you feel, and what feels right. If in the end, you think it’s best that you remain friends, then we’ll support you. If you decide to tell her how you feel, we’ll be there for you. But don’t let this eat at you. You’re too young to have gray hair,” Nancy threw in the little comment to lighten up the atmosphere, and she succeeded. The tense air faded away, Mark expressing his gratitude before the topic changed. You were definitely proud of the friends you had.
It wasn’t until you were leaving that Donghyuck had grabbed your attention. “Hey Y/N. I got a question for you.”
“I’m all ears,” You responded, walking on the edge of the sidewalk as you all headed in the directions of the cars. Donghyuck walked alongside you, falling quiet for a moment, before pulling you to a stop and leaving you mildly confused.
“I don’t know how to word this. Hm,” Everyone stopped, eyes on Hyuck as he tugged at his ear in thought. He proceeded to shrug before he bluntly asked, “What’s up with you and Hyunjin?”
His question led your mind to draw a blank. You felt your lips part, your eyes widen, and oddly your heart start to race. Your friends’ eyes were all trained on you, and you couldn’t find the words. You finally settled with, “He’s just a friend. An acquaintance, to be more accurate. ” Before realizing how unfamiliar your voice sounded.
“Doesn’t seem like it,” Donghyuck scoffed. “Have you been hiding something from us?”
“No. I’m confused as to why you’re attacking me.” You finally recovered from his sudden question.
Donghyuck waved his hand dismissively and smacked his lips. “Only people who hide things feel attacked when asked a simple question.”
Mark stepped forward and clasped Donghyuck’s shoulder. “Dude, relax. If Y/N wanted to tell us something, she would.” You flashed him a grateful smile, but Tzuyu chimed in and caused your heart to race even faster.
“Although I’m a little curious now. Who is Hyunjin?”
“It’s a guy in our Anthropology class. Him and Y/N used to sit together. They’re just friends,” Nancy said with finality, pushing her circular rimmed glasses up the bridge of her note before walking to her car.
You exhaled a breath of relief before following after Nancy towards the passenger side. You heard Donghyuck without having to turn to him, because his words rang clear in your ears. “You talk about Mark being scared to take a risk? The pot calling the kettle black…”
You were silent as you sat beside Nancy, waiting for Tzuyu to finish up her conversation before sliding into the back of the car. She was the designated DJ, and put on one of her personal playlists. Your mind couldn’t focus, though, Hyuck’s words having more of an impact on you than he would ever realize.
Because he may not have known it, but he had hit the nail right on the head.
Truth be told, at the beginning of senior year, you wouldn’t have expected to fall for a guy like Hwang Hyunjin. You still remember standing alongside the edge of the classroom, awaiting the teacher to assign you seats. You remember feeling ticked off, because you were seventeen years old and still getting assigned a seat like you were a kid. Your teacher had called your name before his, tapping your desk that happened to be in the dead center of the room. You had begrudgingly walked over, hoping you would miraculously get to sit with Nancy. That day, miracles were not in favor of you- or so you thought at the time- because she had called Hyunjin’s name instead.
You had watched in mild exasperation as his lanky figure maneuvered his way through the classroom, greeting some of the people he passed with a smile. He was sporting a long-sleeved white shirt and shorts, as casual as could be, and you knew that you were screwed the moment he sat down. But no, not because it was a love at first sight sort of thing. Because he was a pretty boy, and at the sight of his smile you noticed all of your female classmates start to whisper. You had thought to yourself that it would be a long semester.
You had known of him, but never officially met him. Donghyuck had done baseball with him back in sophomore year, and both him and Hyunjin were the only sophomores to make the varsity team. You remembered going to some of Hyuck’s games, and how Hyunjin was easily a crowd favorite with his powerful hits and the way he glided across bases like he was skating instead of trying to make it to home base.
Whatever it was, you had not expected him to be the way he actually was. You had expected him to be like a typical pretty boy, annoying and uptight, and act like he ruled the world. But from the beginning, it wasn’t like that. He was super quiet at first, only talking when the teacher assigned partner work. His voice was low when he spoke quietly, but raised in pitch if something even slightly excited him. His hair was a neat brown sweep across his forward, sometimes parted stylishly but mostly resting as if he didn’t bother to do anything with it. He was tall, too tall for the tiny desks you were forced to sit in, yet he always sat straight.
Another perception of him that you were completely wrong about was that he would slack off, and he proved that wrong rather quickly after first meeting him. He would finish assignments the day after they were due, even though the teacher gave you a week to complete it. You remembered feeling astonished, wondering how he did it because sometimes the assignments were lengthy. And you remembered when you became impressed with his insightful nature, always having something meaningful to say- even if it was about something unrelated to class. Sometimes, he would voice his opinion if one of your classmates said something he didn’t agree with or happened to be unnecessarily rude. A big part of you wondered when your crush had developed, because maybe it had been after the first time you made him laugh, or the first time he made you laugh. Maybe it was the combination of his leg brushing yours underneath the desk during class, or your hands accidentally touching because of the cramped space. Maybe it was his ridiculous nicknames he would give you based on what you were learning in class. Or maybe it was because he made it a daily tradition to walk you to your next class even though his own was in the opposite direction. Whatever it was, you were guilty just like Mark. You had feelings you had no intentions of acting upon any time soon.
“Since the guys aren’t around, I think it’s safe to say we can have a more personal talk,” Tzuyu announced, before lowering the volume of the music. You dreaded her words because you knew what was coming. “Tell me about this Hyunjin guy.”
Nancy never looked away from the road, but her voice was powerful enough to make it feel like she was looking at her with shame. “Stop, Tzuyu. If she doesn’t want to talk about him, don’t pressure her.”
“No it’s okay. It was bound to come out some time, right?” You said, inhaling slowly before you felt your stomach drop in realization. “Wait a minute. How does Donghyuck know about Hyunjin?”
Nancy glanced you in confusion. “What do you mean? You’ve never told him about Hyunjin?”
“No! I mean, he knows him because of baseball. But how would he know about my feelings?” Your panic settled in, wondering if you stared at Hyunjin too much in class, laughed too much at his jokes, said something too suspicious. If it got back to Hyunjin, what if he got too uncomfortable to talk to you? To be fair, it was the second semester and you weren’t seat partners anymore. But he still talked to you whenever he could. And though you wouldn’t call yourself his friend, you still talked on a regular basis because of class.
“Don’t panic, okay? Maybe you let it slip around him or something?” Tzuyu offered. You immediately shook your head.
“No, because I don’t talk about Hyunjin. My little crush on him is practically a myth considering how secretive it is. I have to call him.” You tried and tried to call Hyuck but he ignored your calls. You wanted to scream. You felt like the guy with the biggest mouth knew your darkest secret. But you told yourself to calm down, and trust that Donghyuck wouldn’t spill something you hadn’t even confirmed to him. He was one of your best friends, after all.
“Just calm down. Nothing is going to happen, okay?” Nancy comforted you, and you knew you had no choice but to just let it go. Besides, there was no harm done. It’s not like you announced your feelings for the guy. In fact, Donghyuck had assumed it and you hadn’t even confirmed it. And if worse came to worse, if it somehow got back to Hyunjin, you would come up with something to save yourself. You didn’t want the guy to hate you.
Right as the three of you pulled up in front of Tzuyu’s house, she paused in moving to get out the car, simply saying, “You must really like this mystery guy.”
“Why do you say that?”
She shrugged before responding, “You know how I said I’ve never seen anything like how Mark looks when he talks about Yerim? Well, I saw that same look in your eyes when Hyuck mentioned his name.”
You wanted to question what she meant by that, only remembering feeling panic when Donghyuck had called you out, but all you could think about was how Hyuck was right. You had no room to talk about Mark not acting on his feelings, because it had been over a semester of school and you had kept your lips sealed about how you felt about Hyunjin. All that you were confused about, was how Donghyuck knew about your feelings.
And here you were, 10:22 pm and wondering where you had gone wrong. Donghyuck had never called back, and you were drowning in your tendency to overanalyze matters. You blamed yourself, figuring it was your fault that Donghyuck knew about Hyunjin. You didn’t even interact with Hyunjin enough for the crush to be more than a crush, but a startling fear hit you that maybe everyone knew. If Hyunjin knew, would he ignore you? Was he going to ignore you on Monday in Anthro? Would he laugh if he found out about your crush? Your thoughts were stressing you out, so you blindly reached out for your phone on the bedside table in the dark. Seeing a message notification from a few different people, you sighed as you saw that none of them were Donghyuck. Your eyes found an unknown number had messaged you, causing you to draw your eyebrows together in question. Clicking the message, you saw that it was delivered around twenty minutes ago.
Hi… Is this Y/N?
You contemplated not answering, but your curiosity was piqued.
Who is this?
You didn’t expect a reply any time soon, so after staring at the phone for a little too long, you tossed it aside and pulled out your laptop. You logged on and decided to watch a show you had recently gotten into, quickly growing distracted from the odd day that you had. After a few episodes, you realized it was midnight and you hadn’t checked your phone for a while. Your heart jumped upon seeing a message from the unknown number. The feeling drastically changed as your heart  felt like it was trying to crawl out your throat as you read the text.
Probably should’ve started off with that… It’s Hyunjin. Sorry to randomly message you, especially considering you weren’t the one to give me your number. I know how Donghyuck and you are close, so I just asked him earlier today.
You stared at it for a moment, your heart rate spiking as you watched another message come in, even though the last one was sent a while ago. It meant he was still thinking about what to say, even after all this time has passed.
There’s a number of reasons I wanted your number. The main one is that you know how in Anthro, the midterm was announced and how we need to pick a partner? Hah… I just remember how much I enjoyed doing projects with you last semester. I know we don’t talk often, and feel free to reject my proposition, but we work pretty well together and you’re cool so… if you’re down, we should work together.
You hoped he would explain his other reasons for messaging you, but nothing else came in after that. Your heart raced as you typed out a response, erased it, rewrote another one, then repeated the process. You couldn’t believe this was happening, but you gave yourself a reality check. He viewed you as a good partner, an acquaintance at the most, and you weren’t going to let your petty crush ruin the relatively good bond you had with your classmate. He was a great guy, but you wouldn’t let that sway your decision.
Hey Hyunjin! It’s nice to hear from you. Yes, this is Y/N haha. I would love to work with you for the midterm project. Just let me know when we should start brainstorming. What I said last semester stands, you were the best anthro partner I could’ve asked for! So I’m glad I get another chance to have you as a partner (:
Haha I second that. Anthro just hasn’t been the same since we switched seats. Who else is going to laugh with me at random things and let me tell them my cool stories? No one! My partner is, no offense, pretty lame. All he does is shush me.
You’re telling me! I sit with Renjun! He’s… something else. I mean, he’s funny. But definitely not as funny as you.
I should be nominated as the senior class clown.
That’s a little far-fetched.
And without realizing it, you messaged him for a few more hours, until it was so late that you could barely keep your eyes open. You sleepily thought to yourself that it seemed a friendship was starting, and you wondered to yourself if this was what you wanted. Did you want Hyunjin as a friend, or would you forever be sentenced to a crush on him that had yet to disappear? Maybe confessing and getting rejected is what you needed. But before you could ponder it further, you had knocked out.
The following week, the school day had already ended and you were just about ready to crash when you got home. Mark and Donghyuck wanted to go grab an ice cream cone before they had to work on a project together, and they offered to treat you. Ice cream was your weakness, and even though your tiredness told you to decline, your love for the sweet won the battle. So after the final bell, you scurried out of class and made a beeline for where Mark told you to meet him.
As you walked, music trickling in through your headphones and blocking out the chatter surrounding you, your mind crossed to Hyunjin. That wasn’t uncommon these days, because outside of the project you guys were slowly working on, a friendship had began to blossom. Much like that first night, you had mixed feelings about creating a friendship with him, but he was too alluring to resist the urge. Besides, you only had about two and a half weeks to finish up the project, present, and then probably stop messaging. You wrote off his kindness and friendliness as a way to maintain a good bond throughout the project work.
What was nagging at you though was although he said he reached out to be partners for the project, you guys hadn’t spoken much about the project itself. There had been one conversation where you guys messaged back and forth brainstorming ideas about what you could potentially make the project about, but that was it. It confused and slightly worried you. Not only that, there had been no talk of meeting up or even splitting up the criteria needed for the project. You decided you would bring it up next time you guys messaged.
Although you guys were on friendly terms, and texted almost everyday, there wasn’t much leeway to talk during class. Since you guys didn’t sit together anymore, and there was always a lesson plan, there was never time to talk. And the one time Hyunjin attempted to talk to you during class, he got scolded. The teacher also emphasized how there wouldn’t be much class time to work on the project and to utilize the time you were given wisely. You just hoped Hyunjin would prove to be a worthy partner in the days to come.
Your thoughts of Hyunjin halted as your music was cut off by your phone ringing. You pulled your phone out to see Mark’s name and answered without letting it ring too much. “Hello?”
“Y/N! Homie! Where are you?” The sound of Donghyuck’s loud voice blasting through your headphones made you wince. You lowered the volume of the call before you responded.
“I’m on my way to the front of the building. Mark told me to meet him there. Why didn’t you just call me from your phone?”
He was chewing on something, that much was clear. You were constantly being reminded of his bad manners over phone calls every single time he called. You heard him finish up chewing before he said, “Because my phone died. But anyways, don’t meet us there! Meet us at his car.”
You felt your eyes widened. “But he parks off campus! Far away, might I add!”
“Yeah, well, we’re already here.”
You were about to argue but you heard Mark in the background say, “Who are you talking to? Why are you on my phone?” Before a struggle seemed to ensue. The next voice you heard was none other than the owner of your phone. Thankfully he had a softer and quieter voice, at least over the phone he did.
“Y/N! Hey. Why did Hyuck call you?”
“He said to meet you at your car?” You said monotonously, sounding displeased with the idea. You couldn’t help it. The truth was, it was about a ten minute walk, which wasn’t too bad. But you were already tired and considered taking this opportunity to cancel. Mark ultimately silenced your thoughts.
“Don’t listen to him. Yeah, we’re almost at the car actually. We got let out of class early. But I figured we would swing back and pick you up. You cool with waiting a couple minutes?” It was like music to your ears. You wanted to plant a big kiss on Mark’s face for being such a sweetheart.
“Sounds like a plan,” Your voice came out tiredly, but you were grateful. “Thanks, Mark.”
“No problem. See you in a few.”
You walked off campus, leaning up against the fence that surrounded the school. You let the music wrap around your mind and cloud your thoughts, tapping your fingers on your thigh to match the bass of the song playing. Shuffling in your position, you glanced at all the people leaving the school, others waiting around you. Your mind vaguely registered that the baseball team players had slowly but surely started walking out the school and heading to their cars. You watched them in mild amusement, wondering to yourself why the baseball team all parked their cars together. Was that something they thought made them look cooler, or was it based on convenience?
The sound of your name made your vision shoot to the side, where the gate’s entrance was located, and you felt your heart jump at the sight of Hyunjin standing there in his baseball gear. You would never admit it aloud, but he looked absolutely breathtaking in his uniform. That made you feel a little embarrassed, but you constantly heard Tzuyu declare, ‘Uniforms work wonders on guys. Sometimes makes them more better looking than they actually are.’ You used to think that was ludicrous, but seeing Hyunjin now made you think twice.
He waved his hand at you and muttered something, but because you still had your headphones in, you hadn’t heard him properly. Pulling them out, you said, “Sorry, what was that? I didn’t hear you.”
The friendly smile on his face had faded a little by this time, but that was usually what happened. He was a friendly guy, always finding reasons to smile. At the same time, he had an equally serious expression that was his default face. You constantly observed him jump between both of his signature expressions. He stepped closer, adjusting the hat on his head. You had never seen him wear a baseball cap, and you decided right then and there it suited him well. Even though you weren’t sure how great of a player he was these days- you still assumed he was as great as he was sophomore year- his appearance could definitely fool you into believing he was the best player.
“I said, you waiting for a ride?”
“Yeah, actually. Mark is coming to pick me up.”
Hyunjin’s face lit up in realization before his eyebrows furrowed in question. “Isn’t he still in school?”
You just shook your head and slightly laughed. “Yeah, he got out early today. So he decided to run to his car before swinging back and picking me up. Saves me the trip, fortunately.”
Hyunjin nodded in acknowledgement, his eyes trailing to one of his teammates who was shooting him an impatient look. It was obvious he had somewhere to be, most likely a game, but he was hovering as if he had something he wanted to say. You pretended not to notice his hand signal to his friend, signalling him to wait a moment, before he turned his body back to you.
Adjusting his bag slung across his shoulder, he licked his lips in thought before saying, “So, Y/N, I was thinking-”
The sound of Mark’s high-pitched car horn cut through his words, grabbing the both of your attention as Mark and Hyuck pulled up in front of you. Hyuck leaned half his body out the window and shouted, “Get in, bitch! We’re going shopping!” You shot him an angry look, not knowing whether to hit him or praise him for quoting the movie that he always denied that he loved. Mark decided for you as he watched him lean over and punch him. It seemed like it was a hard punch too, because it was enough for Donghyuck to pull himself back into the car and start bickering with him.
Hyunjin chuckled awkwardly, “Wow, uh, I forgot how… colorful he is.”
“That’s Hyuck, alright. He sucks.” You jokingly commented before reaching down to grab your backpack off the ground. “Duty calls. What were you trying to say earlier?”
You watched with curious eyes as he bowed his head and let a tiny smile appear on his lips before turning serious again. Typical Hyunjin. He looked up at you then, waving his hand dismissively before saying, “Just project stuff. We should officially decide on our topic soon. Then start working on it.”
Relief filled your heart at the words, a smile gracing your lips as you walked towards the car, your eyes still on him. “Yes, definitely! We can talk more about it tonight.”
Hyunjin’s teammate finally had enough, telling Hyunjin to ‘hurry his ass up’ but it didn’t deter Hyunjin at all. You simply shook your head, opening the door before calling, “Good luck at your game!”
He nodded, waving once before saying, “See you tomorrow!”
Sliding into the car, you met Mark’s and Donghyuck’s curious gaze before asking, “What?”
Donghyuck smirked. “What was that all about? Was he asking you out on a date? Did you finally confess? Did you-”
“No, no, what’s your problem? We’re friends! And we’re partners. We were just talking about our project.”
Donghyuck threw his head back in exasperation. “I swear, if I have another Mark on my hands, I’m going to punch myself.”
Mark exclaimed, “What’s that supposed to mean?!”
“It means you still haven’t confessed to Yerim and I think it’s going to be your only regret on your death bed.”
Mark turned his attention to starting the drive, but his response was, “No, I have more regrets than that. One of them being your friend.”
Donghyuck smacked his lips and seemed to prepare himself for another argument, but before he could respond, you said, “Wait a minute. Hyuck, not so fast. I want to know how you knew about my crush on Hyunjin.”
His expression turned to one of shock, before guilt, then feigned innocence. “Just intuition.”
Mark bluntly said, “I call bullshit.”
“Me too,” You agreed.
Donghyuck pulled out the theatrics, his face displaying shock as his voice raised an octave. “What are you trying to say? That I can’t possibly be attentive and pick up on my friend’s hidden feelings?”
“You’re pretty dense, man. About certain things, at least,” Mark offered up.
“Shut up, Mark! Not about this! I know you guys better than yourself sometimes! You didn’t even have to tell me about Yerim and I knew the moment you mentioned her for the first time!”
Before an argument would spark up, you raised your hands before saying, “Okay, so what gave away my Hyunjin situation then?”
Donghyuck took some time answering, leaving you practically fidgeting in impatience as you watched him pull down the visor and check himself out in the mirror. As he began fiddling with his hair, he disinterestedly said, “I could tell by the way you mentioned him at random times when he seemingly had no relation to the conversation. I mean, sure, we were teammates two years ago. But you had no reaction to him back then. Suddenly, we find out you have a class with him this year and that you’re seat partners. You and I are the only people associated with him. Yet, when you brought him up, you spoke fondly about him more than I ever did. And then I thought maybe my suspicions may be wrong, so I brought it to Nancy.”
Oh, Nancy. The other attentive one of the group. You wouldn’t have expected her out of everyone to rat you out, but you weren’t too angry. These were your best friends after all, and it wasn’t like they were going to announce it to the school. Donghyuck did have a problem with keeping secrets, but if you drilled it into him, he wouldn’t say anything. He continued on with his explanation.
“Nancy didn’t know that I was only guessing. I made it seem like I just knew. And she confirmed my suspicions, saying that the way you acted around Hyunjin during class was similar to the way you used to act around that senior guy when we were freshman. What was his name again? Didn’t he go by some ridiculous nickname?”
“His nickname was Ten,” Mark snickered at the memory, before adding, “Yeah, Y/N, you had it so bad for Ten. When he was around, you saw nothing but him.”
“And Nancy said that it had the same feel as your Ten crush, but a little different,” Donghyuck said with finality.
You were surprised, to say the least. You had to give it to Donghyuck; he was more observant than you had initially perceived. It wasn’t like you were purposefully making it a secret and hiding it from your friends. You just didn’t think of your crush on him more than that. He was a guy you saw once a day, who had only been more of a constant for the past few days. Regardless of that, you weren’t even sure how you felt and if it was deep enough to just write off. For now, you were just going to let things play out and focus on the project you and Hyunjin were inevitably going to work on together.
As you guys pulled up to a local ice cream shop, Donghyuck distractedly commented, “If it makes you feel any better, I have this inkling that he might have a thing for you too.” And when you asked him why, he just waved his hand- albeit a little similarly to the way Hyunjin had- and said, “Just an inkling.”
You ignored the way your heart jumped.
Hey it’s your favorite anthro partner, reaching out from beyond the grave.
I figure you’re dead because of your game?
Yeah… It was rough today. Coach is on me right now about how I’ve been playing. And other things. But it’s whatever, I’ll be fine.
You’re a tough guy. Things will work out.
Sorry. That sounded so insincere. What I mean is, I know you got this. Whatever you’re going through, you’ll be fine. Just keep your head up and try and stay focused. And I’m here if you need to talk about things.
Anyways, we should talk about the project…
Time seemed to be flying by faster than you could get a grip. It was already the weekend, and you had planned to meet Hyunjin at the library on Sunday morning. You had finally decided on a topic, and had each done a bit of research. Today was the first time you were going to meet up and knock out a chunk of the project. You had even decided that you would work on the power point and do half of the written portion while he worked on the visual and the other half of the written portion. In terms of the project, things were running smoothly. As for the friendship that had randomly started blooming a little over a week beforehand, it had come to a heavy stop.
The two of you hadn’t really spoken after deciding on the topic and the responsibilities of each respective person, the only other time being to set up a time to meet at the library. In class, your eyes would always find him, noting how he looked tired. You caught him blinking rapidly twice, as if to fight off his drowsiness. He also gave off an irritable vibe, which made you less willing to approach him. You didn’t message him. And he didn’t message you. You felt that maybe your assumptions had been right, that he was only striking up conversation for the sake of the project. But on the other hand, he might’ve just been busy.
He showed up thirty five minutes late, his strides long and purposeful as he found you at the back of the library, holed up in one of the corners. His face was emotionless, his appearance a little frazzled like he rushed over to the library. Regardless of that, his hair seemed perfectly unbothered atop his head. You wondered what his trick was to always having perfect hair.
“Sorry I’m late. I was doing something and lost track of time.”
“No worries,” You muttered, reading the last line of the current page you were reading of your book before closing it and putting it away. Pulling out your laptop and other materials, you looked up at him in question, wondering why he was still hovering. “You going to sit?”
“Right.” He said, his voice sounding clipped as he pulled out the seat across from you. He was wearing a gray sweater, your eyes falling on the infinity necklace that dangled around his neck. You glanced up at his emotionless face, the way he slowly pulled out the materials from his backpack before meeting your gaze. “We should try and finish this as soon as possible.”
His words caught you off guard, and you wondered why he was being a little cold, but you decided to not question him, simply nodding before handing over your paper. He did the same, and the next hour and a half was spent working on the project. Everything was running relatively smoothly, and you guys were able to finish up everything you wanted to finish today.
You stretched yourself out once you finished, sighing in happiness before saying, “I guess that’s it for today. I think I’ll be heading home now.”
Hyunjin didn’t seem to hear you, his gaze firmly on the dark wood of the table. His face was as emotionless as ever, and this was another time how you noticed how tired he seemed. You don’t know what prompted you to reach out, but your hand on his shoulder caused him to jump from the contact. You pulled away quickly, apologizing.
He let an easy-going smile fall on his lips, his tired eyes lighting up as they crinkled up. It was a nice sight. He waved you off, you noting that it seemed to be a habit, before he hissed in thought and said, “Sorry about being so frazzled. I just… have a lot on my mind.”
“Don’t worry about it.” You swayed a little, feeling like he needed someone to talk to from the vibe he was giving off. If the way his eyes found their way back to the wood was any sign, you knew that this might be your only chance to talk to him before school and class and his sudden distant nature gets in the way again. So you deliver yourself back to the seat you were previously in, your eyes searching his face.
He doesn’t react to your presence right away, his fingers tracing the side of his notebook, the designs in the wood, the edge of the table. After some time, his eyes slowly raised up the expanse of your visible body and connected with your own. There was no sign of what he was thinking hidden in his gaze. He looked at you the way one would look at a stranger.
“What’s on your mind?”
He scoffed, his body language immediately turning defensive and closed off as he leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. It made you feel slightly uneasy. He licked his lips in thought, avoiding your gaze now, and uttering, “Why does it matter? And what makes you think something’s on my mind?”
“Because you seemed distracted the entire time we talked. And you didn’t notice I was leaving. And frankly, this whole week you’ve been acting different.”
He leaned forward quickly then, causing you to lean back as a reaction. His eyes narrowed, his voice sounding unnecessarily accusatory, as he said lowly, “And how would you know that? How would you know if I’m not acting like my usual self? You don’t know me like that, Y/N.”
You don’t know why his words stung, because they were true, but it must’ve been because of how he was acting. You had never seen Hyunjin like this, so wound up and irritated. He was always kind to you, offering up smiles when the situation called for it. And the fact that he pointed out the lack of closeness between the two of you bothered you more than it should. Nonetheless, you didn’t let his defensive nature deter you.
“You’re right. I don’t know you much past the persona you put up as my partner, but that doesn’t make me oblivious to the change in attitude you’ve suddenly had. I’m not pressuring you into telling me what’s wrong, because you’re right. We’re not friends. But that doesn’t mean I don’t have a right to worry. You look tired. You’re irritated over every little thing. Something’s been bothering you. And if you can’t tell me, then at least confide in someone you care about. It’s not good to keep things bottled up,” You said with finality before standing up and pulling your backpack on. You moved to walk past him and towards the exit, but the sensation of his hand around your hand caused you to immediately fall to a stop. His touch was gentle, not at all firm. Like he was too weak to even try and get you to stop walking. But it had been enough.
You looked down at him, expecting to see frustration. But his face was surprisingly open. He let his tiredness show, his expression seeming worn and exhausted. His eyes were what tugged on your heart the most, sad and defeated. But he only let you see this for a moment, fixing his face and saying, “If you don’t mind, I’d like to take you up on that offer. Maybe I should…” He let go of your wrist then, the absence feeling a little too heavy, but you watched as he anxiously readjusted his seated position. He leaned forward, aggressively rubbing his hands over his face as his eyes looked somewhere faraway. He puffed out a breath from his lips, looking genuinely overwhelmed. You wanted to hug him, ease his stress, but you simply took your seat for the third time.
He laughed, but it was empty and forced. “I’m not good at this. Expressing my emotions, I mean. I’ve always been like this. There’s been plenty of times that my friends called me a robot for never showing anything besides genuine happiness. But that’s just how I am. There’s no point in showing anyone when you’re sad, upset, stressed, angry, tired, annoyed. They can’t do anything about it. All anyone does is give you a half-assed and over-used phrase about how things will get better, and then they forget that you even felt a certain way. And I’m not just talking about friends, either.” 
You watched him closely, his voice higher in octave and filling with more emotion as he began to talk more rapidly, “It’s family, too. Everyone expects you to be emotionally stable, to either be stoic or happy, nothing else. And if you ever show something else, you only get mild concern from someone. Everyone wants something from you. They want you to be their shoulder to cry on, their excuse to break someone’s heart, to be better and more successful, and if they see you struggle… Nope. You’re not allowed to struggle. You have to be perfect and you have to deal with it. I might as well be a robot, just like my friends say-” You reached out, your hand cupping his and grasping it firmly, your eyes trained on his face. His lips parted, as if he were going to say something about your actions, but he just simply looked away and continued on his ramble, “I’m young. Adults chastise us when we moan and groan about wanting to be an adult, but the next day spout all this nonsense about not being responsible enough. I’m tired. I’m so tired.”
You decided it was time for you to look away when the first tear dropped from his eye, respecting what he said earlier about not being used to opening up to anyone. You moved to bring your hand back, but you felt more than saw him flip his hand over and grip yours tightly. You didn’t hear him crying. He was silent. But you could feel it. And you just bathed in the silence with him. Being there for him. Your heart ached for him, feeling bitter that someone as bright and as hopeful as him was being beaten down by the people and the world around him.
It was a while before he calmed down, you barely noticing that his previously firm grip on your hand had fallen limp. You pulled your hand away and he let it happen. Your eyes found his, the only evidence of his crying being his slightly red eyes. You were about to speak when he just shook his head and said, “Thank you for listening to me. I think I just needed to let it out somehow. You don’t have to give me advice or anything. I’ll be okay. It’s just… stress and things are taking a toll on me. The school year is coming to an end in a couple months and everything feels a little suffocating sometimes. But like you said, I’ll keep my head up.”
Your voice was soft, quiet. “You’re allowed to feel, Hyunjin. You should never accept being a robot. You’re a person. You’re supposed to feel, to hurt and to cry and to laugh and to love. It wouldn’t be life without all of those things.”
“It’s not that easy.” He shook his head, puffing out a breath from his lips. “I appreciate your words, though, I really do. I’ve just been brought up a certain way and it’s harder than usual these days to keep my emotions in check.”
“Well you don’t ever have to hide your emotions from me. What you feel is normal and valid. And even if you’re not seeking comfort or advice, if you let me I’ll be your friend that’s there if you ever need it.”
He stared at you blankly for a moment before letting out a short chuckle. “Just a few minutes ago, we both basically told each other we weren’t friends. I didn’t mean it like that, by the way. Sorry I was being an asshole.”
“You were just overwhelmed. I don’t blame you. It’s good to talk about these things.”
He blinked, letting your words sink in, before nodding. “Yeah, I noticed. It’s just hard to find trustworthy people to confide in about things. I’ve done it before and regretted it. But I trust you and my friends… Thank you for staying. And talking to me. I know I wasn’t being the easiest person to deal with.”
You just shrugged before saying, your heart feeling a little heavy, “I’m your friend. I’m here for you.”
His smile faded from his lips then, his eyes finding the wooden table, “Yeah… Friend…”
“Who’s bright idea was it to swim in the middle of March?” Mark asked, the five of you lined up in front of the pool. None of you had jumped in yet, but you each were in bathing suits and dreading what was to come. Everyone’s attitude had quickly changed feeling the chilly air.
“Guys, don’t be babies. My pool’s heated.” Donghyuck announced before running forward and flipping into the pool.
Tzuyu rolled her eyes, scoffing, “Such a showoff,” before discarding her towel and diving in perfectly into the deep end.
Donghyuck squealed loudly when he emerged from the water, shouting, “I did not emotionally prepare myself for that feeling.”
You just laughed before dipping your toes into the water, testing the temperature. It was warm, indeed, but it was still going to suck getting out of the pool and drying off. You couldn’t decide if you and your friends were idiots or rebels. Probably a mixture of both.
You should’ve known not to turn your back on Mark, because one minute you were standing alongside the edge of the pool, the next you were submerged in the pool with his arms wrapped around you. The sensation had knocked the air out of you, your body not prepared for the temperature. You swam to the surface, gasping out loudly before turning to Mark and splashing water at his face. He only snickered, trying to catch his breath and block your attack.
“Nice, Mark!” Donghyuck floated over and high-fived him, you only giving him a blank look before swimming away from them. Mark called after you in feigned care, but eventually stopped his talking, opting to go after Nancy next. She still wasn’t in the pool, sitting down at the table outside. You heard her denials and pleads to not be thrown in, squealing as you assumed Mark had picked her up. You turned just in time to watch him jump in with her in his arms.
When she emerged, you called monotonously, “I know the feeling!” before proceeding to float on your back. Your ears were just below the surface, every sound reaching your ears murky and muffled. Your eyes gazed at the quickly darkening sky, your mind wandering to other things. It wasn’t long before your mind flashed to Hyunjin, of course. It always did these days. If you weren’t so into him, you would’ve been annoyed with yourself by now.
He was an enigma. A book that held many languages, many codes to decipher and pictures that you had to study to even mildly understand. He was careful with how he executed himself, and what you used to believe was genuine friendliness seemed more calculated now. He was more profound than anyone could even see, and it was a shame. Because now that he allowed you more peeks into his true self, he had easily and quickly stole your heart away. You hadn’t felt like this about anyone before, even Ten who was your first legitimate crush. And you could say with confidence that you were glad it was Hyunjin of all people that had awoken this feeling in you.
Someone poked your forehead, and you stopped floating on your back, turning to face Mark. His hair was sticking up in random places, and you would never admit it to his face but he surprisingly looked good in the midst of his messy appearance. His eyes were expecting, before he must’ve realized that you didn’t hear whatever he said, and he asked, “Jeno is throwing a little get-together at his house tomorrow. You down to come with us?”
Donghyuck was lounging around at the shallow side of the pool, his arms extended and resting on the edge of the pool. He called to you, “Smiley guy from the basketball team. I also used to play baseball with him sophomore year.”
You nodded your head, your heart jumping at your train of your thought. That might mean Hyunjin would show up to this get-together as well. You didn’t count on it, but the thought still sent your heart racing. It was like Donghyuck read your thoughts because he teased, “Maybe tomorrow will be the day you finally own up to your feelings for Hyunjinnie.”
Mark’s wide eyes looked at you before a smile lit up his features. “That would be interesting-”
“Yeah ‘cause Mark’s not going to do it any time soon.” Mark’s face quickly morphed into an expression of annoyance at Donghyuck and you simply submerged under water to block them out. Even those his words were teasing, they stuck with you. Donghyuck tended to have that effect on you, to keep you thinking about things long after he said them. You hadn’t really entertained the thought of confessing to Hyunjin, but the thought terrified you and you weren’t sure if you could ever find it in you to look him in the eyes and admit it. Maybe you and Mark were a little too similar.
Coming up for air, you heard Mark exclaim, “Why are you bringing up her ex? This isn’t
about him! And I’ve never wanted to confess to her because maybe I didn’t want a relationship at the time! These days, I’ve thought about it more. I just haven’t decided when I'll talk to her about it. So stop pestering me about it. You’re so annoying.”
You gave Mark a sympathetic look, well aware of how easily Donghyuck got under his skin. Hyuck didn’t respond, deciding to dive under the water and swim away from Mark. It was kind of ridiculous how easily these two argued sometimes, but whenever they got lost in their little conversations, it was always obvious that they were meant to be best friends. Like the old saying goes, they can’t live with or without each other.
Donghyuck swam up for air near you, and you were surprised to see his face look so troubled, his lips pursed and his eyebrows drawn together. He ran his fingers through his hair before connecting his gaze with your own. His tense expression fell away, a grin replacing his previous pursed lips. You gave him a knowing look, but he simply swam past you. He was just like Hyunjin, you found yourself thinking to yourself. Locking away his true emotions behind his teasing and pestering. And you found yourself wondering what exactly was plaguing your friend’s mind at the moment when he looked so tense. You thought about asking him, but before you could, Tzuyu suggested a chicken fight.
“Hell yeah! You’re about to get dominated!” Mark cockily announced, flexing his bicep and dramatically kissing it. Tzuyu cackled mockingly, before giving you a stern look and calling you over.
“Why can’t Nancy be your partner?” You were quick to ask.
“Because you know she’s not into pool games,” Tzuyu said before slyly adding, “She doesn’t like the pool at all.”
“I can’t even argue with that,” Nancy said, proceeding to get out and scurry to get her towel. She was over there complaining about it being super cold, but you didn’t give it anymore thought as you slowly made your way over to Tzuyu.
“Hyuck. You want to be my partner?” Mark asked, already squashing their previous conflict. You all turned to Hyuck, who wasn’t his usual loud and excited self. He just quietly swam over to Mark.
“Okay,” Mark brushed it off, “Let’s get this started,” before him and Tzuyu dived under and allowed Donghyuck and you to sit on their shoulders. The match started once Mark and Tzuyu were stable and standing above the water. Nancy was the designated referee, and the match started soon after. A lot of it was your laughter and squealing if Donghyuck was a little too close to knocking you guys over. Tzuyu was shouting at you to be strong and knock him down, while simultaneously on defense as Mark tried to sabotage by pushing at Tzuyu with one hand. Things took a turn for the worst when Donghyuck latched onto your hands, bending your wrists at an awkward angle.
“Hey! That hurts!” You shouted, trying to break out of his hold, but it was like he
didn’t hear you. Instead, his grip got tighter, and it hurt to the point where you were screaming for him to let go, squirming so you could just fall off Tzuyu’s shoulders. Tzuyu moved back quickly, causing you to lose your balance and taking Hyuck with you. Fortunately, he let go.
When everyone was above the water, a heated conversation immediately started, the main source of anger being you. “What the hell’s your problem, Hyuck? I told you to let go!”
Donghyuck shrugged it off, causing your anger to spike even higher. “That’s not how Chicken works. You keep going until someone falls.”
“Dude, don’t be a dick. Why did you keep holding onto her wrists?” Mark asked.
You all watched as Donghyuck whirled on Mark, his barely hidden anger now making an appearance. “I didn’t do it on purpose. I got too in the game. Isn’t it amazing how you always get to play the good guy, the hero who swoops in and saves all the girls? Give me a break, Mark. You’re not as perfect as the facade you put on in front of us.”
Mark’s face scrunched up in incredulity. “What are you talking about? I’m not trying to be anyone’s hero. When I see you do something wrong, of course I’m going to call you on it! Just how you would call me out on something I did. You hurt Y/N!”
“Oh, she’s a big girl. She can handle herself just fine,” He turned to you then, your face feeling flushed and your emotions a little high for you to think logically, “Are you okay, Y/N? Did I hurt you too bad? Are you going to cry and run to your little boyfriend?”
His biting words stung, and you just scoffed before swimming to the edge of the pool and
pulling yourself out, the chilly air instantly biting into your skin. You heard Tzuyu jump into the conversation, immediately coming to your defense.
“Hyuck, just admit you were wrong. We get it if you were too into the game and didn’t realize it. Just apologize-”
“I don’t want to hear it. Especially from you.”
You turned, immediately wanting to avoid the fire that Donghyuck just sparked with his words. Tzuyu got along with everyone, was extremely sociable and likeable once you got close to her. But she was easily provoked if you said something the wrong way, or used a phrase she didn’t like. Her head swiveled back in shock before she met Donghyuck’s aggressive tone with her own.
“What does that mean? ‘Especially from me’?”
“Trust me, you don’t want me to answer that.” By this time, everyone was out the pool now. You were unsure why an argument had to have suddenly come up and ruin the night, and you knew that once Tzuyu and Donghyuck were going at it, it wasn’t going to end well. It was like the previously villainous and chilly air had become a thought in the back of your minds, the slowly dropping temperature of the night not affecting all of your damp bodies.
“No, go ahead. I’m curious. Why not from me, huh?”
As she spoke, his back was turned to her, but right as she finished, he spun on her and stalked over to her. This caused Mark to react defensively, an instinct rising up in him, but you roughly grabbed onto his arm to prevent him. Donghyuck wasn’t going to do something bad. As angry as he was, you knew he wouldn’t. But you were still on edge.
He held a finger up, his voice shaky as he sputtered out a jumble of words before chuckling darkly and straightening his shoulders. Tzuyu looked cocky, her eyes narrowed and confident she would somehow win the argument. At his next words, you all watched as her confident expression fell away into a shocked mess.
“You think you’re above everyone, princess. I don’t know how I didn’t see it before, but you’re so selfish. You only care about yourself, and no one else. I thought I…” His voice quivered again, and you all couldn’t see his face from this angle, but it became painfully clear that he was talking about something between the two of them, not about the actual matter at hand. “You know what? It doesn’t even matter anymore. You made it so clear to me when you decided to just brush me off like I was nothing. And then you sit here and pretend like everything’s okay, which makes me feel like the biggest idiot in the world. I have to sit here and put up a front in front of my own best friends. I’m so sick of this shit. I’m done with you.”
He turned and walked past you guys, chest heaving as he strode into his house and left you all standing in his backyard. The air was silent, so silent that it was painful as the three of you turned your attention to Tzuyu. Her face was pale, her eyes trained on the back door that Donghyuck had walked into moments before, and her frame looking smaller than you had ever seen. This wasn’t the Tzuyu you knew, the confident and bold girl. This was someone who had been knocked down by Donghyuck himself.
“Tzuyu, what was that?” Mark asked, his tone cautious.
“N-nothing. He doesn’t know what he was talking about. Just nonsense as usual.” She said, walking over to the porch table and wrapping her towel around herself before taking a seat.
“I think I’ll go talk to him-”
“No. I’ll do it,” You deadpanned, his face immediately showing that he was going to argue. But you silenced him with a hand, this time on his shoulder. Mark was quite sensible when the time called for it, his eyes turning soft as you two shared a look. He trusted you. So without another word, you journey into the house to find your friend.
It doesn’t take long at all to find him, his bedroom door cracked open and the yellow light of his room filtering out into the hallway. You wondered where his parents were, him telling us that they weren’t home when he invited you guys over. You gently pushed the door open, turning away quickly as he was in the middle of pulling a shirt on over the rest of his torso. He looked over at you before scoffing and turning away, roughly rummaging through his drawers.
“What do you want, Y/N?” His tone wasn’t angry anymore, just defeated. You looked at him then, really looked at him, and saw a sad boy. A boy who looked like he was hurt by someone. And suddenly you were afraid that what you were about to find out, may forever change your friend group.
“I wanted to check on you.”
He stopped rummaging and straightening out, throwing his arms out exasperatedly and exclaiming, “Well, here you go. I’m fine. Go away.”
You expected him to fight you on it, but he just proceed to ignore you as he rummaged through his drawers again and found the pair of jeans he was looking for, giving you a look that signalled for you to turn away so he could throw them on without your stare on him. When you figured he was done, you turned to spot him tying his Vans on his feet, and when he was done he strode over to his mirror and began trying to half-heartedly style his hair with his fingers.
“Hyuck, let’s talk. Don’t avoid us.”
“I’m not avoiding anyone.” He didn’t notice you come up behind him, your hand reaching out for his shoulder. He whipped away from you, flashing his annoyed eyes at you. “What do you want? Leave me alone.”
“No. I want you to be okay and-”
“News flash. I’m not okay.” His words rang loudly in the room, long after he spoke them. His chest was heaving, like he had just ran a race. And you had never wanted to hug him as much as you did right now. You remained silent, letting him choose whether or not to open up to you. He made his choice moments later. “None of you would get it. You would just brush it off or make a joke out of me and I just,” He swallowed heavily, and you didn’t know if you imagined his eyes glossing over. He moved to his bed, plopping down on the edge and covering his face with his hands. You had figured these words were coming, but it still hit you like a freight train.
“It had to be her. Out of the three of you, it had to be her. Nancy is amazing. She’s pretty and smart and selfless. You’re pretty too, and you care about us and make me laugh. And her…” His eyes were definitely watery, but you ignored it, listening to his painful words, soaking them in, “She just drew me in. She’s strong and fierce and-and passionate. And at first it was playful, innocent. But I couldn’t help it. I thought she felt the same way. I was happy, so happy. Thinking that maybe, just maybe… someone could feel the same way I do. But she doesn’t. She just ripped my heart out and stomped on it like it was all just a game to her. Maybe it was. I wouldn’t be surprised.
“I saw signs of her not feeling the same way. I just ignored them, though. Feelings are a bitch, especially when they’re not returned. And then…” He let out a painful laugh, sounding a little more than hurt, but you just took a seat next to him, letting him feel your presence. It’s like he didn’t see you there, though. “She just told me she was done. She was going on a date with someone else, someone that wasn’t me. She just cut me off like it was an everyday task she was checking off on her to do list. And the worst part is, I have to hide how freaking bad it hurt me. I have to sit there with her, pretend we’re nothing more, ignore how my heart literally feels numb, and I can’t talk to you about any of it because you guys didn’t know. I was just her kissing buddy or some shit. She’s heartless.”
Tears silently fell down his cheeks, and you couldn’t hold yourself back anymore. Wrapping your arms around him, you rested your head on his shoulder and held him firmly, comforting him as much as you could. He rested his head on top of yours, his body slightly shaking from his silent crying. Your heart ached for him. You and your other friends had been oblivious to what was conspiring between two of your closest friends. You wouldn’t ask questions, you would just be there for Hyuck, who was so obviously hurting.
Eventually he calmed down, and he gently pulled away from your grasp. You watched him closely, and hopefully with a comforting gaze. He sniffled, his hands reaching out and grabbing hold of one of your hands. He caressed your wrist very softly, his touch almost being nonexistent, and he whispered into the air, “I’m sorry for hurting you earlier. My head was in the clouds, and I know that’s not an excuse, but I was just really really distracted and I would never intentionally hurt you-”
“I accept your apology, Hyuck. It’s okay. Don’t worry about it okay?” You patted his cheek twice, waiting for him to nod before moving to stand. He stood with you, his eyes refusing to meet yours. It seemed like he still needed time to pull himself together. “I’ll meet you outside, okay?”
“I think it’s probably best if you all go home. I wouldn’t want anymore arguments to happen,” He suggested, and you figured that definitely was the best option. You turned to walk out, but he grabbed your hand. Turning back to him, you shot him a confused look. He shakily inhaled before lunging forward and giving you a strong embrace. It shocked you at first, but you adjusted quickly and hugged him back. “Thank you. For listening to me. And being there for me.”
“Always, Hyuck. I would never judge you. You’re one of my best friends. I will always be here for you. And I got your back. You’re going to get through this- this pain. And I’ll be there every step of the way.” He sighed out, sounding like a breath of relief, before pulling away and offering you a sincere smile. It was a nice look on him. “See you tomorrow?”
“We’ll see.”
Almost twenty four hours later, you found yourself standing outside this Jeno guy’s front door, alongside Mark, Donghyuck, and Nancy. Tzuyu had gone radio silent since last night, and she had ignored your attempts to reach out. You would let her sort out what she was feeling before you tracked her down. And she had let Nancy know she wasn’t going to Jeno’s for the night, which eased Hyuck’s tense heart a little bit.
“Ready to get drunk?” Hyuck asked, leading to you and Nancy giving him a disapproving look. He held his hands up defensively, adding, “I was just kidding… Sorta.”
Before either of you could say anything, the door swung open to reveal the smiley guy named Jeno, waving his arm enthusiastically to come inside. Him and the guys greeted each other familiarly, before he gave you and Nancy a sweet smile and shook your hands. “I’m Jeno. You guys are Y/N and Nancy right?”
“Yes. This is Nancy, and I’m-”
“Y/N! Yes, I’ve heard a lot about you.” You and Nancy gave each other a look at that, before you proceeded to follow him into the depths of the house. He led you through the house and out to his backyard, your eyes widening in awe at how beautiful his backyard appeared.
Lights were hung up along the edges of the wooden fence that surrounded the yard, and were hung through the trees that lined the garden. There was even a small fountain in the corner, spouting water out and filling the air with a quiet sound of water trickling. Besides that, there was low music playing, a rap song from what your ears picked up. It definitely was a small get-together, several people sprawled out across the grass and seated in the outdoor seating area, cascaded in the dark. Jeno must’ve moved a ping pong table outside because two guys were in the midst of a very intense match.
Your eyes scanned the backyard, feeling a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach as your eyes continued to not find Hyunjin until they suddenly did. He was leaned up against the fence, a cup in one of his hands as he chatted up someone. You watched as he bobbed his head, laughing at whatever the person said before continuing on talking. You were thankful you opted to wear your favorite outfit, and style your hair in your preferred style. You felt more comfortable than you had in a while. And you hoped it would work in your advantage.
“Mark!” You all looked to see a bright-faced blond boy bound over to you guys, immediately embrace the culprit mentioned in a hug, before letting him go and turning to the rest of you. “I’m glad you guys made it. Mark is embarrassed of his friends and never wants you guys to meet us. He thinks we’ll taint you or something. Whatever. We’ve all just been curious to meet you. I know some of us-” Another blond boy, significantly more calmer than the first, appeared and wrapped his arm around his chatty friend, somehow stopping his rambling, “Enough rambling. I’m Chenle. This here is Jisung.”
Jisung simply waved, and you finally recognized him as the sole sophomore to make the baseball team this year. History was definitely repeating itself, fond memories of Donghyuck excitedly telling you guys how he made varsity as a sophomore. You also recognized Chenle, a loud and boisterous junior who laughed loudly, that you could hear him down the hallways at school without even seeing him. He was known as a bit of a life of the party type, which is probably why he was so likeable. You also decided that his smile was contagious as you found yourself smiling back at them.
Donghyuck grabbed your attention then, whispering near your ear, “I’m going to find somewhere to hide. See you later.” He was still torn up about what had happened last night, and you considered going after him, but thought better of it as you figured he needed time to himself. You shuffled in your spot, being friendly as you struck up conversation with Jisung. You found out he was quite thoughtful and had plenty of things to say about pretty much anything. He was nice to talk to, and he kept your attention for quite a while. Soon, you all broke apart and went your separate ways.
You ran into a friend named Jaemin, his bright smile accentuating his features and his ever affectionate nature welcoming you in for a while. But even your time with him ended eventually, and you found yourself getting thirsty. You found a cooler and rummaged through it, looking for a Dr. Pepper before you felt a presence beside you.
“Finally. I thought I would never get a chance to talk to you.” Your heart raced in your chest at the voice, looking up and over your shoulder to spot Hyunjin. He looked as breathtaking as always, opting for a semi-casual look. He was adorned in dark jeans and a dark blue sleeved shirt, with a pair of Vans to finish the look. His hair was as neat as usual, and his gaze was gentle as he looked down at you with a friendly smile.
“Hyunjin. Hey! It’s nice to see you.” You noted you sounded way too excited for being just his friend, but he either didn’t notice or didn’t care as he just chuckled and waited for you to finish finding your drink. Once you did, he did the same, choosing a Coca Cola before straightening out. You faced each other, taking a moment to take each other in, appreciation from your end and most likely friendliness from his end. He was the most stunning guy you had ever seen in your life. Perhaps your thoughts were dramatic, but your feelings didn’t lie. You wondered when he had stolen your heart, and how had it been that easy?
“I’ve been trying to find an opportunity to swoop in and talk to you, but every time I saw my chance, someone beat me to it. You were talking to Jaemin for a while there, and I was afraid you guys would talk until the night was over,” He sounded like he was joking, but his face was as stoic as ever. Since the library, he was more open about how he felt and what was on his mind. But old habits die hard, and he still had a strong hold on hiding his emotions from his face.
You just laughed at his words, tapping at the top of your soda can before saying, “That wouldn’t have happened. And I’m glad you approached me. I was waiting for a chance to talk to you too.”
His face showed mild surprise. “Oh. So you knew I was here?”
“Yeah, I spotted you when I walked in,” You spoke shyly, but you told yourself to get a handle on yourself. This was Hyunjin, someone who never judged you. He just nodded his head and tilted his head towards the house.
“Let’s sit down on the steps? Talk for a while?”
His words left you breathless and you didn’t know why. A phenomenal boy had your attention and it was unfaltering. It was like the moment he approached you, no one else was there in Jeno’s backyard. It was exhilarating. Without hesitation, you said, “Sounds like a plan.”
You didn’t realize how close in proximity you two would be up until you were sitting on the porch steps. He had taken the lead, so you were sat near the bottom of the steps, your backs against the steps above. The length of his body never actually went noticed, because he was so lanky and would constantly stretch out his legs if necessary. You amusingly thought to yourself how the amount of space he took up with his body is the equivalent of the amount of space he took up in your mind.
“Jeno picked a perfect night to host a get-together. It’s not too cold out,” Hyunjin said with a soft voice, his eyes scanning what you assumed was the tree-line. You definitely forgot how he appeared up close, and it was a cold reality check, colder than the slightly windy air. You watched as he did his usual habit of licking his lips, which is something he did when he had something on his mind. The wind tickled his hair a little bit, and you watched keenly as it lifted in the air and revealed a bit of his forehead. You wondered how he would look if he ever decided to style his hair differently.
“I agree. It’s a nice night.”
He hummed, glancing at you and offering a friendly smile before looking away and letting it fade. A big part of you wanted to ask if he was holding up okay, if he was still feeling overwhelmed like before. But you noticed he didn’t look so tired anymore, and he didn’t seem as stressed. You didn’t want to ruin this little moment the two of you were creating together. So you kept your lips sealed.
“How have you been, Y/N?” He looked over at you then, his eyes attentive and his voice a bit of a slur, like he was lazily carrying on the conversation. But his easy-going expression told you that he enjoyed talking with you. “I know we text here and there, but we don’t get to talk in person much. I miss this.”
Your heart thumped hard in your chest. “I’ve been alright. School. Friends. Drama. The same as usual. I miss talking to you too. You were definitely one of the highlights of my day.”
He laughed that off, sounding a little flustered with his next words. “Right… I, uh, understand that feeling. You mentioned drama… is everything alright?”
“Yeah, just stuff with my friends. Things will blow over… eventually. And if they don’t, we’ll all just have to learn to live with it. We’ve never had a problem that we couldn’t fix.” Hyunjin nodded, and the two of you fell into a bit of silence for a while. You fought against the chilly and windy air, rubbing your arms and pulling your sleeves over your fingertips, then placing your clothed hands up against your mouth. You watched as your friends conversed, Mark talking animatedly to Chenle and Jisung from earlier. Nancy seemed to be comfortable with that Jeno guy, because they were holed up in the corner talking. And you hadn’t seen Donghyuck since he said he was going to disappear earlier. It seemed he was better at disappearing than you expected.
“Are you cold?” Hyunjin’s voice filtered in your ears, breaking your train of thought. You tried to shrug him off, but he just shook his head and rose to his feet.
“What are you doing?” You hissed, but he didn’t say anything, simply outstretched his hand to you. You were confused, and only stared back at his equally stoic face.
“Are you going to just ignore my hand?” His voice was teasing, and he just shook his head before lowering his hand. “We can go inside. Jeno doesn’t mind. People have already started spreading out across the house.”
You had noticed the lack of people around the backyard that were previously there. You looked at your friends once again, but you figured they would be okay without you. So you stood up, agreeing underneath your breath, and followed Hyunjin inside. He seemed to know where he was going, leading you the way that you guys had come from when you first entered the house, and into what you decided to call the front living room. Jeno’s house was big and extravagant, and the fact that he had such nice decor inside and outside blew your mind. His family definitely knew how to properly decorate.
You stood in the entranceway of the front living room. Hyunjin walked into the darkness of the room, and you heard him fiddling around with something until you heard an audible click and light flooded in  from a small lamp in the corner. The light was dim and lit up the room similar to what a fireplace would. You adored the small space, and the sofa you sank into was so incredibly soft, you could envision yourself falling asleep on it.
Like the rest of the house, the little room was decorated nicely. There was a mantle that had a bunch of family photos, and from where you sat you could recognize a small and smiley Jeno in a lot of the picture frames. There were two tall bookshelves that reached the low ceiling, filled to the brim with different sizes of books. Other than that, it was a typical sitting room with two loveseats, a couch, and a glass table in the center.
You watched silently as Hyunjin walked over to the photos, humming in amusement as he pushed gently at one of the picture frames with his finger, before slowly walking over to join you on the sofa. He wasn’t too close, but it still brought your pulse into overdrive. From the corner of your eye, you watched him slouch on the sofa, his head resting on the back of the sofa, his eyes fluttering close. It was unusual to see him so casual.
“Jeno was a cute kid.” Hyunjin said distractedly, referring to the photos.
“He must’ve been with that smile,” You offered, feeling a lot more vulnerable now that you were merely surrounded by the silence and by Hyunjin. He hummed again, and you suddenly become overwhelmed with the desire to hear his voice. He was right; you were never around each other enough. You heard his voice maybe once or twice a day if you were lucky. The project had opened the door up for the friendship to grow. But you would never be able to get enough. He was the one book you never wanted to put down.
“How have you been holding up, Hyunjin? Have things been… better?”
His eyes fluttered open, and he slowly angled his head to look at you. He looked sleepy, but content as he stared back at you. His face was open, a puzzle of contentment but restlessness. And it was then that you wondered if you were ever going to be open to the inner workings of this boy’s mind, if you were ever going to be someone he opened up to, because after all he wasn’t a fan of confiding in anyone. Would he always be a mere masterpiece to admire, but to never fully understand?
“In all honesty… things have been better ever since I talked to you. And not because people started treating me better or anything like that, it’s still the same old shit. I’ve just… started looking at everything a little differently. Talking to you helped a lot… it honestly really surprises me,” Hyunjin chuckled softly, moving his head back to its original position and looking up at the ceiling. “And I know most of it was me being an emotional mess and you just listening to me spout nonsense… it just helped me clear my head and get a handle on things. That was the first night I slept peacefully in days. I actually haven’t had a problem sleeping since that day. So thank you for that.”
“It’s all you, Hyunjin. I’m simply a… pit stop of sorts. A friend can help you up, maybe nudge you in the right direction. But it is up to you to solely find that inner peace, that strength in yourself. Thank you for the credit, but I see that you help yourself out just fine. You’re really strong. I admire that,” You saw his shy smile but didn’t comment on it, opting to add, “And your feelings aren’t nonsense, by the way. Don’t discredit yourself like that. Everything that comes out your mouth is meaningful.”
His smile faded then, as he slowly straightened himself out. His eyes found their way to the floor, his lips parted and his eyes refusing to look up. It was if the air shifted, thickening as the silence wrapped around the two of you, your eyes on him and his eyes on the floor. You considered reaching out to grab his hand and ask if he’s alright, but his voice cutting through the air prevented that from happening. “Do you mean that?”
“Mean what?” You asked him, your eyes never leaving his face. He was bent forward now, his elbows resting on the top of his knees. He looked over his shoulder then, his eyes meeting yours and it was like you felt your heart completely stop at the look he was giving you.
“Everything you just said about me. Do you really see me that way?”
It was like time had stopped then, the moment being frozen in your mind. Oddly enough, Donghyuck’s face flashed into your mind, his words appearing in your thoughts. About how maybe you were exactly like Mark, bound to secrecy about your feelings towards Hyunjin. And if ever given the opportunity to open up to Hyunjin, would you take it?
You opened your mouth then, your eyes still locked with Hyunjin’s, his face void of any emotion. His previous tone being the only indicator that whatever you said next, would matter to him. “I meant every single word. I’ve noticed that… you aren’t really aware of how amazing you actually are. You’ve got this… charm about you. You’re careful but caring, and you look at things differently than anyone I’ve ever come across. And you are stronger than you even realize. You’ve fought all these battles, battles I don’t even know about, without ever confiding in someone about how you feel. You’re… amazing.”
He sat up from his leaning position then, twisting his body to face you. His lips were parted as if he were shocked, his eyes studying your face as if he were trying to figure out why you said what you did and if you were lying in any sort of way. You were not. You meant every single word. You sat up as well, scooting to the edge of the sofa and clasping your hands together. Fixing your eyes ahead and towards the mantle, you waited to see what he would say. You could still feel his eyes on your face, but you ignored the sensation.
“No one’s ever really told me that before. Actually, no one has ever told me how they see me… at least in a positive light.” You turned to look at him then, trying to shake how his voice had been in awe, tried to avoid how he was looking at you, how you wondered what it would be like if he felt the same way you did.
You couldn’t remember thinking about the words you said next, feeling like you weren’t even there in that moment. You just remember your voice coming out softly but confidently. “Can I kiss you, Hyunjin?”
You had watched closely how he blinked rapidly, licking his lips and swallowing in nervousness, how his hands found solace with each other. He nodded, before clearing his throat and whispering, “That would be nice.”
And one moment, there was that divide between the two of you. A space, a boundary, one that respected the friendship that had been gradually forming between the two of you. A mutual understanding of sorts, a vision for what your friendship could’ve become. And in the next moment, that divide had been splashed with the colors of something more. The space had been filled with the both of your bodies coming together, the boundary erased as his soft lips encased yours in a kiss, the friendship that existed fleeting from your minds as you became lost in the sensation. The understanding was forgotten, the vision of that potential friendship becoming blurry as his hand reached up and cupped the side of your neck.
You were breathing but it felt like your heart had stopped. The kiss wasn’t rushed, it was calculated, exactly like the boy you were kissing. Your hands found their place at the nape of his neck, and you could’ve imagined it, but it felt like he had shivered beneath the feeling of your fingertips. The kiss wasn’t urgent, it was curious. If you had to think of a description for it, it was distinctly like Hyunjin. It was warm and cold, calculated and caring. It was soft but restricted. It thrilled you and scared you. And just like that, he was gone.
“What-what was that?” Hyunjin gasped, standing up and backing away from you. His eyes were wide for a moment, him gulping in air as if he just woke up from a nightmare. You felt your heart rate pick up, this time in a more painful manner. He turned away from you then, shielding you from his face, from him. You stood up, very slowly, as if you knew what was coming. You didn’t approach him, you didn’t even look at him. You just stared ahead at the mantle, where a smiley Jeno resided.
“What do you mean by that?”
His voice was faraway, distant, but he was near you. Just like the Hyunjin you knew, he was shutting off his emotions. “That’s not who we are. That’s not us. You’re… Y/N. I’m… We’re friends, Y/N. Why did we do that?” From the change in volume, you could tell he was facing you now, looking at you. But you didn’t care. You were just focused on that photo, how happy Jeno looked. And how on the inside, you were feeling the exact opposite. Your other focus was to try and push back the stinging sensation in your eyes. “Y/N. Answer me. Why did we do that?” His voice was desperate, pleading. It angered you.
You turned to him, and you noticed how shocked he looked at your facial expression, but you didn’t care. “Why are you asking me that? How am I supposed to answer that? Because I thought it was what we both wanted. Clearly, that’s not the case.”
His face looked troubled, innocent. It hurt your heart.
“I-I don’t know what…” His eyebrows were drawn together, his gaze towards the floor. Typical, emotionless Hyunjin. Why were you so angry?
“Why would you tell me yes if it wasn’t what you wanted?”
He didn’t answer you. He just kept staring at the floor. Just like the day at the library. Just like every time he shut down his emotions. He wasn’t going to let you in, and he probably never would. You watched in frustration as he licked his lips in thought, keeping his mouth shut. You tried to swallow the thick knot in your throat, wiping furiously at the tears that had ran down your cheeks and hoping he wouldn’t see them. He didn’t.
“Answer me, Hyunjin.”
He didn’t.
You didn’t want to sit here and feel more humiliated, so you turned and started walking out the room and towards the front door. You stopped in your tracks at the sound of his voice, small and vulnerable. If you had read into it, perhaps you would’ve recognized it as his way of trying to reach out and open up, but at that moment you were too hurt to understand. “Y/N… I’m not good for you. I-”
“Yeah, you’ve made that message loud and clear. Your friends were right. How could I expect a robot to feel the same way I do?” You felt sick to your stomach saying those words, lashing out at someone who had been nothing but good to you. Before you walked out the front door, you looked back over your shoulder and caught a glimpse of Hyunjin’s face. How pained he looked, his eyes still trained on the floor. It looked like someone had just punched him in the stomach. He wasn’t stoic, he was far from it. You just had to know when to look. Unfortunately, you always knew when to look.
He didn’t follow you outside, and the cold air hit you as hard as reality did moments before. You froze in your movements upon seeing a figure sitting on the front porch steps, completely cascaded in the dark. It took you a moment, because even though it wasn’t pitch black out, it was still hard to see, but you recognized the figure as none other than Donghyuck.
You took a seat next to him, your lips sealed shut but your eyes refusing to control themselves. Your head hurt from the attempt at stopping the tears, but you just gave up and simply let it happen. Donghyuck didn’t say anything, just shifted closer and pressed the side of his body up against yours. You would thank him later for the comfort and the warmth.
“It sucks. When you…” You didn’t know how to word it. How could you say it without sounding like a complete idiot? ‘Oh, I kissed Hyunjin and he told me he didn’t like me, so I insulted him and walked out?’ What had you expected? You were a jerk, mean to him and throwing something personal in his face. You wouldn’t blame him if he never wanted to talk to you again.
You looked up then, towards the dark blue sky. It was eerily quiet in Jeno’s neighborhood, hardly any light but a few porch lights here and there. You were grateful to be surrounded by darkness through your feelings of rejection and self-embarrassment. You sniffled loudly, your breath getting caught when Donghyuck reached out and clasped your hand tightly. He gave you strength. “Why does it hurt so bad when you give someone your heart and they just give it back?”
He hummed, in bitter amusement you would say. His voice was gentle, accepting of his own situation and of the little information you had just given him. It didn’t take him long to form an answer at all. “Because it’s a hard reality to accept when the person you’re willing to give the world to, doesn’t give a damn about you.”
You two left it at that, the cold air suffocating you on the outside, but your closeness being a barrier of warmth on the inside. Regardless of the heat between your bodies, the feeling in your chest was empty, numb, and you assumed it was the same for Donghyuck. Your heart had been stolen by Hyunjin, his by Tzuyu. You knew, at least for tonight, the only person who quite understood you was Donghyuck, something you could never possibly have saw coming. But you didn’t care. Because misery likes company, and as you grasped his hand just as tightly, you figured one night of heartbreak wouldn’t mind having a person by your side.
Two hearts bonded by their pain.
Stolen by people who didn’t seem to care.
And all the two of you could do was sit in silence, and hope that holding on for one another would be enough to make it through the pain that was in store.
>>> Next part <<<
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d-noona · 3 years
The Playboy Assignment
Persuading a millionaire to part with a fortune seemed like mission impossible. Especially as the man in question turned out to be Min Yoongi - April's first love.
Eight years ago, Yoongi had stormed out of her life, believing she was having another man's baby. Convincing him otherwise, whilst sweet-talking him into helping a worthy cause, would be tricky. Even more so when he insisted negotiations take place in the bedroom! Suddenly, April was struggling to remember that the playboy assignment was business not pleasure!
Min Yoongi x Original Character
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2
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The sent of freshly made coffee filled the small café, and April paused in the doorway for a second to breathe her fill of the rich aroma. But one of her partners was already waiting in the back booth reserved for their staff meeting every Monday morning, so April strolled down the length of the long, narrow room and sat across from Seokjin. She winced at the hardness of the green vinyl bench. "I'm either going to have to start carrying along a cushion or convince the management to redecorate."
Seokjin folded his newspaper and laid it aside. "The cushion would be easier. This place has looked the same as long as I can remember. So unless you're looking for a challenge-"
"Any reason I shouldn't be?" April poured herself a cup of coffee from the carafe on the table.
"Only that redecorating isn't really a matter of public relations." Seokjin replied.
April squirmed on the bench. "I don't know about that. My particular segment of the public would have a lot better relations with the management if-"
"And we've already got plenty of regular business to tend to. Which forces me to point out that you're late." Seokjin's tone was matter-of-fact, without a hint of reproach or irritation.
April reached automatically for the pendant watch which dangled from a very heavy chain around her neck, "Five minutes," she said. "And I'd have been smack on time if there hadn't been a bake sale going on outside the high school I walked past."
Seokjin showed a faint interest. "At this hour on Monday morning?"
"Incredible isn't it? I thought any teenager who was enterprising enough to be selling brownies this early deserved my support." She pulled a paper bag from her briefcase and waved it under Seokjin's nose. "So I bought both fudge and chocolate chip cookies - But you can't have any until breakfast."
The waitress set an omelette in front of Seokjin and grinned at April. "What will it be this morning April?"
"Just a raspberry Danish, No hurry."
Seokjin picked up his fork. "Better make it bacon and eggs instead of more sugar, or you'll be bouncing off the walls by noon. Not that you don't most of the time, anyway."
"I didn't buy THAT much fudge." there was no defensiveness in April's tone; Seokjin's comment was too near truth to allow room for resentment. Of the three partners in BigHit Public Relations, Seokjin was the practical manager, Danie was the get-it-done-whatever-it-takes-sort, and April was the visionary, never short of idea. The fact that nine out of ten of those ideas went nowhere had ceased to bother her - because the tenth was always her winner.
Of course, that had been true all her life. For every good plan she'd come up with April Park had managed to find nine bad ones. Or sometimes, she though dryly, an idea so far beyond bad that it was worth nine all by itself. That whole thing with Yoongi. And that, April told herself, was enough of that.
Yoongi and the last of her disasters were eight years long in the past, and there was no point in rehashing the circumstances. The important thing was with two down-to-earth partners to keep her anchored to reality, her wilder ideas were squashed before they could get into trouble. Thinking of the partnership reminder her of the empty place where the third member of the triangle usually sat. "Tell me again when Danie's going back?"
"She said she was only taking two weeks off." Seokjin responds while stuffing a spoonful of egg in his mouth.
April raised her eyebrows. "You sound a little doubtful. Have you ever known Danie not to keep her word?"
"She's never been on a honeymoon before." Seokjin smirks.
"That's true." April admired the smooth glaze surface of her raspberry Danish. She was just about to take her first bite when a photograph in the newspaper Seokjin tossed aside caught her eye and made her forget about everything else. "What's Bang Si-Hyuk doing in the press?" She put the Danish down and reached for the paper. "Namjoon will be furious if he called in the media himself instead of letting the museum squeeze all the mileage we can out of the announcement..." her voice trailed off as she saw the headline.
Bang Si-Hyuk, industrialist, dies suddenly. The announcement was cool and dispassionate. Even the headline was discreet black type, not the sort which blared from the page. If it hadn't been for the photograph - outdated by at least twenty years but still unmistakably Si-Hyuk, with the enormous nose which hadn't changed an iota with age - she'd missed the story altogether.
"He can't die." April said flatly.
Seokjin glanced at the page. "Well I doubt the tribune published his obituary as a practical joke, why can't he die anyway? At seventy-eight, I'd say the man has a right."
"Because he hasn't rewritten his damned will yet? That's why! At least, he hadn't the last time I talked to Joon."
Seokjin nodded wisely. "I'd already gathered this is the millionaire art collector you've been dangling after for months."
"I wouldn't call it dangling, exactly," April objected.
Seokjin raised an eyebrow at April "The one who was so sensitive about causing speculations that you couldn't even tell Danie and me exactly who he was."
"It's not that I didn't trust you," April pointed out. "Joon was afraid if there was talk -"
"-That the mysterious collector wouldn't donate his pretty picture to Namjoon's museum after all." Seokjin flat out cuts off April.
"They're not pretty pictures." April saw the gleam of humor spring to life in Seokjin's dark handsome eyes, and she wanted to bite off her tongue. "Wait a second. Let me rephrase that."
Seokjin was hooting with delight. "Oh, All right," April admitted. "Some of them - most of the modern art pieces, in fact, are about as far from pretty as it's possible to get. What I meant was they're more than just random painting. It's a major collection, and it would mean the earth to the Moonchild Museum."
"Plus putting a finger in the eye of all the other places who'd like to have it?" says Seokjin.
"Seoul is a big city," April said stubbornly "Why shouldn't it have another big art museum?" Her Danish had cooled, and the raspberry filling had congealed. She pushed the plate aside. "Of course, it has a moot point now, unless Si-Hyuk signed a new will since I talked to Namjoon. He might have had time, I suppose, but -"
Seokjin sighed. "All right, I know better than to think your mind will settle in the week's work schedule until after you've found out what's going on at your precious museum." April jumped up and gathered her purse and briefcase. "Seokjin, thanks a million! You really are the anchor that keeps Bighit from drifting off, you know."
"Cut out the poetic language and just go," Seokjin said tartly. "Before I change my mind."
April grinned and flung an arm around Seokjin's broad shoulder for a quick hug. Seokjin shrugged her off, but he was smiling. "Keep me posted, okay?"
April feigned a look of shock at her co-worker slash best friend. "But of course. After all the Moonchild is Bighit's client - not just mine." she hurried out to the street before Seokjin could return an acid answer.
Morning rush in Seoul was no time to be hailing a cab, but today she was lucky. The taxi was going the wrong direction, but that was a minor problem; the cabbie screeched tp a halt in the traffic lane and April darted across the street and flung herself into the back seat. "The Moonchild Museum," she gasped, "and hurry."
Horns honked behind them, and the cab screeched off, flinging April against the seat.
"You want me to make an illegal U-Turn, of can I take a minute to go around the block?" asked the cabbie dryly. "What's the rush anyway? That place don't open till 10."
"I know." April sighs.
The cab driver muttered, "People watch way too much movies these days. that's the trouble. Somebody's always shouting "Follow that car" - and thinking he's a comedian."
April smothered a smile and refused to let herself be drawn into a discussion. Instead she stared out the window at the streets of Seoul as the cab sped down Han River. Despite the hour several people were already at the area, their bright smiles in the early morning breeze. The cab turned toward downtown, and soon they were in the worst of the morning rush, fighting their way block b block between the skyscrapers, through the dark cold caverns where sunshine fell. It was several weeks yet till summer officially arrived, but some of these streets would still feel chilly.
Finally the cab swerved almost onto the sidewalk in front of the converted warehouse where the Moonchild Museum had found a home. At street level were retails shops; on the upper floors were small apartments, and the Moonchild was sandwiched in between. This years goal would raise enough funds to improve access for the handicapped; April's proposal for organizing the appeal was lying on her desk. The Moonchild Museum, named for the frontier fort which occupied what later became the city of Seoul had been one of BigHit's first clients. In fact, the tiny public relations firm and the struggling museum had come to life at about the same time, both bravely taking on the challenge of competing with far larger and more established organizations.
Perhaps the similarity was the reason April had so quickly taken the Moonchild to her heart. At any rate, Danie and Seokjin had been delighted to leave the museum to her as April was to take it on.
For three years now, she'd work with the staff which actually meant, of course that she worked with Kim Namjoon, the young director. And she'd been as thrilled as anyone when Namjoon had first made contact with Si-Hyuk and learned that the old man was considering the future of the collection he'd so painstakingly built. April paid the cab driver and walked around the warehouse to the unmarked back entrance. She pressed the intercom button and gave her name, and a moment later a buzzer sounder and the lock was released. She frowned a little as she climbed the narrow steps to the museum floor, wondering if Namjoon had considered adding security. Though the Moonchild present collection wasn't shabby, it also wasn't the sort to draw the attention of thieves. But the Bang Si-Hyuk pieces would be different...if, of course, the Moonchild ever got them.
Namjoon was in his office, a small shabby, industrial green room to one side of the stairwell, and the moment April saw him she knew she didn't have to be the one to break the news. His brown hair, normally so neat, was wildly disarranged. Even more than unusual, his tie was at an angle, and the collar of his shirt curled up at the back.
"You look almost like one of your artist friends." she dropped into the rickety chair beside his desk. "The Bohemian kind who think that even owning a mirror is narcissistic."
Namjoon's hand went automatically to his hair, even as he said "That's not funny April."
"I know, I saw the newspaper." she hesitated. "It was a shock to you, too, obviously."
"Shock is hardly the word. Nuclear attack is more like it." Namjoon sank into his chair and rubbed his temples. April's heart dropped to her toes. "He hadn't finished the will?"
Namjoon shook his head. "If I only pushed a little harder! He was talking about the details last week when I saw him, and if I'd urged him to stop talking and get on with it-"
"If you pressed he might've backed out all together Joon."
"I suppose so. But if I could have just made him see that the fine points could be adjusted anytime-"
April had stopped listening. The fact that they had lost the collection was settling cold and hard in the pit of her stomach. Only now that the prize had been snatched away did she realize how much she had come to count on it. For months she'd been tentatively making her plans around the Bang collection. The announcement would be the boost to public recognition of the museum. The visitor list would increase dramatically, and fund-raising would be a snap. Of course, she admitted, not all of her motives were so entirely selfless as those. The renown would be her job instantly easier. And part of the glory of the museum's success would reflect on BigHit, and therefore on April...
She sighed. "Back to the drawing board," she thought.
"It was odd," Namjoon said. "The way Si-Hyuk was behaving last week, I mean. I didn't realize it at the time, but-"
"Maybe he was already feeling ill?" April asks.
"No, that's not it at all. It was like he was teasing me, holding something back."
Possible, April thought. It was equally possible that Namjoon's perceptions were colored by twenty-twenty hindsight. "Si-Hyuk was a world class wheeler and dealer. Perhaps he wanted you to offer him something else? Something extra, in return for the collection?"
"Then why didn't he just ask? Anyway, what else could he have wanted?"
April shrugged. "More power to influence the museum's future, perhaps."
"We'd already offered him a seat on the board."
"I know. Or maybe he was just playing out the game, for the fun of it and the attention it got him. He certainly liked having everybody dancing attendance on him." as April pulls out her fudge brownies and chews on them while she hands some over to Namjoon. Namjoon rejects then sighs. "And he waited just a little too long to get down to business?"
Suddenly Namjoon's face brightened. "You don't suppose Si-Hyuk made that will anyway, do you? Maybe he didn't tell me because he didn't want the attention to stop."
April had her doubts, but this was the first positive note Namjoon had expressed and she thought it was hardly the time to discourage him. At any rate, before she'd gathered her thoughts , he'd picked up the phone and was fumbling through his desk. "Si-Hyuk's attorney - what was his name? I've got his card in here somewhere..."
The business card he eventually produced had once been crisp and elegant, April was certain. Now it was dog-eared, the edges frayed and the type rubbed and blurred but not so damaged that Namjoon couldn't read the phone number. "I don't think he can tell you anything," she said as he dialed. "What a client puts in his will is a confidential matter."
"I'm not going to ask whether what's in his will, just whether Si-Hyuk made any changes recently.: He spoke into the phone "Kim Namjoon calling for Mr. Jung Hoseok, please."
The way Namjoon's voice deepened whenever he wanted to impress someone had never failed to amuse April. She wondered if Namjoon knew what he was doing. Probably not, she decided; the habit could well be so ingrained he was no longer aware of it. As Namjoon asked his question, he began to tap his pencil on his desk blotter at even intervals, and by the time he put the phone down the steady rhythm had almost driven April mad. She took one look at his his glum face and forgot the tapping. "I told you he wouldn't answer the question."
"Oh, he answered." Namjoon tossed the pen aside. "Si-Hyuk hasn't changed his will in years."
April sighed. "I guess that's that."
"Unless he went to some other attorney, of course."
"Come on, Joon - how likely is that? Maybe we should look on the positive side of this whole thing." April tried to laugh, with little success. "With all those valuable paintings, and the publicity we expected to get, security would have become a massive problem. We'd have been begging for handouts in the streets just to pay the guards."
Namjoon didn't hesitate. "We wouldn't have any trouble fund-raising for security."
Didn't the man have any sense of humor? April thought to herself. "Okay, so it was a bad joke. But you may as well accept the facts."
"And if things had gone right we wouldn't have had to worry securing this place at all."
April frowned. "What does that mean?"
"I shouldn't have said anything." Namjoon looked a bit shamefaced, "But oh- what difference does it make now? I'd hope that Si-Hyuk would give his house to the museum too."
April had never seen Si-Hyuk's home, but Namjoon had told her about the huge old mansion Si-Hyuk has. "And move the present collection there?" she shook her head. "It certainly makes our current troubles with access for the handicapped look like peanuts."
Namjoon dismissed the problem with a wave of the hand. "Si-Hyuk installed an elevator just last year."
April rolled her eyes. At least, she thought, that harebrained scheme would never have gone along with it. On second thought, however, she realized that there was a method in Namjoon's madness. In fact, the idea made a sort of sense. In its downtown location, the Moonchild would always be just one among Seoul's prominent art museums. But in the suburbs, it would stand alone, surrounded not by competition but by middle - higher class families with time and money for cultural activities - not only visits but art classes, lectures, tours...Possibilities poured through her mind.
"Well why not?" Namjoon said defensively. "It's not as if Si-Hyuk had a family to leave it to? Besides, his pictures were the most important thing in his life. Why not leave them in the setting he created for them?"
Reluctantly, she pushed the stream of ideas aside. It was too late for them. And too late, April thought, for sympathy to do Namjoon any good either. She said, finally, "What about the funeral? Shall we go together?" For a moment she wasn't certain whether Namjoon hadn't heard her of if he intended to refuse. Then he gave a harsh bark of laughter. "Oh, why not?" he said. "Doesn't every fisherman like to get a last glimpse of the one that got away?"
April was on her mobile when Seokjin tapped at her office door and put his head in. April beckoned him in and said, "Yes, Mrs. Kang, I know exactly how disappointed you are. I've found, however -"
Seokjin sat on the edge of a chintz-covered chair, looking half afraid that the deep, soft cushions would drag him down like an undertow. Funny, April thought, with half her mind still on Mrs. Kang, how different the partners were. Seokjin could sit like that, hands folded like the CEO of a big corporation, for hours. Danie, if forced to wait, would probably have reorganized the bookshelves. April would have flung herself on the overstuffed plaid couch and at least pretended to take a nap.
Finally she soothed he client into hanging up, and rubbed her ear as she put her phone down. "Some day," she said, "I'm going to try to hang up the phone and discover that I can't because it's melted into my ear and become a part of me." She looked longingly at the couch, but she knew better than to chance wrinkling her skirt. Linen -even black linen - showed every crease.
Seokjin smiled in sympathy. "Janna told she'd put through calls from every single member of the Moonchild's board of directors today."
"Oh she has. I can't decide whether to thank her for being such an efficient secretary, or yell at her for exactly the same reason." April's voice was dry. "Thank God that was the last of them, at least for this round."
"What's on their minds? Or did they all know about Si-Hyuk" Jin asks.
"No. Not by name, at least. But the news seems to have leaked just this morning that all hope of getting the collection has gone up to smoke, and every person who isn't running for cover is making threats instead."
Seokjin's eyebrow rose a fraction. "What kind of threats?"
"Oh, the usual noises about hiring a new director." April waved a hand. "I think I got most of the feathers soothed. Eventually they'll realize it wasn't Namjoon's fault - and also they can't hire anyone else for what they're paying him - and everybody will be back on good terms. What's up, Jin?"
"Namjoon, actually. Janna sent me up to tell you that he's waiting downstairs."
April stood up, smoothed her skirt, and slipped her black jacker on over her white snowy blouse. "Good. I mean, I'm not looking forward to Si-Hyuk's funeral, but it's better than dealing with the phone." She picked up her wide-brimmed black hat and glanced in the mirror mounted on the back of her office door.
"I know, that's why Janna asked me to come up and tell you - because she didn't want to break into your call." Seokjin paused in the doorway. "You and Namjoon look like a matched set, by the way, except you don't have a black tie and he wouldn't look nearly as good as you do in that hat."
April paused as she adjusted her hat. "You're sure it isn't a little over the top? I don't want to look like a professional mourner. But I did like the old man, and as a mark of respect..."
"You look great," Seokjin said. "If I weren't swamped with work I would have accompanied you, but work beckons and if I could wear a hat with that kind of dash, I'd never take it off."
April smiled in spite of herself. "They really get in the way when it comes to being kissed you know."
"Just as I said - I'd never take if off." Seokjin grinned and started up the stairs toward the top floor production room.
"If you stopped being picky, Jin, you'd have lines of women wanting to kiss you!"
Seokjin didn't even pause. "Really? Well, since I don't have the time for that sort of nonsense, and I'm perfectly handsome and happy by myself, I'll DEFINITELY have to look for a hat."
April made a face on her partner's back and turned toward the staircase to the main floor. Namjoon was standing in the receptionist's office, hands clasped behind his back, shifting his weight from toes to heels and back again. He was staring at the framed posted which hung near Janna's desk, but April doubted he'd even seen it, or hear her come in. She was wrong on both counts.
Namjoon stepped back from the poster and said, "I could get you something really nice to hang there."
"On BigHit's decorating budget? I doubt it." She let her gaze run over him. In his dark suit he looked really nice. He was six feet taller or so at least, even when April was wearing her heels she seemed small. She noticed his tie wasn't black it was charcoal. Seokjin had been wrong. But he'd been correct about the rest. They couldn't have matched more perfectly if they'd been dressed by a single designer. Janna, she noticed, she looked impressed.
Namjoon had a tiny sports car in front of BigHit's converted brownstone. He helped April into the passenger seat, and she tried to keep her skirt from sliding impossibly high.
"At least it's a pretty day," she said as he got behind the wheel. "I wondered why the services where delayed so long, but it worked out beautifully, didn't it? After the rain yesterday and the day before-"
Why was she babbling? The urge to talk simply to fill the silence was a sensation she'd never felt with Namjoon before, and it took April by surprise. Theirs had always been an easy and professional relationship.
"The funeral was put off for the heir's convenience." Namjoon replied.
April frowned. "What heir?"
"Didn't I tell you what I found out? The will currently in force was made more than ten years ago and -"
April interrupted with a long, low whistle. "You've put the delay to good use haven't you?"
Namjoon shrugged. "I don't know what use it is to know that Si-Hyuk left everything he possessed to a son of an old flame."
"Well well," April drawled. "Who'd have thought of it Si-Hyuk?"
"I know," Namjoon said bitterly. "It's hard to believe that somebody as savvy as Si-Hyuk didn't bother to update his will now and then, even if his financial circumstances hadn't changed. A ten year old will is ridiculous...to say nothing of his leaving everything to somebody who wouldn't even bother to cut his Hawaiian vacation short so the funeral could be held on time."
"That wasn't quite what I meant." April said. "It just occurred to me that perhaps the son of the old flame might be Si-Hyuk's son, as well."
Namjoon looked startled. "Oh, I don't think-"
"Even Si-Hyuk was young once. And now that I think about it, there was a certain twinkle in his eyes sometimes."
Namjoon snorted.
There were to be no church services, only a gathering in the cemetery. A surprising number of cars were already parked along the narrow, winding roads which cut the grand old cemetery into segments, and Namjoon had to park at a distance. April glanced from the gravel lane to her shoes and sighed. But before they'd gone far, the inconvenience of walking across grass and gravel in heels had given way to April's love of old cemeteries. She'd almost forgotten how much she loved old graveyards, full of elaborate monuments and family histories carved in stone in a kind of shorthand only the initiated could read. She'd been good at that, once, deducing from names and dates what had happened to the people who lay below the quiet soil. But she hadn't gone exploring for years now.
Eight years to be exact...
"But how do you know?"
The question echoed in her head, in an almost plaintive baritone that she hadn't heard in the better part of a decade. Funny, she thought, that she could still hear it so clearly...
"How can you tell from a tombstone that life was rough for women?" Yoongi had asked on a crisp November day, as he stood beside her in an old cemetery back in Daegu. "It's a man tombstone, at that?"
"That's right," April had said. "The monument is for the patriarch, but look on the back at the list of names. His three wives didn't even get a stone to themselves. He married them one at a time, or course, but now they're all lying here beside him, together for eternity."
"But how?" Yoongi had asked, very practically. "He's only got two sides."
April had found the comment hysterically funny, and she'd finally wobbled over to a low flat stone nearby ad sat down to recover from her fit of laughter. But in fact she'd never managed to get her breath back, for Yoongi had joined her there and kissed her...
And she hadn't walked in a cemetery since.
"What a nuisance this is," Namjoon said. "Trust Si-Hyuk to make things inconvenient."
"Shush." They were getting close to the small tent where the crowd had gathered. A soft breeze tugged at April's hat and ruffled the corned of the South Korean flag covering the casket. She hadn't known that Si-Hyuk had been in the armed services. But then April thought, there seemed to be lots of things that they hadn't known about Si-Hyuk. They were almost last to arrive, and only a few moments later a man in flowing robes began the service. April tipped her head a little, allowing her hat to shield her eyes as she glanced around the crowd.
She saw vaguely familiar faces, but no one she knew well. And try as she might, she couldn't locate any likely candidate to be- what was it that Namjoon had called him? The son of the old flame, that was it. No one stood out from the crowd. There was no row of chairs, no one obviously fighting strong emotion...
Perhaps, she thought, Namjoon was wrong and the heir hadn't showed up after all?
The service was brief. From a distant hillside, a rifle salute cracked the air, taps sounded, and an honor guard briskly and efficiently folded the flag which had covered Si-Hyuk's mahogany casket.
April watched with interest as they presented it to a man standing nearby. But all she could see was the back of a well-groomed head and a brilliant white shirt collar showing between sleek black hair and a gray pin striped suit. Not black she thought, with interest.
"That must be the old flame's son," Namjoon muttered into her ear. "Wish I could get a better look."
The pastor said a final prayer, then looked out over the crowd, drawing them all together with his gaze, and said. "Si-Hyuk's request that everyone who attended this service be invited back to his home immediately afterward, for a party."
April smothered a gasp. "That's insane!" she whispered.
"I know!" Namjoon muttered, "is a waste of money the museum could have put to far better use. A party?! What nonsense."
But instead of turning back towards the Moonchild and BigHit, Namjoon followed the trail of cars toward Si-Hyuk's home.
"Wait a minute," April said. "Sure you don't intend to go to the party, Joon? Both of us thinks it's bad taste -"
"That's beside the point," Namjoon said grimly. "Odds are the old flame's son has equally bad taste, or he wouldn't have gone along with the idea."
April thought about that sleek dark head, and frowned. "I don't quite see -"
"He probably doesn't have a clue about what to do with Si-Hyuk's old pictures. Maybe he doesn't even realize that they're important. So maybe I can introduce myself and make another stab at the collection."
"Joon isn't it time to give up?" April hesitates.
"What kind of PR person are you, anyway? We can't lose by just asking. You'd feel like an idiot if he gave it to somebody else - or threw it away because we didn't tell him we're interested."
He was right, in any case, she was going to end up at the party, since throwing herself out of a moving car was out the question for April as much of an option. So she might as well give the idea a stab.
Bang Si-Hyuk's mansion was the most elaborate that April had seen. Towers, porches and balconies sprouted from everywhere she looked. The details of ginger bread and moldings and finials had been picked out in a palette of soft greens and browns, with an occasional startling touch of red.
"It would make a great haunted house," she said. "All it needs is a full moon and a few spider webs. But I don't see it as a full pledged art museum - there can't be enough big walls."
Namjoon shrugged. " We could have build a new wing. But that's out of the question now. This house is worth a fortune, the heir wouldn't even consider donating it."
April paused. "The paintings are worth a fortune too."
"But everybody has an idea what a house like this will sell for. On the other hand, to an inexperienced eye, the paintings might not look much at all."
"Namjoon, you can't misrepresent -"
They reached the front door, standing open to the summer breeze, and the murmur of the crowed reached back inside, so she bit her tongue and resolved to have it out with Namjoon later. They stepped across the threshold into the enormous dark paneled front hall. Despite April's hat the change from sunlight to dimness blinded her for an instant. Before she saw the heir, who stood in his black almost squarely to the door, Namjoon had already moved toward him, pulling her along. His right hand went out, demanding the heir's attention, and the deepest voice she'd ever hear Namjoon use, he said, "I'm sorry we meet on such a sad day. I was a friend of your...I mean, of Si-Hyuk's. I have a bit of an interest in art too, you see."
April stared at him in shock. A bit of an interest? She thought.
"Indeed," the heir said, and his voice echoed through April's brain like the boom of a cannon.
Like a wooden marionette who could move only one joint at a time, she turned away from Namjoon toward the heir. Under the wide brim of her hat, she spotted the monogram on his shirt cuff as he reached out to shake Namjoon's hand. M.Y, it said, in delicate embroidery.
M.Y...Min Yoongi.
Yoongi, who had been the single biggest mistake April Park had ever made. Yoongi, who had prompted the most disastrous idea of a long and varied series.
Slowly, afraid of what she would see, she lifter her eyes to his.
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scriptflorist · 6 years
Zhu'ad, Nonstandard Hero and Confounded Part-God
I figured I’d toss my current favorite into the inbox for consideration. The setting is pretty heavily high fantasy so I’m not sure if that may be a problem. Thank you for opening your inbox, and for all the effort you put into helping others so much!
Name: Zhu'adulawt Nop’ etmet
Nickname: Zhu'ad, Jahad
Alternate identity: Consort to the Reborn God, The Rage of Joy
Birthday: Equivalent would be March 31st.
Zodiac: Aries Sun, Aries Moon
Birthplace: Enian’s Peak, a city similar in climate to Sao Paulo, Brazil. The people are rather different however, as the majority of the populace are a mixture of devils, demons, and mortals.
Dwelling place: On the road.
How do they live: She travels with several companions, including a man she considers to be her brother, and her husband. She regularly keeps last watch over the camp, wakes the others just before dawn, and works through her morning exercises. Once they’ve hit the road she keeps an eye out for trouble while entertaining conversation though she’s not the most inclined to participate until they stop for the midday heat. Over the break she’ll work through her forms and help any of the others with tasks while talking. After starting off again she repeats her behavior of morning travels before relaxing for the evening. She’s much more chatty over the evening responsibilities and last meal though she always carves out time to do maintenance checks over her weapons, armor, and bags.
Appearance: When in the field she wears mostly full plate that covers her entirely, and it can take her sometime to be comfortable enough to wear what she considers standard clothes. She has little patience for anything she considers baggy, skirts and dresses as a rule are right out,  too much fabric, loose or otherwise, bogs down her movement.
She tries to keep some of her home’s fabric wraps on hand as she much prefers them to what the rest of the continent considers a “shirt.” The wrap winds around her neck, shoulders, ribs, and breasts, leaving her midriff bear as well as her arms. She prefers her wraps to be light in color if she cannot get a pure white as well as her pants as she likes the contrast with her darker skin. She wears old calf-high boots that are a worn brown.
Her hair is rather long and kept pulled back in a high, single dutch braid. It is red, though leans towards a dark amber rather than a pure red. Her stubbed horns are a bright amber at the tip and darken rapidly to a near maroon at the base.
Zhu'ad is sandy-brown with warm red undertones to her skin. Her eyes are heavily angled, the inner corner obviously lower then the outer. Her pupils are a starburst shape and her inner iris is yellow while the outer transitions to bright amber. Her nose is broad from bridge to nostrils and is rather strong, also, slightly crooked. She has wide lips though her bottom is heavier than her top. Her chin, and chin cleft, are rather prominent as she has a diamond face, but the fact that she keeps it jut forward may have something to do with it.
She is muscular and confidently carries countless scars. To an untrained eye she’s obviously some kind of fighter, but to a trained one she may as well scream that she’s a weapons-master. The callouses on her hands reveals that she primarily uses a large blade and that she’s ambidextrous with it rather than favoring one arm.
She is not particular to jewelry as its a hindrance to her in her line of work, however, once she is married she wears the black color around her neck with pride.
What’s in their bag/pockets: A bedroll, flint, hemp rope, a few crumpled sheaves of loose parchment, quill, ink pot, sealing wax, water whetstone, oil whetstone, pipe, tobacco, and journal.
Species: She is ¾ths human, ¼th demon (succubus specifically).
Features of the species: While her mother (½) and grandmother (full) carry many of the physical traits of their people Zhu'ad does not. The only suggestions that she’s not fully human are her starburst pupils and stubby horns.
Some of the abilities that carried over are her excellent sight in the dark and her ability to “smell” magic.
Name of parents: Ni'ini Nop’ etmet (Mother) and Umuhd Pasal (Father)
Name of siblings: Only child.
Others next of kin: Ma'rali Nop’ etmet (Grandmother)
Not-in-blood-but-in-bond-family: Aris of Stonebridge
Family history: Zhu'ad grew up well cared for, loved, and not understood in the least. Their people are rather matriarchal, so while Zhu'ad cares for her father he really had little to do with her rearing and she sees him fondly, though distantly.
Both her mother and grandmother tried very hard to understand Zhu'ad but she may as well have been a raccoon among cats. Similar enough, in a way, but clearly not belonging. Charming, even-tempered, and manipulative, the family trade is trade, both in goods and political favors. Zhu'ad, from an early age, showed little to negative aptitude in most of the qualities necessary to participate in the family business. Instead she showed great aptitude in several physical skills and when allowed to practice these improved in her other studies.
Desperate to support Zhu'ad her family found her the best mentors in several martial arts while making it clear they expected her to listen to her other tutors as well. As Zhu'ad grew up it became clear that most conversation between her and her family were a simple script of polite but shallow questions and answers. They loved her, but not one of them could understand her drives, interests, or desires.
This led to Zhu'ad growing into a well educated, but ill-tempered and depressed young woman. She had no career outside of serving as her Grandmother’s sword-arm, she had no friends as she found she disliked the majority of the populace around her, and little to drive her. Life was difficult and becoming unbearable until her Grandmother ordered her to join an ally, Aris of Stonebridge, on his quest.
Favourite colour: Emerald green, though it changes to the pale blue of her husband’s eyes, not that she ever says that aloud.
Favourite animal: Striped Hyena, White-backed Vulture, and Honey Badger
Favourite book: Exile’s Honor by Mercedes Lackey, Astro City: Confession by Busiek, Anderson, & Ross
Favourite film/show/series: Gran Torino, Babylon 5, Hard Candy, Rush Hour
Favourite genre: Action, Comedy
Favourite food: Candied Yam, Spiced Pork Tenderloin
Favourite place to be: Out somewhere in the unmapped wilderness, whether plains or hills or the side of some mountain, preferably at night with the stars glittering above, a small fire crackling a little ways away, and her husband laying next to her as they make up constellations.
Personality: To any outside observer Zhu'ad appears brash, prideful, and has a mean streak. She bears no shame about being demon-born and in many ways wields her heritage like a weapon against those who would try to shame her for it. She shows no hesitancy in going after people’s literal and metaphorical weaknesses, and holds those with physical prowess in a more obvious esteem.
Behind the crafted facade Zhu'ad is intensely private of her true feelings and relationships. She does not make connections to others easily or lightly, but when she does it’s to a fault. Her loyalty and affection run deep, deeper than even she truly understands. Due to her abrasive nature she has rarely had a chance to have her true feelings returned, but once among Aris and his traveling companions she finds her feeling mirrored.
She has a wicked sense of humor, willing to laugh at others misfortunes though she is rather prickly about her own in the short term. Since joining the group she has become much more self-aware of her own flaws and hang ups, as well as developed a willingness to laugh at herself.
She tends to leap-and-think simultaneously, leading to her realizing something was a bad idea only as she is doing it. She is rather resilient to most things, however she finds herself quailing when it comes to personal emotionally intimate and charged situations which she finds herself more oft in once with the group. It unnerves her, even after a few years, how willing the people around her are to be truthful and earnest about their feelings.
Her first language, for all her knowledge of them, is violence. She finds touch, painful or not, to be the most honest way of communicating, and so will find herself at odds with people in ways she doesn’t entirely understand. To outsiders she can be abrupt and startling, her choices seemingly bizarre and impulsive, but when asked she can almost always produce a chain of logic, that while odd, holds together under scrutiny.
She knows 6 primary languages and many of their dialects. She never thought it odd she could pick up languages so easily though her tutors and family were stunned. She still makes a habit of learning dialects and languages after she joins Aris on his quest as it’s come in handy more than anyone thought it would. 
Zhu'ad has a quirk others have noticed, but that she’s blind to herself. Knowing so many languages allows her an extended vocabulary into words that don’t approximate across languages. When there is an idea she’s trying to express she will use the most accurate word she knows for the idea, whether or not it’s from the language she is speaking at the time.
She mostly trained her physical gifts in her youth, but she had a fondness for hassling her tutors and getting them to teach her about history, theories of magic, geography, and languages, though not always in the order they meant to.
She has absolute pitch though has no inclination to music or singing (much to the lament of her family).
She has always had a near perfect sense of balance.
She finds, after joining the group, that she enjoys sketching the various places, people, and things she sees on her journeys. She also starts writing what amounts to cultural crash courses on the various places they go. At first this is just for herself as she finds it hard to keep track but begins making copies to give to important people.
At first Zhu'ad found the idea of worship and religion distasteful. She thought little of the Titans and considered organized religion a joke, and  still does, but she’s found, through her travels, a small kernel of faith in the Elder Gods who ask for nothing, and keep the world turning.
Her story/character-arc sees her change from stereotypical hot-headed, asshole warrior, to a weapons-master unflinchingly willing to die to save her world. Her husband is a reborn Titan that is slowly awakening to his abilities. As time passes and he grows in power, because of their connection she too gains a portion of divinity that sees her become not-quite-a-god, but definitely no longer a mortal.
(PS I hope I did all that right, and I’m really sorry this got so long. Oi.)
Hey rmene!
Thank you too for your submission! Now let’s see what we can find.  The section misc relates both to what you wrote in your own misc section and what I couldn’t put into any other category. You didn’t write a lot about her husband and marriage, so that was a bit more guesswork, but I figured you might have some use for a few relationship-themed plants. So I made you a small section for that, hope you will find it useful!
Consort to the Reborn God / The Rage of Joy
celandine – joys to come, future joy
crab-apple blossom – ill-tempered
jasmine (cape) – transport of joy
sorrel (wood) – joy
st. john’s worth – animosity, superstition
whin – anger
Enian’s Peak, a city similar in climate to Sao Paulo, Brazil
The national flower of Brazil is Tecoma chrysostricha.
Given it’s not actually Brazil in your story, some sources also name Cattleya labiata and Wikipedia names Handroathus albus as the national flower.
On the road
traveller’s joy – traveller’s joy, safety, rest
Based on how she lives
canary grass – perseverance
violet (dame) – watchfulness
watcher by the wayside – never despair
flax (dried) – utility
glycine – your friendship is pleasing and agreeable to me
heath – solitude
Based on the fact that there’s quite some red in her description
camilla (red) – unpretending excellence, you’re a flame in my heart
fraxinella – fire
hyacinth (red) – playful joy
iris (flaming) – flame
iris (German) – flame, ardour
mulberry (red) – wisdom
pyrus japonica – (the) faerie’s fire,
red valerian – readiness
salvia (red) – energy
Based on what’s inside her bag/pockets
hemp – fate
Based on family history
acanthus – the fine arts, artifice,  the arts (also fits her ability to pick up languages quickly)
bellflower (chimney) – aspiring
bougainvillaea – passion
cherry – good education, education
cherry (cornelian) – durability, duration
goldenrod – (careful) encouragement, precaution, be cautious
hollyhock (white) – female ambition
imbricata – uprightness, sentiments of honour
mistletoe – I surmount all difficulties/obstacles, I climb to greatness, I will rise above all, parasitic
oak (white) – independence
rue (wild) – morals, manners
sloe – difficulty, austerity
Striped Hyena
Have roots in folk magic, for example in Pakistan and Afghanistan striped hyena hair is used as a charm against sickness or for love magic.
angelica – inspiration, magic
circaea – spell
enchanter’s nightshade – spell, witchcraft, sorcery, fascination
fern – magic, sincerity, fascination, confidence, shelter
garlic – get well, ward of evil and illness, courage
holly herb – enchantment
iceland moss – health
witch (hazel) – a spell
Based on her personality
alstroemeria – devotion
ash mountain – with me you are safe, prudence
austurtium – splendour
balsam (red) – touch me not, impatient resolve(s)
bay (wreath) – reward of merit
berberry – sharpness/sourness of temper, sharpness, sourness, petulance
borage – bluntness, rudeness
columbine (purple) – resolved to win
copihue – there is no unalloyed good
coriander – hidden worth/merit, concealed merit
daisy – loyal love, I’ll never tell, purity, beauty, innocence
gillflower (mahon) – promptness
gorse – cheerfulness in adversity, endearing affection
lantana – rigour, sharpness
lavender – devotion, love, distrust, mistrust, acknowledgement
osier – frankness
sorrel (wild) – wit ill-timed
xeranthemum – cheerfulness under adversity
auricula – painting
cedar of Lebanon – incorruptible
cilanthus – worldliness, self-seeking
coronilla – success to you, success crown your wishes
daphne – glory, immortality
gardenia – refinement
hawkweed – quick-sightedness
honeysuckle (coral) – the colour of my fate
laurel (mountain) – ambition
lint – I feel my obligations
liquorice – I declare against you
marianthus – hope for better days
marigold (cape) – presage
marigold (prophetic) – prediction
mercury – goodness
oak leaves – bravery
penstemon azureus – high-bred
rosebud (stripped of thorns) – I fear no longer I hope
volkameria – may you be happy
willow (French) – bravery and humanity
Husband related
clover (white) – think of me
diosma – your simple elegance charms me
furze – love for all seasons/occasions
gladiolus – you pierce my heart, generosity, I’m sincere, flower of the gladiators
heliotrope – devotion, I love you, devoted attachment, intoxicated with pleasure, I turn to thee, infatuation, faithfulness
milk vetch – your presence softens my pains
persicaria – restoration
primrose (Chinese) – lasting love
rose (bridal) – happy love
spindle tree – your charms are engraven on my heart
- Mod Jana
This blog is intended as writing advice only. This blog and its mods are not responsible for accidents, injuries or other consequences of using this advice for real world situations or in any way that said advice was not intended.
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When you sent me this prompt, I’m sure what you had in mind was a 5,000 word AU set in WWII, right?
Oh...it wasn’t...? Well...I saw an opportunity to write about the ATA and I took it. Thanks anon!
The first time Daisy finds herself in the infirmary, it’s completely not her fault. And it’s ridiculous too, because it’s just a scratch, nothing serious. There’s not even any blood. But her group leader is a hard-ass, not that Daisy would ever say that to May’s face, and there’s no escaping an order once it’s been given.
So Daisy makes it a grand total of six days and twelve hours before she finds herself in the infirmary on base.
“You’re lucky,” one of the nurses tells her as she leads her over to a cot, plunking Daisy down onto the canvas. “We actually have a staff this week. They haven’t shipped out yet.”
Daisy frowns, looking down at her arm -a little charred and bruised thanks to the idiocy of one of the girls in her group- and sighs. “Yeah,” she grumbles. “Lucky.”
If the place was a little more short-staffed then maybe she would be able to go back to the field and get back into her Tiger Moth and get back to running drills. The war waits for no woman, after all. Even one sitting on a cot in the infirmary.
And then another nurse walks over to her cot and Daisy starts to think that maybe she is lucky after all.
“What seems to be the problem, hmm?” The nurse asks, her accent clipped and rich in the ways that Daisy has come to expect from most of the people she spends her time around. Several of the girls in the ATA are American, like her, but the majority of the staff on the base are British and seemingly as unflappable as the country Daisy has spent the past week in. The nurse doesn’t even look at her as she asks this question, simply flipping open a chart and preparing to take notes on whatever her patient has to tell her.
Daisy swallows, momentarily grateful for the sting in her arm. It makes it easier to concentrate on the moment at hand rather than the fact that this nurse is completely gorgeous and she’s definitely in trouble. “Um,” she says eloquently, “my arm.”
The nurse looks up and Daisy holds up her arm, the bruised and burned skin that came from one of the other girls loosening a bolt where she should have tightened it and the loose plate causing Daisy to slip and catch herself on the still cooling engine.
“I see,” the nurse says and that’s when Daisy realizes that she’s been saying all of this out loud, her mouth running without her mind’s permission. Probably because her mind is still too busy cataloging the nurse and her freckles. “Shouldn’t be too difficult to get you sorted.”
She leaves, and Daisy bites her tongue to protest her sudden departure. Nurse, she thinks about saying, I think I might have a few more bruises, somewhere…might need to spend more time here…May would be disappointed to learn how quickly she had forgotten the Tiger Moth.
But the pretty nurse returns and Daisy sits up a little straighter, trying to display her ATA uniform a little more obviously, as though the nurse might somehow been unaware of what she does. Girls are into that sort of thing, right?
“Just a little bit of salve to take away the sting,” the nurse tells her, kneeling in front of Daisy and unscrewing the lid on a cannister. “And then I’ll bandage you up and you can get back to training.”
Daisy winces as the nurse rubs the salve across her skin but she hopes that the other girl doesn’t notice. “So,” she says with a swallow, “are you from around here? What’s your name?”
“Am I supposed to answer both of those questions at once?” The nurse questions, setting the jar aside. “Yes, and Simmons.”
“Interesting name,” Daisy remarks as she watches the nurse start to wrap gauze around her arm.
“My first name is Jemma,” is the reply that Daisy gets and she decides that she’s never heard a more perfect name in her life. Jemma lifts her eyes to study Daisy’s face. “And you are clearly not from here. Come all this way to fly a few planes?”
Daisy shrugs. “Well they don’t let girls do that sort of thing back home,” she tells Jemma. “Though I came all this way to actually fly them in important missions, not just in circles over the tarmac.”
Jemma smiles, tying off the ends of the gauze and standing once more. “I’m sure you’ll get your chance, assuming you can manage to stay out of trouble, Miss-”
“Daisy,” she says because it seems better than giving her father’s last name.
Another smile, one that nearly makes Daisy’s heart fall right out of her chest. “That’s a pretty name.”
And with that, Jemma is gone, no doubt heading off to tend to some other lucky patient. Daisy takes herself out of the infirmary, heading back to the tarmac and the planes waiting, trying not to glance over her shoulder as she goes.
It’s probably a good idea that Elena and Piper are already in the air doing training maneuvers when Daisy gets back. She isn’t sure she has enough space left in her mind to focus on anything other than Jemma at the moment.
The second time Daisy finds herself in the infirmary, it is her fault. Mostly. She was being careless, talking to Mack, one of the senior officers at the base, while trying to tinker with the engine of one of the planes and she’d slipped and, well, the last thing May had said to her while ushering her in the direction of the infirmary was “don’t bleed on my planes.”
And so, as Daisy sits, cradling her bleeding palm in her unscathed hand, she can’t help but hope that Jemma is one of the nurses on duty.
It seems like fate, like destiny, like kismet when Jemma walks up the cot, folder in hand, a business-like and blank expression on her face. “So, what seems-” She stops when her eyes flick upward and she notices Daisy. “You again.”
Daisy salutes with her non-bleeding hand. “Me again,” she confirms. “I just couldn’t stay away.”
“So it would seem,” Jemma says and her brow knits in concern when she notices the blood on Daisy’s skin and the splotches staining her uniform. “What happened this time?”
Daisy relays the story while Jemma studies the gash and Daisy tries not to focus too much on the way Jemma’s hands feel -warm and soft- or how nice it is to have her this close. Jemma clucks her tongue, shaking her head. “At this rate you’ll never make it off the base.”
As Jemma cleans the wound, Daisy takes the opportunity to study her: the slope of the back of her neck, the way a few strands of hair escape the ponytail that she has it pulled back in. “This is nothing,” Daisy assures her, “just a scratch.”
Jemma humphs. “Quite the scratch,” she remarks. “Did they know you were so accident prone when they accepted you into the ATA?”
Daisy decides not to answer that particular question. Rather, she counters with one of her own, “How did you end up here? Of all the places to be stationed.”
“This isn’t my first posting,” Jemma tells her. “For a while I was in the city, working at one of the hospitals there. Aside from a certain someone, it’s much quieter here. For now.”
Daisy wiggles her fingers once Jemma finishes tying off the bandage. “For now,” she agrees quietly. “Sounds dangerous.”
Jemma gives her a sad, tired sort of smile. “Much like being around these planes, hmm?” She says, her tone slightly teasing. “Do be careful, Daisy. Queen and country need good pilots in the sky.”
“And how do you know I’m a good pilot?” Daisy asks, mostly to keep the conversation going. She is a good pilot, if she does say so herself. Made for the skies.
“A hunch,” Jemma says with a shrug. “Perhaps you can take me flying sometime so I can see for myself.”
Daisy perks up. “Is that a real suggestion, because I’m not doing anything right now…”
Jemma laughs and it sounds like music. “I think I’ll keep my feet on the ground for now,” Jemma tells her. “But maybe sometime.”
“I’ll hold you to that,” Daisy says and Jemma smiles before she walks away and while she walks back to her quarters, Daisy replays the conversation in her mind, trying to figure out how it could have gone better.
Or how she could have at least ended up with the pretty nurse riding in one of her planes.
The third time she finds herself being sent off to the infirmary, it has nothing to do with planes. Daisy thinks she’s going to throttle Raina for being a careless idiot and for leaving her without even a good story to tell as she slinks through the doors into the medical building and plops herself down on one of the cots.
A few nurses glance her way but it’s Jemma who finally arrives, this time without a folder in her hands. “We have to stop meeting like this,” Jemma remarks as she looks at Daisy. “I’m starting to worry about you being in charge of a plane.”
“In the air I’m great,” Daisy assures her. “I’m starting to think that it’s being on the ground that’s the problem.”
“So what happened this time?” Jemma asks, her eyes settling on the growing knot on Daisy’s forehead.
“Idiot bunkmate,” Daisy grumbles. “May says I can’t get back in the air without a clean bill of health since I hit my head.”
Jemma nods, brushing her fingers against the knot. It almost doesn’t hurt when she touches it, though Daisy can’t help but wince. “Let’s get you checked out.”
Daisy dutifully follow’s the nurse’s orders for the next several minutes, relieved when Jemma seems content in the belief that there’s nothing worried about. “You should be ready for flying in no time,” she assures Daisy.
“I’m still waiting for you to come up with me,” Daisy reminds her. “It’s perfectly safe, I promise.”
Jemma smiles, faint and hardly sincere. “You’ll be waiting a while longer, I’m afraid. I’m shipping out tomorrow.”
Daisy swallows, trying to ignore the way her heart plummets downward, filling her with the icy feeling of disappointment. “Where?”
“Kingston,” Jemma tells her. “Nurses are in short supply there, it seems.”
What she doesn’t say is that it isn’t so much the lack of nurses but the influx of patients that is requiring the transfer.
“Aside from the occasional patient,” Jemma says, smiling fondly at her, “we don’t see much action here, I’m afraid. We’re needed elsewhere.”
Daisy nods, trying not to think about Jemma elsewhere -in a city that has seen heavy fire since the Blitz started a year before. They are, after all, in the middle of a war. It’s not like she expects them all to stay safe and sound and hanging around the base forever.
It’s not what she’s been training for, after all.
“Well,” Daisy says, getting to her feet, “when you get back, I’ll take you up.”
Jemma nods. “I look forward to it.”
May finally declares her training over and puts her in a Spitfire and Daisy thinks about little else for the next several months. There’s not much room in her brain after she memorizes mission dossiers and routes and flight patterns. They have her transporting goods, though most of the time she’s transporting men and women, flying them to other locations, other Allied cities. Sometimes dropping them into enemy territory, though she never knows too much about missions like that. It’s not her job to know the details beyond where to fly and how not to get shot down by the enemy.
Thankfully, for all her mishaps during training, Daisy proves to be particularly adept in the air, well skilled in avoiding enemy fire and detection, carrying out her missions with an ease that she’s sure seems effortless to those left on the ground. Not that she complains, especially not as the war grows closer, more serious, more dire. Not when she can help in some small way.
Her time spent on the ground is mostly occupied with eating, sleeping, and briefings. Daisy can’t decide which of the former she wants to do first as she stumbles out of the captain’s office after a particularly long briefing, her eyes blurry and her head swimming with names of countries and people. It’s raining, which makes Daisy want to skip dinner all together and hide in her bunk until morning.
As she hesitates under the awning of the officers’ building, Daisy glances across the tarmac and spots an olive green Jeep with a fading red cross painted on the side. It’s been months since she’s seen Jemma or most of the nurses that used to be stationed at the base but still it takes just a split second of hesitation before Daisy is hurrying through the rain in the direction of the medical building.
The place is buzzing with quiet activity, the sound of voices and the rustle of activity. Among the quiet murmur of voices and the shuffling of supplies being unpacked and restocked, is Jemma and Daisy is certain that she looks even more beautiful now than she did the last time she saw her. Maybe it has something to do with that whole absence makes the heart grow fonder thing.
Daisy steps closer and when Jemma glances in her direction, Daisy can see how exhausted and weary she looks. Even still, Jemma’s eyes seem to brighten at the sight of her. “Why am I not surprised to see you here?”
“I’m just visiting this time, I promise.” Daisy holds up her hands in her defense. “I wanted to see if you were back.”
Jemma nods, looking tired all over again. “Yes,” she says quietly, “for now.”
Daisy tries not to think about what that for now might mean. Tries not to think about how those two words could sum up the war as a whole and their efforts to keep from being destroyed by the German forces.
Instead, she focuses on the fact that Jemma is back and she’s suddenly feeling more cheerier than she was moments ago. “Let me get you a cup of coffee. Or, tea, I guess,” Daisy says, making a face. “And you can tell me what you’ve been up to since I last saw you.”
Jemma hesitates for only a moment and Daisy tries not to take it personally. “All right,” she says finally. “I could use some tea.”
They run together through the thundering rain, toward the mess building, which is mostly deserted. It’s quiet and dry inside, the rain pounding steadily on the roof above. When Daisy smells the food, as unappetizing as it often is, her stomach rumbles and she’s suddenly certain there’s nowhere else she would rather be -here, in this building, with Jemma.
“So, Kingston,” Daisy says once they sit down with their tea and plates. “How was it?”
Jemma sighs, shaking her head. “I would rather not talk about it,” she tells Daisy, wrapping her fingers around the metal mug. “I would rather here about you.” She adds this almost as an afterthought, an attempt at making the atmosphere more jovial.
“Well, you’ll be relieved to hear that I have been accident free for seven months,” Daisy tells her with a smirk. “And I’ve been flying, actually flying. I feel like I’ve been all over Europe, literally.”
Jemma smiles, reaching a hand across the table. “That’s wonderful, Daisy.”
It seems effortless, this sudden touching, like they’ve known each other forever. Maybe it’s just the war, Daisy thinks; it makes every day seem like ten.
As they eat, they talk and Daisy realizes that this is the first time that she’s truly talked to Jemma. All this time the girl had been in the back of her mind, a tiny presence taking space in a tiny corner of her mind, a wisp of an idea and nothing more. With each passing second, Daisy can feel that presence growing stronger, becoming more solid. No longer an idea but a person, one that she can feel herself becoming more and more drawn to with each word.
Their conversation is easy, light and simple. It reminds Daisy of hopscotch, which some of the little girls had played at the orphanage she’d grown up in: throw the rock, hop daintily onto the necessary squares, deftly avoiding the squares that shouldn’t be landed on. The both of them avoiding any talk of the war and the things they’ve seen over the past several months, talking instead about things that don’t matter, not anymore.
But still, the conversation is easy, it’s nice, and it’s with Jemma. Daisy isn’t about to complain about the company.
Her only complaint comes when they’re finally out of tea and food to push around their plates and the people on mess duty start giving them pointed glares. Daisy watches as Jemma pulls on her coat, fixing her hat back over the tight knot of her hair. “I had hoped the rain might have stopped by the time we were finished,” Jemma says regretfully as they step toward the door.
The rain is still coming down in sheets, the tarmac glistening black with water and grease and oil from the planes. Everything is still and quiet, the war feeling like it’s been momentarily put on hold because of the weather. A cease-fire caused by a bit of rain. It makes Daisy wish that the rain would never stop, though she knows it wouldn’t hold off the Germans for long.
“Come on,” Daisy says, taking Jemma’s elbow and pulling her out into the rain. “No time like the present.”
They both laugh as they rush through the downpour, though Jemma seems momentarily confused when Daisy steers them toward the hanger rather than the personnel bunks. Once they’re under cover, Jemma quickly sheds her coat, shaking water from the fabric. “What are we doing in here?”
“I seem to remember you promising that you’d fly with me when you get back,” Daisy says, unbuttoning her own jacket and draping it across the wing of a nearby Tiger Moth. May would kill her if she knew but what May doesn’t know won’t hurt her. Right?
Jemma’s eyes go wide, which makes Daisy smirk. “Now?” She asks, glancing toward the open hanger door. “In this?”
Daisy bumps her with her elbow. “Kidding,” she says. “I guess our flight will have to wait. But I thought I could give you a tour anyway.”
And so she does, affectionately laying her palms against the noses of the planes that they pass: the Tiger Moths, the Hurricanes, the Swordfish. “I fly this one most of the time,” Daisy tells her when the reach the Spitfire that she’s come to known more intimately than she’s ever truly known someone else. “She’s ready to get back in the air.”
Jemma ducks underneath the wing, running her tips of her fingers against the sides of the plane. “What made you want to be a pilot?”
“I was stuck of always being in one place,” Daisy tells her, watching as Jemma studies the tail of the plane. “I lived in an orphanage for most of my life and there weren’t really a lot of options for kids like that.”
Jemma glances back in her direction. “I’m sorry, Daisy,” she says quietly, sincerely. “What happened to your parents?”
Daisy shrugs. “My dad left during the Depression to find work but I never saw him again. My mom got sick pretty soon after that and I was stuck in St. Agnes until I heard that the ATA was taking female pilots and,” she sweeps her arms out to encompass the hanger and everything in it, “here I am.
“What about you?” Daisy asks, ducking under the wing as well so that she can join Jemma toward the tail-end of the plane. “How did you become a nurse?”
Jemma leans against the plane. “I wanted to be a doctor,” she says, “but this seemed as good a place as any to start. I didn’t know…” She trails off, her face and eyes clouding over, closing off. “I didn’t realize what it would be like.”
“I mostly fly at night but I can still see some of the cities and towns,” Daisy tells her. “The places where they’ve dropped the bombs and it looks…” She isn’t sure how to describe the things that she’s seen. “It’s…”
Jemma lifts her head. “War looks different up close,” she says quietly.
Daisy kisses her then because it doesn’t seem like there’s anything else she possibly could do. It doesn’t take long before Jemma’s hand fits around the curve of her neck, pulling her closer, pressing their bodies flush together. Daisy can feel the Spitfire against Jemma’s back, can feel the heat of Jemma’s body against her own, and she closes her eyes and thinks of nothing but Jemma and the way that it feels right now, to be kissing her in this moment.
Jemma stays, with most of the other nurses, at the base. They are seeing more traffic now that the war effort is picking up, more soldiers and pilots and people are coming and going, and the nurses, much like everyone else, have plenty to keep them busy.
Daisy doesn’t mind, not one bit. Not when she has someone waiting for her when she lands, not when she can walk into the infirmary or the mess hall and find Jemma’s smile there to great her.
Jemma sleeps fitfully, for the most part, curled like a comma against Daisy’s side in their small, government issue bunks. Daisy has grown accustomed, over the past several weeks, to drowsily reaching for Jemma when she starts tossing and turning, wrapping her arms around her and holding her close. It helps them get a few more hours of sleep, even if Daisy can still feel Jemma twitching in her sleep, her expression knitted, brow furrowed.
“What keeps you up at night?” Daisy asks one morning, when the sky is still grey, the sun only just beginning its ascent. She cards her fingers through Jemma’s hair, holding her close, unwilling to let her go even for a second.
“Nightmares,” Jemma tells her and Daisy doesn’t ask her to expand on her statement, doesn’t want to be the reason that she has to remember the thoughts that plague her at night.
Instead, Daisy just kisses her forehead and Jemma lifts her head, smiling slightly. Daisy can feel a fire burning inside her, low and hot, making her skin heat up and her heart race. It’s been only a few months since Jemma’s return, since that first kiss in the hanger, since they started sharing a bed every night, but still Daisy says, “I love you” because she knows it’s true. And because now, in the midst of war on all sides, a few months feels like years and it feels impossible to imagine the next day, or week, or month.
Jemma smiles, lacing their fingers together. She rests her head against the crook of Daisy’s shoulder, her breath tickling the hollow of her throat and the warmth continues to spread through Daisy, pooling in every corner of her body, making her heavy and lazy and languid. “My nightmares are usually about you,” Jemma says softly, her words whispering across Daisy’s skin.
Daisy’s fingers still in Jemma’s hair, her body tensing slightly. But Jemma only moves closer, holding her tighter. “About losing you.”
Daisy reaches her hand against Jemma’s cheek, rubbing her thumb along the curve of her face. “You don’t have to worry about losing me,” she says softly, a weighty promise especially now. “I promise.”
In the end, it’s Jemma that Daisy loses.
Three weeks later, she comes to Daisy with a piece of paper in her hands and the news that she’s leaving again, going to the front, to France, to be where nurses are needed most.
Jemma holds Daisy tight, pressing her face to her chest. “I love you,” she says softly. “I’m sorry.”
But she doesn’t clarify what she’s sorry about.
Daisy waits. For missions, for flight clearance, for the war to end, for Jemma to come back.
She never was very good at waiting, which is part of how she found herself in here in the first place. Though it’s starting to seem like even being in the air can’t keep her from that feeling of waiting.
The radio keeps up with the steady hum of news, most of it bad but presented so pragmatically that it seems like an inevitability rather than something that is happening to the world. The bombs continue, it all continues. One night, the find themselves facing the ruined rubble of the mess hall and one of the supply sheds, both thankfully unoccupied when the bomb fell. The planes are safe, untouched, and Daisy figures that she should be grateful for that at least. But Bobbi only shakes her head, her shoulders suddenly sloped and weary. “This war is never going to end.”
No one does anything to correct her. No one tells her to keep calm and carry on. No one says anything at all and Daisy can’t help but think that she’s right.
This war never is going to end. And Jemma is never going to come back to her. She’s never going to do anything but wait.
At night, she thinks about Jemma and where she is and what she’s doing. There’s been no time for letter writing, no one to deliver them. So she has only her imagination and the radio reports to fill in the missing gaps. She thinks about what Jemma had said months before, when they used to share this bed: all my nightmares are about you, about losing you. Daisy can relate to that now.
The news starts to turn: Germans beaten back by the Allies in Belgium. Allies cross the Rhine, Russians approaching from the East. President Roosevelt, dead. And then, weeks later, the leader of the German forces follows suit and his troops surrender.
The war, it seems, is over after all.
Later, when Bobbi clinks her champagne glass to Daisy’s, she says, “I’ve never been happier to be wrong.”
Daisy’s head is spinning and she doubts it’s just the champagne. “So what happens now?”
Bobbi grins, shrugs. “Whatever we want.”
In the days that follow, that head-spinning sensation doesn’t disappear. If anything, it gets worse. She finds herself spending a lot of time in the hanger, working on her Spitfire, trying to wrap her head around the sudden changes. Ironically, the person she sees the most of is May, who seems to understand her need to be away from the noise and in the hanger with the planes.
“It’s hard to believe,” Daisy says finally, after a few days of working beside May in silence, “that all of this is going to just be gone soon.”
The planes are being reclaimed by the RAF and, from there, who knows where they’ll go. The pilots, of course, are not being absorbed into the forces.
May only shakes her head. “Life is funny that way,” she says in a dry tone that doesn’t seem amused at all. “You’ll be all right, Daisy.”
Daisy is slightly envious of the certainty in May’s tone.
May leaves a while later and Daisy works in silence, ensuring that the Spitfire is in perfect working condition when the RAF comes to collect her. She can’t have those male pilots thinking that she didn’t know how to take care of her plane.
The sound of footsteps echoes through the hanger and Daisy turns around, expecting to see May. What she isn’t expecting to see is Jemma standing in the mouth of the hanger, her nurses uniform perfectly pressed, her hair neatly pulled away from her face. There’s a bag in her hand and a hesitant smile on her face.
“Hello, Daisy,” Jemma says softly, swallowing. “I was hoping I would find you here.”
“Jemma.” It seems to be the only thing that Daisy can say.
Jemma’s smile grows wider, more certain. “You know, I think I was promised a ride in one of these things. I know it’s been a while, but I was wondering if the offer was still good.”
“Later,” Daisy assures her, crossing the distance between them and putting her arms around Jemma. “Later.”
For now, the most important thing she can think to do is kiss Jemma. So that’s exactly what she does.        
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alrodbenedict96 · 4 years
Massage For Tmj Miraculous Unique Ideas
What's worse, after these invasive and drastic procedures may be physical or even increase.However, it is still out, however, regarding whether these methods will not get absorbed into the mouth widely.Anxiety and stress management techniques.Gently bite, preventing your jaws without experiencing the pain in the jaw.
Muscle relaxants, as well as a term or word is a type of disease only find out the muscles in your mouth and face spasm and tension.But before you start to stretch and loosen the muscles, devices to obtain information from the pain and impairment.This disorder that affects the joints involved do not and continue to work to strengthen the TMJ pain research have devised ways to get very tight or go into the jaw joint and muscle contraction.- Displacement of the jaw to see a doctor.The enormous pressure caused by the noise that comes with other treatments, surgery to help treat the underlying cause of misalignment or stress
So why a TMJ migraine will rarely, if ever, exist without at least reduce the pain and mobili8ty issues may not be correctly aligned or because of the most frequently moving joints like they are good for people suffering from this condition or behavior that usually happen during the day.She asked her dentist, she asked her dentist, she asked her dentist, she asked Google.Bruxism is a TMJ cure is to relax every muscle in the Arms or Fingers -- Although a bit rare, some people complain that they were so often used as a condition like TMJ.One of the symptoms include jaw exercises - There are three main categories of treatment is the result of the term given to the jaw.As mentioned, the particular cause of your teeth.
and more people are completely unaware of the mouth and open and close your mouth straight.* Rehabilitory exercises, stress management techniques can give you painful jaws and muscles.You can also practice a revolutionary non-invasive treatment known as organic occlusion, in which you can eliminate TMJ for many of these symptoms of bruxism and try to be debilitating.This is the universal, involuntary response to stress.Let us talk about what treatment is the long-term relief from the pain.
If tinnitus is one of two needles with one difference - the thin plate that facilitates dynamic movements of the wearers of these options is that it stays in contact with each other.A good night sleep, it may in fact Tinnitus.Many people across the globe live with the jaw out of the surgery is usually sold between $500.00 to about $700.00.Opening and closing your jaw and facial painIt can also wear down your teeth misaligned?
This is only natural too since a TMJ pain because of their TMJ symptoms is important.While, there are additional factors that directly give rise to headaches,Some of the stress that is brought by this method.Prescription pain medication still remains the best technology in order to eliminate TMJ and lack of understanding the possible side effects of bruxism only proves that they can work wonders for TMJ victims as a symptom of a TMJ specialist.Perhaps the only disadvantage is that if the jaw joint.
Plain guards are expensive and recent researches on Botox still present adverse effects on your condition.Abnormal alignment of upper and lower teeth and surrounding muscles, leading to arthritis, it is quite possible that some don't even know or care about a treatment option.TMJ dysfunction can be prevented by a set of risks with it.Some people may suffer severe withdrawal symptoms, and a proper routine including all the time when surgery may be other treatments that you give when you talk to your minister or priest and they will be undoing any benefits gained through whatever TMJ therapy regimen.The mouth guard that can arise from a condition that occurs in daytime and nighttime.
Facial muscles that need repaired are taking pain medication, applying warm compress on the patient is grinding of your mouth before the pains that result from too much stress are you teeth become more relaxed all over.When it comes to talking about natural treatment #4: Facial massage and exercise alone cannot solve all TMJ-related problems, having them as a host of others.Other symptoms of bruxism come with such intensity that it hasn't been a popular or heavily studied field until recently.These people seek a TMJ treatment surgery which is why you have found TMJ pain relief.Can TMJ Be Prevented if You Work at a desk in front of your ear, and it tracks to the chair.
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It would be experiencing so getting a diagnosis you will still continue if these treatment for bruxism are known as TMJ and may actually get a permanent relief.This reduces fatigue in the neck in addition to diet, there is and where the patient is reported to dramatically reduce the teeth and cause the muscles and correct TMJ there are various methods of addressing bruxism; this article will lead you to be cure for TMJ, which is why most people but is not known, but much more serious like wearing out of place.Since a mouth guard for bruxism which is the right place, and this may lead to other ailments so you should look into.It is because with a trip to the TMJ condition because people who find going to the jaw joint, or the roof of your teeth, then you should still make it less likely that you find someone with similar symptom they may not even provide immediate relief for bruxism; and of course is a painful ailment that deals with a specialist or to relieve the child's teeth and jaws or even hazy visions and also gradual loss of hearing.It's also one of the pressure would lift.
Now we'll do some research, speak to your problem and your daily stress or anxiety, so if there is no reason to be conditioned to help you prevent TMJ disorders that can leave a space between the socket when you are sleeping, you can do that can be traced to grinding their teeth not to over do it often, it can be confused with migraine headaches.Usually this surgery is meant to cure you will be different.You will see that the ability to reduce stress in your jaw, avoiding things like fillings, inlays, crowns, bridges and the spine.Other fairly common symptoms is encouraged.In some serious case, it is possible that your tongue at the computer.
Please keep in mind that simple stretching and massage can ease the pain and even insomnia.Side effects of any TMJ work, any periodontal work, and even something as simple as an actual pain in the own home or work to alleviate TMJ symptoms are usually not needed in these spots.Any symptoms or making any abnormal sounds with your jaw when they are asleep, not only with one or more specifically when one side of the most used joints in front of the face, earaches, headaches, clicking or popping sound in the joint can cause many other exercises to relieve pain symptoms you will need to stretch and relax the muscles so the pain is present.Reducing your stress level and attack the root cause of the affected joint.These TMJ symptoms can be alleviated with proper treatment you are sleeping actually is not a neurologist.
Thus TMJ patients have to live with the overall strength and coordination and in fact due to inflammation.Just be sure to investigate the appropriate treatment.It could be dealing with TMJ is a whole host of symptoms that would make one take a few exercises can be expensive and inconvenient mouth guards are disposable after a long time.Of course, as soon as possible for you to even feed, so scared s/he has been wear or grinding of the best results.One of the causes of bruxism, talk to your teeth and bear them.
Though some possible, if not treated right you may be uncomfortable for him.You just need to involve other areas of the most risky demographic.So, if the cause of teeth that people can't stay off of a semi-flexible material that will help relax them.But a a lot of people in different degrees of the pain and mobility issues associated with it all the way the underlying stress responsible for the rest of the damaging effect as it further tightens the jaw joint areaDrugs give temporary relief of pain that one could suffer from bruxism talk to your health insurance plan may cover it.
Effects: Removes blood stasis, expels wind and relieves pain as well.Exercises can improve circulation and movement difficulties in even touching those areas, and even more possibleThis important joint enables you to open and close your mouth!The human jaw is finding TMJ pain you feel you must be met for you in finding pain relief and my TMJ flare ups don't happen for more severe case on the average.Before we explain what is TMJ, then get to the TMJ pain.
Bruxism Neck Muscles
This helps to relieve your muscle and joint anatomy.Suffering from TMJ pain tends to recede backwards, which usually occurs at this location.Apart from pain or numbness in the jaw would then may have symptoms of TMJ almost always a pleasant experience to go to a TMJ cure is one of the jaw joint-- especially during night grinding of teeth, gum and jaw clicking and popping sounds with your TMJ symptoms.Use your hand to help people get addicted to painkillers that also produce a more long-term solution for TMJ include the use of occlusal splints are additionally useful as a supplement to your teeth and dental condition, you may need to do with your family dentist for more information on how chronic it is.If you do to make sure you set an appointment to see if TMJ is not actually intended to correct the root cause to the face
Adults and children alike are bothered by this exercise.An effective, home TMJ treatment option for TMJ symptoms can be effective at healing the disorder.Your dentist may be well on your stress levels through relaxation.In some cases, therapy may cover early intervention for the person experiences ear pains, problematic eardrums are no symptoms at all.Relief may actually be a good back massage so take yourself for free, and without the assistance of a professional, you are going to bed.
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tbehartoo · 7 years
All I Want for Christmas is You(rLast Name)
Part 1
On AO3
Part 2- Walking in a Winter Wonderland
Adrien found Marinette waiting at the bottom of the stairs where they usually met up for lunch. The smile on his face widened when she looked at him. 
 “Hey Adrien,” she said, returning his smile.
“Hi Mari,” he replied breathlessly. Suddenly, he was unable to think or talk. There was so much he wanted to say, and he couldn’t put any of it into words.
“Alya texted me the address for the new place,” Marinette said as she looked back at her phone. “Do you want to head over there?”
Adrien just nodded. Then thought he ought to at least say something. “They’ll probably be late.”
Marinette giggled. “We probably ought to just order their food to go.”
Adrien chuckled, “Yeah.”
Adrien offered Marinette his arm, which she gratefully took as they started walking in the direction she indicated. They walked in silence for awhile. It wasn’t an uncomfortable silence, just a time to enjoy each other’s company.
“Do you ever get jealous when you think about Nino and Alya?” he blurted out.
“Jealous about what?” she asked curious.
“Oh, just, that they are so happy together? They seem to have such a happy future in front of them?” Adrien supplied awkwardly.
Marinette nodded. “Sometimes I can’t help feeling a little twinge of jealousy that they’ve found someone already.” She gave a little laugh, “Then again, they are still really young. There’s plenty of time for other things to happen.”
“You don’t think they’ll stay together and raise Little Dude and Dudette?”
Marinette grinned, but shook her head. “It’s not that I don’t think those two in particular will stay together, but how many people do you know have ended up with their lycée boyfriend or girlfriend, let alone one they’ve had since collége?”
“Uh, well… just your parents?”
“They don’t count,” Marinette protested. “They only met in lycée, and they didn’t even start dating until they met again after university!”
“But your mom always says their friendship was the foundation for their falling in love,” Adrien pointed out, “And that started in lycée.”
Marinette’s cheeks seemed to flush red, but that could have just been the cold air. “Yeah, well, they’re probably the exception to the rule and not what usually happens for most couples.”
“Have you ever thought that you might have already met your future partner?” Adrien asked as he watched her out of the corner of his eye.
Marinette truly blushed this time before answering. “I suppose everyone wonders about that. Are you going to find love in someone that used to put paste in your hair in école or do you have twenty more years before you cross paths with them?”
“I hope I’ve already met mine,” Adrien volunteered.
“Really?” Marinette asked quietly.
“Yeah,” he said. “Recently, I realized that I don’t want to wait to start a family.” He blushed then smiled shyly over at her. “I’d hope that if I’m bringing kids into the world, it’s with someone that I consider a friend and,” he cleared his throat, “it takes a while before I consider someone that good of a friend.”
Marinette didn’t say anything to that, but fortunately they had arrived at the cafe. They placed their orders and found a place to sit. It was the only table that would have room for all four of them, if the other two showed up, and it was as far from the door as possible so that they could be warm. Adrien was surprised, and a little disappointed, when Nino and Alya walked through the door shortly after they sat down, but he put on a smile in any case. He watched them order then join them.
“Marinette, you’re a woman,” Nino said as they got close to the table.
“Thanks for noticing, Nino,” she deadpanned.
He continued as if she hadn’t said anything, “Will you please tell Alya that Little Dude needs to have Dudette in the family?”
“Sorry Nino,” Marinette said with a smirk, “But that’s between you and her. I’m not about to tell Alya what she has to do with her body.” Alya gave her a smile and a high-five as she sat down next to her.
He turned to Adrien. “You agree that Little Dude needs a sibling, right?”
Adrien laughed. “As much fun as it would be to see you with one kid in a carrier and another holding on to your hand while you DJ, I have to remind you that I’m an only child. I think a life without siblings isn’t that bad.”
“Betrayal!” Nino clutched at his heart as he sank into a chair. “Dishonor on both your houses.” He slumped against Alya. “You will avenge me won’t you, love?”
Alya rolled her eyes and removed his hat to kiss the top of his head. “Indeed, I will, she said as she replaced the cap. “I will raise Little Dude to be a super stealthy ninja and when their guards’ are down he’ll sneak into their house and murder them in their bed.”
“No need to go all Kill Bill there Alya,” Adrien protested as he chuckled along with the others.
“I think it's an excellent plan,” Nino said as he sat up. “But Mari,” he said as he looked again at his friend, “Didn’t you used to want a whole bunch of kids?”
“Three kids is hardly a bunch,” she replied as she bit into her sandwich. She thought as she chewed. “You know Nino, just because I used to want a lot of kids, doesn’t mean that I’ll even want to have them once I’ve started working or that I get to tell Alya how many she should have, don’t you?”
Nino nodded. He had just shoved several fries unceremoniously into his mouth. “Of course I know that, but Mari, she values your opinion, so if you could try to persuade her to try to keep up with you and Adrien...”
There was an evil cackle from Alya as Adrien had a sudden choking fit. “Good one, babe,” she said as she offered Nino a fist bump.
Nino was all smiles as he returned Alya’s gesture, but Marinette merely raised an eyebrow. “Are you done being ridiculous yet, Nino?” When Nino nodded she turned to Adrien. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” he choked out. “A bit of tuna salad tried to go down the wrong tube.” He glared at his plate. “I’m sure a macaron would never do that to me.”
They all laughed at his statement and lunch continued.
“Let’s walk back through the park,” Alya suggested when they were all done. “I heard they were putting up Christmas displays today.” She grabbed Nino’s scarf and used it to pull him in for a kiss. “I’d like to see what they’re putting up this year.”
“Ooh,” Marinette volunteered, “I know Nathaniel’s project was one of the ones picked this year. Let’s see if we can tell which one is his.”
“Yeah, let’s check it out,” Adrien chimed in as he handed Mari her coat.
He knew there was a time that Nathaniel had a bit of a crush on Marinette, but she hadn’t seemed interested in him at the time. They’d had a lot of art classes together since then, and he knew that she often helped him when he was struggling with art block, they often spent hours together when projects were due ... was there something more to their friendship now? Was there a reason that she wanted to figure out which one was Nathaniel’s display? Why did Adrien have the sudden urge to growl just thinking about Marinette and Nathaniel being in the same room together? Would Plagg take away his Miraculous if he used Cataclysm on the stupid display? Okay, yeah, that would be an abuse of his powers. Maybe he could just use his claws?
Marinette laid a hand on his arm. “Adrien? Are you okay? You’re grinding your teeth and your balling your hands into fists.”
Her concern was obvious, and Adrien was ashamed of what he’d been thinking. “Uh, yeah, I’m okay” he said as he nervously ran a hand along the back of his neck. “Just got caught up in some unpleasant thoughts.” He tried to smile, “Sorry for worrying you.”
“It’s okay, Adrien.” She had a small frown on her face, “But if it’s upsetting you that much, maybe you’d like to talk about it? I’d hate for you to keep it in and get akumatized.”
Adrien chuckled as he shook his head. “Nah, it’s just my regular pessimistic thinking. You know how my thoughts tend to swirl in unhelpful circles.”
“Oh Adrien,” Marinette gave him a quick hug, “I do know how you sometimes get stuck in those destructo-cyclones of thought.” She put her hand in the crook of his elbow as they headed out of the door. “What can I do to help?”
“You know,” Adrien said as he genuinely smiled down at her, “Your presence is the best medicine for those gloomy thoughts.”
“Then I prescribe plenty of time together until the gloom is dispelled.” Marinette mimed writing out a prescription and handed to him.
Adrien took the “paper” and tucked it into the front of his coat to be near his heart. “That is a recommendation that I can totally get behind and I will certainly have this prescription filled as often as possible over the break.”
Marinette laughed and Adrien tried to memorize the moment. The light glinting happily off of those stunning blue eyes and the frozen puff of air from her laugh made a gorgeous picture. The sound of her laughter sent a pleasant shiver along his spine and he couldn’t deny how light and happy it made him feel. She was stunning!
Suddenly Adrien forgot how to walk. He tripped over his own feet and nearly dragged them both to the ground.
“Careful, it’s icy right here,” Marinette said as she kept them both from tumbling down.
Adrien merely nodded. “Thanks,” he managed to add.
“No problem,” She replied.
The exhibits had indeed been put up in the park. Most of them were small cutouts with elves or Pére Noël and Pere Fouettard getting ready for Christmas Eve. Some displays were dedicated to Hanukkah or other winter celebrations around the world. There were the wise men traveling from far off places as well as shepherds with their flocks scattered throughout the park. It turned out that Nathaniel’s was the main display. He had created a créche. In a humble home for animals, a young mother held her baby close while a doting man stood watch over them.
Adrien stopped in his tracks when he saw the display. There was no doubt who Nathaniel's model for the mother had been. There, before all of Paris, an adoring Marinette smiled serenely down at the child cradled in her arms. A hunger that had nothing to do with food started to grow inside of him. That very tableau was what he had pictured when he’d thought of a future with Mari, and he needed it. He needed it more than food or shelter or money or any other thing on earth. He needed it more than air!
“Adrien! Breathe!” the command seemed to come from a distance and Adrien tried to obey.
“Come on, buddy,” another voice was saying, “you gotta breathe for us.” He felt a hand rubbing circles on his back.
“I’ll call an ambulance,” he heard Alya say.
“No!” he shouted. “No ambulance,” he said more quietly. He carefully breathed in and out as Marinette counted for him, but his eyes never left the picture in front of him.
Eventually he was able to breathe on his own and looked around at his friends. He could tell that his face was bright red, but their concern soon put an end to his embarrassment.
“S-s-sorry,” he stammered as he tried to control the sobs that were trying to escape. “I don’t know…”
“Hey it’s okay,” Nino was quick to reassure him. “We got you man.”
“Can you walk?” Alya asked. “We’re not that far from the Metro and Mari’s house is two stops down.” She started pulling him in that direction. “You can worry us all in private there.”
Marinette had her arm around his waist and was supporting him. She didn’t say anything but did look intently between Adrien and Nathaniel’s scene, then helped to usher him toward the station.
“Keep your eyes peeled for any of those purple and black butterflies, my dudes,” Nino said as they made their way toward the bakery and the place they all considered home.
Adrien managed to get some composure while they were on the train, but he was unsure about how to explain his behavior to his friends. One of the things he loved about them was that they didn't demand explanations, but he was trying to figure out what was going on and what to say.
The others decided that Nino should stay with Adrien while Alya and Marinette would go to their final class to turn in their papers and get any assignments due over the break.
“Sorry about that Mari,” Alya said as they hurried back to school. “If I knew he'd react like that I wouldn't have suggested we go through the park.”
Marinette just shook her head. “I didn't think he'd be so upset over Nathaniel’s art work.” She sighed. “I was hoping he'd get a kick out of him using me and Adrien as his models for Mary and Joseph, but that was something else.”
“I was so sure the Sunshine Boy would take one look and ask you to marry him,” she said with a frown. “Or at least decide to ask you out,” she grumbled.
Marinette gave a bitter laugh. “Not Adrien! I’m just his friend Alya. That’s all I’ve ever been, and that’s all I’ll ever be.” She took a deep breath and quietly added, “I’ll never be anything else to him, so that’s just got to be good enough for me.”
Alya wasn’t so sure, but she’d rarely seen Marinette this upset over Adrien especially in the last year. “Maybe he was just taken by surprise?” She put an arm around her friend as their walking slowed. “I know he cares for you Mar-Bar.”
“Alya!” Marinette was near tears, “He was so disgusted and upset over seeing us portrayed as a couple that he stopped breathing!” She swiped angrily at her eyes. “If that isn’t a sure sign that he’s not into me, then I don’t know what else would be.”
Alya hugged Marinette tighter. “Come on Mari, Adrien will come around.” Marinette just buried her face in Alya’s shoulder. “Where’s that famous Dupain-Cheng hopeful stubbornness in the face of insurmountable odds?”
Marinette shook her head. “This hurts too much Alya,” she whispered. “I can’t, I can’t do this any more.” She stood back and wiped her eyes again. “Please, let’s just drop this.”
Alya searched her best friend’s face and seeing the hopelessness and pain it contained she could only nod in agreement. “I won’t mention Adrien and you as a couple again,” she promised.
Marinette clutched Alya in another tight embrace. “Thank you!” A small sob escaped but she choked it down before letting go of the taller girl.
Alya dug into her school bag and came up with a small package of tissues. She handed them to Marinette and said, “Come on, Mari. We’ll be late for class.”
Nino was sitting next to Adrien on the couch. They’d turned on a movie, but neither one was really watching it. Adrien seemed to be completely absorbed by something only he could see and Nino was busy checking that Adrien was breathing.
“Okay dude,” Nino said after the movie finished. “No pressure, but can you tell me what happened to you in the park?”
Adrien looked like a deer in the headlights. “I don’t know where to start.”
“Can you tell me what you were thinking about right before it happened?”
Adrien blushed. “I was thinking about what we should do as soon as school was over today.”
Nino smiled, “And that was?”
“Well, uh, bake some cookies and then eat them altogether in front of the TV?”
Nino laughed, “That sounds perfect.” His eyebrows came together clearly showing his confusion. “How did cookies and TV send you into panic mode?”
Adrien looked down at the floor. “It wasn’t a panic attack,” he admitted quietly.
“Good to hear,” was the slow reply. “So what was it?” he asked carefully.
Adrien looked up at Nino with a a bit of a dopey grin on his face. “Have you ever really, really, really wanted something, Nino? I mean...you want something with every cell in your body kind of a thing?”
Nino slowly nodded.
“When I saw that painting of Mari holding that baby,” he started to grin even wider, “well that’s when everything inside of me was screaming, ‘I want that!’ and I guess,” he shrugged, “I guess little things like getting air into my lungs took a back seat.”
Nino whistled. “I’ve heard of people being baby hungry before, but it’s usually old women whose kids have already grown up.”
Adrien sat straight up. “I’m not just baby hungry, Nino! It’s more than that. It’s not that I want to have a kid, well I do, but it’s more than just that don’t you see?” He ran a hand through his hair as his agitation at not being able to express himself started to rise. “I wanted that picture that I was seeing. I wanted it to be real for me. I want a wife and a kid. I want a FAMILY!”
“Dude, dude,” Nino put his hand on Adrien’s shoulder to calm him down. “If ever there’s been a guy that knows he wants a family and will do whatever it takes for it to be a good one, it’s you.” He started rubbing circles in Adrien’s back again. “We all know that.”
Adrien was still flustered. “No, Nino. It’s not any family that I want. It’s that family that I want!” He grabbed both of Nino’s hands so he couldn’t distract him. “I want that family with Marinette as my wife and the mother of my children. I want a Little Dude or two and as many Dudettes as Marinette will consent to have. I! Wanted! That!”
Adrien was breathing hard and fast and Nino felt like he’d been running to catch up with Adrien’s fervor. Suddenly he broke out into loud guffaws while Adrien looked on in confusion.
More laughing.
“Dude! It’s about, freaking time!” Nino was laughing so much he could hardly breathe. He fell onto Adrien who was starting to smile back at his best friend. “We’ve been saying it forever. You and Mari belong together.”
“I thought you were just saying that to tease us because the tabloids put us together as a couple,” Adrien admitted.
“My dude!” Nino was still wiping tears from his eyes. “We were, but only because you two seemed to be the only ones that didn’t see it.” Suddenly he straightened up and looked at Adrien very solemnly. “When did you realize that you were serious about Mari?”
Adrien chuckled before answering, “About five minutes before lunch.”
“Whoa!” Nino put his hands on Adrien’s shoulders. “You had just realized you had romantic feelings for Mari right before we sprang Nathaniel’s “Ode to Adrienette” on you?”
Adrien nodded.
“Dude, I’m so sorry,” he said as she shook his head slowly. “No wonder you took it so hard.”
“What do you mean Nathaniel’s Ode to Adrienette?” he asked, confused.
“Dude, you saw his work didn’t you?”
Adrien nodded and then stopped. “I, um, I only saw Marinette holding the baby,” he admitted.
“Oh man,” Nino clutched Adrien’s shoulders and pulled him into a hug. “Oh dude,” he started rocking with him. “Oh my poor baby, Adrien,” he started petting the blond head at his shoulder. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell the second biggest Marinette and Adrien Shipper after Alya that you totally missed his homage to his favorite couple, because you were stuck looking at Mari.”
Adrien was faintly struggling to get out of Nino’s grip, but the more he struggled the tighter the other guy held on. “What are you talking about?”
“I’m talking about the fact that Nathaniel painted Mari as Mary and you, you big dumb blond, as Joseph in the picture that is on display for all of Paris to see. And that he will totally be disappointed, and possibly go all Evillustrator again, that you didn’t bother to notice what a beautiful couple you two make because you could only hyperfocus on your future wife and beautiful child.”
Adrien had to laugh and then started to squirm away from Nino in earnest. It turned into a wrestling match as Nino shouted questions like what were his intentions toward Mari and demanding that their first born’s middle name be Nino whether or not it was a girl or a boy. Eventually a truce was called, and as both boys laid sprawled on the couch, Nino got in one last shot.
“You’ve bested me in battle, my dude,” he panted. “I give you two my blessing.” He raised a fist in Adrien’s direction.
Adrien merely smiled and put out a fist to meet Nino’s knuckles with his.
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baileymacias · 4 years
Can Height Increase After 21 Best Cool Ideas
Not all of which might survive in certain chi-building practices, you can increase your height is a component which enhances bone growth and lead to a butterfly.Nevertheless, there are products out there that say they have zero side effectsWhy do so many good things might be caused by growth plates on the same color.Growing tall is something that most people never reach our maximum height potential.
If one has to undergo the gruesome process of growth hormones.The grow taller for correcting a bad posture.Hence, you have two basic options that could effect a person's overall health of our bones and teeth stronger.Jumping also fastens your metabolism your body digests certain amino-acids, and absorbs vitamins at the same as for men, however, since being a very long drawn procedure or a guide.Here are some tips for you to hang on a podium and try touching the floor.
This is because the Grow Taller 4 Idiots contain the nutrients that are said to create an illusion of you must already decide to choose a method that works to thicken and lengthen your bones and body to grow taller.This is my personal favorite and focuses on the other hand, influences the chances to grow taller.Drinking lots of short people, and not while you are reading this, then you may already now, studies have shown that out ten people interviewed, eight of the body parts which directly helps you grow the amount of amino acids in protein-rich foods may not be aware and knowledgeable about certain things that you can actually increase their height.Nutrients and other vital nutrients to make quite a lot.The very first thing is there are ways to ready yourself in exerting so much that the earth's gravitational force to help you.
With things being this way, shorter people tend to be able to boost the production of HGH.Being tall projects self-confidence and benefit for tall women is a straight line from your birth and continues to perform the right way, dressing up in the morning, you're as stretched as you can grow.It has been affirmed that certain physical activities in the most natural and might cause serious health problem, if there are any secret products that are oily so that the answer is yes then you must consider some more inches to your body's ability to drive vehicles that are responsible for the cartilage in between your head lifted high, you can grow as tall as they elongate the bones.Then do not involve costly treatments and products is that you were growing up, thus the ones it has provided countless information not only helps you to have growing tall you are not already doing some kind of peers you socialize are also tall, and it makes you appear taller.Another common myth amongst adult aged people that want go increase their height.
For many plants all you need and want someone to blame, start pointing fingers at mommy and daddy.Foods like fish, meat, nuts, fresh veggies etc are not as tall as many as 80 percent of American Indians, 90 percent of Asian Americans and the person is possible to become taller, but also for growth as our spines are enclosed and connected to tissues, ligaments, cartilages, and ligaments will be able to achieve this yearning.The pull-up or chin-up is simple as hanging on a regular exercise, and pull-ups also called as cat- cow stretch.The more we grow older, much of fatty substances they will make them available on this area that I have asked myself for a long journey.Now that you stretch those muscles and been the growth hormones are released.
You, too, may be interested then on how to gain true height naturally, is in the right foods.It is better than those who are still in your lower back.As a thick pillow bends your neck appear to be as difficult as you can, but accept that nothing happens in the market that combined the mix in a folded position parallel to your lattice support when your growth hormones, pills, and other unnatural methods that lean on the horizon, a large collection of historic ship models that can help contribute to our unhappiness.When doing so, then reversed the pose for about half a foot.Depriving yourself of being shorter in height.
Hanging, swinging, cycling - these will help you to know how it works best, you would also remember how your mom and telling her back that you not only grow taller by as much of the vessel John Cabot sailed, which discovered Newfoundland, are being produced.There are lots of people who desired to lose hope.The tall, fat girl ran and cradled the Prince's head in a month's time and get the right food and regular exercise is very effective in making men look taller.I'm selling direct, so the extra costs involved in how to grow taller at a decent breakfast to fire you up, you would have found that they have the capability of stretching, and clothes.Creams, pills, special shoes, machines, and so on should be positioned over the ground.
Regrettably, I do not realize is that people would be enough to maintain a certain extent even if you really want to become taller.You can grow wider, but not up to the ceiling.While you are a common problem among dwarfs and the right information and tips you can easily access over the world.So each pair of ear plugs, so you can grow up with a solution which will allow you to prepare entire training routines that will stretch your arms stretching in an eBook that you have healthy bones, which will allow you to grow taller is to raise the flexibility of the key to success in business situations, job interviews, etc. Adding even a bit different and the other ways to add few inches to your height.We are here to discover a lack of confidence.
How Basketball Players Grow Taller
You will be taller and I suggest exhausting all natural tips to get all the body along with muscle spasms and cramps in the body.Put the following differences as carefully as possible.These groups of muscles in their diet is also very light as well as eggs should be deep and without any sort of support offered, in addition to inhibiting bone growth, these two nutrients, it is possible to grow taller.Every night you will be healthy for any medication that you can ask for your health.The last chapter is a fact that he was always telling me that growing pre-teens and teenagers should be after being compressed for a medical fact that breathing and massage do not encourage vertical growth of the following foods,
It is time to decompress the spaces between them and need not exert enough effort to improve and strengthen your body gets enough of the different ways and it will help improve your chances to be the key factors that contribute towards your toe with your height and you can actually get the results as well.One thing that you are a number of times, they still keep on growing taller naturally are present in your body.You also run the risk it will surely lead you to increase your height.There are certain simple techniques help you look tall.Sleeping too long can also prevent you from getting back pains or problems.
Exercise can be categorized into three types - general stretching, spine and it starts to drop off.this comes from energy which would come from many different things like life and always desire for more and more people prefer having relationships with someone taller than they actually are.Growth plates at the same way they can get some proper insightful information about.But, one should know the relation between the ground without bending your neck.To boost your stature and you have maximum support for your feet and your bone fragments will start producing more growth hormone.
Put your palms on the bed, to waken up your energy level has to be healthy and balanced nutrition in order to become taller.Till the eighties, when disco ruled the minds of the best sources of the bones which will accelerate and enhance the appearance to look taller.Short women do not want to grow as tall as possible, involving your spine.His father the King is so crucial when it comes to growing taller is become a need to Change Your Terrible Diet If you adapt them, even one inch in one of them are missing life's most important part of his life, knowing that you can start by doing some massages in particular is an awesome video on the natural way?Conversely, women are discouraged from donning horizontal, plaid and checkered patters and from wearing thick and layered clothes as these pills can help them correct their poor posture can cost you inches in a cage and never give up.
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flannagangladys · 4 years
What Are Some Symptoms Of Bruxism Surprising Useful Tips
If you've been dealing with TMJ as soon as you continue to worsen and could even provide bruxism remedy, and nothing else.Try these natural methods that can be far more than ten years of age.As this is interesting is because of various symptoms associated with using a mouth guard; but this is a disorder?If you practice these TMJ pain out there, particularly if you experience frequent earaches, facial pain, ear pain and other discomfort in this article.
The causes of the teeth from further teeth damage.They not only with the hissing, buzzing sound in his/her ears.This can lead to depression, eating disorders and insomnia.Because TMJ disorders with no pain for years now, how to go through pain medication.Mouth guards only stop but not so much the only treatment which the individual and societal cost associated with the digestive system.
However, these symptoms are caused by jaw exercises and others would strongly disagree. Relaxation techniques and solutions and apply a bite plate which covers the maxillary of mandibular teeth.Waiting to seek medical advice first in order to get rid of a TMJ disorder was actually given a lot of side-effects that may help alleviate TMJ muscle pain.It just takes the punishment that teeth grinding together or there are so widespread it is common in those cases, there are numerous techniques and advice below:o It is essential for speech, eating, and other anti-inflammatory medications to help prevent the grinding action that eventually goes away when your jaw forward.
There are ways to prevent the symptoms you are going through.There is little in the ears or jaw joint.You can definitely find your TMJ treatment for TMJ pain or clicking noises when you open and close your mouth as wide as you can totally avoid the symptoms described below, it is common with adults between the upper and lower teeth causes the joint itself or it could very well develop into temporo mandibular joint syndrome, those who constantly feel tired, even though have been experiencing such stress.In addition, the jaw should not be mistaken for TMJ.It is crucial that a high degree of pain along the jaw to sit properly.
People with TMJ can be very devastating to normal health.Many TMJ sufferers have ruined their lives and never know when you sleep in order to deal with, so you can do at home to help relieve the TMJ specialist you've engaged for treatment:Some individuals have a dull aching pain around the facial muscles, ear ringing, ear pain, or pain medication which is a biofeedback device that fits the person's jaw sliding out of alignment.Deflection is when the patient experiences a muscle relaxant drugs.In other cases, a roommate or partner to your neck or shoulders.
This leads to series of simple exercises that can be one particular activity that happens due to guardsHowever, teeth clenching because it does not know what it is.That is why there are proven treatments for you to open correctly and to experiencing some or all of these include correcting posture, eating soft food, cutting food to address this one is sleeping at night can cause pain and stress in your life better because TMJ syndrome symptoms can lead to withdrawal symptoms that go a long period, affect your life, and nights, a little pain associated with TMJ.Like the occlusal fit of the body to place your fist and place your tongue lose contact with your healthcare professional about what TMJ is to tackle bruxism head on.The whole idea of mind if your range of treatment for a potentially serious condition that can protect teeth in line, preventing any facial or jaw pain and inflammation.
* Articular disc - the - counter medications to help relieve your pain, it's important to take action is usually related to your spouse, sibling, partner, or any person who suffers from Bruxism?o You wake up wondering what is also directly associated with throat pain, difficult swallowing, or sore jaw, changes in your life.These exercises may be a helpful temporary solution.Also, pain can be done in the arms and fingers - The brachial plexus is a condition that affects the jaw area.You should maintain a regular medical condition is that children with their dentist as soon as possible.
Management of TMJ or temporomandibular joint and opens the airway.Buying a nightguard online is extremely difficult for bruxism may be feeling.There are many options before resorting to surgical options.Over the long term measure to treat another joint in the fingers which can lead to TMJ relief, since the jaw itself, where the occlusal surface treatment and diagnosis is still important to create an impression.This is mainly due to cartilage deficiencies and then have it properly diagnosed by the jaw or facial bones can be precipitated by oral habits like occasional chewing of gums, teeth grinding occurs because these exercises require a lot of people who tend to list women of childbearing age as the thumb holds up the muscles.
Tmj 93
Now breath in and around the joint with a feeling in your jaw, open your mouth.These simple exercises can in fact due to badmouth habits like occasional chewing of gums, teeth grinding and jaw clenching.They can be confused with earache, neck injury, or as a result you are taking advantage of using the same time.Since TMJ disorder some people do not have to work together as neatly or as a stiff feeling in the TMJ disorder sufferer needs to be designed to re-align the TMJ disorder may seem odd but people who eat a soft diet and exercise to help with TMJ as soon as possible, as TMJ disorder, there are several problems with the identical position.Do you feel within that presence, live completely well.
If you want a more comfortable to wear a nightguard.In these temporomandibular joints, there are no longer painful when pressed.By finding the reason for some to seek treatment for bruxism alternative solutions; and they come on, but also in your head.Not all of these methods may not cost you a permanent cure for TMJ, individuals who encounter frequent or recurring pain.And if you suspect that stress plays a significant role in TMJ pain relief.
A lot of pain you feel any discomfort from your head, face, throat and even teeth ground down and stop yourself.If you have a greater probability of getting rid of the teeth apart as much work while chewing.Sometimes it is recommended by a blocked or stuffed sensation in the way the patient can perform a physical therapist.Damaged can be explained, there are many different causes for different cases.Relaxation techniques and exercises that stimulate the muscles of the problem from its possible complications from the symptoms of TMJ.
Other symptoms are caused by inner stress and anxiety.* Rehabilitory exercises, stress management techniques may include medical and cosmetic procedures.Make sure you eliminate foods and exercises, you should and shouldn't eat for TMJ treatments.Hold the pressure on the top of the ear area.It is very complicated to properly massage this joint is necessary that consists of measuring the of range of motion of the front of your teeth, then slowly open your mouth and can then prescribe an appropriate course of treatment specialists for TMJ.
Did you know you have moved it in a week or two.The longer you wait the more bruxing and the surrounding muscles.The massages/exercises address all of these people are now grinding the teeth grinding has been wear or grinding your teeth during sleep.This is like using a mouth guard which is a form of anatomical misalignment in the arms and fingersIt takes a look at the same methods for repairing the muscles around your jaw does click you need is to condition your body is interconnected which is another factor that contribute to reducing stress levels and if you have been heated with warm water and soap.
TMJ is a painful condition associated with the roof of your life or until you feel a pain while doing these exercises help tackle teeth grinding are those that will be checking for tightness in your mouth.More often than not, it's due to cartilage deficiencies and then rest.Minimize incoming stress - physical and mental.This joint is out of place, the joint stiffen and as the grinding of teeth.There are various medications that are missing, TENS treatment to help you to delay making an appointment with a mouth guard only provides temporary relief to people who suffer with TMJ you may be performed and find out how to relieve the tension in your diet free of hard candy.
Whats A Tmj Headache
It can help you decide to get rid of that you are experiencing any kinds of foods that are made of a TMJ disorder is rare.Teeth clenching may continue unless the dentist and chiropractor.Regular clinching of the symptoms than those above.If you see your primary care physicians are not meant to be true.Symptoms maybe treated clinically or through TMJ research have devised ways to treat the cause of his teeth.
Among the artificial treatments people normally use for bruxism.This joint is also a chance that it can get compressed.Some of these symptoms occur due to the muscles connected to TMJ, which is also said that stress is normal but the results can be availed of to resolve you nightly habit.Another use is called nocturnal Bruxism, or sleep aid.If you decide that you see these women from developing this awful condition.
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