#as usual i’m trying to stay in my lane keeping my negativity under the cut but just beware that if you click you will see bitterness
demigodofhoolemere · 5 years
Long bitterness below because I saw something that drove me crazy and I wasn’t gonna be able to rest until I articulated my frustrated thoughts
@ the person who wrote this I just wanna talk
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Most of these are just outright wrong and it only takes the slightest glance at canon events to prove them as such, and the ones that have any amount of accuracy to them are devoid of critical context.
I don’t remember seeing much of this stuff before Ragnarok but it’s everywhere now and it’s kind of telling of the narrative bias that movie planted in everyone’s heads that people are now looking back with a lens that’s colored to be against him from the outset without bothering to take into consideration context, critical thinking skills, or empathy. The narrative tells us that he’s just bad so let’s not look any further than that I guess.
Wasn’t gonna debate each of them but the more I think about it the more it’s gonna bug me until I do, so here comes the bitter canon police...
Number 10
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1) Right from the off: “Loki and Thor have always had a love/hate relationship — though it gravitates more toward the ‘hate’ part.” Um... always? Because last I checked, despite their differences, they grew up as best friends. Their problems that we see onscreen span from 2011-2017, a measly 6 years compared to over a thousand years of life together. This is a blip on the radar, one that certainly doesn’t constitute leaning towards mainly hate for each other. Heck, even during this time period, they’re clearly shown to love each other. Loki definitely gets angry, but I wouldn’t say he outright “loathes” Thor, at least not in a way that diminishes the love he also has for him.
2) “As such, Loki has betrayed Thor and his adoptive family many times.” This is so wrong I barely have the energy to explain why. People love to give examples of all of Loki’s supposed betrayals and they pretty much all fall down under scrutiny. The only ones I can understand listing are lying to Thor about Odin being dead, along with his attempts to kill Thor at the climax of the first movie (this stuff was when he was waaay out of his right mind, btw — not that he’s not responsible for his actions, but context is still important when taking into account anything he does), and various things in Ragnarok that were out of character for him to do in the first place. Anything else, even if it’s bad, cannot be counted specifically as betrayals against his adoptive family, since things like coming to Earth weren’t about them. If only a couple of instances are able to qualify as betrayals, then no, he has not done this “many” times, no matter how much people like to push that idea.
3) “Of course, Thor often got the brunt of it.” I’ll let that one stand because Thor got a fair number of screams aimed at him, but honestly, I’d say the person most negatively affected by Loki’s actions tends to be Loki. Thor really didn’t get more than he could handle. And as much as I love him, he’s not innocent of dishing his own stuff onto Loki as well. Wording it this way makes it sound like he’s Loki’s abuse victim (when more than anything, they are both the victims of Odin’s awful parenting rather than each other).
4) “So, it’s basically a normal sibling relationship that they portrayed. Oh, and Loki is never apologetic about his violence against Thor — siblings through and through.” First of all when I see stuff like this I have deep concerns for other people’s relationships with their siblings and am reminded of how grateful I am for my sister, but secondly, I don’t get the impression that Asgardians do much apologizing overall. You don’t see Thor apologizing for violence against Loki either. Terrible habit, but it seems to be the culture they were raised in. Besides, I feel like dying for Thor multiple times is decent substitution. (And while it’s not totally clear what he was specifically referring to, it’s worth noting Loki did profusely tell Thor he was sorry on Svartalfheim.)
Number 9
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1) Oh my word, I am tired of seeing this. That scene was filmed as a real death, and everyone from Tom Hiddleston to Kevin Feige continued to refer to it as such after the reshoots. I wouldn’t know where to find it right now but I know there’s a quote from Kevin about it being real and that it was only just non-fatal enough for him to survive it. The only place anyone ever says he faked it? In Ragnarok, which is already filled to the brim with retcons, and it’s said by Thor (or whoever that is in Ragnarok who took Thor’s face) who has no knowledge of what really happened, he just makes assumptions and accusations that Loki isn’t given the chance to refute. It. Was. Not. Fake.
2) “He was rather casual about it and didn’t care much about how the rest of his family would take the news.” Source? We don’t exactly get the time to see his feelings on the matter. Also, Thor is the only one who would have cared anyway. Frigga was killed and Odin wanted him dead.
Number 8
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1) “One of the reasons why Loki faked his own death was to seize a great opportunity [...]” He must not be good at carrying out his own plans then, since he immediately genuinely tried to offer the throne to Thor. Thor turned it down. Was there still satisfaction from getting the chance to prove that he can be a king? Yeah, because he’s still never felt like he’s been able to prove himself as equal. The chance to prove people wrong about him, and especially the chance to prove his own worth to himself, is exciting, hence that grin at the end. He’s certainly not upset at that opportunity. But that only happened because Thor didn’t take him up on the offer.
2) “The worst part was that he cast a spell on Odin and exiled him in a retirement home on Earth.” The... the worst part? That he removed the man who would have killed Thor upon return and was willing to have all of Asgard and everyone in it destroyed? And still had the mercy to send him somewhere that he’d be safe and taken care of every single day? Uh... okay.
3) “For a time, Loki ruled the Asgardians in their process of recovery from the Dark Elves’ attack.” Yeah, exactly. Thanks for aiding my point. Even Ragnarok of all things, despite the issues I have with the way Loki was portrayed as king, still manages to prove this point by showing things on Asgard being peaceful and repaired.
Number 7
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1) Mostly correct this time, but missing the context of why Loki is angry enough at Odin to want the Dark Elves to go after him. Without considering all of the lies and heartache Odin caused that sent Loki’s mind spiraling in the first place, let alone the fact that he left him to spend the next 4,000 years of his life in solitary (which is outright torture, and Loki knew it would be because he seemed to have no problem with the thought of being executed instead), it makes it sound like it was a purely petty betrayal rather than based in any reason. Loki does everything for a reason.
2) “One would think that Loki would’ve learned a lot from this but he kept on being his usual self after a short bout of guilt and anger in his cell.” First of all I think you greatly underestimate how long that’s gonna stick with Loki. Secondly, if by ‘kept on being his usual self’ you mean the immediately following scenes wherein he helps Thor go get revenge on the monsters that killed Frigga and ultimately dies to avenge her and save his brother’s life, then you forgot the actual events of canon again and also inadvertently complimented him by saying that’s normal for him.
EDIT: You know how you can watch something a thousand times and somehow it takes that thousandth time to catch something? Yeah. Anyway, Loki directed Kurse to Asgard’s power plant so he could turn the shield off. THAT is what he was directing him towards, it was to let the Elves in to get to Odin. He didn’t even unknowingly lead Kurse to Frigga, Kurse just went where Malekith was, and Malekith found Frigga because she was guarding the Stone. Kurse would have killed her anyway, Loki’s actions had no bearing on that. Hold him responsible for getting the shield shut down and letting more Elves in (while still referring to point 1 for why), but Frigga’s death never had anything to do with him because Kurse got out anyway. Loki just doesn’t know that. But a character blaming themselves doesn’t mean they’re right.
Number 6
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1) Another thing I wish would stop cropping up in all discussions of Loki. Stealing the Tesseract isn’t his ~thing~. I’m annoyed with this one just on principle lol.
2) “Throughout all the MCU movies, Loki has stolen the Tesseract at least thrice, each in three different movies. He just doesn’t know when to give up.” None of those times were just for the lolz like people say. In Avengers he had to get it for Thanos to save his life. In Ragnarok, what the heck was he supposed to do, leave an Infinity Stone floating around in space for anyone to get? It’s not like it would have been destroyed with Asgard. Better to take it and keep it safe. And in Endgame, while I felt that was starting to lean too much into ‘haha I love taking the Tesseract’ territory, it was to get away from the imprisonment and possible death that would have been waiting for him in either SHIELD or Asgardian custody. Loki does everything for a reason.
Number 5
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1) “[...] he immediately embraced his evil tendencies.” ROFL I’m sorry but the idea of THIS kid having had prior evil tendencies is actually hilarious.
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2) “[...] killing countless innocents on Earth [...]” In canon, there were 74 fatalities in the Battle of New York, which were caused by the Chitauri that Thanos sent rather than directly by Loki. Loki’s personal kill count on Earth can be listed on one hand — literally, it’s something like 5 confirmed onscreen deaths by his hand, with several other unconfirmed ones because we just see him attack but not how badly people got hit. The 80 people that Natasha mentions were the SHIELD agents that went down with the base in the beginning, which wasn’t Loki’s doing, outside of the few guards he killed when he got there. That was pretty easy to count.
3) “[...] and probably other planets as well.” Supposition. Not even the slightest bit of hinting of that in canon. Next.
4) Loki himself was being tortured and under extreme emotional duress and mental manipulation during this movie. Not that he’s automatically 100% absolved of responsibilities, because he did make choices of his own, but again - CONTEXT. This was a fight for his life. He was not well, physically, mentally, or emotionally. There is almost nothing he did in this movie that he would do under normal circumstances in his right mind.
5) “In addition to that, he also put his homeworld of Asgard in constant danger. Odin’s words about Loki being followed by death and destruction wherever he goes definitely rang true.” If you’re referring to the first movie when he lets the Jotuns in, both instances of that were planned in such a way that no Asgardians were supposed to be in danger; he couldn’t have known the guards to the vault wouldn’t be able to take them (and that first plan was intended to protect Asgard from a young and arrogant Thor’s reign; another of few instances that can count as betrayal, but done with reason), and the second time he brought them in was specifically to kill them because, with the combination of his unstable mind and the kind of things Odin praises, he thought it would finally gain him approval from his father (and he was raised with no regard for Jotun lives therefore he didn’t even grasp that it was wrong). That’s the only time Asgard was even slightly jeopardized by Loki. In every single other instance, he is pretty darn devoted to protecting Asgard. Time and again. Odin’s words are a load of crap. Loki has only been surrounded by things like that in the last couple of years, when out of his right mind or coerced or both. This is not something that has always been, and it’s certainly hypocritical for Odin of all people to be making accusations like that when he and his favorite son have done worse things. Heck, Thor’s body count on Jotunheim in the very beginning is on its own a larger number than Loki’s body count in the entire MCU, all for being called a princess. Many of the heroes in the franchise have worse — even significantly worse — body counts than Loki.
Number 4
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1) Tortured and controlled by Thanos. Next.
2) “[...] the culmination of all of Loki’s plans ever since he left Asgard to become a villain.” For one thing I love how this makes it sound like he made the conscious decision to run away and be a villain lol, but I just... you remember how he left Asgard, right? When he made a suicide attempt by falling into the void that he could not possibly think he would survive through? He didn’t exactly have future plans in mind. He was trying to die.
3) Now you’re only assuming people died? I thought it was countless?
Number 3
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1) This wasn’t a takeover of Asgard. Frigga, who knew that he’s a Frost Giant, appointed him as regent for the time being. What he did with the power is what’s questionable, but the way he got it was completely legit. There was no scheming — he didn’t even want it at first. The thought of proving himself got to his head but he didn’t take the throne purposely nor was it illegally, or done in deception or under false pretenses.
2) While the things he did were wrong, it was not technically a betrayal of Odin or Asgard. He did what he did precisely because it was the sort of thing his father and his people would usually see as heroic. If you wanna call it a betrayal of Asgard for taking the risk of having Jotuns there, I guess, but not of Odin, and it was not done maliciously towards them. The ones who actually suffered for this were the Jotuns.
3) “[...] quickly transformed into one of Asgard’s most dangerous enemies.” He transformed into Odin’s enemy. If he were an enemy of Asgard he wouldn’t have spent his years on the throne protecting it.
Number 2
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1) This one is mostly fair and I consider this to be the worst thing Loki’s done. However, this is hardly about shamelessness. This (and seemingly all of the article) is written in the assumption that his actions were done in his right mind. Again: he was in the middle of a mental breakdown. That doesn’t exonerate him but it’s sure as heck important context.
Number 1
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(covered the image because no one needs to see that)
1) “[...] betraying the whole universe just because you can is pure evil.” Yeah, it would be. Good thing for Loki then that that’s not what he did. 
2) “Loki consciously served Thanos with the initial goal of becoming ‘king’ of the Earth.” Loki was consciously fighting to stay alive because disobedience and failure would mean unimaginable horrors.
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Working with Thanos is NOT something he would do just because. As far as wanting to be king of Earth goes, Thanos canonically messed with Loki’s head. He made him think that was what he wanted, just like he dug into his mind to make him angrier at Thor. Thor himself, who has known Loki their entire lives, noted that his behavior and goals were uncharacteristic of him.
3) “It seems like Loki got his just desserts on that front.” Gotta say, I’m genuinely a little horrified when I see people say that Loki deserved that death. No one deserves to have their windpipe crushed and neck snapped brutally by their abuser. That was the most gratuitously graphic character death I’ve ever seen. Even if you think he wasn’t tortured by him before and willingly joined forces with him, he still wouldn’t deserve that fate. It’s too morbid for anybody. ‘Just desserts’ is supposed to be about justice. There’s no carrying out of justice here. It’s just senseless and cruel, and done to a man who had gotten out of the dark place in his life to start anew.
That was longer than I ever intended to let myself get worked up over a dumb ScreenRant post but I feel better with that out of my system.
Here’s to fact-checking before making accusations that have no basis 🥂
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who-is-olivia · 5 years
Track 6. Only Angel
Harry Styles x OC
Olivia has to perform in the Victoria Secret Fashion Show but struggles to deal with her mental health. [3.7k]
Genre: fluff, angst
Warnings: nudity, sexual language, mental health struggles
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December 2014
  They hadn't been on speaking terms.
  Two years ago, Olivia had a breakdown and decided to go back to her hometown in Brazil, right when One Direction was set to perform on Madison Square Garden. They split up to give her room to recover and it was working... until Taylor came into the picture.
  Harry never regretted the choices he made, he knew he would be miserable with Taylor knowing that Oli was just around the corner. So he broke up with her on the day they were set to travel to the Caribbean. It was very harsh on her so it’s understandable she wouldn’t take it nicely.
  Now, Oli and Frank have to perform on the Victoria Secret Fashion Show right after Taylor.  It’s an honor, Olivia will introduce two Brazilian models wearing a special bra thing, she’s gonna be wearing a beautiful lingerie piece, but she can’t control her nerves efficiently enough to enjoy the opportunity.
  This is the last rehearsal before the big performance, they mark the steps along with the sound check and the last costume fitting all at the same time. Frank’s standing around with his guitar waiting for the production’s queue to dismount while Oli leans over Nadine’s phone to watch a short news outlet on Twitter hyping the show tomorrow.
“... but the supermodels are not the highlight of the show, instead is someone who won’t even walk the stage: Harry Styles is the talk of the town as tomorrow both his ex and his current girlfriend will take the stage one after the other. Who do you think will deliver the best performance? Comment down below and don’t forget to subscribe-“
“This is bullshit” Oli shakes her shoulder trying to seem unfazed but secretly crumbling in anxiety.
“Total bullshit, I’m sorry you had to watch this-“ Nadine revolts.
“No, it’s fine, I’m just gonna get my stuff-“
“Hey, do they have extra wings?” Frank asks from the other end of the stage.
“I don’t think so, why?”
“I was dying to wear wings” he grunts and Oli rolls her eyes.
“You can wear mine after I walk the stage” Candice winks at him teasingly.
“Frank, we have bigger fish to fry” she walks up to him, leaving the girls to themselves. “We should call this off”
“Because it’s drawing too much negative attention, I don’t need that at this point” she fiddles with her fingers, desperate for a cigarette.
“Oli, this is huge for the us, we can’t bail out”
“Frankie, please”
“No bug, I’m sorry” he pats her shoulder and walks away. From the corner of her eye she notices someone familiar approaching.
“Hey there, crazy!” Zayn nods.
“Holy shit, what are you doing here?” she jumps down the stage and lands in his hug. Apart from Harry, Zayn is the only 1D member she’s got to befriend. Nothing against the other boys, they all speak to each other, but he’s her actual friend. Doesn’t hurt that she got to work a lot with his girlfriend’s band recently.
“Harry told me you’d be here, I thought I’d give you a ride”
“Perfect! Let me get my things-“
“What about Frank?”
“He’ll find a place to sleep tonight” she chuckles.
  Since the show’s in London, she at least gets the comfort of staying at Harry’s place. Although they share a nice flat in New York, he needs a place in London due to the label and also to see his family. To ease their expenses, he bought a smaller place that she hasn't seen yet. Harry feels quite lonely in it, and having the expectation of her visit did nothing for his internal peace.
  On the way there, she and Zayn share a couple smokes and make small talk, planning a few tattoos while she’s in town. Soon enough they arrive and there he is, waiting to open her door for her.
“Hey love” he smiles, pulling her out of the car and into his loving embrace. At the very sight of him a huge weight is lifted from her shoulders. “Thanks mate, appreciate it”
“No worry, we’ll catch up later, eh?”
“I’ll text you, bye Zayn!”
  As he drives down the lane, Harry walks with an arm around her waist up to the flat where her things are already in place. With that out of the way, they head straight to the shower.
  He presses her naked body against the wall, her wet chest against his as their lips clash in a sensuous patient kiss. His small pecks fall to her jaw and down her neck as his wet hair tickles her, distracting her from the pleasure he’s giving.
“Hm?” he hums in her sweet spot.
“Do you think I should do the gig?”
Harry stops kissing her, bringing his gaze back to her and sighing worriedly. “What could possibly make you not do it?”
“Everyone keeps speculating about the performance, they keep comparing me to Taylor and I’m just...” she cracks, hiding her face on his wet neck. Harry strokes the back of her head and shushes her tenderly, trying to get a glimpse of her.
“If you don’t wanna do it, don’t do it love. You can tell everyone you’re feeling sick and just stay here with me”  
“Yeah, but it would be amazing for Frank and I and it’s been really amazing to meet all the models and spending some time with Nadine...”
“Nadine’s great”
“She’s the fucking best” he relaxes at the sight of her smile.
“Whatever you wanna do, I’ll have your back, alright?” she nods and he leans in to kiss her playfully.
  They dry up and head to the bed, exhausted. Before she arrived, he was craving for her, desperately. He would remember their times together and twitch in his pants at the thought of it, always keeping in mind that she was x days away from coming home and putting away his misery. But having her in his arms so fragile, so unprepared, it felt wrong and he had to stop. What he feels for her is not only physical and he can’t let her emotional needs unattended.
  Oli falls asleep curled up to his side, one of her legs straddled around his waist, breathing calmly on his chest. He takes a little longer to doze off just watching her peaceful sleep, the lovely way her parted lips blow against his shirt and her eyelids twitch while she’s having a dream. Her hair is wrapped in a light pink silk sheet, soaked in coconut oil, and he can’t resist burying his nose on it and taking in the sweet scent. He loves her so much it burns, and seeing her anguish feels like walking with a knife craved in his heart, he wishes he could make it all go away... so he tries something stupid.
  At approximately 2:00am, he calls Frank.
“Aren’t you calling a bit late?” he growls on the other end of the line.
“Hey, I’m sorry, there’s just something that’s not letting me sleep”
“Can’t it wait until tomorrow?”
“Probably can, I just wanted to clear my head about this” he excuses, feeling like he’s already drawing towards the unwanted results with this call. “You and Oli have to perform tomorrow at all costs?”
“Look man... I know she’s stressed out, all that bad press is getting under her skin but after we ditched Fiona and Gina we haven't been selling, at all, and we need the show if we want to stay signed for another year”
“Yeah, but aren’t you scared she’ll just... lose it?”
“I am, I still feel guilty about her breakdown... but that’s the job, she loves it, the good and the bad. Trust me, she’ll be amazing tomorrow, you won’t tell the difference between her and an angel”
“I bet I won’t... night, Frank” he hangs up. Frank is a level-headed guy, he must have thought this through already and taken the most logical conclusion but deep down it doesn’t feel right. Anyways, Harry quits his crusade to spare her and returns to the bedroom, settling in her arms again.
  But their domestic bliss is cut short by the day’s schedule. At 11:00am sharp she’s already getting her nails done and her braids fixed at Harry’s while he chats with everyone who’s busy. However, he notices Olivia is dead silent – which is very unusual.
“Guys” he calls after the nails and hair are done, “can I steal her for a second?”
“Sure... don’t mess her up!”
“I promise” he leads them to the door and shuts it, turning to where she has her head hidden behind her knees. “Love, please don’t let it get in your head”
“Too bad” she leans on her freshly manicured hands and he can see tears on the corner of her eyes.
That’s the last drop. “Hey, look at me” he tips her chin so she looks at him reluctantly. “You can both do great, it’s not a race, no matter what the bloody papers say”
“I know”
“Do you?”
She sighs, dropping her head on his palm. “No”
“Then you have to believe me, just do your best” he soothes, stroking her hair, “and if you can’t, your 50% is already bloody incredible-“
“Haz! Shut up” she laughs sadly, wiping the little droplets from her eyelids. To have her at least smiling is enough.
“I love you, alright?” she nods, “Trust me on this one, you’ll be fucking amazing”
  They both get pampered and ready to the red carpet, as usual arriving in grand fashion. He leaves the car first then opens the door to help her out, making a huge scene as she gets up on her heels and throws her thin Havana twists out of her face gently, which is quite a spectacle to the paparazzi. Once she feels the luxurious climate, her attitude shifts and she immediately grows more confident. She welcomes Harry’s arm around her waist and supports her wrist on his shoulder, staring at the cameras with a focused glance. He can feel it, her posture changes, she looks powerful, he can’t hide his gobsmacked grin at showing the world how intimidating and formidable is the woman who literally owns his heart and soul.
  Once the photographs are over, they walk to the dressing room together.
“Mr. Styles, you can’t go in” a producer holds him back.
Olivia frowns at her. “What?”
“This area is just for performers and models, you can’t go in”
“Can’t he come to my dressing room?”
“I’m sorry, it’s not allowed-“
“It’s ok” he interrupts, knowing pretty well it’s what he set up to surprise her later on. When she steps back, he takes Oli by the hand and hugs her tightly, pulling her close enough so he can whisper in her ear. “No matter how many people step on that stage tonight, you’re the only one I see, alright?”
She smirks. “You better...”
“You’re the sexiest, most talented person I know, you’re gonna be amazing”
“I hope so” she leans into him, cupping his cheek in a passionate kiss that catches him completely off-guard.
“I’ll be on the front row” he says a bit out of breath before letting her go.
  Once she turns towards her dressing room, she sees her standing there: tall, slim, fair, blonde, piercing blue eyes following her every step. Not willing to make another scene, she salutes her with two fingers in a friendly gesture, and in reply she smiles politely. Their interaction ends there.
  On her dressing room, Frank is already dressing up and strangely giggly.
“Candice is giving me her wings after the first run!” he cheers, making it really hard for the stylist to work on his outfit.
“You’re winning already then” she mocks, pulling her dress straps down and asking for Frank’s help to unzip the rest. She’s not used with the rest of the backup band so she awkwardly slides to one of the changing booths. “Where is Morgan? The show’s about to start”
  While she waits for their agent, she quickly puts on the black combo of hot pants, torn t-shirt, up the knee boots and a boa. At some point she hears something above the noise of the backup band tuning their instruments and everyone shuts up.
  The show starts.
  Taylor is the first one to perform, walking down the catwalk with some of the biggest models in the industry. They run to the side stage to watch them but the producers don’t let anyone get on the way of the running models, so she has to watch on the TV’s spread across the backstage. Taylor’s presentation is straight up perfect, she moves like fucking royalty and interacts naturally with all the models – she looks so good she might as well be mistaken for one. Oli’s legs begin to shake as the song hits the second chorus.
  Fortunately, there are two other performers watching, and they come to greet her.
“Hey Oli” Andrew is the first, thank god for a familiar face. They used to hang out after rehearsals, he’s a giant dork who’s also not used to fame. Also, his poems make her cry all the time.
“Andy! I’m passing out!”
“Wow, hang on” he holds her by the shoulders.
“I can’t follow up, everyone’s talking about it-“
“Hey, what you’re talking about? You rehearsed this, you’re gonna walk down that stage and be fucking incredible” he talks her down in that convoluted Irish accent of his.
  From the front row, Harry nervously watches top models in tiny clothes pass one after the other, trying to focus on anything else but Taylor on that moment. Every line she sings feels like she’s spitting on him. A show that lasts minutes feels like hours, and when it finally ends it’s time for Olivia.
“Holy shit” she breaths out raggedly.
“Do you want some water?” Ariana asks.
“Where’s Frank?” Oli pleads, seeing black dots on her peripheral vision.  
Frank, who had been talking to some of the models, promptly excuses himself. “You ok?” she barely hears through her thumping ears.
“I’m having a panic attack...”
“Hey, let me handle this” she hears her voice distantly, as if she’s drowning on her heartbeat. “Come with me” Taylor helps her up and takes her to one of the bathrooms, just the two of them.
  She pulls her hair out of her face and shoves it over one shoulder, helping her lean over the sink in case she feels like throwing up. She then wets her hand and throws some cold water on the back of her neck.
“Breath in, hold, then breath out, just like me” she insists. Olivia closes her eyes, breathes in, holds, then breathes out, time and time again until she can grasp her surroundings. Slowly, the thumping on her ears recedes and she can actually feel herself again. “Better?”
“Yeah...”, she takes one last deep breath, “thank you”
“Don’t worry, I’ve been there” she dries her hand on a paper towel.
Oli sighs heavily, “I don’t know if I can pull this off”
“Of course you can” Taylor counters, “Just think: you’ll be on stage with your brother, singing a song you already sang a hundred times, your fans will love it, the models will love it... and Harry’s on the front row, he’ll love it anyway”
She hesitates before starting, “I’m sorry about what happened between you”
“Don’t... I’m actually glad it’s over” Taylor looks down and nods her head, trying to figure out her next words. “Sure, I didn’t like the way it ended but I was just so anxious around him, I feel like I can breath now, it’s so funny... when I was with him I was always so nervous, afraid to say the wrong thing or do the wrong thing, like you were just then” she points to the door, “but you’re... effortless together. I wish I had something like that in my life”
“Hey” she looks up at her, “these things just... happen, I can’t explain it. Just do your thing and wait for someone to show up who happens to like you just like this. It might take a while but it’s worth it”
Taylor smiles, pulling her in for a tight hug. Olivia relaxes on her shoulder, welcoming all the energy she lets out. “I think you should go out there and rock that stage” she whispers encouragingly. “It doesn’t matter what people will say tomorrow, we know what’s up, they never will”
Olivia nods, taking a bit of distance. “Thank you so much” she squeezes Taylor’s hands.
“You’re welcome... now let’s go”
  The show-runner asks for the audience to be patient as they’re having a few technical difficulties and Harry is this close to invading the backstage and checking on Oli. His knee bops up and down frantically, looking at Liam beside him for guidance. At the first sign of applause, his eyes shoot up at the stage and there she is. Frank’s guitar riff fills the room as they walk in, him leading the way with his tall angel wings, sunglasses and skirt, his guitar wailing as if calling for Olivia to join. Then she does, parading to the beat until she reaches Frank.
“How’re you feeling tonight?!” she calls before getting her queue.
  He couldn’t look away even if his eyes were gauged off. His breathing increases, his body responding to the feast upon the stage. Two Brazilian models pass in front of her, he doesn’t look away. The entire cast of the show walks up but still, he doesn’t look away. The way her vocals reach all the way to the back of the venue makes the hairs on the back of his neck rise. She looks so powerful yet so ingenue, as if the way her hips swing is completely pure.
  But there’s nothing pure about her. The way she dances with Frank’s guitar solo, the way she smiles and bops with the models, how her braids barely cover her bare ass cheeks, it’s too much. All he can think about is ripping that lingerie with his teeth and let her encircle him with that boa, he wants to be at her mercy.
  At some point, their gazes meet and he feels a bit love drunk, lost in her beauty. She walks to the edge of the stage closest to him and blows him a kiss and he catches it in the air, keeping it on his internal pocket and winking back at her. He wants her to kiss him, he wants her to lose all decorum and just disgrace him right then and there.  
  But just as it began it ended. As she takes a bow and walks out with one of the models, Harry applauds on his feet. She smiles proudly, holding Frank on a side hug and bowing once again. She did it! It was amazing, sexy, vibrant... and Harry can’t wait to see her, not another ten seconds.
  She’s welcomed in the backstage with thunderous applause. After all, she did it! She was super scared but soldiered on and now that’ll live in history as one of her best performances ever. As soon as the clapping dies, she walks up to Taylor and hugs her tightly.
“Thank you for everything” she whispers through a smile.
“You were a-mazing!” Taylor cheers getting some distance between them and then hitching. Oli follows her gaze and finds Harry standing awkwardly in the middle of the commotion.
“Haz? I thought you couldn’t get in”
“Yeah, don’t say it too loud” he mocks, pulling a flower bouquet from behind his back. Olivia chuckles amusedly and runs to his embrace, leaving a very uncomfortable Taylor standing empty-handed.
“You were something else tonight” he whispers to her and hands her the flowers. Sensing the eyes around them, she restricts her displays of affection to a small kiss on his cheek. “How about we skip the after-party and just grab a bite with the band?”
“Sure, I just wanna watch Andy’s then we can go”
“Alright” he nods and his gaze accidentally catches Taylor’s. It would be extremely impolite to ignore her after looking her straight in the eyes so, for education’s sake, he walks up to her. “Ms. Swift”
“Mr. Styles” she replies with the same cocky attitude.
“It’s nice to see you”
“You too” they exchange a kiss in the cheek and part ways. Once Harry’s got his back towards her, Olivia and Taylor exchange a knowing wink.
  Before they watch Andrew’s performance, Oli and Harry head to her and Frank’s empty dressing room. As she walks in first to get the flowers on a pot, Harry locks the door behind him and moves to hug her waist. She closes her eyes in delight, feeling his desperate lips already trace her shoulder up to the crook of her neck.
“You looked really fucking sexy in that stage” he mumbles, taking gentle hold of her neck.
“I could tell, you were giving me bedroom eyes from the moment I stepped in” she mocks, stroking the hand that holds her on a choke-hold before turning inside his grasp and kissing him teasingly, making him dangle on the edge of sanity. He presses his parted lips on her but she pulls away slightly, licking a single strip of his bottom lip before bitting it lightly and kissing him back.
“Can’t wait ‘til bedroom love”
“Yeah? What a shame” she pushes him away playfully, “I’m not doing anything here with a zillion people outside”
“Fuck’s sake” he dramatically flops down into the sofa, “you’re killing me, honestly”
“Dead men can’t talk!” she replies, changing into her party dress and overcoat.
  Harry keeps groaning on the sofa, calling out for her until she’s ready. She leans over the back of the sofa and hugs his shoulders, he holds on to her arms for reassurance. Looking down, she notices he’s a bit too excited to go out in public, so she has an epiphany...
“... you got that James Dean daydream look in you eyes” she sings.
“Oh, fuck you-“
“And I’ve got that red lip classic thing that you like”
“Oli, don’t” he whimpers through a struggled laugh.
“We never go out of Style... es” with that one improv, he loses it, laughing his life away. She pecks his sweet cheeks over and over, leaving several dark-brown stains on his fair skin. “Come on, you’re good to go”
“Thanks, angel”
She narrows her eyes, hand hovering over the lock before grinning arrogantly, “I like that”
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pierregasly · 4 years
You okay? You haven’t been very active last days
Awe, thanks for asking. It’s kinda a bit long but here it goes.
Pretty much in April my ex broke up with me over the phone during quarantine literally just throwing away the whole future we had planned because he’s chosen without mentioning it to be at all to go to a different country for Uni and he wanted to have “a fun summer” without depression of having us both saying goodbye. We’d been dating for fifteen months, talking for sixteen and it was a really really passionate relationship with a lot of high emotion from both parties. However, a lot of high emotion leads to volatility which is why the last six months of our relationship was really toxic and brought my mental health down to a point where I had so much anxiety I went down from 46 to 41 kilos just purely because of not eating due to stress.
Moving on, our relationship became sorta toxic because of my ex. He has a huge ego, is very competitive and we’re both really into debating. He started to make everything a competition between us and he would go off on the smallest things. Like he would call be every hour or thirty minutes when I was hanging out with friends or I wanted him to smoke hookah a little less and he broke our agreement but when I tried weed one time he went literally ballistic. No, it wasn’t an abusive relationship. The atmosphere was just... really toxic. We both were on the debate team and I kept winning while he kept losing and he always sorta resented me for that, like he felt so threatened that I was doing better than him in school... or debate... or in my personal life.
So yeah, us breaking up was a good thing but it doesn’t stop there. We really really loved each other. And love doesn’t conquer all, you know? Anyways, he broke up with me in early April and didn’t contact me for two whole months. We went from talking everyday to talking zero times in two months. However, the next time we did meet he proposed a meeting under the guise of he needed to get his stuff. So he shows up at my house, gets his stuff and then stays for three hours pleading and saying like he made a mistake, a rash mistake and I kinda told him... no. And honestly it was the hardest thing I ever had to do because we still loved each other so much but he hadn’t changed at all. So, that following week, we had a house party for graduating seniors. The entire night, he made out with one of my friends in front of me because he wanted to make sure I had a really shitty night. And yeah... it wasn’t nice. But I had a lot of guys trying to get with me and, we’ll, his best friend of ten years was one of them. His best friend made a move and I owed nothing to my ex so I went with it, we’re friends after all.
He isn’t really close with his best friend anymore because he’s really jealous and hurt his best friend did that. Which I understand but at the end of the day... all his friends were pissed at him at this party because he kept getting jealous whenever I was with a guy and just staying in my own lane even tho HE broke up with me and shit over the phone... The following week at another party that he wasn’t invited to, he removed me from our last media of contact we still had each other on and I didn’t hear from him for another month and a half.
Flash to my birthday. August 3. It’s 1 am and he called me out of the blue wishing me a happy birthday. I really wasn’t... thrilled. At this point I was finally okay. I had moved on mentally (of course your heart still stays with the people you once loved), I had a great friend group around me, I finally was able to start gifing and writing again because I felt really... happy. Really good about myself. Like the best I’ve felt about myself in like a decade. I even got my weight up to 45 kilos after going on a diet to gain weight! And my ex’s entire phone call I was speaking so strong but my fucking body was shaking so hard. I know it sounds stupid but I was so fucking scared because I had finally rebuilt myself and I knew this person would have the power to bring me right back down.
On my birthday, we saw each other. We hung out at his house, I spent the night. He looked so fucking miserable. He had so much guilt and regret over what he did to me in his eyes but it seemed like he spent the entire day just trying to make it up to me. It broke my fucking heart because he kept asking me to be more affectionate and I told him no, he’s not my boyfriend and after all he did, he doesn’t deserve it. He would kinda try to... play the field. As in he would say things like “I love you” and then see my reaction and then base his next action off of that reaction. He said “I love you”, I made a face, and he played it off like a joke. He was trying to take the upper hand as usual but I didn’t let him. When I left he told me if I ever wanted to hang out, we could.
I didn’t take that too seriously but my dad left for a few days last week so my brother invited a friend and I invited my ex just to drink and have a good time. At the end of the day, my ex said we’re friends even tho he’s the one who cut me off. My ex’s problem is that he really wants desperately he get back together, to be together again because he still loves me but I don’t want that to happen. Maybe in the future when he’s a changed and better person but for now like... no. Even tho it really hurts. Anyways we had a perfect night. I basically left loose and told him all that he did wrong... that what he did really hurt me... that he’s selfish, unkind and takes people for granted. I told him I pitied him because he sees the world so negatively when there is so much beauty around him. He didn’t try and argue... he just got really sad and told me he understood. He also told me he loved me and didn’t take it back. His eyes looked so fucking crushed because he knew how badly he fucked up. He was throwing compliments about my to my brother, he couldn’t keep his hands off me and when he held me, his fist would clench in my shirt like he was desperately trying to keep hold of me.
We’re essentially just two people who understand that he has to go through a lot of change before we can ever be right for each other again. We love each other so much but even he admitted... he’s just not right for me and he’s not good. He wants to change but he just doesn’t know how, how he’s acted is really all that he knows. Anyways... he spent the night and I kinda knew it was going to be the last time we see each other for months, maybe years, maybe a decade. And he just layed in bed like he really really didn’t want to have to go even though he knew he was going to have to. That’s it. We left on good terms. He’s still in love with me.
To answer your question, for the first time in a long time and I’m just going to be honest. I’m not okay. I’m really not okay. He’s right, he’s not good for me. But it really sucks that his selfish actions and his decisions just did that... to us. I will always love him but I’m not in love with him anymore. We click so well, and we’ve both never found another person whether family, friend or more intimate that we’ve each clicked for. Who knows... maybe one days I’ll meet a better version of him and I’ll take him back when I see he’s more mature and changed. But for now... I was okay until this month when he just decided to slip back into my life. And it doesn’t feel fair. It doesn’t feel fucking fair that I rebuilt myself and I was doing the best I ever had just for him to come back into my life and remind me of his presence.
It’s not like I had forgotten about things like how his hair feels, his accent, his scent or his mannerisms... I hadn’t. Him being around just reminded me of them. And I was doing so well. I had truly moved on mentally in life and was doing the best I ever had. I cry maybe once a year... and now I’m crying literally five times a day because I miss him so much and it hurts having to realize that we’re both strangers who are going to live completely separate lives. It hurts so bad I can’t even explain it really and the writer in me just doesn’t idk.
I’m really sorry for his rant. I have a lot on my chest. I really really am not doing okay. I basically went back two months recovery, back to a point where I can barely get myself to do anything and I just feel really hurt. Its not the worst thing that ever happened to me... but I lost my best friend and a boyfriend, a person I loved so fucking dearly and had all those passionate cliche movie first loved with. It’s the worst thing too knowing that we both still love each other so much but we know it’s not right. It’s not right for us. I can’t be there to help him along the way and he needs to find himself and his own path in life. Love doesn’t conquer all but I think that’s okay. You know? I have to delete a good quali lap for a chance at a great one. I was really looking forward to going to college, starting over and getting out of this city full of memories... but I can’t because my Uni is online first semester so I’m still here. Again... sorry for the rant.
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headspacedad · 6 years
all right, gang.  Y’all know I like to keep this blog pretty non-shippy.  That’s not going to change.  But I’m getting some asks and I feel like I should at least say something.  So I’m going to share something a bit more personal that I usually go and I’m going to say why Adam’s a non-sequitur to me at this point.
which is your warning where this is going so the rest is going under a cut so anyone that wants to can skip it.
All right.  First off I want to be clear.  I have always said ship what you want to ship, stay in your lane, follow your happy, just because I don’t agree or see things differently doesn’t mean anything at all to the way you should do your own thing.  I stand by that.
I also want to say that sometimes a relationship becomes too much.  Too much emotionally, too much physically, just - too much.  There’s a line between being supportive and being a sacrificial lamb over and over again and a point where no matter how much you want to be in a relationship or love someone, its just not healthy for you to be there anymore.  The only person that can decide that is the person in that situation and its different for everyone.  Often sticking around after you should have left damages both of the people involved.  I have had to end relationships in my past that were with people I loved or cared about but that were causing me emotional damage long term.  There is no judgement from me for someone who, in real life, decides its time for them to go and does so.
That said -
All right.  So, growing up I had a father who was on the shitty side.  He’s changed a great deal since then but childhood was - not fun.  One of the things he liked to do was play ‘prove that you love me’.  It was an emotionally manipulative version of ‘you can only have one of us’ when there was no reason for that beyond him wanting to be the only important thing.  He did it to all of us.  I don’t, personally, react well to that kind of thing at all but for years I dealt with it because 1. I did love him and 2. I was just a kid and 3. it was all I’d ever known.  Then one day, before I was even a teenager, he told me I had to chose between him or something that I considered intrinsic to both my life and who I was as a person. 
The decision was sadly easy to make and I walked.
He never played ‘prove that you love me’, at least with me, again.
So when I hear someone tell a character that has gone to the wire, put themselves through all kinds of twisting and torture and effort, who has dreamed and schemed and grasped with all they are for a dream of theirs, who are fighting against the entire world to get somewhere they want, desperately, to be - that they have to either chose that dream or the person laying down the ultimatum - I don’t react well to it.  It’s not a trigger for me, but it sure as fuck is one hell of an immediate knee jerk reaction and I’ll be violent about it.  You don’t play ‘prove that you love me’ with people you love.  You don’t tell someone to chose between their heart’s very dream and you, if you love them.
People do it, they do it because sometimes they’re at their wit’s end, because they’re doing the only thing they have left to try to save someone, they do it because they’re only human and hurt too.  And I can tell myself all of that and yet have it not change the utter bile reaction inside me when I run into it in a fictional story.  I am not enthusiastic about Adam as a person and a character. 
Don’t get me wrong.  I’m not at all taking about what he symbolizes or the representation he represents.  I’m talking about the character himself and the character’s actions.  Adam can go fuck right off for pulling a ‘prove that you love me’ over something Shiro’s fighting tooth and claw for himself for against a wave of other people already trying to take it away.  Granted, my reaction to him may change once we’ve got more story to go off of but right now there’s only a gut violent and immediate negative response to someone that plays that card against someone they claim to care about.
Especially in a military setting where it should be no surprise someone is career orientated and driven about it.  Its not as if Shiro suddenly changed.  Shiro’s, apparently, always been that way.  He’s not doing anything new or unexpected by this point.  Adam knew what he were getting when he signed on for that relationship.  If he can’t carry that weight, he needs to put it down, for his own good and for Shiro’s, but he should be honest enough about it to admit its his problem, not Shiro’s.  Instead Adam tries to emotionally manipulate him and lay the blame on Shiro’s shoulders with a ‘how much do I mean to you?’ and ‘I won’t be here when you come back’ as if its Shiro who’s the one walking away from something.  So Adam not only plays the ‘prove you love me’ card, he also plays the ‘and its all your fault things went wrong’ card on top of it.  Instead of simply taking responsibility and simply saying he’s not able to stay in a relationship that’s not working for him anymore.  Shiro has a right to decide how he lives his own life and if Adam can’t support that anymore than, as painful as it is, he needs to do what will damage Shiro the least when he leaves and say what the real problem is and why he’s leaving.
Am I going to judge anyone else that ships it or is enthusiastic about it or sees it as a relationship they want developed?  Nope.  I will be blocking and unfollowing for my own sake but that’s my issue and me being responsible for my own mental place and has nothing to do with people that want to embrace it.  I am fully aware this is a personal issue I have that’s a leftover sore spot from a rocky childhood and the fewer people that agree with me means fewer people who went through it themselves and that’s a good thing.  I am completely viewing this through the lens of my own personal life.  But please don’t send me enthusiastic asks about the pairing or expect to see it show up on this blog.  As of right now, going off of the information we’ve been given at this point
I’m not interested.
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adoubleshotdepresso · 4 years
Sometimes it’s more than “just a little bit sad.”
I’m usually pretty good at coming up with some kind of witty or humorous introduction to my writing, even when the subjects can be pretty serious, and not exactly jolly, but the last couple of months have definitely been some of the darkest days of my entire existence, so I thought it would be the perfect time to have a chat about depression. I’m not talking about the occasionally sad day, when the weather is miserable, nothing is going right and you woke up too late to get yourself a Masai White Chocolate Mocha, I’m talking about the type of sadness that easily overwhelms your entire existence, and soon takes control of your life.
Hi, hello, welcome to the show. As a lot of you may know, I suffer pretty horribly from mental illness, in particular, depression. And it’s something I’ve had to deal with since I was around 14 years old. I just turned 27, so I have spent quite a large proportion of my life sad and miserable, which is about as fun as it sounds. Just joking. None of it’s fun, not one part of it to come to think of it. Which doesn’t mean I’m an actual professional, but speaking from experience I’m pretty knowledgeable of how this disease can affect your life, and everyone in it.
Hold onto your Kleenex, grab a hold of a pet and get comfy, because unfortunately this isn’t going to be great, or uplifting, and if you’re expecting some type of happy ending, I’m sorry but you’re going to be disappointed, because even though I try damn hard every day to get through it, I still haven’t found peace with myself, or the disease I will probably have to live with for the rest of my life.
Let’s take a stroll down memory lane to where it all began. Or where I first noticed I may have been struggling with a mental illness. I was teenager, and still a kid in my opinion. I was bullied a fair bit, mostly when I was in Grade 8, which would have made me about 13 years old. It wasn’t anything significant, just the generalised bullying most teenage girls know of, and I mean, I’m sure it didn’t help my pending depressive disorder, I’m nearly positive I still would have ended up in the same boat even if I wasn’t bullied at all.
But then there were DRAGONS. Just kidding, I needed some comic relief. Thanks Colin, for the reminder.
Because I was a hormonal teenager when all of this started, everyone (including myself) thought it was just the regular “she’s just being an asshole teenager” type of moods, but once I hit the age of 17 or 18, we began to realise it was probably something more than just “growing up”. After already a few years of having to deal with mental illness without actually knowing I had it, my mum took me to my regular General Practitioner and we had a chat about my general behaviour and moods. I had to do a Mental Health Plan, which is basically a whole bunch of questions, like “how often do you feel sad, or get teary for no reason”, and you had to answer “None of the time to all of the time”, and that basically tells Medicare if you need funded psychology treatment.
If you’ve never been to a psychologist, it sucks. I hate every moment I have to be in their shitty office, sitting on their shitty chairs all while having to listen to their shitty advice. I’m sure some psychologists are great and manage to help their patience live their lives to the fullest, but all of mine so far have been basically useless. It’s hard enough for me to open up my feelings to complete strangers, let alone relate to anything that they’re saying. I know a whole bunch of people who go see therapist regularly and find it really helpful, and even though I don’t have anything great to say about them right now, I would highly recommend going to see one if you feel like you may be developing or experiencing some type of mental illness. It doesn’t have to be a negative experience, and who knows, my next doctor might be the answer to all my questions.
Now you know the background, I’m going to tell you how it really feels to be depressed. Which comes in stages, so we’re going to treat this sort of like a really sad and gross cake recipe.
Step 1: I can feel it coming a mile away. So you think I would know what to do by now, since I have the ability to recognise all the signs. But I see it coming, and it still hits me by surprise every fucking time. I start to slowly isolate myself from my friends and family, and just tell everyone I’m feeling “under the weather”. Which isn’t exactly a downright lie, but it’s not the whole truth either. I start not wanting to talk to people, which is unlike myself, and begin to spend a lot of time at home, mostly in my room in bed. And that’s when the overthinking begins.
Step 2: I’ll get home from work one night, have a shower, go to bed and  stay there for the next several days. I will only get up to eat, drink and to look after my pets. And sometimes when things are really dark, it’s even hard for me to do that. I start missing out on days at work, because the thought of leaving the safety of my own house is horrifying. Even though I’ve been living a somewhat normal life, the thought of what’s outside is enough to make me call in sick, and not leave my bed for days, even weeks at a time. To others, this may seem like pure laziness. That I don’t want to go to work and earn my keep, to have the freedom of a healthy wage, to see the people who make me the happiest. But it’s not laziness. It’s impossible. That’s what it is. Depression makes every day living impossible.
It gets harder and harder to keep going. And sometimes it feels easier to just give up, and that’s where step 3 comes in.
Step 3: Overthinking. Exhaustion. Paranoia. Three things that should probably never go together. Those things alone are enough to push some people to the edge, but you mash them all together and you have yourself one heck of a party. I think everyone who suffers from any type of mental illness knows what it feels like to overthink everything. Whether that’s your position at work, the integrity of the relationships in your life or even small and stupid things, such as, “I don’t think my dog loves me anymore”. I start to overthink everything, and suddenly things that were totally insignificant suddenly become super important.
I start to question if I’m a good person or not, and start to tell myself, maybe I deserve to feel like this, because if I was actually a decent person, I wouldn’t have these feelings. I look back at how I’ve treated people in the past, and wonder if I was a better friend, maybe I would feel less alone going through all of this, and I think for me, that’s my biggest downfall. I tell myself I deserve to be suffering every day, and no one actually gives a damn if I am, and it’s hard for people to help you when you can’t even help yourself.
Exhaustion basically comes in a “buy one get one free” type of deal, and it’s a damn vicious cycle to be in. You stress about every day living, and that makes you wide awake even at 4 in the morning. And then the next day, you’re even more tired, which makes you feel more stressed. To be honest, if I got enough sleep every night for the rest of my life, I feel like I would be able to cope a whole lot better. At the moment, I’m only getting a few hours of interrupted sleep every night, with waking up super early in the morning, and not being able to go back to sleep. Take into consideration I already take two different types of medication to aid with my sleep, but even that isn’t enough to keep me asleep the last couple of months.
Being exhausted makes life really difficult, especially when you work in a 24 hour, 7 days a week call centre for a somewhat prestigious and successful financial institution. No matter what I do, no matter the medication I take, nothing can help me sleep. I even shut off all my electronic devices, listen to audiobooks, yoga and medication and all the advice from professionals, sleep still evades me. The best “cure” for chronic insomnia I have found, is intense and consistent workouts throughout the day. A couple of nights ago I slept the best in a few months, and all it took was over an hour of tennis with no breaks, with leg day just before shower and bed. But working full time hours, on a rotating and every-changing roster, this is not always possible. So, I’m sort of left with doing the best I can with what I have, and that’s still kind of shit. Unfortunately I don’t have an answer for this solution as I still have not found a remedy for insomnia, even after suffering for more than 3 years. I promise to keep you posted if there’s ever a cure for this rubbish.
And then eventually comes paranoia. Once you’re sleep deprived, and been over thinking everything for a few weeks, you start to become paranoid. Nothing is what it seems, and no matter what people tell you, you just think they’re lying. There’s not much else to say about paranoia, as I’m sure you all know the broad definition. I would never wish that upon anything.
Step 4: Nearly the hardest part I’ll ever have to deal with. Self harm. Self mutilation. Basically physically hurting your own self, because your brain tells you too. I first started hurting myself when I was teenager. I used to buy those silver pencil sharpeners by the kilo, take out the blade and cut my wrists. Nothing to cause any type of actual harm, but any type of self self should be taken seriously, and investigated, no matter how stupid or in-effective it may be. They may not have been deep enough to be hospitalised or anything, but I do have several scars along my wrists that remind me every day of where I’ve come from.
As I got older though, these self harm habits became slightly more serious. I stopped cutting myself, as it was pretty inconvenient, and didn’t really hurt that much as an adult, so I began extinguishing my own cigarettes on my skin. This hurts a lot. And not only just for a little while, but for days after. Sometimes I’d hold the butt of the cigarette to my skin for so long, my skin would melt onto the cig. It caused infections, and severe bubbling, which looked like a blister that was filled with gross stuff. These scars will remain with me forever. They go from the very base of my wrist, all up the inside of my left forearm. These scars are the ones I am most ashamed of. For some reason, these scars represent my mental illness, and it is something I have to look at every day, and will do forever.
Along the same wrist, I have the word ‘strength’ tattooed there, to remind me when I see the scars, to always be strong, and if I can get through those times, then I can maybe keep doing it again.
I don’t struggle with that type of self harm anymore, but as I got older and began to take different types of prescription medication, I began to somewhat overdose on my tablets every now and then, not to actually kill myself, but to cause some type of pain in my body. It also helps me sleep away the days when I already haven’t slept for days at a time. I would still consider this as self harm, as you are deliberately doing harm to your soul, and your body. More than once, these acts of stupidness have ended up in hospital. Both times I had to stay overnight, get my heart monitored regularly, and then forced to go see a psychologist for wanting to harm myself.
I guess what I’m trying to say is, not all self harm are cuts and scars. Sometimes self harm can go unnoticed, and people have their ways of hiding it very well even from the closest to themselves. If you think your loved one is self harming in any way, I would advise to gently ask them about it, and get them to start talking about if they have any thoughts about doing harm to themselves. Don’t downright accuse of someone of self harming, as this does not go down well, trust me. If you think their lives are in danger, please seek medical attention as soon as possible.
Step 5. Suicide.
I hate this, I hate typing it, I hate saying it, I hate reading it. I hate everything about this fucking word. Not only because it’s heartbreaking for people who lose their friends and family due to it, but also because I’ve tried it. More than once. And not a whole lot of people know this. The first time I tried to kill myself, I took a whole bunch of my medication, mixed it with alcohol, prayed to all the gods that I would gently fall asleep, and never wake up. It’s not glamorous. It’s not entertaining, and it’s not something I’m fucking proud of.
The next time was only a few weeks ago. Everything was okay, and then I clocked off at work, went for a walk, took a lift to the roof of a building, stood on the edge and was ready to jump off, and die. I was up there, I took my engagement ring off, I left my phone on the ledge, and stared down at the concrete, really contemplating if this was going to be high enough to really end my life. And you know what stopped me? The thought of having someone find my body, and what that might do to their life, stopped me from jumping. Even in wanting to die, I didn’t want to inconvenience anyone with my dead body.
It’s horrible, it’s selfish, but it is what it is, and I can’t take back those actions or erase that afternoon from my life. I didn’t leave a note, and I was just going to leave everyone behind. I’m one of the luckier ones I guess, in that I get to move on with my life and try to heal the wounds I created myself.
If one your friends or loved ones are talking about wanting to hurt themselves, and it doesn’t matter how, you need to be there for them no matter how hard it is on you, because I can guarantee it’s harder for them right now, and if you feel like you ever need support, please know there are actual decent humans out there who will care if you die, and will do nearly everything possible to save your life.
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