#asau four
ageless-soul-au · 1 year
List of Links - in kind of chronological order!
Ages are at the start of the adventure. Look up any character on the blog by using "#ASAU [name]"!! Refer to the timeline for exact placement. If any details change, we'll update this post!
First - he/him, cis, bi, 29, 6'4 / 193cm - Hylia's chosen warrior, the first hero whom the others inherit the Hero's Spirit from, married to Stella (OC), Warriors' father
Sky - he/him, cis, bi, 25, 5'10 / 178cm - Hero from Skyward Sword, married to Sun
Myriad - he/him, cis, it's complicated, 36, 5'10.5 / 179cm - Hero of the era 10,000 years before Breath of the Wild (10k Era) and the First Calamity, technically married to Monarch but they're kinda divorced
Four - plural they (he/him if necessary), system, 17, 4'9 / 145cm - Hero(es) from Minish Cap & Four Swords Adventures
Red - she/they, femme NB, panrom gray ace, 4'5 / 135cm
Vio - he/they, demiboy, homorom demi, 4'7 / 139cm
Green - he/him, cis, aroace, 4'9 / 145cm
Blue - he/him, basically cis, demi, 4'11 / 149cm
(Bonus! Shadow - he/it, creature, gay, 4'9 / 145cm)
Cinder - he/him, cis, straight, 24, 5'11 / 180cm - Hero from Termina before Majora's Mask, took over the quest for Termina's previous hero when he got injured, fought Majora and adventured with Navi
Flicker - he/him, cis, babey, 9, babey height - Fallen Hero from OoT, pulled the sword and was never put to sleep, died fighting Beast Ganon
Time - he/him, cis, questioning, 21, 6'1 / 185cm - Hero from Ocarina of Time & Majora's Mask
Wind - he/him, cis, doesn't care (demi), 17, 5'8 / 173cm (as of the beginning) - Hero from Wind Waker & Phantom Hourglass
Twilight - he/him, cis, bi open/polyam, 28, 6'0 / 183cm - Hero from Twilight Princess, married to Midna
Fae - she/her, transfemme NB, lesbian, 18, 5'7 / 170cm - Heroine from before Hyrule Warriors, split Ganondorf's soul into four parts, reintroduced Great Fairies post-TP pre-BotW, green witch
Legend - he/him, transmasc/GNC-ish, bi/pan polyam, 20, 5'3 / 160cm (boots make him 5'6 / 167cm) - Hero from A Link to the Past, Oracle of Seasons & Ages, Link's Awakening, & A Link Between Worlds
Bonus! Ravio - he/him, cis, gay leaning pan polyam, 20, 5'7.5 / 171cm - Legend's Lorulean counterpart (and boyfriend) from ALBW
Hyrule - they/them, non binary/agender, aroace, 18, 5'8 / 173cm - Hero from the Legend of Zelda (Hyrule Fantasy/LoZ '86) & the Adventure of Link
Warriors - he/(she/they), cis(?) (genderfluid), bi polyam, 26, 6'3 / 190cm - Hero from Hyrule Warriors, hasn't had the gender epiphany yet but they'll get there (edit: they've gotten there!!)
Champion - he/him, cis(?), bi, 19, 5'2 / 157cm - Hero from pre-Calamity Breath of the Wild
Wild - they/any/neos, genderqueer/pangender, pan polyam/open, 20, 5'7 / 170cm - Hero from Breath of the Wild (not TotK)
Tears - he/him, cis(?), pan, 20s, 5'7 / 170cm - Hero from Tears of the Kingdom and Breath of the Wild (but who isn't the same person as Wild...)
Odyssey - he/him, cis-ish, bi polyam, 20, 5'10 / 178cm - Hero after Breath of the Wild, completed his quest alongside his Zelda and Ganondorf
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ketchupkio · 2 years
it got me curious though, are u gonna do more character ref sheets? I dont draw but i imagine its probably alot of work just to do one, but i will say that I think it would be a pretty neat addition to the series? :>
I've got a ref in the works for Wild, and initially i intended to do all of them in the beginning but it was definitely more work than anticipated. I want to at least have official art that someone could use for all of them eventually but it might take some time. I think there's enough art out there of Legend and Wars that they don't need one per se (and Twilight too) but *shrug*. I've had a height lineup of the whole cast forever (from like those sites that let you plug in characters and compare them) and I've wanted to do something with that but,,,,, it's so much vdnvkdnlvds
so I'D LIKE TO. It just might take a bit.
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thorntopieces · 8 months
So quick question
Would you happen to have a fic with good descriptions of what your version of the colours look like?
Or would you be willing to write that up?
Note: this is long lmao. Quick question, long answer /lh
I don't, as of yet, though one is in the works! It's one of the things I've been really struggling with! So far I have an illustration of Vio done (done by my girlfriend @mydmdcorner ) but we'll probably get to drawing the others soonish! I'm more than happy to give a description though!
They also have slightly different blond(e) hair colours, with Blue's being the palest and Vio's the darkest.
Red (he/him): he's the smallest of the bunch (but really we're talking about differences in millimetres and centimetres here, they're all small)! In A Brief Respite, he's described as the one that looks the most like their grandpa! His eyes are blue, lighter than Blue's. His hair is short but curly/wavy. I'll attach photos and other references under a read-more! He's also got freckles. As for his tunic, it looks very much like the one presented in the Four Swords Manga, though it now has 3/4 sleeves and has a normal hood (to replace the stupid Link hat, I just think it's silly). When he's sleepy or shy, he'll hide in the hoodie. The only reason the tunics are 3/4 sleeve lengths is because he kept burning the ends of the sleeves when they were full. No more long sleeves for Red. He also has some of the same piercing holes as Vio (helix piercings), but instead of having amethyst studs, it's golden hoops/rings.
Blue (she/her): Blue's a tricky case. She got into the Minish magic in an attempt to change her body to fit her gender which had some. Interesting consequences. She's kind of surrounded by a permanent glamour of the weirdest kind, so despite being female, she appears entirely male (short hair etc). She wants to grow her hair out tho (but only to a length that's still practical). She has dark blue eyes. She does not have freckles and her hair has the barest hint of waves. Her tunic is also similar to the manga, but she wears a different, thinner belt higher up on her waist (to make it look like she has wider hips) and her tunic is the longest of them all, brushing the tops of her knees. She currently has no piercings.
Green (he/him): My favourite sleepy boy. He more or less looks exactly like the manga version of Four Swords LInk. He's got green eyes with golden spots in them. He's also ditched the hat, but has the same hood that Four has, with the Ezlo decoration at the end. He's a sleepy boy, so the hood is long enough to fully cover his eyes if he needs to lay down to rest in the middle of the day. The shirt he wears under the tunic has longer sleeves so he can hide his hands. His boots are also more padded so walking is less exhausting/hurts less.
Vio (they/them): Has the longest hair of them all currently. It just brushes their collarbone. The front parts are braided and kept secure with magnetic beads that can be used to clip the hair back. They wear a similar tunic to LU!Four. The bottom part is also flared/split into multiple pieces to ease movement. They wear a thicker belt, but not the same one from the manga. On their hip they wear purple and black kinstone-shaped gems. They've got purple eyes and freckles, although less freckles than Red. They also wear the most piercings in their ears. I might still redesign their tunic some. I really like the tunic design for ASAU!Legend (note: ASAU is rated M/18+), so I might take inspiration from that when I get around to drawing Vio myself.
Hope that helps some! I've left a couple image references below the read more for you! I don't have the spoons to image describe them currently, but I might get that done within the next day or so. If that's an immediate issue, I'll try to get it done tonight!
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DISCLAIMER: I do not claim this as my art, this is the initial tunic redesign sketch me and my gf did as we tried to figure stuff out. It's redrawn over one of JoJo's (@/linkeduniverse) drawings of Four. Please do not see this as my art. The headband should also not be there for my Vio. Oops.
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This is another drawing of Vio. The hair is wrong. Disregard that please. Vio also doesn't have ears. Oops. This is my girlfriend's art. (The Minish you see is Bubble, you can meet them in the first chapter of Dark Hair Significance)
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This is my current profile picture and is of Vio! Here you can see the piercings Vio has, too. The Minish tail/feather isn't one they commonly wear. They left that behind in their Hyrule to keep it safe. Depending on the day, they do the braids a little different. This drawing was also done by my girlfriend.
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This hairstyle is roughly what I imagine for Red, maybe a bit shorter (Source: Gentlemen's Magazine).
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And of course a reference for the Manga.
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blessed1neha · 1 year
That memorable breakfast with Krishna
Mother Yashoda affectionately placed the delicious food preparations on the golden plates of Lord Krishna, Lord Balarama, and Their friends.
As Lord Krishna ate the breakfast cooked in ghee, He joked with His friends and made them smile and laugh, saying ‘’Eat, eat, don't leave anything’’, thus giving deep pleasure to each one of His associates. Mother Yasoda then pointed to the uneaten laddu on Lord Krishna's plate and said: This laddu is very good. It is very sweet. It is delicious. It is beautiful. O my son, You must eat it.
When one of the boys expressed the desire to eat a particular food, Krishna would laugh, take food from His own plate, and playfully toss it to that boy.
Seeing Mother Yasoda earnestly serving the breakfast, and seeing the infallible Supreme Personality of Godhead eating very slowly, the comical and voracious brahmana boy Madhumangala spoke the following words to Mother Yasoda:
ayam ced bhūri nātty amba dehi me sarvam admy asau |
mayaivāliṅgitaḥ puṣṭo bhavitā bhūri-bhojinā ||
My dear mother, if your son does not eat very much, then just give His portion to me and I shall devour it all. I shall then embrace your son and transfer all the nourishment to Him. Then He will grow fat.
nāsya manda-ruceḥ śaktir ghṛta-pakvānna-bhojane |
tad asmai laghu-rāddhānnaṁ vyañjanāny amba dāpaya ||
Krsna's digestion is weak and He cannot eat these heavy foods cooked in ghee. O Mother Yasoda, it is better to give Him vegetables instead and only a slight taste of these heavy grains.
Hearing these funny words, Lord Krishna filled the brahmana boy Madhumangala's plate with five double-handfuls of food, and said to Him: Here is a little something for you to eat.
Loudly salivating, the brahmana boy Madhumangala then began to jubilantly devour the food on his plate. He then said to Lord Krishna: O my friend, see how I am eating.
Lord Krishna then said:
gopāḥ paśyata nṛtyatīha capalaḥ pakvānna-labdhāśayā kīśeśo dadhi-lampaṭo’yam iti tān kṛtvonmukhāṁs tad-diśi |
teṣāṁ bhojana-bhājaneṣu śanakair ākṣipya bhakṣyaṁ nijaṁ sarvaṁ bhuktam idaṁ mayeti sa punar garvāyamāno’vadat ||
O cowherd boys, just look at the restless monkey-king who dances in our midst, hungry for rich foods and yoghurt. Hearing this, Madhumangala placed the contents of his plate, one by one, on the plate of the hungry boys. After everything was distributed, he proudly announced: See, I have eaten it all.
In this way, with vigorous appetites, the cowherd boys relished the four kinds of food which were as sweet as nectar. They joked, laughed, and made their friend Krishna laugh also.
How sweet are the pastimes of Madhupatih and His dear friends! One who is immersed in the nectar ocean of Govinda’s pastimes is drowned, never to rise again.
Reference: Srila Krishna Dasa Kaviraja Goswami- The nectarine pastimes of Sri Govinda
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mrows-fan-works · 2 years
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I call this "When Legend Finally Snaps and Embraces the (Wars) Tiddy." @ageless-soul-au
EDIT: I screwed up and finished coloring the boots. Sorry guys. I can't wait to see them hug in canon. this is very self indulgent
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Wednesday Watch It! This weeks watch-it is going to be The Was, with one of my favorite characters Miles 🥰 "When four Misfits dream together, the World becomes both their Stage and their Curtain Call" Written & Directed: Tui Asau Watch here>> youtu.be/KeW3zUPJC1k https://www.instagram.com/p/B7WQcEgg9bt/?igshid=1ksibhzjanqgx
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ageless-soul-au · 1 year
got a curious question about the heroes— what languages can they speak? or understand in case they can't speak it for whatever reason?
Most of them just speak Hylian and Hylian Sign (bc sign language is considered a different language bc it has different structure and grammar even tho we don't write it out like that) but here are the heroes that we know are at least a little multi lingual.
Legend could call himself a fucking polymath at this point. He knows Hylian and Hylian Sign fluently ofc, and can read/write Lorulean since it's the same as Hylian, just mirrored. He can read Mudoran but isn't sure about the pronunciation since it's a dead language in his time, and is at least conversational in Holodruman, Labrynnan, and Subrosian. He's very interested in learning Gerudo currently, so that might be another one added to the list eventually.
Cinder knows Lorulean fluently since he's from there (written Hylian was the real challenge for him but he got it).
Time knows some Gerudo and Gerudo Sign, probably just conversationally, but he's illiterate so he can't read or write anything.
Four knows Picori fluently bc of the jabber fruit.
Hyrule is fluent in Fey, though they shouldn't speak it around normal people if they want those individuals to stay sane.
Fae probably knows some Fey as well, just what she needed to for getting through her quest.
Twilight knows how to read Twili, and Midna has tried to teach him some, but he has trouble getting around his accent for pronunciation.
Wild knows Sheikah, both ancient and modern, and would like to know the Zora/Rito mother tongue but it's p much impossible for them to produce or even decipher what all those clicks and whistles mean. Sidon appreciates his little Hylian's desire to connect but it just won't happen and he thinks them trying (and failing horrifically) is very cute.
Odyssey is fluent in Gerudo! And he's probably trying very hard to learn Gerudo Sign, but not quite fluent in it yet. He can talk to his boyfriend in his native tongue and that's good enough for now. (And on that note, Legacy probably knows both Sheikah and Gerudo.)
Champion probably knows at least some sign for all the major races just in case. He takes his guard job very seriously, and being nonverbal needs some workarounds in case not everyone knows Hylian Sign. He doesn't wanna end up playing charades.
Wind probably has picked up some Rito birdcalls, both bc he's friends w Medli and Komali, and having an alternative to pirate code with Tetra can be useful. Nothing like. Truly substantial tho.
Sky has maybe like. Some Lanayru mining robot translations lying around in a book somewhere in case he needs it.
Wars knows bits and pieces of a certain language his mother used, doesn't think very much about it. He should maybe talk to Legend....
And that's about it! TLDR most of them know at least snippets of another language according to need.
-Kio & Mizu
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ageless-soul-au · 2 years
Who cries the easiest and who is very hard to make them cry
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we made a very important graph for you :)
(with prior discussion, mizu made a graph on a sticky note and kio digitally recreated it. this assumes normal emotional conditions, no mental breakdowns)
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ageless-soul-au · 1 year
hello hello!! ive been hopping around tumblr looking for more 'all the heroes meet' kind of AUs recently and i stumbled upon this one just yesterday, and i had to send yall an ask bc i LOVE IT!!! one thing that made me especially happy is that your Four is plural because i'm also plural, and i've always personally seen Four&Co as a system<3<3<3 if yall ever make a discord dedicated to this au, count us in. you've made 70+ people-in-one-body SO happy
Hxgxggxnsbdvx omg tysm!!!!! There's more about Four in our ongoing fic but it's pretty late in the story that they're introduced. (Tho the fic is where most of the story is held so to get a grasp on the au, you'd have to take on the monster that's Confidential, so umm if y'all are willing to brave it, good luck! It's worth it!)
We've tried really hard to portray them as best as possible, incorporating feedback from a system we know over discord, while trying to balance that with the magic aspect. Their situation is not all the way the same (bc of the magic and the circumstances they came about in, leaning on the fsa manga for character traits), but just similar enough that we wanted to make sure we're getting it right when referencing the real world equivalent. I've been friends with a few systems over the years as well and really it was too good of an opportunity to pass up on some representation ❤️💙💚💜
As for a discord, both of us are very busy and the idea of maintaining a server is more than a little intimidating, but if we ever were to make one, we'd be sure to include PK or Tupper!
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ageless-soul-au · 2 years
In the spirit of four splitting, how would your au characters reaction be if they were put in a similar situation?
In a word: poorly. VERY poorly. We had a discussion a little while ago re: the colors mulling over what would happen if Sky or Warriors grabbed the four sword, and the consensus the colors would have reached = bad time for everyone involved.
Sky has a metric fuck ton of unresolved anger and trust issues that he's just kind of buried, and Warriors is a walking trauma time bomb; the four sword would break him and Sky would break the four sword and possibly everything else in the immediate vicinity.
God forbid any of the other members of the chain get ahold of it; Time, Legend, Twilight, Wind?
Any one of them splitting would be catastrophic. When Four picked up the four sword, it was largely before a lot of the trauma. Handing it to people who are practically made of trauma is..... not a great idea.
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ageless-soul-au · 2 years
I have Four brainrot, please tell me about Four. Literally anything, I want to know more please and thank you
You're in luck!! There's an upcoming chapter we think you're gonna love, and, also, SINCEREST APOLOGIES that this has sat in the ask box so long! There's so much to say about Four but it's tricky deciding what can and can't be revealed yet, so! Here goes!!
Four is, to Warriors, one of the most steady and dependable people he has in his arsenal at the moment. Four is apparently level-headed and mature, skilled and knowledgeable, and not liable to go charging off into the wild blue yonder at the drop of a hat and instead take a second to think through the best course of action.
What he sort of but doesn't quite realize is that a lot of this is just.... Four buffering between four different people offering input, opinions, and stimuli into a single, physical brain. As a result of this Four's teamwork skills are off the charts and Warriors is very acutely grateful that Four doesn't seem like a full on leader type, a mom friend, or a dad friend, because that would make Warriors possessive and jealous. Four is aware of this and in addition to VERY MUCH not wanting to be in charge of corralling the Impulsive Idiot Brigade, has decided that flying under the radar in that manner is probably best. Would Green and Blue like to join the Leader Type / Impulsive Idiot Brigade while unfused, though?? ......Maybe.
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ageless-soul-au · 2 years
Who sews in your AU? And then who would use the seam ripper for petty revenge (ex: using it on every third seam of someone's fav pair of pants)
I feel like everyone should know like basic mending bc that was like a need-to-know Thing historically unless you're rich and can have people do it for you, but I think who's best at it is probably Wars, Legend, Fae, and Four (Red and Vio). Who can do it but not well is Twilight and Hyrule. The rest would probably prefer to have someone else do it.
However someone who knows how to sew well is Nadea bc her mom is a seamstress. Hyrule tries to sew but they have some interesting ideas about garment construction lmao. I feel like Red has tried to make a dress at some point too.
For seam ripping, Fae and Legend are absolutely vindictive enough to do that. Vio too probably hxgsjsk
Nadea's mother has also mastered the use of tactical seam ripping- for those commissioners who always ask "can you add x" to a garment in the middle of her putting final touches on, and those who try to weasel out of paying her fairly. She's a quiet, shy, soft-spoken woman but she will absolutely fuck your shit.
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ageless-soul-au · 1 month
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Dream girl!! 🌺 🌊
Marin washed up in Calatia, post Link's Awakening. The owners of a tavern in town gave her work and a place to stay, and Marin quickly learned that drunk people were sometimes assholes. She had to grow a thick skin, but eventually got used to the nature of her job (as well as learning that she could bat her eyelashes at some people and swindle them out of money/gifts/favors). She doesn't know much about where Legend is, or if he's even around in the time period she ended up in, but she's hoping to save up enough money in order to travel to Hyrule and find out...
Finally a ref for Marin!! I love her sososososo much, so I wanted to finalize an outfit for her before committing to a ref, bc she deserves something good!! I think I'm happy with this. The design on her corset is supposed to be reminiscent of waves.
Details not pictured: Her skirt falls to mid calf, and fades from the powdery blue at the top to the lighter blue that's the main color of her corset. For footwear, she has ankle boots that lace up and cream colored socks.
Marin is from ASAU, please don't tag any other AUs!! 💙
Image ID under the cut
Image ID: A character reference for Marin from Ageless Soul AU, featuring three drawings and text.
The text reads "Marin, barmaid from Koholint, age 21, height 5'4" / 162 cm, she/her."
The main drawing to the left pictures Marin looking slightly to the side and smiling smugly, twirling a lock of hair around her finger with her other hand behind her back. She has sunset red curly hair that's fluffy and falls to her lower back, brown eyes with red highlights, and tan skin with lots of freckles. Her body type is curvy/chubby and her dress shows some cleavage. She's wearing a sky blue dress made up of a strapless corset and a skirt, with the short, slightly puffed sleeves of a cream chemise sitting off her shoulders and the neckline of which is peeking up over the top of the corset. She wears the diamond shaped gold pendant with a red gem from Link's Awakening on a long chain, long enough that the pendant hangs slightly under her bust. Her hair is tucked behind one round ear, showing four ear piercings: two studs in her lobe and two rings in her upper cartilage (helix piercings).
The two doodles on the right are in a slightly more cartoony style.
The top doodle has a pink background and shows Marin in profile, leaning over a table that has pints of beer on it. She has a mocking, heart-shaped smile as she says, "I don't have to serve assholes. Get out~"
The bottom doodle has a green background. Marin is in a sassy pose with her right hand on her hip and her left dismissively waving off someone not pictured. Her eyes are closed as she says, "Not worth my time 💙 Go fuck yourself 💙"
There are doodles of hearts and water droplets around the page, as well as a fully rendered hibiscus and a color palette.
/end ID
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ketchupkio · 1 year
Who was your favorite Link to design for asau and why? 👀
(Also hi Kio! I hope you’re well <3)
Hiiiii yobi!!! I'm fine, just understimulated bxgxhdhdbs I hope you're doing well too!!
HMMM ur gonna make me choose huh. Not everyone has an Official design yet bc art is hard, but of the links that I designed specifically, let's see.
Legend, Warriors, Twilight, Hyrule, Wind (redesign), Wild, First, Odyssey (even tho he needs updating), Fae...
Mizu designed Time, Sky, and Cinder. She's done a ton of the OCs and a couple Zeldas tho.
Four and Champion still lack official designs.
Of my hero designs, I'd probably have to go with... Twilight for overall look and vibe, and Wind for his stupid clothes. Yeah probably a tie between those two, and Hyrule is a close second.
For Twi,,,, he's just a beefcake hxhxhsjs I like drawing all his scars and having him not be a pasty white boy
For Wind, I already mentioned his stupid clothes but I fought SO HARD to make him a bottle blonde and I'm very proud of that as well. Crunchy little salt lick hdgdhsj his design is everywhere and I love that
Hyrule is a scrappy little enby and they're just great all around. I think their design reflects their personality very well tbh
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ageless-soul-au · 2 years
im a bit new to asau and was wondering if you guys have a list of the character’s pronouns, heights, and ages somewhere? i think i know a few of them but im not too confident in my knowledge.
we've got a post here!!! Wild and Champion have been demoted in height since the Four revision tho, Wild is 5'7 and Champ is 5'2. we should update the hero list in the pinned post to include that stuff tho and keep it updated fr vndkvndsl
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ketchupkio · 2 years
What’s your spiciest loz and/or Lu take
Oh my god, damn. Controversial spicy? Y'know what? I'll post this.
Let's start with something not too spicy for loz stuff:
I don't know if, officially, minish cap, four swords, and four swords adventures should have been put on the Zelda timeline. I think they should have had their own little spinoff branch. Because they don't make a lot of sense worked into the main lore. They were developed by Capcom using the Nintendo IP and there's apparently a Ganondorf thrown in there iirc??? That's super weird and doesn't make sense.
Now am I ragging on the games? No! From what I played of minish cap, it was super delightful. I just don't think they should be included on the main timeline because Nintendo didn't develop their lore so it doesn't fit in well. In that same note, I don't think hw:aoc should be canon either. And they marketed aoc misleadingly tbh.
Also the Zelda team just likes to slap numbers on things to mark the passage of time. Idk if it's a translation thing or what but the botw gap SHOULD NOT be 10,000 years. That's way too many years.
A rant/vent about lu under the cut for the truly spicy takes, I'm very salty. If you have strong opinions about this and don't wanna get upset, don't read it.
LU take: there's no story. Just pretty pictures and half baked characterizations. The fandom took it much farther than the comic but I'm very over the fandom now. This is why I make my own stuff with a set plot because I got frustrated with such little source material to base things on, soooo I left. No gay either in canon, very sad. Some people like the lack of plot and the ability to make their fan works their own but that is not my thing at all, ESPECIALLY while the fandom can be so hostile. I don't care for LU anymore, and of the creators I still follow that post lu, I follow because I want to support THEM, not the fandom or lu comic, and in many cases I think they have a nuanced, fleshed out take on the characters they post frequently about. I'm all for people making their own content independent of lu, but maybe I'm just jaded and salty. I just really dislike lu.
It's also made linkshipping a very hostile environment, like I think I'm gonna get attacked someday bc someone that has adopted the LU mindset just takes it upon themselves to doxx me or something because I ship my own version of the hero of Legend and hero of Warriors (entirely separate from LU), and I'm open to other people's interpretations and ships? Like there's actually nothing wrong with it. Ever hear of don't like don't read? Yeah, now shut the fuck up about it because this discourse is childish and I shouldn't have to fear for the future of my online presence and mental state over a ship that's objectively unproblematic, and people shouldn't be afraid to approach me and tell me that they like my work because they're afraid of getting found out and having their reputation ruined and losing their friends! Asau makes me happy. All of my free time goes into it. I shouldn't feel terrified that I'll lose it all one day because someone decided to be an idiot.
And even if people ship stuff in lu. Who fucking cares? You shouldn't. People have shipped things ever since fandom has existed, so even if the creator of one webcomic says they don't want that, it's bigger than her now. Policing views isn't helping anyone. It is only actively hurting people and making them feel unsafe. It's not worth it. I promise you it's not.
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