#ascent payroll
ascenthcmapp · 4 months
Unlocking Efficiency and Precision with HRMS & Payroll Software
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In today's fast-paced business environment, Human Resource Management System (HRMS) and Payroll Software have become indispensable tools for organizations aiming to streamline their HR operations and ensure accurate payroll processing. These technologies not only save time and reduce errors but also enhance compliance and improve employee satisfaction. In this blog, we delve into the numerous benefits of integrating HRMS and Payroll Software into your business processes.
The Evolution of HRMS and Payroll Software
Traditionally, HR and payroll tasks were manual processes, fraught with the potential for human error and inefficiency. With the advent of technology, these systems have evolved to become sophisticated platforms that automate and optimize HR operations. Modern HRMS and Payroll Software combine the functionalities of various HR activities, from recruitment and onboarding to performance management and payroll processing, into a single, cohesive system.
Key Benefits of HRMS and Payroll Software
1. Streamlined HR Operations
HRMS software centralizes all HR activities, enabling HR professionals to manage employee information, track attendance, oversee benefits administration, and handle leave management from one platform. This streamlining not only saves time but also ensures consistency and accuracy across all HR functions.
2. Accurate and Timely Payroll Processing
Payroll software automates the calculation of employee wages, tax withholdings, and other deductions, minimizing the risk of errors. It ensures that employees are paid accurately and on time, fostering trust and satisfaction among the workforce. Moreover, it simplifies complex payroll tasks such as compliance with tax laws and regulations, which vary by region and industry.
3. Enhanced Compliance and Reporting
Compliance with labor laws and regulations is critical for any business. HRMS and Payroll Software keep track of legislative changes and ensure that your company adheres to all legal requirements. Additionally, these systems provide comprehensive reporting tools that help HR professionals generate necessary documentation and reports, thereby reducing the burden of compliance management.
4. Improved Data Security
Employee data is sensitive and must be protected. HRMS and Payroll Software offer advanced security features, including encryption and access controls, to safeguard personal information against breaches and unauthorized access. This ensures that employee information remains confidential and secure.
5. Employee Self-Service
Modern HRMS platforms often include self-service portals where employees can access their payroll information, update personal details, request leave, and view benefits. This empowerment reduces the administrative workload on HR staff and enhances the employee experience by providing greater transparency and autonomy.
6. Cost Savings
By automating repetitive tasks and reducing the likelihood of errors, HRMS and Payroll Software can lead to significant cost savings. The reduction in paperwork, administrative overhead, and compliance-related fines contributes to a more efficient and cost-effective HR department.
Choosing the Right HRMS and Payroll Software
Selecting the right HRMS and Payroll Software is crucial for maximizing these benefits. Here are some factors to consider:
Scalability: Ensure the software can grow with your business.
Integration: Look for software that integrates seamlessly with your existing systems and other software applications.
User-Friendliness: Choose a platform that is intuitive and easy to use for both HR professionals and employees.
Support and Training: Opt for a vendor that offers comprehensive support and training to help you make the most of the software.
Customization: The ability to customize the software to meet your specific business needs is essential for achieving optimal results.
Incorporating HRMS and Payroll Software into your business operations can revolutionize the way you manage HR and payroll functions. The automation, accuracy, and efficiency these systems bring can significantly enhance productivity, compliance, and employee satisfaction. As businesses continue to adapt to the digital age, investing in robust HRMS and Payroll Software is no longer just an option—it's a necessity.
Embrace the future of HR and payroll management today, and unlock the full potential of your workforce with cutting-edge technology.
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ascentsoftware · 1 year
Execute HR tasks Efficiently with Cloud-Based Payroll Software
Execute HR tasks Efficiently with Cloud-Based Payroll Software
💬- https://bit.ly/AscentSoftwareSolutions
📷- 9075056050 / 9822604098
#Tally #TallyPrime #Accountants #TallySolutions #Accounting #Finance #GST #TDS #Payroll #ITRFILLING #Pune #GreytHR #HRMS #HR
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srorgana1 · 1 year
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Paring: Vampire Kylo/Hunter Rey
Warnings: Dark Themes (apporaching Dead Dove, you have been warned), Supernatural/Paranormal, Blood, Violence, Gore, Death, NSFW 18+, Sexual Content, Psychological and Physical Torture, Kidnapping, Hatred towards organized religion, Pain, Major/Minor character death/injury, Demonic Possession
Chapter One
“Another” he says as he stares out the frosted window. The goblet is quickly refilled by deft hands. He doesn’t need to look at them to know they have bowed in his direction and scampered away. He sighs as he lifts his glass, allowing the warm liquid to run down his dry throat.
He can feel it working already. The life force rejuvenating his own. He can taste their joys and fears within as he savors it like notes of a fine wine. This man got too close. Wrong place at the wrong time. He had to be taken out not to raise suspicion among the working class. It couldn’t be known he was one of the monsters they feared above all.
He sighed again, placing the empty goblet down and began to pace. He was bored. He undid his tie and placed it on the side of his desk, his phone and tablet alight with notifications and emails. He shook his head, already annoyed at himself for letting his head of household be off for a week.
He paces to the large marble fireplace, the flames warming his cold dead bones. Staring into the fire, he takes off his ring playing with it idly as he tries to think. What has he done wrong to feel this way?
The emptiness is gnawing at him like a disease. He has everything he could ever want. He has enough land and wealth that he doesn't have to lift a finger for at least another 400 years or at least until the current banking system changes again.
But therein lies the problem. If he were any other man he would be content, but his warrior blood calls for action. He can sate it with a hunt or two but it comes back even faster still. He has been stagnant for too long.
He pulls at his long raven locks in frustration. He will not let himself rot in luxury like others he knows. They sit on their various thrones of power, getting fat and lax, wholly consumed by vapid worldly pleasures. He has seen it over and over. They ascent, they indulge, they wallow, they die. Over and over again.
Lucky for those unfortunate souls, they get to move on. He is not so lucky. He was cursed to walk this plane for eternity, never able to move on - forced to watch this miserable world shift and change. He curses himself once again for being so naïve in his youth.
He hears the sound of wood cracking which pulls him from his spiraling thoughts. He looks to see his hand gripping the decorative arm of a Rococo style armchair as it splinters in his grasp.
He lets go and unclenches his other fist. The symbol of his choice and curse glints up at him, unblemished even after being assaulted by his supernatural strength. Placing the ring back on his finger, he sulks to his desk relegating himself to his fate for the evening.
He quickly sends emails and finalizes payroll as the snow falls harder. Even though his castle has all the modern luxuries, he prefers to work like in the old times. The amber light from the candles and fireplace flicker in the darkness as he ignores emails from The Council, delating them instantly. He moves onto his physical mail, surprised to see a letter from a long time associate. His eyes alight as he reads the words.
…There have been rumors within the community of a rise of another Hunter organization. AXS has claimed they have heard of similar disappearances in some of the other affiliated groups but The Council has not confirmed this, but you know how secretive they are. I fear this could be related to recent political changes and the acknowledgement of the existence of our kind…
Interesting. There hasn’t been a legit Hunter organization since the Catholic Church’s last attempt in what was it…16th or 17th century? He smiles at the memory of him and the others infiltrating and taking them down from the inside. He can hear the echoes of the screams and useless prayers as the Devil’s Elite took them out one by one.
Yes, this may be what he was searching for. One last adventure before he relegates himself to the life before him. He rings for his butler for a carafe of his finest Bordeaux as he dips his pen into the inkwell.
This sounds intriguing. I will prepare to travel to assist in your investigation.
Kylo Ren
He smiles as he focuses, the paper disappearing from his hands as the butler arrives. “Call Huxley to return” he says “I have received a notice that needs attending to.” The man nods as he finishes pouring the wine. “Will do sir”. He can feel something stirring within as he takes a sip. Oh yes, this will be a grand adventure indeed.
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pendragonfics · 2 years
i’m yours
Paring: Happy Hogan/Reader
Tags: gn reader, no pronouns, working holiday, slice of life, implied sexual content
Summary: Disastrous weather strikes, and Happy and ____________ are snowed in at their place before a Stark convention. Who's to the rescue?
Word Count: 1,067
Current Date: 2023-01-18
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To everyone but Tony Stark, hosting the latest expo at a fancy snow village in the north island of Japan was absurd. It took hours of flights, tight squeezes, jetlag, fumbling essential documents and sleep deprivation, but it was over. You stood in the doorway of your cottage for the fortnight, eyelids heavy, sliding suitcase heavier.
“I know you’re dead on your feet, but if you don’t move into the cabin, you’ll let all the hot air out,” Your husband’s voice came from behind you.
He’s right, and the warmth from the wood oven is heavenly. So, you shuffle in and shuck off your snowshoes as Happy dumps his duffle onto the chair by the door. Your hand finds the light switch for the main room, and all at once, you’re blinking, taking in the rustic charm of the place.
“I’m almost afraid to go into the bedroom and find a little girl who ate our porridge,” Happy snarks, eyeing the door beside the kitchenette.
“It’s perfect,” you mumble. “…I’ll unpack in the morning.”
“We could have been here hours ago if we took the jet.”
“Coach is perfectly fine, Happy.” You almost trip on the split-level floor between the entrance and the main room but steady yourself. “The ozone doesn’t….”
“I know, I know,” Happy takes your elbow, and together, you make your way into the bedroom. It’s a queen mattress, smaller than yours at home, but the sheets are a white woven pattern that feels soft against your skin. You strip your bottoms off and crawl under the sheets, otherwise fully dressed. “Don’t you want to take off your –”
“Too tired.”
He makes a noise of ascent as you snuggle into your pillow, and for a second, you hear his footsteps tap away. “Harold…” you murmur. “It’s almost midnight. Lay with me.”
“I’ve got work to do,” he says.
It’s almost sunrise when you feel the bed dip on the other side, and you feel his hands cradle your face gently as he places a kiss beside your nose. You fade back into your dreams, now with the comfort of another within reach.
The alarm goes off, but you don’t reach your phone in time to neutralise it. Bright white sunlight streams into the room, and blinking, you remember you’re not in your apartment in southern California. The house is pleasantly warm. You pad into the main room, take the spare blanket from the end of the bed, and make your way to the kitchenette. There’s no kettle, so you start to boil water on the stove for coffee. The view from the window above the sink is gorgeous. No houses are on this side of the building, just deciduous trees full of white and a snow-capped mountain in the distance.
Whoever stocked the cabin before you came is now your favourite person because the fridge has all milk known to humankind and some and a half loaf of pre-cut bread too. The coffee-making process goes well, and soon, two mugs of piping hot joe are in your hands as you make your way back to bed.
“Hmm?” Happy stirs at the smell of his cup on the bedside nightstand. “Oh, you’re a goddamned angel.”
“That’s me,” you smile.
Then the alarm goes off again, automatically snoozed from its previous iteration. As you quiet it, you notice the wall-to-wall notifications from your husband’s boss’s assistant. You pass the phone to Happy, who accepts it mid-gulp.
“Is your phone flat?”
He nods, scrolling through the texts and missed calls. It might be your phone, but it’s Stark Enterprises data, and you’re in no need to learn their trade secrets off their payroll. The lawsuits, let alone, what it would mean for you as an Avenger, would be hell on earth. But it seems Happy is there right now, by the colour of his face. You take his cup from him as he starts to hurry off the bed into the main room to delve into his duffle.
“The main vendor has pulled out, the workers for the set up are on strike, and to top it all off –” He shouts from the other room, half a leg in his suit pant and hopping to put the other on, “and all this snow has stopped everything!”
“That’s…that’s a lot.” You place the cups on the floor by the bed and start to walk over to him. “Pepper can’t be expecting you to change the weather, Harold.”
“I need to try,” he shoves on his snow boots and swings open the front door. “Sit tight, hon. I need to –” There’s no way he’s leaving the cabin. The snow has drifted onto the porch, rising to his eye level. “Crap.”
You take the phone from him and close the door. It seems you might need to suit up, after all. “Get the laptop and start a video call. I’ll contact Stark.”
He melts a little and kisses your neck. “God, I love it when you’re bossy.”
Soon enough, you have your fellow Avenger on the phone. Stark has a tiny espresso in hand and a pen in the other, taking notes. “You know, I’m glad you’re in my entourage, ___________; what would I do without you?”
“Wither away?” You cock an eyebrow. “I’m yours.”
It takes forty minutes, two more cups of coffee, and payback from a friend of Tony’s friend, but it’s sorted. The main vendor has been replaced and paid handsomely for the short notice, the construction workers have been paid in advance, and Tony has his old Iron suits on autopilot, working with the local council to shovel the snow. Throughout this process, Happy has been pacing the cabin.
“I can send one to your place to get you out from there,” Tony offers.
You shrug. “You can…give me an hour.” You put your coffee down. “I’ve got something I need to do first.” You can see the corner of his lips turn up, words about to come through the video call, but you close the session and the laptop. He was one hell of a cheeky bastard, always trying to get the last word. “Happy? It’s done.”
He approaches the doorway. “My saviour,” he exhales sarcastically, but you know he means it. “How can I ever repay you?”
You cast the laptop aside and beckon him. “We’re on vacation. Let’s enjoy ourselves.”
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ascenthr · 3 months
Streamline Your Workforce with Ascent: The Ultimate Contract Labour Management and HR Payroll Software
In the modern business landscape, managing a diverse and dynamic workforce is a complex task that demands efficiency and precision. For organisations that rely on contract labour, the challenges multiply, making effective management solutions essential. Ascent stands out as a leading provider of comprehensive contract labour management software and HR payroll software in India, designed to simplify and optimise workforce management. Let’s explore how Ascent’s solutions can transform your business operations.
The Importance of Contract Labour Management
Contract labour plays a crucial role in various industries, providing flexibility and specialised skills without the long-term commitment of full-time employees. However, managing contract labour involves unique challenges such as compliance with labour laws, tracking attendance, managing payroll, and ensuring timely payments. This is where a robust contract labour management system becomes indispensable.
Ascent’s Contract Labour Management Software
Ascent’s contract labour management software is specifically designed to address the complexities of managing contract labour. Here are some of the key features and benefits:
1. Comprehensive Compliance
One of the biggest challenges in managing contract labour is ensuring compliance with labour laws and regulations. Ascent’s software automates compliance tracking, ensuring that your business adheres to all legal requirements. This reduces the risk of legal issues and fines, providing peace of mind for business owners.
2. Real-Time Attendance Tracking
Efficiently managing the attendance of contract workers is crucial for accurate payroll processing. Ascent’s system integrates with biometric devices and other attendance tracking tools to provide real-time data on worker attendance. This ensures accurate and timely payroll calculations, reducing errors and disputes.
3. Streamlined Payroll Processing
Calculating payroll for contract workers can be complex, especially when dealing with varying pay rates, overtime, and deductions. Ascent’s contract labour management software seamlessly integrates with its HR payroll software to automate payroll calculations. This ensures that workers are paid accurately and on time, improving worker satisfaction and retention.
Ascent’s HR Payroll Software: The Backbone of Efficient Workforce Management
In addition to contract labour management, Ascent offers a comprehensive HR payroll software solution designed to streamline all aspects of payroll processing for both permanent and contract employees. Here’s how Ascent’s HR payroll software can benefit your organisation:
1. Automated Payroll Calculations
Manual payroll calculations are time-consuming and prone to errors. Ascent’s HR payroll software automates the entire payroll process, from calculating salaries and deductions to generating payslips and tax documents. This saves time and reduces the risk of errors, ensuring accurate and efficient payroll management.
2. Customizable Payroll Rules
Every organisation has unique payroll policies and rules. Ascent’s HR payroll software allows you to customise payroll rules to match your specific requirements. Whether it’s handling different pay structures, managing multiple locations, or applying various deductions and benefits, the software is flexible enough to accommodate your needs.
3. Employee Self-Service Portal
Empower your employees with access to their payroll information through an intuitive self-service portal. Employees can view their payslips, tax documents, and leave balances, as well as update their personal information. This reduces the administrative burden on HR staff and improves transparency and employee satisfaction.
4. Integrated HR Functions
Ascent’s HR payroll software goes beyond payroll processing by integrating other essential HR functions such as leave management, performance appraisals, and employee onboarding. This provides a holistic approach to workforce management, ensuring that all HR processes are seamlessly connected and efficiently managed.
Why Choose Ascent?
Industry Expertise: With years of experience in the HR and payroll software industry, Ascent understands the unique challenges faced by businesses in India and provides solutions tailored to their needs.
Scalable Solutions: Ascent’s software is scalable, making it suitable for businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large enterprises.
User-Friendly Interface: The software is designed with a user-friendly interface, ensuring ease of use for both HR professionals and employees.
Reliable Support: Ascent offers dedicated customer support to assist with implementation and ongoing use, ensuring that your business gets the most out of its software investment.
In today’s competitive business environment, efficient workforce management is crucial for success. Ascent’s contract labour management software and HR payroll software provide comprehensive solutions to streamline your operations, ensure compliance, and enhance employee satisfaction. By choosing Ascent, you are investing in a system that brings together the best of technology and industry expertise to optimise your workforce management.
Experience the difference that Ascent’s innovative solutions can make for your business. Contact us today to learn more about how our contract labour management system and payroll software can transform your operations.
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tumovs · 1 year
"Unlocking the Invisible: Pioneering the Future of Banking and FinTech"
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Banking On Invisibility - Envisioning The Next-Generation Of Financial Products, Services and Paradigms
In the not-so-distant past, banks adorned prime locations along bustling streets. Today, their prominence is wavering, and a future looms where they might vanish even from our phone screens. Financial services are seamlessly intertwining with technology and various industries, almost fading into invisibility.
While the demise of traditional banking has been a recurring topic among pundits, the ascent of digital finance has unquestionably chipped away at the once-familiar brick-and-mortar bank. Yet, could digital finance merely serve as a transient bridge to a truly revolutionary era?
Open Banking has empowered diverse brands to embody financial institutions, seamlessly integrating loans, payments, payroll, and more into their existing offerings. The ongoing surge of consumer tech innovation merges the physical and digital realms in our daily lives, enabling us to transact effortlessly without fixating on the financial dimension. Departing a store, our purchases are automatically tallied and deducted; our smart devices autonomously place orders and process payments. Our bank accounts evolve into intelligent, automated allies, optimizing our savings journey.
Financial services, a traditionally conservative industry, are subject to rigorous regulation. While change may be gradual, its impact ripples across sectors, given money's fundamental role. This metamorphosis heralds fresh revenue avenues beyond finance's confines, catalyzing transformative repercussions.
Alternative operational models and revenue streams are sprouting across the financial landscape. Next-gen banking paradigms foretell an array of innovative products and services tailored for a world where industry boundaries blur or fade away.
The automotive industry's evolution from "car" to "mobility" exemplifies this shift, extending value chains beyond physical products and fostering broader interpretation. As financial and non-financial sectors intermingle, banking gains the ability to subtly infiltrate the subconscious, steering evolving customer expectations and novel competitive dynamics.
To thrive in this invisible landscape, banks must fathom customer needs, habits, and aspirations. Financial professionals must conjure the dual magic of becoming both unseen and all-seeing. An entirely novel form of finance beckons on the horizon—one abstract, seamless, and intrinsically interconnected.
#InvisibleFinance #FutureBanking #TechInnovation #FinancialEvolution #CustomerCentric #SeamlessTransactions #InnovationFrontiers #Innovation #Fintech #Banking #OpenBanking #OpenFinance #EmbeddedFinance #OpenAPIs #BaaS #BaaP #FinancialServices #CoreBanking #Payments #SaaS
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crafantale · 1 year
"The tech founder behind Stable Diffusion"
In reality,  while Stable Diffusion was the main reason for his own startup Stability AI’s ascent to prominence, its source code was written by a different group of researchers.
He has no formal experience in the field of artificial intelligence. 
To build buzz around Stability, Mostaque made an elaborate gambit supported by exaggerated claims and promises, overstating his role in several major AI projects and embellishing a quotidian transaction with the notoriously uncompromising Amazon into a “strategic partnership” with an 80% discount.
When pressed, Stability spokesperson Motez Bishara admitted to Forbes that Stability had no special deal with Amazon.
Inside the company, wages and payroll taxes have been repeatedly delayed or unpaid, according to eight former employees, and last year the UK tax agency threatened to seize company assets.
While staffers said they stressed over being paid last summer, tens of thousands of British pounds moved from Stability’s corporate account to the personal account of Qureshi, Mostaque’s wife, per screenshots of financial transactions obtained by Forbes.
In addition, Mostaque directed his team to list groups like UNESCO, OECD, WHO and World Bank as partners in pitch decks, even though they were not involved in the company’s later evolution, according to four former employees. 
Stability is also facing a pair of lawsuits which accuse it of violating copyright law to train its technology.
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emmarozz · 2 years
The Beginner’s Guide to International Global Payroll
What are Global Payroll Outsourcing Services?
Global payroll outsourcing services oversee installment for your representatives globally.
Global payroll services are not just about the payroll estimation; it goes past that. It can likewise incorporate advantages organization, charge documenting, consistence, and numerous different errands.
A solid global supplier offers country-explicit information to assist you with recruiting like a nearby and oversee representatives and project worker installments globally.
Working with a global specialist co-op gives you inward feeling of harmony realizing that you have the right instruments to pay your representatives and charges on time precisely.
On the legitimate side, a global payroll specialist co-op assists associations with remaining consistent with neighborhood and worldwide work regulations. A dependable global payroll supplier knows the ins and outs of nearby regulations any place you enlist.
The ascent of crossover work is extraordinary information for companies keen on developing their ability pool. Associations ready to recruit remotely have the advantage since they can source work up-and-comers from anyplace on the planet. Borders are presently not an obstruction to enlisting and onboarding the most elite. Such is the magnificence of half breed and remote work models. As extraordinary as extending your up-and-comer arrive at sounds, it accompanies its own arrangement of difficulties. Payroll can currently be convoluted when homegrown workers are concerned (tax documents aren't precisely fun). However, worldwide global payroll is considerably trickier. You currently need to consider angles like neighborhood work guidelines, charge regulations, information consistence, and IP move. With such countless new factors to inspect, knowing how to the opening shot your global payroll venture is a test. The following are the principal moves toward take as you plunge into global labor force extension waters.
Grasp the distinctions among project workers and all day representatives
You can recruit global individuals to join your organization either as workers for hire or full-time representatives. You must comprehend the distinction between these two sorts of recruits since it impacts the worldwide global payroll process. What's more, on the off chance that you misclassify a specialist, you're seeing expected fines and, surprisingly, criminal punishments.
A project worker is ordinarily a free specialist with the opportunity to direct their functioning hours. Workers for hire are normally recruited to partake in occasional or one-off projects and are less engaged with organization culture than full-time representatives. From a worldwide global payroll point of view, project workers are more straightforward to deal with. While workers for hire will generally be recruited for momentary ventures, full-time representatives are welcomed on under the assumption for a drawn out relationship with the organization. At the point when you enlist full-time workers, you're committed by regulation to pay for and keep every one of the duties recorded above, as well as to give benefits, including medical coverage, debilitated leave, and took care of time. Assuming you enlist workers globally, you need to follow neighborhood assessment and employment regulations. (Note that a portion of those regulations might apply to project workers, as well, contingent upon the country.)Companies that need to grow to global recruiting could take a gander at these distinctions and choose to employ everybody as a self employed entity. The absence of duty commitments might sound engaging. In any case, if you need to construct a steadfast labor force that adds to your organization's progress in the long haul, you really want to offer specialists valid justifications to stay with your association. That incorporates benefits, binds to organization culture, and valuable open doors for development.
Pick your global employing arrangement
There are a few courses you can take to enlist representatives across borders. The best answer for your organization relies upon various elements, yet the main contemplations are your association's staffing and monetary assets, long haul objectives, how rapidly you need to recruit, and what nations you need to employ in.
Open a neighborhood auxiliary. A neighborhood auxiliary is an organization claimed by your organization, laid out in another country. This is likely the most popular arrangement. To enlist a few group from a particular area, and you need to fabricate a neighborhood presence there as a business, nearby auxiliaries are a decent choice. Notwithstanding, they accompany huge expenses. You need to imitate the interior construction of the first organization in each auxiliary. You likewise need to recruit neighborhood attorneys, bookkeepers, and HR experts and manage more mind boggling charges in your nation of origin.
Set up a branch office. A branch office is an expansion of your organization, yet in contrast to an auxiliary, it's anything but a different legitimate substance. You don't have to record separate government forms or agree with nearby duty regulations. The greatest impediment of branch workplaces is that you can't set one up in each nation in the event that your nation doesn't have an expense concurrence with the country where you need to set up a branch. If there's where you have any desire to enlist from that doesn't permit you to set up a branch, you'll need to investigate different choices.
Global payroll services
Global payroll specialist co-ops take care of organizations, everything being equal, offering completely oversaw or totaled payroll handling services. The best global payroll suppliers offer a scope of payroll services, up to completely overseen outsourcing. Some might considerably offer expanded HR services, and many can incorporate with your HCM or HRIS innovation.
Geniuses of global payroll suppliers:
Payroll specialist organizations obviously spend significant time in giving payroll services — not creating innovation. These suppliers can offer significant mastery while building and advancing payroll techniques across different nations.
Payroll consistence is no joking matter, and it just gets more convoluted as your organization extends your global labor force across new regions. In the event that you want backing to keep on top of nearby guidelines and limited payroll, you will need to pick a global payroll specialist organization.
Payroll suppliers offer the most adaptability for payroll services — without attaching extra HR arrangements. If simple and consistent payroll is your essential concentration, it's an easy decision.
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ciolookindia · 3 years
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ucflibrary · 3 years
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Welcome to Asian Pacific American Heritage Month!
It has been a difficult 14 months for the world, but our Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) brothers and sisters have faced even more struggles. From small harassments to intense acts of violence, the AAPI community has borne the brunt of American fears and grief relating to the pandemic. These malicious acts demonstrate as a country we are not living up to the ideals of our nation. As Americans and Knights, we need to demonstrate these ideals are worth fighting for. Actions you can take range from learning more about the AAPI experience and history to using any privilege we have to push back against racism and violence.
One way to learn more about AAPI history and experiences is to visit the Libraries’ Readings on Race guide. This guide includes a page for general information about racism in America and how to have conversations about it to pages specifically addressing the experiences of marginalized communities in the United States such as Asian America Pacific Islander, African American, Hispanic/Latinx, and Indigenous. Take some time to familiarize yourself with lived experiences beyond your own race or ethnicity so we can stand together and become a more inclusive Knight community.
If you witness or experience incidents of discrimination or violence, report them to the university. If any of these incidents have impacted you, UCF has resources that can help. For more information, visit UCF Cares, Student Care Services or UCF Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) if you are a student, and the Employee Assistance Program if you are an employee.
 For 2021 Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, UCF Libraries faculty and staff have suggested these 20 books from the library’s collection by or about Asian Pacific Americans. Click the link below to see the full list, descriptions, and catalog links. There is also an extensive physical display on the main floor of the John C. Hitt Library near the Research & Information Desk.
A Burning by Megha Majumdar After a fiery attack on a train leaves 104 people dead, the fates of three people become inextricably entangled. Jivan, a bright, striving woman from the slums looking for a way out of poverty, is wrongly accused of planning the attack because of a careless comment on Facebook. PT Sir, a slippery gym teacher from Jivan's former high school, has hitched his aspirations to a rising right wing party, and his own ascent becomes increasingly linked to Jivan's fall. Lovely, a spirited, impoverished, relentlessly optimistic hjira, who harbors dreams of becoming a Bollywood star, can provide the alibi that would set Jivan free - but her appearance in court will have unexpected consequences that will change the course of all of their lives. A novel about fate, power, opportunity, and class; about innocence and guilt, betrayal and love, and the corrosive media cycle that manufactures falsehoods masquerading as truths. Suggested by Sara Duff, Acquisitions and Collection Services
 American History Unbound: Asians and Pacific Islanders by Gary K. Okihiro A survey of U.S. history from its beginnings to the present, this  reveals our past through the lens of Asian American and Pacific Islander history. In so doing, it is a work of both history and anti-history, a narrative that fundamentally transforms and deepens our understanding of the United States. This text is accessible and filled with engaging stories and themes that draw attention to key theoretical and historical interpretations. Gary Y. Okihiro positions Asians and Pacific Islanders within a larger history of people of color in the United States and places the United States in the context of world history and oceanic worlds. Suggested by Sandy Avila, Research & Information Services
 American Panda by Gloria Chao A freshman at MIT, seventeen-year-old Mei Lu tries to live up to her Taiwanese parents' expectations, but no amount of tradition, obligation, or guilt prevent her from hiding several truths-- that she is a germaphobe who cannot become a doctor, she prefers dancing to biology, she decides to reconnect with her estranged older brother, and she is dating a Japanese boy. Can she find a way to be herself, before her web of lies unravels? Suggested by Pam Jaggernauth, Curriculum Materials Center
 Asian American History: a very short introduction by Madeline Y. Hsu Madeline Y. Hsu weaves a fascinating historical narrative of this "American Dream." She shows how Asian American success, often attributed to innate cultural values, is more a result of the immigration laws, which have largely pre-selected immigrants of high economic and social potential. Asian Americans have, in turn, been used by politicians to bludgeon newer (and more populous) immigrant groups for their purported lack of achievement. Hsu deftly reveals how public policy, which can restrict and also selectively promote certain immigrant populations, is a key reason why some immigrant groups appear to be more naturally successful and why the identity of those groups evolves differently from others. Suggested by Richard Harrison, Research & Information Services
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phroyd · 4 years
Louis DeJoy’s prolific campaign fundraising, which helped position him as a top Republican power broker in North Carolina and ultimately as head of the U.S. Postal Service, was bolstered for more than a decade by a practice that left many employees feeling pressured to make political contributions to GOP candidates — money DeJoy later reimbursed through bonuses, former employees say.
Five people who worked for DeJoy’s former business, New Breed Logistics, say they were urged by DeJoy’s aides or by the chief executive himself to write checks and attend fundraisers at his 15,000-square-foot gated mansion beside a Greensboro, N.C., country club. There, events for Republicans running for the White House and Congress routinely fetched $100,000 or more apiece.
Two other employees familiar with New Breed’s financial and payroll systems said DeJoy would instruct that bonus payments to staffers be boosted to help defray the cost of their contributions, an arrangement that would be unlawful.
“Louis was a national fundraiser for the Republican Party. He asked employees for money. We gave him the money, and then he reciprocated by giving us big bonuses,” said David Young, DeJoy’s longtime director of human resources, who had access to payroll records at New Breed from the late 1990s to 2013 and is now retired. “When we got our bonuses, let’s just say they were bigger, they exceeded expectations — and that covered the tax and everything else.”
Another former employee with knowledge of the process described a similar series of events, saying DeJoy orchestrated additional compensation for employees who had made political contributions, instructing managers to award bonuses to specific individuals.
“He would ask employees to make contributions at the same time that he would say, ‘I’ll get it back to you down the road,’ ” said the former employee, who, like others interviewed for this report, spoke on the condition of anonymity out of fear of retribution from DeJoy.
In response to a series of detailed questions from The Washington Post, Monty Hagler, a spokesman for DeJoy, said the former New Breed chief executive was not aware that any employees had felt pressured to make donations.
After repeatedly being asked, Hagler did not directly address the assertions that DeJoy reimbursed workers for making contributions, pointing to a statement in which he said DeJoy “believes that he has always followed campaign fundraising laws and regulations.”
Hagler said DeJoy “sought and received legal advice” from a former general counsel for the Federal Election Commission “to ensure that he, New Breed Logistics and any person affiliated with New Breed fully complied with any and all laws. Mr. DeJoy believes that all campaign fundraising laws and regulations should be complied with in all respects.”
He added that DeJoy “encouraged employees and family members to be active in their communities, schools, churches, civic groups, sporting events and the politics that governs our nation.”
“Mr. DeJoy was never notified by the New Breed employees referenced by the Washington Post of any pressure they might have felt to make a political contribution, and he regrets if any employee felt uncomfortable for any reason,” he added.
A Washington Post analysis of federal and state campaign finance records found a pattern of extensive donations by New Breed employees to Republican candidates, with the same amount often given by multiple people on the same day. Between 2000 and 2014, 124 individuals who worked for the company together gave more than $1 million to federal and state GOP candidates. Many had not previously made political donations, and have not made any since leaving the company, public records show. During the same period, nine employees gave a combined $700 to Democrats.
Although it can be permissible to encourage employees to make donations, reimbursing them for those contributions is a violation of North Carolina and federal election laws. Known as a straw-donor scheme, the practice allows donors to evade individual contribution limits and obscures the true source of money used to influence elections.
Such federal violations carry a five-year statute of limitations. There is no statute of limitations in North Carolina for felonies, including campaign finance violations.
The former employees who spoke to The Post all described donations they gave between 2003 and 2014, the year New Breed was acquired by a Connecticut-based company called XPO Logistics. DeJoy remained at XPO briefly in a leadership role, then retired at the end of 2015. By a year after the sale, several New Breed employees who had stayed on with XPO were giving significantly smaller political contributions and many stopped making them altogether, campaign finance records show.
In a statement, XPO spokesman Joe Checkler said the company “stays out of politics but our employees have the same individual right as anyone else to support candidates of their choosing in their free time. When they do so, we expect them to adhere strictly to the rules.”
The accounts of DeJoy’s former employees, which have not been previously reported, come as his brief tenure so far at the helm of the U.S. Postal Service has been marked by tumult. After his appointment in May, he swiftly instituted changes he said were aimed at cutting costs, leading to a reduction of overtime and limits on mail trips that postal carriers said created backlogs across the country.
Democrats have accused DeJoy, who has personally given more than $1.1 million to Trump Victory, the joint fundraising vehicle of the president’s reelection campaign and the Republican Party, of seeking to hobble the Postal Service because of the president’s antipathy to voting by mail. As states have expanded access to mail voting because of the coronavirus pandemic, Trump has repeatedly attacked the practice and claimed without evidence that it will lead to rampant fraud.
The Postal Service chief emphasized to House lawmakers last month that the agency will prioritize election mail. Responding to questions about his fundraising, DeJoy scoffed. “Yes, I am a Republican. . . . I give a lot of money to Republicans.” But he pushed back fiercely on accusations that he was seeking to undermine the November vote. “I am not engaged in sabotaging the election,” DeJoy said. “We will do everything in our power and structure to deliver the ballots on time.”
During his testimony, DeJoy was asked by Rep. Jim Cooper (D-Tenn.) if he had repaid executives for making donations to the Trump campaign.
“That’s an outrageous claim, sir, and I resent it. . . . The answer is no,” DeJoy responded angrily.
DeJoy had retired from XPO management by 2016. He hosted Trump at his Greensboro estate, known locally as The Castle, for a birthday party and fundraiser in June 2016.
Earlier this year, DeJoy was leading fundraising for the Republican National Convention in Charlotte when he was selected by the Postal Service’s Board of Governors in May.
DeJoy was not originally on a list of prospective candidates for the job, Robert M. Duncan, chairman of the USPS Board of Governors, told House lawmakers in testimony last month. Duncan, a longtime GOP fundraiser, said he submitted DeJoy’s name as a candidate after his “interest, or availability, became known to me.”
A pattern of requests
Multiple New Breed employees said DeJoy’s ascent in Republican politics was powered in part by his ability to multiply his fundraising through his company, describing him as a chief executive who was single-minded in his focus on increasing his influence in the GOP.
In his office, DeJoy prominently displayed pictures of himself with former president George W. Bush; Sen. John McCain, who died in 2018; former New Jersey governor Chris Christie; former vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin and others, according to former employees.
Several employees said DeJoy reveled in the access his fundraising afforded him.
At a local PGA tournament sponsored by New Breed, he played alongside top North Carolina Republicans such as then-Gov. Pat McCrory and Sen. Richard Burr, according to schedules posted online. “He always had to be the guy in the golf cart with the politicians,” said one person who worked with him who attended the tournaments.
As DeJoy’s profile as a Republican bundler grew, his wife, Aldona Wos, won presidential and gubernatorial appointments — first as an ambassador to Estonia in 2004, then as head of North Carolina’s health and human services agency in 2013. Trump appointed her in May 2017 to serve on the president’s commission on White House fellowships, and earlier this year, he nominated her to be ambassador to Canada.
DeJoy and trusted aides at the company made clear that he wanted employees to support his endeavors — through emails inviting employees to fundraisers, follow-up calls and visits to staffers’ desks, many said.
“He would put pressure on the executives over each of the areas to go to their employees and give contributions,” one former employee said.
While some employees told The Post that they were happy to make the donations, others said they felt little choice, saying DeJoy had a heavy-handed demeanor and a reputation for angering easily.
Plant managers at New Breed said they received strongly worded admonitions from superiors that they should give money when DeJoy was holding fundraisers. A program manager said that when he was handed his first company bonus, a New Breed vice president told him he should buy a ticket to DeJoy’s next fundraiser.
Several employees said New Breed often distributed large bonuses of five figures or higher. Bonuses did not usually correlate with the exact amount of political contributions, but were large enough to account for both performance payments and donations, according to the two people with knowledge of company finances.
Five former employees said DeJoy’s executive assistant, Heather Clarke, personally called senior staffers, checking on whether executives were coming to fundraisers and collecting checks for candidates.
Clarke, who now works alongside DeJoy at the Postal Service as his chief of staff, did not respond to repeated requests for comment. Phone messages left with Clarke’s husband were returned Friday by Hagler, who said she would have no comment.
Clarke was among several nonexecutive employees who gave substantial political donations, public records show: She alone contributed $47,000 from 2002 to 2014. Clarke has continued to donate since then, but at about half the annual rate as when she worked at New Breed.
Another longtime senior official in DeJoy’s company, Joe Hauck, also routinely contacted company employees urging them to contribute, former workers said.
In an interview, Hauck denied that the company reimbursed New Breed employees for political contributions. He said he never received any bonuses for that purpose, nor was he offered any. “That’s illegal — you can’t do that,” said Hauck, who was vice president for sales, marketing and communications when the company was sold.
Hauck did acknowledge approaching employees and asking them to contribute, but disputed that he pressured anyone.
“I created a list of people that had indicated that they were interested. And whenever there was an event coming up, I would let them know about the event and they would either say, ‘Yeah, I want to participate’ or ‘No, I don’t,’ ” he said.
Hauck said he sometimes did collect checks for candidates in the office, but only because some employees “happened to have their checkbooks on them.”
Another manager also said he was not aware of employees being reimbursed, but acknowledged that workers were asked to make donations.
William Church, a former New Breed vice president, said he handed out many bonuses to his employees in the company’s aerospace division and never had knowledge of such payments being connected to political contributions. He said bonus targets in his division were rigid and well-established.
Church, who donated over $21,000 to Republican candidates while at New Breed and said he received substantial bonuses, said he never felt pressured to make the contributions and was never reimbursed for them. “Ask my wife, boy, she would have loved that,” Church said.
Asked whether he believed employees could have felt pressure to attend fundraisers, Church responded: “Now, what’s in somebody’s heart when they’re doing it, when the CEO invites you to one of these things and they think, ‘Oh, I should do that?’ — I don’t know.”
Steve Moore, who took a job as plant manager of a New Breed facility in Bolingbrook, Ill., in 2007, said he felt pressured to contribute just a few months into his job. DeJoy sent managers an email announcing a fundraising event at his house for former New York mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani, then a candidate for president.
Moore said his manager, Philip Meyer, soon followed up, telling him that making a contribution was “highly recommended,” even if he would not attend.
“I took that to mean my job is on the line here, or things won’t go smooth for me here at New Breed if I didn’t contribute,” Moore said in an interview. He donated $250. “I didn’t really agree with what was going on,” he said. Moore said he was terminated in 2008 after a dispute with his supervisors.
In a text message, Meyer declined to comment.
One of the biggest beneficiaries of donations from New Breed employees has been GOP Sen. Thom Tillis of North Carolina, whose campaign committees collected nearly $300,000 from people at the company in 2014, campaign finance records show.
When asked for comment on the accounts of employees who said they were pressured to donate to DeJoy’s favored candidates, Andrew Romeo, a spokesman for Tillis’s campaign, said in an email: “Neither Senator Tillis nor our campaign had knowledge of these findings.”
'You feel the pressure'
DeJoy did not always seem destined for a life as an influential GOP power broker. As a young man in New York working at his father’s trucking business, DeJoy donated to Democrats, including the party’s 1988 presidential nominee, Michael Dukakis, according to federal campaign finance filings.
After his marriage to Wos, a physician born in Poland who emigrated to New York as a child, DeJoy followed her into conservative politics.
Under DeJoy, New Breed expanded from trucking to logistics, managing delivery and returns of the first iPhones sold by Verizon, airplane parts for Boeing and Disney merchandise, including shipments of MagicBands, employees said.
By the late 1990s, as the family business flourished, thanks in part to contracts with the U.S. Postal Service, DeJoy moved New Breed to North Carolina — and closer to the work it was doing repositioning mail crates, folding mail bags, and other logistical work that the government had begun to outsource.
The move provided new political opportunities for the couple. Wos embraced North Carolina Republican politics and, by the early 2000s, was stepping into national campaigns. She helped lead fundraising efforts in the state for Elizabeth Dole’s 2002 Senate run, and then for Bush’s reelection campaign, according to campaign statements and news articles from the time.
DeJoy began to marshal his resources to support GOP candidates, as well. On one day in February 2002, DeJoy donated $50,000 to a Republican Party fund supporting Bush’s campaign, according to Federal Election Commission records. Another $10,000 came from DeJoy’s brother, Michael, who worked then for New Breed in New York. Another 10 New Breed employees also chipped in $1,000 each that day to Bush, and another $900 or $1,000 each to Dole, campaign finance data show.
In response to a request to Wos for comment, Hagler said, “Dr. Wos had her own career, and she was not involved with New Breed Logistics.”
Young, the retired director of human resources, said it was during the 2004 Bush reelection campaign that he saw DeJoy begin to “take advantage” of his power as CEO to move money for politics.
“No one was ever forced to or lost a job because they didn’t, but if people contributed, their raises and their bonuses were bumped up to accommodate that,” said Young, who gave more than $19,000 in donations while he worked at New Breed.
Ted Le Jeune, a New Breed project manager in North Carolina, said he made a $500 contribution to the Bush campaign in November 2003 after DeJoy took him aside for a discussion in a conference room about donating.
“I was of the same political orientation, so it was not coerced in any way and there was no quid pro quo,” Le Jeune said in an interview. Le Jeune said he has not donated to any political campaign since then.
In 2002, DeJoy and New Breed employees contributed more than $87,000 to support Dole, and before the 2004 presidential election, more than $121,000 to Bush.
Wos was named a Bush “Ranger,” an honorary term for those who delivered at least $200,000 for the Texan’s reelection bid. In a recess appointment before the election, Bush appointed her ambassador to Estonia, a post she held for two years.
Freddy Ford, a spokesman for Bush, declined to comment. Wos did not respond to a request for comment about her appointment.
By 2007, DeJoy was carving his own path politically. With Giuliani leading in early polls for the Republican nomination for president, DeJoy signed on as co-chair of the former mayor’s North Carolina finance committee.
New Breed employees quickly followed.
DeJoy kicked off his fundraising effort by inviting a group of senior New Breed executives who had previously donated to Republicans while at the company to contribute, according to one of those who wrote a check. Campaign finance records show that New Breed employees gave Giuliani’s campaign more than $27,000 in one day.
Giuliani did not respond to a request for comment.
Less than a month later, when Giuliani made a swing through North Carolina, DeJoy invited a broader group of New Breed employees to contribute and take part in a fundraiser, according to people familiar with his outreach. The second effort netted about $40,000 from employees, campaign finance records show.
Moore, the plant director in Illinois, said he received the email inviting employees to give — and he donated reluctantly.
Another middle manager at another New Breed facility said he received the solicitation, too, as well as encouragement in person from Meyer during a plant visit.
“He would come to me and say, ‘Louis is having this thing, and he really wants all the managers there, and you need to contribute,’ ” said the former employee, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, saying he fears DeJoy could sue him.
The former employee said he recalled Meyer saying that not contributing was “not going to have any bearing on your job.”
But he worried that the reverse was true, he said. “You feel the pressure. They tell you it’s not there, and then they put it on you,” he said.
In the North Carolina headquarters, Joel Shepard, who had joined New Breed as director of transportation after stints at Ryder and UPS, said he got a call from Clarke, DeJoy’s executive assistant, making sure Shepard knew that he, too, was invited.
Shepard had never donated to a political candidate before, and he wrote a check for $1,000. He said he did not feel pressured, however. He said he admired Giuliani and “wanted to do it.”
Shepard said he still recalls the donation because he mistakenly wrote the check from an account that was low on funds and it bounced. Clarke, DeJoy’s executive assistant, “came to me and said, ‘Joel, your check bounced.’ I had to write her another one,” he recalled.
In all, dozens of New Breed employees contributed more than $85,000 to Giuliani’s campaign during the primary, including a $16,000 in excess contributions that the campaign returned after Giuliani dropped his bid because multiple employees gave identical contributions that were twice the legal limit.
The only other GOP presidential contender to receive donations from New Breed employees during that year’s primary was Rep. Ron Paul of Texas, campaign finance records show. Together, two employees gave him about $550.
Expanding influence
After Giuliani’s campaign faltered, DeJoy pivoted and put his energy into backing the 2008 McCain-Palin ticket, organizing and hosting multiple fundraisers over the next year. Again, New Breed employees followed. Along with DeJoy, they contributed more than $180,000, FEC records show.
Four years later, an additional $193,000 flowed from DeJoy and other New Breed employees to the 2012 presidential campaign of Mitt Romney, now a U.S. senator from Utah.
Before the 2012 election, more than $170,000 in contributions from DeJoy and New Breed employees would also go to help lift McCrory to the North Carolina governor’s mansion, state campaign finance records show.
The following month, McCrory named Wos, DeJoy’s wife and a retired physician, as his choice for state health secretary.
In an interview, McCrory said Wos’s appointment had no connection to campaign contributions he received. “She was the most qualified person and I had to beg her to take the job,” he said.
Told of The Post’s findings, McCrory said: “I’m not aware of any of these claims.”
During her tenure, Wos drew scrutiny from Democrats after awarding a $310,000 state contract to Hauck, the New Breed employee who colleagues said had urged them to support DeJoy’s fundraising efforts.
At the time, Wos defended her pick, saying Hauck worked on a major restructuring of the department’s bureaucracy.
Hauck said he took a pay cut by going on leave from New Breed to work for Wos for 11 months. “I looked at it as serving,” he said in an interview.
By 2013, Warburg Pincus, a New York-based private-equity firm that had acquired a controlling stake in New Breed eight years earlier, had begun agitating for the company to go public or find another way to return value to its investors, according to three former New Breed employees with knowledge of the company’s finances. News articles in subsequent months quoted people familiar with the company saying Warburg was exploring a sale.
DeJoy tested the market for an initial public offering, filing a confidential draft prospectus with the Securities and Exchange Commission, according to correspondence detailing concerns about the offering flagged by the SEC, which remain archived on the agency’s website.
As the agency began scrutinizing the company’s finances, the SEC appeared to question a lack of information about New Breed executive bonuses and how the company decided they had met their goals for the payments in the previous year. “Please disclose the target and how the target was met or not met or advise,” the SEC’s accounting branch chief wrote in a June 2013 letter to DeJoy. It is unclear whether or how the company responded.
Ultimately, New Breed did not go public. Instead, Warburg Pincus sold it to XPO Logistics the following year for $615 million, according to company announcements and SEC records.
A spokeswoman for Warburg Pincus declined to comment.
The month the deal closed, New Breed employees made a slew of political donations in a two-day period — more than $407,000. Almost three-quarters of that went to support Tillis’s Senate bid.
Clarke, Hauck and DeJoy were among 10 New Breed employees who led the giving. On Sept. 29, each gave identical donations of $12,600 to the Thom Tillis Victory Committee, campaign finance data shows. The next day, the same 10 employees each gave $10,000 to the North Carolina Republican Party.
Since then, five of those individuals have significantly cut back their political contributions, and one has not given again at all, FEC filings show.
Young, who retired that fall, said he sent a note to DeJoy this summer congratulating him upon being named postmaster general. DeJoy may have the skills needed to improve the agency, Young said. But the fundraising that permeated New Breed will remain a mark on his legacy there, he said, adding: “He had an agenda, and would take advantage of people.”
DeJoy never replied to his note, Young said. One of the last things he heard from anyone at New Breed came about a year after he left. Hauck, who by then was working with DeJoy at XPO, called and asked Young to donate to Tillis and other Republicans. “I said, ‘No, thank you.’ ”
Jacob Bogage, Alice Crites, Dan Zak and Michelle Ye Hee Lee contributed to this report. Ken Otterbourg reported from Greensboro, N.C.
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ascenthr · 3 months
Revolutionize Your Payroll Process with Ascent: The Best Payroll Software in India
In today's fast-paced business environment, efficient payroll management is crucial for any organization. Whether you run a small business or a large enterprise, handling payroll can be a complex and time-consuming task. Fortunately, Ascent offers a solution tailored to meet the unique needs of businesses in India. With Ascent's innovative payroll software, managing payroll becomes seamless, accurate, and stress-free.
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In addition to payroll software, Ascent offers a robust contract labour management system. Managing contract labor can be a daunting task, but with Ascent's comprehensive solution, you can streamline the entire process.
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Benefits From Using Property Maintenance and Facility Management Companies
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There are many aspects to being in business and with all of them comes expenses. Many firms are able to stay afloat because of their unique ability to cut down on costs that involve payroll, shrinkage, and equipment repair, but one area that should be left to the professionals is property maintenance and facility management.
In Jason Jennings and Lawrence Haughton's 2002 book "It's not the big That eat the Small...it's the Fast That eat the Slow" they specifically tell entrepreneurs that the worst thing a person in business can do is get into a business that he or she is not in. This includes facility management and property maintenance.
It does not matter whether the business is a storage company or a law firm. Cutting the grass and washing windows is out of the question. The money that can be made while not doing these things is too valuable, and the cost for having someone who can do so more competently is negligible compared to the value people can bring into the businesses when their faculties are not occupied with such labor.
When it comes to facility maintenance, some business owners should avoid buying a building they work in altogether. After all, unless they are in the field of facility maintenance, only landlords get into business to become property managers. Accountants, lawyers, doctors, and other professionals should not be concerned with collecting rent, busted pipes, and faulty wiring. They should have their focus on patient and client care, ensuring they know the most up to date methods of their trades so as to be of the highest caliber when performing their duties.click to read more   Facilities management Nottingham
But for those who do want to own real estate, there is a simple solution in hiring a professional property manager, such as a facility maintenance company or a property maintenance company. For a small fee of 8-12% they will gladly absorb most of the headaches between late payments, maintenance issues, and who is at fault for something breaking in a tenant's office. And while some of the problems will become problems for the owner, they will only be the things that he or she must address like wiring that is out of code or installing a security system, and not small things like a tenant who perpetually pays two days late.
Overall, one of the smartest moves a business owner can make is to focus on his or her business and avoid activities that steal such focus away. When any of this comes into question it can be resolved quite simply by asking oneself, 'why did I get into this field?' Was it to cut grass and wash windows? Was that the true ascent following years of graduate and post-graduate study? No. That work was done to be in the field of one's greatest efforts and aspirations. Buying a building may be an added bonus to one's portfolio for the hard work that has already been done, but with it should not come the work of property maintenance or facility management. That should be left to the professionals.
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wordywarriorwrites · 5 years
Chapter 3: Sleight
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Masterlist: The Boss of Brooklyn A03 Link Author: @wordywarriorwrites Summary: When it comes to being The Boss, James Buchanan “JB” Barnes rules with an iron fist. For him, there’s no room for sentiment, and certainly no time for distraction, even if it is in the form of an old flame. Steve Rogers had bowed out of the life a long time ago, but a twist of fate brings him right back into the fold, and face-to-face with a man he once loved. When a game of cat and mouse turns into a matter of life and death, both will be forced to decide whether they’ll be loyal to the business, or faithful to each other. A/N: Bucky Barnes Mob Boss AU. Stucky. For: Star’s Multi-Fandom Follower Celebration & Sherry’s Fall Into You Challenge. Warnings: Language, violence, drug use, alcohol, smoking, explicit sexual content, illegal activities.
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After surgery, Natasha was wheeled into a private room at NYP/Weill Cornell Medical Center, and once it had been made clear she would make a full recovery, Bucky called a meeting.
Five plastic chairs situated around the bed; every pair of eyes narrowed; each mind determined. Out of all the potential outcomes, none of them could have anticipated this, and it wasn’t just because Steve had chosen to defend himself.  
Natasha was dutiful, cautious, and extremely versatile. She’d carried more than her fair share of the water and had never shirked or shied away from any of the endless lists of tasks and responsibilities they’d given her. Over the years, she’d become the Queen in their metaphorical game of chess, was welcomed and respected in every territory, and was often the envoy, enforcer, and enticer. She was integral to the Families and invaluable to Bucky.
She’d also never been injured this badly before and that put them all on edge.  
“How did this happen?” Wanda inquired quietly.
Thor grunted, “We know how it happened.”
“We need to focus more on the why instead of the how,” Tony remarked.
Clint nodded in agreement, “If I’m being honest, I was glad to hear he’d returned, but now…”
As comptroller, Maximoff was most concerned with finances. Odinson, in his capacity as recruiter, was having trouble getting the fresh meat to settle down. Stark made sure law enforcement on their payroll turned a blind eye to Steve’s return, but this had drawn a lot of attention, and as a result, Barton had been forced to place a temporary hold on all incoming and outgoing product.
One thing they could all agree on was that the matter needed to be approached with even more caution. They still didn’t know the whereabouts of the deceased senator’s wife, nor the motivation behind Steve’s aiding in her escape. Bucky had assumed he’d returned for the funeral, but whether or not that was his primary reason for staying in town was unknown. Nevertheless, Bucky admitted he’d made the mess, and told them he would clean it up.
Clint was tactful when he pointed out they’d tried it his way and it hadn’t gone well. When Bucky asked for suggestions, Thor threw out the obvious option of having someone else finish the job. Wanda alternatively asserted that if he intended to let Steve live, he needed to be placated. Tony decreed it was best to keep enemies close and that Bucky should simply seduce him. Clint recommended backing off and giving Steve a wide berth for the time being.
Bucky sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. While everyone continued to discuss how best to resolve the brewing conflict, he averted his attention to Natasha, who had woken up mid-way through the conversation. If anyone had the right to an opinion, it was her, and when he held up his hand for silence, everyone quieted down.
“Natasha?” Bucky prompted.
“Use him,” she rasped. “Make him an ally again.”
He’d never considered bringing Steve back into the fold, but it was the most practical way to resolve things. As the Families had never formally voted him out, he technically still had a seat at the table, and could return to it at any time. If Steve did return, things would change, but adjusting parameters and expectations wasn’t the issue.
Steve was a natural leader and would’ve been Boss had he not left. Loyalty and tribute were given and paid to the Families as a whole, but Steve inspired a level of fanaticism and devotion that Bucky just could not replicate. Though the title alone commanded respect, Bucky knew some considered him a placeholder; there were big players who’d been waiting for Steve to return, and if he was welcomed back, there would be a power shift. Even though Steve had never expressed a desire to run things, it was a mantle Bucky, if pressured, would be forced to let him have.  
War and peace, love and hate, progress and tradition – they were often two sides of the same coin, one that had been flipped many times over many generations. As head of the Families, it was left to Bucky whether or not to toss it in the air again, and he wasn’t sure he wanted to. It was a gamble, a fifty-fifty chance, and he wasn’t the type of man who enjoyed playing the odds. He tried to look for a clear outcome, but the tide kept shifting, the waters were murky, and he couldn’t yet see in which direction the wind would blow.
“We tried the stick,” Wanda gently reminded him. “Let’s see if the carrot fares better. I’ll reach out.”  
Bucky inclined his head, “Very well.”
With the decision made, the others departed, but Bucky remained. He scooted his chair closer to the bed and when Natasha held out her hand, he took it. She’d been hooked up to an intravenous analgesia pump, but had yet to use the medicine, and that meant both her grip and her words were fierce.
“Whatever you do, don’t fuck with him,” she warned. “I don’t know what Steve’s up to, but I can tell he’s changed, and he’s dangerous. You watch your six, you hear me?”  
“I’ll be as careful as I can be.”
“Have you said anything to the press?”
Bucky hummed noncommittally, “They believe it was an attempted robbery gone wrong.”
Natasha nodded, let go of his hand, and depressed the button to release the morphine, “Good. Now, go away – you got shit to do and I need rest.”
If anyone else had dismissed and dictated to him like that, Bucky would have broken their jaw, but since it came from Natasha, he just smiled. Even with a foot dangling over the grave, she still busted his balls, and because she was the only real and true friend he had, he didn’t fight her.
The drive back to the penthouse was a slow one because of traffic and when he finally pulled into the private parking garage, he was exhausted, irritated, and starved. The guard at the desk greeted him politely and Bucky waved back. It was a quick, smooth ascent to the top floor, and when the elevator doors parted, he stepped into the foyer, and was greeted by an unexpected albeit not entirely unwelcome visitor.
“In the span of twenty-four hours, you’ve botched a takedown and you let me get the drop on you,” Bruce stated blithely. “Didn’t I tell you to change the security code after I installed the system?”
Bucky rolled his eyes and gestured toward the kitchen, “What do you have for me?”
Bruce tossed a folder onto the island’s marble countertop and gave him a rundown on Steve’s activities. The man was good at keeping a low profile, but he was able to piece together some of what Steve had been up to while he was away, and squeeze a bit of information out the people who’d been helping him stay under the radar since his return.
“Steve is independently wealthy now, but where the money came from is a mystery,” Bruce informed him. “If the olive branch Wanda plans to extend involves cash, it’ll be useless. He’s got holdings and properties both in this country and abroad. I can’t find any red flags and it all appears to be legit.”
Bucky furrowed his brow and opened the fridge, “And the plot thickens.”
“Sam admitted he stopped in, but wouldn’t give details on what was purchased,” Bruce explained as he accepted a beer with a nod of thanks. “But knowing what Wilson keeps in that back room, Rogers is probably armed to the teeth.”  
He flipped through the photos and the intel, “I want to know who else he’s visited and where he’s holed up. And find out where he’s hiding that fucking widow.”  
“He knows how to avoid being seen, so, it’s not an easy task. It’s going to take time and cash.”
“Money you can have,” Bucky told him as he headed for the living room.
Bruce followed and sipped his beer while Bucky keyed in the combination to the wall safe. Once it was opened, he collected a few stacks, and handed them over.
“Grease palms and keep digging,” Bucky insisted.
“Will do.”
If anyone could find a needle in a haystack, it was Bruce, and Bucky knew he could rely on him to get it done. The man was a genius with a mind that absorbed and retained information like a sponge. Publicly, he put his Ph.D. to good use via publications and giving lectures at various universities; privately, he helped the Families by being a shadow in the world of data collection. Skeletons in closets, economic shifts, voter mindsets, new product on the street, backroom deals, who was getting up to what behind closed doors – Bruce knew it all, and on the off chance he didn’t, he always managed to find out.  
Bruce tucked the money away, tossed the bottle into the recycle bin, and as Bucky escorted him out, he strongly urged him to reset the alarm code. As soon as the door was shut, he did just that, and went back to the living room.
Exhausted down to his bones, he plopped down on the couch, loosened his tie, and kicked off his shoes. Cellphone in hand, he mulled over what to order for dinner, and after he decided on Italian, he closed his eyes, and settled back into the cushions. He must’ve nodded off for a moment, because when the doorbell rang, he nearly jumped out of his skin.
“Alright, alright,” he muttered as he rushed for the door.
Bleary-eyed and absentminded, Bucky didn’t check to see if it was actually his food delivery, and within seconds, he was made to regret it.
He saw the fist that barreled toward his face, but wasn’t fast enough to block it or duck out of the way. Bucky was hit with such force that his head snapped back and he fell right down onto his ass.
Blood gushed from his mouth and nose and the copper-flavored taste rolled over his tongue and slid down his throat.  There was only one person in the world who could ring his bell like that, and when he looked up from his prone position on the floor, he cursed.
“Hello, JB,” Steve deadpanned. “Mind if I come in?” Chapter 4: Erstwhile  
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Everything: @jennmurawski13​​ @nerdy-bookworm-1998​​
Steve Rogers: @patzammit @hearttoearth​​ The Boss of Brooklyn: @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan​​ @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety​ @captain-rogers-beard​​ @lilliannaansalla
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