#asdfdsasd sos
rogueddie · 1 year
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achillesmonochrome · 4 years
The unapproachable trio
Yeah I know I should be working on part 4 shhhhh Ok but imagine you are a new legionnaire after the battle with Krios in the ReBiancaRoNico universe.
You are new and you are nervous, you finally leave Lupa and her pack but nothing promises to become easier after that; the moment you hear that they really need new legionnaires after the war unsettles you. 
The person who received you says is fine, that the gods won against Saturn so things should be a lot better now with the war over. People keep telling you that you should be glad you got now instead of before, but you are still unsettled because what if another war breaks in? 
Seeing the praetors just makes you a lot nervous.
The blonde one seems alright at first, has a professional smile in place, one calculated but still welcoming; he has a scar on his lip and blue eyes like the sky. The one beside him is not so welcoming; like, she is not rude or anything, but has a permanent stern look in her face, like she is judging you, and something on that glare is so intense you are partially scare she could burn you with her laser glare.
You learn later that she in fact, doesn’t have a laser sight, but what you learn is not exactly comforting. Aside for getting to become a praetor in record time, she is an amazing tactician and warrior who guided the legion when they lost their praetor during the war and instead of letting the legion go like a chicken without a head, she commanded them herself like she always belonged in that position. There is rumours that her sister is the queen of the amazons, and before being part of the legion she was a pirate in the sea of monsters, the pirates being so scare of her and her sister that they literally let them and holy shit there is something this girl cannot do? 
The guy who you thought was better is in fact, a lot more scarier that at first glance. He was trained by Lupa at the age of two, living in the legion as a soldier since he was three, was a child of the king of the gods who could fly and shot lightings. If that wasn’t intimidated enough, he killed the Titan Krios with his bare hands; a freaking Titan. 
They are not the only one scary, tho. 
Once you got into a Cohort, people fill you in about the other cohorts and such. The Fifth cohort used to have the worst reputation, but not so much right now; aside the fact that one of their praetors is from the Fifht Cohort, there is also their current Centurion, Nico Di Angelo. 
When you look at the boy, he doesn’t look like a much. He has this olive skin with dark hair and eyes, he looks on the young side, also a little scrawny for somebody who has been in the legion for years. There is also the fact that when you look at him, he was talking with their praetors and have this easy-going smile on his face. 
It is only when they told you that you stop thinking that this guy is not that much. 
He is a child of pluto, the god of the underworld; he was rescue from the Saturn Army years ago, and trained alongside with their current praetors. He received a sword that could absorb the essence of the monsters (Rumours said it was a gift from his father, that is extremely odd since gods rarely get in contact), and if being in par with the best of the best in the Camp wasn’t enough, he was also a decisive factor during the battle. In the middle of war, he invoked an army of skeletons; that since he called them, he lead them while Reyna lead the living soldiers, while Jason was battling the Titan at the moment. 
Apparently the three of them are very close, if one of them goes on a quest the other two go, and they had never failed any of those. A lot of people are sure that if there were War Games where the whole legion needed to battle against those three, the legion would lost without them getting a scratch. There is also this rumour that the Son of Jupiter has a thing for the Centurion, but you decide to tune off on that one; the last thing you want is to get on the bad side of one of the praetors for gossiping about his love life. People insist that between the three he is the most approachable, but is better to be safe than sorry. 
Things fall into place, you get into a routine and feel like living here is not so bad.
Then your centurion ask you to go to the Praetor’s office and call them over something, they don’t tell you what, just to call them; you want to weasel out but you are in probatio so there is not a lot of option there. 
You knock at first and call for any of the praetors, but nobody answers. Part of you wants to just go back to your Centurion and said nobody answered, but you know that they would not let you go that easy and you don’t want to cut grass with a nail clipper, so while trying to forget the anxiety bubbling inside you, go inside. 
What you see is well...unsettling. 
Well, perhaps that’s not the word, is not that what you see is bad, not by a long shot; but you certainly didn’t expect it, you feel like in the cartoons where instead of brain there is a hamsters in a wheel and suddenly the animal just stops running and everything falls apart. 
The Praetors and the Fifth Cohort Centurion are cuddling. 
You are not sure how is possible; there is a couch in the Praetor Office, but is not exactly a place where you can fit three people, they make it work somehow. The Praetor Grace has his arms around Praetor Ramirez-Arellano and Centurion Di Angelo, the last two are in his chest with their arms around each other. 
They all look so...normal, after all the stories and see them fighting, is easy to forget they are just teenagers like you. It actually adorable, their faces relaxed and comfortable, like none of them would like to be in any other place right now. 
Is at that moment that you see a note in the desk, and decide to check. 
The Praetor needed to rest for a while, DON’T wakes up unless is urgent. - Centurion Di Angelo. 
It is not specific which Praetor needed to rest, neither why they needed the other two make company, but it doesn’t matter because you are in panic all over again. 
You have zero clue if what your own centurion wanted is urgent or not, they just tell you to call them. On top of that the order is from a centurion of another cohort, so technically he cannot give you orders. 
But the don’t is in written in big, bold letters, and you are scare of what would happen if you invoke the wrath of the most powerful trio in the Legion (Or even the city!) for interrupting their nap.
Suddenly, you wish you died in your training with Lupa. 
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sunflowrhaz · 4 years
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I was tagged by @sunflower-vol14 & @echoedsparks​ to post my lockscreen, home screen, last song I listened to, and last photo i’ve taken, thank you lovelies! 💛✨🌻
i cheated and did 3 pics... my hair is the last pic i took but the other two were too damn funny to leave out asdfgfdsa and the reason i took a pic of my hair was because i wanted to see how long it looked lol (also why is my hair so red in the sun?)
i tag: @theleavesoflorien @rnbziamau @dailylouis @princessparkhl @harryisbored @pridesobright @rosegoldeyelids @somedisastergay
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pocketramblr · 4 years
should i go to bed now? yes. am i going to stay up writing so i can finish this fic? also yes. am i then going to read the fic i’ve had to bait my adhd brain to read so that i can finish writing this fic? another yes
update: after writing the tags i have come to my senses and will be sleeping instead
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chrisevanse · 6 years
hi, congrats camilla, i'm happy for you!! :) can i ask for a ☀️ + 🌈 ? tysm love! have a nice day
aww, thank you! ♡
compliment: asdfdsasd i don’t even know where to start. nat, you’re literally one of my all time favorite blogs (and people) on here. your blog is so organized and clean and so fucking pretty. teach me your ways. please.
no more please
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cyborgenji · 6 years
YES UH SHE KINDA DID BUT LIKE NOW EVERYONE IS FINE AND BOTH SHE AND THE GIRL SHE DATED WERE IN THE WRONG AND NOW THEYVE WORKED IT OUT AND JESS"S REALLY GOOD FRIEND WAS ASKING ME IF I LIKED HER AND IF I DID WOULD I DATE HER but i probanly wont cause im a coward and we wouldnt make a good couple and dispite the screaming and excitment my crush on her is pretty much over (but if you know me i'll be back in a day crying cause i love her asdfdsasd what are consistant feelings) anyway im a gay mess
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sunflowrhaz · 3 years
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i was tagged by @theleavesoflorien in a few tag games, thank you dearest 😚💜✨🌈💖 i have so many from you to do! 😂🙈 i have been so lazy but i will get to them! keep tagging me tho ahaha i love it 
i tag: ANYONE who want’s to do this!! please feel free to say i tagged you!! i’d love to learn more about you guys!! <3 @sunflower-vol14 @pridesobright @rosegoldeyelids @softlouve @rnbziamau @punklouie @liamslarents @curly-headed-one @bluebandana @sigh-of-the-times @finelinelarrie @cowboylarries @greenandbluehell @chaoticsue 
who doesn’t love a picrew! 
they don’t have all my pins so let’s just pretend non binary represents my lack of attractions as well as gender ahahaha
lockscreen, last song you listened to & last photo you saved ASDFDSASD MARIANNE of course it’s a witcher meme lol
four songs i’ve heard today
itch - hockey dad
ESTELLA - kennyhoopla ft. travis barker 
mindreader - a day to remember
SHIMMER - ocean grove
seven comfort films
every harry potter film
old barbie movies
lord of the rings
old disney movies
pirates of the caribbean
the holiday (any nancy meyer film really)
star wars
get to know me
i’ve definitely done this but what the hell let’s do it again ahaha
Name/nickname: lauren, lozz, lozzy, lozza
Star sign: sagittarius
Favourite bands/groups: nope i can’t even begin to think
Favourite solo artists: again nope ahaha
Song stuck in my head: DREAM by ocean grove
Last movie: fast and furious 5
Last show: rick and morty
When did I create this blog: 2011
What do I post about: these 5 demons who have possessed my soul and won’t set me free! oh and like pretty things, amusing text posts... quality content right here
Last thing I googled: how to stop period leg pain ahahaha fun times
Other blogs: @micshiefmanaged (hp, multi fandom, gaming) , @valhallascreed (gaming screenshots)
Do I get asks: sometimes! from elena? all day everyday 😂😚💕🌻 @sunflower-vol14
Why did I choose this url: because sunflower vol.6 is amazing and hazza is a lil sunflower 🌻
Following: 692
Followers: 1,134
Average hours of sleep: 8
Lucky number: don’t really have one but i love the number 4
Instruments: i don’t play any :(
What I am wearing: denim shorts and a cropped t shirt
Dream job: i do not dream of such things 😩😭
Dream trip: western australia, norway, greece
Favourite food: everything? seafood, anything japanese, pastaaaaa, literally everything i love foooood
Nationality: australian
Favourite song: um rude?
Last book I read: currently reading loveless by alive oseman and BYE i love it so much my heart 😭💖
Three fictional universes you'd like to live in: harry potter, middle earth, and idk what else?perhaps kaer morhen or toussaint from the witcher 3 <3
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sunflowrhaz · 3 years
🌿🗡️🌳 💕
thank you my darlingggggg 💛✨💕😚
overgrowth 🌿 - what’s a fact about yourself you’ve never had the opportunity to tell?
knowing me not much asdfdsasd but uhhh in real life and not on here it would be my sexuality/identity, being aro?/demisexual, she/they and the never ending questioning ahaha! i mean no one knows except for you guys so :/ and maybe my backstory and just you know all the things that have made me who i am today and what i’ve been trough but it’s hard to tell that without dumping it all on someone ahaha and you have to be close first so yeah :)
sword 🗡️ - is there anything you always carry with you?
a sword. hehe nahhh MY PHONE! i am SO bad marianne asdfdsdf! or hand cream wooo eczema lifeeee 😭 or lip balm! and hair ties because girl the mane needs to be tamed!
birch 🌳 - what’s something you’re proud of?
hmmmm tough one! probably just becoming the person i am today after everything! i am happy with with my confidence and my growth! my mindset! idk this is a tough question that needs some serious thought! asdsasdfds 
questions from the woods 🍃🌳🍂
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sunflowrhaz · 3 years
Hiiii I’m on my lunch break! Boo cumin :((( I’ve heard that allergies can change as you get older so maybe it’s a new one? I have this term (which is 4 months, every term is 4 months long), then my last co-op term, and then my final year which is two terms. So I’ll be all done by end of April next year! It’s CRAZY it feels like first year was just yesterday! But oh how I’ve grown since then :’) I fell in love with 1d during that time it’s wild to think about. And this is the pie lady!!! I love that tumblr updated and let asks be colourful and longer and have links it’s just so nice
yippee new allergies 😂my body hates me enough why do i have to add an allergy to the list asdfdsasd byeeee! ohhh okay so you are nearly done! with the way last year went it will feel like you’re done in no time asdfdsasdf! aww yes me too! it’s wonderful to look back at how we have grown, especially in these times too 💕ohhh damn if i ate sugar i would be eating ALLLL that icing 😂😭 ooooo yesss how fabulous! 
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sunflowrhaz · 3 years
hello it’s me awake at an ungodly hour (aka 3:30 am akfjsks) I need to go to bed soon to save my sleep schedule but idk if I can sleep. I’m tired and sleepy but not quite ready to sleep, ya know? Could use a cuddle not gonna lie :( did you do anything for New Years my sunshine? I had a video call with my friends for hours and it was so nice I love them so much 🥺 you ever just get the fuzziest warm feeling that you’re safe and in good company and they understand you? That’s my friends 🥺🥺🥺 I can’t wait to see them in person and hug them again. I wish I could hug you lozzy 💛 you look like you give great hugs and I could just stay there forever. Maybe I’m a little over sappy and sleepy right now 😄 OH MY GOD MY FRIEND LITERSLLT JUST TEXTED ME THAT THIS IS US IS ON CANDIAN NETFLIX !!!!!! TIME FOR A 1D BREAKDOWN ON THE FIRST DAY OF A NEW YEAR (after I go to sleep and wake up that is, don’t want to be too crazy 😄) did you ever watch A Very Potter Musical? I’ve recently fallen back in love with it, I’ve had goin back to hogwarts on repeat for 2 days now akdjsk this was such a long ramble my goodness 😄 happy new year lozzy 💛⭐️✨
hello sunshine! asdfdsasds omg elena you need to sleeeeeeep! i do not know, i am an old woman who needs 8-9 hours of sleep and then i’m up at 5am 😂i’d give you the biggest cuddle 🤗💛i didn’t do anything this year i just stayed at home and played playstation 😂 typical night for moi asdfdsas! that’s so great that you had a nice long call with your friends that must have been so lovely 💕 how lucky you are to wonderful friends that make you feel so loved ♡  aww yes how rude we can’t share a big hug 🤗i’m definitely not a hugger but for you i would give you the best elena  😊 i haven’t seen this is us in soooo long asdfdsa i NEED to do that soon! god it just warms my heart i miss them so much 😭 my babies :( i did watch AVPM but sooo long ago! although every now and then i watch this and laugh my ass off 😂umbridge was definitely the best character asdfds he cracks me up every time!!! THE LAUGH!!! ah dur dur dur dur dur 😂 feel free to send me all the longest rambles i loveee it 💖happy new year 💛✨
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sunflowrhaz · 4 years
I had to search up what a water dragon was and omg they’re so fucking cute I love them 🥺
asdfdsasds so cute! we have so many skittering all over the place lmao! tiny ones, giant ones... i hear them climbing onto the roof or falling from walls and trees they are climbing 😂 and then we get the dummies who swim in the pool and can’t get out hence why we wanted to know how long they can survive down there asdsasdfds
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sunflowrhaz · 4 years
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hi sunshine!! I hope you’re having a good morning so far! I’m making some toast with honey 😌 a very breakfast-y afternoon snack
hello honeybee 🐝first of all that photo 💛✨😊 i woke up much more motivated this morning! i’m gonna go on a walk in a minute before the rain comes back ughhh! it has been far too long since i have been i need to get out of this house i’m going stir crazy! 
i kinda want the rain to come back after my walk so i can be cozy and watch movies asdfdsasd. every time it rains my brain just goes movie day! watch barbie! watch disney! watch harry potter! etc etc ...  honey on toast is like the best thing ever omg yum 💛🍯 i hope your day was good my honey 🌻
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sunflowrhaz · 4 years
Lozzzyyyyyyy I just watched a recap of the latest bachelorette episode (don’t judge me okay skfjsksk) and I’m so UPSET one of my favourites went home 😭😭😭😭 all 4 guys were great and I did like them all but oh man the one who got sent home was in my top 2 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 I’m so sad and he was so sweet he was like a little puppy I just want to hug him he was so upset 😫
i will 100% judge you asdfdsasd the bachelorette REALLY elena? 😂 okay okay i will admit i watched half of the show married at first sight for a laugh and it was wildly hilarious asdfdsa! i just cannot stand reality shows 😂 i’m sorry he got sent home, it always sucks when you watch a show with voting and your faves get booted off. i used to be so sad when my faves got sent home on big brother and x factor asdfdsd i would get so mad!
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sunflowrhaz · 4 years
hs1 or fine line, flicker or heartbreak weather, pre walls singles (miss you, etc) or walls singles (and your favourite songs from them pls and thank you ☺️😚) (also hi good morning)
how dare you make me choose asfdsfds omg ok ummmm nope sorry can’t choose between harry or niall’s albums they are both so special i literally love every song 💛 for louis i’m gonna have to go with walls as his first solo stuff is too poppy for me!
hs1 faves: every damn song, it’s my baby
fine line faves: golden, adore you, lights up, she, sunflower vol. 6, canyon moon. TPWK (that is MY SONG BABY CRANK THAT UP IN THE CAR WINDOWS DOWN), fine line, falling, to be so lonely, 
flciker faves: this town, seeing blind, slow hands, to much to ask, since we’re alone, flicker, you and me, on my own!
heartbreak weather faves: heartbreak weather(CRANK IT UP WINDOWS DOWN BABY), black and white, dear patience, bend the rules, pallom, everywhere, cross your mind, no judgement, still
walls faves: kill my mind (TURN IT UPPPP), don’t let it break your heart, we made it, too young, habit, always you, perfect now, only the brave
YES i am aware that is practically every song asdfdsasd
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sunflowrhaz · 4 years
I just saw an article in the daily mail claiming Harry is in the running to be the next James Bond and like ... Jeffrey, you need to chill with all the stupid rumours.
As much as I love Harry? I don’t think he would commit to a franchise that would take so much time away from music. Nor do I think he would want to put himself under that much backlash and scrutiny from the public and press. He wouldn’t be able to be as private if he were bloody bond. *not that Jeff would let him
Like fuck, he hasn’t even started filming his second movie. Let’s get through this horribly awkward shit show of a promo blitz first 🙄
hi anon is this meant for me? i don’t know why this topic was brought to me  but i’ll roll with it asdfdsasd
harry as james bond is just.... weird to me lmao i can’t see him playing that roll at all. i always thought if any of the boys were to play james bond it would be niall for sure... maybe liam.
i don’t know why there would be rumours about this as you said he literally just got a new movie deal and he really wouldn’t ever have the time with touring and making music but yeah i don’t really have much to say on this topic ahahah 
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