#asdfg but let’s see if i can focus this energy into some asks and getting organized perhaps
tvrningout · 5 months
honestly i think i’m in the mood where if you asked me to make an au or oc for something specific, i would
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djmayday · 5 years
S.p’s Shocking Tale!
(look man, i had too, the pun was waiting for me asdfg)
Words: 4258-ish  hh-
ok, for once, i had genuine fun writing something, its not my best, but its good practice asdfghgfddfgh
also fair warning, its not horribly graphic but like,,, action scene (a single one asdfgh) that mentions some weird/bloody, idk lol, i need to practice more asdf
It was nice day.
S.p was soaring through the spring air, her wings spread out wide and her hair flowing in the breeze as she flew over the city. Today was a good day she thought.
In between the big jobs Timara gives her, S.p helps out her aunt’s package delivery service. Right now she’s got only two to do for today, but it was far out away from where she’s used to.
‘Uuughhhh, this is gonna take forrreverrrr,’ S.p groaned to herself, she looked back down on the label on the smaller box, hoping that maybe it magically moved where she needed to be closer. Nope, instead all she saw was the dark iridescent boxes shine in the sun, the name of the business in light pink/purple cursive and a M.p signature near it.
The label read ‘Madame Pink’s Delivery service.’  S.p couldn’t help but smile a little as she remembered who she was helping. It was short lived though as she realized she wasn’t flying over buildings anymore, just a field. She quickly stopped and did a double take. Then took out a little compasses on a string out of her pocket and got a good look at it.
“No, I’m still going north,” She mumbled, taking another glance around before shoving the compass in her pocket. She quickly took off her necklace that was tucked into her shirt, it had a rather large pearl looking piece on it. Holding it out by that pearl, it glowed purple for a moment, before creating a holograph revealing someone with their back turned.
“Uh, hi auntie,” S.p said, the figure gasped and turned around.  
It was the mysterious Madame Pink. She held her fan so it covered most of her face, except for the eyes.
“Why, my little angel!”  Madame joyfully exclaimed, “Have you already delivered those packages? That was rather fast,”
“Uh, noo,” S.p admitted, looking a little flustered, “I think I’m like, very lost,”
Madame’s eyes widened a little,“Oh my, that's quite the predicament-,”  She closed her third eye for a moment, then continued, “Pray tell, can you describe to me where you are?”
S.p looked around again, “Uhhhhh, not a place with buildings,”  S.p stopped when she heard her aunt giggle,” Hey, what’s funny?!”
“Oh do you not remember?  You’re on the path to the edge of the mountains, it’s the right way my dear,”
S.p blinked, “Oh-” then her face scrunched a little in annoyance, “Oh, the mountains? But that’s like, soooo farr aunite!!”
“Now now child,”  She said as she tapped her forehead, “I know you have ways to get there faster than anyone else I know, you’ll be fine, just be sure to protect the boxes when you do it,”
S.p’s ear drooped a little and she sighed, “Ok…”
“Excellent, now if you excuse me, I have to be on somewhere, as you do as well,”
S.p perked up, “Okie, bye auntie! Love you!” She said with a big grin while holding up a peace sign.
“Take care, my little star, ta-ta~!”  Madame said as she waved, the holograph faded, and so did the glow on the pearl, ending the call. S.p put the necklace back on, tucking the pearl back in her shirt.
‘Alright, a faster way, huh?’ S.p thought as she looked back down at the packages, they both went to the same place, but to different people, ‘Guess that means it’s time to break another record for fastest travel eva!’ She said as her hands glowed a soft yellow, which passed over to the boxes, covering them in a magical coating before fading, making the boxes look normal again. She flew down to the ground, and got into a flight-ready stance.
Focusing all of her thoughts on what she wanted to do next, she started to be filled with energy. Little flicks of lightning shot off of her as she stored more energy, her hair floofing up a little as well. Then…
A huge explosion of energy sent her flying up into the air as a lightning bolt. Her wings straight out, letting her glide through the air. The world rushed past her in a colorful blur of greens, yellows, and the occasional blue. S.p made a mental note to get a gopro with her pay after the trip for when she flies.
‘Or maybe just beg Molly for it…’ S.p thought to herself.
Despite her speed, she could still faintly see the plains below, and there’s no building in sight, not even a road. Just… grass. There wasn’t even any trees.
‘Who even moves out this far?’ S.p thinks.
After a long while of flying, she eventually felt her energy falter, and she begins to slow down, she had to start flapping her wings again to keep from crashing, which isn’t an easy transition.
“Yipe! This never lasts long enough!” She exclaims, she held the gifts closer to her chest, making sure she didn’t drop them. Soon enough she got back into balance, and could glide a bit more, but it wasn’t nearly as fast.
“I gotta ask T how to make that last longer,” She mutters.
Luckily for her, she could see a dirt road below. S.p looked forward and finally saw a humongous mountain that stretched and faded into the clouds. And at the bottom was two dark blobs.
“Finally freakin build...ings,”  S.p slowed down to a halt and squinted. When in focus, one blob as definitely a building, a bit creepy but it had a roof and all. The other though… well… S.p’s eyes couldn’t focus on it for some reason, and everytime she could get a clear glance at it, it was... something else, something just as menacing thing as the last.
“Welp, not that one, I ain’t that dumb,” S.p says as she flies to the other building. Which wasn’t that better than the blob, if she was being honest. The building was worn down, as if it hadn’t been used in years; Nature was reclaiming it with vines everywhere.
She lands in front of two big metal doors, both rusted to hell and back. With a nervous gulp, S.p knocks on one of the doors with a nice loud thunk. The doors partially opened when she did.  S.p stood there for a few moments wondering if she should pull a ‘person in a horror movie’ move and go in.
S.p thought for a second,  ‘Auntie would kill me if I came back full handed-’ She sighs, ’- and I can't just waste that stupid long trip,’ she thinks as she pushes the doors open and steps inside. On the inside, it looked ransacked and barren; Boxes were emptied, barrels pushed over, etc.
Making sure not to stand far away from the door, S.p calls out, "Uhh, hello?"
No answer.
"Helloooo?" S.p calls out again, walking deeper into the warehouse. Something wasn't right, it seemed a lot smaller on the inside.
She stood in what she thought was the middle of the warehouse, when she heard a crash behind her, making her jump and her wings spread out instinctively.
It was the doors.
They slammed shut.
Breathing heavily, she looked all around her, trying to find what or who shut the doors.
Nothing. This place was empty.
Cause the next thing S.p heard was a gun cock.
"Freeze!" Yelled the stranger.
S.p froze, and slowly turned around to see the person. It was a young man in a basketball tank top, with blond hair that faded to dark brown, he also had raccoon ears that were also blond. He had two different colored eyes. To S.p his left eye was red, and his right eye green. He also had bandages wrapped all around his arms down to his hands boxing style.
There was a moment of silence between the two, both of them were scared, you could see it on their faces, but neither were backing out.
“Who the heck are you??” S.p finally said, slightly cringing at how loud she was. To be fair, she couldn’t quite hear herself over her thudding heartbeat.
The boy looked confused and lowered his gun slightly, “Who the heck are you?”
“Um, I asked first?”
The man sighed and his ears went back in annoyance, “...Toby,” He raised the gun again, “Now it’s your turn,”
“M-my name’s S.p!” She exclaimed, forcing back as much stuttering as she could.
Toby put his gun down and into his holster, “The hell are you doing out here?”
“I could ask the same to you, but I’m just a delivery person!” S.p exclaimed, sounding more enthusiastic than she felt.
“Well, I’m here on a search for a friend that went missing,” Toby said, looking around as he talked,  “You didn’t happen to see to douche-y lookin’ dude around, have you?” Toby asked sarcastically.
S.p shrugged, “Just you so far,”
“Fuck you,”
“Hey! That wasn’t an insult!” S.p said, finally calming down a bit, she thought for a moment, “Hey, maybe we can help each other,”
Toby’s ears perk up and he tilts his head, “How so?”
“Well, we’re both looking for someone, and I have a feeling that they’re both in the same place,”
Toby hesitates, “I- well… Fine, it’d be better than searchin’ this hell hole alone, I guess,”
S.p grinned, “Cool cool! Let’s get movin’ then-” There was a small crash, making both of them flinch horribly. Toby got his gun back out, which was still cocked. S.p listened very carefully for what made the noise
There was nothing but silence.
Toby ears twitched and moved, also trying to find any sign of something weird.
Soon enough they heard another quiet bang.
“That way,” Toby whispered, as he walked in the direction of the noise, S.p following close behind, clutching the boxes close so they wouldn’t make a lot of noise.
The two found themselves at the back wall of that room, carefully approaching a door that was slightly open. Toby hesitated, but reached out for the door handle.
A crunch made him stop.
S.p had stepped on something, slightly panic-y she lifted up her foot to see what it was, it was just bag. The both of them sighed in relief. S.p quickly picked up the bag and put the boxes in it, ‘It’ll be quieter, and safer for the boxes!’ she thought to herself.
Toby rolled his eyes, before opening the door slightly and looked inside, “No one’s in there,” He whispered, before motioning for S.p to follow as he went in.
Both of them couldn’t help it but stand still for a moment, surveying the room.
It was a long hallway at a slight angle going down. It was looked as if someone had looted it; Bookshelves looked like they were thrown, paper, bags, and all sorts of stuff scattered on the floor, and there was a random stove flipped over and scratches all around it, yet nothing seemed missing. The chaos of the hallway went until it was too dark to see tdown the hallway.
Once they got a good look, they continued onward.
“It’s like someone was looking for something,” S.p whispered.
Toby’s ear twitched, “They still might be,” he said as he pushed a button that was on top of his gun, it turned on a flashlight that was built into it, it gave off pretty decent light.
But it revealed that there were smears of bright color on the walls, that and a ton of scratches. S.p gulped and wishfully assumed it was paint.
The farther they walked the more narrow the hallway got, and the more empty it was too, except for the constant scratches and color. It couldn’t even be called a hallway anymore.
“What… is this?” Toby said, “Why would a warehouse have this?”
“It’s a hide-away tunnel,” S.p said as she got nervous, she recognized this sorta thing from her mom, and things involving her didn’t always end well. The familiar concrete walls made her breath catch in her throat.
“How do you know?”
“I-... just do,” S.p said, doing a little fake shrug.
Not really satisfied with the answer, Toby looked back forward. S.p could feel the tension in the air, neither of them really trusted each other, but Toby seemed a lot worse.
So why not break the ice a little?
“What’s your friend like? Apart from being a douche,” S.p asks.
Toby thought for a moment, his ear twitching, “He… was very full of himself, although I’ve always thought of that as a better than when he lacked self esteem,”
“Call that ‘growth’ where I’m at,” S.p said light heartly.
Toby had a sliver of a smile on his face, that is until he stepped into a pile of something, with a unsatisfying ‘glorp!’, “Ugh! Gross!” He cursed as he quickly stepped out of it, “The fuck is this??”
S.p looked at the pile, it wasn’t shit, it was the same rainbow stuff they had seen on the walls, “It kinda looks like, puke almost…” She mumbles to herself.
He grunts before pointing ahead at more puddles/piles, “Lookat this, there’s tons of it! What sick freak pukes rainbow till their lungs go out??”
“W-whatever lives there, probably,” S.p whispered in horror. The two of them reached the end of the tunnel, it led to a large, empty room. They stood at the entrance in awe, it was massive!
Slowly, Toby put himself in a battle ready stance and walked into the room, S.p reluctantly following behind. Their steps echoed off the walls, if there even was any, the room was pitch black, except for Toby’s light, which basically only revealed more puddles of colors on the floor.
Breathing began to get harder for S.p, her heart was racing so hard that if you listened close enough, you could hear it clear as day.
They heard a slither behind them, Toby pointed his gun in that direction, but saw nothing.
“What are you doing here?” A voice called out, it sounded cold and unwelcoming, it’s voice boomed and echoed off the walls.
Another slither went behind them, they stood back to back to each other this time.Toby was aiming his gun at basically everything and S.p was scared stiff.
“Have you come to take my prey?” It called out again, in a more mocking tone. Now the slither sounded like it was rounding them.
“Show yourself!” Toby yells out. His, light caught the end of something.
A tail?
Not just any tail, a snake tail.
S,p was already shaking horribly, but even Toby started to buckle under the stress. They felt a presence loom over them in the dark.
With shaking hands, Toby followed the tail up, and soon met a menacing face, glaring down the two.
S.p couldn’t help but gasp and hide behind Toby, making the figure laugh.
“My my~ What are two children doing here?”  They asked, leaning down to get a better look at them. Their face was half human, half reptile, with scales decorating their face. Their eyes looked just wrong enough to send chills down Toby’s spine.
“You know, it’s rude to enter my home without permission,” They continued, getting closer. Now their eyes were in the light, which reflected off their pupils in dozens of colors. You could see color dripping from their mouth onto their chin.
“In fact,” Their tail shuffled, revealing that the part of the tail that was still hidden in the dark was holding two people who were tied up, “I was in the middle of something~”
Toby looked at one of the people and gasped, “Jake!” He looked back up at the creature while it laughed, “Give. Him. Back.” He growled.
“Or what? You’ll kill me?” They said as their laugh became maniacal.
Suddenly they slammed the people hard into the two, sending all four of them flying. Toby’s gun went flying too, leaving them all in the dark.
As quickly as she landed, S.p got up panting, “T-Toby?!?!” She called out breathlessly.
Slithers and echos of laughs from all around made her head spin. In a panic, she focused her energy into her right hand, and shot a lightning bolt into the dark. It lit up the room for a moment, and it was enough to see Toby’s gun.
Instinctively, she started to dash for it. Just as she grabbed it she was pulled back by her feet, making her chin collide and drag on the floor. Then she was held up in the air, the creature’s tail wrapping itself around her and letting the blood drip onto her face, she couldn’t even shoot the gun if she wanted to. They laughed as she struggled.
She couldn’t breathe.
She was panicking.
Then, animal instinct took over.
Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out.
That’s all her brain told her.
She sank her teeth as best she could into their tail. And refused to let go, even after they had basically dropped her.
Then she held onto their tail with all her might and released all that energy and electricity with a powerful scream. You could see their shadows on the walls from the light it emitted. The creature screamed in pain and convulsed, which knocked S.p off and onto the floor. Practically knocked out from the drain
The creature twitched and convulsed still, struggling to catch its breath. When they heard the footsteps of the others, they growled and skittered away.
In the corner of S.p’s eye, she could’ve sworn she had saw natural light, but at this point the world was spinning, so she couldn’t really be sure.
Toby came running up to her first yelling, “Fuckin’ hell, dude! Are you alright?!” S.p only whimpered in response, before passing out completely, “Shit!” Toby exclaimed, “Hey, Jake, other dude! Help me out here!”
Running up came two dudes; Jake, a young man who looked about Toby’s age, he always wore his signature red hat, even in dark times like this. The other without a name was a rather old fella, in a now ruined cleaning suit, he had a badge on him that said ‘Finoe’ on it, so that must be his name
Jake quickly got to work, helping Toby carry her on their shoulders, they struggled, though, carrying someone knocked out is harder than you think.
The other dude ‘Finoe’ was clearly in shock; shaking knees and wide eyes, but he spoke up in a whisper, “Do you… know her?”
Jake looked over at Toby and tilted his head, Toby sighs, “Not really,”
“Then who the heck is she?” Jake asks.
“A delivery person, and your hero,” Toby stated blankly, “In fact I saw the bag right about there,” He says as he points his flashlight-gun at the ground, showing the two boxes in perfect condition.
Finoe quickly ran over to it and scooped the boxes up carefully, “This… This is what that thing was after,”
“Well what is it?”
“It’s... A form of magic dust, that thing made order some for it,”
Jake blinked, “Oooooh, that’s the stuff that powers your gun, right B?” Toby simply nodded, then Jake continued, “But why would it need it so bad it made you order it?”
Finoe visibly shivered, “It has drug like properties when consumed, it’s why you can only order one at a time, I had to use two names,” He sighs, “I’ve never wanted anything to do with this damn powder in my life-”
“Well,” Jake interrupted, “Like I said, we use that stuff for our own things, it’s our job, we could take it off your hands!”
Finoe thought for a moment, “When we leave, I’ll give it to ya,”
And with that, they off up the tunnel, to safety.
S.p woke up to soft sunlight and back pain, as soon as she tried to get up, someone pushed on her forehead gently and kept her down.
“You’re hurt, stay down,” S.p quickly realized who it was, it was Toby! A wave of relief washed over her, and she calmed down a little, that is until Jake popped up right by her.
“Hey, you’re not dead!” Jake exclaimed, making S.p flinch, “Hey so ummmm, the dude over there - His names’ Finoe- he’s cools, said that he knew someone who’d come pick us up and help us, so he had to borrow your necklace thingy, sowwy,”
“Normally I’d say if someone said that, it’s a scam, but he’s proven himself, I guess,” Toby added on. S.p couldn’t help but giggle at that, Toby seems so much different when he’s not serious. S.p eyes trailed to the floor though, and saw that Toby’s leg was wrapped up too, she also noticed he had a raccoon tail that was blond with dark brown rings, dang, how’d she miss that?
She went to speak but her throat was practically killing her, she had to hold it as she spoke, and the only thing she could really get out was a simple, “Wha-?”
Jake shook his head, “Yea no, I don’t think you’ll be talkin’ for a while, you screamed SUPER loud when you were shockin’ the fuck outta that snake beast thing-”  he got super close to her face, “By the way- that was epic, how the hell did ya do that??”
“She’s just got the witch’s blessin’,” Finoe said, walking over to the group, “Anyone in that family is bound to have some strange power,” He holds out S.p’s necklace, “Here, I had to borrow it to make a call,” S.p nods and puts the necklace back on, tucking it into her shirt once again.
Then there was awkward silence between the four of them.
“So, Finoe, what exactly is this place?” Toby finally asked, breaking the silence.
“Hm? Oh! This was my lil personal research area, that place next door was what I was observin’,” Finoe said happily, “Also, there’s no need for formalities, call me Fin,”
“Wait, the area next door? That...blob?” Jake asks and tilts his head.
“Exactly! It’s an anomaly, and Ms. Timara asked me to observe, at a safe distance of course,”
“Heh, overshare much? How do you know we’re not some enemy to her?” Jake snarks, Toby hits him on the back of the head.
“Well,” Fin points at the badge that Toby was wearing, “All fetchers wear that sorta badge, and I know it’s not the most fashionable, so no one’s wearing it willingly,” Toby looked away sheepishly. Fin then pointed to S.p, “And this lovely lady is quiet well known considering she’s paired with Timara’s A-rank, Molly-”
“WHAT?!” Both the boys yelled out, it made Fin jump and S.p covered her ears at the sudden noise.
“So that’s why she could do that, holy shit!?” Jake jumps up and really gets in S.p’s face, she’s visibly uncomfortable, “That’s sick as fuck!” Toby tugs on his shirt, forcing him back a few steps.
Holding her throat again, S.p speaks up, “I’m just…..C-ra...rank” she croaks. Her ears drooped a little at the sound of her voice.
Jake had sparkles in his eyes at this point, “Um and?? You’re being trained by The T and her almost top class, like yo! That’s epic!”
“It’s definitely quite a high place to be at your rank,” Toby adds on, Jake nods furiously.
Fin playfully nods as well, “Yes ind-” He’s interrupted by the fwoom of smoke, and the overwhelming smell of lavender. The four of them turned to where the smoke is coming from. Out from the shadows of smoke came the one, the only,
Madame Pink. With her fan in hand over mouth, she gracefully glided from the smoke.
And her ghost ferret-like familiar came from the smoke as well, looking alert until it finally saw S.p. Then it rushed over and tackled her like a puppy would, licking her face in excitement. S.p giggled and pet the lil ferret, soon it decided to just wrap itself around her like a scarf, back legs on one shoulder, front on the other.
“Hi, aunt,” S.p manages to say, putting a grin on her face.
Madame looked over at S.p and gasped, looking dreadfully worried, she quickly rushed closer to S.p, kneeling to get a better look at her, “Goodness dear! I knew you weren’t in best of shape but...” She quickly shook her head and sighed, “It can be fixed,”  She gets back up and turns to Fin, “Thank you for letting me know of this Fin,”
Fin nods, “Thank ya’ kindly dear, although you must thank these boys though, they were the ones that got her out,”
Madame looked over at them with a harsh but not mean stare, “Is this true?” They both nod, Jake keeps glancing back at the ferret, which is eyeing him down. You can’t see her mouth, but you can tell that Madame is smiling,” Well then, it would be rude to not heal you all as well,” She walks towards the exits, and motions for them to follow, “Come along now~”
Like little kids, Jake, Toby, and S.p followed close behind like little ducks, talking about how cool Madame is and talking more about themselves, (Well, S.p tried to anyways…) and Fin walked at a decent pace behind them.
In a fwoof of smoke, Madame sends everyone to her home to be healed.
This was the start of a pretty weird B-team, but no one was complaining, so we’ll just have to see what adventures they get into next.
The end!
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