#ashley writes things
ashlyreads · 8 years
For today’s feature, I’ve decided to come up with a playlist for a book. I’ve seen others doing this and it looks so fun. So, I’ve decided to join in!
Today’s Playlist is for How to Start a Fire by Lisa Lutz
I’ve chosen songs that either remind me of the characters or the story itself. Hope you enjoy this post. All songs are linked to YouTube.
“California Kids” by Weezer “Trouble” by Halsey “Reckl…
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deanvspanties · 10 years
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andrwjstn · 10 years
The Contested epilogue is literally the most tooth rottingly fluffy thing I've ever written in my entire life. 
I can't even believe that this is happening right now. 
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arthurdarvillains · 10 years
To the people who have sent me Ian and Mickey prompts in the last couple days - I'm not ignoring you! I'm just working on one and kind of stuck on it a little, so bear with me :) They'll get done!
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explosionsoflife · 11 years
There are whispers Coming to my ears from on the wind A mile down Begging me to stay
But as a bird whose wings have been left to grow I am not prepared to be here For more than a fleeting day And I am not prepared to care for you In the ways you need to be cared for
I am prepared to fly away And I have no intent of nesting in your eaves I was not built to roost or rest I was built only to leave
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Guess who’s writing something for Smut Appreciation Day...
A lot of people. Which is awesome. I can’t wait to read everything.
But also me. I hope. I’m trying. Hopefully the smut part doesn’t keep me from finishing. I struggle with getting all the dirty in my head written out.
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masseffectstanaccount · 12 years
When Shepard Gets Drunk
Commander Torrin Shepard was drunk. Very, very drunk. As in, should-have-stopped-two-bottles-of-blue-liquor-ago-but-didn't drunk. And so was one Lieutenant James Vega. Neither of them had intended to join each other's drunken company; like so much before this one, insignificant moment, it had just happened.
"Y'know, Lola, I never thought I'd be trying to find the answers to my problems in the bottom of an empty bottle with Commander fucking Shepard," James said, hiccuping as he downed another shot, this one a pink-purple color. "I think I like it."
"Well," Shepard replied, turning to look at him, but seeing two instead. She jabbed a finger at one (it was the wrong one), trying to look intimidating. "I seriously doubt we're finding any answers here, but I'm having a damn good time anyways."
She stood from her bar stool, dragging one hand across the table to steady herself. She looked at the shelf, eyeing up which bottle to crack open next. She picked one with dark blue liquid. She popped open the top, turned around, and set it on the table before walking over and sitting down again.
"You're one hell of a soldier, James Vega. Ahellofasoldier." Her words were running together in a stream.
James took the liberty of pouring the blue liquor into two shot glasses. "And you're one hell of a commander, Shepard. Nobody else could even think of accomplishing what you've done."
He held a glass towards her. She picked her own glass up, and they tapped them together with a small clink. Both Lieutenant and Commander downed it with one gulp.
"Holy shit! That one burned." Shepard moaned, closing her eyes and leaning back.
Sure, neither of them were finding any answers in the bottles surrounding them. No matter how much they drank or shot down, neither would be any closeer to stopping the Reapers, saving humanity, saving the whole goddamn galaxy. Getting drunk now was only going to earn them a hangover and someone yelling in their ear the next morning as they moaned shut the hell up. All of that could wait, though.
For once, Shepard was shirking responsibility. She was drinking with a good friend, pretending not to have a single care in the world. While it may not have been true, it damn sure felt good. She could have stayed there forever.
With a sharp hiss, the doors into their private haven opened and Garrus Vakarian strode in.
"Shepard, I-" He paused, taking in the scene before him. "Are you drunk?"
"You bet your ass I am, Vakarian." She replied. She poured herself and James another shot. "Vega over here's helping me. Come join us."
Garrus shook his head, sighing. Trying to keep the smile off of his face. They both had their backs to the turian, facing the multitude of bottles on the other side of the table. James took his shot, shaking his head as it burned its way down his throat. "Tastes good, Scars. C'mon. Let loose a little." He shook his burly shoulders, salsa-style. Shepard snorted, before bursting out laughing.
"You've been watching too many vids, James." She said between guffaws.
Garrus rolled his eyes. "Shepard. Get your ass up to your cabin."
"What'reyougonnado, Garrush?" Okay, she was really drunk now. "Come over here and make me?" She snapped her teeth together, a wolfish grin on her face.
"If I have to," was his only reply.
"Okay, okay. I'm tired anyways." Shepard stood up; the world tilted crazily around here. "Whoa."
Vakarian was beside her in a few long strides, taking her by the elbow. She let him, leaning against him dramatically. "Sweep me off my feet, Garrus." She draped a hand across her forehead, fluttering her eyelashes at him.
"Well, if you insist." In one smooth motion, he had Shepard in both arms. She wrapped her arms gleefully around his neck, and kissed him on the cheek.
"Best space boyfriend ever." She said, smiling. She let her head fall back, and looked at James. "You're upside down, Lieutenant."
James rolled his eyes at her. "You're so adorable it's disgusting, Lola."
Garrus started walking away, his arms full of a not-very-helpful Shepard. She lifted her head up and threw her hands in the air, trying to wave over Garrus' shoulder at her favorite soldier. "See ya 'round, Vega. We gotta do this again sometime."
Garrus told her about that night afterwards, and James never, ever let her live down the "space boyfriend" comment.
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arthurdarvillains · 11 years
Are you kidding me? The drabble (hot 19) was awesome! Thank you so much for writing! (*´∀`*)
Thank you so much for thinking it was awesome! Good feedback like this makes me want to keep going :) 
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I’m working on my fic for @saxxxology‘s challenge and Jesus, this thing is gonna be ridiculous. Between the prompt and the fact that it’s a crack fic challenge, it’s a license for me to be extraordinarily over the top with my own brand of hilarity. Also, it’s based on an episode of New Girl.
Be prepared, y’all.
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You (Dean x Reader, Smut)
Fire Is A Fickle Thing (Dean x Reader, Smut)
Mistletoe (Dean x Reader, Fluff)
The One with the Giant Poking Device (Dean x Reader, Smut)
CYOSTODA Part Two: Dean Picks Dare (Dean, OFC Leah, Sam, and Reader) (Part of the Choose Your Own Supernatural Truth or Dare Adventure created by the phenomanly talented @littlegreenplasticsoldier)
It’s About Damn Time (Dean x Reader, Smut)
Bravery and Bullets (Dean x Reader, Smut w/Light Angst)
Butt Dials Don’t Equal Booty Calls (Dean x Reader, Light Smut)
Rapunzel’s Tangled up with Supernatural Challenge Masterlist
Marshmallow Fight (Dean x Reader)
Birthday Dinner (Dean, Reader)
Gif Drabbles
Cas (Dean x Reader, Sam, Cas)
Cute AF Dean (Dean x Reader, Sam)
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Beta Bat Signal
I got my fic done! Whoop! Anyone willing to beta it for me?
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Movie Night Interrupted
Hey, look! I drabbled! Enjoy this little piece of nonsense. 
Tagging my bff @sis-tafics because I miss her dearly.
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(gif by @zest-wincest)
You’re at the newest Captain America movie, sitting middle of the aisles, towards the back, getting the most out of your viewing pleasure. You have a big old tub of popcorn sitting on your lap, box of Hot Tamales stuck between your thighs. You’re ready to get your movie on! 
But then this giant of a man sits right in front of you. The nerve of some people, blocking the view of normal people! Why can’t he sit in the back?
You throw a piece of popcorn at him to get his attention and whisper yell “Hey, Jolly Green, how ‘bout you find a different seat?”
Jolly turns around at that and you about jolly right in your panties. He gives you this stern go-fuck-yourself look but you see the way his eyes slide down to check you out. You must make some sort of noise…though honestly, how you didn’t moan out loud is beyond you…because before he turns around you catch the smirk those sinful lips pull into. 
You gather your courage, lick you lips, and lean forward to whisper in his ear, “If you’d rather, there’s a seat open next to me.”
He doesn’t even say anything, just stands up, uses those stupidly long legs to step right over the seats, and plops down next to you. He turns to give you a full smile…sweet Jesus, you’re pretty sure you whimpered at that…slides his arm behind you and says, “Sweetheart, you don’t know it yet, but this impromptu date’s gonna be the best night of your life.”
You don’t remember much of the movie but goddamn he wasn’t kidding.
Punzel’s Crew Tag: @sis-tafics @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog @salvachester @mrswhozeewhatsis @littlegreenplasticsoldier @sleep-silent-angel @demberly @aprofoundbondwithdean @heckyeahjensenackles @luckygrahams @feelmyroarrrr @silver-and-green @demondeansdomme @savingapplepie-eatingthings @wheresthekillswitch @highonpastries @awhiskeywithawinchester @oriona75 @manawhaat  @winchesterenthusiast @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @writingbeautifulmen @but-deans-back-tho @the-mrs-deanwinchester @supernatural-jackles @mamapeterson @rizlow1 @misswhizzy @katnharper @kayteonline @nichelle-my-belle @kittenofdoomage @oriona75 @sammit-janet @callmesatansprincess @ccpita @emilywritesaboutdean @xalgaliareptx @msmeghansolo @love-me-some-pie21 @carrollmomx3 @deanbean-and-samsquatch @fandomismyspiritanimal @district-12-erudite @deanxfuckingadorablexwinchester @untitled39887 @happy-bun-bun @captainfuzzygoateecollector
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Do you have a masterlist? I use mobile Tumblr and it's very tempermental and wont let me explore your blog
Thank you for reading my writing. And I apologize for not responding sooner, life has been a shit show and I haven’t had time to get on my computer. Also this is a very short list because again life and anxiety keep me from writing. Sorry.
You (Dean x Reader, Smut)
Fire Is A Fickle Thing (Dean x Reader, Smut)
Mistletoe (Dean x Reader, Fluff)
The One with the Giant Poking Device (Dean x Reader, Smut)
CYOSTODA Part Two: Dean Picks Dare (Dean, OFC Leah, Sam, and Reader) (Part of the Choose Your Own Supernatural Truth or Dare Adventure created by the phenomanly talented @littlegreenplasticsoldier)
It’s About Damn Time (Dean x Reader, Smut)
Marshmallow Fight (Dean x Reader)
Birthday Dinner (Dean, Reader)
Gif Drabbles
Cas (Dean x Reader, Sam, Cas)
Cute AF Dean (Dean x Reader, Sam)
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(header made by my bff @sis-tafics)
You (Dean x Reader, Smut)
Fire Is A Fickle Thing (Dean x Reader, Smut)
Mistletoe (Dean x Reader, Fluff)
The One with the Giant Poking Device (Dean x Reader, Smut)
CYOSTODA Part Two: Dean Picks Dare (Dean, OFC Leah, Sam, and Reader) (Part of the Choose Your Own Supernatural Truth or Dare Adventure created by the phenomanly talented @littlegreenplasticsoldier)
It’s About Damn Time (Dean x Reader, Smut)
Marshmallow Fight (Dean x Reader)
Birthday Dinner (Dean, Reader)
Gif Drabbles
Cas (Dean x Reader, Sam, Cas)
Cute AF Dean (Dean x Reader, Sam)
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASH!!!!! I hope you have the best of days. Lots of Love to you. If you still want these, how about a drabble where Dean and the reader go to her favorite restaurant, and maybe he thongs the food is strange or something. :)
Thank you sweetie! Hope you like this! Also tagging @sis-tafics
Dean’s sitting across the table from you, one bowed leg resting comfortably against one of yours, long fingers curled around the edges of a laminated menu. His face is a study of concentration as he looks over the food choices available. He had insisted on taking you to your favorite restaurant to celebrate your birthday, even after you'd warned him that it didn't offer his usual burger and fries. You watch him, waiting. His eyebrows draw together in that adorable way he has when he's thinking hard and his plush kiss-you-stupid lips move as he reads, and then re-reads, a word that caught his attention.
“What the hell is po?” Dean asks as his confused green eyes meet yours over the menu.  
There's the first question you were waiting for. “It's pronounced fo, it's a Vietnamese soup. It's really good.”
Dean ‘hmms’ a suspicious response, eyes still scouring the words for anything that's familiar. When his eyes land on his next target, he grimaces, “Why the hell are there so many vegetables?”
And there's number two. You can't help but laugh. “Because vegetables are good for you. And surprisingly delicious.”
“I'm not a fuckin’ rabbit, I don't need vegetables.” Dean says with an almost child like scowl on his face. “I'm a warrior, I need meat.”
“Then order the filet mignon stir fry. I'll even eat your vegetables for you.” You reply as a peace offering, though really it's no hardship since you really do love vegetables.
Dean looks up at you, mock worry covering his face, “What is wrong with you?”
We’re celebrating 3k. Come send me gifs or drabble requests!
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Thanks for submitting @huffleypuffelycas! And I’m tagging @sis-tafics, per her request. Love you girls!
Today’s your birthday but you refuse to acknowledge it. You’ve been holed up in your room all day, avoiding the boys, your phone, and all social media. But your stomach couldn’t be ignored any longer. You were so hungry you’re pretty sure it had started eating itself. You sneak out of your room, head tilted, listening for any sound as you tiptoe down the halls. It’s quiet, too quiet. You know the boys are home, you’d heard them arguing in the library earlier. And you’d heard Dean making a racket in the kitchen, pots and pans clanging together, curses echoing down the tiled hallways.
You hear hushed voices as you get closer to the library. Sam’s whispering about Dean not doing whatever right, Dean’s whisper yelling back that he knows how to do whatever. Your curiosity gets the better of you and you peek around the corner of the library entrance. Sam’s standing there with his hands on his hips, his bitch face firmly in place. Dean’s on a ladder, hands high above his head as he stretches, a pinata swinging wildly as he tugs on the rope, trying to tie off the end. 
Cas is there too, watching the boys work, his normal look of confusion on his face. “Tell me again why a colorful horse filled with candy will make Y/N happy?” 
“Because,” Dean replies, as he descends the ladder to check his work, “She loves chocolate and she loves breaking things. It’s a win-win.”
You move to lean your shoulder against the entrance, amused with how Sam’s fluttering around the table, adjusting everything like a worried mom.
“And this is supposed to be a surprise, right?” Cas asks as his eyes catch yours.
“Yes.” Sam and Dean answer at the same time.
Cas points to you “Would you like me to erase her memory until you’re ready?”
Both boys spin, shocked to see you standing there, smirking at them.
“Surprise!” Sam yells, throwing his arms in the air.
Dean starts walking towards you, his hands settling on your hips when he’s in front of you. “Happy Birthday, sweetheart. But you kinda ruined the surprise by sneaking in here.”
“No, I didn’t.” You stand on your tiptoes to press your lips against Dean’s. You may not like birthdays but these men make the day worth celebrating. “This is the best surprise ever, thank you.”
We’re celebrating 3k! Send in your gifs to be blurbed or a drabble request!
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