#ashlyn searson
obsidiancreates · 9 months
Piano and umbrella for an OC that you think would be your friend.
Do they have any hobbies?
So canonically all 5 of my "Main OC Group" are my friends, but they also know me as their creator and controller of their universe so one can debate the authenticity of their friendship. As such I'll pick just one whom I think would be my friend if they didn't know me as their god, and I think it'd be Ashlyn because we're both ADHD (she's probably AuDHD because it turns out I am and she's my projection character) and also she likes making new friends the most.
Her main hobby is Baking, she's the best baker Literally Ever and she bakes every single day. She's always trying new things, improving, and is permanently slightly flour-dusted.
She picks up a lot of brief side-hobbies as well, like various crafts and art types, but it always comes back to baking.
What genre do they belong in?
Probably a children's book akin to a Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle or Pippi Longstocking style if she's on her own, but with Carter she belongs in a tween YA Percy Jackson style book. With the whole friend group of 5? A dramatic adventure book that will get called YA because it won't fit great into other places but it's not quite YA.
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createdbyobsidian · 3 years
Hi hey, I’m embarrassed to admit I’m not really sure who is who anymore, so as first ask, hi! Could we have a small introduction to you all :D?
Malum gives a small wave, standing up and towering over everyone else. "Hi, I'm Malum. Ummm... I like... cooking."
"And he's a demon," Evelyn adds.
"I wasn't going to lead with that. For obvious reasons. I don't hurt anyone, I promise. I'm a reformed demon."
"And my wonderful husband," Haley says, holding his hand and giving him a soft and reassuring smile. "He saved me."
"And you saved me." Malum smiles back and leans down, kissing his wife gently.
Evelyn fake gags behind them, and then smiles at her gooey-hearted friends. "I'm Evelyn, daughter of a magic flower-guardian of another dimension. But I'm mostly a normal person, I work as a florist and rife a motorcycle and stuff."
Carter steps forward and gives a dramatic bow. "Carter Clevman, god of Cleverness, Craftiness, Charisma and Charm!"
"And pissing off other gods and wearing too much yellow," Ashlyn adds, walking into the room with a tray of fresh raspberry and butterscotch caramel cookies. "Including the god of baking, and I had to have a bake-off with them to save him."
"And she won!" Carter winks. "So see? Clever and crafty."
"And a dumbass," Ebelyn says, not unkindly, just as fact.
"Dumbass by choice, thank you. It makes things more interesting to act without thinking sometimes."
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obsidiancreates · 9 months
✂️❤️ ?
What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
Malum: The murder of his first wife and his sister, the memory of failing to catch their killer, and his whole experience slowly falling to apathy as he became a demon are all kind of tied for Absolute Worst.
Haley: Does her whole childhood count? If not, the day she learned her aunt, who was the only person who ever loved her and tried to help her until Malum, died (she later learns her aunt was actually whisked away by a goddess to be married in order to prevent the aunt's death, which made her immortal but prevented her from being able to keep seeing Haley).
Ashlyn: Probably one of the many times a god has tried to kill her since she became friends with Carter. She's actually had it pretty good so far in life.
Carter: The first time a human he liked died.
Evelyn: The fight she had with her dad when she learned her mom was alive and a magic guardian of whole other dimension and that her dad took her away without telling her mom. Like learning all of that sucked, but confronting her dad with it was even worse because she trusted him so much her whole life.
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obsidiancreates · 9 months
💀 - for ask game
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
Malum (demon with Tragedy Powers because he was turned into a demon from a tragedy before finding redemption and love hundreds of years later): Loneliness, losing his wife and new family
Haley (Malum's wife, raised in an abusive religious household and given a magic necklace by her aunt who went on to marry a goddess and then Haley married a demon): Being controlled, being stuck/trapped, losing her new family
Ashlyn (Friends with Malum and Haley, normal human and best baker in the entire multiverse and besties with a minor god): Wide open spaces. Nowhere to hide, endless running, no cover? I'm projecting on her, she's my projection character
Carter (the minor god mentioned before, smarmy and sassy and chooses to fail his Wisdom and Intelligence Saving Throws most of the time despite being Proficient in both because it's funnier that way): The deaths of his found family
Evelyn (mom is a magical guardian of another dimension and Evelyn also has magic and a cool monster-ish form, punk biker girl aesthetic but she works in a flower shop and is a chaotic dumbass softie for her friends, AKA everyone listed above, also She's My Favorite): Living in a world with no more nature, The Inevitable Collapse, deaths of her found family, death of her father
Doc (Unrelated to any of the above people, he's from a Vampire RP instead, this is specifically the Sia RP version of him so a guy who was forced to be in a vampire cult, then was possessed, then in a coma, then woke up and wasn't a vampire or possessed anymore but had new magic, then learned he always had magic blood, and also he was cursed from birth but that's fixed now, also he died a couple times, all the poor guy wanted to do was be a damn doctor): So many things, he has so many phobias, but I'll tell you what he's not afraid of and that's The Depths Of The Ocean and Rats.
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createdbyobsidian · 3 years
Evelyn gasps. "Sid is paying attention to us again!"
Carter scrambles off the couch. "She is? At last!" He looks around, and clapa. "The ask blog has been opened again!"
Haley sighs. "Oh dear... does that mean Des is coming back?"
Evelyn shrugs. "Probably, but at least we're out of purgatory."
Malum has nothing to say but he's here too.
(Hey. Look what's back.)
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obsidiancreates · 3 years
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I got bored at work so I drew Team Phantom meeting a couple of my OCs!
Blue Girl is named Evelyn! Her mother is the guardian of Another Dimension that's all forest, with no light in the entire dimension except for from certain magic flowers. The very flower you see Evelyn magically growing above! She also has a Guardian form with wings and horns and stuff.
In the back, Tucker is enjoying a cake baked by Ashlyn! Ashlyn is a normal human, but also the best baker in the entire Multiverse. She once got into a baking contest with the God Of Baking and won.
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obsidiancreates · 4 years
You've been visited by the random OC question fairy! :D ~☆
What is your character's type or archetype? (For example: the Fool, the Lover, the Fighter, etc.) Why do they fit this archetype? 
I had to Google what those are and I’ll link the source I’m using in a reblog. It lists the archetypes of Lover, Hero, Magician, Outlaw, Explorer, Sage, Innocent, Creator, Ruler, Caregiver, Everyman, and Jester. So those are the archetypes I’m working with!
Okay, let’s see... Haley might fit The Lover... she’s quite passionate and has a lot of moral conviction, but I don’t think she’s naïve or irrational... The Caregiver might work, but she isn’t lacking in leadership skills or personal ambitions. Her biggest weakness is probably self-doubts... maybe a cross between Lover and Caregiver.
Malum... same as his wife, I think, cross between Lover and Caregiver. I suppose an argument could be made for Explorer or Outlaw, but he’s not restless or unreliable, and he’s not self-absorbed. His weakness is more self-doubts, like Haley’s are. Their stories are meant to parallel each other, after all. Mutual healing and all that.
Evelyn... probably Explorer, but again, not with weaknesses of unreliability or restlessness. More the weakness of Dumbassery. She’s got great powers, and she loves learning how to use them, but uhhhh she also makes pasta in a coffee pot just to see what happens and boils magic flowers to see if it’ll poison her or not. There’s a reason her, Ashlyn, and Carter are the Chaos Trio. They feed into each other’s Dumbassery.
Ashlyn is Caretaker and maybe a little bit of Jester. I think there’s a risk of people mistaking her as The Innocent, because of her ADHD, but she’s not. She’s kind an emotionally vulnerable with her friends, but not a doormat or naïve about the world.
Carter... Magician, Jester, and Sage. My mischievous lad, God of Cleverness, Craftiness, Charisma, and Charm. Dumbass by choice, wise and clever ancient being by trade.
Those are my main five, if I did all of them this would be way too long.
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obsidiancreates · 4 years
My OCs as The Random Auto-Generated Chat That Was Here When I Opened the Chat Post Option
The Fab Five: Could you give us directions to Olive Garden?
Mary, who just wants to insult them and their tastes: No, but I could give you directions to an actual Italian restaurant.
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obsidiancreates · 3 years
"Why is Sid doodling us at work so often but never writing about us?"
"Lack of ideas, I guess. Don't worry Ash, she'll come back."
"... What?"
"Yeah, Xe has new pronouns. Xe's nonbinary. I mean, xe still use she too but, yeah."
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obsidiancreates · 4 years
Ashlyn picks at her lips, staring into the empty fireplace.
“You okay, Ash?”
Ashlyn looks up, startled, as Evelyn steps in from the balcony.
She sighs. “Yeah. I-I just...”
Evelyn takes a seat next to her, and ignores the set out plate of cookies. She means business.
“What is it?”
“... I’m... having... I’m questioning some stuff.”
“Ah.” Evelyn leans back. “What ways?”
“I’m... not actually sure I know what sexual attraction feels like?” Ashlyn says, a tad hesitant. “I’ve been identifying as Pansexual for a few years now but... I’m just... wondering.”
Evelyn draws a hissing breath. “Yeah. I’ve been there.”
“... How did you figure it out?”
Evelyn lets out a heavy breath, and looks at the ceiling. “I guess I just... ah, I don’t know. I read up on asexuality and it just... felt right. Fit what I experienced.”
Ashlyn scoots a little closer. “Was it confusing?”
“... A little bit. I mean, it can be hard sometimes to judge what you’re lacking when you... don’t know anything otherwise. You know? I’ve just never felt sexual attraction, but it was tough figuring that out, because how do I know I haven’t felt it?”
“Exactly,” Ashlyn says with a sigh.
“...  Have you done  any research on it?”
Ashlyn taps her nails each other. “I’m... god, this sounds so stupid, but I’m nervous to. Like I’ll... discover I was just being over-dramatic, and making an issue where there isn’t one, and I’m just doing it for attention, and-”
“Whoa, slow down.” Evelyn hands her a cookie. “You’re just questioning. It’s fine.”
“... But if I’m... actually just Pan, like I thought?”
“That’s fine too! Questioning is about considering. You don’t have to decide you need to change your label or whatever. You’re just exploring.”
“... Right, right.”
“You want to look stuff up together?”
Ashlyn relaxes. “Really?”
“Yeah, why not. I can show you the sites that helped me figure all this shit out.”
“Thanks, Eve.”
“No problem. Now... where’s your laptop?”
“Carter took it. He said another god had cursed it. Explains why I could only get one bar of Wi-Fi, no matter what...”
“Oof, that sucks, sorry about that. We’ll just use my phone, then.”
Ashlyn nods, and she and Evelyn get to work.
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obsidiancreates · 4 years
“Sid. Sid please. We’re fading. We’re dying. You can’t keep ignoring us!”
Sid sighs. “Carter, please get off of my desk.”
Carter pouts at her.
“I really am sorry, you guys,” she says, looking around the room. “I’ve been hyperfixated on vamp and a half and I just...”
Ashlyn hugs her. “I understand. Don’t worry about it.”
“We’re all going to fade from the memory of the world,” Carter says dramatically, laying on top of Sid’s desk. “We’re going to die!”
“No, we aren’t,” Malum says, picking Carter up off of the desk. “Evelyn?”
Evelyn twirls her fingers, and a vine wraps around Carter’s mouth.
“As long as you don’t forget about us, we’re fine,” Evelyn says.
Sid nods. “The guilt is killing me inside!” she says brightly.
“Oh, no, don’t feel guilty for not having ideas! You can’t help it, your focus is elsewhere,” Haley assures. 
“You’re sure?”
“Of course. Just keep writing what’s making you happy, and we’ll be waiting for when you get back.”
I feel really bad about not writing anything with my OCs lately.
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obsidiancreates · 4 years
okay for the oc costumes ask: who would wear a classic ghost sheet costume, who would do one of the glowstick stick figures, and who would just do a legit fucking cosplay (bonus: what character would they go as?)
-------------------------------------------- (for the desktop peeps, also the ask was sent by @victory-cookies in case anyone on desktop is wondering)
Haley would be the classic ghost sheet, because she’s always wanted to do that but was never allowed (her parents were those kinds of Christians). Maybe Malum would dress up the same, as support. I can also picture Carter doing that.
Evelyn would do the glowstick figure thing, because her glowing blue eyes make it look fucking awesome. Maybe Carter would too, it seems like his vibe.
Ashlyn would do the cosplay, and either go as a book protagonist or as a famous baker. 
Outside of the Fab Five:
Classic Sheet Ghost: Steve, Avery, Liv (Dee thinks it’s super funny).
Glowstick: Leilani, Dee (people always freak out because “Whoa, you actually look invisible, how’re you doing that?!”)
Cosplay: Leilani again (she alternates each Halloween), Eric, Mary.
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obsidiancreates · 4 years
I Did That Hunger Games Simulator With My OCs
Some, y’all may recognize. Some... you might not. So Naomi is Leilani’s girlfriend (who I may or not have forgotten I’d made until I found the piece again...), and then Serissa, Grant, Glade, Paisley, Kruff, and Karma are from a thing I started writing when I was 12 right after I read the actual The Hunger Games.
Oh and Authoress is a um... well a-an ego... like, she was an apprentice of The Author form Danger in Fiction... I was like 13.
Oh also there’s a Summary at the very end, so um, TL;DR at the bottom I guess.
The Bloodbath
As the tributes stand on their podiums, the horn sounds. Kruff runs away from the Cornucopia. Ferox runs away from the Cornucopia. Evelyn's Mom runs away from the Cornucopia. Serissa runs away from the Cornucopia. Naomi No-Last-Name gathers as much food as she can. Avery Still-No-Last-Name stabs Haley Amandi while her back is turned. (NOOOOOOOO but also fitting because Avery is dating Mary the demon Hunter and Haley is married to a demonnnnn) Carter Clevman runs away from the Cornucopia. Liv runs away from the Cornucopia. Steve Pennerman grabs a shield leaning on the cornucopia. Leilani Kealoha finds a backpack full of camping equipment. Authoress runs away from the Cornucopia. Jessa, Karma, and Ashlyn Searson work together to get as many supplies as possible. (Hmm, interesting group.) Eric Rodriguez runs away from the Cornucopia. Glade runs away from the Cornucopia. Mary Ferrend runs away from the Cornucopia. Grant finds a bow, some arrows, and a quiver. Malum Amandi runs away from the Cornucopia. LavaDestroys runs away from the Cornucopia. Evelyn Serenatis rips a mace out of Paisley's hands. Dee runs away from the Cornucopia.
Day One
Carter Clevman picks flowers. (Good for you, man.) Avery Still-No-Last-Name questions his sanity. (And that takes a lot. He acceppted Demon Hunter with no issues when Mary told him.) Naomi No-Last-Name injures herself. Grant makes a wooden spear. Eric Rodriguez kills Ashlyn Searson as she tries to run. (ERIC NOOOOOOO SHE’S YOUR NEIGHBOR AND FRIENDDDDDD) Liv explores the arena. Mary Ferrend steals from LavaDestroys while she isn't looking. (Heh) Serissa injures herself. (Wh- girl how you are a Mary Sue,) Ferox questions her sanity. (Yeah that’s fair.) Paisley hunts for other tributes. Authoress kills Leilani Kealoha with a hatchet. (NOOOOOOOOO) Evelyn's Mom questions her sanity. Dee sprains her ankle while running away from Steve Pennerman. (Oh no her ghost ankle) Jessa practices her archery. Kruff runs away from Evelyn Serenatis. Glade injures herself. Karma camouflauges herself in the bushes. Malum Amandi injures himself. (Why did so many of them injure themselves?)
Fallen Tributes
3 cannon shots can be heard in the distance. Haley Amandi District 2 Ashlyn Searson District 1 Leilani Kealoha District 6 (TOT)
Night One
Grant receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor. Glade destroys Carter Clevman's supplies while he is asleep. (Damn Glade, you’ve grown ruthless while I was away from your story.) Mary Ferrend defeats Malum Amandi in a fight, but spares his life. (Holy shit wait what the fuck she is dead set on killing him this is nuts) Liv sets an explosive off, killing Authoress, and Steve Pennerman. (STEVE NOOOOOOOO) Evelyn Serenatis and Dee run into each other and decide to truce for the night. Eric Rodriguez quietly hums. LavaDestroys questions her sanity. Serissa tends to her wounds. Naomi No-Last-Name thinks about winning. Jessa defeats Ferox in a fight, but spares her life. (Frenemies...) Kruff goes to sleep. Evelyn's Mom and Paisley huddle for warmth. Karma and Avery Still-No-Last-Name sleep in shifts.
Day Two
Serissa, Jessa, LavaDestroys, and Evelyn's Mom raid Carter Clevman's camp while he is hunting. (Damn. No mercy.) Eric Rodriguez receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor. Karma, Naomi No-Last-Name, Ferox, and Glade raid Kruff's camp while he is hunting. (KARMA THAT’S YOUR OWN TWIN BROTHER!!!) Evelyn Serenatis discovers a cave. Mary Ferrend receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor. Paisley fishes. Liv tries to sleep through the entire day. (Mood) Dee tends to Grant's wounds. Avery Still-No-Last-Name goes hunting. Malum Amandi tries to spear fish with a trident.
Fallen Tributes
2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance. Authoress District 9 Steve Pennerman District 7
Night Two
Kruff passes out from exhaustion. Grant looks at the night sky. Ferox begs for Avery Still-No-Last-Name to kill her. He refuses, keeping Ferox alive. (Ferox, the hell?) Serissa, Dee, Jessa, Eric Rodriguez, and Mary Ferrend sleep in shifts. LavaDestroys loses sight of where she is. Paisley defeats Glade in a fight, but spares her life. (I should hope so, that’s your little sister Paisley.) Carter Clevman destroys Malum Amandi's supplies while he is asleep. (The friendly rivalry has escalated.) Evelyn Serenatis throws a knife into Liv's head. (HOLY FUCKING SHIT) Evelyn's Mom begs for Naomi No-Last-Name to kill her. She refuses, keeping Evelyn's Mom alive. Karma loses sight of where she is.
Day Three
Naomi No-Last-Name runs away from Ferox. Glade forces Evelyn's Mom to kill Carter Clevman or Paisley. She decides to kill Paisley. (GLADE! WHAT THE HELL! YOU’RE WHOLE STORYLINE IS HOW MUCH YOU LOVE YOUR SISTER AND WANT TO FIND HER AGAIN!) Jessa receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor. Karma stalks Grant. Mary Ferrend searches for firewood. Dee sprains her ankle while running away from LavaDestroys. Eric Rodriguez searches for firewood. Serissa tries to spear fish with a trident. Malum Amandi scares Evelyn Serenatis off. Kruff searches for firewood. Avery Still-No-Last-Name receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.
Fallen Tributes
2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance. Liv District 5 Paisley District 11
Night Three
Karma quietly hums. Carter Clevman attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful. (Honey you are the god of Cleverness how did this happen) Glade receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor. Grant tends to Dee's wounds. Jessa loses sight of where she is. Avery Still-No-Last-Name tries to sing himself to sleep. Eric Rodriguez thinks about winning. Kruff questions his sanity. Ferox is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth. Naomi No-Last-Name and Evelyn Serenatis track down and kill LavaDestroys. (I am okay with this.) Mary Ferrend, Evelyn's Mom, and Malum Amandi cheerfully sing songs together. Serissa receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.
Day Four
Kruff goes hunting. Evelyn Serenatis searches for a water source. Glade tends to Karma's wounds. Mary Ferrend explores the arena. Avery Still-No-Last-Name goes hunting. Malum Amandi receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor. Dee diverts Evelyn's Mom's attention and runs away. Naomi No-Last-Name receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor. Carter Clevman and Grant split up to search for resources. Serissa sprains her ankle while running away from Jessa. Ferox and Eric Rodriguez work together for the day.
(Yay no deaths for the daytime)
Fallen Tributes
1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance. LavaDestroys District 8
Night Four
Avery Still-No-Last-Name passes out from exhaustion. Naomi No-Last-Name looks at the night sky. Ferox sees a fire, but stays hidden. Malum Amandi bashes Dee's head against a rock several times. (MALUM SWEETIE HAVE YOU GONE FULL DEMON BECAUSE HALEY DIED?! HOLY SHIT) Evelyn's Mom goes to sleep. Glade tries to treat her infection. (Oh hey she’s the medic in her story, this lines up shockingly well.) Evelyn Serenatis and Carter Clevman hold hands. (Awww, frens. Dumbasses in crime.) Mary Ferrend and Serissa hold hands. (Wow... you know what, they would actually be cute together.) Kruff and Jessa fight Karma and Eric Rodriguez. Kruff and Jessa survive. (KRUFF DID YOU FUCKING KILL YOUR OWN TWIN SISTER??? YOUR BLIND AND MUTE TWIN SISTER WHO YOU SPENT YOUR LIFE DEFENDING???)
Grant receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
Day Five
Jessa begs for Naomi No-Last-Name to kill her. She refuses, keeping Jessa alive. Carter Clevman fishes. Serissa runs away from Evelyn Serenatis. Mary Ferrend tries to spear fish with a trident. Kruff discovers a cave. Avery Still-No-Last-Name silently snaps Glade's neck. (Holy. Shit. Mary taught Avery well.) Ferox overhears Grant and Evelyn's Mom talking in the distance. Malum Amandi makes a slingshot.
Arena Event: Wolf mutts are let loose in the arena.
Jessa is eaten by wolf mutts. (She probably tried to pet them.) Carter Clevman knocks Mary Ferrend out and leaves her for the wolf mutts. (Damn. No mercy from Carter...) Avery Still-No-Last-Name knocks Serissa out and leaves her for the wolf mutts. (DAMN! Avery is fucking ruthless!) Naomi No-Last-Name is eaten by wolf mutts. (Awwww noooooo!) Kruff pushes Ferox into a pack of wolf mutts. (Yeah, yeah this one is fine.) Malum Amandi is crushed by a pack of wolf mutts. (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO) Grant survives. Evelyn Serenatis survives. Evelyn's Mom survives.
Fallen Tributes
10 cannon shots can be heard in the distance. Dee District 5 Karma District 10 Eric Rodriguez District 7 Glade District 11 Jessa District 9 Mary Ferrend District 4 Serissa District 12 Naomi No-Last-Name District 6 Ferox District 8 Malum Amandi District 2
Night Five
Carter Clevman sees a fire, but stays hidden. Avery Still-No-Last-Name tends to his wounds. Evelyn Serenatis receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor. Grant loses sight of where he is. Kruff bashes Evelyn's Mom's head against a rock several times. (HOLY SHIT KRUFF I KNOW YOU’RE A TOUGH GUY TROPE AND ALL BUT- WHAT THE FUCK)
The Feast
The cornucopia is replenished with food, supplies, weapons, and memoirs from the tributes' families. Kruff decides not to go to The Feast. Evelyn Serenatis, Avery Still-No-Last-Name, and Grant start fighting, but Avery Still-No-Last-Name runs away as Evelyn Serenatis kills Grant. (Welp, bye Grant.) Carter Clevman falls into a pit and dies. (Of course that’s how you died you dumbass.)
Day Six
Kruff overhears Avery Still-No-Last-Name and Evelyn Serenatis talking in the distance. (And... apparently that’s the only thing that happened all day.)
Fallen Tributes
3 cannon shots can be heard in the distance. Evelyn's Mom District 3 Grant District 12 Carter Clevman District 1
Night Six
Kruff receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor. Evelyn Serenatis catches Avery Still-No-Last-Name off guard and kills him. (Oooooh, so it’s down to Evelyn and Kruff... this’ll be interesting...)
Day Seven
Kruff attempts to climb a tree, but falls to his death. (Oh. Nevermind, then.)
The winner is Evelyn Serenatis from District 3!
Ahhh, that’s my girl.
The Bloodbath Avery Still-No-Last-Name stabs Haley Amandi while her back is turned. Day 1 Eric Rodriguez kills Ashlyn Searson as she tries to run. Authoress kills Leilani Kealoha with a hatchet. Night 1 Liv sets an explosive off, killing Authoress, and Steve Pennerman. Day 2 No deaths occurred. Night 2 Evelyn Serenatis throws a knife into Liv's head. Day 3 Glade forces Evelyn's Mom to kill Carter Clevman or Paisley. She decides to kill Paisley. Night 3 Naomi No-Last-Name and Evelyn Serenatis track down and kill LavaDestroys. Day 4 No deaths occurred. Night 4 Malum Amandi bashes Dee's head against a rock several times. Kruff and Jessa fight Karma and Eric Rodriguez. Kruff and Jessa survive. Day 5 Avery Still-No-Last-Name silently snaps Glade's neck. Arena Event Wolf mutts are let loose in the arena. Jessa is eaten by wolf mutts. Carter Clevman knocks Mary Ferrend out and leaves her for the wolf mutts. Avery Still-No-Last-Name knocks Serissa out and leaves her for the wolf mutts. Naomi No-Last-Name is eaten by wolf mutts. Kruff pushes Ferox into a pack of wolf mutts. Malum Amandi is crushed by a pack of wolf mutts. Night 5 Kruff bashes Evelyn's Mom's head against a rock several times. The Feast Evelyn Serenatis, Avery Still-No-Last-Name, and Grant start fighting, but Avery Still-No-Last-Name runs away as Evelyn Serenatis kills Grant. Carter Clevman falls into a pit and dies. Day 6 No deaths occurred. Night 6 Evelyn Serenatis catches Avery Still-No-Last-Name off guard and kills him. Day 7 Kruff attempts to climb a tree, but falls to his death. The winner is Evelyn Serenatis from District 3!
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obsidiancreates · 5 years
I Did... Picrews Of My OCs
And here is the link to the one I used: https://picrew.me/image_maker/94097
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I realized while making him that Carter would absolutely wear big fancy hoop earrings and look at how well he pulls them off. Sadly I couldn’t find a curly hairstyle the right length but ah well!
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:D Ashlyn is... bean...
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Closest horn and hair options they had! I think it looks pretty cool! And of course, flowers.
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Look at Haley. Look at this precious bean They did have a gold pendant option, which would fit canon more accurately, but... the heart was so cute...
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I’m least happy with Malum here but ah well!
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I realized towards the end that Des is just... a hot version of me, in more ways than one. I literally went “Oh no, she’s hot,” as I was making this.The only lipstick option was black, but you know what, it fits.
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Ferox! Because of course she would wear that headband. Of course she would.
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Okay so I was like “Oh I’ll try to make Jessa,” but like, this is NOT how I usually imagine her. But I ended up just going batshit and like, this happened, and I actually love it lol. I might rethink her character design to be more like this tbh.
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obsidiancreates · 5 years
8 with your ocs?
Evelyn sighed and stretched out her wings. She stood at the top of the apartment building and checked the sky.
No planes in sight. Perfect.
Sure, she could drive her motorcycle to Ashlyn’s place. But she didn’t want to disturb anyone with the noise. It was Christmas Eve. Kids were trying to get to sleep so Christmas would come faster, and it was already kind of late anyway.
Besides, she hadn’t been flying in a few weeks.
She ran forward and lept off of the roof. She gave a strong flap of her wings and off she went, flying higher and higher so that it was less likely that she would be seen.
She got up above the clouds and stopped going up, relaxing a bit. 
The night air was cold and crisp, especially so high up. She let a hand trail through the clouds below her, enjoying the feeling of the ice and water gently collecting on her hands.
It was so quiet. She hummed to herself as she flew, almost wishing that Ashlyn lived farther away so that she could have more time up in the air.
But she had to stay focused. They had a plan, after all, and it was time-sensitive.
All of them were going to meet up at Ashlyn’s and have dinner with her and her neighbors, Eric and Steve. After that, when Eric and Steve went back to their apartment, the five of them would wait until midnight. As soon as midnight hit, they would exchange presents!
Evelyn had hers in a bag slung over her shoulder. All hand-made, filled with care and love and a lot of swearing from pricking her fingers on needles.
She looked down as the clouds parted, checking that she was still going the right way. The lights below her twinkled, and so did the faint sound of bells drifting in the air...
She looked up and paused.
Specifically, jingle bells.
“No fucking way,” she said softly.
She looked all around, trying to catch a glimpse of the source.
And then, she saw it. For a split second, she it it. Or rather, him.
She watched the sleigh shoot past her, it itself a blur of red and gold that followed the grey and brown of what had to be the reindeer. It went by so fast that it blew her hair up into her face and almost ripped her bag off her shoulder.
And then it was gone.
She stared at the place it had gone by for a moment longer.
“Is it the thin air or did that actually just happen?” she asked aloud.
No answer. Obviously.
She looked around her, and then shrugged. “I- okay. Okay then. Just gonna... move on, I guess. With my life. After that.”
She flew the rest of the way to Ashlyn’s apartment. She was rather early, so when she walked in Eric and Steve still hadn’t come over. 
“Evelyn!” Ashlyn hugged her once she stepped through the door. “How was the flight?”
Evelyn opened her mouth, closed it, and paused.
“... Evelyn?”
“I think I saw Santa.”
Ashlyn blinked. “Wh-what? Are you joking?”
“No, seriously, I swear I saw Santa.”
“Like- like on a sign or- what do you mean by that?”
“I mean I was flying, and I was above the clouds, and it’s fuckin’ Christmas Eve, and I heard jingle bells, and then a flying sleigh went past me at like a million miles an hour.”
Ashlyn messed with her ponytail. “So he’s real? He’s actually real? This is a thing we know now?”
“I guess!” Evelyn shrugged. “I- I’m going to ask Carter about this when he gets here. If Santa is some kind of holiday god or something I swear I’m moving to The Forest with my mom.”
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obsidiancreates · 5 years
Self-Indulgent Combination Of Interests
“Stop shaking, stop shaking...”
“I’m sitting as still as I can, Sid.”
“Sorry, I’m talking to my hands.”
Evelyn laughs a little.
“AH! NO!” Sid jerks her hand away, eye wide. “Holy shit, I almost got eyeliner all over your face.”
“No, no, it’s okay. I- hmm. Should I even do eyeliner? I can barely do it on myself...”
Ashlyn leans in to too closer. “I think it’s fine without it. She doesn’t wear a lot of eyeliner anyway.”
Sid points at Ashlyn. “True! It’s-it’s a style thing! Yeah!” She puts away the eyeliner and steps back. “Okay, what do you think? Do you like it? I um, I only have the one blush but I think it looks okay, yeah? And-”
Evelyn cuts Sid off before she can over-explain and over-justify. “It’s great!”
Sid is still visibly tense. “It is? You really think so?”
“Yeah. I don’t wear a lot of green-ish eyeshadow, but this is nice.”
“Phew!” Sid mimics wiping sweat off of her forehead. 
Carter jumps up from his seat. “Is it finally my turn?”
Evelyn steps away from the chair, dramatically holding her arms out towards it as she does so. 
Carter sits down and grins at Sid. “Something sparkly, if you don’t mind.”
Sid grins. “Dude, I have this one gold eyeshadow that’s basically just glitter.”
“Put all of it all over my face, if you please.”
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