#Doc Fibula
obsidiancreates · 1 year
Short fic of an AU of an AU of an AU: If Sia RP Doc had a clone who was a Mer
(My Markiplier Egos Vampire AU has an AU called the Sia RP which lead to an AU of that AU where Doc was turned into a Mer instead of a vampire and this is an AU of that AU)
"These are all the files we recovered," Mark huffs, dropping the boxes onto Doc's floor. Pesky leans out of the bathtub-on-wheels, curious.
"Let me guess... this is all the experiments, not even just experiments with Darkness or cloning?"
"The DA and I can stay and help sort them out-"
"No, no, it's alright. Maybe I can teach Pesky about some of this along the way. What do you think, Pesky?"
The mer-clone of Doc lifts his hand out of the water and slowly curls his fingers into a fist, then sticks his thumb out. With a wide, sharp grin, he gives a clawed and webbed thumbs-up. "I'll help."
His voice, crackly and with a strange ear-piercing pitch, makes Mark wince. But he smiles at the clone and gives him a thumbs-up back. "Alright. Uh, see you both later, I guess."
"See you later, Mark. Oh, could you let Dark know that Lucas is shipping over some more of those hunger-placating potions today? They always drop them off at the main house."
"Alright, Pesky, let's see here. ... ... ... ... This one is about magic fruits, I think. Mmm, our whole family count as that, heh."
"... Why?"
"It's uh- hmm. It's a little complex to explain, I think I'll let Bim know to include it in one of your history lessons."
"Bim is a good Witch."
"He is, he really is."
"You're... a witch."
"It's just called a Doctor up here, bud, when someone's a healer."
"You're magic."
"But not a witch."
"I'm... a witch. I'm You."
"But I'm not a witch, and we're not The Same. We're just... similar."
Pesky scowls. "Those are the same!"
"No, they- okay." Doc sets down the files he'd grabbed and turns to face Pesky. "Unplanned English lesson, I guess, and identity lesson?"
"But it's not... lesson time."
"It's like a bonus lesson."
"... Okay." Pesky folds his arms over the edge of the bath, laying his chin on them. "I'm ready."
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tradgedyinwaves · 1 day
Touch - Ch. 11
tw: medical language, scenes of torture (slicing of skin, beaten reader)
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Waking up had never hurt so much. There was a cannula in your nose and an IV in your hand. Every intake of breath burned in your lungs. Your eyes blinked away the light, looking around the room as you took in your surroundings. 
To your left, you could see the door to your room and a couple chairs sat next to your bed. A computer and other medical equipment took up the corner next to your bed. At the foot of your bed stood your bed table, covered in different floral arrangements and cards. To your right, a wall of windows covered by heavy curtains sat above a small couch where a man sat, head in his hands.
“Kyle?” you questioned, voice cracking from the lack of use and the cotton type dryness of your mouth. Kyle shot off the couch and to your side, grabbing a cup of water with a straw and holding it to your lips. You wrapped your lips around the end and sucked, groaning at the relief of the water wetting your palate. 
“Thanks,” you croaked out as he smiled down at you, the perfect white of his teeth almost shining in the low light of the room. “How long have I been out?” you asked, looking around the room again with a furrowed brow.
“Two days. Those hits you took really did you in. Otherwise, you’re alright. You were dehydrated and over tired,” Kyle explained calmly, moving to sit in the armchair tucked into the right corner next to your bed.
“Is every-” You coughed, groaning at the pain of using your throat and Kyle shushed you before speaking. “Price and I are alright, normal scrapes and scratches. Johnny got treated for a piece of rebar that tore a chunk out of his side. He’s actually in the next room,” he informed you, sitting back in the chair.  “Si?” you inquired, not missing that Kyle had left the big brute out of his roll call. 
“He was really hurt, dove,” he drug a hand down his face, closing his eyes to take a deep breath before his chocolate eyes met yours. “He’s in the ICU. Fractured his tibia and broke his fibula. But the docs are concerned about the sternal fracture,” he continued, watching you for your reaction.
“Can I see them?” you croaked out your question, using the remote to lift the head of your bed so you were sitting. “We’d have to ask the doc, but we were mainly just waiting for you to wake up,” he answered, standing and coming to the side of the bed to take your hand. 
“I’m so glad you’re okay, dove. We thought we were going to lose you.” He brought your hand to his face and you cupped his jaw gently while he leaned forward to press a gentle kiss to your temple before resting his forehead against yours for the soft, quiet moment of relief to wash over both of you. 
The silence was filled with slow breaths as the two of you reveled in the presence of the other. Unfortunately, the silence was broken as your doctor came in and smiled. “Well, look at that. Our sleeping beauty has awoken,” she chirped, much too happy for this early in the morning. “Everything looks good. We do encourage you to get up and walk around a little throughout the day. Don’t stress yourself though,” she continued, chipper as ever. 
“Can I see Johnny and Simon?” you asked, eyes eager and glassy as you gazed at the doctor. “Hm, I don’t see why not. Mr. Mactavish is next door. He’s been awake all night asking for you. Mr. Riley is in a medically induced coma to allow for his wounds to heal more. He put up quite the fight when he first woke up, but you’re welcome to see him,” she concluded, watching you and Kyle with a keen eye. 
With a brief goodbye and directions to Kyle to make sure you didn’t stress too hard or take out your IV, the doctor disappeared again. You were already working on getting out of the bed, grateful someone had thought to put some grippy socks on your feet.
Kyle rushed around the end of the bed, grabbing the sterile, papery robe that hung next to the door. He slid it over your shoulders and tied it around your waist so your back end wasn’t exposed. 
Together, the pair of you trekked next door and you let out a sigh of relief when you found Johnny awake. “Johnny…” you sighed out his name, shuffling over to the bed and dragging Kyle along behind you. “Petal, you’re okay. I didn’t get to see you before they took me in for surgery and then everything with Si-” His words were cut off as you draped yourself over him in a careful hug and he placed his hand over the back of your head, sighing at the relief of your presence.
Kyle’s hand rubbed over your back until you stood from your spot, bringing a hand to gently cup Johnny’s jaw. “Thank you,” you whispered, looking over your shoulder to Kyle. “To all of you. You saved me and I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you.” 
“I can think of a few things, little bird.” John stood at the door, a soft smile on his face as he looked at the scene before him. You shuffled over to him, pushing past Kyle and wrapping your arms around the waist of the Captain. “I’ll do it. Whatever it is,” you murmured against his chest, so happy that they were okay. His bulky arms wrapped around you and you felt him breathe you in as his chest expanded. 
Before he could break his long running streak of not crying (he cried when they brought Simon in but he won’t tell you that), he sniffled and pulled back, hands on your shoulders as he looked you over. His eyes hardened slightly at the bandage still around your throat, but overall he was glad you were okay. 
“Kyle, why don’t you stay here with Johnny? I’ll take her to see Simon,” John offered, pulling you into his side. Kyle nodded and the two men said their goodbyes as John ushered you from the room. 
As you walked alongside him, you noticed his steps were measured and slow in order to not outpace you. He kept you tucked into his side, the IV pole in the other hand as he led you to Simon’s room.
“I want you to be prepared to see him. He doesn’t look like the Simon you remember right now. He was crushed under some rubble,” you gasped and interrupted his speech before he squeezed your shoulders. “He’ll be okay, birdie. He just needs time.” 
John pushed open the door to Simon’s room and you gasped as the form of him came into view. He was bruised everywhere. The blood pooling under his skin as his chest lay wrapped tightly from being opened to reset bones. His leg was wrapped up in a cast, propped up on some pillows and you could feel the tears welling up in your eyes. 
Stumbling to his side, you pulled a chair up next to the bed and curled up on the seat, resolute in not leaving. You took his battered hand in yours and gently drug your fingertips over the ragged skin. “Si, oh god, I miss you. I know they say you’ll be okay, but this is all my fault,” you muttered through tears as they ran freely down your face. 
A hand came to rest on your shoulder which brought your attention to the other man in the room. John squatted down so he was at eye level with you. “In no way is this your fault. This is the consequences of our actions, not yours. Karma, if you will,” he reassured you, an edge to his voice as he grumbled the last sentence. You didn’t respond, just turned back to face Simon.
With a sigh, John stood and pressed a long kiss to the top of your head before stepping back. He was relieved that you, Johnny and Kyle were okay. But until Simon woke, he knew the entire group would be thrown off. 
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Simon couldn’t see much, a burlap sack covering his eyes. Light peaked through the holes in the fabric, illuminating shapes in the room. There was someone across from him, mimicking his position. Tied to a chair, slumped in the seat while the sounds of whimpers floating to his ears. 
Your whimpers. He growled low in his throat, yanking on his bindings. “Get your hands off her!” he bellowed, keeping his panic and worry in a tidy little box and letting his anger rage on the surface. He yanked at his bindings again when the hood was removed and he blinked away the sudden light. 
“O-ho! Look who finally woke up, precious. Just in time to watch me slice you into shreds,” his captor jovially exclaimed, clapping Simon on the shoulder. Simon, no, Ghost’s teeth snapped at the hand as he finally got his bearings and the face of Darin Moses filtered into his view. 
Beady eyes smiled down at him as Moses moved over to where you sat, crying through the swelling of your eye. The glint of a knife blinded Simon for a moment before your scream met his ears. The knife sliced into the top of your thigh, blood immediately beginning to soak the fabric of your pants. Over and over and over. Slice and scream. 
“Si, oh god, I miss you. I know they say you’ll be okay, but this is all my fault.”
Where was your voice coming from? Your fault? No, luv, it’s not your fault. His. His fault. Didn’t protect you well enough. Shouldn’t have left you alone. 
Slice and scream. Over and over and over until everything went black.
It was the same. Burlap sack. Blinking away the light. Your beaten face. This time General Shepherd stood over you. 
Slice and Scream. Over and over and over. 
Again. Burlap sack. Blinking away the light. Your beaten face. Phillip Graves slicing away at your skin. 
Slice and scream. Over and over and over. 
“Simon, please, get better. The doctors are going to wake you up soon. I’ll be right here, my love.” 
Slice and scream. Slice and scream. Slice and scream.
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I'm not sure how many more parts there will be of this fic, but we're getting close to the end.
Thank you for all of the support on this fic!
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son1c · 4 months
Ask so long I had to write it in a Google Doc… 422 words btw. If you were wondering.
All of your designs are so interesting, Lovelyn, but I’ve picked out a few!
First of all... the kitty. Chimera Sonic ilysm <3 I want to hug him but he'd bite my face off. So creature. The mere concept is so interesting because Sonic's whole thing is being a hero, and now he's a monster. Who kills people. Which is exactly what Sonic does not want to do. Ughhh many thoughts (I'm going to watch that anime I swear)
And then there's Gale!! Wings :D Just love him so much. Overpowered little thang with an awesome hat, who then loses power at the end and can’t ever really be whole again ever. Compared with Bermuda (also on the list)?? They're even more opposites than canon Sonic and Shadow are, and it's already an interesting dynamic with them. It's like if you stretched them to the most extreme sides of the spectrum, and yet... also many thoughts
Bonus Bermuda mention again! Tragic fishy (I love sirens). I like his wings, they're really cool and very functional too. I can just imagine him opening them up to look bigger/more menacing. And the color palette rocks!!
And Teddy!! Ignoring the “typical” Sonic character body shape? Hell yeah!! I love it when OCs are just a normal guy. With paws. Shadow and Teddy are the cutest methinks. My comfort ship fr. Because I can’t hug Chimera Sonic I will hug Teddy instead <3
I can’t forget Jack, either. Ultimate girl boyfriend. The bestest rival. I love when people break “typical” Sonic character rules. I also love her fluff. If I were her I’d have as much ego too. She deserves it.
And last but definitely not least, the Falling Stars duo. I love all three of Sonic’s designs, especially the robot one (although he wouldn’t be as enthusiastic as I am about it), and Shadow is an epic guy with identity issues. Honestly, one of my favorite things to think about is Sonic with amnesia, and with Shadow is a bonus. I love your take on it.
I love all of your designs and I would yap more (about Three and Fibula and Bullet too), but this is bordering on essay length and I don’t know if making it any longer is a good idea. Your brain is so big!! And your art style is so beautiful!! I definitely made the best choice following you <3 
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gaelic-symphony · 1 year
A Year in the Life: September
Twelve vignettes from the married life of Tara Lewis and Emily Prentiss, written for the Year of the OTP writing challenge.
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Prompt: Hurt/comfort. Also fills the square "I'll take care of you" for @prentiss-theorem's bingo challenge.
Words: 652
Warnings: Hospitals, minor injuries (nothing too graphic)
Read on AO3 or below the cut
            Chasing after unsubs in boots over uneven terrain meant there was always the possibility of injury, and Tara felt the pop as her leg gave way beneath her and she tumbled to the ground.  An x-ray at the hospital confirmed it: Her ankle was broken.  Emily rushed over to the hospital as soon as she got the call from Matt that Tara was hurt, and she flung open the door to the hospital room where an orthopedist was preparing gauze and plaster to wrap Tara’s ankle.
            “Tara, honey, what happened?” she cried as she hurried over to her wife’s side.
            “I’m okay,” Tara assured her, “I just fell, no big deal.”
            “Your wife has a lateral malleolus fracture,” the doctor said, “The lower part of her fibula is broken.  It’s a clean break, and she’ll make a full recovery without surgery.  There’s no need to worry, Mrs. Lewis.”
            Emily felt a little flush and a pleasant tingle in her spine at hearing herself addressed that way, and she smiled down at Tara and gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze.
            “Okay, now, Tara, this will probably hurt a bit,” the doctor continued, “But before I put the cast on, I need to realign the bone so it’ll heal properly.”
            “Need a hand to hold, babe?” Emily offered, extending her hand to Tara.
            Tara grabbed Emily’s hand, and the doctor gently put his hand on Tara’s swollen ankle, letting her take a breath and prepare herself for what he was about to do.  He squeezed her ankle joint, expertly manipulating everything back into place.  Tara groaned in pain and grasped Emily’s hand as tight as she could, her fingernails digging into Emily’s skin.  With her free hand, Emily gently stroked Tara’s hair and planted a soothing kiss on the top of her head.  Once the doctor had finished setting the bone, Tara relaxed her grip on Emily’s hand and pulled it closer to kiss it.
            “You’re doing great, Tara,” the doctor said, “The hard part’s over.”
            “Are you sure the hard part’s not going to be having this big heavy cast on my leg for the next six weeks?” Tara chuckled wryly.
            The doctor began wrapping Tara’s ankle, first in soft gauze, then in hard plaster.  It was still tender, and Tara would occasionally wince in pain as the layers of the cast were added to particularly sensitive spots.  Each time she winced, Emily wrapped her arm around Tara’s shoulders a little tighter and pulled her a little closer, as if she were trying to protect her wife from the pain.
            “Last time I had a cast it was lime green,” Tara said wistfully, looking at the plain white plaster the doctor had just encased her leg in.
            “How old were you?” Emily laughed.
            “Eleven,” Tara said, “I fell off my bike and broke my arm.”
            “Did all your friends sign your cast?” Emily asked.
            “Of course!” Tara replied, “That was the best part!”
            “Maybe you can get the team to sign your cast back at the office,” Emily joked.
            “Guess I’m gonna be spending a lot of time there now,” Tara grumbled, “How long until I’m back in the field, doctor?”
            “Oh, it’ll be at least a couple of months,” the doctor said, “Even once the cast comes off, you’ll still have some healing to do.  Your body can’t just bounce back from a broken bone like it did when you were eleven.  You’ll need to stay off that ankle and ease back into things.  Don’t push yourself too hard.”
            “I’ll make sure she doesn’t overdo it, doc,” Emily assured him.
            Tara rolled her eyes.  “Emily…”
            “Nuh uh,” Emily shook her head, “Don’t even bother arguing.  I’m taking you home, and you’re going to get plenty of rest.”
            “Don’t you have to get back to work?” Tara asked.
            “The team can take care of the case,” Emily said, “I’ll take care of you.”
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mrsvalbaker · 2 years
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A/N: Okay so I'm new to this Tumblr fanfiction posting. This isn't very good but I feel a lot better when I write what my interests and create as an outlet. This hasn't been edited, fair warning.
Furthermore, I'm new to the Timothée Chalamet fan world, I don't pretend to know everything about him. With that said, please be gentle with me.
Themes: Trans OC, POC OC, an original character created by me, allusions to smut, Timothée pining, OC pining. (I think that's all).
Part 1
When I saw her…when I discovered her…it was tonight.
Tonight began at half past eight on sunset boulevard. It started when I entered the back way of the famous and legendary Viper room.
Small, galley-pathed, and obsidian lack of light. Smelled of so much alcohol I wouldn't dare to light a match…or maybe I would. Sweat and a small amount of alluring filth perfumed beneath,  like a scent of sin and rock and roll. This wasn't my usual scene, it's an interesting scene, a respected scene, a scene too cool for me, but not my scene nonetheless. 
I left my friends at LAVO, wandered down the strip aimlessly just needed some air, and I don't know why. Some unknown force just drew me here…to this claustrophobic nightmare drenched in black.
And then I heard it…her…
I heard synthesizers, drums, and guitars and a loud bass, but…I heard her , I heard her dreamy, yet raspy, tightly-reined yet soft, childlike and pouty yet seductive…voice. I never desired to hear a voice more than hers ever, nothing could compare ever. It was a beautiful whiny, powdery , Punk sounding sort of melodic vocals. I excused myself through the crowd of some young yet mainly middle aged and older crowd in band tees and leather and docs, and I wondered if the angel of this voice was older than she sounded.
But I somehow found myself at the front, right in front of the well used stage and came eye to eye with fishnet legs and teal, patent leather,  pointed toe heels with corset tight straps strangling delicate ankles. It made me want to save those exquisitely dainty ankles, and press a thousand and ten kisses to the ankle bone and her fibula…or tibula? Whatever, I want to kiss and suck every bone of her scrumptious feet.
I allowed my eyes to travel up long, clean-limbed, well formed legs, shapely thighs and and a doll‐like, hourglass figure that suffocated in a half zebra print, half cherry red, strapless dress, that was held together and cinched with zebra print string tied in a shoelace bow, the front…a shuddering, tantalizing, deep cut..almost down to the naval, opening greedy eyes to perky, perfectly rounded, visibly bouncy,  dewy, prettily fawn colored cleavage. I had a new favorite color and I think it might be…fawn.
With every bounce those luscious breasts knocked me out and caused embarrassing stirring in my pants. There was a slit in the middle, due to the dress being a wrap with only the string to hold it together, you could almost see the crotch area, but shapely fawn-colored (fuck me), thighs blocked the image beautifully. 
I was greedy suddenly and my eyes needed to see more, I looked up into the most prettiest face I could remember. Heart-shaped, dark espresso hooded eyes and long, dark sweeping lashes, big,full, lolly red painted lips too big for her delicate jawline, you could tell she's mixed with African-American, so damn beautiful.  And white-gold, blown out hair that fell past her shoulders framed her face in layers. 
She looked at me and I saw God.
A month later, in between breakups, I couldn't get her out of my head. I had gone back to the Viper Room to see if she would be there again but she wasn't. I asked the booking agent the name of the band, but she just laughed at me.
Why was it impossible to find her? I couldn't get her out of my head, she was like a nymph, a secretive mystery embodied in unknown desire. Fawn-colored skin, clean-limbed legs and white-sugar blonde hair, and that voice…like Nancy Sinatra but naughtier yet more innocent.
I gotta stop this obsession, but there's something about…this wasn't very healthy…
I woke up at two in the morning, wired like I was on something. I pulled on my sweatpants and a hoodie, I slipped on my Adidas and headed out, I just had to have the night (or early morning) air hit my face and wake me from these endless dreams.
I ended up driving around, Cudi's latest on low, the streets were surprisingly alive, but it is L.A. on a Thursday night.
But then I saw her, was I imagining her? Because those legs and that petite height were definitely that of a dream. I did a u-turn to see the front just to confirm that I am indeed losing my mind and it is someone else.
But walking past Mel's drive in, in a long teddy coat falling off her shoulders, a ripped, wine red turtleneck dress that's ripped and ribbed with safety pins in the tears, hugged her body like a pin up, making it painfully obvious she wasn't wearing a bra again. I slowed my bmw 5 series, the windows thankfully tinted. Those shapely legs encased in ripped fishnets again, velour , leopard print platform boots pounded the avenue, giving the illusion of average height. Her elvish blonde hair was up in a pretty, messy updo, held up hazardly by pins, her layered bangs framed her doll face, she had heroin chic smokey eyes and her lips painted a quietly provocative, nude-brown, almost fawn-colored..tone. safety pins adorned her ear as earrings and a black, patent leather, heart shaped bag dangled from her hands. 
Before I could stop myself, I rolled down the window. I looked like a crazy person, but maybe she wouldn't be too scared, I'm famous enough right? God, that sounded arrogant.
"Hey, hi! " I hope my hazardous greeting didn't come out too harsh. 
She stopped abruptly, looking every bit of the word startled. Like a deer in the headlights, her dark chocolate eyes widened and she looked up before looking around then down.
I felt like a creep, I didn't like seeing that expression on her face but…but this was a rare chance to find her again, it's been an entire month! I can't go through that again, I don't even know her goddamn name!
"I'm sorry, I don't mean to scare you, I know this looks weird." I ran a hand through my curls.
She looked up, a hint of recognition flickered in her eyes before she stared down again.
"I saw your show at the Viper Room last month. But I never got your name, I had to meet my friends and left…".
I didn't really know what else to say.
She crossed her legs a little, bending her knee a bit, biting her sensuous full bottom lip, I felt stirring in my sweats and was glad I was still in the car.
The angel speaks.
Her speaking voice is as beautiful as her singing voice. Raspy and light, sweet and scratchy. I wanted to record it. 
Madison, Madison,  Madison…I've heard the name so many times but never once did it sound so pretty.
"Madison." I repeated.
She nodded. "Madison." She smiled, it was small but it felt like she gave me the rarest and most valuable gift. I couldn't help but stare, she's so pretty and delicate.
"Kelly, Madison Kelly." She finished,  she had a dreamy sort of tone to her voice, accent a little valley, you could tell she was from around here and not one of the many transients.
Her voice and her smile was healing and satisfying.
"What's your name?'' She was now relaxing a little more, her smile didn't look to be going anywhere and I couldn't get enough of it. 
I wondered if she was humoring me, trying to make me feel more comfortable by feigning ignorance of who I am. It's considerate and sweet. I played along with a smirk. "Timothée. "
She giggled, it strangely made me hard. "That's so cute, such a sweet name." 
I smiled and looked at her. "Why are you walking the street so late? It's dangerous. "
She bit her lip like she was caught doing something naughty. "I ran away."
I frowned, she does look young, but I was hoping at least eighteen, but she's wearing so much makeup she could be sixteen under there.
"From home?"
She smiled, "No, my friends."
I nodded, my eyes roamed her form,  I wanted to measure her wide hips with my hands. 
"Are you heading anywhere in particular?" I couldn't stop myself, I wish I would just shut up and act normal, I didn't want to scare away this…fawn.
Looking closer I see an attractive, rhinestone stud in her nostril, I had the urge and necessity to lick it.
I gripped my steering wheel, she noticed the small detail but didn't say anything. She stared at my hands for a long time.
"I just needed to walk…I get overwhelmed sometimes in crowds." She explained as she hugged the lamp post.
I wish it were my body she clung to…great, Tim you've lost it, you're now jealous of a fucking lamp post.
"You did good with them at the Viper Room."
She smiled,it was faraway and dreamy. "I focus on one person, and pretend I'm only singing to one person." She hid her face against the post and giggled.
I was even more enamored with this adorable little creature.
"We could go to Mel's over there, get a milkshake or coffee or fries or a burger, I don't care. I don't want you to freeze out here."
To my fucking luck and surprise, she nodded and timidly walked over to my car. 
I got out of it, she looked up at me a bit wide eyed, noticing our height difference, had to be about five inches,  and she's wearing platform boots. I smirked as I opened my door. The passenger seat was facing the streets, and even though there aren't many drivers out right now. I didn't want to risk her.
She half stepped in and I half helped her up by her waist. Just touching her, smelling her very rosy, sweet smelling shampoo, I knew I had to sit her down before she would feel her effect on me and think I'm some creep.
I buckled her in, and she watched me with a soft smile. I looked up into her dark doe eyes as I latched the seat belt together, it pressed into her stomach.  I smiled a little and she bit those sinful lips and looked away. I eyed one of the holes of the dress that rested on her plump breast and licked my lips before sitting in the driver's seat and starting the car back up.
I drove us across the street to the parking lot of Mel's. There were a good amount of people there for 3am close to 4, but not packed like it was at midnight. I didn't let Madison get out on her own. I got out so fast and opened her door for her,  reached over and unbuckled her seatbelt, before lifting her by her waist and helping her down delicately.  I hadn't  let her go yet, my thumb gently stroking her prettily wide hips. She didn't seem to be upset, she just held onto my shoulders,  she leaned in and looked around , accidentally her cheek brushes against my chest, it was almost like I was holding her.
"Thank you." She said and then before I knew it, she was out of my arms, heading inside, and thanking the security. 
I followed behind her so fast, I was practically on her ass before taking her soft hand and leading her to the booth farthest away from everyone, trying to avoid being noticed.
We were in the corner and immediately a friendly waiter came over asking us what we would like, but saying hi to Madison, tell her it's always nice seeing her. She giggled and asked him how everything was and I was hideously jealous,  she should be looking at me talking to me that way. It was an absolute thing to do but I interrupted.
"Madi, did you want a milkshake?" My voice sounded a little strained, my fingers twitched, they were a stretch away from hers, the nails not too long, and wore black chipped nail polish.
She was delayed in her response, she slowly looked away from the waiter and looked up at me,  her dreamy eyes made my heart stop and speed up at the same time. Her pouty lips parted and then she smiled, it was sweet and genuine, she looked so happy, and I felt ten feet tall because I made her that happy, not the waiter.
"Can I have this one?" She sweetly slid the menu over to me, pointing to what was called the Lana del Rey milkshake, it was an oreo milkshake with chocolate syrup. 
I smiled at her, sweet girl. "You can have anything you want."
She smiled wide before biting her succulent lip.
I ordered her shake and ordered mine, plain chocolate. I also ordered fries.
"You-uh, smell very nice." Wow Timmy, that was lame.
I looked to see if she was smirking unimpressed,  but the angel before me looked elated, her eyes just completely lit up and she was beaming. "Thank you Timothée,  it's basically samples…perfumes are expensive but…I get samples,  I have a friend who works at Sephora um…yeah I forget which, I sprayed a lot of different ones." She giggled, sitting up a little straighter. 
My eyes gently, briefly glanced at her breasts that bounced. I cleared my throat and dragged my gaze to her warm, deep eyes. "Your voice is beautiful, do you sing for a living?"
She was flustered at the compliment, aside she didn't know she was amazing. "I sometimes sing. Like once a month, it's a cover band called Rapture, we always cover Blondie or Anita Lane usually, sometimes others." 
I don't know who Anita Lane is but I'm a little familiar with Blondie, I like what I've heard. Seems like my little fawn is a nostalgic girl, which is very sexy. 
"What do you do when you don't sing like an angel?" Our shakes arrived and I thanked the waiter.
She did too before wrapping those cocksucking lips around the straw, unintentionally so distracting. "My keyboardist, Kyle, he does indie films, they're very artsy, he likes to film me…and he likes me to perform at his art shows too." She ended in a gossamer, shy tone.
I was enthralled, she's an intriguing nymph of a girl, it would make sense someone would capture her beauty and present it as exactly what she is, art.
Time was irrelevant with her, I don't remember her eating my fries but I do remember the moment when my heart decided it was hers.
It was nearly six in the morning when we left the diner. She was rubbing her smokey eyes adorably like a sleepy toddler. I carried her into my car and she tiredly gave me the address to where she lives.
I watched the sun rise on her face until we were at an apartment building in koreatown. I carried her to the fifth floor, she fumbled with her keys and opened the door. With the prettiest sleepy,  doe eyes, gorgeously smudged with makeup, she said goodnight Timmy…I didn't see her for a year.
Madison's POV
I called Kyle Kimberley a liar and closed the door in his face when he told me Amazon wanted to pick up his movie. 
We've known each other since special Ed math, at Venice High school. He's the only friend from high school I still had, and I'm very glad. He's always been there for me and has never been toxic.
For as long as I can remember he's had a fascination with film and nostalgia. He likes how they used to do it and looks up to David lynch, Neil Jordan, Joe Schumacher… 
He even uses the same camera as Lost Boys and the company of wolves.
He looks like a mix of 80s Kyle Maclachlan and Cole Sprouse. Everything he wears and owns is from a thrift store and he smells like clove cigarettes and Aramis. 
Sea, Swallow Me, was the film they picked up. It's about a runaway trans teenage girl from Paris, Texas. She named herself Holli Daryl, after Holli Would in Cool world, and Daryl Hannah. The movie starts out at dusk, her parents come home to find the movie Splash playing, a note on pink paper written in violet crayon with Lisa Frank stickers detailing how Holli (her dead name, Connor) made sure their neighbors The Weiss's were watching their Doberman, Billy so he wouldn't witness her becoming a mermaid. They found her drowning herself in the pool, the movie volume on high. They then committed Holli to a mental hospital. After one week at Esperanza Valley Mental Hospital, fifteen year old Holli meets psychologist Dr. Lewis Reed, they have an affair and she loses her virginity to him, he gets her hormones and despite her being too young, he gets his surgeon friend to give her sex reassignment surgery. A year at Esperanza Valley, Dr. Reed's wife, Amanda, shows up, she finds out about her husband's affair. She shoots him in the head and then shoots herself.
Holli is devastated and runs away, Dr. Reed was the only one who protected her from the abuse at the hospital and the main security was always trying to sexually assault her. She hitchhiked, on her way to Los Angeles. In Tucson, at a truck stop at two in the morning, she comes across a handsome, 27 year old drifter named Axel, who's played by my ex boyfriend, Fallon Robbins, and lead singer of our cover band.
They fall in love right away, before having sex, Holli tells Axel that she's trans and he tells her he doesn't care. The movie surrounds their toxic, obsessive love, Holli doesn't shy away from Axel's possessiveness because she's never felt love. 
Kyle paid a lot of money to have the Cocteau twins play music for the soundtrack.
He had one viewing at an AMC in Inglewood, someone saw it and he got a call.
The big Hollywood  premiere is a week after Coachella,  it's incredible. I feel surreal, couldn't believe this was happening to Kyle and that they want interviews with me. Designers have been sending me clothes, I couldn't believe it. Kyle bought a suite at Hotel Marmont like the classics he said. 
The cast and crew of Kyle's film were given tickets to Coachella from Amazon,  like a promotion. 
Coachella never was our thing, we liked mainly music before the 21st century. But it'll be fun, I'm sure of it. There were all expenses paid for staying at the Paloma Resort, which gave me a Palm Springs feel.
Everything has-been so wonderful,  everyone so kind. But when I checked into my room I collapsed onto the bed feeling empty.
A feeling I haven't been able to rid myself of since I met Timothee.
I ended up finding out he's a very famous actor. I don't watch too many new things so I was a little clueless.  But now I know and I have seen some of his projects, I am impressed, I am bewitched and melancholy. 
I miss the man I met once who smelled like weed and laundry detergent, who bought me milkshakes and shared his fries. Anytime I go to Mel's I now sit at that seat.
The morning after I left I lost my phone, I must have left it at the diner in the bathroom. 
I feel so stupid crying right now, on one of the best days of my life.
Kyle knocked on the door. "Madi, get dressed, we're heading over soon."
 Sniffling, I wiped my eyes. "Okay!"
I got up and took off my Edward Scissorhands t-shirt, I stripped out of my split denim shorts and black Vans hi-tops. I reapplied my strawberry and vanilla deodorant. I turned on my Spotify and Love my Way flooded the room. I washed my face with aloe vera cleanser and slapped on a tony moly sheet mask. I washed my vagina always making sure to take extra care, I was careful about what I put in and on my body, so many things could go wrong with my situation. I brushed my teeth and finished prepping, I left my hair in its natural , bleached, ringlets, adding some curl cream and mousse and gel, doing a slight wet look. I recreated Rose McGowans '98 MTV awards dress, chain link, chain mail, dress that left nothing to the imagination. It's Coachella and you gotta dress risqué. 
I'm a little curvy and like any human have a million and one insecurities, but at the same time I have this weird, perverse compulsion to expose my thick thighs, ample backside, and soft stomach. I was proud of my breasts, though, they turned out perfect and they're the only thing on my body that doesn't make me cringe. I zippledup my patent vegan leather, grommet stiletto boots with the Patrick charm, adding some accessories, I decided to wear a lot of eyeliner, black glittery eyes, and deep red lips. I sprayed on Persian rose by Pacifica and grabbed my star-shaped sunglasses and velvet rat-shaped purse.
Kyle and I headed to the festival together, he looked fabulous in silver faux leather overall shorts, and silver docs, black eyeshadow, black eyeliner, lip gloss, and black curtains of hair falling in his face. 
"This entire year has felt like dementia…" he then grinned at me. "But in a good way."
"In the best way, you've worked so hard Kyle, this is all you. I'm so proud of you." I exclaimed.
"Oh please, you gorgeous girl, your looks and uncanny talent of penetrating the audience with your skills got me here, you're like the black Pam Anderson with the talent of Isabella Rosselini!"
"You're dramatic, and Pamela is very skinny remember?"
"You're right her body is nowhere near as great as yours, very Kim Petras."
I laughed and rolled my eyes. Kyle does not allow me to trash myself, I'm very lucky to have him.
"Okay stop talking in celebrity, it's very Gilmore Girls."
It was a little difficult but we found the Empire Polo club  where the festival takes place. Everyone looked amazing like they were going to a rave in a fairy realm, there was a lot of energy. 
"I am counting the moments to where I'll be beautifully Byroned. " Kyle said as he headed to VIP parking.
"So fucked up?" I giggled.
"Mmm" he responded with a secret smile. "Let's go." He grabbed his fanny pack and we both got out of his white Jeep Gladiator.
He held my hand and we walked together,  phones were out and people were calling our names. I kept my head down, it was surreal, it was wild. I was nobody and now I'm the indie, trans actress from an American art film.
I saw no reason to keep being trans a secret, I'm proud of who I am and my journey, I never desired fame. This was all sudden and while I'm used to being on stage and small clubs, crowds like this made my anxiety spike. Kyle rubbed my back to calm me down as he smiled and said hello.
I wanted to say hi and be nice to all these people being so kind and supportive of me, but it's hard to deal with that much attention at once. I need to gather myself. I felt guilty. 
Once in, I took deep breaths relaxing a little. Kyle rubbed my arm. "Babes, you wait right here, I'll be right back, I'm going to get us tacos and cerveza,  okay? You alright now?"
I nodded with a smile. He smiled back and kissed my head before heading to the food trucks.
I didn't want to immediately go to VIP, Kyle and I discussed that we didn't want to be closed off to people. God, it's so weird that we have to think about that. Last year, we were broke with 3 different jobs in our Koreatown apartment, spending too many nights at the Viper Room, the whiskey, the rainbow, Barneys…we were poor skater kids who went to Venice High School. Now look at us.
I drank some water I brought with me, sipping and feeling a lot better and looked around.
My heart stopped, hearing the voice that has plagued my dreams every night. I turned around to see Timothée. 
Timothée's POV
I couldn't wait for Coachella, I needed a serious distraction. My friends didn't understand how one girl could have such an effect on my everyday life.
But she was always the only thing, she invoked the passion in my acting, the anger of her not returning my texts and calls, the sadness of losing something someone that could have been, the uncontrollable lust to fuck her so hard she can never walk away from me again, and the pure and utter joy I get tickling in my intestines whenever I think of how her eyes lit up when I got her that strawberry milkshake.  When I kissed when I made love on screen, it was her I was touching, it was her tongue I was sucking, it was her body I was slamming against the wall.
Seeing her buxom figure lazily contained in dripping chains, no effort to disguise any bit of delicious, fawn-colored flesh, just a flimsy, French cut black thong, but sizable, round, Hazel colored nipples bounced on display. Her body is soft and lusty, its statuesque and stacked.  Her ass is thick, ample, and bouncy, a quarter would certainly bounce off of it with no trouble. 
I desired nothing more than to have my head crushed by her luscious thighs. I swallowed as my eyes traveled up her comely form to the ideal face, heart shaped with a wide jaw, hugely plump lips painted in an obscene dessert shade of candied-strawberry red, I wanted to eat them on a plate, cover them and sugar and devour them slowly. Her wide, dark eyes were even bigger due to the smoky paint around them. Her white-gold ringlets bounced in perfect layers around her doll-like face, tickling her shoulders.
She's so little, probably around 5'2 without the stiletto boots that made her legs look long.
I nearly fell to my knees like I was in her cult to worship her at her altar.
I wanted to be angry, to demand a fucking explanation for ghosting me. But she looked so damn happy at the sight of me, her eyes lit up again, her honey skin glistening like gold in the California sun, and maybe it made me an idiot but, I slid over to her.
I caressed my hand up her neck, my other gently claimed her soft hip. If this all goes awry, I'll blame the copious amount of weed I smoked and how soft her silky beige skin feels beneath my fingers, how fucking unfairly good she smells- what is that? Roses? One million and one? I was a goner. Stupidly I focused on her pillowy, blood colored mouth as I just rubbed them with mine, I just had to feel them just a feel…not a kiss…but I broke that promise when she sighed so softly and gossamer, pressing her mouth against mine with starvation. 
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I have two Ideas for a story. 1:The Hunter gives the Thin man a piece of his mind in front of the other pale city adults. 2:The docter asks the hunter about the mannekin parts in his attic.I would really like to see one of these.you can do none of them if you like.You can do both if you like.But i would really love to see at least one of them.
I went with the latter because I need the Hunter to answer some questions...
Title: Stitches Word Count: 802 Characters: the Hunter, the Doctor CW: Mild Language Use
The Hunter let out a low, deep growl.
"Stop growling," the Doctor muttered coldly, "You're not an animal."
"Do you have to be so slow about it?" the Hunter growled anyway, "It's just a flesh wound." The Doctor looked away from the Hunter's injured leg with a frown. Without remorse, he squeezed the wound, which prompt a sharp yelp from his friend.
"I don't know if you broke your Tibia or Fibula, but your screaming tells me your "flesh wound" has more damage." The Doctor turned his attention back to the Hunter's leg, and went back to wrapping. He was almost done. "I'm honestly still not sure how you keep falling for your own traps."
"Tch, it wasn't a trap this time." The Hunter laid back down on the wooden floor, arms crossed. "I just twisted my ankle on some roots and fell into a thorn bush."
"That was near one of your bear traps," the Doctor added, "Which still means you could have broken something. You did crawl back to your cabin, after all."
"Oh, shut up."
The Doctor looked back at the Hunter for a second. He knew his friend was stubborn and proud. He wouldn't be here treating him if this was a measly twisted ankle. The Hunter was used to fixing himself. This injury had to be more, but without an x-ray machine, the Doctor could only guess and be cautious. "You should have stayed where you were. If, by the off chance you didn't break anything, there's still a chance of a hairline fracture. Moving around could have made it worse."
The Hunter picked up his head and glared from behind his burlap mask. "And stay out in the woods at the mercy of the elements and monsters? Hah! I'd rather break the bone."
The Doctor shook his head. "Well, let me know if you want to really break you leg." He tightened the wrappings and tied them tightly. He was a bit too rough with his patient. The Hunter let out a gasp and snarled through his teeth.
"GAH! At this rate, you might as well saw it off, Doc!"
"Don't be dramatic." The Doctor rolled back and peeled off the plastic snack bags off his hands. He didn't have gloves, but he was still hygienic. The plastic bags were a good substitute to keep him from touching blood. "I tied it tight to keep it in place. If I had something to act as a split, it would be looser."
"A splint?" the Hunter asked, "I mean, there's probably something in the attic you could use. I have plenty of wood up there."
"Oh?" The Doctor looked up at the ceiling. "I suppose I can use something there, if you don't mind?"
"Whatever." The Hunter pushed himself into a sitting position. "The attic hatch is in the other room."
The Doctor left and crawled through the attic door. Once up there, he started to sneeze. He didn't want to stay long in the dusty room, and thankfully, he didn't have to. On his left, there was a crate of wooden pieces that were long enough to use as a splint. He took one and inspected it. It looked familiar. Wait…this was a piece of a mannequin from his Hospital! The Doctor dug into the crate again. The entire thing was filled with mannequin patient parts! No wonder he was missing a few pieces when he did inventory. The Doctor grabbed a leg and headed back downstairs.
"What is the meaning of this!?" The Doctor above the Hunter from the ceiling and shook the leg part he found.
The Hunter squinted at the leg. "I still have that!?" he exclaimed in disbelief.
"What is this doing in your attic?"
"…oh right! Yeah…" The Hunter scratched the back of his head. "I was trying to make an endoskeleton for one of my taxidermies. The mobility of the patients was impressive, so I must have taken one."
"But HOW!?" the Doctor swung down to be face to face with the Hunter. "Those parts are under lock and key. I don't part with them unless they're being used for surgery. You have, at least, two crates up there. How did you get them?"
The Hunter shrugged. "Ordered them? I don't know. I entirely forgot I had those. After I realized having a taxidermy mount that could move was a creepy-bad idea, I gave up on the project. Do you want them back?"
The Doctor poked his stubby finger into the Hunter's nose. "If you steal from me again, Hunter, I'll make YOU into a taxidermy-mannequin-patient project." His voice grumbled in a dangerous tone. The usually passive doctor only used that voice when he was truly angry, and it was always effective.
The Hunter shrunk back in fear. "Yes, sir!"
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a-vamp-and-a-half · 1 year
"Phew, I will be more in peace if they have an eye on you at night. Well, I will be back tomorrow then. Have a good night Dames."
As always, money moves the world. But I'm happy that is Dark the one taking advantage of that. He is always helping the ones who need it.
She starts to leave when she feels a hand touching her shoulder and saying:
"Excuse me?"
"Sorry to bother you, I just had a quick question. You're close with Mr. Dark, right? Do you happen to know his friend, Doc? Or maybe Edward, Edward Fibula, I don't know what he's going by these days."
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janetbrown711 · 2 years
As the World Caves In
How on earth have they survived?
tw mention of childloss/miscarriage
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11
Ao3 Link
To say William woke up feeling refreshed would be the most obvious lie of all history.
His first thought in his painfully groggy head of his was of his location. Without opening his eyes, he recognized he certainly wasn’t in the palace anymore. It smelled of elixirs and medicines, and the bed he was on was slightly scratchy and worn.
His second thought was of Lena.He couldn’t feel her next to him, which worried him a lot. So much so he fought off his grogginess and opened his eyes.
This third thought was remembering what had happened.
Freeing Wakko. Hurting his arm. The attack. Lots of walking.
He tried sitting up but a wave of pain shot through his whole body and he was forced to sit back down. However, he looked across the room and saw her.
Lena was in a bed across the room from him. She had bandages wrapped around her shoulder and chest, as well as her hands and left foot, as her right leg was in a cast. Her face was also thoroughly bruised and William could still see the mark her mother’s ring had left on her cheek however long ago that was.
His fourth thought was of his children.
They weren’t here, he and Lena were in Acme Falls, far, far away from the castle. He missed them so much already…
“Oh good, you’re awake,” The familiar voice of Helloise Nerz spoke softly. “How are you feeling William?”
How was he feeling? Almost every inch of his body ached and hurt, his wife somehow appearing worse than him, and he was miles and miles away from his children, whom he already missed terribly.
“Right… dumb question,” She apologized. “How much do you remember?”
He thought for a moment.
“Last thing I remember is passing out on your doorstep,” He said. She nodded.
“Well, that’s at least good, because that was the last thing that happened,” She said, checking off something on a notepad.
“So… what’s wrong with me, doc?” He joked a little. Helloise chuckled.
“Nurse. Scratchy is the real doc,” She remarked.
“Don’t sell yourself short, Helloise. I’m sure you could run this place if you had to,” He said. She snorted.
“You’ve got a terribly sprained arm that I noticed was already bandaged, but you’ve made it much worse from, I presume, carrying her highness?” She asked, and William nodded in confirmation. “You also have a torn ligament in your right ankle, minor frostbite, and very strained leg muscles,” she read off of a chart.
“And Lena?” He asked.
“Broken rib, a minor concussion from what we can tell, fractured fibula, severe bruising on the face, minor frostbite, and blood loss from a wound in the right shoulder we cleaned and stitched up, as well as… well– we aren’t sure, we’ll need to talk to her highness before confirming our last suspicion.”
William looked at his wife again.
“How long have we been asleep?” He asked.
“Three days,” She said.
“W-what? Three days?!” he couldn’t believe it.
Helloise sighed. “William…” she sat on the edge of his bed.
“The whole kingdom thinks you two are dead, and honestly? You two are lucky to even be alive.”
“What? Why? How? What about Yakko Wakko and Dot? Are they alright?” He tried sitting up again, but the pain set him back.
“Well, her majesty the queen threw a funeral two days ago. They said attackers stormed the castle in the night and killed the two of you,” She explained.
“But what about Yakko Wakko and Dot? Are they okay?” He begged.
“I haven’t heard any news of the three of them, so they should be alright with the queen,” Helloise shrugged.
“If you could consider being with the queen alright,” he muttered.
“Yes… if that can be considered good…” She scratched the back of her neck.
William sighed. “I’m sorry, it’s not your fault, Helloise.” His friend smiled pitifully.
Just then, a low grumble came from across the room, and Lena began to stir.
“What… where… Will..?” she mumbled as her eyes slowly opened and she took in her surroundings. William wanted nothing more than to rush to her side, and it took him all of his willpower not to. Instead, the good nurse went over and started evaluating her mobility and explaining the situation to her.
“D-dead..?” Her face went pale as a ghost. “That means… They’re with– We have to go. Now,” She looked at William, and started trying to get out of bed to the point where Helloise had to basically restrain her.
“Your highness, you can’t. You need to recover, and you have a broken leg, remember?” She said, adjusting her pillows, but Lena didn’t want to stop fighting.
“I can’t leave them with her- I can’t,” She shook her head.
“Lena…” William said softly. She looked at him for a moment, before giving in and turning her head away. Just then, the doctor came in.
“Oh goodie, you two are awake,” Scratchnsniff said, but he quickly read the room.
“Er… how are you two feeling?” He asked. William shrugged, while Lena remained silently looking away.
He then pulled the nurse back outside to talk for a moment, promising it wouldn’t be long. William nodded and let them go, and his eyes went to Lena.
She wouldn’t look at him, even when he said her name. It broke his heart in two despite that he knew she was going through a lot. After all, they were both terribly worried about the kids.
The kids.
William knew they were resourceful and clever, but he honestly had no idea what Angelina was going to do to them now that they were out of the picture- especially if she thought they were dead.
Especially to Wakko.
“So… your highnesses… what can you tell us about the attack?” The doctor reentered and asked.
“Oh god… where to start?” he chuckled nervously.
“If you aren’t ready, it’s totally fine,” Helloise sat on the edge of his bed. “We just… well… the people are curious. You are supposed to be dead after all.”
“Of course,” William said, before taking a deep breath and beginning.
It had been a tense week. William had been mad at himself when he had sprained his arm. He was a knight, dammit, he was supposed to be trained to be better than that. Now it meant he had to postpone any of his own mini training lessons he was giving Wakko and Yakko until later, which he knew Yakko would be suspicious of. He always had a habit of picking up on their anxiety and carrying it with him like it was his responsibility too, which was upsetting for multiple reasons.
Some of Angelina’s lessons were extremely difficult to try and undo.
At least Wakko was trying to be optimistic about things. After he had broken him out of the tower, Wakko was spending a lot more time with them as a family, suddenly talking to them a lot more than he used to, which William took as a good sign, as he desperately wanted something to look on the bright side about.
Dot was happy too, of course, as she was just glad to have Wakko back too. She could hardly tell everyone else was anxious, she was only four after all.
Oh to have such innocence…
When the first window broke, William had been up in a flash, and despite his injury, he grabbed his sword anyway.
“William? What’s the matter?” Lena had asked, halfway asleep.
“Go back to sleep, my love. I’ll handle this,” he kissed her head and headed out.
“...Be careful,” He heard her say as the door closed.
He walked through the halls, surprised at just how silent everything was. For a moment he even believed the sound might just be a figment of his imagination. Still, he kept his guard up, praying his knight training wouldn’t fail him now.
“…this castle is huge! Even with the map she gave us,” a disgruntled, not-too-far off voice said. William ducked behind a curtain for cover.
“Quit your whining! It’s only three steps: grab the king, grab the queen, and grab the kid if there’s time to spare,” A lower voice shrugged, and William immediately leapt from behind to attack.
Unfortunately, William found himself evenly matched by his opponent and also realized his attacker was surrounded by allies, some that were even taller than him.
He was kinda screwed.
Still, he fought and parried and swung and blocked with a valiant effort, though the pain in his arm burned more and more and it was evident he was becoming weaker. His opponent saw this, and got behind, and he brought down the handle of his sword onto his arm, and William dropped his sword and fell onto the ground, growling in pain.
“Remember, queenie said no blood on her carpets or tapestries if we can help it,” The tallest reminded his attacker, who was now pointing his sword at his face. “Tie him up. With the strongest removed, we can work on getting that queen and the middle boy,” He ordered, before taking a few and leaving.
William growled, and swiped his feet out from under him, causing his attacker to fall to the ground. William then began fighting with his bare fists against the men who tried jumping on and fighting him next.
However, he was too surrounded, and before William knew it, his wrists were tied and he was captured.
“Alright, move it, princey,” one of the men kicked him. William gnashed his teeth, but they planned for that, as two of the men held him down, and a third quickly put a muzzle around him.
“There, now that should get you to behave,” He grinned, pulling William up, and the three men forced him out of the castle, and into the back of a carriage, where he was locked in and left.
He tried kicking the door open, but it was pure metal and all he did was hurt his feet and exhaust himself.
William was alone for quite an amount of time, and he tried everything he could to break free of his restraints but nothing was working. He cursed his stubbornness that caused him to sprain his arm- if it hadn’t been for that he was confident he would’ve been able to take down the six men. He was a knight for god’s sake- he was supposed to be able to protect his family.
He was supposed to be able to protect his family.
After a long moment of silence and stillness, the door opened and Lena was thrown in next to him, and William caught a glimpse of the outside and noticed it was snowing lightly.
He didn’t dwell on that, his eyes falling onto Lena, who looked horrible. Tears were streaming down her face as she looked at him, and she had a giant gash in her shoulder. Despite that, she slowly and painfully crawled her way over and laid against his chest. William did his best to hug her with his hands tied.
Neither of them could say a word, but both knew exactly what the other was feeling, and they did their best to embrace and comfort each other.
Then, the carriage began to move.
They didn’t capture Wakko.
Despite everything, William sighed a breath of relief.
Silently, the couple rode for hours, not knowing where they were being taken or why or who was behind any of this, though they had a few guesses.
William was just glad he still had Lena, even if it wouldn’t be for much longer.
He loved her with his entire being, nothing would ever change that, not an evil queen, and not even death.
However, his mind quickly went to his kids.
Wakko was alive- at least, he hoped. The attackers said they couldn’t get blood anywhere, hopefully, that meant they just ran out of time to find him and he was okay.
But if they were killed, William had no idea what Angelina would do to them. They would have no protection from her now. They could be hurt, or worse…
William hugged Lena a little tighter.
After an hour or two of riding, the temperature inside the carriage got notably colder, the snow outside picking up.
William prayed for a miracle.
They continued riding on, William even drifting to sleep at one point, when they were suddenly jerked awake. there were shouts from out of where they were, and William and Lena sat up best they could, though Lena was in a lot more pain. Suddenly, the carriage lost control, and started to skid and slide, though William and Lena had no idea what the cause was- but it didn’t matter because not before long, it crashed into a tree and everyone was thrown into the air, and landed with a crash and crack.
William winced at the sound, closing his eyes but when he opened, he saw it-
The doors were busted open.
Quickly, William scooted out, gesturing for Lena to follow, but she was closing her eyes and cringing in pain, and William realized she had injured her leg in the fall. He knew they didn’t have much time to run, so he carefully got her out, having her arms go around him with the tie, and had her hold herself up best she could as they ran into the woods, and far, far away from the carriage.
It was extremely difficult for a number of reasons, but William was training in hunting and so knew at least how to cover his tracks. He didn’t know where they were or where a good hiding place would be but he just had to hope he could find one eventually– and hopefully one where there was a sharp rock or something so they could untie their wrists.
A feeling of pure relief washed over William as he spotted a cave in the distance and immediately ran for it, barely hiding his tracks anymore and once there, he carefully managed to get Lena off his back and on the ground, where he then found a rock like he wanted and cut the rope tying his wrists. He then took off his muzzle and did the same for Lena.
“Oh, William,” Lena said with tearful eyes.
“Lena,” He pressed his forehead against hers and they breathed together like that for a very long time.
“We can’t stay here for long, can we? There might be bears or something,” Lena broke the embrace.
“Just for a moment, we need to rest- figure out where we are, and what our next move is,” He said, sitting down next to her now.
“We’re so far from home… how are we going to get out of this?” She laughed pathetically.
“I… I don’t know, Lena,” He admitted. “But we’ll find a way, I promise.”
She didn’t reply to that.
The royal couple stayed hidden for quite some time, having only one close call when one of the tracker’s voices was close enough for them to hear, but William was ready with the sharp rock in case he got too close, but he never did, and so they remained until it faded far away.
Eventually, the sun started to rise in the woods, and it slowly dawned on William that the coast was clear, and they were free to go.
But… free to go where? They had no idea where they were- were they even in Warnerstock? They could be in foreign lands for all they know- a place where they didn’t even speak the language and they could be killed for sneaking in and-
Wait. Lena was the Princess, and knew all the languages of the neighboring kingdoms, and would likely be given aid. William was panicking over nothing.
However… Lena was looking rather weak. She lost a lot of blood, and her injuries were only piling up.
“Where do we go now?” Lena asked as he was looking at her.
“Well… I don’t think we can go home, as something tells me your mother was behind this,” He remarked bitterly.
“You’re telling me,” she huffed, before wincing in pain.
William smiled sadly before getting an idea. “I know a place where they can’t refuse us,” he grinned.
Lena frowned. “William… Acme falls is in the middle of nowhere and perhaps the first place they’d go looking for us if we were missing.”
“Unless your mother wants us to be dead. Then she wouldn’t have to or want to look anywhere,” he said. “It’d be just like it was when we had just gotten married.”
Lena still didn’t look satisfied, but clearly didn’t have any further arguing left in her.
“Look… I’m going to go and try to figure out where we are, so we can head to Acme. Will you be okay if you stay here?” he asked, holding her ice cold hands.
“I don’t think I have a choice,” she tried to joke, but William knew she hated it. He kissed her forehead.
“I love you,” He said. “I won’t be long.”
“I love you too, William. Be careful,” she replied, and William ran out of the cave.
It took a couple of hours, but eventually, William discovered that yes, they were still in Warnerstock, and found the direction they were to go to if they wanted to go to Acme Falls. It would be quite the trek, especially if this snow continued to fall, but he had determination on his side.
He was not going to die here, nor was he going to let Lena. He would carry her in his arms if he had to, simple as that.
“So… yeah. We hiked for hours to reach here, the strains and pulled muscles and frostbite are from trekking through the snow, and that’s how we got here,” William finished his tale.
“Oh William, that’s so terrible,” Helloise looked at him sadly.
“That does explain a lot… you two should really be getting rest now, no?” Scratchnsniff remarked, reading over their charts one more time.
“Rest, yeah…” he nodded slowly, though sleep was the last thing he wanted. He wanted to go back to the palace asap, and kill Angelina, and get his kids back. He was confident Lena felt the same.
Though they wouldn’t be able to do much good in this state, especially without a plan.
“We’ll leave the two of you alone for a minute… you’ve been through a lot and need time to process,” Helloise said.
“Thanks,” he gave a weak smile, which she returned. The good nurse and doctor nodded at the couple before exiting to deal with other patients no doubt.
ONce they were gone, William’s eyes then went to his wife, who still wasn’t looking at him, staring intently at the ground and wall.
“Lena, my love, what’s the matter?” He asked.
“That’s your first question?” She said bitterly.
Okay, that was on him. That was a pretty dumb question.
“What are you thinking about?” he tried again. Lena closed her eyes.
“I… I saw Yakko during the attack.”
William’s stomach dropped.
“D-do you think..?”
Lena shook her head. “N-no, I… I don’t think so– i just– he was so scared, William. H-he hugged me when he should’ve ran, a-and he was begging and pleading to stay with us and I just–” Lena covered her face with her hands.
“They must be so scared, William– all three of them. A-and if they think we’re dead? We haven’t even had the death talk with Dot yet, she won’t get it, and Wakko will be left with mother all by himself and Yakko will just blame himself and I just– I promised I’d never let anything bad happen to them, but look where I am, William. I’ve failed,” She was shaking now.
“D-don’t ‘Lena’ me, William, I-i’m serious! Wakko has almost died three times now and I swore I’d never let anything bad ever happen to him, a-and Dot could’ve died too, stumbling down those stairs… and Yakko– Yakko might’ve died to the attackers too– they did think he was Wakko for awhile, and that gun knocked him clean out,” Lena began to cry but clearly was trying her damndest not to because of her ribs.
“L-... Darling, this isn’t your fault,” William so desperately wanted to hug her but the beds felt a million miles apart.
“Why did I ever want to have children? All I’ve done is put them in danger a-and–” Lena’s breathing hitched.
“It’s your mother’s fault, not yours– it’s not your fault she’s heartless and cruel and–”
“--But I keep just– a-and I– a-and now–” Lena held her stomach.
William stopped.
Finally, she looked at him.
“I-i barely knew, I-i mean I had a feeling, but it was only eight weeks, and so I didn’t tell you but when they attack I knew it could happen b-but I really, really hoped it wouldn’t, but th-they beat me hard, a-and when you left me in the cave I began to bleed a-and bleed a lot– a-and I just–”
Oh my god…
“Lena… I-i didn’t know– I-i’m so sorry, I-i wish I–” William didn’t know what to say. Neither did Lena as all she did was cry now.
It killed him, it killed him to see her like that.
He had to do something.
Slowly and carefully, ignoring every single pain alarm bell in his brain, made his way over to her bed, where he picked her up softly and moved her over until he could climb in alongside and hold her close.
“It’s not your fault, Lena darling,” He whispered.
“I-i should’ve never confronted her– I should’ve just stayed quiet and been the daughter she always wanted,” Lena pounded against his chest.
“I’m so sorry, Lena,” He closed his eyes and stroked her head. “You don’t deserve this.”
Lena stopped momentarily at that before quietly just burying her head in his chest and crying silently there. William was okay with that, as despite everything nothing did feel better than getting to hold her close again.
But god he was scared. For Yakko, for Wakko, for Dot and for Lena.
“W-william..?” Lena eventually croaked out.
“Yes my love?” William immediately answered.
Lena thought for a moment.
“...William, tell me we’ll find them again.”
“We’ll find them again, Lena.”
“Swear it.”
“I swear to you, Lena; We will find our kids again.”
Lena’s tears stopped.
“We’ll find them again,” She whispered.
“Yes we will,” He kissed her head and couldn’t help but smile a little.
They were going to find their children and get them back if it was the last thing they did.
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loser-female · 5 months
Today I had a very difficult day at the hospital (parked in the employees spot at the other side, couldn't get in, couldn't pay, doc was two hours late due to people from the ER coming)
But. Good news: I had a hairline fracture on the fibula that now has healed. I should have gone to the ER... And the x-ray tech should have sent me to the ER when she noticed the irregularity on my bone.
Foot still hurts because of the untreated sprain (pain it's on the other side of the ankle), which is weird, I always imagined breaking a bone would be this otherworldly pain experience, and I would have guessed that the fracture was the issue, not... A sprain.
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tesslucetram · 2 years
So, Christmas has been eventful. I broke my leg, leaving my Papa's house. Not in a huff or anything. I was just going to visit other relatives and tripped down his back porch steps. I broke both the tibia and fibula down low, and dislocated my ankle. It is SO PAINFUL. We waited for an ambulance for over an hour as I lay on the (very cold) ground. When they finally showed up the EMTs were super nice though. They had been slammed all day, apparently. The hospital also took forever. I had to wait for the bones to be set because they needed to knock me out for it, and didn't want to sedate me with a full stomach. But I did get morphine out of the deal, which was nice.
Finally they knocked me out with ketamine. It made me very loopy and apparently I treated the docs to a lecture about baking and chicken eggs vs duck eggs. They laughed at me, but it was genuinely funny. And my foot is no longer flopping loose at the end of my leg like it was.
I'm definitely going to need surgery, but the er doc was happy with the set. My ankle is in a splint and I'm waiting to make an appointment with an ortho tomorrow when they open. I'm going to be laid up for a while, unfortunately.
But my family has been very supportive. They've all volunteered to take care of my dog and getting my car back home, since I'm two hours away currently, plus anything else I might need. It makes up for how sad I was feeling about everything previously. Not really how I wanted to discover that yes, my family really does love and appreciate me, but nice anyhow.
But if anyone would like to help me out financially you can message me for PayPal info.
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obsidiancreates · 9 months
💀 - for ask game
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
Malum (demon with Tragedy Powers because he was turned into a demon from a tragedy before finding redemption and love hundreds of years later): Loneliness, losing his wife and new family
Haley (Malum's wife, raised in an abusive religious household and given a magic necklace by her aunt who went on to marry a goddess and then Haley married a demon): Being controlled, being stuck/trapped, losing her new family
Ashlyn (Friends with Malum and Haley, normal human and best baker in the entire multiverse and besties with a minor god): Wide open spaces. Nowhere to hide, endless running, no cover? I'm projecting on her, she's my projection character
Carter (the minor god mentioned before, smarmy and sassy and chooses to fail his Wisdom and Intelligence Saving Throws most of the time despite being Proficient in both because it's funnier that way): The deaths of his found family
Evelyn (mom is a magical guardian of another dimension and Evelyn also has magic and a cool monster-ish form, punk biker girl aesthetic but she works in a flower shop and is a chaotic dumbass softie for her friends, AKA everyone listed above, also She's My Favorite): Living in a world with no more nature, The Inevitable Collapse, deaths of her found family, death of her father
Doc (Unrelated to any of the above people, he's from a Vampire RP instead, this is specifically the Sia RP version of him so a guy who was forced to be in a vampire cult, then was possessed, then in a coma, then woke up and wasn't a vampire or possessed anymore but had new magic, then learned he always had magic blood, and also he was cursed from birth but that's fixed now, also he died a couple times, all the poor guy wanted to do was be a damn doctor): So many things, he has so many phobias, but I'll tell you what he's not afraid of and that's The Depths Of The Ocean and Rats.
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youthcultureseaside · 2 years
Disabled models
Aimee Mullins
Admire Mullins lost both her legs bellow her knees after suffering from fibulae hemimlenia. She shocked the worked when she became one of the worlds first disabled models when she opened for the famous McQueen runway show in 1999 and she was used as one of his favourite models all the way until he passed since this Aimee has been used my many other including L’Oréal paris harper bazaar and on the cover of dazed and confused magazine
Patrik Andersson. (2019). Aimee Mullins. [Photograph]. London: icon magazine.
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Jack eyers
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Jack eyers is a personal trainer and a model who wear a prosthetic leg due to when he was 16 he lost his leg due to a medical condition in 2015 he became the first male model to walk the the new York fashion week he has also walked the London fashion week in the a/w show he was crowned mr England 2017 this made him the first amputee to ear the title.
Madeline Stewart
Madeline Stuart, World’s 1st Professional Model w/ Down Syndrome. (Jul 12, 2021). 60 Second Docs. [Online]. youtube. Last Updated: Jul 12, 2021. Available at: https://youtu.be/FTOKXJEVoGs [Accessed 7 September 2022].
Madeline is a 20 year old model with Down syndrome from Australia. She took a lot of attention when she did her weight loss journey when she lost over 20 kg. Madaline made history at New York fashion week in 2015 in the vermuelen show as one of the first models with Down syndrome. Since her big break through she has been seen in things like teen vogue fashion week runway Dubai and huffington
Elesha turner
After having bone cancer parosteal osteosarcoma in 2014 Elesha had most of all the bones in her left side replaced with titanium this means she now relies on a crutch to walk. She was originally signs with models of diversity and became one of the faces of they agency along side jack eyers
Models of Diversity. (2016). Models of Diversity on Sky News with Chelsey Jay and Elisha Turner. [Online]. youtube. Last Updated: 2016. Available at: https://youtu.be/F5jfLsPT6Gg [Accessed 7 September 2022].
These are just the small few of models who are currently making a massive difference to not only the inclusivity of the fashion world but also the normal world and the ball has only just began to role so at this rate the diversity we see is models should become even more vast
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reddeavth · 2 years
Everything happens for a reason and it’s up to you to understand that reason and make the most of it. Danel Garcia knew this better than most people and thanked God every day for the chance to continue this dream. January of 2019, Daniel Garcia and three other wrestlers were traveling back to New York after a show in Montreal, Canada. It should have been a simple trip back with the boys excitedly talking about the night's show, but Daniel’s life took a turn, almost a deadly one as the car they were driving slid on black ice and crashed straight into a guardrail that almost tore the car in half.  The crash could have been fatal or ended the career of Garcia and his friends. The doctor told him that he was lucky to be alive and his career was possibly over. 
“I’m twenty years old, doc.” Daniel whispered, his words slurring from the drug used to control his pain. “My friends?” He was scared to hear the doctor's answer.  “All of you survived but barely. If you're a religious man then you should thank God, if not then you should be thankful for having good luck. “I saw the car and the police said you had to be cut out of it. You were inches away from being killed instantly. Few walk away from that kind of accident much less walk at all. I’m not going to lie to you, Daniel. You may be in a wheelchair the rest of your life. Wrestling’s out of the question.” 
The kid from Buffalo had broken both his legs, his ankle, his right femur, fibula and tibia in his left shin but moreover he was left with multiple scars in his lower half.  Daniel looked up at the doctor with a cocky smirk or perhaps he was high as a kite from the pain meds, but he shrugged and made a joke. “There goes my centerfold career.” Not that he cared about scars. The doctor patted his shoulder in a light way to avoid hurting him and left the hospital room. Daniel wasn’t a guy to cry but as it all sank in the tears ran down his face. Luckily no one was there to see this weak moment. 
Daniel had survived the crash, but it was a moment that changed him in more ways than one. Just a kid living his dream, he was forced to contemplate the thought of giving up on his dream and finding a new one. In a few minutes he would be going into surgery and vowed to recover as quickly as he could, one day lace up his boots and step into a wrestling ring. Nothing in life was going to stop the stubborn man, not even death. 
He looked up as he heard the door of his hospital room opening and saw Jesse walk in the room.  Jesse was his trainer, his mentor, virtually his dad after he and his wife Laura had taken Daniel in under their wing, they had only been married about three years and didn’t have kids. Daniel for all sense and purposes was their kid. “The doc told me and your mom that you’re lucky to be alive.”  Jesse wrestled as Pepper Parks at the time, but since then was known as Braxton Sutter or The Blade. His wife, Laura was known as Cherry Bomb, soon to be Allie and The Bunny. Wrestling was what they did. 
Jesse stands over the bed of Garcia and looks at his young trainee with worrying eyes. He and his wife had been the first people by Daniel’s bedside when news broke about the almost fatal car crash.  “I’m good. Tell her not to worry.” He had to downplay it not to worry them, but it was obvious the doctor had already spoken to them both before Jesse walked in the room. “The balls on you kid, you don’t have to be tough all the time.”  Tough was what Daniel did, it was one of the reasons he bonded so closely with Jesse. The two would spend hours talking about wrestling and Garcia owed his career to the man in front of him as well as Jesse’s wife. 
“I know the doctor talked to you. I can read your face, where’s Laura?” Jesse doesn't answer immediately, it was hard for Garcia to see his trainer almost in tears because of the reality of the situation they were in. Garcia might have survived the initial impact of the crash, but he had a long road to recovery and surgery was a forgone conclusion. His wrestling career was as good as over before it had even really begun. “The doctors are positive.” Daniel closed his eyes because he knew that wasn’t true. “You don't gotta lie to me Coach. Daniel was trying to keep his own emotions in check and barely doing it.
Garcia can see the pain in Jesse’s face. “Laura’s outside, probably chewing all her nails off. This has hit her hard and she wants to see you, but I told her to let me talk to you first. You know how emotional she gets.” It was true, Laura saw Daniel as her son, and he was laying broken in a hospital bed. Every mother wants to protect their child, but this was a freak accident due to black ice and no one’s fault. Did that mean her, Jesse or Daniel weren’t blaming themselves? No, it was normal to think if they were there they could have been driving and maneuvered the car through the ice or if Daniel had been driving, he could have done the same. This was no one’s fault but natures.
“Did they say I'll be able to wrestle again?” Jesse looked down and Daniel knew the answer. It was then that he heard the door open again and the small blonde woman walked in and went to the bed and placed a kiss on his cheek. “My sweet little chicken, you're lucky to be alive. Let's take one step at a time.” Garcia closes his eyes to hide the fact tears were beginning to well up in them. Jesse places a hand to Laura’s back. “That guardrail almost tore the car in half Danny, the four of you are lucky to still be breathing. A few inches over the rail your mom and I would be grieving for our son.” 
Those words hit home hard, and Daniel gave into the emotions that he was feeling. Bursting into tears the twenty year old realized how selfish he was to only be worrying about wrestling again. 
Laura and Jesse had been through so much already and he needed to suck it up and think about their family, not just himself and his career. He hated himself. He felt Laura’s hand on his face wiping away his tears. “That didn’t happen so let’s be thankful for small miracles.” That would be the last and only time he would cry over the accident again. He had to get on with his life, whatever became of it. “I’m scared.”  Laura leaned down and kissed his cheek. “I know but you’re alive and it’s going to be okay.” She had to be strong for him and send him into surgery with positive thoughts. She glanced at Jesse urging him to do the same thing. “I’m sure you’re going to come back better than ever. Now dry your face, us Buffalo boys don’t cry.” It was a lie and the three of them knew it, but Jesse had to be the strong one for his family right now. “Thanks, dad.” 
 A knock is heard, and the nurses come to wheel Daniel into surgery. “We’ll be here when you wake up.” Laura told him and Daniel nodded as he watched them both leave the room. He was lucky to have them and was determined to make them proud. “You got this Red Death.” Daniel whispered to himself as they wheeled him towards surgery.  It would take six months until Daniel Garcia stepped into a ring again to wrestle for a crowd, but it was all worth it. He wore his scars with pride. Nothing or no one was going to stop him. He was going to be a champion and make his family proud, return the support they always gave him. He had beaten death and now he was going to live his life as if it could end tomorrow because it could.
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youbloodymadgenius · 4 years
Brother (a Modern!Ivar fic with an unexpected Ragnarsson as special guest)
A/N: This is my entry to @maggiescarborough​ celebration. Happy early Anniversary, love 💝
I’m quite proud of this one! So, please, I know it’s not a reader insert, but give it a try, give it a chance 🙏🏽
Prompt in bold, as usual.
@inforapound​ - I know how much i owe you. Thank you 💞
Let me know if you want to be tagged 😊
Summary: One of Ivar's brothers was in a car accident. How will Ivar react?
Warning: description of physical injuries; mention of a car crash; medical and surgical inaccuracies.
Words: 2331
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As soon as he spots Doctor Mikelsson, Ivar gets up, wincing at the throbbing pain in his legs as he steps closer to the renowned surgeon. 
 "Doc," he says, giving him a slight nod, "How is he?"
 The surgeon sighs tiredly and slowly rubs his palms down his scrubs-clad thighs. "I'd say he has been very lucky. As far as I know, it could have been much worse. Car versus truck is never a winning combo, at least for the car's driver. His car has been completely destroyed, from what I hear. It must have been a terrible wreck. "
"That’s an understatement." Ivar grumbles under his breath, shivering as he struggles to get the images of the crash out of his mind. The pictures he saw were so vivid, he could still hear the screams and ambulance sirens that had undoubtedly filled the accident scene. Closing his eyes for a brief instant, he shakes his head, forcing himself to focus on the here and now. 
 "That's not what I was asking, Doc. How is he?" He insists, emphasizing the last three words as he shifts his weight from one foot to the other, leaning heaviliy on his crutch, physical and mental discomfort obvious on his face.
 "Well, he's not so bad, all things considered. As I said, it could have been much worse. He's stable and his condition isn't life-threatening. It's serious, though."
 Ivar rolls his eyes, getting impatient. "Straight to the point, Doc, please! And no need to sugarcoat it." His commanding voice is sharp and stern, his tight-lipped expression giving away what little patience he has. 
 "Okay, Ivar." Doctor Mikelsson gives him a weary smile, a hand up in surrender. "About his upper body first. Aside from several bruises, he had a sprained wrist and a cracked rib. The last one will be painful for awhile but it won't be an issue in the long run. His lower body, on the other hand…" The surgeon frowns, visibly gathering his thoughts. "He suffered a double tibia-fibula fracture of his right leg and his pelvis has been multi-fractured; therefore I had to stabilize it with plates and screws. To allow his pelvis to recover, your brother will be bed- and then wheelchair-bound for at least six weeks, maybe more. Not that it matters, anyway, given the condition of his left leg."
 Hearing those words, Ivar shudders. "How…" His voice comes out strangled and he clears his throat. "How is it? You… You could save it, right? That's why I… had him transferred here."
 Putting a soothing hand on Ivar's forearm, the doctor nods. "Yes, I saved it. It was quite a challenge, I must admit. His leg has been severely shattered during the crash, literally crushed by one of the truck's tires. From the top of his thigh to the tips of his toes, not a single bone was intact. I do understand why my colleague from the public hospital wanted to amputate it, you know?"
 "But you saved it?" Ivar asks once again, his free hand running nervously through his disheveled hair.
 "I did." The doctors answers soberly before explaining. "I reduced the largest fractures, using rods and plates there as well. I couldn't avoid putting an external fixator though, his leg was too damaged. He'll still need several more surgeries, but he gets to keep his leg."
 "Thanks, Doc." Ivar adorns a slight smile which doesn't completely reach his eyes. "And what about recovery? He will fully recover, right?" A frown creasing his forehead, Ivar bites his inner cheek, worried and concerned. 
 Grimacing, the surgeon lets out a deep breath. "Ivar, I'm not sure you understand the extent of the damage. It's not just about a couple of broken bones. We're talking about devastating injuries that could have – that should have – resulted in amputation. If you ask me if your brother will walk again, I can't be sure yet, but I'm quite confident he will. Will he need walking aids, like cane, crutch and or leg brace? It's too soon to say. But to be perfectly honest with you, it's quite likely." Seeing Ivar wince, the surgeon gives him an apologetic look. "Sorry Ivar. Be sure I did my best."
 "Don't be sorry, I know you did. It's just a lot to take in. Does he… Does my brother know?"
 Scrunching his face, the surgeon hesitates, unsure. "More or less. I talked to him in the recovery room but he was a bit dazed from the drugs and the nurse had to increase the morphine because he was in pain. He was completely out of it after that. He'll probably sleep through the night so I'll talk to him first thing in the morning." Taking a step back, Doctor Mikelsson stares at Ivar from head to foot, noticing how the blue-eyed man favors his left leg, his right foot barely touching the floor. "You should head home and get some rest, Ivar. I'm pretty sure you've been wearing these braces for far too long." Giving him a light pat on the shoulder, he shrugs. "I'll do the same anyway. Guess I'll see you tomorrow. Good night, Ivar." 
 Opening the door as quietly as possible, Ivar watches his sleeping brother. He's awfully pale, his frail frame so small on the hospital bed, his right leg in a cast, his left propped up on a huge pillow. Ivar frowns at the sight of the fixator, which makes him think of a barbaric tool more than a medical device. He suddenly feels grateful that he never needed one. 
 Trying to not make any noise, he crosses the room without using his crutch, struggling and wincing with every step. He's successful but fails to stifle a hiss as he sits down on the chair next to his brother's bed. He looks at him, worried, and sees his eyes flutter open. 
 "Ivar?" His brother's voice is hoarse and the stunned look on his face unmistakable. "Why did you come here? To make fun of me?" There's no fight or fire in his eyes, only exhaustion and sadness. 
 Ivar shrugs, a light smile playing on his lips. "Can't say the thought didn't cross my mind." He lowers his head one second, snorting, and when he raises it again, it's with a serious look on his face. "Guess I wanted to know how you are doing." His voice is barely a whisper and he doesn't look his brother in the eye. 
 "What did you say?" Ivar's brother's tone is suspiscious, dripping with disbelief. "Since when are you concerned about that??" He tries to sit up but groans in pain, collapsing back onto the bed. 
 Worry wrinkling his forehead, Ivar instantly gets up, putting a hand on his brother's shoulder. "Hold still, will you? And seriously, tell me, how are you feeling? How is your pain? I mean, on a scale from zero to ten, zero meaning no pain at all and ten an unbearable pain. Tell me, how bad is it?"
 Ivar's brother rubs his cheek with two fingers, squinting his eyes, before letting out a long and audible sigh. "Four I think, maybe five."
 Ivar – who lives on a daily basis with a six or seven rated pain – has to remind himself that his pain treshold is much higher than that of ordinary people. "Okay," he begins softly, "four or five might still be tolerable but don't let it get higher. Look," he points at a small medical bulb with his index finger, "that's a morphine pump, just squeeze it once and let the magic work. Trust me, it's terribly efficient. It will make you a bit dizzy but it'll be worth it." As to illustrate his point, Ivar squeezes the pump and he can see the relief washing over his brother's face almost instantly as the pain goes numb.
 "I spoke with the doctor who did the surgery this morning. Did you?" Ivar's brother asks, a frown on his face and biting his lower lip.
 "I did." Ivar answers without saying anything more. An uneasy silence settles in, eventually broken by Ivar's brother‘s shaky voice. "So, you know there's a chance…" His words catch in his throat and he swallows loudly. "What if…" Overcome with anxiety, he's unable to say more.
 "Hey, stop that, brother!" Ivar almost scolds him."You will walk again. It may be hard, but you'll get there. For now, you should be thankful for being alive. You know what they say… Where there's life, there's hope. So please, stay positive and fucking look at me if you need to. I was able to walk, so I'm pretty sure you can too."
 Ivar's brother looks at him for a long time, a puzzled look on his face. "Karma is a bitch, isn't it?" He eventually says sheepishly, a sad smile crossing his lips. "You can say it, I won't get mad, you know? I probably deserve this, after all I did…" He sighs, lowering his gaze, but Ivar doesn't allow it, raising his brother's head with a finger on his chin. 
 "Listen carefully, brother. No one deserves to suffer. Neither you nor anyone else. Karma has nothing to do with what happened to you. You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time, nothing more. The truck driver was sleep-deprived and didn't see the red light. It sucks, I get it, but it was just bad luck that you were at this crossroad at the same time that he was."
 Ivar's brother just nods lightly, and then yawns, rubbing his eyes. "You should rest, brother. I'll be back soon." Ivar grabs his crutch but his brother wraps his hand around his wrist. 
 "Wait… You told me why you were here but there's one thing I don't understand. Why are you the one here? Where are our–" He stops as another yawn cuts him off.
 Ivar, however, understands his unfinished question. "Last time I heard from our dear brothers, they were going on a business trip to Cancun. Seeing as it is the beginning of Spring Break in the US, I'm pretty sure calling it a fuck trip would be more accurate. It also means that you're stuck with me for a couple of weeks. Sorry about that." Tilting his head, Ivar gives his brother a semi-amused look. "Anyway, now, you're going to rest,” Ivar strokes his brother's hair with unexpected gentleness, "and in the meantime I'm going to make arrangements for your future."
 "What… what does that mean?" Ivar's brother babbles, the drug-induced dizziness hitting him with full force.
 "It means that as soon as you'll be discharged, you'll be moving in with me." Ivar says casually, shrugging, as he heads towards the door.
 "Moving in with… you? But… why?" The questioning tone of his brother is obvious and Ivar turns back to look at him. "It was either this, or the rehab center. Trust me, you'll be better taken care of with me. My apartment is fully accessible, I've got a real PT room and Sven, my longtime PT, is the best in all of Scandinavia. You'll also probably need an OT, and it happens that I know the best OT too. Flora is her name, she helped me a lot a few years ago. So yeah, you will be in good hands, I promise. As good as Doctor Mikelsson's hands."
 Confused, Ivar's brother looks at him questioningly.  "Doctor Mikelsson is… your…" Obviously befuddled, his speech is now slurred and he can't find the right word.
 "My surgeon, yes,” Ivar completes the sentence. "Has been for the last twelve years. That's why I had you transferred here, in this clinic."
 Dumbfounded, Ivar's brother stares wide-eyed. "I don't… I didn't rela… realize I've been transf… transferred. And that… that was…"
 "At my request, yes." Ivar nods. "Because the Doc is more than a surgeon. He's a magician. He truly can work wonders. Me standing and walking is enough to prove it." Raising his head proudly, Ivar smiles at his brother reassuringly. 
 "Why… why did… you do… this for… me?" Ivar's brother sputters, exhaustion written all over his face. Yet, he fights it, his curiosity prevailing above all else. 
 Ivar shrugs once again, giving his brother an airy wave of his hand as to let him know that what he's doing is no big deal. "I know your pain, brother. I know the struggles you'll be facing. You have a long road ahead and I know how scary it might be. You won't be alone. I won't allow it. We'll get through this together, because no one should have to deal with such things alone." Ivar almost hiccups, his heart is suddenly in his throat as a wave of painful childhood memories floods his mind. He pushes them away, gritting his teeth, because now is not the time. Focusing once more on the blond in front of him, he speaks again, in a firm tone. "So, brother, you won't be. Never. I will be right next to you at every step, literally. We'll make our own version of 'the blind leading the blind', you know?" Ivar scratches the back of his neck, a half-smile on his lips, before taking a deep breath. "And you may be an asshole most of the time, but you're still my brother. That's why I do it. It's as simple as that. Sleep now, we'll talk later."
 Hand on the doorknob, Ivar hears a faint whimper. Looking backwards, he's surprised as he sees a single tear running down his brother's cheek. "Thank you, Ivar." His brother says with a trembling voice, clearly shaken up by Ivar's words.
 Ivar gives his brother a genuine smile, suddenly struck by the thougth that it's probably the first genuine smile he's given his brother in years. "You're welcome, Sig," he says sincerely as he has to blink back his own tears, an unfamiliar but warm feeling in his chest, "Sleep now, I'll be back soon. I promise."
@maggiescarborough​ @honestsycrets​ @lisinfleur​ @waiting4inspiration​ @saldelys​ @gearhead66​ @readsalot73​ @milkkygirls​ @xbellaxcarolinax​ @shannygoatgruff​ @zuxiezendler​ @a-mess-of-fandoms​ @hecohansen31​ @lonewolf471​ @ivarthebloodyking​ @fuckindiva​ @tgrrose​ @didiintheblog​
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wordsfromthesol · 4 years
Pretend to be Friends
Author: @wordsfromthesol Taglist: @anousiemay @malfoys-demigod @pricetagofficial​ @zphilophobiaz Pairing: Jason Todd x Reader Summary: Red Hood took an interest in a the new vigilante in town…you. Warnings: Injuries, language Word Count: 2.0k A/N: Still in Mobile and haven’t had much time to write, so this is one I finished before work went crazy. 
"So, you must be new." You heard the voice echo behind you. Letting out an exasperated sigh, you turned around to face the vigilante. It was only a matter of time before one of the big ones discovered who you were.
"Not really. No." The response was short and bitter.
"Ouch, alright. Well, I'm Red Hood."
"I know." The words left a bite in the air as you leapt off the building.
The next three nights your vision was plagued by that irksome red helmet. How he figured out where you were still puzzled you, but if he was going to stick around you might as well talk to him. "ALRIGHT!" You screamed across the alley way towards the building you saw him lurking on. "I give in!" Though his face was covered, you knew he was smirking underneath the mask as he sauntered towards you.
"So, Eclipse, is it?" Red Hood named you as he approached.
"I guess I shouldn't be surprised." You scoffed at the vigilante name you had chosen. "So, why have I had a tail these past few nights?" Though you rarely used the confrontational approach in real life, once you put on the mask you gained a newfound confidence. And tonight, you were putting that to use.
"Oh…I just…well you didn't seem to have anyone. And this job is dangerous." Though that was partially true, there was also something about you that intrigued Jason…though he couldn't put his finger on what exactly it was.
"Well I don't see any Red Hood minions around either."
"Yeah, but I have friends." He pointed to his helmet, "if I need them." You didn't bother with a response, instead choosing to look out over the city below. You knew there were other vigilantes, but it hadn't registered that they may actually know each other. "Just let me give you my number. In case --"
Before Red Hood could finish the sentence, you interjected. "I think I can handle it. Thanks." And with that, you were gone again.
The next few nights you didn't see the familiar red helmet looming in the distance…maybe you actually did scare him off. Though just as the thought crossed your mind, the vigilante collapsed on the roof's edge next to you.
"Quiet night, huh?"
"Yeah. All I had was a purse snatcher."
"Dang. Was really hoping to get some punches in." Red Hood almost seemed disheartened that crime was low for the night. You almost didn't ask, but the non-vigilante side won out this time.
"And why the need to punch someone?"
Even through the helmet, you heard the hero let out a big sigh. "Just family issues. My older brother is driving me crazy. And then the old man comes in…let's just say I didn't stick around to be further berated."
"Oh we've got family issues, do we?" You questioned, raising an eyebrow at how much Hood seemed to be opening up to you.
"Ha! My family is one big issue."
"Do they…uh…" The question didn't need finishing.
"Unfortunately. Yours?"
"Oh…uh." You were unprepared for the rebound question. No one ever seems to actually take an interest in your life. "No. They don't. I don't have many though and none of them live close."
"I don't blame them. Gotham is one big clusterfuck after another."
"Yeah." The two of you sat in silence for almost an hour before finally parting ways.
After that night it wasn't unusual for Red Hood to join you on patrols or stake outs. Finally, after a few months and a close call, you took him up on his offer.
"Alright Hood, you win." You commented as you approached his perch on the roof ledge.
"Well I always like to win…but what exactly did I win?"
"I'll take your number. For emergencies."
"What happened?" You could hear the apprehension in his voice.
"Nothing!" You spat out the word, not realizing the question had barely left his lips. He stood there, staring at you in silence. You were determined not to break, but then he took his helmet off. The domino mask underneath wasn't enough to cover up his concerned expression. "It was nothing, I promise. Just a close call. I didn't even realize how close until after the fight was over. And I saw a bullet hole in the brick, inches from my chest. So I just thought…well you're right. This is a dangerous job and I should have someone to call if I need backup." Content with your explanation, Red Hood stretched out his hand, gesturing for your phone.
Red Hood started showing up on almost every patrol. Though he seemed content to let you do the fighting, he was always there waiting on the rooftop afterwards. You began to think it almost pointless to have his emergency number, when was always a block away, waiting for you to join him. That was until you had to use it. It had almost been a year since you met Red Hood when the fateful night came.
You had been chasing down a new drug ring starting up in town. Following the dealer into the alleyway, you were met with two burly men armed with 9mm pistols.
"Is this your definition of an ambush?" You scoffed at the turnout as you barreled towards the two. Though just as the two landed against the asphalt, you heard a crack as a force pulled your leg from under you. Turning around, you saw another man holding a baseball bat. You took a sharp inhale and ran at the new assailant. As he fell to the floor, you heard more voices and footsteps. Angry voices. Putting as much force as possible on the uninjured leg, you hopped over to the nearby fire escape ladder. Jumping up, you slowly crawled up to the landing and pushed yourself against the wall. You pulled out your phone and texted "911" to Red Hood as you hoped the reinforcements didn't find your hiding place.
Almost as soon as the new goons saw their co-conspirators laying on the asphalt, they left. You only had to wait a few more minutes before you heard the familiar sound of Red Hood's motorcycle. A sigh of relief flooded your body as you hopped back over to the fire escape ladder.
"Eclipse?!" You heard Red Hood's exasperated cry through the alleyway.
"I'm here!" Before you could continue or explain, Red Hood interjected.
"What the fuck! You send a 911 text and then don't answer your damn phone! I thought you were dead or bleeding out or some shit!" Red Hood couldn’t seem to stop the spew of words leaving his mouth. Your feet…or rather foot, finally hit the ground. You winced from the pain shooting up your leg as you leaned against the cold metal. Hood immediately noticed your expression change. "What's wrong?" He realized this should have probably been his first question, after all this is the first time you had ever asked for his help.
"My leg." You nodded towards one of the assailants on the ground. "That asshole blindsided me with a bat." You watched the anger surge through him as he came to your side, you were almost glad the culprit was unconscious. Who knows what Hood would have done to him.
After one look at the damage done, Red Hood made another call. Apparently he did have other vigilante friends. "Red Robin, I'm going to need the car. And get the doc ready."  
"Really, it's fine. I'm sure I can take care of it." You tried to weasel your way out of, well not only meeting more vigilantes, but also owing Red Hood a favor.
"Yeah…right." He glared at you, as you clutched the fire escape. "Totally in hand." Before you could protest, he was picking you up and carrying you to the edge of the alleyway. A car abruptly came to a stop in front of you and another hero stepped out.
"So you're the one Hood's always sneaking off to hang out with." A devilish smirk lined the dark haired boy's face.
"Can it replacement. Motorcycle's over there." Red Hood pointed a block south. As Red Robin began his walk, Hood screamed after him, "AND IF I SEE ONE SCRATCH ON IT!"
You pulled up to an unfamiliar place, but Red Hood already proved his connections in Gotham…so you supposed you had to trust him. Not that you had much of a choice at this point. There was no hope you were moving on this leg anytime soon.
"So, whose this doctor then?"
"Someone we trust. When the patch ups are too much for us to handle ourselves." He said it as if what happened was normal, no big deal. You couldn't get anymore questions out before you were met with a pretty blonde doctor and a wheelchair.
"Do I want to know?" She questioned as she wheeled you into the building and straight to the x-ray room.
"Just an asshole with a baseball bat and some luck." You tried not to look down at the damage it had caused. It seemed like hours went by as your injured leg was manipulated in ways it definitely shouldn't have been. Finally, you were wheeled back to a room. Much to your surprise, Red Hood was waiting patiently for you.
"Well?" He blurted out the question before you and the doctor could even get in the room.
She let out a deep sigh, "Well it's not great. A section of her fibula is shattered and she has a compound fracture in her tibia."
"So surgery?" Your voice went solemn.
"Unfortunately. Fairly routine though. Plates and a rod will reconnect your fibula, and we'll put some pins to realign the tibia."
"Great. So does that happen here…or…?" You still weren't sure how you were going to get through all of this without anyone noticing or revealing who you were.
"Here and now. We…" the doctor turned her head and glared at Red Hood, still lingering in the room, "will leave you to put on a gown. You can keep your mask on."
You assumed hours had passed, but it only seemed a few seconds to you. As your eyes fluttered open, you first noticed the new bandaging around your leg and then your eyes drifted to the man sitting in the corner of the room. "Why are you looking at me like that." You weren't even sure how your mind formed a complete sentence.
"Doll, I'm not looking at you like anything. Stop being paranoid."
"You don't have to pretend to be my friend or anything." The words were falling out of your mouth before you could stop them. Why would you even say that?
"Well, I'm not pretending. You know me better than anyone." At this point Jason was pretty sure that the combination of pain medicine and the anesthetic was causing the bizarre line of questioning. You had to have known that you were friends, right?
"Please, I don’t even know who you really are."
"And that is why you know me best. No preconceived notions."
"Oh so you're important then?" You chuckled before adding, "or just a dick."
"That's my brother." Red Hood laughed at the pun you didn't understand, before looking over and seeing the confused sad look gracing your features. "Look, I don't even know if you'll remember this…" He slowly pulled off the domino mask hiding his face. "But my name is Jason, Jason Todd."
A faint smile graced your lips as you followed his lead, "Y/N, Y/N  Y/L/N." The two of you broke out in laughter at the drama of it all before hastily putting the masks back on as you heard footsteps headed your way.
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allforhader · 4 years
Your Friends are...Nice
Aaron Conners x (F) Reader
Requested by: @billhxder7
Warnings: Langauge
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“I like your friends”
“Aaron, you only met Hana and who doesn’t like her? Come on.” Y/N handed the tablet to the nurse before walking with Aaron to the attending lounge.
“Why can’t we have a game night and I’ll meet them there? You said Hana has a boyfriend”
“I know but it’s best to be out and about. Just in case we gotta sneak out early” Y/N teases stealing a kiss from her boyfriend. “My group of friends may not be athletes but you’ll get a kick out of them.”
“I would totally ask you if I can bring Lebron, but you’d probably want me to meet them without the distraction” Aaron wraps his arms around her waist. “Even though my bomb ass orthopedic surgeon girlfriend would happily distract me”
“I better be the only distraction, and the only thing you have your eyes on” Y/N smiles as he brought her close kissing her once more before parting.
“I have a consult. Then your friends can torcher me with their many questions” Aaron smiles as Y/N hasn’t stopped smiling watching her boyfriend go.
After the consult and a bit of work behind the desk, Y/N happily walks into Aaron’s office wearing one of his sweaters under her trench coat. She likes leaving work in something comfortable like his sweaters. He looks up from his desk smiling as she patiently waited by the door.
“Is it bad that I kinda want to stay here and admire you from a far?”
“No, but you better finish up so we can go. Then maybe later tonight...you’ll get something” Y/N smirks biting her lip as Aaron finished up his work before quickly getting up and taking his jacket on the way out with her.
The two instantly hug one another once they met up in the bar by their apartment complex.
“Collins, you know I’m gonna run away with Hana one day right?” Y/N teases Hana’s boyfriend Collins, another friend of hers. He instantly gave Aaron a look.
“You okay with that?” Collins laughs a bit making Aaron chuckle and a motion of rolling his eyes. “They are star crossed lovers” he jokes making Aaron laugh.
“I have competition” Aaron laughs sitting in the circle booth beside Y/N. “I’m Aaron”
“We know! We hear a lot about you from little Miss Y/N” Hana smiles. “Again, it’s Hana. But you haven’t met Collins”
“My first name is Emmett but everybody calls me by the last” Collins smiles shaking hands with Aaron.
“Nice to meet you. Is it only you two?”
“Nah Gia is coming, but she’s carpooling with Terrance” Y/N smiles before looking to the two. “First round on me?”
“Uh. Yes. Ms. Orthopedic Surgeon that makes a shitton more money than little ol’ journalist I call myself” Collins laughs before getting up. “I’ll get the drinks with you”
“Awesome, Guinness babe?” Y/N smiles as Aaron nods. She climbed over his lap kissing his cheek before going with Collins to the bar.
“Sooo. I’ve heard the story a million times from Y/N. But I’d love to hear it from you about how you two meet”
“Well, besides working in a practice specifically for sports medicine and Ortho surgery. I get called to consult all the time or go to the ER when one of my athletes end up there. But this one time when I was called, Y/N took the trauma—“
“Hey I was paged for a consult?” Aaron steps into the trauma room being handed a tablet by the nurse to check the x-rays they received of the patient. “He—
“He’s got a fracture in his talus, but a break in his fibula. The talus can easily be cases but the fibula break is causing a hematoma so we’ll need to take care of that” Y/N practically runs it all as Aaron stood their in awe and confusion.
“Uh. Why was I paged if you’re the Ortho surgeon?”
“First day babe. I didn’t page yea, the trauma doc did. But you can happily assist me” Y/N smiles making Aaron smile as well. “Get me another set of pre-op scans and I’ll meet you in the OR” She smiles at Aaron passing by him when she finished for the eval.
Once they were in the OR doing their work...
“You have a gentle touch to your work for an Ortho surgeon”
“What can I say? I’m not the meanest Ortho surgeon”
“You saying I’m mean?”
“All I know about you private practice boys, is that you handle around the same group of patients. And don’t think I don’t know you Dr. Aaron Conners in orthopedic sports medicine. You yourself have flawless work and even if the mallet in your hand to fix in the break says otherwise, you’re probably one of the calmest Ortho surgeons I’ve ever worked with” Y/N smiles under the mask catching the gaze from Aaron.
“Does this mean I can get your name?”
“Buy me a drink after work then maybe” She teases. “Dr. Y/F/N Y/L/N. First day at this hospital but not my first rodeo”
“I can tell”
“Y’all are cute. Y’know that?”
“Am I supposed to instantly say the same as a courtesy?”
“Bitch. I don’t need you to tell me Emmett and I are cute. I know we fucking are” Hana smiles laughing with Aaron.
“Hana!” Gia cheers finally joining them and sliding beside Hana.
“Girl. Fucking finally. Where’s Terrance?”
“At the bar getting our drinks and taking to your man’s and...your lady” Gia smiles at Aaron. “It’s so nice to finally meet the man that has Y/N’s heart! It’s Gia”
“Aaron, lovely to meet you”
“Right back atcha” Gia smiles as Y/N slides in beside Aaron setting his beer down feeling him instantly wrapped his arm around her shoulders.
“See you’ve met Gia, this is Terrance” Y/N smiles gestures to the guy sitting on the other side of her.
“Hey man” Terrance smiles as Aaron moves his hand up Y/N’s shoulder when he felt got closer to Y/N.
Aaron had a worried look on his face but it was unreadable by others. Except for Y/N. Y/N kisses Aaron’s cheek smiling after she did such, seeing him smile after.
A few rounds of drinks went by and they were all around the dart board taking turns. Aaron hugged the wall with Collins and Gia as the other three take their turn of a game. Aaron looking too much into the fact that when Y/N high fives Terrance, he held her hand after. Only reassuring thing is she pulled her hand away and shot Aaron a smile. Terrance gave him a look while twirling the dart before continuing with the game.
“Hey babe?” Aaron calls as Y/N sets her glass on the table before wrapping her arms around his waist looking up at him.
“Yeah baby?”
“I love you”
“I love you more” Y/N smiles big as Aaron leaned down kissing her lovingly while Terrance watches as he broke the dart in his hand.
“Yo. Terrance I ain’t fucking paying for new darts” Hana smacks him in the chest before taking her turn in the game.
Y/N looked over when her friend snapped at the other. She laughs a bit to herself as Aaron gave him a glaring stare to back down from whatever he’s doing.
“Hey Y/N. Wanna get the next round of drinks with me?” Terrance asks as Y/N nods with a smiles parting from Aaron to go with him to the bar.
Aaron watched from afar seeing Terrance try and fail to do anything. Y/N kept pushing his hand away when he tried to wrap his arm around her shoulders, pulled herself away when he got uncomfortably close, and the moment they got their drinks Y/N pretended to be clumsy and drop her drink on his pants. Terrance didn’t care as he was head over heels but she gave him a played worried look before carrying the drinks she didn’t spill back.
“What number makes that?”
“What?” Aaron looks at Collins and Gia confused as they laughed at each other for a moment.
“This isn’t her first time doing that to him. He won’t take the idea so”
“She spills her drink and sneaks back to us” Gia laughs sipping the last of her drink. “Terrance is obsessed with her but she is so devoted to you that she has her ways of rejecting him”
“Has she ever just told him no?”
“The bitch doesn’t take no and it’s funny”
“She tossed his phone into the fountain and the next thing you know. Her and I were running to the subway while he fished for his phone” Gia laughs a bit as Y/N walks over to the three rolling her eyes while handing Aaron his drink. “That makes 8 sweet face”
“Oh I know” Y/N laughs a bit to herself before taking Aaron’s hand into hers. “You wanna get out of here before he comes back?”
“Isn’t that rude?”
“Babe the way you were glaring at him. Tells me you don’t want him to be around me. Come on we can take the subway and when we get home” Y/N went on her tippy toes whispering into Aaron’s ear of what they’ll be doing at home.
“Okay—let’s go”
“Let’s go jealous boy” Y/N smiles laughing as she drags Aaron out of there making him roll his eyes for a moment before looking back.
“It was nice meeting y’all!” Aaron states as he got dragged.
“WE GOTTA HANG WITHOUT THE BOY NEXT TIME” Hana smiles as the group waves them off.
Aaron grabbed Y/N’s coat along with his at the coat rack on their way out.
“Was me being jealous that noticeable?”
“Babe it was seeping out of you”
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