Pretty Damn Awesome
Word count: 2,697
Fluff, my heart can’t even
GIF creds to owner
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I felt so giddy and happy, the rush of excitement flooded my body. I was honestly so nauseous just because of how much energy was building.
“You’re fucking pregnant!” My best friend shakes my arm a little, she came with me to the doctor because I was feeling a little queasy. I would’ve asked Ashton, but he was somewhere in the world doing interviews.
“I am, I’m fucking pregnant.” I started to cry happy tears and she engulfs me in a hug. “Hey, it’s just a baby, don’t be sad.” She rubs my back soothingly. “I know! I’m just so happy, I get to have my own baby and family.” I smile through the tears. “How are you going to tell Ash?” She asks and I shrug. “Well, he flies back tonight and we have dinner with his mom tomorrow night. Should I do it there?” I ask and she nods vigorously. “We need to find something cute to do.” She suggests and I nod along.
“Well, Mrs. Irwin, you are free to go. We looked at your blood work and it seems that your iron is a little low. We suggest some low-dose iron pills if you become anemic it can interfere with how small your baby can be.” The doctor comes back into the room and tells me, he hands me a slip that had the name of the medicine.
“Thank you, we were going by the store anyway.” I smile towards her and she nods. “Congratulations to you, just stop by the front desk to check out.” She shakes my hand before leaving the room. “I’m gonna search Pinterest for some ideas, you get to drive my dear. You’re no longer sick, you’re just pregnant.” My friend jokes and I roll my eyes.
“What if we got like a vinyl record, like an old one that he probably won’t even know, we paint over the title; after that, we can put ‘for the record, I’m pregnant.’ It would be so cute.” Leslie suggests as we pull up to CVS. “Awe, that would be so cute. We could go downtown to that old record shop.” I wanted to cry all over again because I was so happy.
“I don’t know how you’re gonna hold this in all day when Ashton comes home.” She laughs as we get out of the car. “Well, I’ll try my hardest.” I laugh and we walk towards the pharmacy.
“Well, you’re going to need these, for sure.” Leslie puts prenatal vitamins in the basket. “Look for Vitron-C, it’s what he wrote down,” I tell her and we both start scanning the aisle. “Ah, found it!” I say and bend down to grab it.
“Does CVS even sell paint?” She asks and I shrug. “Maybe we can get the kid ones, I mean it’s not like we’re doing a huge project. We only need to paint the circles on both sides.” I tell her and she nods. “Then we can just find a silver sharpie and write on the record.” Leslie insists and I smile. “I’ll go find the kid paint, you find the sharpies, meet back at the candy,” I demand and she walks off.
I wander around until I find the paint, a few sections down I see some baby clothes and my heart quenches. I’ve never been so happy with my life, I mean besides our wedding. I grab the paint and then move to the baby items, I run my hands over it. I shake it off and go towards the candy, I put some m&ms in the basket. Leslie comes up to me and puts a pack of sharpies in the basket. “Let’s go so we can get the record.”
When we both get home from the record shop, we automatically start painting the paper that was covering part it. “Leslie, you can write it because I have horrible handwriting.” I slide the vinyl to her and she sighs.
It gets quiet as she starts to write on both sides. “Do you have any spray paint?” She asks after she finished writing on it. “Probably our in the garage, why?” I ask as she stands up with the cardboard casing for the record. “I’m going to go spray paint this so he can’t see the artist. You stay here because you don’t need to inhale this.” She pats my head like a little kid.
“Well babe, I’ve had so much fun with you and I’m so fucking excited to be an aunt. I love you so much.” She kisses my cheek and I smile. “Thank you, Aunt Leslie, for the win.” I hug her tightly. “Make sure you film his reaction. I’ll see you on the flip side.” She waves as she exits out the front door.
I grab the record and try to find a place to hide it. I go into the garage and hide it in the tiny safe we had in there.
I grab my phone and call my mom, I needed to tell her before I go to the Irwin’s tomorrow.
“Hello?” My mom answers and I smile. “Hey mom, I’ve got some big news for you.” I grin and I hear her gasp, she could tell already. “Let me go put you on the speaker phone with your dad.” I could hear her basically running into the room. “Listen to this.” I hear her demand my dad. “Guys, I’m pregnant. I found out today.” I hear them both scream and gasp. “I’m so happy! I’m going to be a grandma!” My mom sounded like she was crying. “I just wan- hey guys I got to hang up. Ashton is calling me.” I look at his caller ID. “Well, you two need to fly to America so I can see you.” She kindly demands and I smile. “Will do, I love you guys. Bye.” I hang up.
“Hey, babe,” I answer and I could feel his smile. “Hey, I was wondering if you were ever going to pick up.” He jokes and I smile, I was so glad to hear his voice. “Yeah, I was on the phone with my mom, but we were done anyways. What’s up?” I ask and he sighs a little. “Well, I won’t be able to be home until like 2 am, so I was calling to tell you not to wait up. You need your rest and when you wake up, I’ll be there.” He sounded sad but I knew he’d be there as soon as I woke up. “That’s okay baby, I’m not upset. You’re going to be with me for a couple of months and that’s all I need. Plus, we have the meal with your family tomorrow.” I soothe him and he chuckles a little. “You know how to fix everything, don’t you?” He sounded less sad. “It’s what I do, baby I’m going to get off the phone. I’m feeling a little sick so I’m going to go eat. I love you and I’ll see you tomorrow.” I say my goodbyes and he seemed a little worried. We end the call and I rub my belly a little.
I didn’t want to have that pregnancy where I felt like throwing up every day, so eating crackers calmed my pregnancy jitters. I lay on the couch and turn on Cake Boss. My eyes fluttered shut before I could even see what the cake looked like.
When I woke up I felt someone lifting me up, my eyes opened up wide because of the fear. The first thing I saw was Ashton’s sweet smile. “Hey baby, you fell asleep on the couch. I just got home so I thought I’d carry my lovely bride up the stairs.” He tells me as he presses a kiss to my forehead. “Thanks, Ash, I love you.” I snuggle myself into his chest. “Let’s get some pajamas on, you don’t need to sleep in skinny jeans. He changed me into some shorts and one of his shirts. I sigh contently as I lay my head on my pillows. Ash comes to his side and wraps me in his arms. “Night baby.” He kisses my forehead once more before we both fall asleep.
“Morning, sleepyhead.” I hear Ashton’s voice as I come to. “What are you doing up?” I ask and he giggles. “I’ve been up for an hour, it’s 12 baby, you looked so peaceful I didn’t want to wake you.” He says and he kisses my nose and I grin. “You should have woke me up with you.” I wrap my arm around his neck and he pushes me up against him. His arms were around my waist and I snuggle myself in the crease of his neck.
“I’m so glad you’re home.” I kiss his neck softly and he squeezes me a little tighter. “I’ve missed you so much, I’m surprised you are still married to me. Can’t believe I found someone who wants to wait around for me when I’m busy around the world.” He sighs softly and I lift my head up. “Well I didn’t marry you for your job, I married you because you’re the love of my life. Your job is just a part of you.” I peck his lips lightly.
He pushes me on my back and hovers over me, his eyes were gleaming as he took in the moment. “I’m so fucking in love with you, look at you though. You’re so beautiful and you have this glowing skin. I just want to kiss and hold you all day long.” He lowers himself down and pushes his lips on mine. I wrap my arms around his neck once more, but this time I pull him down to me. He was trying to situate his weight but I didn’t care honestly. I allow his tongue entrance and he was taking dominance.
He moves his kissing down to my neck and I sigh contently. He starts to move to my boobs, but I didn’t realize how much they were hurting, so I push him off gently. “We’re going to your moms in 4 hours, let’s not have any marks that need to be covered.” I lie as he backs up, I knew it was probably due to the pregnancy.
I’ve honestly been lowkey reading pregnancy books for months, it’s just something I wanted to do and we’ve been married for a year. I wanted a baby so bad and now I know a lot of knowledge just from the books. “You’re right, let's go watch some Criminal Minds.” He suggests as he jumps over me, he picks me up and carries me downstairs. “I love you so much,” I whisper quietly, I didn’t know if he heard me or not, but I just knew how much he meant to me.
“Anne!” I giddily yell and hug her, she wraps her arm around me. I feel someone tugging me away and I look back to see Lauren. “There’s my girl,” I say and I give her a hug too. “Can I show you my prom dress and stuff later?” She asks and I nod quickly. “Uh, duh. You know I’m your forever person hype-woman.” I tell her and she smiles softly. “Thanks.” We link arms as we go into the living room. “Can you actually walk outside with me for a moment?” I ask and she seemed worried.
“Ash, we’re going to the car! I forgot my phone out there.” I lie and he looks back at me and nods. He turns back to his little brother showing him videos of his drumming.
“What’s wrong?” She asks as we walk down the sidewalk. I make sure we’re out of ear shot by walking to the car quicker, I open the trunk quickly. I pull out the record and show her what it says, her eyes widen quickly. “You’re kidding! Oh my god, I’m so happy for you.” She hugs me tightly and I wanted to start crying. “I need to get this inside but I don’t know how to bring it in without Ashton knowing,” I say and she ponders for a second. “You go in first and be all lovey-dovey, I’ll sneak in after and put it in my room.” She plans and I nod.
I walk in and find Ash sitting on the recliner. Luckily it was turned away from the door. I sat on his lap and he smirks slightly. “Finally realize I’m the best person in the house?” He asks and I shrug. “I don’t know, I never thought you were the best.” I tease and he fake gasps. “How dare you!” He exclaims as he also fakes a pout.
I see Lauren start to dash towards the stairs. “I love you,” I whisper and kiss his neck softly. “Don’t start something you can’t finish, baby.” He whispers back and I grin. “Supper is ready!” Anne yells and I perk up. “Oof, gotta blast.” I jump up and don’t even wait for Ash, I was already at the dinner table. “I still wonder why I married you.” He jokes under his breath, he sits beside me and grabs my hand.
Everyone was finished with supper and most of them were drinking wine, well just Ashton and Anne. “Well, did you not want any? I’ll go get you some.” Ashton says and I shake my head. “One of us has to drive, remember?” I admit, that and I’m freaking pregnant.
“I’m gonna go get a glass of water,” I say and look at Lauren, she picks it up and we both stand. “I could go for some sprite.” She says and we both head towards the kitchen. “I’ll go get it and you make a glass of water. That way if Ashton passes out, we have something to splash on him.” She jokes and I nod, I grab a plastic cup from the cabinet and put water into it.
I go back to the living room and sit by Ashton on the loveseat. Lauren comes in with it in her hand, Ashton notices it when she sits on the floor in front of him. I see her pull out her phone and she sneakily records us. “What’s that Lauren? You got me a welcome home present?” He teases and she shakes her head. “It’s actually one from y/n.” She states and he looks at me expectingly. “Yep, I admit that it was me.” I put my hands up in defense. “You shouldn’t of.” He kisses my cheek before picking it up. “Well, I wasn’t gonna take it back,” I mumble to myself.
He pulls the record out and I think he was so caught up trying to figure out who the artist was. Suddenly, his eyes shift to the words. “For the record,” he turns the record over and his eyes go big, “I’m pregnant.” He ended up yelling it. “You’re pregnant? For real?” He asks and I nod. “Oh my god! I’m a dad!” He says as he tackles me into the couch, but he pulls back shortly after. “Hey, there little Irwin. I love you so much already.” He whispers toward my stomach and I feel tears cloud up.
We’ve been wanting a child for so long and his reaction just summed it up. Lauren turns off her phone and joins our little hug. “I’m gonna be the best aunt.” She says as she pulls away.
Anne stands up with tears in her eyes. “I’m so happy guys, l love you too so much.” We stand up so she can hug us.
She pulls away quickly and I see her demeanor change. “But I fucking knew it! You’ve got the beautiful glow, you ate much more than usual, and you had that little twinkle of happiness in your eyes.” She laughs and I groan, “you know me too well.” I say.
“So, does that mean I get to be an uncle?” Harry catches our attention and we nod. “Awesome.” He says to himself. “Yeah bud, it’s pretty awesome.” Ashton comments, he looks and me and kisses me quickly.
“Pretty damn awesome.”
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babyloncallll · 6 years
I’m looking for mutuals and friends :) if you’re a 5sos blog or like 5sos or whatever 5sos send me a message or follow me :) I’ll follow you back. :)))
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bloodlineluke · 5 years
tough guy l.h (part two)
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part one, 
italitics bolded means flashback! 
warnings; none!
  “Your brother told me to tell you he will be back in a few weeks.” Luke’s voice sounded through the master bedroom, my eyes following him as he plopped himself down on the bed. 
   wordlessly nodded, focusing on the book and pushing the thought of my brother from my head, Luke raised his eyebrows at my attitude, usually happy upon hearing about my brothers return. 
  “Doll, what’s with the new attitude.” 
  “A few weeks usually turns into longer. I’m sick of lies.” 
  Luke didn’t respond after that, leaving the room silently. I could hear him talking downstairs, probably on the phone with Calum, either that or another gang member. We were the only ones here, trying to keep our location on lockdown, the more people going and coming would give our location off right away. Only a few select people knowing exactly where we were. 
  The sunlight that streamed through the white curtains got dimmer and dimmer, instead, a soft glow illuminated the room. It must’ve been hours at this point, the book I had started early this morning was coming to an end. Reading was something I’ve always done when feeling anxious, something to calm my racing mind. Calum knew that which is why at every safe house he had a bookcase of newly updated books. 
  The night we got here was a complete wreck, we didn’t have time to grab anything we needed, like my anxiety medication. Calum tried blaming Luke, but it wasn’t his fault, all he was doing was trying to keep me safe, and with me being alive I’d say he’s doing a pretty good job. 
  Rain pelted at my window, providing no comfort for me in the dark bedroom. Almost as soon as we had gotten here a storm started, proving more so that this day was just bad luck. Adding the fact that my anxiety was piping up, and my medication was long forgotten on Luke’s counter made it way worse than it needed to be. 
  In the years that Cal had been in the gang have we ever had a close call like that, I never got in the middle of anything and he always made sure I was safe. After today’s experience, the large bedroom provided more loneliness and anxiety, without thinking the duvet was pushed off me, the cold winter air nipping at my bare legs. Before I knew it I was standing outside Luke’s door, shuffling nervously on my feet. 
  It was late, and the thought of waking the blonde man up for something so stupid made me turn around without a second glance, but my idea soon came to a half as the door behind me swung open with a long creak. He had his gun drawn, his features softening as soon as he noticed it was me. 
  “I’m sorry, thought you were sleepin.” He mumbled, setting the gun on the dresser beside his door.
  “Can’t sleep, I didn’t want to be alone, sorry for waking you up.” My voice was soft and distant, but just as the door to my room became closer I felt his hands on my waist and my body being pulled back into his room.
  “All you have to do is ask.” 
  That’s where it left us, sharing a bed for the past three nights. Today was the first day I spent in a separate room from him, every other day the lingering feeling that something bad was going to happen prevented him from leaving the room without me following behind him. It was something I’d have to overcome at some point, but right now I didn’t mind, and hopefully, he didn’t either. 
  I followed the noise of the T.V to the living room finding Luke barely being able to keep his eyes open. The dark bags proved enough evidence that the Australian hadn’t been sleeping. 
  “Lu,” I paused, waiting until he turned his head, “When was the last time you had more than two hours of sleep.” 
  He shrugged, knowing if he’d answer it a scolding would be in line. Knowing me for years gave him an advantage of what my actions were. After I gave him a solid glare did he then decide to answer me. 
  “It doesn’t matter, need to make sure your okay.” 
  “You can’t protect me if you can’t keep your eyes open.”
  All I got in return was silence, his blue eyes focusing back on the tv, barely even open. Before I could stop myself I was sitting next to him, my fingers running through his curls, his eyes shut in comfort, leaning into my touch. 
  “Please come lay down.” I tried again, and surprisingly he nodded, allowing me to pull him up to his room.
  It was only when Luke pulled my body into his, did I realize that maybe being stuck here for the next few weeks wouldn’t be so bad. 
  A soft hum from the bedside dresser lulled me out of my slumber, the darkroom lit up by Luke’s phone. Calum’s name flashed across the top, and I knew if I declined the call he would just keep calling before sending someone out to make sure that we weren’t dead, and with Luke finally sleeping I didn’t want it ruined by a quick call with my brother, so as best as I could without waking him up, I wiggled out of his grasp, and pressed the phone against my ear.
  “Hello,” I sleepily mumbled, shutting the bathroom door behind me.
  “Y/N? Why do you have Luke’s phone.” 
  “He’s sleeping, this is the first night he’s gotten more than two hours of sleep. I didn’t want to wake him.” 
  “Are you in his bedroom with him, I’m going to kill-”
  “Chill, we were watching a movie in the living room. Look I’m really tired, and the only reason I answered was so you wouldn’t keep calling.” 
  “Yeah, sorry. Goodnight Y/N.”
  Instead of replying, I immediately ended the call, taking a deep breath before reclaiming my spot beside Luke, his arms immediately going back to around my waist.
  “Was that your brother.” 
“Yeah, I didn’t want to wake you.”
  “It’s fine doll, thank you.” He sleepily mumbled, cuddling back into my body. 
Who knew that the blonde gang member, could be such a softie. 
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hollandsmushroom · 5 years
Eating Out w/Ashton
The two of you were sitting on the couch and he had you mostly in his lap, and you were watching some tv show but you weren’t paying attention, your focus was on Ashton’s fingers that were roaming the waistband of your pants, then without warning, he slipped them in the front, running his fingers through your folds concluding that his slight touches here and there had gotten to you, but he still needed to be cocky about it.
“Baby, your dripping for me, hmm,” he started kissing your neck and he then out of nowhere he bit down on your sweet spot, causing a moan to slip through your lips. Removing his hand from your panties he laid you back on the couch, tugging you pants and panties down and leaving you bottomless. He spread you legs wide, admiring you as you whimpered.
“So pretty, so wet,” he hummed before bending down and licking through your folds, tapping his tongue against your clit making your legs jolt and clamp around his head. he slid his hands up your legs and pried your legs open again, massaging the soft flesh of your thighs as he licked around your entrance, the point of his nose rubbing against your tender nerve endings. Your hands moved on their own, sliding down to lace your fingers through his crimson locks, tugging on them and making him groan against your heat, the vibrations sending another jolt through your body as you felt your lower belly tightening. He took one hand that was holding your thighs spread and replaced his tongue with his fingers, his tongue returning to your clit, lapping at it harshly as his fingers pumped in and out of your core until the not in your belly unraveled, your grip on his hair becoming stronger as you came. He kitten licked you through your orgasm, pulling away once he was confident that he had milked you for everything that you had. Bringing his fingers up to his mouth and sucking them clean,
“You tasted delicious, sweetie,” he groaned, leaning  over your panting frame and placing a kiss on your lips.
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ashtoncandle · 9 years
You wake up to an empty bed, which was unusual because Ash liked to cuddle you until you got up. You looked around the room, not finding any trace of him. Getting worried, you walk out of the bedroom to find a rose pedal trail. You smile and cover your face with your hands, following the rose pedals. They lead you into the kitchen which was decorated in Valentines Day decorations and there were flowers everywhere with a few boxes of chocolate scattered around. There was even more rose pedals in here, and there was Ash, standing in the corner - shirtless - looking like a little kid on Christmas. You audibly awe and you walk over to him wrapping your arms around him, “Thank you so much babe.” He smiles at you and kisses your forehead, “Anything for you.” You return his grin and press your lips to his, and he immediately wraps his arms around your waist bringing you closer, mean while you have one arm wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer and the other on his cheek. He deepens it, turning his head to the side and kissing you harder. You kiss back, just as eager as him. And he lifts you up and sets you on the counter so your his height. He pecks your lips and then he leaves kisses all over your neck and face. And you can’t help but let out a little appreciation. You can’t take it anymore that is lips aren’t on yours so you grab his face and connect his mouth to yours. You wrap your legs around his waist and he nips at your lip. He grins, heavy breath and dark eyes. “I had plans for pancakes and bacon, but it looks like we’ll be having something else for breakfast.” He throws you over his shoulder and runs to his room, you giggling like a maniac.
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criminalhotch · 10 years
Ashton's Hands
Ashton's hands are so big when he wears long sleeve shirts he can't do sweater paws unless the shirt is like two sizes too big.
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Word count: 1,661
Fluff galore
(GIF creds to owner)
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“Leo you can’t pull aunt y/ns’ hair when I hold you,” I warn and he had the cutest giggle as he lets go. “Mama, mama!” He blubbers and I shake my head. “I’m not mama, I’m aunt y/n.” I remind him but my heart feels full to even be around a child, let alone my own nephew.
“Y/n I’m home, oh there’s a baby,” Ashton yells through the corridor but quiets down when he sees me on the couch with Leo. “My sister needed to get a lot of stuff done today and asked if I could watch Leo,” I explain and Ash comes closer. “Ash ash!” Leo trots over to Ashton and I deadpan.
How does Leo remember Ashton’s name but not mine? I’m his aunt, his blood. I feel so betrayed, well not really but this kid will learn my name by the end of the day.
“Leo! My little buddy.” Ash plops on the floor and Leo engulfs him in a hug. Ashton was giggling and so was Leo, Ashton kept giving him kisses all over Leo’s face. “Ash!” He yells in his baby voice, my heart was all giddy and tight.
Ash and I have been married for 2 years and we never explored having kids. He promised me that once the newest album was out and the tour was over, he was gonna be all about having a baby with me.
Seeing Ashton play so well with Leo made me sad in a way, I have always loved children. I have a huge family and seeing everyone with their children always made my heart hurt a little. I have never blamed Ashton’s career for me not getting that connection as a mother, and I would never blame him. That’s not my job to.
Sometimes in our lives, we have to decide when is the right time and I commend Ashton for holding off because he didn’t want me raising our child alone. It’s helped that my sister had Leo 18 months ago, I had time with a baby in my family that wasn’t just going to my 2nd cousin. Leo was my nephew and I felt like being an aunt was a higher title than a cousin.
It’s always the way that mothers have that immediate connection to their babies. Like if I am holding Leo and he’s all loving to me, but my sister could walk in and we wouldn’t matter anymore. The moment he sees his mom, it’s all her. That’s her son and he will always choose her. I just want that connection.
“Mama mama!” Leo comes running back to me, taking me out of my thoughts, and I grin a little when he collides with my legs. “Baby boy, I am not your mama, I’m Y/n,” I say again for the second time today. “Eat. Eat.” He chants and I pick him up in my arms. “Let’s see what we have in the kitchen, Leo.” I walk into the kitchen and I hear Ashton follow. “Here I’ll take him as you look around,” Ash suggests and takes him out of my arms, putting him on the counter softly.
I pull the yogurt out the fridge, grabbing one of the CapriSuns that Ashton still buys for himself. I grab the smallest spoon and stick the straw inside the drink. Leo starts clapping and giggling in excitement, I open the strawberry yogurt and dip the spoon in. He opens his mouth voluntarily and I feed him it. Ashton holds the drink out for him once Leo swallowed the yogurt.
That cycle continued until the yogurt was half empty and Leo was obviously full. “Let’s go watch some Paw Patrol,” I say and guide Leo off the countertop, he runs as fast as he can towards the living room with his short little legs.
He tries to get on the couch but he didn’t have the height to. Ashton sits down and lifts him up beside him, but Leo climbs onto Ashton’s lap. I turn on the tv and find Paw Patrol, then situate myself beside Ash, he wraps his arm around me.
I start to flutter my eyes close, I’ve been so exhausted from just the past 4 hours that he’s been here. I’m just glad Ashton finally came home so I could catch a break. Just as I felt myself doze off, a smell hit me like a truck.
I have been around babies my whole life and I know exactly how shit smells like from a tiny human. I check the back of his diaper and of course, I was right. “Okay Leo, let’s get our diaper changed,” I say and Leo whines a little, he’s always hated this part. I start to get up but Ashton pushes me back a little. “I’ve got this, I’ve seen Calum do it to Mason. I’ve got this in the bag.” He reassures and stands up with Leo, grabbing his diaper bag off the loveseat.
I hear Ashton cooing at Leo and I can only imagine that Ashton is making faces at him, only because I could hear the loudest giggles ever. “Isn’t uncle Ashton the best! I’m the best, aren’t I?” I hear Ashton’s baby voice. “Ash Ash!” I hear Leo shout.
Ashton settles back down beside me, we all get in the same position but this time Leo is laying on Ashton’s chest. “30-minute power nap?” Ashton asks and I nod frantically.
“Aren’t you the cutest baby, aren’t you?” Ashton’s voice wakes me up. “You are gonna be the cutest cousin to my little baby, you can protect the baby. Then, we can have sleepovers with you, Mason, Michaels’s little baby Leah. Hopefully, Luke has a little baby too and it’ll be a whole 5sos party with you included.” I hear him ramble and Leo just laughs at his toys, having no idea what was going on.
Ashton starts to trot the little-stuffed panda bear closer to Leo. “Panda is gonna get you!” Ashton says as he gets closer with it. “Ah, He got you!” He tried to stay as quiet as he could, Leo erupts with laughter. “No!” He yells and Ashton makes the shushing sound. “Aunt Y/n is sleeping, we don’t want to wake her. She’s a big bad bear when she wakes up. Shhhh.” Ashton whispers and I roll my eyes, but he’s right.
My mind goes back to Ashton mentioning having his own baby, it made me want to smile but I didn’t want Ashton knowing I was awake. I would love to have a baby with him and I know that the last music festival they’re playing at is like 3 weeks from now.
I try to imagine our baby girl having his soft curls, my eyes but Ashton’s nose. I hope to god that she would have Ashton’s laugh. She’d have his dirty blonde hair and maybe the color of my hair included. If it was a boy, I can only imagine him being an exact copy of Ashton, just a miniature version.
The knocking on the door ‘wakes’ me up from my sleep. “I got it,” I say and roll off the couch, when I open the door I see my sister. “Hey, come in. He’s had his nap and ate some yogurt for lunch. He’s probably due for another meal.” I say as we both walk towards the living room. Leo was helping Ashton put his toys back inside the diaper bag. “Good job helping uncle Ashton, buddy,” Ashton says as he hugs him gently.
“C’mon baby, say goodbye and give kisses to uncle Ashton and aunt Y/n.” My sister says and Leo runs back to Ashton. Leo covers Ashton’s face with kisses, yelling bye and saying ‘Ash Ash.’ Leo runs to me and I squat down, he does the same thing with the kisses. “Bye-bye, aunt Y/n.” He tries to pronounce my name and my eyes widen. “He finally said it!” I cheer and my sister gives me a look. “He says your name all the time at home, it’s always when he sees the picture of us 3 at my wedding.” My sister admits and I grin... that little brat.
“Bye guys, be careful going home,” I say as Ash and I walk with them towards the door. Once they leave, Ash and I walk back into the living room, collapsing beside each other. We both sigh loudly.
I change the channel to Ghost Adventures and I listen to a ‘ghost’ screaming in one of the buildings they’re in. “I want one,” Ashton says and I turn my head to him. “A ghost?” I ask in a confused voice. “No, a baby. I want one with you right now.” He boldly confirms and I smile.
“Well, you know you can’t just get one right this moment,” I say jokingly and he rolls his eyes playfully. “Yes, but we can always try right now. My last festival is in 3 weeks, but for a while, I will be all yours.” He suggests and starts kissing my neck. I push him off a little and look into his eyes.
“Ash, this is serious. I don’t want to have a baby right now if you’re going to just to have to leave soon after I give birth. I would never want to hold you back from your career.” I was being serious and I see his eyes soften. “Baby, you’re my wife and giving me our child will never hold me back. Family will always come before music, you know this. Calum had Mason and Mikey had Leah, they both took time off and we all obliged. They will do the same for us.” He says and my heart feels giddy again.
“Let’s have a baby,” I say and his eyes widen. “Let’s have a baby?” He repeats and I nod quickly.
“Thank god.” He says as he pounces on top of me.
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bloodlineluke · 5 years
Tough Guy (Gang!Luke)
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it’s literally so hard to find even semi-serious gifs of luke because hes so soft and smiley. anyway! this is going to be a chapter fic! It will be posted randomly because I suck at posting when I’m supposed too!
heres my masterlist
I also tried to format this, like indent but it literally won't let me? On docs it was fine, but then I try here and it posts without indents. please enjoy! it’s not my best but I really like it! send feedback!
  I never supported the fact that my brother was in a gang, who in their right mind would? He tried to keep me out of it as best as he could, but there were times that my safety was in jeopardy. In which case Calum would force me to stay locked up in his apartment, surrounded by members of his gang to protect me.
    It was late, the bar had just been cleared out by my manager, and I was currently finishing up cleaning. The loud sound of the front door opening caused me to let out a sigh of having to deal with another angry drunk.
    "The bar is closed, please don't try to start something," I stated, turning on the heels of my feet to see the person.
    I was surprised to see a 6ft blonde boy clad in a leather jacket staring back at me, a slight scowl on his face. Out of all people, Calum had to send Luke to get me, the person that I never got along with. It was like placing a cat and mouse in a room together, it never worked out.
    "Don't act so excited to see me doll, It's not like I want to be here either." Luke piped up, walking more into the poorly lit bar.
    I rolled my eyes, tossing the used rag onto the counter, before pulling off the old apron from my waist.
    "What happened now? Another threat towards me."
    "Close, Cal is just paranoid after a threat he got, but since he's not here he demanded you stayed with me. What a brilliant idea huh?" He sarcastically drew, leaning against the cold bar wall.
    "I can just stay at my apartment, no big deal."
    "And risk him biting my head off? No can do, grab your shit so we can leave. I don't want to wait all night for you." Luke bit back, sending me a quick glance before exiting the bar, the cold rushing in from outside.
    Even though Luke irritated the fuck out of me, I was happy that I had him around in the worst times. He has been my brother’s friends since we were young, and we’ve always had this bickering attitude for each other, but I still cared for the blue-eyed boy.
   “Luke! That was my piece give it back.” I whined, reaching across the couch attempting to grab the piece of pizza.
    “You snooze you lose,” He said with a mouthful of pizza, laughing when I fell back into the couch with a large huff.
    A loud ringing sound went through his large apartment, his hand going to grab the black handgun lying on his coffee table, quickly standing up to his feet. I followed suit, hiding behind the tall man, his hand instinctively reaching out behind him, assuring that I was still in fact behind him. He cursed when a gunshot rang through the apartment, quickly dragging us along to his room locking the door and texting for backup on his phone.
    “Dammit,” Luke paced the small room, stopping at his night table to quickly pull out another gun, wordlessly handing it to me.
    “Luke-” I paused when he shook his head at me, pushing my small frame towards the bathroom.
   “Lock the door, I have a key, If they force their way in, its not me and you need to shoot.”
    The anger didn’t leave his face as he quickly shut the door, my hands moving to quickly lock the door. I’ve had threats towards me, but never had they ever gotten to this point. Calum made sure that anyone and everyone he cared about was safe, and that included his younger sister.
    “Open the door,” A gruff voice spoke, definitely not Luke’s.
   My body froze, the bathroom feeling smaller as the seconds went by. Suddenly the whole apartment went quiet, and the only sounds were my breathing. The doorknob jiggled sending my mind back into a frenzy as I gripped the gun tighter in my clammy hands.
   Luke appeared in the doorway and the tears that had been waiting to fall finally started rolling down my cheeks, the gun slipped from my hand, my feet carrying me over to Luke. I surprised myself by wrapping my arms around him, he responded back allowing me to cry into his shirt.
    “Doll we need to get out of here, head to Cal’s safe house.” His voice was soft in my ear, hands running across my back in a comforting manner.
  After a few moments of silence, I wordlessly nodded my ahead, allowing the Australian boy to lead me out of his destroyed apartment. Other gang members, were currently cleaning up the mess, my eyes diverting anywhere but the bodies that lay on the floor.
  “Keep your eyes on me, love, don’t look at it.”
    Luke had just gotten off the phone with Calum, alerting him of everything that has been going on. Even after Calum apologized profusely for not being able to come home, due to gang business, I was still mad at him. His gang business is the reason we were even in this situation, Calum was all I had left, and his stupidity constantly put a toll on me. All my friends stopped talking to me after our plans were constantly canceled due to my safety, and it pushed them over the edge when they never got a reason. Just a simple text, sorry, I can’t go tonight xx.
    Even working was hard, all I wanted was a normal life. Family comes first, he would always say, so I’d ignore my loneliness in hopes of Calum staying happy.
   “You know I care for you right?” Luke broke the silence of the car, taking his eyes off the road for a second to give me a glance.
    “Hard to believe, I assumed you did this all for Calum.”
    “You know that isn’t true. I’ve known you forever, You’re not just Calums hot sister anymore.” Luke cockily said, sending me his usual boyish smirk.
   “That’s reassuring. I guess you’re not just Cal’s hot friend anymore.”
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bloodlineluke · 5 years
Just Like Honey (L.H)
“M Jealous,” I drunkenly mumbled into Luke’s shoulder as the car rolled along the road.
Luke laughed and turned his head to look at me.
“Yeah?” He questioned, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. “Jealous of what babes.” He finished rubbing my arm in an affectionate manner.
“Your hair, it’s so pretty.”
I lifted my hand to run my hand through his blonde curls, his eyes closing in enjoyment. Lu was always one to like to get his hair played with. Always loving people running their fingers through it, or simply twirling the ends.
“You have pretty hair too, love. Maybe I’m jealous of such long locks?” Luke playfully said, causing me to roll my eyes at his statement.
“False, my hair is so boring. Your hair is just like honey.” My voice started to get sleepy as the car radio lulled me to sleep.
“Damn, she really is hammered. Didn’t think she would actually let loose.” Calum spoke from beside me, his lips quirking into a smirk in enjoyment.
“New years parties, are my parties. I’m what makes them fun in the first place! Also, your worse off then I am Calum.” I retorted back causing both the tall boys to laugh beside me.
“I think It’s time to get you to bed. Both of you to bed” Luke spoke at us, the car coming to a halt in front of the large apartment building.
Luke went to go pick me up but I brushed him off, pulling myself out of the car with Luke standing idly from beside me his arms out in case he needed to help me. Before we could make it inside I stopped on the sidewalk and sat down, pulling my shoes off my feet and moaning at the feeling of my feet being free. Instead of carrying the shoes myself, I set them into Luke’s hand smiling evilly at him.
“Seems as if your just using me?” He asked, reaching down to pull me up onto my feet.
��Your right, I only stay with you because of Jack. He's a keeper.”
Luke playfully gasped from beside me, mocking fake offense as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders acting as if he was going to cry into my shoulder.
“Luke I can barely stand by myself, get off.”
It was too late before we both went tumbling to the ground, my body falling on top of Luke’s. I let out a groan at the hit, his hands placed firmly on my hips. We heard a camera shutter from beside me and Luke’s head snapped quickly to the sound of the noise, looking to yell at someone. Only to see Calum with his phone in his hand, and a cheeky grin on his face.
Luke and I quickly got up after that, our breaths heavy from the fall.
“I’d expect myself to be loud, and obnoxious. Yet it was the sober one that made all the noise” Calum teasingly said, walking ahead of us to Luke and I’s apartments.
Before anybody could react, Calums feet had slipped beneath him and he was falling into the ground a loud groan falling from his lips, while Luke and I left out a loud laugh. “Now who’s the loud and obnoxious one?” Luke teased helping his friend up from the ground.
Calum let out a whine and clung onto me, while Luke rolled his eyes as he put the key into our door, swinging it open and making sure we got in before he shut the door.  Calum and I drunkenly stumbled to the couch, his body falling heavily on top of mine as I let out a loud groan.
“Oi, Cal. That's my girlfriend get off.” Luke yelled pulling Calum up to his feet for the second time that night and leading him down the hallway to the guest bedroom.  
Luke gave me a pointed look as if telling me to sit there and not move so I didn’t cause a drunken mess before he disappeared into the guest room with Calum. He came out not even 10 minutes later, a deep sigh leaving his lips as he ran his hand through his curls. “Your turn.” He spoke lifting me up bridal style and carrying me to our room.  
He set a glass of water on the nightstand beside the bed and set me down, instructing me to drink some as he walked to the dresser to grab my pajamas.  I was only able to take a sip before he was back in front of me and changing me into comfy clothes.      
“Happy New Year Lu,” I mumbled into the pillow my eyes dropping shut.
“Happy new years baby,” Luke replied softly, as I finally closed my eyes and let sleep take over.  
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hollandsmushroom · 5 years
26. Ash. Angst then fluff. XOXO
26. “Never, and I mean never, call me that again,”
You slammed the door behind you, kicking off your shoes, walking into the kitchen and pouring yourself a cup of water and boosting yourself up onto the counter. You heard the door open and close from down the hall, but you stayed silent as your boyfriend called out your name, ignoring his pleas for you to respond, he stepped into the kitchen, watching you as you sat in silent petulance.
“You know I didn’t mean it,” he groaned, walking towards you and standing between your spread thighs but you slid of the counter and pushed past him, his patience seemed to be wearing thin but he was holding it together, not wanting to make matters worse. He reached out and caught your shoulder with hid hand before he you could exit the room, “Babe, we have got to get over this,” you whipped around and glared at him after he said this.
“Ashton, you called me a bitch, I can;t just get over that,” you growled, staring him in the eye.
“You know I didn’t mean it,” he groaned, looking you in the eye, “Please baby, I am sorry, you know I am, please forgive me so we can sleep in peace,” 
“Fine, but only because I want to sleep in peace tonight, and I sleep best with you in the bed,” you turned your back on him, beginning your venture to your room but only got around 1 step before spinning back around, “But keep this in mind, never, and I mean never, call me that again, because I won’t be so goddamn forgiving” 
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Love Drought (A.I)
Word count: 979
Pure angst
Based off of Beyoncé’s “Love Drought” gif creds to owner
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Please breathe, you know it’s what you need at this moment. Everything has fallen apart around you for days now, but damnit Y/n, you need to just desensitize right now.
“I’m trying, I’m trying so fucking hard to fix everything!” Ashton’s voice pleaded and I couldn’t help the bubble filled in my throat again, I’m about to vomit.
I have to swallow it down as I face my husband, I knew that this was either going to make or break us.
“Can you fix anything when you still act the same as you did the night you came home from to-touching her, having sex with someone else! Can you fix anything?” I yell for the first time since the day he told me, a month ago, and I can see him visibly flinch.
“I don’t understand what you mean, baby.” He takes a step forward with his hand extended, I take a giant step back, my hands shaking wildly.
Nothing hurt worse than the prickling tears in the corners of my raw eyelids, I’ve rubbed tears off of them so harshly for the past month.
“You came home that night, the night you did that with her, fine and happy! You acted as nothing happened nor that you cheated on your pregnant wife! You act like this didn’t happen at all and you’re just trying to heal a petty breakup like we had when we were teens.” I was sobbing as the words came out choked and stuttered.
“I don’t know how I’m supposed to act! You told me you’re willing to fix the marriage because we had a baby on the way, even though that night I didn’t know you were pregnant. You know I never meant to cause you this much pain.” He raised his voice too and I felt like I could just punch him repeatedly.
“You didn’t even act like you cared before you cheated! I let you parade all over my feelings for nothing! I tried to act tough and strong for a while before you came home that night, happier than I’d seen you in a while. I should’ve known something was up that night.” I shook my head, mostly talking to myself at that point.
“I was drunk off my ass, I cheated on you and I have all kinds of remorse for what I did to us.” He sighs and I felt the vomit rise again.
I knew he was drunk when he came home, but I’ve seen Ashton drunk off his ass when he had turned 21 while we were in America. I knew him when he was hammered, he wasn’t hammered that night. I’ve seen him drunker.
“You were drunk off your ass because you chose your band members and other friends over us! You chose to go out to a club!” I yelled at him once again, he was trying so hard to breathe normally.
“I chose my band because that is what puts out money. What pays the bills, puts a roof over your head, food in the fridge, and everything you ever wanted!” He lowers his voice.
“I wanted you! Every day for the past 7 years I’ve wanted you! I wouldn’t care if we were homeless and begging for food, you’ve always been what I need! I just wasn’t enough for you.” I had sniffled up the last of my tears, I don’t think I could cry enough to fill our love drought.
I stare at him as the house fell into silence, I never knew how bad it hurt to have your heart ripped out, but I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy. I could feel every inch of pain and suffering riddle it’s way through me.
“What did she give you that I didn’t?” I ask the burning question that’s been on the tip of my tongue for a month now.
“No we’re not doing this, you’re already hurt enough.” He shakes his head and that pissed me off more than anything.
“You have no decision in that anymore, tell me right now! You are killing me from the inside out by holding this in. Fucking tell me!” I was shouting so loud that my throat felt raw.
“She gave me that glimmer of new. She tried so hard to make herself known to me, she was fresh and there. I was drunk Y/n, I would never ever cheat on you if I was sober.” He cried for the first time since last week.
“If you loved me as much as you used to claim, you’d know damn well when to stop. Not even if you were flirting or whatever, you would’ve stopped the minute you found yourself lusting for her. Alcohol doesn’t determine when your love turns on/off. You. chose this, you made your bed so sleep in it. So don’t give me that shit.” Even I could feel the ice off of that statement.
He went to speak and I stopped him.
“And to say she paid attention to you is so damn selfish, Ashton! I spent months in this house when you decided to go on a festival tour. I called you every day for 6 months and I even flew out to you a month before it was over. You have no right to say that she was there, I was fucking there Ashton! I loved you, fucking still love you even though you betrayed our marriage!”
“I’m sorry! Okay! I know I’m stupid and dumb, I know the love we have for each other is astounding and I never should have strayed from that. I should chose you and I didn’t, there is never going be enough to satisfy your doubts. But I love you.”
The house fell silent again, this time I felt nervous.
“I don’t know how to replenish us.”
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Word count: 997
GIF creds to owner
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“When we go into town can we go to that one store? They sell those gummy bears that I love. Please!” I was so excited and Ashton just gave me a sly grin. “What?” I ask and he shakes his head. “They’re just gummy bears.” He says and I grab my heart. “Just gummy bears? Really?” I ask and he laughs.
“I’m kidding, of course, we can go by there and get some.” He reassures and I sigh contently.
“What else needs to go on our shopping list?” I ask and he shrugs. “We need milk I think.” He says and jots it down. “What about that one brand of sauce that you like? I can make some spaghetti tonight. We’ll need some noodles too.” I mention and he wrote it down.
“I love when you make spaghetti.” He admits, he seemed so happy about it. “Anything to please you.” I do a fake curtsy, he giggles loudly. “Anything else on the list?” He asks and I started to wrack my brain.
“Laundry detergent, face masks, oh and trash bags,” I say quickly, so many random items. He grabs his phone and wallet, putting them into his back pocket. He starts to come closer and more thoughts hit me.
“You said you need a battery for your watch, shaving cream, and more hair dye.” I blurt out and he stopped walking, turning to the counter to write down the rest of things I said. “Anything else, baby?” He asks and I pace around a little.
“Hamburger meat, chicken breasts for your moms birthday party, also decorations. You wanted some beer the other day and I forgot to bring it home. That’s it, I think.” I add to the list and he laughed more.
Our lives would be easier if we wrote down what we needed that day so when it was time to go out on our Saturdays, we’d be prepared. However, we’re forgetful people.
“Okay, if there’s anything else we can grab it there.” He smiles and I start to walk towards the door.
Right before I reach the handle, another thought hit me suddenly so I turn around quickly, my body hit his. “Cinnamon bread, you’ve been craving it for weeks and we always forget. I don’t want you to forget.” I exclaim and he had a huge grin.
He just kept looking down with a smile, he seemed amused yet intrigued. He looked up at me, his hazel eyes were like the movies, super sparkly and cliche. His grin became wider every second as he examined my confused face.
“What? Are you okay?” I ask and he laughs. “It’s just, you’re adorable. I literally have no idea what goes on in the pretty head of yours, I can always see when the wheels are turning.” He jokes and I pout.
“I just wanted to make sure you get the things you need, I know it’s annoying when you can’t remember what you need when we get into town.” I groan and he put his hand in mine.
“It’s just so cute to see you all caring and cute. I think it’s adorable and so loving, I like knowing you remember shit about me or what I’ve said.” He explains further and I smile.
“Of course I remember, I do know how to listen.” I sarcastically remark and he rolls his eyes. “I can’t tell if that was a jab at me or not.” He gripped my hips and pushed my body into his. I wrap my arms around his waist too.
“I mean if the shoe fits, Cinderella.” I joke and he started to giggle again. “You’re adorable, I swear.” He states as he grabs ahold of my cheeks. “I get that a lot.” I shrug my shoulders and he gasped dramatically.
“I refuse to acknowledge that last statement! I am the only to think you’re adorable, that is my thought only and no one else’s.” He scoffs antically. “I don’t know, my other 12 boyfriends think I’m adorable too.” I jokingly shrug once more.
“As long as I’m boyfriend #1, then I’m fine with any arrangement.” He jokes along and I smile. “You’re such a goof,” I tell him, he makes a smug look. “And you’re such a babe.” He winks and I roll my eyes.
I was expecting another joke or crack at the goof thing, but nothing came. I stare at him and he was searching my eyes longingly, I felt my cheeks heat up under his hands. “Baby, what?” I pout and he grins wider.
“I’m just so in love with you.” He sighs contently. He looks into my eyes and then at my lips, coming back up to my eyes. He connects our lips quickly and my heart was pounding, my breath was taken away.
He would detach our lips and then lean back on to peck my lips. “We’re going to be shopping until 10 o’clock and my gummy bear store closes at 9,” I mumble against him and he shrugs.
“Shopping and spaghetti don’t even sound good compared to right now.” He kisses my cheek and I push against his chest to detach myself.
“Man, I mention cinnamon bread and I’m suddenly being pounced on. We need to go before I mention that we’re out of salt.” I laugh loudly and open the door.
“Ugh, I express my love for you and all I receive back is buffoonery.” He yells childishly as he locks the door. I wait for him at the bottom step, my hand extended out for him.
He takes it in his and we walk toward the car. “I do love you Ash, a lot really. I know we’re both goofy a lot but I’m serious about my love for you. I wouldn’t even trade you for gummy bears.” I lean up to kiss his cheek.
“Fair enough, I would trade you for spaghetti, but you make the best kind so I’ll keep you.”
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hollandsmushroom · 5 years
Drumming w/Ashton
“I wish I could play,” you spoke, sitting in front of Ashton’s drum kit, watching as the sweat dripped from his crimson locks as he played, his biceps flexing with every beat against the drum, he was pounding them with all his might, but that was the only way that Ashton Irwin played the rums, with everything that he had. “What was that, babe?” he stopped, resting the sticks against the drums as he looked at you quizzically. “I said I wish I could play,” you repeated. “I can teach you,” he offered without missing a beat. “Really?” “Yea, come here,” he gestured for you to come towards him, which you did, picking yourself up off of the floor and bringing yourself over to Ashton, he sat you between his legs and wrapped his arms around yours, grasping your hand in his to help you gripping the drumstick. The two of you stayed like this until he couldn’t play anymore, having to play a show in a little. He kissed you gently on the neck, pushing you off the stool before standing up himself.“You did amazing, we should continue this at home,” “Thanks Ash,” you laughed, wrapping an arm around him as the two of you walked of the stage.
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Requests Open
Please send in some ideas, I’m bored guys.
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criminalhotch · 10 years
Raised your hand if you have ever been personally victimized by Ashton Irwin and his cuteness ✋
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criminalhotch · 10 years
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He is so cute and the stubble is just 👌👌👌
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