#daddy ashton lmao
Ash IG Story
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henghost · 8 months
Twig Liveblog for Arc 10
an arc double-stuffed with pain and suffering... from the very beginning i had a weight in my stomach even before anything crazy had happened. there's a real sense of inevitability: sy feels that it's inevitable that he will leave, that he will disappoint lillian, and i gotta say he's probably right, awful as it may be. i've alluded before to the fundamental contradiction between sy and lillian--their radically different relationships to the academy--and here it finally comes to a head. this is not to say, however, that sy handled it in the best way possible lmao. in many ways he made the worst decisions possible, though ultimately i support his decision to leave. for all the questions of morality in this arc, none but sy have remembered the major moral imperative here: harming the academy by any means possible.
in that vein, i read lainie as a kind of lillian from a different angle. and upper class girl who becomes enamored with sy and his rebel attitude, his monstrousness, his alterity. take the dinner with the parents chapter, for example: it came into sharp relief the extent to which lillian likes sy precisely because it pisses them off. it would drive me insane too. of course, sy ultimately forces lainie to leave her bourgeois life behind, so perhaps there is reason for optimism.
it's a similar situation with mary, though her reasons for staying with the academy are a little less understandable, frankly. was not her problem with percy that he was using children for his evil experiments? is that not exactly what the academy is doing with the people she loves?? anyway, she's amazing this arc. the shooting scene was an all-timer: one must imagine me sitting alone in my bedroom just going "OH NO OH NO OH NO" over and over again. in my twigfic where everything will be perfect sy will manipulate her and they will run away together and kiss and be happy. here's how they could still get together in canon.........
the fight with the baron was very satisfying. the duel in the hollowed out church was some s-tier wildbow-pilled over-the-top anime-style battle. the image of him just lobbing a giant ass rapier at this thirteen-year-old killed me lmao. meanwhile, with the duke of francis out of action, the lord infante is my new noblekin. that guy is so fucking cool. like i know he's evil but still. i want to be him.
and then jamie is the only lamb who came to join sy and in such tearjerking way 😭 the relationship between neojamie and the previous jamie seems so touching--some kind of terrible duty. i'm not honestly sure that i could do the same. it speaks to his essential sweetness... poor baby.
PREDICTIONS (or, embarrassing myself for your entertainment)
helen will kill ibbot (the interlude confirmed for me that he is "daddy")
the need for wyvern will force sy into fray's camp (pleaseeeee)
lamb factionalism will cause strife in radham (duncan + lil vs. ashton + helen et al.??)
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ameliora-j · 8 months
Cal or ash scream sugar daddy vibes, like.......them letting you do skincare on them and rambling abt what's good for their skin, only for them to take you to ulta and Sephora to get the newest products you've been excited for? Or them offering their card whenever you mention that you're going shopping, not letting you say no to taking it. The only catch is that they want a fashion show when you get back. Maybe even non sexual dominance things like driving you everywhere, picking out your outfits, a hand on the small of your back guiding you through places, bending down to tie your shoes for you if they come undone.
I need to shut up lmao -calum girlie
i feel like casual dominance is more mikey tho… he’s so soft 🥹 (can u tell my lane? rxownrntn)
i kinda see it for all of them tho lowkey ,, and they don’t even realize they’re doing it but you don’t mind. you don’t need to lift a finger with them. they pay for you, order for you, hell they’d chew your food for u if u asked
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daydadahlias · 1 year
AHHH i loved that chapter SO MUCH!!!! i'm sorry i don't really know what to say but like AHHHJHAJHDSJHDDDJSJC it was amazing. i loved the dog content and the luke content (idk why but i REALLY like this luke you've written) (and just to be clear: we ARE getting a sex store scene next chapter right?). all the serious and sad talk about ashton's life and religion was so sad. i got a little teary eyed. but the daddy part was funny ngl lmao. luke will take ashton under his wing and teach him everything he needs to know about kink. and i'm so so happy that michael likes him now!! just crystal and brandy left to go! i breathe this fic like it's oxygen istg. can't wait for the next update jess!
AHHHH I'm so glad!!!!! I'm especially glad you love this Luke bc I do too <33 he's so much fun to write <33 and also yes, you are getting a sex store scene next chapter <3
"I breathe this fic like it's oxygen" just propose to me next time
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daydreamingcara · 1 year
not me going to work with my ashton daddy friendship bracelet on lmao 😭😂
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maddstermind · 6 months
Find The Word!
Thank you @sentfromwolves for the tag!!! My favorite ones uwu (and great word choices...)
crack - Auberon book three
"I'm not going to argue about this further. I'm sorry, Christie, I am. You are a very smart girl and I enjoyed working with you, but I cannot in good conscience continue to do this." His expression softened some. "I promise, you will be the first to know when I crack this. When things are safe."      Christie bit her lip, fighting back tears. She'd never felt so rejected, so disheartened, so betrayed. She held tight to her pendant and met his eyes. "A good investigator wouldn't hide the truth like this."      His expression faltered, and he sighed, his breath visible in the air. Hanging his head, he nodded. "You're right."
creak - Soulbearer
     Late that night, after too many dead ends, Aulus was left to rest. His companions floated unseen around him, growing closer with the knowledge he'd soon be joining them. The door creaked open, and unsteady footsteps thumped across the floor.      "Daddy says you're a wiz'rd," the toddler stage-whispered. "I wanna help you."
crunch - Auberon book two
     Ashton took a step out from behind the tree, the snow crunching loudly. The movement ahead stopped, and he similarly froze.      "Hadia?" the voice called. "Obhewun deidui?"      Ashton stayed where he was, debating what to do.      After a moment of no response, the voice came again. "Um. Hello? Help, please?"
Apparently, I have never used this word??? Crazy???
click - Auberon book three
     She nodded. "Can I come in? I don't want anyone to overhear."      "Me either." Raven stepped aside. "Come in, quickly."      Christie did as she said, and Raven shut the door behind her, locking it with a click. Using her staff as something of a cane, she made her way to the large seat behind her desk as Christie hopped into one of the chairs opposite her.      "Alright," she steepled her fingers. "Tell me everything you know, dear."
Yay, I got to share some from Soulbearer for the first time, woag! Anyway.
I shall tag @thoughtofhouses, @phantomnations, @chiefwritesbook, and @scribe-scott! (And anyone else who wants in! (Feel free to tag me back!)
Your words are: truth, dead, help, staff, and crave! maybe someone else can get better use of it than me lmao.
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stifmiester420 · 1 year
Movies#5 - What Happens in Vegas (2008)
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Okay, I am going to spam Ashton Kutcher's movies, I binge watched all his movies like I was a fucking fan girl. Still am. Will be. Anyway.
Only movie in which I didn't hate Cameron Diaz, didn't hate her in the Tom Cruise movies only because of daddy Tom cruise but everybody has watched them so not posting any overrated or fairly rated movies just because I wanna talk about the underrated ones. Really fun watch, brilliantly satirical about marriage considering the Bezos divorce lmao, when you watch it you'll understand what I'm talking about. Witty, hilarious and good moral scenes. I should never forget it and that's why I wrote about it.
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Pretty Damn Awesome
Word count: 2,697
Fluff, my heart can’t even
GIF creds to owner
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I felt so giddy and happy, the rush of excitement flooded my body. I was honestly so nauseous just because of how much energy was building.
“You’re fucking pregnant!” My best friend shakes my arm a little, she came with me to the doctor because I was feeling a little queasy. I would’ve asked Ashton, but he was somewhere in the world doing interviews.
“I am, I’m fucking pregnant.” I started to cry happy tears and she engulfs me in a hug. “Hey, it’s just a baby, don’t be sad.” She rubs my back soothingly. “I know! I’m just so happy, I get to have my own baby and family.” I smile through the tears. “How are you going to tell Ash?” She asks and I shrug. “Well, he flies back tonight and we have dinner with his mom tomorrow night. Should I do it there?” I ask and she nods vigorously. “We need to find something cute to do.” She suggests and I nod along.
“Well, Mrs. Irwin, you are free to go. We looked at your blood work and it seems that your iron is a little low. We suggest some low-dose iron pills if you become anemic it can interfere with how small your baby can be.” The doctor comes back into the room and tells me, he hands me a slip that had the name of the medicine.
“Thank you, we were going by the store anyway.” I smile towards her and she nods. “Congratulations to you, just stop by the front desk to check out.” She shakes my hand before leaving the room. “I’m gonna search Pinterest for some ideas, you get to drive my dear. You’re no longer sick, you’re just pregnant.” My friend jokes and I roll my eyes.
“What if we got like a vinyl record, like an old one that he probably won’t even know, we paint over the title; after that, we can put ‘for the record, I’m pregnant.’ It would be so cute.” Leslie suggests as we pull up to CVS. “Awe, that would be so cute. We could go downtown to that old record shop.” I wanted to cry all over again because I was so happy.
“I don’t know how you’re gonna hold this in all day when Ashton comes home.” She laughs as we get out of the car. “Well, I’ll try my hardest.” I laugh and we walk towards the pharmacy.
“Well, you’re going to need these, for sure.” Leslie puts prenatal vitamins in the basket. “Look for Vitron-C, it’s what he wrote down,” I tell her and we both start scanning the aisle. “Ah, found it!” I say and bend down to grab it.
“Does CVS even sell paint?” She asks and I shrug. “Maybe we can get the kid ones, I mean it’s not like we’re doing a huge project. We only need to paint the circles on both sides.” I tell her and she nods. “Then we can just find a silver sharpie and write on the record.” Leslie insists and I smile. “I’ll go find the kid paint, you find the sharpies, meet back at the candy,” I demand and she walks off.
I wander around until I find the paint, a few sections down I see some baby clothes and my heart quenches. I’ve never been so happy with my life, I mean besides our wedding. I grab the paint and then move to the baby items, I run my hands over it. I shake it off and go towards the candy, I put some m&ms in the basket. Leslie comes up to me and puts a pack of sharpies in the basket. “Let’s go so we can get the record.”
When we both get home from the record shop, we automatically start painting the paper that was covering part it. “Leslie, you can write it because I have horrible handwriting.” I slide the vinyl to her and she sighs.
It gets quiet as she starts to write on both sides. “Do you have any spray paint?” She asks after she finished writing on it. “Probably our in the garage, why?” I ask as she stands up with the cardboard casing for the record. “I’m going to go spray paint this so he can’t see the artist. You stay here because you don’t need to inhale this.” She pats my head like a little kid.
“Well babe, I’ve had so much fun with you and I’m so fucking excited to be an aunt. I love you so much.” She kisses my cheek and I smile. “Thank you, Aunt Leslie, for the win.” I hug her tightly. “Make sure you film his reaction. I’ll see you on the flip side.” She waves as she exits out the front door.
I grab the record and try to find a place to hide it. I go into the garage and hide it in the tiny safe we had in there.
I grab my phone and call my mom, I needed to tell her before I go to the Irwin’s tomorrow.
“Hello?” My mom answers and I smile. “Hey mom, I’ve got some big news for you.” I grin and I hear her gasp, she could tell already. “Let me go put you on the speaker phone with your dad.” I could hear her basically running into the room. “Listen to this.” I hear her demand my dad. “Guys, I’m pregnant. I found out today.” I hear them both scream and gasp. “I’m so happy! I’m going to be a grandma!” My mom sounded like she was crying. “I just wan- hey guys I got to hang up. Ashton is calling me.” I look at his caller ID. “Well, you two need to fly to America so I can see you.” She kindly demands and I smile. “Will do, I love you guys. Bye.” I hang up.
“Hey, babe,” I answer and I could feel his smile. “Hey, I was wondering if you were ever going to pick up.” He jokes and I smile, I was so glad to hear his voice. “Yeah, I was on the phone with my mom, but we were done anyways. What’s up?” I ask and he sighs a little. “Well, I won’t be able to be home until like 2 am, so I was calling to tell you not to wait up. You need your rest and when you wake up, I’ll be there.” He sounded sad but I knew he’d be there as soon as I woke up. “That’s okay baby, I’m not upset. You’re going to be with me for a couple of months and that’s all I need. Plus, we have the meal with your family tomorrow.” I soothe him and he chuckles a little. “You know how to fix everything, don’t you?” He sounded less sad. “It’s what I do, baby I’m going to get off the phone. I’m feeling a little sick so I’m going to go eat. I love you and I’ll see you tomorrow.” I say my goodbyes and he seemed a little worried. We end the call and I rub my belly a little.
I didn’t want to have that pregnancy where I felt like throwing up every day, so eating crackers calmed my pregnancy jitters. I lay on the couch and turn on Cake Boss. My eyes fluttered shut before I could even see what the cake looked like.
When I woke up I felt someone lifting me up, my eyes opened up wide because of the fear. The first thing I saw was Ashton’s sweet smile. “Hey baby, you fell asleep on the couch. I just got home so I thought I’d carry my lovely bride up the stairs.” He tells me as he presses a kiss to my forehead. “Thanks, Ash, I love you.” I snuggle myself into his chest. “Let’s get some pajamas on, you don’t need to sleep in skinny jeans. He changed me into some shorts and one of his shirts. I sigh contently as I lay my head on my pillows. Ash comes to his side and wraps me in his arms. “Night baby.” He kisses my forehead once more before we both fall asleep.
“Morning, sleepyhead.” I hear Ashton’s voice as I come to. “What are you doing up?” I ask and he giggles. “I’ve been up for an hour, it’s 12 baby, you looked so peaceful I didn’t want to wake you.” He says and he kisses my nose and I grin. “You should have woke me up with you.” I wrap my arm around his neck and he pushes me up against him. His arms were around my waist and I snuggle myself in the crease of his neck.
“I’m so glad you’re home.” I kiss his neck softly and he squeezes me a little tighter. “I’ve missed you so much, I’m surprised you are still married to me. Can’t believe I found someone who wants to wait around for me when I’m busy around the world.” He sighs softly and I lift my head up. “Well I didn’t marry you for your job, I married you because you’re the love of my life. Your job is just a part of you.” I peck his lips lightly.
He pushes me on my back and hovers over me, his eyes were gleaming as he took in the moment. “I’m so fucking in love with you, look at you though. You’re so beautiful and you have this glowing skin. I just want to kiss and hold you all day long.” He lowers himself down and pushes his lips on mine. I wrap my arms around his neck once more, but this time I pull him down to me. He was trying to situate his weight but I didn’t care honestly. I allow his tongue entrance and he was taking dominance.
He moves his kissing down to my neck and I sigh contently. He starts to move to my boobs, but I didn’t realize how much they were hurting, so I push him off gently. “We’re going to your moms in 4 hours, let’s not have any marks that need to be covered.” I lie as he backs up, I knew it was probably due to the pregnancy.
I’ve honestly been lowkey reading pregnancy books for months, it’s just something I wanted to do and we’ve been married for a year. I wanted a baby so bad and now I know a lot of knowledge just from the books. “You’re right, let's go watch some Criminal Minds.” He suggests as he jumps over me, he picks me up and carries me downstairs. “I love you so much,” I whisper quietly, I didn’t know if he heard me or not, but I just knew how much he meant to me.
“Anne!” I giddily yell and hug her, she wraps her arm around me. I feel someone tugging me away and I look back to see Lauren. “There’s my girl,” I say and I give her a hug too. “Can I show you my prom dress and stuff later?” She asks and I nod quickly. “Uh, duh. You know I’m your forever person hype-woman.” I tell her and she smiles softly. “Thanks.” We link arms as we go into the living room. “Can you actually walk outside with me for a moment?” I ask and she seemed worried.
“Ash, we’re going to the car! I forgot my phone out there.” I lie and he looks back at me and nods. He turns back to his little brother showing him videos of his drumming.
“What’s wrong?” She asks as we walk down the sidewalk. I make sure we’re out of ear shot by walking to the car quicker, I open the trunk quickly. I pull out the record and show her what it says, her eyes widen quickly. “You’re kidding! Oh my god, I’m so happy for you.” She hugs me tightly and I wanted to start crying. “I need to get this inside but I don’t know how to bring it in without Ashton knowing,” I say and she ponders for a second. “You go in first and be all lovey-dovey, I’ll sneak in after and put it in my room.” She plans and I nod.
I walk in and find Ash sitting on the recliner. Luckily it was turned away from the door. I sat on his lap and he smirks slightly. “Finally realize I’m the best person in the house?” He asks and I shrug. “I don’t know, I never thought you were the best.” I tease and he fake gasps. “How dare you!” He exclaims as he also fakes a pout.
I see Lauren start to dash towards the stairs. “I love you,” I whisper and kiss his neck softly. “Don’t start something you can’t finish, baby.” He whispers back and I grin. “Supper is ready!” Anne yells and I perk up. “Oof, gotta blast.” I jump up and don’t even wait for Ash, I was already at the dinner table. “I still wonder why I married you.” He jokes under his breath, he sits beside me and grabs my hand.
Everyone was finished with supper and most of them were drinking wine, well just Ashton and Anne. “Well, did you not want any? I’ll go get you some.” Ashton says and I shake my head. “One of us has to drive, remember?” I admit, that and I’m freaking pregnant.
“I’m gonna go get a glass of water,” I say and look at Lauren, she picks it up and we both stand. “I could go for some sprite.” She says and we both head towards the kitchen. “I’ll go get it and you make a glass of water. That way if Ashton passes out, we have something to splash on him.” She jokes and I nod, I grab a plastic cup from the cabinet and put water into it.
I go back to the living room and sit by Ashton on the loveseat. Lauren comes in with it in her hand, Ashton notices it when she sits on the floor in front of him. I see her pull out her phone and she sneakily records us. “What’s that Lauren? You got me a welcome home present?” He teases and she shakes her head. “It’s actually one from y/n.” She states and he looks at me expectingly. “Yep, I admit that it was me.” I put my hands up in defense. “You shouldn’t of.” He kisses my cheek before picking it up. “Well, I wasn’t gonna take it back,” I mumble to myself.
He pulls the record out and I think he was so caught up trying to figure out who the artist was. Suddenly, his eyes shift to the words. “For the record,” he turns the record over and his eyes go big, “I’m pregnant.” He ended up yelling it. “You’re pregnant? For real?” He asks and I nod. “Oh my god! I’m a dad!” He says as he tackles me into the couch, but he pulls back shortly after. “Hey, there little Irwin. I love you so much already.” He whispers toward my stomach and I feel tears cloud up.
We’ve been wanting a child for so long and his reaction just summed it up. Lauren turns off her phone and joins our little hug. “I’m gonna be the best aunt.” She says as she pulls away.
Anne stands up with tears in her eyes. “I’m so happy guys, l love you too so much.” We stand up so she can hug us.
She pulls away quickly and I see her demeanor change. “But I fucking knew it! You’ve got the beautiful glow, you ate much more than usual, and you had that little twinkle of happiness in your eyes.” She laughs and I groan, “you know me too well.” I say.
“So, does that mean I get to be an uncle?” Harry catches our attention and we nod. “Awesome.” He says to himself. “Yeah bud, it’s pretty awesome.” Ashton comments, he looks and me and kisses me quickly.
“Pretty damn awesome.”
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hemmoangel · 3 years
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wanderingpages · 4 years
Peach be honest u ever call mr peach daddy?
Ooh Chile lemme pretend I ain’t see this
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Ash IG Story
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lashton-attraction · 4 years
Superbloom has me taking 3 to 5 business days to just d e a l
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irwinscuddlebuddy · 7 years
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F uC K
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enbyjins · 7 years
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ashton, the dad of the band, is giving us updates of his sons :')
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ukulelecal · 4 years
Happy Checks (Dad!Ashton)
In which Kennedy has a happy check with Ashton.
warnings: kenny being a sad bub 
A/N: is this me projecting what i wish i had as a kid? yeah :) anyway. i probably got this idea from tiktok i doubt i actually came up with it lmao. but hey i haven’t written (wrote?? idk) in a hot minute so go me :))))
word count: 1.9k
dad!sos universe
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Something that was extremely important to you and Ashton when you had children was that they trusted you. You wanted to create an environment for them that was safe, healthy, and open. You wanted your kids to be able to be honest with you and not be afraid to share their feelings with you.
Once your little Kennedy came along and her second birthday passed, Ashton came up with an idea. He called it “happy checks.” Once or twice a week, you or him would take Kenny into your bedroom and sit on the bed. That was a safe space for her to tell you or talk about anything she wanted; you couldn’t get angry and Kenny wouldn’t get in trouble. You would ask how she was feeling and if there was anything she wanted to talk about. She didn’t really get it at first, but as time went on, she started to grasp the concept.
It was working well; she was getting very good with being able to talk about her feelings and work through them, whether they were good or bad feelings. She was a very emotional toddler, and happy checks were really good for her. Sometimes it would be small things, like a movie she watched made her feel sad or seeing Duke at Uncle Calum’s house made her happy. Sometimes she would ask questions or not say much at all. No matter what it was, she could talk about it, and you or Ashton would be there to listen.
Not long after Kennedy turned two, the twins, Finley and Alex, came along. She was ecstatic. The thought of being a big sister was very exciting to her, and when they were finally born, she loved to hold them and tell them stories she made up. She always shared her toys with them, even when they didn’t know what to do with them, and always wanted them to watch her favorite movies with her.
Now, Kennedy’s third birthday and the twins’ first weren’t too far off. Another baby had been on yours and Ashton’s minds, but you wanted to wait until the twins were a little older like you did with Kenny so they could understand better.
One afternoon had you on nap duty with the twins, which tended to take a while. Kenny was with Ashton in his music room, quietly playing with her stuffed animals while Ashton strummed his guitar softly. Kenny loved being in there with him. She wasn’t always allowed to, since Ashton actually had to get work done sometimes, but when she was, it was almost therapeutic for her. Sometimes they would each do their own thing quietly while he simply kept an eye on her, other times Ashton would show her his instruments or play for her.
Ashton noticed Kennedy wasn’t herself that day. She had a slight pout on her lips, and her movements with her toys weren’t as energetic as they normally were. He didn’t say anything at first, wondering if she would come to him, but soon enough the look of sadness on her face was too much for him to bear.
“Kenny, sweetheart?” He asked softly as he set his guitar on it’s stand.
She looked up from her stuffed animals and Ashton crouched in front of her on the floor. He was good at appearing non threatening and caring, and he could tell Kenny could see that in him.
“You want to have a happy check?” He asked, making sure to keep his voice even and soothing. She nodded and reached her little arms out to be picked up.
Ashton lifted the girl into his arms, a hand rubbing over her back as he carried her upstairs to the bedroom. You caught a glimpse of them walking by the twins’ room as you worked on getting them changed and heard the bedroom door shut; you knew it was time for a happy check.
Ashton propped himself up against the headboard of the bed and let Kenny settle in his lap before he spoke up.
“How are you feeling right now, Kenny?” He asked gently, his hand never ceasing to rub her back, comforting her. He waited patiently for her answer as she thought about her words.
“I feel sad,” she finally mumbled. She fiddled with the ruffles on her skirt to distract herself, and he took it as a sign that this was something more than a sad scene in a Disney movie that upset her.
“It’s okay to feel sad, sweetheart,” he affirmed. Validating her feelings was something you and Ashton always made sure to do during happy checks. You didn’t want her to feel embarrassed about what she was feeling, or feel like she couldn’t express it. “Do you want to tell me why you feel sad?”
She took a minute to think about her words again, still twisting her skirt in her hands and not looking up at Ashton.
“Finny and Alex.”
Ashton’s eyebrows furrowed for a moment at her response, but he quickly neutralized his expression. He couldn’t imagine what Finley and Alex, her baby twin siblings less than a year old, had done to upset her, but this was a safe space. She was allowed to talk about whatever she wanted, and everything she was feeling was valid.
“Finley and Alex are making you feel sad?” She nodded. “Why is that?”
“I…” she trailed off and buried her head into Ashton’s chest with a whimper. He wasn’t sure if that was frustration about being unsure of how to put her feelings into words or being embarrassed to say it at all. Ashton dipped his head down to press a comforting kiss to her curls.
“It’s alright, sweetheart, take your time. Remember, this is your safe space. You can tell me anything you want.”
She went quiet again, taking her time to feel through her emotions and think about them, and Ashton gave her the grace to do so.
“I miss being with you and Mommy,” she explained, voice strained. She glanced up at Ashton, and his heart broke at her glassy eyes.
“What do you mean, sweetheart?” He coaxed gently, trying to piece together what she was saying. He wiped away the single tear that slipped down her cheek and planted another kiss on her head.
“I like it when Finny and Alex are with us,” she began, interrupted by a sniffle. “But sometimes I want it to be just me, you and Mommy.”
Ashton finally understood. As much as she loved the twins, she wanted some alone time with her parents like before they were born, and that was completely understandable. Keeping track of three kids was hard enough, but two of them being babies was even more difficult. Sometimes Finley and Alex needed more of yours and Ashton’s attention, and Kenny was clearly feeling a bit left out.
“I understand, sweetheart. You miss spending time with just me and Mommy, yeah?” He confirmed, earning a small nod in response as she leaned her head against his chest again. “That’s perfectly okay, Kenny. I know it was a big change when Finley and Alex arrived, and you do such a good job being a big sister. Since they’re so little, they need some extra help with things that you don’t need as much help with, right? That’s why sometimes they need a little more of Mommy and I’s attention. Do you understand that, Kenny?”
She nodded again, still sniffling a bit. Before Ashton could continue, the bedroom door cracked open, and you peaked your head in. You finally got both the twins to sleep, and you needed to pass through the bedroom.
“Am I interrupting?” You whispered, knowing they were talking.
“Would you like Mommy to come sit with us?” Ashton offered, and you heard a soft “yeah” from Kenny. You gently shut the door behind you and made your way to join your husband and daughter on the bed. Kenny reached her arms out to you as you sat down, and you gently lifted her from Ashton’s lap into yours.
“We’re having a happy check,” Ashton explained, wrapping one arm around your shoulders and reaching the other across to hold Kenny’s little hand. “Do you want to tell Mommy what you told me, sweetheart?”
Kenny repeated what she told Ashton, you taking over rubbing her back to comfort her. You couldn’t help but feel bad; she had been lonely and you didn’t notice.
“Oh, baby, Daddy and I never meant to make you feel sad,” you began, stealing what Ashton was about to explain before you came in. “Daddy and I love you just as much as we love your brother and sister. It’s okay to miss being alone with us, even though I know you love your siblings.”
“Mhm,” Kenny hummed. She took in your words and was starting to understand, and most importantly, she wasn’t ashamed of her feelings. Even if she didn’t quite understand now, you hoped that when she got older she would realize how beneficial being able to share her feelings is, and always feel she could trust her parents to talk about them.
“This weekend, how about we take Finley and Alex to one of your uncles’ house and the three of us can spend some time together? How does that sound, sweetheart?” Ashton suggested, offering a solution to her sadness. Her face lit up at the suggestion, nodding her head quickly.
“We get fries?” She asked, and you and Ashton chuckled. She was obsessed with French fries, and there was a specific diner that had her favorite ones.
“We can get fries, baby. We can do anything you want.”
She giggled in satisfaction. Ashton rubbed his thumb over the top of her hand and sent her a loving smile.
“Is there anything else you want to talk about?” He asked. She shook her head. “Alright. How are you feeling now?” At the end of every happy check, you always asked how she was feeling again so she could compare how she felt before and after.
“Happy,” she mumbled, curling further into your chest. “And sleepy.”
“I think it’s nap time for you, then, sweet girl,” you responded, starting to stand up from the bed. “Do you want to give Daddy a kiss before you go night night?”
Ashton lifted her into his arms and pressed multiple kisses to her cheeks. She laughed sleepily, giving a wet kiss to his cheek once he finished.
“I love you so much, sweetheart,” he mumbled. “Sweet dreams.”
“Love you, Daddy,” she yawned as Ashton passed her back to you.
You put her down for her nap before joining Ashton back in the bedroom. He had laid back down on the bed, clearly waiting for you.
“You think she’s okay?” You asked him as you rested your head on his chest. He nodded as he pulled you closer.
“I think so. These happy checks are really good for her, I think,” he mumbled. He glanced down at you with a tender smile. “You can come to me for happy checks too, you know.”
You chuckled and kissed the bottom of his jaw.
“I know. And you can have them with me, too.”
“I know.”
You fell into a comforting silence, both of you simply reflecting. You knew you were giving your children a happy household, and that was something you both took a lot of pride in.
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calumance · 4 years
Omg so since someone sent that little boy obsessed with his mom piece, can you write something where it’s a few years later and he’s like 3 or 4 now and it’s Valentine’s Day or her birthday or just something special and he mentions to cal that he wants to get her something and take her out on a date like cal usually does 🥺 the kid even says to cal that he wants to marry her and calum laughing in response because 1. That’s so cute 2. It’s his mother and 3. He’s already married do her lmao 🥺🥺
I’m so sorry this took so long!! This idea was just so ... *chefs kiss* ... I wanted it to be perfect, and soft, and fluffy, and ALL THE THINGS. I hope this lives up to your expectations and was totally worth the wait. Let me know what you think!! 💖💖💖
           After his wife left for work, kissing both him and their son goodbye, Calum found himself lounging on the couch, his phone squeezed between his fingers. His thumb continuously flicked up on the screen as he scrolled through amazon in a stupid effort to find something to buy his wife for her birthday that was coming up in a few days. Everything on amazon just seemed too cheesy to get the woman of his dreams and the mother of his child. With a dramatic eyeroll, he dropped his phone onto his stomach and focused his thoughts on the TV.
           Just as his eyes closed, in an effort to take a short nap, he felt the spot next to him on the couch shift under a small amount of weight. As he opened one eye, two little hands planted themselves on Calum’s chest, a tiny face that looked just like his own only inches away. Calum pulled his head back and laughed, “What’s up, Aiden?” He asked his son who was cautiously  crawling into his lap.
           The little boy sat in his lap and looked at his dad, completely and utterly serious. “I heard you and mommy talking about her birthday and she always gets me nice things, so I want to get her something nice.” He said while playing with the bottom of his shirt.
           Calum smiled and ran his hand through the curls that sat atop Aiden’s head, the color reminding him of his mother’s hair. “Yeah? What did you have in mind, buddy?”
           Aiden shrugged his little shoulders as he looked towards the TV and then back at Calum. “I don’t know, can we go shopping?” Aiden’s little brown eyes stared into Calum’s soul and he couldn’t help but smile and nod.
           “Sure, let’s go get your shoes on.” Calum sat up and gently set Aiden on the ground and turned off the TV before following the excited little boy to the shoe holder right by the door. When Calum met up with Aiden, he was already sitting on the ground pulling his shoes onto his feet. A proud smile stretching across his face since he just recently learned how to fasten his shoes. “Good job, buddy!” Calum exclaimed and held up his hand waiting for a high five. Aiden slapped Calum’s hand and he shook his hand out, pretending that the little slap hurt. A giggle coming from the little carbon copy of himself standing in front of him. “Ready?” Calum asked and Aiden nodded furiously, impatiently waiting for Calum to open the door. As Calum opened the front door, Aiden leaped and bounded out the front door towards the car. Once Aiden got to the car, he stopped and waited at the door. Calum chuckled as he watched Aiden jump up and down impatiently.
           Calum locked the front door and sauntered over to the car, hovering over his son to open the door. After the door opened, Aiden climbed in and sat in his car seat, his legs swinging as he waited for Calum to strap him in. Calum reached around him and buckled all the straps and then kissed his son’s forehead before closing the door and making his way to the driver’s seat. As he turned the car on, he could hear the little voice behind him starting to sing the song on the radio. Calum smiles to himself and starts to pull out of the driveway.
           When they get to the mall, Calum holds onto his son’s hand as Aiden takes four steps for every one step he takes. Once they get inside, Calum looks around and then down at his son. “So, what do you want to get mommy for her birthday?” He asked while slightly shaking the little hand that held tightly onto his.
           Aiden looks up at Calum, a twinkle appearing for a slight second. “I want to get her something as pretty as she is.”
           “Like, a necklace?” Calum asked sticking his free hand into his pocket.
           Aiden shook his head, “No, prettier. Mommy is prettier than a princess.” Calum smiled and shook his son’s hand again. Suddenly, a tiny little gasp caused Calum to widen his eyes. “I know what to get mommy! I want to get her a rose like the one from Beauty and the Beast. She’s as pretty as a rose and the rose from Beauty and the Beast is,” he paused and pulled his eyebrows together. “I don’t know the word, Daddy.”
           Calum smiled, “Eternal?” His son nodded furiously and Calum looked away from his son and around at the people going in and out of the stores. He wasn’t even sure what store would sell something like that, but he wouldn’t stop until he found it. Calum started walking, still holding onto his son’s hand. They walked from store to store, and stopping for a minute so Calum could buy her a necklace that he knew she would love. After coming out of the last store and not finding what he wanted, Aiden sluggishly walked beside Calum. “We’ll get mommy the gift you want, we might have to get it somewhere else, okay?” Calum said trying to reassure the pouting little boy next to him.
           Aiden was quiet on the drive home, he wasn’t singing to the radio like he usually does. Calum kept glancing at him in the rearview mirror, his little eyes locked on the window. Calum leans his head against his fist and thinks about all of the places that he could find what his son was looking for. “Daddy?” The little voice behind him chimes up.
           Calum looks in the rearview mirror to see Aiden staring at the back of Calum’s seat, “Yeah, buddy?” His eyes flickered between his son and the road in front of him.
           “I want to take Mommy out, like you do. When you drop me off at Uncle Ashton’s house, and mommy gets all dressed up.” Aiden kicked his feet and his eyes dropped. “Uncle Ashton told me it’s called a date.” Aiden continued to kick his feet and Calum smiled.
           “You want to take mommy on a date?” Calum asked while looking at Aiden in the mirror. Aiden nodded and Calum smiled from ear to ear. “Maybe you can ask her when she gets home, how does that sound?” Aiden smiled and nodded furiously.
           While Calum and Aiden waited for her to get home, Aiden dressed in his best outfit, Calum even combed his hair the way he combs his own hair. Calum knew she’d be home at any moment, so he squatted down and fixed Aiden’s shirt. “Have you practiced what you’re going to say?” Aiden nodded, a confident smile pressed to his lips. Just as Aiden nodded, Calum could see headlights pulling into the driveway. “Alright, buddy, you got this.” Calum smiled and kissed Aiden’s forehead before standing and moving back.
           You shifted your car into park and slowly climbed out, throwing your bag over your shoulder. Work was never your favorite place, and with the way this week had been going, you were already ready for it to just be over. When you walked through the front door of the house, your whole world slowed down. Your son standing in front of you looking like a miniature version of your husband, smiling from ear to ear. The lights were turned low and there were some rose pedals scattered on the ground. Calum stood a few steps behind Aiden a smile pressed to his lips. A smile crawled across your lips as you slowly shut the door. “Hi boys,” you said cautious of what was happening.
           “Mommy,” Aiden started, causing you to smile. “I would like to ask you on a date, for your birthday.” Your eyes flickered to Calum who bit his lip trying to suppress his laughter and looked at his feet.
           You looked back at your son who was standing, and smiling so confidently. A chuckle escaped your chest and you squatted in front of him. “Of course, I’ll go on a date with you, baby.” You reached a hand forward and gently pinch his cheek and he giggled, lunging forward and wrapping his tiny arms around your neck. You giggled and hugged him back giving him a loving kiss to the side of his head.
           Once Aiden was put to bed and the house was cleaned up from dinner, you finally mustered up the words to say to Calum, “What did I miss while I was at work?” you asked as you threw the covers back and slowly slid into bed.
           Calum smiled and pulled the blanket up and over his body. “He wanted to buy you a present, we couldn’t find what he wanted to get you at the mall, so we came home and ordered it online.” You pulled your knees to your chest and looked over at Calum who rested his head against the pillow. “On the way home he told me he wanted to take you out like I do.” Calum adjusted his head and looked at you, a loving hand rubbing up and down your back. “I taught him how to ask you on a date.”
           You chuckled and raised your eyebrows. “Son’s aren’t supposed to date their moms.”
           Calum laughed, “I know, but imagine what kind of man he’s going to be if he learns how to take the right woman on a date.” Calum opened his arms and closed his eyes.
           You slid down into Calum’s arms and placed your head and hand on his chest. “I can’t wait to see what kind of date my four year old comes up with.” You said as you closed your eyes. Calum pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head and almost immediately you and Calum were fast asleep.
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