#ask death dbd
the-game-warden · 1 year
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And for a few long, soothing minutes, Jake danced with Death.
I drew Jake’s dance with @ask-death-dbd during the @fogs-masquerade-ball! I was super inspired by the poetic symbolism of the Game Warden waltzing with the embodiment of Death ❤️
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Tell me why I'm only now understanding Alans voiceline in dbd... "Just a scratch... That's ironic."
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howls-from-wolfe · 1 year
The demon hands Wolfe another rock. He steps away, feeling shy to speak.
A small smile creeps along his lips. “Well, aren’t you a sweetheart?” He does a similar routine as before. Wolfe looks at the stone in the light, noting how colorful it was before putting it in the case.
He carries himself back to his desk, plopping down on his large office chair, looking to the demon. “Tell me, where do you find such fine specimens such as those?”
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bi-demon-ium · 2 years
dlgkjldkjh they're so close they're literally touching noses and the wild man is still like CLOSER sir have we found yet another strange little man in crestfall trying to kiss the obituary writer
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asktherookiemedic · 1 year
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Stoner Becky real
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sleepy-quentin · 1 year
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Drew some lobo and Quentin -Mun
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hauntedmoonstone · 1 year
8. Bad memories/experiences
More curious for Mikaela on this one, since I’m sure Haddie is not eager to look through that part of her brain-
Mikaela worst bad memory is the fact she found her father dead, she probably took a very long time talking about it to even Haddie and no one knows other than Haddie and her closest friend know about that trauma she experienced. She came home one day and her father was simply laying on the ground of the cold kitchen tile. Thankfully he was facing away so she didn’t see his face but, she felt the coldness she didn’t even need to touch his body she could just feel in the air he was gone.
She isolated herself for a very long time after that event often visiting the boating dock her father would teach her lessons on sailing and surfing. It absolutely broke her heart but she had to sell the sailing boat to afford the funeral costs luckily it went to one of her father's friends so it was in good hands at least but, she’s never really set foot in a boat since nor on a surfboard. She almost ended up in the foster system which scared her to her core due to the fact her father went through foster care trauma but, luckily her grandmother on her father's side took her in. She was a kind woman but distant with Mikaela seeing so much of her adoptive son in her. Mikaela never got that family closeness she had with her father again. Her father was supportive of her spiritual exploration into paganism but her grandmother was not as much so she had to almost completely stop during the time she lived with her. She moved out at 18 and only then did she go on a huge spiritual and inner healing journey. She still has a sadness when she sees the ocean so she moved more inland to the big city but, she still craves the seaside at times. Hardly no one knows about this as most of her friends can tell Mikaela has always had a pretty much "trauma-free" life she hates to think about it or talk about it so she never mentions it to anyone (except Haddie eventually and her childhood best friend) the most she reveals to anyone is if she's trying to comfort someone and she might mention her father's death if its relevant but not the fact she found him or too much details of afterward.
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timewontwait · 9 months
though his muse keeps refusing to let me give him a killer verse,
sonic would have one cool ass memento mori animation lmao
but also...... a very gruesome one too! and i hate how easily i can picture it in my head
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The demon stands on the ceiling, slightly behind the captain, eyes glowing in the dark.
"So the rumors are true..." He adjusts the mask over his nose and mouth, the mask making his voice real deep. "There's a killer Wesker and a survivor Wesker."
"So I figured" he says, surprisingly unsurprised at the sight of the creature.
"I did not have the honor of meeting my killer self, but I hear the people around the campfire talk, and he seems to be ruthless and merciless. A dangerous superhuman." he takes a deep breath.
"So this is what I would have become if I would not have redeemed myself and seeken forgiveness."
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the-game-warden · 1 year
[Previous] @ask-death-dbd
Honestly, once he’d gotten over the initial strangeness of the situation, Jake found himself oddly comfortable talking to Lobo. Aside from the fact that he was a talking wolf, he seemed to be a pretty chill dude. Maybe a little edgy, but in a domain of death and fear that was pretty much the standard.
Jake didn’t really know what to make of a ‘fairy tale land’, whether that was supposed to be literal or more of a derisive exaggeration, but he’d been in trials against the fucking Krampus so what the hell did he know?
“Well, you came to the right place, then,” Jake said, taking another sip of his drink. “There’s no happy endings here. Even when you escape a trial… there’s always another one waiting for you.” Maybe it was a bit morbid. Depressing. But it was also something Jake had just come to accept about this place. Victories were short lived and came at a cost, one that would eventually come back to bite you in the ass. Jake didn’t hope for a ‘happy ending’. He stayed in the moment. Tried to keep moving as best he could.
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legions-tape · 1 year
8 & 2
NUMBER 2. Have you made any new friends this year in the fandom your muse is from? Who?
I included OCs and OUTSIDE characters that have DBD verses into this. That still counts, right? MOVING ON to answer, I can't lie, it's a little tougher for me to answer due to me being uncertain who considers me a friend back(really bad at distinguishing sometimes, that's why I ask for clarification so much. Understanding tones is a bit difficult for me)! But there are several people I do consider to be my friend! Without tagging, a few people include: /ninetailedvulpecula /bastardstandard /ask-dbd-susie + ask-dbd-ada /death-in-shift /sequeltime They're such huge inspirations to me. and I am looking forward to making more friends in the upcoming years as well. I'm REALLY hoping to keep interacting with these individuals along with others. I'm just really awkward and anxious half the time to poke them first, but hey, HUGE shout to them for listening to me ramble about the same things, lol. The same for others. I wanna poke ya'll all the time but don't wanna be annoying. You're all so great! I am still kinda new here, I only recently joined tumblr. Everyone is so super friendly, and so many people stepped out of their way to help me when I felt stuck. I've been swamped in such positivity, I am so thankful! I didn't know what to do, or what was a good call, and quickly became severely overwhelmed. But thanks to them, and many others, I've been able to cross so many road blocks I never thought I could. Thank you for stepping out of your way to calm down my repetitive fears. I know it can be get exhausting, so seriously, thank you for sticking with me. Wishing you the best. I hope we interact more with each other! <3
NUMBER 8. Talk about one of your favorite headcanons you posted this year.
I have more headcanons coming out lol...But out of the headcanons I did post was about Joey being more on the emotional side. That is one of my favourites, I think. There's not enough Joey love out there!
Hopefully I answered this correctly. Sorry if I answered weirdly / incorrectly. - Ellie :)
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jakebark · 1 year
[1] | @ask-death-dbd
Jake watched the wolf-man, who was definitely more wolf than man, tip the glass back. His own golden-yellow eyes met the other’s deep red ones, expression neutral. His lip only turned up into a cynical smile at the wolf’s list of nicknames. Well, none of those had been his name, or his title as a Killer, but Jake didn’t care to look for specifics. If he didn’t want to give it freely, whatever.
“Sure,” Jake said lightly, as if it was completely understandable that the Killer would want to mingle and socialize before he took part in the trials. He was starting to get the feeling that, just maybe, this was not a killer who had been tricked into his position. “Niceties and all that, before I get the chance to convince you to hate my guts.”
Jake laughed, dryly. This guy thought he was hot shit, didn’t he? Maybe he was. Maybe wherever he came from, this place with too many happy endings or whatever, maybe he was feared, or resented, or held an unswayable power over others, but that wasn’t the same here. Jake would find out a way to get under this one’s skin just like he did everyone else. “Right about that one. No happy endings here. Not for you or nobody else,” he said. He crossed his arms and leaned forward. The killer was much taller than him, but it didn’t seem to bother Jake at all as he held eye contact, gaze never flickering about for even a moment. “Me? I got a lot of nicknames too. I think the Saboteur is the one I like the ring of the most.” His smile twitched. “Hm. Wonder how I must’ve gotten that one. Who knows?”
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ask-dbd-adawong · 2 years
may i have a 🍪 please?
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“Since you asked so nicely, I can’t possibly say no.”
[ Jae received the ‘Spider’ Cookie ]
( @death-in-shift )
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tthehair · 1 year
🔦 @pumpkinstabs asked: perhaps the survivor can feel the intense stare from the boogeyman as he works on the generator alone. michael tilts his head and wonders why he's all alone. don't you know it's dangerous, steve?
no one had been around in awhile, steve assumes it’s because he can’t finish one of these damn things without screwing it up at least once. a bright neon sign above his head reading dumbass: live! yep, that’s him. at least when it comes to generators; he’s had a lot of practice at the stuff he considers more important. there’s a silence, the chilling kind that creeps up whenever he’s on edge, and the machine is abandoned for a scouting attempt. eyes land on the white mask before anything else. fuck. “oh - hey!” and a wave, why did he wave? the jock knows this look, feels the stare of a killer on the hunt, before he has much time to debate with himself on something as pointless as strategy - he takes off. towards the direction of some walls to hide behind, hoping he could run distraction. it’s what he’s best at, anyway.
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justheretop0st · 2 years
Inbox Open!
Hello! My inbox is open for writing requests. As of September 2023!!
Please feel free to request from the following:
Dead by daylight
Harry Potter
Death Note
Apex Legends
I usually write for character x female reader.
More fandoms maybe added.
Thank you!
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banana-dwight · 1 year
Send ✔️ for a daydream my muse has had about/involving yours.
Dwight is lieing in the grass, slowly bleeding to death. He sees at the distance wich get slightly blurry. His breath get's calm and slow and he starts to dream.
He thinks back at the time where Chris turned out to be a killer but was still nice. He imagin how he comes to pick Dwight up and carry him out of the trial in his arms.
He feels better now, slightly smiling as he fall in a deep deadly sleep.
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