#Skyrim x reader
argisthebulwark · 13 hours
Do I Have Your Attention?
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summary: calling your partner by their real name instead of a pet name. gn reader, no pronouns or y/n used feat: Vilkas, Farkas, Brynjolf, Miraak, Erandur, Cicero, Teldryn warnings: joke abt murder in Miraak's lol. masterlist
Vilkas knows you're trying to get under his skin and hates how effective it is. Despite all his grumbling he's grown to enjoy the sweet little names only you're allowed to call him. There's nothing wrong with his name, of course - but it doesn't summon that fuzzy feeling all your terms of endearment do. "Vilkas?" You call again, clearly trying to get his attention. He grits his teeth and pointedly ignores you. Tidying his desk has suddenly become very interesting. "Sweetheart?" "Hm?" He finally grunts, feigning nonchalance despite the color in his cheeks. "Oh, now you can hear me." He ignores how smug you sound, continuing to shuffle through paperwork. "How interesting."
Farkas doesn't like that. "What? No baby? No honey? Did I do something wrong?" He drops the rag, half polished armor entirely forgotten as he turns toward you. "No, I'm not upset with you." You clarify, quelling his nerves. "Why so formal?" Farkas adores the sweet things you say to him - calling him your honey, your dearest, any reminder that he is yours. "Sorry, my love." You crack a smile when he reaches for you, grabbing your hand. "Didn't mean to worry you." "I'm sure you'll find a way to make it up to me." He sighs, doing a terrible job at hiding how much he enjoys all of your attention.
Brynjolf knows you're trying to bother him. He's seen that mischievous look in your eye before and weighs his options - what will be more fun? He could play into your little game and pretend to be upset by the lack of affection, or he could turn it around. The way he says your name is aloof, almost cold. He watches your eye twitch and your grin falter. It's terribly hard to stifle a laugh when you clear your throat and struggle to continue the conversation. Oh, he knows he's gotten under your skin. Brynjolf listens to your request for proper recruit assignments and agrees, biding his time before taking it one step further. When your annoyance begins to wane he begins calling you by your last name, thrilled at the color your face turns. "Bryn, what are you doing?" "Not so funny now, is it? Guild Master?"
Miraak swears that he will kill you both if you don't knock it off. He threatens to burn your entire village to the ground if you don't cease whatever prank you've decided to play on him. In front of others, he will stomach your cold detachment - calling him by his name or title in front of those damned Greybeards. He knows a thing or two about manners, after all. But in the privacy of your bedroom, he is your love. He is the one who relishes in all those silly terms of endearment only you are permitted to use. He stews over your laughter, refusing to give in even when your lips press to his skin. "You are not funny." He grumbles, though he does lean closer for more of your touch. "Perhaps this is what was prophesized - you will be the death of me after all."
Erandur worries that he's done something wrong. He thinks over your day, struggling to pinpoint what social blunder he could have made. He knows that he isn't completely up to date on modern social courtesies but you do not physically appear upset. "I'm sorry, my beloved." He offers, praying that you will educate him. "For what?" "For whatever I've done to upset you. Please tell me so that it can be made right." When you explain that it's a prank, a joke intended to gauge his reaction, Erandur smiles sheepishly and tucks away that information for later. He kisses your forehead, grateful that you are not upset with him.
Cicero is not a fan of that. His brows furrow, trying to figure you out. You only use his name when you call him your silly Cicero, your pretty Cicero... never just his name. His head tilts when he notes the pink in your cheeks and the attentive way you're watching him. "Listener." He ventures, eyes narrowing. "Are you pranking your Keeper?" "I am." "Oh!" Cicero's hands clap when he revels in your laugh. "Silly Listener, you are quite funny." "Not as funny as you, my love." He grins at the kiss you press to his cheek, absolutely giddy at your approval.
Teldryn is a bit taken aback - you've called him Tel for years. And now you're dropping his full name out of the blue? You've never been one for overly sweet terms of endearment but he likes the shortened version of his name you use. He removes his helmet and peers over, trying to figure you out. "What did I do to deserve this treatment?" "What treatment?" "The full government name." He's relieved when a laugh bursts out of you, pausing your trek to slap a hand on his shoulder. "Oh, Tel. You're too funny." He wants to chastise you, but the little pet name and the way you draw near to him is fairly distracting. "It was just a little prank." "A prank?" He snorts, indulging in a short kiss to your forehead. "You have too much time on your hands."
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saturnsnakebars · 4 months
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Kaidan as your boyfriend
a/n: i have noticed there is like, little to no fics on this guy. smh. also please send requests i will literally write just about anything on this guy.
warnings: very ever so slightly spicy if you squint, gender neutral reader. also this is the first fic ive ever posted on tumblr so if anything is wrong i am so sorry.
Kaidan as your boyfriend
- In the beginning, he’s extremely awkward (obvi), but deep down it comes from a place of love. Awkward flirting, conversations, just all of it.
- Becomes possessive, even before establishing an official relationship. First it was because he was your shield, so naturally he feels protective. Now you’re together officially, and he wants everyone to know!
- Nicknames!!! Especially little dragon, or any variation of dragon.
- This man is heavy on pda. I mean cmon, it’s basically in his nature. He’s proud of you and himself, being together, all of that. He wants everyone to know. He loves holding your hand in public if you’re okay with it.
- I’ve preached this for years, but he has a size!kink 100%. He loves to tease you, he loves how he can so easily tower over you.
- Of course he knows how deadly you are, and he loves it. He loves watching you in battle, except for when hits come a little too close for his liking. He knows you can defend yourself, but sometimes he just cannot help it.
- When you’re hurt, he’s immediately in helicopter mode. He’s taking care of you and getting you everything you need. ugh.
- FLIRTY. Again with the possession, he just loves to flirt. He loves making you blush, whether that be by a comment or a slight brush on your leg, he just loves it.
- Once he’s deeply in love, the flirting does not stop. But he learns to take time to admire all your features and your personality, not everything is sexual with him. He loves you, and he’s eager to know everything about you. He lives for the calm moments with you. The moments where he can just hold you and adore you. Quiet nights by the fire are never boring with you.
- Acts of service. You could probably expect this from Kai, but it only increases as your relationship progresses. This man with do anything for you, you need only to ask. Get you a room? Get you something to eat? Water? Kill someone? Sure!
- He’s not perfect. He’s navigating a healthy relationship for this first time, but just be supportive of him and communicate, and he’s the best boyfriend you could ask for.
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metize · 1 year
Mate (AFAB!Dragonborn x Farkas
Rating: Explicit
Additional Tags: PWP, In Heat/Mating Cycles, Werewolf Mates, Companions Questline, PIV
You were already pent up as it was, but seeing Farkas in nothing but his breeches almost sent you in a frenzy. As you walked into the room, it took everything in you not to bury your face on his pillow, instead you tried arranging his bed while he closed the door to his bed. You could almost see the gears turning inside Farkas’ head, you gathered he was probably smelling your pheromones and trying to understand why you were there. You tried not to stare at his bare chest and how good it would feel to run your hands through his abdomen. “I… I thought I had more time to prepare. Aela told me this would happen, but I…” You sighed, fidgeting with his pillows as you tried to adjust the bedding.
“Are you… nesting on my bed?”
You dropped his pillow. Right, that was what you were doing.
A/N: I didn't find A SINGLE Heat Fic pwp with Farkas. They're werewolves! That's the whole point of being a werewolf: feral sex. Anyways, hope you enjoy it.
Jorrvaskr was asleep. The night had draped its serene embrace over Whiterun, as the weary warriors found solace within their familiar haven. Farkas himself was deep in the realm of dreams, enjoying the peace of his unassuming chamber. Yet, the tranquility was abruptly shattered by a sudden and insistent pounding on his bedroom door. Startled from his slumber, Farkas jolted awake, heart racing in surprise with the sound of pounding on his bedroom’s door.
He was ready to assume the worst, a strategy that worked just fine for Farkas over the years; strike first, think later. He grabbed the greatsword at the end of his bed and readied his stance until he heard your voice from behind the door.
“Farkas, are you up?" Your voice was breathy, a hint of urgency in your tone.
He put his guard down, it was just you, the dragonborn. He respected and greatly admired you as his shield-sister, appreciating your company whenever you came back from your adventures. He trusted you with his life. He stored his sword away before opening the door.
Sure enough he was met to the sight of you as he opened the door. He was always happy to see you, almost forgetting for a second it was the middle of the night and you woke him up because you probably needed something. You weren’t wearing your full armor, instead you sported a more casual outfit that you used to sleep in, the sight was welcome to Farkas. Seeing you in a more vulnerable position was different, he was much more used seeing you armored from head to toe. It brought back memories from the first time you arrived in Jorrvaskr, full of questions, wanderlust and with a very unusual story to tell. Vulnerable in your nightclothes, yes, maybe that was why he was feeling a sudden overprotective urge.
“Shield-sister, it’s late. Did something happen?” He asked, his eyes darting around the hallway to check for any danger. That was when it hit him. The scent.
Your scent.
Farkas and the other Companions had a very strong sense of smell, it was normal for Farkas to recognize someone solely by their scent, but this wasn’t just your usual scent, this was stronger. Sweeter. And way more distracting.
“Close the door, I don't want to wake the others,” you said, making your way past him and sitting on his bed. You were already pent up as it was, but seeing Farkas in nothing but his breeches almost sent you in a frenzy. As you walked into the room, it took everything in you not to bury your face on his pillow, instead you tried arranging his bed while he closed the door to his bed. You could almost see the gears turning inside Farkas’ head, you gathered he was probably smelling your pheromones and trying to understand why you were there. You tried not to stare at his bare chest and how good it would feel to run your hands through his abdomen. “I… I thought I had more time to prepare. Aela told me this would happen, but I…” You sighed, fidgeting with his pillows as you tried to adjust the bedding.
“Are you… nesting on my bed?”
You dropped his pillow. Right, that was what you were doing. You blushed hard, caught off guard. This was your first heat, Aela had warned you about heats and how they worked after you had been turned. You had simply completely forgotten. You couldn’t be blamed, you had a lot to do as Dragonborn and your first heat was supposed to happen later, you were sure you had more time to prepare. You were always planning on talking to Farkas about it.
“I… guess I am,” you admit defeated “Farkas, I’m… going into heat.”
“Then you really,” his breath hitched, a low growl in his voice “really, shouldn’t be in here.” His hand gripped the door handle to ground himself, his knuckles turning white with the strength of his grip.
“I’m here for a reason, Farkas,” you said solemnly, you got up and walked towards him. He shot you a glare.
“Don’t come any closer,” his voice was raspy and his commanding tone made you stop in your tracks. “I don’t know how much longer I can control myself with you in this state.” His breath was labored and his gaze was intense.
“Farkas I don’t want you to control yourself,” you looked at him through half-lidded eyes, regaining courage to walk closer and reach for his hand. “I want you to help me…”
As soon as your fingers touched his hand it sent a spark of electricity through you’ve been hit by a Chain Lightning spell. You didn’t even get to hold his hand, he grabbed your wrist and pulled your body flush against his. He leaned down burying his nose in the crook of your neck, taking in as much of your scent as he could. You couldn’t help but sigh in relief at his proximity, at the sheer intimacy. You grabbed onto him like a lifeline, your instincts slowly taking over your mind, the wolf inside you screaming for more.
“Please… Farkas…” You muttered under your breath.
Farkas pulled you up by your thighs and you wrapped your arms around his neck. He dropped you on the bed, oddly enough the little organizing you managed to do added so much to your comfort level. Farkas was on top of you, his mouth was hungry for yours and you were all too happy to oblige, you kissed him back, running your fingers through his long hair.
“I don’t know if I can be gentle,” he admitted through gritted teeth, his hands undoing your blouse and groping your breasts.
“You don’t have to be…” You reassured him, his mouth was on your neck now marking you with his teeth as he pinched your nipples. You moaned in pleasure but with a hint of impatience, you squirmed under him pushing your hips up to feel some friction. “Please, please, I need you inside.”
He grunted before gripping your waist and forcing your hips down.
“It’s your first heat. I don’t wish to hurt you.” “I can take it, Farkas, please, my mate, I need you, need your cock,” you begged, your instincts completely overwhelming you with need. Farkas froze at your words before eagerly undressing the both of you in a rush.
You whined each time his hands left your skin, you felt feverish and aching with need. You were already soaked when Farkas pressed the tip of his cock against your entrance, he looked down at you, his eyes dark with lust. You didn’t trust your voice to beg him again, so you tried to give him a pleading look hoping to get him to have mercy on you and give you what you were craving.
A broken moan left your mouth as he entered you with his length, Farkas seemed to be losing control, as you hoped, his patience and kindness giving place to his feral instincts to take and breed. He was fully in, save for his knot, when he started moving his hips fast and deep.
Your whines and moans were loud, you couldn’t help it, his tip was hitting deep into you and your body programmed itself to feel nothing but pleasure at this time. Your mind was completely gone, solely focusing on Farkas’ cock slamming into you with force and speed.
“Mine, mine, mine…” Farkas kept repeating and his words only brought you closer to climax, giving yourself completely to your mate to be owned and used to his content was embarrassingly arousing. “My mate… You look so beautiful, so needy for me, for my knot, you want me to stuff you full, hm?” You nodded rapidly, trying to let him know how eager you were without depending on your words, since you weren’t sure you could even string a sentence together. But that wasn’t enough for him, he pulled at your hair and growled into your ear. “Say it, say what you want.”
You whined, the sting in your scalp only fueling your pleasure, you looked up at him with an imploring look. “Farkas please, I want y-you to breed me please…”
He grunted, his pace steady as he looked into your eyes. “Do you? Then why did you wait so long to seek me?” He punctuated his phrases with deeper thrusts, making you cry out as he hit your deepest and sweetest spot. “Why parade around Jorrvaskr smelling this sweet and ripe for the taking? Were you hoping just any Companion would take you out in the hallway?” His voice was aggressive, possessive and it turned you on so much. “Skjor? My brother?”
You shook your head. “N-Never! Just you, I’m yours Farkas… Please!”
“Cum for me.” He growled and picked up the pace. You do. You saw stars when he reached deep inside you, the warmth of his body against yours and his teeth biting down your neck. Farkas wasn’t too far behind himself, his pace getting erratic and you could feel yourself yearn for his knot. “I’ll cum deep inside of you, my mate. Is that what you want?”
“Please… I need it, please, please…” You begged pulling him into another kiss.
His mouth devoured yours as he pounded you into the mattress, his own beast ordering him to breed you, to take you, to claim you. He thrust one last time into you, his knot plopping into you, locking you together as he buried his seed deep inside your pussy. He moaned against your ear, tugging your hair as you felt his breath on your skin.
You held each other for a second, catching your breath and letting the afterglow warm your heart. Farkas placed a kiss on your forehead and stroked your hair.
“I’ll take care of you, however many times you may need it, my mate,” he said, voice low and earnest. You hummed contently and nodded.
“Can we go once more?” You said and he chuckled.
“However many times you need it.” He repeated.
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xjunkriidx · 1 year
Miraak: Go fuck yourself.
Y/N: Come over here and fuck me yourself, you coward.
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lilmoonbunny · 3 months
Betrayal; Brynjolf
When Karliah appears back at the Thieves Guild after Mercer has informed them of Y/N's death, Brynjolf is quick to see red.
Spoilers for the Thieves Guild questline.
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Brynjolf was a thief, there was no doubt about it. Thievery was in his blood, and always had been. Unattached, flirtatious, and talented at what he did, that was how most people would describe him, yet there was always someone who saw him differently.
Y/N, the latest addition to the thieves guild, was recruited by Brynjolf a few months ago now and the pair became fast friends. Having been the one to recruit and train her, Brynjolf knew a lot about the woman, including her distrust of those around her.
It took Y/N a while to open up to Brynjolf, for reasons unbeknownst to him. Naturally, he assumed there was something in her past, a lover, perhaps? Brynjolf didn’t like the way that thought made him feel, so he did what he did best and ignored it. He didn’t have feelings for her, he couldn’t…
So why did he feel so depressed when Mercer told him how Karliah had killed the woman in cold blood? Why did he lock himself away for days on end? Surely it was just a friend thing, right? He totally didn’t regret not telling her how he felt. Why would he?
“You better have a good reason for coming here, Karliah.” Brynjolf spat, being held back from attacking by Rune. “I should kill you where you stand.”
“It was not I who betrayed the guild,” she spoke softly, sensing Brynjolf’s anger.
“That is not what I am talking about,” he raged, freeing himself from Rune’s grasp and flying towards Karliah, only to be grabbed once again.
“She is telling the truth, Bryn,”
That voice…? It can’t be, surely.
“Y/N!?” Brynjolf immediately sprung backwards, holding the speaker at arm’s length. “You’re alive? Mercer said-“
“Mercer tried to kill me, Brynjolf. You’ve been lied to this whole time. Karliah saved my life.” She spoke quietly as she stared into Brynjolf’s erratic eyes.
He couldn’t believe that she was here in front of him. Mercer said that she had been killed, yet here she stood with Karliah, claiming that Mercer – the man who he trusted more than anything – had betrayed them.
There was no doubt that Y/N had been injured, the way she stood was enough proof of that, but by Mercer? That was not possible… So why did he trust her more than Mercer?
A sudden tug on his hand pulled Brynjolf from his thoughts. “Listen to her, Bryn. For me.”
He could never deny her anything.
And so he listened to Karliah. Every single word she spoke angered him and made him resent Mercer. His hand was still in Y/N’s, and he never wanted to let go, squeezing it gently to calm himself, as well as to remind himself that she was alive.
“I’ll kill him,” Brynjolf snarled. He wasn’t entirely sure what angered him more. That he had betrayed the entire guild, or that he had tried to kill Y/N whose hand was still in his own, earning more than a few confused looks from the other guild members, yet a knowing one from Karliah.
A soft squeeze on his hand pulled him from his anger, however, and his gaze fell on the woman beside him as she gave him a comforting smile. He nodded at her, taking a deep breath to completely calm himself.
She is alive and here. Everything is fine, Brynjolf.
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Most people had left the Flagon by now - their anger at Mercer’s betrayal fuelling their plans for revenge – leaving only Brynjolf, Y/N, and Karliah, the latter being quick to excuse herself.
“Thank you for trusting me, Brynjolf,” Y/N whispered, as though she was ashamed of what she was saying. “I didn’t know if you would.” Her words had the red-heads eyes widening as he quickly spun to face her with a force that almost sent him flying.
“I’ll always trust you. I’m just… I’m glad you are alive.” He admitted, one hand resting on the table in front of them whilst the other nursed his drink.
Y/N smiled to herself, a blush running up her cheeks as she took his hand in hers again.
“I’m glad to be back here with you.”
Now it was his turn to blush as he cleared his throat, unsure at what to say.
As he glanced over at Y/N, he noticed that she was already staring at him, and for the first time for as long as she had known him, Brynjolf was rendered speechless.
“I think I should be getting some rest,” Y/N said before he could think of something to say. She lifted herself from the seat she occupied, releasing Brynjolf’s hand in the process. “You should too.”
Brynjolf stared at her for a moment as she turned to leave.
“Y/N,” he called out, abruptly standing up.
Y/N turned to face him, confusion on her features. “What is it, Bryn?”
He hesitated.
“Please never leave me again,”
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ma1dmer · 8 months
The Elder Scrolls - Miraak NSFW
i read a very specific smut fic,,,,,girl,,,,,,,
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex): he let's you stay close to him as he returns to his 'research' ,he’ll let you place your head on his lap and play with your hair as you drift off to sleep
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s): he loves your mouth, will trace his fingers over your lips before every kiss, or simply shove them into your mouth for you to wet, getting distracted by the warmth and the way your tongue circles each digit as you look up at him 
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person): definitely has a breeding kink, always growls about the possibility of knocking you up right as he is about to cum, telling you to be good for him and not let anything leak out
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs): his imagination runs quite wild, has some fantasies that he sometimes brings up in the form of dirty talk but so far hasn’t actually sat you down to discuss about fulfilling them , some include using some magic on you, maybe some of the stuff he has learned throughout his time under hermaeus mora and some of fucking you as a group of his followers watch
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?): he has a lot of experience, he is the first dragonborn , and even without the big title and ego, he has been alive for so long, this man fucked and still fucks
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual): you on your knees or bent over some surface, your legs and arms restrained so he has full access to your body, his hands bruising your hips
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc): he is definitely more serious, he can be quite intense and he does enjoy the way he can make you nervous, he’ll chuckle about how you are scared but your body still reacts to him
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.): he is very hairy but keeps himself surprisingly tidy
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…): he can be quite the charmer, he enjoys a bit of a classical courtship sometimes, playfully trying to woo you, wants to play the role of finally winning you over before he has his way with you
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon): he’d much rather have someone else to help him but if he can’t , he likes to take his time , does some light edging on himself and thinks of how he'd like your next meeting to go, how he’ll have you scream for him 
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks): bdsm, praise and degradation etc
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do): has no shame, after being in apocrypha for so long where privacy probably wasn’t much of a thing he just got used to being watched, would honestly not care if someone walked in on you
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going): submission, he wants to see you kneel for him, wants you to expose yourself for him and plead, leave yourself at his mercy 
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs): not much he couldn't be convinced into trying at least once with the right wording
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc): loves cock warming , loves having you on your knees simply letting you do your thing for hours before he remembers you are there and thrusts up in the heat of your mouth
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.): it really depends ,he is definitely rougher, but whether he goes slowly or not is up to his mood
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.): wants to take his time with you , he has nothing but time in his hand, hates being rushed
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.): he generally knows what he likes but is more than happy to indulge your interests every now and then
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…): he has a lot of stamina and a lot of pent up frustration to burn out
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?): wants to watch you use various toys on yourself, things he bought or made for you, telling you exactly how to use them and constantly stopping you right as you get close to finishing because he wants to make you cum himself
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease): can be quite mean with his teasing in and out of bed
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make): he does not stay silent, he groans deeply and speaks a lot ,no reason to keep quite, he wants you to hear how much he is enjoying himself
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice): he is surprisingly sensitive, loves when you rake your nails over his chest or when you drag your teeth over his throat, he always has to restrain you just so he can keep more of a semblance of control, otherwise he gets lost in the pleasure of your touch
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words): i wish i could say he is compensating for something with that ego of his, but its big and it curves slightly
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?): he has a really high sex drive but has a very good grasp on his needs, always weighs his options, does he want you right now, or does he want to wait for later in the night so he can take his time
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards): i don't think he sleeps very well in general, he'd never admit so but having somebody next to him definitely helps a lot
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mamadovie · 4 months
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𐙚 . . . CICERO.
A N: Hey, lovebugs. Not a request, just a silly little idea I came up with while listening to Stalker by Stevie Howie. As usual, gender neutral reader.
A B O U T: Cicero has always loved his dearest listener. But when does love become dangerous, and how far will Cicero go?
W A R N I N G S: Stalker and obsessive themes. Cicero is just an absolute freak!
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There they are.
The sanctuary finally felt like home again. Their outfit: black, red, skintight, and stained with blood; it caused an ache in Cicero's stomach as he watched with heavy and dark eyes.
Oh, how he wished he could travel with you more often.
See the world with you.
By your side. Always.
His heart thumped at the mere thought of watching you, always, guiding you.
Needing you.
Oh, how he needed you. So bad.
Your voice, ragged and rough. Your blade is still wet. Your lips curled into a slow smile. You laughed, like music to his ears.
You're smiling. Laughing. At him? The stupid Nord, the stupid initiate?
His fist balled up, his leg bobbed up and down in a violent manner as he watched from the shadows. Always in the shadows. Watching you. He had since the day you met. Since the day you smiled his way. Showed him kindness. You never joked about the jester. No, you liked him. You respected him. But you didn't love him, did you? Never poor old Cicero! Forever the fool.
You were so dumb! You. Are. His. His flamed hair framed his face as he ducked his head, eyes glaring with poison. He wanted to rip that bastards face off. Maybe he would wear it. Would you like him if he looked like Stupid Nord Man? Or would you hate him? For taking the man who made you laugh out of your life?
Why are you still laughing? By the Void. Get a grip. He's not that funny.
You touched his arm. Why won't you touch Cicero instead? He's softer. Cleaner. Smells nice, too! Cicero just... didn't understand. Why. Him. Why not the fool? Just once. Pick him.
Cicero had always loved you. Since the day you met. Actually, quite some time before that, too. He watched you that day in Whiterun. Oh, he felt so... Alive. Fresh into Skyrim and already in love? The Night Mother surely graced him with you for all the hard work he's ever done. You're a gift. His gift. Not that stupid man's. No. You're his.
And he'll make sure you'll never fall into the arms of a lesser person. Never. Cicero enjoys the kill. He's sure that the Night Mother would turn a blind eye... all in the name of true love!
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dovahkinniez · 6 months
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mischasbongwater · 10 months
farkas x reader
warning: intense sex, vaguely fem-bodied reader but only if you squint
authors note: this is most certainly not my best work, just practice if anything but im still glad i finished it (emphasis on finished) and i wanted to share it and this felt like a good place to do it
(also for context this takes place after his transformation in the crypt that first time)
You slip into Farkas’s room as quickly and quietly as you can, out of worry that one of the other Companions might get suspicious. You carefully close the door, turn around—
—And Farkas is standing at the foot of his bed, in nothing but a loincloth.
“OH!” You yelp, throwing your hands up in front of your face. “I’m sorry, I didn’t-“
“It’s fine, open your eyes. I don’t care.”
You falter. “Wh- seriously?”
“Yeah. Why not?”
Slowly, you lower your hands and look at him. He’s sat down on his bed now, arms folded. Somehow he still looks just as big and intimidating as when he’s wearing armor. You can so clearly see his muscles rippling beneath his olive skin, but you try not to look anywhere other than his face — or arms.
You catch the inquisitive look on his face and snap yourself back to reality. “So,” you begin. “Werewolf.”
“Yes,” he agrees. “It is a gift given only to those in the Circle. Should you want to share the beastblood, you’ll have to prove your honor.”
“Right.” You cannot stop looking at him.
“Truth be told, if you want a more technical history, you should talk to Kodlak or Vilkas. I don’t usually put much thought into it beyond the gift itself. But- are you okay?”
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“I don’t know. You smell different.” He stands up.
“That- is so weird,” you respond, momentarily distracted by bewilderment. “What do I smell like?”
“Normally? Just you. But now…” He steps closer until he’s barely a foot away from you. It feels like his bare chest is looking you straight in the eyes. “It’s different. Stronger. Sweeter.”
You look up at him, eyes wide, feeling something you’ve never quite felt before. Dread and thrill both building up in your stomach, like white-hot balls of metal expanding through your abdomen. Sharp bursts of adrenaline spiking through your body.
“Are you interested in me, new blood?” His deep, gritty voice had a strange new cadence to it, like warm honey pouring into your ears.
You inhale shakily. “I- don’t know how to answer that question.”
“Can I answer it for you?”
You don’t even know if the word “yes” had left your mouth yet before you were in Farkas’s grasp. One hand is gently gripping the back of your neck, and the other is caressing the top of your head, weaving fingers through your hair. His rough, salty lips are pressed against yours, hard. You reach out and place your hands on his hips, closing the gap between you. He quivers under your touch, then melts into it, grabbing a handful of your hair and pushing his tongue into your mouth.
After a few heated moments, he pulls back, much to your disappointment.
“Do you want this?” He asks, his voice sounding much darker now.
You look at him, confused. “Wh-“
“The beast-spirit inside of me. He wants you. Bad.” He fidgets with his hands, showing the first glimpse of true uncertainty and nervousness you’ve ever seen from him. “I don’t know if I can keep being gentle like this. I don’t want to-”
“Farkas.” You take his hands. “I don’t care. I’m yours.”
A lustful spark appears in his eyes. He grabs you by your waist, picks you up with ease, and pins you to his bed, desperately grabbing at your clothes and trying to pull them off.
He seems as stocky and strong as a tree trunk, every part of him laying over you like this. He reaches down and pulls his loincloth off, then lowers himself down, almost completely immobilizing you.
His hands wander up to your face, lazily at first, then grabbing you roughly and once more pushing his lips against yours. His hips begin to thrust slowly against yours, and you feel his hardening cock sliding up and down against your stomach.
“Mmm… you smell so good.” His hands travel across your body, greedily touching every part he can reach. Your own hand begins to drift downward, but he grabs your wrist and pins it above your head.
“You had your chance to lead,” he growls. “It’s my turn now.” He pins up your other hand and buries his face in the crook of your neck, sucking and biting, forcing high, breathy moans out of your mouth. His movement slowly grows more desperate, and you feel the same.
“Farkas…” you say pleadingly. He lets out a deep purr and snaps his hips against you in approval. He raises his head above yours. You stare into his eyes, and he stares back, perfectly mirroring the burning passion you feel. His soft raven hair hangs down perfectly around his broad, rugged face. He leans down and whispers into your ear, his hot breath tickling your skin and sending tingles down your back. “I’m going to make you mine.”
Without any more warning than that, he grabs your hips so hard you think he might leave handprints, and he pushes his tip inside of you. You let out a shuddering gasp, your hands shooting up and grabbing onto his biceps for dear life.
He begins to push further into you, his thick shaft throbbing and stretching you out. The pain felt so good. A keening moan escapes from your mouth. Farkas closes his eyes, and you can see the muscles feathering along his tightly-clenched jaw as he sinks deeper and deeper into you.
“Farkas,” you breathe out. “Farkas-” you yelp as he forcefully thrusts his full length into you. “Y-you’re so big…” you manage to stammer out. “Fu-uuck. Please, Farkas.”
He opens his eyes and smirks. He smirks at you.
“Please what, darling?”
“Fuck me,” you heave desperately, your nails digging into his skin. “Fuck me, Farkas, please, I-”
You’re cut off by his strong, meaty hand pressing over your mouth, covering half your face. He gives a firm but gentle squeeze. “Sshhh, shh-shh.” He purrs. “Can’t have you waking up the others.” He starts slowly thrusting again. “Or is that what you want? Does the new blood want all of Jorrvaskr to hear them whining like a dog?”
You can do nothing but squeeze your eyes shut, your whole body pulsating with the feeling of him inside of you. That white-hot feeling is back, even more intensely now, like a sun planted in your stomach.
“That’s right,” he groans, starting to speed up. “Good.” He squeezes your face tighter, his eyes closing again and his head tilting back in pleasure. His movements grow almost animalistic, shoving himself further and further inside of you over and over. Your body tenses up, vibrating with heat and ecstasy, his cock filling you up so deep you think you might pass out. Your moans are uncontrollable and muffled by his hand, while your own are nearly drawing blood from their death grip on his arms. He keeps pounding into you, grunting and moaning huskily, holding you solidly in place. Your hips snap back up in rhythm with his, your body twitching from the pleasure and strain. If not for him muzzling you, you would be crying out, screaming his name, moaning and keening in primal euphoria.
The ball in your stomach expands like molten metal, spreading through your body until it feels as if Farkas has filled every last inch of you. It builds and builds and builds-
Until he stops, hilt-deep inside of you. You squirm and cry out, frantic with lust and just on the edge of overstimulation from his huge cock. He hums smugly at your struggle, his face inches away from yours. “Look at you. Such a desperate little thing. You like being used like this?”
You nod, aggressively and pathetically. Farkas chuckles, and the deep, raspy sound of his subtle laughter is almost enough to send you over the edge right there. He shifts, taking his other hand and grasping both sides of your face, pushing his thumbs into your mouth.
“Stay quiet,” he growls, before continuing his merciless thrusts at the same pace he left off at. Without even meaning to, you clamp down on his thumbs between your teeth, letting out a flood of sharp, cut-off moans as he fucks you with reckless abandon. You almost can’t stand the speed and girth hammering into you, sending you into a state of complete, mindless hunger.
Through your feral haze, you see his bottom lip caught under his teeth, his eyes tightly closed, and his eyebrows knitted together. Then his mouth hangs open, and a small whimper escapes into the air.
The molten ball inside of you explodes, coating his length and squirting onto his thighs and stomach. You lay completely silent, convulsing and arching beneath him, consumed with bliss. You scratch helplessly at his shoulders, wordlessly begging, and Farkas complies, thrusting more sensually yet somehow rougher into you now. He covers your mouth again, and you allow the torrent of wild moans to erupt from within you as he continues to fuck you through your orgasm, every vein and ridge on his cock hitting you in all the right places.
Just when you think you might finally go unconscious, he pulls out and a thick ribbon of cum streams out onto your stomach. He looks to be reared back like a horse, holding tight onto your hips to keep from falling, head swung back as he shudders through his own orgasm.
Panting, he collapses onto you, practically forcing the air out of your lungs with his weight. You wrestle your arms out from under him and wrap them around his torso — or at least, as far around as they can reach.
“Fuck,” Farkas whispers hoarsely, enveloping you in his arms now and turning you both to your sides. You make a noise of agreement muffled by his chest.
“Are- are you gonna stay here?” He asks, a hint of nervousness in his voice. You make another noise, this one of more serene agreement. He exhales deeply and goes limp, pulling you closer to him. You were both far too hot and sweaty for his blankets, but not for your own skin against the other’s. Filled with contentment and… other stuff… you relish in his scent and the feeling of his body pressed against yours. You catch a glimpse of the moon from outside his window.
Who cares if he’s a werewolf, you think to yourself. Nothing could make me rethink this.
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dontbethatguy20 · 11 months
I was curious if you’d be willing to write some Skyrim Serana X Reader headcanons, where Reader is very affectionate.
Please and thank you
Sorry this took so long😭))
Serana x Affectionate!Reader Headcannons
For starters, she's hates PDA. The most she'll endure is you holding her hand. When she's in public, she would like people to only see her up front serious persona.
When you two are in the privacy of you twos bedroom, she loves to cuddle. She usually is the big spoon but also enjoys being the little spoon. Being the little spoon brings her comfort sense she has never had much her whole life.
If you ever want a hug from her in public, she'll do one of those hugs that are real quick with one arm, and she'll hope no one saw.
Her love language is words of affirmation. She'll often compliment you or applaud for something you did. For example, if you two are in a cave or a bandit camp, she'll tell you are doing well going through all the people with ease.
If you get hurt really bad, she'll give you extra affection that day. Extra kisses, extra hugs, extra cuddles, extra everything, even in public.
Also, if you are hurt, she'll heal you up with a spell and tell you did well taking a hit like that.
Overall, she's not the most affectionate unless no one is watching.
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0-animelover-0 · 1 year
Relaxing with their S/O
No pronouns or physical sex aren't mentioned. It is not proofread so I'm sorry for mistakes.
Summary: After days of exhaustion, she/he decided to relax with you, their lover and only special person.
Aela the Huntress
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She shrugged off her armored shoulderpads and her bracers. She rolled her shoulders and a soft smile crept onto her face as she saw you relaxing on her bed. She watched as you drew in/read your book.
She sighed and sat on the end of the bed, taking off her boots. Aela tapped your knees and you put your book aside before slightly parting your legs enough for her to crawl between them and lay down.
You couldn’t help but smile as her head rested on your stomach. You stroked her head gently and she sighed deeply with her eyes closed.
You chuckled softly. “Tired?”
Aela nodded and looked up at you. “That ice brain and his brother are driving me nuts.”
A laugh escaped your lips and you caressed her cheek. “Aw, my poor baby.”
Aela rolled her eyes but made no movement of protest. She put her hands around your waist and mumbled into your clothing. "Just continue doing that with your hand. Feels nice."
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He came to your master chambers after another kill that you, being the leader of the dark brotherhood, ordered him to do. You could hear his whistles and hums from down the hall before he even entered the room.
A smile broke out onto his face and he happily walked to your bed. "Oh my, Listener! Cicero is happy to see you after a long day. Yes yes!" He didn't waste any time and sat with you on the big bed.
He spread his lanky arms around your waist and his legs tangled with yours. He buried his pale face into your stomach. "My Listener, you are comfier than any pillow."
You took off his jester hat and set it aside. Your fingers ran through his long red locks and he nuzzled more into you. "Tell me about your day, Cicero."
His brown eyes lit up and he rested his chin on your tummy. "Well-" Then he went on and on about how his killings and what other events he done.
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The sun was hanging low in the horizon as you and Serana were heading back from a task you had to complete. She stayed with you as your follower even after your multiple protests against it. It's not that you didn't enjoy her company, it's that you were afraid of her getting hurt. She sat down on the green earth and stretched her limbs. "What are you thinking about?"
Her question caught you off guard since it kinda came out of the blue. Were you really spacing out that much? "Nothing that is concerning."
She smiled and pat the spot beside her. "Come, sit." With a nod you went to her. After you sat with her, she leaned back against a large rock and pat her lap. "Lay your head here. You deserve a nap."
Serana shook her head and encouraged you to come closer by grabbing your arm. "I will not take a 'no' for an answer." You sighed and layed your head on her thighs, your back on the grass. She chuckled softly and started playing with your hair. She soon noticed your droopy eyes and spoke up. "That's it, rest."
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argisthebulwark · 8 months
Most Ardently
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summary: Terms of endearment Skyrim men would use for you as your partner. gn reader, no pronouns or y/n used. feat: Vilkas, Cicero, Brynjolf, Farkas, Miraak, Erandur, Teldryn, Arnbjorn warnings: minor allusion to suggestive content, mention of blood. and some swears.
Darling Vilkas, who wields terms of endearment with both kindness and sarcasm. Who knows how to get under your skin or comfort you with just one word. "Oh darling, have you forgotten who trained you? More than anyone else, I know your limits." He would sneer, face flushed when he rounds on you after a disagreement. "My darling," Vilkas would whisper in the dead of night, when your hands are tangled in his hair and you can taste the wine on his breath. "My darling." He breathes just before kissing you, all worries melting away. Cicero is giddy at the idea of his Listener having special titles only he is permitted to use. Who spins you around the Sanctuary when your mood is low, showering you in kisses and praise until he sees the smile he loves so dearly. He would say it often, soft and full of love during a stolen moment alone or brashly in front of any new recruit whose eyes lingered a touch too long. "Oh, darling Listener." He would sigh, gazing at you with unabashed adoration. "Cicero loves you more than words can say."
Sweetheart Brynjolf, who says it with that crooked smile that never fails to melt your heart. Who murmurs the pet name when he finds you slumped behind the Guild Master's desk glaring at the rolls of parchment piled haphazardly before you. Brynjolf who scoops you into his arms, planting a kiss on your forehead and allowing you to grumble about your day. "Hold still, sweetheart." Brynjolf would breathe against your skin, clutching you to his chest as the manor's steward paces its hallways. Farkas, who cups your face so gently and speaks as if you are the only one in his world. Who calls you his sweetheart as he wipes the blood of fallen bandits from your cheeks and checks you for injuries. Who helps you out of your armor after a hard day, sinking into a warm bath and combing the hair away from your face. "You alright, sweetheart?" Farkas would call over the clashing of swords, needing an assurance that you haven't fallen.
My love/My beloved Miraak, whose voice drips with devotion when he calls out to you. That touch of reverence never fades from his tone, eyes softening when he stares at you. Miraak who attempts to cover the depth of his love with sarcasm but would fall to his knees for you if asked, who believes his unnaturally long life's only purpose is to adore you. "My beloved," that deep voice rumbles through his chest as he gazes up at you, ungloved hands twisted in your robes. "One whose soul speaks to mine." Erandur, who speaks tender words of love as a form of worship. Who sings your praises with every breath. Whether it's a retelling of his salvation to an enraptured crowd in some small tavern or against the skin of your thighs he devotes himself to you, the one he loves. "My love," he would murmur over and over, lavishing attention upon you. "My most beloved, you must take better care of yourself. I cannot imagine this world without you, my heart."
Fucker Teldryn, who slaps a hand on your thigh with his head thrown back in laughter. Your gut muscles ache and your voice is hoarse from hours of laughing at each other's stories but you never want such a night to end. Other patrons have stumbled off to bed and you're sure that Geldis is glaring daggers at the pair of you but Teldryn's easy laugh is far more intoxicating than the drinks forgotten on a nearby table. "Oh, you fucker." Teldryn would say, the affection clear in his voice. He drags your chair closer to his, allowing you a closer look at his flushed cheeks and sharp teeth. Arnbjorn, with his gruff exterior that you somehow cracked through. His tough heart that you wormed your way into, the softness he saves for the rare moment alone. He is not one for tenderness but conveys his feelings in a way you understand, a subtle love language you learned over time. "Why do I like you again?" He would grumble, forced annoyance coating the affection in his tone when you squirm closer to him. "Fucker." The word is harsh, a contrast to the soft way his calloused hands brush over your skin. "I didn't want to fall for you, y'know."
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saturnsnakebars · 4 months
Hey! Do you have any headcanons for what it was like for kaidan before he confessed his feelings, like figuring out he’s catching feelings and deciding to do something about it?
omg yes!!!
warnings: some spice but nothing too bad
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Kaidan when he has a crush:
- He is AWKWARD.
- In the beginning, of course he cares for you. He’s sworn to be your shield, and as a result he’s developed a liking for you, a soft spot if you will.
- It never even occurred to him that he treated you differently. At taverns, he didn’t feel excitement when someone came his way with an offer. He started declining people without even realizing the reason why.
- He also starts offering you things, such as food and water without you even asking him or telling him you needed them.
- Low-key kinda starts to get jealous. For instance, other people flirting or if you decide to spend the night with someone else. It makes his skin crawl.
- If you travel with Vilkas, Farkas, or Erik, they are the first to call him out on this behavior. Mercilessly teasing him on the daily about it actually. It’s how he first starts to notice how he feels about you, even though he does not dare to admit it yet.
- This is where the painfully awkward flirting begins, and the endless teasing from his friends. He’s secretly writing down pick up lines for you, but he hasnt tried saying them yet.
- Starts taking mental notes of the little things about you. The food you like, the flowers you like, the music at the tavern that you like, all of it. Starts giving you things you like intentionally now to try and get a reaction out of you.
- Your reactions will determine his day, so be careful. If a flower gift goes well for him, he’s practically jumping for joy for hours after. He gets nervous around you, his whole body feels like it has been lit on fire when one of these interactions occur.
- Eventually he starts saying more things to you. Commenting under his breath about how good your ass looks, or how beautiful you look that day. Sometimes you miss it, and other times you act like to didn’t hear just to ask him and watch him blush.
- At this point he’s already admitted feelings for you to his friends, but he has still to make a move on you. He’s afraid of ruining something that seems too good to be true.
- He spends days trying to figure out the perfect time and place to try and talk to you about it. Of course there were plenty of failed attempts on his part, only because he got major cold feet and couldn’t even bring himself to begin trying. He plans talking to you at a quiet moment with just the two of you, getting help from his friends on how approach it.
- When be finally does manage to scrap up some courage, perhaps it goes a little too far (wink wink). He did not mean to rush so quickly into bed with you on the first night. He’s feeling extremely guilty, but after talking with him and discussing how you want things, he feels much better.
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skyrimpals · 10 months
*both Khash and Y/N are sick*
Gore: Y/N, can you please take your medicine?
Y/N: sure
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xjunkriidx · 1 year
Delphine: Would you guys be there for me if I was going through something?
Lucien: Nope, absolutely not.
Inigo: I hope it sucks, whatever you’re going through.
Kaidan: I hope it emotionally scars you for the rest of your life.
Serana: I hope you reach out to me so I can ignore you.
Y/N: I can’t wait to go to your funeral, knowing I could’ve changed that outcome.
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stubborn-plague · 7 months
ℑ𝔫𝔣𝔬𝔯𝔪𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫 𝔞𝔫𝔡 ℜ𝔢𝔮𝔲𝔢𝔰𝔱 𝔤𝔲𝔦𝔡𝔢
Hi there, I'm Entropy, I'll be using this blog for writing of all kinds, feel free to send requests or asks whenever they're open, please just make sure to follow the guidelines I've given in this post!
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As a general rule, I will write any reader inserts as gender neutral and SFW unless an ask/request specifies otherwise!
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𝔽𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕠𝕞𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕤 𝕀 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕨𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕖 𝕗𝕠𝕣:
Bubba sawyer (Texas Chainsaw Massacre)
Thomas Hewitt (Texas Chainsaw Massacre)
Asa Emory (The Collector)
Chrome Skull (ChromeSkull movies)
Billy Lenz (Black Christmas)
Jason Vorhees (Friday The 13th)
Brahms Heelshire (The Boy)
Michael Myers (OG, Peepaw or Rob zombie)
Leslie Vernon (Behind the Mask)
Yautja (Predator)
Optimus Prime
Transformers Prime
Optimus Prime
Ultra Magnus
Transformers Animated
Optimus Prime
Ultra Magnus
Legend Of Zelda
Hellsing/Hellsing Ultimate
Seras Victoria
Pip Bernadotte
Alexander Anderson
Ser Integra Hellsing 
[I will NOT be writing for any of the Nazis.]
Resident Evil
Albert Wesker
Leon Kennedy
Karl Heisenberg
Ethan Winters
Alcina Dimitrescu
Donna Beneviento (And Angie is there)
Five Nights At Freddy's Characters
Skyrim/The Elder Scrolls Companions and others
Fallout Companions and others
-More May be Added- [If there is a specific fandom you want to ask for, feel free to ask me, while I may not know it, there's always the chance that I do! Same goes for any characters I've missed!]
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𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕀 𝕎𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕨𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕖:
Reader x Character
Character x Character
Poly Relationships
Most Kinks
[If unsure, just send me a message!]
𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕀 𝕎𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕨𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕖:
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