#ask dickens
whathedickens · 4 months
Have uh have you ever worn stockings?
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" does this answer your question . "
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macfrog · 11 months
does anyone else ever think about how literature used to be published in periodicals and volumes, and readers would have to wait week by week, month by month etc. for the next installment of whichever story they were enjoying
and then think about how we have essentially modernized the concept of serialization and completely recycled it by updating our own little works of fiction for our audiences in installments
like. we're just all a bunch of modern-day dickenses
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sincerely-sofie · 4 months
For the little gymleader ask game
I think ghost type with a alolan marowak would be verry fitting
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Nightlight the dusknoir is a bit of a nervous wreck, but she hits like a truck when she’s up for a fight! Thankfully, Dickens the marowak is willing to take any battles she’s not in the mood for.
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sofipitch · 7 months
I will say, I don't understand the compulsion to claim anytime a writer used to write fanfic that they repurposed their fanfic. Like read like 3 things by the same author and you'll realize authors have their things, characters and plotlines they like, words or metaphors they prefer. It can often be an intimate experience where you start to get the sense of what is haunting that author. Yes their works may look similar but they are in fact written by the same person, enjoy getting to know them. And furthermore I hate the culture of artists having to pretend art doesn't inspire other art without fearing accusations of plagiarism
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hitsuzenhusbands · 19 days
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happy birthday to the guy who ruined my life ❤️💚👁️
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ask-steven-stevenson · 2 months
we will need his body to revive him and we can't get it or use anon magic at Terrance's arcade to even locate the body so if you want bubble back you're going to have to sneak in and find it if you even can get to it that is.
“Are you kidding me. Oh. Do you think that British man is willing to help? Like, as a distraction so I can TRY and find Bubble??”
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gnarliest-phone-dude · 2 months
You. Where is the one who owns the bunny.
“Mr. Dickens? M’ pops? Uh, he should be in the back jus’ give me a sec..”
He walks off into the aforementioned “back.”
// @whathedickens
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aceofspades-sml · 1 month
Hiya my fellow classic lit people I have a small question for you
Does anyone know a good movie/TV/stage adaptation for Dickens's Tale of two cities ? I know there are a few but. well I have often been disappointed with adaptations of classics and I can see how it would be hard for a movie to convey the spirit of this specific one so. If anyone has any recommendations I am all ears
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Where did the idea that Sydney is bi come from and why is it so popular?
I've actually been saving this ask for a long time because I (still do!) intend to fully answer this question in a thorough, very-long-form essay once I finish a reread of A Tale of Two Cities (and also read some companion analysis books I now own for it!)...
...but being as it's gonna be a long time until that happens - and also being as it is now pride month(!!!) - I figured that what I would do in the meantime is...open the question up to everyone else!
* for those who aren't familiar with the terminology, here's a good article on the word "headcanon" ** I broadened it to "queer" because although bi is the most common queer headcanon for him, it's also possible to headcanon him as queer without headcanoning him as bi, and I wanted to open the question up to all of the possibilities🌈
I'm going refrain from writing out my own answer (for now, at least!) and instead am leaving it completely open - please elaborate if you feel compelled to do so!
though I do have one humble request: I know it's a common way to talk about queer headcanons, but no sex jokes / nsfw, please!
I know the original questions in the ask concern a more fandom-wide cultural phenomenon and that my poll is more based in individual viewpoints, but I think enough of a variety of answers to the latter could help build towards answers to the former - at least as a starting place before I do my big analysis some day😌
🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️In the meantime, happy Pride!🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
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abel-brannigan · 3 months
do you and mr dickens snog in HIS office
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whathedickens · 4 months
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So I saw someone swap you and norm… so I thought 😋
(Abel and Dickens swap)
// @ask-abel-brannigan
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wisteriagoesvroom · 6 months
if there’s justice in the world we’ll get an oscar piastri ice bath video at sg gp ‘24
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so pretty i could eat them up !
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norm-g-allen · 20 days
“Woah there- no need to be slingin’ around those words-“
“I just… er… admire his business ethics…”
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mirpkechi · 25 days
holy shit i think i found a way to wriet (fake) commas in tags
↑this thing, it looks exactly like a comma (a tiny bit smaller actually)
its called a "Single Low-9 Quotation Mark" (wut) and you can copy it and use it in tags and pretend it is a regular comma
(its very annoying to use bc u cant type it normally but its fun and probably no one knows about it)
(also i made a little script that can count posts and it says you've posted 243 times today so id assume youve already been post limited so let this ask taunt you for eternity (one day) >:333333)
WHAT AOH MY GOF HELLO ????? bro took one for the team and actually found this out ???? you have saved my life [i cannot write for shit without commas 🔥🔥]
YES I WAS POST LIMITED YESTERDAY 🙁🙁 literally dawg tumblr hates to see a queer loser living its life [doing nothing all day] 💔
idk about on ios but if you use android [im hoping all android phones ??] you can make a text shortcut thingy and have some shi like "comma" in the short ver and then that can autoreplace to the Single Low-9 Quotation Mark :333
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annebrontesrequiem · 30 days
Dickens Dashboard Simulator
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mrpesquire Follow
Hat fell into the street and I gotta get it back, hope the carriage drivers don't mind :)
mrpesquire Follow
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Everyone's always like 'Oh child gangs are bad' and 'Crime is rampant in London.' No one ever asks 'How was the business today? The business seemed like a lot of fun.'
bookstands-r-us Follow
I hope everyone who reblogged this stupid post gets shipped off to Australia just like OP
#oh it's just a bit of fun! it's just a joke!! #get back to me when people are filching the handkerchiefs from YOUR patrons #you're all losers
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insearchoflostlove Follow
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To commemorate my dear father and I...
numberonemadelinestan Follow
I hauve consumption
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mulberry-bush Follow
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We all know you got your ass handed to you by that child lmaoooo
mulberry-bush Follow
Say that to my face so I can slap it with a glove
We all know you'd fire right into the sky
pikefish Follow
Guys, I think op killed him
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mrmalthus Follow
Christmas celebrators die challenge
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manofbusiness Follow
AITA for using my niece (young? I forgot her birth date) to try and reel in some rich business associates of mine? Yeah they're a little creepy, but like, money is money. But at the end of the night she left my house crying - just like my brother's child to do that - and I almost felt, bad??
numberonemadelinestan Follow
I'll track you down to the ends of the Earth to rectify the evil you have visited upon my sister and our family. You took in your only nieces and nephews in order to destroy and ruin them to benefit yourself. I hope you never sleep again at night. I curse your name and turn from you. If you were begging in the street I should be revolted by you and not give a single crust, I, in my infinite mercy should walk past you as you vanish into the shadows of obscurity.
urchinno1 Follow
Anyone in this thread smoke opium?
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whereislove Follow
Finally arrived in London! Anyone want to meet up?
Sure! Address is:
Bill Sykes Lair Whitechapel Road, Whitechapel London, England
Me and my friend would love to show you around!
whereislove Follow
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