#ask gam
bumblepony · 2 months
I am intrigued by Fools Rush In?
It's me playing with a Joel/Reader fic based on the movie with Salma Hayek and Matthew Perry. It's in the really early stages. I don't know how far I will go with this; I have a hard time getting into a reader's headspace. I prefer having something to work off, but I like playing with stuff, so have a snip!
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switchthedragon · 7 months
Question 34! An unpopular opinion you have >:]
Ok hear me out-
I HATE donuts and fried dough. It's so gross to me. Not only does the smell give me a headache, the texture and flavor aren't even that good.
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iguessitsjustme · 7 months
Hi ~ for the music asks can I ask: 5, 9, 12, q8, and 30 please? -☆
5. A song that needs to be played LOUD
Hmmmmm….I don’t listen to music loud if I can help it. Damn auditory processing makes it hard for me but there are some songs. I’m gonna go with something from my rarely used jogging playlist: Raise Your Glass by P!nk. I don’t listen to it that often but it feels like a song that cannot and should not be played quietly.
9. A song that makes you happy
God’s Menu by Stray Kids.
12. A song from your preteen years
Anything by No Secrets. I’ve never met anyone else that listened to them but those songs defined those years for me.
18. A song from the year that you were born (I think this is the question you were asking)
I actually don’t know the years songs come out and I also don’t like posting my age online. So I’m gonna skip this one sorry.
30. A song that reminds you of yourself
Driving Myself Home by Rose Betts
Music Asks
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loakstahni · 7 months
1, 9, and 12 for the ask game? 🧡
Favourite work you've written?
It's Curntly a wip atm! Im vary proud of it tho!
9. Any works you'd write a part 2 of?
Probably part 2 to 'a perfect pillow', I like how that one turned out.
12. How many other fandoms have you wrote for?
I believe 3! Avatar (jc) mha and i think warrior cats. But that was back when i didn't have tumbler lol-😅
Anyway! Thank you for the asks tal💙
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roosterbruiser · 5 months
🧐 do you spend much time researching for your stories?
the answer to this one is a whopping YES. I spend a lot of time researching my stories if they’re more than one part. some stories have a lot more research in them than others and in a lot of different ways.
like, for example, Landslide is a modern story so the research I was doing was mainly about the navy and pilots. I also did a lot of research on weather patterns and the terrain in san diego!
obviously for bigger period projects—like voulez-vous, cruel summer, even dream-pop lover and silver springs—I had to do a lot of research to make it feel grounded. what people were wearing, saying, listening to, watching, thinking about, how they were doing their hair! and honestly that is some of my favorite research to do. I have been doing A LOT of research for my novel!
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pizza-feverdream · 7 months
Purple and dark blue
[equally incomprehensible but in response]
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For the character Ask: Reginald Copperbottom and/or Right Hand Man?
Heya, thanks for sending this in. I did both characters by the way. My ask box is always open
Reginald Copperbottom: • First impression: Not much truth be told
• Impression now: He genuinely amuses me and can be humorous when he wants to be
• Favorite moment: When he betrayed Henry. Then at the end of that where he tell Henry 'if it was worth it?'.
• Idea for a story: Some pre-canon stuff either with Right and or by himself. Basically trying to write about his life, childhood and etc.
• Unpopular opinion: Opposite to Right, I'll really would like it if they see him more as a serious character, maybe? Like a true villain, I don't know. As I always see Terrence Suave as the bad guy but it be interesting if it was Reginald
• Favorite relationship: Right (Platonic Or romantic), Henry, and the rest of the Toppats (the last as a figure they look up to as a good example of a leader)
• Favorite headcanon: He can be very flamboyant sometimes but under thay cowardly facade, he isn't someone you should mess with. Can be a very imposing force though likes to make people think otherwise to lure them into a false sense of security
Right Hand Man • First impression: Very cool, tough character. The basic sidekick/body gaurd to the 'villan/bad guy'
• Impression now: Genuinely becoming one of my favorite characters to write. And to branch off with him is the best part.
• Favorite moment: The anime scene where he was fighting Henry and that time travel thing that happened in it?
• Idea for a story: This one has been on my mind for a while so here it is. I've been wanting to write his life before being a Toppat or meeting Reginald. Like his childhood and his family.
• Unpopular opinion: I would totally love to see more interpretations of Right being a more goofy character. Or at least, one that isn't gruff all the time, like him having a sense of humor or a soft spot.
• Favorite relationship: Either with Reginald (romantic or platonic) or the other Toppat members; I like to see him being personable and a figure they look up to
• Favorite headcanon: The Hcs where he's Trans is a personal favorite of mines. Then there's one of mines that branches off that, he doesn't mind exploring his gender, wearing whatever; masculine, feminine or anything else he likes (rarely as it is sometimes with his busy life) and doesn't give a shit about toxic masculinity
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harringtons-cupid · 1 year
18, 23, 30 for the unusual asks x
favourite tv show?
I have LOADS... my current faves are: Freaks and Geeks, Mad Men, Sex/Life (of course ST)
describe your dream date
uhhhh, probably having a lot of sex and eating alot of food with my partner
whats your favorite candle scent? 
maybe something christmasy, they actually make me sneeze alot so we don't really light them
-Unusal Asks
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mozzys-studio · 1 year
wip ask game (thanks for the tag @botherkupo!!!)
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. (You can make your own post or reblog this one!)  I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? Dnd campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!
my wips:
The Lady of Winter
LoW Bk 2
You Never Know
before // after
kenna collab 1 & 2
perfectly broken aikren
good grief
place in me
i have five million wips that i really need to finish lol but i'm limiting myself to 10 here!
i'm tagging @carpisuns @anna-scribbles @taliaxlatia (or whatever other blog you wanna use!) @picayunearts @mooonlightsonata (no pressure to join, just taggin to see if i get some juicy lil tidbits of art or fic 👀)
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disorentedfae · 2 years
Dark green (family ties)
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sarahisslytherin · 2 years
Should I stay or should I go
should i stay or should i go: how many languages do you speak?
two! i speak english and spanish but i'd love to learn french as well
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storekn1fe · 6 months
3, 5
hi em!
3. What were your top five books of the year?
these aren't in any particular order (also didn't put any rereads)
shriek: an afterword by jeff vandermeer (tbh any of the vandermeer books i read this year could have gone here but shriek really stuck with me)
kraken by china mieville
lone woman by victor lavalle
the weight of blood by tiffany d. jackson
the fifth elephant by terry pratchett
5. What genre did you read the most of?
horror (24 books)! fantasy was a close second with 22
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squid-wizard · 1 year
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loakstahni · 7 months
How about 2 and 26???
2. What's your sexuality?
I'm bisexual✨
26. My type?
I like guys that are a little taller then me, my current crush is about 5 inches taller then me? I come up to his mid cheek bone.
I also like darker hair, like dark ginger, brown or black. My crush has really pretty dark ginger hair ✨
I don't care for eye color, all eye colors are pretty in my book
I also like a guy that plays sports, my crush plays football and baseball✨
And i love a sweetheart and goofball, which my crush is a big sweetheart and a goof.
Thanks for the ask boo!😘
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If I were dating you, I'd eat all the baked goods you make and be so enthusiastic. I would also make you lots of cheesy food because that is my forté. I would ask you daft questions about Austria and the German language. I'd cheer whilst you play video games and then accidentally fall asleep.
I would also refer to Collino as our precious son and beg you to take me to Vienna.
After a while you'd dump me because whilst I am enthusiastic and supportive, you'd realise I am just a cat and would be better off as little friends who live in each others phones.
((idk what those "if I were dating you" ask memes are normally like but I'm guessing they're like this?? UwU))
((dont worry youre doing great :D))
I'm so here for cheesy foods 👀 I make the bread you bring on the cheese, I play video games and show and explain things and you can fall asleep in my lap. Perfect relationship! I wouldn't dump you <3
I don't even like Vienna but I'd take you there and show some of the good spots. And I already count you as Collino's british mum who lives in my phone.
send me “if i were dating you” anons (bonus points off anon + explain why)
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25, 33, 35 for the ask game! :D
Nearly? I shed a few tears while writing these fics below:
A single touch (teen hotch)
Salt Water (teen hotch)
Exile (jemily)
Unrequited (jemily, but not in the way you might think, something more, read to find it out)
Trying to change (nobody said it had to be for the better) (jemily, it's tied with 'unrequited')
Getting older was never a reason to celebrate (teen hotch, growing up)
The graves beneath my heart (I wait for the ghost to come) (hotch fic, a year after Haley dies)
This was a comment left in 'A single touch', one that had impacted me for good: this is so good!!!! you have a lovely way of words and it felt like i was a fly on the wall seeing it all happen, beautifully written! thank you for this
I try to keep them uncovered until I actually post them, only on a hanful occasions I've talked about them to a friend here about the end of a fic I was not so sure about
More questions here, keep them comming!
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