#ask game is ongoing because i wont have a laptop until tuesday 😭
darkisrising · 3 years
so you’ve got a good place au....... what about a parks and rec one 👀👀
Gah! Okay. This one is way harder to come up with. All I've really got is Grogu = Lil Sebastian... which, just ignore the whole dying thing?
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Okay, if I was going to go this route... this won't be a direct one-to-one parallel with P&R but...Luke and Leia both work in the parks department. Luke is second in command, the sunny optimist that misjudges situations because of his boundless faith in people. Leia is director and is far more jaded, more practical, no we CANT requisition a new playground with our current budgetary restrictions, Luke. And no we CANT fund it by throwing a concert called Municipalities Love Music because MLM means something else and no I won't tell you what during this public forum with our town's citizens, just Google it when you get home, Jesus.
When their town goes bankrupt the state sends in an auditing team. Din, who is a bleary eyed, get the job done, trying not to get emotionally involved because he’s used to leaving within the week type of guy. Or he is trying to be despite the overly eager Parks Dept Deputy Director who Wont. Stop. Scheduling. Meetings. With. Him. Din is accompanied by Cobb Vanth, whose smile, by all accounts, is like staring into the sun.
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Han is the receptionist because no one else is both "aggressively mean AND apathetic. April Han really is the whole package.”
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Artoo is Luke's best friend, confidant, and a beautiful, opalescent tree shark. C3P0 is the bumbling fool a la Gerry/Jerry/Gary. And okay I said no one to one parallels but Orin is Kylo Ren
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And Luke's dad is Vader who is the director of the Education Department mostly because I love that scene where Benn Wyatt has to requisition new school busses from Leslie's mom and he’s a disaster at it...so that's for sure happening in this world.
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"I find your lack of requisition forms.... disturbing"
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darkisrising · 3 years
Sorry to hear about your laptop, I would go crazy without mine. ;_; Here's another ask! I saw your Good Place gif and thought of something.
If you've seen the show...in a Good Place AU which of the OT cast + Din would figure out they're in the Bad Place first? How do they know and who is playing the Michael character?
If you haven't seen the show ...shit IDK. AHH...which Hogwarts houses do you put the OT cast + Din and Grogu in?
Oh. Oh. Ohhhh, my dear sushi. Have I seen the Good Place? Oh I've SEEN the Good Place. Over and over to the point Netflix may do a wellness check on me now that I DONT have my laptop and CAN'T watch it this weekend.
Okay. Let's see... I think Din is the first to figure it out. I see him as sitting back a little, quietly watching things unfold, esp if it devolves into an argument and he has that same "ugh, this is torture" thought that is usually what comes before the realization. Also, in the show Eleanor is the main one to figure it out because she's raised to always be suspicious of everyone and I'm guessing Din has that same waiting around to be disappointed thing going for him.
I think Luke, Leia, and Han (if they don't know each other in this au and are doing the OT meeting for the first time thing) will easily fall into that prickly, bickering, maybe love triangle-ish thing like they do in the movies. That would keep them distracted. Let's say Boba is there then you get him and Han at each other's throats and then everyone picking sides.
Wondering if Vader is Michael. Oh he pretends to be nice Jedi Anakin at first, maybe does the whole "Luke, I am your father (figure)" so Luke isn't suspicious of him. Because Jedi can't be bad, they're GOOD. And then... twist! He's a sith. Palpatine is Sean. Mwahaha you're in the Bad Place, dummies.
It isn't for a few reboots that Luke finally surfaces from the love triangle (part of the torture is the realization that Leia is his sister and HAN isn't that into him) and then he realizes "Oh, Fork! I'm in love with DIN" and that's when they can start to get out of the torture patterns and help each other because of love, etc.
Lando is Mindy. Because a Lando that is stuck in a sateen instead of silk cape... drinking room temp Prosecco... that's his medium place.
Maya Rudolph is still the Judge and Timothy Olyphant is played by Cobb
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darkisrising · 3 years
Well. I tried to sneak fic writing on my husband's work computer but was told that's a no-go because they might be monitoring it remotely. Soooooo no gay space wizard porn writing for me.
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darkisrising · 3 years
how do han and leia play into ur married dinluke headcanons?? or like, din's various pals around the galaxy. im allllll about the comical "finding out abt the relationship" tropes lmao
Heya anon! Thanks for the ask!
I feel like this is more like a what- serves- the- fic's- narrative thing than a headcanon, but in general I just can't imagine Han or Leia having a problem with Din since he is famously like the nicest guy in the galaxy. I mean everyone is ready to help Din in any way they possibly can after meeting him and his cute kid, so I don't imagine Han or Leia is immune to that pull.
I wonder if it's more they worry that Luke might not be the most stable guy for Din. Because they KNOW Luke. They know how powerful he is. They know how flighty he can be, taking off at a moment's notice if he thinks he can help someone somewhere, how ready he is to lay down his life for a cause. They know all the shit he probably still hasn't fully processed for all that he acts like an emotionless CGI... errr... person when he's trying to be what he thinks is properly Jedi-like (though he can't really maintain that stoicism for too long before he reverts to form).
And Din is so even-tempered, so reliable, so capable for all that he always sounds a little run down. It seems like he could really use a partner to shoulder his burdens with him rather than this slightly wild, powerful-beyond-belief Skywalker who has decided he's in love after literally a 10 sec meeting with some random Mandalorian on an Imperial cruiser where he leaves with his kid, never even gives his contact info, and then won't stop talking about how it's REALLY LOVE this time, you guys...
Then next thing they hear he's married to him. So maybe Han takes Luke aside and is like "Listen. Mando’s a good guy. There's a kid involved. You can't be just fucking off to corners unknown, courting death, being unreachable in the swampiest of swamp planets whenever you want. I'm a dad now, I know of what I speak." (Oh I should say in my headcanon we never get to that weird Han-is-a-terrible-father-because-noone-is-allowed-to-change-for-the-better ST take. Instead Han is around for his kid because he LEARNED how to value the people he loves in the OT, dammit!!)
And Leia at some galactic summit takes a weary Mand'alor Din by the elbow and masterfully extricates him from the bigwigs that are all clustering around him, each so eager to pledge their planet's resources to help the Mandalorian king out because he is just SO GREAT and Din is too befuddled by the attention to know how to make them back off... but Leia knows when to smile and when to glare so she gets time alone with her new brother-in-law. She pounds back a couple of shots of space booze and says "So, how much do you really know about my brother?" And Din quietly, firmly says "I know enough" and Leia is like "yeeeeeeah that's probably not good enough. Look. He's pretty and he's sweet and I'd lay down my life for him. But the guy's a mess. " and Din is just like "yeah" and she can't see his face but she can just hear the dopey, too-far-gone grin under his bucket and knows it's too late for him. So she just sighs and orders another round and when Din says "oh I can't drink with my helmet—" she does the Donna Meagle
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darkisrising · 3 years
What Taylor Swift song best describes how you feel about Boba Fett?
I mean... the most Boba Fett TayTay lyrics I can think of:
And I fell from the pedestal/Right down the rabbit hole/Long story short, it was a bad time/Pushed from the precipice
So then how I feel about him? Well:
Now I'm all about you/I'm all about you, ah/Yeah, yeah/I'm all about you, ah/Yeah, yeah
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darkisrising · 3 years
Hey! Idk if you're still answering asks, but what's your favorite sw fic that you've written and/or read?
Hey anon! Of course, I love answering asks!
That's a reeeeeally hard question for me because I read so many different pairings and they all have such different flavors that I love in their own special, unique, delicious ways.
The closest I have to a favorite SW fic is Davaia's Gone in the Wake (which I wrote about here ) because it's the one that made me decide to try my hand at writing SW fic and I've been having SO much fun in this fandom, so I feel like I owe that fic everything, ya know?
A favorite fic that I've written? Eeeesh. Hm. Thats even harder to answer. I think I have a special fondness for A Million Little Times, which is a short, tense, dark, Qui-Gon lives Quiobi. It's the second SW fic I ever wrote but I think it still reads really well, even though I do firmly believe I've become a better writer since I started writing again in January.
Thanks for asking! Don't be a stranger 🙂
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darkisrising · 3 years
Hi! You've talked about your husband, and I'm wondering your feelings about being open with him about writing (sometimes smutty) fanfic. I've always struggled being open about my own fandom obsessions and fanfic writing with friends and partners, because of how it can be stigmatized. I guess I'm just curious about your take on all that, since it sounds like it is something you're open about with him?
Oh, man, anon. Yeah. Yeah, I absolutely feel you with this one. Thanks for the ask, this is something I've been contending with for a long time. So, I've been reading fanfic since I was twelve, trying my hand at writing it off and on since 2006(ish) and I will be VERY honest that I have spent most of that time with no one in RL that knew what I was up to. Like, no one. It wasn't until college that I even met someone that was actually open about reading fic (and slash fic, at that) and my instinct was to act like an idiot that had never heard of fanfic and needed it explained to them, and that's been my go-to move ever since.
When I met my husband I was writing a bit under a different pseud and it wasn't until we were engaged that I got tired of always looking over my shoulder and x- ing out of tabs so I told him what I was doing. When I sat him down to come clean I was soooo nervous, to the point he was convinced I was going to confess I'd killed a man or something and I was terrified he'd be weirded out. Instead he was SO supportive. Actually, he was glee-ridden because in our relationship he is very much the obvious nerd that loves all the usual sci fi/fan stuff and suddenly with one confession not only did I admit to being a secret nerd, he said that for writing fic I was an even bigger nerd than him. But i told him I wasn't comfortable with anyone else knowing and he's kept it a secret (even when the subject comes up among his nerdy friends and I can FEEL him vibrating with how badly he wants to say something because he has this obsessive need to brag about everything I do to people on my behalf.)
I will say that I have never regretted keeping this part of me secret from the people in my life, but I also have never regretted telling my husband because I trust him. Not because he's my spouse and you're "supposed" to but because we work on our relationship and our communication with each other every single day. We take nothing for granted, constantly check in with each other, tell the other person explicitly how we are feeling with any given situation, and it is through all that I know he's a safe person to trust with something I've been VERY careful to keep separate from the rest of my life.
If you don't feel like this is something you want to share with the people in your life it may be because you haven't met someone yet that is capable of knowing this about you, of keeping your secrets, of sharing this part of you totally free from judgment— friend or otherwise. Or your relationships with those people haven't developed enough for your comfort level to get to a point to tell them. And that's completely ok. I have VERY close friends that don't know because of my own comfort level with the stuff I write and read. Secrets are NOT some kind of intimacy test that prove whether you *truly* love someone, they are about how safe you feel and if you don't feel utterly safe telling people in your life that you read and write fic, don't worry about keeping those secrets close.
My husband and I have put in the work so I know this is something he can hold for me, that he doesn’t judge me for, and that he actively encourages me to keep going with. Since I started writing again in January he's read nearly all my fic, usually before I post. The rule is I cut him off as soon as the sex starts. Poor guy hasn't been able to read practically ANY of my stories all the way through to the end even though he keeps telling me he's fine reading the smutty parts, but ooof i just can't let go to that degree yet.
It has been fun, though, this time around the fandom experience to have someone in rl to talk to. Ill send him memes or pick his brain to check if my understanding of the franchise is right (mostly TCW stuff because I still haven't seen it). He’s also VERY smug because he'd been trying to get me to watch Mandalorian with him since it came out, telling me I'd really like it, and I absolutely refused. So, yes, okay fine. I like Mandalorian. He was right. I concede that point to him 🙄🙄🙄😆😆😆
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darkisrising · 3 years
oooooo give us a fun bobadinluke headcanon
Oh, good ask! Thank you! Hmmmmm.... let's see....
Well, okay, I have this whole idea of Boba as connecting to his Mandalorian heritage as a way to stay close to his father's memory but always feeling just a little shut out from it, since he learned it all from his own research and not by his father's hand. So he feels like it's not really his to claim even though he speaks the language, knows the history, and has OPINIONS on it all because, let's face it, Boba has opinions about everything.
That's where he and Din are really compatible because even though Din’s understanding of what it means to be Mandalorian is via a very extremist sect, he has a deep knowledge of Mandalorian culture, too. I'm thinking here of like those super extreme Christians whose children are raised knowing next to nothing about pop culture (or thinking it's evil) but can quote the Bible backwards and forwards.
So for Din with his covert gone it's comforting to have someone to speak the language with that he never needs to worry about translating or explaining things that outsiders might not get. Boba knows it all, and where there are divisions in knowledge the two of them can bridge gaps for the other.
The other thing that comes from this is my headcanon (that no one will ever ever be able to rip from my brain) that Boba has a deep love of Mandalorian poetry because it's all basically about sex and battle and bloodshed and love (aka his favorite things). Like, he's a super poetry nerd, reads it before bed, can get caught in long diatribes about certain poets or interpretations (and if i can bully her enough to write it @tessiete has a Mandalorian poetry fic that I'm dyyyyyying to read). He likes to quote it to Din to make him squirm since it's unbearably intimate.
Now Luke doesn't know Mando’a at all. Din never taught him anything when it was just the two of them. What he learns is just what he's pieced together, which Boba thinks is a travesty. So he's going to need to fix that if the three of them are really going to do this thing long term. Until he learns, though, Boba amuses himself by quoting poetry to a clueless Skywalker who has no idea that Boba is saying the most beautiful, soul-quaking, love- filled verses to him. He just shrugs and assumes Boba is making fun of him since that's what he does in Basic.
The thing is, Boba isn't being totally facetious when he quotes those lines, because somehow along the way Luke HAS become those beautiful, bright, glistening things for him. And Din, who is uncomfortable with being the one that Boba recites to, is touched to watch Boba say it to Luke as their relationship with one another unfolds. Though Din won't ever tell Luke what Boba is saying. He just watches them silently over the rim of his morning caff with a distant, fond smile.
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