#ask lissa
kingofbodyrolls · 6 months
Please recommend me some jimins fics
Hi love 💜
I have recommended some Jimin fics before, so I’m just gonna add them first, if you haven’t checked those out yet 🙂 On this anon ask I shared some Jimin fics that I haven’t read yet, but are on my ‘to read list’ – check that if you haven’t already. Then I have my ‘Jimin fic recs 2023’ and also my ‘rec index’ (not specified to pjm) and my ‘main recs’ (also not specified to pjm (I should really do tags for each member to make this easier! 😂)) → you can use my archive to filter for Jimin fics only! Direct link to that [here]. I also have two Jimin fics if you haven’t read those [my masterlist].
AND if you have checked all of that out, I can share a few more Jimin fics that I have not read yet. These are from my reading list I keep on Pocket.
If you still want more, you could search AO3 or tumblr using different Jimin tags. I hope you find something that you like 💜
Blooming Days by @bluekyun
Doctor Dreamy (discontinued series) by @jungblue
Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien by @yoonjinkooked
Never Falling by @yoonia
Peaches & Piercings by @jksangelic
Drivers License + Detours by @gyukult
Warm Hands (Ice Cold Heart) (ft. jjk) by @hobidreams
Erised by @jamaisjoons
All into You by @taegularities
Sowing a Sapling (series; completed and sequel to ‘A Serpent’s Flower’) by @dovechim and @jimlingss
Honey, I’m Home (series) by @yoongsgguktae
Faded Love by @jamaisjoons
Raise the Barre (series; completed) by @kpopfanfictrash
Heighted Secrecy by @dovechim
Tension (ft. jjk) by @kpopfanfictrash
Pretty, (not so) Innocent Girl by @loststarxox
Coconut by @jeonsweetpea
Secrets by the Shore by @chateautae
Again, I have not read anything of those on the bullet list, they are just on my list because I find them damn interesting and want to read and rec them properly when I have time 🙂
I hope you have a fantastic reading time and a lovely week 🤗💜
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Got any Prospect fic recs? I am scared to search the tags lol but I will if I must
DO I?! Yes I do!
To start with, we violent ones remain a little longer by fais_do_do This one is SO good, it's basically canon to me
Then we have this AMAZING series Cee and Ezra by @jessahmewren It's so soft and sweet it gives me LIFE
Then we have THIS FIC, Even Split by @not-so-mundane-after-all which she tagged as "lethal dose of physical affection" so ENJOY (it murdered me *several* times)
Finally, I am embarrassed to say that I haven't read this one yet, but I have heard from MULTIPLE people that And my hands, bloody from digging by @orangechickenpillow is fantastic!!
That said, I haven't read a TON of fic for Prospect so leaving it open for anyone to add on to this list with recs!! And I'll tag @fieldsoftulips, resident fic-cyclopedia. She might have some recs even though she *just* watched the movie this week.
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wholoveseggs · 10 days
Do you ship bonkai?
As in the freaky little jokeresque turd from the bad seasons of the vampire diaries? With heavenly angel Bonnie Bennett?
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juvian · 5 days
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Feebas, the fish pokemon -> 349
Milotic, the tender pokemon -> 350
Do not repost
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lucawrites11 · 10 hours
pls drop some ellie - lissa headcannons 🙏
ellie is determined to turn lissa into a true blue. she teaches her aussie slang and also makes her try vegemite. she goes tactical, spreads it so thin at first that lissa can barely taste and slowly builds her up as she says she likes it each time. daan now stares at them enjoying their vegemite toast in horror. lissa also loves fairy bread and milo but daan argues that doesn't make her australian because what kid doesn't like sugar and chocolate
she starts to except she might have lost her when lissa look outside one day and says "i don't need my sunnies, i need my brolly, there's heaps of rain outside" and then later on "ugh, it's really horrible, can i just pull a sickie?" and daan is glaring at ellie like why did you teach my child to speak like that
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eternalyoo · 1 year
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𝐿𝑒𝑒 𝑀𝒾𝓃𝒽𝓎𝓊𝓀 - 𝐼𝓉’𝓈 𝒜𝓁𝓇𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 🖤
Do not repost
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kanerallels · 12 days
I humbly request something with Saville and Galen because my beloveds 🤲
I DID and took so long to respond to this lol. But! Since you didn't specify an AU I decided to explore a concept I came up with in the shower the other day: Valiant Cinderella au (featuring Ever After vibes, The Flight Of Swan characters, and one subtle reference to my liveblog)
I’d only taken my eyes off of Will for a second. We were in the market— he and I and Corbin, my stepbrother who hadn’t been convinced to hate me, despite my stepmother’s best efforts.
Will was family too, after a fashion. I’d found him, just a street urchin fighting dogs for food, and brought him home under the guise of a servant. Really, I’d just wanted to keep him safe, even if I couldn’t protect myself.
He was a hard worker, but too eager to rush ahead. I’d only looked away to barter for bread for a minute— one minute! And then I heard his voice shouting my name, and turned to see soldiers dragging him away.
King Eldin was supposedly a weak king, weaker than his hard-headed brother had been. He wasn’t a bad man— but he was easily manipulated, a fact that had been taken advantage of by Lord Leymonn, one of the top advisors in the castle. And Lord Leymonn had little tolerance for the parentless urchins wandering the streets. Which Will wasn’t— but clearly the soldiers didn’t know that.
Dropping my basket, I bolted towards the soldiers, ignoring Corbin shouting for me to be careful. I couldn’t let them take Will. I couldn’t.
The soldiers were shoving him into a cart as I approached, heart pounding with terror. I hated being scared, and that fueled me enough to shout, “Stop! What are you doing?”
The two soldiers paused, one still keeping a firm grasp on Will’s arm as the two of them looked at me. The older of the two, brown eyed with a beard, lifted an eyebrow at me. “Arresting this thief.”
“He is not a thief,” I protested, glaring at them. “Do you arrest all children you see because you suspect they may be thieves? He’s a servant in my stepmother’s household. Let him go.”
“Lord Leymonn has ordered that street urchins—”
“Hang your Lord Leymonn,” I spat out, and was surprised to see a look of amusement cross the older man’s face. The younger looked affronted, and was opening his mouth to respond when a third voice cut through our conversation.
“Orion, Hayden, what’s going on here?”
I turned, ready to fight— and the words shriveled up in my mouth.
Fine Coat. Sky above, it was Fine Coat— the noble who I’d met six months earlier on the road to Reggen, traveling back home with my father. Before he’d remarried a witch woman and then fallen ill, leaving me in her hands.
He wouldn’t remember me. He couldn’t. No matter how much I may have annoyed him at the time.
“Lord Verras,” the younger man said, straightening a little. “We’re arresting this street urchin. Lord Leymonn’s orders— we’re to keep the streets as free of thieves as possible, sir.”
“He’s not a thief,” I broke in, my fear for Will overwhelming my fear that Fine Coat would know who I was. “He’s a servant in my stepmother’s household, and he wouldn’t steal anything.”
“He’s a street rat,” the younger guard said.
“He’s a child,” I snapped, glaring at him. “Or is that an instant sign of guilt in the eyes of your precious Lord Leymonn?”
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Lord Verras and the older man exchange a look that I couldn’t read. Hardening my heart against fear, I turned towards him. “He’s just a child. He hasn’t done anything, you can’t arrest him. Or have the nobles already forgotten what justice is?”
The younger guard gaped at me, as shocked by my audacity as my pounding heart was. Lord Verras regarded me, with eyes that almost seemed to look through me. I held myself straight, refusing to look away. I wouldn’t back down.
“You have such a low opinion of our royalty?” His voice was calm, curious.
“I have a low opinion of anyone who would lock up a child,” I told him, and he nodded.
“Fair enough. Release the boy.”
“But Lord Leymonn will—”
“I will deal with Leymonn,” Lord Verras said, and I didn’t miss the look the two guards exchanged. The older one nodded to his companion, who let go of Will’s arm.
He scrambled free, tumbling into my arms, and I pulled him close, trying to hide my trembling. “Thank you,” I told Lord Verras.
“You were right,” he said simply. “If the boy hasn’t done anything wrong, he deserves to go free.” He paused, frowning a little. “It’s rare to see someone around these days who’s so willing to speak up against one of the king’s advisors. Particularly among the nobility.”
I almost snorted. “I’m no noble.”
He didn’t seem surprised, just curious. “Really? You mentioned your stepmother’s household.”
Internally, I cursed. I was supposed to be a nameless servant, not the daughter that witch didn’t want. If I let anything slip about her, or her plan, Will and I were done for, to say nothing of my father. And despite our differences, it was my responsibility to protect him.
Though if it came down between him and Will, I’d hand him over in a heartbeat.
Lord Verras was still watching me with those keen eyes, waiting for an answer I didn’t know how to give. “Um. I—”
Corbin was heading my way, holding the basket I’d dropped, his frown deep. For a brother who wasn’t blood, he was plenty protective, and his scowl deepened at the sight of Lord Verras. Glancing between me, him, the guards, and Will, he seemed to put together the pieces. “We should get home,” he told me. “Mother won’t be pleased if we’re out too late.”
“Saville?” Lord Verras’s voice was quizzical, and I saw a furrow appear between his brows. He’d realized something was off, or familiar, and my heart lurched.
Time to go.
Grabbing Will’s arm, I said, “Thank you for your help,” and forced myself to walk away, not run. Despite the urge to do so, twisting in my chest. It was time to get away from this nobleman and his eyes that saw far too much.
I didn’t breathe easy until there were several yards and a few turned corners between me and him, and Corbin gave me a confused look. “Who was that?”
“Someone who met me on the way here,” I told him. “Someone who could find out who I am, and destroy your mother’s plan.”
Scowling, Corbin muttered, “If only he would.” A heartbeat later, remorse smoothed away the scowl, and he shot me an apologetic look. “Sorry. I know you’re as stuck as I am.”
“At least I don’t have to marry any princess.” Breathing deeply, I glanced at Will. “Are you alright?”
Nodding, Will said, “Are we in trouble, Sir?”
Shaking my head, I said, “I don’t think so.” As long as we don’t bump into Lord Verras again. With any luck, that would be the last I saw of him.
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raayllum · 10 months
random thought, but do you think Lissa ever did dark magic?
No. I think Lissa perhaps admired some of the beauty of Viren's tricks and his intelligence that allowed him to do dark magic (he would absolutely so small spells to charm her, like making flowers bloom and stuff) but I don't think she ever actually knew much about dark magic in depth or cared to know. That is, until, Viren crossed some sort of moral horizon line she couldn't justify even though it saved her child's life, which makes me think Lissa was always too morally rigid to engage much with dark magic, and what held her and Viren in place about it before their divorce was her decided disinterest (and therefore lack of knowledge) towards it. Hence why it all feel apart when push came to shove and dark magic was taken to its natural, horrible conclusion
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ellies-enrichment · 4 months
Hiii firstly, love your incorrect quotes series so much. Also since you’re a pretty big tlou fan, I wanted to ask you (or your followers) if you know of any published books that have the grumpy man, teen girl found family trope similar to joel and ellie? :)
hihi thanks for the love <3 im glad you enjoy my silly little memes
i'm gonna leave published up to my followers for suggestions because i have been reading so many fics and the mistborn trilogy so ive got nothing there
i can give you a ficrec for joel and ellie in canon or au situations that i love
and i can offer the movies like prospect with a grumpy teen girl and a silly man that adopts her and fics revolving around that
but published specifically in book form as an original i must leave to the nerds that follow me unfortunately hopefully someone can help you find what you're looking for in the replies (send an ask on anonymous and i'll post it or reply to this)
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oddinary4bts · 4 months
Hi Ella! 💜
How are you doing? And how's it going with the book? ✨
I just saw the banner for "chasing cars" and it's so damn pretty 🥹 really looking forward to that when you'll post that in the future ✨
I'm cheering you on with your book 🥳✨
Hi Lissaaa✨✨ I’m doing good☺️ I hope you’re doing good as well!! I am like 3/4 into the book (ish) and I feel bad cause it’s going to be a sjm vibe with all the action packed in the last quarter BUT I promise it’ll be worth it😂
I’m so happy you like the banner!! I’ve decided to start making my own banners and I love doing it🥹 it took me like 3h to choose the title yesterday tho hahaha I hope you like it!! I feel like it makes sense considering their history😌
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pinkthrone445 · 4 months
Do you have specific songs you listen to when you write for Melissa? I like to make playlists for my favorite characters but I’m stuck with her
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I have a few Playlist to write in general, it depends on what I'm writing instead of whom, like sad, fluff and all that.
But some very special songs make me think of her, like unholy from Sam Smith makes me think of her so much, I really think she would be the kind of person to go to a place like that to have a good time. Or echoes of love from jesse and joy, I think she is the kind of love that messes you up for life because of how passionate she is. Or amigos with Pablo alboran y maría becerra, I could be never just friends next to her hahaha. I speak Spanish so I have a few there that remembers me of her too.
Thanks for this amazing ask 💕
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kingofbodyrolls · 2 months
Let me guess.....
Horses raise hell
Oc gets hurt
Deiji treats her
Misunderstanding resolves
They jump into each other's arms?
I can not say for sure, but your theory is onto something and far off something else 🤭 I’ll leave you with a Haiku I made, spoiling some parts of next chapter ✨
Wild horses vanish, Hoofbeats echo, hearts sorrow, Hearts ache with regret. Their beauty lingers, A bittersweet memory, Gone without a trace. But hope still lingers, In the whispers of the wind, Love’s embrace awaits. In a pillow of bluebonnets, Two souls, two hearts, Beat steady as one.
Thank you so much for the ask– I loved it and it had a poem-y vibe, which is why I made a poem for you in response. Thank you for reading MHH and interacting, I love it 💖
I hope you have an awesome day/night 🌸
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wholoveseggs · 10 days
Hi Lissa! Was wondering if you’d share some of your writing process. I personally can’t choose if I should write on my phone or computer atm lol. But I’d love to get some tips on how you write such great stuff
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Ahh jeez, firstly my writing process is chaotic ~lol. I usually start on my phone, mostly for convenience. Then, I edit it and post it on desktop. I just use Google docs when I'm writing
My first step is to write out whatever ideas I have, then I flesh them out into something a little more readable. And then I keep writing until the thing is finished or I get stuck.
If I get stuck, I just let it sit for a while and work on other projects. Then I go back, read it over, copy and paste the things I like and trash the rest. Then go from there. Often repeating the process until I'm happy with it.
Know your weaknesses! I love to ramble, so I cut out a lot of things to make it all flow better. Sometimes you just have to save ideas for other fics just because it doesn't feel right for your current project.
The first thing I've ever written was Bloodbath, (I'm very proud of that title, it still makes me laugh) I was really in the trenches with that one, re-writing paragraphs over and over. Pulling up thesaurus.com like I'm doing my dissertation.
I've learned to relax and just let my thoughts flow instead of getting bogged down with trying to find the perfect word or describe every little emotion with precise detail. Sometimes less is more and you can't put everything you want into one fic.
I'm also terrrriiibbbllleeee at endings, I tend to write just different versions of 'and then they lived happily ever after' and just leave it at that. Like... I'm mostly just writing smut, it doesn't need to be life changing.
Lastly, know what you want to get out of your story and then try to think how you'd best achieve that. Personally, I always have two main objectives in mind: stay true to the characters and have it sound as natural and realistic as possible.
The most important thing is that it has to feel fun and exciting for you to write. Because if it's not fun for you, it won't be fun for the readers either.
Anyways, I'm rambling again, hope that helps you! If you or anyone reading this wants to bounce ideas off me, my DM's are open! My Elijah fixation is eternal~
~Lissa ♡
Ps: this may seem obvious, but always title your work! Especially if you are writing multiple versions. Don't be like me and have 18 untitled documents...it will haunt you…
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terrovaniadorm · 8 months
All I can think ab for the Halloween event is just.. FalineLissa in couple costumes \(//∇//)\
But also,I can definitely see Prudence helping out with Terrovania’s Halloween celebrations!
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Lissa asks Faline help with her dress, despite being a princess Lissa isn't used to dresses. She always had maids to help much to her embarrassment, luckily Faline is very nice
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lucawrites11 · 24 hours
Daan + Ellie + Lissa hc!
lissa doesn't feature too heavily on social media or in the media in general but she's the favourite woso kid of anyone. ellie tries to avoid posting her despite all the cute pics but she makes the big moments and wins, just not the dumps and game day pictures mostly
BUT lissa has her harper moment after her first visit to australia after the euros. australia is the biggest country and she doesn't care what else daan suggested, they don't have snakes and lizards. ellie is very smug and shared a clip of lissa telling a very upset daan that australia is better literally everywhere: tillies chat, lyon chat, her insta story but then she decided it was insta post worthy and added it to a set of australia trip photos. it was the second thing in the post and ellie reshared it everywhere. lissa never changes her mind, australia is the best place EVER
she also adores her tillies shirts and wears them all the time. more than the dutch shirts, it's a little awkward when she goes to the next dutch camp with daan but lissa is oblivious because she's annoyed that ellie gets to go to australia and she doesn't
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juvian · 5 days
how did I not notice you already diD BULBIES SCREAMSMSM— thanks for the link ehehe
but I just kinda thought since you make edits and take requests you might have a tip jar going- sometimes people do it but you don’t have to if you don’t want to!!
do you plan to do all 8-9 generations?? I have a book of all the pokemon, if you’d like to go through it I could send you some screenshots! ^^
You’re welcome ! 🥰 I just never thought about it cause I thought no one would give I’ll think about it 🥺👉👈
I plan on doing all 1025 pokemons existing and all the futur ones when they’ll be here ! I know them all by heart but thank you for the offer ! You can continue to send request though ! I’m really indecisive so I like when others choose for me hahaha and I can make them happy !
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