#ask marypsue idk
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man's got a few screws loose!
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browniefox · 21 days
I asked for fic recs so it only makes sense that I provide some.
The Invisible Stan by The Last Speecher (HeidiMelone)
Simple, short, but elegant. You know how hanahaki disease is a trope? I feel like this should be a trope, but idk what you'd call it - Ninny disease sounds bad, but like it's clearly based off of Ninny from the Moomins. Anyway, great fic <3
An Outreached Hand by WDW
Ghost trick au! Love a good ghost trick au! I reread this recently and it still holds up so well, still so good even if unfinished. Haven't played ghost trick since, some of the twists make a hair more sense - especially the twist in the last chapter posted and being like 'OH IT'S *THE* GHOST TRICK'. Shoutout to undead creepiness and cute kitties :3
Retrograde by scrawling_stardumb
Kissing this one on the mouth. Only one chapter and unfinished, but it's a long chapter and really makes you go 'whoa'. It's interesting because the summary *technically* gives you more info than the chapter itself, but it's that kind of dramatic irony that fits the writing so well. A good solid McGucket POV too, which there really isn't enough of. Tbh, it stands okay almost as a one shot? I wish this became a whole popular au like all the others, bc it kicks ass as a concept.
Finding the Right Frequency by impish_nature
A pretty cute one! Ford trying to figure out how to deal with Bill, and Stan having found a stable job, and someow their two worlds intersect. Cute moments between the two, and some good Stans getting to reconnect.
Things You Can't Take Back by thesnadger
Classic by the Snadger! I always appreciate people who take Stan's memory less and make it more complicated, or at least have there be aftershocks to have your whole life erased :D So well written.
like they were a perfect fit by hapful
Stanford Pines and the photo he never looses. A beautiful story about Ford throughout the ages and his opnions on family, specifically Stan.
putting the dog to sleep by parsnipit
Old Yeller is such a sad story, and also some of this made me think of Mice and Men, and ugh just Stan and Ford and beign willing to kill something you love - sometimes because you love it - and it's such a perfect analogy to them I could die.
none of those phds is an md, you dumb idiot by untrustworthyglitch
I always love a fic that acknowledges language barriers. It reminds me of a really old fic where I did something similar, but like, being away from Earth would lead to you forgetting a lot of things, including language.
Too Late, Too Soon, Not Enough by IncomingAlbatross
Ah, gotta love a good fic that shows the missing scene of Ford and Stan switching places. Who came up with the idea? Who needed to be convinced? What swears do they get to use while off camera? Stan I love you so much, and Ford I lov eyou for beig nso complicated.
Raising Stakes by MaryPSue
Mwah! A Classic if I've ever seen one! While I'm partial to werewolf!Stan, Vampire!Stan does have so much potential and MaryPSue puts it to use so well! A great look into what Gravity Falls was like back in taht time period, and I love when people utilize Susan in fics that take place pre-portal <3 Also, Carla! I miss you so much Carla <3 It's drama, it's action, it's everything!
Lost and Found by PengyChan
Tate & Fiddleford have a lot of untapped potential, and while I think going the angst route makes a lot of sense, this one is almost more fluff and catharsis, I guess? I love it, near and dear to me.
Off-Season by anistarrose
Time Travel fic, but not a timestuck au? More likely than you think! A cute oneshot with particular focus on Stan, Mabel, and Dipper. Just a fluffy little thing with a couple strangers helping Stan out through a difficult winter.
Persist and Dwell by fencesit
A bit of Soos's trust in Grunkle Stan, and a mystery that isn't so much mystery as it is simply just not explicitly said. One of the final scenes has still stuck with me, and this is defo a concept I'd love to see explored more.
flee from your ghosts (burn your house down) by thepolysyndetonaddictsupportgroup
While typically OTGW x Gravity Falls crossovers are, like, Pinescone, I'm partial to this version where Wirt is their dad. There'a few details that didn' sit well with me, but over all so incredible and well written. Some of the metaphors are just so evocative I could eat them. The descriptions are to die for. And I love the depiction of a dad struggling to get his kids to open up to him that feels like it's part dads struggle with teens and part those pines twins just won't tell the truth.
If you have any Gravity Falls fic recs, feel free to comment them!
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bixxelated · 2 years
behold, a writing meme
Rules: List five things you never get tired of writing; it can be tropes, themes, characters, phrases, whatever brings you joy. (Optional: Then tag people!)
tagged by @marypsue and i am so gleefully excited to get into this. if i had more time/opportunity id probably write like 100 of these but meanwhile if you want to see more of my dubious excellent taste just looking in my writing tropes tag (unless its accompanied by the 'i dont like' tag)
1) Alternate Universes (or Universe Alternates?)
For want of a nail a kingdom was GAINED. i love making changes to a series that end up creating long-lasting consequences. its especially fun to challenge the characters in different ways than what you see in the series. i never get tired of it :')
being in fandom when you're not particularly interested in ships or the romance genre as a whole is absolute torture but when you find a good one you really hit JACKPOT. i love platonic soulmates i love found family i love codependance i love no man's an island i love fics where spells/curses/etc are broken by PLANTONIC friendships bc!! they love each other and its just as valid as romantic relationships if not MORE!!!! similarly if i write for a ship or particular interaction its because there's something about their dynamic that i love that may not particularly be romantic in nature, per se.
3) Not What They Seem
this is particularly prevalent whenever i write fantasy or the like but i really like making characters who weren't originally part of it in canon now part of the Masquerade. theyre werewolves, theyre shapeshifters, theyre gods, theyre monsters, theyre witches, who they are in the dark is Much More Than Anyone Else Realizes--idk its just fun to include a perspective that can lend itself to some more worldbuilding and weave it into the original story
4) Bastard characters
i say bastard but rest assured i mean this in a gender-varied way. theyre assholes, theyre annoying, theyre feral little gremlins, theyre Up to No Good and everyone either loves them or hates them (both in-story and out of it) but theres just something about a morally-dubious character whos a little shit that really appeals to me. bonus points if they got someone who they would ride-or-die for no questions asked, i eat that shit up (and write it as much as possible)
5) Iconic scenes
this is a bit hard to explain but im a very visual writer so i very much love to include scenes that are almost... cinematographic? so to speak? scenes where no words could be exchanged and they still take your breath away, scenes that absolutely carve themselves into memory when you read my fics. doesnt matter if its horrifying or breathtaking or thematically important, they just elevate the story that little bit more
i tag @sakurablossomcreamlatte @alzheimersparrotroute @khattikeri @mysterygreentea and anyone else who might be interested in doing this list! altho dont feel obligated to do it if you forget/dont want to
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infriga · 7 years
Fic recs
@nostalgia4light​ requested some fanfic reccommendations, and I always love talking about stuff I enjoy, so here’s a list of Gravity Falls fic recs for anyone who’s interested. Some of these may be well known but I put them in just in case. And of course they’re pretty much mostly about Stan :p
Raising Stakes by MaryPSue is of course quite good. Vampire Stan is just as lovable as regular Stan.. 
by the skin of your teeth by apathetic_revenant is a good one that was completed recently. A bit dark, but not too dark. Just the right amount. 
Time Has Changed Me (And Left Me Full of Doubt) by asbelow has a bit of an odd choice of AU circumstances, a mix between single father Stan and reverse portal, but it's after Ford brought him back and is with the 80′s period Stans. What I like about it is that Stan's kid and his interactions with Ford are really well done. I'm not usually into kid fics, but this one works well. Unfortunately it hasn't updated in quite a while so I don't know if it will continue. 
Cellular Memory by Bgtea is a great one of course, I’ve re-read it quite a few times. 
Any fic by impish_nature is great, and there are a lot of them, spanning all sorts of topics and themes. 
Heart Beats and In the Shadow of Death (based on the JOML AU) by A_Zap are good. And the JOML AU is of course a classic AU. 
Fisherman's Knot by scribefindegil is an obvious one, pretty much a staple fic for any Stan twins fan. It does update very very slowly, but imho it’s still pretty satisfying despite being unfinished because the first half of the story is quite self contained. 
A Tale Of Three Stans by Beleriandings is a really interesting one about Stan meeting another Ford from a different dimension who ends up in theirs by accident. 
Family Bonding by scribefindegil and thesnadger is about Stan and Mabel accidentally getting fused together. It’s great. 
Things You Can't Take Back is also by thesnadger and it’s one of the first GF fics I ever read. There’s also “Pet Humans” which is another Joml AU fic. Thesnadger has quite a few good ones actually.
“ A Pound of Flesh by LogicalBookThief is one that I'm weirdly attached to, idk maybe it's the atmosphere or something but I'm always surprised at how few notes it has cause I really enjoyed it.
the Mystery Nerds AU by babyblueavenger is a great series where Stan suffers from pneumonia when he arrives at Gravity falls and Ford, unable to send him away immediately, has to learn how to pull his head out of his ass. Has some pretty dark themes but Stan also gets a puppy so it evens out. The 5th installment was never finished sadly, but the other 4 have complete stories.
it can't rain forever (we're on to better weather) by A_Beautiful_Beast is a cute short one about Stan awkwardly trying to figure out how to ask for a hug from Ford, since it’s been 40 years and the one in the clearing didn’t count.
“Shots” by LogicalBookThief, I still get sad when I read the part where Stan first wakes up. This fic is where I got the idea for Abuelita being a nurse in my own fic.
Blind Faith by pinesinthewoods  - I mean I kind of have to rec this one after intober. The Blind Faith AU is an oldie but a goodie.
Better Kept Secret by BadonKaDank - Ford did some things on the other side of the portal that he’d rather Stan not know about. But Stan is very nosy and also maybe gets temporarily kidnapped.
I’m sure there are plenty that I missed, and I tried to (mostly) avoid incomplete ones. There are plenty of great fics out there for sure! Hopefully you guys can discover something new from this list.
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gretchensinister · 8 years
Get to Know You Better
Tagged by @monsterbrush (Hi! I feel so special to be tagged in one of these things :) )
Blog: The place I go to be a weirdo, be queer, to write, and to have opinions. (nick)Name(s): I don’t have any nickame that’s really stuck. Maybe because I ask people to never call me “Gretch” they think I don’t like nicknames in general?  Preferred Gender: TBD Star Sign: Virgo Height: 5′4″ Sexual Orientation: Space ace Hogwarts House: I’ve gotten every possible answer on various quizzes  Favourite Colour: I think colors need context to be good, like, if I say sky blue, I don’t want everything to be sky blue, so anyway the point is that I’m going to answer glitter Favourite Animal: Humans :) Cat or Dog person: Cat, definitely Favourite Fictional Characters: Rachel from Animorphs, Death of the Endless, Belle, Jasper from Steven Universe, Breq from Ancillary Justice, Sanderson Mansnoozie, Delenn and Ivanova and G’Kar and Lando Mollari and Kosh from Babylon 5, Sophie Hatter from the book Howl’s Moving Castle, Magneto, Dana Scully....anyway, put that all together and figure it out. Number of blankets I sleep with: The current setup is a sheet, a comforter, and a quilt. And I, um, also have kept my window open basically the entire winter. I like my room to be COLD. When it’s very cold I put an extra small quilt over the bottom half of my bed for my legs and feet. Idk, I’m just a naturally warm person who likes to be buried in heavy blankets. Favourite Singer/Band:  For some reason I always think I should have an answer other than Florence and the Machine, but the answer is still Florence and the Machine. Dream Trip: A very long trip around the US with @marypsue where we go see all the cool things I want to show her and discover new cool things. Dream Job: Ornamental hermit When was this blog created: Spring of 2013                                                     What made you create this blog: After seeing Rise of the Guardians I jumped headfirst into the creative side of fandom, and I wanted to interact with people on tumblr more, and not just through likes. (I had a blog before this one, but it was a) focused on cooking and b) my mom knew about it.) Basically, I created this blog so I could post my own blacksand. The rest is history.
tagging... @queerpyracy, @tejoxys, @xxdaimonxx, @marypsue
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grimly-fiendish · 8 years
Tagged by @ofhumannoise, I finally can get to do these again after being stuck on mobile for 9 months
Nickname: Dani, D, Danisea Star sign: Leo Height: 5′6 Time right now: 3:10 pm Last thing I googled: Kill Your Darlings used DVD Amazon, La La Land reviews Fave music artist: The Twilight Sad Last movie I watched: Starry Eyes Last tv show i watched: It was either an episode of Jo Jo’s Bizarre Adventure or The O.A. I had The Daily Show on in the background earlier but I wasn’t really watching it What I’m wearing right now: My super comfy black pullover and pajama pants When I created this blog: 2012 The kind of stuff I post: Idk man, at this point it’s just everything I’m currently into. Some things have changed, some have not Do i have any other blogs: @00-machina (Sci-fi, Futurism), also a NSFW blog ask if you want the link Do I get asks regularly: Once or twice a week Why did I choose my url: I was really into The Damned at the time. I also like the way sounded in my head Gender: Genderqueer??? Still figuring it out tbh Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw, with a side of Hufflepuff Pokémon team: Mawile, Hitmonchan, Umbreon, Kingdra, Espeon, Venusaur (if it’s for pokemon go, then Team Mystic) Color: Black, White, Klein Blue, Forrest Green Average hours of sleep: 7, 10(+) if I’m going through a depressive episode Lucky number: 8, 5 Favorite character: Uh too many to list. The ones that come to me are Lisbeth Salander, Jack from Mass Effect, and Ed from FMA Number of blankets I sleep with: Layers when it’s cold, 1 if it’s warm Dream job: Owning a record store, making audio/visual projects with people I care about Following: 3,078 people
Tags: @eldritchcuddle, @goingtobed, @franz-tchotchke, @milamassasaragossa, @bonewhiteglory, @prettygoodatbaddecisions @overflow-s, @roxyglitter, @annaturaldisaster, @meteorite-prince, @northernceremonials, @mothervenuss, @marypsue, @the-funeral-party, @theideaofnorth, @muteoilydiscolour, @avoidantyuuri No pressure, feel free to do this if you want (I know I missed a few names, apologies)
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