#ask me if you want anything tagged on this
rainylana · 2 days
“Touch me.”
Eddie Munson x fem!reader
summary: eddie urges you to communicate your sexual feelings for him.
warnings/tags: 18+ smut, spanking, fingering, hair pulling, decrophylia, reader is bad at communicating feelings, somewhat shy reader, reader is afraid of annoying eddie about sex, daddy kink, use of sir, sixth month relationship, reader wants to be hurt by eddie, thumb sucking, basically a fic about my first few times having sex lmao, pain play, all consensual, some angst if you squint, language. let me know if i missed anything!
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Eddie knew when there was something on your mind. He could feel your eyes staring into the side of his face, the way you shifted almost anxiously. The relationship was still somewhat new. You’d only been dating for six months, but still, he wanted you to be comfortable enough to ask for what you wanted. Which he knew what it was. Your hand would slip onto his thigh, rub it casually before disappearing back to your lap. Your head would muzzle against his shoulder, kissing his clothed skin before retreating back to your spot on the couch.
Eddie knew you had your battles with things. Sex did not come easy to you at times, nor did communicating about it. But you needed to use your words with him, otherwise neither of you would get anywhere.
It had been almost two hours into the film you were watching. It was late and he was growing tired, moderately buzzed from drinking. The living room was dark and glowing from the staticy light of the television.
“Eddie?” You finally asked, meekly.
“Hmm?” He hummed, arms crossed as his eyes barely blinked from sleep.
“Can I ask you a question?”
“You know you can.”
It was quiet again for several seconds. He looked over to find you biting your nails. “What is it?” He sat up slightly.
You laughed almost awkwardly, shaking your head with a deep blush. “I’m…are you tired?”
He smirked just barely. “Yes.” But he was never too tired for sex. “Was that what you wanted to ask me?”
“No.” You shuffled your feet on the floor. “Do you…do you want to have sex?”
He couldn’t help but laugh, looking over at you with curious brown eyes. “I always want to have sex.”
You laughed too, a heavy one that was marinated in relieve. He didn’t reject you. You were always so afraid of that. You were so afraid of bothering him, getting on his nerves. Eddie had taken your virginity, and you weren’t that skilled when it came to sex. You didn’t know what to do at most times, but luckily Eddie knew what he was doing. Still, it made you feel foolish. You just wanted him to be happy, but you were just so damn touch starved all the time.
You always wanted him, but terrified he didn’t want you back. That it would be a sexual burden for sleeping with you.
Eddie cupped your cheek, bringing you into his side so he could hug you. “Tell me what’s on your mind, baby.”
He was so good to you, there was no reason to be fearful of him. You sighed heavily into him, nuzzling your body against his. “I’m just nervous. I don’t want to annoy you.”
“You think sex annoys me?”
“I just don’t want to seem needy or overbearing.”
“How many times do I have to tell you that you’re not, babe?” He looked down at you, lifting your chin with his index finger. “You don’t annoy me. You don’t overwhelm me. You worry me sometimes, because you’re always in your head thinking. I need you to communicate with me. That’s all I ask.”
Your eyes had teared up and you nodded, too emotional to speak.
He caught a tear with his finger. “I can’t always assume what you want. I need you to tell me what it is, baby. Tell me what you want.”
His mouth was dangerously close to yours, hovering, testing the waters, waiting for you to tell him exactly what you wanted him to do to you.
“I want you to fuck me.” Your voice is barely over a whisper. “Hard. Don’t be nice to me.”
He smirks just slightly. Your requests were just about as freaky as the things he imagined in his head. “Don’t be nice, huh?” He cocked a brow, dragging his thumb along your jawline. “What do you say?”
“Please.” You closed your eyes in a beg, already wet and throbbing for him. “Please, daddy.”
He pushes his thumb between your lips, passing your teeth and hitting the back of your throat. You suck it immediately, nibbling on his skin just barely. His jaw fall slack at the sting, chin raised in a dominant glare as he watches you. “Do you want me to hurt you?” He asks for you, knowing damn well that it’s what you want.
You’re blushing around his finger, popping him out of your mouth as you nod. “Does it make you uncomfortable?” You ask nervously. You were always afraid to communicate your sexual desires with him, too scared that it might frighten him away.
He can’t roll his eyes or laugh, he knows how delicate the topic is for you. “No, y/n.” He cups your cheek. “It doesn’t as long as it’s what you want. You’re still new to this. You need to go at your own pace. Just be yourself and I’ll guide you.”
You place your mouth on his, rising up so you can climb on his lap. Your hot against him, warm and throbbing. He can feel it. “Then hurt me.” You whimper, emotions building up in your chest, emotions you can never quite understand.
He kisses your neck, hot and sweaty kisses trailing down your skin, his teeth nibbling at your sensitive pale skin. His hands move down to your ass, quickly yanking down your shorts to grab you with thick hands. “You know your safe word. Use it when you need to. Don’t worry about me.”
Your heart begins to bang in your chest, hitting you with nerves and adrenaline, but you nod. You nod because it’s what you want and he knows how to give it to you. There’s no other person that can give you relief like the does.
“Stay still.” Your over his lap now, grabbing at the couch in front of you as he adjusts you to where he needs you, plump ass in the air and ready for him to do with what he wants.
“Yes, sir.” Your face is beet red, cheek pressed against your arm. You close your eyes, ready for what’s to come.
Your crying soon after he starts, whimpering and moaning as he spanks you, alternating cheek to cheek in a steady rhythm that has your legs twitching out from the uncomfortable burn. You move down to grab at his ankle, your cunt throbbing around nothing so painfully.
Eddie’s cock is hard, straining against his jeans as he cracks down his hand, leaving red marks on your skin that’ll surely leave a bruise. His panting, a bead of sweat rolling down his neck as he continues to spank you.
You lift your hips to meet his hand, begging for more and more of this punishment, if that’s what it was. Your choking on your tears, sputtering out a sob. “Ow!” You whimper.
He looks at you, but doesn’t stop. He knows you’ll stop him when you’ve had enough. You always do. Your ass is on fire and so is your pussy, leaking down your leg as you sputter out cries. “Touch me.” You beg, broken by your cries.
He stops as soon as you say the word, knowing you’ve had enough, and dips his fingers into your sopping wet cunt. “Did that feel good baby? You like it when daddy spanks you?”
You moan out loud, hot and pornographic at the feeling of his fingers. You can’t say anything only muttering a jarbled mhm. He doesn’t correct you for it, smirking as he fingers you quickly.
“Do you still want me to fuck you?” He lays his other hand on your head to stroke your hair, the other continuing to finger you. “Or do you want me to touch you like this?”
You surprise both him and yourself, climbing off his lap to attack his lips. He’s pushed to the back of the couch, limbs tangling together in a heap as you make love to his lips. “Fuck me, mean, Eddie.”
He groans into your mouth, hurriedly letting go of you to unbuckle his belt and free his long cock. He’s bending you over the couch, lifting your legs to hang off of the back so he can reach your hole. He teases you a lot about your height difference.
He moans when he pushes into your pussy and you sob out in relief, laying your hands on the couch to keep you from falling off. Your tits are bouncing underneath you, the sound of skin slapping together as he starts to fuck you.
He’s not nice about it, just as you asked. He’s hard and rough, fucking you mean and abusing your g-spot with heavy, deep thrusts that have you spewing out desperate cries.
“Oh, god!” You struggle to keep upright, your hands slipping from their position. “Fuck me, fuck, fuck me!”
He slaps a hand down on your red ass that makes you screech, recoiling back to his hips for more. He grabs a fist full of your hair, yanking you back up to him so your back is flush with his chest. “Is this mean enough? Should I let you cum? That’s mean, isn’t it?”
He fucks up into you sharply. “Huh? Tell me, angel.”
You’re begging to come, promising you’ll be good and you’ll obey him. He’s got you bent back over, grabbing your hips to thrust into you deeply, so harshly that you can barely form a coherent sentence. He bottoms out while he cums, shooting his load into you as you clamp down on his cock.
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spencerreidenjoyer · 3 days
love bites | spencer reid x reader
word count: 2k, rating: 18+/explicit
tags: established relationship, hickeys, cunnilingus, vaginal sex, overstimulation
a/n: hello again... i'm back with another pwp fic... idk where this came from ngl, but i sort of ran away with this idea of spencer leaving hickeys and this happened lol. also i've been having chip taylor (mgg's character in 68 kill, a guy who has the biggest, wettest eyes and fucks like a madman) on the brain lately so this is definitely inspired by him too ❤️
(p.s: you can also find this fic on ao3!)
Spencer always wants to give you everything you want. He’s eager to please, with those wide puppy-dog eyes that stare up at you, that gaze that makes your insides warm, the tension between you two that makes you want to spread your legs. Not like you would put up a fight anyway.
He was already such a sweetheart on the date you just came home from, a nice dinner at a nice restaurant. Spencer was a proper gentleman, who was playing footsie with you under the table. You’d wanted to jump his bones the moment you’d left the restaurant. You hoped Spencer would get the hint, from the way you were tracing circles with your fingers onto his thighs on the drive back to his place.
“Baby,” you hum, while Spencer kisses down your neck. He always treats you like a princess, makes you feel so revered.
Sometimes, he loses himself in making you feel good. You have to call his name again – “Spencer–!” you say, in a whimper, before he responds.
“Are you leaving marks?” You ask. You feel a little conscious about it, because having to wear a turtleneck to work in the summer heat is definitely funny, but kind of embarrassing.
Spencer’s lips pause against your neck. He murmurs, “Do you want me to?” and you feel his warm breath on your skin as he says it. Your hair stands on end, your body reacting to how close Spencer is to you.
Spencer pulls away, and you mourn the loss of his warmth for a moment. He looks at you, the hazel of his eyes so deep and sweet that you feel like you could lose yourself in them. “Then I can leave them in places that you don’t have to worry about.”
“What? Where?” You ask, but your mind starts running already. His lips on your body. His gaze, scorching as he stares up at you.
He doesn’t give a verbal response, rather lets his hands fall to your waist and slips his thumbs under the waist-cutouts of your dress. Where the tips of his fingers touch your skin, you feel like you’re burning with desire already. Spencer asks, “Can I?”
“Please.” Your voice comes out breathier than you’d like.
Spencer pushes your dress up, revealing your thighs, your stomach. His fingers skirt over your skin softly, the touch almost ticklish. The dress goes up, up, up, until Spencer helps you tug it over your head. Even with the sweet gesture, him getting you undressed is making you flush, the attention he gives you and the lust in his gaze making your stomach flip.
Spencer’s lips find their way back to your neck. You hold your breath as he kisses his way down the column of your neck, taking his time. He kisses your collarbone, then the top of your breast. He nips the skin between his teeth.
“Someone’s bitey,” you gasp, trying to joke.
“Did you know that while the Brits call hickeys ‘love bites’ , you don’t actually need to bite to break the superficial blood vessels under the skin’s surface? Suction is often sufficient to cause bruising.” Spencer murmurs, as if the fun fact is absolutely necessary to him giving you a hickey on your breast. It’s cute to you, though. It kind of turns you on.
“‘Love bites’ are a cute name for hickeys, though.” You laugh. “And sucking… Isn’t that kind of gross?”
Spencer’s eyes flit up to meet yours. “I think it’s hot… I mean, being so desperate to mark you up, that I can’t control myself. Being willing to do anything to make it known that you’re mine.”
Arousal washes over you. “Jesus Christ, Spencer.”
He surges forward to kiss you, slow and languid and kind of sloppy. Still, you can feel the desperation behind his movements, his eagerness as he basically eats your face off. Spencer pulls back panting, eyes studying your face, your shirtless figure, your breasts in your bra. He stares greedily. You’re wet between your legs already.
Spencer dips his head down to press his lips to where your breast spills out of the cup of your bra, flicking his tongue over a spot he’s chosen. His front teeth graze over your skin gently. Spencer nips the skin between his teeth, sucking softly. It makes your hair stand on end – the wet sounds coming from his mouth, the heat of his breath on your skin, the slow but pleasurable twinge of pain that sinks in when he sucks a mark into your breast.
It’s erotic, the way your hand is tangled in Spencer’s hair, holding him close to you as he continues to mark up your chest with his mouth. Spencer’s hair is so soft between your fingers, slightly messy and curling at the ends. He’d moved on to mark up your other breast, his large hand cupping you perfectly, like you were made for him.
Spencer litters hickeys all over you, on your tits, your stomach, and he kisses along the waistband of your panties when he gets to them. You only have to whimper to get him to slide them off as well. He kisses your hip bone, while his hand on your other side feels you up. You feel Spencer slide his hand from the swell of your ass, to feeling the meat of your thigh, before his hand comes around and pushes your leg out to spread your legs.
“Babe,” you moan, as Spencer bites down gently on your plushy inner thigh. His tongue laps over where he had bitten, acting to soothe you from any pain, and he sucks a mark into your thigh. You see the marks of his teeth and the redness of the spot, the beginnings of a bruise. He moves over to your other thigh to give you another mark, then his lips trace their way closer to the heat between your legs, giving you more marks on the way up.
You gasp when he presses a kiss to your clit, your wetness extremely obvious to you now as he blows cool air to tease you. You shiver. Spencer laughs, “Needy. You’re so wet.”
“Because of you, baby,” you sigh, running your hand through his hair to push it back, letting you admire his gorgeous bone structure and those wide eyes of his. “Need you.”
Spencer hums, smiling to himself, as he settles himself between your spread legs. His hand comes up to your heat, two fingers spreading your lips before he leans in, licking a fat stripe up across your hole, to your clit. You moan shakily as he flicks at your clit, playing with you, the tip of his sharp tongue making pleasure jolt through your body.
You let out a sigh when he presses his face deeper because you didn’t think he could get any closer, and you feel his mouth on your cunt– slurping, licking, breathing heavily as he eats you out fervently. He gives you head like he was born to do it. The way he pleasures you makes your head spin, amidst all the slick, wet noises, and Spencer’s own eagerness to make you feel good.
You lock eyes with Spencer, his piercing gaze meeting yours from between your tits. It’s almost funny, but you’re too turned on to even joke about it. You tighten your grasp in his hair. He whimpers, a sound you never get tired of hearing, and the vibrations to your cunt make you shiver.
You want him in you, now. You tell him that. Spencer pulls away, his wide eyes seeming dark and serious.
He wipes his mouth and chin with the back of his hand, shiny with your slick and fluids. You watch the pink of his tongue dart out as he licks his lips. You whimper a little as he gets onto his knees between your spread legs, his nice button-up, slacks and boxers off and on the floor. You admire the smooth lines of his body, the softness of his stomach, his happy trail leading down to where he’s hard and leaking into his hand.
There are no words exchanged, just a knowing glance that tells Spencer to hurry and do it. Spencer’s always been good at following instructions, and he knows you and your likes like the back of his hand. You know he always wants to please.
One hand on your hip, Spencer’s other hand guides his cock to your hole. He teases the head of his cock over your clit, circling over your entrance. You can only imagine how wet and sticky you are down there, with Spencer’s cock making you even more of a mess.
He puts the head in, watches intently as he slides in, and you look up at Spencer, breathing hard. He stops for a moment and begins to pull out, only the tip inside of you. He’s such an ass. You glare at him. Spencer grins cheekily.
“Spencer–” His name leaves your lips brokenly as he suddenly presses himself deeper, in, in, in, until his cock is bottoming out and you feel so incredibly full. “Fuck me.”
Spencer grunts, eyebrows furrowed as he starts fucking into you. He goes hard and fast, knowing that’s how you like it: his skin slapping against yours, the slick sounds of his cock pounding into your hole downright obscene. Even while you shake from the force he’s putting into fucking you, Spencer’s face reads like he’s trying hard to keep it together, trying to concentrate on making you feel as good as he feels.
His mouth falls open as he grips the headboard, fucking you relentlessly. You hold onto his biceps for dear life, close to screaming as he rails you. Spencer moans, as your fingernails dig into his arms in your desperate need, “Fuck, you feel so good. So tight, angel. All wet for me.”
“Spencer, fuck, oh my God–!” You cry out, helpless, horny, feeling like you’re in heaven as Spencer fucks you just how you want, just how you need. His cock hits all the right places, deep inside of you, fucking you open like you’re made for him.
And then, your orgasm hits you like a tidal wave, your body jolting with the pleasure that overtakes you. It’s so good, Spencer ramming into you till the overstimulation starts to sting, pleasure tinged with pain around the edges, and your clenching and writhing has Spencer pushed over the edge as well, his head dropping between his shoulders as he comes with a groan, loud and whiny, his load spilling inside of you.
You’re both breathing hard, but your eyes meet his, and you share a small smile. Spencer has paused, cock softening inside of you, and he kisses you softly. You taste yourself on his lips. You don’t care, and kiss him back. Both of you giggle when you pull away.
One of Spencer’s hands falls from the headboard to your body, his fingers gentle as they skirt over your curves, a sharp contrast to the way he was fucking you just moments ago. His hand slides over your breast, your stomach, your thighs – thumbing over the marks he’d left behind. Spencer presses down on one on your inner thigh. You moan as he grabs the meat of your thigh eagerly. He chuckles, pressing a kiss to your knee.
“I love you,” you giggle softly, feeling like you got your brains fucked out. “You’re too sweet to me.”
“Why wouldn’t I be sweet to you, darling?” Spencer answers softly as he leans in, kissing your jaw gently. Your cheeks feel warm. “I love you too. Let me clean you up.”
You hum softly, laying back while Spencer gets up. You watch as Spencer, even more gorgeous in his post-orgasmic glow, grabs a small towel and slips onto the bathroom. He emerges quickly enough, the towel now damp, and slides back into bed next to you.
Spencer glances down at where you’re wet and messy. His tongue darts out to wet his lips, mind clearly busy, and asks, “Wanna let me finger you before we really go and get clean?”
You let out a laugh, and after a moment’s pause: “Yeah, okay."
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uzurakis · 3 days
heyy !! i was looking at your profile which is amazing btw and saw someone desperate like me for some kaiser content. maybe smth involving reader wearing his jersey and well… yk.. :33
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“aah, someone’s been a thief,” kaiser teases, eyeing the jersey that fits snugly on you. the way the fabric drapes over your shoulders, slightly too big yet perfectly fitting; it’s like you’re carrying a piece of him with you, and it fills him with a sense of pride. “i was wondering where that went.”
during a break from practice, your boyfriend spots you and jogs over, his eyes widening as he notices the familiar jersey. a nasty smile forms on his lips as he approaches, clearly intrigued.
playing pretend, you feign innocence, glancing down at the jersey. “oh, this? i thought it was mine. it fits me perfectly, don’t you think?”
it does, it looks perfect on you. oh how much kaiser wants to say that. but no, there’s still one thing he needs to hold high; a man’s ego.
so, kaiser narrows his eyes playfully, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. “nice try, but we both know that’s my jersey. or maybe you happen to be one of my fangirls that shop their favorite—“
“oh, shut up,” that cocky attitude of his is not getting anywhere under your watch. then you shrug, giving him a cheeky grin. “well, finders keepers. maybe you should have kept a better eye on your stuff.”
“ouch, you’re saying i’m messy person? that hurts, mein liebling,” he chuckles, one mirthless laugh falling in your ears. “why don’t you wear it tomorrow for the match?” kaiser suggests playfully. “that way, everyone knows you’re mine.”
you tilt your head, pretending to consider it. “hmm, i don’t know. there will be a lot of fans wearing jerseys with your name on them. even you could mistake me as one of your crazy fangirls. yuck.”
kaiser’s smirk fades, replaced by a mock pout. “but none of them are you,” he says, tone slightly possessive. “it’s different when you wear it. like, it’s special.”
still playing along, you raise an eyebrow. “oh, so now it’s special because i’m wearing it? maybe it’s just a really good jersey.”
he laughs at your remarks, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you closer. “mein liebling, seriously, seeing you in my jersey makes me feel… proud..?”
“because when you wear it, it’s a statement. it says you belong to me. and i like that.”
“i like what’s mine.”
you feel your cheeks heat up at his words. “well, maybe i’ll consider it,” you reply, trying to keep your cool. “maybe though.”
his grins broadens, clearly pleased with your response. “good girl. now, how about a kiss for luck?”
you laugh, “only because michael asked so nicely.” leaning in to give him a quick peck on the lips, you continue, “anything else you want, your highness?”
he wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you closer. “you better be in the front row tomorrow. front and center,” he murmurs against your lips. “i play better when i know you’re watching.”
you smile, but what if you still want to mess with him? “huuh, but i also haven’t said i’ll watch your—“
“don’t fucking care, you will watch me,” he says, pressing another kiss to your lips, shutting you up. “now, go cheer me on. i’ve got a game to win.”
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n. i’m taking this way babes. we can also talk abt it if u wanna take it that way *winks aggressively* jus hmu as always <3 mwah ty for trusting me wit every kaiser piece here ahhsakksjs. also! tagging another kaiser lover @6gumi mwaaah xo
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fairyhaos · 3 days
❖ i am all of you // lee jihoon
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woozi x gn!reader, 1.7k+ words
tags: requested by @mirxzii, established relationship, producer!woozi, scriptwriter!yn, hurt/comfort
warnings: pet names (babe, darling), food mention
summary: on the days you feel exhausted, lost to the clouds of fear and fatigue, you wonder whether anything in the world will ever be fine again. not to worry, though. because jihoon always finds you, and he brings you home.
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Jihoon kind of misses you. 
Okay, that's a lie, because he actually misses you a lot, because even though you're right here and you say hello to him in the morning and you eat your meals together and you say “I love you” to him at night, you're still not… here. 
You get like this, sometimes, where you're all stuck in your head and he can't get you out. Anything he says doesn't seem to register, not really, because you'll hum in response before drifting away again to somewhere he can't reach. 
Jihoon knocks on your door, gentle. You emerged from your room to have breakfast, but you've been stuck inside ever since, and, well. It's like he said. 
He kind of misses you a lot. 
“Are you okay in there?” he asks. “Just checking up on you, babe. I haven't heard from you in a while.”
“I'm okay,” you say back, and even though you're only on the other side of the door, you sound distant. “I'm just tired, that's all.”
He hums, sceptical. “Are you sure? Can I come in?”
“I don't see why not,” you say, and he opens the door and cautiously peers inside. 
You’re lying in bed, pillows propped up behind your head, quite literally doing nothing other than staring emptily up at the ceiling. When Jihoon enters the room, you look over in response to the sound and wave at him from the bed looking confused but also very, very exhausted, and something in his heart twists sadly.
He walks over to you, leans over, and presses a hand to your forehead. You look up in confusion, going a little cross-eyed as you try to see his hand on your head. 
“What are you doing?”
“Checking for a fever,” Jihoon responds matter-of-factly. He takes his hand away, presses it against his own forehead before feeling yours once again. 
“Hey, hey, I'm fine,” you say, waving his hand away. “I'm not sick.”
“Then why are you in bed?” he says. “It's so sunny today, Y/N. Normally, you'd be the one pestering me to get out of bed so we can go on those walks that you love so much. What's wrong, Y/N? Can you please tell me what's wrong?”
You fall silent, looking away. 
See, he thinks he kind of knows what's wrong. 
Not the exact reason, of course, but he knows that you're getting this tired and withdrawn from him because there's something in your life that's making you overwhelmed. Whether it's a situation that's happened or something you fear will happen in the future, if it scares you enough then you'll end up retreating in this way. 
Jihoon knows it's your way of coping when things get too much, but it frustrates him, because all he wants to do is take care of you but you won't let him in. 
“Please,” he says. Gently, simply. “Can you tell me what's wrong so that I can help?”
So he asks. He asks, and waits so, so patiently, silently begging you to please let him in. 
You slowly shake your head. 
“Nothing's wrong,” you say, and then shrug, like everything's fine. “I just need to take a nap.”
“I had to wake you up at noon for breakfast, today,” Jihoon points out, frowning. “And it's four in the afternoon. Why do you need a nap?”
You just shake your head again. “I just do.”
He opens his mouth, ready to refute, but you abruptly pull the covers over yourself and bury your head into your pillow again. A clear sign you want to end the conversation. 
“Goodbye, Jihoon,” you say, voice muffled by the sheets, and Jihoon sighs. 
“I'll let you know when dinner is ready, okay?” he says, and you make a soft noise in reply. He looks over at you again, before walking out of your room and closing the door. 
───────────── ⛅
It’s only thirty minutes later that he knocks on your door again.
He can’t help it. You two aren’t exactly the clingiest couple in the world: what with Jihoon’s work and your busy life, you can’t really afford to be so codependent. There have been days where you barely speak to each other, both absorbed in projects that take up all your time and leave you unable to indulge in the typical cuddly affection that other couples take part in.
This is what happens, he supposes, when a music producer and scriptwriter decide to date. Not that he minds, because he loves you, and he knows you love him too, and neither of you mind the lack of physical touch because often, the knowledge of that love is enough.
Just because you’re not the clingiest doesn’t mean that he likes not spending time with you, though.
Especially when you’re right there.
“Y/N? I’m coming in,” he says, and opens the door before you can answer. You’re lying in exactly the same position that he’d left you in, and you look over as the door opens again with a mildly annoyed expression on your face, as if Jihoon was interrupting your very precious time of doing absolutely nothing.
The mild irritation melts into confusion as you spot the things he’s holding. “Why did you bring your laptop with you?”
“Laptop and chocolate,” Jihoon emphasises, holding up the bag of chocolate coins in his other hand as he pushes the door shut with his elbow. “I’m here to do my work. And give you chocolate. Move over, will you?”
You give him a curious look, but still obediently shuffle over in bed so that he can climb in and sit there beside you, back against the headboard, opening up his laptop and immediately clicking on his emails. He doesn’t look at you, seemingly absorbed in answering whatever is sitting in his inbox, the bag of chocolate plopped onto the covers between you two.
Jihoon hums in response.
“What are you doing?”
He glances at you briefly, and pats your head. “Don’t worry. I’m not here to drag you into doing anything. Just pretend I’m not here, okay?” He goes back to his work, and then adds, “Oh, and eat the chocolate.”
You furrow your brow, mystified by his behaviour. This is… weird. You’ve had episodes like this before, where the foreboding lump in your throat joins forces with the anxiety that sits, ice-cold, in your chest, and you end up with a bone-deep exhaustion that leaves you terrified to do anything at all. Every time, Jihoon seems to understand, leaving you to your own devices to work through the fatigue until you feel better. He might bring you soup, or remind you to brush your teeth, but never anything like this.
The soft click-clacking of his keyboard is quite soothing, you’ll admit, but it’s still not quite enough for you to stop teetering on the edge of this crushing exhaustion and finally sleep.
“Jihoon,” you murmur, looking up at him again. “Jihoon, seriously, what are you doing?”
His fingers stop moving, and he looks over at you once more, before looking at the untouched bag of chocolate coins. Wordlessly, he opens it, unwraps one, and presses it against your lips. 
“I’m feeding you chocolate coins,” he says, and something about the deadpan way he says it makes you smile, allowing him to push the chocolate into your mouth. “What does it look like I’m doing?”
“No, I can see that,” you say around a mouthful of sticky, warm sweetness. Hm. Eating it makes the weight in your chest feel a little lighter, actually. “I just…”
Jihoon raises an eyebrow at you, but there’s no unkindness in his expression. He unwraps another chocolate for you, and you dutifully eat it, letting the overwhelming sweetness coat your teeth as you melt it down in your mouth, making the most of the taste.
“What are you doing here, though?” you ask, as your boyfriend deposits the metal wrappers on the bedside table next to him. “Babe, if you’re here to take care of me… it’s okay. I’m fine.”
He looks at you again, and smiles. “Silly. I’m not here to look after you.”
Wait, what?
“You can do whatever you need to do,” Jihoon continues, as he goes back to his laptop and starts click-clacking away again. “Rest, sleep, try to turn yourself invisible, whatever. You do you, darling. I’m just here because I want to spend time with you.”
“Jihoon,” you breathe out, touched. You are certain that there are stars in your eyes. “Jihoon, I love you.”
He chuckles, and finishes sending off the email. He jostles you around in bed for a moment, pulling you close until you’re resting against him, and though the position is uncomfortable, you don’t protest.
“I love you too,” he says, patting your head affectionately. “Now, don’t worry about what I’m doing, alright? Just let me spend time with you.”
Jihoon may pretend otherwise, but he really is soft. He gives and he gives and he gives, always, and that’s what he’s doing right now. He’s giving you all of him, under the pretence that he’s doing this for himself but you know him, know him like the other half of your heart, and your chest squeezes at how gentle he is with you, especially now. When you’re at your most vulnerable.
And instead of getting frustrated at your distance, at how far away you were floating from him, he brings your back down to Earth, pretending it’s all for him but you know, you know that he’s bringing you back to safety for you.
Pressed up against him, leaning into his side, you finally let yourself cry, the hot, stinging tears tracing paths down your cheeks. Jihoon doesn’t say anything, and instead pulls you closer, fingers threading through your hair as you cry quietly against him until you tire yourself out fully and there are no tears left for you to cry anymore. 
It’s kind of cathartic—freeing, the way you let yourself succumb to the exhaustion, comforted by the knowledge that Jihoon is there beside you as your tears die down, and you lie there beside him, taking deep, shaky breaths, heartbeat finally slowing down.
And at last, you close your eyes and sleep.
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fics tags: @jeonginssa @weird-bookworm @minhui896 @bunnyiix @slytherinshua @haowrld @belladaises @moonlitskiiies @mirxzii @zozojella @kawennote09 @a-wandering-stay @abibliolife @doublasting @wonranghaeee @icyminghao @sweet-like-caramel @your-yxnnie @odxrilove @kyeomyun @crackedpumpkin @jeonride @kellesvt @sakufilms @eightlightstar @onlyyjeonghan @aaniag @starshuas @raevyng @isabellah29 @hrts4hanniehae @mcu-incorrect @dokyeomkyeom @suraandsugar @melodicrabbit
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hoshifighting · 2 days
hi hi could you do an fwb2lovers wonwoo with some angst but happy ending? I really love your works!!! thank you 😊
Friends with Benefit to Lovers - Wonwoo
a/n: thank you for all the luv, xoxo 💋❤️
warnings: suggestive ending, angst, fluff, being left out, reconciliation.
you and Wonwoo have been tight since freshman year, forged through late-night cram sessions, shared slices of greasy pizza, and endless games of FIFA. it's that kind of friendship where you know each other's quirks better than your own.
one friday evening, you find yourselves at a frat party, the air thick with the scent of cheap beer and the bass from the speakers pounding against your chest, you're just happy to be along for the ride, nursing a red cup of something that tastes suspiciously like punch.
you watch from a distance as a girl from Wonwoo's course sidles up to him, their conversation growing more animated by the minute. part of you wants to intervene, to remind Wonwoo of your existence, but another part—the stubborn part—refuses to budge. so you sit there, nursing your drink and pretending not to care. 
you had drunk so much that the party went by too quickly, the cheap alcohol from the punch felt like a punch to your liver. some of your friends still tried to talk to you, but your social battery had already run out.
so, you stay put on the worn-out couch, drowning your thoughts in another cup of punch that's probably more sugar than anything else. the party is winding down, people stumbling out the door in twos and threes, but you're stuck here, waiting for Wonwoo's ride back to the dorms.
time stretches on, each minute feeling like an eternity as you wait for Wonwoo to notice you. finally, he appears in front of you, his expression unreadable. "let's go?" he says, his tone flat.
you stand up without a word, ignoring his outstretched hand as you make your way to the door. the car ride is suffocating in its silence, each passing mile stretching the tension between you until it feels like it might snap.
back in the dorm, you head straight for the bathroom, needing a moment to yourself. as you're drying your hair with a towel, Wonwoo's voice cuts through the silence like a knife. "why are you like this?" he demands, his frustration palpable.
you whirl around, towel still clutched in your hand. "remembering my existence now?" you snap. Wonwoo's taken aback, his eyes widening in surprise.
"what's that supposed to mean?" he asks.
you square your shoulders, refusing to back down.
"it means you've been ignoring me all night, and now you expect me to act like everything's okay? i'm not a mind reader, Wonwoo. i can't just pretend like nothing's wrong."
"are you telling me this because of soojin?" he asks, his voice tinged with frustration.
you roll your eyes, unable to mask your irritation. "like it's not obvious," you mutter under your breath.
Wonwoo's expression softens, and he takes a step closer, reaching out as if to touch your arm. "look, she's just a girl from my class. we were talking about a new project, that's all. there's no need to feel jealous."
you scoff, cutting him off before he can finish.
"jealous? you think i was jealous?" you shoot back, incredulous. "no, i wasn't. i just didn't want to go to a party and be alone the whole fucking time!"
you let out a frustrated sigh, running a hand through your hair in exasperation.
"yes, i was with my friends," you concede, your tone softer now. "but i came with you, Wonwoo. and i... i wanted to spend time with you."
"i know, i know," he starts, his tone apologetic yet tinged with frustration. "but i thought you'd be fine with your friends for a bit. i didn't mean to make you feel left out."
you let out a heavy sigh, crossing your arms over your chest.
"it's not just about being fine with my friends," you say, your voice quieter now, tinged with hurt. "i came here with you, Wonwoo. i wanted to spend time with you. but instead, i felt like i was just tagging along while you hung out with someone else."
Wonwoo's shoulders slump, his gaze dropping to the floor as he rubs the back of his neck.
"i didn't realize you felt that way," he admits, his voice quiet.
"well, now you do," you reply, crossing your arms over your chest. "and it sucks feeling like i'm just some afterthought."
you collapse onto the couch, the weight of the argument draining every ounce of energy from your body. you're exhausted, emotionally spent, and all you want to do is close your eyes and forget about the whole thing.
but before you can even think about resting, Wonwoo kneels down in front of you, his expression soft with concern. you meet his gaze, the weariness in your eyes mirrored in his own.
"hey," he says gently, reaching out to take your hand in his. "are you okay?"
you nod, a small sigh escaping your lips. "yeah," you reply, your voice barely above a whisper.
Wonwoo squeezes your hand, his touch warm and comforting. "i'm really sorry about earlier," he says, his voice filled with sincerity. "i didn't mean to upset you."
you manage a weak smile, the tension in your chest easing slightly at his words. "it's okay," you assure him, the weight of the argument already starting to feel lighter.
Wonwoo leans in closer, his forehead resting against yours. "i just want you to know that you mean a lot to me," he murmurs, his words a whispered promise. "I didn't realize how much my actions were affecting you. you're not just some afterthought, I promise."
you feel a weight lift from your chest as he leans in, his lips meeting yours in a gentle kiss. 
his tongue finds its way into your mouth, exploring every crevice with a familiarity that makes you mewl. you melt into his embrace, your hands finding their way to his hair, pulling him closer as if you never want to let him go.
that was another thing about Wonwoo – he had a way of making you feel like you were the only person in the world, like nothing else mattered except the two of you in that moment.
as the kiss deepens, you lose yourself in the sensation of his lips against yours, the taste of him lingering on your tongue like a sweet addiction.
he pull back slightly so both of you can breathe.
"you're not just my friend," wonwoo confesses, "you're... you're so much more than that."
your heart feels like it's about to burst from your chest as you search his eyes.
"I've been scared to say it, scared to admit it even to myself," Wonwoo admits, his voice barely above a whisper. "but I can't deny it any longer. I love you."
"I love you too," you whisper, the words spilling from your lips before you can stop them. "I've loved you for so long."
he kisses your forehead, your lips, giving the smile that you've always loved.
you pull back, caressing his chin and jaw with your hands.
"you know," you murmur, "just because you're sorry doesn't mean i'm going to go easy on you."
Wonwoo chuckles "i wouldn't expect anything less," he replies.
you smirk, feeling a surge of confidence coursing through you. "good," you say, your tone teasing. "because i have a few ideas about how you can make it up to me."
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redzie02 · 2 days
thinking about Wooyoung reassuring you cause you're nervous about taking care of his little brother
quick imagine/ if anyone would like to make this into a full fic feel free to tag me :) masterlist
You are washing dishes from earlier that day and Wooyoung comes home. He wraps his arms around your waist from behind, kissing your neck. You put down the sponge and turn around, placing your forearms on his shoulders, your gloved hands falling behind him.
You peck his nose and he scrunches it, grinning. You ask about each other's day. He helps you dry off the dishes.
The sun started going down, so you start preparing dinner together. Of course, he takes charge and you don't mind, sitting back and watching him do his thing. His little brother, Kyungmin, would be staying with you guys for the weekend. You mentioned you were nervous about it.
"What? Why are you nervous?"
"What if he doesn't like me?"
He chuckled. "He comes over all the time, why wouldn't he?"
"Well, actually, it's been months since I've seen him. You were on tour and I was busy. I feel like I've neglected one of the most important people in your life." You pouted.
He puts the knife down on the cutting board and walks over to you, wiping his hands on the apron he's wearing. There's a little twinkle in his eye as he bends down to your seated figure.
"You know, I do talk to him every day. Do you wanna know what he tells me at least once a day?"
The small smile he was wearing grows bigger as he replies, "That he misses you. He's always asking about you and saying he can't wait to see you."
"What? You've never told me this!"
"I can't have him stealing you away from me," he shrugs, quickly pecking your forehead and turning around to continue cutting the potatoes. "Besides, if he actually did hate you, just feed him- that kid will eat anything."
The next day, you and Wooyoung pick up Kyungmin. The three of you go out for breakfast, take a walk at the park, and watch movies at home.
When Kyungmin isn't attached to you, he's pestering Wooyoung- or I guess, Wooyoung would be the one doing the pestering. Kyungmin's round eyes would plead for your help whenever Wooyoung would overwhelm him and you'd draw him away from the madness.
You'd sneakily step away to snap a few pictures of them laughing, or cooking together, or Wooyoung giving Kyungmin a piggyback ride.
It made you realize a few things.
"What if our future looked like this?" You laid in bed, facing each other. Wooyoung smoothed your hair, gently pushing away any strands that may have fallen on your face.
"You know...kids...a family. I never realized it was something I might’ve wanted until this weekend. You're doing things to me, Woo."
"Yeah? I can do more things to you." He bit his lip and you rolled your eyes. "I've been thinking about it too. It'd be nice to have a family, wouldn’t it? A few little ones running around, making a mess."
"A few? How many are you thinking?"
"However many versions of me you can handle."
"Oh god."
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dreamauri · 3 days
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♪ — 𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗦 𝗥𝗢𝗖𝗞 - part seven max verstappen x fem! driver! reader (fluff) “. . . this is what they call: puppy love.”
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2024 Australian Grand Prix -> Thursday: press conference
"Yeah?" Max whispered, leaning down when you waved him closer so you could whisper in his ear. You cupped his ear so the audience of reporters on the other side of the conference room couldn't lip read. 
"Can you get me a Red Bull, please?" Maybe Max is the one who needed to lip read because he is sure what he heard was not correct since there's no way you just asked for a Red Bull.
He gave you a confused look, before leaning down again. The other drivers talking on the microphone must have made him mishear. "I don't like coffee and we're out of tea. Can you get me a Red Bull? Please?" Max pulled away looking at you even more confused and lost. You stuck your bottom lip out in plead. Max pretended to think for a second, scratching his neck and raising his eyebrow in question and thought.
"What flavour?" He asked quietly.
"Blueberry." You whispered back, a smile lighting up your face. Max felt himself smile upon seeing your smile, going back to looking at the reporters with a proud smile despite them not knowing what he was proud about.
Logan Sergeant who was sitting on your other side noticed. "Blueberries?" he asked, confused from the missing context. You nodded, leaning closer so you could whisper in his ear. From across the couch, Charles felt jealous at the sight of Logan blushing and smiling shyly at the touch of your hand cupping his ear.
"Do you want one too?" you asked before pulling away. The blond tried to suppress his smile, thinking for a moment before shrugging and nodding, not seeing any harm. "Which flavour?"
"Blueberry." he nodded and you nodded back before turning back to Max who automatically leaned down for you to whisper.
Charles huffed lightly at the sight of you and the dutch laughing between yourselves. The Monegasque was clearly displeased that he was left out. He'd arrived at the conference room two seconds late, losing the only other vacant seat beside you to the American blondie and his Dutch Childhood Rival.
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
"At the beginning of last year, you guys posted 'my first day' photos. Do you think anything from your list has changed since last year?"
You found yourself blinking confused, bringing your mic to your mouth, but no words leaving from utter confusion.
"She wasn't here last year." Max chuckled, pointing his thumb to the girl sitting beside him. 
You chuckled shyly, "I don't think my brain is here with us today, I'm sorry. I understood nothing."
The conductor of the conference didn't hesitate to start explaining and describing the photos the drivers posted. Max on the other hand wiped out his phone and showed you. "Ohhh, yeah that makes sense now." you chuckled, gently taking Max's phone to see. "He's lying though. Max is lying. He does have a hype song." you pointed to the blond cheekily.
Max gave you an unimpressed look, and you shrugged in innocence as the other drivers started commenting on their changes. "What about you Yn? What do you think you would've written?"
You pursed your lips for a second, racking through your brain for possible answers. Max had unlocked his phone again for you to see what the questions were. "Well, it's obviously my first year in F1, if it counts as a year per se? I'm still from Spain. My favourite food . . . well I'd say burgers. I love burgers. Especially if the patty has cheese- is like cheese stuffed." you shrugged making the American smile and chuckle as he looked at you. "I just don't like the bread."
"As for my hype song I'll go with . . . I have no idea." You laughed sheepishly. 
"See!" Max protested loudly, nudging you playfully. "Then you get angry at me for not picking something." The blond couldn't hold his smile as you pushed him back and he did again. 
"Fein by Travis Scott." You stuck your tongue out at him.
"Thank you, drivers."
"Wait, she's missing one-" Max cut off, holding his finger up in wait. "Yn, what are you going to do this year?" Max asked with a smile, holding up his mic for you. You smile at him glancing at the sea of reporters, 
"Maybe steal a win?" You joke making a few people around the room laugh. "I know that would be very difficult, but I'd like to at least share another podium with Max and Charles, Lando and Nando too." You laughed lightly. "I've also made new friends who I know I'd enjoy a podium with."
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
2024 Australian Grand Prix -> Friday
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Standing around the media pen after a long driving session wasn't one of your favourite things. Your body was tired and so were you, feeling like you could nod off and get away with sleeping if the press officer wasn't talking your ear out about what to say about the incident in FP2.
"Señor y salvador." [lord and saviour] You mumbled as the dutch driver approached you with his bottle you could only hope was filled with his endless Red Bull supply. "Bendiga tu alma." [bless your soul] You praise him as you take (more like steal) his bottle for a long sip. Max finds himself chuckling, feeling a small blush creep on cheeks with how comfortable you were drinking from his bottle. He gently placed his hand on the small of your back to guide you out of the way of the preparing reporters.
"I saw what happened in FP2, you're not hurt or anything right?" Max asked, not surprised when Lando inserted himself in the conversation. 
"Yn? Hurt? More like she's the one doing the damage" You glance between the two as you continue to drink from the hollow straw, taking big gulps.
"What is that? Vodka?" Lando scrunched his eyes at the bottle you were hungrily swallowing from. "Gimme that" He reached to take a sip but you pulled away. A few of the other drivers watched as you tried to escape Lando. He did eventually steal the bottle. You watched with a pout as Lando wiped the straw with his sleeve and took a sip.
"That's just Red Bull." Lando stated, disappointed. 
"Yeah, we'll it's her Red Bull now." Max chuckled, taking the bottle back from Lando and handing it to you. Your face lightened up as you continued to drink happily from the straw.
Max tried to hold in a smile, acting normal when Carlos joined the group. "I thought you were going to stay in the garage." You tell him, nudging his abdomen making the Spaniard double over.
"I'll get you back for that." He huffed, nudging your hip back. "This is not yours. Stop stealing people's stuff." Carlos continued to scold, pulling the Red Bull branded bottle from your hands. 
"It's fine, she can keep it." Max tried to defend you but was given a 'no' signal by Lando.
You sighed as Max took back the bottle, taking a sip. You did try to take a sip from Lando's orange one but you were cut short by your press officer. The three men watched as you were the first to enter the pen for an interview. "I saw Leviana." Carlos whispered to his former teammate once you were out of earshot. 
"Leviana- what? What's she doing here?" Lando scrunched his face in confusion.
"Who's-?" Max wanted to ask but found himself left out of the conversation. Max could tell though that whoever that woman was, clearly left a bad taste on the two driver's tongues. It also made him realise how little he knows about you.
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Max pursed his lips as he scrolled through the results page on google, reluctantly pressing on the Wikipedia link. He pursed his lips as he looked at the pronunciation guide. “I mean, I know how to pronounce her name.” He mumbled to himself, trying to ignore the fact that her name is probably pronounced differently in Berber (a branch of Afro-asiatic languages spoken by berber communities who are indigenous to north Africa. If I made a mistake please correct me).
Scrolling down, Max couldn’t help but take a glance at your racing record. He’s seen you around FiA prize giving galas but never really concentrated on the events to know what any of the attendees were awarded with. Now seeing the WEC table littered with golden boxes labelled [1]s was not a surprise to him. You were a three time world champion too, in the same years as him as well.
Max wonders in how many more ways you two are similar. Having fathers who raced in Formula One and took care of their karting career. Scrolling up, Max sunk back into his bed, reading the article uneasily. Like the nerd he is, Max knew wikipedia was not a reliable source so he did the next thing he could think of: opening twitter.
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direct messages: MAX + YN
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proofread by the best best ever @classiclitfreak , the one and only <3
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ahqkas · 2 days
BELLA ITALIA ; theodore nott
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PAIRING! theodore nott x fem!reader
SYNOPSIS! in the moment of darkness, he was your light (or when theodore nott noticed a pretty girl struggling to communicate in english and decided to step up) (based off this req.!!)
WARNINGS AND TAGS! fluff, reader is from italy, italian theodore, translation of foreign language
NOTES! i’m trying to learn italian on my own and when i hear this man speaking italian i am WHIPPED 😿😿
© ahqkas — all rights reserved. even when credited, these works are prohibited to be reposted, translated or modified
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The first problem is often the language barrier. Suddenly finding yourself in a place where you don't speak the native language can be isolating and overwhelming. Simple tasks like ordering food or asking for directions become daunting challenges, and the fear of being misunderstood or ridiculed can make even basic interactions fraught with anxiety.
The weather can also play a big role in the adjustment process. Going from a sunny, warm climate to a cold, rainy one (or vice versa) can have a profound impact on one's mood and well-being. It's not just a matter of dressing appropriately — it's about learning to cope with the changes in daylight, temperature, and overall atmosphere. You left the sunny shores filled with ocean breeze and moved to rainy afternoons that seemed rather sad than anything else.
And then, of course, there's the school. Being the new kid in class is never easy, but when you're in a completely foreign environment, it can feel like you're on an entirely different world. Everything from the way classes were conducted to the social dynamics among students was be vastly different from what you were used to, leaving you feeling like a fish out of water. 
But perhaps the most challenging aspect of moving to a new country was the sense of displacement, of not quite belonging anywhere. You longed for the familiarity of home while simultaneously yearning to embrace your new surroundings. You missed the way the sun kissed your skin and the way the sea felt against your movements as you swam in the water with your friends.
And you wanted someone to understand you.
Navigating the labyrinthine halls of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, you clutch your time table tightly, eyes darting from one corridor to another in search of the potion dungeons. The castle's vastness is overwhelming, its endless staircases and hidden passages a far cry from the sunny, open streets of your hometown in Italy. You knew your first day here would be hell.
The weather outside matched your mood: overcast and drizzly, the persistent rain casting a melancholic atmosphere over the stone walls. You miss the warmth of the Italian sun, the vibrant colors of your old school. Here, everything feels cold and foreign, a constant reminder of how far you are from home. Everything was gray and dark, the opposite of the vibrant colors you were used to.
You spot a group of students huddled together, chatting animatedly as they stood by a stone wall. Gathering your courage, you approached them, hoping they can point you in the right direction. "Scusa," you begin, your Italian accent heavy, each word carefully pronounced. "Where . . . potion class . . . dungeons?" (Excuse me.)
The students exchange puzzled glances, clearly struggling to understand your accented English because despite your try, it still came out quite wobbly. One of them, a tall boy with a shock of red hair, furrowed his brow and shakes his head slowly. "What?" he says, not unkindly, but with a hint of frustration at this situation.
You felt your cheeks flush with embarrassment. You try again, your voice wavering slightly. "Potion dungeons," you repeat, gesturing with your hands as if that might bridge the gap between your language and theirs. "Next class . . . I need find."
The red-haired boy shrugs, casting a sideways glance of help at his two friends who stood next to him. They all look at you with the same guilty expression, as if they would really like to help but there was no way. The girl with bushy hair smiled at you with an expression of 'Sorry', and you felt a knot of anxiety tighten in your chest. They don't understand, and you're too flustered to find the right words.
"Sorry," the ginger boy said finally, shaking his head again. "I don't know what you're saying."
Disheartened, you nodded and mumbled a quick "grazie" before retreating. You wandered through the corridors, frustration mounting with each wrong turn. The stone walls seemed to close in around you, the ancient tapestries and suits of armor blurring together in your anxious haze. You felt lost, not just in the physical sense but emotionally, adrift in this unfamiliar place where even asking for directions was like a challenge for you.
Your mind was still reeling from the embarrassing encounter as you hurried down the corridor, your thoughts tangled in a web of frustration and self-doubt. How could something as simple as asking for directions feel so impossible? The sting of the students' puzzled looks and guilty smiles lingers, making your cheeks burn with residual embarrassment. Lost in your thoughts, you rounded a corner too quickly and collided with a solid figure. Your bag slipped from your shoulder, and your books spilled across the floor. You gasped at the sight, your heart leaping into your throat. Could you embarrass yourself any more today?
"Scusa, scusa!" you blurted out in Italian, crouching down to gather your scattered belongings. The words tumbled from your lips in a rapid, nervous stream. You didn't even think the person wouldn't understand your sentences. "Non stavo guardando dove andavo. Mi dispiace tanto!" (Excuse me, excuse me! I wasn't watching where I was going. I'm so sorry!)
As you frantically picked up your books, you glanced up to see who you've bumped into. Your eyes widened in surprise and relief when you recognized Theodore Nott, the quiet Slytherin who always seemed to glide through the halls with an air of calm detachment and mysterious aura. You braced yourself for confusion, expecting him to look as puzzled as the others had.
But instead, Theodore's lips curved into a slight smile and a warm glint appeared in his usually cool eyes. "Non ti preoccupare," he replied in perfect Italian, his voice soothing and accent deafening. "È tutto a posto. Lascia che ti aiuti." (Don't worry. It's all right. Let me help you.)
The shock of hearing your native language from his lips momentarily left you speechless. You watched in amazement as he got down on his knees, helping you gather your books with nothing but ease. The knot of anxiety in your chest began to loosen, replaced by a flutter of gratitude and something else — an unexpected connection.
"Grazie," you managed to say, your voice trembling slightly. "Non sapevo che parlassi italiano." (Thank you. I didn't know you spoke Italian.)
Theodore's smile widened just a fraction, a hint of amusement danced in his eyes. "Mia madre è italiana," he explained, handing you the last of your textbooks from the floor. "L'ho imparato da lei." (My mother is Italian. I learned it from her.)
You stand up, clutching your books to your chest, and for the first time since arriving at Hogwarts, you felt a sense of relief wash over you. Here is someone who understands — not just your words, but the feeling of being caught between two worlds.
"Grazie mille," you repeated, your smile genuine this time. "Mi sentivo così persa." (Thank you very much. I felt so lost.)
Theodore nodded, his expression softening. "Capisco. Hogwarts può essere un posto molto grande e confuso. Vieni, ti mostro io dov'è la classe di pozioni." (I understand. Hogwarts can be a very big and confusing place. Come, I'll show you where the potions class is.)
As you walked beside Theodore through the corridors of Hogwarts, the oppressive weight of the castle's vastness seemed to lift slightly. His calm demeanor and fluent Italian became a comforting anchor in this world full of unfamiliarity.
"Da quanto tempo sei qui?" you asked the boy next to you, trying to make conversation. (How long have you been here?)
"Questa è la mia sesta anno," he replied. "Conosco il castello come le mie tasche ormai." (This is my sixth year. I know the castle like the back of my hand by now.)
"Sei fortunato," you sighed, your hold on your bag tightening. "Mi sento come se fossi in un labirinto." (You're lucky. I feel like I'm in a maze.)
Theo chuckled and the sound was low and warm. He was nice. "Capisco. Anch'io mi sentivo così i primi giorni. Ma vedrai, presto ti abituerai." (I understand. I felt the same way in my first days. But you'll see, you'll get used to it soon.)
As you continued to walk, the conversation flowed more naturally, easing your nerves. "Cosa ti piace di più di Hogwarts?" you asked him, genuinely curious. (What do you like most about Hogwarts?)
"Direi la biblioteca," Theo said after a moment of thought. "È enorme, con così tanti libri rari. E i corridoi segreti. Sono divertenti da esplorare." (I would say the library. It's enormous, with so many rare books. And the secret corridors. They're fun to explore.)
"Sembra affascinante. Mi piacerebbe esplorare di più, ma ho paura di perdermi." (It sounds fascinating. I'd love to explore more, but I'm afraid of getting lost.)
He gave you a reassuring look. "Se vuoi, posso mostrarti alcuni dei posti migliori. Così non ti perderai." (If you want, I can show you some of the best places. That way you won't get lost.)
Theo was the kindest person you've met here in the entire time since the beginning of the school term and your heart warmed at his kindness. "Mi piacerebbe molto, grazie." (I'd love that, thank you.)
Finally, you reached the entrance to the dungeons. "Eccoci," Theo exclaimed, stopping before the heavy wooden door. "La classe di Pozioni è proprio qui dentro." (Here we are. The Potions class is right inside here.)
You took a deep breath, feeling a mix of anticipation and nerves. "Grazie, Theo. Sei stato davvero gentile." (Thank you, Theo. You've been really kind.)
He offered you a nod, his smile reassuring. "Prego. Se hai bisogno di altro aiuto, basta chiedere. Buona fortuna con la tua lezione." (You're welcome. If you need any more help, just ask. Good luck with your class.)
With one last grateful look, you pushed open the door and stepped into the dimly lit classroom. As you took your seat, you couldn't help but feel a flicker of hope. Perhaps, with friends like Theo, Hogwarts might start to feel a little more like home.
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whismizxal · 2 days
show me off dr3
── in which daniel ricciardo loves showing off his greek girlfriend.
── warning: google translated greek, some spelling and grammar mistakes, relationships, kind of suggestive? anything else I missed please let me know xx
f1 drivers. navigation.
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liked by yourusername, landonorris and 645,922,192 others
danielricciardo be jealous or should I say να ζηλεύεις γιατί είναι ΤΟ ΚΟΡΙΤΣΙ ΜΟΥ. (be jealous because she’s my girl)
tagged; yourusername
view 11,221 comments
username absolute beauty
username I am very jealous
username pls their so cute
username he loveessss showing off the greek she taught him
yourusername duolingo lessons payed off
��� danielricciardo you were a better teacher
⤷ duolingo I see how it is.
⤷ danielricciardo she gave me private lessons mate, what can I say?
⤷ yourusername you’re sleeping on the couch
⤷ danielricciardo wait I am sorry please baby
username he calls her baby 🤭🤭
⤷ username so do many couples in the world, what about it?
username you forgot to add a comma after the say.
⤷ username aren’t you just a ray of sunshine
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there was no doubt about it.
the way their eyes glow when the other is mentioned or walks into a room is something that is out of a disney film. the quick glances of adoration they give each other are constantly caught on camera proving their love for each other further more.
the way he looked at her when she was talking made it seem like she hung the moon and the stars, and there wasn’t a soul who could get daniel to tear his eyes away from the girl he loved calling a goddess.
“daniel, you listening?” she asked softly, looking at him a smile which told him she had caught him staring at her.
“can’t lie baby, I wasn’t.” he responded sheepishly but never taking his eyes off her. “you’re just so beautiful.” he muttered as he went closer to her and stroked her cheek.
“how’s the greek going?” she asked with a soft smile as she looked into his eyes with complete affection.
“I think it’s going quite well. wanna hear me speak?” he spoke excitedly, a huge grin on his face as he asked the question.
“of course I do.” she replied, her smile matching his.
“εισαι η αγαπη της ζωης μου.” he says with a accent, a proud smile on his face. (you are the love of my life)
y/n laughed softly as blush crept on her face at his words. she reached up to kiss his cheek. “κι εσύ είσαι δικός μου.” she spoke sweetly. (and you are mine.)
“wait what does that mean?” he asked a little panicked as he goes on his phone to search it up, forcing a laugh out of her.
“I love you so much.” she tells him, grabbing his face to look at her.
he dropped his phone and kissed her with a smile, lifting her off her feet as they laughed into the kiss. “I love you too.” he says against her lips.
“I know, you love to show me off on instagram.” she giggled, running her fingers through his hair.
“can you blame me?” he responded, picking her up as she wrapped her legs around his waist, moving his hands to be under her thighs to hold her. “you’re so fucking beautiful and I need to make sure everyone knows it.” he says, kissing her cheek as she blushed.
“thank you for leaning greek. you don’t understand how much i appreciate it.” she whispers to him, leaning her forehead against his as she runs her fingers through his hair.
“of course love, got make sure your family can understand my vows.” he smiles smugly as he walks towards the sofa still holding her in his arms as he sits down.
“been waiting three years for you to ask.” she joked as she rested her head on his shoulder.
“don’t worry, I’ll ask soon. just don’t want you to be expecting it.” he said, kissing her head when he saw her cheeks turn red.
they both sat in a comfortable silence as daniel rested his head on y/n’s, stroking her thigh as he smiled at the thought of the engagement ring he bought two weeks ago that was hiding in one of his socks at the back of his drawer.
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liked by yourusername, landonorris and 239,821,292 others
danielricciardo some more future wife appreciation
tagged; yourusername
view 10,922 comments
yourusername show me off 🤭🤭
⤷ danielricciardo course 🤭
⤷ username he’s in love in love
username looked at my bf and sighed cause why can’t he show me off like this
⤷ username cause if he did then people might try and take you away from him.
⤷ username omg thank you ☺️
⤷ username call me 😉
username future wife this, future wife that, make it present wife!
⤷ yourusername that’s what I am saying. I wanna be called his wife not his girlfriend 😔
⤷ danielricciardo all in due time baby
username yourusername if he gets you to wear a really nice dress and get your nails done, there’s a 95% chance he’s gonna propose
⤷ yourusername 🤭🤭 oml thank youuuu
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liked by danielricciardo, carlossainz55, and 282,627,911 others
tagged; danielricciardo
view 12,945 comments
username FINALLYY
⤷ yourusername they remind me of daniel.
⤷ username how so 💀
⤷ yourusername I am not permitted to talk about it
username so happy for you guys!
username in greek!! THATS ROMANCE
carlossainz55 finally did it I see
⤷ landonorris at least he no longer will say she’s his future wife, but just his wife
an; this is kinda of bad so I might end up re-writing this in the near future.
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fanaticsnail · 2 days
I fell asleep with spotify on and woke up to sea shanties. And in that honor:
Roronoa Zoro loves to drink. Everyone knows this. His high alcohol tolerance means he can usually keep himself in a pleasantly fuzzy state.
Still, there are times where he gets properly drunk. Absolutely blackout sloshed. And this poses the question of what to do with him? How to care for him?
That is, until Sanji joins the crew. See, the rest of the strawhats may be new to this sailing business, but not Sanji. Sanji was raised by pirates on the sea. Rowdy, fun loving, drink loving pirates. And he knows exactly what to do with a drunken sailor.
Snhsiwbehei this is so stupid. Just a silly thing that crossed my mind.
-♡♡ lots of love
Anything for you, ♡♡ Anon. What shall we do with the drunken sailor, indeed? I saw your ask about still thinking on the lazy sleeping Zoro. Thought I'd add a little more lazy swordsman in there for you.
Until The World Stops Spinning
Masterlist Here
Word Count: 1,000+
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Synopsis: You have just come off watch-shift, just as Sanji wanders onto the top deck of the Going Merry. Both of you discuss what to do about Zoro's current state of inebriation. What shall we do with the drunken swordsman...
Themes: Zoro x reader, subtle sanji x reader, drunkenness, smoking, drinking, sleeping, written with the sea shanty "What shall we do with the drunken sailor" in mind.
Notes: I listen to shanties all the time when I write. It's seriously such a vibe. This anon comes up with the best prompts, and I seriously can't. Edit to add: That version above by The Irish Rovers is what I used to dance to when I did Irish dancing as a child. One of the old tunes that made me want to play violin.
Tag List: @mfreedomstuff @daydreamer-in-training @gingernut1314 @i-am-vita @indydonuts @feral-artistry @since-im-already-here @sordidmusings @writingmysanity
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Gulls singing their sweet song of the morning lingered in the air, the perch of several flocking members sat proudly atop the top mast of the Going Merry. The chef serving beneath the Straw-Hat captain wandered on the deck to enjoy his morning cigarette after setting aside the morning crepe batter to rise. What greeted him in the morning light was a sorry sight to behold.
The puddle of drool pooling from the corner of the sword wielding first mate’s mouth was indication enough that he was past the point of no return in his drunken stupor. His snore rattled and shook the top deck, the wood almost cracking beneath the intensity of the roar falling from his parted lips. 
Standing over the first mate, arms folded in twine, stood the Going Merry’s latest member: the ship's counselor. 
“Mornin’ chef,” you utter without turning away from the snoring first mate. Sanji pouted with a deep frown while placing the filter of his cigarette between his lips. 
“Good morning, counselor. Good watch shift?” Sanji uttered while striking his flint and lighting the end of his cigarette. You nod, both of you not tearing your eyes away from Zoro as the deep rise and fall of his chest indicated traces of life within his death-like slumber. 
“Not a single thing to report, aside from this thing here, of course,” you uttered, gently tapping your toes against Zoro’s thigh as he slept soundly. Sanji inhaled a lengthy breath of his morning nicotine, exhaling down at the swordsman with a soft scowl on his face. 
“How many'd he have?” Sanji asked tilting his head and examining Zoro as his shaky snore. 
“Around five or six, I think,” you bob your head before further clarifying, “Bottles, not short rounds.” Sanji clicked his tongue at the confirmation, gently shaking his head. 
You turn towards the blonde chef, furrowing your brows and looking at him inquisitively. 
“Chef?” you quirked up at him, prompting him to turn towards you in response, “You've probably had the most experience with inebriated sea-folk. Any quick remedies you can think of for this?”
“I can think of a few cures from the tales of old,” Sanji chuckled, his smile turning more playful with each passing moment. “Shave his belly with a rusty razor comes to mind.” You scoff at him, rolling your eyes with a soft chuckle. 
“Zoro's stomach is as smooth as a baby bird,” you laugh at him, “Not a hair to rid him of, rusty razor and all.” Sanji hummed, pressing his index finger to his chin and thinking further. 
“Put him in the longboat ‘til he's sober is the next classic suggestion,” Sanji took a moment to take a lengthy drag with a deep chuckle, “Or: stick him in the scupper with a hosepipe bottom, is another.”
“The Going Merry has no long boat,” you shrug, looking down at the snoring former pirate hunter and lulling your head to the side, “And I don't think he'd very much enjoy a swift spanking on the meat of his ass with a rubber pipe, in his current state.”
Sanji laughed in a loud and unbridled laugh, placing the cigarette on the ground and dulling it's light with the ball of his foot. 
“Put him in bed with the Captain's daughter, then?” Sanji chuckled in glee, softly nudging your shoulder with his, “That's the only other option in the tales and shanties.” You nudge him in return before nuzzling your head against his bicep. 
“While stringing him upside down by his ankles on the topmast is awfully tempting,” you remove your head from Sanji's arm, “We're better off just moving him and putting him to bed to sleep it off, aren't we? Wanna give me a hand, handsome?” 
“Not really,” Sanji shrugged with a soft chuckle before reaching down and grappling one of Zoro’s heavy legs, “But I will because you asked me so nicely.” You shake your head, reaching down and aiding Sanji in bearing the brunt of the swordsman’s weight to take him below deck where the others began to stir from their sleep. 
As Nami got up from the only bed, Usopp and Luffy rising from the hammocks, you gently aided Sanji in placing Zoro beneath the plush duvet and atop the mattress still warm from Nani's body heat. Shaking her head, Nami fishes a bucket from the side of the room and places it by Zoro’s head. 
Stirring briefly from his drunken stupor, Zoro’s blurred and swirling vision glared up at you all before his gaze softened into a lazy smile. 
“I… I love you guys,” Zoro’s soft, drunken drawl lazily called to you all before turning to gaze at you, “Ya’ done with the nigh’ sh-shift, ‘Selor? Gonna snooze?” 
You look over at the crew, gently giving Sanji's arm a squeeze before he turns to begin breakfast for the crew wandering atop the deck. He smiled in response, gently bobbing his chin up and wordlessly telling you to get some sleep. 
“Yeah, swordsman. I'm gonna 'snooze',” you confirm with him, turning to the hammocks and beginning to choose from the three suspended bed-spaces. Before you were able to move away from Zoro’s bedside, his muscular arms shoot out and snake around your midsection, tugging you into a warm embrace beside him. 
Nuzzling into your hair, he takes a lengthy inhale and groans in joy at the body heat radiating from you.
“S’ay w’th me?” he slurred in question, already beginning to fall into slumber with you tucked in his arms. “Only ‘til th’ room s’ops spinnin’?” Facing away from him, you shake your head with a light smile before moving the duvet up to cover the both of you. 
“Sure, Zoro,” you already feel the weight of your eyelids weighing you down the longer you linger in his embrace, “Only until the room stops spinning.” Both falling asleep almost immediately, a soft shutter of a Den-Den image conductor could be heard mixing with the harmonious snores reverberating within crew quarters.
Nami was going to hold those images over the both of you as ransom for more of a cut from your joint haul on this upcoming adventure. You both slept soundly enough to not care, dreaming of what new horizons lay waiting for you.
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holylulusworld · 1 day
Come to heaven
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Title: Come to heaven
Written for @buckybarnesbingo (Round 6)
Card: B004
Square Filled: K5: handle with care
Ship/Main Pairing: Mobster!Bucky Barnes x Ex!Reader
Rating: Mature
Major Tags/Triggers/Warnings: angst, jealousy, ex! sugar babe trope, drunkness, fluff, hopeful ending
Summary: Making amends is hard.
A/N: Lyrics in Italics taken from Bruno Mars' "Locked Out of Heaven"
Word Count: 1,7k+
BBB BuckyBarnesBingo 2024 masterlist
Catch up here: Go to hell
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Written in reader’s PoV
Bucky tries to slip his hand into your panties, but you wrap your hand around his wrist to stop him. This is how he always made you compliant and stopped any argument.
“No! Not this time.”
“No?” He sounds surprised. Of course, he’s surprised. You always gave in and let him seduce you. Pleasure and having his attention, even for a fleeting time, was better than thinking about the future, or your non-existent relationship.
“No!” You stiffen in his arms. “Let go of me. I won’t let you do this to me all over again. It’s always the same. You stop me from speaking my mind with your lips, hands, or cock. I’m done being a sexual object, a toy you can play with to you.”
“Doll, I…” Bucky reluctantly releases you from his embrace. He steps away to watch you turn around. “What do you mean?”
“This,” you press your hand to your heart, “was yours. I admitted my feelings and waited for you to at least tell me that I mean a little more to you than a set of holes you can fill. But…” you sniffle but put a brave face on, “you couldn’t even give me that.”
“So, you want to go back to that old man and his limp dick?” He scoffs in an attempt to hide the hurt.
“Even if I’m not in love with him, I know exactly what he wants from me. He won’t make promises of keeping me safe and happy only to turn his back on me the moment I tell him that I love him. With him, I know what I’ll get.”
You try to sidestep Bucky, but he blocks your path. “That’s it? You’ll leave me for that man without giving me the chance to make things up to you.”
“James,” you gently cup his face and look him in the eyes. “You can’t make things up to me with gifts or sex this time. I asked you if you can imagine having a relationship with me. You gave me your answer. It’s my turn to tell you that what you have to offer is not enough.”
“Not enough?” He’s confused. “But I…”
“Money and shiny things cannot replace what you are unwilling to give,” you give him a sad smile. “As much as I enjoyed our time together, it’s over. We both knew it’d end like this. This kind of arrangement is meant to end sooner or later. There is nothing we can do about it.”
You press your lips to his scruffy chin, ending what began as a passionate one-night stand with a soft kiss. “Goodbye, James. I hope, one day, you’ll find something worth being more than…” Your voice cracks and you drop your hands from his face.
“Y/N,” he tries to grab your hand but you step away the moment his fingertips brush your skin. If you give in to him now, you’re doomed to repeat history. “Wait, I can try to be better.”
You give him a weak smile. “No, you won’t, James. You never had to try, and that’s the problem. Your good looks and reputation made everything so much easier for you than for other men.”
He allows you to leave, watching you go to join your companion for the rest of the night. Bucky will sulk in a corner, drinking too much while wishing you’d stayed by his side instead of laughing about the things the old man by your side says.
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Bucky is close to losing his patience. He’d hoped scaring the man you chose over him would be enough. Much to his chagrin, your companion from last night is rather amused about Bucky’s presence.
Erik Lehnsherr lived long enough to fear nothing. Not that he ever feared anything else than his own mortality. But at his age, even that fear faded a long time ago.
“I don’t understand why you are here, Mr. Barnes,” Erik leans back in his chair, an amused smirk on his lips. “Do we have business to do? I don’t think so. I’m old, not forgetful.”
“If you release Y/N out of her contract with you, I’ll pay you any sum,” Bucky tries to get you out of your sugar girl arrangement with the old creep.
“A contract?” He quirks a brow. “The lovely lady accompanying me last night came with me to make sure I’m not alone. We don’t have an arrangement. She’s just a lovely young woman spending time with me to help me with my paperwork.”
“Paperwork?” Bucky eyes his concurrent warily. He’s a master at reading people and finding lies behind a friendly smile. “She’s your employee?”
“A freelancer, the young people call it these days,” Erik holds back a chuckle.
When you offered to join him at the party, you told him everything that happened with James Buchanan Barnes. The man breaking your heart. Erik promised he’d do anything to make the fool let you go see that he made a grave mistake.
“I’m old, not someone creeping on young women,” he adds after a long pause. “I had my fair share of lovely ladies and gentlemen when I was younger.” Erik eyes Bucky up and down. “You’d be on top of my list if only I was thirty years younger.”
Bucky backpaddles. He eyes Erik warily before clearing his throat.
”What exactly is Y/N doing for you?”
“I already told you that she does my paperwork. I believed I was the old man here. Maybe you should get your memory checked, young man,” Erik chuckles. “If you’d excuse me now. I’m waiting for a massage therapist. A pretty boy getting this old man going…”
‘Old creep’, Bucky thinks to himself before leaving without saying goodbye. “At least he doesn’t creep on Y/N. That’s a pro.”
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Bucky drove to his best friend to release some steam. He told Steve everything about you and the stunt you pulled to make him jealous.
“She tricked you,” Steve can’t help but laugh. “Man, you’ve got yourself a smart little cookie. I bet she tried to wrap you around her finger.”
“I fell for her lie so easily,” Bucky huffs. “I believed she’s riding that creep’s dick. Now I know, she put on a show to get my attention, not to rub it under my nose. My sweet doll is missing me.”
“Well, if she’s your sweet doll try to treat her better. She deserves someone to take good care of her.”
“No, Buck. You need to handle her with care,” Steve won’t let his friend get away with a false excuse. “Y/N got hurt by you once, Buck. I don’t want you to make the same mistake twice.”
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You walk a little faster to outrun Bucky. He’s following you around town, a bouquet of roses in his hands.
He tried to convince you to move in with him, promising the world to you.
“Go away,” you huff. “I don’t know what kind of game you are playing, but I won’t participate. Just leave me alone.”
“You know that you can’t run away from me in those shoes, right?” Bucky smirks when you stop in your tracks to look at the colorful thongs you’re wearing. “I never understood how you can walk in these…”
“I like to feel the sunshine and air on my feet,” you point out. “Not everyone wants to run around in polished leather shoes all the time.”
“Ouch,” he snickers. “Come on, baby doll. Let’s have lunch together. Give me the chance to show you that I can change.”
“Bucky,” you sigh. “You don’t get that I can’t go back to what we had.”
“Y/N,” he drops the roses to cup your face. “I don’t want to go back to what we had. Baby doll, let your Bucky treat you like a queen.”
“I don’t want you to treat me like a queen,” you wrap your hands around his wrists to pull his hands off of your face, “only like someone you respect and love. I want you to treat me like your girlfriend. But you can’t give me that.”
You look on the ground. “Please pick the roses up and give them to someone who wants to become your next sugar babe. I’m out of this for good.”
Again, you walk away. You’re holding your head high and ignore the ache in your heart as you leave Bucky behind.
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'Cause you make me feel like I've been locked out of heaven For too long, for too long Yeah, you make me feel like I've been locked out of heaven For too long, for too long, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah (ooh) Oh, yeah, yeah Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah (ooh) You bring me to my knees, you make me testify (ooh) You can make a sinner change his ways (ooh) Open up your gates 'cause I can't wait to see the light (ooh) And right there is where I wanna stay (ooh)
“What the fuck!” You yell out of your window. Bucky parked his car in front of your apartment complex. He’s singing along to a song, begging you to take him back. “It’s 2 am Bucky! What is wrong with you?”
He turns the volume down and kills the engine before waving at you.
“Baby doll,” he slurs. “I came here to bring you home. ‘m missing you, doll…Please come home.”
“SHUT UP!” one of your neighbors yells out of their window. “Do you know how late it is?”
“It’s 2 am,” Bucky yells back. “Stop yelling so loud. You’ll wake the neighbors!”
“BUCKY! Stop being so loud!”
“Baby…can I come up and cuddle you?” He grins dopily when you slam the window shut. “She loves me!”
“SHUT UP!” Your neighbor yells.
“Shut up!” Bucky yells back. “OH…there you are…” He stumbles toward the door when you get out. “BABY DOLL!”
“Bucky,” you hiss and grab his hand. “Stop yelling and come with me.”
“You look pretty in your pajamas,” he purrs your name and wraps himself around you. Bucky nuzzles his face in your neck and sighs. “Without you, I’m in hell, doll. Forget about that old creep and go for Bucky.” He mutters against you.
You sigh deeply. “Fine, come with me to heaven. You can bunker on my couch. In the morning, we will talk about impulse control and not yelling in the middle of the night.”
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Tags in reblog.
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hotvintagepoll · 1 day
Welcome to the HOT AND VINTAGE MOVIE STARS poll blog! The Hot & Vintage Men Tournament and The Hot & Vintage Movie Women Tournament are now wrapped—congrats to Toshiro Mifune and Eartha Kitt! If you are here for the Dracula Daily polls, those will be posted regularly following the progress of the Substack newsletters.
All polls—including ongoing polls, previous rounds, old tournaments, the various shadow brackets, the Dracula Daily polls, and fun mini polls—can be found in the #hotvintagepoll tag.
"What is the next tournament?" We'll either do the scrungly little guys contest or the Ultimate Hotties tournament.
"When is the next tournament?" Sometime later this summer. I need to take a break, but then I'll be back.
"I want to find my favorite hottie!" Try a tag search for them (ie, use a hashtag in my search bar to find every post I've tagged them in). If you still haven't found your hottie, they either did not fit the criteria of being a movie star from 1910-1970 or they did not make it past the prelims.
“Can I start submitting for the future tournaments? I have guys! I have propaganda!” Please wait for me to post a submission form or otherwise formally announce a tournament before submitting anything.
The views expressed in the propaganda are not my own. I don’t submit my own propaganda, and I don’t change what’s submitted beyond fixing obvious spelling mistakes. If you hate a poll bio or a pic, let me know and send me something I can use instead.
I don’t post or boost negative propaganda about any of the hotties. If you really hate that someone is winning, send me positive propaganda for their hot opponent instead. A lot of these hotties were flawed or problematic in some way—or straight up garbage—but for reasons I go into here, I don't boost anti-propaganda.
If I see repetitive, trolling, and/or bigoted remarks in the comments, I may block you from this bracket. If you want to point out a competitor's problems in the replies, that's fine, but if I see consistent bad-faith trolling or targeted harassment of anyone, you will be blocked.
"Tel me again who won the major tournaments?" Eartha Kitt was crowned the hottest Hot & Vintage Movie Woman, and Toshiro Mifune won the Hot & Vintage Movie Man Tournament.
"Tell me more about this shadow realm?" There is too much lore.
“My FAQ isn’t on here :(” send me an ask! I love hearing from you guys—just please check these basics first.
Tournament schedule post-hiatus:
Ongoing: Dracula Daily casting polls
Possibly next: Scrungly Little Guys contest (gender neutral)
Possibly next: Ultimate Hottie Tournament (top brackets of the hot men & hot women competing together)
TBD: Horror Hotties (Frankensteins, Draculas, Brides, etc.)
TBD: Dandy Detectives (Marples, Sherlocks, Nancy Drews, etc.)
fun mini polls that pit sets of characters from the same movie together, like the Philadelphia Story or Seven Brides for Seven Brothers ones (these can be found in the #minis tag)
Thank you for being here! Enjoy the polls.
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starryevermore · 2 days
the house of snow (21) ✧ coriolanus snow
the house of snow ✧ a royal coryo au | pinterest board| ao3
pairing: king!coriolanus snow x fem!reader
series summary: the king of panem is in search of a bride. and, for reasons you can never understand, coriolanus snow has set his sights on you. it would never be a happy marriage, you’re sure of that. but none of that matters, because when snow decides he wants something, he will do everything in his power to ensure it is his. 
chapter summary: changes are coming.
word count: 2,010
series warnings?: 18+ MINORS DNI, royal au, regency au, arranged marriage, rivals to lovers, obsessive!coryo, jealous!coryo, protective!coryo, eventual smut, eventual pregnancy, more tags to be added later
chapter warnings?: implied smut, sickness, pet name (petal), not proofread
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“I never imaged that Coriolanus Snow would be the sort of man to wrap himself around his wife’s finger,” Clemensia said, stirring her spoon in the china teacup. The metal clinked against the porcelain. She lifted the spoon from the cup and set it on the plate before taking a long drink.
You had invited her and Livia, among some other young ladies of the ton, for tea. The rest of the ladies had broken off in their own conversations while you remained with your friends. It was nice to see them. Though you loved your Coryo, sometimes it was good to spend time away from him. It reminded you of how much you enjoyed his presence. 
“I never imagined him married. I sort of thought he’d live alone forever. He never cared much for chasing after girls at the Academy,” Livia admitted. Her face paled as though she realized who she was speaking to. You almost laughed at the scared, mouse-like expression. “I mean no offense, Your Majesty.”
You waved her off. “You can speak freely to me. I must admit, it is nice to hear that someone didn’t think my Coryo to be the marrying type.”
“Oooh, your Coryo,” Clemensia teased, brushing her elbow against yours. 
“Oh, hush,” you laughed. “I thought I was truly blind when he told me he’s wanted my hand since we were fourteen. At least now I can say I was not blind, but rather that he was terrible at communicating his feelings.”
Livia’s brows raised to her hairline. “Fourteen? Really?”
“He’d been asking my father for my hand since we were eighteen,” you added. “My father refused until Coryo made a name for himself.”
“And of course he would take that to mean he must be crowned King,” Clemensia said. “He was never anything but ambitious.”
Livia smiled and reached for your hand. She gave it a squeeze. “That is so romantic. A man who will take a kingdom so he can earn his love’s hand. People write stories about that sort of thing.”
“That sounds like the stories you would read, petal.“
All other conversation in the parlor had ceased. You didn’t have to turn in your seat to know that Coryo was behind you. His firm hands came to rest on his shoulders, and he leaned down to press a kiss to your temple. A smile pulled at your lips. 
“Do you think all I read is romance?” you said. 
“Not all. But everyone needs something lighter after reading about history and politics all day,” Coryo said. His fingers trailed off the lace of your gown and to the exposed skin by your collarbone. A shiver ran down your spine. Why had you tortured yourself with this tea again? “Besides, you had to get the idea of a love match from somewhere.”
You watched as Clemensia leaned over to Livia. Her voice dropped to a stage-whisper as she said, “Aren’t they much cuter than her and Lord Plinth would ever be?”
Coryo’s fingers curled into your skin. It didn’t hurt, but it reminded you of how you and Coryo lost a friend. Even if Sejanus could leave the Peacekeepers and return to the Capitol, nothing would ever be the same. You couldn’t imagine a world where you all could be friends again. You reached up and took his hand, lifting it to your lips. He relaxed as you kissed his knuckles. 
“Much cuter,” Livia agreed. 
Clemensia’s eyes glinted with mischief as she turned her gaze to you and Coryo. “A shame he enlisted with the Peacekeepers. I wish he could see the two of you so sickeningly in love.”
“Perhaps that’s why he enlisted. Because he couldn’t live with himself if he wasn’t the one making her so happy,” Livia mused. 
Oh, that was such a romantic way to think of it. If only they knew it was because he was so in love with you that he begged you to run away with him. If only they had seen the King so red with anger, how you had thought he would have killed his once-friend with his bare hands. If Livia was writing your story, she would make it seem like Sejanus peacefully stepped out of the picture. She wouldn’t make it seem like the betrayal it was. 
You lifted your chin to look at your husband. While his face was painted to look calm, you could see the anger swirling in his pale blue eyes. You kissed his knuckles again and said, “Why he left doesn’t matter. Not when I have such a wonderful husband by my side.”
Coryo’s tight-lipped smile turned genuine. “And with that, I must steal my wife away. We have important matters we must discuss.”
You held onto Coryo’s hand as you rose from your seat. He led you out of the ignore, the both of you ignoring Clemensia’s giggled “important matters, hm?”. Your heart beat hard in your chest as you walked down the hall. He wouldn’t harm you, you were sure of that, but you didn’t like when he let the anger simmer.
Coryo took you to the office and shut the door behind you. Once alone, he tugged you against his chest and pressed his lips against yours. A gasp escaped you, allowing him the opportunity to slip his tongue in your mouth. Your arms wound their way around his shoulders. You hand tangled itself in his hair. Well, this certainly wasn’t what you expected, but you weren’t going to kick a gift horse in the mouth. 
“I would marry you again,” he grunted against your mouth. “I would marry you every day for the rest of my life.”
“What’s stopping you? You are King. The only person you let order you around is me, and I would never deprive myself of you again.”
Coryo pulled away. Before you could inquire why, he was sinking down on his knees. He pushed your skirts up, hooked one leg over his shoulder. His nose brushed against your clothed core, wet mouth pressing kisses. Coryo pulled down your undergarments and began to recite his vows. 
“I, Coriolanus Snow, take thee to be my wedded Wife, to have and to hold from this day forward…”
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Your stomach churned as you ate breakfast. With every bite, it took tremendous effort to keep the food down. Even with a generous amount of water between bites, it doesn’t seem to help. Part of you wanted to believe it was because you would be meeting with the Electors for the first time since your engagement to Coryo. But you knew it wasn’t nerves. You had had a rare clear schedule two days prior when you found yourself knelt over a chamberpot, the remnants of lunch spilling out with no end in sight. 
“You don’t need to meet with the Electors if you are not feeling up to it,” Coryo said from the other end of the table. He had finished his own breakfast what felt like hours ago. In reality, it had only been a few minutes. Yet every effort to eat your own meal seemed to take eons. “I can meet them on my own, or we can reschedule. No one will fault you if they wish to live.”
The threat was meant to make you laugh, and you might have if the nausea didn’t overwhelm you. A Peacekeeper from the corner of the room raced over with a vessel for your vomit. You heaved until there was nothing left, barely noticing that Coryo had came around your side and was rubbing your back. 
“I take it back. You are not going,” he said. “They should be arriving soon, but I will inform them that we cannot take visitors at the moment.”
You lifted your head. Sweat beaded on your forehead, and you knew you looked as sick as you felt. Still, though, you argued, “I am fine now. I-I just need a moment to freshen up. Whatever sickness that was has passed. I am fine, Coryo.”
“Is that why you pretend I don’t know you have been sick every day this week?”
You had prayed he didn’t notice. A foolish thought, to be sure. But he never made a comment when you would slide out of bed or would excuse yourself from the office. 
“You never said anything.”
Coryo sighed. He ran a hand over your hair, careful not to mess up the delicate pinnings. “Nor did you. I thought you might have wanted space. If you do, I will continue to allow you it. But I will not let you go to meetings and make yourself worse. Go back to our chambers, take a bath, and I will have a physician sent up.”
He hushed you and pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Please, petal.”
You frowned, but conceded. When Coryo looked at you with that serious look in his eyes, it was hard to fight back. So you rose from your chair and retreated to your chambers. A lady’s maid was quick to help you out of your dress and undid your hair while another servant drew you a bath. Once in the bath, you tried to push your mind away from your sickness. It was easy to do until a servant came in to let you know the physician arrived. 
Rather reluctantly, you left your bath and slipped on a shift before letting the physician inside your chambers. You offered a tight-lipped smile as he gave a quick bow. 
“Thank you for your haste,” you said, sitting on the edge of the bed. The physician pulled the bench by your vanity over so he sat in front of you. “I am certain this will pass soon, but Coryo wanted to be certain.”
“Of course, Your Majesty,” he said. “I am sure you would much rather return to your duties, so we can make this quick. Could you tell me your symptoms?”
You began to rattle them off, your heart sinking as you began to realize how much you had been sick over the last week. How had Coryo managed to stay silent this long? Did he realize how ill you had been? Judging by the on the physician’s face, you began to worry that you and Coryo had waited too long to do anything.
The door creaked open. Without really thinking of what you were doing, you stood up as Coryo entered the room. He nodded at the physician before coming to your side. You sat together. His hand instinctively took yours. 
“Is everything well?” Coryo asked.
“I will need to ask a few questions first, but I am certain all is well, Your Majesty,” the physician said.
“Ask away then,” Coryo said. 
The physical looked to you. “Forgive me for my bluntness, but when was your last courses?”
Your grip on Coryo’s hand tightened. When had that been? It felt like nearly a lifetime ago. How long ago had it been since you bled? You used to be so diligent about this. Your mother always stressed the importance of it. She would say it would be important when you were married, because that’s when you knew when you would have children. Children. Oh. 
You counted back the days and the weeks, your heart racing as you couldn’t pinpoint the exact time. “Right before the wedding,” you decided. “The day you threw the ball, Coryo.”
Coryo’s head snapped to yours. “That was nearly two months ago.”
The physician smiled. “Ah, well, then that’s likely what’s at issue. I have a few tests we can do to be certain, but I do believe we have found the source of your sickness, Your Majesty.”
Suddenly, you very much wanted to throw up again. Could it really be so soon? You tried to recall married couples that came before you. How long had it been for them? You wanted to say a lot longer. Certainly not a mere two months. 
“Congratulations,” the physician said. “Panem will rejoice when your babe arrives.”
You vomited on his shoes. 
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ao3commentoftheday · 2 hours
I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but it feels like you would know the answer. My favorite fandom recently had a TV adaptation, and the TV show and game are listed as seperate fandoms. Is there a way to search at the same time for anything with either the show, the game, or both tagged? I think if I search for both in the fandoms listing it'll only give me fics with both the game and the show tagged, so it's technically listed as a crossover. Is there a way to search for anything with either or both? Sorry if this is a silly question or there's an easy answer.
Not a silly question at all, and once you know how to do it it's super easy! It's just learning how to do it that takes a second.
So first of all - the reason why you're only getting works with both fandoms tagged is because if you're using the Include filters, those work as an AND function. You're telling the system that you want Fandom 1 AND Fandom 2. If you include 5 tags (across all tag types), you're saying that you only want results that have all of those tags applied.
In order to get an OR result (where any 1 of those tags are used, as well as any combination of those tags are used), you need to use the Search Within Results box at the bottom of the filter sidebar.
(If you prefer to use searches instead of filters, use the Any Field box at the top of the advanced Search form)
I'm going to use the example of The Last Of Us because that's a video game that I know was recently turned into a TV show as well. I'll go step by step so you know what I'm doing and why. If this is the same fandom you're reading in then great! If not, then you can follow along. I recommend having a tab in your browser open to AO3 and some form of notepad app to copy/paste some info you'll need.
Step One: search for the first fandom. I went to the full Works Search form and entered The Last Of Us into the box labelled Fandom. You can select either one from the dropdown. Then I scrolled down and hit Search.
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Step Two: You'll get a list of works that use whichever tag you chose. Click or tap on that tag. Then, on that tag's works page, click or tap on the RSS Feed button
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Step Three: depending on your browser, this might open in a new tab or it might download a txt file. In either case, open it up and you'll see a bunch of text and code. In the third line down, you can find the tag ID number after the /tags/. Copy that number into your notepad app.
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Step Four: do the same for the other fandom too. Now you have the first ID number 45567538 and the second ID number 54134982
Step Five: in your notepad app, format your filter parameters like this:
fandom_ids: 45567538 OR fandom_ids: 54134982
Step Six: Now go to whatever tag it is that you want to filter - for example Angst - and scroll down to paste your parameters into the Search Within Results box of the filter menu.
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After you Sort and Filter, you'll get every fic in the Angst tag that has either The Last of Us (Video Game) or The Last of Us (TV show) or both tagged.
You can do this for as many fandoms as you'd like. You can also do it for character_ids and relationship_ids. Combine them with an OR between each one and you're good to go. There is a theoretical limit to how many items you can specify? But I've never hit it.
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eveninggstar · 2 days
Forever and Always
Ethan going to the aquarium
Summary: Max and you take your autistic son, Ethan, to an aquarium during a rare break from Max’s Formula One schedule. Despite a brief meltdown, the family’s patience and love help them navigate the day, reinforcing their strong bond through shared experiences.
Warnings: autistic child, autism, autism representation (I will remove this if people do not agree with it), sensory overload (not too descriptive)
(Please please please tell me if I have missed any)
A/N: hateful language toward people with autism or anything alike will be not tolerated and will be removed
If I have misinformed or showcased autism as something that is seen as offensive, don’t be afraid to call me out whether it’s in the requests box, messaging me privately, or commenting it. This is a personal experience to me, as I have autism and I heavily based Ethan on myself and my younger cousin who also has autism. I mean no harm or hate to anyone with autism, and I’m sorry if it comes across that way. Feedback is always encouraged whether it is negative or positive.
I have not put autism or anything associated with autism in the tags, seeing as I don’t want to distract people who view the tag with a story that they most likely won’t want to read a story, the only reason it is in the warnings is to inform whoever is reading this (the not warning warnings will be in purple, e.g autistic child)
In addition, I am planning to make this a series with no timeline (unless I state it) hope you enjoy :)
Pairing: dad!Max Verstappen x mum!reader
Mv1 Masterlist. Series Masterlist
The sun was just peeking over the horizon as you and Max guided your five-year-old son, Ethan, toward the entrance of the aquarium. Today was a special day, a rare break from Max’s grueling Formula One schedule, and you wanted to make the most of it.
Ethan bounced excitedly between the two of you, with Max holding his unmistakable racing helmet. The helmet, adorned with the same colors as Max’s Red Bull Racing gear, had become one of Ethan’s security blankets. However, it was more than just a helmet to him; it was a shield against the unpredictability of the world.
“Look, Daddy!” Ethan tugged your hand to point toward the aquarium, shaking the hand holding Max’s to get the attention he already had. “We’re here!” Ethan’s voice was a joyful shout, filled with the boundless energy that defined him. Sea creatures were his passion, and the thought of seeing them up close had him practically vibrating with excitement.
Max smiled down at his son, ruffling the boy’s hair. “Yeah, buddy, we’re here. Are you ready to see some turtles?”
Ethan’s eyes lit up, nodding his head erratically. Then he turned to you, “Mama, Mama!”
“Yes, my love?” You looked down at him, your heart melting all over again—like it had for the past five years.
“Did you see if there are red-eared slider turtles?” He flashed some puppy dog eyes up at you, accompanied by a pouted lip.
“I’m not so sure, baby,” you spoke softly, looking around the car park to make sure no cars were coming. “I’m sure we can ask the receptionist if there are any.” You smiled at him, hoping not to disappoint him. He nodded, puppy dog eyes fading, replaced by a small smile on his lips.
You looked up at Max, seeing practically the exact same face, only with a very love-stricken smile gracing his face. Breaking out of the love trance you had put him under, he looked down at Ethan. “What are you looking forward to seeing the most?”
Ethan’s eyes sparkled at the thought of seeing his favorite creatures. “Oh-oh-oh!” His mind started running, “Otters! And sharks! And dolphins! And—” His words came in a rush, too fast for his little mouth to keep up with.
You looked up again to see Max, the pair of you silently acknowledging the importance of today. Ethan’s world was built on routine and predictability, and outings like this could be challenging. But his love for sea creatures made it worth the effort.
Inside, the aquarium was a wonderland of aquatic life. The scent of saltwater and the soft murmur of flowing water greeted you as the three of you stepped through the doors. When asking the man at the front desk about the—
“Red-eared slider turtles.” Ethan peeked up at you, louder than he would usually be in front of people he didn’t know, causing you to be incredibly proud of your little boy—it may have not been to the worker, but it was a significant change you hoped could aid in social situations.
“They are number six on the map here.” The man helpfully laid down a map with numbered spots for each exhibit. “Next to the otter exhibit.” At the sound of the word “otters,” Ethan squealed and jumped up and down, forcing Max’s arm to jump with him.
After thanking the receptionist, you walked away, going into exhibit number one. Ethan’s hand slipped into yours, his grip squeezing three times as he took in the sights and sounds around him.
The first exhibit was filled with a giant tank of colorful fish darting among coral reefs. Ethan rushed over, leaving yours and Max’s grasp to press his hands harshly against the glass. Shortly realizing it caused him slight pain, he pulled away so only his fingertips grazed the cold glass. His breath fogged up the surface as he watched the fish with rapt attention. Max knelt beside him, pointing out the different species.
“What’s that one?” Max pointed to an orange, black, and white fish. You knew he knew the name of it, yet you weren’t surprised as the only person he wouldn’t ‘Maxsplain’ to was Ethan.
“That’s a clownfish!” Your son briefly looked over to where his dad was pointing. “Like Nemo,” he gave a toothy grin after referencing his favorite movie.
“And what about that one?” He asked again, his voice still carrying the gentleness that was reserved for his son.
Ethan reached up to hold Max’s finger. “The blue one?” He furrowed his brows, seeing a school of fish in the direction Max was pointing. Max nodded, closing his hand to hold Ethan’s as he held Max’s finger. “Oh. That’s a tang fish.”
You took a quick picture of the two as you marveled at the bond between them, strengthened by shared moments like this.
The day progressed smoothly as you moved from one exhibit to the next. Ethan’s excitement was infectious, drawing the attention of other visitors who couldn’t help but smile at the skipping little boy.
But as you approached the otter exhibit, a crackling announcement came over the loudspeaker. “Attention, visitors: Due to unforeseen circumstances, the otter show will be delayed by thirty minutes. We apologize for any inconvenience.”
You felt Ethan stiffen beside you, rapidly placing his hand into your own with an incredibly strong grip for a five-year-old. His eyes darted around, and you could see the beginnings of panic in his expression. Routine was everything to Ethan, and any disruption could lead to a meltdown.
Max immediately noticed the change in Ethan’s demeanor. He crouched down in front of him, placing a hand on Ethan’s shoulder. “Hey, buddy, it’s okay. We can wait and see the otters a little later.” He began to rub his thumb back and forth. “If you want to, we can wait here for the otters. See the other creatures after?”
Max’s words, although sweet and showcasing his care, were futile. Ethan’s breathing had already quickened, his eyes wide with fear. He dropped to the floor, covering his ears with his hands. The world was too loud, too bright, too overwhelming.
You joined Max and your son on the floor, softly retrieving Ethan’s helmet from Max. “Ethan, it’s okay. We’re here with you. Breathe with me, remember?” You brushed his head softly, bringing your hand down to his own to bring to your chest, breathing in and out. “Helmet?” you brought said helmet clearly into his eye line. Ethan’s arms quickly reached for it and used the same speed to put the helmet on.
You brought his hand back to your chest and began to count, breaths slow and deliberate, hoping he would match your rhythm. Max sat beside you, hand now rubbing Ethan’s back slowly, as he watched the beautiful bond between a mother and her child. Slowly, Ethan’s breathing began to sync with yours, his body relaxing ever so slightly.
“It’s okay, Ethan,” Max murmured, thankful that no one had come over to cause the situation to escalate. “We’ll wait right here with you.”
As the minutes passed, Ethan’s meltdown gradually subsided. He leaned into you, his helmeted head resting against your shoulder. You exchanged a relieved glance with Max, grateful for his patience and understanding.
The three of you had been sitting calmly against a wall marked with various cartoonified sea animals as Ethan watched a YouTube video of multiple Finding Nemo trailers. You and Max were talking quietly about nothing over the concentrated boy, then receiving the news that the delay had finally ended.
The otter show finally began. Ethan’s eyes lit up as the playful creatures performed their tricks, splashing and diving with effortless grace. Laughter bubbled from him underneath the helmet, the earlier distress forgotten in the face of such joy as he couldn’t sit still in the blue seats.
After the show, you guided Ethan to a quieter area of the aquarium where he could watch the sea turtles and his red-eared slider turtles. The sea turtles glided gracefully through the water, their movements slow and deliberate. Ethan was entranced, his fingers tracing the glass as he followed their every move.
Max wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you close. The pair of you didn’t take your eyes off of him, basking in the warmth his joy brought you. “You’re amazing with him,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to your temple.
You smiled, resting your head against his chest as you maneuvered in front of him. “So are you. He’s lucky to have you as his dad.”
Max kissed the top of your head, his eyes swirling with the love he had for you and Ethan. “We make a pretty good team.” He spoke into your hair, quiet enough for it to only be shared by the pair of you.
As the day continued, you found yourselves exploring more exhibits, each one a new adventure for Ethan. His excitement was contagious, and you couldn’t help but be drawn into his world, seeing everything through his eyes.
Later, in the cafeteria, you all sat down for a much-needed break. Luckily, there wasn’t much effort needed for Ethan to remove the helmet so he could munch on his favorite snacks. Max watched him with a proud smile, his own meal forgotten for the moment.
“I think this was a good idea,” Max smiled toward you.
“You think?” You furrowed your brows, joking with your boyfriend.
He rolled his eyes, “I know this was a good idea.” He looked toward Ethan as he crunched on the celery sticks, while kicking his feet and tilting his head side to side. “He’s having a great time.”
You nodded, squeezing his hand. “I know so too. It’s good for him to have experiences like this when you’re home.”
As the day drew to a close, you found yourselves back at the entrance of the aquarium. Ethan was tired but happy, his head resting on Max’s shoulder as he drifted off to sleep.
You walked beside him, your heart full. Today had been a reminder of the strength of your family, the unbreakable bond that held you together. Autism was a part of your lives, but it didn’t define you. It was just one aspect of the beautiful, complex tapestry that made up your family.
As you reached the car, Max carefully placed Ethan in his seat, tucking a sea life-patterned blanket around him. You leaned to kiss your son’s forehead, whispering a soft goodnight. Max replicated this, his eyes filled with tenderness.
The drive home was quiet, the only sound being the gentle hum of the engine and Ethan’s soft breathing. You reached over to take Max’s hand, your fingers intertwining. He glanced over at you, his eyes filled with love and gratitude.
“We did good today,” he said softly.
You nodded, pressing a long kiss against the back of his hand to showcase your heart swelling with pride and love. “Yeah, we did. We’re a team, forever and always.”
Max smiled, his grip squeezing three times. “Forever and always.”
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delicatebarness · 2 days
cry baby | chapter eleven
Summary: “You’re the heart of the family, Sweetheart.”
Warning: Fluff. Crying, it's Cry Baby after all.
Word Count: 1572
Spotify Playlist
Series Masterlist | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
A/N: I'm so so so sorry. Please feel free to leave feedback or let me know where and how you want the story to continue, this is just as much yours as it is mine. - B
Tags: buckys0whore | @thezombieprostitute | @lanabuckybarnes | @mishkatelwarriorgoddess | @softieekayy | @noonespecial90 | @hello-therree | @randomawesomeperson102 | @whoreforbarnes | @thejutvtsupport | @somnorvos | @cjand10
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About a week passed since the latest bar incident, and life had slowly begun to return to normal. Rumlow wasn’t embarrassed to show his face around the bar anymore and everyone stopped staring at you and whispering when you walked in. 
Tonight, you decided to head back to the bar again. The familiar establishment was filled with the usual crowds, creating a lively atmosphere. Your friends greeted you with warm smiles and hugs. 
The conversation flowed easily, yet as the night went on, you began to notice once again that everyone in your friendship group was wearing their matching ‘Avengers’ leather jackets. You hadn’t gotten one, and it always made you feel a bit left out, a pang of sadness tugged at your heart. 
Bucky was the first to notice the sudden shift in your demeanor. “Something on your mind?” he asked, his knee nudged against yours gently under the table. 
You hesitated, looking up at him. “It’s silly, really,” you paused, taking a deep breath. “But, I can’t help feeling a bit… left out, I guess.” 
He furrowed his brow, concern flickered in his eyes. “Left out? Why?” 
You glanced up toward the ceiling, trying to stop the tears from flowing, you felt foolish for even having these thoughts never mind speaking them. “It’s just… you’re wearing your jackets, and I don’t have one. At least, not my own.” 
“That’s not silly,” Bucky replied. He reached his hand under the table, rubbing his thumb over the exposed skin of your thigh. “I get it, you want it to look like you’re apart of the group, not just seen with us?” 
You met his gaze, giving him a small nod. He squeezed your thigh while sending you a smile. “Well, then. I think I have a solution.” 
Before you could respond, he stood up and shrugged the jacket off his shoulders. “Here,” he said, holding it out to you. “Now you match.” 
You shook your head, surprised by his gesture. “Bucky, I can’t take your jacket.” 
He hesitated for a short moment, disappointment flashed over his eyes before he shook his head back at you. “Consider it a loan, just until we get you one of your own.” 
You held up your pinky finger, forgetting where you both were for a moment. Your pinky promises had never happened in front of anyone else but each other. Only ever in your apartment, never in public. 
Yet, his pinky finger tangled itself with yours. “Thank you,” you said softly, accepting the jacket and draping it over your shoulders. That familiar scent envelops you, like a protective embrace. 
“Anything for you, Sweetheart,” he said, widening his smile before taking a sip of his beer. As he did, his muscles became defined by the dim light of the bar. Shadows cast over them, accentuating their contours. You found yourself gazing at his arms for a lingering moment, as though you were seeing them for the first time. 
A couple of days later, as you were getting ready for an evening at home, you heard a knock on your door. You stopped what you were doing instantly, opening the door slightly to see who it was. No one was there, yet you found a small wooden box sitting on the doormat. Intrigued, you picked it up and examined it closely. 
The box was beautifully crafted, with familiar delicate cravings adoring the cedar. You traced your fingers over the patterns. Inside the box, there was a note attached to a wrapped parcel, written in Bucky’s handwriting. 
Opening the note, you read it carefully. It simply said, “You’re the heart of the family, Sweetheart.” 
Tears welled up in your eyes as you kept rereading the note. It was a simple message, but it meant more to you than your emotions could let you express. With a shaky breath, you unwrapped the parcel and found a soft, cozy, pastel pink cardigan neatly folded. 
As you inspect the cardigan, you notice the patches on the back, taking your breath away. 
You ran your fingers over the embroidered designs, tracing the outline of each patch: the Avengers logo, that you sketched years before, and your initials. The tears that were previously welling now spilled down your cheeks. 
With trembling hands, you reached for your phone and pressed Bucky’s name. As the call connected, his face appeared on the screen, immediately softening when he saw you. 
“What’s wrong, Sweetheart?” his voice filled with concern as he noticed your puffy eyes and flushed cheeks. 
“I just…” you tried to find your words between hiccups. “I just wanted to… I wanted to thank you for the cardigan. It’s… it’s perfect.” 
Relief washed over his face, a smile playing at the corners of his lips. “I’m glad you like it,” he said softly. “I thought you’d feel more comfortable with a cardigan than a leather.” 
Looking at him through the screen, you couldn’t stop the tears from flowing. “Thank you,” you whispered, your voice catching in your throat.
You took a deep breath after the call with Bucky ended, taking the note, you made your way to the kitchen. Carefully you attached the note to the door of your fridge. It felt like an important reminder. 
Stepping back to admire the note, you wrapped the cardigan tighter around you.
A few days later, you were settling into your nightly routine, getting ready for bed, before another knock at your door. You hesitated to answer it, yet another knock came with a ‘It’s me,’ mumbling behind the door. 
Answering it, you found Bucky standing on the other side, looking worse for wear again. 
“Dare I ask?” you asked, making room for him to enter as concern filled your eyes and a small frown tugged at your lips. 
He shook his head as he made his way to his usual seat at your dining table. “Just a little scrap, nothing serious,” he replied, giving you a weak smile. 
You weren’t convinced, it was never just ‘a little scrap’ when Bucky was concerned. “Let me take a look,” you insisted as you made your way into the kitchen to fetch your first aid kit. 
As you worked on tending to his wounds, cleaning and bandaging his knuckles, his gaze froze and fixated on something behind you. “Wait, who is this?” he asked, his voice filled with confusion as he stood, making his way over to where he had looked.
You turned to see what he was looking at, you blinked feeling a rush of guilt wash over you.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about?” you said, trying to play it cool as you reached out to take the tiny white kitten from his arms. 
He raised an eyebrow at you, his expression skeptical. He moved the kitten out of your reach. “Sweetheart, the cat? The cat I am very clearly holding…” he trailed off, his eyes narrowed at you. 
“There’s no cat here, Bucky,” you replied, trying to keep a straight face. And, still trying to reach the kitten.
Bucky started at you for a moment, an unreadable expression over his features. “Are you okay?” he asked, a soft chuckle escaping his lips. 
You glanced around nervously, a pang of guilt rushed through you for keeping the truth from him. “I, um, I’m not allowed to have pets here, but I couldn’t say no to her…” you whispered in a rush. 
His eyes softened. “You are the sweetest thing,” he said, a smile playing on his lips. “But, wait… does that mean? Little Miss Rogers… the cities Cry Baby… my Sweetheart? Are you breaking a rule?” he added with a mocking gasp and a teasing tone. 
You nodded sheepishly, a flush of heat creeping up your cheeks. “I know, I know,” you replied, avoiding his gaze. “I couldn't just leave her.” 
Bucky shook his head, “Well, I won’t tell if you don’t,” he admitted, the hand he wasn’t using to hold the kitten reaching out to cup your cheek. 
As the night began and ran into the early morning, you and Bucky found yourselves lost in conversation, the kitten purring between the pair of you on the couch. Amidst the laughter and the warmth of each other’s presence, there was a subtle shift in the air. 
Bucky tried to ignore the way his heart fluttered as he looked at you, the way your glossy eyes sparkled with excitement over any small gesture the kitten did. He couldn’t deny the surge of affection washing over him, he had an overwhelming urge to reach out and pull your face toward his. 
He wanted to hold onto this moment, but he knew he couldn’t. As painful as it was to admit to himself, he knew he had to leave. 
Bucky stood up from the couch, forcing a smile as he tried to hide the rage inside him. “It’s getting late,” he said softly, “I should probably head home.” 
Confusion and a hint of sadness flickered across your face, you assumed he would have been spending the night at your apartment, like the majority of the nights recently. “Oh, okay… I guess you’re right,” you replied, trying to keep your voice steady. 
As he made his way to your door, he paused a moment of hesitation before turning back to look at you. “Goodnight, Sweetheart.” 
You smiled weakly, a lump forming in your throat as you watched him leave. “Goodnight, Bucky.” 
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