#ask pacificwander
pacificwanderer · 5 years
Ah, so Adam DID film in Jordan with everyone else! And Rey seems to have gotten separated from Finn and Poe when she encounters Kylo. How convenient, lol.
HOW ABOUT THAT. Definitely didn’t see that coming. Oh wait, I did. 
And a bunch of other things lol.
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pacificwanderer · 5 years
OMG DID YOU SEE THE LEAKED EPISODE IX POSTER?! I’m not sure if it’s real but it looks legit. Idk what to feel about it.
Hey Nonnie,
I’ve seen it. I hope that it’s some sort of reference poster, because it’s kind of bleh lol. Nice to see Kylo and Rey at the forefront, but where tf is Rose. I’m guessing purple lady is Kerri? This is what happens when they don’t reveal anything for months lol we get leaks!
Kind of reminds me of what ends up in the poster books that they sell (I have one for TLJ). I hope the theatrical release is nicer looking than this lol.
Here’s what it looks like, for anyone who hasn’t seen it. 
Tumblr media
Op’s comments on the poster:
This isn’t the official poster or even the teaser poster. It’s most likely akin to the target exclusive posters they released for The Last Jedi. See here
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pacificwanderer · 5 years
The thing that makes me sad the most is that I feel like her going back to her newish Jakku outfit shows the state of mind shes going to be in (which I half expected after TLJ), that she's going back to being in denial and lying to herself about her family. I believe it's going to take seeing her parents graves to wake her up finally. I wonder if the reason she told BB-8 to stay away from a certain part of Jakku because (you'll drown in the sand) is because the graves are there, not a sink hole.
Hey Nonnie, 
I mean, I think it’ll be more of a “going back to what I was good at” kind of regression, as opposed to going back to believing that her parents are still coming for her. 
If I went on a super crazy journey where the fate of the galaxy was, in many ways, in my hands, I’d probably have a hard time with it. Couple that with meeting someone who, in every practical sense, is your soulmate (whether it finishes the series as a romance is irrelevant, they’re connected by a bond that allows them to share their greatest fears – and secret happiness), and then to lose that person when things don’t quite go the way you’d planned? And to be forced with the reality that you weren’t some special person from a special bloodline? It was just you and there were no magical parents out there waiting to save you or love you? That you were alone all along? 
O U C H.
I want to cry thinking about it (UGH REY QQ). I’d probably give a big ole fuck you to the galaxy and head back to something that was familiar. My concern is if she goes back to Jakku, is Unkar going to be there? Or is he dead after getting his arm ripped off by Chewie (yeah yeah yeah I’m going to do my best not to HC the fuck of Kylo just running him through, but M A N, I dig it because I am vengeful)? I know that 3PO has been translating the Jedi texts for her, so I wonder how much of that will have an impact on where she’s at during the beginning of the movie?
Losing your parents is one of the hardest things a person can go through, for a multitude of reasons, and to basically lose them twice (once because of abandonment and then a second time when reality hits) is a pretty terrible thing to have to go through. I’m not certain that they’ll spend much time on her parentage because I think it wasn’t meant to be as focused on as it ultimately was. They like people talking (for free) about their IP, so I can understand why they didn’t discourage it, even if the evidence is out there to prove the direction they were going with this story all along.
And, whatever, people can believe whatever they want. It’s just annoying when some claim certain story paths were deliberately circumvented (and then hurl threats and obscenities when they don’t get the story “they were promised) when the simplest explanation (she is NO ONE), was always the truth.
At any rate, that would make me super sad to see her fixate on her parents again, but I expect to at least be a bit sad at the beginning of the movie (BECAUSE THESE KIDS STEP ON MY HEART AND DESTROY IT WITH THEIR LONELINESS). I honestly hope this movie ends so sickeningly happy that I get cavities. Like, fluffy bears having a gd dance party and everyone smiling and happy. Just RAM it down my throat how happy they are lol.
If I want reality (and to be depressed) or grimdark, I know where to go, and I certainly don’t want that in SW. Anyways, cheers, Nonnie! Thanks for the chat!
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pacificwanderer · 5 years
This is why I think it is never a good idea to take actors' Twitter jokes at face value, especially when it's someone like John who jokingly changes his tune all the time lol. One day he's making F/R friendly jokes and the next day he says she isn't his type.
It's mostly just silly fun. I mean, I don't really need the actors to tell me what 5+ hours of movies has already confirmed lol.
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pacificwanderer · 5 years
Did you notice that Ben has that mole in his right cheek by the mouth just like grandma had? Even Leia has it, though subtler :)
Hey Nonnie!
They did some amazing casting with Adam, that's for damn sure. It's no wonder Kathy wanted him for the part. He looks so much like what I'd imagine Han and Leia's son would look like, with some of Padmé's features and even Shmi's dark hair.
Just perfect casting!
Things I want, thing I want so bad: MORE callbacks to Ben's amazing grandmothers and great grandmother. I'm so happy we got Bail in RO, but I would love to see some Breha, Padmé, and Shmi in the ST (and by love, I mean I'm begging for it).
Anyways, perfect casting is perfect. Fingers crossed Ben has his grandmothers' fashion sense too because I'd about die for some high fashion Ben (ok, so smuggler Ben is good too, I want both, ideally).
Anyways lol.
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pacificwanderer · 5 years
Ha ha soooo I didn’t realise what I’d done 😂 I’m basically freaking out that reylo won’t happen since the costume leak appears to be true. I’ll cry if we don’t get Reylo 😂
Hello there!
So, I don't normally answer asks that are about this subject because I've kind of spoken about it a lot over the years and I don't have much time to reiterate why I think it's going to be a thing (it's nothing personal and I'm not upset/trying to upset anyone, there's just only so many ways I can say the same thing), bit I think you might be new? So it's possible you haven't seen as much of the meta, so I'll try to point you in the right direction, if I can. If anyone else has some suggestions, feel free to throw them in the comments etc.
A great place to start is by searching the Reylo meta tag on Tumblr. You'll see a lot of great breakdowns from other people on Tumblr about why it's likely and the reasons why they think so. Alternatively, you can search for "Don't worry" on my specific tumblr and I have more than a few posts about what I think will happen.
Another tag on my tumblr that is helpful is "the Heroine's Journey," which basically breaks down how some of us think the story will go for EPIX.
And you could also check for Reylo Meta on my blog in particular. I've reblogged a lot over the years, so there a lot to go through, but the most current stuff will be at the top.
Also, and just a tip, don't tag your posts an//ti Rey//lo otherwise your worrying is going to show up in the tags for people who hate reylo and they really don't like it when people speculate about a ship they hate in their tags. A good idea for something like that is reylo worrying.
At any rate, don't worry about Reylo or SW or any of it. Life is too short for that kind of thing and worrying about a negative outcome is basically suffering twice (thanks for that quote, Newt). We can't control it, so all we can do is enjoy the ride.
Take it from someone who worried too much during the lead up to TLJ, it's a waste of time (and ended up being fine in the end). Reylo is canon. Whether or not it gets a happy ending is up in the air, but I'm definitely hopeful about that as well (more than hopeful, I'd be genuinely surprised if it were otherwise).
Also, if you find this is all making you way too upset, it's totally fine (and recommended) to take a break, or avoid spoilers. Most of what's released now for "spoilers" will end up being bullshit anyway, so it's really, really not worth getting worked up over.
Take care and have as much fun as you can in this fandom 😘
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