indestructibleheart · 3 months
I know what the single line in the book is but I would like you to ramble about it for me
[clears throat] SO BASICALLY
it's actually a passage, not a line. i was tired and idk why i said "line" bc it's several:
When he was younger and the anxiety got this bad, when the stakes in his life were much, much lower, this would be the point of self-destruction. If he were in California, he’d sneak the jeep out and drive way too fast down the 101, doors off, blasting N.W.A., inches from being painted on the pavement. In Texas, he’d steal a bottle of Maker’s from the liquor cabinet and get wasted with half the lacrosse team and maybe, afterward, climb through Liam’s window and hope to forget by morning. The first debate is in a matter of weeks. He doesn’t even have work to keep him busy, so he stews and stresses and goes for long, punishing runs until he has the satisfaction of blisters. He wants to set himself on fire, but he can’t afford for anyone to see him burn.
this bit. this bit lives underneath my skin and has since i first read the book. i think it's the most underrated and under-appreciated glimpse at alex as a person—not the fsotus, but alex. like... it drives me CRAZY how people interpret him as so confident and comfortable with the spotlight and like he doesn't have to try as hard as henry... when this boy is masking all. the. time. and, like, there's just something about that "he can't afford for anyone to see him burn" bit. because alex has to be perfect. if he goes nuclear, it can cost his mom the election. it can affect his father's career. plus, allll the people who are just WAITING for him to slip up will be RIGHT. he doesn't get to self-destruct. i read this passage and i want to pick him up and hold him bc he hurts me.
i just..... i love alexander claremont-diaz with my whole chest.
...ANYWAY. (you said you wanted rambling. you're getting rambling.)
so the au is, like... so what if, when the stakes in his life were lower, he self-destructed in a very public way? what if, to get him back on track, his parents sent him to boarding school? 👀 and uh what if 👀 someone else 👀 also went to that boarding school? 👀 like maybe the extremely well-behaved son of a beloved actor? 👀
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the-wild-candy · 1 year
Hello ! I would like to participate to your mini-game please if it's not too much trouble.
Sweet memory : the week I spent with my best friends from high school. We went to Edinburgh during summer, and it was the best week of my life. I loved it so much there. So many stories, so many beautiful places. The park was gorgeous. I tasted haggis for the first time of my life (I thought I would be disgusted by it and I really liked it). It was perfect.
My question : about my FS : what is his personality like ? (I hope it's not too general. If it is, I would like to ask instead "What is his love language ?")
Good bye, Have a nice day ! ^^
Hello, love. That sounds so much fun!!
I appreciate feedbacks. Thank you for participating!
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Page of swords - five of swords rx - king of wands
I kept hearing "there's more to me", and the number of cards which fell were always more than three when i shuffled the deck for you. Your future spouse can sacrifice for peace. Justice is important for them. They can be an air sign with strong fire placements. I am strongly seeing that they are someone who can be talkative but thoughtful. They are curious in nature. They have this charm to them -- along with a few leadership qualities. I feel like they majorly wanted to specify that there is more to them than what meets the eye. There are many qualities of them which remain hidden, until and unless someone actually gets to know them.
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7ww · 2 years
You’re the best gfx on this website
thank you for speaking the truth anon ❤️
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threetangerines · 1 year
What would the members think of 3Tan?
I literally can't stop thinking about the playful rivalry between Yoongi and Jungkook as readers. I think they would kind of LOVE being putted against each other. Like, JK would jab at his hyung every time MC has a moment with him and Yoongi would be, like, super confident and smug and dismiss him.
I can imagine Yoongi being like, "Sorry, Jungkook, but now that MC's into me you'll never have a shot. They're only human."
Essentially this:
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AHHHHH this made me cheese so hard🤣🤣 those two just trading blows and digs?? Would absolutely be hilarious to witness.
And Yoongi with his smug ass self💀 please I would just laugh at his attitude and be like LISTEN.. not like you’re all that!!😂 calm down, sir
what would the members think of 3tan?
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aquarius-johnny · 4 years
who in 127’s aquarius line would you fuck, marry, kiss (i know it’s kill but we ain’t doin’ that to our boys)
lol love this game! thank you for not making me kill anyone off!
marry - doyoung (has that parental vibe going on, so he’d probs be a great person to marry)
fuck - johnny (just bc he makes me hœrny)
kiss - jaehyun (he seems like a good kisser + a fun person to kiss)
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the-faith-jones · 5 years
hp!au alexis&faith ❤️
who gives nose/forehead kisses : Faith pouvait avoir ses moments de mignonneries, une fois à l’abri des regards. Je pense qu’elle devait lui en faire pleins pour essayer de calmer Alexis!  
who is most likely to punch the other person’s sibling : Je crois pas qu’Alexis ait conservé sa petite soeur dans l’AU… Mais si c’était le cas je pense pas que Faith s’en aurait prit à elle.
who gets jealous the most : Alexis avait pas de raison d’être jalouse toutes les meufs avaient peur de Faith mdr’. Et Faith n’était pas jalouse bien longtemps, un petit sort et on en parle plus.
who leaves dirty laundry on the floor : FAITH, faut imaginer que dans le dortoir c’étai un pur bordel à cause d’elle.
who wants to go to disneyland : Faith préférerait mourir qu’y aller, et elle est pas assez mignonne pour se forcer.  
who takes care of the other on sick days : Faith ne s’en occuperait pas beaucoup, elle essaierait de faire des trucs mignons mais ce serait pas la folie non plus. Et Alexis se ferait rembarrer…
who is the embarrassingly drunk dancer : Alexis probablement! 
who is great with kids : Alexis? Faith veut pas d’enfant, elle veut voldi alors bon…
who firmly believes in couples costumes : Aucune? Elles devaient se cacher..
who hogs the netflix account : Un poufsouffle traumatisé probablement
who remembers anniversaries : Alexis devait plus s’en rappeler, mais Faith faisait des efforts! 
who does petty shit when they’re annoyed : Je pense que Faith remporte haut la main! 
who takes the selfies : Alexis peut être?
who brings up having kids first : HAHAHA je pense qu’Alexis ne veut pas infliger au bébé une mère comme Faith 
who freaks out about spiders : Aucune je pense? Sinon Alexis peut être mais Faith les aime beaucoup.
who first define them as a couple : Ca a du se faire sur le tas, mais c’etait secret.
who sings in the shower : Les deux ensembles, une hard rock et l’autre du britney mdr
who eats all of the popcorn when they go to the movies together : Doit y avoir une formule pour remplir le pot de pop corn dès qu’il est vide.
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sexykwan · 5 years
stanning boo culture and THIS BLOG THEME ?? la stima che provo per lei ✨✨👏👏
say whatever you want about me and i have to post it without any comment
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7or7 · 7 years
When you get this, it would be cool to post 10 facts about yourself and then pass it along to 10 followers. :) ❤️
10 facts hmmm!! this is pretty hard since i’m just another hooman ??? but thank you for sending this to me!!! let’s talk aye? :’)
1.) i love chocolates as much as i love cats fghjsdgfhsd
2.) i use tumblr more than i use facebook or twitter
3.) i love nuggets
4.) did i say i love cats
5.) i always listen to Sechs Kies - Couple (1998 ver)
6.) i love mark tuan and park chanyeol so fcuking much that it hurts
7.) i can’t finish a book with just one sitting-
8.) got7 and exo made my life much better
9.) i kiss my baby brother (he’s barely 13) every time he wakes up and before he sleeps hjdsfhd he’s cute ok :(
10.) i have a vid of GD partying saved on my phone
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indestructibleheart · 25 days
For the word game: jaw, ear, and/or teeth
Apparently, we're having good luck with body parts...
He steels his jaw and holds his chin up, forcing himself to prepare himself for the unpreparable… but then he sees June.
For the most part, Alex doesn't even pay much attention to the soundtrack to their conversation, other than occasionally tapping his fingers against the bar when the rhythm crawls into his ear.
Henry says it with such impressive force that Alex shuts his mouth with an audible clank of his teeth.
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the-wild-candy · 1 year
Hi, I hope you are doing good this year.
I would like to join the mini game, please. For whatever the universe allow me to know :)
Thank you 🫂
Hello, love! I appreciate feedbacks. Thank you for participating!
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I feel like the spirit is trying to tell you that everything might look happy and fine but you have to find a greater meaning. I was hearing "messages don't come easy". And then the sun fell out but for some reason i wanted more clarification and i got four of swords and four of wands rx. You can go through some rough patches or pain. Four of swords tells me that there can be some bullying or pain involved but with four of wands rx, this can also be internal, as in, it can be related to self doubt. Initially, with the sun everything looked fine and sparkles but is it really that way? Become authoritative and take control. Don't let anyone, not even your own self to harm you or bully you in any way. Even though the word I'm using here is "bully", it can be replaced with any of the demons you face - both internal and external. I am hearing "with a smile on my face". Whatever you do/go through - remember to be grateful for something.
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7ww · 2 years
i love your blooog ur always so creative with ur edits it never ceases to wow me! they're so pretty and fresh and i love that i can recognize ur work from a mile away haha. you seem like a wonderful person too <3
*answering this with teary eyes* NAAAAHHHHHH YOU'RE SO NICE ANON OMG. Also it's si amazing that my works is that remarkable and inspire to others 😫💖 as this is how i successfully build my branding lol thank you thank youuuu!! <3
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aquarius-johnny · 4 years
For the ask: 45 and 50
45. how you found out about your idol
i was scrolling through ig’s explore page and saw this video of johnny at the amas. thought he was hot. knew he was an idol, so i texted my best friend who was into nct at the time and asked which nct member this was and she told me it was johnny. then, proceeded to tell me it was expected that i gravitated to this man; it was either him or jaehyun.
50. favorite picture of your idol
chose 2 bc i’m indecisive af
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sexykwan · 6 years
Playlist: title I'm hungry
fatti mandare dalla mamma - gianni morandithirsty - taemin ice cream cake - rvcactus - acecherry bomb -nct127
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7or7 · 7 years
when you get this, it would be cool to post 10 facts about yourself and then pass it along to 10 followers :)
hi!! thank you for sending me this! it really means a lot!! :*
im not that interesting but i’ll try! n u n
every year, i forgot my best friend’s bday (it was last two days) OTL this is the 4th time alr
i love cats (i think i alr said this before but yeah)
i recently got a pikachu plushie (thanks to @mamajirongie )
i’m craving oranges AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH
i love animal prints!! (socks, slippers, hoodie, etc)
i used to collect camouflage stuffs
i’m an exo-l!!!!
i listen to big bang’s old songs these days
i’m (always) hungry
i’m in 2 ig rps
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7ww · 2 years
You inspire me so much with your creations <3
aaaaaaaaaa anon, so glad to know!!!! I'm honoured ❤️❤️❤️ thank you thank you
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