clockwork-freminet · 11 months
Freminet, I'm ready to go diving. I haven't finished the blueprints for my helmet yet, but we can collect the materials when we're done diving, if you'd like.
"It's OK, Astris. I'll help you finish up the blueprints, too..."
"And, uhm... yeah. If you want, we can get changed first, and then go?" Freminet cocked his head to the side, wringing his hands. "Please be careful... The ocean is calm today, but I'll still try to protect you should any danger arise..."
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askthe-architect · 11 months
Umm. Excuse me, sir. I couldn't help but overhear your conversation with that grey hair fellow. If someone has deemed you 'his wife' it is not a show of homophobia. Where I come from, people call men in a relationship with another men who are kind and caring 'malewives' because they're mannerisms are ones commonly seen in women. As for the stereotypes, there is no excuse for that. Nor is there an excuse for the body comments. But I hope I cleared up the wife part.
"I see... So, it isn't necessarily homophobia, just... sexism."
"... Don't know how to feel about that. But thank you for clearing it up! I understand now, though it doesn't make it much better, hah..." Kaveh laughed humourlessly.
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theonepunkasshole · 11 months
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A non-bot follower!?!? Welcome!!
Run away. There's only pain here. /hj
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saradika-graphics · 9 months
May I please request sone puppy and dog themed dividers? Like with paws and bones n' stuff?
hi @caniscaprae - here you go! I wasn't sure which colors you'd like, so I tried to do a couple variations for you 💖
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[Free] Masterlist Headers & Dividers!
Please consider liking or reblogging if you use 💕
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not-the-darknight · 11 months
(A tired, draconic looking person is walking towards the manor, carrying @ask-astris-celeste. The person has wings, horns, and even a tail ending in a scorpion-like barb. Said barb is covered by metal.)
(Looks like he’s from the desert, based off his clothing. He collapses a fair distance away, still holding Astris. He doesn’t look injured…)
[Adelinde looks at the two and rushes to them. Noticing their state, Adelinde asks some of the staff to carry them into the mansion being very mindful of their condition]
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genshin impact dividers (purple)
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requested by @ask-astris-celeste
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the-6th-harbringer · 11 months
About Wanderer [@wandering-hat-guy ] -First Encounter "When I first interacted with him, I was disappointed, because I thought that is what I was going to become. In all honesty, I thought he was weak. I have been proven wrong." -Fixing "I was surprised that he willingly fixed me in the desert. I expected him to simply leave me to die- or not show up at all." "Hm? You're asking if I can fix myself?" "I can.. but I'm not very good. Blame Dottore."
-The Gnosis Fight "Part of me is glad he interfered, but part of me wishes he didn't."
-Home "I see him as my brother now. Wherever he calls home, I call home too." "Or I suppose you can say he is my home." -The Promise "Don't worry, I'll be keeping that promise. I'm not one to go back on things like that." {I betrayed him. He's going to hate me.} -Memories "So it never really happened after all. Well, that's a relief."
About Kabukimono [ @ask-kabukimono ]
-General Hatred "It's simply self-loathing. Don't worry about it."
-The Gnosis "It better do some good with that Gnosis. If not, I'll come and take it back." -Disappearance "..." "If I ever feel the need to break my promise to Wanderer, I'll do it quietly where no one can stop me."
-The Fourth "What a stupid decision. Guess I still have reason to hate it after all." About Menthe and Other Melusines [ @melusine-summons ] -Menthe "I'm glad she found me in that bubble that day. Wouldn't be here without her." -Her Family "She has a lot of sisters, and I've forgotten a lot of their names. However, I still care for them. They're too nice for you to not love them."
About Estrella and Lyn [ @ask-lyn-n-estrella ] -Doll [Estrella] "I use doll as an insult quite frequently. Him being a doll makes it kind of hard to use that as an insult. I feel rude by doing so." "He also gives me strange vibes. I am unsure why."
-Kickable [Lyn] "I could gently tap him and he'd fall over and shatter like a mirror. How amusing."
About Astris [ @ask-astris-celeste ] -Outsider "Kinda like you. Not from this world, yet seemingly fits right in."
About The Not-Cat [ @adi-cat-anon ] -Risk "That thing is powerful. If it isn't careful, it'll catch the eyes of a certain doctor. Kabukimono better take care of it." About Cyrille [ @cyrille-leclair-de-fontaine ] -Apology "I feel bad for leaving him in Fontaine with all those other bastards just to attempt to disappear on my own selfish accord. I didn't even tell him." "..Hm. He probably wouldn't have cared anyways."
-Hinadori "He has to balance taking care of Hinadori and taking care of himself. If he doesn't, I will have an issue."
-Time bomb "..Why is he so insistent that I'm not a ticking bomb of destruction?" -Love? "..It shouldn't be possible. And yet.." "I guess its not too bad."
"If only it didn't hurt him so much to love me."
About Sakura [ @the-tainted-blossom ]
-Mother "Good riddance to that beast."
-Home Realm "I think that's where my consciousness was transported when I fell asleep. It's not a happy place in there." "I never, ever want to go back there."
-Mother II : Speech "'To mess with time is to mess with the world. And you, my children, have now broken the world beyond repair. If this plane of existence were to downfall.. blame it on nobody but your pathetic selves.'" "Those were her final words. Bit over the top, no?" -Victims "Sakura was probably in the same boat as me at some point. I feel bad for them, genuinely." -Saved "..."
BONUS LINES: About the Vision - Irony "The second I gave away the Gnosis, my original heart, I was greeted with a new heart. And it just happened to be electro as well. What are the chances?" -Separation "The vision is the thing that has separated me and my brother's identities. I am no longer just an extension of him."
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clockwork-freminet · 11 months
Hi, Freminet. I got you this gift as a thank you present for helping me with my studies.
((Astris looks away out of nervousness as he holds out a cloth that is delicately holding a big cookie shaped and decorated to look like Pers))
It's ok if you don't like it but I wanted you to know I made it for you. It has ingredients from all around Fontaine.
Freminet looked down in awe at the cookie. Being awful at baking, he could only dream to make something that looked so tasty... And pretty, too. He couldn't help but internally commend how accurate it was to Pers, despite only being food.
"I..." He stammered, unsure of how to properly thank Astris for this. "Y-you didn't need to do this for me, I... Thank you... Thank you so much."
He took the cookie, looking down at it for a few more seconds. "It's... so detailed..." He marvelled. "How long did this take...?"
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clockwork-freminet · 10 months
"Freminet? Guess what?"
——He only learned recently that people didn't actually want him to guess when they say 'guess what'.
"... What is it?" He asked, head tilted.
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clockwork-freminet · 11 months
What flavor are you going to get, Freminet? They've got chocolate, strawberry, rocky road, just to name a few! In reality, there's way more flavors than that!
"Hmm..." Freminet pushed open the front door to their designated restaurant, the sound of bells ringing drawing the attention of the few people sitting around for a split second, only to turn their heads back to one another. "I like strawberry, so... Maybe that?"
He let go of the door and let it drop closed, walking over to the front counter and gazing down at the ice cream section. Wow...
... Astris wasn't lying when he said there were a lot of flavours.
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clockwork-freminet · 11 months
Freminet, now that we're partners, I believe that we should tell your siblings. Is that ok?
He should've known this was coming. But, he'd already been subjected to the embarrassment of Lyney being told he has romantic feelings for someone... so... this can't be much worse, right?
"... O-OK. You're right. We can tell them..."
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clockwork-freminet · 11 months
((Astris approaches Freminet, his face tattered and sparks flying from a few of the frayed scratches. He taps Freminet on the shoulder, trying to hide his face from him and he scribbles on a note pad. He turns it around and shows Freminet))
It reads:
Fremi, I need your help.
Freminet was busy tinkering away at Pers, not planning for the slight modifications to take long. He was startled a little by Astris' tap on the shoulder, but quickly gathered himself, turning to face his lover.
"Astris?" He cocked his head to the side, shifting his gaze to the note Astris held in front of him. It was only then that he took notice of the sparks flying from his body.
"A—Astris?!" He said again, voice much more urgent this time as he suddenly stood up from his workbench. "W—what happened...?!"
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clockwork-freminet · 11 months
Freminet, I'm ready! How do I look? Is this to extravagant for a date?
Mod - the picrew I used didn't have wide options for clothing so just pretend there's more of a mouse motif on the outfit ;-;
Freminet didn't respond immediately, quickly catching himself staring and prying his eyes away, looking to the ground. "... Not at all," he said, shaking his head. "You look nice."
Glancing down at his own attire, he suddenly felt a little self-conscious. He'd just worn his usual clothes—the only difference being that his hair was styled to be out of his face—and somehow, the fact that he may be expected to dress up for a date never occurred to him.
"Um... S—should I... change?"
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clockwork-freminet · 10 months
"Freminet...? What's going on? A—Are you OK? Would you like to pet my ears again? Would that calm you down?"
"... Astris?"
Freminet turned to look at him, still holding Pers close to his chest as he rocked to comfort himself. A sudden wave of guilt washed over him as he realised he hadn't even considered telling Astris before trying to leave Mondstadt on his own. "I'm— I'm sorry," he blurted out, voice cracking. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."
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clockwork-freminet · 11 months
Freminet, my love. What would you say if, pssh I don't know... I wanted to get a dog? I want to have a pet and since we're partners, I would classify him as ours... Is that alright? I already have my eyes on one.
Freminet loved all animals—which obviously included dogs—but he had to admit he was a little anxious to find out how Rosseland would react to having another pet around. "... Is it OK if I, uhm... meet the dog you're considering first?"
——He simply wanted to see what taking this pet in would entail.
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clockwork-freminet · 10 months
Freminet mod, do you use a template for your rules??? I've been thinking about redoing mine and I like the way yours is formatted :D
Do you mean the rules in my carrd? Just how they're written out?
The "Rules." text has its own space, while the rules themselves are essentially just one big block of text with spaces between lines lol
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