sentient-rift · 5 months
🌋 //Geo at Pat and/or Rey?
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"For Pat, 'sweet.'
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"For Rey... 'scary...'"
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ichilemonwritruoo · 5 months
A little birdie's whispering chirp can be heard upon the wind; "Yessss ketchup on Star Force" heheha
sjsjxwjdjwwozoqowwo I will someday I promise 😭😭
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I like Geo Stelar a lot and the scenes I've seen look awesome. I also tried a fic and I really like it! Shoot anon your gonna make me go start streaming Starforce 😭 I really wish they would port the crossover with Battle Network too.
I mean just look at him! He's amazing! And Omega-Axis is too! 💙💙
Starforce is my next project I swear djswnsjqkwjw
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sonicasura · 23 days
Digimon/ Star Force Crossover
1st Game Abilitoes For Geo
Brother Band Ability
Program Advance- Using 3 specific cards from your folder during battle will trigger a Program Advance giving way too a powerful new attack. Keep track of what cards give you a Program Advance too unleash devastating attacks too turn the tide of battle.
Program Advances can be a game changer and proper use and folder building will give you acess too Program Advances you take note of.
If your ever curious about potential Program Advances ask some of the Digimon, as they usually have a good idea of what cards can combine and trigger a Program Advance.
Soul Forces
Proof of your bonds with Sleuth/Tamer and all there Digimon Companions
Siriusmon Soul: A form gained from there bond with Siriusmon grants Geo and Omega-Xis new power. The Mega Buster transforms into the Omega-Sylvia, not only does the weapon boast new ranged power but a built in blade for close combat, the charged shot is two powerful shots in a row, if the enemy is up close the charge shot is transformed into a powerful sword slice that sends out a Sonic Boom. Geo also gain the Star Knuckle on his other hand, a powerful melee move that can send an enemy flying backwards sometimes trigger the dizzy status and halting an enemy's movement for a short time. This form shield is the wings, and shield Mega Man this works the same as the regular shield and can absorb all Holy Based attacks and let out a blinding flash that makes eneimes more likely too miss there attacks. Holy Panels passively heal and boost the power of this forms charged shot. This Form Has A Natural Resistance To Light Attacks
Regulusmon Soul: A form gained from there bond with Regulusmon grants Geo and Omega-Xis new power. The Mega Buster transforms into the Mega G.E.R Buster, this weapon is one of unparalled might, a mighty drill the excels at close combat and has long reach. A charge shot launches the drill out and sends it flying towards your enemies down the row. The drill can also be jabbed forward breaking any obstacle in your path too attack your enemy. The G.E.R Factor is now at your disposal, granted in a less potent way. When your attacks lands there is a high chance that the enemy will be affected by the G.E.R Factor and start too erode, slowly ticking down the HP. Geo's other arm has been equiped with the G.E.R Pulse, this takes away an enemies G.E.R affliction and gives Geo a random boost. For example takes away 2 enemies G.E.R affliction and this ends up boosting a Battle Cards power by plus 30 attack power and gives Geo regeneration. The G.E.R pulse has no limit so constantly affecting and taking away the G.E.R Factor can grant many boosts, however the limit is 5 random boosts before one must wear off ( EX: Regenration) or be used ( Ex: Powered up Battle Card) too get another. The shield is turned into wings that wrap around Geo and hides him from an enemies vision, allowing Geo too get out of an attack he could not other wise. This however only last for a couple seconds before Geo becomes visible again and the wings act as the shield would normally, the shield absorbs Dark Attacks. Dark Panels up attacks power and the form has a natural resistance too Dark Attacks
HerculesKabuterimon Soul: A form gained from there bond with HerculesKabuterimon grants Geo and Omega-Xis new power. The Mega Buster transforms into the Giga Busters a powerful offensive and defensive weapon. The Giga Busters are a set of four arms too use in battle. The first set of arms are different from each other, the arm that holds Omega-Xis head transformed the head too have a pair of extermely powerful and sharp mandibles to use too slice and dice opponents along with a strong horn atop Omega's head that along with the mandibles generate a powerful Giga Blaster. The other arm is also equiped with a strong horn however this is used for raming attacks that easily push back strong foes and launch them high into the skies. The second set of arms are almost identical too HerculesKabuterimon and can be used too get extra attacks in with Super Shocker and block attacks. Speaking of blocking attacks the armor this form has is the absolute best defense you will find as it has super armor and reduces damage taken by quite a bit. The armor is so tough that when Geo guards by shielding with his arms, all damage will be negated when in a guard stance. No matter the attack, save for a few special instances will get through Geo's new defenses. In this form Geo's is always flying so there is no need too worry about the current battle terrain. This form powers up all Grass and Electric cards by 10 plus points. This form also has the ability Numbing Waves, heavily weakening sound based attacks that any of Geo's opponents throw at him. Cuts damage of Electric and Grass attack by 1/4
Well that's half the forms done for the first game.
Tell me what you think!
Also have any changes? Especially for HerculesKabutrimon I felt I didn't really make him all that unqiue like I wanted too. So any suggestions and changes would be appreaciated
Now back too the Zekrom fight!!!
What you got is really great so far. HerculesKabuterimon makes a lot more sense since the Digimon is on the defensive side than offense. It is often depicted as a guardian type protector too. Something that suits Geo a lot more than the other option.
TyrantKabuterimon exchanges defensive strength for pure power hence the more drastic stat change. A more accurate way to describe it is how Aegislash stat changes when switching forms. Plus TyrantKabuterimon would be much more difficult to attain since it requires Tamer/Sleuth biomerging.
The same probably goes for GranDracmon and Proximamon. I see Geo unlocking new forms by getting a better understanding of the Digimon in question. A task made harder if it involves Biomerge forms since the situation often has to be bad for Tamer/Sleuth to use those or it's special training.
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waythroughtheice · 6 months
Crossed Constellations, Part 1
For @absolutely-normal-about-x, who has graciously allowed me to play in the Legends Reborn AU.
“Ow ow ow ow owww,” Geo moaned, landing face first onto something hard, but slightly warm. “Where are we?” 
A slightly shocked, weathered voice as his answer. “This is the airship Flutter. Are you alright?” Geo blinked as a large hand appeared. He took it in his own gloved one, and let it pull him up. 
“X?” Omega-Xis yelped, shocked. 
“This isn’t X, Omega-Xis, he’s too….” Geo’s answer trailed off as he got a good look at the man--and it was definitely a human, or something like it, standing in front of him. The man was probably in his early forties, with ankle-length brown hair that was braided down his back to be out of his way. A good portion of his hair was white, leading to a pretty cool-effect where part of the braid was white but the other portion was brown. The man(?) was dressed in loose clothing, gray sweatpants and a loose cobalt blue t-shirt while barefoot. His face was slightly scruffy, and he had what Omega-Xis called a “Dad’s bod.” 
At first glance, Geo would swear that he’d never met this man in his life.
But at a second, his eyes--green, calm, intelligent, and old (and dangerous)--took Geo by surprise, and he knew. 
“X?” Geo yelped, not unlike his partner. 
X’s eyebrows shot up, and he firmly shut a book that was resting on a nearby chair shut. “That’s me,” he said. “But I don’t know you. Mind telling me your name?” 
Geo gulped. Though the question was kind and X’s tone light, his eyes were sharp, and Geo knew there would be no running away. 
Oh yeah. Definitely X.
“You travel through timelines?” X said. “That’s a new one, even for me. Sit, sit.” 
Geo awkwardly sat down at a small kitchen table at a cozy warm kitchen nook. A hot mug of--something was pressed into his hands. 
“Just some tea with milk and sugar,” X said. 
Oh. “Thank you,” Geo said. “I don’t know if I can….” He was in Mega Man’s form, so his ability to interact with the non EM world was limited. 
“We should detransform, kid,” Omega-Xis said suddenly. “It’s X. We’re safe.” 
Geo considered that, and nodded, letting himself split away until he was Geo Doran Stelar, a twelve year old human boy once more. 
The air felt heavy, and odd, and pressed against his chest. The surroundings suddenly felt malevolent, and against him. X made a small noise in the background, probably shocked at his appearance. 
Geo’d gotten that a lot from WAZA--they’d assumed that Mega Man was at least sixteen, if not older, since his Mega Man form looked like an older teenager or young adult. 
“Breathe, kid,” Omega-Xis said. “I checked. You can handle it.” 
Geo nodded and sure enough, the heaviness in the air slowly dissipated, and the black at the corner of his eyes faded. 
“That’s not as new,” X said mildly. “Are you a Cyber Elf?” This was directed at Omega-Xis, who was using the Hunter VG’s properties to be seen by people other than Geo, and to appear and interact with the physical world. 
“Huh? Whazzat?” was Omega-Xis’s eloquent reply. 
X smiled. “That answers that question. Though I guess you could also have amnesia….” 
“I’m an alien,” Omega-Xis said bluntly. “An AMian from the Planet AM.” 
“Aliens exist?” X asked, genuinely shocked. Then he grimaced. “Of course they do. Why am I even surprised anymore….” 
“They might not exist in your timeline,” Geo said anxiously. 
“We probably do,” Omega-Xis said. “But we might not’ve ever visited. The EM Waves on this planet are weak.” 
“EM Waves?” X asked. 
“Like radio waves,” Omega-Xis said, waving a claw. “My species uses it to bounce around and interact with electronics and stuff. The Internet and all that.” 
“Ah,” X said, nodding to show his understanding at the paltry explanation. Geo had no doubt that he did. X was really, really smart and it would be scary if Geo didn't know that X could always be trusted. “So you’ve met me before?” 
Geo nodded. “A few times. But you always look--” he faltered. 
X quirked a smile. “Younger, I’m guessing?” He said. “Blue armor, red jewel?” 
Geo nodded, relieved. “Uh-huh.” 
“Back when I was an android, then,” he said. 
“Yeah…..what are you?” Geo asked. 
X sat back with an amused-fond-exasperated feeling. “A Carbon, a sort of human-machine hybrid,” X said. “And before you ask, no I don’t know how I became one.” He gestured towards the drink. “Before it gets cold.” 
Geo took a sip, and smiled. “Thank you,” he said. 
“You’re welcome. If you don’t mind my asking…” X’s eyes roved over Geo and Omega-Xis before settling their intense gaze on Geo. “What’s a child like yourself traveling through different timelines? You can’t be older than thirteen.” 
“You ask that in every timeline,” Omega-Xis muttered under his breath. X shot him a sharp look before recasting his gaze 
“I’m twelve,” Geo said. “I’ve done this before. Omega-Xis is with me, so it’s okay.” 
“If you’ve met me when I was an android you’ve probably seen Maverick battles, if not seen parts of the Wars,” X said. 
“When I’m Mega Man most of the attacks phase right through me,” Geo said calmly. How many times had he had this discussion with X specifically? It was always X, too--seriously, no other adult seemed to really care all that much. 
(Well, if X wasn’t around Zero always did it, and if Zero wasn’t around Axl tended to. If not one of them, Ciel or--heavens forbid--Signas did it. Geo still feared the Signas debrief.
Dr. Hikari had been….weird. He hadn’t really said anything, but Geo knew he’d watched any and all battles very closely. But he’d still let him go without saying anything, so? 
Dr. Light, the few times Geo’d met him, seemed more resigned to having a twelve year old fight than argumentative.
Vent and Aile had believed him without a fight when he said he could fight, and Gray and Ashe were more interested in sparring with him.
So basically, it was only X's time that had adults that actually argued with him on this. It was so weird. ) 
“Most isn’t all,” X rebutted calmly. 
“I’m faster than light as Mega Man,” Geo said. “I run when I can’t fight and they can’t catch me.” 
“Hmmmm,” was all X said. “Why are you traveling?” 
“It’s kind of habit at this point,” Geo admitted. “I got used to jumping timelines thanks to an older adventure of mine that needed me to jump through space.” He decided to change the subject. “Are Zero or Axl around?” That was always a fair bet with X. Where one went, the other two followed. 
A shadow crept over X’s face. “No.” 
Geo winced. “Sorry.” 
“It was a long time ago,” X said. “Thousands upon thousands. I hold out hope that maybe, but we’ll see.” 
“Do you live with anyone?” Geo asked. If he didn’t, then Geo was going to come back to visit. The thought of X living alone was too sad. 
The shadow fled away. “Yes,” he said fondly. “My kids and two family friends.” 
“The Guardians?” Geo said, surprised. 
X blinked. “You’ve met them too, huh?” He asked wryly. 
“A few times….” Geo said. Not always nice, but they were good people. “We met sometimes on the other sides of a battlefield, but they were always good--to me, at least.” 
“Battlefield?” X said sharply. 
Geo took a pointed sip of his tea (a lesson he’d learned from another X) and didn’t answer. 
X sighed, and moved on. “Well, I woke up to meet my youngest son, Volnutt.” 
“There’s a fifth?” Geo said. 
X smiled. “There’s a fifth,” he confirmed. “Sweet boy, hardworking too. You’d probably get along well--you’re close in age.” 
“Where are they now?” Geo couldn’t help but ask. 
“Out and about,” X said. There was no mistaking the light in his voice or eyes. X was happy. “They’re a good bunch, my kids,” he said. “A lot of trouble, no mistake, but worth it.” 
“That’s good,” Geo said. X was happy. Pegasus, Leo, and Dragon, X was happy. It came off of him in waves of contentment-joy-elation. 
X wasn’t often happy, from what little Geo saw. Though he sometimes had happy endings--at least the couple of versions Geo had met, did--that was only after Geo had been involved in a few things, which he didn’t think was the norm. 
“Are you staying for dinner?” X said. It was kinda late, wasn’t it, now that Geo turned and looked outside. The sunset turned the sky and sea red as the waves lapped gently against the ship. 
Geo shook his head. “I probably shouldn’t--” Then his stomach growled, the traitor.
“Go wash up, and come back and help me with dinner,” X advised, and there was something in his tone that Geo immediately responded to. 
“Yes sir,” he answered, and got up. 
“Omega-Xis, stay here, would you?” X said. “Bathroom’s on the left, Geo. You're sweaty--go take a shower. There are spare changes of clothes about your size if you look under the mirror. They’ll be dusty, but they’re clean.” 
From the way X was eyeing Omega-Xis, it was probably going to be a very thorough Q&A session. 
Geo sighed. “I’ll be back,” he said. Better take a shower like X suggested. The more time X had to question Omega-Xis, Geo’d learned, the better. 
Omega-Xis, for his part, didn't even protest. He and X'd gone through this song and dance before, and it probably wouldn't even be the last.
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If Saturday cartoons taught us anything it’s that The Power Of Friendship is the ultimate weapon that can defeat any obstacle! But can it defeat…other friendships!? 
This tournament pits Dynamic Duo vs Dynamic Duo to see who has the Ultimate Friendship. They will do this by punching other pairs in the face winning polls!
We are currently running Round 1, Part 1. If you don't see your guys, don't worry, Part 2 & 3 are coming later! Thank you everyone for voting! Part 1 round 1 is over, and Part 2 round 1 is next.
Tied polls will perform the "befriend your enemy" trope and team up! They need to be within 1% of each other to qualify as a tie.
[Part 1 matchups image]
Links to polls:
Ballister Boldheart & Nimona vs Giovanni Potage & Molly Blyndeff
Kris Dreemurr & Susie vs Agent Curt Mega & Tatiana Slozhno
Gon Freecss & Killua Zoldyck vs Dr Coomer & Bubby
Wander & Sylvia vs Bill Preston & Ted Logan
Firestar & Graystripe vs Dean Winchester & Charlie Bradbury
Qi Xiaotian "MK" & Long Xiaojiao "Mei" vs Maya Fey & Phoenix Wright
Gus Porter & Willow Park vs James T. Kirk & Spock
Balloon & Suitcase vs Tian & Longtae
The Knight & Little Princess vs Meander & Quintet
Palamedes Sextus & Camilla Hect vs Shawn Spencer & Gus Burton
Ariel & Shiraori vs Simon Snow & Penelope Bunce
Lee Everett & Clementine vs Aang & Zuko
Chet Anderson & Player vs Miguel & Tulio
Geo Stelar & Omega-xis vs Sonic & Tails
Leslie Knöpfe & Anne Perkins vs Sherlock Holmes & Joan Watson
Pavitr Prabhakar & Hobie Brown vs Finn the Human & Jake the Dog
Good luck to everyone!
👉Absolutely DO NOT comment things like “These characters are totally dating!” This is an aro-safe space & insisting that 2 characters someone sees as platonic are ~actually dating~ is cruel. If you genuinely believe someone cheated & submitted an unqualified duo, DM or send me an ask. (Also: characters who date after a long friendships are allowed if emphasis is on the friendship)
(Note: I will NOT be going out of my way to organize every single piece of propaganda, bc that is WAY too much work. However, I will reblog all propaganda that comes to my attention, & I will answer all propaganda asks.)
Shameless self-plug: if you like my me, please check out my [YouTube channel] where I do art & science education, or my [Warriors/art tumblr]. You can also donate to [my ko-fi] to help me afford my meds & food. Thank you!!
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mutifandomlover · 1 year
Day 20:Write a new piece of lore for your WIP.
Basic information on the main characters of MMSF4.
[Geo Stelar and Omega-Xis]
Geo Stelar is the leader of the Maverick Hunters. He's fought many dangerous foes with his compatible wizard, Omega-Xis. When the two of them do their EM Wave Change, they turn into Mega Man or the newly named Mega Man X. Geo returned to fighting off evil with Omega-Xis when Dr. Weil and his minions appeared with their end goal being to conquer the world. In addition to his usual equipment, Geo now has a noise wristlet on his right arm where his buster usually is. This new device allows him to collect the radio waves of an enemy after defeating them, and the energy takes on the form of a small gemstone. He can use one of the gemstones in battle if necessary by placing it in the center of his Mega Buster and activating it. He now has a robot dog companion by the name of Comet that his father built for him to assist him on missions. Omega-Xis is very protective of Geo and won't let any serious harm happen to him. He also talks with Leo Kingdom, Pegasus Magic, and Dragon Sky every now and then when he's not fighting.
[Kazuma Hikari and Axl.EXE]
Kazuma Hikari is the grandson of Lan Hikari, a net battle champion and one of the heroes that saved the world on multiple occasions over two hundred years ago. Kazuma is very much like his father and grandfather. He likes to sleep in, he tends to be lazy, and he has a never-ending appetite. He also likes to use roller blades when traveling around the city. He is also an expert hacker and an excellent programmer. He makes battle chips for his Net Navi Axl.EXE. Axl.EXE has some similar characteristics to MegaMan.EXE. Like MegaMan.EXE, he's polite and well-behaved. He's also very loyal to his friends, just like how MegaMan was and is also putting their safety before his. His primary weapons are called Axl Bullets. Two pistols that are capable of rapid fire shots. He can also retract the ends of his pistols and turn them into two small saber daggers called Axl Blades. He can aim his pistols in any angle, and he can throw his daggers and retrieve them after they land a hit on an enemy. Axl's main appearance does very closely resemble his operator with them both having dark brown hair and yellow eyes.
[Ezekiel Chuad and Infinite]
Ezekiel Chuad is the grandson of Eugene Chuad, an official Netbattler who helped MegaMan deal with World Three or WWW. He's very serious and does a task with great determination similar to his grandfather. He's always the one that thinks before jumping into battle and usually has to save Kazuma and Axl from getting hurt. Ezekiel doesn't have any siblings, and he grew up with one parent. He was lonely during his younger years because his mother was always working, and most of the time, she wasn't at home. That changed when Ezekiel met Infinite, an AM-ian that had been wandering space for a new place to stay. Ezekiel asked his mom if Infinite could live with them, and she was okay with it as long as Infinite behaved and kept her boy safe. Ezekiel sees Infinite as a big brother figure since he's always looking out for him. Ezekiel's mom felt bad for always having to leave the house for work because she didn't get much time to spend with her son, so she had a robot cat commissioned for her son named Tempo. When Ezekiel and Infinite do their EM Wave Change, they turn into Zero. Their signature weapon is the Z saber, though they'll resort to using their buster of close combat isn't an option. When he isn't fighting enemies, Ezekiel likes to relax underneath a tree.
Shade is a Net Navi without an operator. His origin is unknown due to him having amnesia when he woke up. He started out in Dr. Weil's base was helping him create his minions, but he got scared of being deleted by Dr. Weil when he was done using him, so he ran away. He met an older Navi who simply goes by Net. Shade doesn't know much about him other than that he also used to work for Dr. Weil and ran away for a similar reason. Shade became Net's apprentice and trained under his wing. Net became a father figure to Shade, and he looked up to him. Some of Shade's data was separated from his body and formed into a compatible wizard named Nebula. Nebula, unfortunately, doesn't remember anything and is just as clueless as Shade about their true origin. When Shade and Nebula do their EM Wave Change, they turn into Nova. Nova has several weapons at their disposal. They have a buster, sword, and a cross bow that they can use to attack enemies. He also has a shied that he can use to defend himself and others with. Due to his seemly endless curiosity, Shade has somewhat a child-like nature to him. He's always asking questions about things in the world and wants to experience as much as possible. Shade also met Rush, a program that was with Net, and they've become good friends with each other. Shade sees Geo, Kazuma, and Ezekiel as big brothers and hangs out with them a lot. And while Shade doesn't remember much, there is one memory that replays in his mind. A vague memory of a buster being aimed at him and shooting him straight through the chest.
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tmetta · 3 years
Now some crucial question: Geo x Sonia (Subaru x Misora) or Geo x Luna (Subaru x Luna)?
tbh i don't really have a preference BUT luna is my fav character so i do have a slight bias towards her 😳
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mewkwota · 3 years
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Mahou Shoujo Subaru-kun Star Force Activate~! (Or something.)
Why it took me this long to try doing helmetless versions of the Star Forces, don’t ask me. (Those Noise Changes are strikingly cool--)
I can’t really remember which version of SF1 my brother played, while I keep recalling Pegasus the most I also remember seeing Leo too. Maybe he tried both, I honestly forgot. All I know is that I did not think Dragon existed.
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neo-crimson-palace · 3 years
I saw your post saying you were in a Pyra mood, I was just wondering if you’ve ever made the connection between Pyra Mythra and Sonia and Luna from Megaman, they kinda look similar in a way lol. I wonder how they’d interact. Idk if you do crossover stuff like that but maybe something like that would be fun.
Ironically enough, I had stumbled upon a picture a while back that had Sonia and Luna dressed respectively as Pyra and Mythra and I have to say, they look cute in the outfit.
Here's the photo in question. (I don't know the creator unfortunately)
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Heh, seeing them like this makes me kinda headcanon the idea of Sonia and Luna being daughters of Pyra and Mythra. Leaving Geo to be their driver in the end. Either than or I contemplate a Xenoblade/Starforce Crossover with the same concept of the three being drivers just without the descendants aspect of it.
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darkpitlesbian · 5 years
Can you draw Megaman Starforce?
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just a boy and his sentient alien furry gun
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Shooting Star Sonia 3
Chapter 38
“Administrator…of the Noise Server?” Sonia repeated.
“Former,” Blitzar corrected.  “That title currently belongs to Kelvin Stelar.”
Geo started.  “W—my dad?! How did that happen?”
“As I said, I have much to explain.  However, due to the threat concerning the Darklight Harvester, I believe it best I conduct my business with Solo first so that he may exit the server.”
Reluctantly, Geo nodded.  Solo was still in a fighting stance, and said, “Out with it, then.  What business do you have with me?”
Blitzar held out one hand.  His emblem glowed faintly, and then an object appeared in his palm: a large chunk of some sort of metal.  Solo’s eyes instantly widened.
“I have decided to return the xarium to you.  Here.”
He offered it to Solo, who carefully reached out and took it.  After staring at it a moment more, he turned back to Blitzar, asking, “Why do you have this?”
“When Meteor G began heading for Earth, I scouted ahead to examine the planet’s status.  I detected the energy readings of the xarium and took it from its shrine, with the intention of studying it.”
“You were going to study it?”
“Of course.  This is the metal your people used to create Le Mu.  We were impressed with the machine, but were never able to acquire a sample to learn more about its properties.  This seemed to be the final opportunity to do so.”
Solo stared at Blitzar as he processed his words, his face shifting ever so slightly as he seemed to reach some sort of epiphany.  He then brought the xarium to the Proof of Loneliness on his shoulder, and with a small burst of EM waves, the ingot was absorbed, and the piece of armor took on a brilliant silver sheen.  Solo shuddered briefly, and then nodded.
“…Thank you for returning it,” he said.  “I believe our business is done.”
“Indeed,” Blitzar said.  He stepped aside and gestured towards the exit.  Solo, Jack, and Tia all walked past him, and he then turned to Sonia and Geo.
“Alright,” Geo said, “can you please tell me about my dad now?  How did he end up here?  How did he become Administrator?”
“I will explain,” Blitzar said.  “Kelvin Stelar, while wandering space as an EM being, encountered Meteor G and was pulled inside the server by accident.  I was curious, so I bestowed Noise Immunity upon him.  We conversed, and after learning all I needed, I offered to deposit him on the nearest planet.  However, he declined: he said that he was not familiar with the area of space and thought it best to travel within Meteor G until he reached a system he recognized.  He’s been quite the engaging specimen, always proposing games and wagers to pass the time. I informed him when we drew near Earth, expecting he would wish to leave then, but he reacted with concern upon learning the meteor was approaching the planet.  He asked me to alter its course.  I did not.”
“Why not?” Sonia asked.  “Don’t you care if Meteor G destroys the Earth?”
“This meteor has destroyed many planets since its construction.  Regrettably, I am bound by the parameters of my assignment to merely observe where it was pulled by other Noise in the galaxy.  I must not interfere.”
“You…you let entire planets die, just because…”  She glanced to Geo, ultimately letting go of the rest of her sentence.
“As for Kelvin,” Blitzar went on, “when I said I would not alter the course, he proposed a wager.  We would play a game, and if he won, he would be named the Administrator of the Meteor Server, so that he could redirect it himself.  He lost.  He proposed the same wager many times, but I repeatedly beat him.  Eventually I grew tired of this and stopped accepting these proposals.  However, during the final stretch of the approach, he presented new conditions: if I would accept the game, and if I won, he would never ask for another chance.” He chuckled softly.  “…He won.  So, I transferred Administrator rights to him and then continued to observe.”
“But, I don’t get it,” Geo said.  “If Dad’s the Admin, then why is Meteor G still headed towards Earth?”
“It was already too late.  The excessive Noise on planet Earth has been pulling on the Noise that makes up the Meteor Server, and vice-versa; at such proximity, this attractive force was too great for the meteor to pull away from.  Kelvin was able to slow its course, but that was all.”
“Well I’ll be damned,” Mega said.  “Kelvin’s been toughing it out in this inhospitable dump, still finding a way to help save the Earth.  That guy never ceases to amaze!”
Geo smiled at this, but only for a moment.  “Wait.  I saw King with him, and that barrier…”
“Yes,” Blitzar said, pointing.  “King has issued Kelvin a challenge similar to the one Kelvin issued me.  They are now in the midst of a game, and the winner will automatically be named Administrator of the Meteor Server.  The barrier was erected to prevent outside assistance—it can only be disengaged by the Administrator, and so will stand until the title is bestowed.”
His gaze falling, Geo murmured, “So all we can do for now is wait, and hope Dad wins.”
“That is all the information I have regarding Kelvin Stelar,” Blitzar said. “If you have any other questions, I will answer, but if not—“
“Hold on, dear,” Lyra said as she materialized.  “I still have questions about this Meteor Server: why it was constructed, why it possesses so much FM-ian data, things like that.  Care to enlighten me?”
Blitzar shifted slightly.  “…Of course. The Meteor Server was constructed by Planet XM several years ago as a self-sustaining mobile research lab: I am stationed here to observe where it is drawn, gathering some information about worlds it passes or destroys, as well as run a wide variety of experiments involving Noise in order to perfect our data on the subject.  As for the FM-ian data, that is something of a side project.”
“Exactly what sort of ‘side project’ requires data on our species’ combat abilities?  And perhaps more importantly, where did you obtain such data?”
“Obtaining the data was easy.  As the server passed worlds that had been attacked or destroyed by Planet FM, leftover EM waves were pulled into its databanks.  It did not perfectly integrate into the system—I suspect this is why your Noise Control Programs were able to access the files so easily—but it still provided an excellent opportunity to carry out experiments utilizing the combat data of many FM-ian warriors.”
A sickened look crossed Lyra’s face.  “…So then…the data we’ve been accessing is the remnants of our past wars? That’s rather unsavory to hear…”
“It is simply data,” Blitzar said.
“…Hey,” Mega said.  “Any chance…you got some data from Planet AM in here?”
“No, we do not.  The server did not pass through the area of space Planet AM formerly occupied.”
“Huh, makes sense…”
Blitzar looked at his wrist.  “Does this information answer your remaining questions?  If so, I must take my leave: I am expected back on Planet XM for a debriefing.”
Sonia looked over Lyra and Mega.  Facing Blitzar, she said, “I do have some questions, but we’re in a hurry too.”
“I see.  Perhaps some other time, then.  I am certain we shall encounter each other again: a colleague of mine is closely observing Planet FM right now, and I would be surprised if his studies did not eventually lead him here to the species’ ‘second home’ as it were.”
Glaring, Lyra asked, “Why are you people so fixated on us?  It’s unnerving.”
Blitzar gave it some thought, and then shook his head a little.  “There is no precise reason, truthfully.  I suppose we simply find you fascinating.”
“Fascinating?  Well, that doesn’t sound condescending in the least.”
“It was meant as a compliment.  Once we observed what you did with Andromeda, we were very impressed by your ingenuity; Planet FM has been on our radar ever since.”
Lyra groaned.  “Goodness, this entire conversation is nothing but bad memories, it seems.”
“I apologize, but will that be all?” Blitzar said.  “I really must be going.”
“Alright, go ahead,” Sonia said.  “But if we do bump into each other again, there’s a lot more I want to know.”
Blitzar nodded.  “I understand.  Until then.”
He vanished in a flash.  Sonia turned to Geo, who was already staring up the incline.  They started walking.
“Everyone alright?” Sonia asked.  “That was a lot to take in…”
“I’ll be fine once I get Dad back,” Geo said.  “Thanks, I’m okay.”
“It’ll be nice to spend time with Kelvin again!” Mega said.  “I’ve really missed the guy these past few years. Glad to know that hare-brained escape plan of his actually worked out for the best.”
Lyra stayed quiet.  Sonia was about to ask again, but she said, “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a bit shaken. It’s distressing to know that the records of our sins were all saved in this place, that they can be called up on demand so easily.  That it was all apparently brought about by Andromeda’s reign of terror only mortifies me further.”
Sonia gazed out at the Noise flowing by.  “It must be painful.  I’m sorry. But, you know…remembering a mistake also means remembering how far you’ve come since then.  And, because all of those memories are here, we’ve been able to use them as Noise Changes to do some real good.  Maybe that doesn’t make up for making those mistakes in the first place, but…it’s already done.  All we can do now is decide where we go from here.”
There was a moment of silence, and then Lyra laughed.  “Always able to find the bright side.  Thank you, Sonia.  It means a lot to hear that from you.”
They reached the top of the incline to be met with a massive wall of Noise. Barely, they could see beyond it: a wide platform extended past the shield, and at the center were King and Kelvin, staring intently at the cards in their hands.
“I can’t tell if he’s winning,” Geo mumbled.
“He will,” Sonia said.  “When it counts, he doesn’t fail, right?  That’s the impression I get whenever I hear about him.”
Geo tried to smile, his worry unfortunately winning out.  As Sonia turned back to the game, she noticed something at the far end of the platform, and squinted to try to make it out.  Attached to the Wave Road through a series of cables and pipes was a large sphere that appeared to be made of yellow glass.  Sonia stumbled back in disbelief.
“W-What?!” Geo asked.  “What is it?”
“Another one…just like the others!” Sonia said.  “Blitzar, he mentioned Andromeda, and Le Mu…and he’s got one powering Meteor G, so…”
“Goodness,” Lyra said.  “Then all these oddly similar power cores we’ve encountered—they were made by Planet XM?”
Movement drew everyone’s attention.  Kelvin laid out his cards, and then turned to King and waited.  A tense moment passed as King examined his own hand…and then set the cards aside, hanging his head.
“…He won?” Geo said.
Kelvin got to his feet with a smile.  He faced the barrier, beginning to raise an arm, but froze when he saw Geo.  Staring at his son, Kelvin waved his hand slowly; the barrier disappeared, and Geo tentatively walked forward.
“I…guess it’s been a while,” Geo said.  “You might not recognize me, but—“
He was cut off as Kelvin hugged him.  “Of course I recognize you, Geo.  It’s so good to finally see you again.”
Geo was stunned for a moment.  Then, returning the embrace, he said, “Yeah…it’s great to see you too, Dad.  I missed you so much…”
“I’m sorry I was gone for so long.  I’m sorry I missed so much of you growing up.”
“It’s not your fault—you don’t need to apologize!  I just…I just…”  Geo started to sob.  “Dad…”
Sonia glanced over at King.  He remained in place, still staring down at his desk.
When Geo and Kelvin finally separated, Mega appeared beside them, saying, “So this is where you’ve been hiding out Kelvin!  ‘Bout time you made it back!”
“Mega!” Kelvin said.  “Good to see you too!  I really owe you one for helping me escape Planet FM.”
“Nah, don’t worry about it.  You ended up helping me do the same thing, so far as I’m concerned, we’re even.”
“Heh, if you say so.  I guess you’ve been living on Earth with Geo and Hope?”  Kelvin paused.  “…Hope’s alright, isn’t she?”
“Mom’s fine!” Geo said.  “I mean…she’s been missing you too, but she never stopped believing  you’d make it home someday!  She’s going to be so happy to see you again!”
Kelvin grinned at this.  It was now that he noticed Sonia, and asked, “Who’s your friend?”
“Oh, right!  Dad, this is one of my Brothers, Sonia Strumm!”
“What?  Rosa’s daughter?”
Sonia nodded.  “That’s right.  Nice to meet you, Mr. Stelar!”
“Wow.  How’s Rosa doing?  I bet she’s ready to give me an earful as soon as I get back, huh?”
Sonia averted her eyes.  “…Um…”
A frown gradually took over Kelvin’s face.  “…Oh.  Did something happen?”
“…Yeah.  Mama’s in Heaven now.”
Kelvin gave a solemn nod.  “Wow. I’m really sorry to hear that. Your mother was an amazing woman, Sonia—it was a privilege to be able to work alongside her.”
She smiled a bit.  “Thank you. But, right now…”
They all turned towards King.  He finally looked up, shrugging a bit and saying, “I did the best that I could. You defeated me fair and square, Mr. Stelar.”
“That’s right,” Kelvin said.  “I’d never lose to someone with intentions like yours!  Now, as Administrator of this server, I demand that you leave.”
He snapped his fingers.  Nothing happened.  Kelvin furrowed his brow; a spark then came from the core, and King smirked at him.
“But then,” King said, “I’ve rarely been one to play ‘fair and square’.  Ho ho ho ho!”
King floated over towards the core.  Kelvin shouted, “What…what did you do?!”
“You’re as simple-minded as they come, Mr. Stelar.  So focused on the game in front of your eyes, meanwhile I directed my attention to an alternate strategy.  Yes, you were so confident you could win that you agreed to temporarily suspend your Admin privileges…leaving the server completely unprotected.”
The core continued to spark as King laughed.  Geo and Sonia came forward, the former saying, “Get back, Dad!”
“It was child’s play to hack into the server without an Admin to stop me!” King said.  “Even if you’ve regained those access rights, you won’t be able to eliminate the backdoor that I’ve created!  Full control over Meteor G is mine at last!  Ho ho ho ho!”
Noise began to build up around King as sparks consumed the core.  Sonia shouted, “King!  This is your final warning!  Give up Meteor G, or—“
“Or what, Harp Note?  What have I to fear from the likes of you?  Such simple, naïve, well-meaning folks who have but scratched the surface of what Noise is capable of!”
Electricity arced out from the core, binding it to King as the Noise continued to swell.
“Only the corrupted can master this force of corruption!  Now, lay eyes upon the inevitable!  Bear witness as Noise brings all of Earth to its knees!”
Sonia could just barely make out King being pulled into the core as the great mass of Noise around them began to take shape, sprouting what appeared to be two large wings and a long, serpent-like neck.  The pipes that connected to the core had been upheaved, but still remained intact as they jutted out from the creature’s torso like splintered bones.  With a bright yellow flash, a layer of Noise at the front of the body was blown away, revealing the core—the wings raised then, as black, scale-like plates of metal coalesced along their upper edges, down the creature’s back, and all around its neck.  The erratic waves then formed a draconic head of red metal, with curved, segmented horns and geysers of ghastly blue Noise shooting from its cheeks.  The creature roared.  That alone had enough force to push its foes back slightly, as well as calling into being two great clawed gauntlets that connected themselves to its body through thick arms of Noise.  A shell of reddish-purple light closed around the core, not completely hiding it from view; the monster then lowered its head to the Wave Road, eyeing those gathered to oppose it, and laughed.
“Ho ho ho ho ho!” King said through the dragon’s mouth.  “Such incredible power!  It’s even greater than I dared to dream!  This erases all doubt: this body, this Crimson Dragon I have birthed, is undefeatable!”
“I’ve heard that before,” Sonia said.  “Nothing’s undefeatable, King!  And if we have to, we’ll prove it to you!”
“Dad,” Geo said, “there’s a Noise Wave back there that leads to a rocket Cyber Core.  If you—“
“I’m not going anywhere,” Kelvin said.  “I’m still the Administrator!  I should be able to reduce this thing’s power, even if only a little!  It might just give you the edge you need!”
The Dragon raised its head.  “Oh no, I really must insist!”
It roared again.  A portal appeared behind Kelvin, and suddenly his body locked up, wracked with pain as he found himself pulled towards it.
“I can’t have you interfering with my victory, Kelvin Stelar!  You are no longer welcome within this server!”
Geo managed to grab onto Kelvin’s hand, struggling to keep his father in place. Sonia moved to attack the Dragon, but one of its claws disappeared, instantly reappearing above her.  She narrowly dodged as it swiped towards her.
“Hang on, Dad!” Geo said.  “I’ll save you, I promise!”
“Rgh…Geo…forget about me!” Kelvin said.  “You have to stop King!  If he’s really using all the power in the server, you need to focus everything you have on him!”
“What?  But what about you?!”
“I’ll be fine, Geo!  Trust me!”
Geo shook his head.  He pulled harder, but even still, they both slipped closer and closer to the opening. “I…I can’t lose you again, Dad!  I just got you back!  I still need to bring you home!”
Sonia tried to help them, but the Dragon forced her back with its claws. “Now now, Harp Note: your business is with me!”
Grinning, Kelvin reached out and set a hand on Geo’s shoulder.  “Geo…I’m going to be okay.  Once this is over, I’ll find my way back to Earth, and we’ll go see your mother together.  That’s well within my ability.  But this fight is something only you and Sonia can handle!  I know you can win, but not if you waste strength trying to save me!  You have to let me go, son…otherwise there won’t be an Earth for us to go home to!”
Geo shut his eyes tight, tears leaking out nonetheless.  “…I love you, Dad.”
“I love you too, son.  I’ll see you soon!”
It took all the willpower he possessed, but Geo let go of his father’s hand. Kelvin shot through the portal, out into a field of stars, and as it closed before him, he gave one final shout.
“Show King your teamwork is stronger than his precious Noise!”
Geo put a hand to his face, quietly sobbing into it a few times.  Then, taking a deep breath, he turned back around: Sonia was managing to fend off the Dragon’s claw, but the monster seemed more amused at her resistance than anything else.
“You gonna be okay, kid?” Mega asked.
“…Yeah,” Geo said.  “I’ll see him in a little bit.”
He flew to Sonia’s side, knocking the claw away with a powerful kick.  The Dragon tilted its head as he landed, saying, “Done saying your goodbyes?  We don’t have long until Meteor G hits the Earth, you know.  Time to go all-in!  Ho ho ho ho ho!”
“Geo,” Sonia said, “I—“
“We’re going to beat him,” Geo said.  He armed his buster, and in his other hand, he created a sword of dark energy that he pointed at the Dragon.  “We’re going to stop King, destroy the core, and save the Earth and everyone on it.  Right?”
Smiling, Sonia readied her guitar.  “Right.  Maybe it won’t be easy, but we’re not taking him on alone!  All of our loved ones are sending their strength to us, cheering us on, because they know we can do this!  With their help, we can’t possibly lose!  Ready when you are, Geo!”
“Let’s rock—“
“—and roll!”
Sonia blasted the Dragon’s face with a beam of Noise.  While she distracted it, Geo circled the area, peppering its entire body with shots to probe for weak points.  Simply shrugging off their attacks, the Crimson Dragon swiped at Sonia, only narrowly missing her, while a small bunch of Noise started to form near its head.  The waves shaped into a missile that shot out at Geo—he was a bit surprised, but the speed Black Ace afforded him was more than enough to dodge in time.  Charging in, Geo stabbed at the Dragon’s head repeatedly, his attacks unable to pierce its scales, while Sonia loaded a Battle Card into her guitar.  When she played, spinning blades came flying towards their enemy, changing direction in midair to avoid the Dragon’s claws, and found their way to the core in its chest. Unfortunately, they broke to bits against the Noise that shielded it.
“There’s always a shield,” Sonia grumbled.  “Geo, keep your eyes on the core!  If I’m right, that’s the key to beating him, but we’re going to have to find a way to make it vulnerable first!”
“Ho ho, think you can?” the Dragon said.  “I’ll wipe you fools from existence long before you’ll have the chance to finish me!”
A spread of missiles flew out from the creature.  Geo dodged and fired wide blasts of water, while Sonia instead stood her ground, smacking an incoming missile with her guitar and sending it flying backwards to explode against the Dragon’s shoulder.  She punched back a claw that attempted to crush her, and then aimed at the Dragon’s head; it raised both claws in response, and Sonia smirked.  With a thud, her two tower speakers appeared on either side of the Dragon, each ejecting strings that wrapped around the nearest claw and held it firmly in place. Sonia then fired strings from her guitar, wrapping the Dragon’s jaw shut, and used the immense strength granted by Red Joker to pull the massive beast’s head down towards the Wave Road. The Dragon struggled to no avail. Geo appeared above it, and with three swift sword strikes, the head was severed, dissipating into Noise that swirled aimlessly around the server.
“There!” Sonia shouted—the Noise shielding the core was breaking down as well. “Give it all you’ve got!”
Geo assaulted the core with twin Vulcan guns, giving Sonia a chance to charge up power.  When he moved out of the way, Sonia fired a particularly intense Noise beam, hitting the core dead-on.  She prepared to charge another attack when the shell of waves spontaneously reformed.
As the Dragon’s neck continued to flail, a geyser of Noise erupted next to its base, quickly solidifying into the form of a second neck.  Noise concentrated at the ends of both, and a few seconds later, the Dragon had not only regenerated its head, but now had a second one. It laughed at them.
“Did you really think it would be that simple?” it taunted, bashing the speakers over the edge of the road.  “The power of this server is vast, more vast than you can ever know!  Cut off one head if you like, but more will simply grow in its place!”
Both maws opened to expel a raging torrent of Crimson, one sweeping over the platform to batter Sonia while the other filled the space above, tossing Geo about.  When Sonia looked up, one head was snapping towards her—she jumped aside, pushed it with a short blast, and then backed away and placed a hand on the side of her helmet.
“Geo,” she said into her helmet mic, “can you hear me?”
“Loud and clear.”
“I figured this would be a safer way for us to coordinate.  The core should open up if we can break the heads again, but it looks like we’re only going to have a narrow window to work with.”
Geo rolled to the side, narrowly making it past one of the Dragon’s claws. “I wonder…even if it has two heads, it’s still controlled by King, right?  Do you think we’ll still be able to split his focus?”
“Guess we should feel that out before making any major moves.  Okay, I’ll put on a show center stage!”
Sonia loaded a Battle Card and started playing.  Bombs shot from her guitar, each erupting into an enormous explosion as soon as they made contact with something; the Dragon roared at this, swiping at Sonia fruitlessly.  However, Sonia didn’t see the second claw until it was too late.  She was knocked down, and the Dragon prepared another breath attack.  Geo shot at it from behind, causing both heads to turn, and focused his fire on one as he strafed to the side.  The other head returned to Sonia, but its attack was delayed enough that she was able to punch it in the nose and get back up.
“It definitely expands his vision,” Geo said, “but I think that’s all.  It’s hard to say right now, but if this continues, controlling multiple heads might put more of a strain on him.”
Sonia loaded another card, transforming her guitar into a giant axe. “Let’s find out!”
She jumped, landing on an incoming missile just long enough to boost herself closer to the Crimson Dragon.  Swinging, she cut one head across the cheek, twisting as she fell in order to kick the other as it tried to catch her.  When she landed, she immediately raised the weapon to block as they both lunged.  Geo swooped in then, hurling two spinning scythes, and chopped off the heads, revealing the core once again.  Sonia hopped forward to smash her axe into it, pausing between swings to give Geo openings to launch arrows.  They pulled back as soon as the shell returned, watching as the Dragon formed four heads, and watched carefully as their foe roared at them.
Something blindsided Geo.  As he floundered, Sonia felt something stick her in the back, and turned to see spears made of Noise flying at her.  She raised her arms to block, and then faced the Dragon to see more coming at her from that direction.  Geo was facing his own swarm of them, two of the lances momentarily pinning his wings to the Wave Road, but once he teleported free he focused on evasion and managed to steer clear of any more.  Sonia did her best to ignore the attacks and fired blast after blast, but she began to grow worried about how much damage she was taking.
“Sonia,” Geo said as he zipped around the server, “I’m going to set you up! You should be able to wipe them all out temporarily!”
Battle Cards orbited the head of Sonia’s guitar as she waited.  On Geo’s next pass, he dropped a small round object that fell between the heads—once it hit the Wave Road, it erupted in a large cloud of green, consuming the heads and surrounding the nearby area in grass. The spears stopped, and Sonia swiped a card.  A great flamethrower spewed from her instrument, washing over the four heads in an instant, using the grass as fuel to burn even brighter.  Geo’s plan worked: the heads were eliminated, and the core unveiled.  He reached out with both hands, calling dozens of small electrical orbs to rise up from the edges of the Wave Road, each slowly creeping towards the core as Sonia pulverized it with a continuous beam.  The last orb struck just before the shell reformed, and now eight heads greeted them.
“Foolish children!” the Dragon said, raining more spears down upon its foes. “Why do you continue to struggle? Noise cannot be stopped!  Noise will ravage the Earth, and every other world, until it corrupts this entire universe!”
The spears ceased.  Sonia cautiously kept her distance, only to see all eight heads reach up and blanket the sky with Crimson breath, leaving Geo nowhere to run.  She quickly pivoted to attack—a flash from the core caught her attention, and suddenly a million tiny pinpoints of Noise shot out at her, stinging her entire body.  Despite the pain, she still swung her glowing fist in a hook punch; every head recoiled as if struck, cutting off their aerial attack.
“You will become one with the Noise soon!” the Dragon said, swiping at Sonia with its claws.  “But unlike me, I don’t think you’ll find it a pleasant experience!”
Geo shook his head as he found his balance again.  Flying around behind the Dragon, his sword crackled with electricity, and with a single swing, he lopped off four of the heads.  Bringing his blade back around, he cut off the other four, and then raised the weapon overhead before slashing down, calling a large thunderbolt to strike the core just as it was exposed.  Sonia charged power as quickly as she could, flames springing up from her armor as she did.  When she finally attacked, an immense, spiraling tongue of flame surged forth from her guitar head, charring the Wave Road and leaving a wreath of smoke that lingered around the now sixteen heads of the Crimson Dragon.
“Noise is inescapable as death itself!” they all shouted in unison. “Come, mortals, to meet the reaper’s blade!”
“That core is still running?!” Geo exclaimed.  “Sonia, are these big enemies always like this?”
“No,” Lyra said, “usually they’re mute, and it’s a quality I find myself missing tremendously at the moment.”
Spears rained down, complimented by an onslaught of missiles.  Geo flew back as far as he could, eventually finding himself out of range of the worst of it, and Mega said, “Even if King’s focus is split between all those heads, it doesn’t matter much with these wide-range attacks of his!  If this keeps up, we’re gonna be in serious trouble!”
Sonia evaded what she could, saying, “We just have to hang in there! Everyone’s counting on us, and we won’t let them down!”
Noise burst from the Dragon’s torso again.  Sonia was able to catch some of it on her guitar, but what got around it still stung terribly.  The creature said, “Even now you talk of your childish ideals!  Powerful as your naiveté may be, even it shall be slowly eroded into nothing by the Noise!”
Sonia began to drop stone blocks on the heads, shrugging off the attacks that hit her.  “I’m not being naïve!  You think I don’t know how hard it is to believe in people?  To pursue ideals in a world that seems like it doesn’t have room for them?  I’m not naïve…but I’m going to keep believing!  Maybe now I know how hard it is, but that just means I’m more prepared for the fight ahead!  So I’ll keep fighting!  For my sake! For my friends’ sake!  For the sake of everyone who’s willing to open their hearts and let themselves grow!”
She summoned two new speakers to her side.
“You think corruption is inevitable?  I know that isn’t true!”
An ear-splitting sound pulse rammed straight into the Dragon.  Its attacks all came to a halt as the heads wobbled about in a daze, giving Geo a chance to teleport next to Sonia.  Both his buster and her guitar began to shine brightly.
“Hopefully this’ll end it!” Geo said.  “Hah!”
They each fired a volley of white energy blasts, tearing apart the heads and then pounding away at the core.  As the attack raged on, sparks began to burst from the core, and hope swelled in the two young heroes.  Then, Noise exploded out at them, overwhelming them both with stinging pain as thirty two Crimson Dragon heads formed to loom over them.
“Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho!”  The laughs echoed all throughout the server.  “Pretty words—that’s all idealism is in the end!  Draw your last breath in defiance if that shall make your passing peaceful! One way or another, your broken waves shall be but another folder in this server as it brings ruin to your world!”
The heads reared back in unison.  Geo moved forward and threw up his shield just in time, protecting them both as waves and waves of Crimson spilled forth.
“Did you see the core?” Geo said.  “We’re close!  If we can get one more round, I think it should be enough!”
Sonia caught her breath.  “Alright…one last push.”
“Sonia?  You alright?” Another deluge of Noise came at them. Geo’s shield held.
“I dunno.  None of these attacks have been too bad thanks to this armor, but I’ve taken so many of them.  I think…I might be nearing my limit.”  She readied her guitar, her speakers blaring to life in anticipation.  “I can try to charge up all the power I have left. Hopefully I’ll hold out, but if not…”
As she trailed off, Geo looked up at the Dragon, seeing it unleash even more Noise.
“No, maybe that’s too risky,” Sonia said.  “I need to keep moving.  We’ll just keep at it, and—“
“It’s alright,” Geo interrupted.  “You just charge your attack, Sonia.  I’ll protect you until then.”
Sonia blinked.  “What? Geo, he’s just messing with us right now.  Once he sees we’re up to something, he’s going to get serious—attack from all angles, with everything he’s got!  You need to focus on keeping yourself safe!”
Facing her, Geo said, “Even if we try to play it safe, we might not last through to another opening.  We need to pin it all on this one, Sonia, and work together to be sure it’s successful!”
“Geo, I don’t want you to get hurt!”
“I don’t want you to get hurt either!”  Still more Noise battered the shield.  “Sonia, I know you’re used to ending things on your own—I know you’d rather do as much as you can by yourself while the rest of us just support you! But I’m your Brother, and I’m here for you!  I’m depending on you to deliver that attack, so please, depend on me to keep you safe while you get ready!”
Time seemed to slow down as Sonia hesitated.  Eventually, she gave a single nod, and raised her guitar.  “…Okay.  I trust you, Geo!  We’ll finish this leaning on each other!”
Geo grinned.  “You got it, Sonia!  I promise: not a single attack will get through!”
He rose into the air as Sonia started to play.  The Dragon growled, muttering, “Oh, what do we have here? Are you spoiled children ready to meet your end?”
“Mega,” Geo said, “we probably won’t have time to react.  I know Black Ace’s analysis is complete, but I’ll need you to keep that data flowing.”
“Way ahead of you, kid!” Mega said.  “Don’t worry about a thing!”
The Dragon roared.  Missiles flew out, but Geo shot them all down in the blink of an eye.  Spears fell towards him, but he teleported aside and up, slicing them apart, before immediately getting above Sonia to slice apart spears that had taken aim at her.  His visor flashed—missiles were closing in from all around.  He shot down most of them, teleported down to kick a few more out of the way, and simultaneously threw his sword to skewer the last one so that it clattered uselessly against the floor.  A new sword was in his hand instantly.
Sonia just kept playing, trying not to worry about Geo as he continued to deflect attacks.  Her speakers glowed as they transmitted her music, though to her surprise, it seemed a good deal louder than she had expected.
“Hope you don’t mind, dear,” Lyra said.  “I’m doing a little mixing while you play, increasing the energy output so that we can reach our goal a bit more swiftly.  Waiting around didn’t seem the most productive option given the circumstances.”
Sonia chuckled.  “Thanks, Lyra.  With everyone helping out like this, I’m sure we’ll pull through!”
She continued to play, and then, somewhat suddenly, recognized exactly what song she was playing.  Something had clicked, she realized, and her focus grew sharper as a second wind empowered her.  It had taken a long time, taken much struggle, but she finally knew the words to this song.
“Here it is,” she said.  “Debuting now…Shooting Star!”
The Crimson Dragon roared.  As Geo cut his way through a barrage of missiles, Sonia began to sing.
“I don’t know whether it
Might’ve been chance or fate
That we met that day
And our bond was born
I never thought that
I would be a part of this fight”
Still more missiles came.  Geo dashed through the air, firing a wide spray of pellets from his buster to shoot them down.  The Dragon’s claws came after him, but he swung his sword expertly, parrying each swipe as he continued to deal with the missiles.  A surprise jab forced him to ascend—the claws pressed their advantage, but Geo unleashed a powerful blast that stopped them both cold, before holding both palms out below him.  Dozens, if not hundreds of tiny black holes opened, sucking up not only the claws but every last missile that was mid-flight.  One additional rocket formed directly behind him.  He sliced it apart with a flex of his wing, not even turning to look at it.
“But now I look around
And see I’m not alone
All the ones I love
They give me strength
Our bonds form
A brilliant constellation
That lights the night”
Next came the spears.  The Dragon wasn’t even trying to hit Geo now, instead opting to attack Sonia from multiple angles and ranges in an attempt to outmaneuver Geo.  He dashed forward, cutting through the nearest set of spears, and then teleported in front of Sonia just in time to obliterate a few more. Jumping behind her, he blocked a small cluster on his shield before unleashing a trio of fireballs at the projectiles, and then executed a far-reaching slash that felled at least a dozen incoming spears at once.  Geo teleported rapidly, using the same type of swing again and again to carve up the advancing wall of attacks on every side.  The Dragon increased the ferocity of its attack, so Geo teleported faster, barely visible as he moved from one spot to another to another.
“We are the shooting stars
Who light the way ahead
We have all we need
To defend our home
From whatever comes”
The core flashed as the hail of spears suddenly stopped.  Immediately in front of it, Geo put up a barrier just as pinpoints of Noise gushed forth, the protective light lasting mere seconds before he had to replace it.  He rapidly chained barrier cards, just barely having long enough each time to hold the barrage at bay.  However, he then noticed the Dragon’s many heads rearing back.
“Our trust, our love,
They’re all the strength
We need”
Dropping a large chunk of stone in front of the core to be safe, Geo teleported to the middle of the platform as the Dragon’s Crimson breath washed over it. With little time to think, Geo stretched his arms out and began to spin, wind whipping around him to form into a great tornado colored green by the hundreds of leaves that filled it; the Crimson slammed into this cyclone, and slowly, it was all swept up by the powerful air currents, turning the funnel from green to red.
“We’ll turn
Each others’ pain
Into hope”
The tornado flew upward and dissipated.  Geo was breathing heavily, and took a glance back at Sonia: she was still playing, massive clouds of Noise now enshrouding her speakers.  The Crimson Dragon snorted furiously.  Geo steeled himself as it snapped forward, but then his eyes shot wide as he saw the Dragon do something he had yet to see it do. The thirty two heads it had amassed were now being launched forward, one-by-one in rapid succession, all weaving in very different paths as they bore down on him and Sonia.  Geo abandoned all attempts at thought and simply acted.
“I'm not afraid of anything
We'll keep lighting up the sky
For all to see”
A yellowish glow cloaked Geo.  Oversized shots poured from his buster at breakneck speeds—he could track the heads well enough, but it took far too many shots to destroy each one.  One hit him directly, going up in an explosion of Noise, but he simply ignored the pain and dove, skewering a head that had nearly slipped past him.  Geo hurled bladed wheels at the heads, breaking some and only diverting others. He buried his sword in one, raising his hand to call down a brief shower of meteors, while firing a stream of rockets from his buster, leaving only a handful of heads remaining.  Summoning another blade, he slashed through as many as he could, but one got around him; he threw himself backwards, taking the detonation himself, and landed on the platform with a crash.  His body sprang back up, and before he even had time to process it, he was flying towards the space right above Sonia.  He thrust as one final head came into view, catching it just before it made contact with Sonia and carrying it far enough away that its explosion didn’t reach her.
“Because I’ll always know
No matter what
You’ll all be with me”
As she played the penultimate note, each speaker fired a beam containing untold quantities of Noise, compressed into a precise attack that ripped away the shell protecting the core.  Sonia then pointed her guitar forward, and with one final note, she fired an even deadlier beam, converging with the others as they all mercilessly attacked the core. The energy generated began to expand, but only for a moment: a distortion slowly enveloped the core, bending and twisting into something like a black hole as Geo descended into view. He and Sonia nodded to each other. Drawing his sword, Geo shot forward, cutting past his encapsulated target faster than Sonia could see.  A gash appeared through the black hole. And then all the energy stored within the distortion erupted in one brilliant display, leaving behind a badly damaged core surrounded by disconnected clusters of Noise.
“No…” came King’s voice, though from where no one was sure.  “No…no!  I cannot fail…Noise CANNOT be beaten!”
Geo charged his buster.  Sonia ran forward.
“I’m…not…done!  I wield the power…of Meteor G!  I will kill EVERYONE!”
Just as Sonia leapt at the core, Geo took aim.
“This can’t be…!”
A punch and an energy blast struck the core at the exact same time.  Caught between such powerful forces, it finally gave out, crumbling into dust.  A powerful shockwave rippled out from it as it went.  And then, with its core gone, the Meteor Server collapsed.
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sonicasura · 18 days
When do you think would be a good point for Geo too unlock the Tribe On in the Crossover?
The same as in canon. Sleuth can't always help him fight his battles since there would be times where both are separated by the enemy.
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THERE'S SOMETHING IMPORTANT TO SAY!! It's leaked the cancelled Megaman Starforce 4 game. Check the protodude's website. What do you think about this? Tell your thoughts about this.
Well, definitely a surprise they even considered a sequel, when many felt it wrapped up nicely as a trilogy. Totally sad that it didn't get any farther than it did, and that it's another Megaman sequel that got the axe during development.
While there's not much to go off, initially, that premise sounded like a stretch. We go from Subaru as a depressed loner who won't interact in society, who eventually opens up and gains friends through brotherbands, saves the world helping the Satella Police to...outlaw hacker?
Hasn't Akane had to go through enough with her astronaut husband presumed dead in a space explosion, son having tons of mental and emotional issues from it, alien living in the house, husband miraculously coming back to life from being a radio wave being, that Heartless friend she used to know being in a criminal organization (but we can't talk about her connection to your dad or I, Subaru), and now she has to deal with the kid in trouble with the law as a computer hacker? SUBARUUUU~!
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Akane is the real hero of this series, with all she's been put through, to keep her family together!
This has been your "How's Miyabi going to slip in the Akane reference to the ask this time?" paragraph.
But I guess I'd have to know more about how hacking worked and what role it played in the story to really know. Boss characters have been all over the map in this series, so it's hard to even guess where they'd go with it.
Coming off of OSS's release, I guess I can see why they would pair a descendant of Netto's in this game. But, correct me if I'm wrong (it's been a while), wasn't there something in the game involving a bag of Akane's or something that had the Hikari Crest on it, leading to speculation that the Stelars were somehow already direct descendants? That would have likely debunked that rumor, or Kazuma and Geo maybe would have been surprise cousins or something at the end of this buddy hacker scenario.
I teased on Twitter that the premise reminded me of the campy film, 'Kung Fury,' with these fighting buddies going back in time with their hacker powers. In this case, like Subaru and Kazuma going back to take out Wily, to save the future. Wave Battle Routine Set! Super Fighting Robot Hackerman, On-Air!
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I'm all for things moving to more mature versions of the characters, and Subaru's sleeker, toned redesign by Komaki looked pretty rad. Sorta like a cyclist update of his shirt, is how it looked to me. I don't have my OCW around, but Kazuma's design sorta feels familiar, as in similar to a rejected Jack concept, if I'm remembering it correctly. Honestly, not too enamoured with how his design looked, personally. Sorry. ^^;
So, all in all, yesterday's news wasn't anything I ever expected hearing, and it does feel good to know the reception has been rather positive about it's concept! But odd, because it used to be that I was one of like 5 people on the planet who truly liked Star Force when it was out 10 years ago, and I don't know where all these people liking the series now are coming from. I'm sad there likely wont ever be a revival of it.
...and very sad "The Shadow" couldn't scrounge up some Komaki RnR4 Akane concept art, or Adachi anime sequel art. Some super special secret Rockman info leaker that person is, not leaking the good stuff... *eyeroll* ;D
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warelander · 6 years
For the Mega-man fandom since I noticed your a fan of it (any Mega-Man series that comes to mind for you), 2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now:
I’ll be free to answer all of the asks, if you don’t mind.
1) The first character I fell in love with:
Rock himself, since Mega Man 8 was my first game in the series and I was quickly drawn to his design and abilities. You could also use ‘fell in love’ for Roll, since I did have a bit of a fictional crush on her, then again I was like 5 at the time.
2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now:
Lan from Battle Network, he has a lot of the typical shonen anime protagonist tropes, which I’m usually quickly tired of, but I was surprised by how much I ended up liking him, especially his character arc in BN3 and pretty much any time where his relationship with Hub/Megaman.EXE becomes the focus.
3. The character everyone else loves that I don’t:
I can’t think of any huge examples, since I dislike very few Mega Man characters, I will just say that I really do like Tron Bonne from Legends, but wish that other characters from the sub-series got more attention.
4. The character I love that everyone else hates:
As lame as his boss battles were, I actually really like Quint from Game Boy Mega Man 2 and 5, if only because I really like the idea behind him.
5. The character I used to love but don’t any longer:
Again, can’t think of any huge example, though I have grown pretty tired of the Mega Man 2 Robot Masters and wish that some of the non-1-3 Masters got more love on occasion.
6. The character I would totally smooch:
Not something I really  think about when it comes to fictional characters, to be perfectly honest.
7. The character I’d want to be like:
Geo Stelar from Star Force, for the way he really managed to grow from a depressed reclusive to a hero, I have dealt with a lot of very troubling stuff myself over the years, so Geo’s story really resonates with me.
8. The character I’d slap:
While I stand by my opinion that I like Lan, there are some moments where he kind of deserves one, when he’s being a complete meathead.
9. A pairing that I love:
Geo/Sonia from Star Force. Their entire relationship is one of the most touching elements of SF for me and they are just plain precious together.
10. A pairing that I despise:
Any pairing that’s questionable one way or another, but especially things like Rock/Roll or Rock/Blues, I don’t care if they are robots, it’s still incest to me.
Oh yeah and X/Vile, nope,nope,nope.
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daily-okami-music · 7 years
Please draw Geo Stelar and Luna Platz with Amaterasu and Chibiterasu respectively? They are my OTP and favorite mother-son duo in gaming! This has been my dream crossover for years now but I'm really bad at drawing. >_
Anonymous said to daily-okami-music:I am so sorry I forgot to put a 🖌 in my Geo Stelar/Luna Platz Ōkami ask! ;-;
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I don’t think I did these characters justice, but I hope they’re good by your standards anyway! 
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neo-crimson-palace · 3 years
Geo, how long can your wife Sonia endure hours of constant deepthroat facefucking before she passes out from the sheer euphoria and amount of your seed flooding her systems?
“Considering her life as a Pop Star and all the singing she does. She can actually hold her breath pretty well.” He said with a smile, looking down and seeing his wife on her knees, happily bobbing her head up and down his massive length. Moaning happily as she fingered her core, knowing what would be awaiting her after she had made her husband cum. The fact that that they had been at this for over an hour, showed just how impressive her lung capacity truly was. 
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