seraphimcestuous · 4 months
Emily being pissed st Sera due to the trial but also wanting to touch her in some way like holding her wing ir sleeve cause she doesn't like fighting or being alone
stares with my big round eyes....
[stealing this for a fic, i'm a sucker for angst]
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seraphimcestuous · 4 months
Alpha Sera x omega Emily; suggested it to an author once and they wrote it, but I wanna hear your thoughts cause I'm bored and why not
I am very, very picky about my a/b/o dynamics, full disclosure.
I think Sera would, despite being an Alpha, have more stereotypical Omega tendencies - she's the one constantly bringing things for nesting, she's more prone to being anxious.
She is also very, very possessive. She can't scent Emily - not properly, not like Mates, only like Family (which is still Good, but it's not right) - so she's constantly nearby. When she's close to rut, she tries her best not to be obvious but she is SoSo touchy - the same when Emily is close to heat. If Sera does not have her arm around Emily in some way when either of them (or both) are close to their respective cycle, she feels like she's dying.
Adam learned the Hard Way to keep away from them for two days either side. Sera pulled the blow at the last second, realized what she was doing in time, but he came very close to dying at Sera's hands.
Emily basks in the attention - she Loves her sister, Loves her SoSo much and wishes Sera would touch her more in public even when neither of them were close. Yes, she feels safe in the Nest, but nothing compares to the Warmth and Safety and Love of being encased in both Sera's arms and wings.
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seraphimcestuous · 4 months
Ooo yes I've read some sera/Emily fics and there's really only 2 I liek made by the same person- but I commented something similar like, I feel like Adam would know however whenever he tells anyone they thinks he's either
A) joking B) its his incest kink C) it's him fetishizing lesbians/sisters
Also, I can see him telling Lute about it, but she brushes it off; but her not, and there being rumors is interesting~ what type of rumors specifically?
yeah, adam just... definitely knows. that's canon to me, insofar as any of this is canon.
Whether or not he found out accidentally or not is a bit more up in the air - I really like sera & adam being friends (or, depending on the day, mother and son), so I can see sera choosing to confide in him (he clearly does keep secrets pretty well - the exterminations had been going on for hundreds of years prior to his fuckup in court).
Even if it was accidental, I just... don't see Adam seriously trying to tell anyone. He cracks jokes about it, sure, including jokes that push the line of 'there's something there' that Sera wishes he wouldn't, but he also just... doesn't give enough of a shit/see a problem.
The only reason Lute believed him at all was because he did take the time to be serious about it with her. Lute is honestly probably the source of most rumours - she definitely takes more issue with it (whether it's because it's gay, or because it's incest, nobody knows) and is. Not malicious - she's too respectful of authority for that - but she definitely hopes it bites Sera specifically on the ass (and, after the court sequence, she also hopes it bites Emily too).
The rumours are... mostly benign. Mostly. Just that maybe there's more truth to Adam's joking. And so-and-so did see them looking very rumpled in the administrative building, but it could be explained away by Sera's tendency to sleep in her office. And maybe Emily is constantly looking at Sera's tits, but I mean with their height difference, that's expected.
(There's a specific thing in the NSFT headcanons that... definitely made the rounds, when it happened)
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seraphimcestuous · 4 months
Mmm any highhalo headcanons? Nsfw and/or sfw
there'll be a post. later. about the nsfw headcanons. but some sfw highhalo ones...
Emily made the first move! Sera was going to continue pining from afar for the rest of existence (she's so, so scared of hurting Emily).
Sera has caught herself doodling their names in hearts on Important Paperwork before and nearly had a panic attack over it.
This is more of a Sera character headcanon [even more than the others], but sometimes Sera misses the time when she was able to do creation magic freely (partially because she thinks Emily would love it).
Adam is... probably the only other angel who knew they were Closer than Sisters, honestly. And Lute (because Adam tells her everything). Sera tries to keep it from spreading around, though there are some Very Juicy Rumours. Emily doesn't care if anyone else knows (part of her wants Everyone To Know, she is SoSo Tired of some particularly arrogant Winners making passes at Her Girlfriend), but respects Sera's wishes.
Sera is absolutely terrified that the only reason Emily stays with her, after the trial, is that Emily doesn't want to fall. She will not talk to Emily about it, and also thinks she [Sera] deserves it on some level.
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seraphimcestuous · 3 months
Wait hold up, hear me out
Lilith x Emily
Tumblr media
this has lived in my head rent free since you sent it btw.
been busy with rl stuff but ohhhhhh do i ever have thoughts.
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seraphimcestuous · 4 months
Emily plays with her collar and touches the marks at said parties, and it just- immediately calms her down, cause their a reminder she's loved and that Sera chose her to do this to
yes exactly! it's a physical reminder that no matter what, no matter how many people hit on Sera or how anxious Sera is about being found out, she loves Emily. Emily is Hers, in the same way Sera is Emily's.
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seraphimcestuous · 4 months
Emily wears such high collars because of almost the hickeys/bite marks Sera leaves on her
that's also the reason sera's collar is high :)
they're both. very possessive. emily gets jealous easier; sera's more assured in their relationship but still likes leaving necklaces of hickeys and bitemarks (it also helps emily from completely losing her mind whenever someone is trying to schmooze sera at galas/parties/what have you, the physical reminder that sera loves her enough to mark her despite her anxiety around being found out)
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seraphimcestuous · 4 months
Awww, Emily likes being wrecked and fucked till she passes out
Sera making her cum in the morning then not again til that night and Emily is just begging for her attention throughout the day
Emily likes being the reason Sera can't keep her composure :)
Second part... god, that's hot. And something Emily would have to ask for directly, because Sera loves her too much to be quite that mean on her own. As much as she might want to see it. (Sera loves when Emily is desperate for her attention, regardless of context).
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seraphimcestuous · 4 months
Oooo another thing to look forward to when the nsfw headcanons get posted~
I can see that, hell it might not be either ans it might jsut be the fact Emily is below Sera in terms of power; though its probably cause their sisters
Shes huffy about it but doesn't care enough to actually risk anything or focus all ehr energy on it. But spreading rumors every so often doesn't hurt, Adam's jokes aren't helping it either
the fact the nsfw headcanons posted before this B)
ehhhhh, i'm a guitarspear enjoyer so i can't see it being the power differential. though lute is... kinda a massive hypocrite, so.
(Full disclosure; it is in fact the incest - Lute died in a time where it's taboo/a more modern era than Adam did, she's got that Disgust where Adam just... doesn't.
Him and his wife were expected to propagate the human race; there's no avoiding incest there lmao)
Yes exactly; she's Disgusted and Huffy but doing anything more than spread rumours sometimes is just... beyond her. Right Now. Sera is leagues more powerful, more trusted, more... everything, basically - she quite literally can't do anything else. It drives her fucking nuts.
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